« The Dave Ramsey Show

If You Want To Win You Have To Go Against the Grain!


Rachel Cruze & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss:

  • "How do we talk to our kids about money?"
  • "Pay off debt while saving for retirement?"
  • "Pause retirement while saving for baby?"
  • "Should I sell my house to pay of debt?"
  • "My boyfriend got out of jail and has $30K in collections,"
  • Why you need to be careful with food delivery services,
  • "Should we move in with my parents?"
  • "How do I get started with a Roth IRA?"
  • "How do I sell my car if I'm upside down on it?"
  • "My husband lost his job after we bought a house,"
  • "Should I pause my student loan payments?"
  • "Should I consolidate my debts?"
  • "We keep fighting about our finances"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I lie motors ramsay solutions at the ramsay show where we help people build well, do work that they live in, creating actual amazing relationships. I am remsen personality regulatory is co hosting this hour when the wonderful j, more shots and microsoft chair right there and we are taking your calls. It's a free call anywhere in the country a triple eight eight to five five, two to five, and talking about your life, and your money so give us a call. So, first, at this hour
we have laura in toronto. Canada, hey laura, welcome to the show. I thank you so much. I'm so excited to be able to talk to you can. I thank you for having me on yeah absolute things for calling. How can we help, though I've been listening you showed daily for the last few months and I read total money make over and now I need some advice revolving fairly responsible and frugal with our money on buttons. Listening to you right then we have wanted to start doing more. Go I've been selling off a lot things that we don't need or use anymore. I kind of like how everybody subject to sell everything until the kid think their next month, my three year old. My five year old are now starting to notice and started asking more questions about money and what I'm saying in foreign, where it's going. So my question is: do you haven't advice on how to talk the kids about money and at what age, and is there a way to teach them to respect that without causing any kind of anxiety? I know my group is still well, but I don't want to burden them with adult things like debt and mortgages, but I want to try and start them off right yeah. We don't talk about it,
permit shut down with our neighbours yoga nothing! It's a great question laura! I think even your intentionality behind it early on is here and then I would say to I give you props that your kids are picking up on what you're doing as we always save europe you no more as cotton taught like your kids are watching so much. Of what you're the choices you're making in life and even your emotions around the right? They they pick up so much, and so the fact that their, seeing change in you laura, I think, is amazing, because that means you're, changing right, you're, doing something different comes to your money in their saying that some props you in that regard began I would keep it very age appropriate. I think we do fines, families that are in aceh her five you make a financial gall like getting out of debt or having money saved to bring kids, along in that and make it's. Family themes. I
you right that, like as a family, we are choosing to do this and it's not just mom and dad in isolation, doing it? And so yes, yes talking to them and I think again, age appropriate into same yeah, you know mom and dad. We don't want money to be a stress point in our life. So for us you know whether its you're getting out that. So we don't so actually, when mom and dad make money from work, we get to keep it and decide what we want to do with it. Instead of sending it, you can even talk to them about payments and like what that looks like oh yeah, what debt is and so yeah it's a very age appropriate. But starting those conversations, I think is, is key yeah laura and urge the oath. I gladly ask him say I you know my my kids. They see the show and they see us talk money into all day and my son is started asking like what is dead, and so we ve talked him I mean we ve, explained that when borrow money. You have to give it back in here. that looks like an evil. An arm. Simple, ass, sometimes I'll, go. If I buy something- and he just thinks you know you go to target and piglet every one off the shelf and I'm like no one mom
leaves every day, I'm going to earn money and then, when we are in that money, we get to decide how to spend so there's part of it that just introducing them to the idea that you go when you work, and then this is what you get. For your time and it's not unlimited right, and I think that and a big one and then to just on the choices in your language. Right because doktor John- and I were talking about this- the other day, your kids remit. her things mentally, but their body also remembers how things felt in so you're going through a season of getting out of debt. If you are feeling anxiety and stress, and we gotta do this. We gotta do like this. We gotta do it now I I challenge you to make the feeling like. Oh, this is so good for us we're sacrificing we're going to have freedom. We're gonna have choices. It's exciting make that exciting thing, a thing that feels like liberating empowering and then Bodies are going to remember that feeling, oh man, when mom and dad to control their life, I mean I've, never seen them more confident. So I think there's a lot
