« The Dave Ramsey Show

Should We Sell Our Rental Property? (Hour 3)


Ken Coleman & George Kamel discuss:

  • Improving your credit after bankruptcy,
  • Selling a rental to pay off a primary residence,
  • Growing your business' client base,
  • The best way to protect your savings,
  • Preparing for a divorce settlement.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The reggie solutions. This is the ranch and showed me talk about your life, your money, your work and your relationships aaa. Eighty five to five is thrown over to want to jump in tripoli by five to table this ours- and we are here, for you have a good time boring, maybe some practical advice so that you can yet where you wanna be to cover that gap from where you are too. Are you wanna be whether it be in your money,
freshness life. or in your personal life, so excited you ve joined us. Let's get to it, you know. for the border border winnipeg, canada Can you name the name of the initial franchise and why hug boy I'm guessing it has something to do with maple leafs, no good call out with be toronto. Winnipeg jets. There were J as their J. How coil, I guess, thanksgiving I'll. Call you back J. What's up so I declared bankruptcy about three years ago, after a combination, the launch, a stupid decisions, my lady toilets, my question is: but I'm the copper years back from discharge? And I then focusing on saving and you're doing all the rifle you're not taking on a legally dead after that, I'm curious is that the best way to improve
credit rating with trade union and equifax give given the bankruptcy without taking on a bunch of dumb that products and of the conventional wisdom, get a crappy twenty percent lower than make sure your payment, but that doesn't feel something that you guys. It's just me besides curious about your opinions on back. While you know I'll, get too worried about the credit score and understand with bankruptcy. It's a different situation when that things dangling under credit report for what six seven years in canada yeah about seven, my I'm not certain about financing on it like that my fiance and are in the process now looking for you, ok and I know that we want to be looking at purchasing a house and say to the treaty. Now I know with our savings rate will have I bought a hundred thousand dollars in cash savings in about that time, so be able to comfortably afforded twenty percent, maybe thirty percent down, but real estate is extent.
here? So there will be an element of mortgage if we purchase home at that time. So I want to make sure that you are unprepared to be able to enter into those things when the time comes unlikely that could be the for seven years, discharge yeah well The only thing that you would need or be worried the credit report score is when you're getting a mortgage, because the rest, you said your pay cash for right. We don't really need it to rent. An apartment you can do that without a score. You may need to talk through if its, if it's a low score, an apartment, does a check on you- and I go hey what's going on here, but you can fly the place that will run to you, our regardless of your bankruptcy. On the mortgage side, I would proactively reach out to a lender in your area and say: hey listen about three years out. I wonder fifty In your fixed, it's going to be less than a quarter of my take home, pay we're going to have a nice down payment, twenty percent or more. What does that look like for me knowing that I have this bankruptcy. Still on my file.
for another year or so. Ok and I'll walk you through with that got us like that. Yeah! Do you think for the question I in georgia: You get in a situation like that. What's the what's the mindset somebody's start with cause, there's always in a lot, if you know, there's a lot of shame and baggage when it comes to bankruptcy, which is Annabelle, he said man, I made some terrible financial decisions, and so I don't want that to hold you back. I mean the man himself Dave Ramsay filed many many years ago for bankruptcy, he's doing ok, today, and so I don't want this to be kind of a scar letter you walk around with letters, look to the future and are alright. We made some mistakes, we learn from it. We're pay cash. Four things run. It do things the right way going forward and I guinea, any lender, especially winner in seven years out? If they say, hey, sorry, man and do this until it falls off your report, then we wait one more year. We have, patients. We save up more money, have an even bigger down payment and by yourself and pace some patients. They are so
thing is the end of the world. Are your already three years into this thing, you're living your repaying cash, but I wouldn't worry about the score, but I would do my diligence do some research, call lenders and say what is this look like for me so that your blindsided when the time comes good stuff are you gonna Robert who is in indianapolis indiana robert? How can we help. yeah are you guys doing today all we're having a blast. What's goin on it sounds like hey I've got going on, I'm I'm retired, also so security disability- I was a police officer- get injured at work had met. Retires through work and then also give some get up both those pensions, my way get ready to turn sixty two here pretty so I'm sixty two I've been written for eight years nine years, some warner, and uh yo- she won't get much or we're looking at about nine hundred dollars from social security she's in the home, a homemaker for most of the life,
and I was wondering, do I grab that in ingress that we don't need her money? and she will always get mine. If I passed away- and you know- and that's that's fine by me saying tat. I can wait till Sadly, in draw our money- and I bet you know- I don't know- I'm I'm playing the percentages. I've lived at all just completed a police officer at the. Usually our life expectancy isn't that long after work. So that's kind of my question: if they have, if I need malign you're. So how old are you to sixty two worlds? Strictly to ok, I'll, see, ya mean I think it's great to sort drawn down now and invest their money since you don't need it goes eleven comfortably on the rest of your income. as I argued about, I get too close to seven thousand dollars, em off the cell security, and am I guessed at the grand yes warehouse were fine. We at nine p m, Financial advisor? I don't. I was gonna, look into doing that the ilo jump on railway solutions, dot com and click on trusted, prose reach out to a smart rest pro. In the end
