« The Dave Ramsey Show

My Husband Bought a $72K Car We Can’t Afford (Hour 2)


Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss:

  • "My Husband bought a $72k car we can't afford",
  • Negotiating medical bills in collections,
  • "Should we pay our student loans?"
  • Getting a construction loan.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I on the headquarters of ramsay solution broadcasting from the pods moving in georgia studios. That's the ramsay. Shall we not build wealth, do work that they love you create. Actual amazing were like your camel ramsay personality Michael host today is Michael vote. Today the phone numbers aaa eight to five five, two to five:
Of announced today that george cam allow has his own you tube channel check him out. George camel were the K, george seek K, a m e mail not see, and I invite you to buy an eye. The snark will be delivered the YA. king down of bad financial products and mythology will be delayed. And our georgia's excellent at that and were cited that this is a new offering from the ramsay net. Works thereon youtube georgian. Also the co host of the smart money happy hour, which, with rachel crews, which is why They popular congratulations, George. Thank you big day. It's like we deliver the baby, and here it is anita. You don't want anyone to call your baby ugly. This is true, but they will, they are, it's called youtube comments. We love it. all this out with actually in Jacksonville Florida, I actually. How are you I'm gonna rio better than I deserve. What's up
I wanted to talk through an issue my husband he recently purchase like us, but then about a year he purchased a seventy two thousand dollar car agenda, We are not in a financial place to have been able to afford that car. He is currently be only one working and that as of now, I believe we spell fix these two thousand, on the car and obviously that's not including enters, though our finances kind of look at the moment, hang twelve hundred dollars a month for the heart Including insurance by now, a man by man, we pay about fifteen hundred, though there and like a very big trouble, obviously between trying to keep What's that a man they bang and trying to just kind of invest in our future, though, obviously a horrible
I, this bizarre by I'm hoping there is the way that we can come and get back from us, did he do this without telling you and we we actually just got married last year and I believe it is kind of a terrible story. I might even say it's the funniest story. If not, he had a car that he just completely paid off, so he car, perfectly good condition a man he decided he wanted to get an suv which he purchased for about thirty, two thousand, Are they being a man? The bureau sharp emails, I'm staying here we have a great deal, here you can bring that new car and traded anne and upgrade to the electric car that he's been wanting so he did not. He briefly mention that financing When he told me it sounded like it was kinda going to be an equal trade, maybe he'd be paying a little bit more and that's what it sounded like to me. So he went that that took care of it, and then it wasn't A few months ago I fully and
ban that, like the gravity of what had actually happened at all about occurred before you, your mood Employed during during the time like this You do not do this while you're at the altar, so there is no during yeah for her, you were merry were legally married and then he did and then of course, my question about like why was possibly going his mind, he we didn't really have an explanation under threat of an extremely stupid decision that he'd have cut out on that. Take and now we found something. We agree on: ok yeah, Why can't you just go, sell this car today? What I mean you can't take it back the reason why he is not able to spell it is because the highest amount, even getting further car, now carnatic forty thousand dollars, and we saw all like sixty five
are you sure you ve talked a few dealerships about that he's not good at yeah we're talking private party here. Of course, if you go to a dealership or going to a car on them who who made the who's the maker here, it's an electric key, seventy two thousand dollars for a key yeah yeah- I now I know not- he paid seventeen thousand for women this was an april? Twenty twenty two in your yarn me one year and dropped and how Thirty two now draw up a new bonnet he's: ass, the limelight. I'd give it up all our talk. Ok, because others, I think I'm calling bs You gotta watch all the car.
