« The Dave Ramsey Show

My Mother-in-Law Keeps Asking for Financial Help (Hour 3)

2020-12-15 | 🔗

Business, Budgeting, Career, Relationships, Debt, Retirement

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
For energy solutions, broadcasting from our car rental studios. Since that day, Abrahams ratio for debtors, door gauges and paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the Bmw, those status symbol of children's Andy Ramsay. Your host. Thank you for joining us. America, open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five, that's triple eight eight to five I've two to five, my host today, you're on the air John Bologna Ramsay personality and author of the best book redefining
Anxiety kind of a timely topic for the dump. Fire year of twenty twenty that finally coming to a close, so we're here to talk about your mental health, we're here to talk about the crazy people in your freak and family whatever help you need along those lines, he has the answers for you and we'll talk about your money is well open, found four eight to five five, two to five glances and cities, South Dakota Land Area They think that they can count on you, the ministry. Thank you home to tell you guys burst. Thank you. So much more like an hour had observed on board and to can I gave you paid off kinda. Lodging. Yesterday I play off another twenty two thousand dollars by paying off my government Meanwhile, a boy you are never mind what you had just after my hooty ass. She had news right now.
mirrors. Let that isn't it! I never even if not a hoped Glenn, I didn't realize it then Bulgaria, bucks, that's high class that high class go to dry, run now well, more than the solar heating cooling electrical contracted The problem I have with body dinner. I can't I'm at that time because I never know what goes on the top like I've got. I can't when All of the head they never know from day to day. I do also in this work, and so it is just that, he's so much, and I just my head along it. Ok, let's We must stop talking about it as a personal budget for a minute. Let's just talk about it as a business. How long have you been doing business? It is okay, so you do service work on heating and air electrical to yeah. Ok,
the people that I know in the business tell me that the first called snap is a big time because people turn her head on for the advent of all summer litter and only Denmark, and the first and the first one day. Are we they turn their asiana. Denmark shall those are usually to a big months. Some are right. yeah. Shall we can start to predict some things. A, u have seasonality, be six years of records. And so what I would do is say: I'm gonna look at if you're, if you're coming up on March, Look at my last three marches and see but the pattern is- and they are to inform me as to what this March looks like. So let me give an example what would be a normal month for you and top line just any pick a month, Gimme a number if you down
You do fifty thousand a month in girls. seldom has just me ok, I'm in the wrong business glare, our show fifty thousand dollars a month top engross sales. Ok, so if you look tat last march, and it was forty thousand and then March before that, and it was thirty thousand and the more before that- and I was twenty five thousand, you would see a growth trend year over year. Same last year. Not month shine, last year, so we're so twenty five to thirty two. Forty two fifty trend. All in the last three or four marches, which tells me if I'm coming up on this march. I might Looking at sixty you, she added that You know, that's not accurate, because we don't know for sure, but we're fork
acting based on history same month last year. So last several years gives trim line that I can use now if you made if the every single march for the last three marches, then we could probably predict fifty, not sixty, because the trend line is flat, but still have some old data to use to fork asked with em predict with, and so now could you fifty two yell. you do forty five year, the likely You doing thirty is almost zero as long as you work every day, right too I couldn't have you doing. Ninety is almost zero. You're gonna, be some rain plus or minus off of that trend line from last several years same month last year, so how you do business forecasting, on your top line
bottom line is gonna, be a function of your top line because you probably run a pretty standard margin on that. Fifty. You probably know on aerodynamic fifty thousand on net x and you gonna have that extra work with that's what you do. stay calm unused, but you're, not gonna. Very unless something happens. Ok now get up and you can hire a guy. And that would increase, the change in those over those trim lunch, but you just say: ok, It's my tramline and watch different this year in pandemic could be different tat could be that we watch different. The term lines I really can't predicted the Kremlin to be that way on propaganda predicted to be less or more, you're no plexiglas business. You predict more, you know the bleach business, the toilet paper business you predict more should be done into plexiglas, should have should have done that early in my life better. So that's
