« The Dave Ramsey Show

Should We Pull Money From Retirement? (Hour 2)


Dave Ramsey & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss:

  • "My job no longer aligns with my values",
  • "Should I pull from retirement to pay off the house?"
  • "How can I recapture depreciation on my rental property?"
  • "I'm in Baby Step 3 and feel like we won't have enough for retirement",
  • "Should I sell my annuity to pay off all my vehicles?"
  • Calculating capital gains tax on investments.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I roundly solution, largely from the barge moving in storage. That's the ramsay show will, we hope, be well worth very loud, create major in relation to argue for joining us open bones of trouble. I ate through five five, two to five its triple eight to five, five, two to five. LEO and fresno. California starts off highly, oh, how are you.
I gave a great. How are you doing good? How can we all first and foremost. Thank you so much for taking my all I ask is that you get rid of it a background I am I'm encounter trigger, were I dont know what you are, how to be patched. I've been around. Provided for a really long time. I was if you go on for a long time ag. Ah I'd be the banking industry for more than sixty years ago basically, all right! Now. I think you do that even ran. The pot cast is still my question is value that world hunger, allied with what I feel fulfilment you may lie. because this is all no, I dont know how to do tat might go or how treated fabricate this this new feature,
and of my life, though I was hoping I could get some. Orientation in the sense. So what example of. Can you give me an example of how it does? Why know, I think I know what you mean, but just for clarity, sake dude, I'm, you know, your ear enough girls like environment, Where are you basic? We encourage, and you know, incentivize people to get in that light, ah okay aired and I no longer find right. That could be a part of who I wanna be anymore. So have you started looking for other opportunities, other job opportunities that are not? requiring you do debt sales.
I have three weeks that boy big I had one or two of you. No weapon well, how far goes with what I call it go on I haven't, had any luck, Thank you. Just gotta keep going out there. I think you gotta get clear about what what it is that you want to do from this point on cause. Like you said that history was all that you knew so Finding now that your values don't align with that, so now it's time to start paying the picture of what your values do a line with and what it is that you want to do long term and startling. For those opportunities, and it probably is going to take you applying for more than just one or two jobs your product and have to really put yourself out there. You know in. and keep during our let out LEO our you? I am five than what you might.
Around eighty per year, my husband mixed around one, forty, ok eleven one. Forty ah yeah we can for six months, yeah! That's what he actually Guess I'm not saying you had to gender saying if you accept that emotionally and swallow that it gives you on a piece because now you're staying in the bank until you find something you don't feel is trapped, you're, not dry. He'll tractor you're, not you're, not wrap your annual dry. You can quit today and take six to wander around doing something you'll find something to do. Ok, what do you do fit? What are you actually do at the bank. What is your title? My business relationship is perfect. That's perfect, so that such up, those are transferable skills to do business, relationships and other businesses
other businesses that want to interact and what we call be to be business to business transactions would find you Skill set of having formerly worked at the bank very valuable, but you're not anymore trapped than you know. I was Perhaps you feel like you are you ve got very transferable scales. Your husband makes enough money for you live on until you make the move, so you're not but I wouldn't quit. I would just go Very, let's pretend that You don't get a job in four months that you will get a terminal illness, What kind of motivation just go in other words. What would you do if you? If I don't have a new job in four months, I'm gonna die. Then you would go, get a new job. You would you wouldn't talk to three people? You talked to three hundred right because how how much time up until this point leo, how much time have you put into your job search, has talked to three people: none yeah,
Yeah you're just get hurt your more playing with it and your rehearsing this. As you drive to work man, yourself, stop feeling stuck in your rehearsing it over and over an hour in your head. I want you to rehearse and from a human beings and get a new job, so I'm and you can comments book from pay checked a purpose. I will send you his assessment, which is they his career assessment? Take that takes twenty seven months to take it. I'm gonna give it all to you for free and I'm gonna give you as other number one best seller proximity principle which will help you land the job I give you all of that. Will you read those two books and go interview to twenty two people, the next three days in the next thirty days? Ok, you do it immediately with urgency Well, I want swagger, learn yeah what you schwaiger, I will see you draw up that mossad walk, not walk up with you, about going. I'm not worthy
