« The Dave Ramsey Show

Never Violate the Rule of Diversification (Hour 1)

2022-06-13 | 🔗

Dave Ramsey & Kristina Ellis discuss:

  • Moving from self-employment to working for a company,
  • The value of working during college,
  • Why you should avoid single stocks and diversify,
  • What to do after selling a rental house.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I what is the situation since the rams would that is done? Gauges gang in the pay of mortgage has taken the plagues w, we'll people build wealth, do work that they really love, create real amazing, actual relationship, christina hours, ramsay personality best selling author is Michael owes today, as we answer your questions, the phone numbers aaa eight to five, five,
who, to five that's triple ape eight to five? five two to five times to solve this hour in pittsburgh. I tom what's up buddy it ain't. Thank you so much for taking my boy. I appreciate it sure. How can we help he make money? is I've, been self employed for seven years now and unjust. Looking to make the transition out of what I currently do business and it's just becoming more and more difficult. Again more and more competitors and Looking to scale myself out of what I do now and transition into working for someone else, and I just out of tried, made a couple attempts which aspire to be pretty challenging. what were they are road? What were those speed bunch? I'm? It seems difficult to get hired because I have limited expire, it's my background in management accounting. I only have about two years of relevant field. Experience in the accounting world, but I have my
my own business now, but for seven years going on eight and it just seems to be difficult to get recognized to get hired coming from self them. I'm like employers, don't value the skill set that I can bring to the table. What were you doing? We're gonna business, poverty, maintenance and landscape installation How many employers have we reached out to at this point? I've been through the interview process about six times, applications, probably twenty to thirty, what size, com, mainly medium size, What are you applying for project manager positions What it sounds to me like you, have like seven years of project manager. Experience regret. I I have seven years of project management. There ain't! No, it smaller scale. I mean I'm doing ten thousand dollar jobs, not
it doesn't matter. If you put a task in for review- and you do you map out the incremental details to accomplish the task and you push the task through on schedule- that's called project management. It's not rocket science. I agree so I may be you need it about how to sell the fact that that how these skills are transferable a in the initial contact and be in the actual interview itself and then see what you're looking for is a business that has an entrepreneurial enough bent. Like version I mean I on this business and I have to employees from a fairly large company, but I would read nice are one of our leaders would recognise that that what you ve been doing, project management You know what you may not have certification and p m at two p m three level or something, but I mean you're, knock and stuff out. And so on we should down finding what we're
Enforced skill set that is already in existence, and can you apply that in the workplace, if they are showed stupid in corporate that they're? Looking for some kind of the fao, that you ve done the exact thing that they want done at five other places working for corporate amerika. You probably Anyway! You don't go crazy. I think you're right You'Re- probably right- I'm just so used to being in my own world, my own realm of things and and managing my own show and you're, probably right, but If they've got a little bit of an entrepreneurial flair, they would see these transferable skills. And that's been my journey. I mean I was an entrepreneur for ten years before I came here to IRAN, then you want to work here who knew yeah, and I
the one of the core values here is having a self employed mentality. It's been a great transition because I'm now at a company that values that skillset and it's been able to translate really well more than value, we kind of just expect you to do it yeah. It's like why we brought you on because you knew how to kill zone under I get home right is exactly right. I didn't even think about that. That's a good point! and tom I'm curious with the companies who worked for the last seven years. Are there any employers that you partner with and done project naming management with it may be want to bring you on full time a couple, but We have the capabilities for somebody full time at the moment, have done some work with larger, a cop apartment complexes and done some subcontracted worked. Some property management companies There was no opportunity available at the time for that maybe they grow. They can grow into a full time position by. That is that the present now you ve got two issues that I'm hearing and I would refer you
