« The Dave Ramsey Show

Should I Pursue Child Support? (Hour 2)

2020-05-18 | 🔗

Debt, Retirement, Savings

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The waters of Ramsay, someone from a dollar Cairo Studios Day, rambling, we're debtors, DOM geysers paid off old mortgage has taken the place of w status shoulders Michael Ocean. This day on the day rooms you show is Chris Open borne by showing author Ramsay Personality, Japan and Chris, and I will be happy to help you with your money and life questions. The phone number AAA eight to five five too
five, eight hundred and eighty eight eight hundred and twenty five five thousand two hundred and twenty five start with Austrian in Florida? The shower I often welcome ram. She shall how can Krishna help they even Chris? Thank you, guys, you're taking my call today sure my question and the question is where my life form baby step too and we have thousand hours in debt also we have about five credit cards in collections, One of those was back in America which they actually suitors about two months ago before now they came to us. We try to do negotiate, but based actually their lawyers, we try to negotiate, but they said to eight. You were asking for the full amount, they even saunders came to. Our house gave us the papers we have for the credit cards in
actions, and my question is: should we tackled them so that we can negotiate or continue on our regular baby, said to debts better that are good. He'll be away from thirty four, And what your household income thousands? and what is the rest of the debt you got for credit cards and what else on sixty Kay still allows there how much misery thousand are carried. We have alone for twelve thousand an end, we jack, we actually get settled with the time
At that time we got out of our time. Share. Good bye were or having to pay them. Approximately. We have ten thousand hours left till we get up payment plant them to complete that brought us. Ok go but you're gonna handle that mess, so their banners, ok Show the sheriff came and served you with a court order or gave you a date right, yes, which had actually been extended because, which one is the date. The new data leaders June sixteenth arm. But I fully we we got our stimulus check, which is exactly what we need for a week, but that playthings must try to come type a lawyer to pay them, but they are not available to the virus. Don't pay em, don't pay him at all. No, but I would show up down there at all,
fifteen and meet with the attorney and they will settle it on the spot with you and you'll get it for fifty cents on the dollar twenty cents on the dollar on expected you're broke, you don't have any money and you know You don't have the money to pay this in full as well you are offering them a settlement. For God's sakes, us watching collection to start with and arm here's. What happens you you're dealing with it the Bank of America to start with you deal with Satan, but that's that but anyway, the d, you know when you when you're dealing with their attorneys in collections. You are a Is in a factory that turns out five thousand? widgets a minute all day long. So Absolutely no! You got no attention at all when you try to work with them before your price
we dealing with twenty six year old paralegal at best, ok and when you- What, when you trot down there, what you're gonna find is the attorney has a tube wheeler, with boxes of cases that are going before the judge, all at once, that day, their rolling, the widgets off the end of the assembly line and you're one of them when you actually shop in person. It is so lately shocking them. Cannot emotionally deal with it. And then just stand up before the judge. Until the judge, I offered them a settlement if they want but he'll settled before it is fine character and he'll be runnin around here be highly unimpressive because he can't get a good job right and I Israel must, I should be going up and down with cookie chrome, Senator somethin right. I'm here you're gonna, be so underwhelming urban traffic court lawyer lack for speeding ticket
remember when you weren't, you thought it was a big deal and then, when you get down, there is almost like something on a shouted not lapse. Get you remember that that's what's the emotion fine with me, too, is going to court for something. Well, that's my point. You, when you went to traffic court, though you were all jacked up about it, but when you down. There was almost funny one. The way it all went down to do what he was quick to. There was very quick and it was just like yours automatic, and goes you wanna go to school. Are Europe by the ticket fields? comes off your insurance. You go school, your honor Airbus, your honor right when you run through the school, you know how it works, and so this is up the same thing. This is a traffic ticket world and they're just and nobody comes your problem be the only one dire awesome? They see you as an account number. A dollar amount and Sophie to go down there and to be firm and to be clear what it is now you're, putting a name to Europe
your account number, but just you know, get give them payment that you have proof of payment has been made if you gotta go, and then he has to give it to you in writing that it is settled or, Greed order will be fine before the judge give internet in order that they agree to accept. A thousand dollars for the thirty four hundred and cash. If you want, I don't. Give you a receipt so for the other the same language containing just continue to work on over the phone You work these guys, I'm sorry You were an unsuccessful over the followers you were, but you didn't want bank, Where does the Eu Fleet bringing such a small downright globally they hardly seriously is so standard in the credit industry when something gets all the way to court like this, that something ten thousand dollars a settled for about fifteen or twenty cents on the dollar is done every day. Well, and I would like our mouth, you do know. Sometimes if that debt gets shifted to a collection company. That may not be a bad thing, because you
