« The Dave Ramsey Show

Should I Invest in Gold in Case the Economy Collapses? (Hour 2)


Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss:

  • Buying a replacement vehicle after a wreck,
  • Investing in gold in case of an economic collapse,
  • from the blog: Why Investing in Precious Metals Is a Bad Idea,
  • "Should we sell some of our rentals?"
  • Buying a family business,
  • Why personal finance is more personal than finance.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I the headquarters of ramsey solutions, broadcaster for the pods, moving and storage studios. It's the ramsey show where we help people build oil, the work that they love, the create actual amazing relationships. Rachel, cruze ramsey personality number one best selling author multiple times. My daughter is my co host. Today, as we answer your questions about your life, your money
open phones aaa eight to five? Five two to five valerie is an oakland. California hi valerie. How are you. I'm doing while day. Thank you for taking my call, it's a pleasure to be honoured. you today thank you. How can we help. So I was recently in a car accident that total my car or their writing it off our yoda you're, totally, yes, I'm fine and great for beer, just to be alive. So they are. Writing my car off and offer you fifteen. So I use my car for work. And of physical therapist who does home care. If I need a really reliable car and, of course my car was paid for among baby step number, for I have no doubt I was working on. My emergency fund have about eleven thousand dollars in trying to get to twenty five
and I dont know what to do about a vehicle now. Of course, I have a wrathful until the end of the month by disputes pressure to make a decision. While your drama Fifty thousand dollar car and you're fifteen thousand our track. You go by fifteen, does nor car Yeah, my gonna have all the bells and with car the car should have. Market value that was total to fifteen thousand, if you're getting a fifteen thousand our czech should be able to monitor that our again Can't find that card game was a two thousand and fourteen toyota camry fully loaded has millions of two thousand fourteen toyota camrys cameras. If there's anything in the united states has Toyota cameras. This is not exactly a buyer vehicle kay but I've only got like two weeks to find one or not. I've been searching and just hadn't been able to find one, but I mean you can
You can find a car for fifteen thousand dollars that is calmer, Oh and equipment rely ability, quality miles to the one that was total. very well then, because they gave you a market value of they give their path to pay. You back. The terms of the auto policy market value for the car. So if you had soldier car, you would have sold for fifteen thousand dollars. Ok, bye, I was working plan. No luck! but now I don't know it's just an inconvenient. I guess that's a huge and convey it as far the timelines timelines. Was you you out because, like I'm researching, but I have two more weeks and I'm assuming till your rental is up right. I've got to molly for my once all the salary, and what, if I add one more month of a rental ends, you say or to or another and extra week of that, just
Give you some breathing room to be able to find this. Could you should be able to find it. So valerie limit tell you what's happening, okay and what I'm pushing against- and this is a watch messing with you- have not been fair game and will be fair. Now, Marty, what's going on? Okay, almost every time. For thirty years, I've talked to someone in your situation For some reason, the human brain says we need to move up in car. We need to celebrate the fact that our car was totally by getting a much better car. And so you been looking at new cars, Why have I wasn't intending to look at new car that moment I jumped and you were going down the road
that incorporate or long one around at the traffic light and there it was in front of you re about. I was looking for you to call on mankind lied, and today there telling me that the youth cars are costing more than the new cars would be. Who told you that the new car dealer it's a bunch of grass gay. That was true for about five months during the back into the pandemic. When the mist happy run backward and used cars went up in value since time in history. Those two things have happened: one year obsolete They are miracle the red. Part of that year to show, but now it's not used cars or not, moreover, do not cost as much as new cars. That's not true anymore. It was true for twenty seconds a true anymore. So may I, if you ask me new car dealer. If you need a new car that check asking a dog of its hungry, if you're in the south. Now you need to go look for used cars, you need jump on,
otto trader some of these? the things and I would even go to a dealership like area I would just like on line may mutating just said just to be able in now the emotion of being there on the car lot, go do some research online. I want you to fight about the idea of a fight with yourself about the idea of an upgrade cause. There's something the human brain. It says we total work are we have to go up great and that's. I was- I was wearing you out about the value of your car awhile ago, because astronomy, through that in your brain cause. It does all human brain seem to do it. I I've noticed it I've, but Like ok time to get another car outlets get a better one, you know, and so there's something about the trunk. The trauma that you ve been through with a car wreck. There's something about this. I didn't a deal with all this not got to deal with it? So, while I'm at it now It's an emergency for me to have a twenty thousand. Our cars there were fifteen thousand our car. Some will pull five grand out of my emergency fund, which you should never use your margins. You ve done for something that is not an emergency. That's why we call it an emergency fund
and so this is what but are something about that. So I'm not switch. as I have covered rattle your little bit, valerie and say: hey, go, find a fishing. Does our car and then you're right back on yeah, because I was sending a letter, but of this urgency and panic and frozen next time line of, like only up to me, We are giving her that extra weak might calmer, but I think you're, but yeah you're you're spot on, because a spell if she's already looked at new cars she's out their government well, yeah, the the bells and the whistles like she said, ends and others you can. Have a nice cartoon to make that a goal. That's part of this plan when you get your emergency fund and you move on baby sets forth or six, and you do some stuff. You could step, the car. Then I mean it's not what you always have to drive with fifteen thousand our car, but for now it's gonna, be the wisest move to continued to go down the baby steps. Then, let's just say out loud that fifth, in powers thousand is a collar car today is.