are you do you're predictions? Are you Same month last year- and you can look at last month, and that's somewhat of a prediction, but it could be that we ve got businesses here and out of Ramsay that like any solutions, are husk. Okay, a law that decisions are made in April for the whole year. And so we have a huge mountain top experience on our Pierre nails. on the gross revenues April. I approached the Mont. That's when the heart: that's when the crop comes, your farmer, when you got harvester crop that your parliament make enough it right. and you white none the fall crop to come in and you can be. No, you don't pull the cotonou and pull the corn pull the soybeans wherever it is right. and you know you know one that common. We know we're gonna take that market. We don't know exactly what guy yield, but we know it's not gonna happen than this month. We know what's gonna happen and that month, so so collars today across all issues today they have been a small, the sooner. I'm a salesman endorses this
common theme of it's hard for you to predict a can't. I don't know how to add a guess I am concerned just as an outside guy that there's there's people run businesses without being any sort of tracking data without asking themselves what a year over year, Do I know what I'm making in this month? What what did I make last year in this month, academic more? How do we help folks, but her attention to their data. Entre leadership,
I've got a shortlist, an outrage podcast get all mining join, they are under leadership elite and will teach you how to run your business because most small businesses fail because they don't know what we're talking about. They dont predict do any budgeting they all they do is look at her biennale. It rather Karla can only three of your marriage. What happened a year ago now, what's gonna, happen next year, so much like half really getting caught. Some issues are very young getting day right that Christmas, seizure, food move, there's gonna be in December. This is that I Ramses leaders, our businesses, have all experienced change this year to be successful. We only do adapt if you're looking to grow your team. An easier way to higher is by using the zipper cruder, zip, recruiters technology finds the right people for your job and invites them do apply right now. My listeners contrives recruiter for free at zip, recruiter. Dotcom, Slash, Ramsay, that's zip, recruiter, dotcom, Slash, Ramsay, Zip, recruiter. The smartest wait, a higher,
if you feel like you should have made more progress on your dead by now. I understand when it comes to paying off that sometimes feels like all grind and no reward. Here's the thing when you try to do it on your own you're more like fall back into bad habits. That's why, when it happens, you stop me, progress. That's why you need Ramsay, Plush, Ramsay Blushes, our step by step, money plan that will give you the accountability. The encouragement, the practical tips that you need to pay off your debt faster, Then you can do on your own. When you have someone in your corner, cheering you on you make them, Of choices that get you where you want to be Ramsay plus helps you go from issue too, and show you
finally keep more of your money every drop of Ramsay plus just text the word trial to Thirty, three, seven, eight, nine, a free, try. Or by testing our texting. try all too. Three three- seven, eight, nine- Open phones triple eight eight to five five, two to five Doktor John Bologna Ramsay personality is my co host. Today is whether an Orange County, California, hygiene welcome to the show. How can we help.
I had missed her envy and artillery dorani. Thank you so much for taking my call sure you have a member has been have a life household money question for you and we have a couple different options than the potentially starting to work. Part time that were considering, and we want to do you get your opinion. If we considered all the options and what is the best way to may be tested options, we aren't baby steps for five and shake and both working right now, I'm in love our careers, but more recently at Judge Bout, a tug towards me at home. More. We have two kids a five year, in a two year old and I also realise that how much work there is for managing a house in the cooking, the laundering of white men in Tibet, The two options are really looking at is isn't going court time when the five year old, ghost Comex Ball and against all pay off the house then a little. I think a senior this if we do that on the other option we're looking at it. If you really want the fleet
and getting the has paid off is- is the second up every year and TAT the house, because it really heavy have kept option towards maybe That would mean may be doing more than eighty step three be fortyish in bringing the ripe retirement Gowan. Can you get the company match delivered to upload work were considering energy for their work. How do we make now know? What do you make? A hundred and sixty you make a hundred sixty five, but what does she make? I'm thirty. Five more does she do and even finance local investment company. How old are you guys were thirty? Second, what do you do? I bought some output device. Company regulatory- You can do that part time. I'm I think I have option. even if the company- I don't
currently wouldn't be willing to do. I think I know not people industry, potentially how that company Another company would end when Jaime banning Andrews when parliament, how much does it controls income? We hear from Sixty five to what about eighty job. I have here. If I'm in your shoes, I'm going, time in September, the five year ago, should go the way I decided that was. This is not a question of. Financial well being this- is just a question of how fast you get rich you cannot have those years by our trade, I'll trade getting rich a little slower for you.
