« The Dave Ramsey Show

Should We Rent Out Our Home? (Hour 3)


Dave Ramsey & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss:

  • "Should we rent out our home while living abroad?"
  • Top 10 List: "You Know You Know You Listen to Dave Ramsey When..."
  • "Should I take the offer of a company car?"
  • "What should I do with an inherited IRA?"
  • Preparing for a baby while paying off debt.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I from other quarters of grams, usually about moving in storage studios, rams region where we have people build well, who work that I love you create actual amazing relations. Trade marginal ramsay personality is my collage today, as we enter your questions about your life in your money. Thank you for being with america, The council is whether some bozeman montana high mccall welcomed the Ramsay show had even
thank you for taking my car sure what's up Have been in aeroplanes to move abroad for two letters then returned back to boatmen Montana and were trying to figure out what you their town held a purchase. Our town one april twenty twenty right before. Incredibly, here for three hundred ten thousand dollars, you currently ouch twenty five on it and have an interest rate of two point: five percent or monthly payments. Nineteen. Fifty he's right at a quarter of our key campaign? Yet we are really come to our house last week? They said that they would list it right at five hundred thousand on, I called a handful of property management companies that that we could rent it for about three thousand a month, and I'm just trying to wrap my head around. If you spell it, which I think is what you're going to say, we should do. I'm I'm just nervous When we come back, you know like what the equity that we'd get from selling it, that we wouldn't be able to afford something that would put us at a fifteen a fifteen year fixed rate mortgage at a quarter of our take home pay because of the interest rates.
The interest rates and even just how many we bought it for three ten. So what she's saying that women don't know what you bought it for that matter? What yourself or what matters for you sell it Five near and prices dont go up, Then the only difference in your payment would be a higher interest rates interest rates and on I mean our real or told us expect about twelve percent, the god of both in costs and things like that and then once we pay up we currently own, I'm assuming that if we sold it at five hundred, we take home about two fifteen m. So if you came back and bought something at five that girl. That would be a larger markets which will not prevent swing max when you're six percent realtor commission typically and you gotta the miscellaneous, closing also ten twelve percent swing? But that's us coming prices, dont go up I should really your only sure yeah yeah
issue is of interest rates. Stay right now. Are there other double? What european now crack payments? Not double but integrates double. And you think you're not gonna- be able to get as much house for your money. in my hearing that right My concern yeah, I mean just like a lot of other places in the country thing here are pretty, e. He arm I'd love to see a change think it well. I just don't feel good Are you going out of the country and have a rental? I mean that that gives me more anxiety, social. If, if when you, beg your income will not have changed. What are you, When we are gone for. Do you mean you on the matter failed or what he does well we're planning to move to new zealand? My husband is an electrician and electricians on the launcher. A job shortage list over there, so we'd be moving over he'd, be doing electrical work and I'd be able to get a job once we get there and we don't have to do anything right now, I'm twenty nine! So before we
you're going to is going to be making a lot more wants. Income gonna be up way up my there and come Bobby are, but the cost of living over there is more expensive. I don't expect us to come home with you know like a pile of cash, for we doing those worried what it's gonna cost for renting and start doing this, because we want to go to new zealand. Even more reason to their cause, Why won't my own here, the under their financing, why are you going? We ve been working year that snowballs man, so we came our guy and where may not have kids like us better now than before we set about it you're trying. Presently we really wanted to break even advantage of country some eventual for books. Even to get the live in new for too have a fun time. You cool and then, when you come back, you'll be doing bacterial jobs, probably. and these are max to your contract and the new zealand butcher right.