was eric as they can walk you through even doing the math on so security and what, if we waited, and what, if we invest it now and where should we invest time and I'd done a lot of that study of myself? And, of course, I'm not that you know, but I've done that and I'm I'm leaning towards taking and the endless investment? It is what I want the beauty and I'll have investing. It is that that then gets passed down generationally with your family. The versus it going with you guys, actually that's a great opportunity, but do consider meaning couple of our small, MR prose. Ramsay solutions are com just so they can help you divide The plan should you how it all works, and then you get super confident pick somebody get to do. You know that in connection with the european there really are telling you. This is a wonderful opportunity to invest and Never do you know are yourselves short, my man. I will try to check out too early and we pay. your service absolute, very, very much aright, george, we're! Ok,
to break here and thing, I wanted to ask you again return talking about mindset on that previous call in dealing with bankruptcy in all that, and then again here No, it s another mine, a money mindset, question which is ok, do dewey. Take the money now the social security money now and invest. I think This comes from confidence above, he's callers like when we are. We clear on water opportunities are how we can refrain or dig out of, situation in bankruptcy or in this case, how that
It could be a vessel. It feels like confidence is such key. I think that's a real, a big reason. People call it the right across roads they're, not sure what to do. They need a third party to go. Okay, I heard everything you said heard all the details. Here's me needs, do you do that with confidence? Then again it empowers people do you're, not sitting on the sidelines anymore, you're you're in the game. So the takeaway folks is get clear on these money issues and when you're clear, then you can be coughing and the confidence gives you the courage to make the moves. You need to do to stay with it. As long as it takes to have true financial peach, all right do move more of your calls, come and write up the show continues. I could call the enjoyed by george Campbell. We are here answering your questions about your buddy, your work.
your relationships triple lady, you five five two to five is the phone number. That's triple eight, eight to five five, two to five Daniel joins us in temecula calif Daniel. How can we help? I think thank you from seeking at all but can you adjust just your phone a little before you got a sock covering up or something any better one? Little bit better, you locate com, I have a question regarding my property, so I have two properties. One I was young in one or the state of arizona. I have actually equity on both of 'em ain't. No, my question. I feel the one also not to pay. My ya mean property in California, how much too You owe on the property in arizona, that's a rental. darwin, I owe a hundred in five thousand. Was it worth it?
the two hundred and eighty eight thousand were you owe on your primary residents in california on the one hundred and sixty five key, ok, horror, sixty five or what's it worth it's worth of six hundred and eighty thousand nice work. what kind of income, if any, are you making on the house in arizona, I'm not one of them just making about a three hundred three hundred a month, ah yeah that much larger there. Now for thirty six hundred bucks a year, I'm selling that arizona property and with the net proceeds you're gonna be able to pay off the california property right. Yes, the correct I love that gets a no brainer daniel because you either you're not making enough money for the headaches. In fact, many more! with any kind of expenses you're losing money. So
This is a great way to get out of this hand being allowed long, distance landlord, that's five august to slay a lord, and you walk out of this thing with a paid for primary residence in California. no brainer, which way you Lenny, when you called us. Ok. Well, I was a leaning to than my only on question was because the property taxes in california are so expensive, so I was thinking about paying my are properly. Sooner sooner you gain. Now you gotta. We find out that two of your teachers from authority to or fifteen years but what? How does it affect property taxes? If you pay off your house, will I still unskilled and have to pay catches, sure, but as long as you live in California, you're going to pay the taxes anyways, yet Are you talking about allowing from california to arizona? I was planning to learn the future while house,
like what war? Will you think it five years, ten years what we talking about actually three years, why? three years: what's what's hold new in california for three years Ah, I job a new jobs that are having charlie ochre well. If you want to live in that rental, and you want to hang onto it, that's fine, but it's I would rather just pay it off and then you're gonna have all this money in your. for your house and when it comes time, you're gonna be able to pay cash, respond, arizona spot, you love it because Daniel this three year, sir. Now, what do you think your house in California is gonna be worth I'm not sure, but I think it's polyxena bigger a little bit more than one horse zone now I now so now when it's time to move to arizona your fly with cash more than an to buy a really nice house in arizona? Ok, what that was. My questioning was little.