Be there with the five euro when she comes on regular cookies are whatever the scenario is you wanna do. that's quality of LA hired a year that ok, its quality of life. Well, the thing is you you get tremendous satisfaction and your tremendously good at your job. You don't hate your job You have now professional woman, a renewal. you're killing it and so, you're really trading, Thing that you love for something that you love more in June. You need to know- and like I'm tellin you like you, don't know this there, entire industry. there's an entire cultural ethos against women having peace period. So, if you are at work, crushing it at one, sixty five, you and your husband or just sailed through life. There is it
culture, that's gonna! Talk on. You say why aren't you at home? Shame! You cannot be in our modern me and you're gonna hear you're gonna take you're gonna they got a half. They could still making double the average your salary, you gonna, go home and there's going to be an industry telling you seriously weakened. Of modern woman? Are you you walked away from that of their current? What's wrong with you? Just can't you hate your family. Finally, so there's a moron out there somewhere to shame you, no matter what you do. So here's what you have to do as you make this transition in speaking from somebody we ve made the same tradition in my house guy, you gods. A couple of people around you that are going to be able to walk alongside you make this transition. You're gonna have to learn new skills and most of us don't think I had to learn skills on how to run a household. I can just go to court to care my kids, it's more complex than that. You gotta learn some new things and you gotta have people around you that you can reach out to say today. Socks- and I love my kids
I don't like him today and then aren't gonna judge you and so you're, the worst mom and we're gonna. Send you mean cards and pray for you, but they're gonna, laugh and senior. Funny means and you're gonna go on with your day and then there's gonna, people who are gonna pick you up on the work side of it and Amateur gotta have folks, you walk alongside you just David too many for hope to go home to follow this call to be a home of their kids. Just as a silent vortex? There and they get lonely and they start doubting, and then they start looking online and then everybody Stoneham what a loser they are and they made the wrong decision and it's hard and had people work alongside you. When you do this, This is when you learn that face, friends or not for some, no, no they're, not real them, but not they're, not real France, not oh! My gosh gin go home,
and it's gonna be hard and ensures use that wonderful brain that God gave you to be a world class mom, while you're doing consulting or whatever it is you, and here everything you ve done, all of you directions ass. If your income is linear, and his income is linear and it's not your both in professional careers. Both of you are gonna, show your incomes go up, even if your working part time and his continuing. So it's not. Stay near versus a three year, it's a three year versus your tenure, you're, gonna, get there good for? You really really good question really good. MIKE's in Philadelphia high MIKE welcome that I ran Felicia, John, are you done great? What's up during the general around motivation. My wife and I we had all kind of never again moment about two years ago, had around three hundred and fifty thousand dollars alone. That put the mortgage could lie Andrea than wants to plug the monster job undreamed of fifty percent of all income.
so we then gotta made the decision which we got a problem. I'll go down and we do not approve of that country to get back into it Really are a lot of that over the past two years of work, but it haven't generated but with moderation, Let go of the holiday season that we want to spend the money on our kids and a few other things, and at this juncture, twenty two other vice you evil I want to spend money on your kid what's wrong with that. Of course you need to spend money on your kids, of course, you ve lost your you're, not having as much progress as you thought. You were, gonna have cause, you lost her income, Those are realities. Man It does not allow a motivational. Also mathematics, that's ok you're, not going it's good.