eighty granted here and you're not dumb, dont people to make eighty grant. Well? Maybe I was going to say dave. Maybe just a few I got your answers on me. Are you? a lot you're giving yourself on credit two out of a hundred now, given your credit for a hundred and two out of a hundred, I think she was thinking she could just kind of like tat. Tell him the honor and maybe something magical would happen. Buddy you ve gotta you're here for one arm, others not coming year, the shriek redondo out their git after yet git after it That's how you do it hang all we're gonna, give you those two books and that career assessment and help you started on this. We want you to be able to win Hey if our a new listener and you want to dive deeper into the ramsay baby steps, gotta, ramsay solutions, dot, com, click on the get started button will figure out the next best step for your financial journey animal
I got where you are in the baby. Steps. Tell you what to do next, we're going to walk you through, oh by the way, it's one hundred percent free that, and it's free can't beat price. One is free she's go to ramsay solutions. Dotcom click on get started. Take a quick little. investment will land you where you learn the baby steps. This is all new lingo to you. You've got all these. p. You got dead snow balls. We get baby step forward. We've got all this lingo that, if you're brand new you're trying to figure out what are you talking about? Are you talking about so yeah click Started at ramsay solutions, dot, com and I'll walk you through that free service now gotta I get plugged into the family. Here you can grow rope whether she just got to get in the cadence right will show you how to do it. You can do it. You can join us right here. I know it's fast, but it works we'll help you this is the ramsey show
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slash ramsay jaguar, charles ramsey personality is Michael ocean. Today, welcome back to the ramsey, show I'm your tuesday ramsay today's they come from Michael in nebraska, You have to turn on your mind her. Will you As this does it ever make sense to pull from retirement to pay. The house off. Curious if it would be acceptable to take out fifty thousand dollars out of our roth ts, p impair for mortgage, my wife, debt free, accept our mortgage? We have five hundred thirty four In dollars and our ts, p, of which a hundred fifty thousand, is my rough ts, be I'm sixty one and work. My wife is fifty five and doesn't work outside the home with my military retirement, vs disability in federal salary we bring make around a hundred forty k gross a year. We plan working another three years or so, or mortgage balances about a hundred thousand. If we stay the course,
we will pay off in five years if we take the money out of our csp we could pay off in two years. I wouldn't do it. I don't. I don't understand why they wouldn't just stay the course. I don't want your in retirement. If your nest egg is big enough, that you can make it with out what I do understand on this. Is why we're taking out? Why not just painted off? Would you well? Maybe the tax implications nor motor causes all roth, so wroth and so may go in one thousand hundred a thousand rod and if in the of one does not a mortgage. Why are we just cutting it? I have only one fifty thousand on at the moment. either I mean either. Do it or don't paint or get off the latter? Ok, if he pay it off, you ve got four hundred and fifty thousand and During the five years you would have paid it off. You can build up some more retirement. In a roth
and building that's true and you got for fifty thousand laughed and you ve got the disability federal showery milton beta had already in military retirement. So what I take hundred thousand out of five thousand and our father and thirty four thousand and pay it off at sixty one years old right on the bubble and here's right on the bubble. Ok if it was two hundred thousand, and you only had one hundred thousand left on site. Definitely now, okay, definitely if it was a million and you had none are definitely yes, you can show see how I'm right on the bubble. I'm like you know, leaves a good chunk, but it's not like so a few did this and I probably would probably by the whole thing off. I would not pay off fifty thousand in there just take the little hundred thousand approaches, but only what you do. That you pinkish worse, but shake you and your wife look at each other and go we ain't doing nothing? but a hundred thousand back,
