« The Dave Ramsey Show

Talk to Yourself the Way You Talk to Your Friends (Hour 3)

2020-09-29 | 🔗

Debt, Career, Relationships, Home Buying

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the headquarters, the brains, solutions, broadcast dollar power, rental studio. This is the day Ramsay Show where America things out conversation about your life, your money, I'm Doktor, John Bologna, here with my good friend and colleague, Mr Antonio kneel, and we are taking your calls about your relationships about your money about what the next right thing to do. Give us a call a triple eight. Eighty, five, five, two to five Tripoli. Eighty. Five, five two to five
That is how we do want an man a well man has been a beautiful day in this great love. Talking to people. helping people taking careful than love, it how's your mom, gone school great moved in great and address many girls is get situated and actual excellent Let's go straight to the phone just go to Daniel in Grand Rapids Michigan, then We don't. Better than I did. How are you doing exact same fantastic. How can we help. I'm wondering what to do because I understand days, but we unless you want, is over a million dollars to buy a used car mustache correct me if I could get him away, I used by a used car and I didn't have not served up. I had to go to my creating new NGO Martin. Now that I've been here
without snowball naxian. Next to my snowball to tackle off my loans to about two thousand dollars, my on Comes about twenty thousand dollars a year pretext on about twenty thousand dollars they ve got left. and I'm trying to tell the car producers nor much wrong with her Then I legally and morally through not how it and it's worth scrap metal value at this point that I don't know what to do: they gave a start and then go to your current union. I let the difference from what I've heard recently yet. So it's back up a little bit. What do you do that you make twenty thousand dollars pre tax a year. I am I just got a new job I off, because a kind of the EU, every clearing houses and now,
good for you? Just kick him bite figuring out anyway, you can scrounge together some money here, sir, almost strolling about in between her covered on with my country, and I and when you just really started a year with nothing and walked away up from the bottom to here I want to tell you that its inspiring and encouraging we ve got a lot of folks who come here and say we ve paid off two hundred fifty thousand dollars. You have done this in that, but also an open. Folks, in your situation, whose this year with very little and covert, took very little and gave them nothing and you have put self in a position where you're not above any job you're not below in each of you, are scrapping and scratching and clawing. I want to applaud you, okay, yeah? I want you to hear me we're talking a lot heroes and fire fighters and nurses- and they should be applauded. But I want to applaud the folks behind the scenes
As a friend of mine, says on the back row of United States, making stuff happens every day with everything they ve got. No one applauding guy good for you, so walk me through. debts total. What everything that you owe the next step here in your baby step is: is your car? What else got looming up there, We have a stupid shocks alone I took out for my credit. You previously circle build up, get an apartment on because we needed, its boy kidding what why right? I'm in a worse than I would have been? If I wouldn't just one extra down, came it Do me a favor, Daniel Daniel here's? My guess, my guess is that you talk to you in a way. That you would never let somebody talk to your little sister. or that you talk to you in ways that you would never let somebody talk to them waitress at a pizza joint, so
least on this phone call. I want you to talk to Daniel the Rock star, like I'm talkin, to her ok, did you call yourself stupid, I don't want you call yourself an idiot. You d say here's war on that and I'm doing brave, hard work, trying to climb out of a whole that I dug and we're onto the next. Onto the next cool, a good agreement, but there are right: walk me and Anthony through Anthony. Is the financial guru here the table? I'm not that bright. So what through your next death, you gotta tax alone. How much is it for not you two thousand dollars hurrying lazo. What's next, We, the clocks, are about three grains com, which is a core worth three agreement. Worth scrap the car loan is still outstanding for three grand. What kind of cars is Daniela always stand in for him. How many mouse that about?
thus a hundred and fifty four was wrong with the car, Are you an airbag, hence fault, so that Europe is not the point in the me a clash per there is in various other. Some source and cosmetic issues, we welcome the commission making Ruskin what not ok. So now this impact in the car from driving. As far as the indian tranche Mean transmission, but none of that. our very own chalky, though some serve sure guinea transmission. Now Let's get you two point: eight billion be right: liberated been after our so he's a big we have a car problem. what a screening says. How do I get rid of my upside down car? three thousand dollars that that you're, you own a car, I don't think
be trying to get out of it, I think be trying to do- is: go ahead. Eliab decided des noble and pay it off Do you have a car that the arabic is not working properly. Yes, ok, it's silly from point a to point b? Do you car that has a lot of mouser in doesn't look, escalated, ass, beautiful! Yes, ok is so guinea, point to point B. So with that being said, this, what would you do when it comes to money? Side of things is lineup. All the debt from smallest enlarges. pay, it off everyone, wants you paid off and then once you get, your aunt come up their lives? Talking about how do we start looking for a better car above now you don't have the financial means to even get a better car if you ve got up out of this car. Ok, So right now go ahead.