in coalmines, materials is well I'll. Send you a copy of his book from paycheck to purpose You have in your library and read it to, but the the two things are one is I wanna be careful of the words on using sent structure amusing. To describe my past experience, still describing it as I ran landscaping, gummy describe it you know we I owned and operated and completed projects. And so forth as a part of my deal, so your it's an honest and truth, description of what you had to do as a small business and then this good thing, you're looking for is your actually looking for a company that has an entrepreneurial culture to it. And not all of these corporate america gibbs haven't. You know a lot of them are just they've lost their soul and you don't want work for them Why am I show you? Don't you want to find some by this kid? I don't care if they can be a huge company, but I've got some entrepreneurial get it. You know,
So there can be a medium sized company, but you can you can get lost, we find it around here one of our core values. We shoot are sacred cows if he wishes. recount cow wandering through the halls mooing we were getting on and kill it right there and we have dinner. I mean it, you know if you you cannot answer the question. Why are we still doing this? This way? If you know an answer for that. That's a sacred cow and that's how bureaucracy sets in any organization a mortar, such in their brains and show you just You have to look for that because how'd they earn and the truth is it. fairly in its. It is it's inspiring to work with a team. That's energized, an entrepreneur, absolute! at than being on your own in the long range, it's hard being alone ranger? And am it's one of them? affable things about the work from home movement is thereby thinks that somehow gonna make you lose all the better human beings
raising you up to another level, you lose the benefit of all the synergy of creativity and connectivity of having crate or are you calling you out on your stuff man, young and get frightened together for a price That's one of the reasons why I wanted to come. Work here was just having that team in that energy and everybody gets to be excellent at their own role, but we come together and then create something really excellent altogether. That's true! I mean that is very true. We can take someone that that the kind of initiative and intelligence and background that you ve got and then bring you. a bunch of other people. They think the same way and all the sudden, its the definition of synergies to things come together in their better than the sum of the parts in know and that's what happens. We bring a personality, onawandah employed by a programmer on their better programmer. Then sitting at home going did you di di. You know So you actually it's a different thing: man, because man, you can tasks as individuals, but you can
create and don't have vision as an enemy you can, but it's it's much limited than when you have access to other human beings messing with you, human beings were supposed to mess with each other. While we have this show. This is the rams. You sure I just saw a study that really made me sad. It showed that fail, these owning life insurance in the? U s was at its lowest point since the nineteen seventys after what we ve been
the past few years, I'm just lost on how people don't make this more of a priority? How are you going to make sure your family needs are met if something happens to you? This is why getting term life is an absolute necessity. Rates have never been cheaper and the whole process to applies, simple with many companies not even requiring a exam anymore. This is why I send you to zander insurance and I have for almost twenty five years. They'll make sure you yet the right protection at the lowest cost possible and their. Therefore, you and your family every day. I challenge all of you to make sure your families are protected. It needs to be a top priority.
Call Xander at eight hundred three five six, forty two eighty two or visit zander dot com. That's eight hundred three, five, six, four, two, eight two or xander dot com. The Alice ramsey personality is my co host. Today this is a ramsey show. Imagine a jam packed arena filled with people ready to experience what it mean, to live life to the fullest. Can you feel the energy picture your favorite speakers all arranged personalities, including christina on this age me too I'll, be there empowering the tools and principles that create unstoppable momentum? We talk about every area of your life in smart conference, and when you leave it's a day, long conference, it's called markham the other day. I promise you will be smarter. It's a whole idea, shattered
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blinds window treatments for your home. Dot com, usually promo code, ramsay get the best deal. Today's quest comes from jenna in florida, I'm starting college all, and I have scholarships to pay about. Seventy percent of tuition. What do I do to make up the guy only a long summer jill I have this question. Well, of course you can still apply for more scholarships. That's the first and easiest spot to kind of start going with it. You already have seventy percent, which is great. I don't know if that's tuition scholarships that are covered just automatically, because you went to a certain school, but I encourage you to apply for outside scholarships. Alatas do don't realize that when you get the college, you can still apply for scholarships. They think you know up past high school. This is that I can't get scholarships, but there are tons of outside scholarships for people who are in college in grad school, so definitely keep applying I have a friend who didn't start applying for scholarships until she was in college and was able still get enough money to pay for tuition wishes, but
