« The Dave Ramsey Show

My Wife Keeps Failing College After 8 Years! (Hour 2)

2021-01-29 | 🔗

Insurance, Debt, Relationships, Budgeting, Retirement


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the headquarters of Ramsay Solutions, broadcasting from a dollar car rental studios. It's that Dave, Ramsay, show or net is dumb caches. King and paid off old forehead has taken the place of the Bmw as those that a simple choice. I am Dave. Ramsay, your host doktor drawn the lonely Ramsay personality, thus showing author is Michael vote today. Open phones AAA eight to five five, two to five, that's triple eight, eight to five five, two to five
my guess starting us off this. Our Buffalo New York came MIKE welcomed that Abraham show Goddamn. Thank you very much. Thank you. How can we help. from my parents got worse about fifteen years ago. Since then my mom has been paying for a whole life I'll see insurance that plan. My father, Done paying for it, you offered to transfer to me with a hundred thousand our policy much fifty five hundred. Cash value at this moment, leave the annual premiums about three thousand dollars, not sure what to do wow, to do this My power talked about it and if we, U Isa four years old I kind of like shorting stock and gotten back away from my father, but if we we're doing a court on court. In vast five hundred, that's nice into it again? a hundred in the end,
it might be an ok idea, but if he lives twenty years, that's true houses. Health if we're just gonna get cold. In short, your dad here somebody for you that diabetes for thirty years later, a double bypass, heart surgery or it will not be close I hope so, madam I buddy I back in your. You would become the beneficiary currently the beneficiary AL you cause. I was in the air but she's my father's decided the serpent this is offering for me to continue my wife more quickly. I tell you now something like that. Well, the thing about
personal finance, is it involves more than just mathematical analysis. after consider, emotions and relationships and conscience and morality and behaviour all of those things enter into A wise answer to your question mathematically. I think you might come out but the really wonder that I don't I don't want it. I mean joking around libretto below but sarcastic about you shorten it at or whatever that kind of thing. But I did you know I don't know, I don't want, I'm. Seventy five years old- and I am all my death bed- that I don't want to. I want that. Gonna crossed my mind that I did that but you do anything morally wrong. It's just weird. Would you agree.
Yeah. I think that's why I haven't down a little better fuels for weeder. It feels where you know, I feel weird cause it's weird in what you're gonna start doing in here I'll leave you married here, ok So you're still in a young married what you're gonna start doing your wife and start counting a hundred thousand dollars start leaning into this hundred thousand dollars well You get this gonna house or we can not do with this gonna start making life decisions as though this is a sure thing, and what possess it's gonna fur. Press on that relationship with your dad and I get that it said I get that the math may work out. You may make some money on this deal Chinese, even how much relationship with them, but age, assail aim. I dont want I don't honest. I, I wouldn't do it s, nothing do the math, I wouldn't either. On the same, why adjusted? I think you my when the math argument but I
Thank you at the end of the tunnel. Take at the end of your life. You're gonna be proud. Now, if my dad came to me and said: I've had been no still no I just don't want short. My bad generally. It should what we're doing here. Just say what you like him are worthy down right amendment, and spoken to him in thirty years. I don't know, but the matter. that's not the just its I'm a little touched on shorter stranger. Now I know I wouldn't do it. That's what I'm saying but again I might have my dad came to me today have been working on this till I get a scheme forest, but me and my dad he's all homicides have to think about death, and I flung out your data that I still right. Yeah, you can't short year old man, even if you don't like an effect outside, especially if you dont, like a man you Once you start linen into spending that money it's hard to come back from there. You can do it if you want, but you called us, and I asked and again
answer here is based on the whatever scouring the this event, to your conscience, Causing you to ask the question Firstly, the scar- and I don't want that car in your spirit, I love it what I'm trying to avoid. Alternatives, whether some Texas Adult and how are you. Created itself better than our deserve. How can we know Oh, I've got a pretty interesting situation here long What I would do any good financial thieves and we were pretty well, they paid off a little over thirty grand in a year. and now my Michael your situation. Oh you're, my job as a change, a consistent schedule equally, what I do is I go where needed for nursing homes
