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Talk Me Out of Keeping My Car Loan… (Hour 2)


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I why the headquarters ramsay solutions, rod judging from the pods moving stored studio. This is the ramsay shops where america hangs out, have real conversation about. Why, specifically your money, your work, your relationships and can common joined by george camel the sour and we're here for you to guide you to break through triple eight eight to five five, two to five aaa eight to five five to two
five- and I do want to save your new listener and you'd like to learn more about the baby steps. What This show It really about howard all the different ways that we can help you will. We have a great opera, here you to get a quick snapshot that again started on the right path? It's the get started button at website, ramsay solutions, dot, com, rabies solutions are calm, click on get started or right. Jake is up terrible florida jake. How can we help again George Erika are we're having a blast, awesome and so on, bear with me a little bit of share. I just want you guys to kinda understand like where my mind is right. Now take your time. So I can you guys here yes, sir loud and clear, our sincere. I graduated with my bachelor's in business management. Last may and then this past stir in the fall of twenty twenty, I tried grad school out and pursued an mba
I just found that it wasn't for me, so I dropped out so currently, I'm looking for a full time I'm so right! Now like, as you know, has many high level. People say our greatest asset. It is time- and I love how outmoded I know you ve talked to us Alex. Can, a correct! Yes! Yes! I love it this on learning all the skills and eventual applying all them into a, this idea or a great coming to work or even investment opportunities, so curly have any specific passion. Follow or my own business idea to start. So I'm trying to go about my career building. My skill sets so starting out, would be a good way to start off will be going in the sales and for the past few months I been applying to job most teams reaching out to companies and employees, especially with linked in. I seem can't find
If he no job anywhere and no one's willing to hire me. So I'm not sure if I'm going about it the wrong way or I'm not really sure where to start to learn to get help with any piece of advice. Yeah. Absolutely so, let's dig into what you said: have a hard time finding a job. Didn't you said I can get peep all to hire me. So are you getting job interviews a few and if you make it past the first or you may get a pass, the first one or you just kind of doing the introductory, and you never hear anything, and I so we had to lined up another basic entry level. Sales job mecca All of them were not really and even to me We have one interview and then The one interview had to one interview and then I hear back from after that are well so so, let's, let's go. Different strategy. So right now,
You know that sales you bit even paid attention Alex and that I think he's right on this and we did a deep dive interview conceded the can com and show you to channel. The reason that sales is a good place for someone who's, not quite sure what the long term looks like while they're getting clear, I'm gonna give you some resources to actually help. You today are right. That's come in just a minute, but why sales is absolutely good path, for you are you're. Trying to figure things out. Is It's a wonderful experience. You you can win in sales. You could win in market If you go wooden sales, you go winning leadership If you go in and sales you go in and customer service, if you can win in sales otis of it, you can win because a sales at its core fundamental application? Assails person is problem solving with a serving spirit like a girl. salesperson is solved
the problem through the the product or service. and they're doing in a way that is really service focused You can take that all the way up the ladder man to ceo entrepreneur. It's a lie, If a wonderful thing, so I What's goin on here is you need to be more urgent and you need to be less picky, so that's formula for you? I'm gonna give you some tactical vague, but I think there is a philosophy for you right now, my head, my in other words your minds it needs to be. I need to be very urgent. And I need to be less picky because not limited to the first sales job, I'm not limited or the second sales yup. I want to get in and start getting some sales experience to start making money true or false. True absolutely so, There is a principle that that I create after georgia talking idle. No couple, thou and phone calls when we the king college of years ago, and I came up with it
proximity principle of trying to come up with a way for people hundred it. How do I get connected to? actually get the job. I want that your call it about in the principal says this. In order to do what I want to do, sales I've gotta get, our people that are doing it. Salespeople sales managers. And I gotta get in places words it's happening. I you start getting getting maybe I'm online forums- maybe I'm gonna conferences on sales, like always think about our own people that are successful and sales and I'm reading about sales, I'm I'm I'm thinking. companies that have sales positions are open and one who right over there on any get over there because years. Happens with the proximity principle break it down with this- the right people, plus- I place as equals opportunity its you're calling me right now- and you said I have any opportunities, and that's not the case. You are in the right places. You aren't around the right people because of euro awry people in their places. Here's what's gonna happen