housing everything. So, even if you are past high school, we're just about life for her to look for those we like sky, sure I'll dot com. That's a great database! I recommend. and use these scholarship databases which are basically search engines for scholarships they specifically taken, information and find targeted scholarships for you. Now we looked at. I had a lady asked me the same question the other day and I told her. We had looked at several of these databases and problems with some of them is the there there's got to types of scholarships, others ones that are legitimate are by nature there you can hard define. Sometimes and then other times your son by this basically trying to their fishing. to get your information, so they can try to show you something lighter. You know, I'm talkin about absolutely. How do you tell the difference in those? What's important dig deep
into the company find out is that a credible company? What's their heart and mission behind the scholarship wire they giving away a scholarship like do your research, a lotta people, just fine scholarships and they automatically thinking I should apply for the scholarship, but one of them in time. Intensive parts of applying for scholarships is actually making sure you find the right scholarship so take time to big through and see if these companies are with jet and see they're all about and see what the odds are of winning that scholarship. A lot of them are kind of sweepstakes type. Scholarships show how how are is generally going to find time to do this, because I was getting ready to work eighty hours a week the summer. That was next to my was the thing to do is work. I mean we like found that students who work part time do better in schools and students you dont work and also it is important to have a job. Even if you don't necessarily now. The money like jenna. Does you know still working? help. You create that discipline. But if you do need the money, that's the way to go like pouring to getting a job and works.
Italy. A lot of companies offer tuition assistance intuition benefit. So not only can you get hey jack, but they may actually pay for part of your tuition. So your target amazon. Our legs cheryl appears now you on that, and there are often all kinds of scholarship options and or bob tuition benefits. While you work than you, might him keep working there? Why your school? It won't hurt you a bit, but here's the thing. If you just really did work like three jobs, and you try to solve a grown up problem, would like a grown up solution. No whining. about. I want my shamrock you're like a groan. Ben. You deal with a grown up problem here, which is you wanna go to school and you know the money and so short you're, not twelve. Welcome to the big legs. Kedo get your butt gear and go make some money me work, work, work, work, work, work, work it's a sure fire money making scheme this work thing yet in got you know, go
they go get the twenty dollar thirty dollars an hour. Baby sit lop dogs. I don't care what you did door dash. I don't care what you do. It just work, all the time between now and I'm your school and you'll. Have the money have the magical format. I was over excited. I do you want to understand. It contribute work oda talk to somebody at building wealth and he had just received his bachelors and accounting and he's trying to figure out how to pay for his masters degree and waste brainstorming ideas looking at second jobs, and I recommend that he talked to employers to see if they happen to have any to wish and benefit programmes or away that you can make up the money He just sent me a message, the other down instagram, saying that he talked to his employer and they offer in three to four, At the time assignments there were extra in addition to his normal, full time job and he's going to be able to completely cover his master's degree in overtime. Yeah I mean he's, got like accounting type overtime. That's not that's! Not that's good money, yup hola, better than walking dogs. That's great damage, good result should that's what you do bicycle
get scholarships you the school you can afford, which I show me already have, could you get seventy percent of it covered and on that we go to town making money and finding free money and those your keys, thus three main things and go ahead planet working while you're in school. The couple things happen, like Christian said, we found student athletes and people who work whether in school tender, I have higher gps. and they learned time management skills because they have allowed time so they have to go to court, nor clashing attempt. Labour polls show it's an amazing thing and out we see that happen over and over again the other thing that work students, have a totally those graduate on time cause you're freaking one out european
