« The Dave Ramsey Show

Rich People “Ask How Much?” Poor People Ask “How Much a Month?”


Dave Ramsey & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss:

  • How to deal with bills in collections,
  • "Should we buy or rent when we get married?"
  • "Is it dumb to take out a business loan?"
  • "How can we get out of a financial rut?"
  • "How do cashback debit cards work?"
  • "Should I rent or buy after moving?"
  • "How can I get out of $50,000 of debt?"
  • "Should I keep my whole life insurance policies?"
  • Rapid fire questions around Baby Steps 4, 5, and 6,
  • Buying furniture vs paying down the mortgage.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I Why am I should judge the rams lucia we now people build while do work, they love and create actual amazing religious jaguars. All ramsay personality is Michael voting today, as we enter the questions about your life in your money. Open phones trouble. I ate two five, five, two to five barbarism, it's the shower in charlotte north carolina barbara. How are you
I am well good. How can we help. I need some advice on how to move forward with the collections company I had a rough put on and I got several estimates that I got down to make another section between two different ones, and the insurance company kind of stone, although one because they came in like twelve thousand knowledge more than the other company, so the insurance company That is why, when I pay that much more, they haven't worked a route put on and another robot about company here. That will do it. So when otto this company. I then I was going with someone else. He became very angry and belligerent and sent me. an invoice for six hundred and
seven dollars for the services he had provided, although even if you go to the website, it says that he killed three estimates, so he sent it took. Elections and they keep calling me about it. I just need to know how to move with that now there is one caviar here time when we were there at the man, insurance cover they stole away down handed. He asked me to find those that you find to me by word of mouth, I don't have any written evidence of it that this does not obligate you to. a thing it does allows me to continue to try and negotiate with the company insurance company. he said I do this all the time. I know I can get them to meet my price. The fact that the amount which was not a wise thing to do, but it pretty much said
the agreement was between the homeowner in hand where his company and that in exchange for his services, provided that I would agree to end to enter into a formal building contract with them and that does it say anything about a fee for the instrument. I dunno. What does it say? No, not that estimate, but he does say that if I failed to entered into a form of building contract within thirty days of agreement tenant with an insurance company that ah there would be a cancellation fee for expenses incurred during the claim scope of the scope of the claim or you have to that's right, you have two options: option number one I was stupid for signing sharply. It costs me six. Ninety five dollars
problem, I'm alright, you're, probably gonna lose this cause you're stupid for signing that I've done stupid. Do so you a mere on the same team. Ok, not picking on you, but you said you should have shown that I'm saying you should design that I think it cautiously. Ninety five dollars when you shine that without reading it without help but think about it, so that's one way You just pay money and call it a day and say: wireless gaza, bad gum, shyster and I'm wasn't real smart. When I signed this cost me a stupid six hundred and ninety five dollars or you can. an attorney and take this document to them, and pay the attorney to an fifty or dollars to the pants off this guy anthem. The counter slew him for his shyster activities and if they don't pull the claim back you can go further widen. Neither one would be really wrong morally or ethically, and but but you know you ernie might tell you if he for if he does-
with the attorney. There is what is known as a bluff because you're not going to sue somebody over six hundred. Ninety five dollars he's not gonna sue you over six hundred ninety five dollars, but you're not going to get this stupid thing off your collections until you get rid of it get off your collections either by him. Removing it are you paying it? So I'm a guy this, though this is not the first time doing this nano who is about your question about it, and you know why, I would do his jump on rights from reviews only you could recalling I'm surrounding write reviews about your company everywhere about what a crook you are and then I'm up six ninety five, but I'm cost you tens of thousands of dollars, but because your mom, new hobby. I mean you do that. That might be fine, because at that hey what's going on, but I mean here, but but you know I've dungeon like digital half, look at something you agree to it and lincoln doc. You shine there you go. You know, man I dont know not attorney
Guessing, though, that you probably on a technicality that equality. Being you shine? There's you probably lost that money, but you could get you run the gap, a real. How much too much trouble your put into seven our box, it's up to you is the energy question out. You want to know what, though dave, I probably wouldn't go to the other We only because I bet disguise than this. how many times he would know that that's a bluff, maybe and she might end up spending twenty million is not a bluff I don't, I would not want to run into dave on the other end of the ground, to prove the point, because occasionally I just get redneck about it. You know butter but yeah I mean but ours, you could cost him a lot more restriction and over the years you know, the social media- and you know, yelp reviews anything else. You can jump in all around his website for six hours.
at five dollars I can hire a web guy to just absolutely make a hobby out of come on now. That's what I'm talking about it's if I'm going to, if I'm going to, if I'm going to pay the guy, it's going to cost him yeah I'm gonna have a little fun with it after all, but but I also know too self you know what I'd do something stupid and it costs me money. I call that stupid decks and barbara ramses pedal, honestly bedecked. That's why qualified to do the show, because I've done a lot of stupid but stop hopeless, gave me all from doing it and simon stuff, you don't have look at that's in the category of Donna too, though. I've done it barnes, because assembler minor thing like that you're talking about a year. Absolutely no in the thing is when its vague, like that, when it says you may be on the hook, for you know, cancellation fees or what are in there's no actual dollar about. Why am? I was allowed to get your doing estimable freakin route, thea You might not like rocket surgery here I mean come on now that that's the thing, though I may well, we ve all done. I am
You, you said it earlier and that's a good phrase, how much energy do you really want to put into something like this, and I I just have to pick occasionally one burned to the ground and the rest of modest gorbachev. how'd. It go on and justice which one you want to burn to the ground, if your, enough about it burned to the ground. I may make a big deal out. You know what I'm gonna do costume security ground. I I need to start having those guys find my document, because I had an estimation. The other night I was supposed to come out, never came unlike I, it's interesting. How this story. Flips! Well, and you know they say stuff like well. It's our policy and I always go into a strange. I've got a policy, my policy. My policy is, I don't sign. Crap like this or my policies. If, if you waste my time, you owe me like, can we foot, but on the other side, for once the guy shot a doctor's office two hours way past us when the don't waiting on the doktor so shut the doktor about that
talking about talking about your make use up my time on my times by adding an arrogant thorpe, in all these lumps. Let me try to give you too much money gosh, and that's the deal This argument later this? is the rams asia. hey folks, this is KEN coleman. You know we're all trying to win personally and professionally, but the fact is, while we're doing that, we're getting older. So it's important to do We can t get healthy and stay healthy and eating fruit, and vegetables is a fundamental part of that, but only one in ten people eat enough fruits and vegetables every day. Balance of nature can help. Balance of nature is a powdered supplement, capsule made from thirty one type of whole, fresh fruit and vegetables the use in advance process that locks and nutrition to help you have an active lifestyle and spin the time with your family that you want folks health is it only about longevity, just like guinea,
your work and money life in order it's about quality of life, so go to balance of nature, dotcom, an inner, promo ramsay to get twenty five dollars off your first order, plus a free fruits and vegetables travel set an lock in your lifetime price if you buy now, as he preferred customer, that's balance. Nature, dot, com and promo code ramsay for twenty, dollars off your first order. jade watch all rooms. Your personality is my co host today, graham, is whether such knoxville a gram. How are you. Doing well. They are you better than I deserve. What's up me and my beyond, say, are getting married next june and we ve been bouncing around the idea buying a home, There is one thing- and I wanna get your thoughts on on that, I would not buy into your married for sure. Is that what you're talking about you
We were thinking you know right around when we're getting married next june. Now you guys have any will you have debt together? We are, little that she has a student wound for about seven thousand dollars. We ve saved up a pretty good. going in our marriage and plan on combined Finally, following your lot of your instruction on that score, lay off the day would have an emergency fund. Blush you'd have a down payment. Yeah! Ok, According to that, maybe snapshot what we teach you would be in a position to buy a home limit limit to tell ya an idea to think about. Ok. and it's not it's not a hard and fast. I wouldn't. I wouldn't call you stupid if you didn't do it or something like that, but here's an idea to think about, I think because I'm old and I've seen a lot then, one year after your married, you will pick a different how
then, one month after your married. because I think you will learn a lot about each other during that year, and I always joke and say it takes about a year of marriage to know how close to your mother in law to buy. But that's account you You get to know each other. I would rather relationally you spend the first year, of your marriage. All of your energy on your relationship, not on hanging gardens and picking wallpaper. and for god's sakes during renovation. Ok, so I mean I just I love the idea of the house not being the pearl just the move being an emotional relational drain. Instead, you all just get really comfortable with each other and pile up. A big ol stack in the following spring by house. like that. I'm
Comes from the old old testament biblical story samuel that the the warriors in israel in those days were not allowed to go to battle. In the first year of marriage, they had to stay home and take care of the family were not allowed to go to battle until they been married last year and so that the odds bit symbolic or metaphorical, if you will initially something that you would be completely on was stupid, foolish and all that now it's none of that. I just I just think you're gonna a different decision a year later. I absolutely agree with that and you ve known each other. You get to know each other a little bit better by then we able to secure here, you're late and my other. It's a different europe, a married together. We have been living together on what you're doing but inhabited I it's it's it's a differently on man and and it's not it's that dramatic really, but it's just subtle yet it it's on. and the thing, I also that the thing that makes you
Who is it makes you push back against the whole culture that yelling at you, It's buy, a house buy a house renting is throwing your money away, buy a house buy a house by EU winters are going to hell, buy a house buy a house, you know, people are just go crazy or like a beagle chasing a rabbit man, and it's just ok to have a little bit of patients home ownership is a great plan owning a home and getting it paid off is a great financial, whelp building plan, but I don't have to buy a house right now, just your butt down on. What's like in the Would you wait the more you have more money to put down on it yeah so there's that and who knows what the interest rates will do during the it might be fun, it might ood. That's true. Are you trying to make a call here? Dave- or you know you call something nope just saying it'd be, will be after an election. At that point and we'll see what's up, I don't know if you are seeing your shadow or what
happens around here, like she's links and get. going circle back around. If you keep that suit coat long enough, it goes back in style now, sir, we go. J t is in santa fe in mexico, a j d are you even today, and I would say on that, deserve: what's up foe at a point where I'm completely out of debt and then work on the last few years and I'm about to hit oh wait ago. My question is it? Is it foolish the go back into their? Yes, are a business? Yes, You just called the ramsey asia jack. You walked into the bare cavan bear if it was hungry you you know the answer. Jt ordered by what in the business by train
work is a I'm a four, oh one, kay consultant, but I risk compliance and ireland gonna start my own firm and it's a lot to try to just bankroll one and why? What are you going to bankroll? That's what I'm wondering. a of cash flow. You day, one. Well, I mean everything from yale software agreements. Look all sorts of stuff. I meant for what you don't do you gotta have customers first. Well, I mean I've, not so much worried about, are getting everything started, yeah, but you're going to u vanished started What do you mean? What am I you, don't have any money body now, to get this thing now and what would you like it takes to get this going? Why? Why have you to say what you're too,
robbing me. You need a computer and some swell k and a customer or six they a What I'm doing I'd be go. I bewail hunting in a canoe and I need some staff. The bill. You said that you are not re, open a business and leave your job. When you have absolutely no customer we are in a canoe means that you don't have a clue where your customers are coming from your not read open a business and has not know the loan you customary helena. Look all the third idea. Take my current job ass a day, mind you? I mean I've contract all the work done damn right now and then go look for my own beggar quiet. So I have an idea for cash flow I shall now were eating. Now: why are we whale hunting in a canoe boy? Gag, lacked big, thirsty, big right.