he's trying to make us do a lot worse than this, but let's, let's just pretend it's fifty and not forty, which it could be O'Hare. Alright, we still got a ah a twelve thousand dollar hole right. And what does he make about ninety, ok and of any other dead no major, that's just a couple of smaller on credit cards under under two thousand dollars. Ok, that's you only dat other than your home. You home now whereby looking good ok, so he makes ninety he'll sixty four or the sixty two sixty two on a car. and when less pretend you can sell it for fifty okay and ah is a key up, what one contracts and what? easy fact. Dv said around from as low as forty six, but it quickly goes up fifty plus, so you
definitely sell this thing for fifty plus, so I think your husband called the same dealer that screwed him the first time and asked them what they'd give him for it and they thought oh we're going to get this guy again, third time or in his rooms gale. So forty is a wholesale, so You put the thing on the market under trader, dot com or something like and sold it yourself, ah the market value private sale is closer. It is in the fifties like I suspected. Ok, because that, though as you are, giving us we're just unbelievable- that the car or even a key, would lose much in one hour, just unbelievable, so so he's not good at this, or he doesn't want to sell it one of the two or both so we're going to sell it for fifty and we're going to borrow twelve to cover the difference from your local I or your credit union, and probably need to borrow about europe do you have any money
I'm not much saved up now. It's not much like. four to five thousand dollars: good, ok, our girl, I would borrow ten and by a five thousand dollar car, morrow ten and be ten thousand dollars in debt and will call that dat, stupid tax, yeah which is what I have to pay when I do something stupid guy You guys have a rule from this point forward and your marriage we do not make. Financial decisions without both of us involved and being in agreement. I made that very, very clear. No, you didn't She did this after you were married. I now I made a very eventually from today forward. You are involved with the money in this marriage were a part of no more, I didn't know, and he is too, and he used to both of you of a vote with a view to some, but what I
would do is, I would borrow ten thousand dollars. I would buy a five thousand dollar car for cash and I would sell this car and then I would pay off the ten thousand dollars with your ninety income and no payments to have no pay, but the ten thousand dollars and a couple of credit cards that you need to cut up the back and we're gonna help you because you gotta get started our referred rough foot here. Or foot from kicking each other and we're gonna put gender financial peace university, I'll pay for it. If you were both promised to go when you talked to often you're on hold with him right now life insurance as one job too place your income for your dependence. If you die, that's it so If someone tries to sell you high cost life insurance that doubles as savings or an investment strategy scams whole life value variable life than run terms.
from Zander. Insurance is a much smarter way to protect your family future zander shops, all the top companies to find you're the most affordable term life rates. Then you can go build wealth with what you save not by falling for those crap paul he's, go: zander, dot, com to learn, more, that's zander, dot, com or hundred three five, six, forty to eighty two, listen up. Every body are smart conference. We get his ear in village happening this weekend, tickets have been going asked- and there are just a couple like fifteen or twenty laughed, and you get yours today join me in all the ramsay personalities, rachel crews, doktor john bologna, king common george camel enjoyed wash our april fourteen and fifteen fraud. and saturday product evening and although Saturday, to help us like ramsay history with his first ever event in the brand new rambling event centre. You're gonna energized, equipped and smarter. In every area
of your life like money, career relationships, mental health, all of that answer, First time in the no event centre, you're gonna get the commemorative badge with your ticket plush orbit. to meet us all therein personalities, and on top of that I fear there might even be some music. This is nashville, after all day, is going to pull the guitar out. Finally, numeric has been waiting up. I'm gonna talk, radio for a reason I play the radio. You've got talented friends, I have lots of talented french and I know my lane. He knows there, you go It started only hundred nineteen dollars. They literally, I think, they're. Seventeen or eighteen tickets left so thanks for coming every body works cited for this also, since it is basically a sell out, I talk about this, this is important. I were gonna. Do a livestream george, a free livestream for those of you that can't be there in person and we're going to be. casting all of the money talks from the morning, including dave ramsay ray, crews, myself you're here, all three of us for free.