particular come you why you know. rotation, somebody's someone's, could go. You're sharp your guy, the most cell outreach out a cell come work for me. Read nor pause. I hit you with a lot but is what I'm saying? Is it hit new right between the eyes you write absolutely so you get busy will unite what now for income. I'm just working part time jobs right now on the side. I do so Looking for a couple local, companies in the area is due social media marketing yoga. if I were to pull up job sales, jobs and tamper floor, you right now what I see kiki well ah lot of insurance jobs. You could do so don't do that popped up to me. He related against light years. Here's the challenge for you, Jake you're, work in a cup. Part time jobs right now, so the bars low
its rays, the bar by just going to get the sale shop go down and get us carts sell a car tomorrow go get a job. go start selling something bringing it more income. Then we are in what we're doing uses were moving forward creating some forward motion a moving forward. in. I actually liked george him getting a sales job that he's not wild about, because it's going to spur him on to go, get another sales job that he doesn't like and get some experience too. Sperience you're, not gonna, be the greater salesman day one yet so here's for you jake, I'm gonna give you two resources. One is there, it clear career assessment, twenty minute assessment and It's gonna give you so much clarity on what you do best, what you love to do and results that motivates you spit out. A purpose statement gives you a high level job description,
And then I want you to read the book from paycheck. The purpose of the assessment is a compass. The book is the guide to climb the mountain, hang on the line, we'll get you that and that's gonna give you tremendous clarity, which will then give you confidence to actually step out and move forward. The young man, the best, is yet to be get after it towards Caille. Can you comin are here with you? This is the real issue. Moving season is heating up. If you're changing homes it can be exciting and maybe but stressful, there are some things you can't control like interest rates an inventory, but with the help of our studio, sponsor pods, moving in storage. There's still a lot you can control pods is the
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The back to the ramsey show I'm kim coleman joined by george Campbell. The phone number to Japan is triple eight, eight to five five, two, two five triple eight eight, two, five, five, two to five we're going to stay right here in our backyard national tennessee dwayne is they're, doin, ok, we'll, yes, sir! I ever a hundred thousand dollar term for twenty. Here's gotta nineteen years left, I'm coming up off another one. It's like this the ones that it, but because I'm just coming the First one I'm wondering maybe I should get a whole life and I'm listen. What you and I think some armani was a whole life- is bad, but every time not to be.
To mass and these other barracks. Hence we need not it's a solid, you won't lose money, and so I want to call directly and find out What am I losing when I start talking to them that it seems like I'm, I'm pretty firm on what I'm listening to what you guys are saying. Is there something I'm missing in translation while Dwayne here's a simple way to think about it? What they stand to gain by swaying you to get whole life his term, I from them on short and got it. financial gain. There we go. The commission's on whole life are astronomical, There is a good reason. Your term life see costs about five percent of the cost. of an equivalent whole life policy, and so on. Paying you know, fifteen twenty thirty bucks a month for that term policy versus six hundred. well there's a lot more wiggle room for them to steal your commissions under the guise of well you're, going to build this cash value policy and you're going to invested over a long period of time, you're going to make so much money, dwayne, don't invest the market, invest with me in this insurance policy
what they're doing there he yeah, but It does sound like again When I'm talking to him, I get overwhelmed the numbers and everything I wanna get done. They say he looks you put this money in which to me. A huge amount of money per month. It is that you could be Investing yourself into. much more solid investments that have a much better track record. What they do, but here's I'm guessing years what they did. They did some rough fancy math that was real, complicated to wear them dwayne. You just got to trust me man. This is this network. Yeah I know I have a little about it. Just throw this little kid all the money you We started the call by saying that you agreed with us on whole life. You ve you listen to this and you have an opinion on this yourself, true or false. Yes, when I listen, I should hate. It sounds right because itself, crazy, the money they're asking for rights so that afford that. I also stop so remember why you feel that way that we, made a case