because I was a new out we're doing good, I'm engaged and we're trying to recapture the wedding in cash. For that that would make us a toothache household, noble, trees costs our minds, one upside down, so I'm trying to figure out child care in the event of your linen homeless, if you're, clean and houses, if you're going from place to place to place to place- and you have a three thousand- a car, that's not worth three thousand passing off right. Yeah, anything or Thursday, you're, not down that much is a three thousand outcome, copyright, so just paid off and drive it you'll be all right. and Daniel. I want you
to change the way you talk to my new friend Daniel, I dont anybody talking to her mean- and I want you- wake up in her ugly she's, a person evaluations, kick him, but he's turn things around he's worth being nice to. This is a different issue, a business owners and anyone who s to talk with customers often listen up. You are the backbone of theirs freaking economy and just by staying open to serve your community Europe providing hope to your customers. That's why my friends podium want to do something special for you there offering you the opportunity to text your customer base for free, so sign up at podium, dot, com now and join our crusade to communicate, connect and spread, hope, that's podium, dot, com
palm springs. California, namely how we go on. I got there do high Anthony. Thank you so much for my call, you bad! How can we help? I had a really he had done by fear What data for a ten year is a huge procrastinator and his response today, the time to do it that argument later I'll. Do it afterwards or I'll do tomorrow, but he never does anything Until the very last year- and it struck me out again. I end up being the annoying person How do I deal with someone who procrastinator, I wonder, fine approaching at the wrong way since it to be effective, and I'm a thick frustrated I want sure you're here and Anthony thoughts.
Anthony? What do you think now you you're the expert in this field that I know about here from you. Had he added you help somebody stop procrastinating. You can't help someone stop across an eighty say. What do you mean? What do you mean? I don't control that another person's weighty, fake stop it Anthony you're being revolutionary tuna Amy. He is exactly right at the end of the day, there's nothing you can do. What I can tell you is. You can absolutely make sure that your relationship ends up in a dumpster fire and that's by nagging by tat control him by trying to beat him up with a stick That is a sure fire way of getting off the off the tracks. it's got responsibility. Forget this thing off the tracks, but It is not a way to get back on right here, you set down with him outside of a hard conversation right. So let's say you said anything, pick? These tells us. Please pick these up and
as soon as is commercials overall get em, and then you go to read a book. You go to root, Bree roof the House, whatever awesome thing, you're doing you come back in the tales are still sitting there, he's asleep, and then you'll you lose it you take. This tells you think about smothering him with them, and then you just throw Madame instead and then you'll have a big dust up. Have you ever? side of that situation, have you ever been out on a date with him happy had dinner with him is that hate tonight. I want to talk to you just you and me good or restaurant, or sit down at your house where we need to do it and say You like you're, taking me seriously. I don't like your aid contributing partner to this relationship. I ask for, You to be a part of things and part of it is we, greed, on clean it up agreed on doing these things together and you're, not helping in fact you're not being honest with lunacy. You gonna do it and talking about it in an off seen situation. Have you ever tried that? No, I haven't ok, I've! Actually I partially
I'm warning you gotta do things like I turn to clean them only light. Daily to do it and then, when he found it, don't do something that I thought I wanted to do after you later I I they all good chocolate pray the movie, like its Amy away Amy. This fiance or your or your pet. Yet will without unconfirmed my fiance, this your fiance or your son? Amy you're telling how old are you thirty two? did your fiance thirty four and you tell him to clean his role here. Ok, flip The other neighbouring area Aimee had beheld out again asking our care require I would respectfully say this- I don't think the prob is on him slowly. I think he saw you
part of the two because whose why you been with this for ten years, this Is it just started and if my daughter came home, said dead. I have to tell my group oh man, whose thirty four years the clean, his bed and all the way here. Do it is. If I give him praise no disrespect, that's what I do I must say that, but I'm gonna say that's what you do with a young child or a pet right. So you your data, grow mayor? But it says that he's a little boy and romance body and then it makes question you, because the site What are you attracted to so I think the committee patient problem is on both sides. Notches he's, but you is because how can you go ten years? And you just told us that you ve, never even says something to him. So I think I agree with you ya. Both you go out there and you sit down and have a clear reunification a unique the voice, everything you're concerned about he needs of
