« The Dave Ramsey Show

Real Talk About Money Shouldn’t Be Taboo (Hour 3)

2022-04-04 | 🔗

Rachel Cruze & John Delony discuss:

  • How much to spend on a wedding,
  • Americans' avoidance of talking about money,
  • Getting out of debt as quickly as possible,
  • Dealing with a loved one passing without a will,
  • Getting out of an upside down car.

Want a plan for your money? Find out where to start: https://bit.ly/3nInETX

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
from the headquarters ramsay solutions at the reins show where america hangs out conversation about your life. I m ramsay personality rachel, breathe a sigh maids day, doktor John doe lonely and we're here to answer questions about your money, your life relationship. Anything are here for a rise in the past this hour and jason in
leave land is up. Next, hey jason! Welcome to the show your heavenly. Absolutely. How can we help. You're looking for another, several years honour on our situation, so my wife and I have eighty seven thousand. There's lots of student loans. We had two hundred to start plan. Well we're talking about four thousand among the word getting effort as best we think we can harm there are five month old along the way. Now so well, congratulations, of younger illness man, but Your speech. We got married But what were the loans? Would you go to school for the other man. So you're needs vexed extra ears. You said to me
courage meant: what do you make you guys a bit, and you ve been at this for a long time. Yet It's a long haul. I'm not really sure if I can imagine hourly job would make much of a diet in art and the progress that we are making thought is outrageous in the ground I gaston key definition: sounder, The other suggestions on how to get? an attack- is how much how you guys, making a year not once have renewed large, ok,. and you have your eighty any of eighty seven left yummy, yeah, I mean this is the part of the debts journey, where it can be start to feel a little defeating, because the normal c of the sacrifices like setting an right they people then do it you know, and they come to the shop, for nine months and what we can do anything for nine months. But when you the gatt six figures of dead. It's a longer process, and that's why we kind of say it it is that
marathon: it's not a sprint. Did you run some numbers? Were you yeah? can see so I've. Their pants off six figures to loans and you're, sending these massive checks and theirs. feeling we make too much money to be living like this is our feeling here, you're still putting your life on pause for four years, yeah, just laundering the math. So at your current pay off its for years, there's another way. You can look at it, so I guess that when you're pretty four thousand dollars adding working extra jobs to pay another thousand a month feel like a beating right, But if you think about it, this way every four of those you get a month back right so for every. If you work extra job, making a thousand bucks a month, everything one of those you ve just order, fremont
you ve got a head a month, so it's gonna. Take you a little bit longer to catch up, but if you do it for or in the four and then for so you see, I'm saying you are accelerating your process and your be, what is it for months ahead by the time you pay this off so yeah, moved up and if you can do more than a thousand bucks, you talking, you ve moved up you'd, not six months off by just an extra thousand bucks, what do for a living man I'm a pm and helped her industry. Ok, man, if there's a any possible way for the two of you. She can work on salaries, pickup, sunday shifts and you'll take care of the more domestic. for that, whatever that looks like free all men would much rather his here's. What I did I took on next or to Giles wife, took on a second one in which we limited arts. It's just a basically zero, because I could for your sprint. I can't run that far for that long enough
we did everything we could in short order to get it done, and so I think it's worth it as such up and figure out what is how can we scratching colorway fifty heard him when I was a month and you get it. fuck off at least half a year, if not more yeah, and it is its that is the worse continuing to be ended was hard to his it's like that eleven of the masking look what you're saying we're in the numbers of what you can but then feeling defeat at the same time too, with the interest Oliver right. So it's just like getting ten that almost anger towards the situation that you're, like I'm so done, I'm so done, and because and then to channel all that anger mad at it in and get it out that much faster, but it is its. It is a. It is a complete journey. It is you The ongoing and going in its day in and day out in that, the little sacrifices they do make a difference its little things and it, what does it up and works the other way with expensive light? Is there a way to cut expenses, and
hard to Jason? You guys added, have a baby in the mix to sound like your whole world has been turned upside down with this new little one in the home. So, unlike your ask me all of it, so there is a lot of life. We we hear that and empathize with that about their all darling you to keep keep pushing, keep pushing the things for the call our next step we have it can from williamsburg at virginia, hey, Cathy walking to the show rachel in doktor John. Thank you so much for for taking our call today. Absolutely hotmail what is my responsibility actually, in terms of starting a probate process, so who plan my mom died on Friday evening, guys Cathy, like just just over the weekend just over. The side was an was where you expecting it, or was it unexpected? Let's just