in convince you. You convinced you. And so you walk away gone. That's not crazy to put all that money in their desire to use it you remember that you trust yourself. You trust your common sense. You trust that opinion, You came to before you ever walked into talk with these guys. Typically, We I do what I know. So, no, no not! But what have you sit down and somebody makes a really compelling case and they ve got this thing down. Pat then Their say and makes sense to, but then you get it done makes sense, but now there make selling makes it you just gotta, say I'd building, make sense, I know it is a big sets hears why they it's crazy and move on one may this year after two that after twenty years, what's gonna be the cost Other term unjustly dwayne here all knows how europe can tell you that. So the idea is that now you, if you don't, have insurance for your whole life, the idea is that you follow the ramsay plan. You pass your house
fifteen years? If you do our plan with a fifteen year fixed rate mortgage and twenty years later, you gotta huge pile of money in your investment accounts and then come on. We call self insured where you don't need that money anymore, because you have more than that in your investment account and you if someone relies on your income like a spouse, in georgia last week just break that down the money that you would invested whole life and the return on that versus the money you would put in the four one k the stock program. I mean that's because a mutual fund program based on the growth the whole nine yards that we eat up, return on. That is big time, different break it down cook s. So if you take the difference from that whole life premium with your term premium, take the difference that you would have paid and you that onto our investment calculator, ramsay solutions, dot com, so you get an average return, even eight to ten percent over thirty years, see that would turn into by doing it on your own? You don't need them, because all they're doing is taken most of that and commissions for the first bunch a year. and eventually maybe you'll, get a crappy return. So
void this at all costs and run. Why even talk to these people? Talk to our friends is Andrew they're, not gonna, sell you this whole life crap and stop, and entertaining these fools, though, it's good advice tell me riled up. Well, I love boy. Oh boy, love in your life that that's what gets me riled up ken, but it's fine well as you're doing gives me Gives you doing you I like seeing you with the Jews j is on the line and our nations capital, washington, d c j? How coil away today we're having a blast J. What's up my what's, in terms of paying their my card debt. and paying less interest on my car loan and then I'm collecting in the bank of a mutual fund. So why would I pull out twenty five grand or so pay down on? I could swear it accrued the differential you're. A genius
So here's an idea why we go borrow as much money as we can to funnel into investments. If that's the case, if the walk rate yak or site, would you do it tell me why I shouldn't have you seen the stock market J? Am I the only one googling around here, though I didn't say that I said the few who have walked rates. I have locked rates on my car loan emi mutual fund. What's your mutual fund, making three nine ok, so my money market, my my high savings account makes more than that. As guaranteed for how long. at the check that get squishing measure what if it goes down, three percent two percent, so that I could pay it off, Well, here's another question: how much is your car payment monthly yeah worried? wouldn't make more sense to free up four hundred and eighty dollars to them final into those investments.
And also for represent we're going to sell us whatever for putting already into an index vondra mutual fund on air. Gino! Over the next thirty years, with long term thinking, you could be making eight to ten percent a great And so I rather giving them money away that twenty and, let's say, it'll pay off my car, so I got a giveaway today or give away over the next three years, but one way or another twenty grand has to the car payments. I What if you went back in time, would you go into debt again for the car I don't know why you're defending the lenders here go, and while these guys are my friends because they gave me a low interest, you know, but I will do ass, you do too I'm trying. I wasn't your pay cholera gold at it with a I'm trying to get away. I should do in my twenty grand. I can't convince you that a debt free lifestyle is going to give you a better life. guy, why you use your nightly with you know what you got the wrong narrative you
We can come to this in your head and, if you're here to debate us, we're now gonna. Do I know you're, not a member, but listen rather, I'm did. But keep coming back to that it I think you got the wrong narrative, the narrative, why should I give away twenty thousand the questions you ask yourself is: why did I borrow twenty thousand dollars for a car that I couldn't afford? You put I know you're you're narrative is. It is wise to leverage that, in order for me to build wealth- and I affair that debt is now a friend of mine it doesn't help me build wealth. Its steel from my paycheck steals from my joy. It robs may have so much, and so for years the. Think about it. What if every all are coming into my house. I could use for whatever I wanted could invest that money and get more than four percent return long term. What if I could have been, cash for a car that allowed me to do that. So what's your income. One! Eighty!