so much better than anything I drove for the first thirty years of my life, I mean the kid I already have the vivo yeah the amount of life Left in the vehicle was more than a new car and nineteen. Seventy four hedley I mean it, you know I mean so they, they don't make em like they used to. Thank god, you know I've got a nineteen sixty corvette and it cute and it's a framework, restaurant where we put a new engine and drive train in it. So it's got a good engine and robbed or in it, but you can't stop the thing in a ten acre old with those dad gum, horrible nineteen sixty breaks, they don't make what they used to, thank god ever tougher around a corner. It corners three times. You know it's a marshmallow and it's supposed to be a sports car. So its cue and it's an antique, but this year the fifteenth Our car into these world is are the main goal. Nice car, it's it's
It could be. Ok, everybody youtube valerie, but everybody out there. Just this idea, I'm going to have a forty thousand dollar car to be like be subsisting or something is it's america, crazy This was an empty shell hey folks, the days are getting longer. The weather is starting to warm up, it's finally spraying, and that means it's moving season. If you are planning to move soon, listen you gotta check out pods moving and storage. They ve got an exclusive offer just for ramsay listeners up to twenty percent of moving in storage when you book by march twenty fourth, you
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If you subscribe, are you follow, it helps rhythm and drives yet as well so we're moving on up. The marketing team, the radio guys there? The broadcast as their goal is for us to be in the top ten of all apple podcast. We are at lucky. Thirteen today how lucky? Thirteen of pod cash in the world too, I have. Three million of them and were number thirteen lucky searching for weep, but really I mean we shouldn't probably hover. There are probably rather be fifteen. than thirteen and really scary. I'd really rather be five. So, let's get up, let's get back let's get the topped in minsk. In the forest. It's good, but you gotta spread the word. This is what does it? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for that. Our question of the day comes from our sponsor neighborly great company. There are yours: for home services when you need to make repairs schedule team maintenance, refine local help on improvement projects neighbour
is your source for reliable home service providers. In your area, things like MR electric or Mr router or molly made go to neighbourly dot com and start your search said today's question. Come from Jonathan in Kansas we some money that we are waiting to invest in silver or gold, some people are The central banking may fall apart? gold? My actually become the standard again. What do you think of that? some people spend too much time on the internet, everything is ireland and Abraham lincoln said it's. Every africans, there she theory in the world now, but Here's the day. It is it's always there that I mean like going on is all its. That's all. It's been a fear type of good idea to invest in it. You need to get it because of the fear of everything is going to crash adds. Looks was citrus through different subjects. Here: okay, one
we have some money were willing to invest in gold or silver. First will dress out: ok, never investing gold or silver. The way you pick an investment is you look at the track record of the red return of the investment, so You're gonna buy a house for investment and the area around the house is blighted crime, ridden full of trash and the values are going down because the neighbourhood sucks that's the truth, record of the neighborhood commons sense, would tell you, don't buy a house there right yep you look and see our holmes well kept or are the car up on blocks. You know you look and see as every other house for closed on the street and boarded up and codes and rat infested. You don't
I on the street. You look at the track record. You look at the track. Record of a mutual funds spent open thirty years its average twelve point two percent: that's a good track record right, but look at a look at the track record of crypto currency, full of fraud. Sucks most everybody lost everything. You look at the tracker Bernie made off really bad idea. Everybody lost all over their money. You got conned. You look at the track record of gold for the last sixty years it has average around two percent a year that socks it's not magic because its goal its investment silver. The same, why horrible rates of return? over a life span of investing the others been little blue based on fear or greed, but gold sucks as an investment. Well, one of the central bank banks not coming back you, conspiracy, bozos, the sir. It's a central
