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Live Like No One Else So Later You Can Live Like No One Else!


Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss:

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  • "It feels like I can't catch up on my debt,"
  • "What should we do after selling our house?"
  • "Where should we be investing?"
  • "Dealing with medical debt while fighting cancer,"
  • "How much house can I afford?"
  • "Pay off personal debt with business income?"
  • "Pause the Baby Steps to save for my son?"
  • "Take out student loans to pay our bills?"
  • "I don't know how to get ahead of my debt,"
  • "How can I become financially responsible?"
  • "Take a higher paying job if I'll have to move?"
  • "How can we slow down after Baby Step 7?"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I ram gasping for the polish moving in storage nor amnesia. But we know people who were they love and create actual amazing relation. Thank you for joining us. Remove the doktor John, the lovely ramsay personal note, the doktor john bologna show, or the more popular bud cash on the rims networks is michael host. Today is the author. of the number one bustling book on your past change your future,
the soon to be number one by showing book that is increasing right now build a non anxious life. We the shot on pressure a couple weeks ago. It is breaking all kinds of internal records, meaning a whole, which of you want to build a non anxious life, and that is a good thing. The book actually comes out october, the third and we will let you buy it now for twenty dollars and will give you seventy five dollars worth of extra stuff, including a talk, instant access to his nearest talk smoke. fire and freedom that he did at one of our events, We're gonna show that out to get a break down all the lies about desires and help you begin to fight. It sets some Five dollars for the free stuff and the book for all four twenty bucks and others were I beg you to buy an early because helps john and helps us with the marketing the bachelor. Listen all that kind of stuff. If you buy it,
in the presale time. Thank you. It's if you want to be of help to us. You can do that. Thank you and you're going to get a lot of good stuff when you do it, it's fun and it's selling like crazy, jonathan good time to get him very good Let's talk about building a anxious life for a second, we need to yeah. We need to yes, let's talk about I mean it's bad out there, it's ugly after yeah it so you and I were recently on another podcast gather and we we talked about We always knew that one guy who had a nervous breakdown back in the day back when we were kids or so every church ever neighbourhood that one. I was kind of a mysterious thing. When I was a kid somebody's got to years for awhile and when you asked what happened well,
was this kind of trauma and there is this kind of work schedule, and there was just kind of this and just running and running and that's the world we've created for all of us in the twenty first century. Right now and so think everybody is run around trying to whack em, all their stress. wakeham all their their frustration with their spouses. Whack a mole, their relationship with their kids, Weird, are loneliness. There's yeah, we're just dump a guessing fire there, their financial problem here and I just run in circles the frenetic movement, and yet it feels like a rat and we'll it. It doesn't feel like it is around the wheel in Israel And in our own, we'll by ourselves cells now right, and so they rode noses. It can be that's the I wouldn't britain, the book. If it was just a, we ve got enough of its all coming down nonsense, yeah where we ve got? That of, I don't want to spend that in that sewage pit, but.
Data are really my soul. Believe, there's a path out. It's an in depth that the hard part is it's an inexpensive path and the hard part. Is it's not a complicated path it hard? But not compound, and so there's not a lot of money in in not super com cures, there's not a lot of money. If I tell you hate what have you just turn the phone off well, no, you, actually you gotta get the special app you gotta go. Do this, you gotta do this! You gotta buy this. You gotta go see this doctor. What, if I told you just to go meet with friends when I told you to go back to church what, if I told you to go, move your body and get out of debt yeah? It stopped one well money, and there are some basic things that our bodies are trying to get our attention, and that's it's just a call back to humanities. What this book is six daily choices that fill your cup, backup that gets drained by phonetic things and the empty cup is really were anxiety. Come from right end, Had somebody recently ask me hey. That seems like I do
every day seems like a lot and when I told them was you can never brush your teeth so great on Monday that you have to do it again to thursday every day I don't have bad breath and cavity see brush your teeth twice a day, and we do the same thing with our exercise to do it. We, you can't tell your wife once a month, you lover or she's not find somebody else. It will tell her on a more regular basis, and so Similarly! If you want to build on anxious life, it's a intention. Commitment, I'm gonna live this way. Nobody's gonna, stop going off the rails, ami everyday account. Rum, gonna, completely panic attacks! All these the things that are all anxiety based by enlarging shut in other goodnight brand new announcement today regarding the launch of the building and on it is this. The first time has been said in public right now that this thing we're getting racially right now. This is pretty cool. I'm excited about this, so the book comes out on october, the
third, which is a monday on Wednesday. The fifth, I think I've got thursday, thursday, thursday October fifth october. Fifth, as a thursday, okay and art book comes out october. Second correct. I got that room. Ok Monday. It comes out on tuesday October third book comes out our third on tuesday, on the following thursday october, the fifth here in nashville at the brand. a ramsay event centre, doktor John is going, do a many love when we're gonna blow out man on the subject it. It's him talking on this subject. Building and I should like to talk about some things from the book and he's gonna do an in depth. you- and I were the audience as well, and you're gonna get a copy of the book. When you buy this, so you got it book your will: you're going to stay inside all day, late sign every one of the sean every book may have some musicians pop in and out we'll have a good time. Marilyn can be you and I and a talk. At their brand new ramsay event centre on our campus. It's a backlash party
that's what we're doing we're gonna have a big book launch party for this, and so I started five bucks, including the book you get the book, and I want you to come party, whether extremist, seven o clock here so mcloughlin evening, central time on the rams camp, or should the ramsay event centre. Please get it getting com, we'd love to have you a talk from John live q, and I get the bookshop get a copy. The book ticket started thirty five dollars, gotta ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash events to get yours and you know spoiler alert, it's all about the book. Building an audacious life, so the talk will be about billion on anxious life. Yes the coup, and I can be whatever you want to be. If you got the guts to ask a question, over infinite paper? It's exactly my like money would show up so will say. Well, the time she got telstra worries about you that she wants us both to continue to remain employed here at ramsey celestia. So I don't think she's going to do that. I don't think she ended up tar, but it is
unless they say what do people report Double this for the lonely dirt man is she said, hey what Let me in the light of instincts and what we want people to feel they leave, and I said I want them to look at the and they came with and say what just happened that was incorrect and so that's what that's? What we're building up from the floor up, it's gonna be fun, that'd, be fun, it's gonna, be fair! That's a big call right there, that's a desired future that real, alright check it out october, the fifth the week the book comes out. It's a! launch party with John speaking, doing q and a shining your book. It includes a copy. The book ticket started thirty five dollars, ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash events, get your ticket come to nashville, whether blast our if your emotional come on down the road, we'd love to have anywhere anywhere around here? It's all good! This is the Ramsay show
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flash ramsay, not withdrawn the lonely rams. Your personality is my co host today, open phones, a triple like eight to five five two to five day, is with us and wash don t see how day? How are you. doing well. How are you better than I deserve? What's up So I'm road to renewed everything. I've been listening to you all since about march this year, The currently on I'm a brand new meant to help their business area, I'm working seven days a week The therapies have over two hundred and twenty thousand are you there and well, I can literally drowning in it. Does you are right, yeah sort giving my head above water,
wait, how did you rack up two hundred grand you go to a private, undergrad and private call a private grad school, not not even credit, though A total of two hundred and ninety grant in student loans are fifty three hundred and four one credit card. I just got a hospital bill for seven. Fifty eight mike yesterday and then I have ninety two hundred left on a car. What are you What would your hourly right right now? Forty five per choir plus, I also use an administrative work for the practice and I believe on the weekend you still working through licensure. Forty five is about one third, the market rate right now and I'm not. Like I give graduated, I m is used to work on a working under three thousand hours. Yes, totally. What a mess!
