« The Dave Ramsey Show

That's Triple Stupid! (Hour 1)


Jade Warshaw & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss:

  •  "Can we afford to let my wife quit her job to be a stay at home mom?",
  • Why going further into debt isn't the answer to get out of debt, 
  • from the blog: What Is a 401(k) Loan? And How Does It Work?
  • "How do we get back on the Baby Steps after getting hit hard the last 2 years?", 
  • How intense you should be about paying off your mortgage when you still have consumer debt.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I life on the headquarters of randomly solutions, broadcasting from the pause moving an snored studio. It's the ramsay show where we help people well do work that thing love and create actual amazing relationships. I hear post mortem j J, more shocking, I'm joined by the man, the marble george cable,
where we going with george, I could undermine the magnificent. This is why you want to hang out with age. You make me feel grant, or you are great george you're great ida. Co worker, and now we're taking your calls all day, long for the next three hours that is and calling with whatever it is. You wanna talk about we're talking about life, we're talking about money trying to stick to the budget. Trying to pay off debt trend by some real estate, whatever it might be. Put the kids through college whenever it is give us call the number his triple eight eight to five five you two five and let's go on right directly to these phone lines, because we ve got landing in men. this tuna see was gone on land and am tongue begun, dont good. How are you Well, I just want to get other painting on company might be absolutely ludicrous his arm over her, provided it the canyon anyway I just made the career change about seven months ago I became a realtor after leaving a job that I was at about, since I was twelve
Actually, sorry and my wife worked a salary job, and so obviously that meeting in real terms, income can go drastically up or down some so promoters cub that make a whole lot and then there's more. Ready to grant next. My I'll make about twenty five and then I'm working about billion dollar deal in allowing hold Did you say nine million you're right? I cannot Can I ask the commercial property beyond that is looter keep going, obviously Obviously, one might you know I could make really good morning in the next month. I might you know, might not mine and so my question is is it a good idea for my wife to quit her salary job to be a state, a mom? What she desperately want the bill and just now with my commission only job, how long
It's! You may have said this before, but I got sidetracked by the nine million. How long have you been doing real estate? Seven more seven months, and how much money is your wife make right now like forty fifty grand Here's what I would here's ammo going to with jade. Worship might do if I were in your exact situation in your exact shoes- I think that probably on track to be able to do that, but you're so early in the game. On this I would want to just get a whole picture. What a whole year is like and say, ok, is this normal did I have just a couple of quick windfalls: what's it like, you know, does our makes because I feel like real estate is one of those things. So many p we'll got into real estate, george and twenty twenty, and it was like how I can do those like. This is easy. You know and then the market started getting different and is like. Oh, this is what it's really like. I went from any one of their mom, could sell houses and make good money too. Oh my gosh, even the pros or struggle a right and it's
like you're not struggling. I'm curious. You, you told us what you made this. month, the previous month in which can have down down the pipe. But what were your first six months lake so much for wine a bit about one point: five million dollars the old one is an amount. What's your net profit made like the programme in one month yeah. So what's been your worst moment read that that that not necessarily counting broker fees and stuff butternut: okay, okay, okay, I'm with you what would be your net income after all fees will give me your worst month yet so far you there Well, we had a good run with land and well, let's keep talking about them, because that will see if we can get him back, let learning I vow, but what I'm? What we're getting out in what I know what I'm getting at is. I want to see what the track record has been with this, because if it's like hand,
at thirty, though, or you know now- I made thirty two, but I was making seven and I was making five. I was making four I a ten, you know if it's been very sporadic and then all of a sudden there's a jump off. That's great! I'm happy for him. I would want to know more about it. Did you meet somebody? What was the connection like This happened that has made this explode arm in a good way and is something that sustainable you know cause, his wife does she's gonna stay home. It's a big! You no big deal and to go from a you know: he's back gregor grace if I'm other less island sorry. We are what happened I hit some turbulence I have now aged fed call failed. I don't know what happened. That's alright, so we we're just speculating over here about your situation, we're trying to define the track record it hasn't been to a mathematical equation. If your expenses are four thousand dollars and your worst month with six thousand dollars weaken, she can stay home tomorrow,
