« The Dave Ramsey Show

Should I Move In With My Girlfriend? (Hour 3)

2022-05-20 | 🔗

George Kamel &  Rachel Cruze discuss:

  • How to get rid of a leased car,
  • Should you sell your house and buy a new one,
  • Pausing your investments to rebuild an emergency fund,
  • How to handle money disagreements with your spouse,
  • Moving out of grandma's house to live on your own.

Want a plan for your money? Find out where to start: https://bit.ly/3nInETX

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I ranging that work. This is the re indonesia, where we have followed your money, get ahead in your career and get on living on george Campbell, your house joined today why rachel crews are selling author hosting the racial pollution, which ignore calls to give me the right next step. Will your money your word? The housing market, cars inflation, you name! It should give us a call triple eight, eight to five five, two to five.
Anthony kicks off this hour in huntsville alabama anthony. Welcome to the show I do I know rachel and george. Can you hear me? Yes, you sound great. What's going on? Oh thank you. Well. I've been ironed aimed at two. You have a car lease its work. thirteen dollars a month nos twenty two months, lucky guy. There are other got remaining stood alone. The twelve individual I've got an austrian along that total about. the eight thousand dollars. Struggling on hot water less, which ones to pay up urged? You do have six thousand dollars that you can use to go, get a car and we just don't know but I'm still longer get this card been sorted out, Do you know the early by out amount on the car? I checked it several times, but not recently, so it always changes
somewhere around, like thirty five, a geek gladiator. What's your income. Combined word about one hundred and fifty thousand. Ok there's, good news area, an ice shovel to claim this up That's the total debt. is the fourth time yet your loans plastic charlie's boy times Take dollar that well, do you like the car. I got my wife love that. Is it right now in his part of your financial world? It's not that big of ammo! will you keeping the car if you want to do the early by out, but you ve got quite a measure to clean up still with you know no eighty thousand dollars in that year.
because of the role of some two anthony. Is we don't want your card to be half of? your annual income. So it's not getting close to that, but I'm getting out Please do If you get out, you have six thousand I'd go by us in our chief peter car, which and this market six thousand gets. You will beat her car. Unfortunately, entire toilet priests were sail out and then moving on. A prius, but I'm kinda willing to do it. My wife doesn't know if we should lose the security of the lie. The you know that it won't break down, and come with time under the terms of a pan off belongs, even though everybody thinks the guard gonna forget my word: panama, better loans. Awesome awesome, yeah, that's its awesome was right. Now you have the illusion of security. Financial security and idea of your car is just constantly breaking down because you drive a used car is, is a myth. I think a lot of it. We truthfully used to justify why they need to keep the other new shiny car,
and so that that's gonna be there as part honestly, his the conversation with your wife about getting rid of this car. If you're not gonna, keep it, I don't think you're plan on buying in many ways, a lot of money for it. Should she likes a lot and it is a nice car but yeah our car and me don't feel your thirty five thousand dollar car. I don't think yes, so I think that's that's the feeling, that's it, and especially if it's not something that you're going to buy even at the end of the lease. I think I can't go now. I think you guys are going break, that's going to hurt and it's not going to be fun, but I think it's the wisest decision right now. Looking at the numbers for you guys, and then that way, you can start attacking us debt and you guys make a great income to anthony so you're going to be on the other side of this really quickly. Okay,. I wish you can find you make it sound. So simple had been stewing over this for days.
