« The Dave Ramsey Show

My In-Laws Are Pressuring Us To Share an Inheritance (Hour 3)

2022-06-16 | 🔗

Dave Ramsey & George Kamel discuss:

  • Waiting on the government to forgive your student loans,
  • Investing in a TSP,
  • The value of a dollar with Former Ambassador Nikki Haley,
  • Should an inheritance be split fairly among siblings.

Want a plan for your money? Find out where to start: https://bit.ly/3nInETX

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I. I am sure lucian since the rams that is down just paid of mortgage, has taken the place of the Bmw status. We all people build wealth, do work that they love and create relationships. Thank you for joining us america. George camel ramsay personality is Michael ossed, open phones,
aaa eight to five five two to five will isn't tell tallahassee see high. Will. How are you today, I'm doing fine about self better than deserves our what's up in your world me and my wife are wanted to buy a house we'd be out about thirty thousand dollars and debt right now or eighteen thousand isn't stated, owns one twelve thousand. They do cards, eruption, interest all and I would add to our dear but mark, question is what the government talking about. Maybe some stood at all forgiveness, even though would we be better off saving money; instead, paying on the stupid ones. Right now, or should we go ahead and start paying on the assaults yeah I'm going to go ahead and start paying, and not because I agree or disagree, because I want to control your life and have agency over at which you have, and you know that
Your car loan, which you mentioned my math or stewed loans or at any moment, keep the carlo around. Do you. No, I don't own either one while there we go. You answered your own question, so I'm gonna attack this using the debt snowball method so list all your debts, smallest to largest. If the loans split out just list them all, out there and attack the smallest one. First make minimum payments on the rest, and that's going to be your ass. This way to see I agree on this debt and get to that house eventually. So well, here's the thing that if you just all politics aside, let's look at the actual facts of what has gone down and it helps you I shook the government talking about for giving a student loans as a vague general statement is not the way you should view this. Would you watch as the ocean. So this is fairly easy to predict. Here's what's happening when
Joe Biden, was running for president one of the things you talked about the whole time was when he got to office to forgive student lunch. You remember that, yes, sir he's been in office two years, have they done anything towards give forgiving student lunch actually done norman talk, I'm talking about actually our there. There have been any legislation introduced any executive orders. Has he done any thing. Answer no magic. Ok, now he's in trouble. Politically, now because the economy is going down the economy or get you down out of office fast or anything else, and all those people with the same letter after their name, azure, show any bodies, the d right now isn't trouble when it comes to the fall. Ok, the suggest fax is not. Political analysis is just common sense.
One hundred percent chance that he's start talking very loudly about giving a about forgiving student loans between now and october. One hundred shit chance he's gonna announced something that sound good, but when you read details is gonna, be nothing. It's gonna, be complete political fluff, and it'll be somewhere in the month of september, because he It is something to try to prop up the date Democrats as go into the fall elect because I don't get slaughtered based on this economy. Right guy. in other words its all be ass, its political bs? and I'm I'm old, ok, one hundred percent The good things that have happened to me, none of them came washington d c. Tire life
if you're waiting to have a good life on something that comes from the white house, you're gonna have a life that sucks. So you should just go ahead and fix your own life. George said observant way said: take agency for your own life, you take control plus. As you said, three of us or saying, Well, you may and george you shot are you all the money? You pay the bill? Theirs. Or component to those two ok, and so roll up? Your sleeves young man, get your car paid off, get your student loan paid off and go get you some money by housing. Prosper. We want you to do that. I want you to go. financial patient university. We're not teach you how to handle money and I'm going to pay for it give it to you for free hold on. I, like you often pick up and We're gonna help you do all of this good stuff speak have asked and there's another one on the phone fredericksburg virginia austin is calling. I asked him: how are you launch on aid on the serenity better than I deserve. What's up,
Joanna question mom, absolutely nearly one, to you right now and a lot of people seem to think that they should get out of here. I find them don t find too. I guess you killer gains a lotta pronouncing on that. That's. Why They edna herds. Worst financial planning firm out there exactly I had one lady told me that I haven't been doing it as long as her, so I dunno what I'm talking about. So I can pay one day older two days, dumber wow, that's a good one! I like that. That's one way to get slammed yeah yeah. You need to be in there and thank you for your service. Yes, absolutely so you know what model, and what are you going to do? What are you gonna put it in austin, say against her will What are you which plans? Are you gonna put it and you know what to do right? Yes, what is it She s, I exactly. Eighty two and eighty tend in eighty percent lieutenant turned and s internally and yourself.
