« The Dave Ramsey Show

Real Estate Investing As “Passive Income” Is a Myth! (Hour 2)


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Dave Ramsey & Kristina Ellis discuss:

  • The myth of "passive income" from no-money-down real estate investing,
  • The peace that life insurance can bring,
  • Applying for scholarships.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I What are your boy solutions for? Judging from the barge moving in storage area, which the rams you were dead is dumb, fascist gang of mortgages taken the place of the Bmw, we'll people build wealth through work that they love, create actual amazing relationships resting hours. Ramsay personality is my co host today, we're gonna be joined by you from all across amerika. We talk about you right in front of you,
but your life and your money, the phone numbers triple eight eight to five five two to five teddy, is whether a new york city, I teddy our you How are you better than I deserve? What's up? Thank you very much, the show, then I called you last year to get a little guidance in terms of my career and whatnot, especially financially And this can remind you, you told me to potentially hold up on my masters, I'm going he pursuing that due to the fact that I just got engaged over the summer and Fiance. Add one more year in school forward is gonna finish by degrees, her undergrad me grad school and then had to be fulfilled. Florida might, Long term is to have a good career and, more importantly, to have financial stability, ideally in the aspect of real estate, acid income, and what not we'll guidance in that regard. So I'd love to get your take on. What's your masters in.
mechanical engineering and what what criteria pursuing after this category do you have a job already lined up. I heard a couple further cut for this year, but, like I said I decided to get my masters just didn t reasonable to pick a job for one year and then had to different state. and if you do that my masters degree only cost for supporting k for the whole and men unfairly godfrey for Joe. its funding that I can reasonably pay off while I'm in school. I thought did you pay for your education. Predominantly through scholarships and some financial aid, I'm in new york, so there's a lot of that at all. that I am all for you by about buying some real estate, but Idiots on the internet say real estate is passive income that they ve never own many nothing passive about, namely runners and hate me
eight narrowly goes out and roofs lit leak and a coach departments shows up and wants to shut you down, because this somebody across the street cut a sewer line. in passive, about managing real estate, nothing whatsoever, pass a by mutual fund, just put the check in your mail box. Anyone thinking about it, marilla passive it very active and if your managing the managing company lifestyle, a call you and approve the eighty four your dollar new heating and air system that blew up or- the day I had a twenty six thousand dollar one go out on one of our commercial buildings didn't feel pain to me at all so anyway. I love real estate. But please, joy, the idea that this is going to be some hassle factor that other investments don't have. It does get about a right of return that other investments don't have when I hear someone say passive income and real estate in the same sentence, it means they ve been on get rich, quick websites.
because they make it sound. Like my order, winners will just pay for it. no you're gonna pay, for it may be. The runners pay you that works in the real world. Shout go buy you some real estate after you get your life started and pay cash for it after you get your paid off and after you get your for a one gauge stuff started, but on this idea that you're gonna build a portfolio of heavily. written real estate and the renters we're all gonna make you rich is is so freaking laughable that it makes my head span and it all by people who have never done it before. On your end, a good spot right now. You went through college debt, free you're, walking straight into maybe steps for five and said. I think that's really where your focus needs to be right. Now, real They can happen someday, but focus on retirement starting out and and get that primary residents in place and pay that off once you get to that spot, then we can start talking about really investing in real estate for profit you ve got some very clear:
steps ahead, and if you do that right, you're going to really, especially at the age her out right now, set yourself up for success, verses, getting kind of lost in this get rich, quick world that so prevalent right now, like you that on tiktok and instagram, like very, very poppy, but it's also really leading a lot of new grads down. Some crazy routes, and so do I people misunderstand my sarcasm or anger at that stuff like it's, because it disagrees with me. That's not at all it's. I know what gonna do to you when they met lead you and people listening go along with some of the stupid, but stop that is out there. It you're gonna get and up like I did in my twenty she broke I followed the same siren song, the exact same one. maybe just a nineteen eighties version, ok and and order. If you just didn't understand lesson, I believe if there's is one, if one thing I know which numbers or cash completely understood- and I did it with great gusto,
starting from nothing in three years out over a million dollar not worth a hundred twenty five property showcase. I shall starting from nothing in three years, so I didn't half, but do it. I did it all out. I mean straight phd and b, u n b, I and I knocked it out in a short period of time. You know and here's the thing I discovered christina, not directed at him by the way. For you, sir, you are an engineer which, The number one of all careers most likely to be a millionaire, wished. I maynard number one we engineer number to his account number three was teacher okay, so you got logic, stuff on your side, just don't fallen to get rich quick. So in our day by day, caught patch of income. I call it nothing down and there was a guy that wrote a book called. The book was called nothing now book and an end, appall bunch including me, followed a lot of his strategies on buying a house with no money. precisely how much money I have none. So that's all I can
I shall use other people's money. Opium talked a bank in a hundred percent financing nodded. I note I bought a property made money on it another, probably made money on every time I made money on. The banker gave me more money. It was a nice formula and until it wasn't nice anymore and out. You know A few years later, the guy that wrote the book went into bankruptcy, ouch I joined a grew and investors group, a real estate investors group that were following this guy's he put together. Groups in cities are following this guy's guidelines and got to be friends. with a bunch of guys, we would you know one of us. We couldn't do a deal. We find a deal. We find somebody else to do the deal. We give it to one of our buddies right and we swapped around. It was about. I was probably sick the people in that group that were doing stuff actively, Ten years later, from a time I started that how many of them, still buying real estate and not broke. None, no body made it not one. I take that back. two guys made it?