the average tend to do that. We try to over complicate things and the truth is the money plan. The we pitcher on the show is real, simple and its real hard This involves emotion involves a viewer, cider involve sacrifice and saying no delay. Vacation You know it is really Harkin's back to our childhood days, rachel and one where kids, you know, and we just want the things we want. We want it now, and so we do it and we go up. That was a mistake. How do we get out of this? Yet? First, our personal anthony things for the call you appreciate them. Joins us in denver colorado up next. Nick welcome to the show, like you do, What's goin on arms who currently nemo We haven't house here Just click run down on it here on earth, Junior alarm were one point: seventy five percent interest rates and we pay seventeen. Forty a for a mortgage
one thousand dollars a month for a studio that we have on it I'm so we bought the house in two thousand and eighteen of course, property values are everything is doubled and we bought the house for two. Seventy five. We could probably sell it for six hundred thousand some, so the other thing is that we have now, as we currently have another house. we do have a little baby, sterner family, He too need bigger house. we have some families as a house that they offer to us much much bigger. We can do for a really good deal for what the guerrillas market is seven a salad below Marnoo. Yes, while they are generous yeah. Now, that's why
good opportunity to figure out what, if we should keep our house here. Much as the new house and neurosis houses for fifty? If then we have a hundred thousand down to put on it. That's your accurate in the current home. That's what we have signed. didn't sell the current or mother. We still have a hundred thousand in cash to put down. Yes, ok, and if you did sell your colonel house, how much could you put down Could you pick out so you could sell for six hundred police? Six hundred thousand, you said yeah did. You like it has were an, but they have a mortgage on it. So how equity. Do you have in the current house. All we have well towards the elegance offers hundred thousand. We owe to thirty on ok, ok, questions,
net like three. Fifty is what I'm saying, though you got three fifty off the sell, your house, plus the hundred grand you have boom you just paid. ass for this house and your payment anymore. So if I'm in your shoes, that's what I'm doing. I do not like the idea of you haven't to mortgages, even if you can make it work on paper, From a risk management level, having no payments is better than having to No one saying our goal. Is it myself? I don't have a retired mixtures of my yes, my career choices. What's your career, mama, hunting, guide, region and stuff. Like that, so called nice. My husband job Lucky my wife's inertia secure, which is nice. We did. You know, I know when we bought this house, nedda, agony, retired or well.
I don't like a home as a retirement plan, because that is going to be a real hard to create a meaningful income off of that. So my my principles still stand rachel. You can disagree here, but I'm going to sell it pay cash for the next one. Then you'll be able to stack up real fast. You can do investment property later with cash you can actually starting to save for retirement. That's what I would be doing that feels a lot safer, that's financial peace! This is the ramsey, show the
where the hell are they ramsay and the growth of rain decisions overnight success on the surface. It makes for a much more exciting story, but we ve seen enough stupid to know that overnight. Success is too short and shallow to produce anything with momentum and mean if you want, stop a momentum in all areas of your life. You have to focus and spend time in the trenches and invite god into your efforts then, You will see. Amazing things happen. Now? Creating momentum is hard. It isn't fair. not everyone is ready for that next level of living. But if you are, we ve got great news. Dave Ramsay has written a new, quick reed called the momentum theorem to give you our formula unstoppable momentum, the growth in is the momentum. Theorem is not exclusive to just his story. It can be your story to you shift gears in any area of your life. At any time you can
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two thousand yeah, I know her exciting input is keen thousand away for emergency fund on air, and now we have put fifty I was in dollars left arm. Lee currently put the key personnel of my husband pay check into his peers peat, as he's in the military I'm going bust. Also I dont have in retirement unfounded though we have to keep out then dollars and we want to go on a vacation and we want to buy some used up or knew how, but I the one our own best there and is looking for your dies, advice call. So you sold the house. You catapulted, through baby step two and three into baby step for and you said you're in a new house now, did you purchase new homer you renting Actually, we are living with friends right now he's getting really stationed, though we are. When king has new station. Ok go:
so you're running, asking you wanna buy some stuff for the new place, anyone to go on a vacation what did we hesitate with doing that Ah, yes, I warn you, I wonder, to open up all our fire where they would come and I really wanted to put the money until guiding star like another, because he appeared only wanted to start like another on things, like retirement, I'm. I just didn't know how much I should put in there and how much I spend on vacation yeah all great question: Yeah me nothing. If I were, you guys got the I wouldn't you could take that fifteen percent of the fifty thousand. If you wanted to look at it that way, you could do that input around seven thousand into a rough ira this year, you'll find a rough. I re and then take the remainder. You know a little bit of that gonna reasonable vacation. Yet humming,