It's incredible Saturday morning, the first three talks- the day long you're going miss their friday night event it, but you can organ stream. The morning oh, and were charging a lot. It's me a full two days, we're charging a lot for this labs dream in the morning out completely that one before its gas zeros on the end zero point: zero, zero, zero, zero delirium, lots of zeroes. It's not it's free, loud stream, the first three talks in the morning from smartphone. From the brand new remedy of action, or you can tune in get a feel for everything that is going on and you get hope again will follow, and you don't want to miss the next one that why ripe and but hey sign up for free, because we mention It's free. Georgia's talk rachel start. My talk on this coming saturday morning, live by the comedy: live stream He then went on it's available by the way. Ramsay solutions not come. Slash live
and in china for free for the free. live stream margarets an unfair. I margaret welcome the rams, asia. Thanks for having me, how are you today so. What's up I'm calling, because I am new to health insurance are then new words had been on my own plan. I had to have some unexpected expenses come up in the past few months than in october. Have peace can and then, in december, ended up having to have a surgery to remove what they found from that peace. Can in my question to you today is there I am a hundred percent healthy. Now very black importunate. My question for you is inside. I just got off the phone with my health care provider. There was finding out that I owe about
we five hundred dollars from the sea t scare in the surgery combined and that after eighty twenty boy- and I thought baby transport would be applied afterwards, because with my surgery I hit the deductible for the year on the market. Do you guys? How do you recommend I find a way to pay for their fight by negotiating, maybe you know I will write, I believe I've heard of. Or maybe you can offer to pay, car should negotiate. But I just didn't know what to do. what I will call you guys. So this was a fifty thousand dollars surgery. Your fire was fifty one thousand dollars. Well, I'm glad you're, ok That's scary thing to go through an sounds like you, ve got reasonably good insurance in place. Were they deductible plush An eighty twenty show, the forty
you'd already met the deductible before this happens with other things. Now, sir, my plan starts on October furs, All this stuff started happening so bad somewhat. stand by the time the plan was contracted, it was different six thousand dollars, and then they had to apply the thirty eight hundred dollar deductible that I had not met yet illuminates attracted the sick, then, from the thirty eight hundred they got with plan paid. then they that twenty percent of that in added see that adaptable. I had not hate yet How I got to forty three hundred dollars in the matter: it's enough money to get to the forty five of the cost of the c t scan that I had before. So your total bills. Right now that you have to pay, is forty five hundred dollars. yes and then already happened this year and it was-
hundred honoured adaptable, could be secondary, though in total from the past few months I found he suddenly bar dollars and that these are already paid that are you still have five thousand outstanding, a two hundred other earlier today were gets right under the five thousand dollar mark or What am five hundred for the forty three hundred three hundred, what it more concerned about? I'm sorry on you can't what do you MIKE? make a little over sixty I wonder how much money and our emergency fine how much? one thousand dollar emergency find her and I am I follow you logically you'd have to buy, can so I'm very blessed. I have enough cash to be able to pay this in full, but I just wanted to find a way. Maybe I could She owed it a little bit. Learn. I just really don't know how I just call them and say
how old are you I'm lucky? Twenty eight or your single? I'm married okay. Twenty eight year old, newlywed I've never been in this situation. Before does you calling and talking to them and This is all really scary for me. If I pay, you can how much of a discount can you give me if I pay it right now,. Whatever they say whenever they say, asked them to send an email verifying that amount and then some of the money that day. And put it behind it. Haven't you ever try bridle wire transfer its that's? Why doesn't it if you have a united checking counts, not ever sharing a check to the billing department when everyone in whatever you need to do and then the other thing was someone told me to make sure Didn't mess up the credit bureau they want is not a thing.
Not if they not if they decide to accept left cause, they haven't turned it over to your trip to a collection. Yet, if you let s call em up and say I owe you. You know a particular vendor. Ok, let's say your two thousand on how you two thousand dollars. What will you accept and they say fifteen hundred you say: ok, thank you! So much I'll send it to you today but I mean an email verifying that, but that is paid in full in an option to you today and then they can. the billing that right out to you and then you can pay. It read them and there will be no collections- are be no, no, not know things the credit has no reason for them to render credit. They just negotiated the bill. Shape prizes like, if you go into the dress, store and addresses on sale for tuna and you say, would you take less and they say yes, a hundred and fifty they don't turn that on your credit is sustainable. have you asked for an item bill? Yes, I have ok, my master, whose behalf
but I want you to verify. It is sometimes I'll throw things in their own. You asked for an itemised bill. They go out there. We should took off of that anville we charge seventy five dollars for and so You can get a discount that way just by getting them to own up and Let's actually shown what we charged, but if these you got the item on its forty five hundred? I think the cat offers a way to go in, and I'm not expecting discount by the way the situation. What would you think It could be. I have no idea, but I would say if they knock off ten or twenty percent. I think you had a good day. Sarah would agree any either I just just marsden sure, yes I'll pay so much husbands, insurance which, to figure out, if we stay separate or go with a heavy actually on his way, why on earth is bad spouse then ensure pete coercion from their work. They had two hundred dollars a month.