The word peace as up to three years, but were planning on, kill, broken lobby groups max would be three no eighty people show if real estate prices go up, some which were projecting. We did our real estate reality last year, so we projected and we shared with you, got projections and the reasons for them We would she somewhere around seven or eight percent increase in prices and twenty three across the board, onstage some areas, more farmers less, but that's across the board as affair, where its seven point- eight percent, so we're dead on twenty four. Supposed to be a little less and typically spy Five to ten percent increase in prices is normal year in and year out in real estate somewhere in that range. Obviously, in craziness, what we have seen the biggest thing you ve got, is not the form for returning. the same and gum no more money, the
What percent do you know? The loss of some of your equity is not that big a deal as forty. Fifty grand that's not going to keep you from doing the deal. The just ass. She was our interest rates going to come down while you're gone too you can get a similar price goes right now that the six percent rate is gonna, make a big difference in your play that, then the prices will ok so I'm not worried about you, re purchasing for price increases. I am little bit worried, but your report fishing on interest rates if they contain to rise or if they down while you're gone and that two years I don't know, what's going to happen, there have no clue to be honest with you, Now, what were you going to ask their admission? I just wondered You know you're talkin about going abroad. This is something you want to do. Is there a chant. I mean your drew plan is to say for two years. But if you end up liking it, and you can stay three years. I just feel like there's a lot of variables that when you're tethered
this property, it kind of kings. You tethered down yeah, okay, here's I'm going to new zealand and I'm selling the house now, let me tell you I did that because your reason for going is to live an adventure. reason foregoing is taken. From you if you are long distance, landlord ing from freakin individually on yet the bozeman. Ok, some It had a heart of harley oil in your living room. Ok, and this is happens when you longest landlord, even where the property manager and you're you know all of such you can't have the adventure and still too to have the stability at home. It's not gonna, give you adventure we're trying to get the adventure yeah yeah national programmes that, with the adventure, come freedom in the I'm from this house and then deal with life. When you come home, figure out what it is. I don't know,
likely what gunnbiorn could be higher prices could be higher interest rates prices. good come down, which would mean I was wrong. Interest rates could come down which I have no idea, whether that happens or not, I wouldn't be wrong, could make a prediction there, but that that's the thing so do the adventure. You're gonna do the adventure girl, don't do that, I'm going to have stability back home and adventure. This is two different girls leaving adventure girl or be the stability girl back home and don't go that's a good point, but don't you can
we are both not going to work for you yet because it's going to what what you're not realizing, is the stress of continued home ownership in the midst of this is not worth what the the transact it's taking away from the adventure. So I kind of think what you're doing is fine. I just wish you were doubling your income while you're in new zealand that would have made it super fun, like the people that do stuff going to the buy or something that's going to those sandboxes to do whatever that's serious money there, but if you're going to do it, but but hey, maybe it'll turn out that way. Maybe I don't but sell it if you're going to go, that's what I would do. This is a ramsey show. our job ramsay version now to use my golden today open funds a triple like eight to five five. who to five. Eight, listen up our smart conference. Weekend, the a girl event for the new ramsay events centre, which their putting the finishing touches on as we speak.
after rolling knelt sod right now, which costs more than gold ah, can be beautiful. It is beautiful. Already tickets have been going fast, we ve got just a handful, laughed low, less than a hundred tickets. So if you want to come to the weekend its April fourteen and fifteenth can be a uniquely nashville weakened I will do the show and staff at the brand new invention, or on friday we ve got to of our good country, music friends there we've gotten to know. Over the thirty years we've lived here that are going to stop by and say howdy. Do you guys play a tune for you that kind of stuff and and all day on Saturday were having a wonderful teachings on mental health. career or money on ever? part of your relationships, every part of your life, it's gonna be, credible, incredible, more conference. All the rest, personalities will be on the stage do advance. We're gonna do blob pod cash from there,
you're gonna get their commemorative badge for the opening of vat you're there for the inaugural event, this is all nashville music in the whole bit tickets star as low as a hundred nineteen dollars, but again there's just a few laughed just about gone. South We want you take it. You need to get them like yesterday, jump on their amount, we don't height the stuff we almost without then tell you to listen, there's like outside report a while ago comes on the ce. Ok, I get the reports on these things that there is actually seventy four tickets left a guy, exactly how many they less than a hundred it is sub before that's, what's left Ok and, as I finish speaking, it's probably going down so there their riga, ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash events, ramsay solutions, not gunflash events. Now, if you didn't there there's a very large. I can remember how many is in there. Now, it's probably broaching right at a million folks now in the baby steps community private facebook group
a private if there is almost a million people in rail, but it's a massive thing and on We ve been haven't found with this rebecca at the ranch you baby, such community made the following post and here are some of the responses she says. You know you listened dave ramsay when number one Your kids know the call in phone number triple eight to five five, two to five. Who could you off? every man, I don't know you mean what you are looking for a long time for you came in, I think so, but if my kids could say it here, that might be the money you think of the cash go hot dog as blurred during a dollar fifty you might be a day ramsay. I love this one hour we ve seen this. Your first date turns into an f p. You in a nutshell. We have left, let's say alike, Kids, I ask if it's in the budget now that's true, I don't have link. I would love mike. It's ask that your child repeats debt is dumb.