well you're sweet, wait, lady and drive on pastor she's driving Eddie you'll be driven a hundred exactly demand and put it in the roth version, too. You got roth available to you now absolutely at length where I stand, I'm going yeah. If you just do that and you feel that up and you serve twenty years may get military retirement and you have, records a million dollars in your sleep plan you. Be millionaire man, you can be in great shape. Absolutely Others realistic restricts year. So, while working on goma sauce again thank for your service. Now, there's a a few funds in here he's mentioned c s. I g everyone might be gone. What the heck is this, so the g Is the government securities investment fund, which we don't recommend translation, no rate of return, horrible rhetoric, And then there is the fixed income index, investment, which is the f fund. Next, worse, were also sucks and the rest or the sea s eye common stock index as the sea, and that one is tied to the book
of the esa p five hundred, which is why we say, put the majority of your money into that its perform the best of all the options over the years. and then the asses gonna be yours, stocks from small, timid size companies and I'm gonna, be your international so low. their diversified, new portfolio just like we talk about. Was your mutual funds from georgia. growth growth in income, aggressive growth in international- and this is a pretty I wish the rat relating to regional, follow heavier in the sea on this is out of We think it's outperformed all the funds substantially inside the taxpayer and so substantial. But again it's gonna model about after the essen be five hundred which is going to put europe I went twelve percent average rate of return and arm over time. I mean right now. It's down its own soil, just like the rest of stock market, so you are accurate arm about why I think I hear I'm good by shutting lurch on sale. Are they going to really goes up boy? Don't do that
the market, then said no one ever about shoes. You know What are we going to miss the sale intentionally and wait till I go up? I got there your crews, method of its arms sale or by an hour ago
yup, no one, no trump! No! This is the ramsay chef. The george campbell ramsey personality is my co host today in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage, brent and chelsea are weathers. Hey guys. How are you hi good? Thank you. How are you better than I deserve? Are you guys from we're from
casper indiana, ah good, to have you how much debt of you paid off. So we have paid off a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars very good. How long did it take took us about eight years and your range of encumber letter. So when we started it was basically right. When are we were getting married and both of us bring in an hundred ten thousand together? Ok, and now nowadays were eighty three thousand five hundred very good. We all do for a living I am a group leader for a local manufacturer and jasper, jasper engines and transmissions, of course, world famous, yes and I'm a stay at home, mother, ah, okay, very good, very good. So Hundred and twenty five thousand over eight years is at your house, house in a van and yeah no house payment. Yes, it's been great, oh, what is this house worth so that I
as far as when we purchase it. What's it worth right now worth right now, probably about one hundred and eighty thousand, I love it and you own it by god. We sure do like it's exciting. Well done so, and then you know before we got married, It was one of those as far as how we got involved with this was our pastor that we were doing marriage counseling classes with he recommended we take a financial peace university. Did you yep? We should have followed his recommendation that gotten the whole thing started. Yes, it was after any adverse, but we stay on track, I played up my student loans and then cash load, the wedding and then finally, we work together. Once we got married to be able to start with our debt free learning of me? How the house down and every now and I'll hash flowed three kids, you'll, see them sooner. The rough we had a rough. We had air conditioning. We had newbie another man everything, open heart surgery, Y yeah
beyond that. It is your right now than very fortunate that we are, So I mean you know that the principles that you teach it really taught us you know early on in our relationship being able to work through some of those struggles that we had gone and go under. marriage here, so yeah yeah, powerful, very powerful way, Go you to you. Why did I beheld? A knot of a payment in the world has been great. You know we we paid off the house at the beginning of march, and timing was good. You know, god is good. He knows when we're supposed to do this stuff, because as soon as we pay that off we started haven't things go broke. Basically, you know we had a few with our van that was a fourteen hundred dollar bill. We had other issues in the house and just seem things were piling on right there and it was so nice on having that mortgage, because we were able to use that money than to go towards that which will help before. How are you two thirty, five, thirty three with it,
at for house I'm seeing a trend here dave. I am these: young people are getting a hold of this stuff gone. We don't have to have a house payment until we retire. That's okay more mortgage does not mean for my whole life, I'm not doing yes. Surely you guys? credible. So over an eight year journey, you had a lot of stuff go on again. What kept you going that long? I have to there are three people in my life is: where appearance definitely both sides by one into particulars named stacy. She always it's a marathon, it's not aspirin, keep going. Don't you can't it off tomorrow will just be patient last eight months was a really close friend of mine amanda. She just paid her house off the end all last year, so she does me, go in and said, don't give up near the right kind of people around dries an appliance technician. I know he was a day is a dave ramsay began to, he really pushed and coached me and stuff too, so it was just people were