Come to us about her thinking, yeah! You bet you got it thanks for the call a girl from the hell. I liked that very good. Let's go to Josh We could have Josh Josh's in phoenix Arizona Josh. How can we help hire and you guys so recently mean a partner opened up company and the wanting were struggling with this driving sales in mind. you mean structure for the company to bring more business to the company. What's the business we thought air purification you need to go in a tracksuit and it you're cold and nineteen, and we have to be for them to prove it. So there's a lot of. I guess: there's a lot of incentive to buy this unit because a lotta people drive with fear of getting sick. You have all the infrastructure built up, the bible were struggling and having oh come look at the units or make a purchase. Ok, is this a show room type situation where they have to leave their home and come see it? you're not at all day. We eat its ethical.
at an email checked out on the website, so there's no show rebecca tablet year. A granite com, you say, sir, what about good old fashioned order, so I mean We were thinking of going through a door sales? You could that's all about his solar people drive their income, but there's a lot of people, open door to door now you have to do the whole key to resolving the headache. We tried doing something called he began to mailers out and that do yet. No avail spend around two weeks and with them call so how many of these units have you sold, so we haven't sold a lot of them could be just a new company which we just built up in our focus line where and why and how should be marketed by law If you haven't told any it's hard to know why people are even buying it, have you done, search on competitors and how they are doing and what their messages? Yes, sir,
patterns mainly be they go towards also door to door. their units are more expensive than ours, but are the the a fainting and had the ask registration but it sounds like door to door, is the winning strategy for them yeah. But So a lot of headache involved in wandering start small irish or is it just you another guy? Yes, I just mean another guy. What who's? who's. Your headache is on a bunch of other people. Why are you guys out? You know, knocking doors hey I'll, take the street. You take the next street meet the middle way. You guys get this thing up and go on, there's no marketing strategy. That is just make the full giant? I'm already. Why did you start this business because you business because no clothing was a big problem in our country? Believes in trying to do, and then I ll give people peace of mind in their own homes, but ask as
offered canna goes away you. We need a better marketing strategy messaging than fear of covert right yeah. So I quit question where george I'm goal or george is going. Phoenix owes, isn't it high allergy place because of the valley and wondering or no yesterday, then our divided also do algae removal. Would then, are you gonna finish their laughter? That's what I'm talking about. So I'm a dad are gonna, get three kids, I'm living thing! Ok, look! This! Is this guy, multiple benefits with his gun, reducing allergens in your home and it's gonna, analogies, led to x amount of percentage of cold and sickness. Pluses is gonna. per ward off but whatever what're you ve got it a narrative but but but will tell you this because he to sell it to one or two people have you sold to anybody at all you? Yes, we have. In and have you stayed in touch with those folks? Yes, we're are, they excited or
just like about the product now that they ve got it while our clients are actually expanded by having listened to your home, cooked the air changes drastically alarmed and have been cut. To do the other condos? Are there other houses across the? U s right, so you have to tell the story, and you have incentivize them to tell the story. So, what's your incentive miranda, those few clients if they were too well the story on facebook corner instagram or whatever they send it out to fifteen friends Show you the receipt of it and somebody buys what's the refer. a programme like the word they or incentivize, to tell the story for your greatest marketing is going to be customers it you want over whose This is really effective and that its like building a real estate business. It is gonna, be a door to door. You know a water cool or people talked about it at work and that's it marketing that, I think, will be the most effective for you do understand what I'm saying: yeah you
so I mean this is getting busy, but let you saying well, george or kit, I don't want to have to hire people to go door to door, nobody's telling you to hire anybody. It's you going door to door and talking to people you know, and and I hit that pain point for people and when you hit that In point? It's like a frenzy. Got it led with that rising always that hippopotamus game we plenary, learner kids airport. Now
loves. You put the little marbles in there and you hit you gotta give people so that they want to say that any value may really free air check. How'd you get free air check, give them something no respond like those hungry hippos. That's what I'm not harry potter knots argue our don't move more. Your calls covered on well go back to the ranch show. I'm can form of joint by my colleague, george camel we're throw that you ve, joins us today, we're here to answer your questions about your money, your work, your relationships, all those are intricately tied together and if you are winning and want it's gonna fuck, the others,
have a question for you: are we have a lot of new people joining all the times? Have you been in listening and watching whatever a play? when you engage with the show on I appreciate you so much and you know it's true me true view. George, is we recommend a lot of things to each other? for an you know when you want something you come across, helps you in your life enjoy. You want to tell her what about it. And so, if the really show his You are you enjoy anyway, it's become one of the biggest business and finding it shows in the world because mill, of people like you to know and can help a chair, so we want you to share so be on podcast you to your local radio station. Please share about the show and how it has impacted what you ve learned. What you're doing those nor do we want you to share the most, is what you are actually doing: cause. You are the hero, you are the, entire subject of the shops: if you do that, we will grave. We want as many people as possible to find this.