cash is king to every one. He knows that this will not a picture where that your child thinks of one of the minecraft characters on his pajamas looks like george camel. A lie because it looks like george camp. I love this. You can't watch break our anymore without hearing dave's laughing in another. Why serious moment of the film I've been there when else freedom who gets his head cut off you remember the end of the movie? That's it. I mean it's like Fred took yeah, it's like that. That's what we used for the debt freeze, great yeah, like dunno yeah, agree with that love it. This, when you start using words like whoopi duty, I love, when you say stupid, but less madeira back backwards. Media plus active me hoop d That's one of my favorites stupid tax, illusion
You know somebody start doing this years ago. You might be redneck if you artlessness too much diagrams your rooms. You show, if bought rice and beans, is a five course dinner love. It is my favorite baker street comes on at the pool. While vacation of one of your kids yells, we paid cash, Dave, that's I told I was telling Dave earlier. My kids, like the movie sing in in the movie sing one of the characters and yeah. One of the characters is playing baker street on a saxophone and my my son goes mom and dad Dave Ramses music germany has the rapporteur. My dog evinced yeah right. Well, there it is my music, but but well you drinking the kool aid wherever you got you kind of a low bow down at that point. That's for sure for joining us america. This is your show, its common sense for your life and your dollar the french open phone. triple eight eight to five five, two to five just
is where this in atlanta high just and welcomed the ramsay show thank you for having me. How are you better than I deserve? What's up so I kind of got wrestling live and out the maybe yeah yeah yeah helpmeet company, with that when I got here, is in my work. Clear you know better, They gave me the option. for a company vehicle or a vehicle allowance. And just know just as for me, which is why the decision more either Project management in estimating for a mechanical contractor
miles a year on this vehicle, in this role for two years and averages about sixteen thousand miles a year? So not much not much, that below average. Ok are brought around it for shone like how much is the allowance similar dollars a month did attached sale after use tax dislike to come your net. Let's start with, let's back up two steps and give you the premise number one: under no circumstances, do you go buy a car with car payments if you're paying cash for the car and they're gonna give you seven hundred dollars. We can think about it. Now. Here's the thing What we often don't think about it if you bought a what
bought a car. How expensive a car would you buy? Are you ever car? I have a gun, okay, she could just take seven hundred dollars. I can go in it's gut if it's old, it's an old er ok, but if you got the money to buy a better car, I cut up grand grinned outside of my emergency sure you can move up five grand in car but were not doing com payment. You got that just right, because if you lose the job, you still got the car prematurely, neither dead, gump. Seventy dollars anymore, all the time. Take your car allowance and used as an excuse to get a car payment. That's dumb, but that's horrible thinking. We're not doing that. But now, once we get past that then we're doing is we're doing just a math analysis on the ownership of a vehicle if you're put sixty thousand miles on the thing or something I would just show you take their car company car because you cannot really cannot operate.
A vehicle put sixty thousand miles on it with the depreciation that's going to occur, and the meda It's going to occur that kind of heavy miles on summer, but you can't do it alright, so you'd be better off to drive their car. Now, in your case, not put many miles on it, and this sounds like you're. Giving you some kind of a benefit could have been done, a good job which is not like ok, yeah good for you. compliment to you so well done What you ve, gotta figure out is is lit. Let's say you you, your current cars worth what they thought about. How can shoot you Twelve thousand oligarchy pay cash for it. Now, what's gonna happen the twelve thousand dollar car, you got seven hours and wants to cover it. If they give you the company car does that clued insurance, I'm sure it does include maintenance, I'm sure it does a dozen include fuel, yet alligator
who called other way either way I'll catch you, let's break even on the fuel, ok wow, I shall offer, So the question is: can we drive a twelve thousand dollar car for seven hundred dollars a month in law. value. Yes, you can because you're gonna lose much value, its twelve out of our car and so yeah you keep the car cheap, I'm taking the money, but if your gun, put a high mile zone it or your gun, I do an expensive car. Then you're much better off to take their car, because you take Fifty thousand our car you're dollar seventy dollars a month and value just by it. when the driveway so. You know that that that's a cot grappling with their so you're not got a lotta loss of value, which is your primary problem and you ve got Your repairs covered? I'm probably taken the moneyed rapid growth of our work on this question and congratulations.