opportunity mail to deal with some people that may talk with you and work with you just make sure that their documenting your account that you write down the name and number of who it is your speaking with they may tell Their name is Bob. That's not their name because it gonna have indeed, if I had one used to call me was Missus, Savage and another Baskerville, what the hounds of but ass there, They make gonna make up certain aims to be into savage. She said the Baron the Baskervilles or after you Dave, and once I call on the house of stupid business works it gotta be humanly because they can't play with your emotions yeah, because I'm scared out of my brain. I had not thought about how some kind of dead beat and I wouldn't know just a guy screwed up so clean it up,
You know that if you want, if you're right, I'm a Jackie grandma check, but I think it's in a little bit of an adventure. I think he's pry worth couple grand of couple grander. You ve forgotten. There sit made the guy with the cookie crimson his moustache prom machines and find a highly unimpressive individual because they could not get a job doing something else. Other doing small thirty four hundred dollar credit card suits for Bank of America could bore that's a bottom of the barrel. This is the diver amnesia
business leaders. Now more than ever, we need people with the right skills to support our communities, especially the frontline workers, who provide resources and care for those most in need to help linked in is offering free job pose for health care and essential service organizations that need to quickly Phil critical roles with the people who help us all. If your hiring for one of these organizations free job posts, are linked and can help, you quickly find the right people for your front line to post a job for free visit linked in dotcom slice, Ramsay terms and conditions apply.
Then our hills, whether in California idea- which I now are you great congressional macroeconomic. You're my boyfriend, and I wait you get married until the corona virus clear, or are you just go for it looks ok Daniel what what is sure got right now telling you I would like my family and friends there for me
together for about six years now and you may constant in pushing and down the tardy say when this thing work clear up, so I don't know if it's another excuse to keep putting it on or how wrong twenty five and my boyfriend is thirty, for oil You know. Obviously, this very personal decision and you called mistaken- who asked Christian I about whether we know nothing about it, and so the only answer that I can give you a pauper Dave answer as the dad three kids that are some slightly older than you, but ever so slightly? If my daughter, Ask me this exact question that? Surely we are not to answer it, but it certainly not based on any level of expertise. You understand that right, yes, Roca
I'll get married tomorrow. And then I would have a celebration after covered players, upper Californy opens up, or I would move to. Reckon ever celebration or something I don't know, but I do you know you can delay the celebration. That's right! You ve delayed the marriage six years, so it is said like this is a hard core tradition. If you have been on agreed so I dont know oh, what changes about that so many women acting like you and for a long time modest will make illegal right yeah. That's! When encoding attacks on, financial involvement as well, and I have been causing problems I'm not looking to get in
make sure those cleared up that upon marriage that were in agreement that this out we're gonna go forward with them. Financial part, ok, but if you are in agreement on how we're gonna handle money together, going forward upon marriage, in that case it some time Dave, I'm surprised because you know you're significantly older Daniele and I
I was set up with your significantly bolder than men, but listen. Listen! I like it! I'm bus track. We we employ. You could definitely go see the justice of the peace go ahead and get married or see the preacher yeah dawn, and you can do a celebration with the family and other time. So why are you surprised? Just I'm shocked, you think what you think Papa. I was gonna tell her white ten year. How thought you're gonna tell a lease wait a little longer, so the whole family could be there the traditional list. You are why on, but I know that middle living together six years old families already been there. The oddest point everybody's already met ever body now brother, so get it done models welders make this thing happen. I don't eat you know, but again. It s too
people who you should not have asked that origin. But it is that's like column and ask about here care tubes amount of wires. What razor do Michel is whether certain was consonant monsieur elbows, please I'll go help. I think I can, and I think that if you can't shoot I have a retirement one case for three questions: I want you for about five years. I think I know the answer even coordinators pew, but here's my question I recently switch jobs and I called my youth for a one. Kid company and persons object of roaming over my foreign three be into a forlorn, carry all boss, I'm abbe we strongly advised me against it because of the state of the markets, and I said
Well, my understanding is it's a one for one and following a moving into a new one should be little to no impact right, I'm here, the explanation went in sorrow. So I know what he's talking about You got it all figured out more than he does Michel you're right. I know it. Well. My former one king, I wouldn't role. I wouldn't row your for all three be into a for a one Kay, the outer owing to an IRA back back my question because he left me. Feeling, like I didn't know what I was talking about and he didn't do a good job of why he was right. Now is wrong. I really don't wanna put money funds there. Is it feasible for me to fully final tool for my husband? What for my child and just investment batch through my current company shop and do everything not rule more rational railway, but take your old for all three be enrolled.
