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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I from the headquarters of ramsay solution. Since the ramsay show where we help people build wild, don't work that they love and create actual amazing relationships. Lord Campbell Ramsay personality is my co host. Today is also the commotion. Smart money happy hour in the host of the george camel show very popular on you too, both ramsay network productions. Will be taking your calls. The phone numbers aaa eight to five five, two to five
Brian starts this hour in ST louis, hey, Brian, welcome to the ramsey, show hey thanks for the call germ what's up. Ah my wife and I are trying to build a house and we're discussing how much we should have saved at a time. I would like to have a hundred thousand saved and she wanted to start now or about forty thousand saved and so sheet isn't as concerned about the down payment as you are, she decided to get go and more so than concerned about the downpayment. Would you the programme. Is the payment process? Look like for this build one? Is all the money do we haven't started anything yet I'm, and so I would like to save one hundred
get two hundred out of our house and then maybe go three fifty total and then just have fifty left to finish up when we're all done. What do you make which we could watch out and about it about a hundred should amber three hundred and fifty thousand dollar build and you got forty. How long does it take you to get two hundred if we want Uruguay, your girl Well, over a year, children arguing about sixty were arguing about a year bright. She want So now you want to go into here right, which means that if we go her way, We end up with a hundred thousand dollar mortgage, not a fifty thousand dollar mortgage, yes or one hundred and ten thousand or more each be precise right, but am I doing all this correctly? Brian?
how sure you this home is gonna, cost three, fifty not sure. That's just the goal that we'd like to keep it under the you have a blueprint. Now we haven't started anything you have a builder. We have nothing discussions, do you own the land family way in set aside a crime. sidebar bulgaria sorted out before we keep going family land set aside needs means that their to be a plan that is needed to you. and you have the right to sell at some day. If you all don't want to live there anymore other I don't do that deal. You don't build your house on daddy's land or your house on a lot that daddy gave you off his land and he said, you can never shall it neither
other word. Without your boat deal killers, it would be purchased. Ok, and you would only I'll wait a minute what does alliance the land is part of the three fifty yes, ok then you would have full rights emotionally relational legally to sell it later. If you want to yes now come on I've take that call a lot in the last thirty years from one that stuck in a patient property cause everybody's going be mad if they shall their own house right. Don't do that. I now back to the deal so the land is how much forty thousand and that's include in the three fifty did you say or not included. Yes, ok. We think but we really have nothing to basis on except square foot and you think you're gonna build square feet. I would tell this, I'm in the middle of building a house right now,
gosh nine months from the time we decided we wanted to to get a blueprint. A builder and a budget pleaded completed. I made from day one and I've done it before so I'm guessing that you can start on the process now and it's probably gonna take you close to a year. You have you ever hundred yet or not- I mean you know it may take in nine months and then use but the different right. But I think I'm going to get started because yours what's gonna happen, new start drawing this house, and you actually start talking to builders and you actually start getting bids your numbers are wrong or they change and I doubt they changed down. Well, you gotta watch the scope creep. thing here am I fear this thing is double what you thought I was gonna be, and now we got a re look. It is this the right next move, or do we just by a place now shall time
I think we gotta you got bigger issues than what, when to start. Ok, you know, you go, you guess you can start today on and get looking at builders and looking at blueprint and getting adult in and once Oh that's done. If it's not been a year and you ve got everything down, and you really can still do the numbers that you come up with a real numbers, not hopeful numbers, then we can say alright, I still don't want. Start then, and what I would recommend back to your original argument is just split the difference instead of a year or starting now, atlas say six months and by that, but it believe me number six months at least had on our starting next week on this bill, nice or not. We got some time or not longer builders market as much right now, so you probably can find one that will give you some attend. And that because of the rates, such a good just slowed down a little bit very a few specs going up. Ah, if builders
work and are doing customs, and so very few home starts on specks, because it's really slow with the high interest rates, prices have held firm. Have gone up in most cases depending on the market, but the build rate of new home starts. I went way down way down and specs have just about disappeared in most markets wow so which is not a bad thing, is okay, except at the entrance except there's no freakin inventory, but for for Brian it's a good thing because he Am I going to get some good attention? Yeah, vs builder and build builder and subs are gonna be available in a million miles an hour. You don't want someone rushing through that home built. Well, seventy three other clients. Instead of just you might be his prize client right now in this problem. Now in the financing side. How would you suggest Brian go through with this, because there is different ways when you're working with a builder to finance it? Well, if it's fifty thousand, he probably can go over the credit union just get along simple if it's gonna be a hundred hundred and ten hundred and fifty then
probably looking at a formal construction loan and after have appraisal on the plan, the builder the light, the general contract Obviously, licence will have to be shown to get the approach and then that they'll do that to get and you'll have to get your appropriate. Mortgage and they give you a letter. Colic take out letter, which means that they will be there to take out the construction loan at completion the payment mortgage will convert overs ilo convention, and you can do all that. What churchill mortgage every bit of that. If you want to If you ve got low small alone, like fifty thousand out of four hundred and fifty out of three fifty, you know, probably just your credit I want to make you along, like a personal loan, almost yeah they're, not gonna, put a lot of regulation on that not going to require the takeout you're not gonna require an appraisal naga usually, but but if you get up over a hundred than you're gonna, have to constructional. I just reward. Short over the weekend or the so mortgage crisis. Man put things in perspective,
how wild things were back in those days, the more well there was just show the big it's all about all the fraud that it was just people making up appraisals, and a whole new list of appraisal regulations and as a result of what happened in that movie hold different world. This is the rams asia. Now or what time of year it is focusing on your family's financial plan is always a smart move. I guess actions all the time about where to start and what to do first getting term life insurance needs to be a top priority. I recommend to the twelve times your income and generates for fifteen or twenty years? This gives you Many a time to get out of that and bill wealth. I've been recommending Zander insurance for over twenty five years. They are
Stand and live the strategy and will take the time to help you find the most affordable term life rights, gotta, Zander, dot, com or call eight hundred three five. Six, forty to eighty two george gammell ramsay personality. Is our co host today, open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five. Thanks for being with us, America were heard of serve you our joy comes from. We can show you what to do in the new actually go. Do it and it causes you to win. Bang bang much other works at some. That's what this has been about four thirty plus years now and it contains. to be jody as whether she sprang filled illinois. High jody welcomes the rams issue. There hey what's up, I will get embarrassed that this question by I am a fifty year old widow. Who has been without for fifteen years
I have helped put my children, burial college I have no retirement I am ready to start retirement- and I don't even know where to begin and how much to put in embarrassing about any of that. they made me feel bad, so much you're, wonderful person. We just need to get on the ball right yeah now. So what do you make I make about, I was sent here figuring as that and I going home about thirty six thousand. hey com a year for you income somewhere around in the low fortyish If we are now, what do you do. I am a social worker and Do you have any dead? I do not. Your house is paid for. Yes, that's greatness.
That means most of your income can go toward investing you have zero say aimed right now right what having the bank well years. Why have I have my emergency fund of the thousand dollars, I have my three mn I have three month of may emerge for my you know in case something happens, but that's about all. I have at this point. I I'm on the day brain be mo. I do I'm scared to a point where something back, Why? Because, unlike what am I gonna do you now because I dont know because when they have been passed away, you know I used like wife sharon's than all that kind of stuff to pay. My house dog, though you know we had worth over our head and all that kind of stuff, because was seven and ten. What all of this happened? While well yeah, you have a life happening hard. I totally
stay out of my own, I hear to beat you we want to give you some good next steps to take and if you re fallen, the baby steps now that puts you at babies have four, because you have no debt, fully funded a mercy, fun and really set, seven because you have a paid for house, and so now the cancer that schools paid for we gotta put our own mask now put ask on, and that looks like investing for retirement as aggressively as possible. Do you have a retirement plan through your employer here? When I had? I didn't know what route the girl but those of world war ii be. Ok I don't know much about that. I kind of what you know Do they have now? Ok, I would not do that. Then I would firstly, I mean I may do some there, but we would first to a roth IRA. Okay, just playing around for this new era. Roth. So what I want. To do is: go to ramsay solutions, dot com and click on smart vesture and get a smart
ro in your area to sit down with you and they cannot be runs from calculations. Ok now Let me give an example: you, Home three thousand dollars a month. Do not have any bills accepts revival bills. You have no dat, no really know nothin, ok if you were to save, invest. One thousand dollars a month for fifteen years. Sixty five you're gonna have ride around half a million dollars run around five hundred thousand dollars What this means is not that you're rich really not enough, but it's enough. Make sure you're not cold and hungry. My because it will produce. Then let's just get letters Engineer this, which is very interesting: ok, let's pretend it produced. Ten percent a year on the mutual funds, after that
you're retired and had no retirement income, and I suspect you probably have a return with your government agency. Don't you the day furnish you. A pension. Actually, my husband, I get a pension of him nothing, I I do you get a pattern from your work when you retire now. Ok, the jury, ip and young, only absolute, which has not, which was horrible, but that's! Ok, if you half a million at sixty five sixty seven or whatever, and it was invested at ten percent. Ten percent of five hundred thousand is fifty thousand a year. Right without touching the nest egg, without touching the goose it will fifty thousand golden egg clear, why don't I'll and so actually be making more retirement than you are now, sir jerry you're gonna be ok, that's the
you're not gonna be rich, but even from if my numbers are off a little bit and they might be one way or another, actually they probably or off in this case, because you probably will not be making thirty six thousand for the rest of your life, you will probably making more and so who could invite and probably more later agreed right now so they're, not Did that based on a thousand dollars in your current income? Show knots Won't you sit down the smart rest or pro, and we, I know how the scenarios will compare to actual life, but you can run. Some scenarios like I just did just to get the eye The other I dont have to cry. because if you only in art now, jody and you'll started Investing closed without hours or more than a thousand dollars a month. You get your budget tied and you do that. You're gonna be ok.