swell. Essentially I don't have a steady, consistent income. You know you might make it I was in one week. I might make light another so, the issue or trying to figure out it is how to go about giving our get back on track? Did your overall income go up or down? it's hard to say this is a brand new thing. I've only been doing this for a couple weeks. What do you think I think it has the potential to either stay the same or go down, because I'm also going back to school days are limited. Why are you back to school for financial problems. Well, I was following my nurse thing is what I was doing now, but you weren't doing that before when european off that value added a variable too the situation after you launched the stability of your income. Why
well, I've been nay and L B over seven years now- and I am only chasing turned- a push to get the bachelors for nursing, we'll get into hospital and be growing larger than I do you get out of bed nets, that's a good thought too nothing changed here, except you decide to go back to school. At the exact time you, the income became unstable, bad choice, Put off to school a little bed? And let's get this mesh cleaned up? First, the forest: how to handle the irregular income just run you what you think you're low average is gonna, be and then make a list of things you want to do with money. When you come up with more money than you thought and if you think it can be an average of about a thousand run, your eye, You dare budget on five hundred or seven hundred and they went
comes in, have a list of things that he automatically goes to. That are your next priorities. It's an irregular income planning sheet. If you want to do it and log in the back of your total money makeover book at two, was, we believe a great pair of cowboy boots won't just make you look taller they'll, give you that confidence boost that'll, make you feel taller too at takeovers make traditional cowboy boots for men and women that look great and feel great. So you can walk into a big meeting around on the town with comfort and confidence and because we sell directly to you, with no middle man to mark things up, you're going to get great quality at a great value, find your parents Takeovers dot, com, Slash Ramsay and war,
Taller everyone gets a twig advise on life and money, but only have a few minutes. Word shouted to tell you about our latest podcast called the Ramsay call the day I'll give you that I've changed content that you get here, but in under ten minutes, I'll be I'll, be on it, along with Ramsay network personalities, can common Rachel crews, Chris Organ Christie, Ride, Anthony O Neill and Morocco, today Doktor John Bologna. There I recall that I could be anything from an inspirational story of knocking out back to tips on how to deal with loss of income or how to Decisions in this crazy world subscribe to Ramsay call today on Spotify Apple Podcast or the Remsen network, app or listen. you're smart speaker by saying, play Round the call of the day surmount effective use
bigger heard me say that it probably just start doing it. You go so that works, blondes dot com is our question of the day. They have a one hundred percent satisfaction guarantee the means. Even if you miss measure, you pick the wrong color, they will re, make your window blondes for free free samples, free shipping with them promotion IRAN, all the time, always use a promo code Ramsay, and you can get a good deal right today question comes from Roger in Kentucky Roger Rights, my wife and I have been married ten years and we have three children. I work a federal law enforcement officer in my wife, is a teacher. A system we make a hundred and ten thousand dollars combined and we own two houses, which one is a rental property the issue. I have my wife keeps failing her final year in college and it's getting expensive, to keep letting her return. She, attending college over the past eight years, to move from my career progression, but she doesn't want to leave. I could
promotion in another state and make a hundred thousand dollars on my own. What should I do? I really wish my wife would find another job explained to her if she was making more money. I can ease up on overtime and be home more fully, there's a lot here, here's what I'll just call out immediately meaning college for eight years, and you can new to fail. Your life steer your last semester. It's not. Because you're not smart enough. It's not because there isn't the academic support and help and assistance for you there's something else at play here: whether somebody is choosing, or they are not intentionally but sabotaging themselves, or this is the last shred of controlled S. Wife in this relationship has, but something bigger going on here than just simply. I can't get passed out asked semester in college. Now, depending on what you make it through the years of college,