well. I mean you now I mean rabbits are more plentiful: let's kill some of those need. Think you're missing the beauty of the type of business that your starting, which is this, is a business can start with little to no overhead and little ok. Yeah after eight on, but I don't want you floating in a canoe lookin for a whale starving to death because you didn't have any plan or any background, but you ve got a plan d for cash flow day, one on that and not an answer to that and you think, they'll do that. What's a probability them doing that I like so, we can vote. Taking out a lot of my arm. He I get my own insurance and stuff like that this is something I regret, and you have not pro forma this out. The business urien demands that you do a better job of pro forma than you have done so far. This is vague, Jim, a group of egg generalities and I'm gonna go borrow money. Now you want me to borrow money. You need organically cash flow this Thus oriented business and you're gonna be just fine indeed put together
business plan and process there's probably leave you being able to eat and cover the cost of basic software services, but there's no big, five hundred thousand fifty thousand twenty thousand dollar outlay. For you to come out of the gatt round being a consultant yeah. That's I think, do people think You build it. They'll come, and I think it's nor is it you ve gotta, go get them and then build it while it like you ve building, while they're coming, and if you build a though in the movie world is called the field of dreams. Business world is called a field of nightmares. So now you know you don't want to do that. You need to have you need to have some our targets autumn. A elephant hunting is great, but there are more rare than ravage. He will you really good on rail gave their lives ravage, go, get the rabbit, and occasionally you stumbling on relevant. Then let's expert but lead go get. The rabbit sounds like a business model that turns guy here, stack some care, your fine J d do not
borrow into the vague that you are describing you're really gonna make a match. This is a rams asia. guys. It's rachel crews. If your health care costs are increasing, while your choices are decreasing, check out, christian healthcare ministries see a jam as not health insurance is a biblically based health cost sharing ministry that has helped thousands of families across the country by sharing each other's medical bills. C h m is an affordable alternative to health insurance that aligns with your values and makes it possible for you to save on health care without giving up your freedom check out more at c h, ministries, dot, org, slash budget, that c h, ministries, dot, org, slash budgets, jade watch. All rapture personality is my co host today, open phone share a triple eight, eight to five five to two. I m in the lobby of ramsay solutions on the debt free stage. Erin
Lisa are whether a guy's. How are you going? Where do you live just another rochester new Hampshire? Ah so bit of a whole nash. There is now a welcome good to have you and all the way here to do a dead, free scream. How much of you paid off one hundred six Two thousand one hundred fifty eight dollars arrived at again and your range of income during that time about eighty, re bound to a hundred nineteen thousand corrupt and on what you got? do for a living. I am, I is service, tat, a few company and I've been schooling stay at home for twenty two years, but I also do ebay. Sales are working. Ok and how long did it take you to pay off the one sixty two four and a half years. very good actual. Ok, what kind of debt was it about? Two thousand was credit card. Eighteen thousand was a vehicle on and the rest was the
reboot way to go where those I love it. What's the house worth about? Five hundred Oh, how much on your retirement accounts about to fish power generated by a millionaire. Look at you guys alarm! Congratulations in hollow been married twenty eight years and five years ago,. Somebody said SAM. You change your dad. You get connected to us what happened? and actually heard you on your radio, show and unease listening a little more intently and got him thinking. I had recently picked up full time, babysitting job and the money just wasn't there? We have more money coming in, whereas it so he brought to my attention and I listened and we both just said: let's do it, let's go awhile, the radiation, the up why we went out and got stolen money make over and we just
the road loaded and four and a half years later, your house's bite off after twenty five years, a mirror of twenty years of marriage. It at some completely different zeal. While why? How you guys angrier, they gonna feel pretty cool man feels knocked it out. We did happen. How does it feel to be dead? Free, no payments, no out payment. No, nothing feel amazing and free? Yes, you listen to the radio, and you hear a guy talking about getting out of debt, how to build wealth. What did the people around you think when you said I am following the radio guy we're doing everything like like he says in that's how we're getting out of this did people think you were crazy a little better than they were excited for us, but nobody was would like a one minute. Try that link- and it just wasn't realistic- I guess nowadays, yeah do- does not dawn maya. but under the venezuelan pretty good and then in
january of this year. Errand was I noticed with neck, and I mean not tongue and neck cancer. Oh wow wow, so that halted everything for a bit and surgeons said to expect to be out of work for four Six months he had just changed companies for the first time in twenty one years, and so we weren't gonna get short term disability. You haven't been their long enough So that would mean zero income through a two hour weeks. If they could approach the surgery out, we could have gotten some, but so how'd you make it through that time. We had followed the principles and we have that three to six months savings. we knew right away where we're gonna have financial peace that we didn't have distress about, that we also had a lot of generosity from friends and family How are you doing now? The sweet had from the emergency fund and the life insurance was every.
to me? That's why we're here today to thank. You gave a thank you. Thank you, I'm proud of you, and so you got a full recovery. We just found out. He is cancer, free or debt free net for his good catch phrase off yeah yeah to go sensing, what a great what a horrible thing to go through. But what a great result by having that money in the account was everything this would have been sent them about that, instead of fighting cancer fighting the fight! It takes everything you got to fight one thing and you can't have six different things going on absolutely yeah and you didn't have to worry about that. Wow wow, that's well, I'm so glad you're. Ok, that's a big thing me too, and if you guys, Looking through your radio at home, you can't see either. I drank the coup. I teach urge so then go have officially joined the called. So what
I just said amen our future about. You said and then I misspoke yeah way to go guys. Congratulations. What do you tell people? The key to getting out of debt is a big part of it is just to have contentment with what you have we ve? lived a very thrifty lifestyle we ve, never carried much debt were content with what we but having that's a huge part of it, and then they will do just that. that about two notches and not the whole thing right now. I wasn't like this massive change, but you just get real intentional yeah. That's a big! Thank you to the damage at liberty to why I don't know, sir, I came up with saying was opportunities, so the challenges are just opportune, used to prove our strong. You are, I think, that's true. Also there the challenge nature of higher there's from I personally, your declaration,
all right. That's how things work very well done you guys man, you're heroes. Termination story, I'm so proud as well, was cheering. You all now shut the two of you on that at any body. They were just looking at you when you're gonna larger that maybe we were deadly as cheerleaders and pushing each other along. But our kids have also adopted your principles and they re Cited watching us through this journeys about been encouraging to us to see them feeding off of it, reduced were crazy. Eleven principles now, even though one of them's and adult what they saw it worked you and they saw it change alive zone wrath go well the live and give box for you. That's the baby steps millionaires boxer. Almost our book, your almost there, and on the bet, the total money make overbooked to give away and hopefully get somebody. Movement had helped to get you moving. That book has helped a lot of people get moving and, of course, financial, patient adversity, membership as well
congratulations. You aroused very, very well done, took control of your life oh Aaron and melissa rochester new Hampshire, a hundred and sixty two thousand paid off born. Appears making eighty three two one: nineteen, almost babies to have millionaires with paid off house in everything Let's hear on the bridge grew three two one the lubbock wow By listening to the show dave, you know, life is gonna, come at you sometimes life is named. Car rex, sometimes its name job lay off, sometimes just name throw cancer, but life is gonna. Come at you, and if you have that emergency phone inflation, you don't have any doubt it, but you I mean
What errand saying there it put you in a completely different posture to fight against whatever life is one the deal? Yes, that's right! Cause he's gonna deal you something you know we always tell people, you need an emergency fund, it's gonna rain Dave. You need to be positive, I'm positive! It's gonna rain! Yeah! That's just life, it's not being negative! It's just knowing that something's gonna come your way. You don't get out of life without something coming your way, wisdom I mean the the flying monkeys on the wizard of oz, there's can be flying monkeys somewhere. even if you're only oliver growth, there is flying lucky you just life is gonna, something's gonna come I'd, love to, I know what you're talking about, but I've never seen the wizard of oz or kidding mike drop. Your. How your are you in Eric and how do you? How do you not have seen always? You seem like a weird movie to me, so I never watched it sorry, you have, you have to
If sam were going to remedy this, we're having we're having a watch party and I'm going to go rent the thing we're going to. Oh, my goodness boy I'll, go put it on the Big green on her up in the cabinet. The event centre have all the will bring up and get the naming the original, the real wizard of oz. Talking about the real one, oh I know you're analogy made sense on for some force. Some people I mean that's, not just a boom. ok. Let's, that's just that's a man: I got an apple pie and several hours I mean come on the little known fact: wow do you not know about the flying? Monkish shut this is the rams issue here buddy doktor john aloni. Here research tell us that the average person spins about one third of their life sleeping, that's about it.