To an IRA is well yeah. That's what they had been talking with an investor at he recollected the same fail. At other reason, Israel should bullet number one. I don't ever. You know you don't have to deal with HR. You have to go through your company to do your investing in earlier investing do. You get more options in the open market. When you deal with more vesture approach, we always tell folks to take your retirement with you when you leave, if you can, by virtue of a direct and for a roll over into an and that's not come directly to you. That's going Could I raised? Are you not casual it out? You not happen Uncle SAM on the shoulder Michel. Thank you not number one for regional trust in us, but for helping other people as a coordinator of financial peace This is an opportunity to really help other people start to get those basic questions answered, so they can gain confidence
so we really appreciate you and all the other coordinated mascara part about Michel is whether she trusted herself yeah. He's talking in circles I know what I'm talking about. He couldn't teach me where I was wrong so she says: talk to the hand, I'm out of here, and what we teach them. She that's lotion. One thing: even if you don't have leaving you, don't called even Chris to get the new wants detail on what to do with the stuff you go. If I do. Stand it and you can help me understand. That means you're, not my guy right. If you dont have the heart of a teacher, You do not allow the bad gum. Plainly, another circle, airport annually, yep yet be a ppp after in the self important bad gum tone. The way these characters do and it's the dead gum, financial or man is yours, beans out there they really are. So you have to find someone the financial world in their fairly, where there's only about fifteen percent is my estimate and that's a made up estimate this pretty close
fifteen percent of people, the financial world have the heart of the teacher. The rest are more like that guy, their self important I don't know what the flip they're doing and they can't land the plank, as I don't even know where the runway- that's exactly like. The heart of the teacher means that they care enough there, to help you get to your goal there, not just They use fancy words to try to sell you at the salesperson, the personal them for teachers trying to guide this cows more concern by being right, then he was right about her understanding, nor even can he's not right bodily. So Michelle of you? Yet you trust your instincts, because what we teachers, I'll, put money in something you don't understand and don't work with people at the heart of a teacher and that's what in both cases she couldn't
stand. His question is is point because he couldn't make. It is wrong, but then also he didn't have the heart of a teacher because obviously couldn't teacher the stop ass. He saw the wrong guy. Yes, he felt this idea like Anita shower after I get off the phone. That's how you know you got the wrong guy. We ve all had without interactions with that, guy, that guy I'll leave slammed just talking sponging ninety miles a minute, you Miller, We goes but slammed that's what it feels like when you're in a meeting with models, bozos goin things over many puncture guys
this is the diver amnesia
in the lobby around three solutions. Real people are here on the dead three stage, Josh and Morgan, or whether a guy shall aria about you then I deserve welcome. What do you guys live? We're from several sack Yolanda get us out of Charleston. Absolutely no. It well will welcome to Nashville Trust and opening up a little by little. They get there. Ok, good will welcome up here. We appreciate having you all the way up the door, debt free scream. How much will be paid off of two hundred and twelve thousand dollars thou how this take two years in eleven months? Good for you guys actual and your range of income during that time, we started out at a hundred and twenty six thousand, and we finish a hundred and seventy thousand. Now I love about