if you're gettin yours for free, no a wooden unless, as far for superior coverage. I'd have to look at the coverage, but I doubt it if they're similar coverages, I wouldn't- I wouldn't pay Leon his plan when you got yourself no benefit there the george camel ramsay personality. Is my co host today open a shower triple eight eight to five five, two to five in a They have ramsay solutions on the dead free stage. Jason jody or weathers hi, guys. How aria good you d better than way deserve. What are you guys live? Jacksonville Florida? welcome to nashville good to have. You are and how much debt of hospital total of three hundred sixty five thousand wow. How long did it take
about seven years in ten months right and your range of income encumber another seven years and a month, so we started out at about eighty little under eighty and where about a hundred. Seventy five actual you guys, do for a living. So I am a wireless communications engineer and I do adoptions from foster care, excellent, well, very cool, ok, three or sixty five thousand was were canada so eighties. Six thousand was consumer and the rest of it was actually the house you paid on your own, looking at where people, why ago, you guys what's this mouse worth right now it's closed about four hundred. Why go very go and how much you guys have in your retirement accounts. How about a hundred and sixty between the two other. Why it ago, you're heading towards millionaire halfway there ago. Congratulations, how do you feel it your house paid off wonderful, it's amazing. It's just
there's so much you can do now. We can do now without a payment moon so what started you on this journey seven years in ten months ago, and actually started earlier than that. My sister she seven years older than me, and I I just graduated college and was unemployed looking for a job and I was baby sitting her twin dwindle. He's my nephews and she had your book on honour coffee table wasn't using it arms. I read it and I thought well I mean I don't have any money coming in, so I course made over excuse and put it back down. And then we had our first sign and both ass, we're gonna like we need to do something, to change this, and a couple of my friends at work were also doing or reduce financial peace university at their church, and so that's how I can and so he went have financial peace. We didn't actually goes through. I just listen near pike, ass, all the way through
I still listen to it. When we are in here it was the baker street was playing, and my son is that why we're here wow? This is why we listen to this everyday he's been hearing that since before he was born, I like it very cool alright jason. How should get you fired up about it? You know, just followed along, and I saw things snowballing, and this is really work, and I think upon on her. Do yeah engineer mindset you're like art this a process it works on board. Yes, I have to have to see facts now. I don't blame you me too. Well, dont! You guys well done! that's a long slog, but you got the house in everything done seven years about the average people panels. Ocean, but seven years, you pre decide: you're gonna path, the house at the end of the consumer, that what made you just keep going we did I mean it was we just didn't like being in debt, and once you saw those numbers go down, it's like we can do the rest of it. No problem
we're not get out on the shore, not only are normal anymore. I love it when someone says how'd you get out of how'd, you pay off your house at this young age. What are you tell him? Well, you tell em what everybody says that you know you have to be on the same page. You have to support everybody, but what really set a dumb, really gotta go When for us was that when I got that new job weak tend to live off of the regional salaries it we're making, but that extra money all went to death and I tell you- I really got that snowball go and really authoress. There have almost any make avoid lifestyle creep, as you like If you get a raise and just spend it, you don't know where it went, but you guys went now we're going to keep living on less. So we have more margin to pay off this debt. That's it We also I had on grim parents lived in central florida for sixty years in the same house without any central air conditioning, woe and
I always remind, and myself and jason, when we were going through things and we're trying to figure out if we should by this or not, it was always, in deciphering want verses, need enzo, If my grandparents, at eighty years old, can stay in a house with no central here and eating in florence, In florida, though we can, we can without air conditioning in her car right now, and then get there now you can do anything you want to do so. What your bert, Big thing to do now, if you don't think domino world, any body while we did disney trip with one of our close friends and her girls on and die was exciting developments of scenarios, business out of there certainly sickness and it being here. We took our plight first, firstly, as a family, a five which was a big Well yeah it is yeah. So probably go or south west jump from my jacksonville, the national again it done.