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thanks for joining us america were so glad you're weathers. Open phones have aaa eight to five five, two to five four reporting, americans are overdue, with their car payments at the highest rate in nearly thirty years, higher car Ices and rising interest rates are hindering car owners, ability to affirm word their vehicle payments as six. point. One percent of sub prime otto borrowers, or at least sixty days pass, do on their loans, the highest percentage in data backing Allah dating back all away the ninety nine before a core according to Bloomberg, Genji and millennials my account for a significant amount of the borrowers behind on their otto loans. As the two generations recorded otto loan delinquency rights last year were significantly higher than pre pandemic levels according to and be she knows, interest rates for, used cars or thirteen
a half on average for those with fair credit, but can rocket up to twenty one with those with worst credit in sub prime, long six point one percent behind on a sub prime loan. Yet they shouldn't have been buying these cars to begin with. That's the problem, its that's the problem when it sub prime, it's because you cannot look you ve got low income, there's a reason that they do won't you borrowing money, and so they say well, we'll just jack up the intro great right. Now we arrive on your a high risk powers. Yet so they're going to Are you sure high interest rates and and ten, you you're, probably or you back They know the language barriers to buy a car. No europe They do not have a gun. You are not forced to do anything
have chosen to do some stupid things in my life, but I have to take ownership of the fact that I chose to do it. I was not forced to do it. I wanted it. I had car fever, of the smell of the leather and up way too much and put on a high interest rates as stupid. damn. I suspected some people have done that. Well, what's interesting as its this decision. We currently higher than pre pandemic levels, which to me indicates that after their pandemic people got used to your money coming in whether it was subsidies from the government or whether it was. I wouldn't pay my student loan and let's just go rent a car. Let's get a new quick, let's get a new car right now. We have the illusion of margin and our budget because of these Biden. Bucks that's right
and there's not a real margin in my budget, but I will go and act like there is and cause. He is the famous famous words of right before you die. We can afford the payments. These are the famous words of fools right before you pray, you're, a fool right because all you all we're about is how much per month which people ask how much poor people ask how much down how much a month I yay and they're not talking about what these payments are. are, as we know, at the average payment is seven hundred nineteen dollars. Last time I checked show six hundred dollars six. Fifty the interesting thing, though, the way forbes and the financial media couches these things, it's as if the people that did this are victims right in like the Genji and millennial millennials, may account for a significant amount of the borrowers behind on their own. These two generations have recorded
alone delinquency, rights last year that were significantly higher than pre pandemic levels. Now I I can't get behind that date because they, went to the dealership, an vase said signed me up sign outside on the dotted line, but they may that choice. No one said had to get a car alone. No one said you had to spend five thousand dollars on a brand new car you chose to do that. Higher vehicle brushes are at fault, mire. Borrowing, caution. Well sure. Now, according to the article now, let me help you, you wanna know what causes vehicle prices to come down Lower demand people are buying them. They'll price, just watch out higher education right now, colleges, you're gettin rid experienced this people decided it's, I'm not gonna pay to an end. Two thousand dollars, four degree and left handed puppetry. It doesn't make sense and end up being a barrister. No, I don't to do that, and people are working
up and you know what, if car prices are so high, then don't biome. That's what I'm saying. Oh shocking! Look where here's the thing: it's the it's the ancient word. We have forgotten the ancient work. No yea pressure tongue, torture of your mouth at least and blow air past. It sounds like this. No no You can't tell anyone know because immediately you that's hate speech. Now, no, and you told me, I can't do something. I just did that's right, no yeah! I don't like Dave ramsey. I didn't you know. I wasn't running a poll, I'm just here to help you dave. I have to live in. My truth, in my truth, is telling me that I needed of care, and I needed, car she? The way for me to take care of myself is to get this new car. The problem we have our own every day and I have my own truth and there in conflict. One of them is not the truth, showed
you're not allowed to like own your own truth that sorry, it's not like a thing you can buy. You can't go to walmart, buy a box of truth and it's different than the. in its variety. I get a variety pack. A different kind of truth is happening all I want one truth vigil. Conflict with another truth by definition, one of them is not the truth, the truth, dependent of your little feelings. Darling, I'm dave, I know, but I'm offended and I'm spots I know that, but so far hey guys, you can't tell her making five years. We are definitely europe if you like all of your adult decisions with your feelings, you are, by definition a child and so when you purchase something that you can't afford with money that you don't have to impress people don't even really like at twenty one per on sub prime and then you get delinquent on the payment eleven hundred and forty,
to dollar car payment. Then you become a statistic and then people live. forbes make some fun of your entire generation. Because of that and by the way genji on the millennials, are actually two very good financial generations. They ve done a very good job by and large, but a portion of every generation is stupid while the problem in a portion of the Genji and a portion of the millennium portion above merger stupid, the problem is david: if you're always pointing to the problem out there. That's the reason: it's the that that dealership, it's the interest rates it in full Should it supplied you if you're always pointing to something out there for your own behaviour, you'll never be able to fix it. You'll never be how to fix it you'll never get out of debt and you'll never stop fooling around with cars and everybody. Take that moment and look inward when SAM and I were getting out of debt, we had one a jeep car payment for three o three and a hummer h, three, four, four thirty two a month that's so much in car payments, and I I mean I thought like
This is the way you're supposed to live like this is what you have to do and it took me Listening to the ramsay, show and listen to things and people going. That's damn that's so stupid and at some point you have to look at often go could. Could I really be making Stupid decision and not blame you're, never gonna get past it. You ve, gotta, look, there's a reason: you don't have any money in its sitting in your driveway, The largest thing we all by the goes down in value- I don't hate cars, I just hate what they do to people that can't afford them. Right and- and you know, when you start talking- I mean if you take five and fifty dollars a month and invested from age. Thirty, two age- if you're, gonna, five point: five million dollars and mutual for hope. You, like the car. The five million dollar mistake yeah that your keys, or crunching up curios in the back and in your friends, are
growing up in the back. How gross I'm just saying conference? Have you gone well, if you got to just saying who's haven't had friends, throw open the back of my car since college look J. Ok, your king, your cat thrown up and the dollar lie, although with a dog or go with that dog boy. Let either either way the things going down. Invest in your it's more than mine, but wow, down in value like a rock people, are driving these cars for gruber. You, you know those cars are getting toro nasty nasty. I don't even want to think about yeah yeah okay, so if you can't pay cash for your car, you shouldn't by the car that will help you gain wealth later to be able to drive
anything you want to drive. In other words, if you drive like no one else later, you can drive like no one else. I did this here's the rams regime was folks. The show is always been about you and for you. So we want to hear from you right now. The ramsay show annual survey is live text survey to three three: seven: eight nine or go to ramsay solutions, not calm, sly survey, when you The survey you'll be entered the win, a five hundred dollar gift card. That's survey text it to three. Three: seven: eight, nine thanks for bring us understand how to view best.
the headquarters of ramsey solutions. The ramsey show where we help people build while do work that they love and create actual amazing relationships. Dried wash all ramsey personality is micro version. Today, the aaa eight to five five to two five jennifer is in columbia, south carolina, hi jennifer. How are you What's up yeah I'm here to their actual question mom, and I were heavy issue issues in a flow really considering cash. I referred earlier Do you think I got me Mary will be able to give out the worst in favour, an aluminum. How much do you have
alone had between now. Eighty thousand, my hope it probably like magic that includes the house. Ok, how much that does he have separate from the house? I'll say. Probably if anything and what kind of debt is this combined? Is it student this kind of arms is created caught my instinct moons. Let me be the judge sturdy conquering there, I'm sorry, I'm much cars. We haven't the car in its forty thousand. Ok, I want you have one paid for or or I'm sorry, one car with a car. No or do you have to cars you have paid for car sitting, there is wanted just one I would acquire no ok! Your household income.
I'm a man lake between three hundred k a year. And I made clear one and then he offer her. We both have this ability You may twenty one thousand dollars and he makes two hundred thousand dollars you any city both had disability, explain that Both was better. So do you have a big disability, Income but you know in addition to this, extra twenty k on there or so I just like. Can I can I be honest with you make far too much money to be this broke you make to hunt you have two hundred and twenty one thousand dollars coming in your fifty thousand dollars coming in the two to even more
you can the order of a million dollars a year mean each been in, like your in congress. and you have a hundred thirty thousand dollars of debt. Here's here what I'm telling you. I want you to really understand this. If you just lived lived on half of what you make, which is still more than the average family and Amanda double the every family, you would be, debt in it. Wouldn't take you borrowing on your mortgage to do it or refinancing or cash out in your mouth it's too borrowing on the mortgage is absolutely the most horrible ridiculous thing you can do because will enable you to consider this chaotic out of control disorder. I urged overspending life and you're gonna grab crash this Carl girl. I mean You guys got to know you gotta get control. You know that, don't you he asked me so the house, what you're it what's? Yours
each payment woody pain on this house. wow a winner combining three hundred dollars a word to lead the country all! So that's not your problem your living? I already know the answer to this, but you're not on budget correct it looks. Are we don't do anything yeah, but that's the same two hundred, fifty thousand dollars is going somewhere. Aren't you kind of curious where it went? I am you. I think it's kind of like WU. This is a mystery. So what does your husband do for a living people, driver in that, that's why I wanted to give into the truck driver and He will go to work an ill becalmed where, because the fuel prices are so high, everything he come
a party you gonna, kill. Ninety nine they'd works with a company and alone. You no longer time. If he does not like to have more you yeah, he grocers two hundred thousand our view. But his net income after expenses or even owner operator, right, here's, the are these not netting two hundred thousand ok he's running business that brings in two thousand and then he asked pears and fuel and other things out. That am, I correct, yeah, ok, you do not have an income of two hundred thousand. Your income is the net profit on his business after expenses are paid. which is more like one hundred thousand. That sounds right. Ok, That's all right! Do you hear that probably found better began? Okay, so jennifer? What do you do? What do you draw habits, finished, finish all on my interpretation and I'm gonna start my business alone.
