« The Dave Ramsey Show

My Cousin Borrowed $5000 and Won't Pay It Back (Hour 1)

2021-03-02 | 🔗

Debt, Relationships, Insurance 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The headquarters of Ramsay Solutions broadcasting from a job car rental studio. This is their Ramsay Show where America conversation about your life. Your morning, John Bologna joined here, my good friend. Do you know what he's better look at that meeting. Mr Chris hold you we're gonna talk about your money, your life, your relationships. Scorn on your heart in your mind, give us a call AAA ache to five five, two to five: that's triplet, eight to five five, two to five
Chris how renewal man I'm good buddy. I am ready to take the calls. I don't don't try to better me up John, because you and I will fight on here. We will disagree, but you know what that's part of being real. We don't disagree. We do actually tangle up little bit because I'm good one in your bid, your bit rowdy like data in facts in common sense. You don't know that you're strong, sweetness! Ok, I love the people. We got a place for everybody and UK people to number, but they can also find this one social media, Ramsay, show you can find him at John Bologna. You can find me address organ three. Sixty the bottom line is we're here for you now the the show works. Is you pick up the phone and call Tell us your issue, you tell us a stop. That's going on in the relationship. If your battling, depression. Some frustration, irritation or anxiety, Doktor John DOE, he's gonna give you an answer. if you got a muddy question,
call it and we're going to talk about it. I'm gonna walk you through it. Try to give you some guidance, because when you have a game plan John, you can have success I'll give them money. Answer copious right here. I don't know about my mounted, especially listen. We definitely want the opportunity to referee What I mean by this is for you to call in with the situation and you let Jock Doktor John, and I wait give you an answer and that way we can do. a verdict, and then you go back mixed up maybe you're a lawyer and a judge year drawn on why the false competence, when I got you want here, we can do some stuff aren't pick up the phone seriously Tripoli? Eighty five five, two to five again, that's eight, eight to five. Five too. We really would love to be able to talk to you we're going to the phones First and foremost, we got Jesse underlie Jesse. How are you as a goin focused, not finished, but what's on your mind for John and I to talk about with you today, all right all right. So we got a bit of a situation here.
parents level than we thought occasion basically, arms This has been going on probably for the past five years, but arm I am I let my my first cousin and I let him love somebody. I like it's five thousand dollars a while ago and arm. He is still have yet to pay me back and he told me originally that like no, he just leave it for a jobs. Delight in I was like ok. No on its family, like outlined in the body at an intuitive. Then give me the money and my guess that job thought through and I've been asked. You and especially, like you know the right after I've him all the time they kind of almost calling him I, like you, know where the money where the muddy. What's it never, and I will I just said likely like her. You know, I know a lot is going on, but I lines you that money and like, if you can, please pay back. I was even well. Did you like a payment plan? Things like that right, like you,
a little bit, so I think that a balance is like around still like three thousand hours, but now there is no relation with him. I don't talk to him whatsoever. I used a really good relations with him. mom. I am his kids every day but now, which is completely completely done enough. and broke in it. Now, I'm just at a point where I really. I don't I should just keep going whither and just keep asking that really didn't she, work. I even asked his mom she Don t- be a pain, one time just don't cannon nowhere to go from here. I so you let him five thousand and he's page you back around two thousand. Yes, now you know he does it he's acting like no, you! Ok! oh yeah, you're a stranger. He actually said that arm in alone, for being childish, not knowing about responsibilities, because you know he does
a lot going on as a family or have you gonna put it on me where, like I'm in the wrong, but like I was willing? to help women to do like a payment. I understand, but I understand, and so I can't wait to hear Doktor Bologna terminal knows, but I'm go ahead, go first year, let him five thousand and he paid back two thousand. Let me do there from Kentucky. So it takes me a minute. You, Three thousand dollar lesson here: barrier, I gotta have three thousand dollar lesson and you know what that's why we talk bout whenever you start to get involved with money and family without some some had understanding use This was alone, he called it alone, but now, like it's not, and I think the best thing for you to do is to let it go and you to be able to move on, because I mean obviously are you working? Do you have a job yeah. I know what you know about the baby steps