anything you like. We should get you to get a new job and then you'll get a job and that you're gonna get it don't you know you got your number plough again cause you got to attract her again and arming. Do you get movement again, but right now you kind of slow and that's kind of your reality it in May. quiet doesn't mean you lost your motivation and ensure lost your income dry when you run a marathon. Sometimes you stop! You get that water station right and you slow down a little bit. You get the water you're losing your desire to finish. You get us look out for a minute and then you know pick back up. You can start running national tradition and what your facing is exactly the way you should be feeling you're gonna do right, get your kid! A Christmas gift! Man save money on your Christmas shopping with my favorite shopping tool, honey this honey, is helping pay for one million dollars worth of gifts. That's
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I'll- do my own investing advice just like I tell you to do you. as to the right danger, get caught up in Trans. You make rookie mistakes, you the portfolio based on what you read on Red it. Oh my god, what were you reading? Read it for that's a lost day never get that time back Realising all it takes. Is one freaking pandemic to knock you completely off track. Trust me, you do not need to add any unnecessary stress to your life. Stop winging. It. A good investment pro like a smart vesture pro will help. You follow the right plan for your money. you understand what's going on and you invest in the right things and you never have to worry. If you're making the right decision If this is your never again moment for your retirement in your investing d, be at the mercy of some global crisis ever again text invest too there three seven eight nine text invest
two three, three, seven, eight nine! can create a rock solid, invest a plan starting today Bethany is weathers in Scranton Pennsylvania high Bethany. Welcome to the show. How can we help Thank you so much for taking my car sure I'm. I would question so might have been an. I have re berries market, and our middle child has down's syndrome are just wondering what you would advise or other future. We recognise that college maybe possibility, but it may not be so you're just wondering what you are doing the right thing for her teacher and then would you save the same monetary about earth? Kid No Echo is not fair and fair is not equal. My and so, if this child needs more money set aside in the other two, then
to take care of them than that's there's nothing wrong with it at all my bank that would be called being a good parent, no you're, not you're, not have some moral obligation to dole out everything equally. They. So you know What we are doing is you're, just gonna save the money in your name. Ok and you're gonna have life insurance you and your husband. Both cases, the life insurance beneficiary, is going to be named to the facts. we trust that is formed upon your death. You need to get a lawyer and get on well built are gonna. Mama bear legal form should get well built depend on how complicated your stadiums producers get really get pretty complicated. So Won't you normally do for especially shall there's a special needs, trust. I wouldn't which lash their entire life and the trust who in charge of investing money in handling the money to take.
Of the tribe, I'm going. they do it according to your directions, and so if this were my child, I would special needs trusted formed upon my death. I've staff funded with the money from the life insurance policy that set beneficiary on a life insurance policy, says x, number of dollars out of this policy goes and special needs trust. Ok, ok, and I'm gonna put across four types of mutual funds: growth both in income, a rash of growth in international and the income produced off of this fund is to take care of this child, and that is the trustees job. You would also name a guardian to the extent but the child as an adult is not able or is able to take care of themselves mildly. It might be a sibling. Ok guys something like that. Now it with children that are not special needs and their minors, we always filled a family trust and the same I think the life insurance proceeds go into the thrust upon your death. Both of you die.
And or your mutual funds and investments that you already have go into Trust in the event that both of you die and it works exactly the same way there. France is that when the child reaches now age, that the money just released to them because their adults in their on their own- and you don't know trust me family, a child, trust surviving to like it sixty five special needs. You may be. The only difference is the length of time the thing survive. They were exactly my my show if you put five, Thousand dollars in there and the thing makes ten percent. I get fifty thousand rosier take here that give me that simple, and you can put the following two thousand and therewith investments overtime, But until you have that five hundred thousand, you would have thousand dollars worth of your life insurance allocated to that. And I don't mind that number up, but just
just say: take ten percent and use. That is your number. It's probably not right, but its close enough. Ok, and say you know height. I want him to have three thousand dollars a month. Well, that's thirty! Six thousand our years three and sixty thousand soldiers call that a foreign affairs nor policy, ok, and I'm gonna get a may in dollars on your husband, and you understand Minister? You for thousand is going and special needs, kids, trust and the other six hour. Thousands goin over here for the other. Three hundred age and they ve got very similar. wording and so forth on pay make sense at that think so. Yeah it SAM show. How severe is the downs I mean you go now she's too! Oh, you don't have indication he ever out. Now we ll the time that is only too. How do the other kids I made? all this is for
two year old and one year old, you're in it in tat and you're, calling me about a well yeah. Oh my goodness. She also well. Here I mean even this is set aside for college. I give you, I don't. we do. However, I would not set aside for college out just keep it in your name. Joking. As you can control with that way, and you can do with what you want put it into their name. You might control of it when they turned twenty one. The court's might take it and take it over to management. For the kid and its, They are money at your money here. Ok and you're. Not don't do anything this not for the benefit of the kid No, now we go, I we may all four of the written form of its oil finding employment that borders? yeah. You you're going to begin their you're going after that, because you're thinking about it and you're being intentional, our eye Brian's in Birmingham Brian welcomed that over him she sure.