the mass, show, what does that mean: you're making a year total household income, now it's the fluctuating, so I'm anticipating in the fifty three thousand arranged this year, gives because of bomb uniting their think right until march march last april,. and once you get licence that will the your take humble triple that right once again, license. I. If I stay within the practice, I think you'll go up to sixty five or seventy in our not practice. you're doing euro your do your clients on the site at full rate. On the back end,
yeah. I do want to start my own practice at some point and I'm trying to get as many pointers by doing administrative work too sure that's excellent. Do that was so. How long does it take for you to finish that and get licensed, and so it it's looking like it's going to take a total of two years, no. There are definitely get a pig blank in march verb being licence for one year and another pay bump following march. Once I get only licence double, all my hours. In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out exactly how I can you know be gazelle intense also bring myself out working by defending these weak dave, hop in your view, I think I'm wrong, but I I would consider the phase you're in and as an extension of your graduate school, because you can't fully take on the
job until you get that licensure new king at the licence to get those three thousand hours. So really, I would look at this as a fall year of your graduate degree and paid for it, and so, if you're stick to that. I would suggest you cash flow everything and make sure your work in as many hours. You could possibly work towards your license you to get that's the thing at your head and you could not do. Eighteen months, if you flipped, involve some things around The thing is the decision I made was. I just look the dollars and sense of it all, and I did I'm staying working at a university where I could use the skills I learned with that graduate degree and counselling towards another end and it it just paid better. Quite honestly that may be something you want to do that might be taken a short term
the short term route out when you are playing a long game and want to be a licensed therapist on the road. But man, you've duggars have quite a hole now, so you got ya, you have two options: one is changed direction like John saying and get your income up or to stay, stay the course of what you're doing and fine tune it to get the lies and get them hours in the larger as quickly as possible. I'm am not sure the firm your with is gonna pay you market right. It sounds like you're going to be underpaid off the back into this We are going to bill you out at one twenty, five and they're going to take half of it or me out at two hundred and take over happier if your billing, I got a two hundred, then you can put yourself out on the market at one fifty and take cash only and you could do pretty well. Okay, that's a couple years away right. You have our full book. You gonna violations to do that and you got it if the clientele base to do that. So so almost david thomas out, almost rather her focus less on trying to pay the debt
in this madness. In more do everything you can to get every inch of an hour. You can get to get that licensure d, but about the but the hours pay better than anything else. She's do right about them, baby, it's better than administrative all day long, get was that's what I mean, fine, turning get you you need to talk to them and cigars drowning over here? You gotta give me more bearable hours. I gotta get these hours behind me. Can I do a second? I do a two saturday group therapy What can I do? Somebody says: let us keep in so much kids on shared, like, I think, that's what I'm I find turning it if you're going to stay the course you need to fine tune it and jack up the hours, the billable hours and the hours that are counting towards your licensure, so that was sure the time frame from two years down to one or eighteen months, that kind the thing is what I'm talkin about. If you're gonna do that, then yes, Johns right will treat dislike your and, in turn, will treat this law You're doing your residency for if your medical annie, you do you can do during this time, but you don't have
the gazelle intensity towards paying off the deck you're, not gonna, move the needle at fifty thousand dollars. Income in washington d c. Very much you can move it, but it's not gonna move dramatically, but it will move. good of europe. Make it a hundred fifty. Ah, you, start knocking us out real fast, especially if you get used to living on forty and on an you, push that everything towards this you'll be clear in no time once you get your hourly right up, and so if you say aren't, I'm gonna should like I'm in residency until I finish this in the next eighteen months or so then, get the right up and or I'm gonna leave this company and get the right up way up showed can attack this very very aggressively. Meantime, your work in the debt snowball, your student loans- are the biggest one. You're, not gonna, do much towards them. As you know, the minimum payment you can do for now, to keep em afloat, and you begin tat, those little dance the summer of the daughter, medical, you nuclear that you clear the little com,
long may be over this time. You know you clear up a couple things here and there and being tension will if you not a game plan. Where you see alive light at the tunnel, even if it's a three year light that lowers the stress level. Knowing something's difficult, is less stressful, then not knowing what the flips going. ambivalence as much more stressful than hard things right. Species are hard. Things have a finish line to europe, yep yeah, and so you know if I know what I gotta do, I can go. Do it and not knowing is what kills you, I think, I think it's an import mom withstood loans, but to kick back up dave Let's just say: she's has her licence and lives in a community, that's very expensive to live in and the most she's going to make she's done the market scan and that's what she's going to make or I've got colleagues that spent one hundred and fifty grand to go to to get a phd in history and I would be happy
investors and our job is forty one thousand dollars a year because there's that the market so flooded There is a hard moment when you look at how much you oh and the thing You really want to do you ve dedicated ten years five years, a lot of your energy and time to it, and it is now gonna pay you enough to pay your bills. You can sit like a bump. Log in yell and scream and kick and get mad at your employer, all those things society, since everybody or you can get your teeth and put your mouthpiece in and go get in a job in another field is going to pay sixty five thousand box or pay you eighty five to eight. You can have to do something else, at least for a season to clean up that hole that you dug yourself. It's nobody else's responsibility, a butcher's talk together last week, hundred and seventy five thousand a year selling cars, you make thirty eight thousand as a social worker with a master's degree in social work and a four hundred thousand dollars in student loan debt. But you might ask yourself:
you may have to go so course and keep that carried out there. I want to be. I work, helping kids, who are hurt and great. You can't afford to do that. Right now, the same as we tell pastor, I hate right now you're the kid that that's that's exactly right, yeah, you gotta do what you gotta do for a short period of time. That's not a forever thing I mean you have to banned in your dreams for your whole life, but your dream was turned into a nightmare. It was time to wake up on the last day of your feet, is not solvents preliminarily fix it pornographic, we doing the student loan lie, stream on september. The twelfth would love to have you join us. It is completely free, I straight wash all ran ritual crews and me when we talk about We got here on the student loan mess and where we're going out to get you out and one of the Let me just what John told you smaller more so check it out. Didn't loan luxury, roundly solutions, not gunflash student loans, this shows sponsored by better help. Pay for
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John bologna. Rams personality is michael host today, thank you for joining us, open phones aaa eight to five five. Two to five. Molly is in boy. She, idaho, high molly, welcomed the rams issue. are you guys better than deserve? What's up, I really gonna get that future I I'm actually I'm very excited. I talk to you your daughter back in october, to get some advice. We just build a house out here and Fortunately, while we are building in our interest rate, with three point, eight to fathom her that ouch so yeah her hurt. The mortgage became well outside The day rule of twenty five percent like a way out, way outside, so we decided to sell a an ear currently under contract on the plus side,
walk away with about three hundred thousand dollars, while yeah yeah. Oh that's where I can. Do you live for advice in the small depend. What baby stop I will be on after discovering asia, or do we want? moved to florida in this community. That came really ray, but do we pay your town home, or do you take him? mortgage of, I think about it. About eighty thousand dollars to by a single my home. That will better suit our needs and what your household income A hundred and fifty What david Sharon rams you dont borrow money for ever? Shall we would choice we would have to buy a town home and save up money and make a move in a couple years move up, because that's how we do everything and have for thirty years after going broke they show we don't yell at you forever mortgage. As you already are aware,
I will we all you for wanting to keep it, but but not for have ok, and so, if you took out an eighty thousand dollar mortgage, that is obviously something making a hundred and fifty you to pay off very quickly. That's a very reasonable approach: to one we teach have you ever lived in florida before I had. I went to school there, ok Are you familiar with this area? I am yet the bay area, I almost wish for you had to get that Ninety, nine percent of the time, I would tell somebody moving from boys all the way across planet earth the florida that six months, renting, might clarify this, for you.
You might find. We were actually considering that first with renting for a bit, there wouldn't hurt, because you you'd think that this is gonna be perfect for us. Maybe it's not and the you might find hey. We have a small rent house. We could do a townhome it'd be great. We think we need this, but we're fine- or you might note, No we're gonna kill each other. We gotta get out of here. I mean you have to move twice, which is the worst on top of the worst. I get that but men I think long term. It might be smart, mathematically and falling and shoot with what we teach. Ah, in eighty thousand on her mortgage, making one hundred and fifty- and I have a plan to pay that often for five years- is as perfectly fine, okay and outside as well as a doctor. You, dr, I have pre ordered your book the day that you announced it that I've been thinking
I was just hitting refresh. So thank you for confirming that lead to another. One went to me excellent you're, the best I'm grateful for you. Thank you molly. Thank you molly. We appreciate that we have so more than two. So we know it's not just well. I think my mom's just hitting refresh, I think, she's just burning three or four she's going to have them all up in the garage they're going to piloted the garage whenever she passes away we're cleaning the house, tens of thousands of non anxious life books causing your mom anxiety. Yes, her financial planners going to tell me. I've got two bad news for you when she passes you get old you books back in. There is no money. This is your inheritance is hurt enjoyed rate not again. madison, as in los angeles, I madison welcomed the ramsey show. Hi what's up and keep her cooking? My car sure- and I am at newly married and we're just tempting- to kind of figure out our family finances. We both have zero debt. I'm we own our cars and have about one hundred and twenty five thousand
sitting when it and savings account. So we are safe. To buy homer. Currently, writing, but we are just not sure what to do, but that money sitting in the leaving the count and if we should invest in tests buttons tv there, what your recommendation, for that would be sure to shit treaties or certificates of deposit, it's not invest, manages to savings account Should you pulled in savings? Should you put it in an investment? When are you by a hard to say what the price around here. By coming down, borrowing yeah, I would say probably- were ass years for five years- would be our goal. Why? Because have enough money to put a good. You found me five thousand dollars how long you been married couple months: okay, if you're going,
don't let leave money alone for less than five years? We don't recommend you play that you put money in mutual funds in the stock market. I would just tell you to get get a get. A a c d, get a a high yield savings account or some kind of an I make this notice from four or five per cent stuff floating around out there. Right now is try to make some of that kind of money. That's not going to make you rich, it's just a fancy parking spot for a really nice quiet at our door, done costume, but and make you anything answer. it's not a good long term lie, but it's a good short term like as you like, a lose anything right. You can add to it and you know then, by your homes as possible, but don't wait around in los angeles, California, for prices to come down. If you walk on the streets of allay. You won't be hard pressed to find anyone that remembers the last time prices went down like they dont will not alive guide a good per cent to put down on how their home him it. Well, we want you to be
free as soon as possible, so we like the hundred percent down plan but you're an ally. and putting down a good strong down payment on your first home, purchased five. percent fairly normal, but where the pain we recommend the payment not being more than a fourth of your take on pay on a fifteen year fixed. But your household income this year will probably be around two hundred thousand, but my husband isn't sales, though it's not consistent and not sense, and how router twenty four and twenty five you ever don't show while regulation. What does he cell. The real issues worth only meet he's not going anywhere either. Now now, as a californian I can see those weirdos selling oil chemical meat may be the last time he actually now. So that's cool medicine, so yeah be a good if you could put the