but why wouldn't they? Okay, I'm playing devil's advocate, that's good! Why wouldn't they? Because I'm looking at at at the opposite, where I'm like you're making one hundred and forty k year? Why can't you live on? If you really care like that? Why can't you live on nothing and get this thing paid off into year in two years? I'm with you so that that was My three! If you do that, you can put it back into your stuff. That's true! So there's there's gonna rhode, island. I hear the bottom line is both of those answers involved. he's not putting on here. Yet that's right and both of them involve intensity at way. Duck from we're? All Michael is right now because he's trying to trying to play with the fifty thousand out of a hundred while you dont fifty just neon ganging you're, just gonna, come on come on whatever it is, you don't do go online and pay the whole thing, often embossed it and put it back or just didn't pay it off now, sixty one in Boston, it wouldn't miss, require at sixty one another question: does he needs
busted at all, or can he just go we're just going to pay off our home? Keep going keep trucking along, keep investing or fifteen present key like? Can he you then I could do that. Does he could be entails, advised my weight but point is either the thing we're both feeling in those that were not that it took a second to get to the services he it's all. lukewarm, yeah, ok, get get here. You can rarely hot are really really cold here and get it we whatever it is you're gonna do, and so, if I woke up in here, which one what I'd she really. I'm probably gonna, pay it off, and I'm gonna put turn on the heat, yeah put a hundred thousand back in the bank into your eye but you're gonna pay it off into I'm gonna pay off use and bosnian country than one of these answers or in the dome column, that's right. If it has the, that intensity that we are talking about now only pulls out a hundred thousand and he's just you know Meandering, along that, it's not ok, yeah, that's not saint Louis hi. How are you
I am well thank you got. I am a new listener. I found you until Deanna have really been enjoying your shirt. Monsieur you. Yes, so I've been rent he out my mother com, then she and to have an early twenty twenty and the rent is gonna, be moving out the spring. I'm trying I did if I want to move in or if I want to sell the home. I haven't all that if I even I decided I want to sell it that I should probably move in. Two years and because of that, to recapture that appreciation, It's been claimed on my tax returns for the last three years though, I wonder no one. Is that correct your shoe as it is a good idea that would be correct. because what will happen is if you sell your personal residence, you can make a gain of up to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars as a single person.
Personal residents means you have lived there for two years ago, that gain would include the recaptured depreciation because converting it from a rental property to a saint to a personal residence after it has not been a rental property for very long enough. It had been a little property for five years. You wouldn't this option so you're going to do this. You ve got to do it now. Ok, ok, mathematically that is going to work and it's not a bad idea at all. If you, if want to do that and here's the thing. what's the house worth I think the zillow has that it's something like it's a wide range, but I think they put it at three fifteen. What do you think it's worse? I think They went more than that. How do I get more hobbling? Ok, here's! What was your group requesting? What's depreciation? Did you taken that one year. Oh gosh, I dont now might my attacks repair knows all that. I am one more awareness that one schedule young one that much. Ok,
so the taxes on this. If you shower today or not going be much cause, here's what happens basis in inherited property that the tax is calculated on is what it was worth at the time she passed me, finish whatever depreciation you have taken. that's all you're, going high taxes on is anything over the that figure, and it's not gonna be substantial. So if you hate hates nothin, but I really don't want live there, but I'm holding my nose just caused by tax thing sounds right: don't do it I have still done, but if it's like might be kind of a coup adventure and I'd, probably save ten grand or somethin, then that's ok, but it's not. one hundred thousand dollar swing in this discussion. It's a fight ten thousand dollars wing in this discussion. Ok well served If I don't live there and just sell it after it's been a rental it am. I am. I am exposed to capital gains,
Yes, the an angel recalculate. This way, the vow you at the time of your mother's death, herbaceous. That's us: if you paid that number four it ok I know any depreciation you take and so let's sites, Four hundred thousand value at the time she passed, then you take Thirty thousand dollars worth of depreciation now your basis, your adjusted basis is three and seventy. You follow me you later? for five. Seventy many years from now. Ok, That's a two hundred thousand dollar gain over that three. Seventy. you! She added that, but not gain is not the whole five hundred seventy. When you shall it it's over. Whatever you're a regional value was minus. Whatever depreciation you take, an account each time. Your basis is low word each year by appreciation you take on your taxes. That's called your adjust.