I am familiar with them yet monitor and paying off my debt write out broke promptly redress. If I got a nice, would you may familiar with em, look at a dead, you got, I have two stood alone dead? I have seventeen branded student loans ok. I have a car aim, it is also seventeen and how would you make your right now, I'm making forty grandiose, ok, I saw are you I mean it sounds like you, ve gotta got there you're frustrated irritate about it, which have every right to be, but a minute. this is a three thousand dollar less move on with your life and let this be Those learning lessons. Unfortunately, because its worth the relationship? You know that sounds like it to me. It's more of your cousins issue than yours, yelling guess when when you learn money to family, don't don't give it to him that for all of your badgering, you can put price tag on the cost of that relationship and it was two thousand dollars
you beat him up. You got two thousand bucks back. Does he are you gonna get it now no one after his mom to what you gotta. soviet days: what's it worth right? What's it worth? You got a taste of his character got a taste of, or in the end, that may not be a fair statement. You gotta taste of some men. Situations. He found himself in either way. is what it is. I'm with Chris Man, let it ride leaded lasting peace. heart dude. Is it it's? A three thousand are expensive. You gotta two thousand dollar price tag on that friendship. Man don't go after him to stop the US. I really word and at its it's it's hard. Man special, because you know he, I know just to use the language loan alone on the body that has that this has been a cousin called it alone. Right. That's why you paid back some of it and is one of those things where it can change the family dynamic right I'm gonna see both fall here.
I am not even going to say the guy asking for money. Could you I've been in situations myself? Then I could produce for it. garlic and I may ask the question that normally wouldn't ass right in moment. Someone who loves me he's gonna, have to put up that boundary and protect me help me for myself right inside Mamma. I love you too much. I will give you some money or on that I'm meant to say no to you said it the right way. It's one of
where, if you are in a position to do it, give it away and- and in that way you just mentally you don't have any kind of hurdles are issues on the relationship. Every time you see him, it's not that way. Hey brats run colony. I'm can, after I'm, gonna where's my body for having a wonder that through our job we're coming back stateroom. This is the real issue.
Folks, there's a shortage of homes for sale and competition is, at an all time, high call, my friends at Churchill mortgaging get certified and secured. That means you will be under written up front and you're right will be capped, while you shop, if rates drop before you buy, you'll get the lower rate gotTa Churchill, mortgage dot, com or cultural, eight alone, two hundred to apply today. This is a paid advertisement, animal s idea, one five: nine one: animal s: consumer access, dot, org, equalising lender seventeen, forty nine Mallory Lane Sweet one hundred Brentwood Tennessee, three, seven zero to seven Gradual Ramsay show I'm your hosts Chris Oaken enjoining me this hours, job bologna and we are ex to be here. To take your calls, we're ready people, we are probably pinnated wide awake, John Drinks, too,
I drink coffee, but it's ok, dismissive. It is just the difference between the two of us and its. Why listen? We weren't, you recall, listen because John I've got to tell the people the number to call the number call. Probably eight to five five to five, a gibbet eight eight, eight, eighty five back to divine love to hear from you I, ass, this man, but he is doing listen. Grievances are people to re coffee, I'm sitting and drinkers. There are I, if its foreign, John, listen he's the Doktor John Bologna show. Where he's got them so on Monday wins the Friday. You can catch him on Youtube in any place that you listen podcast. You can get real story, talk on relationships. You can get information on mental health challenges. The two that you need to cut through the depression, to get clarity and understand the steps to take. You can do it and you have actually got a quick, readout John his book. It's
old, redefining anxiety and a lot of people in twenty twenty found out Luanda began, gotta tastes of anxiety, you on a level. Probably people don't understand, you know it. We walk your life thinking. We control and some folks say that twenty minus a wheeler Droll nodded. It just reminded us a little control of over anything that we have been very very little. I mean you think about it: change the way we work the pandemic, it changed the way that we interact with family. with each other, each other all church. I mean there was a lot of stuff and I think you know you ve. You ve told me before if left on, checked and not really dug it. it could have lasting rippling of x men. I, my colleague,