come in just helping us the friends of the family, and then you know just some that just so happen to come into our alive. You know an appliance repair guy, just coming into the house, and this conversation takes off. You know yeah, so so really neat yeah. We have it the fourth one coming out in style, baby. Yes, exactly are we yeah yeah, yeah, very, very cool, very cool? What I see you have to somebody who just getting started. Don't give up? it'll keep on pushing through and and that's coming from, the free spirit of the relationship. Here you know, chelsea, I tell everybody we wouldn't be where we were. If it wasn't for chelsea know she was the nerd she's, the she she loves dave. You know following what he teaches listen in the podcast. She tells me, we call in the house, was in their pockets and is breaking down crying because of the debt free scream story, she's, hearing you know so just keep on pushing because it so worth it at the end being ever have that that relief of no
You don't have to pay those monthly payments really any longer to the fore alone that you have. You guys have completely changed. Your family tree shuttled india get that. you don't look so stinkin rich, it's fun it then that's one reason why I wanted to send you a wind, a bigger family. We wanted a beggar family and just That was just nice in its peace. For me doubly saying at home. I can have a bit more comfort with them. Only one income you two are heroes, I'm so proud of you. Thank you very much very very why don t we gotta copy a baby steps millionaires for you. That's the next chapter in your story and for sure you're gonna be one of those copy total money make over for you too, and actual peace university. Should you ve been through that maybe and give it away and we'll get one year one your subscription to that
It will get that hug activated for you and you can either give it away or you can do it. Let's get the kiddos in the shot, the three that are the three that are here. We got one on the way and what are their names and ages. So we have got after over here she is fine. If we've got millie right here, she is three and then we have Ruby. She is one. Ah beautiful number four is due September first year of all, do I know what it is? No, we don't find out that we're on we're weird. We don't got one daughter that does that, and I got the other one that won't tell you the name. We always have some kind of a surprise. Everytime. I go on the way to go. You guys, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful children are at brent and chelsea harper millie and ruby jasper, indiana, one hundred and twenty five thousand paid off in eight years. Megan. tend to eighty three was she's home. What the baby's ghana downloads are a bet bridge green three too.
One week ago, you as well ago. Love I needed some good news that idea of african all those headline. So this is a good news I needed yeah. Just in case you think the world's falling apart balin about much about six or eight dead, free screams and a europe be crying, and you know hope you can still when even in today's gone you'll learn you can always wanting women car, because it's not up to them whether you want it's up to you, whether you weren't you make the decision if I can all the guy mirror. He can be skinny and rich, but he's got issues like doughnuts. I mean you just gotta. It's a problem the problem. We are in control of more of our life than anyone else's the hour. at variables. Do not have as much control over you as you're panic, written
adrenalin fed brain, watching too much cable news has got u freaked out and you everything's gonna cavan on you, it's not it's, not it has as much power as you give it you are in control? Not hundred percent, but almost, in control you can move? You can work in a different job you're in control you can sell the car you can not by that car Urine control you are in intro you're, not forced. This is a free country. You don't have to choose stupid. You can choose wisdom, it's an option these people like britain. Shall she do it all the time it since wiring and they mentioned you've got to surround yourself with positivity. There were watching debt free screams, they had people who told them they could do it and most of america surrounded by naked headlines, negative people, tweets
If, though, you have, all your friends have ie or as their spirit animal Whence bared it's always gonna be banned. Little man can't read, you need new french go find your taker your friends, your losers, in new french My has smiles my believes you can do it it tells you? You got a shot so much. go for it right that song right there, paint that painting open that small business I'm all guys throw your shoulders back. I'd like you care act like you, ve got some as you do,
this is a ramsey show. The george campbell ramsey personality is my co host today. Well, one of our friends dropped by last time. She was here she was promoting her latest book at the time and has a book coming out later in the fall, but was in town offered to come by and say hello anytime. We get that opportunity, we take it ambassador or governor or just Nicky