Dead basis cause your adjusting the cost downward the amount, your writing off. The logical and sounded pretty stupid of me. When I shouted no now, and I think it makes sense if the question of captain and tat is it more than ten turpin all donors? Why drifting percent fifteen percent you're in your personal scrambled, probably more than that. And that is less what I'm sayin. Even if you shoulda today. What
well gyration you've done with this depreciation in the recapture and all that over what it was worth when she passed it's not going to be much money, five, ten thousand bucks max and so you're gonna have time to mess it up too much in terms of the calculation for taxes. Very interesting call. Thank you, janice, thanks for being a new viewer on tb. In, for those of you, don't know it's one of the places you cannot watch the show every afternoon. This is the ramsey show. Jaguars or rams. Your personality is my co host today in the lobby of ramsey solutions on that debt free stage, Nicole, and some mental or whether say guys are you fantastic, Where do you live Upstate new york, albany just west albany, constantly Harry, but above all
to nashville welcome good to have you how much debt of your great off two hundred and thirty five thousand woe about forty six months, good for you and your range of encumber and that eighty four years ago we started out around sixty five and we ended up about one fifty last year. Now, what do you do for a living, physical therapists networks with children Erika I work in raymond, set out power plant actual actual for what The debt was your two hundred and thirty five thousand and fourteen thousand was a car and the rest was student loans. Sallie Mae set up shop, yeah, absolutely wow, wow physical therapy degree right to ask was about one hundred and eighty of it was the physical therapy degree yeah wow wow. So what happened forty six months ago that made you guys go alright, that's like what was that I've had it moment cause everybody's got one that made you just throw your hands up and say we gotta do this. I think we can
on your first get married. Don't you don't really think about? You have the you're like that, and then I started listen to the podcast. Shortly after we got married. How did you find out about the podcast and albany? I I was honestly just looking for a pod and you guys come up as recommended for personal growth, this dublin that self I had heard of day ramsay before, but the podcast, and when I started listening was really when I got started. And I will say I I definitely presented it to my wife, the wrong way So for all of you, husbands and spouses out they listening, I she was, confidence in rhode island? So she was away couple days, and I called her and said that I was going to change thing. Your exact words, I'm gonna rock your world or which appears ensued way good way
so that is the wrong way to do it and then, when you kindly than I prefer, why haven't aptly regained consciousness, we had many many talks of starting with tears and then, as I really started, to understand the debt and how it was going to impact our lives long term, I was like okay, I you know I'll, give it a shot. Let's, let's do financial peace and now really both got us on the same page, with going through financial peace university together, okay, you presented it much better than I do yeah for sure. Well, if you say I'm going to rock your world through the tv and it's not your husband, you can get away with a lot. Yeah sounds so good. So what was the hardest part along this journey? You do f, p, you. You start learning the principles. What was kind of the first? What was the first thing that you guys kind of rallied around and said? Alright, we need to do this as the free spirit. The budget
fact. He wrote it all out and then he's like you need to be involved and I was like. Are you just do it so getting on the same page with all of that for sure for in each other to sit down and talk about what we're going to spend sure he went from I'm going to rock your world to your vote, counts so much! You have to do this. That's a good move, the ball through a lot yeah. Ok, it's good move, good move and then you finally did sit down and say: okay, I'm going to make my vote I'm gonna hold my motion, look ma broccoli and look at this, yes, which we meet because I'm definitely to spend our so I needed heard and I'm the same myself I am. I didn't want to spend any thing once I realize tat we to pay this. I don't have that kind of thing. Now: ok, ok, saga for even murdered spender where the free spirit, the save, or so we need an area that very good who are you guys shall proud of well done well done, you had a good after you clash that cheer drew on. I hope yes, at I would say there was not a lot of support,