You are minimal professionals across the country. You talk about white knock limit, go, there's, there's people that are terrified of the of the downstream ripple affects people, not me the decisions whenever believing a season of this sort of this magnitude of of a mental and psychological and physical challenge right girl, day voices, we don't make decisions when we're stressed man, we're come out of a season of some of the heightened, must tighten stress. Any of us have ever endured by Konrad thousands of people passed away and then we're gonna have really band together over the next couple of years to recognize me, on this thing together I'll be with one another, because one ridiculous vision on top of another on top rather ripples, these communities, man, can be a can make a mess right arm. So we clarity on it and we got to understand it. We gotta get real with ourselves and and get the right plan, and so
no. I've talked about control of uncontrollable and, and that is a factor with your money, but also in life, so give us all we're here to help you control we're here to help you get a clear vision on the next step, the direction you're going and we'd love to talk with you that number again to call as Tripoli. Eighty five five to two I'm going to the line I've got to Alex, is on the line Alex. Oh you are you don't buddy focused, not finished how're you today, I'm doing good, though, are inadequate question employer. I asked just starting a business about a year and a half ago and businesses doing good. good work and industries to monsieur le projecting it. Maybe what we did last year These are well, but I got it. I gotta camel dilemma
all these people to continue hey man, you had me that applies to this treaty. P, Maloney, there's like Murray, everybody, So you get all this money. I know a real referenda gets going, seven thousand dollars. This person is getting toys out now that all the star and I've got to philosophies like I've got no problem finding every single tax deductions to keep the money away from the sea, again, a meal side. It is. Is this a handout because I'm not looking for agenda, a motion to keep the money that I am right, I'm not looking for the government. You give me money that I don't deserve right, and so all these people saw me like well, you know everybody else. Anybody. Yet if you do three yeah and uncertain here thinking what you only have principles when it man
like you, show your true character when matters and is this a hand up, or is this like getting tax money back I know I just never. Let me here Tell me that's what line of work are you in the coming year and plumbing and how many team members do you have to you said business you opened a year and a half ago. Business is not just do as well as doing great. You say, you're about to triple you're you're profits, your it your revenue from from from I have to go. Is that correct? Why ok and business has been good for you, so I want to tell you this. This p p p. on this, and I'm glad you called it alone, because that's exactly what it is. Peoples calling it a grant. People started calling excellency here's the reality. The rule of that money for this loan, which you and I both know, Alex alone- is something you back with this issue.
Used for rent? It could be used for paying your team members. There were specific things could be used for here. issue people are now, following in trying to submit to find out how much This is actually going to be forgiven and then how much they're going to oh. So but I want to tell you this a lot of the people. You're you and that our our hyped up about hey? You got this free money. No, never wanted wouldn't free. I was alone and then mounted People want to a jump through right now. I want to tell you something there. a rude awakening happening, because people are so bidding bees and from what I've heard from at least for my banker, friends on average about food, five percent of them are being declined. Which means people are now going to start to get the payment plan they're gonna need for this money. So if I'm, u Voiding this, like the plague, even And businesses were calling in during the pandemic and talking of
arbitrarily leaped. Advise them do everything, but this like this is not something that is we're going to go away. So if you owe the money you owe it to the government, they'll take as long as they have to come, get it or come out to you. So it's not something out of us and I love his his heart on principle, right some EU funds about an island right. We start looking around in this- is this is not just about people villanous about anything right. I've got this principle that I want to work very hard and if I need help on when I asked for- I don't need any help, but would also has taken. This is a free format. Idiot here right am I missing. I hear what about what am I doing here in his his heart, his I've got a principle with that says: I borrow money, work really hard and I keep I keep you fair right and that's it.