if I were to implement the best thing, is to put down twenty percent, because you avoid p m, I private mortgage insurance, which cautious about we five dollars a month per hundred thousand borrowed that doesn't that's, not insurance. That gives you anything. That's insurance that pays the mortgage company in the event you get foreclosed on and they lose money show buying them. An insurance policy gives you didn't, put down a big down payment. So if you can put down twenty percent that the best of all worlds on a fifteen year fixed on a conventional mortgage where the payments no more than a fourth of your take home pay. I think gosh or just getting started at life and getting it that this marriage and your d really really. Well, you got an extremely good start, but it should causing used some lack of confidence because you haven't done stuff before and that's fine but I don't think you gotta for your weight here and
I'll tell you one more time: prices are not coming down show waiting on that. Don't wait, but if you went away we're polyps more money in this time next year, by certainly at the end of the world by the way you guys have the ability to save money. Congratulations, it's never garden. We dave Whenever you get married everyone, just you get the stupid it's advice from all corners of your life. Ever was opinion. The thing you need to do is make sure yaller, whatever most of the time when you're newlywed, you can't afford anything, and so that that advice rolls off your shoulder but they're in such a great position when somebody soon you got to buy right now, you gotta do this while driving those cars whatever it can be tempting I say: okay! Well, I gotta do something with this and now it's almost the same advice. I'd give a newlywed couple that had nothing which is just chill yeah work, real hard and jill and douglas a french and you're broke family. It's exactly right because there broke because of their beliefs What they believe is wrong wasn't hard
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One one hundred to speak with you what's happening. Ok, so I kind of what should I do What would they do if he was in my shoes question for you, my husband We have unfortunately diagnosed with brain cancer a year ago they did on whether the cat male down cell type, but from what they can. tell you what it's probably low groaning that we don't have an actual diagnosis. At this point I am but so long story Sure they did. The surgery is a successful surgery. About ninety percent of the growth and he had not do any treatment or anything so far, and
well how's, he doing almost a year ago, he's doing so. Well, good! Praise! Guy he's a he's doing really! Well, I'm betting that the part that I'm wondering about Adam were surrounded by just the most tremendous community. and they thought they got together. The big benefit for us, and there is still a lot of money. We are, however, still in bed, so we know that this money for his part, the more impending treatment it before this cancer, if it happens to grow back, which we go for emma, is every three months so
We're kind of in limbo every three months wondering okay, is this: when we're going to do radiation or you know, that's kind of a tough situation, I'm so my question is: we do have this debt, we have about eighty three thousand dollars in debt total, but the some of the money from the benefit. from our community as about a hundred and thirty thousand dollars in right. Now, it's just sitting in in so doing nothing, because we have? I did what it. What is the aim of three thousand and death consistent? We both have student wound and that approximately, like total from the both of us, like sixty seven thousand so that we have sixteen thousand on one of our cars or other vehicles already paid off, but I'm so medical is all cleared up. Right now
for no insurance insurance and some other monies have kept you clear of medical debt so far, yeah exactly so. If you, if he needs treatment, does insurance give you similar coverage to what you've had so far, and I shall be able to go. to work you will living like things are only normal until they're, not Who knows what you should do? That's why you're so who, because they are, I dont, know their coverage of the insurance in a cover occurred. You brain surgery and you ve got no right no dad medical, lamentable that yeah yeah you ve got good insurance sounds like here: yes, we're! Ok, used any money out of pocket. How much money out of pocket cover cooperation, non insurance covered things of you? Don't we cash during those things and has not been much now.
What's your household anytime, you know that get mine. I would guess about eighty five thousand. Will may not number one. Let's just say out loud. All of this doesn't matter comparative you're already fighting okay here, like brain cancer, twelve out of tune right. eighty three thousand hours were: the debt understood alone and whatever two out of ten own importance in life. Ok, so I will help you with that. I'm not saying we don't need to work on it, but these are now. The same discussions So how ready one the biggest battle hope you ever face in your life at least for now, you want out of you won the war, but you won the battle. A great right agreed, pretty incredible, So this is this is just them in all cleaning up there dust on the shelf in life is not much. You know I mean we can get there. So
the more sure you are that this behind you, the cancers behind you and there's not gonna, be I treatment the more you could use some of the hundred and three because the people did not give you that money only for food for treatment. No one wrote a check and said this is only for future treaty. The people gave you money because they love you and you're going the hell and they were, to be there for you and they gave you money that it did not have tags attached to it. Am I missing something? no you're. Not now I don't want you to go put the hundred three on the eighty three right now, just because I want you to have it until this diagnosis is further in the river mirror, but not because People in the community are gonna start screaming. I just paid off their student loans while they gave you this money goes, they loved you and nobody needs. Anything about your personal, fine, you'll, have the publish this in the newspaper. You know
If you feel- and you had for the last six months- that you want to do something and you can't you sit there with your husband home his hand, and you just want to do you want to do. I got something for you. I want you to call insurance company and get in writing from them. What they're gonna do? In case you have to go, get chemo in case you have to get radiation. I want you to be I'm a bull dog and enjoy it enjoys a barrier. Enjoy being the bulldog enjoy saying. No, no, no. I need to know exactly and need you to send me in writing if they're not sent in writing within forty eight hours, you're calling them back saying. I need this thing, this person, This time said this keeping squeeze it records, and I think you're try to make decisions without date, data and man. The more data you can get in this moment, the more peace you can have in your home, John point. Let's say were six months further down the road,
all this is in your rearview mirror a good ways, a great yeah, ok and you conversations with the insurance got me. They said we gotcha gosh coffee, hardly anything if he has treatment, those two things. Those two pieces of data release, some of the hundred and three for me to put towards your debt. Does that make any sense a doubt but the more unsure we are the more we need. Two hundred and three Surety will come with distance in the rearview mirror and with the data points from insurance company that'll give you the sense of confidence to use some of this being unwise and right now: you're, national, but paralyzed by the total freak out you been through the trauma you been through. Now blame me get that show. I'm fine touching? The hundred three luscious chip away at the student loans for the next six months, beat on him harder can, as if you didn't this money.
And it's not ensuring their until we know that we know that we know that you're not gonna, need it and violet then do I lay there in saving it doesn't hurt if you put it in a higher salaries, count MIKE mike for five percent, so we're hundred thousand bucks on five percent makes five thousand large year it makes to the in five dollars in six months that we're talking about survivor dollars, does not enter into the equations. We're doing right now, so non issue Twenty five thousand would enter into it. But two thousand five hundred said it's that it's not relevant. It's it's. Two percent of the situation, we're dealing with the whole situation, not two percent of it so yup just park it in an age us in a hollywood savings at your local credit union, try to go for a fund for five six percent of the like that done matter, and you then get the insurance companies runs of insurance, but a bomb
and get this further in your rearview mirror went when was the last. What how long have you been out of the hospital in moving forward surgery, coming up on a year ago. In ok, you shall we would be eighteen months at that point. And arm You know we don't need to wait for the five year cancer mark. We're me to wait that long. But you know if we ve got eighteen months had almost nothing happened and you got real good data and in writing from the insurance company that your ninety eight percent, ninety five percent- ninety percent covered by them, then you his money around checking you out of debt, and that's like christmas, we're talking about that's like christmas in march now, but yeah, but that that's that's where you're going Good point, and if you get to the end there and in five or ten thousand dollars left in the spirit stirs you go, find a young pediatric family of a country
he had cancer, give them ten thousand bucks if one, if you feel so speak so right now not a moment, your money that they gave to, because I love you and you can pay for this- is the rams from one room. She solutions broadcasting for the pause, moving in storage through the streets, the rams asia, but we now people build well knew work. They love and create actual a major in relation, not withdrawn bologna export on them. The darker drawn bologna show is one of our top chosen remsen network, the I'll help you relationships, mental health issues and all consecrated family stop and life in general and each year to help me as my co host today he's the author of the number best seller own, your past change, your future brand new book that we have coming out october, the third on a tuesday
headed verify that earlier, my brain is locked up. Building a non anxious life. and are in a world field, filled with anxiousness anxiety. Building a non anxious life. How do you keep your cup fall to deal with the stuff that comes out us, in the world we live in today. That's all coming out! You can pay order. The book right now rapidly solutions, dot, com. phone number here to talk is triple eight, eight to five five, two to five: that's completely free, alan witherspoon cleveland ohio, high alan? How are you even better than I deserve it's up to speak to my better out, I'm honour to speak with you, sir. How can I help you know? I've seen I love your videos and an online calculators of how much house you can afford how he explored his principal and interest and whatnot. How much house can you afford if you're paying cash, real, quick
something happened. You get. Our joy in your vote went away what I've been your phone a better much better. Thank you for your trouble, Does your voice your version, background of allocating money to pay cash. How much money you gonna pay for a house, vibrant also look at what your net worth. One point: six million! That's fine good! As cash desk yeah, I gotta have a two hundred thousand paid off house now. Okay, I've got no problem with the here s the way I look at that are having studied wealthy people for years, and you ve obviously done very well. Ok, these smaller your net worth the higher the scented, drovier net worth your home is going to be. If you have a fight, hundred thousand dollar net worth and two and fifty thousand of our house that wouldn't be unusual. It all right. Ok,
but if you have a ten million dollar network and on nine may and dollar house, that's weird: ok, the great so the larger your net worth the smaller the portion of it would go to your home? My home is a very small percentage of my overall network, but I'm blessed sitting in a building? That's worth, you know some around four hundred million in If I had a home that was worth, you know that to undermine the be weird wouldn't make any sense at all. It'd be very strange. and by the way, but european weirding ass man. We're done him touch that by our but the anyway, the you shoot him saying so, but yours is about A third of your very success. For one point, six million dollar net worth. Congratulations, that's not! and if you told me one point- three be freak out- but you see what I'm saying well, but my current housework
one hundred thousand. I know I'm actually going to be. You know I'll still have the one point, two roughly yeah yeah, but we'll keep the current house now: ok, you're. Still, the portion of your personal residence is five hunter thousand, am I right, replied bible, five thousand dollar home, then you pay cash for it. It'll cosby treat it'll, be alright and I'll sell this for two yeah, but your net worth stays the same shifted around us, collect it just the, of your net worth. The goes to your home went up from I out two hundred. Fifty the percentage of one point, sixty five hundred as presented your one point, six, which is roughly one third right, and so that's ok, That don't bother me a bit, but if you told me one point Five of my one point, six is gonna, be in my house. I was site, tell your wife no