the reason they made it was they woke up watching the rest of us go broke and they turn a whole bunch of their properties took the equities. Off the rash, they became get free and they came out of it with about thirty percent of the property, but it was all dead. Yes the leverage to their eyeballs and they they they are. They the reverse engineering, and got out with a scale by the scale of their teeth. And I ran, and while those Gaza that that was thirty years ago, he still Bonn roast I needed to healthy, but he was The few smart enough to look at the rest of us going. These fools are all One broke doing the same thing and oswald fools show up, but you find People get richer, roasted they're, not ones that leverage repellor about just hard to find devised by follows this passive income crap ten years later, is not broke. It's very difficult!
and ten years later, a real estate investor that follows that plan there, there's they're very rare. There are unicorns that you can still invest in real estate for it cash for it. Look at you now much about your real estate, but just pay cash for it in and grow slower and don't try to go. Follow all this mind. Numbing get rich, quick stuff. The what
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the uber joining us tomorrow, the christina alex ramsey personality, is my post. Today, have you ever noticed that when you permit the change in one area of your life, it becomes easier to make progress in the other areas. The metal lot of people on their journey to building wealth through accomplish other amazing things along the way like losing fifty pounds, the finding a career. They love, overcoming stress and anxiety. What seems impossible comes possible when you have a seat. Plan and you turn up the focus in intensity on your gulls. That's why bringing smart conference to Dallas texas on Saturday october. Twenty second summit, eating thought leaders,
I am not leading thought leaders, some of the thought leaders in every major area of your life best selling authors will be there. baking Christine. I will ride tomorrow. Number one bustling author, ramsay personality will be speaking for the first time, its mark, on average, a doktor john baloney, the area of mental health own your past change. Your future number one by showing author can comment from paycheck. Bush on the area of career george camel one exciting new room. She personalities are beyond stage rachel crews and iran by showing off the three times over I'll, be there and craig and Amy rochelle from life church in Oklahoma city will be petrograd will be begging on marriage or their october twenty. Second, it is the only love it would take. Its left us fall thing else's sold out all over america. Thank you. America, which came by from two sold out back to back of ants in.