So sure go ahead and violent my principles, someone else's. No, no, no cried! I really wouldn't and end the mindset around it again of your having to submit paperwork device how much of this is going to be forgiven or watch your bill is going to be, and, let's be honest man, We don't have this money to be loaning. What do you mean We as we the people, do not have this money to be lonely. It doesn't exist. It's a word or pay it back. It's the guy. You gotta pay back later, reprinted, we just print more christian, no, I know, but listen to we're. Gonna have to pay this problem it. So it is a problem.
Whenever you start adding billions and trillion with a t, yes to the bottom line and we're doin it. What the stroke of a pin that's going to be a problem. We're going we're going to have to that bill is coming, it's common and you know don't pay for my kids, all of us, my grandkids YO, all of those people who had no role in this no participation in this programme beyond the hook for it because I couldn't say now go because I couldn't have hard commerce it couldn't live with them, I mean, and are there people across country struggling whole smokes? Yes right, I'm all about helping money. Yes, but folks, like this say that my crazy for life, the Mummy inward no, or that you have businesses that were making millions upon millions applying for this baby below. So I come off people wake up, get a grip. I glistened stay tone
when we got back gonna, take more calls and dig at the board your questions. This is the rams. Welcome back through the Ramsay Show, resulting in hosting along with me. This outrage down the lonely. We are excited to take your calls and talk about the things that are on your mind. Let's do the blinds that Conquest John
as we look at this you and I know, blondes dot com, a hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed means, even if you miss measure or pick the wrong color veil remake your blood for free, you get free said was free shipping and with the new promos they run every month. You'll see even more user promotion, Ramsay to get the best deal rural an restrictions applied to today's cos. Comes from Paula in California. I she ass. the universe alive. Policy have been paying into for twenty five years ago, longer need a policy as I no longer have any one who depends on me. I call this. like a cash it in, and it's not worth much but I feel like I should keep our citizens have paid so much into it. What is your advice? Well, when looking at this Paula, first and foremost, if you're saying you don't need it. The more that measure either a build up of wealth that yourself insured We have a reason for you. Ve got money to be able to take care of your expenses or you don't have anyone there
depending on who you are? income so Abbe. With this This universal lie policy. This is a whole life policy, so we. What happens with this? Is you end up paying on it for your whole life? But but when you the only thing the family would get, is the death benefit portion of it So any of the cash that you ve, built up would go back to the insurance company and so oh yes, we know there. Yes, so here's what I would do. I would definitely get did with insurance. Ethiopia find out what the surrender charges are in this and what caches in it and go ahead and deal with it. Pull them out. You're gonna pay tax obviously on the game are bad, but go ahead that out. Then you can start to use that toward your baby steps. So if Europe babies there six and you ve already got your house paid for then what you could do you can do some giving with that or some extra investing, but You don't have a need, for there is no reason to let that sit there now, let's say
out there and you ve got whole life or universal life, and you Hagen Babes, I gotta go to get rid of it, so you roll first sent for What you have to do is get a term policy full. In effect, ok, don't cancel anything until You ve got another policy, Poland in effect, because you might deemed uninsurable you, have a health situation and if you can't get anything else, then you have to keep them you Judy, I hold onto that, but you wanna get term insurance, ten to twelve times your income. So if you're, making five two thousand a year or then you're, looking to get five hundred to six hundred thousand in term coverage and Vander can help you with that. So far, the cool thing my life is likely to just sit on the show. Next, you Dave in it and learn stuff last week, I learned some stuff sit with Dave talking about whole life. That is learn something else. So at his is not theatre. This is
almost speechless, which is a rare thing. If you, as my fellow members, because I didn't know Does this worked? So, let's I go, get a whole life insurance and they policy, and they say to tell me of his others workers I want a hundred thousand dollar policy and they say great effective today, whole I've policy without knowledge. If you die, there's a cash benefits of twenty five thousand, but you it was two bucks a month, just the rest, your life right, so I say great, so I live ten years fifteen years and undiscovered tuna bugs you and works to remarks about when I die my family and get that money, they get the debt that they get there but if it so, if it was a hundred thousand dollar policy with fifty thousand dollar dep benefit and pay on that all of your life here, they're getting the fifty now that's
