« The Dave Ramsey Show

Investing vs. Paying Down the Mortgage (Hour 1)


John Delony & George Kamel discuss:

  • How much of your net worth should be in cars,
  • If you should sell your house when moving across the country,
  • How to maximize your savings and live your life,
  • Affording care for mental health.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the headquarters of ramsay solutions, broadcasting pod moving in storage studio, it's the ramsay, show, were damaged. Job passes, king and pay off home mortgages taken the place of the Bmw. Has the status symbol, choice. We'll people build well, you work, they love actually being relationship when John aloni join you, but my good friend george camel and we are taking to calls on life money, marriage relationships, mental health. Whatever is going on in your life, your work triple eight eight to five five, two to five aaa eight to five:
I've, two to five, the call is free, gives a buzz and we look forward How can we use good kimberly in charlotte north carolina? What's up kimberly how you doin. under our ear fantastic. What's up, I'm gonna call me and my husband you started watching gave Randy I'm from a sexual have been twenty four about five thousand dollars a year before tax. We are free except for mortgage, and we want to start investing. question is: should we start, nothing now all accompanying our. How far faster yes think the answer is yes and you're going to do both in babysat for five six wm all at the same time. So you kind of get one plate spinning with baby steps. or, let's start investing fifteen percent of our income to retirement. You guys don't have it now. Ok, so fast pass doesn't
style through baby step five for now and go to baby steps six, so any extra margin beyond that fifteen percent. You can throw on top of your principle mortgage. Ok also. We have an Eighty thousand dollar truck that is paid all we paid off in a year and a half wholly drawn batman selling thousand on does apply yeah. What It was my husband stream truck. He before you got married and. Then, a stream try to turn into a stream life. Another dream truck he's got to go. I doubt it. thank you, dont get rid of it, but I would you recommend selling them putting that down the hall door, investing dead to me personally, not owing owning and eighty thousand dollar truck. Yes, absolutely end advice when it comes to toys because, let's be honest and eighty thousand our drug is a toy is,
ought to have more than fifty percent of your income tied up in things with motors in them and it sounds like you guys have as much income as you do. Toys yeah, What is your car worth my car, you play eyes six thousand. What kind of your own said may well, allow his wife, the driest driver, six thousand our car, while he drives and eighty thousand dollar truck hold on. Let me and reject your kimberly cause george drugs tesla. I just said John, this is beyond tesla this boy. Now I understand I come from a truck driving, so it s a place where trucks are equal to a little bit more important than the spouse. I get. It ah berytus reforming around. Yes, there is a I know of trucks, it cost it does not cost one hundred ten thousand dollars that are tools there. They have utility to them
but the guy's driving them. I mean you, don't want it all. They have utility their eyes guys, so they our toys, but there also utility also know a whole bunch of deeds who are a leverage to their eyeballs to drive in eighty thousand truck winnie use. Twenty thousand dollar version of that truck will last him for a long long time, As george mentioned you guys, don't make enough money to justify having an eighty thousand dollar depreciating asset in your driveway, I do. Actually Monica has been convinced. Well, it here the way to do it. This is not only a math problem might be. It could be This is a. I'm scared that we will have an emergency fund and you have, in eighty. Do, though you do ok, this is we do I. Being a home, I wanna start thinking now about what our life is. Gonna, like in five years in ten years and in full,
in ten years, you're going to have a forty thousand dollar truck sitting in the same spot in the driveway and we're still not going to have a down payment on a house. I'd love to see you sell at eighty thousand. Our truck while people still are still paying crazy amounts of money for use trucks and go by I go nice. Thirty thousand our truck. That's you This does not mileage on everyone's gonna live and lets. Take fifty three thousand dollars and put that down on our house. What's left on your mortgage here? what's left on the mortgage, thou to what would we gotta get? One august is like to twenty. I think, ok Hey I put in years, forget fifteen years. You guys, you guys have a life to live. I dont want to be in debt for fifteen years to you So let's have a goal of five or seven ten the most and what what fifty k gonna do that goal. It's gonna speed up that process by a lot
that's not what you think of it. This way this has been a hank grew up and we did have a lot grown up and money was. It was a hard conversation and I didn't know a lot of people with a lot of money for a lot of my life, and one of the ways. What, when I now sit by Dave every week I get to sit by people who think about wealth differently. And one of the things they have taught me is to stop thinking about money. in ways a b and c or d. How can I get this thing? How can I see this? How can I can make the shiny thing even shinier in here a unique take on money? How can I hours of my life: How can I buy back time, and so If you just look at your hundred and five thousand dollar household income, the yom make- and you think, how long would it take us to put to pay down. Fifty thousand dollars of our mortgage that