It's arizona law, but earlier this week, thank you to our katie, a our listeners and other folks that came in. For that event, we appreciate you very much. It was a lights out, amazing evenings. So thanks for being with us, you can get your tickets for this smart conference you'll be smarter. It's all day. Long is only thirty five bucks. You would pay for more than thirty five dollars here. Any one of these peoples- big, that's all free. What that is an october. Twenty second get your tickets ramsay solutions, dotcom slash event, thomas weathers, in Denver. I Thomas, welcome to the rams. You. Hi, Dana hi, Christina. Thank you, ve taken. My called today show I have to tell you, I'm gonna try to get to this call. I am deadly compromised. I've never seen you for a very long time days and Forty three and widowed as of eight weeks ago, my unexpected,
I have a disabled, social daughter, anna general boy I'm calling you because- I am just beyond- rachel to you I'm nervous. And ass what happened, and how did you do know? Which one are you? What happened to your wife So she had an unexpected and sudden heart attack in her sleep I'll show you I found her so our daughters is able. So she usually come sweeps with daughter, and I would wait. We were doing the young we're in the phase of our life or you have the young, kids and I'll turn job and then I would work nature. can do right, auguring, parttime stance and I will take care of her during the day by my son,
and that would furnish- and so I came only one friday night, which shooting happens from time to time. And I really wish I hadn't gone out. That may obviously logic. done anything, but I just works by twelve at home, but So in the morning I usually sleep in them, I'm working late and it was because I didn't hear the better powder of my daughter state In a rail in the house and the cupboards and dishes and stuff- and I was like that's weird- eventually I was an undisturbed bedroom and I walked- and I heard the kids carnegie going in and out of sight so when I got up and went into the master bedroom and the kids on the other side of her up playing When I saw Mary, I right away. Obviously, what happens- and it's like just
worse, obviously, and I'm sure thank you. I looked at My boy, my daughter and I look, I turned my wife seconds, and am I three issues. Do you still sleeping slowly don't look out and then I had picked them up and I don't remember only a daydream and shut the door I just lost It- I can't even Jim. I figured it out, I'm high time of how long were you, man almost eighteen years altogether for twenty three so yeah, I told you carry forty horrifying sure sue I'm shake the shout show
my again employees, because I really do think that, and you didn't say my lies you at the very least of calling the worse. you're lying to realise and recent chile. Thank you and I as well as insurance. Now to some of them just come in and some of it is still being worked out. I'm I. I did- the recommended amount that you mentioned and down I know what to do. That's not my question today. I know the plan. I know what to do a wearisome. We workshops four five and six and just plugging away and so obviously know her life, such shortsightedness changed but taking that six months to a year, and I'm allowed to do that because of your plan. So I can believe me, my wife having to go to work.
or whatever so, but I I just wish that everybody would really take to heart I've heard the call that I'm making right now dozens of times on your show, and it gives me every time I would just say to your audience: love Right now you have life insurance check. It check it yearly to make sure it's and good standing in its the amount that you need also shut down. Your spouse once a year and go over all the stash conceptual marian I would do. I was the nerves. She was free spirit. We would have our budget meetings and we got to the point where you know just finely tuned, and I would and basically everything and sewage. I would show her everything that was going on so that she was in the no and now even made a stretch. Days like I thought I was gonna go first, I didn't they ve been early. We would have this, but I would like to marry
here's where you go on my computer. You click this and you just go from. You know number or a number one to thirty, and then mrs Oliver bills everything a tax person, everything everything everything and so that you don't even have to think about it. You just just go from one step to the next m. And you know that's dollars So the irony is I'm following my plan right, so You're doing the wonder. Thirty, But I'm the only one authority and assign you thank you for calling in three hour. I'm so sorry I guess I've said I will you and I, today. I have been friends for a very long time. You just don't know it, and if you don't believe me, you can ask all my friends will tell you how about it, my mom. Are you don't hear him honor to be your friend and the other you until you take another we're gonna have kelly pick up such a couple, one of our ramsay coaches no charge
make sure you won through thirty give you some The folks, looking over your shoulder to love you right now I'll give you a hug and on I'll bet. You're one thirty's perfect bought, we'll walk with you some more here, because that's what friends do and on my thanks for sure story on I'm so sorry or a horrible thing to go through so sorry for your loss and I'm just so grateful for your calling and cannot leading that segment and walking people through what they need to know obviously that's you know every his nightmare in such a scary thing that I'm so glad you are prepared that you had life insurance in place that you had the one through thirty, and I think this conversation is going to help a lot of people have that conversation with their spouse, one way you say I love you too. Your family's make sure life insurance as inflation as one. Why you do it?
don't you know, that's true when you should the situation like? Oh, yes, my goodness, I'm so sorry, this is the rams. Asia the
the especially Alice ramsey personality is my co host today in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage. Andrew and taylor are where the state guys are warrior: hey, how's it going we're doing great. How are you better than we deserve? Where do y'all live over in frederick maryland, a closer to middletown? Okay, wonderful ever to have you got and how much we have paid off. We have paid off fifty eight thousand one hundred and twenty three dollars and seventy nonsense. He had for you I'll, augur that take eighteen months.