everything he's concern about and at that table ya need identify. Do we want to move for fifteen years Dayton somewhat manner? I wish I could. Boy Amy, a man that force. How our conversation gonna go ten years honestly, I don't want it thought it. Ok, Are you more and animals are not being ugly here? Are you more his mom or you more his fiancee Are you more his maternal fee who takes care of him and clean up after make sure the bills are paid, or are you preparing to marry somebody that you're gonna be co? Partners could create a future together at the second option. so that's what you feel like you or that's what you wanted to. It could be that, why don't you get it? I know what you wanted to be. Where is it now
That's right now, war, I'm doing everything! the maternal okay. So what I need you to do this? after a long time, together couples gettin rots they get in routines and all sudden you look up and you have a conversation with two guys. You ve never met to haziness. How does this sound and we both lose our minds. but I don't want to miss the pain here. I don't amidst the de you're stuck in those same railroad tracks, you are in a rut, and you have your foot on that gas in that car to spin and a whole deeper and deeper and deeper. You have to have to have two eight, a future. Together with a shared vision, you ve gotta, stop Helena girl man to room you ve got to saying I want to build a future with a guy that I've got to remind with praise to do basic hygienic things. You're gonna have to have a voice
in your relationship where you say, hey, here's, what I need to be whole in this relationship? Here's what I need from you as a partner! What can I do to support and love? You relationships are they are not? Tellson by telling other grown people the clean up after themselves and in patent on heads and good boy and get them away or with cheese and going on about your day. Let me also say something in this is my opinion. This is not day rammed his opinion. he's not China, penises my opinion. So I I will take all the heat from man when I say this, but I want you to. She said: do you have in any insecurities This idea yourself, because I think that maybe you should step back and ask, should you be dating back any woman that will allow a man to do that. I question: does she know her own value and you're, a woman who is valuable. I hear and that is sweet. I hear woman that is caring, but I
Do you know, that's your value at an end, and if you don't, I would definitely step back in even before you meet really taught to yourself area, get to know yourself. So this way, when you go to him he's gonna see a different woman when he looks into your eyes and says: ok, vast woman, that I want I'm gonna change and if he doesn't want that woman, he gonna walk away or you have to walk away because the only way this change is by you, you can depend on him. Cause he's not changing. You to make a change in yourself to force him to China. Or you had to be willing to exit expressly after ten years. I think This is a great example of so often, many women are condition to make sure everyone else is ok now everyone else's needs are taken care of ice.
pat you on the head or clean up after you I'll do. Other sellers are elsewhere in a woman. Well, but it's all ay ay ay creating social conditions and, on the other side, guys live in this world, where this consider right. What guys not me, you're the exception of my peers? You
we just sit there. That's right! I've, young guy partner child me here to tell you to clean up our own up. Tell her to leave you to trust me. She will be telling you that rota. This is the day Ramsay ship right now got a special deal from my friends are simply safe home security. It's a free security camera when you order any new, simply safe home security system. That's a one hundred dollar value. Simply safe is twenty four: seven pole home protection, protecting your home from break ins, fire burst pipes and more around the clock. Emergency dispatch starts at just fifty cents a day and no contracts get their special deal. Now at someplace I have direct doggone. You ve got nothing to lose
We ve got the lobby of brilliancy team members here to watch inside baseball. We ve got two beautiful people on that every stage, including one of our very own Ramsay team members. We ve got Brady in Nicky Steed. How are you doing You re some were glad to be here I feel a good they're, so Tell us about yourselves: Brady what'd, you for the company. I am Four developer. I work with your ip address. A learned to tell cause you're swag was that you were doing good. That's right. You spoke just like your beautiful wife said we're doing right when you say I'm doing fine excellent, like a true developer. Nick What does your trade what he did for eleven? I work retail outlets
and a very good? So you are here to do your Jeffrey scream, how much if you paid off, we paid off about twenty, thousand dollars. Twenty eight thousand bucks. How long take you nine months what's that, L a kid or other than what what did you guys do to drink, that nine months it purely based on our budget. We, you know, lived on less than our means, and we, through all of our extra cash at the debt the insanity for a second, you mean you, less money than you made? Yet I don't even know what to do with this revelation. That's incredible right! So what you gonna motivated nine months ago to say we're gonna burn through twenty thousand dollars in debt and start living for tomorrow it was actually a her church. We went through debt. I'm sorry financial piece together, It was in twenty eighteen and we both rest.