and you know it at home. Mom now. Not that I'm am for trying to start a business by challenge! You know what I want to challenge you with your estimation, work right now, It sounds like it's more like quarter time to part time. based on your earnings. Am I right Income comes from disability So you have in your current only for me right now you and I, from this degree of why its graduated, probably like who fight if at all costs more congratulate its great ok. Aren't you a here's? What we're gonna do, I'm an old we're gonna shoot you indifferent, your patient diversity. It includes a budgeting app called every dollar. And then the other thing you oughta do as you oughta contact a ram. She coach in your area. You can find a moan line without rambler solutions and shit. with them, because someone needs to help you guys put together a set of books for his business and
for your business show. You actually know what profit you have after taxes are paid after the expenses of the business or paid, and then you will know what it takes to attack this dad it's sounds to me like your forty thousand dollar. Car probably needs to be sold, because I think it's too a car in the situation- and my guess is you probably have very high interest rate on it, and the reason you have only have one car, the shooter. Expensive is he's in a truck all the time he's over the road an unknown or operator show Hey you gotta makes it caused me to get your your ear net profits fig, out so that you can get organised and get on a budget and begin to attack. These That's and english them smallish, two largest and you're gonna be they do it in that order. I thought for a few minutes yoda to an over two thousand com, and that was super absurd that you couldn't
all. Four hundred and forty downhearted were the debt making that, but you don't you have. Probably a hundred thousand twenty thousand other income, give or take and that still enough to get you out of debt? But it's not. It does make you look as out of concern. as I initially thought were. Ok, All it means is your your right. Your budget is probably not super dot com. you're, probably not eating caviar every night or someone here is not us not what's goin on, but But you are gonna, have to tighten up and you are going to make a decision as public. Don't take it three years or sacrifice, including some in this car and getting. much more reasonable, cheap car. primarily to get yourself under control, but we'll get you started, and financial police university He started on the every dollar budget and help you get moving This is the rams asia. I say it all. The time dead is done when cash is king, but when it
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wait until something goes wrong, be prepared, download the neighbourly up today, yeah today's question comes from AL in pennsylvania he says: hey all. I've recently seen companies advertising cash back debit cards in the process of transitioning out of using a credit card for dated eight purchases. My question is: how does a cash back debit card work? Where's? The money coming from that's a really good question dave? I hear this away in a lot of people are popped insane jade. This great way that I can build my credit. It's a debit card that will report to the credit card. Companies are reno report it on your credit report. But what they're not telling you you're still borrowing money. No, now that the cash by credit card is just like a reward card well, the ones that I'm looking at their harboured about one out now
We re experience launched one the only works with experience boost and it reports on the credit beer right, but this is simply like discover, has one percent back discover points or get airline myles said this is a recurring back rewards, are yet and I don't have a problem with added card, and where does the we come from a comes from transaction fees, merchant, asia, so we don't accept credit cards on our website because we, People not to have them, and that would be hypocritical to make money off of something. I tell people not did it, oh god, shall we take debit cards website when you use your debit card on our website. We pay a merchant fee, a transaction free most cases out of ours is different, but I can't doesn't do a lot of volume, but basically around three percent. Ok shall hunter box. I pay three percent to the merchant fate to transact the day.
but card. Ok, they can then take part of that fee and give it back to you to get you to use the debit card more because they make money. When you use your debit card they make transaction face, not off of you, but off of the merchant that you are buying from the same thing's. True with the credit card by the way credit card pays the exact same fees as a matter of fact, yeah. The merchant fees are exactly the same, we don't pay less or more, because it's a debit card and we've actually had to argue with a few these people that they wanted us to add. They wanted to force us to accept credit cards to get the process, our transaction, No, no! No! No, that won't work can't do business with you, but so a lot of a lot of europe. The credit card companies don't just make money on the interest on your debt. They also make
beyond the transaction, very, absolutely answer when they're giving you airline miles or whatever it's not just because their screwing you with eighteen percent interest, it's also because the merchant transaction for use doing that and so yeah. I don't have a problem with this. Let me tell you what the break down this is, though, that the only issue it's the wrong question. the game, because you should not be asking a question of. I want to modify my spending habits, my method of payment in order to get one percent yeah, because that means every time you spend one hundred dollars. You get a dollar. This is not for the the
it is not going to move the needle for you well in somewhere in your brain you're, going to think. Oh, if I spend more I'll get more money and it's going to make you want to spend your way into wealth when you're trading, one hundred dollar expenditure for a dollar cash back. That's just lost ninety nine box on the sofa so I mean this is so this is the way that these companies work, though it's a feedback, loop and psychological feedback loop and are trying to keep you spending and assuming because that's where the transactions or where they make all their money, and so it not where you make all your money thou and when you're out? seeing the question, how boy I could get one percent, but how about oh boy? I'm not gonna spend a hundred bucks. You that, and now I just made a hundred times more money than have been asking this question a hundred times more money. I like it,
yeah. You know how you double your money folded over once put it back your pocket, I mean that's it. That's quit dont! Let these people suck you in to trading a hundred for a dollar dollar for a penny. Don't don't make this transaction and then walk, I like well, I am very sophisticated. I have a cash back who gives a crap yeah you're, not sophisticated you're trading, one hundred for one the focus is wrong yeah. So it's okay! If you want to get cash back, it's not add, but the fact that you're even worried about it is bad. Absolutely! Ah, since I wrongfully set myself by phillip. We should talk about other thing to yeah. Ok, though there is now a debit card that does report on your credit bureau, yeah and it is only with the experience bank. That's the only one and it only works if it only reports, if you do experience boost now, what exe
embossed is- is a fee that you pay to the credit bureau. Reporting company called experience. You pay them a fee and they will boost your credit rating. However, those of you that have a boosted rating need to know that no morgan. Company will use your boosted rating to qualify, you their will here's your non boasted rating, and so you use your experience, debit card. You opened a bank account with experience so that they could make these fees we were just talking about, so that you could pay them extra to boot. Your credit, while using their debit card, all to build a boosted score that a mortgage company won't take there's other ones to day room that will yeah there are the ones. That, though, give you, though, send you a card in the mill and they'll say
we'll take a portion of your paycheck and make it a portion, your own money and make it available to you as credit on this card. so you spend what say you spent let's say: gets paint thousand dollars, they'll take three dollars over and they'll, say spin. on this card, and so there, but their front Imagine the money for such a prepaid. Credit and then they'll come in and whatever you spent for the month, they'll come in and they'll take it out of your account yeah, but that that is actually debt. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Oh yeah, that's! Actually death! That's a prepaid credit card Let me call them debit cards. Yeah they're, calling them that erroneously, it is, is not the technical can't. A debit card does not count on young unapproachable. That's right here, ok unless she run it through bushed, but the yacht not as of right now, anyway, so yeah pre paid credit cards back in the day. Had huge fees on them. I suspect that does I haven't seen that product and it was me
only being used by poor people, get lower income. People is like saying people shop at the pond I think they're going to get rich off a lotto. It's the same poor people and that's why they're poor and it's one of the reasons are poor anyway and day room she hates the poor note. I remedy works his whole life so that you're not poor. I spent all might I'm helping you not before I want. You did not do poor people stuff in that way. You're not poor. Ok, people stand in line. The number one zip codes set by lotto tickets are poor neighborhoods by far. The vast majority of lotto tickets purchased or import neighborhoods. So I'm not making that up. I mean an actual data, wait and it's not a moral judgment. It just going: hey how's that workin, for you it's the same. Neighborhood has title pon tote denote lot and rent to own
washer and driver for god's sakes that you could buy for fifty bucks in a garage sale, but instead you pay two thousand bucks for rent owning it, but this is all short term linking. Thank god, it's friday, oh god, it's monday, and that's where they could prepaid credit card shows up is that environment. It's also pay, day lenders and that neighbourhood, and what does he commercials? Cather awful cash advanced play well as petty lenders, a cash advance, but just horrendous and the interest rates with petty lenders. Eight hundred percent hundred percent. May europe find some ice pick and poor people as those people have taken on board there megan old, good, living, getting rich off the backs of poor people when you charge porphyry boy and represent although a rich people don't pay that they don't play that and that both those things,
in the rich neighbourhood they're, not even a middle class neighborhoods, it's your lotto tickets. It's it's a short he'll kill you gotta kill you don't fall for not far fort, don't fall for don't fall for just. makes money live unless new megan stat cash, this other malaysia,. jade watch. All remsen personality is Michael vote today. Thank you for joining us. America were so glad you're here, open phones aaa eight to five five, two to five in the law, I'll be a ramsey solutions on the debt free stage. Colton is whether it's a cult, and how are you doing most excellent? Thank you for having me here today guys we're honored to have you good to have you been. Where do you live in austin, texas, no, fun welcome to nashville and how much data have you paid off culture sixty two thousand and two under fifty eight thousand ninety two cents. Why? How long did it take thirty one month's good for you,
and your range of income during that time, yeah start at right over twenty four thousand, and then I ended twenty twenty two with a dried over seventy one thousand wow good for you. What do you do for living diverse jobs do a lot, but we work in a pretty small company, but I can be task by any of our marketing heads art sales, heads finance. Our seo calls made that control centre? It's where all the information comes together and then actions disseminate? I like it pretty cool, show you average, two thousand dollars a month and debt reduction starting. I was only making two thousand dollars a month, so must the most of this must have happened in the back end. Yes, it was a journey snowballing throughout the whole thing and as we continued down and we definitely got to tip your income, went up you're able to slam it yeah and every every one that went down it was the next one came up, though you go, love it good for you, what kind of debt was it? So it was all sorts of debt. We all had student
mostly river and federal car loan. Bunch credit card has impasse to medical. Bills, ida pay, and then there is one they'll stoop attacks. I found myself in a hotel too. I found myself in more than one another's: that's not bad at all. What happened? How You find out what got you started on this thirty one month ago. Yes, actually lives on the lower end of the income of this journey, and I found myself in a place where I really needed a vehicle and I was in a place where I was mandatory for my job and I had a tran commute to get everywhere and I was just looking at things I have no money, I'm right the college I I have no means to get a car. How can I do this? I started going through. You know, my dear. instead do the research and find out- and I They found the home base when I found ramsay and this baby steps, and I read them the book told a monument make over and I read, buying at a half price for storing eyes like twenty dollars. I bought this book and by the time I finished the last page and nine closed out. I was like that's a million dollar book and it's going to change
life, and ah thank you, ok, show broken you read a toy dollar book and you need a car how you gonna Carne what happened so they before before. I got the book She got the car. All you want at twelve then solve that problem with another problem. Then I read the book I was like, oh, and this was like two months afterwards and I was like save my problems, so I'm not sure how much was the card in the sixty two twelve hour, tt bad as you got it. Okay, yeah you're in good shape, and then you turn. In the thirty one month later after twenty dollar book at a huge bookstore by day ago, like it yeah like style and all the strategies you know get involved with korea? and in passionate and doing every You can just so many facets of your life has been able to approach them in and when in every single one of them, What did that look like for you? I mean. Obviously you got your income up and you did it doing obviously sounded jack of all trades? But how would that look like? How did you do it now?