for it, which is a huge all, are rather lazy. River like if you want to save money on college, that's like a one make sure you graduate in four years. It's crazy the statistics around how many students do not graduate in four years and how many students actually take six years or longer. I think it's like forty percent six years or longer which, when you think about that two extra years, that's so much money. So it's like burial or your parents fall but cut him off I told my they have for years and years have a plan. There's a little thing called a syllable. She just work. If you got it classes for four years you magically graduating freak amazing follow the plan. Execute I mean no tell me, you got too much to do. Gimme gimme a break. I'm in this was grown up. Stuff yeah grown up staffing, so we're solving a grown up problem where the chair
image mentality too often, and that's how we end up at two hundred thousand dollars of student loan debt for a degree and left handed puppetry while NASA. That thing is a lot of times that student taking out student loans to cash flow assets, not just even parent money and part of the reason why we really got to clamp down on this toxic industry that just allow students to borrow money. You know much as they want for years of college in it we really got to get students to be more disciplined. Unlike you said, father syllabus and get europe get your D in time and just don't waste that extra time and money They are one shudder, Marshall. I bring russia, though, that you would be right and her own errors and of are we gonna get rid of when you going quit? Make student loans for which our time back for giving them and she went yeah. That's a good idea. Come on marcia. You can do it, you can do it. You can't talk about forgiving, something because its evil and bad. Why you keep making it that's, intellectually dishonest show
have to stop this ridiculous out of control business. That is called congress so job, seventy percent and proud of you, your two got a bunch of it cover jenna. You got the wrong stuff
it gave you the sweet answer. Go get more. Scholarships gave me the old grandpa answer, get your button gear and go to work. This is the ramsey show the best ten minutes now before you buy your next home or refinance folks, it's tough to buy a house in this market. I get it it's competitive. So when you do find the right house, you gotta, be ready to move, keep in mind a home is one of your largest investments, so be smart about who you work with the new home buyer edge program for my ramsey trusted friends at churchill. Mortgage helps you do just that. It starts with becoming a churchill, certified home buyer and capping your interest rate, but here's the kicker you'll, also get a five thousand dollar seller guarantee to help you in a multi offer situation. This strategy helps you move fast and will give you the edge over others to get the home bar
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we'd love to have you come by any of you want to come by we're in franklin, tennessee, just south of nashville gods, countries what we call it and our glad you're here buying. She has any time in the lobby. Also is the debt free stage or glenda is standing. I glenn our yo a day, Pakistan here, ok, gonna have you: where do you live bellingham You can just a spitting, distanced collar canada, okay, yeah, welcome all the way over to those through the world. Thank you and here to do a debt free scream. How much did you pay off three hundred and sixty thousand one hundred dollars woo? How long did this take eight years? Wow, okay and your range of income during that time started at ninety and now they're about one hundred and fifty good for you what do you do for a living? I'm my roommate nurse practitioner o, while some good work? Yes, her good for you, ok show eight years and three hundred sixty thousand was at your house. Yes, sir, looking at aware that she's a weirdo house is paid for a lot
What's this house worth girl, seven hundred and thirty Three thousand dollar love it. How much you got in retirement savings that six hundred she's a millionaire? baby steps me I'm looking at a millionaire. I love you you're awesome, thank you and you're. So in control of your life. Very well done so tell us your story. What in the world happened here by eight ago, I got recruited by Rui metallic, just I was in shreveport louisiana and I got waited up to bellingham. and now got a great is, but also got a big mortgage to go with it and, as my dad my life, dad used to say I got wall to wall carpeting and back to the wall payments. Yeah. That's a good louisiana saying it is yes, sir allied guesser and wall to wall carpeting and back to the wall. Payment. Yes, sir. Remember that one yeah and so
determine that I'm single and enough. I was ever going to retire. I needed to be able to pay off my mortgage, and so I worked really hard but then covert hit and it got me is serious attention cause. I scared the bejesus out of me and thinking I'm going to lose my job because we didn't have tele medicine yet or anything like that. So we eventually got all that together, but I didn't know if I was going to lose my job, my house, my income, everything like that wow. So yeah and I'm a marine corps, veteran dave, and so I can do hard. But I was scared, though skirt, It was scary times, and so the last two years have paid off more than half of the mortgage. Woe yes, sir wow what kind of things to do to get out of that just vote? intensity. I just you know, didn't vacation. I