We want, or two or three years of your life and weakened by three years of our life two years of our life. If we discuss sell this big dumptruck in changing the way. I look at my life now, actually bought another mower, because it took me, six hours, to mow my place out in the woods on a saturday. Now me, my son, do it together, we get done two eyes, but four hours of my life back you see what I'm saying so yeah, that's how I've started shifting and how can I I I start paying for things. I don't want to pay for, but I started thinking how could I buy hours of my life back and I want you to sit down with him and say: hey. We kept accelerate this by two years by three years in the wood get a jumpstart on our debt free life and bringing into a world that hasn't know what a mortgage even is, and it's selling your beloved baby on the driveway I agree and were all clear. You get a nice car next time right, yeah we go
Six thousand random numbers. Eighty thousand have him call the show georgian. I wanna talk to one colors. What color is I'm just curious? What color is it? It is red eye. New it John, how to it oh my you had it for two years and it's brand new, like he keeps that thing. As soon as you called in, I was like big white fuck. This is a child who grew up and got money and he wants it what the fuck and he doesn't have a mortgage on it so high five too, but man so the trunk
you know what I'm going to challenge it and challenge you to find a ten thousand dollar truck that gets you to and from woe down. Seventy thousand dollars on your house move, sucker, all or just accelerate demand, accelerated buyback moments of your life dribble at eight to five five to two five give us a shout on the ramsey show we'll be right back the look life insurance as one job too, place your income for your dependence. If you die, that's it So if someone tries to sell you high cost life insurance, the doubles as savings or an investment strategy scams. Whole life? value variable life than run terms.
from Zander insurance is a much smarter way to protect your family future zander shops, all the top companies to find you're the most affordable term life rates. Then you can go build wealth with what you save not by falling for those kind. Policies, gotta, Zander, dot com, to learn more that's zander, dot, com or hundred three five. Six, forty to eighty two This is the reins he showed aaa, makes you five five five, I'm john bologna joined by my good friend george camel it's gotta matthew in Saint Louis Missouri. What's up matthew everything is great. My hour,
his last night. They want, but thanks for taking my call we'll go chiefs tight, patrick mahomes fan like that guy. So up do to god. It's called this job, asked her to new church in Alaska or moving out the illusion, island everything's provide did we don't have the path, then our furniture, anything the issues we have a how the house is gonna, be felt or probably two hundred thousand, you don't anything on it! and we're just trying to delhi thing is its by october. The reverse we need if figure out what we're doing the next two weeks, if we keep the house save David, doesn't work out. it will cost us probably about was insurance everything, probably twenty five hundred dollars a month, whereas we could sell it. four two hundred thousand just bank the money and wood a little bit per month, like maybe fifty two hundred or stored in it, but I'm just drive
back, and I never thought I could get on the dave ramsey shows, though anyway, that's my dilemma to expel the house job to do. I have and watch it it'll be bacon, but that's not a problem where we live holiday, negative of august, No, what is it got over comparable to hawaii? Yes to alaska that simple, cold like you're gonna, be there, do you know play for a long, long time. Ok, and we won't come back to this town? That's the other thing, never coming back there, so I like to yeah, I like to think of it this way. If you lived in alaska, would you buy real estate to hang onto in this little town that you're in right. Now the answer is obviously no so I would sell it and get out and and if you have the I mean, that's why you have a that. If you end up having to move before you sell it great, does their job and look at a soul. For you,
I would challenge you to put as few things as possible in storage. You get rid of yet all it give it away your master. You know people who are hurting in need in need of things get rid of it. Man cut ties, have a storage base in a city, five thousand miles away where you live, is it just a recipe redder plan on visiting it, get exactly if you it called the hawaii or california or texas, or something the worst part can you imagine, driving all the way to wherever tat, to get you. Couches and your popcorn maker that you're still never going use? You don't mean it just become such a waste, such awake you so much for taking my call, and this will help because I'm talking it out with my wife Becky knows about it, but the whole idea of selling it. And if I say I have to talk to Dave ramsey's battle cause! That's what I'm trying to think of that way, but thank you for telling me talk to dave that that'll help the converse not john and george tonight, man when it's to our benefit. We say that we're dave, often