tat so that they can live their best life as well. Sharing of herring can. Thank you, george, as memory is, do you have that bumper sticker on europe test bumper sticker sees yet are not on the tesla measure triple aid? two five five, two to five. Let's go to in bay, was constant joy is their joy. How coil, thank you for taking my car. Maybe duration is pretty simple arm. I'm moving divorced, I'm seventy I hear on the thirty five thousand lives sure, but now I have thirty five, I Only twenty thousand a year, because I'm looking, I try and I have no get so. My question is: are hardly make sure that that bona fide buzzing, now! I know you know that I'm supposed to a good girl and control my spending and all that saw what I did-
I can hear you your feedback. Ok, so you don't have a mortgage payment of a house paid for I went down on my ex gradual the right around nine hundred, ok, great ran fixed. It's not gonna, go up, well, then you can go down an onion housing government, how you right now it's working out really nice. Ok, though, They include you of any such securities and all of your income is twenty thousand a year running social security, yeah, ok and you said your work and part time. How much longer do you think you could work for, or do you want to work for all I'm putting you healthy? I could yield for another ten years. Probably like daddy answer joy, Thus, this thirty five thousand a sound like a big part of it- is your emergency fund call it that I just unjust. Have you to have it and I do think about you know I do have a million.
he's on hand, but thousand dollars that you should have what then sell it? You have a lot of expenses and because you're, not a homeowner, you don't have to worry about. You know the h fact goin out, so that's nice light. I would still set aside ten or fifteen as your emergency fund and the rest of that money. I might look into investing because money sitting in a mutual fond over the next ten years that can grow, and so I would get in touch with the financial adviser would get smart vesture prose in their wisconsin area. That can help you with this. If you just gotta ramsay solutions, dot com can were there with one of those folks. They can help. You decide what the best thing to do with you Twenty extra thousand dollars that you want to invest over the next ten years, so that aid and doesn't disappear with inflation now, One thing I have not done is getting old off. Few arrangements ahead of time probably should do that and a will again be thou. Do oils or there is a need to be absolutely
get a well done today. We have them resources! Well for your rooms, you solutions, dot com through our friends at mama, bear legal forms, and it's very Expensive do well and in there you can put your funeral arrangements in what you what you would like done and that would help and have enough money set aside with no debt, you're really going to be able to leave You see in that way, because you're not gonna have debt tied to your state. Thank you so much joy. the it gives you say, silvers or seven years old, the guy you We can, and until we get call me someone who's fifty two and they go well
It's it's about over sure. Do I do a joy's like oh yeah, I'm going to eighty five baby I like to work. I think- and you can prove me wrong- can, but I think working at an older age as really great benefits without question sitting around watching old reruns of the price is right, is not going to get going. Very you know you don't even know what the price is right is, but I love the royals. I know that drew carey is not. My favorite host of the price is right. Oh I'm, a bob barker guy, ok, george, with total credibility, their drop of the bob barker on everybody, but yeah. There is something to this idea of longevity being to a sense of purpose and hey I'm getting up, and I'm doing this is no question about data. Shows that as well so engage your brain engage your body is the order you get the more you can get out and do something and and and something that matters to you. Absolute who does have a true was a joy to speak with there. It is there, it is
let's go to julian Sacramento, california, Julie, hocker, we'll I am so I just got here my divorce judgment and settlement along thousand hours, what to do with the twenty five thousand dollars andrews I want to do it. I am an idea, ideas, I saw early. How long ago did this happen? I got the judgment moved couple months ago, I also noticed this check it bad Doesn't rightly was dated march thirty, eight Then he arm emailed me- and I just received it like to three days ago-. Maybe I'm gonna do a little water will. We ban was hang onto it? Why do you think there was a gap there? no idea he's he's been even like that
Is there any way to the forty five thousand yeah so how much of the tragedies that thousand dollars a judgment bears fifty thousand dollars- but she decides, You tell me not the guy. He told me that you gotta dived, five thousand for various reasons, another thing that he doesn't get to musical. So the judge needs to be aware of his editing. I know I don't know what to do. I don't even know if this check its real, because I just but now that it's march watched his arrogance exploration rate, whilst the money stone. Account should be good. You know not on writing the cheque, but so too do you have any. yeah. You called ok. What do I do with the sentiment? Have you received the forty five thousand yeah?