you're making a hundred. Eighty thousand dollars do and yet a moral borrowing for a core. Why in the first place, making that credible than income. But here you I'm wondering did your crushing and you could really build some amazing wealth. Are you a net worth millionaire yet My question is on your the heck. Not you make a hundred and eighty thousand dollars. And we wonder what we're doing with we're trial was I'll. Tell you why, because he's been in four hundred eighty dollars a month as one example towards appreciating asset now sound financial decision making our we're knocking on you return You see what the real narrative ought to be. In your mind, why am I spending foreign and eighty dollars a month for a car, try, this pay off the car you can produce today. I imagine you have the money and live a debt,
why, for a year- and if you hate it, if you absolutely hate where you are, you can always go get alone, they'll be happy to give it to you or eighty per cent interest rate. Oh they love you. You could always go get more debt. I liked Allen. George was a fun when we had some fun there, hopefully jade and take it to personnel were really were for you. This is the ramsey show the welcome back to the ramsey show. America were thrilled that you are here. This is where america exiled to have a conversation about your life, specifically your money, your work and your relationships. All of those are tied together. If you want to live a life. Well, I'm ken coleman joined by george Campbell, the phone number. If you want to jump in his triple eight eight, two, five, five
two to five triple eight, eight to five five, two to five if you go or who are you, I hate it when you doing I'm one of their ramsay personalities and focus on work spoke but they all want you doing work that you are good at that. You love that matters to you. That is purposeful work, let me tell you what happens you make great income in greater impact- I that's what I do: support of rabies solutions- and I hope in committee. We covered a story earlier today and james approaches at this. This is interesting. So this comes out of the news, but george, it's not just a new story, its act. We a pervasive problem, and the story. The news right now affects us where the hottest stories right now comes from the political world. This guy name? George santos have you heard of this guy I'll yeah, so using nine alleges that they know georgia's, while sees a newly elected congress and from new york? If you don't know what I'm talking about and I
taken a lotta heat from the media. Rightfully so because it's come It almost feels like every day. The dude has just lied and lied and lied and lied to cover those eyes about his reza may his background. We just lie to everybody and boy, you know pressure on this guy to resign and it's a little bit ironic that people are now shocked that a politician lied. The first time in history. A politician has lied, guess so this is big news, so everybody's trying to grasp that deal and and and and but you what there's a deep were thing here, and there is a temptation for all of us to do. what george santos has done. Break it down a second, but I wanted george, you put up at least give us. If you would just a couple of the fantastical lies that this
this congressmen has journals has laid out for everybody lied about where you went to school, lied about where he worked, lied about owning a number of runnel properties, lied about being robbed of his rent. Money lied about his criminal status in Brazil. Lied to donors, lied about his athletic accomplishments, lied The timing of his mother's death lied about us. campaign finances and this one might be done the funny, one. He lied about being jewish and then he came. can said. None are now. I said I was jus issue is which is even worse than the lie now borderline comedic. Well my gosh, I mean so. This is a guy who's, pathological low, that's the right now lisa! The logical ire now What are we bring this up in work contacts. For a moment. Those of you who feel a sense of out. Maybe you are dealing, imposture syndrome and we took from a young man or lose our trying to get a job and when we face. Doubt george, it it it
I'm sorry to be deceitful, grisly if I'm not good enough I've gotta make up A story that makes me good enough: that's the slippery slope! and that's what he did, what he took fake it till you make it to a very dangerous lao here. Man, I mean it's a label so doubt leads to this when we don't manage our doubt, think I'm good enough. I don't think get the job. I don't think you'll like me. I don't think she ll marry me. I mean this thing spirals out of control and its. Deceit. Wine like this and in this is unbelievable folks, listen whose data This is. This is right here, in my hand, CNBC article eighty five percent of americans- admit to lying on their resume? At least once fifty five residual, this. According to a recent survey from state elsie and now gets worse,