it can be done with the mood that your creating in the house surrounding getting out of debt and that sort of thing- god, that's good, I know I'm writing or other I'm writing a book right now. Sissy Gough row in its all about anxiety and kids, and she talks about that parent of hearings, eighty your kids are too, are seven times more likely. How for that suggest that I think that's killer, that environment you creates is, it is its use, it impacts roquette than in the other thing, or I will also say, with your kids so that Everything we just kind of spoke on was the perspective of you know you the parents reacting to you money situation to your kids, but let your kids feel, an experience money on their own and so having them even at their age? You know they can do a couple of chores here and there lately and pay them and teaching them, especially your older, when your five year old, you know, give savings,
It's like these three basic buckets of money, but it's buckets that as adults as basically what we can do with money, we give it. We can save it and spend it, and we want to do all three, and so you kind of start letting them experience. the emotion and the principal hat habit building ideas around money themselves, even at a young age, so long If you hang on the line, arsons gonna pick up, and I want to give you financial peace junior because that's our set of teaching young, ads how to handle money and smart smart monies markets. The first book I wrote, with my dad was a new items seller because it was it's all about the perspective from the child of growing up in a home where money is talked about in it's in a perspective that is healthy and obviously dad was the power and in that in what they did. So I'm gonna give you those laura, because I think this is this is the part this show that we talk about changing your family tree absolute because there's a generation all
but that is built and what your can see and what they experience, what they believe about money is passed down to them and you can do it well an intentional, like you are, or sometimes just accident on, your kids get what they get right. An inside The intentional routes is really it's important because money such a stressful part of life and when your kids couldn t that healthy perspective, its bags out thanks, for the call we appreciate it so J what's been get stuff because your kids are how old, the two or three in five, so you have exactly there a yeah yeah, exactly in my oldest he's just at the point where it's like? Oh ok, so he does chores and he gets. You know a little bit of money, forest chores, but still going to the store. He doesn't understand like this we by so much so constantly explaining, like you, only have so much and if you want more, you have to more and more, you work the more money you have and you can buy. Things are more expensive. So kind of in that phase. Right now, my youngest, you know she's she's,
she's, not area. I am not area but yeah. It's it's so funny to to watch your. It's an and I have an eight year old in a six year old and for sure their personalities when it comes to- like, I know, which way you're gonna be bans and I just announced today actually am- I have a kids but coming out november its loud I'm glad for what I have and its the kid it's my middle daughter, because it is all about meant the were younger kids, but its learning that contentment peace
It's huge that it's okay to have nice stuff, but we don't want our nice stuff to have us and our kids think that the amazon delivery guy is like part of the family right, so I can get them when everyone yeah they get into the rhythm of like what what stuff is today? That's crazy! As our kids don't even see money, they don't see cash anymore. They don't see. Even debit cards have records. It's on your phone. That's right! You're, buying online, so making that connection for our kids in a real life scenario is so is so key. So keep so thanks again, laura for the call and we'll be back This episode is sponsored by better help, hey everybody. This is doctor John Delaney. Sometimes we know what's good for us, but it seems like we can't make ourselves do it like our brains, getting in it's own way but to me a lot I know, you play a game with my kids instead of practising a guitar all night, but times. My brain still tells me. I should practise in practice my guitar in my room Star days are long past me therapy help
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things really help in the algorithm of the world cup gas than you? Do it because want to show in front of as many people as possible because we want people to help them when it comes to their life and their money. So it's always helpful when you got, do that. We know you do it because we see the response and the numbers and all of its we're, so grateful for that and again trying to get traffic at this. Three under control jane, you know, that's right, one show and at a time and what an array of negative philip in Birmingham hey philip welcome to the show I think for Henry neon. Absolutely, how can we help so? I got maybe more of a two part question a bell to start with the with the first So I have been listening principally for the past week. I gave it up, when one name, my wife first got married six years ago, and haven't only followed closely probably should have