you haven't taken out any loans. You took loans out against that of ten thousand or twenty thousand, and you only have to fifty now: a death benefit, but a twenty thousand all alone. Now you die the families only getting thirty, so I just for somebody else to have an awesome life. You paid a heck of a fee premium for life, for I buried a model of out of arousing dollars to get back to. Let me have half of Mamma, yes, yes, that was nice of me well, and so it's the mindset around it of the Euro, which what we tell people you want to buy a term and invest the rest so tat he's gonna be term life. Insurance is the cheapest way to get it, and I know I've taught the people, and they say you know from an estate planning standpoint, investing standpoint. They'll look at at home my life and things of that nature. But I'm talkin effort that average every day person of looking at just haven't wanted to have coverage. If something happens. To me. Monies to my family and that's where terms insurance is gonna, be your best deal. So it's one of its it's! It's like full
who over pay their taxes because they feel if they get a bonus at the end of the year right? Yes, it is not a bonus it's not about a city of any, but the government was holding onto it because make it just on. It may be dangerous and then they give it back to you how nice it so we gotta get smarter. and so, if you're out there from teachable moment here, if you ve out there, Light illegal arrests through your job. I want to tell you that way to go because loser leave their job. You also lose and lost left behind that insurance so get term life insurance outside of your job. That way, you ve got the coverage of you decided to start a business you decide to go. Do x y see, do it now John another thing with life insurance? If your planet, have another kid or adopting another kid. You really want to look at this and rethink your life insurance. Do you need increase it. Do you need to, you, know, add more to it and please don't forget if you got someone that's working in the home.
They need to make sure that they have covered. As well, because if you're the one working in something happens to you, the families getting But if there are the one at home taking care of kids and something happens to them, you also need money gonna have to hire someone to come. Take that to work to help the kids are you gonna have to move closer to family? so this life insurance stuff, serious business, you can learn more go. Ramsay solutions that com or daybreak dot com learn more but really look at where you are this year and get the right amount of coverage again ten to twelve times. Your annual income is confident that the mark their of how much you want to get in place and you again makes If you get someone working inside the home, their covered as well, and have said this before, and I shall say it again: man, I've been closed doors to throw in the mornin looking at a spouse whose husband or wife. just passed away in the other room and they breadwinner, and they look you with its view.
Particular look when I look at you and they say this Gary last words I can hear- which is what do I do now ride like I've, got good work on Monday as we can't pay rent next. You know I don't know what to do right, because we had Nothing in nothing got me on the life insurance track faster than sitting with it person, one person to person, I'm not gonna leave my wife in that situation. Remember not legally my kids in a situation, then we'll stop Engraven go through their goods write code through there. and not have to worry about my mom's got good work. Tomorrow downwards, I mean if you're out there and you got someone depending on your income, whether you're taking care of a niece, a deaf, a grand kid you Gotta, look at this and think about it, and and John I've told people if you're single and you have no one depending on your income and you ve got an emergency fund which could take care of your final expenses, been life and It is not something you need, but if you ve got people depending on your income, it is an absolute must and you know
People are fearful out because they don't know- and I was gonna- tell you straight up. This is what I do. Your ear they're gonna come in for pictures. They're gonna get your height, your weight, neural, get fluids, ok, you're, a good fluids and from their it'll take sixty eight weeks in order for them to that, but the policy fallen effect and so get it done, We have no reason to delay, no reason tat. hold back, we ve gotta, make sure we get the stuff in place. I gotta get gonna handle it, and so you know that's it. One of those real things we gotta talk about, sometimes just because people can think can get scared and if you fear what you don't know, most people, as you well know, if its fear they freeze, will end it is making a will get in life insurance. And increase the likely that you're gonna know rough people will think that I know they want to think about what I like about it. So am I gonna do with mechanism is right. It does and increase the likelihood does increase the likelihood that when you die, which hut-
boiler alert happens. Everybody that the people you loved me take care of throughout the state. Isn't gonna be where you kids go and who get your house and your family The rush to get word a quick ways from some months than the surly. Now, under certain knowledge, I know you know what it's called. If you die without having a will, it's called dying in testing. Now you can reject without one baby. When we come back the ribs, so we get back to the vote because you got questions and we got answers stateroom.