by the way before I tell you this data. If anybody out there once to really know what The people are really like you to know what the the world really like you to know the true human condition go Google searches, that's ultimate indicator of who We are as humans case in point. The number of Google searches about how to fake a recipe is up searches for had a faker as ways of forty eight percent. George what do people line about here? Real quick, the top eight reasons or what they are lying about on their residence. Fifty five of people lie about their previous work experience. Well, that's. because we know no one's gonna- check your references. I got anxiety. Thinking about distort how do you keep up with audacity that you could even pull this off is impressive. Here's another one. This is my personal favorite because of the humility scares me
the opportunity humiliate yourself, forty three, that people Two line about their skills: ire, I can operate heavy machinery or even worse, will on Monday morning, can you ve done this one? I know excel the dangerous one year, but no heavy machinery. What are you doing, man that one could life, all literally a life altering forty percent lie about their college degree. Thirty, nine percent lie about personal details such as age, location or name. Thirty nine percent live out. Highschool, hey can, I said everybody free whose tempted to live out highschool. No who cares what you did in high school? No one, not even your mom or dead: cause. They forgotten three percent lie about salary. Thirty three percent lie about jobs, pacific software or equipment skills and then finally, twenty one percent- and this is so moronic- I don't even know how to process it. Twenty one
set of people lie on the resume about player references guess, they're, making that up? Hey George, will you do me a solid I'm, putting you down as a reference, so I give him ken's number and I go yeah. He was my previous manager give them a call, he'd be happy to talk to you and I slip you a twenty dollar bill and say: hey can if they call make me look good. I feel like. I need a shower, dirty, I feel, are so. The solution here can obviously to have integrity which, if I'm hiring someone I want to hire someone with integrity. How do we get over this hump, yet so back the reason I always like to try to give you a deep source behind. Why we do you- and I think doubt is what leads us to deceit. So then, if we, we need to manage doubt better. What do we do so doubt is the way where defied dealt georgia's it. I don't believe that the good kanab. That's doubt I don't believe that something good. This thing that I long for this thing that I want to do it. It can't have I doubt that it can happen for a variety of reasons. It is
you have to do. There's you gotta, go, don't wanna get short cut this doubt. I can't take my now in myself and introduce short cut it by line everybody else? No I've got it. Step into me and go. What is the voice of doubt? Telling me I'm too old? Is that true I must say in all mama got nothing offer finer the workforce is that true? Is there evidence that that the doubt is telling the truth because if doubt, telling you the truth is protecting giving silly example. Georgia basketball team for basketball goal in the lobby? I tell all these five people watching hey, I can dunk. Have you ever seen me dunk before watch this, I'm gonna dunk and more before I go to dump the ball, I have some serious doubt as I haven't stretched to be honest, I've, never dunked, basketball and What's going on dunno, we can do this. Doubts protect me from certain humiliation. Silly exists well, but you get the poor I lower the hook for you can just for the record. Thank you, but even then the question mark all right,
If doubted saying I can't ever start a business, I can't pay off debt. I can't get through the baby's. If I can earning money. That's holding you back! That's the idea! so, instead of lying and trying to shortcut, which is what people do here to get the job. you gotta go. What am I downing? Why am I doubting? Is there any evidence to support that and then, when we get clear that hey, I actually can do this if I go get qualified. If I go, some connections all of a sudden, we're not having lie in here's. The big take away the reason we bring this up is because you can do severe damage to your ability to earn money. If you get Like this I mean because of your line on a resume, your lie on the job and in that field and if I'm the hiring manager I'd. Rather, you come to me and say: hey listen! I know you acquire this much experience, here's what I'm bringing to the table! I know I'm not quite there, but here's what I'm doing to get there I'm impressed.