We currently have thirteen thousand dollars and unhealthy debt that we are on a car, and we down or clarify the right way way way way way way way. say unhealthy dead. What do you mean by that and tell me what the healthy debt is, the only reason I say that is I'm I'm just putting my mind in the right perspective that I want to get rid of all of our cats. Okay, so so you do know, there is not really like healthy debt per se. Absolutely away a country. People are created, completely necessary to get a car? Yes, and that that fine and I are going and I don't want to go with the grain on that. Okay, good, though I'm trying to allow myself emotionally to catch up to a lifestyle that new life your to make over the past few weeks and the first are just like? That
Ok, we're gonna have we can have a little bit or global battle with what the world typically tells people with her change in your language. J, J J, like it you're, not getting vast james ryan, villa so watch out there Thousand dollars tat arm, which is unhealthy as it all is, so what else you got craig and then or mortgage, which we are very far away. We got that three years ago, thankfully, before things that really crazy, by the way out there. If I can map aside from that, we have We have here a got your medical, build europe, student loans or ok on that side, but we still- yet I had occurred in the first part of the saying this is everything we have going on right now and the second part of my question was: do you want to get rid of it that we have in our car? But I also haven't you
I said nearly as much into our retirement. What do I currently that he drove off our aim and my question: why should I keep hitting like jokes, maximize that much. I can't my last diary and still pay extra on a car or she put on hold knock at the car first and then hit my robbery and mutual funds heavy after that, I see the benefit of both sides. I don't want It- I'm already I'm gonna be thirty one yeah, Thank you. I didn't give Ricky now and on. I think you're freaking out. Thank you need a freak out as as bad as you. I like that you're. On top of this, I like that you're looking at future in you're gonna write. What do I need to do to make sure that were set up in the best possible way on, but you're you're not new to teaching. So you know we walk through a series of baby steps, and so what do you think that I'm going to say we need to get rid of our parliament and you know why, though the do you know
the principle behind that sure. So what is it eighty year your teeth, you're the teacher right now. I think you know this, I do it'll help having a third party you done by went out of my life. I got em it's been so phillip. I think I think the I think what you can get in your head, because you sounds we always say there was like either the nerd of the free spirit or you probably the nerd, I'm gonna, assume or older albert gaia. Thousands yeah you're run running numbers and calculations, and all of this and you're, seeing on my gosh year, my wroth and might retirement oliver, and I understand that I really really do and again will you said the big because we're going against the grain with the grain would say, as yeah go had new fund retirement, you do that you try to keep up with your credit card balance and you're here,
pay a little bit on your car. Some of your hat. You know you just spread everything around and you kind of just get mediocre right mediocrity, is what the result ends up being, because there's not intentional focus on one thing, and so the great thing for you El up is at your thirty one and so retirement. If you hold off of. how much you guys make a year. How much do you and your wife make anywhere between five and sixty so you guys will have yes and time to pay off this car, and maybe it's in may, it's you take an extra job. You guys are comes up, you're selling, stuff. You do all that you know. Maybe it's maybe it's an eighteen month turnaround right, twelve months, it's a year, her! Ok, that's not be detrimental to retirement. It's really not. I mean over because you're gonna be able to invest more money getting about just even if you took that car payment and added that too
roth on top of what you would have done rightly coming right adjust. It starts to compounds, and that's the great thing is that you're gonna catch up and in here's the deal to philip. If you were sixty one, our advice would be the same regardless, and so So, where you are, is in a great spot, you are in a year and a healthy spot. You see the problem attack that car get it out of here and then that's gonna, for you guys, said you some say: have some savings and emergency fund you'll have any money saved right now, I guess our emergency fines and we had some medical bills. We had a daughter this year and I was paying taxes for millionaires for my four one: cancer, roth IRA, okay, young and I'm after after my wife We are currently what you plan ahead for that, but it can. I put his back to just having an emergency fund. but we have around three thousand dollars and savings right now. That's that's all we have at the moment. Ok, that's great!