never ate out and the people work used to laugh at me because they had gone order line. Should everything and my whisper had my with me- you know I never ordered I never went out to dinner and and cover it easier because nobody could go anyway right, oh especially for hours, was better and go better. Now, sir, I just once I started budgeting, he described it down to nothing Add anchorage enough that you went I'm gone barebone and then I had the money all of a sudden, because I was budging and I knew where the money was going. So many came up all of a sudden and I was able to get bonuses and all the other stuff that just came out of the blue in it. went to the mortgage every bit of it how's. It feel to be free. It's it's a maiden
may, when you do this by yourself and your gets a believer scared out against her there's a release when you get the other side of it, and I lost two hundred twenty pounds turn that you locked up backstory boy? Yes, there is less justin bieber them. Look at. You amazing. I did all better over to guess her. Ok well, and almost I wouldn't go- you ate- didn't eat healthily, while you're doing the idea had again. Oh my gosh, I mean your nurse, you know better, but yeah. I've got guides us airline. How europe free, payment in the world, so you ve got over a million dollar networth me and a half. And I can do anything you want what you gonna do to celebrate. I've gone september to France, where start in paris
at because I'm a veteran, I really wanted to go, see normandy. You need a c d today, yeah. I have always wanted to go stand on the top of those cliffs at times. Yeah and watch saving private ryan for yeah. I have the opening scene in that the the veterans say is the real deal Anisha. It was brutal, I mean as a shooting is horrible and you see the price that was paid for american freedom, it just the lately that part of france they like americans, yes, sir, because there's enough white stones up there to remind them. Oh, my it's as big as arlington up on top yes or my scripture of the day is first these six, six with guy? innocent contentment is great game and my big thing was being content where I grew up with financial instability. So I had a hard time telling myself now about anything, and so contemporary with the secret which a breakthrough yet so for people who are by themselves- and they think you know I'm alone- I don't have a spouse. I don't have somebody, you know too
through this journey with me, paying off the house seems unrealistic. Does what would you tell them one we step at a time It does seem insurmountable when you look at that number but the freedom on the other side just kept me going, and I quote: I watched the show every day and the debt free screams. I just watch em binge watching in because it gave me hope that I could do it. While you said it's a great example that it can be done. No matter your situation, you're circumstances if you're willing to buckle down, get on a budget and do the work it can be done. Yes, we're proud of you thank you who are your biggest cheerleaders, my family, I'm with you too, my brothers are here. I have three brothers. This is ernie and theresa they're from fort worth and my brother, mike from California, my other brother, Dan and his wife anita, are in washington state. They couldn't make it, but it's my family whole gang around generously, untouched ounces lay, and I would like to give a couple shouts if I have time to do so,
family for sure. My pasture, flying gang and my cornerstone, our communities, family and my. Joe planner, Karen richards with well spargo? She kept her. I was not a bag. Lady Anne I turned out. I wasn't and you're, not I'm not a fag, actually orbits, a really big bag yeah. It's a bag, bigger bite, big bag of money, yeah, I'm retiring september, first or yeah, wow good for you, so proud of you very, very welder personnel. We gotta copy a baby steps millionaires for you, because you is one and I you can read it and then spread the love around on. That will also give you a copy of the total money makeover to give away to somebody. I'm sure you've got people in your It's a jew! Inspired with his journey and also I description to financial peace university for a year and give that away or go through it yourself a minute
You might learn one or two things in there, but you got most of this. Go on salver, good stuff, very, very, very good job, you're making and you're a lot of fun. Thank you. Thank you for your service and thanks for sharing your story, you get an incredible job while day you gotta go their absolute atta gather north of rights, good I'm good time, while our eye glenn from bellingham washington houses paid off every woman's a weirdo. Three utterance three thousand paid off half of that in the last two years, but the whole thing in eight years and it's what happens when you get serious? Oh, what, while we're at it, let's lose one hundred and twenty pounds. Ninety to one fifty count it down, let Sarah dead, pre screen three. To one bank guide, our beef, how it's done like a criminal
Why are you gonna work right? There wouldn't need lady, our offer.