no, I'm retired. I am retired. Seventy four thousand our hearing come look into the matter. a man, because this is a network thing you can afford the house. Why? Why why? Why don't you want to buy it? Do I've been living a day. Ramsay like a long time, work very, very hard for my money. I'm sixty eight years old. Ah, would like no one else. The dave ramsey life as the rest of that sentence. With the rest of you live like no one else so that you can liberate, given when I tell late life and why not? This is the part where you get to enjoy the fact that you ve done a really good job and your reasonably wisely enjoying it, and you should graduate you a june, I sick of his character, your little scared at such a big, I mean the two hundred thousand dollar house style, you get a little scared. It's a bigger home, it's poor maintenance. It is property that is, but it's not going to break you
I'll, never run out of money. What it is more than anything else. Is it its emotional because it feels weird, because your brain is completely comfortable with two fifty in your double and what your brain comfortable, and I think you have identified those people by five hundred thousand houses. Guys like me, don't do that exactly exert, I I don't buy it now. I would like to add one point. Five million report by a topic backs up now. I want we'll go to would you do for a living when you're irina, careering, airconditioning maidenhair condition had a lot of work for a contract and how much of this one point? Six million did you inherit. I inherited an eighty five thousand. or else how long ago, my three ninety one, so that did help be other good, while you're very impressive, very very well done your classic baby steps millionaire very
and I'm going to send you a copy of that book. I want you to read it. I think you'll enjoy it because it's about you is also classic a mrs h, back guy, I don't live. Then that we are guys like us, deliver in the neighborhood and it's a tough In addition to realize, I don't know That's more than reasons I I I put that saying out there. We have like no one so that later you can live and give like no one else, because we don't want you to be tight watch for the purpose of being a tight one. Wouldn't want you to be careful with your budgeting, for the purpose of binkie. We want you show that you get to have it wonderful life, so that you change your family tree so that you can be outraged surely generous and find a you know a widow you're not took the call on the other day and the everyday millionaire, a bishop's millionaire, heard the call and called paid caught up her house and mental health, and it was five thousand buccaneers road checking. Think about it, so you, but you don't have think about that when you got one point six and that that's the reason
but then, if, if you start say, I'm gonna play small ball just for the purpose of playing small ball, normal play, small ball, so I never have to again. I will drop a piece of crap car, so I never have to again the car I drove over here today, impeach crap, but I have driven from grass, ok, but drove, I drove like no one else will now by god, I drive or to rwanda drive like no one else. You know, and you know something left us don't like that. Oh well toughness and I plug in an early either I'll. Just tell you that so I just use your play on live. What? No one else will you later you can live like no one outright they and give like there's a reason for this. You gotta play it you gotta now and I'm so proud of you. Man congratulated you're, awesome, I want you to learn that
it's the muscle to enjoy some of this money more than you have been each time. It's your time, and I want you to be outrageous, so generous to date. This is a ramsey show. Hey DR john baloney here and it's that time again. School is back in session. It's time to get back to the routines, we threw out the window and may get up early drop. Your kids off pick your kids up and no more ice cream for dinner. Your schedules are: now to go bonkers with games concerts, helping that homework in a hundred other things, but got a reminder for you for the love of all. That is good. Make sure you prioritized sleep for your kids for your marriage, for your work for you? getting seventy nine hours of deep rejuvenating sleep is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health and for me, good sleep start with an incredible mattress and thus I love dream. Claude mattresses right now, drink
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taking your questions on a q and a shining every single persons booked. It's there and, of course cheating is limited, as is a building it only held so many people. So if you want to come as thirty five bucks go to building our goat go to ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash events and gets. And up for this is the large part, a novel party were doing is September, the fifteenth on a saturday and friday evening before that we're doin the smart conference in the north chicago area, up around what can be willet creek church and are doing an event. There called the smart coverage. John John bologna, rachel crews, george camel jade, wash Can't common dave, ramsay rumor, talking about career mental health and money evening, and all the next day, you're gonna leave their being smart check out the tickets September fifteen and sixteen at ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash events, there's a few left which still like to have you will. To a couple of those a year
is whether in springfield missouri mark, where to the Ramsay show MR andean doctored, along just calling to ask you guys that's my job I I own a business, but I only employ me in I'm trying to figure out then suddenly nicer. Mark I'm in the middle of the baby steps up, like quarter, lawyer into my guy thousand one hundred and twenty thousand paid off and I was wondering with the business income should that be put into the business first like I'm once I get my my tax account for then, should I build up an emergency fund for the business or should I focus that on the baby steps? And what do you do? A pooper cooper.
Ok. And what do you make it worse? and household income with a bearing on the business on the business I'll just business. It's about a hundred thousand ok, and we just worth ever so mercenary rather mamma is that's a lot of pope. Ok, which is one of the internal slogans about the show, but let it does it If you are listening to his show- and you say I can't get ahead and I can't figure it out. There's no jobs mark is making muttered k as a proper scope or sell it just keep that I picked it up the door, citys thinkin good up. I mark All the all the pretzels have you you've done them all too. So you've been doing this awhile. Are you alright? So it's it? That's amazing, I'm so proud of you. I have no idea, but they run about you and you have
like a route? I assume you go to certain locations and people pay you to come to their location, correct, yes, ok, cool and and how often do they pay you? I knew some some people weekly some people- tammy monthly, so it's just how come that's fine do you have a separate business account? Yes, all the money that they pay. You goes into that account. Never goes director personal account, correct, correct! Great first move: when you put money out of the business account to bring some home You should always set aside one fourth for taxes. You alluded to that sounds like you've heard me. Tell you to do this before I've got, listen to your show for quite a while, okay, so you're, setting aside a fourth when you take it home, a thousand dollars are the account user to fifty four such taxes, but seven, fifty in your personal account correct! Yes, look good,
good plant and you should household income, so your wife is working. What does she make so she makes fifty and then I've got military retirement and were foster parents. So we get a stipend for that and the channel tunnel. my terror. We get about a hundred and seventy year other twenty and military retirement, faltered, stipend, yes, ok, cool, aren't good what are the expenses of running this type of business fuel I gotta the locations yellows theirs you'll advertising, one trash bags, yeah and for brains wants no. I have to replace a raker bucket, but it's not much show so out of a hundred. I mean your your expenses ten grand may be right probably somewhere on that. Maybe maybe fifteen year, show the vast majority of this comes from the us.
Why would we made a vision as emergency around at the stage we are placing it's on the vehicle or you stuff like that. Now do you have a but work vehicle from your home vehicle. Yes, mocha shoulders like a truck involved or something, Yeah minivan, but yeah, ok, cool, so great mark. I can get tell you you've made my entire week is the suggests. Thinking about you, cruise in springfield, in a minivan, is getting out with a shovel and some headphones on making one hundred thousand dollars a year just get It restores my faith in humanity and it just a mark markka so ah You couldn't do that if it was russia to say alright, so the snow, no great danes in russia and that's it so alright arm.
I don't think you need much of an emergency fund right now. I think I would take most of this home of the eighty five thousand home or let let's just call it alright, put something in a in the return. So what would do in our leadership as we wish. I take your net profit, which in is eighty cents on the dollar. Ok sure we make ten thousand dollars this month. We're going take eighty five, hundred and call that net profit right and we would apply a formula that and say ex percentage goes home and The rest goes into an emergency fund, ok I retained earnings fund. In your case, I think temple it would be more than adequate and then take the rest home retain or it might be, formula, you make you make ten thousand dollars a month. It's a big mondetour good month. You have eighty five hundred dollar we're going to call that profit- or you know- or let's call it- eight thousand profit relieve the rest of it in there. For
spencer's! That's one thing and there were no such ten percent of that eight thousand, so eight hundred dollars because in another account forward and earnings and we're gonna take seven though, two hundred hours. I just made a formula up, but you can do something like that to where you take them, of this home and you a little bit in the business and you cover expenses and the actual expenses in the business that month now and the loot change any. If I were to hire somebody like I would have to set up a fund, for that is like in case. I don't have the money to cover a paycheck or are correct. Ah, but that scale they should be getting paid off the job. None of the paycheck right, yeah you're, not you're, not and you're, not gonna hurt them to make enough that its guy impact that. Much in why you shouldn't on the business yeah does so yeah, and then you would increase your income associated with them
so now I mean maybe a little bit, but it wouldn't change substantially. I until You get this last eighty thousand home paid off, I won't take mode. this money home other than tax money and business expenses. Ok, the arch, I appreciate all of it, but not all of it, but most of it and man and and he he you know that a guy like that is, Like he's heard all the jokes over and over all the bad thirteen year old, he laughs all the way to the bank yeah, and he is just but it you know. I can't imagine what the decal on his the the rap. all his honest vanishes rife in all his mandatory. What he's got to give their they just go run I mean there's some great. These Gaza duper prescription got great name out there that are hilarity. I mean it, there's some fabulous named by our member states. you're doing covert, who paid off like a hundred grand? Could she would she was. Eugene and dr in delivering, and I remember thinking
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britain is in Atlanta doktor john bologna grimbsy personality is my co host. I brittany welcomes the rams, asia rearing better than I deserve? What's up, you wanna call in we arm. We obviously have tat. We have a mortgage and somewhat things like sb alone for the business on equipment, loans, we recently had a baby and Angela, and he was born with most of his views, like one percent as a small, intestine left, which leads him the life depended on tv, an ivy nutrition, eventually long term need a transplant for his small and testing. For sure we don't know about the other organs, but our question is: do we stop Saving we have an emergency fund. Do we stopped paying off our debt in stockpile for was to come? We know that is gonna be very expensive, but we're not sure to what extent like
medicaid. Insurance will help cover, so we were, kind of warning gear advice on that. What we do for long term for the train. we'll have to relocate things, I'm back to it. wanna be very expensive? Are you don t? Put it pretty rough thing? Maybe you ve got We have two boys and my other baby. I had early, but nothing was wrong with him by what benjamin of a shock to us that it was that it was so so much was dead. Yes eve had to surgery so far and they both went well. He has a central line. He'll go. Have food do like a bag Being nutrition an arm until he can get a transplant which could be you know as little as one or up to you know, teenage years the they are the better success. Listen her how much
Actually, the only debt you have left our s b and mortgage I can tell you exactly what we have one eighty eight k is our mortgage. We have and I'm teen on car payments and equipment and then we have the As a loan that, with fifty thousand altogether, we have about know what your household income, in about fifty k a year, but he has two to three thousand, not certain saving retained earnings, but he keeps that held back, but about a year it's about fifty k or so, and I stay home with the boys. Okay, I will that
the baby's one month, all right a little over yes, sir answered it's gonna be some years ago. wanna know like: should we only pay so much towards dead or conniston or just do like the biggest things? First we'll be your advice on number one. We take care benjamin we're doing anything boy were about anything ok now it met now, we've got to define, then what and you've been helping may define that teaching me for the last few minutes. What take care benjamin mange? Ok, it could mean you don't need in does mean you don't need any money for a year. Ok right but did you study would be one year at the earliest before they possibly did this correct? Yes, they have those children shorter happen.