stuff. Do you want to get for the new place? What are we talking? A few grand got a few grand are we really need a dining room table want a new bed and then maybe a new couch, but what are to focus? This is a new dining room table and a new bed cool. Have you priced out What you guys Would why in something like that cause like orange or just can range, so I didn't know if you had no idea yeah a little bear, and so I'm I would say at Anyone came on fine keeping under a leg, a thousand are fifteen hundred and then a ban We had a very tight, not that much. I'm gonna look too much, but I would pay me you mean like a thief How, then, are four thousand like a really nice bed yet. With a great thing, as your you'll have the ability to be able to do a lot with this? Fifty thousand, so I think yeah think I hadn't get get. furniture. You want, spend five six thousand on that's what you're thinking
Comcast, I'm a fool. Trying, nursing student right now on income is all about seven decently. Five thousand a year call you guys have made the same devices to get where you are. So I'm totally good with you make some purchases and enjoying some of this money, but just now and sat with the opportunity cost of ok. If we want to buy a home down, the road will that's her down. I meant money that were eating away from which is okay. We will we got to go on vacations. We have to have a bed and a dining table, but we don't go crazy and go we're going to buy the nicest of everything while we rent and then you move into the new house and he got while the dining table doesn't fit in that spot anymore, now we are you ok, you know. So I don't you think about the long term as well. Get you got. A lot because of his job as his stations do nothing
yeah, we move yeah, we'll be and his new station for three years and we plan to rent for the three year good and I'm yeah. We have no idea what the what's going to happen in the future we'd like to build a house and we decided to get somewhere kind of an angle on, but few there's just back and putting about five thousand and opening up a roth IRA. Yes, I was going forward. You notice, invest fifteen percent of your household incomes of your stone school that fifteen percent of his seventy five into the t, s p And beyond that You can start saving today that our ally areas wild into their off. Yet I'm gonna call you have you have the letty with this fifty thousand to bear you guys can buy some furniture, take a trip, you're, ok, so just take a breath. permission to do it, you can do it absolutely. Thanks for the car ash thanks for your husband service. By way, yes, thank him for his servants. That's incredible,
They joined the sub next in kansas city ashley. Welcome to the Ramsay show high, I supported this error liquids. I love rachel. I love your instagram real. I let you leave you and I well. I really appreciate it as I am I have a question up on me? when are you gonna been danish, because you know he was left alone to start paying off the debt with meat when we didn't have too much, but we only had with ten thousand and put his main sticking point was and we have to keep our retirement at fifteen percent so, but now I feel like that. Slowly has doubts were wherein baby steps. Three uncle were done. A baby said too, but were right at the end of every step, three So we'll have our fully funded emergency fine of twelve thousand next month all eyes, but I feel like it's gonna
Well, it's down now and I have to save for a down payment on our house, wondering if you guys had to save that twenty per cent. So you want to save around thirty to forty thousand, currently on our house yeah. That's us! You gonna, take us about three years to do that if we keep doing nothing he presented. It. Isn't that probably maybe take us to. I mean if we cannot really get after it. Maybe You know a little less than two years. If we If you continue investing a fifteen percent, If we can t do, let me fifty percent gonna, taking more around three years, as you say matter, could cause investing meda yeah how how urgent. Are you guys him and buying something in the next two? years, we have a two bedroom house and we have three kids, so yeah letters. High urgency is high again for me as high m, but you know I'm a little like we're not going to have
Why were aware only gonna have was one million on it, if, if start saving it and he thinks we need more like five million, because the inflation were thirty and thirty one wow. You guys got another thirty years of your career, you're telling me you're only gonna have a million dollars investing for thirty one. That he's always, though, he's always the warrior so well they're trying to make the absolute number one amazing job. You guys have killed it's an emmy, it's just it's fun, nominal the progress you have made so obviously you're doing something right now: you're you're funding your retirement. When I get all that, but you make it, I address you as our doing it so what it said, like for him. Is he needs facts so for you to say gosh, I just feel like we're. Gonna be ok for him. He has number, so I would run Ashley some scenarios with an investing calculator. You just go to ram solutions. I call them. We have them there
and run and say hey if we pause retirement for eighteen months to save it for a down payment hears?
where we're going to be at sixty five and then remember. Your income is going to go up. Ashley you're not going to stay stagnant for thirty years. You guys are going to be making more money as you get greater your career, so factor that in and run some fun scenarios give them one two three scenario and show you guys are going to be: okay, you're going to be okay, but I appreciate his worry, but he needs some facts and watching this is the ramsey show the bachelor ramsey show of george campbell host of the fine print, an entree leadership podcast joined today by rachel cruz host of the rachel crew show you could find all of those shows on the ramsay network or wherever you listen to podcasts and on youtube. Olivia joins us next she's in Houston, texas, olivia, welcome to the show
hello long. Thank you for having absolutely rachel, and I help my question is done. recently my has been opened up by the company. And he stopped working. I do part time she knew how do we tied off of up of business powerful? Like me, first met with your soul, used to hide in every page. and now it's a little bit confusing for how do we go about tagging from our business yeah man it's a great question. Let me- and I love your heart in it, and I always say with this come at these kind of questions that there's I don't like like a major legal, a approach to it. So I and you can never wrong with being overly generous, so few skew the way of going overly generous. I don't think you can go wrong there at all.