I myself a time or two excellence. They went from disneyland to ramsey solutions which one's better and your cancer treatments canvas yeah this one's free and we're not going to charge you for the ride, I'm just saying cookies are for asia, quite the opposite and disney inverse relation. Oh my gosh away to call you guys so proud of your congratulations. Who was cheer and you on from the outside, so we had ins and my mom, his parents, my sister and my really good friend, robin staley and her late husband tim were big fans on and went through this journey with us. You know where to go very cool you guys can grow regulations very cool. We ve got a copy of the baby steps millionaires, but for you, the total money, make overbook and financial peace membership. for you to either go through it now or give it to somebody now that you're here baby steps millionaires. Definitely your next step in your situation, you're on your way, that's called the live and give bundle, live and give box, and so
give it to you at the brake here unless the guy's up and introduce some hot, what their names and ages. So we get VIT ever get Vincent. We get victor. And we got henry three alma Six and nine awry ready to go right Go. Oh look at those good gas, lounging blue polos. I didn't have anything to do with that by the way. How well the family tree has been changed, their lives have been changed and they don't even completely understand what you have done for them. you're in really really good shape? Congratulations well done jake Jody henry victor and vincent Jacksonville Florida, three hundred and sixty five. How should everything paid off seven years and ten months make an eighty to one. Seventy five counter down. Let's hear a debt screw. Motor goes three two one.
Well well down you guys. That's what it's about the steadily ploughing through right there. Now a whole other life, completely change. So george, means that we have now done fifty three debt free screams this year, I'll just the beginning of the year, two thousand of just under ten million dollars in debt paid off total. That's pretty incredible so are all kinds of background is all kinds of incomes. How cancer We should choose patients every what he's doing it and you ve done for thirty years now, and Best part is that's encouraging to me. Is that anyone any point can just decide I'm asterism as a magic trick. The unity up and go. I don't want to with three hundred sixty thousand dollars worth the debt more things to be different, and then you just slowly but surely,
We follow proven process and pay it off. We get After it has no mandate, I want you to know, I didn't realize you gotta get after you, gotta push it through. You can do this, What we know is that we are positive, but We personally witnessed people from every background: every income, Every situation every ray creed and color been able to do this stuff and were willing to help all of you, we want to help all of it. Because it's why we're here it is so fun to sit here, and here stories of winning with hope. look on mental health, a hollow look on your career, homer, look on your money, man to completely different situation, then, People live This is fun stuff called the rams LISA
don't care. More ramsay personality is Michael hope today, announcing today that ramsay networks has launched a brand new youtube show on the george camel, with a k, george camel youtube channel you're willing to check it out, it's pretty incredible, exposing the! some that's designed to keep you broke, you're, gonna, get and all over our to george everything You can imagine all the traps all of the trends within a break the complex down and a simple make the boring, stuff fun Please give you guess some hope and tell you the truth about money and help you in good stock check it out. George camel on you to brand new show drop today. The co host on the ever popular smart money happy hour with rachel crews as well. I folks, if your life what's your hearing here, we appreciate you. We do now have a three hundred million dollar marketing budget or any football stadiums named after us. Like a
the show not know by- and we actually help people as opposed to have acted. This guy's clara childish. Honestly, the shore the ah yeah. We actually just tell me oh and, if you want to help us since you just can't chairman in here for free, tell people about this Don't worry, your listen tom sent a share of the youtube or share off your pod. Gaster just tell me We do not have such talk, radio station or watch on tv and whatever it is you're doing tat. people know that were here share it not number number two. They should leave a five star review. The others aren't helpful, now and I don't understand why you would even take the time to go to a podcast review. Just two I didn't like just move on with your life? If you paid for it was a bad deal on my that's one thing, but I mean just move on mama, set of doing anything, nice satan sailing at all, so five stars we also share it would be.
Some subscribe to follow button at the subscribe button. All three of those things advance us forward in the algorithms, that these different platforms use and cause be well, who don't know the show exist to know it exists, so you're, very for when you do all three of those. Thank you very, very much. Anna isn't chicago hyaena. Welcome to the ramsay show you thank you so much taking my call sure. What's up so I have to hire kind of in a unique position. for a few years, and the only doubt we had was student loans, which we will can really hard towards paying off and then an with kobe day and that getting deferred, but we saw those same on money you just put in the savings in we won't you home off.