bank collapses in amerika. You need bullets. You dont need gold, because all hills, gonna, break loose, say, bottled water, bottled water and bullets and I'll take bottled water. If I've got bullet so like tat believable I mean it's gonna be anarchy right as a thank you to the central bank collapses, every business that you can name right now that you are familiar with gas will have gone away simultaneously: a move, similar to a new killer winter I'm gonna have a whole new government urine a whole reset of the property rights and economy. This is not like we're just gonna help you with that. No, it's not so this draw bank is not knowing collapse because one buncher duper venture capitalists and start up tech.
Eyes ran their roles. San Francisco back into the bay does not mean the central bank is in trouble it's not boys and girls. It's not shop to things, don't get in conspiracy theories because it lead you and a stupid, but investments like go, you you can get into them, but just how you didn't. Listen. Envy entertains, but dont make your financial decisions based on them. Ok, ok, but these were. But decisions these are all but financial we don't want, those of you that are new to the show. Joe is our resident conspiracy theory queen. She believes things that, most, not that I believe, but she why I had two or three, The girl is now backed without understanding. You will want to come. two covered conspiracy theories. They vote now about thanks. It's there. It's a bunch of other stuff and other stuff. Ok,
We can have a whole show to have. Let us have a podcast, please. We ve been people than begging. for as long as you're on this show you can have a podcast. You go, do your own podcast and you can do that over there in the corner. I don't we're not gonna. Do that to this show the show world. Hey, I review that won't gradual, during which it was raining. What would a shrine dressings bar rachel, now weird stuff by rachel, Conspiracy theories by rachel and have georgian cause join up. nor do I sent douglas bogged down the opulent? Why can't I get your many railway log roger? I guess, there's a bunch of we're penalize know its customers, It is it's true area. Fifty one grandpa it with a sad. That's like two thanksgiving at the ramses highlands and islands, a triple eight eight to five five two to five brandon is in Milwaukee, hey! Brenda! Now are you,
Sure. Do you marker sure? How can we help I got a little bit of a debate with my wife. I'm kind of new to the randy like she either andalusian working through the park here, She has now gone and kids I'm wrong. So, one our primary residents outright. and there we have five duplexes em. Interest taxes, insurance, everything, twenty three hundred a month for all of them, what is happening there and how much dead on the five duplexes total debt, like eighty, I believe, what's a total value on the five duplexes six hundred, who can see about their diversity, are blow over fifty percent equity position. Well done. How can we help about but she she says that
you say you only by rentals in cash absolutely I thought I heard you say That is why a mortgage is under twenty five percent of our team com. That would not be rental. That will be your home. You should only by rentals in cash I own several hundred million worth of lead on pay em off. Yet as far as these they safeguard getting paid off in three years or sell, one would be able to do that, but Pick out one you don't like a skeleton and and get yourself out of that you get out of that. Dude. You make more money in real estate. You ever made in your life. May the best thing ever happened to you will you guys? I can't even explain how excited I am for the new money and marriage get away event here in nashville, tennessee october nineteenth through at the twins, first, so we have a full, weak and planned for you and your spouse, and it's can be so much fun. You don't want to miss, sets an
here's the thing that life is crazy and it's really hard to find time for just you and your spouse. So we wanted to give you a chance to unplug. From your day to day, life come to, nashville have We can get away and focus on your marriage, so doktor John bologna and myself are going to coach you on all different things around your marriage, including your money and budgeting if your spouse, you're gonna, learn new ways to communicates that will make better connection and yet realigned on this stuff. That really matters so that you have a stronger future going forward and your marriage. So this isn't just typical marriage conference. We have an amazing date, unexperienced plans for you plus time to reflect with your spouse and apply, We think that you are learning to your marriage, so we ve got a lot plans for you. A lot of good food fun surprises and you get early bird pricing on all of it with four just six hundred and ninety nine dollars a couple. So you guys that is a deal for the entire weekends. That's the price!