the transition from from a few different jobs started, on the lower end. I was operations manager for of of freight and logistics company, and that worked really what we did. A lot of things like we did. A lot of different business like freight, was only a part of it. We were moving we're doing international wait a lot, but then a job offered for a new company, and it was a huge step up and I was like there's a place. I wanna go pursue and I talked about it with the owner at the time and he was like do it and then and then that second company sold- and that's where I find myself in this new company- and this is the place where I've just experienced the biggest the most growth and the biggest wins all just well relation. I got a feeling. I know why again incinerators secret software called coldly. I see that yeah he's these the captain of his own, yup well done, sir well done well played I like it. Ok, how old are you? Thirty years on thirty years old and you paid off sixty
two thousand and two and a half years thirty one month, and you did that starting at twenty four thirty thousand dollars, almost no income and jane, that all the way to seventy one and did this. What are you tell people the secret to getting out of debt is yeah. I have to leave its vision, you know you get to the place where you're in a place and you're like I am done with this. I don't want this anymore and I am going to get to the other side. You find the vision you find the purpose and then you can start starts goals. The vision starts, the goals follow the plan. Thank you, Dave forgive the plan is that was the easy part, the plan proceeds and then, once you start hitting the goals and you start doing everything it all snowballs. It gets bigger and better knew when so much that they you're encouraged, and motivated and it keeps going and keeps going on, but that all started with a vision you get to the point we said I've had enough and I'm ready to get past it. Now man
what was your. What was your vision because everybody everybody getting out of debt? Has that thing that their picturing rang like that's the? Why like, if I can just get there, what was yours actually, this is actually to his. The show perfectly is: like generosity like- I want to go out and I want tipp tip outrageously, I want to just give. I want to do so much for everyone, but if I'm in a place megan, so little money and I'm paying everything I can to the bank's than we find ourselves in a play we don't have much money to give out. We can we can't be generous as we want to be so my goal is to be as generous as possible and to get there. I want to. I want to take the steps when you figured out that you have a mouth pro well. If you're broke you got it broke but broke people, it's hard to be generous. When you're broke men, you can be with a smile, be generous with kindness and open a door, make somebody a pie but but outrageous generosity. It requires coin. Well done, sir! Well done. I like it very, very good
good good good play on, there was encouraging you, you know. So that's it biggest thing. Oh, I wish I could say about. The whole journey is like not many people understood at all, like no one really got it. Like my dad was a court. You need new every my mom's like when you can open up that baby. The dating budget. I need grandchildren everyone a dating budget waited, but how can I put their jade? Like you talk to me, how can I help you with some people may not understand the steps? Are the intensity or how focused you have to be to do it, but I was surrounded by people whose for me like employer after employer. You know our guard This morning at ten, a m I'll send in the diner up north and just out of. Nowhere are my ceo and our director of sales is sitting right next to me. They called me out of nowhere and said: hey guess what we're here in nashville we're coming down to franklin: don't do the debt free scream- and I was like this wasn't on the plan- this wasn't on the agenda, but look at that level of
that I've had the entire journey is like friends, family, my church, everyone around me. I am so supported and the That we have our seo, and our director sales here today is just a testament. If you're an easy guy to support you're an easy guy to get behind your eye, I like placing my bets on a horse that is going to win so yeah. Well done. Well done, sir, proud of you. Thank you well played well played and our congratulations were happy for you. Ve got a cop, we ve got the live and give speaking of that box. For you, baby steps millionaires book, which is definitely your next stop and the total money make overbook? Now you have a new one and give that away or give that used one way or the two and then financial peace. Firstly, membership as well, so thank you for making the trip from Austin all away to nashville and thanks to your your leadership team for coming in and supporting you that real leadership that very well played Ladys very well played and a good stuff. I call
from Austin Texas, sixty two thousand hours paid out in thirty one month's making twenty four. seventy one thousand. It helps to be a force of nature. Can it lets era, debt, fringe groups to work Now it's done, ladies and gentlemen, wow you're, dating budget is open for the ladys you don't get it. I think it's ready. Now it's ready at him. You think, as is happening at his feet, the card is not declining, so he's he's he's ready. Have you ever heard that my friend told me that's the cool thing to say: oh, is it okay I'll say it again cause I
they just a little bit a cool over this, why this guy's face card does not decline a whole. Ok, that's what you say when someone's handsome! Ok, I got it. I it took me a minute took me a lot longer. Didn't take me as long as that, other one. You were god that one took me a week, yeah, I'm so slow. It's good, though out and say that about it But you can't say that may be railway network. Beware, god help this is the rams issue.
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Duration, imo. Seventy years old part time passed her bible kid actually here in suburban philadelphia, small congregation and we are having to unexpectedly closed due to some horrific circumstances. If you want to know them I'll tell you there not super relevant my problem or to my question. But I had been planning on working for another couple of years, and then retiring, and then looking for housing, this quote retirement. Being forced on me a couple of years early, not through my own doing it's just the situation, and so I am wondering what is wiser for me- to do- to purchase or to rent a couple of things. a law than my decision. My parents are still, in the early nineties, an uncommon
Staying in the philadelphia area for as long as they're alive, which is in philadelphia, expensive housing market. Otherwise I could look for much less expensive housing housing somewhere else in the country? So you I urge you. Yes, I didn't parish right. Yeah I'll, have you been saving money towards purchasing home? Yes, yeah. But I owned a home for forty three years, which I sold about two years ago and have a maximum of one hundred and fifty to one hundred and seventy thousand dollars for a downpayment from that. A home. And do you have an in what is your income situation going to be it'll, be once I retire in the seven decay range. Ok now it higher than that, because my wife and I are still working part time for the next couple of years for once we actual retire, though-
It all learn. Little drop a bit down into the shabby came each ok, so if you purchase And your nineteen year old parents pass, But when you're, not a euro parents by us, we're organ push show knowing they pass, whether it be two months or twenty year shadow now? your intention with italy, philadelphia, probably yes, mostly because of course, ochre hum well that the general rule of thumb and depends on the market and the specific area within the specific market to get the exact math, but the jury rule of thumb, as if you're not gonna, be in a property two years, you're better off to rent,
and so my my thought, my thought is right now that if we actually bought something, we would commit to stay five to seven years. How can even if what say my parents died in two years now, so we would just we would just buy something of which we would. We must stay in for at least five to seven years, regardless of where we, regardless of their situation, you would be legally five right. If I m, how is their health yeah. It's pretty good. Actually! Ok, that's good! That's wonderful! Here! Your. now my father miles ninety four and he sharper than I am so in that that's how we want to be right but my dear, I will be ninety two next month now huh Goodbye goodbye, you're gonna find their horizon. Your money on it. It only end up being net net cheaper than having rented over five years,
I would, by looking some people, have suggested any be rent. for a year and wait for the interest rates to drop, because it's an election well that that might be show. But during your prices might go up too, because we still have my housing shortage and even though inventory is, does not a lot of people excited about the roasting market right now, there's still more buyers than there is sellers, and so we're seeing prices go up, ironically, while interest rates are going up, There's not a lot of volume of sales. It's just I know, but we have not seen a decline in values, not a nationwide and I'm Billy's a good, strong market. I doubt its experience that so I I would buy there are five year horizon where we're going to commit HU a five year minimum yo, money in that five years versus having rented you'll be glad you did and yacht mathematically by an loosely without a stable azure hush
you're in the housing that aren't? I am dead three, I am dead, three! Ok, that's great! What do you have? I don't item in a forum, three be like what you haven't retirement while it's it's actually they too complex. I'm gonna have about nine sources of income at also including international, showed its pretty complex teacher. Will you in a carriage to get a hold up in addition to the one fifty two just pay cash for out. I do yes, I do I would consider that I'm not you yeah what we recommend for putting four downpayment as much as possible. I like two hundred percent downplaying yeah yeah yeah, a really what I may now. I don't know what you're net worth asia there's a lot of different things going on in your story here, but I wouldn't use your last time to do it. if you're sitting on another five or six hundred thousand dollar somewhere news, four hundred to go with that, you still got two hundred. She's non a source of income and paid for out. That's where I
If I'm in your shoes, I'm gonna pay cash for something, but I dont know You know we'd have to really dig further down into your numbers to figure that out. So at what point? Let's, let's talk about that a little bit? Let's say you, of a million dollars out? What percentage that would you pull out in order to pay cash for your your primary home, the least possible, to have a house that is quote unquote reasonable and you know that's going to shift alright via philadelphia is not an inexpensive market rate. This is not dayton, ohio. Of course. Ok, it's not abilene! Alright, it's a you know it's going to be more expensive. It's adjacent to new york, hello, okay! So we're in a in a you know very I mean an end. Philadelphia got a wide variety of neighbourhood, but easily four hundred thousand dollars. Yeah yeah go four hundred to five hundred. I would not go nine hundred out of amelia rights.