in the class together, even though we weren't dating at that point with an F p, love connection. We do way way way way. Did you say your started? This eight months ago, eight years ago, two Here's to mergers are twenty one. Eight hundred now by simple Yahoo, wake up fellow olive. You been working array. I started in January about eight months J, where so, ok cool. So you was on this journey before joining Archie. Okay, we started right after the wedding October last year, Ok, so you met in class. We met just before class ginger was a picture twitter known each other, but we haven't ever really talked, and so was a member could be chosen, love First Baptist Orlando Beef, so yeah Let's say your lesson to Dave or Huggins upon the screen ranting and raving one of you look up
size with the other one and you'll just knew right. He was actually kind of doing that entail for the videos to Ah, I see I was coordinating very cool or I saw her future husband coordinating things, my leadership, I think. So what did you guys do to get out of debt? We just lived on less than we made. We are also nothing special like earlier that just your answer for all the things we just want of dollars that we made we'd better bills. We had a lot of obstacles along the way we had a real place. My car twice, he had a hospital visit that we catch loud, so living offer one car for about two months before the wedding and then until we moved up here, we got a car from what my bride Sweet Sue, getting rid of her car, and she said that we can have it. That's a bridesmaid, yadda, yadda flower aura or a note you gonna car. That means ass. We were live literally
living in two different places, and she would come pick me up every morning, then I drop her up Working in I go pick her back up again and she take the car home. So we did that for two months before we You got a real glimpse into into what working together towards accommodations gonna, be here. That's yet ass! It I'm sorry I'm pretty sure. I know what the answer to this is gonna be. But what would you say the key to getting out of debt was sticking The budget is here in Amerika. I hope you hearing the magic at play here. Have a budget stick to it to people I think you are crazy. Who are your cheerleaders war? The people around you sing yeah. I definitely had like a lot of pressure to get a new car when I was having her place both of mine. Place? It twice I was really out of man about getting a used. Car fare thankful that so, but we had families super supportive, send an hour chant
but I'm here everyone I read a casus as I ask you got two young people: completely debt free. You have young people listening to the show right now: seventeen million listeners listening every single day, and Did I mean I'm yoke and I hear them they're saying it on a budget, but you know what budget is cool? to be word that are really don't lie in our. Don't want Iraq with it. want to say something. That millennium to that young person is listening that in your shoes now where you are two years ago, why why should they pay off their debt, now read then waiting till the future? Well, I think that, like David your biggest wealth builders, your income. and so you can either give all of your money to Sally may heir to the credit card companies or you can keep it for yourself. I know
We all know we don't have kids right now, like I've, seen Rachel cruises video describing like the little girl and her experience lake. How that moment, change things for her and for her so blanks, and although we don't have kids like they're, still things that we can be doing as a newly married couple to like prepare for when we start to have kids and make a difference in their lives, even though they are not here yet and so late. For me, that is a big thing of being able to start a new life for our family so evident in? I have taken several calls today of people in the forties, fifties or sixties, who We have to have a new car. They have to its inconceivable, thereby used. Cork has one time and in because what would you tell to occur, all its twice. Your age has been married twice as long there are just met: they ve gotta. Have this new car they're not gonna, be able to go for wheeling together. If you don't have this new cotton, what would you tell them? I would probably say that
their trading off comfort now further future, and money into something that is gonna, depreciate and value, and eventually you're gonna get rid of it. You're really hurting yourself brother just of Nothing doesn't work out for you there's another microphone, radio. The awesome so you ve got Brady in Nicky, who paid off twenty eight thousand dollars in nine months by doing drum roll, please, following a budget just paying their bills, we have copy of Chris Huggins Book for you everyday millionaires cassettes. The next chapter in your story, you can swing by the second floor, haven't sign it if you'd like to our eye Brady and Nicky all way from down the hall paid off two thousand and nine months making less, are many more than they spent right. Let's hear it, let's hear your debt free screen, three two one