thousand that each year was side us yeah how'd, you guys do for a living teacher and on the civil Cyborg estimate, her great What was the side hustle. Well. We did the rest one. The best one problem Reed's door, dash, poser mates just because its and ease of using that aside, I wanted to work now had turned on for the sudden. Five minutes amount to be done. I could turn it back off. Ok, so major. The most money is satisfied. I think it was our embroidery yes, our work, we started sad business, doing tee, shirts embroidery violently guy four are for. Cars houses, business logos, and I brought in somewhere between fifteen sixteen thousand a year for you excellent job very we, so you guys got serious about this. Here I mean so the tuna twelve. Wouldn't you pay off. We paid off hundred and aren't we
and stood alone. Thirty one in solar panels with six two thousand and cars and then there s was credit or seven thousand credit cards. You show me think big inciting plug I threw in two years on eleven March along through your track. Why now being given it? Yes, you ve, been scratching clown, hustle ground, you been going after it shelter. Story. What happened to put you won't, let you on fire, when we got married in April of twenty sixteen, China wants want to get our finances in order, and so we Davis, it through the rest of that year, and I I could get rid of my student loans through the public Service Loan forgiveness programme, and we started, seeing more more evidence that that was a scam and We decided after morning got a sizeable bonus that we could do this and we could power through. It so come January of twenty seventy
We decided to go full on work our way through it How old were you all thirty one and twenty six? out amazed that you hammered it. Unama how's, it feel great, very agree. A little bit to twelve thousand around your neck. Look at more demoted, you're smart went off would do much, but how did you feel you? I did this. I just want to work here. He did so much extra. He found all these are jobs. He heeded great out trying to support him in and everything that he wanted to try to do so is is great for us, Let go you guys are very proud of it. Who are you, cheerleaders deftly our parents, my mom turned round to you when I was a little kid, listen to it on the radio. She listened, but you never heard of her she's always say that she bought cars, not tyres, So I knew about your early on and then Morgan's mom and dad gave us the the old fund,
people still live in that, and so does your great joy it is for us are growing So I was always around you, but you never picked it up as Mr Lehne three go home game on. While you are picked it up and ran I you really did Morgan. What was the biggest sacrifice for you? I think was stay and homeless the time we would eat at home. We wouldn't go out, we wouldn't we. We would have our own date nights, but it would be at our homer run of watching we at the house, so it was some as a sacrifice press for sure, but for Europe all these people want and about being at home. Now, you're, just like I've been doing it for three years and a lot of times are date. Knights were going on drought, Reed Strata, you get dragged together and talk about what our future keep a dream alive had treated ass thick what're, you tell people that
to getting on a debt is for me it was stay under the budget and then we ve always been blessed that we're always on the same page. So it's been really easy for us to be in a same same goals, thing. So that's been. That's been good monster work. We do We did all the driving delivery services we kept. Other people's dogs ass, who football referee. People needed a new life picture in a house of your put it up. Just last week we built someone's the ground in the backyard fur for their kid via. Only if you are going to pay me and it is legal to do. I did it do not have a working method problem beyond measure yeah, not at all, so what people say they have telephoned job easier when it's all a freshman, dollars, now that he is here, because you find me
they're everywhere every from heavy weight ago. You guys were very, very proud. I congratulate while absolutely amazing what we ve got: a copy aggressors book for every day millionaires. Of course, that is the next chapter in your story. Right, be a millionaire now, and there is no question about your two you're on your way to that, without a doubt, so very very cool, Josh and Morgan from Charleston South Carolina too well thousand dollars paid off two years and eleven months, Megan one twenty six to one seventy master. Other side, hustle counted them. Let's hear a debt free screen, three two one!