or the powdered thousand dollars and all other start up and how absolutely, but I like a hundred thousand feels like you to meet you preach. I am younger, but some around half million mark and shall let russia, if he's got another five, six hundred thousand on top of that one fifty from the old house that he sold and he pulled out two or three a hundred, and still two or three hundred lay in their pay cash for four fifty I mean that thus to be optimum yeah and that's a less than median price. Let slightly re low, the middle in philadelphia, rotten, show that that's would be in that you know, but again paying cash gives a lot of ability to just sit and smile, absolutely- and you don't have anything tugging at your wallet every month. There are two different. A different environment show very smart for passengers too
here this not a lot of pastors percentage. Was these days have parishes it's not as often as they used to parishes, were traditionally or are traditionally employer furnished housing in it. Often times was the house. Next door to the church so they were handed to the church and they could govern turn on the lights, and I was born occasional shows a smaller church. Likely me wasn't even full time passed her ain't in terms. income offer very, probably fall down an hour's, but the yeah there's still. Oh yeah parishes have gone away though you are a pastor, or sometimes they an old parrish around a church, the scottish started again, or something and they'll put the youth pasture or the I worship, minister, in there, in those cases any you they're doing that make sure still paying yourself a house payment, even though you don't have a house payment, because you running
up where he is having to buy a house at some point in your equation. Very few of you, I mean if europe. a priest in some of the denominations some form of gotham the system you might have no housing needs the rest of your life, that's possible, but the vast majority of you that are in a parish or at some point, going to need to provide your own housing, whether its at retirement at job change or whatever it is an vast majority revenge or churches. These days are not doing perishes. They have not worked out well in so be prepared. it is the moral of the story. Norman has done a really good job here, bearing a really good job there. You go, ladies and gentlemen, that puts this hour of the ram to show in the box
live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions. Ramsey we help people while doing work. They love and create actual amazing, like the jaguar shark. Ramsey personality is my goal today. Thank you for joining the open phones or aaa eight to five five to two five sean is fort lauderdale, high sean welcome to the Ramsay show let's go there. I don't answer better than I deserve. What's up, I'm so quick question, I guess about fourteen, knowledge, and for that I am thirty. Two thousand dollars in cardiff mommy twelve it does now here The present owner of my business, with the ability to stake up to thirty percent m. Once I reach your goals of two hundred and fifty
dollars on a yearly basis, and I, and about thirty five hundred dollars and credit card debt my bills exceed about half of my the earnings. What is it now about praetor, forty one ninety I think so you don't. Very graham models are about twenty seven hundred, including a seven hundred alec harping. Now I would like, Yeah I wouldn't be on my car. The problem is, I got into a correction about one month into having the car. And the motorists to is that following the accident had uninsured with an uncertain utterest, so I didn't have uninsured motorist on my insurance either and yeah I exceeded above, I think it was twenty six thousand dollars in damage
so yeah kind of here your collapse and we should then avert, even if they are uninsured a day to day, Did the wine crashed in another context, now drive and again it's all good out, but it took about two months to repair and needed to get to work at a time when you use knowing in you need it. working you'd. What so I need yet the word at the time and I started renting a vehicle. Why didn't have my car loving, fixed I would just don't and right now I don't have a thirty eight thousand dollar car debt. What's the car worth today, it's fixed your driving it. What's it worth about one line, I'd say who said tat for private sailor. Trade in Gotta tell hooker she'll nine in the hall and how old are you? I am twenty five where I had a job
it is where I I was spending, probably a little more than my means. I was making about one hundred thousand dollars a year and then the company sold and made major layoffs. I am a business owner just on business just started and show what your question: how can we be sure if she's trying to get out of this I mean my mom's always told me. I got a hands that just money flows through you know, so I'm just just start. Listening to podcasts think hearing from you, my my we'll show your brain. to the ramsay stuff. I am let's go well good news? Is your hands? Are not a dna issue. Your hands or money flowing through is a choice. A great yeah. It's not like it's a curse. that's how you ve chosen to do it in
I want your mom speaking anything negative like that over you again tell her to quit doing. Okay now, it's all. I know it's all in good fun, but even joking, you kind of owned it, and I want you to I am a responsible, extremely sharp twenty five euro guy the recently made a hundred grand and soon will again that you make mistakes with money, and I don't make those mistakes anymore. That sounds more like the guy. I know you're ok ah and cosette, is actually go. I'm talking to your calling me on a radio show in front of a whole bunch of other people put burying your soul taking agree risk in order? figure out how to fix something that you don't know how to fix. I think that's pretty courageous or sell for me. My two cents in this whole thing is, you know he's going back to the baby steps. I know that you right now you're making fifty thousand dollars a year. I'm always in for a way to increase my income. If I'm, u,
something else that you can do on the side. I know your So now I know you ve got a lot on your plate. Is there something else you can do to bring some more money in our budget? Second job at the media bar or somethin workin here gonna go a lot of money. I mean I know some people in the business screening would take me and with open arms I don't want to exceed my ability to be able to won the day This is an operator I want to impact. I day to day. Well, you know he's getting no sleep or something, or there there's more to this, that you're going to have to embrace that you're going to go through a season of difficulty and that difficulty does like long nights being tired working you're, so your fingers to the bottom, There is gonna, be a season of that and I think that's part of you just embracing here's. The thing is not. term, its short term great. So I do think that your idea of looking into that. I would just go ahead and move forward with that. assuming that
the return on that time is gonna, be worth it. How much do you think you could make? I had one of the girls who, they tell me they may be, seven hundred anyway, I mean I'd, probably say average, four hundred and eight as I wanted. I married you can make almost as much doing. God is you're making during the day right now right and so that solves a lot of problems right there and again it's a temporary thing. This is all clean up the mess, because if you had zero payments right now, your life would be completely different agreed. Absolutely that's where we want to take you to and seller buyer puts down there we're going to put your only every dollar budget, it's an app that we have the world's best budgeting app. I'm gonna give it to you free, I'm gonna put you in our class. It's called for and peace university. I'm gonna give that to you for free, because I've been, five and scared. I remember how it feels I used to have.
Money running through my fingers too. I know exactly how that out of control feels and wake up with a financial hanging over which is worse than a real one, and so the out that I don't want you haven't that anymore more. I want to get this out of your life, so here's the deal we're to and all of that. If an witches immediately paying down cutting up the credit cards get debit cards spend money. You don't have an and began to tear through these first two debts the credit cards and the student loan? What you're student loan payment about a hundred suddenly a month. Now. Is that as low as you can get it for an hour together? Lacking devil draw and you give them a call and said I can decrease that. But it's a it's a temporary thing, because really what we want is fourteen thousand dollars make the whole thing go away. Yeah that and the Here's the deal, let's, if you had four thousand dollars this equation critical the gun in one month.