shoot: white downhill quickly, cathy, my clean, Take it on saturday was supposed to go sheer in hospital, and then you got that fighting it. So, on my husband and I who was sitting with me, we ve been on day followers for about five years, but there s my family is not so she could have a well that would you data two thousand three he has outstanding debt. minimal assets. She has a a mobile home, a trailer but she's. Both game came back it costs the item off. It was five thousand dollars. Would you bought it? we'll get a social security check here, the middle of April bomb As I said, my husband and I are our day, followers
I can teach or learn, was essentially a three, sri told bags were on a hooker in the bathroom yeah trailer, shall go through all that. Finding all of these this paperwork- my brother who, with her head just to her tat party, her accounts, and I I don't know what I mean supposed to do. once you to deal with you to hang on line
If we're going to go to a break right here- and we come back from the break, we're going to unpack this and we'll walk you through the step by step- I am so so sorry hold on kathy- will be back with you. Ok or the ramsey show. The back to the ramsey show are less color. We held her over on the spray, but kathy your mom just passed away on friday, and you and your husband are now kind of digging through
thing that is, from your mom's estates, figuring out, really, I'm wearing financially. Not really shouldn't really have much of what we would say. A legacy drawer, which has all of your important documents. Are you guys are in the process of grieving and trying to help the situation with your family, with your mom's passing suddenly case. That was a fair recap, Cathy correct, so the. Are you the executive, the estate so looking at will communication, and there doesn't seem to be any executor listed. Okay. Well, that's fun! ok, so here's what we're gonna do that first thing is we're going to. go through the funeral. We're oliver efforts and energy on the grief process. Here real can have a funeral she wanted to be created. So
she's going to be buried with my stepfather, but y'all will have some solemn family ceremonies sort. They want a family ceremony, it's it some what we want from the area she's in florida and so first and foremost, please please come with some sort of thing greg invite a couple of friends over and if any of your in the I know, family can be a strange and they can be spread out. All over the country and different levels of relationship there I get that and one of them important things you can do is have some sort of touchstone with, even if this issue in your husband that y'all write a letter to your mom and you read it out loud over a sunset, jago light, a fire and you throw some notes whatever that is have,
a couple of friends over to have a gas wine and cheers and play your mom's favorite records whatever. That is, even if you and your mom did not have a great relationship it Important to have a touchstone moment, he asked me: should I'd squid skip the funeral in us at come hell or high water skip that funerals, if you aren't going to have one to you to say hey. This is something that we need to do the same thing: is, I think, with an executor, but let me back up it doesn't sound like there's anything there. So but also sounds like you have taken it upon yourself to go through this walk me through. Why you're doing that. you know I spent the jacket it's in the military- and you know that's what that's what you do you the responsibility for taking care of these peace will some day. Protein sisters that are fighting you on it now
Blogger is disability. He she is. Engaged or can we went to the hospital? The first thing you want to do is: go through her curse and get her debit card, and I'm so what what you need to do with the hospital. Are you still in connection there? Are you ve gone back home soon slaughter right, you ok get multiple copies of the death certificate from the hospital I get. Ten copies is discussed, rule of thumb, because I descended the credit card companies into gas comp. Whoever but I would notify the bank ASAP that she is to in the to put a stop action on all carts cause. You're gonna come looking for that money, so I would call the bank put a stop on it and let the bank no. This is enough time for your brother to run up run up the bank and I would call a probate lawyer and say we ve gotta, will hear that member
passed away. We have a will and there is no named executor and we need some help walkin through this thing, be file, the petition with accounting and all that kind of stuff. Ok, in there take the district, you'll notice, you'll, soon notice, all the creditors and all the stuff at some point, They may sell off the depend how much he owes in a cell of that trailer and sell off the land, and your brother's gonna have to find another place to live. They may not. Who knows how much she owes and to whom and all that right, they have set out in the house. I hate you, I can go ahead along probate you can get somethin had been gone, I think, as much as that, you said there are three bags. Hang on the back of the door with just send some papers and all that, and as much as you can t go through in as much detail that you can find sit down because you'll want an estate attorney as well to go.