you can learn how to manage this irregular income. It's not can be a problem, well, arms I mean we're in baby steps set in our house paid for me to be here: okay, security and and we have about sex grain and our emergency bond, ok, applying and wants to just take a stand. He added whatever conventions. So if thirty, five grand in a just take like a fire, thousand dollar salary out of that image continue to put the rest or whatever we need to as far as an emergency find retirement, whatever yeah, you guys are at the point where you just build wealth and give fifteen percent in for retirement. Now you can do twenty five percent plus you could save up in an index fund and purchase real estate, and you can have some real fun or give outrageously. I love it re. Our plan is just to save up and take out your rental real estate and invest heavy gear. Both great yeah say go for it you're in a good position. You ve done everything right and you have no reason to fear and in a irregular income, very
Well he's not scared of work, and that tells me no matter what happens. Yes, it's going to be okay. If there's a bad month, he'll go out and make money elsewhere worse is one day. If his wife wants to work, she can go. Do that again, sharon's either home? That's right! Yeah! You can always go back if you want to very very to halt to big ol for a lot of people have to stay at home. It is and you know I was thinking about this earlier today before we even got on the shows sitting by myself. Thinking about the fact that so many a call and in their trying to know in my to the point where you know my I can say homer if it to stay calm, dad situation and I think It is something that a lot of people aspire to and it's it's so hard on this end, when you I have to say no if you do that. You're gonna like your finances, are going to suffer so much it's better. If you continue working, it's almost like taboo to tell someone you know: you're gonna financial show in if it were us, we'd keep working to pay down that debt, and it's like what you'd rather
may take time away from my precious April thought you know, and and in people, think that worries artless yeah be heartless, but at the end of the day it's like no, we You too have the best possible scenario, and this is not the case with land and his wife can stay home tomorrow. Lug bro stayed home years ago absolutely, but I mean with a lot of it's like now, you might have to sacrifice a little on the front end so that you can attain that dream later on air Sometimes you have to say no well on we'll call into the show and a spouse already stays home. Yet they have a huge pilot debt. They ve got five kids. and household income as thirty five grand right on this is your. Never. To be out of debt. You're always gonna. Have these money struggles? If we don't make some serious ass so doing it the right way first time
which is usually the hard way, is the best way for peace and less stress. That's right, and even though everybody, you know your friends circle or the folks on instagram might be doing it. It doesn't mean that you can afford to do it. You can do whatever you want to do, but it doesn't mean that you can afford to do whatever you wanted. Ouch jade or hurt feelings out there, all rental, I'm I'm preaching a little bit. This is the ramsey show life insurance as one job too place your income for your dependence, if you die, that's it! So, If someone tries to sell you high cost life insurance that doubles as savings or an investment strategy scams whole life, value, variable life than run terms. From zander insurance is a much smarter way to protect your family future zander shops, all the top companies to find you're the most affordable term life rates. Then you can go build wealth with what
you save not by falling for those crap Paul he's go zander dot com to learn more, that's zander, dot, com or hundred three five six forty to eighty two Europe must learn to the ramsay show its jaguar shall hear joined by george camel asthma. Co host. Also, hosts of the amazing you to channel the george camel show Thank you. Yes, if we're having a good time, I I see that having too much fun, I put her on a temporary tattoo for a video today. If that tells you how much fun we're having where is said tattoo located george on my bicep. If you can even call it a bicep out enough, I can and its, but I think that this would lasting through your to hurry area. Back insurance chissano make anyone jealous bologna. I know we don't we feel very insecure when we're next seashore even though the fact that we got new episodes, monday, wednesdays and fridays and then smart money happy hour, yes, are shows rachel crews that drops on
They saw almost have every day the weak locked in yeah. I love smart, many happy hour arm. I listen to it on my long runs and oh thank you. It is. Is it keeps me like entertains during my run, so I'm not gives you distracted me. I should try that I should try running and then listening to small many happy you need something to distract us from the pain and smart. Many happy hour does just that on something else, you're, that's I'm not painful, but actually really great is austin. Our producers said you can check out this article and I've actually seen this before its jimsie is ditching credit cards for cash. Stuffing in nineties throwback. So it's not just the fashion has come back now, not just the genco genes. It's also cash stuffing. And they're trying to make it sound like this is like an ancient I mean a guessing. It is pretty old, but it made me feel old when I read it, he says as well as flip phones. Look at this just like flip phones, micro mini skirts, pop
we're in tops. I think I miss that friend latterly what the heck is a popcorn top. What is it- I try to google that one later gen z is bringing their bringing cash back yeah! That's what what is this? A staggering sixty nine percent of gen z is using cash more now than they did twelve months ago, than Genji Z, gen x, forty seven percent, while oh that's, crazy or baby boomers, thirty, seven percent, so we're too attributing to this as cash or envelope stuffing, is an old school budgeting. Hack com he tottered by renown, financial adviser, Dave, ramsay long man and that is making a resurgence on social media as Genji struggles to get a grasp finances what you I apply they resource they're gone, we're so broke that we're gonna, stop using the credit cards and resort to cash, because that keeps us on try yeah use, You know we read. These articles were gone off in a huff smoke, but I'm actually proud of these people. If, if you re