and your range of income during that time about sixty three thousand up to eighty five thousand or you guys got with it. Oh yeah, impressive work. That was the fifty eight graham but most of it was student loans, but we did have a a car loan. Some tiny medical debts, a we even borrowed on a phone and of course you do. Of course we did yep wow gotta have those wins right now, that's show It happened eighteen months ago that woke you guys up any shit, ok game on, while we were both up and households that are our parents work very hard and work very hard. They would often work multiple jobs to make ends meet, but they live paycheck to pay check and they would credit cards use all all the loans and everything, and yet we grub as well he moved into. Are you earlier I heard we did the same thing. We did the same thing that we had saw shirt modeled her so
the student loans, we got the car loans, we got the credit cards, all those things and that pursued it moved into our marriage as we got married and twenty eighteen about too. Half years into our marriage. We looked up and realize you know we weren't doing any intentional money goals, and so you know we would get the money that we got in every month. We just gonna spend whatever we want and then, if there happen to be a few bucks left over at the end, we throw that into a savings account, and you know after couple years that we had a free our friend emily was the person they caught up plug the ramsay bug into our ear. She she first started with taylor and you know saying saint heather's has guided ramsay. You should probably look into to work in the plan and that was something to her family had been working on an so taylor brought it up to me, and I was like you now. I don't know
yeah yeah. I did shouted down, so some want to shut it down around the same time, the spring summer of twenty twenty, I actually decided. I want to apply to be a police officer and a couple of our local departments and part of the application process was actually listing all of your debts and telling it up. are you a security risk, yeah, yeah and so Well now I didn't know that time, but when that happened, The first time I had done that I never told about my debt. I never totalled up her debt and definitely not totalled up the two of our debts to get and so when I saw that number counterpane, o crap, more crap and so fell. All that anxiety in that risk that she had been trying communicate to me for those past couple, swells fray- and I I just said: that's it game on we're. Gonna do this.
Our finances were separated, oriented ass, we know- and so we just like got married and we're like. Oh, you know why it just easier like I have my own account. Of your own, a cow like your pay, these bills, I'll pay these bills, I go to your room, That's your mustard! So so you there the directives. You know the ramsay bunch comes back up and you get plugged in yeah yeah. So we just started in a once. Andrew was on board. I was ok, awesome game on, but we have never done a budget before, like I don't think both or any of our parents or on budgets, and so we set down and I think what really guy As is we totaled up how much we spent on eating out, unlike coffee and groceries the month before were like? Oh, my gosh? How is this even possible, or two people, and so once we sat down and
where this, like, sometimes like, we thought a good month was like. Oh, we have five hundred dollars left over at the end of the month. Let's put that in savings, and I think once we actually did our budget, we had like, I think, like twenty I have one hundred dollars that looks like an extra that we really didn't need to spend and we're like. Oh my gosh, like what have we been doing with this two thousand dollars like before, so we just got really, as you like to say, gazelle intense, and so we start a door dash was probably like our number one side hustle So we would work our normal job to ten hours and then pack our food. Who did that was? I kind of we'd pack, our food for dinner and like go endoored ashura like ten or eleven o clock at night and then Andrew did some random, whoever like needed, something fixed at their house. You, like, oh all, jump on that freedom extra money in a yeah, so I'm baby sat in pet, sad, just kind of whatever, but what story on the t shirts
Yeah. Do you can so so we put these together because the? Why is the most important reason that we did this because its getting out of debt is a math thing, but is not just a mouth. then you can run the math out all day, but the hope the motivation behind. What you do is the thing: that's gonna keep going and keep pushing forward, and so when we sat down, we realise that hey. We grew up in these households that you know didn't model financial fitness they they loved us to death, and then they got us a lot You know they taught us amazing work ethic, but we don't. We want something different for our future kids and so that hope
That was our. Why and that's what kept us going on the days where exhausted in leaving our normal job in going out to door dash until midnight or for those of you who, literally already with says it's not just a mouth problem, it's also a hope bob and on the back it says: sulphur freedom, ass, tat, get hashtag debt for hashtag debt burden, man, you guys, are changing your family tree. That is just so cool and I love that your story, you guys, were living so normal before, like the fact that you didn't know what your debts were and you were shocked when he saw them written down that you're buying. Copies and doing all these things in your like where's, my money going. So many people are living and anxiety because they just have no clue about their money. So what would you tell someone who's in that space? mindset of just kind of closing their eyes and not wanting to look at their financial situation. What would you tell them to snap out of it? I'd say that it ok to not be normal, like even once we started our journey. I would talk to friends and I felt right. We just live in a culture now that it's like it's all about me and like I,
deserve, like kind of like the treat yourself mentality, and so I would talk to friends and they're like Why are you working this hard like to pay off your and you're not enjoy my going out d like? I would tell people like sorry can't go like that's, not really in the bud. right now and like wall. Are you who am, I know like I have money, that's like an hour doing right now and their illegal taylor, like I want to. I work, hard? So I went to spend that money, and so I would just tell them like well. We do too but that's why we're working really really hard on this goal for the next eighteen months. We thought I was gonna take longer than that, and then after that, then we and live you now. What able to say that, as you like, you said, you grew up in a household. Were you watched, paycheck to paycheck happen you're over you? and so now you guys are just kind of resetting the game. You're saying: ok, we're gonna work hard now, so that in the future our kids can