Some of that and and kind of walk through it all just so that you, you have a plan with as much detail as you can bring always is helpful and I would let the probate attorney. No. This is a nobody's leaving the estate with assets this this is, there be an asset free the solution of this estate? And so I going to come in here and you're, not gonna, make ten thousand dollars off of us. We need to come up with a small fee that we can help. You untangle this and then we're going to settle these deaths that we're going to move on everyone a step away from this, and at some point your brother, if he is disabled and unable to act from self than you, ve got to figure out what comes next. There take over poverty, for him and medical care for another can stuff, if he disabled, but he still receives scary jack and he still or disability for military still doing his thing? Then you and your husband. Grieve Please don't leave florida without some sort of small
ceremony, some sort of touchstone that you could start there and they will settle this day and head back home and I'm so so sorry bridge, the number of times to satisfy the nuts and bolts of a passing is so hard ass. Well, because that that that phone bill still come in that electric bill still comes in, just like somebody hit you in the face and hit you and it just keeps common and then the poor people. soldier tyres three years ago, will send you somethin says hey, so it's you tyres are due to be rotated and you think they're, not even here in romania, has at last off just as the worst not dimension how do you sell the house and hurried just so horrified? I have a clear will yes, I would say couple things you guys listening at If these conversations are also call when you're talking about death- and especially we know in its unexpected judgment, but two terms
or that there are things you can do now for your family to love them really. Well, if something were to happen to you and I think well of what she said of just taking this responsibility- she's taken this on for her mom But if you're listening things that you and do you know we call it, we recalled the legacy drawer better to really, though, if you haven't tonight sit down and finds all of the import documents that you need that if something were to happen, your spouse, your feet. Remember your grown kids. Anyone can pull out a drawer that there is a file and everything is right there that you're, not. Went through and find in all these random places and in half of its baronets a bank you no place. over here. As you know, obscured pause box, and I don't know I mean I can be a disaster, because to the point that if something were to happen, the grief process is so huge us emotion, the toll. It takes a new losing some one that you love and then you're,
when you throw into like these logistics, which she's not even you know she's three days and and she's having to sit here and think about attorneys all like it's just it's just hard. So anything you can do on this side. really help set your family up is really to love them. Well, it here's here's, what a luxury box there's digital ones, now the coming out with their amazing, an awesome and all school and, like I have in my house at my dad's, got his s got a fiber. deanna fears with life insurance policy is heard, for the will is here's where these things are so that any body highly cars to come to underwrite yet ended who's. Gonna come to my house and go into my home because I'm no longer live in it to figure out what to do next, and I got two little kids. I want to be right there right here is who to call here's the right person, here's the numbers to those people and I don't know it was the one of the more peaceful exercises I've been apart go through the numbers in the staff in the vis and put together, I just felt at peace and I'll get props above
of our family, my parents have done, and Winston's family has done this. Were they are they listed, are ever everything- and it's just like me, and the intention analogy is so great that you have. If you dont have a life, insurance get term life if someone's dependent upon your income, I mean again, these are not fun. Conversations have to but think about it. Plan about this is part of your financial legacy, so press into this stuff and really leave and leave a great legacy to your family. This is
there were empty shell. The housing market is hot and has been for a while. So your house could be worth a lot more today than it was when you bought it. That means your old insurance policy. My
I give you enough coverage anymore and was the and of paying for insurance that won't swing the cost to repair or rebuild your home. That dude. That would make me if you lost your house in a fire and you show up and you're like yep. Here's your check and you're like that, only cover half the cost and liquid I'm not to say this additions terms, but sucks to be. You are a lumber sap like now. Some policies will automatically razor coverage to cover rising home prices are material costs, but not all of them if your homes value has gone up or it's been over a year since you check your homeowners policy, too to one of our endorse. Local providers are eel. Peas are independent, independent agents who will compare multiple policies to find the best coverage this randy solutions, dot com slashed home find out. Why the ramsay trusted they put you first ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash home, I'd so rachel I'm gonna break james brought the sin I think it's
right along what we're talking about because it's in article more than half of americans feel embarrassed talking others about their finances, so something when I was doing not counselling clients in county bracken. Do within two or three sessions. They would talk about their sex lives. They talk about things they liked. You didn't intimate stuff they. would not talk about debt. How much did you have very big out a merry It was such a core thing and it's been a long time wondering why in can come up with. Is it's a task, they actual metric scorecard you mean you ve, said this before it is like a gap you I can't hide. You know me like shit like I love english class, because I can just write a good essay and kind of tell you what feel about me classes hard you cause, there's a right answered wrong answer with debt like I Oh there's a number here, and most or not sure why money talk may be taboo. Responded say that most money controversy, the most money, controversial money, related topics are about there.