yelled at me. Yeah I have it. So is it in your bank account or is it a check? it's not. My bank account. I dont know what to do with the czech. I don't know I've just kind of food law. First things: first, I would deposited inter bank account park in the savings account for now and a figure out? What's next for you financially? Are you haven't move? What's your life look like now, I got measures In my own name honour, I only because of vietnam, How to torment money was coming and consistently allowed me to read with my own name, is in number but I know that I can monkey under my own name are not working. I am not working right now. I've got like three little kids I only know how to you So this kid, like most of the time, so Julie. His oriented way
If we're going to hold you over because we want to spend a little more time with you, you're in this kind of this intimidating overwhelming center of your life with three little ones when we come back, George gonna walk you through what you're going to need to do financially, but I want you to hold on, but I want you to be prepared to answer questions like. Can you work, I think, any child care costs that are associated. Are you there with them all the time seed on needed any debts that you if you can have that information radie go george gonna walk you through this, but here's don't hang on. Joe, you can do this now we're gonna help you are. This is so important. We just run out of time and the second a hold on, and when we come back Julie, we will give you a clear path forward. Thank you! So much george, it breaks my heart tat, single mom, starting over lot of unknowns. So you're gonna help or get clear up a lot of people weren't you ever somehow don't go anywhere forward. Julie covered up
the the the welcome back america. Your joining the conversation here on the ramsay show our scripture today is proverbs. Twenty two for humility is the fear of the lord. Its wages are riches and honour and life are quoted the day. Mark twain do the right It will gratify some people and astonish the rest. I'm coleman. He is george Campbell and we held Julie over from our last segment. For those joining this right now
julius in a tough situation. now a single mom recently divorced little ones not currently employed. got a divorce settlement of about forty five, fifty thousand hours. What do I do with its she's overwhelmed is renting, but what kids all the time, so there's a lot going on she's she's, obviously and terribly feeling overwhelmed george. And so we ran out of time, and so we bring her back all right julie, You're back you ready to roll? Yes, all right, So why George hole so Julie. You said you had a child support. How much are you making a month in income and is it all child support ok is there username alimony, as well as the settlement, take care of that. otherwise, our money, not anymore. Ok,
more so what is your monthly check on child support? Orders that about two thousand, and do you know your turn expenses for the month. only hope I you pay all your belly up with the two thousand a year, I'll use a credit card Then men, I use my kid to help. My point credit score boy and then is my child support? Many do hate a credit card. but I'm not even sure with appointed me doing now. Anymore is the vote not like I'm getting a house or anything. I don't know why. I'm paying my bills Why do you have a balance on any of the cards? I always try to keep it zero ok, so the current bounces, zero and all cards, it was six sixty five Yesterday, but I keep at last, my ok well go heading,
set up the cards, because this is not going to be a good crutch for you as you as you climb. Out of this and find a new nor I want you to use the money. You have on hand so that we don't hurt this, your financial situation any further, and we do. need? Does it sound like we need to get some income in the door sooner rather than later, but it sounds like child care, wise, you're gonna, be at home with the kids right. Now is an option for you to go to work and how I'll care provided for them tankers there's been says, is based thousand or more per child. How old leader future goodbye. their queue for any better. The studies and call back you have any family support around you. I wish to say that no family living locally unless I listen take their use of common now we have to consider and do not going back to them.