I have this completely different life than what we grew up with and are also add to a tailor said just humble yourself, because if you don't That was the first thing I had to deal with. Was me one, that first time I went out and door dash, I was like have a full time job. Why am I doing this and I just had to remind myself: I gotta go who's gonna inch me closer to that goal? One step at a time and that kept me garlic, We would see people like out like they would be eating with their families and I'm kind of like. Oh no, do I hide- or do I like, say hi to them. You know so delivering other people's food that smelled really good when we were eating out, but you guys are incredible. I'm so proud of you. Thank you very well done, and how does it feel to be free, awesome? Amazing? We have two options. we're gonna copy a baby steps millionaires for you, that's an ex chapter in your story for sure I one year subscript. Membership rather to financial peace, university and
total money make overbook for you to give away and help somebody get started like you did different did for you, well done. Andrews, tyler, baltimore, maryland area. Fifty eight thousand pay it off at eighteen months, making sixty three to eighty five right, stars counted downloads era. Debt breeze grew weary too. Wine? Where dad that sounds done, boys and girls, business ram seizure,
I always raillery personalities, Margaux those today we know a lotta you're scared out there with inflation dad recession it it's gone up tariff, You will never have take care, your family. Will you I have to live in that kind of fear, but you do have to get the point where you hey I've. Had it any rate make a change. When you get We can help the way help. You is the best thing we do around here. It's called financial peace university over ten million people have learned how to get out of debt become well. In outrageously generous step by step plan and were offering
right now at the lowest price we ever have in thirty five years here, pretty amazing. So stop living in fear. You can do this, we can show you how how not only be dead free but become wealthy, not only become one. But become outrageously, generous and change your family tree. ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash, F, p, you financial peace, university ramsay solutions, dotcom slice. If p you open, phones triple eight, eight to five five, two to five, our question that I can from blinds dot com. They have a one hundred percent satisfaction guarantee. That means, even if you miss measure, you pick them color? They will remake your blind for free. You get free cents, free shipping it with a new promos. They run every month. You'll save even more use the problem god ramsay to get the best possible deal. Today's question from lucy and florida? I must see
in college, and I have no student loans at current I have enough scholarships and grants to cover about eighty five percent of my expenses, which include my tuition class matera. And went out of pocket, I pay from food toiletries and car expenses. I work about now ten hours at fourteen where's per hour a week at us. Didn't position at my college, which covers the other he percent of my expenses? I am saying, multiple scholarship opportunities that would apply to my senior year award letter. Should I apply to them the reason I am. as a tent is because I feel comfortable with, but my financial situation and I dont want to take the funds from students who might need it more than me. if I was able to get a hundred per cent of my college expenses covered, I would still keep my didn't position because its valuable work experience towards my future career and data analytics? What I do that's an interesting question:
I love that you haven't taken out any student loans. I love that you can pay for your tuition and it doesn't sound like student loans are on the table. So if you feel company continuing to do what you're doing and pay for your expenses and graduating dat free. Then I mean by all means contain you doing at the fact that you're asking this question makes me think that you feel a little uneasy with taking the scholarships and, if you don't want to, I mean that's fine, but Although there is nothing ethically or morally wrong for you in going or the scholarships. I really don't think you can go wrong. Either way: not doing anything wrong by taking the scholarship, you're, very sweet kind person, you're, not harming someone else, ok go get the scholarship kiddo, you go, get it, but The bank- let it be your in- its policy that you are able to finish up schooled ad free you. You are very kind tent person, which also means you have a very high probability of building. Wealth the big ideas that we push all the time of contentment
and you're, not a greedy person, you're, not personal shuts up the harm, others in art of art again in someone else's expense, and none of that is occurring when you take your scholarship, none of it is occurring. There but zillions of dollars of scholarships ago unclaimed every year and so you need to go, get the scholarship as many as you can get and are you ve done nothing wrong by doing that? Their issuing scholarship not based on whether or not you needed there based their basing it based on the information you give them in the application yeah you're, not harming anyone else from pursuing these great opportunities. Absolutely! open found here at aaa. Eight to five five two to five anthony is in phoenix But then he. How are you. I'm doing great day how about yourself, sir, better than I deserve? What's up in your world
I'm really kind of lost right now. Just give you a background, twenty eight alive I been married about five years or so just had a baby instead february, a first child with I was let go from my previous job and started doing aged fat. There's honour, but having My daughter made me start paying attention more to my spending a bit, because I want to set her up the correct way I mean I've been looking up how to get out. You always pop up. First though, I just want to give them What might have a do? Have your paper here are some of nineteen thousand in credit cards or twelve spots,
for student loans and ten five for a car and right now, I'm doing an apprenticeship making about seventeen. But that's supposed to change to about thirty. coming this next summer, when I turned to establish service technician, though, I really just need some guidance, because it something that I I way or stay up tell two o'clock in the morning doing bills and worrying. Ok, you know, I need another job, it's just more, so I dont Oh, I don't know where to begin honestly love that you said what really motivated you'd get to thinking. your finances. Is that baby because, like you heard the latter, every scream the? Why is so important and wanting to your family tree wanting to leave a legacy for your child. That is an extra Powerful, why now?