is what you are doing is not been working and if it makes you are adopting a pair We an ancient form of money management and we're not today loud hears. Feelings would be hurt that his thirty The advice is now considered ancient. If you don't know how stuffing is what we're talking about here. Is the envelope system that day may popular back in the day when you actually, for your budget, you say: I've got three hundred bucks for groceries this month, I'm going to withdraw three hundred bucks from the bank in cash. Put it in an envelope use that when I shop when it's out it's out- and I gotta figure it out what a concept And you know here's the thing about the cash envelopes some. I love it. My husband and I use that alot when we were getting out of debt and sometimes the question of like a cows as work, yet there are had agreed that work better with cash stuffing right like you would have to do with your electric bell right this up, but you have to do that on my payment. You wouldn't do without, but things like gas and somewhere, your owners raise you overspend on eating out groceries, going
shopping at the mall, whatever that's right, preach it and to say george. I put still on social media, the other day about you know a lot of people are like it so hard for me J to stick to the budget. What are you suggest and unlike what comes to sticking to the budget is not always like sheer willpower right. You ve gotta, put these habits and is that help you succeed and so on, go to cash. Stepping, unlike which you the right amount of cash in your wallet and not me that The challenge somebody listening right now take out the credit cards and take the debit card, ou get rid of the plastic out of your wallet. You want it. You want to stick to your budget. How bad do you want it? Take that plastic out? and if you know how I got to the grocery store, I double dog, dare you to just the two hundred dollars in cold hard cash and see what happens this cycle those cleansers where you take out like sugar or now call for three weeks. I realise how great you feel for the first time in your life. The same thing
financially how many gone put in the cards away. I want to feel the pain of having use the cash and when you do that the grocery store you're gonna switch the generic brand. You know, I'm gonna put them back. That was a snack yeah, don't actually need that for sustenance, yeah, and I mean he think about it. It happen all the time. You're like ok, my budget is unity. Hundred dollars and then inevitably ash register is too old for sixty sixty three and you're like just take. The debit card in india. The force exceed three, but if all you have is cash, you put the pot parts back back. That's right! That's called delayed gratification and discipline and willpower and self control things we would all do better to have in today's society as a whole. I oughta Genji cause. This is big. There what survey found that nearly half of Genji said they relied on social media for financial vice the most have any generation quarter of them said they learn more about money from content. Creators then school books. What how you was a tick talker? actual influence or are fluency, which is somehow a word ass to honey, garcia she's got over
thousand followers is that an she does weekly cash stuffing videos that bodies and budgets. That might That might be her at her. That's her yeah! I don't that her content is really fun rightly makes it very, very fun bateson. But she says: when you leave money in your account, you swipe or debit card. You don't realize how much money you spending, because it's not something tangible I only cast out my bills, then that way, I knew that money had left. I could spend because I would always overspend measures a thank you. He's the credit card. They go well Jane. ever pay diamond interest. I still am good you can. Budget. When you use a credit card, think about this, you get the bill. the end of the month. That's right and one lump sum. You can't it individually to see her even on track or overspending in a category you're living in reverse revert you're living in hindsight don hope? I have enough money in the count to cover the credit card. No, that's not a recipe for for wealth or financial,
not to mention a good point on that georgia is a lot of people do get caught up on the fact that oh I'm not paying interest, I pay it off every month. Maybe you do, but we know that the stat, the statistics do tell us that you are spending at the. very very least twelve to fifteen percent more when you're in no use. Plastic as opposed to cash. specifically when you're using credit card so very much worth thinking about that there Let's try to take a little call your george. We got I'm, let's see what What drew is talking about in Boston? Hey, that's your stopping ground, george Boston Massachusetts. I would do what's was going on. indeed in georgia, privilege be speaking a deal, although I wish. I wasn't When we have a situation not cause, he doesn't want to talk to us. Ok, that's exactly exactly long story short and thirty. Four his old I e, and make a little over a hundred thousand becomes a jerk roughly over sixty one case. I have somehow
We got into a position where I've got over just over seventy six. thousand dollars worth of debt and credit cards and personal allowance getting married in november, zero dollars saved up an unjust thinking. Maybe I sure did take out a four o one care alone: the pay off some of this debt, and I was just wondering what you're not I am we are going to about the idea of a four one key loan in a second but I'm going to challenge you big time on those free, seeing that you used about your debt. You said I somehow. somehow, not really sure what a dude somehow wandered into seventy, six thousand dollars of debt and I want you to get real honest,