not in fact you're going to be better than okay. That makes me that makes me cry just being happy, yeah sure I'll watch. It sit down, but also needs to make you get on the budget and do it and I'll show me get on the phone and get on with ozma, Mr Prodi and go sit down with him and learn, and let's get the stuff started not next week, not next year. Now. Ok right now yeah, because every day you put this off, it gets harder. You put off a year it's going to take twelve hundred or now put it all the more you put off as long as you can, the futures burning shaw, once. You scared enough that I scare you into action, but I don't want your terrified anymore, so you're paralyzed, I got it I'm on it, I'm doing it today. I love you. from college back national, outgoing, ok, ok, thank you guys know much. I appreciate it. Thank you. Sweet lady well that she just needed a little motivation that she's not doing is as bad as she thought she was, and the time to start today.
what's interesting about what we do for living we're talking about getting out of data. We talk about building wealth numbers actually The result that gives you hope When you run math. Ok, you got her thousand dollars in debt. I'm never gonna get up much thirty. Three thousand a year for three years of age, twenty six hour bucks a month. And you make a hundred fifty thousand shut your winding up. You know all sudden. First gave you might give you hope right. The math gives you hope in her case thousand dollars a month and four for the next fifteen years and not missing a month and getting started immediately and getting good returns and good mutual funds, which probably that for Three be does not have that's. Why directed her away from that knowledge? Go far so the wrought iron, more control, more options, lot, better options, lot better mutual fund options. Now I can be often, if our argue both my number since from argue numbers, but here's the point git with it. You know- and you know I might be- if I'm half wrong, she
you're gonna have twenty five twenty six thousand dollars a month company in our twenty five twenty thou nor the year coming in versus nothing which our plan, you critique critic, people out there, creates nothing, that's what Chris create nothing while will the new one Davis, as million dollars, isn't enough anymore dave the means. Million dollars is half of not enough. It's more than you got if you be broken crying about it. Hello, Frida have multiple millions, but I mean in this case you could see. Five hundred thousand would still change your life, though if you made it the only way, she's going to get to over a million. If she's going to raise your income substantially, so she could invest twice as much because two thousand a month for fifteen years at percent my mutual funds of average, twelve percent less thirty years, my personal portfolio and I'm not a genius, it average eleven point: eight percent the ocean pay so far, shut up and go do it. You don't show
Would you could you end up with a million dollars in fifteen years? She has two grand a month. That's it roughly, I mean Meredith, this other amnesia Hey guys, buying a home is not a button, push it's a process and it takes building a relationship with an expert to dig into details to provide sound strategy for peace of mind. It's worth a ten minute call with churchill mortgage to talk with a human expert who can help you buy a home. The ramsey way go to churchill mortgage dot com today to learn more. This is a paid advertisement in mls id one, five, nine one in mls, consumer access, dot, org, equal housing, lender seventeen, forty nine mallory lane suite one hundred brentwood tennessee, three, seven zero, two seven! george, camel ramsay personality is my co host today, open phones triple eight to five five to two: I'm sorry team hand to me. This is so cool george in march,
andrew, came and debt a debt free scream with me and doktor. John bologna was on there, and we shall brighter him paying off three hundred and three thousand dollars in forty nine months, while his student car dat, home improvement on credit card and house paid off his home. and then we get an email from him that he had a chance to go back to his alma mater his high school to one our foundations in personal financed classes, warsaw high school and, on his put, this quote on face Two thousand nine w h s grad eldest what they put on their andrew return. was alma mater today to chat with these in your financial planning class about his financial journeying becoming debt free, a complete the day, ramsay class and paid off his death clashes also completing the school version of an atropatia. Firstly, thanks for coming andrey, which is called foundations and personal
I am very cool. What a great poster child these kids are going all this! I gotta watch another video and endorsing this guy who was from their high school who the graduated from same sat the same desk. They said was no payments in the world. Now at a very young, a hundred percent debt for a while. ding ding, ding ding house in everything, and going until the house containers it can be done. That's how we do it shows from social proof. Now we ve The foundations and personal finance, high school curriculum now, six million students have been through since we started it. Then in forty, eight percent of the harsh girls is currently in, like forty percent of the harsh girls More and more states are now making personal finance mandatory. I love it, and so we ve been adopted by, for instance, the texas whatsoever, the text states. Google border. They adoption process to adopt the curriculum and we were just about did in florida. Oh that's right couple months ago,
It was a flawed, has got a big push. Brand new pushes of texas has had it for a while now get their second bush coming to, all the seniors before the graduate through our kids before the graduate. at some point as a senior journals, whatever through a personal files If curriculum and we have the largest most successful one in florida, just adopted Ours is well mother, got other brands that they can do, but so now each of the school at local level are selecting whether use rams year, whether you somethin else but really excited about it, and I am happy to be in Florida thanks Florida procedure and actually I got to meet the state senator We were down there doing an event, and I remember that I got anywhere in the great yeah he's in the drawing room was incredible and that's what I'm trying to fulfil that got past in florida to make personal files.
Ants? A mandatory amount is not elected a mandatory class for graduation at a certain baked in florida hospitals and that precipitates, then the high school curricula. Are our personal violence curriculums getting adopted and were one of the high school approved adopted cricket engine in florida? Excited then so, if you're around one of the florida school border, teacher whatever you want to push for our curriculum being in your school. We would appreciate it way to go. Andrew thanks for gone back to your school I don't know where wash our high school is, but not on this, but sprinkle that a guy does that those back onto the glass wally, everyone go and they don t just stuff in school. My we do now it's haggard eyes on. It is in a bunch of the stage now- and I were that's obviously and doing a very, very long time very successfully. We made all the benchmarks: it's a we gotta education ramses, education solutions department here
we ve been running for almost one years now, and the guy engage in that department that that put his career. One together that we use in the hospitals are from the education world and show the arched up meets. Is the easiest for teachers operate cause it's their lesson. Plans are done, testing is done. It's all built out two words: it is low life. those partners, former teachers go- and I wish this is how is created- which everyone would agree to this, because our guys reports and it meets all the educational benchmarks and look albert ii's and so forth that we have to meet in order to be a public school system, and so we who every bit of that and My just thrill thrilled, so many people are are to do this on this cool? That andrew Andrew did that that's a lot of fun? I because, where those isaac is an huntsville alabama, high isaac welcomed the rams issue. Thank for her mary are better than we deserve what's up,
My wife and I are fixing to be going through our first divorce. and she's gonna keep the house currently highly and thanks to a wonderful support system. Move back in with my parents while get back on my feet and At that point, I'm just wondering you know come what may but I from here what should be the correct, thereby take. I, in a hurry I am thirty. Two years though we are married, now five years or so maybe you have children above europe on? Yes, I'm sure huh. What do you make I'm thirty three dollars an hour about
the thousand dollars take home a month while to answer your question: you know. You're you're, just gonna start laying out a game plan to build enough financial life that you move into into the next chapter. Right I mean First goal would be to get on your feet enough that you had a little bit of money saved and you go get an apartment right from I mean this. Obviously, your parents are providing a safety net, not a hammock grit and so you're just passed. through and I like you show that's a wonderful thing and I'm not upset about that at all, but I would give myself a number of months like three or six months. if something and say bye, then I'm going to have enough saved to have deposits and get an apartment get. My own place get some furniture, they don't get get restarted in terms alike.
almost as if we were moving out after house, go to college right and on, and then you know what you ve got a standard of living sat in a place to live. Then you start doing the babies to option you make sure you're at you get out dad you build emergency fund, and you know you started staying in europe, out there's another chapter, two, this life after thirty two years, all right brought to this setback is gonna, be a common, not a coma. So keep that your mind. This is a temporary. Every year and have a whole another life on the other side of this thing, this isn't define you, but it will re find you now is the time to make some choice that all set us up for the next ten years. So do you know, as the dust settles, what the financial picture looks like it's far chow Support alimony the house. Debt I will be taking the card
aren't they grab and she's gonna. Take the car that I'm gonna go out and buy all and the car. How will they getting is non o somewhere around one eu one thousand on it. the way we work everything out that way as everything very amec wall, so is going uncontested. I didn't know why we hadn't worked out no child support and alimony or anything it's all going to be. You know we both put in everything we can for him and she's keeping the house and there's no you're, not getting any money out of this out of the house. Still open I'm not a lawyer and I'm certainly not a lawyer in Huntsville Alabama. I don't think a judge is going to approve a divorce decree that is not in child, include child support or pat Ah, you probably need some legal advice not to create a stink, but I think you're gonna be under the law in most states required to do something for the kid from illegal per se.