would be curious. You don't need to sell the car cause. I think you guys can pay this off, but even if you wanted to run the numbers for fun philip, I mean there's some people that call the show and they're like I went out of debt tomorrow, like I like, give me out, and they would take a on the car. Take a smaller loan. You know get a bit of a they'll go through that process. You don't need to the math as oak is on your side and that in that regard, if you're, not in that urgent of estate, but I would say, yeah run some numbers, while y'all are kind of going against the grain just keep pushing at it. Yeah. I think you'd be surprised how quickly will pay off this thirteen kay em. If you get intense, think it'll go by way faster than you thought. Regarding YAP, absolute yep things for college philip I present good luck to you guys and congrats on the on the new edition, most of the new baby yeah. This, is I feel like one of the things that is It's kind of a myth in the personal financed space is that you can do eighteen things at once. Yeah and a secret
if there is a secret, is especially early on when you're getting out a debt, your wanting to save a chunk of money in an emergency fund when you are focused- and you point everything at one- thing and you actually spend time on, even if it takes a year of take. These reminds twenty four months: the progress. you see- and that is where the idea that personal finances- eighty percent behaviour- it's only twenty percent- had knowledge comes into play like when you start to win, and you start to see progress not like teeny tiny here and there a random things like big steps, big pre, grass in one area like paying off debt, its motivating well yeah, because if, if, if you dont focus right, let's You ve got five hundred extra dollars at the end of the month, you're like a minister paying off debt and each debt gets fifty dollars there's like I'm, never see the needle move and before you know. You're like us is not working and you just lose your motivation and you go back to your old habits. but when you suddenly take that five hundred dollars and you throw it out a credit card bill, that's two thousand and two done yet,
for months you're like wait. A second like I can keep going. I can do this rubber, and so there is say something to be said. For focused intensity, turning it no turning the light into a laser beam in your burning through that debt. So I mean that's, that's the way to do the way that works. Yes, absolutely absolutely, and then again the the idea that we will get caught up it's like he dead, philip. It's such a that's such a normal mindset of freaking out about retirement, because we do see these charts of compound interest that if you started at eighteen, you know what you would need all of it, which is all great and its true. Yet time is your friend but yes, but getting things in order and having a piece, foundation under you financially before you start going and looking far in the future ets. It changes everything and changes. It changes the emotion around money. It really does so thanks again, philip for the call. This is the real issue
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and marriage for a full weekend and jade you're gonna, be here too. I am I'm so excited, but we were just talking about how this is very different than some of the other a I'm going to have a very good way. Yes, so yeah, it's a lot of really. Can I think, like a budget, of connection we want to have with the audience causes. Couples that are going to be there and again it's these two subjects that can be really difficult to talk about at times, and so we it's it's. It's can be very casual yeah, it's gonna be really fine. We want to give you the tools to be able to catch. Division. Maybe challenge you in some areas to be able to walk away, but there's some fun guests, John and I were doing a panel actually it's been when it's going to be there and John's wife sheila, which this is a big deal, that this never happens. The spouses never end up coming, but we wrote them in J jury.
Going to be there for your session was saying I was going to be. There has been so yeah wow, it's gonna, be it's going to be a hangout. We have evening things plans for you guys, so it's going to be really fun, so our vip and platinum tickets are already sold out. So there's a few more just general emission. So if you want to go good ramses, since our come slash events seven hundred, ninety nine dollars a couple and yes, we want you out of debt. Of course we want you on baby steps for five or six designed for two people at seven. Ninety nine yeah for chow, that's great yep, so I get multi day events and it's going to be really fun here in nashville, so get some time away from the kids get away. From your normal I've coming out. In actual with as many a marriage october nineteenth, Twenty first again got ramses solutions, dot, com, slash events to join us of it are add up next. have it shine in louisville, hey sean, welcome to the show.
I did I rachel, thank you so much for taken. I call absolutely, how can we help. Well, I know my wife- and I are, I am very sad- saw them six and we found out that We are going to have our second child I'm doing congratulations. My gear sound war the question. Is Our thoughts are iron, housing. Housing for violence to save up for for the daily. Ok, sorry eyes, I'm just clarifying, you have no dad too much savings. You have in your emergency fund lemon or twelve thousand, that's great. How much? How much do you need for the baby like? What's your did up the bull gonna be in future.