like. No, I didn't you somehow wander into it. It didn't just lightning didn't strike me and I ended up in debt. I made some decisions here, like I made some choices and now I have debt write yeah yeah. I guess I was poor warning. I e. I definitely live outside of my knees and I'm trying to get onto a budget on this have been having trouble sticking with it, but I'm at the point now were like this. I have to stick to this budget and so I totally that I'm just trying to figure out like a package this law and it's my kind of my last resort. I think it is not a real solution. I such a solution that puts you further into debt, and so the solution organised use the one in the mere it's you this
future income at selling stuff. It's side. Hustles is living on less than you make getting on a budget we're going to help we're going to send you financial peace university for one year and every dollar premium bullets in a four one k puts your retirement savings at risk. It robs the future growth of that money, you're going to be stuck tied to your employer and you're paying taxes on those one loan repayments twice, so it's like triple stupid. So that do not do this at all costs, and you don't have to you can't borrow your way out of debt. That's a fact! You gotta pay your way out of debt. This is the ramsey show. hey John bologna. Here I say it all the time you can't wish your way to a better life. It boils, and being intentional about what you do every day, intentional acts, because healthy habits in one of them. important things you can do to improve. Mental and physical health right now. Starting tonight is to get enough quality sleep,
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an event going down for business leaders, and it's been quota like listen and on these amazing business leaders. Give these talks in encourages and challenges and kick our butts. Did you get to see any of it? Didn't I've been here workin jade, but our leadership team is up the hill. The events I know I know, but I've been jealous cause. We had can common space, we got doktor, Jordan petersen willie robertson rank malahide, while young doktor John bologna will be speaking friday. So it's a power house lineup of course, Dave. Ramsay of course, speak in every day. I have a little bit a farmer, but I m excited because we're going to be a part of an event. This fall called smart cards, you tell us more where we had a wild one in october right here, Nashville tennessee, but we are headed to chicago this soup. Members. Have you ve never experienced more conference before? Let me tell you are missing out. This is my favorite of enter the year, our biggest invented the year its packed with inspiration, motivation, information and we,
about how to get control of your money, improving your mental health, strengthening relationships, building a successful career so whether in baby step to you just get started or you're in baby there are seven you followed the stuff of the ten fifteen years now you're going to fired up and smarter our next one is in Chicago. This fall with all the rooms you personalities day, ramsay rachel crews, doktor john bologna jade war shock in common and myself smart conference is now a weekend september, fifteenth and sixteenth, whew we're gonna. Do a live recording of smart money happy hour that the audience gets to be a part of that's been my favorite part of the event and right now the early bird general admission ticket is just seventy nine bucks for a two day event: wow, we have some limited vip tickets, platinum tickets, so do not wait to get yours, though, always sell out. Vip tickets include a meet and greet with rachel, John jade, KEN and me, and one of our Reports of the event is getting to meet all
People s re. Yes, love that part of maize and didn't hear their stories. It's different than just hearing him on the phone. So that's we'd love to celebrate your success and its a huge part of this event. So go to ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash events, get your gets today and we will see you at smart comprehend. Seventy nine dollars towards that's like her. a bad meal, applebee's, that's for Emily afore and you can. The two day I mean you can't even go to a live event. That's a ticket fee, yeah ticketmaster. We don't do that around here. We run the show like that. It's just flat out seventy nine bucks, that's what I'm talking about while I'll be there, and I hope that I see you there. Ah, let's go to the phone lines, George! still we got no not from up or clare o clare, Please read my favorite artists from their bony they're, just in vernon nanos. What's up how's it going out, I've never heard of them. You your check him out good, I can I make a can. I have a moment of confession right here, George. What did you call the music group? I
but they are called Bonn Iver yeah. You heard every puppies, stop lying when he said that I am sorry, I usually get it right. Ok, I'm no word for good winter. It's a whole! I'm not gonna nerd out on india folk right now, but I hear too hard. I know not forgive me didn't know, but now we're here to help. How can we help of course, no there's a bit of a backstory behind at all times be brief. One hundred are, we went through the baby's that power that saved up money, dont for our emergency fund and then put it on payment on a house? I found out I lit we found out. I was pregnant My daughter was born. That was tender. One everything fell apart and she was gone. what is brain damage to the mall or spend a week from the you eye?