at least a year round- and it depends on how, like that some kids do really well with ivy nutrition. You not in your long parma ham, butt. I'm saying that the earliest is one year unless other complications pop up- and you need my for those- yes, sir, the combinations complications come from a central line. Risk infection lula were whole month under this yet he's already had a second surgery. He shut have any more unless problems arise. Right now is getting him to grow learning how to take in bringing hot bring him how and why. The time has a poem nurses for as long as he needs the care, but our in our minds. We were like wow. This is going to be something that you know we're going to need at least from what we. read this over like two when it out and all those things like that for his transplant, who should pay for the pain for the nurses, right now, of course born they have them the dough,
I or the peach date so he's a man hospital that will cover for his first year it was a mention that, because he had so much of our section that he could possibly qualify for social security on disability If you have more than fifty percent you qualify for that just one, really not sure sure is gonna. What is it has been known for living. He does gaming and hard gaping. because, as as I'm hearing It's almost sounds: dissociative higher tabled a talk in the way you are right now so much like you're the dock. Mom yeah, like you, ve created a space has had to in if you maybe you're. Just so tougher than me, me me a break my heart, but also feel like. I have to somewhat b. I have to make sure that I'm learning everything in trying to obtain everything got there like Canada should get. I had to put a short part of it.
Failing? Maybe I got no more. I end by air. I need you to make sure yeah you do your your mom and a crisis, ear you're, making sure the stuff is done in that's, that's noble! Want you to make sure you at one or two girlfriends that you can just go, have coffee with once a week and just tell the truth. Uk I e on the phone, but if I was to talk If husband in this situation, he had called me, I would tell him I know you love what you do, but you're gonna to find a way to earn some more money. Stop taken out fifty thousand dollar loans for fifty thousand dollar job on year on your small business, you have to fit Something else out and it may be going to work for the man for somebody in may begin to jobs working further people, but he needs to make some more money young, yet I'll. Just seeing your future staring you down and the choosing to nor that reality that this is common is gonna in hoping that you know why? For this maybe get this. That's a tough road to Hell. And yes, sir, you to make some hard choices about yeah,
and go to some mouse, ok, user or or add some into the equation as if he wasn't already working hard because he is and we're not the bad guy. That's all there is a great guy. I don't think motion, but I think reality changed. Everybody direction. Forty seven thousand is gonna. Make this really tough. To make it really of the math is really hard on that show. In the meantime, while he's considering that and we're doing anything, we can do to get some extra income into this house to add to this equation. I would do nothing on the dad. I would just polyp cash. Let's do that until until after the first of the year, and let's get much benjamin sick month, birthday anyway and have little bit of a track record on all of these different varied medical variables that are moving in different directions at all times and if it thinks you're still progressing exactly like you currently thing
they're going to buy january, and you had you not for money you may want to start talking about paying off the car and paying off the little that the sba and the house I'm not worried about. They can just sit. There is launched by the minimum zone we had Benjamin squared away but love as your fighting for for him with your wallet, I'd love to, have the car and the equipment loan issue, I'm saying you, sir I won't do that today today. I just want you to have some money just stack from cash because belgium Needs some origin some money margin between him. and whatever is facing. Neither do they say the transplant, though, there's only so many places that do it in the world and most of the locations are far from us, so we'd have to relocate. I mean you know paying to stay somewhere. thing: is I'm back if you haven't done this already go get yours four binder and it may be spend a couple Your boxing get a nice one,
some diviners and begin to keep off all of this in a centralized place, but an particularly questions you don't have answers to your where those three places were some real estate things you can look at because you're going to pop your head up in the middle of the night and not be able to sleep and you'll be able to. Oh I've already got those questions written down. I can just go and order, and it's a way of keeping this chaos control? What I can control, I'm going to keep it right here in this binder and everytime. I have a question about how much his formula caused this ivy stuff cost. How much does this cost as long as the nurse is going to keep coming when his medical cut off I'm going to write all this things down, I'm gonna make it more day job in indigenous. kara these boys getting some answers to these things and keeping it all in one centralized place and brittany. You call us here, anytime, you've got a question. We want to help we gotcha. We want to help. We understand and I will be praying for. Mr Benjamin. This is the ramsey show.
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my wife, an enrollment counselor at a university. She brings in thirty seven thousand dollars you dont bab. She got for battle, degrees on different areas are first, some ministry, and so we I just got signed up, but every dollar and all that stuff. I'm that we're trying to figure out- or maybe my like living well below our means we're still kind of going a little bit about budget, so we're trying to figure out. Should she seek a higher job or should I do the the terrible when you're taking out more student loans are or what do you think you should get in digging out stood loans to live on you are not able to work there in school. It's not it's love for another. Primary thing we worthy of that name on the table that you straight up don scuff for so's degrees? Why should not make more money
We live in a low income area, russian ministry and below I answered, It has to work from home right now, because she's been dealing with some chronic pain. How old is she she's? Twenty three? What kind of chronic pain does twenty three year old have and that's a good question we seen ever gonna doktor there still trying to figure that out were I another I've. No remark that insurance would cover and let us show she didn't no she's a physical therapy, but beyond that I don't really tell type thing, and how did you manage? or different batches degrees in the same place. yeah, so a lot of the degrees had overlaps with the courses, so she was able to take a lot of different like kind of stand out and spend about four and a half years and a
I got them all knocked out together, so I'm just gonna say this on one project, my world under hers, but as a guy who, quick going to school? It was a a harsh top in front of the mirror Only said what are you running from what are you? What are you trying to chase ripe, because I got want you to greece do and it looks cooler paper, but actually the dark seeger bind it was out or on an inn, run and run and trying to prove to every by died some sort of value she's not in school, though she's out, but that same added. You'd goes into your professional world goes into. I can't do this kind of thing, there's a lot going on, Is that right, yeah, she honestly a crushing. She got say that you want to go on about god, college, sir. She does the all the christian classes she good She really didn't go the sheep looking for a job. Water, water, her water afford a great. What are they
The christian study looking like scholarship excrements in the bible, the new spelling Ministry- failing industry to a general women in the munitions. Degrees, ok, There are some sizeable churches in the lead turn and local markets that could use and straight person that has this top level of knowledge and it's worth double thirty, seven thousand dollars. So here's the thing that can in an arc like your with and I've, been functioning in the christian community for a forty years now and some time, what can happen is is that we say that in
ordered in our minds somewhere deep down aside in order to serve god. We have to make no money right, and that is not. the bible and you don't. You know In order for it to be wholly, I have to take the skill set that I have and make half of what I make somewhere else by get a non profit and then I'll get to call it wholly or working at a ministry and then I get to call it wholly the holy work is when you are doing something as unto the lord. Do your work, a collage three, twenty two unto god heartily as unto god, when you deal with excellence and your your work your service to your employer, your excellency, is your ministry, is your worship and not national, exactly what is happening inside the building that you work out now we're bludgeoned ramsay and that we get the dew actual ministry? and I am in a for profit, sharing and pay people more than market right to work here. The most excellent people on the planet.