And I would say on the other end, I I would still feel comfortable, that whatever your take home pay as that's what you guys ties on or for people to make a salary. If it's the net in our house, Look at it, but I don't know if it's necessary to tie on the profits of the business? I would just do what your title income yeah, what you're take him pay as from the business europe at the moment, it's not really getting paid yet, and why is that? We don't know how to go about it yet so that's the thing I mean there is money there in the company is making money, but but he's not knowing your that's correct. Is this your business together? Here ok, so where's the money going, sure it's there at the bank? It gets stare bunny.
I am working, but he he I'm a in saying I needed some getting paid. I need a good start getting paid, but are you As long as he working in the business, though, that is correct, if that's what you doing full time, ok yeah, so he showed is not being a model, should pay himself. He should enable the work. How are you guys been your bills I do have at times as well. But I tell you: do each we meet our only belgians are light, our water and yes, are you guys for car insurance? Okay? What kind of job look I businesses this This is a field technician he'd alarm, color patients for water plants, ok and Do you have any debts now no and you You don't have a mortgage now, dang that's so great! So how part time. Income is what's paying all the bill
and then the business income has just gone to the bank and just sitting there and going to the bank an app called ping. I guess the the business expenses side, correct why you gotta start drawing? on this business. It's gotta create an income for it to be worth your in time, Have investments and stuff olivia are you guys, have retirement set up and all that not yet. Just trying to get a picture of where you guys are financially so you have zero No more goods do have cash saved in the bank for Ben emergency fund. We yeah! Ok, do you have that all covered you do not have any retirements Ok, how old are you too? I am thirty six seats, thirty seven so you still got time. If you guys have employees, I guess it's. A big business gives way. Just went ok
so yeah. I mean, if I were you guys, I've earned market rate on what he would be worth out in the market place and you guys look and say hey. This is what your wirthin, let's pay! Theirs, but then, maybe you do say to olivia like hey. We have no bills. We have no debts for more, just like basely living off our essential. So we don't. We may not need I'm making up a number here but say it's a hundred grand in your? We may not need that to live, maybe are comfortable with seventy men taking them. Seventy, so that's thirty extra that you can look at say: hey! Maybe we invest extra to maybe an extra mutual fund. Maybe we take some of that joy life and go on a trip or if you need to upgrade a car. So requirement that you guys take out what market rate is, but I would at least run those numbers just to know: hey here's, how much it is and if he will end in a in us have that conversation because he may say no. I work my butt off We could have a hundred grand that I make a year s
we'll, never get pay me one hundred grand if I'm worth that or whatever, whatever they put in the work, and I want to feel the results of that. Yet he recently yet again started telling me exactly what you're saying I wanted to teach my party to yeah for sure for sure, and then you guys as a couple decide hey here's one gonna bring an here's. What we really need to live off of and then all the others have. We can maybe give generously we can spend some can invest some and yet It's as I left the beauty by owning your own business. Is you can I have this flexibility to kind of figure out hey? What do we need family, financially. What's at bringing in what's what's being responsible and mature you're, not gonna, be obviously using her company, like a bank and making more than what you should been running. Those numbers and kind of just getting an idea, I think, would be really smart but great joy. Like a? U s. Are you gonna do an awesome, their great work the day comes from blinds dot com fund,
for yourself. Why blinds outcome? Is the number one online retailers custom window coverings? You get free samples, free shipping and with the new promos they run every month, you'll save even more the promo code ramsay to get the best deal. Today's question it's from amanda and was concerned while or why your rebuilding your emergency fund, would you recommend pausing your investments and only paying minimum towards the or mortgage on twenty eight and earn forty eight thousand dollars nets? And above it six. I had to dip into my emergency fund for the first time to replace my furnace in a tuna four thousand dollars. If I continue best and pay off my home. At my current rate, it will take me eight months to replace the four thousand dollars verses three months. If I pay, investing and paying extra on the mortgage. Her interesting question: yeah, it's an eight month, swaying. So, in my opinion, I think fine continuing at and let not taking a first three so five months that she's losing yeah
naturally my doing those five years, I would say part everything and restart, but if it's, if it's five months, even if it goes through the throughout the world the poverty and retreat through all of that she's. Twenty eight she's got plenty of time to keep investing. So it's not going to break her retirement to build wealth. If she pauses what I would say split, the difference continue investing but maybe pause the extra mortgage payments there go until it's built back up kind of dangle that as a carrot to go. I really want to get back to paying off that house early. So on a hustle and get this emergency fund back and all of her emergency fund was drained, I would yeah I would posit just to get some cash 'em, but if it's four thousand dollars out of it, we don't know what her full emergency fund is, but I'm assuming here that four thousand is not a fully funded emergency fund for any person now know everything she has more on aircell it's here am I lazy, just subject. I if I want to go through the effort, I'm not going to answer marketing with rachel was of the trap, safer, lazy or not, but no