fighting for. Otherwise, I learned about it after she got home about every eight weeks be re hospitalized! The boy do aspiration, while shortly the first I lost my job to spend in kind of us and all things. We never went back it today, that's great, but we did during our emergency fund. These guys a whole bunch of house. Like me, we need to replace things and fix things this kind of been pushing and ended. not sure how to get back on track that makes about fifty thousand a year. I picked up bookkeeping,
my better burnside job with white guardian and teaching pulling level that's wonderful held by they actually We are starting to get back on track, but I'm having trouble stay focused, cutting even back like a budget you ve been in every way you guys have been through a storm and you're still. It sounds like you're still in it and you're still fighting to kind of get your bearings. Ah I think, It happens. It's very easy to lose focus, it's very cause. You go into survival mode right, you're, just like the last thing. You're thinking about is money you're thinking about your child, what you should be and- and What I want to say to you is forgive yourself for whatever you might be feeling like. Oh, I messed up our finances. I messed up our money, just let them fall to the wayside, because now now another day in today's another data, pick it back up and go gaelic, what do we need to do now to make sure were in the best,
will position and it sounds. You ve already kind of started that journey back, which is great. I applaud you for that on your doing, book, keeping your doing some other things. What's that bringing and free right now not a luxury? Now no man, a couple acquired the bookkeeping knows about two hundred dollars a month. Ok, and then between the white guardian and mean like even expecting about three another three hundred dollars a week, she I'm not sure just filling the gap a little bit until my bookkeeping. Until I can add a few more quiet, that's wonderful! So how can we help you? How exactly can we help today well good. The main question I hope we have to rebuild our emergency funds and their people Well, mainland gunnar: how is likely to replace a rare to back is right. Girl anyway, My car
what could tackle like how do we go about getting and all done? I should surely like, like in the baby's that liquid that's debt, snowball and lake. I wouldn't make until everything paid off. I make a last my priority. I'd make a list by priority of this kind. Not wait! We ve gotta do this today and we ve got to do this so get with your husband and you guys just a mission just brainstorm all the things that you feel weighing down on. You like that need maintenance, make that list and then go back through that list and pray ties it by importance and then said gathering information. How much is honestly gonna cost us? What's that? best. We could do it for and at this point it's one things george, where there are so many things floating around in your brain is giving you anxiety and if you can write it down like see grasp it from the air and put hands around it and then ok, it they're gonna cost me to get new terrorism can be six hundred dollars. Okay and really put on
just break it all down into little bite eyes chunks, where you have a daily little to do list today. I'm gonna research, the contractors in the area and get some quotes on the deck. That's it and then a figure out when the roof needs to be replaced, that six months from now, what's figure out ten grand divided by six months? Here's how much we need to save each month and start to make a plan for that create thinking fond and our budget, and so once you do that you put on paper, it makes I feel better cause. I am I'm like no one. I have like all these things float around my head. I need some semblance process in system in control and at height and in I understand? You're not gonna, be blow to do it all at once in that's. Ok and some of this stuff is get done this year in some stop. It might make wait till next year, but you boy need to go into it with the idea of and with the big, the boundary of we are not going into debt, and sometimes I know those things sometimes. It can feel like just pounding on your door like the bid, the big bad wolf, and it can feel like its pressuring you to go into debt and I'm telling you if you take them off the table,
there's always going to be a solution that you're going to get creative and go okay? Okay, you're going to reach out to your community you're, going to find a friend who knows a plumber? Who will do it for you? You know at costs you you're going to find all those things so just be patient ah the plan and hey we're poland for you. You can set out and re lamp you're you're, not the person work here to beat up on about what are you doing? You have been through it. That's right off. It takes you six months longer than the average person. That's ok! I know it's frustrating, but this is a very different journey for you, guys and you're doing so. So what are you guys are fighting scratching you're, calling you doing all the right things and it feels like this is gonna be forever, but it's not steps can get repair. The emergency fund will be in place. Raining get this health situation figured out or poland phenomena so great. We love. You know that this is the ramsay shove moving season is heating up. If your changing homes it can be exciting and maybe a little bit stressed