It was I've looked numbers. I keep trying to figure out what what we're gonna next year like ok, I think would be like seven thousand. Ok, I'm. and you're investing fifteen percent right now right? I would propose the other two. I would keep investing. I won't stop investing, I think, still investing your fifteen percent, but if you guys want I like pullback from paying off that you know if you're putting the house or something and you want to pull back and save up what that's going to be. I think that's that's a good rule of thumb, because we always do tell people to pause the debt snowball if you're getting out of debts to pause that and pile of cash if you're expecting Maybe, but besides that Sonia me, I would I wouldn't I wasn't in how much you guys make a year. Some ok
how you run out the numbers on what that would look like without pausing in where how much are you able to save by june if he too, if you weren't pausing? So if we just stopped Five and six were able to save up like hundred fifty a month, but it doesn't it sort of inquiry. Get us to the Is that seven thousand mark? I think that's where the m, where the concern is, what does it get you to do the math real, quick? It's I I wanna say like honestly, like five thousand, maybe. What I would do, I honestly I'll be honest. I wouldn't pause retirement more of that
I would and then, as the bills come in, I pay the bills as they come in and you might be prize because I'm thinking I'm trying to think back through this rachel of when I had babies and some Stuff came in right away, some of it I pre paid since most of the end yeah milosevic and they start rolling in. But it's not like it's not like in one day you how to write a cheque for seven thousand dollars right. So I'd, probably just cashflow it. I cash flow the bills as they were men and if you guys get to the bottom, get to the end of it, and you need a thousand dollars from your emergency funds than its up into the were grab the thousand dollars you have saved their keep fund retirement. Put your thousand dollars. Yeah back into the room, Marianna refill it and you guys just keep going, but I would for you to lose. Steam on that. Now, if you re telling me that you needed said, ten thousand dollars or something yeah. Then we can talk about it, but the fact that you guys are so close to be able to cash flow it and the bigger thing to hear is I wouldn't want to. If, for me, it's
abbott forming thing. I wouldn't want to build the habit of when we need to do something we stop retirement. Does that make sense? no. This is very important. I think there's something to be said for that resourcefulness. Ok, how can we make this work because going forward are ardently be things that you need to do, not just do but need to do that are gonna, be you know, a very sensitive and I dont want to build the thought of well. We can pause retirement for a little while to make it happen. Does that make sense? That's kind of your mind Mind is going on this and if it were This were the conversation going on in my house with sam. That's the that's argument, then I bring up I'd, be like well see sam. You know. I think that we can do this without building that habit, so yeah, absolutely so. Yep we'd cash flow. It depends the emergency fund at the end, if you need to but like jade Nothing can be surprised. I think you will be able to get through this. Some thanks for the call, and next we have blake ends like city at utah, hey blake, welcome to the show hurriedly for much. The absolutely? How can we help so? I am
three years old, I a flooring contractor married with a two year old son, and we have wrecked of about thirty while we wrapped up thirty, three thousand dollars worth of debt that paid about three thousand urban off we're. Looking at like looking at my nose, Twenty two hundred dollars left in credit cards thousand dollars on a truck for my job and seventy. Thousand dollars on a car for my wife, and I want to plan go to school here in the next two or three years, spurned souci. two green mechatronics engineering, and I just I know how I can best tackled this debt and actually starts saving and putting them away now. Do I can catch at school. I don't wanna go into debt turn associates degree in love, that's gotta get lost. Ah, how much are you making right now? I make a bow seventy thousand a year grass, that's right! What about your wife,
she is not working. She is just at home with our our boy in time, then I'm so My first thought is: there is always the idea that you ve got to increase your income, the faster you want to pay off their debt see the more income coming in is going to be helpful. For that. So my mind immediately goes to. Is there anything that you can do to increase your income in? Is there anything that your wife can do to get some in, I'm coming in cause when it comes to paying off debt a thousand extra dollars a month does a world of difference. Thousand dollars extra month as a world of difference, so that's my first question to you. I know she's staying home with a young, one, but is there something that she could do while she's at home. she's a before. we had our son. She actually got certified as a child birth. Do so that she