if I know you're, going to from a moral perspective but on, but I think I don't know what I'm talking about, so you need to check that out cause I had fireworks gloves I have, but I can't just be handshake agreement. I don't I don't think it can be. I you you check me out. I could be wrong. Okay, so on the house, what's the payment on the house, the dog was her pimp, your mark. What does she make bring home is about two thousand mud freedom struggle with that and your name you out of your name still on the mortgage, You try to have a new life five years from now, and she hasn't the bills on time. Then your credit, I have been damaged. not sure this is a great plan, brother sounds like it's all nice, it's all night until it's not and
and when she gets in trouble, lose your job here and a penthouse payment from your marriage. You're still on the mortgage. The remedy, this episode is sponsored by better help. Everybody says doktor John Delaney. Sometimes we know what's good for us, but it seems like we can't make ourselves. Do it like our brains, getting in its own way that but to me a lot. I know I should play a game with my kids instead of practising the guitar all night, but times my brain still tells me. I should practise in practice my guitar in my room Star days are long. Past me therapy helps me figure out what's holding me back from doing what I know I should do and it can help you to show your brain can work with you sometimes it's just as simple as talking things through learning, how to intentionally place guard rails between yourself and negative behaviors. So if you're thinking of starting therapy give better help a try better help as flexible,
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I have sixty thousand dollars and savings, a three thousand dollar emergency fund and other muslim for the past year. So in front of my friend, the directors are too long term real estate, vesting five enslaving toward bat for the past couple of years, ideally like to start building some long term all well, and so I just wanted to see what you there to give you My shoes, while you are beyond beyond ahead of the game, well done very well done. Well, I am we have a different view on real estate, investing than your mentors short and I probably own more than they do, in that I own about six hundred million worth ok but anyway, the I do not believe in borrowing money johnny, because you and you ve, heard that listening to the show and I dont for my real estate investing, I pay cash for it and so the
first real estate investing idea, I've always loved real estate that I did after going back. can starting completely over and with its new. I dont borrow money thing as part of the guidelines was, I didn't. Do real investing at first, I just started piling money in mutual funds and- when I got enough in and and in an index fund is what I use ash and p five hundred index fund. When I it took me about five years to buy my first income producing property, I paid cash for it, and then I took all of those rents that of expenses and any other money, I could and threw it in an index fund until I had enough to buy another property, and then I took all rents from the two properties and any money, scraped together from anywhere else book royalties or whatever else, and I bought another property for cash and every time about another problem, for cash? I had more cash flow to buy property faster than I did. That
before it does not make any sense here that that makes perfect That is a very long term play verses. What you have been considering until this phone call short as yours, about gettin up a down payment and and goin national duplexing, california. Exactly now and I'm telling you to wait and pay cash for it, which your friends are not like, and I don't really care the wrong answer. But you called knowing you're gonna, get a different take, which tells me you're actually interested in this. Take. I am yard. I've just been cares what to do, because I feel, like I've, been feeding decently and I'd like to continue that. But you know what wanting a certain amount of money. I feel like it burns a little bit of a hole in your pocket, yeah you're, ready to jump into it. Yeah and you've done really well johnny. I mean, let's face it, you're. Twenty two years old, you have sixty thousand bucks, in the bank and no debt at all and your make a five k mart, you kill in it. Dang dame she very impressive, and it doesn't
like you lead a super luxurious lifestyle, euro saver, try to be foreshadowed. Now there is a balance to the keys keep living on less than you make. What would be interesting if you want to be really nerdy? I don't know how nerdy you are. I'm real nerdy is, and I've done this. couple of times and it is always always works, as one put you up to. It is, if you say, are when I'm Forty two. what I rather own, ten million dollars worth of real estate with million dollars worth of that. Or would I rather own three million dollars worth of paid for real estate? He, I think the clear answer that renewing yet and then here's what giant ears the ears the exercise run out, the the purchase snowball which are not a bet snowball, but the boy I talked about a lot rynch by more by more by more by more everything's folded. into the next to you and
slower start ends up with a faster, and these should be stir start ends up with a slower and. My way is slower start, but has a big time pay off at the end, because it hockey sticks from an exponential mathematical equation perspective. Does any that makes sense? Yes, definitely does, because when you get all his property, that's partner paid for you are buying more property faster than you would have. If you had a whole bunch of it is not even close to paid for, and it's not flowing nearly generously the man says I can buy, I can buy more property faster now, it's ridiculous. What my real estate fund now looks like from my real estate income? Now at the back of the story right so, but I can't get people to come to think long term.
And a mighty just got one twenty two year old to do at the I'm impressed he sounded interested. We can just get off. Tik tok will get their fervour lou Jake is in des moines iowa hi jake. How are you regard to canada to speak with your thanks for adamant, our pleasure? How can we help her so I'm thirty, five years old have no dad and I'm about to step into baby steps. Checks- and my question is: are you talk about, baby steps shudder and living in giving like no one else? I have no problem with the third giving aspect of things the porter it'll tricky. leader at my mind, around is the modern like no one else, because time a pastor and so to be stepping into babies that seven helpful here in the next five or six years, I'm trying to imagine why to my stories living, no one else while befitting a pastor events and living in the community of people who have to pay for,
paid for my financial success, I could say out of my house- you would put it but how? How should I think through that, as I look forward to the next five or ten years yeah? Well, I'm. Dont muzzle the ox, as he treads out the grand you probably read that scripture right yeah, And workers worthy of his hire- you probably read that scripture right So are you a good pasture and your worth what they pay? You are sure, also If you use that money wisely in christianity, we would call that good stewardship wouldn't way,
I think your modeling for those people what good story, what the results of good stored ship are, that it ends up with wealth but were taught by the by Karl Marx, not by Jesus. That wealth is evil. Wealth is not evil. People are in particular, some of them in your church, I'm kidding no yeah, but but not much but yeah anyway, yeah but yeah, but but so always gonna have a hater whether you win or you lose. If you do, it at scale if you lose, you are a good stored and your horrible work your whole life and you have nothing to show for it and we call that being a good steward, that's not a good story. That means you did a bad job handling your money you're supposed to model for your congregation, how to how to be a good husband, how to be a good dad right
how to be a great leader, a model in christianity called a witness we call, and yet, when it my friend Craig rochelle says: why is it that wealth is the only blessing from god we're supposed to apologize for. And I ve got several friends that are pastors, that are of a decade and a half ahead of you and their face the exact same thing because they have systematically carefully invested in it in there. One case and in the roth irish and in their return, programmes and some about right the state carefully, and they they don't have jet airplanes they're, not on tv. You know that it's none of that jump, they're just good gosh as a pastor, and I ve been careful with their income and most of them are millionaires because they did the stuff I teach. Now there is always some duper. This is raw pastures maybe a millionaire. Yes, what I want. I want my passerby broken stupid. Oh, I don't either. I want my per annum what you know pasture should never it listen. I want my passport
his marriage? To be something I could look up to? I want his kids to be. Somebody can look up to. I want the way Those money to be something I can look up to, because obviously the book is reading- has having an effect, his life, and I want to know more about what that book called the bible says then, but not appear out now but you're always gonna be criticized jake, What about your message or the car you drive is going to be someone out there, and you know you have to get you if you're a christian, The drama used a cord cause, that's what Jesus said. They were all in one accord. Islands though, gets me this is the rapture fly from the headquarters of ramsey solutions which the ramsey show where we help people build wealth do work that they love and create actual amazing relationship open
the triple eight eight to five, five, two to five: that's triple eight, eight to five five two to five general start, george camel ramsay personality is my co host today is also the coast. Is more money I'll be out in the host of the job, camel show on youtube, which is exploding by the way, one, where more popular ramsay network haunches and last year jail is weathers generations. Seattle, washington agenda, welcomed the rams issue hurry. I caution so excited to talk to you guys, you to watch up, so I haven't situation complicated to me, but likely not to you guys, which is why I am calling I am the sole provider for my family and am self employed. I got a therapist, a mental and private practice.
And I make good money over two hundred thousand dollars a year and and I'm I'm yeah over ten years. It's been it's been amazing, I'm I'm paid pretty irregularly, mostly by insurance companies, and I usually no by like sunday evening. I'm kind of what might deposits are gonna look like, but they tend to be slightly give french each week and then I also get kind of random payments, like you know, copayments from patients or just a kind of paper checks. I just am not. I don't have like a if it's sort of predictable, oh, but I like also not critical lonelier by How long have I been doing this over ten years? I actually over the over the of a year, it's very predictable over the course of six months as fairly predictable. Over the course of one week. It's not ok, so Davison.
What I want you to know what your question was struggling to budgets as far as an advocate of gross you, being weak. We vs monthly, like just really trying to understand our money better and we've kind of banked on, like you just make good money, and so we money just sort of disappears and I'm trying to do better word or it may have been our trying. You better, might one caveat, clare, I want to throw him under the bus. Ethiopia refuses to drop the coffee stand and want to keep it in the budget, and I want it makes it from the budget So I want you guys to give me down. I mean buying up recovery and accomplishment This is not your problem. I care about. You need to lose that battle and when the war he needs, Get line item here is a cock coffee and we get a budget together that we both work on that accomplish overall goals. Coffee is not keeping you from doing that. I agreed
alright that one's under the bus, he you lose, he wins next, alright george! How are we doing irregular income? So the simplest way to look at this is look at what a low month would be for you guys. We know it's not going to be zero right, so it will be a low month. a low month would be twelve thousand ok, so we start there, in put that in the budget in when more money comes in. What is add that income into the budget on the income side got me here. then, on the expense side, we're gonna do a little differently, because its irregular we're gonna make a priority spending plan. So let's our four walls we gotta cover the bills. You know that the mortgage, all that stuff food food the table, you should have insurance that food budget that is fixed that either Lee fits within twelve thousand dollars and it should not have the time based on the irregularity of the income of other things. Based on the irregularity or non food. I can't get it first
now. Are you at risk of running out of money, even while not bad month of twelve thousand dollars? Or are you just trying to go hake? We should be saving more with all of our expel ass. Well No we're not at risk are running out of money. I just don't feel like worth drawing enough that our snowballs me how perfect yeah we're not, running out of money. As far as I am now This girl, I just really like it every after about it for judges, disappears gotcha. I, but it's not disappearing into the coffee, stand. There's other places out of other money legalise. What she saying. I think- and I put words in your mouth- is disappearing into the dish organization in the chaos and I want Get a handle on their shock and feel like I'm doing a good job correctly. like one week I'll I'll pay, though contract bill and then the next week, I'll pay. You know a different bill and I just don't you an organised and enough and answer, though I feel like I want to have
better understanding, and I was thinking than largely what you were saying. If I just cause we did an idea of budget and then whatever kind of comes extra, I could even just throw at our snowball um if you can live on the twelve thousand without touching it Any do everything you can run a budget antwerp, thousand and every extra dollar above that goes to your dad snowball. That's an easy fix. Ok, if you need thirteen thousand to live, but where's your low. Then you ve gotta a thousand to those last few things before you start. that snowball, that's what georgia showing tat he had so, including our business expenses, need about nine thousand to live nine to ten thousand to, let me tell me, mostly be running separately at the bed message running separately I'm sorry household, not not an opt out. You don't have an included. Ok, the! not it's not running separately, which include alive so
here s. The thing we run a business budget and then, when we bring money home from our net profits after paying the business expenses Then we work with that show your business, spencer's run. What my business expenses Italy is only twenty three dollars. My ok, so you actually have a low of nine years. one hundred yes, because you're bringing home at twenty three hundred crack mocha show you not so show that based on what I am uneasy. How you need to have that separated out and keep a shirt completely separate, run assembled A book supper checking account shepherd. Everything foolishly actually give ourselves the weekly paycheck we give out my all, but that doesn't matter you gotta go and then you need a cash out the rest of the profits beyond Europe. click paycheck and beyond your expenses out of the business account over into the personal account but the same principle. It still work because the same
at the plaza split apart. So okay, so you're ok. Ninety seven hundred are still do it. If twenty three hundred state at the office still there on ninety seven hundred and everything else, should go to the national ball and then some so in the ninety seven hundred, some of which going to the national ball. But that shows how much more we put on the debt snowball and every every premium will cause you ll be able to do that. We gotta think they're called paycheck planning that works really well for the irregular income and you and your husband can sit down together and lay the whole thing out on the app or on the desk. whichever you choose to do with every dollar and it all out and will give you three months free and get your started on the ever dollar premium. Ok, I've been cool. Thank you. Hang on have the team pick up and give you three months for every dollar premium resettled that'll do perfectly Elio added, help him see where's. A month ago, and what did we decide? We were going to do this month now and then the oil you're? Making is eight d.