It was kind of a lot of that's good for you, I'm happy for you guys from our families, and then I mean This journey was for years long ago, we had a lot of julie They grew into just the best leaders and their parents were actually both scared of what we were. They re all thought we were ending, ending all the fine that whatever happened in our lives, but neither both a boy- families are so proud and jumping on that train, woman and funny how that happens. You start in everybody's got all the question, but then, when you finish, they want to know how you did it right. Exactly man knew question during their job. Gowns very, very well done were so proud of your excellent excellent work. These are really the numbers you guys deadline into at its obvious on the numbers easy task, for you was absolutely not weed. I mean even in new york, we probably lived on about thirty thousand a year where those more years, thankfully,
affordable, rent and we had a family, I was willing to help us out. How old are you? No twenty seven The rest, your loved man worry us. How does it feel to be free also good. If we can. Actually we can go on trips comes to you, guys we're going to go to florida in a couple months and then started saving a down payment for a house. You never ever going back in debt know. I met. I would the living, give bundle for you, that's the number one best seller, the total money make over and the number one best seller, the baby steps millionaires, books, feed them, give them away whatever you want to do same thing with you've been through financial peace university. We're going to give you another one year. Membership to gift to somebody might even be one of those family members that you converted and help them get on their way. That'd be great. So, however, you want to bless someone whether it's for the live. You live and give bundle, so very, very good,
nicholas, nicholas and samantha opening new york to earn thirty five thousand paid off and forty six months making sixty four the one fifty km zero dead, british grew muttering three to one where boy and a girl, you guys adds fabulous, Andrea is of those in new york city, hey andreae. What's up high gain I gave you on to be on one, what we're happy to have you here? How can we help you Let me get to the point. Ok, so my husband and I were currently on babies. Step number three forecasts, the two completed by name or take is by thousand a month, it brings home very strict. I bring bring home for tee. I am
I'm forty. Two years old, my husband, forty fifty habits, while the earl and a king currently have tea came retirement among older, while one case every rolled over twelve locked, I arrive, but the question is: Do we immediately start baby step four, or do we start baby step? Three D once were competing with baby step three for a down payment on a house. We currently rent rent, my parents, haven't you tell me how to live on the second floor? But of course I do on our own, our own home, but the randy. because you do want peace in our in earlier, but I just yet so far for march each year and that kind of this motor. Why you know, I think it's take it one baby step at a time. You're gonna, finish baby step three in may, you said, and then from then from start saving three be. If you want to own a house, the only way to get there is to start so you get so overwhelmed that you kind of have that per week paralysis, analysis and you're? Thinking about all the numbers in you're wondering how it's going to be possible? You'll never make it so
gotta actually start putting aside the money and as you're putting aside the money start start working in the area. We have a really cool calculator online. That says how much home can afford. It plugging your numbers and there in finding out how much it's gonna take for the homes in your area. What that downpayment needs to look like and start work, towards it and here's the thing you guys worked to pay off the debt. You, to build up your three to six months, you want to know you can do you can work to build up you down payment. and you ve done it before can do it again and yes, it's we'll take a little bit of time, but, like you said, you want to work through the state because it's worth it free to have that peace right, android much doubt of the operator now? Eighteen, fifty five families he shall I, let me tell you when you started the fifty five insurmountable. Yes, to judge point than you do plowed the way you did it shows,
and pay off fifty five I'll bet you can save fifty The main argument you draw its the same taken. My is the same that, but you can pay off fifty five, and you know now, you don't ever payments chapter owls accept rent and if you can pay all fifty five, you can say fifty five and you're, not even germander, doable. Go faster, will now you're getting good at the issues. The rams nature, jade wash all ramsay personality is my Carlos today. Thank you for joining us america, guys think about buying the house truly, not about and about all things low down out there have you noticed and the major, not seventy three people putting in an offer every twenty six minutes.