You're ready to hire this guy right versus someone lying to my face, yeah yeah that good might be better. George santos, I'm trying to represent george's out here. You know form and lopez, costanza Washington, I like to put respect on our nato. The problem is the guy he's holding on for dear life, he's lied so much. He doesn't even know how to unravel or admit any of. I don't even know if his name's george anymore, why we should look into that. But I know your name is george. I know my name is kid, and I know that this is the ribs. You should not ally the
the go back to the ramsey show a pin coleman, I'm joined by my colleague, george Campbell, with a k by the way. Thank you for that can get that right, aaa eight to five five to two five triple lake: eight, to five five to two five: it's time to talk about the big night again, george, you got plans, then I'm getting jazzed because I'm going to be on stage tonight can big keynote: don't miss it yup big! Oh, you are you. Is it a keynote? You don't you you wanna call it and showbiz. How long are you speak for about? Twenty minutes. Twenty, It's right here, lively online more. Leave them wanting more. I know that I'll be wanted more, I know that so tonight
lobby of ramsey solutions, where we're broadcasting right now building of live stream? this has been a very popular writ. We had a very full and very fantastic dare I say, fall tour. Yes sold out crowds everywhere into night. It is here in the building to freely stream for you. It's happening tonight at seven pm, central eight eastern dave, ramsay, onstage, rachel crews. George Campbell onstage speaking key, noting as george likes to say and my doktor john bologna and I are joining for a while, but we to call a round table earnestly spirited discussion, spirited discussion and so you know what I'm not going home after work: I'm in a hang later light at the office is gonna love, it's gonna be a lot of fun and you can still get in and did I mention that it's free. I think I did ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash, well, friendly solutions, dot, com, slash wealth
Rarely, solutions are complex, while the sign up it's gonna, be a lot of fun in what are we gonna talk about, george tell tale, I got the insider knowledge if you do so day, gonna. Kick it off given us! Some hope in some some dark times and giving a some perspective with some great story telling some great inspiration, some great tactical things we can do and then I get up there and I ll show you how to create margin to build wealth and the true reason most people are building wealth. They the margin to do it, and so I ve got some real tactical steps to walk you through rachel, comes up giving us a some. You know, quenching, quoting our fear It's about the real estate of the stock market, what's happening, the ups and the downs, how to ride the roller coaster, why you should get on the ride and stay on it for the long term and then we're going to have a great discussion with all five of us, you and doctor John baloney talking to The war were looking out for twenty twenty three. As far as the trends go, though, you know I like talking about the true you're very trend, very trendy no, not roll up.
Indeed, does your margin keynote? Does it involve anything on brisk, it'd, Bucky's united? work, that into the talk, but it may not be too late, philip We can probably get a slide together. Pretty quick. The night is still young because a reference could the costs go hotdog. So there's one reason attune: are you a proponent of the casket hot to huge proponent? How does then in the very personality clean well, it's called a teaspoon You have my article nine eight, yes with bated breath. If it's a gluten free, vegan hotdog at costco. It's going to blow my mind, man, I'm not touching that thing with a ten foot pole, okay, costco is better than that. They know me better. Can I just for everybody who follows you on instagram at george campbell, by the way, your your rank you at can call money while you're following just jump on over and say hi to me, I would like to see you go to costco and do a instagram real on on that. Can I be honest. I went to costco and I had my kirkland signature sweatshirt on, and I
most war, the matching, sweat pants, that I have never say that in public, and I now will my wife dissuaded me from wearing creatures. Hopped bottom kirkland signatures use a good woman, but that's how big of a kirkland signature fan. I am I went to club. The other day I felt like I was cheating on I can't be found out in a region where are you know, kirkland had his signature line of clothing, and I now wish that I didn't. I might you, the sweatshirt room, not aware it good to know. Never. We're doing a triple eight eight to five five to two five mike is online the raleigh north carolina mike. How can we help. How are you today, while we're Havel do much for what's gonna happen? I'm having fun to so. I'm gonna get right into it. My question How do we save her they, because my wife is pregnant and she do in July with our first child. Hey, hey, hey! Congratulations!