the budgetary procedure to close the gap with me this hours, John Bologna- and I can't tell you how excited we are to talk to you were about to get to the phones, but I just want to let you know the phone number, the number to call eight hundred and eighty eight, eight hundred and twenty five five thousand two hundred and twenty five again, that's eight thousand eight hundred and twenty five the Roma Open Kelly is standing by and ready to take your call and we'd love to talk to you. To get to the phone line we gotta collar. Here we got James is key, again from Milwaukee James, I warn you Yes are you don't all? We are focused, not finish, buddy. What's on your mind today, so similar to it, A previous scholar got a bit of a situation here. With a rental property of ours, admire
amateur landlords at past, but it then fairly lucrative for us over them. Eight or nine years ago get out of it, but we do have a tenant. That's been in our best property that we're gonna do put not for sale soon. Not on that haven't paid rent in about a year one HU? The went through the election process and actually got the notice and ended up not going through that, because that would have you worry. He had no place to go and we got him stay with the agreement that you would, you know, really start to pay back what he allowed his. He was back at work things return around, but that money has come to us. So the old about thirty thousand dollars at this point and just wondering what the best way to it see what they said. We want him out, but
I want that money satellite. Is it a civil law suit once we get him out of the house, what do you want to go? Look like yeah. This is true man? I am sorry because it sounds like you have been Yawned understanding, like you guys, have really tried to work with this guy. Haven't you yes and he's made no effort to pay you whatsoever, Now the other paid in about a year end and the rents is the answer. Really. Nice house are about twenty eight point nine hundred a month that you pay that so right prepared for the first in a year or so in our time and I know he's gotten stimulus, money and I know he's back at work, but rather that money is really worry me. You have your of yesterday had just a conversation over table. the only time, the only time he was the one ice I showed up in surprise.
You don't live in the area anymore, so about a two hour drive to get their departure, man, I gotta, get other stuff put out at this point. I wanna be guided by about, but you, but you are, you guys, are going to sell this property yeah. and we should clear economy should clear couple hundred thousand ones, but by the time, the principal standpoint, I don't rail, I want the money that that well, I understand you're gonna have to consult with an attorney. You really are because and here's the grazing James Battle you're gonna have to consult with an attorney but you're gonna to do some math on a what's. Gonna cost me to try to pursue this, and then I will it and envied keep reminding yours As we well know, you still have thirty thousand dollars that you haven't received, and so you're going to spend more money to the potentially not get or get some money, and so you what that's? What,
that consultation with the attorney is already stated the likelihood and the end the probability of you getting any money I'd, love the fact that at least you're gonna sell it you're gonna net out. You know what that properties worth, but you know you gotta do kind of cost benefit analysis on. You know in that council and you'll pay I brought it to a thousand dollars to sit with the authority to walk through it, but you know at meeting you want to know how do you have to properly notify him that its being sold, also when he has to vacate and that vacating process for him to get out for you to be able to what and sell it and all of those things Eve John, his guys bent over backwards. He added answers. You get that money, rivers, this lamp right yeah. So unless this person is piling up cash and has the Euro character, which I think of a low probability right, More realistically feel real hard times is nowhere to go and
Evangel somebody's gonna kick amount was in a work and work after month to month. Three, suddenly, the rules too, I mean I'm look arms but keep looking law right So you look up in its a year later. I think you're right Chris and end James at I think. You're gonna have to sit down and do the hard math the sole math wasn't gonna don't sweat equity. What's in question, attorney to go after somebody, even if you get a judgment against him, a great number, thirty thousand dollars, you know smile urgency, it Mazo be thirty million, do I'll have it were and are going to victim, and then it's gonna, be on his credit report in Haifa. You can have a lawyer bill, but at some point you think of it. This way, If there was thirty thousand dollars in a box, two hours away, who wouldn't get in the car drivers and picked out a righteous someone you gotta get the car drive down. There have a conversation go through the Dixon process have that for been a year rate. That's at it sure for generous goes that process you see the money on
That's a lot of work. A lot of money are really going to not get anything I really go, and yet on the other side of it is, is James, go in the bigger picture. Math of what properties words you are selling it. This is this call, my friend, it's gonna, be a lesson for a lot of people. When you are, looking to rent. Not only do you wanna get quality people with references but security deposits, and you know- and it will that chance? You know, there's still represent a chance of people going crazy or not doing what they're supposed to do and that's those life, lessons to look at this and so get get become, consult with an attorney gets I urge you and your wife sit down and really be prayerful and careful on on what are you, to go about it, because what don't want to see, you do is to spend a hundred thousand one. After thirty add you know, you'll at some point in your head, your fill validated, but ultimately mathematically- and I like what you said so math mathematical speak it you're, gonna, look and you go.