do you, like godlike beg you ve, got your ankle I gotta care in Washington DC. It was up here. hi. I was higher screw that I doubt it in my heart. I'm sorry it's ok, I'm sorry. what do you do? I recently graduated from college, with a degree of economic uncurling working in the fund industry, making sixty five key annually, now many putting six percent income, each Bora one carry for a match or fire going back to ban, David around twenty seven hundred dollars a month until december when bowed I'll, be always in around sixteen hundred a month, now not quite sure what you do this money. I am bathing. I have about sixty thousand already paid than I you baby, the count and seven thousand in and in vacuum, well you don't have much
by should increase my four one k or just keep me How did you get so smart? I'm just wondering for on behalf of you all twenty two year olds where did this come from? I didn't have the best like financial situation as a kid. money you- and I was like big sr. O was the main thing that I focused on and I started working at. Sixteen I've been faith in africa are incredible. We jump into the shorts that dont lose that ok here that such a gift, because says to me that you look in the mirror at some point. You said the stops with me and you I had the I had the opportunity to Go to college to watch my mom and dad had bitterly blaze a trail
I got to learn hard lessons, but people were had already blaze. Those trails ahead of me and you had to go off in the woods by herself and cut your own trails and so you're an amazing young woman, and please don't lose that. Ok, then came the world needs more of you. Ok go ahead. George, so and I'm assuming you have such a great head on your shoulders. Do you not have any debt, I know I don't love and you have an emergency fund as well on top of the sixteen carriers that included now that including the emergency fund? Ok, so would you all three to six months of expenses about fifteen k: yeah, ok! so there's really not a ton of whether room on top your savings, you basically gone through baby sab three an hour, investing fifteen per cent of our income into retirement, and so I would ask that six percent to start can you at fifteen percent? Here I can ok and is that a foreign k? What's the retirement situation
if you are a one k and then I have about two grand in a roth ira from years ago. Awesome is it: do they have a roth four o one k option they do yes, well, you can go ahead, invest all fifteen percent into their raw for one gay and make it really simple. ok and then any money beyond that we can start saving up for goals right now, you're to saving to save. I want you to have something your naming towards, so you can be a little more excited about it. So do you want to be a homeowner one day nor area, yet oak So that be my ex goal, how can we start to save up ten, even twenty percent down on a home in my area and start doing the math crunch and the numbers and figure how we gonna get there Maybe your next go. You gotta get vehicle that safe, reliable. Driving my two thousand and nine yards for quite some time? He got the bus. Well, you may want to save up. You know to replace that car in the next
Few years as well, so you can have different goals, your saving towards and put it in ratios and sam same fifteen percent to retirement I'm gonna put, five hundred bucks a month into a savings account over here to upgrade the car and another thousand a month. Tour towards the downpayment savings so that three years from now, I'm going to have thirty, six thousand for a down payment, and so I started setting those goals in every area gear. How old are you? What are you? Ok common challenge for twenty year old tour as driven and out of outside the box as your is the tendency to even fighting for a long time. In doing things on your own for a long time, and now you ve- What unquote made it to this big goal, you got a college, you got your job, your debt free, and now you are having to do something you ve never had to do before, which is to settle in ok. Your next journey is, not how to survive not How to
when, with money you're doing that you are going to be yours, so far had the came, its unbelief, what you will be a multi multimillionaire be able to give and live like very few people. You know your challenge over the next two to three to four or five years is how can I become comfortable in case skin how can I just settle in and do really really good work and then have really great relationships outside of work. How can I laugh? How can I go hang out Friends is europe's, and this is gonna, be your new annual said, because you are really really good at drive and drive and drive and drive and what were I do like george said we have a goal. Financially one had a house one get car. We wanted to have a to some arbitrary million dollar number in the bank account whatever we also one have a life worth living. We have people worth laughing with and weeping. we want to have people that can shop at two a m. We want to have neighbours that we can count on when the power goes out and the power will always go out right.