Anwar ramsay personality is my co host today in the lobby of ramsay solutions on the debt free stage, John and carolyn, or whether say guys are you are doing well? unwelcome? Where do you live? We live in. Why? How wisconsin ah welcome to nashville long from wisconsin. So am I what should be paid off? We of one hundred and sixtys when hundreds. six thousand end twenty nine months. Why ago, very good and your range of income. During that time it was eighty three a thousand a one on one core. do for a living, in accounting, pilgrims and I stay at home, mom very cool, very cool if that was your one hundred and sixty six thousand it was our house looking to wear a bright ball or a boy to go. Weirdos love it so proud of y'all. What is this house worth we looked on zero. The idea was about to thirty two awesome. How old are you guys?
thirty, six and on thirty two and we paid off just the day before he turned thirty. Six all road at all, happy birthday right are those pretty girl who would ever thought If you two at thirty six years old, would have paid for house and thirty two years old way to go. While we were trying to do it by his fortieth, they, but we're spoke not a little ahead of you got your god alone. We got so far to tell us happened. What got you got started on this whole idea, two and a half years ago. Well, I bought the house mouse six months before, we got married. So actually I'm in the twenty percent that you mentioned earlier, yeah. She let you keep thou. I love the house yeah and a cup months after we got married. We were we read you total moneymaker book. Neither of us know how it got there, though mission indeed just looking for a book to read out loud to each other. We ve been married, but eight weeks and we are lacking. If under read aloud to each other and he's like when you want to read and like we're pick something
her bookshelves like about this burden, sharing we are talking about it later has like we're done book even come from or like one of your parents shamelessly or how. I think, god ordained it, that that book was on our bookshelf. For a reason we do that we should make in people's houses and leave them there, and then they just discover them no way to go. You got this cool, so reading children we make over nego what happened then in your brain are well. We grew up in normal fan. if they had like mortgages and consumer debt, and we are had a family over from georgian. They were, walk about how they were playing to pay off their house next year and they were like Well, we ve had our house for like thirty years and paid more interest than the house is worth so we're like. We don't want like the envy and which has been agreed in the book and after they loved major looked each other were like no no one who do not know, but not us wow, so read them.
it hit home and he started making changes. Did you make any changes to your your everyday life in order to make this happen and if so, like? What were those changes because we say all the time you know? Sometimes it's not about that same intensity, but you get intentional about it right. So what did that look like for you? What we adjusted we also need we did adjust our. Contributions? Little bare, we went out eight a little bit less watched what we were buying with my groceries and stuff like that I also had some Stop some individuals dog and I was told all that and throw it all. The house love how much of the one sixty six was that about eighty hours that job started big? Oh, yes, it's just a matter of was to take what we ve got. Reorganise retainer go right. What must be true indeed, and then you pegged eighty grand and use knock that out and thirty months with your incomes and the lawyers on earlier, the better. So yeah, that's right. How does it feel? Well, we haven't
do I feel the grass beneath our feet, but the snowfield slow angels in the back yard is indeed very good job gas art So what are you tell me The key is now account quality and budgeting would like sticking to your budget like laying out too every dollar where you want to go and then My wife here was the biggest accountability, part I did some, budgeting before I got married, but it was on a bigger budget than I come back to our four months later and now so for she she gonna dirt, cheap food, one that manage the system and then you all both work. The system, no, not necessarily I'm am then I'm the nerd buyer. I she's, the one who provided accountability in actually got me that holding each other accountable, loca in oh hey, we want to go out to eat, but we are used up, are eating our budget, we're not just yeah we choose
for housing rang out there one more steak. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it can go. adulation jane. You wanted to go. We really appreciate proceed would you done in our lives and well you did. It will show you how you're the heroes edge any the babies were ager your baby. I got terry, whose nineteen- and harrison is formally put them in the picture to do the dead for each graham, we ve got the live and give a bunch for you, and that includes the baby steps millionaires book you're on your way to that, no total money make overbooking mysteriously beer, and when you friends, house and of course, financial peace university, a membership that of young donna go into it. If not give it away, we actually just got done as valid andy allow leading eighty years leading it. Thank you when you're, alright leaders are mean thirty, six and thirty do with paid for house. You can't really are
where these people are? Now? I have a different era. We don't listen to these folks. They know what they're doing very, very cool, but what these young man don't large cars are not old enough to even grass, but is that you have completely changed or family reunion. I mean this is a garbage man loosen inheritance to children's children. You have put yourself in a position to change every show very proud of you may have, could multiply that couple right, they're all over america. We could change this. How entering we re pretty amazing? Well done! You got very very, very well that are- john and caroline terry and harrison from wisconsin hundred sixty six thousand paid off and twenty nine months, megan aid. three, a one on one count zero debt bridge three two one
why you gotta love it? You gonna love a man. You know what I mean start teaching the stuff. I was convinced that I was dead breakers. I was and I was convinced of It- never borrow money again, because I wouldn't but I've been through Hell. lost everything we ve been through everything- and I didn't know if I could convince anyone else to really do this. Idea of we're gonna pay off our house and then thirty six year old thirty two year old in front of me and I've got this in front of me. Almost every day of the week, the days people their twenty asian authorities paying off their homes, because here's what have Here's the thing, if you think there's take arrow toothache, Norma, tough payment from aged thirty two.