Also, I beg you to see how do we know doing over a little boy, a little girl, your finding that out on saturday, actually all you do in one of those big gender revealed minus We're gonna get a very small k. Again, it's gonna very intimate saying between my wife and I was gonna- tell it open, She will have its debts limit. That's really cool well, as far as expenses go are you feeling like this is gonna, be a big financial, weighty guys have good health insurance in place. Yeah. We should. I just went full time with an I t service, abiding companies are waiting to see what the health insurance is going to be. There is no doubt whatsoever. The mortgage, you not thirty, six months emergency and you know we we ve done all the baby steps so where I just my big, Concern is not going back into gad once out
son. Her daughter is born, love that well normal. I little. I continue saving to give you some peace, because there's going to be some costs, probably out of pocket, for the baby, and we want to make sure that you know mama baby come home healthy, and so we call that stork mode. that's kind of when you're pause in the baby stretch to stack up as much cash is possible until baby, mama, home and healthy, and some of the car you can expect are of key You know the check. Ups, the prenatal, canines korea, huge cost, diaper dies. The ultrasound lab work, the prenatal vitamins, the dietary needs, the maternal, close the baby gear. Alright, so you know what this is good because he get. The big ticket items is where you would worry, write your healthcare and you you're doing. But you know what you need to do honestly, and lean on some lean on some friends that that have little ones.
In your in your world that you guys are doing life with, or even your mother or her mom and just like literally go go to target gotta go to george, where where people go to get diapers for you you're, Mr Walmart, I'm a target guy target more of our israel. Just go price out. Diapers! Take your wife with you by the way. I remember the first time we went shopping for diapers. Let's get those the cheapest. Once she looked to me, like I'm grown organs in my head, we're not gonna put those on her head ass. Why were the only ones looking at it in there? I believe him anyway. What's the problem like get the kirkland diaper. I would you get the most exciting draper, I'm going, I'm going to costco or sam's club to say it or have a little bit of fun, but literally go price out a box of diapers get an idea. Humming divers through in a month start looking at that baby food. Once you get to the point where the duma little jars and the little spoons and all price it out like literally treat it like you would your grocery budget, so it get an idea beyond the medical and all the bigger stuff skin
dear either you're gonna find wait a second there. Expensive little things, but I can do this. talk to your friends that have babies causes tell ya a. We got, seventeen thousand things and we lay you seven, that's so here's the things you really need to buy. Here's the things that are worth getting quality. You know the car seat, other euro or ignored I'll. Tell you one thing, my friend This isn't funny. It's a vices is just life. Advice, invest, in a baby, wipe warmer we can or put that in the all registry aerial now to regret having one of the ets impressive one I've gotta stay here for you that might help you get some numbers around. This health care costs institute says that the air, ridge, regular delivery with an in network insurance provider and out of it cost is gonna, come out about thirteen fourteen grand napkins it can from you, no seven ground low end eighteen on the high end. So I dunno what it might be north carolina, but sort actually price that out right now we are. We just got a deal
now that saying like every month we have to go through. You're dollars towards the delivery, and I think the final price that was on there was like forty eight hundred five thousand? or something along those lines, but where worse, in money away like we're back and daddy step to again, gardner lags behind so you're funny that three see you three c. I then wow mike for nominee for color of the year, the mainly with the baby said three see their own. I regard the truth as once to babies. Here, the babies, you gonna become a line item in the budget for those expenses like formula and food and child care and books and toys, and you know, clothing you might higher water and electric bills. Of course the diapers so That's kind of the big, the big things to worry about as far as the budget goes, but you guys have put yourselves and a financial spot that most people are dreaming about being in which has no debt. Bunch of money in the bank. So it's
then you can breathe easy on the financial side and instead get excited about this new baby being born MIKE you're gonna be a dad and you get
you're a great dad and you guys are okay. Man stay off the internet and all the fear articles don't go to web md. Yeah, just save yeah, don't do that read. Let me tell you something to stay off of those websites where they tell you here's how much a kid calls to raise, and twenty twenty million dollars yeah stay off of that stuff, you're good, George Campbell, always fun to be with you good hour, would take james to the team and you america for listening. This is your show. This is the ramsey show. Do you love a good day brand want to see the latest ramsey show videos going viral check out your favorite moments from the ramsay show on youtube, go watch and subscribe to the ramsey show channel on the page james producer of the ramsay show. This episode is over but check the episode it's for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2023-06-05.