For me. Are much the student loans or gone right You do the math with me there. That's pretty much that's. Why such a strange tony, the secret charge. Maybe it's you? Ok, the war on terror under this, and if you are not a back up to a hundred thousand dollars a year in your current job by mark You do need to shellfish cars too, expensive you're, making a you can keep it, but you gotta pay it off a south. You should be a hug percent net free in your world in a year from today. If you'll follow the stuff, we and that involves shelling the car. If you don't get, it come up. But if you do get your income up, you be able to pay. It often still keep it all within a year hang on, we'll get you signed up for every dollar
are you a small business owner who feels stuck in the daily grind of running your business, where you're, not alone, we've helped thousands of business owners. Just like you get unstuck with learnings from the entre leadership stages of business, our free assessment will tell you which stage your business is in today and what you can do this week to get out of the daily grind. So don't wait. Go to ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash b, I z quiz to take our free stages of busy assessment today jane wash our hands. Your personality is my co host. Today, Angela is in Washington Dc Angela welcomed the rams issue, dave and hygiene are doing today do better than we deserve. What's up so I am a thirty seven year old, single female, and I have found myself in a little bit of a whole lot of debt I have two whole life
insurance policies, but I would like the cash out. There are another policy, a total about eleven thousand dollars. Ah my question: a careful evaluation of the fish that cash value is eleven thousand watch the fish but pay. If you dont have faith, their face value for both of these policies. As about thousand dollars, mocha in Europe monthly on them- yeah, ok, go here. and about four years ago I was diagnosed with cancer in at this, the current poignent and I'm uninsurable. So I was in about catching them ass. They were known the policies for eleven thousand dollars, though I can start babies that too, in you know, create an aggressive, planned snowball method to pay off by debt. Should I keep youth policy, during my illness or
should I surrender down start my death, my debt repayment, watcher income Ah I make about a hundred and forty thousand dollars a year. If includes a twenty year, thousand dollars from our mental property? How much them I am. I bade me how much the idea Right now, I'm probably at about two hundred and forty about what kind of debt a hundred and twenty eight student loans about forty five thousand dollars the car dead. I have about thirty thousand neglect. Homer innovation along and I have a very about not in what you're, with the sir? Are you know how are you doing I'm doing good, I'm doing right now. Some of the day is contributed to that. Yes, I know you now, medical be ours
Higher, I'm not a medical expert, but are you in remission? Are you? Ok? Are you still in the middle of fighting it and you're doing good or what's goin on Now, I'm doing I'm doing good your. I find that made me I'm in complete, mention among maintenance therapy. Ok, great great. What kind of cancer did you have ever breast cancer, and so it is in the rearview mirror. How long have you been cancer? Free, some twenty twenty one, two years. Ok, I'm take more like an insurance person than a medical person right now. That's what I'm trying to do is another I mean, I know very little about this exception, having been around as a human being, but I'm not a medical person. You follow me show, but the experience that arm
I've had I mean I have two or three ladys ladys, almost within eyesight of me right now that our team, that have been through that an earth a couple of years, the other side of it and are doing fine and the prognosis is excellent for them. but you're right. There not they're, not ensure both for life insurance today, but in terms of their life, their life looks really good. You follow me and that's all I'm just judging it based on that, I'm not again has not a medical, notions I about that. But I do know you can't get life insurance. I do agree with that today. So your single. Do you have any children now, so you have no dependence that affect us this. I'm very hesitant to have someone who's uninsurable, cancel insurance. Go you can't get it right now. And if you even have a scare us, so you go three years than you have a scare you're, not gonna, get it for another three or four years,
so you might end up going a decade with no hiccups, maybe three fur from war years you'll be get right but if you had a minor hiccup, it could be a deck. without it in your life. Could change a lot at thirty seven in one decade you follow me. Some, so I'm always hesitant to lose something that you can never get back and that's the shooting It's rare! You can't get it bagging thompson The good news is also going to have a term, No great policy is tom term. Eighty had to face value an adept at seven A hundred and fifty thousand dollars- ok, that's extra information is very helpful. Like you, cancel your cancel your whole, I'm a long term long term, disability policy and long term care about I have already outlined before hours dogma dagger.
Yes, I would cancel your whole life. If I were you because you here's, the thing No one is counting on your income if you were to pass away so a hundred and fifty George cleans up, takes care of you. General and clean up. The vast majority of your dad, sale of your house clean up the rest of them agreed. Your mom dad brother sister somebody clean up your estate and you ve got the money to do it. bit of that. And there's no burden left to anyone. There's no one there. I counting on your income that doesn't have it like a child left behind, that kind of a thing which is the primary of life. Insurance is to make sure the families ok sure given All of that and that you have the hundred and fifty term implies an three years from now you get married have kids and get some life insurance to recover a family situation and you ve had in them
five or six years and remission your become ensuring. Likely at that point than yacht. Then you ve got a fine plan. You see what I'm doing here and that's that I'm just trying to come and The eleven thousand dollars doesn't fix your debt mass. You gotta go fix that the hundred forty thousand our income ripe and you let us not really clean in that up get very, very serious about living on beans and rice, rice and beans, but getting of the stinking payment cause. This whole, like payment, is what five hundred bucks foreigner box While I can assure all I see the premiums, my pay five hundred eight dollars a month for every year, but how much less the turmoil me that insurance is eighty eight dollars a year. For my whole life is about two thousand dollars a year, Our we're two thousand dollars a that's what more concern about than the eight thousand ok
and so are the eleven thousand eleven thousand dollars in ya? You pay off some of the debt start cleaning up, you know, the car or the renovate key, whether you keep the car or not? I don't know all that, but yeah. If the answer your question is yes, I would he drop. You got a whole sure, you were looking at the tell you to drop this, but the number of, times in thirty years on the air, I've told someone who's uninsurable to drop a life insurance policy, even as much as I hate whole life is very, very low. Almost never will because what are you going to replace it with laughing your your your mesh and I almost never would hate it. I hate whole life life insurance, it's a piece of crap of a product, but in your were saving you, two thousand bucks a year plus put eleven thousand hours in your pocket, for something you don't even really need yeah yeah in our case, and so the uninsurable just added drama to the question, will look she had the term policy in place, issue did and everyone. If she didn't, she had two whole life's worth two hundred thousand. Would you have advised to keep up,
bummer, let go of one a model I go on about us. I've got a partial out which was which was which I'm afraid the term insurance is probably expensive. That's why I guess currently on the price because she bought it from a whole life company when you by lot purnell from a whole life company that jack the term price up, try to show you, there's not much difference between the two and you, paying more than if you went to Zander insurance shopped among a bazillion companies, got the best possible deal. Ah, so you know, if you go to a whole wife company and buy term insurance, expect to pay twenty five to fifty more so for nothing for nothing, absolutely nothing except mark their marketing plan show, but that the hulk, the whole industry should wicked The term insurance is the only way to go if they twenty your level term about ten or twelve times urine? gotta, Zander insurance. Dotcom, though shop about a handful, different countries. Are brazilian companies get you the best possible deal and europe
great shape them and you're gonna kick everybody, but nor can marketplace if you're ensure above it doesn't have that option good question Thank you for calling in glad, you're doing. Ok, me too. This is around russia. folks. Changing your family tree takes more than rice and beans and sighed hustles. It's also about transferring the big financial risks off your family by having the right kind of coverage in place. That's why my team created the coverage checkup quiz? It only takes about five minutes to find out what types of insurance you need and dont need to protect your finances. Make this way as one of your regular check. Ups starting right now that ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash, check up that ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash, check up jade wash our rapporteur personality is my co host today show when I
a teaching Lucian formation. Thirty five years ago I had discovered common sense god aids and grandma's ways are handling money after I went broke when I went broke, I was making on blogger thousand dollars a year, and I had a net or through a million dollars and real estate and I have all the letters and licences after my name and all the academic, bull crap dishes on supposed to know something about money and I went broke so visually, something I learned with academic. Both crap was just that programme. Obvious some of it, was right. but I learned from oh people that had money and from basic common sense, things in the bible that you have live on less than you make. You have to live on a budget a written plan. No one goes to success. Accidentally, you have to
out of date and stay out of tat. Your most powerful wealth building tool is your income. You have to save and invest and discover the eighth or of the world einstein called it compound interest, and you have to be outrageously, asleep, generous these earth five components that are principles of life that are ancient they are proven, then the next thing I had to figure out- and it took me a few years- was in how do I apply them? in the real world. While I'm gonna cut up my credit cards, I'm going to get on a budget, I'm going to not borrow money for a car.
What do I do if I'm in debt or we're going to use the debt snowball and get out of debt? Oh I've got to have an emergency fund. Do I do that before a retirement plan? Oh I've got a safe for my kids college. Oh wait! We need to pay off the house. Oh my goodness! Where do we start? Which of these comes? First, I don't know what to do so. We took the five principles and put them into a process, a proven plan, a path that we nicknamed the baby steps. Now the baby steps are not ancient well they're, thirty years old, but they're not ancient like a web wisdom from proverbs, okay, but the principles that I talked about, the five things are woven into the baby steps and it gives you an order of attack and we ve taught people that, first thing. You do save a thousand dollars a little starter emergency pond, it's not enough, but it's just for now. The second thing do maybe step too. We should pay off our unique, except your house with great focused intensity. You
nothing in you list. Your smallish two largest attack him in that order. Then, when you're, I have debt everything, but the house boom you're in the top ten percent of americans right then, and then we're going to go ahead and finish the emergency fund at three to six months of expenses. Then we can if the gas and let the intensity go down and let it changed to intention amity and we sign between usually do baby steps. Four. Five and six save for fifteen per cent for retirement, save for kids college and start paying off the house a six when houses paid off it takes you to baby step seven which is everything is paid off now, there's nothing left to do, but bill wealth in become very, very generous, show The midst of that jade. We ve taught this and you ve, you ve, taught it as well you're running into some detailed questions about four five and six, the retirement, the college and the house a yard? people on social media like you're, always talking about paying off their debt jade. What about for us who have gotten through it? Can we have deep dive on baby steps, four five and six, and I'm like yes, so I went through I
got my dms on instagram, and I do look at the questions on facebook and I tried to pull ten that you're, like are the most asked questions. So let's frequently asked questions yet on judged d- young. Yes, let's clip through these, so that, rather than shave, reach mean twitch. While let me add one to it because you mentioned it so on baby step for dave is my pre tax number then I'm doing the fifteen percent, or is it my after tax? My tape rejects praetor, salute your girls round three mike, in one thousand dollars a year. You need say fifteen thousand, to make two hundred thousand. You need to save thirty thousand there. You go well, eve. If I'm on baby step for an All of us and I use my emergency fund. Do I have to stop baby for which is investing the fifteen percent in order to restock my emergency fund. If you can't restock- within two months? Yes, within two So there you don't wanna, be gone without an emergency fund. When you, walk around with an emergency fund, it attracts bad luck. It's like murphy's. Look got me one, no yeah! You know so too
This is the real on that. How about this one? How do I toggle between maybe step three b. Which is saving for down payment on a house and baby step for. Do I pick one or the other. When do I focus? one over the other new? Take them one right. So I would say that if you're gonna spend more than two years, saving up baby step three b, I consider adding baby step for to it and if you can If you're able save up that down payment really quickly, then I would just stop baby step for when you're done go into baby steps. yeah like six months, pour the heat on no return here and then go back to their gotta return. For long, yeah, ok, I'm sure there's people do I'll, take them martin poor matches, and shall do six percent yet a fifteen while I'm doing three bay, you can't yet you can do them at the same time, but ultimately we don't want you to. Ah you don't get me wrong. I don't wanna, know retirement for more than two or three: that's right. That's right, let's see number we, what do I do if I make too much day for rough ira, backdoor roth ya like normal
is you open an after tax irae, traditional roll it to a roth instantaneously. I do it every year from now. if, as well every year we with fully funded ross every single year, really illegal. It's a loophole in the tax law. That's right and by the way, when you say you open, What you really mean is work with her. I work with much more pressure pro they do it. I don't do I do. want to clarify that, because on the instagrams they're sing, you do it like you, do your own environment. The only thing I do all my investing is I throw money in an s and p five hundred pocket till I get my next real estate deal that that's. Oh, that's, baby, step, seven stuff there yeah so Let me jump down to question time because it goes along with it says. Do I really need to use a financial adviser to choose the funds in my four one k, or can I just pick the funds myself? You can pick yourself in a forum, one kay
but you need a good financial adviser in your corner, not to tell you what to do, but to teach you s right and then the other thing if you're, watching the news to go out god, Israel, war, the stock market. On a diver about it. You need some items, you off the ledge and keep you invested, because you don't want jump off in the middle, the roller coaster under less right, all right what to do with extra money when you're home is paid off. My home has paid off. I maxim For one k, my I raise and my h essays also max what else can I do well, there's two things, people. Do I only do want while three things I only do as far as investing What can the anvil I, by real estate, that I pay cash for an It goes up in value. You do not pay taxes on the increase and value until you shall it, I'm not really into real estate. I don't wanna be a landlord. I ain't low turn over mutual fund, and that means they don't sell the stock inside of it very often, so it doesn't have taxes you only pay.