highly, is with us. She is famously the first minority female governor in america when she was governor of south carolina, the first female verse, the governor after long and the? U s ambassador to the united nations as well as while the journey- and I love- I haven't seen this margaret thatcher quote in forever and is one of my favorite. If you want, Something said: ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman. I mean right. let up in a very mouth, and that became their title as our new book. If you want something done, I love that erika It's true, I wanted to come on. Nikki, that's a little sexist. It's really! Not it's really not! I look I'm a big fan of women and I know that we tend to be perfectionists. We balance we're good What we do and the truth is you know men are great when they want to do something they jump. They don't think about it, women when they do something they have thought about it. They know exactly what they're doing and how they're going to do it and they get it done, and you know I think
lady thatcher had right? She did the women that enter the spatial public service or politics and successfully are. unusually confident and strong people in general, but women as well marcia blackburn's, a good friend, she's a greater, but lady thatcher, you others, people like that accomplish rash, ass, brilliant and poised, and really just I mean what mama We were with candy and he said I think, are purchased smarter than me. Yeah he's probably right yeah. She she's off the scale, smart, so young. So that gonna be the country the launch, if you want something done, that's the title of a new book coming on it. So what Working on right now, because I know it's not book to her- you must be working on politics. You know we're working on policy and politics. I mean the the politics. Is easy people love to talk about the politics, but the truth is
the policy we need to worry about. I mean, as I go across the country campaigning for other people. It's the issues they care about, and you know more than anybody, what they're talking about is the fact that their wallets are empty and look at the fact that families are now having to spend six thousand dollars more year than they did last and what I can tell you Dave. You do god's work in the way you talk to your audience, but if my call and I had to spend six thousand dollars more year when we were raising our kids. Do you know where we got that from the credit card, I've heard the room and that's what's happening all over american and people are scared and they look at the fact that they ve only got on average twelve thousand and savings there. Dipping into that, you ve got thirty trillion dollars in debt, the average I mean the out of money, each tax your own is two hundred and forty two thousand. If you look at a thirty trillion dollar debt- that's not per household that's per taxpayer eat. Is iran
bonds born unconscionable that were in the situation, but it happened. Republican Van Democrats right? You got a thirty trillion dollar in debt. and when all of this happens the last spending bill they passed. Five thousand earmarked totalling ten billion dollars with a b, republicans and Democrats did that these four things, like twelve million dollars for a baseball field in new york fifteen million dollars to try and get the world cup. New jersey, six and a half million for golf courses in colorado time or families are struggling. Just immoral and that the part we have to wake america up on, which is when you'll families are struggling at the gas station, but have to go to work and at the grocery store and they have to feed their families. We ve got to get bull and office that understands the value of the dollar governor.
and do that? Then you were set However, she south carolina. They can do that state level, maybe because there's Less of a machine, maybe because it is less complexity, but Had to have some inside from having sat in that sea on the desk, and be done, or is it just to go? some changes to gummed up and we just got us in almost all I'm home and start again. Well, I think it's a compliment Let me first of all there be anything gummed up or partisan about balancing the budget. You know I mean sold, to wit, small businesses? Do it you never spend more than you have so government could do the same thing will after all around brought about by the guests and even say does by by a constitution, now and you should and I think, that being an executive, what I focused on What every executive focuses on is it. You can't essentially focused on partisanship. You ve got to lift up every body and in
lift up everybody you just have to do good common and approaches. So we looked at are the people that, on welfare, and we said, Hathaway lift them up, and so what we do, was we want our small businesses and and said well, if you will hear them. This many weeks. We will pay for them and all were asking for you to do- is train them or after that time was up? they would hire those people because they invested the time and they thought they were, they fell in love or him and we put thousands of people from welfare to work. Just by connecting the dots that's it has to be done. That's the role government can do is to put people together so that people are on the government dull. But you know you have to focus on now, part of that is policy. We like to give the government white house a hard time, but what are some practical politics? It policy decisions that congress can make to help these american families who are struggling. Why think they need to balance the budget I need, I think they need this wasteful spending all