Its finances debt in wills, debt and fifty one percent apparent finances. Debt was for I personally, I want to tell you forty three percent debt. You're such a taboo topic that nearly three and five people distort their actual money situation. They lie about media, I love ass. They distort it now they lie. They can't talk earlier liar, financially stable, fifty eight percent of people, and so I will say this one of the things that your parents gave you that my prettier, we just talk about stuff, the guy. I was talking about. You will show is ruined because when someone asks a question michael, how much do you make and how much debt you like it rough or you just get so used you get it's not taboo yeah, my I dunno! It's gonna die, so I'm numbers like: let's just go yeah and you get to choose not to or you can choose to have the conversation, but wow? It's a mean. Its advocates of this was so funny, although three and four
others other seventy six percent say I'm an open book ass, munich. That's me any thing and in reality sixty Three percent say they actually never discussed money at the dinner table. That said, they're waiting on everybody else to open the book and open back, but now my grandmother's place a right and wrong place to do this. You know not at the family dinner table by the way. It's never a good time to be. Like Sarah go around the table, pass the rolls and how much debt does everybody have extended. Then? Why write don't do that with your kids? Unlike a dinner table topic that absolutely everything should be denoted with your kids? I think that is true. Speaking of that, don't you have cards that help with that. I do accept the idea we do have sheila has said no The table, no, not no, not the car all day long but their certain topics at the table. She said John now the table, and now my kids aren't them up and they'll be acknowledged the table dad. So you can guess it's easy body, humour but ugh, but hey listen,
Let's just start norman. This. fuck your parents, about their financial situation where they are how they got to where they are start, the converse like this, hey I'm my thirty's in forties I just need some wisdom. We walk me through how and why you did what you did when it came to money, miss trying to learn everything like to be a good teacher when you talk about hate, How much debt? I have? What you taught me is that you have sick yeah like hey, I thought this was dead. I dunno. If this is good enough, his bad. Can we talk about it? Hey do you have a will? like I wanna honor you in your gone and I ve never talk. This nose is hard and I'm not trained to. What can we talk about it? and parents. Please please give your kids, the gift of conversation and openness, get a will write. Talk about your data about finance is just be an open, that's right, I am now. Are we have mica from Memphis mica welcome to the show.
Lucky guess you me yeah, you ban yeah. How can we help? I thought I wanted some advice, I'm I'm about thousand dollars upside down on a car I ever got and also have about fifty. Fifty, having allowed can end. in my courage out amateur making out about thirty thousand It was very clear. Thirty thousand here I was right about that too, my colleague will blow carried blue book, is saying about twenty two to twenty three michael a car is it is. It is a matter of course. I love you laugh before you know. You know you got call call exactly your annual salary. What was in your head What they did it, cause I was, I was doing, find it had a nice little girls and women.
I got a call and it was basically a command. You might be able to get a nice trading yeah nice trade, no no yeah? I they gotcha, hey, here's! there's, a good news before rachel's interlocutor What will you never do again? how old are you might get at it, before you do to learn around. I was doing stupid stuff like this into my thirties, so you want you, one life and one life man, your you made it. You made it for you, oh my god, that's so great! Well, I'm glad you called okay. So in this case I'd sell the car you're out to just take out a loan for the difference. So, instead of a thirty thousand dollar loan you're going to have a ten thousand dollar loan, but no car, So that means you're in a really have to any money saved. Anything I now so so what I wanna, what oh you're gonna have to do. Those you're gonna be a mere boy you're gonna need a car.