we're dead. You know just what do you think the like my way, Nicky said was not making a Brady said when a routine members who said that their training their future? For, for today and when it is he thinks I'm always teaching people. specially do out my tribe in alma microphones. Is that Do not allow your comfort zone to become your kills. Oh, let the very same teenager des comfortable. To do today be the very same thing that kills your dreams. That kills your vision for tomorrow and we clearly see for ambrady anarchy that their future. me better because they were willing to be uncomfortable and there I wasn't gonna live below armies. If we mean a thousand hours about wriggle, live off a six hundred Ozma and put the act of foreigners. I was to wars, are dead so that in
future. We can say yes to our goals to our dreams. We could buy things that we want so America hope you're here. I hope every young person who was a millennium, whose twenties whose in their thirties, our list to this young couple. They are debt for with no children do you know how much peace and how much freedom that's gonna, be when they can have a chance, They don't have any major responsibilities if she gets a call in a couple, weeks, says: hey we're gonna have to cut your hours. No, that's gonna be annoying annoying. That's it ain't gonna be frustrated, she's not going to be catastrophic about right. Let's look at him Anthony there.
Dressed well, they're, both beautiful, thereby reviling sacrifices they made didn't, kill. Em gave them to come on. Man gave them joy. Yes, you can do at America. This is a different issue,
script, today's second Timothy to do and what you have heard for me in the presence of many witnesses, trust a faithful men who will be able to teach others us or an Woodward says. Average leaders raise the bar on themselves. leaders raise the bar for others greatly inspire others to raise their own bar. I love it buyer others to raise your own bar love it let's go too far, in Burlington, Virginia Philip? How would you rather Philip don't doing I'll. Take my god you betcha. Can we help A boy I'm color and we're gonna play were
economists in certain seven, a little and I'm trying to help its control? Well, I'm conversation with my wife about this, Does the house we currently have about a year and a half for retired, and what the plan is to have enough by then and bigger a lot more european above all mortgage on the house with a plan on the other hand, from the torture and China taught myself into you the house, but on the other hand we thought really like an enormous extra cash and with a hacker yeah sure how much cash you have in the bank about two hundred years, How much you own house. About one Sunday, ethical, wash your annual income gross ass rising combined. Sixty when sixty ok and what do you need for three months
at your age, I say six months for six months of an emergency five west, but is that number look like. To my mind, is not no two hundred thousand hours Philip when you dead free. How much is your mortgage payment? Thirteen ok, thirteen hundred solar cells. I may be made about five grandma. Would you agree. Yeah. I was surprised by what do I mean? What do you need the murmur emergency fund covers your emergencies, so far as not emergencies, but you know your your your expenses. What does it take for you to live? Every single must not go out in true for the world, every single we can't know what does it take for. You did too to live No policeman advances apply about five thousand, ok, so five thousand so you need thirty thousand dollars pretty much in your account bare minimum we'll you said you,
about one sixty correct what want was seventy eight, ok, coarser. What I will do is our go ahead, a minus thirty thousand from that two hundred having a savings account if you wanna paid off and glad did make that one large lump sum, you can be dead We would then next two months too, to three months. It then, Spend the rest of this. Are the rest of these few months aid is going to get you mercy for back up. If you want some more in air butter me you to live unique six months. Thirty thousand thirty, five thousand myself from tyranny, Now's pay off debt, the here's, what I say, pay up to mortgage because our good Ankara soaking did a book called Everyday There's America. We have read this book. I want you to read this book in what study, was The reason why people like school teachers in fighters and police officers became millionaires is because they had a debt free home. paid off their mortgage and so on?