they're gonna kill our thinking out right. You have the intellectual grey matter to make it through the last year. You are correct. Sean calling bs that's right, and so what I This sounds harsh, and I say it this way, but if you choose not to get the assistance they tutoring the support and put it ecologists, have an incentive to help you graduate, because that them with their rankings that helps him with a number of internal metrics filing eight years in a row is their last semester is not good for the refugees, expert on the college right. So, if are choosing to not do the things you need to do to pass Della go to class through the homework. Take the test study for the tasks that kind of stuff, then you choosing to fail their intentionally or so Obviously, for do not get all cycle babble, so there's something else going on here, Roger that
like you and your wife or not on the same page- and this is the lash shred of control she has in this house- you and you think about tanking. This deal that that's her holding onto what problem not intentionally because he ate, because we want you're, gonna work and big time and that it has been an assistant and make some money and she's afraid or doing that for the way to avoid that sabotage, not that directly, but it might be I'm up with the kids late I gotta get up super early. I don't feel good Timmy was sick today, so I couldn't go to class. I was unable to go to tutoring, for this exam had missus exam, so you create this ecosystem. Were you? Are intentionally not intentional ripe. and you are not successful with your final goal and wants to move. He wants you to make more money. He wants her to get another job and I don't hear a lot about what does she want to do?
what role does she see herself? What does she envision herself playing in this family and it sounds like Roger in his wife or not together, the not unified and enjoy of Oliver her right. So what a recommendation wanted. What are they to the recommendation is Roger, has some very clear goals for his wife. come in their Roger back out of the here's. What you should be doing in oh here's, what we could be doing if and he's sit down and ask his wife what he wanted to do. you stay at home, mom, what you're perfect world looked like a five year share you go and how do I help us get there had a we get there together, and he might want to move he might want to. She doesn't want to leave immediately at into consideration the need to have a unified conversation. Mercosur run to separate lives there room nature. the probability is. He wants her to fail secretly because, Keep him in.
it keeps his narrative going where he gets to move and take the other job. What makes him the victim right, Then he gets too, but it gives to throw out the baby. creates legal system where she can't win subconscious Obviously I am sure that this thing meltdown and she has to give up and where we gotta move and take neither job. Now it could, in what you get is couples who lit get in this self reinforcing dance the I'm the victim, I'm the victim on the winter, on the strong when on the one keeping house together on the one, keep the money together, and then you on the arms rolled up. Nobody wants to be in these situations and that's when somebody's got to use your language, someone's gonna, throw the flag stop today, stern, the music off get away and say why we do one. Where are we going I love you wanna see you successful and I feel Like your sabotage and my desire to come home- and this is thick- in this language. They probably need to sit down. The good merge got a hundred per cent and how
by just have some like all time out and go you're crazy cycle here. Stop the crazy managed star audience and in just put Orange Anchorage, causing love and respect the Gaza think the crazy cycle that, when someone doesn't get love than they don't give respect and then Ogier Spectre, don't give love and without ever love they don't you respect and male female and around and shall begin with. The washing machine and global cycle day. People will live in that dance for a decade because they don't want have one heart stopped. The music conversation, they discontinue and continuing early, very afraid. Other Michigan, Mama Betcher, that's exactly right. Miracle share rang so somebody start metaphors, you're gettin, think here but yeah. Ok, why? that's very interesting was alive between the lines there, a lot Atlanta is all MILAN Nick is calling high Nick Welcome that Abraham she shall. I do better than I deserve much up in your world.
A long story short twenty seven years old and teacher will Time teacher Mary, I'm engaged remarried this common July. My feet day written here. Thank you. Yazzi bless your watch, your shore, we re tabled home together and I guess I've kind of a two part question. I wanted to get your opinion on. If we are honest, I'm gonna write, tat doing things direct wait, I actually and then also anything tat you might have for a successful in terms of combining finances, because you talk the boy Michel. I wanna talk to people that adds then again and then took out of turn out mother quick fix, but the long term so right now, did you know where they must. I feel the oil, do, we really have, as is my soon loan. She doesn't have stood alone. Might do alone. Is about five hundred dollars.