to be a pretty car. I mustang siberia, thirty, two thousand, our car, Well, we call it a beater around here so mean this is a two thousand dollar and you're going to the one yeah I mean it's you're going to go back a little bit, but that's okay, only for a short period of time, Micah only for a short period time or replace car and then you're gonna start working on this debt. So you're gonna have you no twenty five grants and debts? and you're making thirty. So I I want you to what can I ask what you do for a living? The other thing the right now, I'm working justice and security. low willing in two weeks after another job, the amazing that making another that maybe another thirty thousand, very girl, eighty hours, it'll be eighty hours per week and and seven days a week, but I really don't want to get it over with that's all for you, man. Yes, I'm a guy you're, going to double your salary, your life's going to let your your lesson look different, so sooner, I'm so excited for you. So so yeah
I waited yes give her. The car take out alone for the difference, and then Twenty five grand the truly working I repay off that car loan. First you're gonna, first get emergency fund. Thousand dollars then working to pay off that ten grand that fifteen but making see and are you? Are you single mica I'm saying on the roadmap as yet Well, you know you're the expense which means are low, so you're gonna be about you, knock them fraternal death, twenty eighteen, fifty eight alone. They tend to allow a man came about. If I've got himself car, ok, so why can we not like I got so? Fifteen is twenty five years. your parents? this day, One calendar year, europe free sitting in your new apartment. That's you on your own. the call to show and you're gonna. She ordered a cheer. You on that cool,
Have you got one of their hellacious grind ahead of you yet hang on the line, we're going to send you a one year subscription to ramsey plus to jumpstart you, because we believe in you and we love you man, so we're going to send you ramsey, plus I've got all the epu videos just got the every dollar app in it. It's got all the stuff is going to launch you through this year to keep grinding and grind and grind and micah. You've got that yes, you're awesome man accurate resolve in his voice for you pump for you MIKE thanks for calling this as the ramsey show. The scripture that today is a better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my god than dwell in the tents of the wicked psalm. Eighty four ten, I don't know
that there are any short cuts to doing a good job sandra day. O connor up next, we have, let's see in Dallas, hey. Let's see, welcome to the show. How you doing great, how can we help Ok, I'm having a lot of debate with my mama now my husband and I got married last year, but you didn't have a waiting here were thinking about having a destination when we want to pay for everybody to, though so generous, he's like destination like like a move, the of course, the destination to either we are weak legs they all carlo, come I mean they're gonna gotta, either dead or to hawaii.
Well, those are you are way way better friend than I am way way. How many? people like us down a global deal about lifting the quantity see, I won't even send fifteen to twenty postcards from my trip to hawaii. Wow John barely brings his children yeah. She enjoys the debate about like this because, hey you can have the money to do that, so we were kind of mathematical. But what's what's the debate? What's that debate He is. We are, as it will be about thirty to forty thousand, to spend every body and I'm gonna go her alive. What people in thirty four forty thousand waiting for one day, that will be a second nature.
And so we thought that it would be better instead of spending that much on one day jump down here with all of our family. We would rather everybody, have everybody that we want there and they make the whole burden. Patriot for everybody, you'll have the cash. so we will, by that time, was the apparent there will be god and pulled out a mob guy. We may about teenagers A year ago, and if you're dead free in europe making that kind of money I mean thirty does It is in our balance for a wedding, little thing is it rachel I mean no, I mean yeah, I mean my rule of thumb. Always is, if you, the money and it's not an The amount of your net worth that europe we'll do it so yeah, I'm in thirty grand by our moby doctors. the learning per second I'm just here. I see you're, like your motive
behind paying for everyone, because destination weddings are a thing for sure, but I think a lot of people are invited are expected to pay do you feel for some, like responsible to that or is it just really just out of generosity, and you guys make a great you guys are making two hundred grand a year. It's awesome you want to be generous, like I just I just wanna hear more about your motivation behind it well yeah, because when we weren't thinking about having a wedding down here, we didn't think that it was fair for everybody to have to pay. You know for their own food and our dresses and everything, and because we were what are they want. People could be in the waiting for them to be at the wedding This is the kind of motivated by everybody down there like if we want young could be there won't make them pay for such is true. Yeah well so we in my wedding we had of us. I had a similar thought and
instead of buying everybody's dresses, my wife told everybody to buy themself a new dress and everybody had some big differences. I was just kind of the way that it was a day, a themed thing right, or I got and all the guys, we're outfits that think they all had right, and so there's ways around it. Instead of buying everything for everybody- and I do think I think, there's a France, between hey we're all get together in dallas for our wedding. We want everybody here and they opt in or opt out verses expense paid triptych too Hawaii lexie? How old are you twenty? Twenty four wait twenty five and I'll germany, I wouldn't, but that your money yeah, I'm in here you You have the ability to get you guys will be that free bright. Will you have your can see fund in place by then as well. Yea, ok, You mean you're. Doing I mean is buying a nice car