if there's no right or wrong hard and fast rules, and I think there is how should twenty eight? This is not a huge amount of money, but I I'm framework mortgage payments they might take. Ok, I like that to investing pause, a mortgage payments and use that defeats you to get this thing built back up, so you can get cause. I can tell shasta she wants to do this thing. I think yeah amanda either way. I think you're going to be okay, but I I would george I'm gonna. I'm gonna go with your answer. Danang Remember this moment, american ten, you re china, reinvestment ain't, bad, get past the extra them on the mortgage. Yeah, that's good this is a good start and you should do this for a living I'll. Think about it. All rachel want to shout out before we go to break here, that we had a monstrous amazing viral instagram, real that we post logic, fillet so and encourage america to go check that out. We did. She got out rachel crews on instagram at george, camel on its ramoth came over the k, yandah fly hacks. We had I mean two dollars rachel take a sandwich, I'm scared.
new theme, maybe maybe I'll go into other than the dead, the the parent george and rachel. Maybe what people will probably go check that checking that real burden? good money saving hacks there and some good banter back and forth we tend to do it's great. We gonna have a good time is always always will be back soon. Give us a call triple eight eight to five five, two to five. You are listening to the ramsay show
the the our scripture the day proverbs, twelve, three, no one can be established through wickedness, but the righteous can not be uprooted. Stephen covey said there are three constance in life chains: choice in principles like that change. Voice and principles, should choice and imprints nailed, it means change, always happen. Yeah, that's right, choices will always happen and principles will always find keep them consistent. Your principles, different packing. The city is helpful to make these these clothes and stuff it's regarding our team pulls the minutes. I was something new, not adapt. Scratch on has joined us up next in phoenix arizona, sean welcome to the show acres.
Quick question to ask the us in this wise, eager and thought That's it right now we in a candle and watch me Housing market and sailors are now. have a situation where I want to tell us where we could pay off the ransom. My wife's loss buddha about ever since we ve been living here. She really likes it either Sorry, I'm gonna, let Charles herself so you want to sell it to pay off her debt and what does she want? Brat, Johnson there are now you came to an agreement at the heart of our house, keeps going out and out in an equity. Just if point that you should to settle a how much indebtedness thousands of vigilant on her last long, thousand how much you guys make a year- thousand puzzled income hundred and sixteen. How much did you get for the condo? What would he would go down?
I accepted everything. Just sorry, I have what you on having offered you know, around one hundred and thousand two hundred and seventy. I mean the total debt you guys have is the ninety cave law school that correct? the ninety came up. I don't think We have to sell this. I don't think you do either. I think you guys can really live like your backing college for a year or two and pay off this ninety and keep the condo, the options we can pay it off and bow are over this over a year. If we just really pay off to go hard on that, yeah. I would do that. It's going to be hard. John, because I know kind of in a weird way, the easy thing would be like sell it make a big profit right and wrong with selling it, and you know just getting out of debt tomorrow, but I also don't think it's a dire situation where I go dude you're on fire. He knew sell the thing you guys have an amazing income and we say if you can
A debt and eighteen to twenty four months, then keep the conduct and keep the car. It's ok so that's mine tack, but I would say what the difference, if you're saying I want to sell the cigarette at faster, get creative. your wife can go hey. What could we do to make this process happen even faster than one year? you work overtime. What if I got the side, how so what if we could cut these expenses, we got on a bare bones: budget for a year like rachel said in order to speed up this process and sacrifice and for a shorter period of time, yeah cause you guys, I mean. Do you all like the condos? It's I mean she obviously loves it cause you don't want to sell it so that a place that you're like no, we could be in here for another four or five years absolutely I mean we both like the condo, I'm the reason why we bought it. We bought it about two years ago before the huge jump in the housing market yeah. I'm because we gotta get down payment, for everybody for jury is one to lock in the red prices, because you know the motors doesn't go up by prices, do and return and she fell it and collect the awkward
and la that very wicked different undefined and it again until the It has gone up so much and I agree that with it's been going on in economy. I do think, does envy I shall return and holding argue for a couple of years. That's what I get that land. Keep saving money and take advantage of that then Sean. What happens as you sell it and you gotta go turn around and either buy something that super expensive. It's the top of the market or you're going to rent super expensive. the top of the market, and so I know that it's. It feels like a good move to sell right now, but you're stuck in a corner that point, and so I'm gonna keep in his condo paying off the debt yeah time you can save up an upgrade if you want to let it and the other by the or the other option is to shun. If you guys happy at the congo's. Why asked? Where he's ignore wanting to upgrade soon if that was in the near future, in the next twenty four months than you could then sell pay. The debt. Have eighty grand put down on who plays if you wanted to buy.