So we want to have these financial goals. We have proof, snuggles, and we now want to begin to build a life worth living, and this is just your new adventure up for it: Yeah tell them to go on vacation, that's awesome, vacation, so good! You forget to instagram it now that is a cool goal. You just blew your mind. That's I don't think twenty two year old can understand that John you did it work. Yes, but I'm old, that's true, we'll be right back the way,
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the welcome back america, big news. We are celebrating the one year anniversary of borrowed futures launched by premiering the documentary film on youtube Monday october, seventeenth at seven pm central time with a watch party. That's right, borrowed future is our award winning documentary that uncovers the dark side of the student loan industry and we believe that Every single, high school or an parent of high schoolers should watch this film. So make sure you share this with someone. You know that needs it follow the watch party. Tobar, seventeenth and then you can view borrowed future on demand on youtube for free. Your way from america! Up until that point, has been about five bucks on our website on amazon, prime, wherever you watch stuff.
tv google play and it still available there were you can rent it ad free. And so, if you want to watch it without ads, you can do it there. If you want to watch it with the ads, you can do that on youtube: zero cost, you So let's continue to disrupt the toxic student loan industry join us Monday night for our borrowed future watch party on youtube. You can our beef rsvp there right now for a go to our youtube channel here, We will send you a reminder. I know John and I were gonna, throw little party ourselves, I have gone when Monday rolls around eighth a usually stop and think man. I need to confront a youtube, And with the kids, with the kids, yep and wildly my dogs, by the time I dogs are old enough dog college will exist. Couple things already does its four puppies and I'm just thinking back to my colleagues, historic universities, and it wouldn't surprise me if a thing get an email from somebody admissions unit
admissions missions to saying hey, I could you hausa a pet mr Blair mr come is, would like to unroll his two pugs into the university french bulldogs. Given the credit they deserve, they they would, they have flat faces. They ran into what what? What? What would they study? George, you know, I think you'll be culinary arts they're very food motivated if you or driving down the road? And you think I think we're gonna be all right. It is a country where not, peculiar, to give you hope of the guys like this? Well aside from that, if you have real actual humans in your house or you plan to this is a must watch document.