your spouse and they go to ramsay solutions. Dotcom such events to get your day gets to the money. A marriage get away here and national tennessee and october held at the brenner new events centre, which we opened this week at today, yeah. We had a big kick out today was our first granulating up there, it off family a ram, family ramsay team devotion what they are- and I wish it was pretty incredible- Michael Debbie Smith hung out with us. Let us from parisian, worship and doktor Michael easily spoken with pretty pretty special morning. thanks to some of our really good friends here in the area should come out makes if you're in town we're doing one. These events of the rooms event center you're gonna, want to see it. It's a pretty up. extraordinary building and we're really really proud of it. It's just a fun place to host events, so you're at your money. Things can be great there as perfect for that. Alright, I is gonna, be elizabeth and grand rapids childless with welcome the rams asia haven. Rachel banks were taking my cup sure. What's up
so my husband and I right now, I'm on our home and our own business, a construction business, but we do see molly and listened First share only known company we made about one fifty net income wow and now my dad has asked us if we want to buy the family business, which is about an hour half away. We haven't. had any that and the business would be to buy that about a million And then eventually to buy the property is about three point: one million and we're not sure we should do it or not. I think the business, the family businesses, something my husband would enjoy doing in it actually a lot less physically, demanding right now with our construction. Business is a physical job,
so it could get harder long term. How old are you guys are worth thirty? Four? What kind of businesses ass they sat like industrial equipment like forecast I'm okay, one of my best friends is in that business. Okay, ah, in that business, the past two years has made about five hundred, that income unlike a low year two hundred and on average of the last three years. Well, last three years are where but in a normal world average, the last three years times about four is about. What's worse, has probably not a bad valuation on it, and so how much do you guys know about the inner workings of the business we now, quite rightly, once our jobs only seasonal high during the winter? Sometimes my husband will go like step in for my dad, so he can go on vacation
able to do that, and am I right eye think I remember hearing that most of the money is made on the service and the ongoing maintenance and issues around the them equipment more than it is on the actual, say all of the equipment. The margins on the actual sale. Aren't that great he makes not to sit on the fence I would say because he's miranda refurbished chain and recently vulcan, We shall reach on you stuff. Is that a new ochre glad of it? I am new to new envious. Well, I think the things you guys have to ask yourself. First reason: I'm asking these questions are the questions you need to be asking yourself a do you want to do for the rest of your life just cause. It's available, diminish right thing, and do you live in a town or women, an hour and a half away. Is that where you want to live? Is that where you want to have your life, because the answer today was no
one of the living grand rapids and you wanted to run a construction business until today. And be careful that you know it's something that your dad wants. If you do it for that reason, you don't want to it at all. For that reason, dom reason why work on that around ramsay all the time. Don't do some discos dave. What would you do some good guy cause you do it because a fortress to do it's? What you d wired, it's what you desire to do? You're gonna, love doing it, because it will businesses to dad gum, hard work, that will be in the business Elizabeth now he would like to retire, but my brother does work there. so why doesn't he buy it too much responsibility for him. Your brother is not reliable, not really. You know not as reliable. So what's going to happen to your family when you fire him because it doesn't sound like he needs to be working there, he fails right now and works on commission.