I was highly recommend. If you have the funds, great unjust after mortgage and then Gonna help build emergency funds back up some jump, forward a smart, this approach to help each vessel little bit more into your retirement and to start building wealth? vast baby set number seven. So that's what I recommend. That's what I really want you to do but it's really are you when I The end, like you said, eighteen months out twenty four months out of one of my projected retirement date. Yes, I want to have no debt zero? I want to have the right. Side of my portfolio on that and of the fulcrum BC, wrote yes, Sir comes down to having a little bit more extra and the bank account verses. having a mortgage or reversed, I want zero ethic. I thought he said there living as MRS five thousand dollars, which includes your mortgage. Pay me, I think, he's around thirteen hundred bucks Saddam ten
now, there living spaces goes down to about thirty seven hundred bucks right, it's lower and lower, so is like wow seat. Now Create so much freedom is so much peace to wear, We even have a one in a like what thirty, seven hundred hours in because ass, I like that you need to that. You have to have to live off of inexpensive, so I'm on pain of the whole mortgage cutting Jawad in Omaha Nebraska Jawad. What's going on in. Hello, hurry hurry about doing answer affiliated as programmes had a major nations. I am John Bologna, and this is my compatriot Anthony, O Neill and we're here to help brother. How can we help just to give a little bit of not been a problem, fifteen days that I am while I'm and everywhere setting everywhere? Unless and until there They run the show having all these are the commons himself.
People around, so I thought I would just give a currency by secondary to help no better and better still we're glad you with this man? How can we help I hope to hear the thing I am making the that's. My total household income. making around a hundred thousand dollars, and then my wife, my it's not working because I have to babies. One is about two years old and one of about eight months old in right now,. Yeah you're houses have been not a lot of sleep going on in that house no really back to back babies however, one happened back hidden by aspect it's all good man, I've go here. Yeah, the finger is bad
we are went and right now, I told my love to the care of the baby, so we can have babies, growth grow at home and stuff. so I'm making about a hundred thousand dollars a year. And then at the beginning of the year. I make a plan would make the wit there with the current for debt. I have so I'm going to break them down for you I have about nine thousand five hundred dollars on my car. have were finance, and I well. Four thousand from my credit card, and I have about twenty eight, the two opinions about twenty six thousand Andy on it. no longer had at the beginning of the year with this income, and to say that we do you think I am The plan that, by the end of the year will pay off everything, but I believe it or not one the ear and comes
hello. There, a joy were running out of time, and how can we help? You The question is: what does it it could be I need from your, whereas I am planning to purchase at home the pale blue that first or do I Through the first girl back to again, they don't count and then purchase home have to. Ass, though we're not gonna do what you have to do, what you should do and what we want you to do is we wanted a hare pay off your debt and not just pay off but go ahead and get at least three to six months. In your same, his account for you being a gas like a sharp gom? Could you having three months in your same as account on suspicion, Nebraska Associate and it should be ok they're dead from there? We have this thing called baby set three be arrived at on throughout, be that's when we set aside at least ten to twenty percent to put down on a home, but since you order new- and we don't have enough time to walk through this- and I want you to stay alive, cal
gonna give you Ramsay plus free for a year. I want you and your wife to go through this from. The details when it comes to financial peace, university and just go through all of it, because I want to make sure that you get all the information you can do this right cause offence. according to the two guys, will you don't know we want to meet Visa Dave. Ramsay may some of other teammates thy Chris Hogan may re. crews, who, We all will help you walk through this process to make the best decision for the future, so they colony, man such a great question, a love here, somebody who's driving along, they hear Dave and suddenly there life has changed. Yes, and they say, what's the next step, a love love at eleven for Anthony thinks you spend time with us. I want to thank producer, James Child and associate producer Kelly Daniel thanks to everyone. Listening to this, I want you all to hear me You can change your life it starts today.
Tat. Other people do it This is a day, Ramsay Shit. This is James Giles producer of the Dave ran on your smart speaker. You can add our skill by saying Alexa opened the Ramsay networked still from there. You can listen to all our shoes Ass day, money. Questions like I do. I invest my money or what is the debt snowball find out? More Dave, Ramsay Dotcom, Slash marks
if you're looking for fun and practical ways to save money in your everyday life, you need to check out the Rachel crucial podcast from Bunny Expert Maidan, Rachel crews, guys its rights of creators and I'm so excited to tell you about an ipod. Has a lot of you darling paintings, paycheck their end ass. You don't even know where to begin that they have this need this want to get in control of their money and his match. You, you have come to the right starts, so each episode, jeering at a time of inspiration and practical advice, not subscribe to the rates of crucial podcast, makes region. Today there are more from the Ramsay network, including the Rachel Crucial wherever you listen, the pod gash, hey, it's producer of the Dave Ramsay Show.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-30.