the earmarks that they have started. They need to stop. All of that. There is not one american that wants them to be doing that right now they ve gotta stop and I think they ve got a roll back. These regulations that they're putting on businesses. You know what I have always said, as if you can give a personal job, you take care of a family small businesses try and take care of a lot of families best thing government can do with get out of their way when, businesses have cash flow. They don't run out, vacation they hire people and we ve got make sure that they can take care of their people. We ve gotta, make sure we get through this economy and you do that by taking carrier small businesses, you do that by getting government out of the way, and you do that by lifting people up, and we have an fortunately to get through this nightmare. but we gotta be smart about. It growing more money at it is not the answer. That's for sure are you gonna run for president, I have to make a decision. Until january I mean I have said. I
have never lost array, some not gonna start now. If there is a place for me I'll put a thousand percent into it, now finish it if there is not a place for me. I love this country and all fight for her. Until my last breath walden but you announce it here, but not just that would have been awesome, though you know I'm such a fan of yours. That would be kind of fun, though that would probably not be your wisest political move, but yeah that's fun. While we appreciate that very very much, thank you so much for coming by if you want something done, is the new book coming out in the fall? So, what's in the book Oh, you can pray it today. I'm gonna Nicky hughley dot com, but basically the book is the publisher. Asked. I would write this because there were books about many. leaders, but there wasn't a book about female leaders. And so what we focused on his female leaders from all walks of life. All
second international and it talks about their struggle, their story and their courage and I go, and I also with every profile I talk about, story of mine that relates to the and I think what I tried people, men and women, as we all have war stories, and why, we're stories are those times where you were most uncomfortable, those times it pushed too in a way that you didn't. you'd, make it and those times at you overcame an happens. Is you learn and amazing lesson? When you do that and so I always tell people pushed through the fear. Get those wars is because when you have war stories, when you're living life, if you dont have war stories, you never know what could have been these women Profiled in this book, all had amazing war stories. They were normal people that became extraordinary familiar bathrooms. Ruler, she is absolutely in their prominent michael regulated from the modem he's up. He says that is
that ronald Reagan would not have been what the ronald reagan that we know if maggie hadn't been across the pond at the same time, and I don't know that she would have been the leader she was, it was yeah that was amazing. Bridal show some very interesting team work and friendship episode, Nikki haley, thank you for stopping by. We want to hear from you. We want to know what your plans are always fun to be here. Thank you, love it. This is. The ramsey show the the the
our scripture of the day proverbs twenty six twenty without wood fire goes out and without gossip, a quarrel dies down who knew, arabs got there. First, that they knew about gossip, the norman Vincent Peale said nothing is more confusing than people who give good advice, but set a bad example. Whew hypocrisy, ooh, there's that that'll get you stuff, so on Kelly. the break. She said what, if what, if I am Nicky hayley had announced her presidential race on the rams show we would evolve I style the table had absolutely no illusions that was going to happen The only way I can make a better of dave announce he was running as vp thou allow she would have had been my vp george, ok I believe that
we were targeted in the brain? Have you ever known me to have a boss? That's true! That's why Dave will not be part of the government anytime soon for that's exactly right. I guarantee you. I don't need to pay good she's, so poised it's awesome just mean we were talking about it. She just there's a different thing happening with people like of congolese arise, we're talking about her. Just a level of intellect is incredible. yeah, I don't, people that play on the national political stage at out at a big louvois warming. They have a charisma and in some I've never met president bill Clinton, but every one that I know that has ever met him says, the most endearing in person that is just the everybody auction even his enemies. I mean people up completely disagree with and politically or morally or whatever hang out with a guy, just like that, and I've have heard that from lots and lots of billina Again, I've never met him, but I've heard that and I've heard
what about others? But may I die there's some about those folks. It's a different, this a different thing. So there we poke fun at him all the time and politicians in the the president's and all those kinds of things, but they are some good apples out there too, or something there's some good ones in the bunch open the triple eight eight to five five, two to five, you jump and we'll talk about your life and your money. George camel remedy personality is my coat. Daniel is weathers. Daniel, isn't san Antonio texas, How are you doing this but so better than I deserve? How can I help? You my wife rear facing tunnel the dilemma, china, so her father. That's the way. At the beginning of the year heart attack, jack, she's, really She's receiver settlement and we just trouble, trying to figure out how to deal with it. I'm I think, from her sister
he she's entitled to it, he had several life insurances. So each other children got one. and she just so happens to be the biggest portion and she was the only beneficiaries. So my dad had multiple life insurance policies and he wrote the beneficiary on each one in each kid got different. miles of insurance, but that was all his decision. User and your wife received how much you have five five hundred. and her sister received how much One receive, I believe. A hundred thousand and the other sheep about fifteen thousand, though got fifteen one is pissed. Yes, okay, So why do you think we're her dad did that We thought we were in the military arm for the last couple years of his life