Well, I I know that's kind of a touchy topic with you. My our mentality is he's been watching everything of the government and you know he's waiting to see if the ten grants forgiving and how much do you owe our kids, Around eighty k and mine order, the hilton grown got to do with you. The grand, could be ten grand life that we give to them. So pay em off our How much have you got in the bank What we did have about ninety carry an though I'm gonna be you and he had we the amount that he had to end? He took him So here's the thing anna it if you owe Eighty thousand dollars that you signed up for an you. Have ninety thousand dollars to pay it? You should pay, You have the money I don't wanna have
pay it for you. I'm a taxpayer then has to pay this. because you're trying to play some freakin game with a government. You should just pay your bail, that's what you should do. Stephen, is whether stephen is in washington DC stephen. How are you. it is a good her you better I deserve. What's up. So what'd you employed on a decision that my if we are trying to make right now looking to decide between whether or not we should pay cash. To build a small mother and her sweet Take out a construction loan to build primary residence, I'm on a five acre girl reaches purchased confused where's. The mother in law, sweet. on how should learn leones weed we're currently renting right now,.
if you're, looking what color would you add the mother in law suite? Where would you add the mother in law suite to rental The mother in law sweet first build the main house condition down the road. more money saved up. Oh sorry, before the mother in law? really, for you sure, basely building, a tiny house for now until you can afford the primary. Yes, how much money after we're looking will have two hundred dollars saved up in indeed of the year, which has been working to start construction deed. other amendments we were thinking about. We can build within that budget and pay cash for primary health would be option b. It couldn't be around seven hundred thousand dollars to build or do we do it
charge alone to fund What are you gonna make a year, what your household income. we're around two fifteen year. While there's two answers to the equation are to answer to the question and around here we don't yell at people for taking out a mortgage. That is more than a fourth of your take as long as the payments, no more than a fourth of your take home pay on a fifteen year fixed rate, this construction alone. Converted to a permanent mortgage after completion of construction would not violate that you'd, be within the things that we should just here. Ok, the second. However, the question is how to borrow money. I pay cash for things or I don't do them period. And so that's always an option as well, which is the same, Jesus I show either way you go, you would be within the guidelines. of what we should gesture
you're gonna be easily within those guidelines. How long have you been saving money? about five or six years. Not been making this car my that long them now You been making two hundred and fifty. And combined? We recently got married so within the past, six no two senate. Now we have been steadily increasing. What I would do is I would lay out the game plan that says: if I build the whole house, how fast can I pay it off? Okay? So let's and that you put to our thousand down and you got to aid for lot already right, yes and you're making fifty and you borrow seven fifty and we put, We agree, we're gonna, put a hundred
fifty a year on it and so were made on unlike five years or something like that, if you said that to each other, and you wanted to go ahead and build the house. They were gonna pay off the whole thing in five years, never paid for ousted by then I'll, probably worth a million dollars. What, with now, it would be for sure, with have acres, probably worth that from day. One. The year, nor close anyway. Of that makes sense, but That's the way you can look at it. This say, then, what were arguing about is not really whether we take out construction loan and a permanent mortgage. What really argue about his five years We wait to be dead. Ok we're talking about. Do we have the house for the five years and paid offer aggressively order. We say: very aggressively the house a little bit at a time with the mother in law, sweet strategy there on your back, they pre deciding before you ever jump into this purchase? What's gonna happen, instead of hoping that you can make the numbers work. That's always a bad plan, so few
walk into this with patients and you realize I don't need the mother in law suite. Let's just do the primary residence, but we wait a year that might be the other option. Yup. The show you're, all of these, in other words, fall within the smart column, None of these are in the dumb column, none of these are your being ridiculous or anything like the idea is to keep on living like you are making the money or make him before you gotta, be pretty cool down. There's just gonna. Keep your style down, and you can this thing away: real fast, which set you up to be sitting in a million dollar property with me, another network at a very young age, making too one thousand hours a year, you're going to be so wealthy it'll be unbelievable, with no house payment that is going to be a pirate. cool place to be so, regardless of which way you get. There
be where you are within five years or so really cool well done very well done stephen. This is the ramsey show the dave here. You can find all of our shows with the ramsay network, app on your smartphone. It's the only place to listen to the entire back catalog of episodes download the ramsay network app in your favorite app store today, the hey, it's james producer of the ramsey show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode, thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2023-04-13.