ouch downright there, what will your life views coup that is awesome, very, very cool, good stuff, so Have you heard the news this morning or not? They announced staff meeting. If you didn't already know, Mister common Ramsay personality. Is doing a big time lie stream. This, they night called get hired. Yes, about how to get a job in the middle of your stuck in a job. You hate- If you recently launched your job, you're looking for something new and you understand their stories remain unemployed right now she got up competition. The answer ass to any of those questions our new large dream about coming up on May? Twenty first is for you and it's a one night digital event can commenting on teach you how to
The killer resume. Everything you need to know to get the interview process Naval down and then feel to deal with the right kind of follow up conversations this Thursday, night Sevenpm central tickets are only ten dollars a day rooms you got gum, slash events and I can't think of more timely right now. I think it's definitely necessary Dave. I'm talking to people, they dont know return, and I've got a lot of people but on the job market in ten or fifteen years, and so now throughout this pandemic, and all that are going on, people are waking up unknown. They need to take action and a no kids, gonna good guidance of some people off the job they hate and some people kept a job they hate and they just realized they hated go, and so it's time to move on in either case and so yeah You know we definite the economy has got pandemic. Idas does without about you gotta thirty. Three,
million people unemployed. And so are we not those up. We help you with getting on a debt. We up you with your life We hope you with career. We help you in your small business and we help you with getting a job and kids gonna help them. The event is called get hired It is a live stream. This come Thursday night tickets, Ten dollars and again you can purchase them, they Ramsay DOT, com, slash events, also still on sale are still available. The fourteen day, free trial to finance, apiece university, they rooms in our hope, if you ever heard the news on that. That's the first time in thirty years we ve done a free trial. Financial, patient, firstly, and certainly want
to get involved in that why you're still candidate room should accomplish hope. This is that they were actually
open voices are there so that you show my co host on the show today. Ramsay personality provoking never won by selling authored lightly of the book. Today millionaires. Erika is whether some Arizona I erika welcome that Abrahams issue can thinking symmetrical and I call upon you to speak people. You tell him. I have a question about and held support, though I am grateful to say that I am actually baby subdued, but all made that feed off, but my child, whether over the boat, with a two year. Sixteen thousand in child support on earth so because we have been able to ignore, cannot get through this Vienna myself. So follow up all the time that I have. What did your thoughts on HIV judges? No stop.
The frustration and hassle of trying to take him back to court to get him to tee. He has another child on the way as well. It I want, but I just wanted your thoughts, innovation, but that go with it still something that you think I should pursue. I'm grateful that I think people to get to this point of our praise. God, let's presumed that you got a phone call this from attorney and a rich relative that you didn't know had died, left your million dollars. In other words, your financially but just pretend for second you're completely, naturally set Does that change is obligated to pay for his child? For the point is not that You are ok. The point is This is his kids money.
A guy ought to pay for it unless you ve ever been abusive or have you been? to hear more of you abuse the court system, or is he not oh, what do you? They ripped him off in some way or You know I mean there are some child abuse child abusers. Child support. Cases that are over there. And they're wrong in terms of what their charging the father there is. No question of that those exists, but you didn't mention any that's from assuming that's not there is it. Is this proper amount of child support, and he just has chosen not to pay it. What's the deal. It's really allow it's only two sixty a month. They have waited the agreement media like six years ago when a minimum wage for the lot lower and our speed for going to sixty the use of the page twenty dollars towards arrears as well Mickey how bout to Eddie
Now it's nine extravagant at all seriously. His dollar melodies behind is fifteen. Sixteen, Graham these never paid on while yeah Erica Will you have a conversation? I get back to work and when walk through this, you know the reality is as Davis and you gotta gonna take the kids. Now I wouldn't I wouldn't wind, ninety percent of your emotional energy. Doing this, I would continue to put some steady pressure on him, because it's it's incumbent upon him morally forget the legality of it to take care of his child. To address both to bring your baby. Don't you thereby busy see that baby. It does the child at all Erica does he kindly visitation of driving at the weekend if even consistently
I think you ve been a little too easy to get along with schwaiger. Ok, wanted to make sure tat. I felt grateful there I paid off thirty four thousand. I would be grateful if unheard of a million dollars to, but that has nothing to do with being a deadbeat. Ok, I gotcha I just wanted to see her in front of you. Thank you so much. I appreciate it is my opinion and I think you ve been way tenacious, what I'm afraid well and she's coming forward despite yeah, that's good and shut, but this is about I'm frightful, for you I'm grateful maternity ungrateful than America like grateful. I can work or if I can save money, but this the report. By now no intention to now we really bad is shown up picking up a kid. Yeah monies give him who had been state. You can give you a pretty vicious reminder, but John is with us in Michigan hygiene. Are you I'm good thank you for taking like all chirk. What's up? Ok, so my question,
I have a few key account. I'm separated. The government now saw. My understanding is that I cannot withdraw from it until I'm. Fifty nine and a half you can roll bed, so is there are retirement? vehicle or something that I can put my money into where I don't the way and tell I'm fifty I don't know, but you can roll into an I re and from good mutual funds and out perform the option, that are available in the php and then how does well out of that work? I have about a third of it. To rock but two thirds in to traditional, can I keep my as you know, the traditional, but you can access it until for half an hour, but that that's not a big deal you you know, but go ahead and do it click, smart vesture, at daybreak, cd rom, and meet with a smart vesture pro in your area pick out one you like that has an out of a teacher.