Larger whatever the flippin coffee is. It's ridiculous, but I mean eight dollars is not gonna, get you out of debt that our colleague but but are going to start looking at everything, including the coffee, you'll, see? How much are you away? How much more can we throw how far we gonna cut our lifestyle versus the debt, ever since the two hundred thousand are not really hundreds five thousand dollar income that we have this is the refugees hey buddy doktor john bologna, here research, tell us that the average person spins about one third of their life sleeping, that's about it. of a million hours, and we know for certain. Restoring your mind and body with sleep is crucial for your physical, emotional and relational health if you're gonna, be sleeping for one third of your life and sleep is critical for every good thing you got going on. Why not trying, at the best sleep possible and grace leap- start with an amazing mattress, like dream cloud
Claude mattresses? Are soft cool and supportive so you can sleep comfortably all night long. I know this because my Emily sleeps on dream cloud and here's another that of research for you, for I People say they fall asleep, faster on their dream cloud and they did on their old mattress and right now rains you show listeners can get an awesome deal. Forty percent off all mattresses, plus an extra savings of fifty dollars. So good, a dream, cloud sleep dot com today, inter promo code, John bologna, that dream cloud: sleep, dot, com with promo code, John Delaney, George Gammell ramsay personality is my co host today. Open phones triple eight eight to five five, two to five hours Showing story historian, often unity here, there's two in twenty twelve, I took call here on the air from a guy.
who had a side hustle, and he said I love my side hustle more than I like my job. When can I quit my job into the shadows? I want to double down my parents say I'm crazy for doubling down my wife says: I'm half crazy for quitting my job he was a pharmacist. So I spent a lot of money and a lot of time getting to be a pharmacist, and he said I want to quit pharmacy I want to go into this whole other side of things in the gun industry and I'm like okay, sam I'm, a gun gas. From talking to him and listening to him, I'm like yeah, that's pretty cool. So I said how much do you mean and any should I make sixty five thousand on my side hustle how much you make as a pharmacist this year. This is twenty twelve. He said, sixty thousand will double down. I'm on your team. I I I if I would advise your wife that you should go after this. It's what You love it your passion. I would advise your mom and dad that their very sweet but the wrong and that you should go after this show a cup weeks ago- I was out west and I visited the guy's business.
He did seventy million last year that hurts my brain wow any acts like I Did it and I'm like I didn't do anything. I talk to you for five minutes. You work for eleven twelve years on your business. You'd built your business out, didn't build your business. I'm so proud of you, though I'll I'll take credit for light, a fire but dude you you, you burn them where's down. Man has waited go way to go man, that's pretty cool, I wouldn't we get to hear them, up eleven years later to taken some of you guys calls out here. So some of the attic tell us if we screwed up twelve years you tell us if you re, really whatever your goodness, pretty grim, pretty cool, I'm in with a sharp young guy, too obviously taught is in full weighing I'd Todd welcomed the rams russia today, thanks for taking, let go germans I'll, get a good question for you.
Back in two thousand and nine two thousand ten when there's big recession that we all heard about my business sir, when in pretty deep and and then I paid back everybody again and not taking care of all their, but I've got one credit card it when, after me, and in two thousand elections and took me to smoke. I guess you call it small claims court. They seem to. I got a letter for judgment against me, but at that time I was still trying to get my head above water. it was not judgment Allah, it was two thousand and fifteen august of two thousand and ten from eight years ago. Okay was the first one, yes, well, the first was yeah. The mount was about a. I know, two three thousand dollars, but of course, with all their fees. That judgment was for eight thousand brown numbers. The end anyway, just got another certify letter today I did not ask for sure how to contact these guys. I get new was out there but
They added two thousand to it anyway, to their fourteen days. To can guess I'm assuming a court hearing. I didn't know the first time. I could do that What do I get? I don't think they are. I don't think they'll get to have a court hearing on this one: okay, because it's gone too long. Yeah shout: let's do a little. Let's learn a couple things here number one. You owe these people some money and you're not disputing that a grade is not yet in the original balance was what ah cause. I don't know for sure. Three thousand or something with their fee. The rich know what I'm talking about phase I'm talking about what you actually owe a oh, the person was, I was seventy nine, ninety seven, so eight thousand, no, no, no, no! No! No! That was worth the fees. Okay, when you add a credit card before it went to collections, the balance.
On the credit card was three thousand dollars one year somewhere around them. That's what I'm like! Ok, so here's the thing rift lead. They said we've added more another, two thousand souls, not ten thousand dollars right. Yes, ok, there's a whole industry out there, that most people don't even know is out there called debt buyers and they by old bad, probably on collectible debt, probably on collectible, because the This is already far bankruptcy and they get anything, but they still by the dance I'm not knowing that our that he's gone too long in its past the statute of limitations in that county or that city or that town or that state, and so it's not collectible, which I think is probably
case with yours anyway, I probably get zero technically legally, but they by old bad debt. Now let me tell you what they pay for it: a nickel on the dollar- maybe last year showed this guy calling you are certified lettering, you is it with a timber not our bill likely have two hundred and fifty two five. dollars invested in your account? That's good information if you're gonna call him and offer him three thousand bucks yeah. I want to do right. Others dad I'm willing to pay three thousand dollars that all I'm willing to pay. If you want
one dollar more, I'm going to give that to a lawyer and I'm going to fight you to the death cause. I don't think you can collect this at all cause. It's gone too long. So this is the case. This letters from the our county, courthouse or a court does that make a difference? Nope! It's not! The court didn't buy the debt. Some duper bought the debt. Okay, so the dubious brought you to the county court house. You gotta is adobe name owner. Yeah the collection exceeded in their galore, your name on it. The lawyers are, you call them all your customers that They are not in the business. This is not like if I jus money and you were pissed and got a lawyer ensued me look at this conveyor belt at a factory and it's the junk yard is not even a factory. It's a conveyor belt at that.
junkyard and their running, like nine thousand parts, a minute down the conveyor belt and your one tiny little part. Ok, let me give you another example just for fun. Ok, couple a christmas ago, I decided to take advantage of this knowledge to do a fun charitable thing for our team. We bond, eight thousand, a couch from a debt buyer totalling ten million dollars worth of debt. Our purpose in buying it was. We were gonna call all eight thousand people. We have a thousand employees, so each of them got to call eight people and tell them their debt is forgiven in Jesus name for christmas So we bought ten million dollars worth of debt to do that. four, two hundred and fifty nine thousand dollars to another cents on the dollar? Yeah, that's yeah! So I'm telling you this is how this works so
that that's what you're dealing with your one of eight thousand and a package only you did The package was bought by me, so you got it. deal with people, but it still. I had eight thousand people that were in this one package. for two and a half since ought to point five. Nine cents on the dollar, and that that how the slats others industry worked man, so that, and what are they want they want more than they ve got in. It consists of business for their model, at all events, show they got tune in fifty years five hundred grand five hundred dollars in your deal. You offer three thousand and you stand firm and argue with them about thirty times. They're gonna. Take it get it in writing, do not give them electronic access to your checking account. Those two things are very important. Ok, so I think you should pay on what you're on, which is three grand. Ok, you got to threeg around. It might do very cool.
Does that tell you what you need to know? Yes, perfect? Thank you. Thank you, so their hope in a fee. Who people in this giant pile will pay that eight or ten grand to make this cooperation work another and they never get it Ninety nine percent of the accounts aren't collectible. That's why they're worth nothing, because I mean what are you, what are the chances of collecting on something from two thousand in the teeth thirteen years ago, thirteen years ago, if you can even find the guy. Just say in glory hallelujah that they even found it right, petrol, cause we couldn't even old cell phone numbers, bad numbers. We end up with a way out of what I bet you, one out of one out of eight was probably by out or to our area with a promotion we had with the accounts we bought were bad, which tells you they had bad information when they bought it. Well, because it's all me coming gets french cell phone number thirteen years later enough, or whatever the same address, and Don't send a change of addressed, we will your money too. If you are on the run, you now
happen that way, so it's interesting world, but it's a very high and doll high number low performance world and, if you'll keep that in mind when you're dealing with them, it's not personal. It's just a trend, action for them. This is the rams ratio, George camel rams personality is, is host today. Open phones aaa to five I've two to five! Today's question questionable sponsor by neighbourly your home, for how your hub for home services but we can help you find local service prose like the grounds garnish five star, painting and more to get your outdoor space ready for the cooler months. download the neighbourly up today and get started today's question com. From Steve in minnesota and forty three years old, I still have stood on that about forty nine hundred. It was originally twenty four grand back and twenty ten.