on baby step? Four, five and six, I the an oak john, is cringing there is making me nervous. I mean I I mean it's it's in ok, here's cost Why am I splitting hairs cost? sit in hawaii or two different price ranges? Yes, so gotta destined about that, then I'll be happy everybody destined for for a week, you'll fun until you you'll have to pay for your own food, I'm going to just say: I'm going to just caution. You alexey my car, as things are usually more expensive, you give them credit for especially for taking twitch one people yeah, there's, no way you do. Twenty yeah,
Thirty thousand dollars a person won't be able to fly them out there. I don't even like the airline tickets themselves, will be five hundred sit right. Yeah, not not. You can't fly in hotels and stuff, so they do that for a week go to ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash savings, lush, wedding loans is talking about, are wedding loans, a good idea, but also which you know are going to say no, but in that. Let's talk about how to for a wedding on a budget for a wedding. How to map all stuff that had to get on the same page because you may be like yeah. I think this is right and your fiancee may be like mom. I don't know about that, to go to ramsey solutions, dot, com and just in the search bar put plan for a wedding or wedding loans, good idea, and there the whole article written on this just just for this topic here, yep yep, so so our answer is a little fuzzy. For you like see, it's like and you can you right now that necessary now is I and destined, are two very different destinations. You need to price everything now and look at options all of it, but I would say at twenty four
I don't. I was here when people like discriminate on each oh yeah, because fuck, I'm always the young one in life, and it was like. Oh my god, you graduated when you're. So little you're like I feel like that's happened. Several times I do not want to discriminate your age like six. I think you can be a bright twenty four year old, you're, definitely making two hundred thousand dollars a year to yeah. I'm sure it's awesome, it's awesome, but I do think too. After living life, like you know, not that you would great this, but I think he will look up in a few years and make their prey wasn't an absolutely necessary today, four adversary might be it or you might be surprised. Somebody says: hey we're gonna go to were destined. I want twenty all the calm, I've read three homes and we're all gonna split up across these houses in these three homes for the weak, yellow
impossible for get yourself there or you're responsible for your food when you're there or the people have some skin in the game. Yes, that's, fair! That's fair! We're going to throw a big party and you'll you'll cover the cost of the big or something yeah yeah. That's that feels good. That was good. We worked that one out in real time to figure out so good. Ok, we'll john! I'm excited for you in your book The pre sale, everything going on with underpass wanna go change, your future so? I want to know from you before we introduce show? What's like the number one thing you would tell people to work? when it comes to their mental health. Except like anxieties on the rise depression? You hear all this. You hear all the stats and was wild, so someone's listening they're like oh, I'm kind of not uncomfortable with the conversation, but I don't even know where star one would do like what would be like one thing that you would say to someone: okay, here's a here's. A great question. Ask yourself are here's one thing to to where I dunno take an of your friends think an immature your friends write them down. Who would I call
at two am if my wife was had to go to the e r and had to have somebody come over and booth kids who to call who have! I hung out with regularly on a weekly or by monthly basis for any period of time more than this, where that is twice that I'd do life with here's, the big one, who's gonna tell good stuff too not just the negative stuff that you see and you see them in the hallway like how's it going well, it's hot outside, not that person. If your kid got a part in a play, what friend, would you call? And yes, I'm talking to you truck driver, get men right? Who would you say, hey something good happen in my life him, a wife just got her book, publish my daughter. scott stray days in her engineering class, but who would you call who would you call? Who would you Well bad stuff to him, and I just got laid off. Who would you pick up the phone and call who would you drive over and see you'd grab a three beer left in a castle taken between your friends and for most people in america it is slow,
because we are a lonely, lonely crew, then reach out and go hang out with people start over, so good that you guys I love, follow the show talked about money relationships alive for how everything all of it. So on your past change, your future dave, ramsey, docks or ramps decisions, dot, com, pre order today, John so fun hosting with you and thank you, America. The page joined a loaded, co host of the ramsey show. Did you know over eighteen million people? Listen to the ramsey show every week a lot of those people listen on one of our six hundred plus radio stations across the country. To find a station near you could arrange the solutions, dot, com, slash the hey if you're a fan of this podcast we've got more where that came from ever wondered how to win in business and leadership. I'm george campbell host of the entre leadership podcast, where you'll hear exceptional advice, origin stories and practical strategies for success. These weekly conversations with america's brightest business owners thought leaders and entrepreneurs will help you succeed in all areas of business and leadership. Listen to the entre leadership. Podcast,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-15.