The age seventy two millions and millions of dollars on a mutual fa. If they just put what used to be a house payment, that's all they do, you don't do anything else YAP in their six he's seventies, they're gonna be multi. Multi multimillionaires multilingual at an end. Where the people listening who sometimes go, I don't want to wait till I'm in my sixties will be a millionaire there they're going to be a millionaire before that you're going to have some millions before, because you're not gonna, just do a housemaid right. But my point is the power of not. The house payment mathematically out at the power of investing the equivalent sharon and I finally paid off our house years here's years ago, we went back and said we're gonna take that whole house payment now and were not dispute that put that want amount and omitted from that region from became a million dollars so fast. That was scary. How fashion just that one fund. I was well of our may general- I mean just its
closure your mind how this math work, yes and and don't just take our I mean yes, take our word for it, but men like get on a calculator, get on an investment act like start playing with those numbers and seeing it. I know for me that's what I needed to do. You hear people talk about it and in theirs This piece of your brain, like is, but is it really possible. Yes, there is albert einstein said that no compound interest is the eighth wonder the world. Those who understand it, earn it those who don't pay. It had good word and that's you word albert rich people- ask how much or people how much down how much a month at others works. Good stuff we're cool couple really really climbed is looking at him change in your life. Changing your family tree bashful on anyone can do it. This is the rams ratio
the power scripture the day, ecclesiastics one and nine. What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what be done and theirs. thing new under the sun, paul. Our research in times like these. It helps to recall that there have always been times like these This is true. Crazies always been on the block dar at jail as well as jealous in spokane washington high jail. How are you hiding? I can't think I can keep my calm sure. What's up katich, quick question, I might other passageway a few months ago and one of his brokers are financial people called me today he had an ira with them and he was going over. The options were either
king- it out, are putting it in an here inherited. I array of bird have to bring down to euro and came here is correct and wondering what you think is the best option. Do you have any debt now, none at all men are much too you haven't showing In Clifton, savings from the bank would have, about a hundred and forty nine what do you plan to do with that were actually we're, both retired, so just kind living on offer that right now. I'm sorry about your dad held washing! Thank you. He actually four days shy of monday's back. While you ma am how much is in the inherited ira? It isn't.
Can I wanted it that much, I think once but between my siblings it'll, be about sixteen of them? Well, As you said, you had borne out sixteen hundred a year and be taxed on, as you pull it out or pull it out mount or touched on it right. What I would do has nothing to do with the math. has to do with you, guys are financially and great shape and sixteen thousand is not making any movement. whatsoever in your life one way or the other, and rightly so, What I'm gonna do is just to limit the hassle outermost mess, there for ten years underscore captured out. Ok, it? Actually that has nothing to do with the math. I just I don't mess with it right. This be done with it. If it was a million six, you know I might fool with it, because the taxes are going to be substantial, but the taxes on the two thousand, and only three or four thousand bucks, and we're done when I think about again. You know
and so you take them on and go to add it to your savings go to with whatever you want to do, whether do something in his memory or notion that he would have thought was fond go do that I don't care what it is you want do, but I'm just doing that. On that, I try to do things to keep things really simple. These days, I have enough, electricity to my life without adding little see things in arms. I I'm no. I appreciate that. Yes,. So does that sound, probably the direction I'm going back, if I'm u, but there's no math behind that direction is simply the The minimalist, my friends, the middle, Was the way of living? I just don't want deal with junk in audio stuff. So not like. I really live a minimalist life. I don't, but I do have more shirts than black church has only worse wears church but data that their friends of ours great job, we love their stuff, but that that the point being that simplifies, simplify, simplify you know when you can, when in doubt now again, if you were born,
and you need the money, that's store, you didn't, have investments going, we might try to drag it out. Turn into you know. Some kind of get a little bit complicated with might be worth it, but in her world is not much money. I agree with that yeah. I would do the same thing good stuff. Now, Here's what the new secure act says used to be that, if you inherited an irishman, you got one three years ago or something ok, you have different rules: but if someone passed away and twenty twenty or later and what you're gonna have is january. If you inherited an ira owner before january, first, two thousand and twenty the new law does not apply to you, but after that The new law says you inherit an ira whatever it is, it all has to come out in ten years. ten percent a year for ten years, to be emptied in ten years, because the government wants their money, energy tax, Just do on that when it comes out for their