I didn t want and local shop Albert am Uk Alabama. Ok, you have Either way you gave me the AIDS, ITALY, with two things were different to the: U S and and all the things like, my look at Youtube. Videos, Brahms flipping laughing, say that that babies, that two new upon don't apply to the UK fight and physically, but also the air. wandering around the whole of looking at your video and college or that thus far, and it should be prepared for that, and learn where my wife, not at the moment that baby that's four five and six the concern that I have I'm thirty one, my wife is she twenty eight point, and you will forget HIV ready think about five minutes between lift paycheck agent. like you, so now is alarming over Duff,
in retirement, I'm with eight and fifty percent of our total gross income moment. You have enough and you numbered into I don't know Baluchi pungent numbers into account when investing in April. index for each one hundred in the town and what what's the right of return in the last thirty years on those index bunch. There are worrying phenomena the moment trying to get out of here, fifteen percent of your income, from NATO to sixty two and nine percent. Your employer money in June case. People don't know math works, the same in
country, don't owe people money. It works where you live to cool thing about math is international. The baby steps org exactly the same in the UK as they do in the? U S, with the exception of what you put your money into rights and baby step forward, because, obviously of a different retirement systems, but he's got access to a nine percent rate of return fund. You're gonna be just fine saving fifteen percent of your income for thirty years. This is that I am sure
irish picture the reverse their slowly. Inspired. Sixteen and eighteen, matures always fray without ceasing, gives thanks in all circumstances with this is the will of God in Christ. Jesus for you, William James, says it is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task, which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome. It is that we're going under them again William James, if you ve, never read by might be, one of the founders of the positive thinking movement just. Way back in the Ralph Waldo Emerson ERA,
It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task, which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome. It turns out your attitude is probably more important than your skill. Your intellect your education It's true, I mean I make an understanding on to Mr William James here, but You really does matter done all those Since this this quote comes out. They ve done years and years of you know mindset and we were just can about do what type of my What are you bring to this? Is that a restrictive one? Do you think, as it is, is it a scarcity? Mindset is an abundance mindset. Is it enter and other going to fail, you're gonna veil right. I think I'm in approach? This is a challenge
a person who overcomes challenges, giggling annual leaning, you're, going to know what you're doing and then all of a sudden that attitude that you take to it can help successful the back in what, if approach to hard conversation with your wife as on the kind of husband has hard conversations, because a value, my marriage versus here we go again right, you'll think, there's an effect that conversation I Mckenna guide it. To go to deal with on the card That's gonna leave my family. When I suddenly die, which I will I'm an earlier than planned. We suddenly so you're plan, and suddenly I went away you live answers I wanna be sudden, but I am going to the kind of guy who leaves them that Constitution versus Whelms can avoided them. No love that court man of good- your gratitude at the beginning of a difficult task is the largest indicator he is saying of whether or not you succeed is not your skill level.
It's not your intellect is the iter outlook, biogas Preacher up. There are with us and Columbus Ohio icon. What's up what are you doing, better than we deserve? How can we help so, I turned to deter device restitution, my my wife and I gave it up to Morrow. I began work on a new risk elements. One they just up to my wife will be graduating in the spring home with her master degree. Right now has the lincolns about long honoured, thirteen thousand and her salary students to double when she's graduated grad school. So my question in that will put your and my what about one and sixty three thousand, what she getting your Masterson
it's an advanced healthcare degree by now, it's a new degree, but its equivalent to like a nurse back. There were two listens. Assistant gotcha may still be able to function like a pulmonary, follow that's a lie. The question is more: we have some issues in the past with my mother master, surgically leverage, you said you'd probably is kind of a travel agent for guilt. Europe's end to where she and my sister laws have reached out to my wife for funding help in the past for certain things. So my question with that is kind of. As my wife approaching, this was born in honour in our lives and our marriage in inner career, or she will be making more money. How do I hope support her,
moving forward one. I I know. In the back of my mind, my amounts will probably just be asking for more and more ass. She makes more money than her career. She you to give them that money. he wants to help them, but she doesn't want to enable them. She is she's been burned in the past to the point where now on concern for her emotion on mental health, please such where exactly ass, he s issue, he has in the past, but the last year so she's made the decision to basically at the mouth and methods, absolute emergency. Ok, here's the thing daughters were teenagers. We spent a lot of time discussing.