me and my friend doctor check it out, he's featured in it by the way- and you have some really great things to say they edited around all the other stuff perfectly. There's nothing like doing a two or three hour interview and four and a half minutes of it shows up. But it's good. It's so good. Eighty eight minutes long. It will change the way you see college and further education. It will actually start some conversations with your kids. Yes and they'll, be the ones starting it go and wait. Mom is that true, mom and dad that this whole thing like a scam. yes, son, absolutely and hate by friends. You work in higher it. And I will defend them to the end of the earth- a great people trying to do the best they can turn to help communities help young people help people coming back. One change careers watch just watch this documentary even if you disagree with it? This is why People are feeling this is the other side of the conversation that I did not know existed when I lived in this world and it has been an eye opening jarring converse- on the other side of it some monday hurried over seventeen wait said
p m Monday october, seventeenth, central time to nan, go rsvp honor you to channel, and I will be watching with the america very cool art. Let's go to judd in sin, tell yo taxes, the most san antonio name. I could think of what, judge you guys. Are you doing make good what's up eight, so we can the kind of any likely from California and we are working on baby, that's too, and one of the biggest that we have in debt are our vehicles, one of on I'm upside down a couple grand the other one, I'm actually work. the positive equity right now, because of the way the market is right now, Michael is we have? two kids and we, my wife and I both work. So we still technically need to cars.
it'd be ok. I got rid of the more expensive vehicle which would have the negative equity on it and actually get it. My personal loan to cover that negative equity were the amount of debt that I house or we have, that is an option. Its my favorite option, but it is an option. The best option is for you to find the money and cover the difference in cash, but it is the only time we would tell you it's ok to go into debt is to fix this upside down car situation by getting a personal loan from credit union to cover the difference, and then we aggressively pay down that smaller alone that we now have so how far upside down are you I haven't gotten you exact number from the dealership. By going to the light, illegal book or the other sites. I would be anywhere from the cunning on water. We give me for the guard anywhere from too Six thousand dollars, ok, Parana facebook a today to try to cover the gap
If it's that close from a dealer, I think you can make up a, I think you can sell it. Look at you come off even stephen. If you tell the person you're selling the car, to I'm gesture pay this note off so this is like I am walking away here, we're high five and I'm going walkway, zero and you're going to get a good deal on a car and you're going to sell that car this weekend Look at how much money do you guys have in the bank right now at that, it's never a good chance that that start a funny question where world war two baby steps right now, so we're still trying to figure out her, but I do like I said we just moved out here our income, how you you, you just moved from California to texas, it's weird keeping all of your paycheck like this right. You have all this money, but if you your checking account right now between checking and savings what's in there, but about this unit. Ok, ok, that helps me, sir.
The question is: how quickly can we get another five hundred another thousand dollars in the door so that we don't have to take out a loan? Even if there is a gap? Ideally you can just sell it and you clear it but if there is a gap, you should be able to cover that in cash pretty quickly. so started a side hustle you name it. Ok, I also what's your debit card. Number. George. Oh sweet. Let me make sure to give out to honour my frank you can do this his jolly. Can you ve already made one good decision moving and so now next decision don't go into further? Don't go for them to die, still might consider selling the other car. If you can make profit on it and then just buying to cheaper cars, because you're still gonna need a car at the end of this year. So what are the proud of it? You could make on another car. ah what about when I would need to cover the other now. Ok, so you're saying few grand they could be or by thousands. Ok, because it so both you and have zero cars, and so we have to think about ok, how
we scraped together enough money to that will if we sell both of these, we can buy to cheaper beater cars for now in our final. I do too a very small rob IRA, which about what five hundred dollars into it, would you recommend pulling from that? After all valid? Never ever desperate man don't do it if you have non retirement funds like if they were just in a taxable brokerage account or some single stocks. I would tell you to cash those out, but retirement and you're going to face so many fees and penalties and taxes. It is not worth it You can do this man, it's gonna, take a low but a work and sacrifice. But you know Sometimes we need to be humbled by driving the beater car for awhile and gone yep. That's this is me acting my wage. For now I have been humbled for many many many many years. Hey everytime, you hear someone do their debt free scream on the show? It's because at some point they said I've had it. I'm not living like this anymore,
you get mad like that and they in then you do what they did. Your life will change to and right now inflation and stupid credit cards and stew loans in your car note killing you you ve been led to believe that you're, not in control of your money and that that is wrong. You have to do I'd to control what you can control and that you do? Think about things and what you do. Your act, and you have the power to change your future and fund. he'll peace university will show you how this court teach you the proven step by step plan its help. Nearly ten million people beat debt. Mass budgeting and build wealth and you can do it too. We had a great meeting last night, george weather personnel, your friend jade paid off a million dollar sixty thousand dollar four hundred and sixty thousand you don't love it