and so we ve got up at the hawaiian shall lotta, but we had to work through that emotionally and spiritually to make that ok before we could go, do it. So I don't know, she struggling with, and I dont know how this impacts. The medical shit donation or the medical and situation impacts this which ones the tail and which ones the dog, but that this idea that because I met Jesus and radically got saved and I want to state a bunch of christian stuff. I am doing my best for god by making no money while we're talking about tat. I stood alone while you're studying medicine is just not that as not a true statements. Yes, she should go, make more money, and if she has to go to an office to do that and If she can handle the pain of doing that physically, she should go to an all. And go make chevalier thousand dollars. She should do that for her work. of your medical career right,
and you can also get areas into reality and go work at marketing agency or at a police station, you can work all over the place with those degrees as well. You're not limited to just doing ministry stuff cause she she'd wanna step over. The mold could do that. She had If she's going to start a masters in counseling, no, no, she does not need a masters in counseling she's, addicted to education, yeah she's, addicted to pushing reality down the street in utah. This is the pot talking to the kettle here. Man, das, he's a piece inside her own heart, etc. On home in I find it at the university getting a degree. It's not there, so go into them a place in love. People well serve. People well somehow go to something with actual go, do something with gusto and make a power money doing it. Just like you're going to do like you're, going to be a dock and do that as a person of faith. Do that with gusto. My doc is a person of faith. I don't I'd rather not have a dockets not, and so you know you get to do that
from medical school and there's, you know, there's no written, there's no rule that says you're not allowed to make money in this process, and it's just not there. It's not there. That's a a tie chick version of christianity. That's gotten woven end too many peoples, So on the way we ve just got up we're gonna break there shall I think she its best, for I will put out an idea, and I do not know the nature of her medical condition, and I am not a medical, professional, but don't want. I do a long time I will put out, idea that works. in something where she was making a pile of money and extremely fulfilled. I would thank you might see a reduction in pain, and you have great human connection- is us that's it's. It's your jackie right, you're, exactly right, sometimes chronic. Ain't, your body tellin, you ve, got
just environment that your direction is in its hard and regenerating to another degree. Retreating and working only from home might not be the best you might stirred up you ve made me liking his rage. I fear not We all know that, but there's a pie. it's that that's in there. the sounds like it started. There's a pattern developing in this conversation here Happiness is somewhere over there after across that finish line the finish line but to say this to my colleagues, my former colleagues. Shame on you guys for itself somebody threw a programme for different bachelors, too he's out of the same department with the same classes with the same professors, taking more money and more money and more money. I was blessed aim to have a teacher cause. I try to do that to him on the ground and they said no, no, you complete this and then you go onto you graduate school. If that's what you want to do, but I needed some wisdom there in this
institution sounds like they just get taken her money, taken her money and get taken her money and for what you're going church and black. Well, you got a degree in christian studies and you gotta green christian ministry, but maybe you should have got that degree in christian sunrise So we can't you get work here as to how that works. Not a word which no shame on us. that puts the shower. The rams issue in the book from the headquarters of ramsay solutions, broadcasting from the paths of moving and storage thirty hours. That's the rams asia, where we are people build while to work that they love and create actual amazing relation. Thank you for joining us. Open phones, a triple eight, eight to five. Five: two to five: that's triple eight, eight to five five
Two to five doktor john bologna ramsay personality host of the book own hosted the book author of the book, the number one by selling book on your past change your future and the brand new book building a non anxious life which is on pre sale now all of those things and hope to the dock. Baloney show on remsen networks. He's my co host today, thanks for hang, James is whether James in orlando high james. How are you don't I guess, I'm a driver me on shore up so I'm having trouble getting to pay off my dad. I've tried many different things: make budget out different things like that, and I've just come to the realization over the past few days. Actually that I'm just not I I I. I lack the discipline that really needed to stop living paycheck to paycheck and the saddest part is I
I really got salary and mature and salary. I make one: seventy, oh it's impression so much daddy collectively I have twenty seven twenty, seven, twenty eight thousand dollars. What kind of woke me up on this? Is I ignored my debt for years um and then what am I both of my credit cards were camped so am I settled one of them, and that was fine and the other one. I honestly completely forgot about. Until a few days ago, when I received a, I was served because their solely for the dead and that kind of woke me up or I said I need to stop pushing things. I think I kept pushing things rubber because I said well, you know I have a good amount money coming in. You know my next pay check and I'll deal with it then button. Well, you better get out. Suddenly james just her about six months
What were you my gun before that? I, make it. I was out of work for about a year during coded which really hit me hard, and so during that I was doing uber men making you know about twenty, a thousand a year before that I was making ninety. What do you do? I work in politics, consulting so as a cyclical that go away and another nine months now, I'd this'll be my salary, at least for the next few years. I don't debate a changing or changing. God be something to keep in mind you. I have to have to pay just to live, because my job commutes a lot between general ando and in new york city. Some of my ah colleagues that I work with do hotels m, but most people just end up having two places of
They don't serve the deal happier currently or through places of residence. Yes, and how much is the new york apartment. The new york apartment is two thousand how much is your own, barbara, twelve hundred, but my my girlfriend when I spotted ok sure. So there is no sound. Are the top hundreds what I paid the inmates? What so this is forty does not such a basically you ve been spending, sir. where all of your money for the last six months, which is eighty five thousand dollars, is other than some rent is unaccounted for. Yeah, so are you spending your money dreams, The combination of living beyond my means that I am also at the company
that, but also the air. Some key different things that I just don't have that I think so far infidel of a car I do to get a car and instead because you know I've been want. My credit advance and I've been worried about where, on his eighty thousand dollars gone in six months, starting to sound like congress. It's me it's me. It's been wanting cars a lot and set a buying. I my girlfriends out of works. I've been covering a lot. more expensive than that. I'm living beyond the whole thing I'll, just letting the rent was bull. Crap jerry. Yeah yeah yeah. She does that. But beyond that, but beyond that I've been covered a lot of things, so it I don't want you to get my stuff together. At the open, keep look. I look. Here's what I do in these situations and I have to set a new set of things instead of going. I'm I'm just not good at this. I have not got any discipline. I
Then you keep naming off all these things, that you are that you actually aren't you just what you do and thus not your actual identity. So what I decided a year of years ago, I had the blushing of going completely bankrupt and losing everything. So I didn't have a choice. I wasn't extreme situation, only way I could eat. Wood was to behave. The only way my children had a war home was to behave. I didn't have a choice. and so what I've done with folks like you over the years is I want you to put self mentally and a space as if you don't have a choice. Let's just pretend that ok, let's pretend that you go the dock, the shafter, and he says you need twenty seven thousand dollars by christmas or you're gonna die all of a sudden james. You would be a person of discipline.
All of a sudden you were budget would be perfect. All of us sudden your stupid decisions would go away cause you would have go on to live, I want twenty seven thousand dollars by december and suddenly, all of us, both crap, that's running around in your head, would become laser, focused and you'd be goin doin. Some doubt knowledge. James got one go stay alive git. why shouldn't thousand dollars no ago matters. No other crap matters. My colleagues have two apartments who gives a crap? What your colleagues do. You are a boy, god making two hundred and seventy you got a change from crap really. This is You gotta you gotta, get up in your face. Man get up in your we go. That's enough! I've added! I am this crazy, I'm ashamed and disgusted with how this looks and how this feels good. What you been tellin me I'm so disgusted that I'm a change it and if you get a second
I have been sick and tired James as when you change your life, yeah cause you at you stupid people don't make one hundred and seventy grand a year. They don't they don't even get hired. Okay, you couldn't even have gotten the job. If stupid, so you're not stupid, but buddy you been doing some stupid stuff abner, so stop it for real Just pretend you need twenty seven thousand hours by christmas will not die in all of this I'm not written cars, I'm gonna go get me a fourth motor car and but down here in the driveway, roman and uber somewhere, and I'm going to uber, I'm not written any more, I'm going to quote where you are not going out to eat and hey chick. You need to get job or you need a move out cause I'm get rid of this two thousand four hundred dollar apartment fourtou broke people if I don't and oh by the way, I'm getting out of new york leash for sure and we're going to rent a cheap stink hotel, overcome the river and how your little, but over the status
Allen ferry over there and get to work, and you know have to spend that gonna money work, in new york. You a change to stop man that that, if I'm you that's what I'm doing what you got. You gotta turn this discussion, the behavior change, the shame and their behaviour to this other amnesia thanks for joining us america, doktor john bologna, ramsay personality use might go out today. We appreciate your being here. If you are like what your hearing, we would appreciate your subscribing to the show our click, the follow, but you can also share the show share a link it if your particular method, ology as I share, but news that or you could tell people about that, sharing in it right so Where the word we know you are because our ratings and our leadership and our rankings with I phones right
an apple and all that stuff. They continue gotten. I funds and items, as none of that is apple. It's a little. the oldest sentence of her elder. It's just like that was the worst possible dinosaur. Recognize on the jailer alot buster. Now you gotta run yourself down to blockbuster, get yourself a vhf pleasure, silk and hate yourself a plate, the question of the day. This do them the guy. That day's question of the day is sponsored by neighbourly your hub for home services is you're to do list two long, whether it's a simple repair or a whole list of home improvements. Mr hand demands experienced professionals are here too, your home work for you visit I believe I com divine expert home service providers, including a locally up where did mister handyman near you writes in his question. from kyle in minnesota, call rights. I'm thirty four have been married for five years and I have two children under three so he's living in a blunder with the top off
this time in our lives. Together we are debt free. My wife is very frugal woman, a very frugal wonderful woman had may she got that in there and has been paid very, with me as I've worked through debt that I have brought into the marriage we sell their home to take advantage of the market and are currently renting again from a silver we paid off twenty grand and high interest credit card debt. We put an emergency fund away. We have the money to put away a six three six month fund. After this, we have three thousand dollars left over, which is an incredible feeling, but I'm scared to even have available. I don't screw this up. I just know the third Does knowledge can disappear? Pretty quick if I'm not responsible? I'm wondering if it should lock up his money cd or should I take or should take the route to face the things in me. That would make me be irresponsible for the first time in a long term, of the burden of debt of me completely, and I want to keep it that way, what your advice for some time and as I can make to actually become a responsible person and not have to lock my
money down into a bank to watch over it for me who, along questioner, very stuff where yeah very self aware- and I like it- I mean I think, is approaches exe, right cause a lot of folks run into a into gonna situation and they instantly go to shame. They got a character issues that go to a failure in this guy. looking look it, which I think in the right way, which is I there's a skills. I don't have it so I'm going to begin to seek to seek out gills and begin to practice it s good, for you call its awesome and so what I know about myself is when I get emotional- and It sounds like money is something that spins your body makes you emotional, so emotional. I bring. Other people into that conversation, because I know it about the lonely, that's when he gets emotional, I he gets irrational and he does dumb stuff and so
I will bring one or two friends in happen to sit by dave and ask him questions regularly. I have a banker that I'm close to them. Friends with that I can run stuff by so I make sure people in my wife I'm learning a new set of skills. Do as I am dave, I I talked about this on the show. A lot you set a new identity, I'm a guy stewards, his money well for himself and his family. That's who I am, and I'm going to reverse engineer. A set of skills set of behaviors is gonna back that up. I do not spin Out of this account. This is going to be your house fund. By the way, I do not spend money out of the house one, I don't that's just who I am and if that means don't care your debit card, great that means filling the blank while you're learning great, but that data so that those who s path dominating now, you're exactly right, so cow. When I was twenty, eight years old, we had lost everything would file bankruptcy because of meyer responsibility, because I borrowed too much money.