premarital sex, if you wait until you hear the moment tat the shot about that, you're gonna lose the decision, and so If the decide ahead of time and steel your mind s de L, your mind ready for an an inevitable conflict. you have to have already decided before the conflict occurs, what's going to happen and you have to build up, courage and the muscle in your brain to be ready for that, and so, I think that's what you're asking and I think but you ve got to do and it may involve she in a councillor may involve you. Aren't you got shutting down their pastor and releasing her from her the obligation to these people to where she really gets very comfortable with no ok I'll, know, John and the challenge you're gonna have as you're gonna wanna
that no for her and until she go I'll work till she comes to come. terms with her ability to tell her family, no, you're just gonna have to play a supporting role. There you can, as we talked for early and cause a ruckus man, you can say I didn't want using our money. It's in them. This is our family insisted, Navy, brilliant woman, your wife, she's getting a masters degree in the health care field, she's, not acting in intellect apply intellect to growing walking, walking with her have our apply that intellectual growing in this area of emotional strength. and she loves her pulmonary patients enough to say: stop smoking don't go run after you just had this. She needed love her family in that same way and say no right. Yes, absolutely and it's very difficult, vehemence difficult boundary sharing is
we a daughter and a mother, a daughter and her sister fame The female is the most difficult guys can look at each other and go screw. You know a lot easier when it's a lot easier for outright. I mean why ITALY, as workers combative, for Ladys, is like the emotional relational thing is like home. I got violations like, but the she's gonna reach a point where she's in the relationship completely if she doesn't deal with this issue drinks ahead of time now and it's gonna get nasty. the earlier. She can draw boundaries, the better tell her to get ready for the next, go and start working on, spend some you study, you get I'm an agenda. Send you b of Doktor Lonely look redefining anxiety in alternation. Your copy of documentary Clouds book boundaries This is her homework. She's
get ready before because what happens is the when you set a boundary with someone who doesn't have boundaries. One hundred per The time they come at you, they want to know boundaries, a hole through though they feel entitled to you right if you went out a chunk of your butt and they keep true. but until you don't have one and they two years after they trigger, but also to your soul. Out from where you that's exactly what happens: you're gonna, let your family starve. You hate your mother, which, after all, I've done
for you, you just gonna, let your sister. She decided all I've that this is your own flesh and blood. What we did you? Oh, oh, cause your fancy. Now you got your master: oh yeah! Ok, you! Don't you don gone up above your raised and you don't know you never got word now. I didn't and that's why they're forget a bit of it while you're a good man stand by that woman, helper gale forget those muscle spill puts us our that I Ramsay show in the books will be back with you before you know it in the meantime. Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's drew up daily with the prince of things. Christ, Jesus have a friend or family member, the needs of daily those Ramsay advice in their life. Let them know about the Ramsay call the day project, its quick of advice about life and money under ten minutes check out the Ramsay call. Today, wherever you listen to vodka, if you're looking for fun and practical ways to save money in your everyday life, you need to check out the Rachel crew, show a podcast from money expert, my daughter, Rachel crews, guises rates and create so exciting. To tell you about. My party has a lot of you filing paintings paycheck their aims, as you don't even know where it began that they have this need this money to give any control them and his match you, you have come to the right starts. So each emphasising at a time of inspiration and practical advice, not subscribe to the rates of crucial podcast makes rejected. I hear more from the Ramsay network, including the Rachel crucial. Wherever you listened upon, guess: hey! It's just
producer of the Dave Ramsay show this
Transcript generated on 2020-12-21.