Just tolerating, though you know negative comments, we're looking for support here. If they can provide that, we need to look elsewhere I only even ass, much ass it always. I ask that julie's, I'm trying to figure out. You know child options, it done cost you a thousand bucks, a kid you don't mean, and so because you you ve gotta, bring in some income at some point. You dont want to hold yourself hostage to his? ready to pay the child support. You don't want that. So, do you have any other debt at all? Besides the small cards that you ve got. We won't you cut those up, not using those anymore. You have any debt that you inherited from the marriage or that you walked away with. Ah my student loan. I had like it ten thousand dollars when I got married might have been, and I take it off- and these reports, namely
half of it back to him. So I I haven't paid him anything, so I gotta come out of the forty five, because I'm what george? walk you through what you're gonna do with the forty five thousand self. We cut em a cheque for what is a nine thousand. They you owe to him what the exact number I think so got nine thousand. So if we pay him the nine thousand and we don't have any credit card debt, we have no other payments other than rent right and just covering our basic bills. Correct yeah Ok, the rest of that money is probably gonna, be your emergency fund right now, because we there's a lot of unknowns happening. So we reckoning I have three to six months of expenses tucked away in a number. In a savings account for emergencies. Once you're debt free So that's where you are right now it doesn't. What you're gonna be able to investors, you know do any more savings on top of that right now we need some stability and that to me, is going to look like you finding.
A job that can pay enough to them cover the day care for the two for the two kids. That's correct because, even if its fifteen hundred dollars a month, if you're me twenty five hundred dollars a month. It's a better option. Then you not working. So are you open to to finding work I have to do that now because I see them. And finally, after my red and maturity, No I don't know. I would feel very uneasy changes it. I didn't need speed the numbers and finally trying to make sure I am going- would go to work. Yes. Yes, if, if I can be a possibility, We have to see the number was suddenly. I just haven't Have you done work in the past? What kind of work have you done with you, when you do an alarm
time. He until my mind it all in the court, because it is a court order eyes died. its acquire? Then? I noticed some years ago curiously should know my wheel like liars like one, hey hate I gas prices are go. You then I take my kids on insecure, fired regardless of the day. Look, I don't care, I Julie. Let me let me encourage you something you know we live in a world today were remote. Work is more prevalent than it ever has been before, and you talk about working from home You know. I know you got three little ones but telling you to keep yourself in a position where you are relying on the ability to live and function on his pain. Child support is a very curious situation and, right now it feels
for to you by the way you're talking there. Actually going out in finding your point and taking care of the babies your own, in whatever he gives, is gravy. I'm telling you that you can work from you can find remote working jaws. Were you don't have to put the kids daycare? You could start there. Where you listen to this because the here's the deal, this is a dramatic situation. This is a a reset of your life, but the to the matter is Joe, you are more than capable of taking care of those three little ones. You know and I know it you will do whatever it takes to win and I'm telling you yes, you overwhelmed, and I know it shocking and you have a lot of support, but one of them, things you can do right now is to provide for you in those kiddos. You still got a heel at an inn
We need to go to some therapy and and and And- and I probably recommend that, but but one of the best, you can do for you in those cases where now go get a job, whether its remote or in the home, so there there with you the whole time driving around in the car all the time. That's a better situation, and then extremely doable for you. And I would be looking for all those opportunities and in the fall back position would be where, You know you get a good job, because this idea that you ve been a stay at home mom and you have nothing to offer the workplace is crazy. Job numbers came out today. George still three point: six percent unemployment economy added three hundred fifty plus three, and jobs in the last quarter. The joys of the world can get hired absolutely and Julie, we're gonna. Send you a few resources number one we're in a put you through it will be seen university. You can do that from home watch online, video lessons and with that is going to
every dollar premium so that you can start doing a budget lay out all of your expenses, lay out all of the income and make sure that
got a plan for every dollar and also I'm going to cook you up with a financial coach in your area. So hang on the line Austin will hook you up with a financial coach with that session is going to be on us as well as ramsey plus. So thank you so much for the call wishing the best for you Julie. You got this got a george good show, thanks for checking it out james, our lovely producer puts up with those thirty three boys in there. Don't you think, and it is like the backstreet woods yeah they want it that way. This is the ramsey show the bulbs kid coleman here. Did you know the ramsey show is one of the most popular podcast in the world. Get your daily dose of advice online and check out all of our shows from the ramsay that work wherever you listen to podcast the hey you're, a fan of this podcast we've got more where that came from. As you know, at ramsey we're always looking to protect our listeners from scummy companies, slick marketing and money myths, I'm george camel hosted the fine print where I do the research for you to help. You rise above the system, that's designed to keep you broke and in debt so that you can become confident in your money. Choices check out the fine print wherever you listen to podcasts, hey, it's james producer of the ramsay show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode, thanks for listening.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-12.