What will be your household income when you do get married in July, thousand dollars. Excellent aka gut Are you guys talked about stuff like the bay steps, you're, obviously acquainted with a machine. yeah. I thought you done with her. I was easier pretty much every day and she knows you are I'm better more and more more knowledgeable about what you're messages and what you're steps are than she is. But she understands the philosophy and encounter get her aunt, Jane Jane. They learn as well, but I think the conversation starts for just something like the people who, when with money with relationships I'm reading them about this honey are in agreement? on their plan, and so Let's look at this plan together and see if we can both be an agreement, an enthusiastic about this point- If not, we need to make up our own that we're both in agreement and enthusiastic about.
Mine is not the only way to get there. I believe with the data that we have, that is the shortest path to wealth, but if we choose to go deeper, why that's abuse is more important that you are in agreement and yet you follow me, that's what important and then. Secondly, if you under the most efficient way, I would say ours is, but you can make, that decision is don't let's get into agreement, so this the time of year when everyone start setting gulls going to the jam, quitting smoking losing weight good for you, but what's equally important is making sure your family is taken care of by having term, if insurance look covered all the excuses and I'm telling you it's not expensive, it's not complicated and you need to do this right now, so stop
whatever you're doing Ngos Anders website right now and get your family protected, it's an absolute necessity and lobby of Ramsay solutions on Baghdad, a three stage somebody's, whether Tom Druthers I Tom area, better that deserves our how're. You welcome Morty lives are Streeter Illinois Welcome from Asheville, and all I can do that free screwing, yes, Sir, how much would be paid off Tom forty eight thousand five hundred dollars? Forty twenty three months sporty five. A m he three months, maybe we're gonna revenue income roughly in their own range started at fifty thousand and currently up to sixty seven thousand coup waiting for living. I work for eight trucking company as manager of operations, cool who can show in two years. Basically, you paid off twice.
five grand year roughly, man. You been on being generation somewhat yearning gettin after yes, our well done very well and what kind of debt was the forty eight five. The vast majority of it was student loans at Millcote, soon loan that little bit a car debt and the remainder of a car long. I had no. So how long ago were you in school? I graduated in May of two thousand twelve Roca should shall we may add our own spare bedroom at your place. She does. She was crying out for almost a freakin decade, just about just What was the wake up? Call what happened twenty three months ago? Well, actually, MIKE anything gonna start before them. I originally graduated college with about seventy five thousand dollars stood alone then, and I quite get a degree and left Hannah puppetry, but it really pretty much wasn't much better than that. The air music merchandising, the miners using technology and minor marketing. Ok were broken so,
and I am usually got out of school selling cars. Ok I wasn't there quite what I wanted to meet again on the re, some like that, but I just Finally, as I was graduating, I knew that this debt that I had my stand on that just was not just was never comfortable with it. As me, the timetable Might there sometime, I gotta tell me I shouldn't I shouldn't be doing this. Oh when I finally graduate college. I saw this massive now. Seventy five grand and said this is getting out of my life. I dont want this anymore. This is gonna ruin it. I've needed stop them, so I got to work out to work and started now paying things off. things off and I is about a sharp sword started, go through it and I became bodice dulls butter knife the I had gone to about about the forty five march? just stop quit it. Just about knows gout pretty close to it, and then here I M, God isn't
here, I am how'd you made out. You decide to do that meet at the twenty three months ago, something clicked and change Lamb and I actually discovered you out. So I was on the way home from Duluth Minnesota and the gas station and as walking in the bathroom. Ah I see this face onto my left. Eye turned jumped a little bit and it was a picture of you. Actually, it was the audio book of the data and to show how ugly I told him to make ever she's. What am I doing? A gas station that I say gas station bathroom acolytes? Ok, I'm sorry, look surprised it wasn't that expenses like out. You know what I've been feeling down. You know why not go give it a shot. The of the six hour drive home, listen to the tone I wanna make over audio book and it was made. Because everything you were talking about was stuff. I had already believe then I just didn't really know how to vocalize and the other part I related to sell out with it. While the sky sounds exactly like my data with a sullen oxen apparent, I guess I can work with us.