The required minimum distribution that sir it requires you to pull it out beginning now at seventy three formulated requires you to cash out traditional irish, not irish, but traditional- and this is the traditional they were talking about here was wroth. It there's no tax money. What you take it out, you don't have to worry about it, but we're trapped, a reform to take it on pay. The taxes now well today if someone that passes after january first, a twenty twenty secure act says most of the original chirac not to point out, but still it still says ten years you get ten years to do it. andrews, whether since santa Barbara high andrew welcome to the ramsay show, what's up later I just wanted to you know I want to be weird, like you guys talk about a hundred, I hit that pretty screamed all the time, and you know we want to get to that point. My wife and I fortunately, we don't own house right now,
add something later down the road that we'll get to us, but we just started after you a couple of weeks ago and we got stepped on knocked out in to buy it now way to go. And speaking of baby steps. You know we have a baby on the way our first were expecting ground. Thank you appreciate it. And so we're just you know, while we're paying that debt off, we want to make sure that we're also trying to you know, start saving up for kids for the kiddo, because kids are If do not, I have a five year old from my first marriage, so I realize how expensive kids are so I just didn't know if you guys had any advice on what will work on baby step. Two. You know: how can how can we kind of start stuffing away but some people here in order to get the killer thrown off right yeah, how much better you working to pay off total combined, and I mean we really don't have a lot honestly. So we have the cars our biggest one. We owe about twenty three on that and then about a
one hundred bucks on a credit card, and so you know we've got maybe twenty four total in debt and have begun to pay off. What's your income, I'm I about twenty, eight hundred ever to among power gallery shes I'm card, so it kind of berries a with real time about thirty six month is what we average no a lot comes, we would say to pause. The baby steps are pause. The debt snowball while you're way for baby to arrive. You know we want to make sure that there are so many variables with babies arriving in this world, so we want to make sure that you ve got the money to cover. I mean. See you're gonna be paying your deductible out of pocket that sort of thing and die. You know the stack up. that money all the money that you wouldn't go on. Parliament, That's a good thing: the birth itself, I'm in the military, so healthcare
the entire birth, while great that we don't have to worry about pangs. Anything for the birth rate is one of the most starts to step on the way things through I can't go out of divers when you don't need money for that. You need a budget for that once review date, yet august warfare, now regulation such wonderful tom priolo. You thank you. Thank you for your service. Show still gonna do where I had suggested andrew there's. No doubt sod! Here's! What would you do? I want you to keep working here. with the same intensity, You were gonna work it for paying off debt, the devil just pay, minimum payments on everything and pile up as big a pollack of you can up. How much do you think you could between now and I wished wealth, ten thousand bucks or I at least yeah, if we're, if we're gonna, keep on track of, let's call it home or mouse call it. Fifteen thousand. Okay! So fifteenth finish piled up and bay becomes mill. to replace all the medical expenses? There's no problem
becomes home, mama comes home, no problems, take fifteen thousand blurred on pay off but low card, and I then put the rest of the car and finish up the car by christmas. You're gonna be out of debt at almost within a minute, to the same speed as if you just pay down the debt, but what, This gives you is fifteen thousand dollars worth of breathing room with a brand new baby. Coming Just in case something weird is gonna write in that he has done cool out your intensity just because you're not making those payment. Those extra payments every month right, keno keep knowing hard at it or push pause and polyp cash use the cached catch backup run. right where you would have been that gives you this breathing room, because
in case, something happens is too important an event to have to not have margin right now. That's what we would do that puts us our of the ramsey show in the books, we'll be back with you before. You know it in the meantime, remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that is to walk daily with the prince of peace, Christ, Jesus, the hey! What's up guys, it's jade! Look! If you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the ramsey baby, steps go to ramsey solutions, dot, com and click. The get started button will help you figure out the best next step for you, based on your specific situation, that ramsey solutions, dot, com and click get started. Hey it's james producer of the ramsay show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2023-05-26.