and a bunch of debt doing flip the shout before chip and drought Joanna were there to tell us how and and I I had choices at that point- my identity could be I'm a guy who file bankruptcy, I'm a failure with money, I'm a guy who doesn't know how to handle money, I'm a guy. I believed a bunch of get rich quick lies and I failed I'm a business failure. All of those would be accurate statements about the activity, but not about the person, because I you know I'm not going to self identify as a failure of the things. I did that several things I did there not who I am right, and so instead I said I didn't know. I was doing at the time I learned from you later, but I accidently did it. I just I'm a guy I made a lot of mistakes with money I learned not to borrowing famagusta, never borrowed money, but let us each tab,
tori. Let's get between that. You are guided said. I'm gonna learn about this. The right way now, I'm alone there were set of skills from the bible and from god, and your grandmother common sense. I'm a guy. To believe academic hogwash about money that half the culture blues and half the culture of broke because of it. and I don't have to follow them. I'm not a living on the go. Learn. I'm gonna learn how does really worked from rich people in IRAN, I'm to put a stake in the ground, and I learned I dont borrow money anymore and that's who I am I identified, someone who doesn't borrow money period and how get there. Well, that's an interesting story, but doesn't matter the identity. Is I dont borrow money I was a guy who would mix up everything like you, kyle say: well I mean a there's money near came out in others checks in the cheque book. There must be money, they account. I mean it's just like we'll figure this out, because I might, total surplus got. I didn't. I a
scarcely knew my garage. I mindset at all, I'm out, there's always in abundance, there's always a surplus. The glass is half full me, I'm I'm up for years, doubt earn much stupidity because of that just because I believe it's out, you will go for I doubt we can make some more money. Money is always out there we're just gotta go get some of it, enjoy it and so and but not having that emergency fund set to the side, driving my wife to distraction, I mean into pure freaking, tear and so I had to set an emergency fund aside and say the psycho, my marriage. The thing I have learned is: I am going to just like that money is not there. We don't even- the emergency fund. Still, if there's an emergency, we just figure it out and don't touch the emergency, but we have never. actually emergency von in thirty years, because we can't touch it. It's not there. And if we do share and would be launched into orbit somewhere and we'd have to pull back now. She, if get near that emergency fund it remind her bankruptcy in the end, the lights being cut off in the water being cut off in a low kid with no food and
members all this stuff, and she remembers it very clearly and so We can't go near that fund and I'm ok with that. I don't even remember there anyway, I gotta figure it out cause. I forgot it show that's what you do you this money aside in a completely separate account attached to nothing and you forget that its there and what does it look like in real life? It looks like this, I'm never going to borrow money again, I'm a guide. It will never borrow monument steward. My family's finances, along with my wife,. Today we got a new car. The seems ridiculous, not happening. The air conditioners round the car. When money not bite it a day filled the blank tired. I wanna go on vacation, so here's the thing churn. We, the kids, were the size and when work coming out of the bankruptcy and we're digging out. I don't know I dunno if I've ever told us and I'm probably gonna, get in trouble, which she would get this
blender with the top off. I mean little kids run around by the end of the day she spent just taking care of small people that don't make sense right, and it's just they're, just they're, just wild just mula fence animals right crazy, they're, feral, and so you come home and she's got that wild. Look in her eyes and she's like I need a vacation need a vacation I knew vacation became a thing is like on a vacation and We only have one of on vacation so but just she knew that and she knew we weren't going, but it was her way expressing that the frustration with the day so we finally got out were cleared up. We got a bunch who started make some money. We say to us We bought a house and pay cash for it, we're going pretty good. Couple years later, we bought, we pulled a hunter thousand dollars out about this tiny little shack of alike house, and I had this- thing printed up with a picture, the lighthouse and we named the lighthouse Sharon's vacation.
because she had earned that vacation dog above ever so much but yeah it's a matter of saying this stuff out loud and. yet being grown? Ups about some re identify with this cairo re identifying, say I'm a guy money, I'm not an irresponsible. I used to be, but I'm not anymore, it's it's hard getting there. I used to be thanks, but I'm not anymore. Thank god. The large hadron bologna ramsey personality is my co host today. Thank you for joining us. The phone numbers triple eight eight, two, five five, two two five, this was the ramsey show Steven is whether stephen his in cleveland, ohio, hi, stephen, welcome to the show I Dan, how you don't today, they're great man what's up here, so here's the deal myself curly. I may cause sixty one thousand dollars a year.
I am our later breaks down about twenty nine dollars an hour I have a great opportunity to move jobs in the same industry and the salary and with a salary change up to eighty, a thousand dollars a year so summit in dublin for some people, but issues but my supper, but the following: so the job is somewhere else and we would have to sell our house on the part of that would be if only lead in our house, for coming up on a year and that's one issue, the other issue, I don't know in with her mother in law, for these six months to a year until we either found insurance or to buy and then well biggest thing. Is we take six march divine stumbling around here I mean you're right, they're laughing. Absolutely
absolutely so we can learn from other little thing is mandatory off the table: shenanigans students an option, but he's not gonna. Let you coming over the reasons. Do not do this yahoo out so Luckily I like my mother in law, unlike some people, so she she's great, I'm also. Ok, I like mine, but I'm living weather right. I understand I understand what, whereas the other job so that another job would be in west virginia. ok. So how long have you learned in Cleveland you've in cleveland for two years by our house last september, when did before that move from warehouse on this year, german. Yet the taliban would be going back to I'll. Show you oh, I'm, so to speak, correct, yes and- Is that what you want to do forget the money right?
a site where you can make eighty eight thousand error you could make eighty eight thousand in cleveland. Where would you live? I would be with family. I was off, didn't say as as well, we don't have any relative equipment. It was mostly to move. So you get to move where you want to move back home near Emily and make more money. What is the question felicia. I know- and I know- and I I guess I I'm probably the one that sounds dumb on my end but there's like there's so much emotional attachment. I should at my place I'd like to welcome a baby girl I'll be six months in two weeks. I'm saying so many first, in our first home? You know bringing her home finding out. You know that she's going to be a girl, all those things dude, it's it's a box of sticks with a roof on it. Man go be with your family like for real and it'll it'll be hard for a year. It will be hard for
the home in sure sure- and I guess- okay- so I guess tat portion answered my levin portion would be and with the money that we were profiting from our house. Luckily, I'm pretty handy as well as my father in law. We did some work on our house, I'm be bought, or one sixty eight currently pay off is one fifty five we did had praised for two thirty, with the improvements that we made, hopefully felony, for more than that, with the market currently dough? getting around fifty thousand. So my question is I, with that man, me. How much should I swore towards that? If not all of it How much should I save how much debt do you have so I currently have on fourteen thousand dollars in credit card tat. I have run six thousand. And medical bills that's really it besides the house
one is not a cunning or ended. You actually clothes on the home to own it september. Twenty seconds of nice of twenty. Only about year of twenty enter yesterday, you, not allowed before september twenty second of twenty three, because you will be tough, that ordinary encumbers long term capital gains if a house one night or if you one year you get taxed on one time when your cap of long term capital gains of Yonah two years, you have no taxes at all. Ok so you don't close even if we put on the market yet tomorrow you dont closed before september. Twenty second, yet What, if I wouldn't anyway, just make sure ok, then you're gonna have a tie. of fifty percent of your gain, your game, Is this what you sell it for two thirty minus what you paid for it minus shales expenses
minus any big capital improvements that you and your father in law did to the house, namely something big. You did the house, we replace the back How can one over the deck cost labour and why we are not so we could have somebody come out just give us it was gonna, be around nine thousand dollar. A nine thousand dollars comes off of this guy yeah yeah yeah pay labour to fix the deck and show stuff like that. You're not gonna, have much gain because you got it benches minor thirty thousand or gain, but you ve got expenses come show. Expenses coming off that you're gonna from real her face from other stuff. That's easily. Ten fifteen thousand bucks you're gonna beside the ten thousand hours for the deck so you're not gonna have a very big gain, but you, whatever the gain, is you're gonna be taxed at fifteen percent of the game. So if the gain is
one thousand dollars, that's three thousand dollars. Taxes understood! Ok, ok, I guess at that aside, then we'll pay. All of these points twenty thousand dollars worth of dead. and then when you move your problem, we're gonna rent for a little while, and so up some money and buy a house? That's what I would be right and you go back to an area that you know really well. Why do you? Why have you locked yourself in your mother in law's house for six months on the nose We don't want to make any type of very quick decisions as to look kind of next month. So don't worry. We're just gonna go get your rental house for six months. and then parliament, on occasion you know, have your baby in your own home, with your own wife and your Independent little nuclear family there and let your mother in law come visit. You yeah that's what they're supposed to do and then they can go home, and then you can let them go home and all of that-
I can take your baby with you, so you they can actually babysit at their home. That's very nice! Okay, I'm liking this even better. Now, grandparents, like it too, by the way I'll be and I'll be taking care on a monday night. So there you go the grandkid that is so yeah that that none I'm living with me, though, under st aren't so anyway, yeah that that's what I would do man, I also don't think, there's any. The only negative side of the equation was memories image lived in for less than one year. Was that the only negative yeah I think again, it is a similar competition we have within earlier collar. I think there is something about I'm an hourly guy, that's gonna, who I am a fixed stuff Hey here's, a salary job for eighty thousand dollars and those are jobs and other guys get I'm gonna be a suit. or guy it's a different. That's that's a different mental. In addition, I am your in our and your cousin who isn't is going be living near. You could remove moving back near him. That's right and you can