because when you shall out of the mutual fun on nineteen april in our view, a low turnover ratio, mutual funds, in the show, like an s and p five hundred generally, would be that and that's why I use those to park my extra money and what about these reads? They're fine just check your mac record all natural state investment trust is basically a mutual fund for real estate. In the older They stopped him with fees so high that the returns were much less than growth start mutual funds, but in the law ten years or so they really come on their door. A much better job are running them and on I don't buy. those because I, by real estate right but they're, not bad and just check the track record on love that what amount stress should I put onto the mortgage or should ever stop the mortgage to increase, investing or vice versa. Fifteen percent of your own, and come into retirement a baby step forward. Something indicates college, a baby five in any other money we find above lifestyle
put on the mortgage until the mortgage is gone, the two key areas of people that get their first one to five million dollars of net worth in all the research and data that we have says a beefy four o one roth. I re retirement plan and a paid off house love that as well places to go to get rich for college saving, ear or five? Twenty nine, though same thing that you say the good news about is there's only one kind, control it. The five twenty nine there's three different fines, and only one of them is good and the one that you control is the one. That's good, true that dont get into pre five. Twenty nine prepaid card prevent college and will do that. That's a bad five! Twenty nine any. I think that here, how did I not be going on with your smart vesper bro, same thing. Is you say you select the mutual funds in your judgment, the job dave, quick, rapid fire the
our scripture that I proverbs fourteen fifteen, the simple believe anything but the prudent give thought to their steps. George Bernard Shaw: should two percent of people are thinking three percent of people think they are. King ninety five percent of humans would rather die than think guys. Hard core george hard core buddy. if we carefully write amy's in charlotte north carolina, Amy welcome to the ramsey show crack in my car sure. What's up, I have a question, so I just stopped and bought the plug on a house at three hundred and thirty thousand dollar house that I put eighty per percent down. So I put sixty thousand on down. And for the house comes in? Bear doesn't have refrigerator nothing at all and, of course,
but I have to buy- and I'm just wondering like how should I go about it without getting into debt. Did you know I'm just after ask going into buying this Did you know that their wasn't going to be any appliances and said I had good now? So, what's your plan you know. So I I have time so I I put aside so I I still have like twenty thousand. I'm kind of I kind of you know kind of my save my saved up, I'm too just and the get things that really bare minimum- and I have lived thirty five years without having to ever buy furnitures, so everything's going to be brad like if I have to get everything from beds to fridge to wash and drier. You know that a thousand now what you're emergency fund crack ya. Don't
I want you to use your emergency fund for something: that's not an emergency. follow up measures piper tenement you closer three and thirty thousand our house. You spend your last twenty thousand dollars, furnishing it the next day something's gonna go wrong and you have no money right. That's why J done wants you to spend your emergency phone for house. How should I do about I'm? How should I go about me? That was your plan to move into the house broke yeah, so that tape said that was your plane to move into the how you're gonna have to move very slowly in very methodically. What are you mike Can I make thirty five tax free and they make around like forty hath be packed. I make on shore Presently he arrives layer. Where do you get tax free income? farm on request?
from the military like the already. So, what's your mother, what would he bring home each month I'll be up the cry of five thousand? Ok, so let's see here and you're a completely debt for your. Did you by this house with no authoritarian authority harm ordered net? or your mother, I have no other, Ok, I finance house two hundred and seventy five thousand. Oh, you put a tricky down on three Ok, that's better! Ok! So what this looks like it every month, you're gonna be doing a detailed budget in order figure out how much origin, do you have to put towards what the most them? one thing is so fine, you I'm making a priorities list the place you live now. Do you have furniture in it Now I am. I'm renting a woman for everything is furnished and on russia about relevant, but my boyfriend's gamble move again and the other If it's can be my, how and he's gonna help me pay for more
get an unkind to pay it like kind of with them a twenty year? and he's gonna help me happened and why get too but who doesn't mind and I wonder what is a fair amount that he should pay and because you know at I'd end of the day. If we don't work out, it's going to be my house and I don't want to screw somebody over, and what do you guys think is fair, so you get like my thinking and young okay. So let me back up to the other part for okay and you're, renting a room, and you don't own a bed. Now I don't own anything at all. Okay, alright. The first thing I want to do is only take five thousand dollars and go buy a mattress and a bed and I want you to buy a used refrigerator and I want you to use the laundry mat until you can save up the money and buy orphaned or it's gonna leave you fifteen thousand, in your emergency fund.
and then you're gonna to cash flow. Furnishing this place out of your income shall ever a month or two you're going to buy another appliance, another piece of furniture and you're going to pay cash as you go, the you don't do this with the address, but everything else in the house go to the rich and of town and go to the garage sale I can buy a nine thousand dollar leather couch for five hundred bucks at a garage, sale and the rich into town, cause the lady redecorated and didn't like the color anymore, okay, and that's how you're going to furnish this place. The first round of fornite, get a decent refrigerator, that's kind of gets life started you go to the laundromat until christmas and the new shape of him by a, from drier. If you wanna do it fast or you can buy, used washer indrawn later on upgrade to a new one, all with cash,
and shall your used one on craigslist a crime? So you don't? Fifteen thousand. You have to keep in the account five thousand dollar budget to get. You started, with a bed and a refrigerator and a couple of other items. Ok, ok. That makes sense to you Why have you? You have an emergency. You don't lose your home here that would be I feel, like I've, got a beautiful house in my mind Look what I got all the way to the edge kiddo I mean you. Look no margin in the steel, I mean you can. can't breathe the way you ve got to be tightened up. Showtime than this get pieces, I don't recommend that you ever buy house or depend on some one that not married to to pay for your house and say if you're going to choose to shack up with him. I would put my preference as an old guy who has a couple of daughters, and I know how sometimes people get treat
in these situations is, I would say he can't move in unless she got married, khazars conor. That thing you know, and it's much better for you. you're, the one that comes out on the short and the stick, not the guy, I was the other way around now you're the one that comes out. That does not go well for the ladys in these situations, economically, the economics really stuck for the ladys in these things so and somehow guys keep talking them into it, but I'm not sure how so I you know I'll, just be all fogey and you can be mad at me. If you want to. I love you and I want you to win and I'm telling you the truth of what I would do if I were in your shoes for what I do to my little sister or my best friend or whatever he'd unmoving lucia gets married. you run your own life and if he's a man and wants to step up and serve his spouse then yeah. He can come on board here and will go side from that. If you're going to do this, don't and on him to do it, and then you can
just aside, there's not a fair price for shacking up there's, not a shocking up schedule. We don't have a schedule for that. there's, not a price on it. So you just gotta sad, you know who's paying for the mustard We pay for the man who pay for the bread who's paying for the lights, whose plan for the water or what percentage or whatever you got roommate it's a it's a roommate situation and it's just like in college. That's my mustard. You know, I mean it's the same stuff, and so ah that's the problem you get into and it doesn't bode well, statistically. The data points don't bode well for your future wealth building. In the scenario and it does not bode well for his future. What is actually what we call a marital advantage in the statistics out there in the data people who are Married have an economic advantage over those who were not the data. Is slam docked, Niven close, so something to consider. I got all up in your best,
but you asked armor so by out as far as the house goes, fifteen thousand in the account get are afraid, it on a bed used. Furniture on the rest of it work your way up with cash flow. What do you think I yeah I shocked he gave her the five thousand over twenty. If I'm being honest, I think she's going to go, buy a refrigerator. I think we can offer it look jade wash. I would have said you better, get you an air mattress and stop playing yeah, I'm not telling her to get a real mattress. You get an air mattress and you get your refrigerator talking about the little guy. That goes on the floor, because I want this as a reminder to never do dumb stuff like that again. Never take. Never take yourself, always edge yeah, that's the dumb thing you took, of all away the edge and then what?
when a blushing can end up being a curse and that's what we're afraid for living. Like a rapper in this in this big old house and no furniture with no furniture, that's how represent a giant gold chain. I didn't know that. Okay, no money just learn shop. That puts us our the rams you show in the books will be back with you before you know it in the meantime, remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial beach and that is to walk daily with the prince of peach christ. Jesus hey! What's up guys, it's jade! Look! If you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the ramsey baby, steps go to ramsey solutions, dot, com and click. The get started button will help you figure out the best next step for you, based on your specific situation, that is ramsey solutions, dot, com and click get started
Transcript generated on 2023-10-27.