Can show you how to do what called a direct transfer over meaning that money doesn't come to you. It goes direct into the IRA, into the mutual funds? You select that about performed the options that you're in with it yes p and you cannot perform the best thing in the tea aspires to see. Please and it's the Essen be five hundred in the Essen. Be five hundred great must not bad fond at all, but you can- I find that out perform that an incoherent wroth and irregular John you're gonna be so happy with a different options that you have. You know you you ve been going to above. They that had three items. You're about to go. Something now there's got over five thousand items in you're you're definite gonna, be excited about the future? Completely change Europe? Michel's in Cannes, Seamus show. How are you, I believe, our you Better than others, or how can we help hey? I have a question
husband. I have been clear that free thanks to your parents, often listen you provided Yours now and we have gradually accumulated farmland over the years. On a farm, my dad no people typically farm abortion, but a pretty good investment. In order to not borrow money and encourage women to save a pretty big chunk of change like you, re run thousand dollars. How would you recommend we got money like where would you put it currently, we have like three twenty a thing. The count not making much interest. Could I want it available. Over the land becomes, he had opportunities to come up I'll show you show me, you are a particular piece of ground. Is that what you're saying? Well, we don't know what that land will be. I mean from planet, some people come available and will have an option. I see to saving, as you want a form. My period, though yeah spit. Probably that has nothing to do with the operations of your current land. No outmoded
for more land becomes available that we'd like to invest more money there to use Lecter, ok, and so what is your total net worth? I don't know. Probably I mean when I bought it pretty nice lobbying. We have no dad I'm an old problem. Like a million and a half, maybe but I don't know, actually show what I do want. I'm Having for real estate is I use Inaction, p five hundred index fund with no commissions no no load big. Now what that does is that guy exactly ride the stock market, that is, the stock market, Ok, so if you have done that in January, your three hundred thousand would be down sixty thousand a day. Ouch, ok bye
you know you were just but but what will it be by fall below it'll, be four hundred thousand and be back up so thus through. Thus is the ride I do that because I can absorb that risk, meaning if I lost them sixty thousand on paper not a big deal? I can to come back to the fall and I just wouldn't it be salon convertible today, unless unless I had the money and thereby that piece of land that when we were to do it, it might keep me from doing it, but where the four thousand PETE dollar came from use made that, Could you only have a piece of ground and man today right give knowing why the firelight, typically growth, remained typically gigabytes around twenty you, my bothers right anyway. They d, if you want make a little more risk. You could do that if you just want to make savings, account Rachel return, leaving a money market either. One is fine,
you have a high enough network. You can absorb that risk if you are trying to make love that puts us our that Abrahams show in the works. This is James Childs producer of the Dave Rancey show you can now listen to the day, ran for show on Spotify tenderer or anywhere. You listen apply, cast for all the ways to watch and listen check out our show page day, Ramsay Dotcom, Slash show make more money doing what you love check out: Christie, rights, business, boutique, podcast crises,
firing and equipping women to become successful, running their own business hand, Chrissy right, and I help women all over the country, take their ideas and passions and Hobbes and turn them into profitable businesses. If you have an idea in your head or dreaming your heart and you ve ever wondered if you could make money doing it, I'm here to help join us on the business boutique podcast, where we are equipping women to make money doing what they love to hear more from the remedy network, including Christie, Roger Boutros, Boutros Podcast. Wherever you mentioned a bog cash, hey it's James producer of the Dave Ramsay show
Transcript generated on 2020-07-20.