and he traveled everywhere in the world to see us we develop. A great long, distance relationship with him and as far as our personal achievement, we the first and you get a house on our own. Do everything aspires on our own show his ears. Your wife's sister feels like she's, entitled to something that her dad did not want her to have the eager, why does she feel like she's entitled to something her dad didn't want her to have? Because if he'd wanted her to have it, he would have put her name on the policy and I've. I've said that At the same time, I'm not we're not money motivated that doesn't matter this is them it doesn't matter the arrogance of your sister in law is appalling, I mean,
If they all, may I wanted her to have the money he would put her name on the. Thank you, sir. so why does she think she's entitled What did she do less? What does she say just constantly checking up to see that money has been received. No, no! That wasn't one eye ass. I ask why she thinks you're supposed to give her money no pisa, she has said, you owe me this because nothing- she- said you owe me this. let those exact words but much fires, up people get. The money is well spent. billing plans for the money. That's none of our business user. She didn't also more emaciated ass. She ever come out and said she wants it. Ah, yes, sobered,
no plan was just let it amongst three and I was discussed by them, who cried the sisters, other issues, but alice prior and those two. We find enough information to hear multiple life insurance. So he never told them the situation. He never laid out said athos, different policies here so much as in each that's part of it. was a big surprise at the end there is not a funding have always told them. If an annexed, Ok, I want your son. Did your wife and her sister to get together to southern us, but this before it out or every day after I'm so confused, where they would but I didn't know that there was multiple policies and the amounts of that point. What that they were agreeing to split them. My understanding is that it was only an understood, of one life insurance, so they have
to take those data. The probate court split they even me, it's not his mind, doesn't go to probate court life insurance, She'd come straight to you, so unless there are now only unless they beneficiary is in a state which would be the almost thing you could possibly do with a life insurance policy, no notion. Wasn't it was in my life and that it does not go to prevent our interest, goes to your wife determining period I'm not here and any indication that the old man intended for this money to be split no sir. In one of the girls decide to split it, because data That was the only thing that he had left as as money was younger, but if he didn't want them to split it user.
after the realisation that here, multiple life insurance? Is they the fish, the communication about the life, and it became a mystery. My wife, my life, were trying to figure out what to do that. I I'll tell her up to her. Whenever she decided, we hear something: here's the thing you can Give them money if the region, giving them money is because you think that leaves the relationship. because a relationship that is purchased his prostitution, it's not relationship teacher, ok, and so, if you're, if you're thinking of the only way, my sister's over now speak to me again is rash bullet money, whether than she ain't worth having if the only reason she speaks to me as if I give her money, I don't need her.
There is no longer. That's no longer somebody you have to impress if their relationship severed because of this. It's not on your wife yeah. It's not on you guys and you don't do it to save the relationship, and you don't do it, but to prove that you are not money motivated. If you would only way you would split all this up is if you felt like it, was morally the right thing to do when you felt like the old man meant to do that, and he just never got around to doing the paperwork right. You wanted to honour since, and you wanted to honour his wishes, but sounds to me like his wishes have been fair there. All the beneficiaries, life insurance policy. sister in law, can take it up with that in the next life. This is not. But she doesn't need nickleby going after your wife for this work hunt him down and urban over it
yeah no, I wouldn't give her the money. I don't there any region here for you to do that. It has nothing to do with you being greedy because you're, not that's not the point. You people, when you're doing your estate plans, tell all the people what's happening before you die. Don't leave your kids in this situation. They won't be pissed at you. You need to do it while you're alive has some guts that puts us our the ramsey show in the books will be back with you before you know it in the meantime. Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace Christ. Jesus do you love a good dave rant want to see the latest ramsey show videos going viral check out. My favorite moments from the ramsay show on youtube to watch and subscribe to the ramsey show channel and the you enjoy this podcast. You should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network like ramsey, everyday millionaires, ordinary people built extraordinary wealth and you can do an everyday millionaires. You'll learn how millionaires live on less than they make avoid debt, invest and are disciplined and responsible, listen to everyday millions,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-13.