It's been with it's You want to do, but I would say if you guys, they put in your comfortable, saying, put for the names of white hairs. Appreciate so dont worry about this market right now, houses will always goeben value over a long period of time, so According to the bushmeat, Chris is joining us up next in miami florida. Chris welcome to the show hey, how's it going guys great, what's up with you right, so Essentially, I I like to figure out away way moved out of my family Are you going to my own sparking off? So I get and goals by de la pretty much time how he wasn't dating. I'm your body year in about a week is actually gets. What are you? Why don't you propose? I'm I'm sorry! time student, I'm still living channels, so I dont shall I back the mark I'll be right. Now
is a worry wanted to move out loud, so it's kind of the more complicated to shoot me live, are we doing caught him along different relationship? I was in my only she lives with my family and new york, and she lives with your family marcia blue yeah with others? family you're? Ok, ok, on a visa graduated with your associates and she's doing a year working because she's not like honour. I guess you know you're citizens. This is working for years that you can get money and them, lets you gonna finish. India could actually sugary, but I'm down here my mother's Emily and I do not like it I'm so you to get my own place like this. Sure, like I'm being challenged not like us to look at it. family. You know how you make a year over some skilfully
Well, maybe about thirty two: Twenty two: five, six grounded monk, ok, Next year we will be making five it's yeah, that's as this year. twenty twenty two making about cyprus, if gas anti while doing school full time work full time, ours is possibly gently acute here. How are you doing that? I'm just curious, I work from home. My schedule works wonders Look, I'm a fool translated online and I work from ourselves. the normal. My awesome chris crests job highly impressed and how are you are you? How old are you twenty to twenty five, very cool yes, so yeah chris, I think kind of having on dignity is what sounding like of like. I have the ability to do this when you make seventy grand awesome you're, making a great so yeah
I mean I'm totally comfortable with you. You know creating a budget and saying hey. How much could I spend on rent? What's food going to look like I mean, go ahead and list out and make a mock budget of what it would look, for you to live on your own I think that's a great idea and other there awesome to make that step. I am not a fan of living together before you're married, so I would bring gear if she wants to come down and rent a place next year. stay up in new york, where you are and in the long distance relationship is kind of tough. I understand that so I made what's it comes down to miami? I think that's awesome, but also, I would be like hey if you're willing to move in with someone. Gets down to be thinking about puttering on only a new. The only thing that start, I'm, I'm not comgall comfortable in my life I like, I don't feel like I'm stable widely. Why wanted you couldn't again? I I planned alone a law school, and I'm only just that. My associates right now, joy,
Like a law, like a long process the two are on that now and then- and it is only he like can I go. I don't worry, I go. Sure I hear you, I would just say: yeah, I'm up for em up pushing you to get married to save its gdp where people are married in law school of time, so it's totally do more, so you can either out. But again, pushing it about you, you need that you need to marry her, but I would make life decisions to set you up well for the future and we ve just seen
time and time again and studies show that the divorce rate goes up when you live together before you're married, I think there's a more yeah there's just an element there to keep things separate. So I would continue to do that Chris and you can build a castle law school cause, you're, making a great income. You don't awesome, chris, so brake job, but yet graduate college and living on your own. It's impressive! That puts this hour of the ramsey show in the books. My thanks to rachel cruze, my co host. All the folks in the move. Austin will James Andrew you name it they're there and you america. Thank you! So much for listening until next time spend wisely save intentionally, give the hey it's rachel, cruze, co hosts on the ramsey show. If you wanted to you're debt. Free scream, live on the show, visit, ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash debt, free scream, we'd love for you to come to nashville and tell them your story: ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash debt, free speech, the you enjoy this podcast. You should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network like ramsey, everyday millionaires, ordinary
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-13.