twice I lost times with this, and there is a better way to go about it. if you listen into this and you fought on hard times, which is a hundred percent of us right. Ninety nine point: nine percent of us fallen on hard times we found ourselves in a situation where we need some way to step in and help us out whether that's with wise counsel, whether somebody has reached out and given us you know we. I've had envelope sharper my mailbox during Seasons Malloch when people are struggling. Somebody says: I understand why James did and come to you and say: oh man. Nor will I fell apart. Your and our best House relaunch stay. We're gonna. Ask you to step up when it when you can mean, if you don't do anything that next month, and that next month and you know, communicate someone is helping you up here. The metal lesson here, don't ever anybody out and I'm the guy, we wonder Elsie and help out your neighbors help out your community and we can get a year here,
No communication know nothin and I dont want the mess. Its being don't ever held during our times bigger, but man. If somebody Epps out if somebody's help Are you listening to show right now, you're not doing right by an inhumane up a cop. Thirty thousand call for Youtube com. Yeah. I would tell people out, you know I used to be a deck collector. Maybe you loved Islam tonight I'll go you would not, but but it is worth speedy Dave but, as you know, on this side of it and being a financial coach up until people, if you can't pay, you can at least pay attention communicate that being attention is communicating column, don't be a stage in your own home, with a bill collectors. Calling you pick up, the phone call em communicate situation, but John Abbot. This. If you're somebody communicating to a collector, don't try it don't expect their permission. Don't expect them to be understanding. That's not the goal of the communication.
the goal of the communication, is information exchange, let them know listen. I know I owe you x Y see. This is what I can or to send in this- is what I planned to sit and by the thirtieth right and then do that. Stick to that. But I call them, like you say: call them communicate on the front end up communicate as much spouse, but when you're in somebody's debt, whether it's a gift like James, gave this tenant or its money like a previous collar. It lays on you like that. We call the shame blanket heavier and heavier in the thing that feed shame right, bring obray browsing secrets and sound feeds this stuff man So if you suddenly, somebody does your solid and suddenly there
What shows up you can't pay, though not swallowed, column. Gotta pick up the phone call him. Let him know what's goin on talk about your situation, cavern able man what a foreign. Our lesson want to. Thank everybody for tuning it. They call the collars recall again. We love hanging out with you connect with a state with this. This is the Ramsay show. Did you know you can listen to the Ramsay shelling you're smart Speaker just tell her legs and Google assistant were SIRI. Lay the Ramsay Show podcast check on all Ramsay Network shows your smart.
money. Isn't the only thing we talk about around here. Get life. Changing advice on your career from my good friend and career expert can comment on my can com and show. According to a recent Gallup poll, nearly seventy percent of Americans are disengaged at work. If you dread going into work every Monday morning and you're just trying to make it to the weekend, it can com and show is for you. Everyone has a sweet spot. You're sweet spot is at the intersection of your greatest talent in greatest passion. We will help you discover what it is. You were born to do and then we'll help create a plan to make your dream job a reality. You matter and you have what it takes, Conversation on the current common show hear more from the Ramsay network, including the current common child. Where ever you listened about gas? Hey, it's the producer of the Dave. Ramsay show this
Transcript generated on 2021-07-09.