This year and may I went and got two thousand one hundred and thirty hair graph transplants for about thirteen grab. Some I paid up and the rest. I used a care credit card for ten thousand five hundred dollars I owe about I've grand on it now I have thought two thousand and savings. I've got ten grand and a foreign k, and I make about twenty bucks an hour. I didn't get enough hair graphs to cover the back top cry an area should I go for more hair transplant graphs to cover that area Davis, a personal question than I think only you could answer ha ha ha ha ha ha ha all. This is very early in its personal you're just mean hair, jokes or do you believe me for far too long, my time to get back, steve, Steve, Steve, ok, eve stage on the good news is steve: has some money and eaten clean up this debt? Today? I don't I why his way with thirteen years- yes, thirty, two brandon savings was knock the ten grand in debt and the stuff.
twenty two thousand left that covers all the margins emergency fund and that should cover paragraphs. So thirty, two thousand ten thousand five hundred on the credit card cause he owes five on it now and then oh okay and then five or so so ten thousand clears up the student loan and the card right yep, and that leaves him twenty two thousand dollars right. What I'm saying and then we need to ascertain what your emergency fund should be three to six months of expenses, and if that is under twenty two thousand dollars like say fifteen, then you would have seven you could use towards us. things and if that's what you do with your mind: ok, ah right yeah! But if you're,
emergency fund should be twenty five thousand. You need to finish your emergency fund before you do other things, because until you're out of debt and have an emergency fund in place, we do not do elective surgeries as a luxury, so luxury well. Well, I need bigger lips now. Now the foods goin in you don't need bigger lips, the coffees not spilling you need bigger, you don't need bigger lips. get bigger lips. Your luxury hair in the back is a luxury. Apparently here in the front, is a luxury, so he must have got just a front done, and that he's got this crown here. That still I mean, if you're the hair transplant people that was genius hey year after the manly, and leaves you with a guaranteed client for the back as soon as they get home and get a mirror. The other question is they do a good job with the rest of it? So far has maybe let go about. My stomach is in my throat. This is killing me, but what I imagine
a few more grand to finish it up. If he's got the crown love I'm gonna get a lot of trouble, if real careful here, but anyway, the If this is what you want, do your money, it should only be done it's a choice. luxury item, it's like buying a couch or upgrading a car. It's done after your emergency fund is empty and you are dead free. So you should write a czech today, steve and pay off your stern loanga and your credit card, and it's this. Real. This is real. Some gas, by thought also by his trolling somebody's populace and often lead it through its two specific to be bunking at this point it's a good way to send nineteen dollars article in eastern zaire. Give great detail like I just don't have enough paragraphs in Has how many hair paragraphs two thousand one hundred thirty out, but that's pretty that's how you punks various visit, I watch what causes us to bite on it. We bid on it and so were pretended like it's real. I think someone
to know your take on here, too high or ass, just know that obviously the noma take on her transplant. yeah there's your place is not worth the money. Well, it's just its yeah. You been cut your own hair for few decades now vizier lie, The amount of money you saved, though, compared to me I just my job in a different place and a different time were we enjoyed getting old and we as what we is. So we didn't constantly be hoping in prodding at ourselves, but so differently? Man, a man? It was just like a to pay. There were many options: yeah, that's true! add to pay or nothing like something out of a movie from the chevalier I mean I figured that the person with the lowest hair maidens and the highest hair maintenance in the studio have opinion would have a great opinion on us judge. Not here
Yeah boom roasted jade jade spends more time on her hair than you do. That's for amish. I've got this down to a size. She's got more stuff going on from the predator look to the twisted up. On top look to the whole thing, she's got more I'll. Tell you this. I haven't spent thirteen grand on my hair, so the bonus now. None of all of us together have not spent thirteen granddaughter here That's a lot. I would just our wherein hats are just let ride man I mean you got a great headboard I've. Not everyone has that sir George, you trying to dig out now You try to lever, dig out, get your shovel voices. My last show america, didn't you get a shovel body and fun you you and all. and often brings in the hare joke emma, our europe and you just you You don't get the stuff where the right stuff, the thing I heart Meanwhile, while I still have my job sorrow, is in nashville high nashville. Welcome to the ramsay show how things
sure what's up I work to Gaza with a full time job and then I also work part time. Jobs by question is, Should I or like, is it ok for me to quit my part time even though I'm in babysat too, I'm the reason I'm wanting to quit. It is basically because I'm working all the time and I'm trying to be gazelle, intense and all, but I and not having a good time, and I want to pursue, like other? things. To eventually going to that, though, why are you so you re? Basically I want to, in the long run, didn t big and I am in national fillets like the perfect place to do that. You want to music video, so yeah, ok, bye what's your parttime gig now Emma retail, ok! Well, that's like most of nashville.
I may like how do you get to the next country, music stars attention in nashville, waiter, right I mean that that's ever I've got three people that were on the voice workin for me and they ain't doin, voice. Antoni show but anyway, the ah there it's We were, and I'm not saying it can't do it you, you should do it, but how much debt do you have left are about fifty thousand in it, he alone, okay and when at your current rate, with gazelle intensity. When will that be done about two years? How old are you? Twenty how many hours a week are you working now about fifteen hours extra now and plus a forty, our job so where do you work on Saturday night?
retail retail is not open yet correct I'm not working world order on Friday night, not a router No, it's not open. While I weren't the red job on monday to friday after work in they call, You don't have a saturday gig, ok, yeah. so sing on Saturday yeah? So again, It was a complicated does not include like the country reconvene unwarranted. Hear him. Mash veolan you wanna, get Indonesia you on being the christian music. Is that what you said? how are you planning on breaking into it? That's a good question does not require a fact. We share what you're thinking like the social media around then. I would I do that on Saturday And I gave located in church where that music is happening as well. Make sure you're a good church this musical and in their dialogue at present, worship staff- and you know
it was also the home of contemporary christian music for sure most of the artists live here that do that for a living. A lot of them are friends the older ones or french, your money, daring tyler, did songwriting night at his church with a bunch of songwriter. So there's stuff like this happening in the community. All you can do. All of that are still keep your retail job. You just got about partying on saturday out women you're done this from a christian perspective, maybe partying in the problem. You gotta, shut down the prayer group Jordan, I Aragon, go, do something drawing a party. That's it up. You can find the timeshare on. I think it's a short term play to get out of that. Let's get out of debt, Hey, it's doktor, John bologna join me and rachel crews money in marriage, getaway october nineteen, through twenty first hear. Nashville will help you in yours. Get on the same page with your money, your communication and your romance plus we ve got tongue,
the surprises for you guys, including an incredible date night. You get three days of amazing content, food and, most importantly, a solid foundation for your marriage at seven hundred. Ninety nine dollars per couple. That's a deal get yours today, at ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash events george gamble, ramsay personality is my co host today Walter's and buffalo new york. I won't welcomed the ramsay shop. thanks you take him. I can appreciate it sure, what's up action, I do questions but the young, lady and the screener told me. I could only ask one so I figured I'd mention it. Maybe you guys, let me squeak into my wife and I have been on the baby steps then november of two thousand twenty two we made it all the way to step three. Most immediately after that, we had to use a couple thousand dollars of our emergency fund we have worked.
thousand hours in a high yield savings account that's earmarked for kids college. Right now, and were wondering if we should take the two thousand and four: the emergency fund back up. I would. Because not in the college fund issues dear marked it you have to account one, I'm! You got named college, but your tenure opening up many a time to build their college, savings doing it in a five twenty on and so forth? That's exactly what outdo simple enough its liquid you're, not gonna pay any penalties. If you told me it was a five, twenty nine I'd say: don't touch it but early we find there and you'll your time to fill it back or if it had been there for twenty years or something and the kid was seven, I mean you know a lot of different factors, but you got a lot of time and it's just a it's just a right pocket left pocket thing and- and then just you know, if you take it out right
I get put in the left pocket. Then you gotta go back to the right pocket and fill it up, which is baby step. Five anyway, reminder walk four five and six. you're done simultaneously the sore investing fifteen percent. We have that played spending. We begin to fund the kids college than any money left over. We can throw onto the mortgage to pay that off early now show four five and six, which was retirement, sherry's, kids for college savings and paying the house Firstly, we run simultaneously, but still in that order, fifteen percent going into retirement funding, kids college, which again immediately your begin with that, but at two thousand left over in getting account open and get it moving, and then you find more money in your budget or, as you find more money in your budget as you go along, let's pay off the house. Early Elijah with us in shore, let north carolina, high, lodge a welcome to the ramsay show a day, thinks ravenous sure. What's up
so me and my wife. I have a question aim. It is clear that we have an emergency fund, I did everything by the book and breadth of europe and we are linking currently in anyway that reach one day by a house without any credit, your advice for george did it the idea of a fairly simple process is called manual underwriting and what that is basically no score alone and our friends at churchill. Mortgage have been doing this for ever, but You tell anyone about those. I know you can't do that any If they say you can those I had so much more expensive in such a headache. It'll take you forever. There lie They ve never done it. So let me die from. one has done it that it simple, but you have to do by the book. like you mentioned so you're gonna wanna, how all the documentation, you're verification of income, rental payment history, you know twelvemonth history. bank statements attacks, return things like that and allow for that you need to have a good down payment. Have you got
saving that up yet revenge as we finished, building on that's what we're gonna start on awesome. so I would aim to have a minimum of ten percent if you're doing the no score alone, twenty percent, even better, to avoid that private mortgage insurance. What kind of budget are you looking for for a house. Right now we're north carolina. How the market, anywhere from a hundred or two thousand and two We are a thousand dollars great. So let's sit down All animals had a down payment savings goal, and as long as you can get that payment to be twenty five, send your take combat if you're after tax income per month on a fifteen year fixed then you're ready to buy on great, thank you! So much again, a larger. If you go through traditional mortgage company or you ask your friends there, all gonna tell you that, because I don't know how to do it that I can't be done. George did it jade? Did it doc, john bologna dead it
All of our energy personalities, reggie roque, reddish gorge and going on mortgages show it ache, definitely can be done. we'll put a link to the ramsey solutions blog about this in the show notes, and so, if you want to go back and pull that up, all the show notes you'll be able to do that with a great detail on it, but really georgia gave it all to and again gave us mortgage company. That knows what the flip they're doing. That's important and most of them, don't churchill mortgage does know how to do this Chaz us whether in orlando highchair has welcomed the Ramsay show tat day thanks for having me sure. What's up so my question is I'm twenty four years old in my fiance are getting married next February. I euro that right now and I have a nice little mistake in the bank and I've been saving up on. My question is Michael they have some dat.