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What's goin on reminding you are listening to their ramsay show, I'm your house today, jade war, shaw and co hosting right next to me. I can't believe it Joe. camel lavish. You better believe. It believe that thank you. For hosting with me. Today it's been fun. It's a pleasure. I learned that you have a new tattoo on your arm. I do it it's a temporary tattoo, I want my mom to know. I don't have any tattoos mom, don't worry, I did it for youtube. I did it for the likes. You know. Go for the story. Do it for the the tune into the youtube channel to see when that makes a cameo? I want you to get sparkly. Let me just put that out there. It is very sparkly. I have milk quotas. I want you to like rip it. My marriage is not ready, also we're airing on tbs and that's a family friendly network. So we want to keep it that way: jade will. Ga all you have to do is flex your bicep and it will rip right out of your shirt, though even the idea of me flexing a bicep is generous to call it that. But I appreciate that jade well, if you are listening for the first time. Thank you for dealing with us. We're just shoot,
breeze here, but made You ve been listen for a little while on couple away it's a couple of months and you're like I really like this ramsey show, but sometimes you guys say things and I'm like what does that mean? I hear you guys talk about the baby steps. I hear you say funny phrases like that is done. ashes, king or beans and rice rising beans- and I just I got the foma right. I want to know more about this. If that's you and you want to take it for dive into the Ramsay whole deal. whether its randy show ramsay baby steps all of this goal. On two resolutions. Dot com and all you have to do- is click that get started button and we're just gonna hope. You figure out. What's your best next step for you, financial journey, that's based on exactly where you're out today and along the way you are going to learn the lingo york isn't gonna become one of us, a ramsey, yet the other night kill heinous know. That's very weird. We are normal people, not weird in that type of way at all. Well, maybe george is a little bit, but
that's ramsay solutions, dot, com and remember click. They get started button and then you can. I was talk to william William is in chicago illinois was gonna, william shy tone. George, my question here is: I am I wanna know struggling to budget for baby steps. Can I get no good, balance between enjoying life and and completing baby step. Six, currently ants you, but we'll be able to get through three four five and the next month. oh wow, enjoying a windfall what happened Amelia had got out at the outset, I got I I have fifty k in liquid
I got a villa garment shell. It's a toy car! It's got about a I got a. I am a car loans for it. It's forty k what it's worth about. Eighty, though I'm a It's worth thirty or forty, so this guy, which need yeah pay off my wife student loans she's, gonna be gradually, and so I think that's what I want you. That money. Since then, kind of all in on the baby steps now I'll take care of all the debt. I'm I've been saving fifteen per cent plus I'm throughout. Couple years already for the baby said so about you, twenty five am I for one k already ding dong I've been doing the same for the children's for thee oh, it's gone. How many european a bit three. Now one is going to college this year in that
No one's going to college next year. Commitment to them was to you college. I will pay for it lover. I get cash flow, and then you guys can work in an cash for yourself come on www. Doesn't I'm talking about that? That's the move right there So what's your household income she'll average two to fifty a year. Wives and a graduate social she's gonna be an expedition. she's gonna, bring in some good cash wonderfully button to the nurse now so she's bring in some of these. It every year, but she only works part time, but should be able to well time and that's great we're going to the the goal, is baby step. Six, but again, how do I How do I they live rate if I am innocent decent idle. I am in a decent to duration. Eyewitness bennett,
like I am endeared, and I'm not with your income and the fact that you're about to be basically through baby steps to three already started on four or fraudulent and purposes, but you're in great shape with that income, and you know we always say that the first free baby steps are about being super intense and go and hard and his ellen, hence in rice and beans, but where you're going to as we're gonna be way more about intentionally. I love that you have plan already in place for baby step, five, which is paying for kids college and then going into six it's about. Looking at your margin, I mean you're you're continue to budget into all of those are smart habits that you ve put in place. Then you're gonna, look at your margin at the end of the month ago. Go we ve got out of dollars. How, Do we want to put towards the mortgage because we do need to put a fair, towards a mortgage and you know work towards paying that off. But you know you were on the work, so it's time to live a little as well, and so there is a balance there and its,