The owl, but he's not reliable, he's reliable, he can do that he does that well, but only in business and doing for now we got another thing you gotta work through is a we can do with him and be how We're going to manage that relationship. Ah, as him as you know, his new boss. Yes, I agree that that that's a thing one of my concerns, that's a thing. Ok, but now, let's back up them, so Evaluation doesn't sound bad the real estate to separate transaction that doesn't sound bad. You can sign a lease guaranteeing that your father in law are your father, doesn't losers, mind on brent and run you out of business with that, so you lock down the price we like you would if, if if it was a different landlord, have a long term lease on the property. So you can have a stabilized business right, at least with an option to purchase shortly with an option. Just on the real estate. No,
not going into debt a million dollars to buy this under no circumstances what I would do is this. I would work for pennies in the business as little as your family can get by on and give your dad another if we figure out that the things making to half a million and are you gonna, take fifty thousand out of it and live on fifty thousand a year and give him everything over that until we get to a million and he said we can pay him not nothin up not now I don't care what he said, and I am certain that deal up and it's gonna be in pay on paper in writing that all of his income up to a million dollars for them valuation of the business comes to him from profit above fifty grand and you live on fifty grand or whatever number you set, and so if there is no profit above fifty- and he gets nothing that year. That's it
gus. Otherwise, you are in debt to him and you are. mesh this up. It's gonna, be a problem is not going to be run like he wants it he's going to want to put his hands back on it and you're going to have a former owner walking back through the place with his muddy boots, while you're trying to take over leadership. Can you tell I've done this before now? about that? Does your dad started this didn't. I know him second generation There is likely forty dhaka, so we have to have some clear boundaries and the deal has to be in writing as it wasn't family and don't you don't don't half, but does your you're business dealings because its family, because you in destroying family You understand the structure, what I'm saying he can have all the profits above ex until october.
We get a million dollars sounds like you could pay him out in about three or four years at renting. If you did that, but there's no profits because there's like I don't know and or somethin then you're, not out of business and your father's not foreclosing on you because our work more of have deserve my money on don't wanna this crap, ok, here at all, because this is our deal. Profits is where you get it I am no profits, no money, that includes the narrative. Well, brother done do his job, so I don't profits. don't make any sales by lower your sales guy. This ramsay the show, thanks for joining us america, retro crews, number one bustling author and my daughter's my provost today release is here with us and charlotte north carolina, hi shower you,
you hear it all. They keep a letter. Take em, aka. I've been here sure. What's up, though I'm kind of an interesting figuration, am I recently finalized a divorce I haven't got a hundred and fifty thousand dollars cash. hand. Other adult from the sale of our home. and I am not sure if I should the into retirement? Ah, I we have about seven thousand dollars and rural Wolberg irae am gore. Do I put all that towards the down? member of the house in the somewhat year future gonna dont? Really what to do or where to start. How old are you be thirty three year along. Were you married it would have been secured years last. What happened.
Infidelity virtue, I'm so sorry, they think you can, generally speaking, You're in a position right now, because you've been through hell, traumatized traumatized, would be technical term right. And a doktor. John bologna would say that when you have your trust any confidence violated. It takes Some of your self confidence away. The ability to believe in yourself to trust. I trust him. So I must not know how Do this right kind of it? It takes confidential. Why does shown right I found about re. I've been saying good money about, What do you now and relevance?
now? I've been kind of scared and don't even like you, you don't rushed yourself like you used to before the garbage and that would be like a normal human thing by the way. Ok, the garden does your heal from that? And you will begin to trust yourself in your word begin to discover that actually, you are very trustworthy. It's him that wasn't. it'll, but it'll it'll occur to you and you'll start to the emotional healing, I'm I'm quoting dr de loney. Now, okay, this should not I'm not an expert on the but it's also kind of common, relational sense and stuff you been living, and so I'm so sorry for your heart broken. I just I just awful thing you ve been through, show first, there is no! No, it is not a retirement thing if you will to own a house right now- tab ok by your house, but that is a down payment. but there's not a law that says you have to buy a was right. Now You can put in a simple
if you want, but I'm gonna take three years and number put it in a minute fun and I'm gonna go backpack europe. No, I don't know what you're gonna do, but I'm saying I don't care I'm not doing that, but so is like Worked me, but they are, but people do that thing heard I offer show you know it's. What do you do for a living. I'm an account manager for a tech. Startup family in your area, yeah. I'm really glad to have my parents about forty five minutes after a great friend here. What's our never again, so you got a good environment to work through the shovel theirs, arbitrary outright, I've been very well supported levels into probably ten. within hours of a doctor done to get me through the past two years. Will you knew what I was going to say then look at that: okay, Then I quote him right. Now you don't need a perfect good cause. You're, probably listen to him as much as I do that
so yeah. I just don't want you to feel forced to do something like by financial rule that doesn't exist. In your head, like if If I don't investors, I'm a horrible person and I'm stupid not that's just not true you're. Transition period in parking money and a transition period is a normal thing. If you want to buy a house, I'd probably buy a house, but if you don't, if you want to just put it in a sh de and say you know: I'm gonna just kind of coast for a little while longer and enjoy the rattle of it and then I'll buy a house actually yeah. How of you guys been supper italy's howling of you been on your own I've been on my own for almost two years now, almost okay, so the to the divorce took that long and then it's been finalized, so now you're ready to make that accepts them. Yeah yeah, I mean it is only a home, something that is that a goal for you here soon as it something that you would love to do.