Once you get married. Do you recommend that I try to use that most of my must beg to pay off her debt, or should we keep dynastic in the bank? This key pursuing paying offered back now about had both incomes to pay it off. One Talk in the bank. So what now? How about thirty, four thousand dollars in the bank and then her a little bit over. Seventy thousand dollars accounts it wanted to Leave wipe it out, but it's just you know one of the now through february this year. Now now I dont know what I mean. You know four yeah, but we d like to have it in the bank. I know you do its bit like yeah worked. To save this money up and it hurts emotionally to let it go for someone else's mistake. That's ok, too. allowed, but just know when you get married signing up for that whole person's life and its our money. So now you have debt as well to our debt, and it's towering.
Commissioner, you have made come with you all of the mistake she has made come with her, and the preacher will and now you are one mistake: what has happened so others large brother? Are you that in love with early willing to do this, neighbours that guy not even effect when you get all the honeymoon ride. A check and pay offers third one I'll go down here, and there is no question about it. And she should be being down. You know we ve got to save for the wedding. Are you guys pay for it? Luckily, her parents had blasters worth paying for the wedding ground such when the heat blessing for another name. It's always is paying the price down? Do you actually, when taking your class to our church and good, though she already working it down like every single day on by the vote that I feel a bit left everyone to get married and fell upon the sea.
What your opinion was now, such as your ears, if you called us up and if you've listened to us or you've, been through financial peace university. If you called us up and said we're a married couple. we have thirty four thousand dollars and savings and we have seventeen thousand dollars in student long. We instantaneous they would tell you to pay their ordinary. He asked you the only new, want shared values that its new, because them age. We I e at that time knew so that only new wants and what facing here. Is your really having to face this idea that we are going to combine our incomes? our dreams, our fears, our mistakes, our assets, we're gonna combine everything and gonna become a whole new entity called a married couple and that in your room, This is forcing you to process the emotions of that which, to georgia's point- or you know why we put fond, but but it's their very,
You are very real emotion here and so, but you, if you've listened to us or know enough to know that if you are answering the question as you're driving along in the car, while aren't listening on talk, radio and some one I called in you would be gone. They're gonna tell him by the loan off at her. So the only difference here is it wasn't. An existing marriage couple were moving into and that's the only new wants to change a week ago and, as my happens, to be your money this time rather listening to someone else, we call him the changes. It too. That's tough, but you know the beautiful thing. Is you also get to build wealth together and it is like exponentially greater when you have to people who are same page, oh yonder, there's watch called in sociological studies and economic studies that called the marriage advantage. The person in other several marital advantages. If you haven't river, read that the research and shout their health,
MID may also are married, live longer, while now and couples who are married have a wealth and an income. we're a career and income advantage. Statistical They make more money and they have more money statistically, so it's called them. average advantage research projects that are out there floating around very interesting. Look at so yeah the right. This is gonna. Go Jim, Jim you're gonna be fine, but this hour the rams ratio in the box. from the headquarters of ramsay solutions. rams asia, where we help people Build well, do work they love and create actual amazing life camel ramsay personality is my co host. Today, I'm Dave Ramsay. The phone number is triple eight, eight to five five, two to five starting. This hour is corey in cleveland ohio.
corey? How are you, Are you doing better than I deserve? What's up, though I gotta question: I at thirty five thousand dollars in credit card debt, I'm going through a divorce. She wants me to take another half of hers. I am. I am struggling on working five days a week, my dry troika. Local truck driver and, don't know where the word even start out. Ok, how much debt do you guys have answered apple. You ve got thirty five. How does she have yet to be sixty five thousand total, so she has another thirty, yes broken and a car payments. Ah, yes, I about carbon might micrograms nine seventy a month, good god I and how much is her car payment bought her car pay
I am not too sure that works. It we're going to divorce and were separated at this time. Dude. You were married to her to drive the car then Well, she had a she had. Given me my car back, I had bought her a lexus at the time and she'd give it back to me stuck me with that and my truck payments plus a motorcycle and I was struggling. I try to go to my vehicles in and then approaches in the truck I have now. I see myself wifi hours a month doing that go far enough. Ok, The problem is, as were working out all the debts before there's a d ye ll cut. So every time movement every time you get something paid offer figured out. She hands you another one. Yes now he's gotta, stop you ve already election, a motorcycle, and now she wants you to
fifteen more of the debt that the credit card deaths in her name? Yes, who shall we to you that have an attorney. We had we both have attorneys I'd. I tried donor, I cheat the house, everything we put into it. She gives her that I keep my More gore supper way, she's not endure. If she has no she's not wanting to work with me at all, okay, then I guess the judge is going to have to decide right and I go instead voice and I'm trying to figure out what I need to do in the meantime. La have an opportunity right now to buy my old semi and go over the road and maniacal what I'm making now you need to get this cleared up for you. Do that because she's gonna end up without a dad gum, semi right, that's what I'm worried about how much money do you have in the bank? many a time on chauvelin and that's what my eye, maybe thirty right now to go into a right now.
and you're, not driving over the road. Now are you are. You just cut out, I'm out that's why we were that's? Why Of course we drove team over the road together me in her together we, Writing down two hundred and fifty thousand a year between us, both. Was sticking mine and I for one case she was spending hers ass, another the banks. You wanted she's warning after my, for one can also we weren't even married that long three years and she's entitled up I put in from a data marriage, so the date of divorce motives. even if not really a lot of money, but I worked for it. You know you guys. Our kids know kids know so, are you driving over the road now non local? What do you make right now, I'm thirty three twenty two an hour, and that is all straight day and you ve gone apartment. Yes, what's the housework
Ah, I just had added appraiser praise for a hundred and seventy four thousand woody allen. Hundred and thirty two. How can shop airs here's? What I would do that problem with a divorces. It turns a marriage into a business transaction and so this is now a list of debts and a list of assets that must be negotiated through the law in most states, as you have found out, split down the middle? What once doesn't matter what you want doesn't matter. The law is going to demand that you split down the middle. If you come to something close to that and pre agree to it, the judge will approve it if you come to something way out a balance, the judge is probably not going to approve it and kick out your read to settlement because it's too stupid shop
all of that to say you'd only to be buying anything. If I were in your shoes on cell was truck yeah looking at you yeah, you show that, like I'm not doing it, you need to sell your stupid. Trudell uttered nine, the seventy dollars at thirty three dollars an hour is in the crate, crazy zone. I want to get rid of it. I want to trade and they told me I would have to pay out four thousand dollars inequity, negative equity. They could get off The troika girl oil or four thousand at the credit union and do it or sell private party. If you can make four thousand more and get out of it, having solid, private and and and just shallot, and can be done with somebody I'll give you more than you owe on it, What is it, what kind of truck isn't it Only three shabby silverado, that's a beech nuts rock yeah you're gonna get more than yo on it. Yeah show The problem is a dealer, thinks he's got your common again. Where I gotcha
as time has don't get you again, especially if you're desperate they can smell that offer you now. So I think I think you put it on them. Look it up on Kelly blue book and charlotte more than you owe on it and then get you a hoop de because you're Robin truck during the day anyway, you don't need a bank big car right now you got more problems. in a car right? Yes, so this temporary one year, the day everything's gonna be changed, but temporarily, you ve gotten rid the car. Now you're done two, only thirty, five thousand for the credit card and negotiating with your shown to be wife over the fora. One k in the house, yes, does a credit card Can be split down the middle? You don't get your thirty five she's, don't get her thirty you're, probably gonna give up, If your for a one k or you can give her a credit towards the house and sell the house right. How much is it the four o one k: thirty five out, and so seventeen of the equity in the house can go to her instead of
up here for a one k and sell the house should give her her half plus seventeen, which is probably almost the whole thing, but don't at the house stay in the deal. Do not, do not let her have the house because you're on the mortgage and then she doesn't pay it you're screwed right forced the sale of the house split the procedure Mine is your half or the fora. One k that you have to give up any way in that way, your for a one case days intact. you walk out of this with the fora one k and thirty, five thousand hours for the credit card debt and a hoop de now you can talk about going over the road. Making some money and clean up the thirty five thousand right, quick but you're being managed by emotion, because your heart broken one minute: you're pissed, the next minute and your per broken terrified, the next minute understand man, I've been there is no fun answer. I opened the divorce part. I've been through the rest of it, though, and it is oh fine,
so laying out a detailed, factual game? and with math removed. Of the emotion from an and that's what I just gave you sugar, I can listen to this on youtube or on podcast or, however, saw because I gave you the exact plan of what to do in the end, what I'd? What I laid out is negotiable and if she won't do it, take it before giorgio micro, do it! This is our amnesia. Harry. Ramsay solutions were on a mission to bring hope to the hopeless way millions find peace in their money and their life, and we need it. like you to help us, we have when roles and our sails marketing and technology teams. We often actual developmental and health benefits to help. You live a balanced life while doing life changing work. You want to join the crusade, We are open roles at ramsey solutions, dot com- careers and apply today. That's ramsay solutions, dotcom com, careers,
so what about popular things we have done in many years is about. Two months ago we started doing free web owners with jade wash our rachel crews and george camel each of them doing. Free donors with the every dollar budgeting app, showing you how to build out your budget. Why? To build out your budget, and couples are jumping for free and watching the weapon. Our new can interact with the weapon are naturally ash. Questions. Why alive cherokee allow box loud chat, wow. when and what box acumen aim You and I are usually get ocean of atoms, so there's interaction is not just george squawking it or when it is our job to rachel balking at you, and I shall we're doing these free. Online budgeting, trainings go to every dollar calm, slash budgeting, and between now and the year each one of those We will be doing three or four of these ants George Rachel jade. Ah, you can jump, aren't you
which one or just pick the night or day or whatever, that you the time is convenient for you completely free very interactive, very helpful on the Every dollar budgeting app on how to get a plan gather cause. If you dont have a plan in our legislation, We aim at nothing your hated every time and my friend John, maxwell, says a budget. Is people telling their money what to do instead of wondering where it went air a dollar dot com, sledge budgeting, get registered for the free webinar as georgia, or what are they get I got two years while we give away stuff a fat I ride with that, as it will give away some stuff we have. I accurately, are you just make it? You know? I really do we ve driven away euralia already give all your services. I know we gave away some books and products, and things like that for those that are brave enough to ask a question in front of you know: three thousand virtual people could, as there is a cap, even though its digital, they cap the room size, so Gotta make sure you sign up will also send you a replay if you miss it:
people say I can't make that time sign up anyway You can go back and watch the whole thing and free stuff for the people to do attend and ask a question. You brought people for their involved, You got that people do get really interactive. I've heard this year and we've had great feedback just showing them good. We don't have time on the air to show you how it all works, but that webinars, where we do it alleviation. Madison wisconsin high olivia, welcome other amnesia pay day. Hi George, thank you for taking my call sure. What's up, So my question is about student wound. Am I We have a I have around. Three of the one hundred and five thousand in student loans and its bro. not between a private, university foundation lawn and then better alone, and my question is the federal alone is broken up into smaller along yes, some of them are
advertise on our unsubsidized, yes, and so my question is, How do I prioritized? What do I or do I just pay all below private? and then the federal How I did at ten years ago I laid him all out from smallest balance, the largest balance. That's called the debt snowball method. I ignore the interest rates, just black amount, if you have to because it gets real, confusing and overwhelming, and all you do is focus on that smallest bounds. First, my guess is it's one of those little federal loans. Yes, what's the smallest balance, you got. I believe the smallest one is about five or six thousand One of the federal alone: what do you make my husband and I am make about a hundred and fifteen growth. clicking on page five off. Oh, I compare the I have often probably couple months max
I was eager to paychecks. Ok, it quickly All of these, I'm federal loans are under one service, only get it right on my moms and then call them and get the the fund, which is a pain in the bud, causer incompetent, but call We get them on the phone and demand that the money you transfer right then goes on that alone. if you mail it to them or you make it one check for all the minimums and that they will screw it up and spread it across all of 'em cause they're incompetent, kay up until now, we ve just been paying what rational across all of them enough and harass the annual sheeny movement, but I want little one knocked out as one that little ones knocked out your payment changes. Ok, and dropping down and then more and more and more the debt snowball roles, but if you don't out the little one. Then the national baldos role, meaning every time you pay off.