so listen to it. Prayed about it start went down the you too Rapid Hall now of Deaf Reese creams and prayed about it and decide to go for it, and I was may have twenty eighteen years the book and you staff. Linkage you're going nuts are very cool. Why how proud of e mails are an obvious show your dad Mama, probably they came down to cheer you under age green. They did very nice day. They were my biggest critics terms. Into my biggest supporters, because I've actually got the deeper into show podcast put on my dad's a smartphone and he actually enjoyed it. My mama down enjoyed so much that they were actually here for their country leadership, I've answer back number here I'll. Let you down at the time one very good, very cool, so they were critical. of you, starting this process, originally
and you converted them sort of yeah all right, but you should have sounded like your dad, but where the southern actually use sounded like it, but just did wrong order is how tall waiting like my order of our new madame. So it was pretty much. You know hammer and me about investing for retirement, but now I need a path is dead? Can very cool? Well done, thank you, and now they, neither cheer in your own and here to cheer on your debt for each great assorted feel. Now that you did this, I can't even believe it I can, but it's honestly feels like the way to the world's been taken off my shoulders, I may I just remembered is being is just being down it. I can just feeling, like I've, got a ball and chain right. Romania just did its dragon with current, wherein me down I almost feel light of other points, Literally, is an emotional picked me up. I love it changes everything changes, everything show. Doktor John sitting here with a Phd in higher education? I'm curious. did you select
and what advice would you have for someone looking at a new degree that gives us a very very odd, specific nuance. the great music merchandising which, twelve years ago included cds Correct and I sold cities in stores at that time. Merchandising music today would be. All digital obviously are virtually almost all digital, and virtually no other word used. I open the anyway. How did you say that degree, what was it that goes going on in your head and what advice would you have for some one that had an interest in something like that? sleep you, if you do I wouldn't do it now exec way, but we're not going on is slow down slow down I was one of I was a hot head when I was younger. Admittedly, I just gonna rushed into things. Do not really thinking all the consequences I did? I did what
told me to do and not what my brain Tommy, I probably should be doing and really where you need to do is gonna, do come kind of a combination of both their has risen, satellite with along we're doing what your heart tells you the number one is slow down number to surround yourself with people who have gone through it on her, be can give you advice, Do it tat free man, Does that mean I was brought up in the generation of this is what you do you take out soon, I'm sure you go, but just yeah and indigo to practical rascal. Ok, well that's good information, then so well done. Thank you, sir. Well done now. You ve been through total only make over. You been down the Youtube Wormhole, what advice tat for some was listening. This is their first time to see a dead scream or you're a story like this: what should they, if they want to get out of that. You can do it. I am a bright, but I will
Admittedly, I M, not smart sport in the world, but you can do this beyond was when Dave had this moment at and where you tell the camera. He taught said you you in the audience. Yes, you you can do this believe in yourself. You can do this. It's gonna take work, it's gonna be here. at the end of the day, it is so so worth it. You don't you? You are on dangerous for me, you didn't have a life for toys relaunch and which are free. Now, doing what you wanted. Regulations very, very well that are, I talk Well done, Sir forty eight thousand five hundred dollars paid off in twenty three months, making fifty to sixty seven com, down. Let's you're dead, three,
well done so. Never thought! we talk so much about long crisis. We talk so much about hurried. Stuff, but I never thought about the we might find left handed perpetrator, it'll be stacking underwater voted unanimously to come up with right, I'm crazy degrees that nobody has used for, but I know thought about the idea that a general agree like I just I mark the reverse is a marketing refer certain thing right had so much. Application just abroad. brush right and most