just wiping the excuses off the table. Oh yeah, don't tell me, you owe fifteen thousand bucks to your four hundred thousand dollars the steps work. The steps work, stop letting debt and money stress control. Your life say: I've had it and take back your control, start financial peace university at ramsey, solutions, dot, com, slash fp ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash, F, peak the
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Your boy eight, to five five due to five. This is the ribs you show. I'm john bologna joined Europe like george camel is god's nor in new york new jersey. What is up? No bigger thanks for have me only on the show today I found my and predicament. I am following the ranch you programme and and doing really well, where that I as it stands now. I should be completely that free by April, and I wanted to on track by another bit of background of what's going on. Is I emma recovering alcohol like in drug out. I can then in recovery for thirty years. Will the apple. I got some as a teenager. Early on
But what happened is the twelve steps, or can I not doing it? I am opening the door to more deeper issues. Things with another and mash man There is an enormous anorexia, which is not a really sort of widely known, a topic. That is something that requires professional help and seeking therapy with brain spotting, which are the virginal anti arch, and all of these things are. I'm at pay. You know insurance isn't going to to cover this, and I've done enough of them to know that the answer is here and I need to seek this. more by There is no room in my budget. I mean it's just as there's no room, and so the only option it looks like I have to do is to put it on a credit card and
Let there be no I'm looking to do is make me, after the need to pay nine hundred to a thousand dollars more and more than one I'm physically able to afford, with my full time job So let me walk through this backwards. Guide. us must first statement. Is I'm proud of you what you ve done about thirty years at heart, fair, yes or no, and its monotonous and as every single day and is every hour in its of beating end. We often you know like when you see somebody you haven't seen him in fifteen months or in three years and they've lost a lot of weight and you're like oh, my gosh look great and it has, none of them every day it at every choice of the thing they didn t, never exercise. They did and for you to sit all at once, and so I want to step back and applaud you. It's hard lincoln! That's incredible!
and good for you for having occur bridge to go deeper right to actually get to the root of some of these things and you ve been controlling behaviour and controlling thoughts for thirty years and now you're. Writing you, learn, that's hard and of man I've been down the india rabbit holes. Add I sat through brains voting session once it's up, it's incredible. It's amazing stuff, I would tell you a couple of number one. If you have found a therapy that you think is helpful in leading in the right direction. Using to not do that. it is not wise and I think you ve landed there and really challenge you, I decide We with your sentiment, saying that this duff is forcing you to dinner- a decision that is going to hurt you which is putting on a credit card.
That's addiction, language to do this so that I had cause. I have to do this and this is just the predicament that's a couple crap on that anchor the fair, so we're gonna take just like we take our call out the house. It can't be here right. I can't have it here. We're gonna, take debt out of the house that isn't enough So what else is, becomes an option. Do I I have to drive for uber just to pay for therapy, and let me be honest- I know telling you nuts and I wanna tell you- have been there do extra thing, so I can afford the monies agnes go to counselling K of. how to do it myself. Am I gonna drive over? Am I going to take what time am I going to stay late? Am I going to let other things go that have been a part of my healing journey, because I need this medicine. I need this therapy right now. My promises, if your the time in and you
We get your work out a plan with your therapist on how we're gonna make this work financially and harmony. Make this work in your life. It's a little winds and your Have some skin in the game? Now see what I'm saying you're going be taking, above and beyond active approach in your mental health not just mental health you're about healing this surgery right? This is getting indeed running out the infection. That's been there for a long time, you're worth that extra effort. But blaming this on a short cuts can end up causing you down. The road is just gonna love you back into another mass Joe, I'm sam. Yes, yes that's what I was afraid of happening in you know. I've been like are what would grant visa, which is basically the ramsay solution. Right and I think came off so the ability to come here and talk about this. I mean I'm also get a law eight, if you are, if you're in true, indeed of what your tongue,
But for those who don't know, india are braced what you are talking. About trauma healing, and you are talking about intense trauma therapy frame. Season and so well I'll, tell you stop paying off your debt and get healthy I, wouldn't tell you to forego your heart care, radisson tat, keep panel maybe step to know too don't die. That's number one right. So, let's The trauma therapy needs to stop in on your debts, for right now, pause for a minute and take too three four months to get well- I am also, will challenge your therapist if their charge you nine hundred dollars a month cattle. different different different therapy Different providers and you have to go a multiple people and multiple theodosia, ok I'll. love for you to sit down with somebody and see. If you can coordinate some of his care meaning there may be the I'm, do empty, are or brain spotting on what once a month and I'm gonna go to therapy on the other three without work.