to you and your wife really to decide what that looks like. Is it a percentage game where you go hey whatever the margin is were put in eighty percent to the more to the mortgage and then the other sixty percent we play with and we're doing this, and that with that its to you? How you wanna, I mean you're, tired! You had only to my wife and I were extra weird, so we went intense because we just felt like it and we don't. We didn't have kids, we have very little responsibility and we paid armitage, often twenty six months. We also got a very reasonable ma. Tom modest, more out so what's your mortgage, William, in the fifteen year mortgage in my my loan is one. Seventy, though lausd is worth four hundred dude you're going to pay this thing off legitimately. I, my guess, is two and a half three years yeah That's like yours, I'm thinking about I dont know if it's doubt that still need to agree or around. Can I throw something out there to william? Can I just float son this is. This is jade
sometimes, I feel like when people dont have to have much of a journey in the debt pay off right. They don't have to, go through that three years of intense like paying it ray? I bet you. Why are more likely to do that on the mirage now do I have been in the last year. It I mean I had a monkey alone. I had okay, so I've been knocked. I'm down, I mean I've had some good thank on seven june, for the last year and a half for so you have been on that on that that tub here's what I like jade Jed, I just like having having say we want to. We want to save ten thousand for vacations, criticize in front of my budget, and so of ten thousand. We want to upgrade our clothing line item great. Let's upgrade that out was left. We are going to dedicate towards the mortgage that might be for you guys it's laboring, twelve or fifteen k home a month or into debt. Eight six grand extra on top on mortgage and we're gonna make Auto pay and that's gonna be our goal. And if we can increase that at some point, that's cool, but now
At least we know as to how to offer our monitors. Yet the point just being intentional, with whatever you decide on, like george, and I love that idea of the sinking funds, but you know still living some of your wife too, because the fact is, you have done, you know and we don't want to that part away. You know, I think sometimes George people think that we don't want you to have fun with your money. We just want you to pay off debt keep your head down and you know by in this case, william you, you ve done that you're, making a good, income the fact that you're calling you know you ve got a plan for college you're. Doing the right thing so yeah, like george, said less bring, the vacation budget a little bit. Let's bring up holding budget a little better, maybe the go out to eat budget and in them so that we can also pay a full extirpate on the house or two for extra payment ina, whatever that looks like for you in there really really exciting. So very well done here. It's a great goal to have, and most people pay off
get thirty years of their lucky following the ramsey plan, we found that people actually pay their mortgages, often about seven years following the baby steps and are a millionaire study. We found that millionaires on average pay off their homes in ten years. That's right to anywhere between seven and ten years, you're doing really well, if you beat that you're just super weird and income those numbers and the low mortgage high income that things gonna get knocked down a few years, even with occasions, and sport there's always somewhat stuff. Money can buy, then sorrow like Heaven, freedom, you know in that when she yeah. I love not having a payment yeah and I think you know what I was saying to him before? Is there it's? Ok, if you and your spouse decide that you want to go hard on paying off that that
mortgage interest being aggressive about it. That's your bag to like mama needs a pedicure, get her the better you're. Ok, he had heard of the more. I can wait another day I know right have fun living like no one else. That's baby steps, Evan you'll, be there no time that is right! I love it. Well that does it for this, our guys be sure to join us next time on the ramsay show hey. What's up guys, it's too, if you love the show in one a deeper died on your money journey. We have a weekly newsletter that gives each rending and helpful articles antics on following the Ramsay way, just go to ramsay solutions, dot com today to sign a poor newsletter. Again, that's ramsay solutions, dot com to sign up for our weekly newsletter aids, James producer of the rams issue. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-03.