you familiar with the seven baby steps Just from what I saw, I just started looking at an a this week. I know the I think baby steps, one is saving a thousand dollars. I'm not mistaken me, ask you this: does your wife work outside the home. she does not staying home with the baby at this time than you are. You're only working all the time. start in the year, seventeen dollars an hour and unitary zone for a pen. Three you're not gonna, make it you're making know till next my next summer shall to be working along you'll, be all right thirty- four extra jobs, anything any extra overtime, they'll give you at work for them, pay anything you can do to get income up. Gotta get the income up. Gotta, get the income up pretty good sized whole here or the by forty thousand hours were the debt and you get a fairly small trouble right now. Yes, sir, If your comment to doing in that than will
meant to helping you. We have a whole class that you go through with your wife, and it's a hundred bucks to go through it, but I want to give it to you free, because I've been right where you are scared broke with a baby gear Some argue that if I give it to you for free, you gotta go through the whole class and your wife. Both every promise me you. Yes, I promise and other okay and so will sign you up for financial peace university. That's what we were just talking about there a minute ago, and you can take it online. You get the class there in and there's lot of the classes are taught there in phoenix and local churches. You can plug into one of those lots of ways can do the class, but we'll get you sign up and we'll call she would dine and what work to teach. You is to follow those baby steps. Christina was referring to Get you on a written budget. You began to do that when you're staying up the milliner worrying in writing out your bills as the buggy in parts of a budget, and you start figuring out that there's not enough come on in It's why you you gotta get one coming,
you're gonna, be door dashing and the pizza delivery or working extra aside, hagen age or whatever it is for a while. And then, when you get to thirty dollars an hour, that's gonna help that's not going to solve the whole thing. Even then your gusto begone awhile cause you got forward he thousand dollars to come up with to be free. If you don't have any payments a whole lot easier. You'd still need to get your income up, But a whole lot easier and that's where we're gonna take you to shall hold on and kelly I'll pick up and we'll get you signed up you're. The interesting thing is that fear like that we'll move you forward, but too much fear that'll, paralyzer Gotta she allotted to the tunnel is not alone coming drawing yeah! That's what I was just thinking. We are talking about how this is going to be a long journey for him by it there
is that right at the end of the tunnel. I love that this call us following the previous jeffrey scream, where it's just such an example of a few, have a strong. Why, in your will to go through that season of hard. It's
want to be so much easier for the rest of your life and for your kids, that beautiful baby that you are fighting for she's, going to know completely different world with money, absolutely exactly how it works. Christina english version of James Andrews that finn, Austin Kelly, all in the booth helping us out with people, I'm dave ramsey your host will be back the day payer. We just launched a brand new audience survey for the ramsey show and we'd love your feedback. You could be entered to win a five hundred dollar gift, no purchase necessary. The survey, ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash survey, the if you enjoy this podcast, you should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network like the rachel cruise show. Money should be fun, not stressful. I'm ready to cruise and I'll show you practical tips on how to save money in your everyday life and get out of debt even faster on the Rachel crease show I'll show you that you can take control of your money and create a life. You love, listen to the rachel cruise show wherever you listen to podcasts, hey, it's james producer of the ramsey show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-10.