and a lot of singles out there facing this stuff and you're right. Sometimes it can be lonely while you're doing it, but get some people in your corner get into a good church. A good financial peace university class. Get your family around you and get after it get it get it look at her embed. This is the ramsey show the
fifteen hours, ramsay personality, is my co host today, you're on the rams issues, I am dave: ramsay open phones, a triple like eight to five. Five two to five amy is with us in Dallas texas. I amy. How are you I'm doing well mister hamley. How are you, sir, then we deserve what's up I'm a good question and I'm pretty sure I know the answer and I'm no stranger to you. But I have my husband and I work for a large cap company. It be disagree, and over the years we ve built that they sat down through the city. the options that we receive, although they should I sell it and put It- didn't, eat your phone What's it all back ground? What's it all yours, it's worth about seven hundred thousand dollars, which is about percent of my net worth mm Seattle got all my retirement already and another which might have to sell it on port.
I was coaching a lady would procter and gamble about Tom gets away from me must be twenty five years ago, And I honestly have no idea what procter and gamble stock is doing today. It might be wonderful but she had seven hundred and fifty thousand. It was her whole nest. Egg and she had an all in company stock, she was a png. Employee. Benji is a good company. By the way, again I have no idea about investing in them at all about this an observation: what happens when you have all your money in company stock or thirty percent of your network and company stocks? It went down sixty eight percent, Seven hundred thousand herndon delight hundred fitted out because she violated the rule of diversification. And on the the ruler, ten percent. Maximum of ten percent of your network, and the reason for that is, if, at all, if it evaporation became, were zero you're still ok, you showed got ninety percent, but
We want you to lose. Thirty percent of your net worth I'm not saying you're very large, kept coming ashore, unbroken predicting about they will for large gap. Honestly, I just I personally wouldn't take that much risk and you already knew that you knew I was gonna say that right. Yes, a feeling, I guess I'm torn because it like it is gone. Had gone down a little bit. If you had seven hours in the middle of a table in cash, would you go by the starker? Would you put it in mutual funds? I am still worn on that decision, because if you like, I was well, I give you bet thirty percent of your portfolio on one count. No, I don't know if that's the way. I do know that dumb. the us. To get you to say it, but I'll just say it. Okay, I know don't do that. That's too much of your net worth that you got at risk and want to play and you're emotionally involved, because you work there. You're still impressed with the company
ray and the worldling, they can be an impressive company, their stock still shock yeah man. You can still like going in and still think, they're good people and still get your head taken off. Ok now. Your second question I thought all at once or state space it out over time, Is it doing pretty well right now I mean it took any and still ahead. I guess announcing any girls. Don't let anybody what are you doing well, where, luckily, I don't, I don't think you're gonna sell it all at once. Because I'm trying to get you to sell some of it now so I think he's probably better for you to ease out of it as long as you actually do it. I'm not gonna off the hook you do need to get rid of at least get down. There were no more than ten percent of your network and If you just dying to own it than that's fine, I listen
Why not worth several hundred million? I don't have a single single stock in my portfolio, not one. I don't like the risk, unlike the regime I believe the game on it, because I get it back every year as a down. What's gonna know back up, so we really need to cut down to about five percent So you need to do this again in two years: gray: yeah, ok, bread, your portions, to seven yes to aid, for you do not know. When disaster may come upon the land ecclesiastics, it's even in the bible to diversify, while a wild is that how safe, because you do not know when a pandemic may come up on the right, stone! I mean you can't you can't do that to me Then one all mine money in one type of real estate. I'm a little heavy in these buildings are here but because I own all these buildings, there were several hundred million.