What something that has a payment with the dutch snowball that all payment now gives you extra money to throw in the next one but if they all payment, zero then doesn't give you extra money to throw on the next from show you gotta call on each linking month makes they're doing the right one, the right one, the right one when you're on one of the little small federals, yeah and economic, see online it may break them out. You may be able to apply that to the principal, but I'm not sure these he's gonna give you can be if you can make sure on the website. You could try one month and see if it drops the prince milan that singular dat rather spread across all of em, but I gotta tell you there. the worst. It's the federal government, a user experience of the confidence of the irish. The incompetence of the federal government shows up like you'd, never believe these people's parents are cousins. It just awful urges horrible answer It's a it's! A disaster! The whole student loans debacle as a disaster share
after you get it in the rearview mirror. The better. Your life is gonna, be good question. Thanks for joining us, miguel is in san antonio high miguel welcomed the rams ratio. I David George are doing better than we deserve. What's up at some point here, though, I have a car payment at sitting at ten thousand lives could be paid off at the time that I have I'm originally the car started at eighteen thousand. I had it for two years, I've been trying to pay down much at a time just I can get that completely finished up and you have the money to pay off right now. I could pay it off today, but that is pretty much everything. Have you know how much today today it's it's just an agenda? It said nine dollars and language money to you. I have twelve isn't right now? What do you know? I would still have about forty thousand a year ago,
and what are the debt? Do you have a stupid car. I'm an over the good people, after. I man leaves you with what three grand and no car crimea and, another include my arm emergency funds. I'd found, None of the thousand ok you're starter emergency frontier, starter zeal, you got what you got three grand foreground yeah and now you Your next all is to build that foreground up to three to six months of expenses, which, in your case is probably about ten thousand dollar emergency fund and went out parliament unitarian faster. Now it's so with that. Yes, that I should pay off one more thing. I like that onto a story now engaged. Like a worrying when, once a wedding, we just signed the contract for two years economically, Aquaculture is who lies away matter.
Why know hairs My fiance is still. The graduate school and actually work at a university, so she's gonna be able to get credit school paid for with my bed. they're, not if you're not married. I think me we are planning to married legally first and then so that she came to that benefit. and then we're gonna have a wedding in the church, because we are a catholic and we do want to get married in the church. Okay. So what does the catholic church charge you to get me? well, we wanted. We ve been waiting for six years. And we wanted to We ve had a lot of different people come to our lives when primer story, we wanted to have something so we have a budget of around twenty to twenty five thousand and and with it being just me,
What are you talking about actually getting married when legally twenty legally would be pretty much the beginning of twenty four and february okay and that that then, your But, unlike the other things, you're just gonna have a party enter and save up for a twenty thousand dollar party. I don't give a flip. When you have your twenty thousand a party, you can have that whenever you want your now, husband and wife, and you have a paid for car terror. Don't change, anything that might have acted and it actually makes more sense for you to pay off the thing today. Combining the terms as not going for the party two years from now for sure, while you ever think and car payment, yours, that new money to pay for the party or not so the rams Asia hague,
its rachel created, CN jade war shaw. So in my family we ve learned how to make everyday moments a priority like saturday sports games, recitals vacations and family reunions. Yes, in with kids, it is never too early to start planning for those big moments as well, like saving for college get J. We both know that and between all the everyday moments and a big moments, life still happens. My car will still need repairs. Your kids will break something in the house and we might spend more than we like to replace the roof at some point. Bat, for every single one of those moments? Putting them in the budget is key to building the life we want for ourselves and our families. Yes, that's why we use every dollar. It's the simple budgeting at that helps anyone plan for their money. interact their spending. They can save for things that matter most the big moments and those every day moments you can download the app or check the show notes for the link and create your free account teddy,
george campbell ramsey personality is my co host today. Thank you for joining us america. Jacob. Taylor are on the debt free stage in the lobby of ramsay solutions. How are you well, you are you better than I deserve welcome? What do you guys live somewhere from tolls, Oklahoma, one welcome to nashville how much debt did you pay, so we paid off about one hundred and eighty, two thousand good for you. How long did that take too long, but about eight it's no cut good and what was your range of income during that time? So we started about seventy five. in seventeen seventy five and then up to about a hundred and twenty five go, what I'll do for living. So am I? can't get alexis dealer and also after gradually, college. I ended up and the nonprofit field for about seven and a half years, but now I'm a stay at home, dog mom. I have a network marketing business and I'm a part time barista local good, for you or what kind of debt was the hundred. Ninety two thousand so is stewed loan for her
and then our mortgage I've been looking at where people love. So what does this house worth and tulsa it's worth about? Two two. Eighty now way to go guys: nice house rescinded on youtube, nice picture yeah and it's all yours all ours. How old are you two weirdos? So I'm thirty three, I just turned thirty two last time you have a pet. For how long is the you know, anyone is thirty three, with a paid for out other than george. He was a generation brass, very bags- and I mean the worries moral- I'm amazed that this trend keeps happening. I think we're seeing more and more law. On thirty light, twenties all authorities coming in here with a profound as our its Do you not? I mean your friend grow. Gotta put four up. I don't think so. yeah baby talking to if it is not meeting, where did this idea even come from how'd, you guys get started almost ramsay way. Eight years ago, yeah yeah good question so ran after
graduated colleges when we got married and we It's like our financial peace, university membership as a wedding gift and I'd love to give a shout out to tracy a family friend who gifted that to us and that changed everything for our family. So we took it about three months we got married and I remember sitting there, the second or third weaken, and I was like we have to teach this like. We people need to know about this, and so we went through the class and we kind of did things a little a little out of order? We actually like bought our home during the class, but it turns out we did it right. We'd put twenty percent down, it's a fifteen year loan. All of that, so all of that was right, but then we, you know, turn on the the student loud and we got that Dan is thirty, eight thousand and we got that done in twenty. Two men were goodness, though he knocked out pretty quickly and so right after that class was over. We started teaching, so we ve cordon. Aid, nearly fifteen glasses? Now? Oh, you elaborate. Absolutely super coordinators. You
all the stuff at that point, latin! Looking at you, do you lead one since paying off the house. We when this summer, so we got to celebrate with them and then will have another one in january. So really kept us accountable. You now, working with each of the classes and and sharing our story, and all of that. It's like your personal train a six back going to be a good sign on the right place. Here is what I mean I class wait ago. Yes, where excited so we in a lot of ways? I I guess a huge part of our story is, and you know, we've had emergencies come up just like anybody else. We've replaced our ac unit, I had a four night hospital stay and we also a Jacob is working on his bachelor's. and so were cash flowing that, and so that's part of the reason why maybe it's taken a little bit longer and what are you studying like a mechanical engineering? Oh, very good? Okay, how much longer do you have about a year while good for you, that's gonna, be a great brigade reform that has been a bit
five year process by all part time, yeah exactly so, and as an early words, we we ve done a lot of travelling and we ve done a couple of international troops. We ve been all over the united states, but all with gash all without credit cards, and so that certainly has you know extended. Are you know, are our deadline? I guess, but the goal was always to pay off her home seven years early in that's exactly what we did so ago, the dead, it's been really exciting, really want you're out a baby steps. Two and three travel is allowed. Injure, slows down. Yonder slows down how much, but on various subjects her bonnet cars allowed. Our common to schools allow it slows down on what but I'm not sure, but you still did all of that and did the house in a seven year, rest yeah, that's pretty cool, yet we said in an open, then fence been failure now living proof, this stuff steelworks,
as everyday yeah and and a lot of ways too am Jacob, and I are both natural givers and so outside of our mortgage. Our giving category in our budget was actually one of the largest, and so we are kind of practicing bay, Step seven even kind of before we got there, though you know the travel in and the the giving part of that- and you know we give to things that were passionate about. We couldn't wait to do that so much good for you good. We're. Ok, well how's. It feel when you walk through the backyard and you don't have any pain feels nice. It really does mean you, don't We don't know silly like worried if that payment was gonna, be there the first of the month, but it's nice not have two or even having to worry about that of your walk, magna back your understood, looked at the instrument that we had ass, yet frank back,
barefoot, yeah pictures, yeah sort of go on. What are they doing? They do a lot of celebrating good for you. What do you tell people in your class? The secret to getting out of debt is oh man, number one on my list is tithing that spend just the forefront of our mind, and why do you think that is man when you live life like, As you know it it just better open handed me ass, the idea, as it is better than you can, then you can dream or imagine, and so blessings have come from that, and and certainly you know, since we have led fifteen financial bees university clauses, we watch the videos, fifteen dimes, and so you know just keeping up without and and a group to walk through that, with has been a really moving apart from the accountability in the open handed. What about your draken bigots a lot of it will not living above remains. I mean that we ve not been in any kind dire straits situation, but we ve also not like saying