In other words, you're, not not like buying a house two years ago, is like being in an auction. Oh my gosh, look being a you! Don't have to go to an auction anymore. Now you just like walk up, and then you kind of make an off and then they may be, make account or offer? And then maybe you counter that and If you're selling a house it's great to sell a house because actually still a shortage of housing, there are still more buyers looking our houses for sale, yeah interest rates are up and health protection but there, their still more buyers. Looking there or houses for sale If you're selling a house don't expect seventy three oppression. Twenty six minutes you running instead, you're gonna have a normal. the ombudsman, Rostopchin's nineteen. Seventy eight I'm a licence. Ok, that long, I mention in rome, buying but in the real estate business my whole life I've never seen a time except that one little period of time there were. You didn't put a house on the market, put a house on the market,
full price. A hundred percent was unheard of up until shore prison I'm getting. it offers, was unheard of, except during the short period of time and how typically took thirty tonnes. twice to sell, except during that short period of time, but we through a period of time where the world an absurd that the world will show crazy. That used cars went up in our level. This is like the world's upside down, like you're living in australia, supplied him. I mean it. high quality, but Well, that's kind of smoothed out now now! Listen, if you need to borrow your best bet, is actually a fifteen year fixed rate. You get on track. You pay the house off immediately. You don't have to intimidated. You don't want the payment to be more than a fourth of your take home pay on that we have a free, more Calculator on our website give you not What your payment would look like, I all your mortgage goes we're not in the mortgage business go figure, ramsay solutions, dotcom click for
tools, there's a ton tools there. One of them is the free mortgage calculator free, tools, all kinds of calculations stuff you want to do. You will learn about your money. You want to get control of it. You want to tell it what to do instead of wonder where it went all that kind of stuff, ramsey solutions, dot, com and click on free tools. get ya there. That's what we used jade wash our rooms, you personalities, my co host today, Freddy, is in new york city, high freddy. How are you What's goin on walk in our, through a brother? What's up you're lying on urban mobility that I'm on vacation. Really, my idea very important. I don't you gone anyway, I feel like I do better somewhere else, you're right of Fifty thousand thousand heartiness annuities worth shakespeare,
sixty thousand eight hundred show just like my wounds and pay off my cause, but then I'm dead three on baby stuff, seven deadly. What's the rush of your network might onward? I have the kind of twenty thousand in the time and funds in about a million dollars in the military and you're sixty five. How old are you now? I'm fifty seven? Oh okay, no you're right in there somewhere, alright yeah yeah yeah. I could kind of smell it on you by the way, it's a good salon. It's a good smell like a cologne is not good. In other words, this, in other words, just because I because some people call up with fifty eight thousand owners with the card debt, and I might give them a talking to about it, but I think you can afford it so yeah cash, the annuity out and buy off your cars you're right on track. Freddie you've got couple million dollar networth you're, not you're, not doing darmstadt. White ago I'm proud of you beat on bigger three.