But we are grateful, but it leave. Him. Ok goes on the tenant too, but the. But who knows I'm sure, that's got to be a problem, but but yeah you just you just gotta be careful to not put all your joint basket some periods torn on the basket I like, he said. If you had seven hundred thousand on the table, what would you do with it? I think that's a good way to canada, disconnect from the fact that its work, many that china has a biased, the already cases where she works. I think that's a good We cannot separate things you welcome. Here's a think, she's a player, scotch irish tolerance does her thing is always gone up: she's? It's gonna be great investment in iron, so that she's got that is tolerance thing going, but but I've been on the other side of that. When I see the thing turned back down and I'm not we need to tell you that- in your right? What happens if, even if you're not connected to the emotion of the company you can be connected to our We believe in this company stock of english gentleman
by apple. I believe it home. Any work for apple phone is my extent, my investment, but I believe that the great investment, so I'm now I'm emotionally connected to the scene. stock and that's probably a great stock. If you are going to win, I don't I don't pick single stock, so I can't don't don't take my advice on that. I'm using that as an example but the but but you know you can become connected to it and what that does. Is it it dive? It makes you say I will maybe I wouldn't put it all in there, then. Why are you because it's the, I'm transaction and that that should cost analysis makes you look at Why leland is in phoenix highly learned? How are you. I'm doing all right. Are you great? How can I help so burn officer league lieutenant, and I I'm in the middle of selling a renewal house, my own, create clarity,
yes go right now I plan on getting around two hundred and five in whatever they take from it to arm so I'm shooting at my current get right now I'll. Seventy cars in ninety on a house he completely deaf free, but I'm also on land, that I play building retiring? I saw win. and the land free unclear. When will you be like without me question should a native retiring about ten years. I want to start building within the next five takes you five years to build house world I gotta get the subdivision. Everything is not being taken that long buried about its five. Our trip back and forth, and I have family that can do it. But I want at least start the funding in the five years to the day, we'll be dyed with them. two years, my retired, you are a planner planner
you do not need to start. Do not need to build a house for five years, it'll be righted by the time you get on roof now they need allows into our minds really remain, Let your building on our genuine thing or something when you're, not so, but only to save some money and keep planning and moving in that direction. So you're gonna be at free and you're, going to invest the the money and like a mutual fund, to get ready to build on this property and seven or eight years right, yeah yeah My question: to put it towards a mutual fund, or do I You don't need it for seven or eight years on the debt that I have now you pay off all the debt. You have your hundred per cent debt, free, okay and then the bottom line is that what you're tragic bail going beyond this thing. I have no idea the guys that money aside so my eye of your now pay off your car. You don't about It never borrow money again, raise your hand on their borrow money again.
I'll, never borrow money again. Okay and then you gotta, pay your taxes and it sounds to me, like you, grab like seventy grand left over to put in a mutual fund or drought. Okay, I'll. Do it in a mutual fund and call it a day. Should I throw it in my force, deciding that I already have knowing no precise diploma. You can't afford to chauvinist referred competition, not com. You can again has really worked in a hurry and put it in an hour. I just born in a mutual funds can touch on one of our smart rest approach. Could you just park in it for seven years? How old are you thirty? look at you you're the military right no, no, no correction! Oh ok! You should lieutenant you do this for me. Ok,
if you're, you're, good you've got plenty of time now you don't want that in a mutual I mean you just wanted the mutual fund, not enough retirement account, so in in all your planning, I think it'd be awesome if part of that plan is building a house with cash to set that, as part of your goal is building that house five years from now seven years, the rams, the have you been inspired to make a change with your money want to know where to start. Take our three minute money to get a plan, you can follow ramsey solutions, dot, com, search for get started to get a plan the you enjoy this podcast. You should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network. Like the doctor, John maloney, show mental health challenges in hurting relationships happen to everyone, but they don't
to define I'm not your job bologna and I help people navigate through the messy things in their lives. On the doktor John bologna show walk alongside you as you face parenting, marriage and other relationship challenges and I'll walk alongside you as you try to connect with people as you face depression, overcome anxiety and learn how to change your life. Listen. we want you to be well list, the doktor john doe,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-13.