I have more money than your parents. You're going to it's just gonna be a different ballgame and it's it's. It's it's wise to to get in front starting line in say, is this the right, the right trajectory and that's what you call people say I can see this clearly. What do you think in David are telling you in virginia, have enjoy your time kind of a no brainer yeah go for it. Man we're proud of you yeah at some, but let's, let's keep this family stuff real, clean, clear, clear, launch, clear, launch, it's just good for everybody! It's good for relationships is good for money. So you're dead, free, you're living in a rental for six months you ve got some money, not a bunch, but you get some money in an account, be adding to that end. Next spring you're looking for a place. I remember when she and I moved from our first house than we ever bought a member is so nostalgic and I drove by. a couple of years ago, just to like, as a
drive down memory lane and I just remember going and I finally had gotten PAC man, it's just a bog you're such a snob. It's a box or snob nah man, you're just too good for that neighborhood. Now, We know that neighbours way way better than an eye. Well, that's what I bag and I went into this place, went down or my tastes changed, Probably the actual, in this case elbow there has gone down and monterrey surging psalms, not straight up snap, I have adjusted. My expectations well and social media? You know I worry about that. I lay awake. Were twitter, bother of wonder about I worry about what twitter thinks about me and my biggest, It will now that you're a tiktok sensation, others say there. So that's why I don't care about twitter. This was the
our scripture sure that collection, three twenty three and whatever you do, do it hardly as to the law. and not to men? peter peterson's as pursue. What is meaningful, not what is expedient and their seldom the same thing, John they're, almost never the lamp her. So what is mean is very seldom is something that is meaningful is also expedient. They just don't usually lineup kelly whether Kelly's in nashville. I kelly welcome to the ramsay show. I thank you for taking my call today for what and so about three years ago. Right at the start of kobe, we were blessed to be able to come out and do our debt free scream with you and we paid off everything minus our home and we went back to california and then we said
No we're gonna do this, the hall she bang and we sold our home in california, moved out here to tennessee and be paid off. Our mortgage bought a home out here. So where is the key completely that free thankful? You know to you and of course, my home who had to get me, I'm bored by or very black now you pay cash for a house when you moved yeah yeah. How is that We have no doubt whatsoever as a view: I still think about it, it's very, very rewarding and I'm very blast, because we have a loving you're all than an eight year old, and we really do with the word, the wisdom in the wine you know, and all that is, though I were able to get real, but it was good it with its night. it'd be here now in this place, I'm, but we did move our family we've. I was with my husband and I were born and raised in California. I'm it's not a place his children any more as though we came there that the promised land of tennessee, but my question to you.
You and I'm glad I also have on Mr Dorani there as well by my husband, was in the same we value the physical parapet, but a practice for fourteen years, I'm in an aesthetic, failed industry and though we did the move- and I think, he's kind of into a right. We were work for twenty one months to pay off all the time. Men now not having that goal to work towards any more. But I think part of him kind of war, but he doesn't have that we move from all of our friends and family. Trying to you know get that built here has been a little bit of a struggle, and I think he's kind of here You know a wall in his profession and I'm trying to tell him to quit his profession and work at the golf course art. I but he's having a really hard time until I called in and spoke to Dave and Dave gave a field day that he can quit his job, and this was like I just get your idea what he could possibly do now in br. You know in regards to his thoughts and feeling, like you still.
I don't know, I still work full time. I love working. No, he didn't quite he's still a physical there. It's here how many are working. He is working Finally, the weak and fell? I'm forty hours a week, and they want what is problem then kill you the job the job, so I feel like he was his passion for The canary has not now he's not he's, not he's, not he's a ok, incredibly lonely man without a mission, ok without a unified that's not standing shoulder to shoulder with his wife, seeing what's next her us, because Russia finish line and you and why and you went straight over the beer stand and he was like what's the next work out here, and so I'll have to make a decision that we are going to go away on a retreat. Just the two of us do something we never thought possible, not is planned for the future. What could be
but we ve done all this hard work in order to create a new road map quickly Y know Two? I still want to work full time. I'm I'm really are really good at what I do. I do sales and technically I feel we could go. You don't have my visit, giving you don't have to oppose jaws? You don't have to know. I'm not apology, I'm not apologizing. I just want to know if our numbers are in line where I could benefit get him out of doing what he's been for the law and I think you know. I don't think that I think that's what it is. I think he's lonelier than you can imagine end there the men on you no longer have something to work towards any as nobody around him. No, no gang is gained by in california in asia? oh go, the gulls gone he'll be miserable at a golf course: he'd be miserable as ceo, it's at age she ate downtown, he's gonna be miserable wherever it happens, to be how had and so at it
if your gun on the same page and all said okay, we want to have this kind of house. We will have this kind of vacation. We want to save this kind of money for kids college and your started a plant and you slow down. Now they ve been sprinting, I started inviting people over once a week to your house intentionally, leaving out a basket. A laundry just see a good practice getting over. That is needed. for six months, and then he comes junior, Couple of friends he goes out to have chosen drinks with them and says: hey guys, I think I'm gonna quit my job now. We can have that conversation but you're. You would be running from one one hot, a moment to another wherever he goes, he's gonna show up there and if he is endless, and he is lonely he's going to show up there too. So it changes from and I'll tell you have a bucket. You can pick up his Bobby for wrote a book years ago, called half
I have had an it's, not unusual form males in particular men to spend the first half of their life and acquisition, the acquiring of things and the second half of their life in search of significance, and that's the stage that we're shifting through here that may be Sept seven, as wish that forward, regardless of his age and so on. You know I went through that really early because I went broke and because I started this, that I moved immediately. Where I didn't care about acquisition, I cared about significance doing what I do helping people was no more important to me than piling up a pile of stuff I went through it about twenty four months ago. That's why I'm so passionate about! I shall just went through this young show making that shift intentionally. Now, what some sounds like for some people as they stay at work. They say my new goal is I've got a heart for fill in the
I've gotta hardly or adoption for foster kids being adopted. I've got a friend, that's all over that and so I'm going to I'm to build a thing where we can pay for other people to do adoptions, I'm gonna build a pile of money to do that, and I'm set that go very clearly, and I'm gonna throw money added until the polish that big and then we're gonna, do that and or- building a home for another mothers or I'm going to, I don't care what it is, but something is probably something that means something in his life history or something that he cares about, but I'm gonna Do this thing for the born I'm gonna! Do this thing for hungary, children are, do you know, I'm gonna be dolly pardon and I'm books and give them to every child. In tennessee every month,
and as one of the things she's done, obviously, and so on. As she comes out of the hills of east tennessee, where literacy was a problem, it's important to read to kids and say, every child in tennessee gets a book from dolly barton every month, some fabulously law The foundations are, but I wanna go miss dolly she's credible, she's, an institution burma. You can do all kind, but that saw the golden the acquisition of more could be generosity right, there's another it put made a second layer gaol second mountain by David brooks, but here I were, I think, men make this move it is they go off by themselves to come up with this new goal? I think this is a moment when y'all sit down and dream together or Yahya and do that together and it might- and it might not come the first time you get you know, weekend away. The most we can. We might just be a huge exhale. We did it yeah. Let's has put a stick in the ground we celebrate now, but you need something to aim at and Then you can make a decision of the job is really the problem in europe
falling community in your life and then you can make a decision of the job as the problem, because I'm not sure it is, I'm not sure it is used very fulfilling for a lot years. Alright and suddenly it's horrible right now that that suspect in his in again I want everyone hearing me to say this like if he quits his job and he works part time at a golf course, he'll with some relief instantaneously and then one day he'll be washing his hands in that bathroom and he'll look up and see himself in the mirror and realize he went with him that same guy with no friends, same gather doesn't have a plan with his wife. He just making fourteen percent of his other salary and he's Doug himself a whole because he jumped off the ship. He jumped off the roller coaster and so man, let's get together a dream. Dream dream. Incidentally, hate. I get my case, my wife and I said had this conversation several years ago- and I said I dont see myself in university, saying long term on begin to get another start training
into some other feel great. It took several years due to five years to get there we had a plan together that we mapped out together and we ended up here right. So whatever that happens, to be don't jump off ship gesture. I don't think this is one of the job puts us our the rams show in the books will be back with you before you know it in the meantime. Remember ultimately only one way to financial pace and that's the walk daily with the prince of peace, rash users. Pay is doktor, John bologna, if you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the reins. He baby steps but arranged solutions, dot, com and click on the get started by will help you figure out the best next step for EU based on specific situation at randy solutions, dot, com and click get started.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-01.