as you can take a couple of cat cognate courses, they call him that you get those specific set you up and you can still go out and do a wide range of whatever that is in the feel right without them degree being shown a lot of that. I Ramses
doktor John DOE. Only Ramsay personality is my co host today, you're on the air open funds, a triple eight to five five two to five Jamie is weathers. Jamie, isn't Sarasota Florida high Jamie. How are you you do and allow gave. How are you and Johnny Dooit great? How can we help guys? You go straight to the point. I am thirty, eight Mary, we'd have a child one on the way Grass baby, I know thank you baby such checks, We owe our mortgage thirteen thousand. We have about twenty Evans, boughs and saving, so we're gonna pay that bad boy pretty soon even the naked like in the next, like you
yeah. I can grow up. Well, yes, so I have a to plug question the dead background, the number one. First and foremost this matter for ever home in fact, would probably going to be here. Another two I am assuming to three years parts before my job moves me again. I'm wondering first and foremost, should I in debt into this home life gutters and fences, and all that and my second, this question is that now that the home is gonna be paid off now, life, Well, now? What is you max out all retirement and you begin to save outside of that torture next purchase? and I ve been doing the show coming up on thirty years, it's only and about the last five years that I have heard the phrase forever home, because people know there's no such thing
you will never have a forever help me only forever home is Heaven, because no matter where you move you gonna move again. you're, not gonna, live changes. Your phase of life changes in everything else. So anyway, isn't it just not. How should go stay in and you're going to move in the next two to three years? That's awesome, that's cool! So what what airs or enhancements. Do you due to it once there new types ones that are small enough. There who can live up the enjoyment. in other words, whatever you shave you spend you got to Babies and you spend a couple thousand bucks on offence in the back yard and it helps you know Chernobyl display in the backyard of safe and not run wild out in the neighbourhood or something then that's probably worth that, even if the fence doesn't add value to the house. Ok,. It'll than that of one type of thing you would do you know, I'm just a small enough investment that when you Venus burned that money, and it was just for the good of the three years of enjoyment. Ok, the second, that type
Then you would do as you would talk to any p R. One of our real estate endorse local providers and just say: ok, I'm thinking of spending this on the kitchen. Sprang exposure involved. Seven, my kitchen in a house it's worth ex, do you I'll get my money back. I don't they Well, you might make, danger my education, it ok but does it increase the value dollar for dollar or mayor, then spending of impoverishment. Seven thousand increases the value, the hometown. That's probably a good thing right, So you would do those kinds of things that in the value equal to the thing you want to do our moment, specially it's more. You would do some stuff like that. So gutter sounds like normal repairs that should have already been done. We ve been here in the house for about two plus years
so yeah, I doubt was probably gonna- be my next project. The roof is leaking. You gotta do that regardless because it just to repair has to be done. Yeah right, uneven, but we ve got the House brand new We learned a lot is happening gutters after three years. If it was brand new, Really, what I am asking is that, yes, it even worth investing in the widest gutters. Always then comes the gutters, you'd, say yeah, I don't want anybody on last year, but you see I all as the home. The type of army bar the price range about this is that the standard model didn't have gutters. Ok, so then, a question. You question ask yourself, and you get a bit on gutters me as crucial for my increasing the value of the home. by that I am, I going to get enjoyment of it that much either once the goodness gotta run on a basic guttering system, also the like that a continuous flow they bring the trucks out. It's a pretty cool thing. They do somebody, then it's it's not very expensive.