And started. That's my lord. I read more just dump it all into my watch, you got a baby. He had paid paid for your homes, keep it roger you should. I spoke up seven or there you go yeah all my loans, I own three, probably the island or you know I just want to get done. I just wanted you don't have that and and and don't don't, math games next time you get ready by car. Just buy it with money, cold hearted, hash yeah, you you played math games, that's how you did that some way to beat the system was stupid car you lose every time. I always find that to be weird day, you always lose on a car. You got six hundred twenty eight thousand dollars and real estate and retirement millions millions of dollars, but you still get a car. No, I dont understand that when in there and negotiated- and I gotta tell you that the car dealers they look at you, You got one on the share your head when you write a mature, but I do not know what to do with that. They babylon grand circle now try to tell you they can't take the check when we totally
We try to buy our first car in cash. The czech right there and they gave us such a run. Around Dave, I mean day they made up excuses, why this wasn't going to work out a weird? What happened the other day? Those opposite. Of course we have been dealing with this dealership for quite a while. I just bought the brand new raptor, the the big one and the big one of the words of our powers of frequent sweet. I rode on what a literal check. A more usually wire money may live. Or what is this? We want our money, we have cars and I know they asked me to us and I worry the money they should well just suggestion to check and of course, I know me up into a business zeroual, so they know the czechs probably ok button, but I just sent us a track. They'd rather have that than a wire. I had not run into that because I almost always wire money, yeah we're buying a car these days. Well, checks are from, like you would say, when dinosaurs roamed the earth. I know one often in a card they are. You know it was fine. I didn't minded, it would just felt diffrent piano. What because
the wire should be faster. It should be, but I whatever maybe they just maybe they wanted to hold a check from dave ramsey in their hand. I don't think so. I think it's something I didn't understand. Oh well, it's all good lives where this lie is in Lexington Kentucky. I lie. How are you rain the undue. Well, how can we help? I have a son then I'm considering darling off my mortgage good. Not sure how much to set aside for the capital gang packwood. Do you know what you pay for it it was a thousand dollars. A man had no further with twenty five hundred. at worst it worth today. Twenty eight out, twenty eight thousand, so somewhere around twenty six thousand dollars. The gain does not make sense, the difference in what you saw it for verses, what you paid for it that much!
taxable at fifteen percent Oh, your taxes are going to be somewhere between foreign five thousand dollars. I pay you. She did that yet Yes, I did, and so, if you're off by a thousand dollars is now get your unbroken but you need to set aside out of this money for five to six five thousand aside in the menu. Do your taxes and find out exactly what the gain was, but you need to go. back to our go to either your current broker or whoever you are when you purchased it and see if they can give you the actual purchase project. As you do have to verify that to create the calculation, you want the exact number it's somewhere between two thousand twenty five hundred words somewhere around twenty six thousand, and are twenty eight thousand, and we're take two thousand offer that so that's gonna be your game. That's how it works, only fifteen percent, so its fifteen hundred per
thousand of gains revealed thirty thousand we're gonna, be forty five hundred so we know which forty five hundred or lash in this case is probably prohibition. four thousand dollars aside you'll be just fine yeah, that's gonna be real close again. On big numbers here, I'm not knowin knit seed to the petticoat, relations, but I'm not gonna, be I'm gonna be with Three four hundred dollars or where you end up on this, assuming the numbers you gave me a correct that is so that that's how it works the good news about capital gains. Is you don't pay taxes on it until you sell it and when you do so, it had set that reduced rate get so good, good stuff. You know that works with anything that hold and goes up and value real estate old do you pay no taxes on the increase in value until you saw it? it's called a realized game, but not a recognised gain. You realize it when it went up in value erect
niger for tax purposes. When you shall it, and so you have to kind of eta, If that had happened, so to speak, and the same things true. If you buy a low turn over mutual fine, like your baby steps, seven you're completely that really do and other investing they dont say stocks and the mutual fund very often grows, in gains primarily and there's very two no taxes on until you shall a low turnover mutual funds?
look for a turnover ratio that is locked down around five percent or something like that, so that challenged dawn? Ladies and gentlemen, good stuff, good question, Lee Weldon, Weldon Weldon get that mortgage paid off. I love your plan. This is the ramsay chef, the dave here you can find all of our shows with the ramsay network app on your smartphone. It's the only place to listen to the entire back catalog of episodes download the ramsay network app in your favorite app store. Today, the hey it's james producer of the ramsey show. This episode is over but check the episode
notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2023-05-27.