yeah. I think what rent in charlotte insure anybody insurance listening right now can attest to it a wrench or go crazy, and I think after being a homeowner for so long, I I can't stand to feel like I'm throwing my money away. Here's what I would suggest that I would suggest buying a home. That is not unique. It's not special! It's not weird it's three bedroom to bath on a street, with houses were three and four bedrooms and two bats maybe it's a house, that's very predictable and the rest for that is you can sell it if you want to move on with another stage of your life five years from now, but for now you can a scratch. The homeownership h get back in the game, so to speak and just go by something on a nice, even condo, but something is very predictable
that it's gonna be easy to sell cause it's good market. But if you get this, weird little thing that special and there's only more people on the planet that, like it in your you're one of them, you know then got a hard time getting out of it later. You sure, I'm saying here I feel a key. You called me pretty: well, ok, yeah! That's what I found tat the others get shot this kind of a little bit generic and you put paint colors, decorating that that gives you personality, but it done to be weird, to show off We want the right now because that that's the thing is is up. I predicted five years from today, your life is gonna, be completely different in you're, probably not gonna, be living in this house, that- and I want you- I want to give you. I want to give you a way out of this house- that's very picked up on, you will have enjoyed the investment of real estate cause you can sell it for profit yet, and I think maybe movies a census, especially since
spend two years. You ve been on your own for two years. There is a confidence boosts there That I think, is great. I may I think, putting this down on a home and let that you love that yours there's a sense of dignity. That's kind of restored in that, and so I yap- I mean I'm a huge- and I wouldn't russian to editors- something that you don't have to. we love if you want to buy, you want to own a house. Fine, but not Those like feel the social cherisher that I'm sting money or I'm dumb. If I get this money invested or something Would you do that? What you feel and pressure? But if you want to fight Take your time, select a good that is marketable when you get rid recharging, make a profit and you're, not trapped in the shadowy thing then yeah. I definitely would do that. No question about it. Open follows a triple light two five five two to five. You jump and we'll talk about your life in your money, rachel,
it's good. To remember, for everyone out there in her case illustrates that the personal files, Nance is more personal than it is finance and what that means is not that you get to customize the law of gravity, you don't principles, principles, but it me that your given situation right now might dictate a a different angle. On a traditional financial situation. You know, and so, if you've lost a spouse. You don't rush out and be a suddenly a great mutual fund investor. You know if you're, brand new out of college in you're, getting married in full months and you want to go, buy a house and she's never seen it. Damn idea, you know so that personal situation changes, normally would be a good idea to buy a home for young couple if you can afford it you're in good faith, but it changes its
judicial got absolutely because as well see then change so fast and life, and I feel like that's even something that I'm running into with our seas and alive with with kids, Then we have friends that are now upgrading homes because they ve analyze their family, another. Ok, we need some more space and some more room, so just how quickly things, change as well, just keeping that in mines, I think, allows you to make decisions with a low, but more of that flexibility. So, ok, you call it finalizing version, you firmly
I didn't know that what you call it I've had some family I wanted to finalize ours is finalized. I can tell you that we're having three kids- and that puts us our the ramsey- show in the books, the biggest rachel cruze. If you love this show and want a deeper dive on your money journey, we have a weekly newsletter that gives you trending and helpful articles and tips on following the Ramsay way, just go to ramsey solutions, dot com today to sign up for our newsletter again, that's ramsey solutions, dot com to sign up for our weekly newsletter, hey it's james producer of the ramsey show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2023-03-26.