I need to go into debt for to do this, or I need to put this money towards the trip and not pay off what we need to pay off. So I think it's it's knowing what you need as opposed to just what you want now. It's intention outright. yeah way to go guys, I'm so proud of you and thank you who was or who was cheering you on everybody, everybody and a lot. A lot of my parents A lot of this system into me from the yugoslav. I've always been kind of that driving force for for me, but not before he got married and then since, since we ve been they ve been a constant cheerleading team. Then my grandma and then I, our friends, you know who who know that we're on this journey or we're on this journey. You know they've always been super supportive and our church family, our community group, you know we were surrounded by a huge
team wow, that's awesome! That makes a big difference. Yeah and you guys are in your early thirties. You got no payments. Give me something you're excited to do in the give save spend category with no payments now yeah for sure. Yet making our are giving budget a little bit larger now, where, updating our homes are, like you know, updating the outdoor space and replacing windows. Things like that. yeah and yeah doing exactly yards of any big groups. Now like this is the big debt friedrich yeah. Actually next may were gonna go to ITALY, so we actually a raising gala prior to covert we wondered when a trip through of asylum action and covered kind of ruin that little bit couldn't go one hour, three years on from it were actually gonna get to go on it and even in a better financial place than we were then to go. So that's We're gonna use that as our celebre tory god, that's all such a trip. Albania, such violent, yes working
adulation delegation who are of we ve got the eleven bundle? For you cause you been doing a lot about living in giving shower, except she millionaires book you'll, be there very soon. If you're not already, I didn't ask how much you have in retirement. How much do you have in retirement probably have think How about a hundred grand now vote with irish the house is worth three hundred close to it. You I'll show you about four hundred million, almost on your you're on your way to buy stuff millionaire right go away. Now we got that book for yeah. That's your next step! The next stop. and total money make overbook, maybe to give twenty, your glass members and often atropatia, firstly, membership if he finds them by the can't go wilson. you and your giving our generosity plunge that your taken in awesome show regulations you guys alright, Jacob taylor, Tulsa Oklahoma, one hundred and eighty two thousand paid off house and everything counted down la Tierra debt free scream, three, two one
where actual actual This is the rams russia our scripture the day James, one two and three considerate. your joy, my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith lucius perseverance, broken. Roosevelt said when you're at the end of your rope tie a knot and hold on Kristen is as witherspoon madison wisconsin high Christian welcomed the rams asia. They thank you so much for taking my call sure. What's up. So my husband and I were newly married. We just finish baby step one. This month we have forty five thousand dollars
consumer that in baby food to announce were laying out small, the largest, we also have some other pretty big expenses that aren't necessarily debt and we're a hard time figuring out where they should fall in our snowball. What are they. We have done so. We have to vehicle. one of them we own outright one of them. We have alone for sixty two hundred. And the one that we have a loan on broken down The rear differential is completely fees that it's not drivable, it's gonna be about. A two thousand dollar fix were hoping to eventually fix it and then sell it to get rid of it Also. We bought a house at the beginning of fear, and two weeks after closed on our house, the pipes in the bathroom burst, and so that is. currently completely got it. We don't have a shower. Thank you in order that bearing at all they bathroom. We have in our house, we ve been showering at our mother and log house.
and going over there to do that. For how long and about six month term, us the two to block delay, which is great. She super clothes at an ivory, prepares nothing about this sucks. Oh my gosh, and we need. What are you gonna write? Wouldn't cover it? Well, that's the other part. I lost my job recently. currently my husband is working to writing about restoring dollars an hour. We shall monitor life and I lost my job. It's near the lot. So what's he making. You're making eighteen dollars an hour now doing what I can a machine operator, what were you making? making sixty k. I was a restaurant manager. Why'd, you lose your job. I was working in a restaurant. I love my job. The hours were not great,
in sixteen seventy hours a week salary. So I took a different position in the thing another restaurant manager position- and I moved today it was gonna, be forty five hours a week, And that when salary that would allow me a little more time, but a couple weeks ended at it decided that I was not a good and they let me go when was that was that was in june. Why haven't you work since june? other thing, my husband, he have your driver's license suspended and the car broke down though we were reminded him of his driver's license, suspend. I can't believe this it's been suspended, for me, the required He had to wait a couple years there. the period of time. Do you I for the points here and then for the point, the followers, and so he can
eligible to get it reinstated now, but it is it's about. eight hundred dollars to pay all the fees and for everything, and then our insurance would go up actually ashes. Your do a full time driver for an eighteen dollars an hour guy. I'm call in both crap. That was a dogma deal you make more than he makes? and so we were able to share. We were working in the same town, we were driving back when but now attending yeah yeah, but now with you not having a job. You've used driving him as an excuse to not get a job so get another job girl. Couldn't you drop him and then go work and then pick him up or its arriving lot about what you did before Were I can I'm looking at getting he's I'm applying for job? There were a couple I got to the second interview I left my manager, positions and
They ended up really not going anywhere, but now what I'm looking at is on what would be wrong with mike working sixty hours a week. Now what? was it. Then you were broke yeah. It was mostly the schedule- and driving back and forth and not being available to pick him up, because I had to stay late, father problem at work and you lost sixty thousand dollars because in Bonn Ober you know. You guys you guys need to both be committed to a sixty two eighty hours a week, my in twenty dollars an hour and you will solve a lot of these problems. You have a heart beat instead, europe, being in a house: that's not even habitable, because you don't even have a toy but our shower and you
at work since june. You guys have got to go, create some money girl. You went from one hundred k down to thirty six and you've got forty five in debt, so we get That is why are knocking at our problem, your income, the vacuum, does not make any money. Is your problem and you know, work much yeah. You both the bohemian hearings, a new job in new job, making twenty five an hour and two extra jobs. can twenty an hour and you need the sixty seventy eighty, our weak, sixty to eighty three For me, the rest or manage your job and by when ober. If you're stuck at work, I mean, can you wait labels in the meantime. Yes, I'm so that our next plan was I can, pay a hundred and twenty five dollars to reinstate my dna. I have to go take those the test, but then I would be able, my family life and back and lets What is it, what is extremely low, certified nervous system and what would that pay.
Twenty five dollars an hour. Why would you to do that when you can make sixty as broke ass? You are why don't you go? Get you some money. I applying for a restaurant manager positions I had to Where I went to the second interview second interview, I replied for for more Who knows, but those are the ones where I was clean reviewed and you guys needed sought out and has an incidental figure out the way on the short term. what you're doing image, but the thing you can That is moral and legal that allows you to work the money,
what hours I make the most money for about two years, so you can get your shower fixed and get your debt paid off, but you're not going to do it with all these theories and all these limitations and you're finding all kinds of reasons to not do this stuff. I really honestly fifty grand solves your whole life. Fifty thousand box- you could have made that since june, If he was working overtime and you were still working in so you really have an income that your perception of work and your perception of income on a temporary basis needs to change. That is your issue, because you guys need about eighteen dollars. in a world where promote people are making twenty five to thirty, a ah and Oh you don't go, get a cnn to make choices I an hour when you have the income potential of sixty to eighty thousand at a restaurant and in
meantime until you land that you go get six jobs and you can work your tailings off. I'm fixing my freakin taller than my shower. This is crazy yeah I'll go, make some money girl. We want you to win, but you gus spend a lot of your mental that in talking to you, there's a lot of mental gymnastics on how why we can't create an income there's a lot of them. I mean you're like a world class. Gymnast Well, I know life has happened to you. I know it has, but you get started in your head and you got this loop go on and on products for she, even if you get mad me I'm doing it because I love you proud of four should rethink your view on work, every question, there was well there's a story, but I know at some point. We have to put it down and do it anyways NGO work anyway, exert a job. We don't want to do, anyways exactly what you got earlier.
A thousand dollars changes your whole life. You could go, make fifty two hundred thousand more than you made in the last twelve months in the next twelve months between them. of you changing your view on work. That's how tough fast her life can turn around and the desperation that you feel every day when you go to your mother ought to take a shower, will go away.
That puts the shower the ramsey show in the books will be back with you before you know it in the meantime, remember, there's ultimately one way to financial peace and that's the walk daily with the prince of peace Jesus. The do you love a good day. Brands want to see the latest ramsey show videos going viral check out your favorite moments from the ramsay show on youtube, go watch and subscribe to the show channel on the
Transcript generated on 2023-10-13.