she's not is not a super high item, but me yes, as you bought a neighborhood. The rest on I've got written, so it's devalue in and less is causing damage or somethin else. So just go. Look at all that I'm just gonna be ok. Is this a repair the show? done anyway arm. Don't something that's not done in the neighborhood, ample an extreme example would be if there are no swimming pools, neighbourhood and you put in a swimming pool. You're gonna lose eighty percent of the money spent on that it is not going to increase the value of the home, but about twenty percent of the cost and most of that you get a large women interferes em up, am I to make. That makes sense right their everyday sale, otherwise it just makes sense. But that's that's the thing you look at, as am I increasing the value more or just as much as I am spending Jake's Lana High Jake? How are you good. I dont it great man what's up
life- and I are here- we could discover questions about like next step, so been following your plan for several years let us to being get free in twenty nineteen. Why girl was thank. You hold your guitar, interesting Ernie. Twenty twenty happened right after that yeah, so currently where we stand in the film industry. My wife is a marketing director for a real estate company answered in fluctuate from time to time, in others years, but are really I get the years that our visa email, the bills paid, and you have a little bit of extra, stating probably having a ground here and you're, not easier, the basics I'll call you when I moved on unemployment, so that kind of stuff,
Are you kidding ranch and are our plan because we will look into by home. Come February of last year, he found out? We were pregnant, do we have a brand new daughter arise is born in October. and we are stuck in a one bedroom laughter. It now showed that space is very tight, but he has gone. Definitely the basket possibly can during what were out like to buy a house we'd like to know he had ended. Steps like tat the five twenty nine November. Being doing everything that we can do to mask the Mai We were out right now. We can, I dont know what to tackle. First, I'm back at work Ok, you're down every honourable I caution, renting you haven't? generally fond of three to six months or expenses. We
We have about King K, got ok and are you putting money into retirement? Yet now, because we put down how can we prepare for the debt? Ok and now, are you gonna keep it on how to save up for a down payment on? How should we do? That's? Ok, that's more of our plans. We were thinking about that, but I I I'm thirty five she's thirty two so well, you're safe for ten years with that, so for ten years or so for ten months, harangue yeah it for her. Yeah yeah swarming you're not just stay out of retirement. Long, if you do, but if you want start retirement annually for house. That's fine or some doubt people paws on retirement just a little bit and do what we call baby step. Three billion safer house so far is Ten percent of your income and retirement five kids college sixes pay off the house, the German bought correct and that's the baby, and if we also to come that way, you're gonna get to everything you gonna. Baby you're babies, gonna, have a car
fond you're gonna get there, putting money into retirement. You're gonna get there and you- can either do all of that and then save more slow for a home or You can save them her for home and put everything on how temporarily into a baby step three b and that'll get you there. So it's it's! but here's what I hear he's gonna hear his voice Dave. no, that were supposed to do this in order, but we want to house right now when you had just put percent down, do it now and you may have go to bed room apartment for another year right and it's not. Nobody wants that slimy fun, but If you can't live where you are right,
If you go read something for another year, while you showed up your dumping in its moving twice and all that, that's ok, it's better! In the long run, o definite, definitely that I'm sorry amidst the catch our eye that puts us our that IRAN should show invokes thanks to James Childs or producer Caledonia, social producer and phone Springer. I'm day ramble your ocean we'll be back a friend or a family member, the needs a daily those Ramsay advice and their life. Let them know about the Ramsay call the day, pod cash. It's a quick here of advice about life and money in under ten minutes check out the Ramsay call it a day for gas wherever you listen to hard cash.
money? Isn't the only then can we talk about around here? Get life. Changing advice on your career, for my good friend and career expert can combine all my can com and show. According to a recent Gallup poll, nearly seventy percent of Americans are disengaged at work. If you dread going into work every Monday morning and you're just trying to make it to the weekend, it can Coleman show is for you, everyone has a sweet spot. You're sweet spot is at the intersection of your greatest talent in greatest passion. We will help you discover what it is. You were born to do and then we'll help you create a plan to make your dream job a reality. You matter and you have what it takes, joined the conversation on the can com and show their more from the Ramsay network, including the current common shop. Where ever you listen depart. Guess: hey it's just producer of the Dave Ramsay show this
Transcript generated on 2021-07-09.