I don't know the efficacy of what your particular issues arm up your particular needs. Are. It may not work that way, but I want you to have that conversation not just go ok and then the next one, ok and the next one, ok a part of my getting well, I it being a Let us say a wisdom collector. The counselor over here and met with a coach over here. My buddy was a therapist. Oil was with him at a medical doctor and a friend of it in dude urge everything absolutely I needed to do the hard work. You see what I'm saying yeah. I I've been called out on that. Okay, so same team. I want you to take debt out of the house. And then sit down with your therapist and be about building a plan that works. but financially both psychologically and both that works any an altogether working life.
and now I'm gonna give you one year. Financial peace university as well as every dollar premium are budgeting tool at because what comes down to is, if you're, not on a buck short and you're. Saying my life depends on getting this so that I can be well, then you're gonna do whatever it takes to find that nine hundred bucks and if that means cutting subscriptions. If that means driving for over delivering groceries dog sitting baby sitting, you name it you're going to do and so that budget start to show you where your options lie and where you can search shaving expenses and what that extra two bucks a month could do for your budget, I mean not eating out because we're going to meal plan so that we can afford this level of care and so you're going to have to get really creative, but that a fp you coupled with every dollar, to really put that plan on paper and you stick to it because following that budget means you can get the care you need That is the best reasoned budget I've heard of today, and so we're gonna give that to you for one year to help walk with you.
As you continue to heal from this and hang on the line and also gift you a copy of one. Your past change, your future, it's my gift to you and want you to read that book, work through it and then highlight the things that are important to you and bring those to your counselor and they become good, good places to start right, good good, jumping off points to talk about. So thank you so much for your bravery and colleagues, it's hard for a long long time. This dude is yeah, that's a for people who have not been in recovery for that long and it's just it's a lot. It's it's so heavy and it's so hard and it's so every day. There's an old saying you can never! out enough, like you, can never have such a great work out on Monday that you don't get up and do so on tuesday and Wednesday right in a. Second is put at all on the line on Monday and then back That's my we're for october squared up the how it works man same thing with with recovery, its by minute our bower freight daily battle, that's exactly playground
Thanks to everybody in the booth for running the show, even james childs. Thank you so much. Thank you. George. My co host. Thank you, america. For listening to us. We got one hour. The books we will be back shortly on the ramsey, show the hey it's John Delaney co hosted the ramsay show. Did you know over eighteen million people listened to the ramsey show every week a lot of those people listen on one of our six hundred plus radio stations across the country. To find a station near you go to ramsey solutions, dot com, slash the hey. If you're a fan of this podcast we've got more where that came from. As you know, at ramsey we're always looking to protect our listeners from scummy companies, slick marketing and money myths, I'm george camel host of the fine print where I do the research for you to help. You rise above the system, that's designed to keep you broke and in debt so that you can become confident your money choices check out the fine print wherever you listen to podcasts, hey, it's james producer of the ramsey show. This episode is over but check the episode. Note
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-09.