that for a while young ever marry. You know every once in a while. She brought in a couple of them bucks here and there she d been so anxious about, like bending time away from her from boy discuss, she didn't have a bad growing up in the it, and I urge you to yeah here that, and I would say for a season In a pattern over life, but for a season, maybe that's when the guys look into and then also blake she you guys have almost thirty thousand dollars in car debt. Oh yeah, I would look at the seventeen thousand dollar car and see how much it's worth if you guys could sell that. I mean that that on your debt significantly, even if Europe's idea yeah yeah taking us more alone and then and then that gets you guys far ahead, so blake honestly for me I would look. I would look at the cars to get a jump start on them. So thanks for the call,
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don't go well. How are you asked him off emerges verge operating to my question year? Yes, that pay for housing. was about three hundred thousand new, but we have about a hundred and fifty thousand stood alone in card. A car debt I'm wondering- is it wise to sell that whole pay off? Every single penny of debt for maybe a year to and then and then by another home down the world? What's your income. I'm working right now, myself, my wife is finishing. A p school should be stopped being in early April may now were at about sixty five thousand a year. And what will she be making when she starts show be probably around this day sixty five? Seventy someone that range, so you ve got
the student loans, and can you break down the student ones versus the cars we got about, one in student loans and they now about thirty four, the car, and the rest in credit cards in a stupor refrigerator caution, ten thousand yeah, ok, twenty thousand, so this car, what you owe thirty thousand on it? What's it worth. were where upside down, probably about seven grants whose body worth about twenty to twenty three way. Now, as I read it now private failures Well, if it were me, I'd probably trying to get out of it and protect the seven thousand dollar hit enter two o s arm to knock this, that don't significantly I'll, be honest with you. Wouldn't sell the house, I just wouldn't it such an amazing assets going up in value. If you
get out of it. Now. My guess is your interest rate now is far better than would be in the next year or so. If you were to save up and try to buy, it's like, I always felt you'd be going backwards, to try and go forward when right now, literally, you can just go forward but yeah enjoy. In your wife. When is she gonna start work when the usa, she graduates she gratuitously disturbers, you figure ward in April, so she'll probably be working like a poorly may next year. How can I see so give us I've got six months to that. So may I see your life changes dramatically. J went, she starts working so lies I mean it'll, take you as you know a few years to do this, but I would rather spend a few years getting out of this consumer debt than I hit on announced that, like a home like, I just don't think selling and here's another thing J that I always caution will not that it's always and you can go to it. and some people where they want to sell their house. They went out of debt, they want to do it, but but here's the
problem too, when you get a lump sum of money, this is even truer with an inheritance, or you know if you had an insurance claim, and you got some cash. A big sweep of getting some cash just to clear out the debt. Yes, it's great, because we once you get free, but also there is thing about behavior change that is so crucial and behavior change is cause when you feel a level of pain. You feel a level of sacrifice in you. Actually, when will you through that journey. That's what change you J, and so not that oh yeah, oh, if you get a bunch of money, we want, should pay it off right. I'm not saying that to do it, but also the same time. It doesn't always change jam, it doesn't change. You wouldn't change your wife when you just can't you just do this full sweep so you know rachel, I think I am going to say not to do it so that we do yeah yeah yeah. I think we're gonna, like yeah, don't sell the house make sales go through this process as needed. Do it and and you're going to get a jump start on this process in six months, like these next six months, you're going to feel it christmas day,
knock and all of my christmas last year, you're gonna be cutting back. on things and that's ok for a season and when your iphone, working. That's me gasoline, on theirs in length, jade sedative If you sell the car, you know the number you guys, but down to what one twenty one twenty seven younger, just starting to knock the stuff out and so and you ve got okay, so they ve got the twenty, the twenty thousand and credit card. In refrigerator loans ps that to me, like that, that's the kind of death it keeps you motivated because it's like two thousand dollars here in a thousand like those are the quick wins you start to go. Oh oh yeah! We can do it up, as you know, the way out, say the way you're dead is set up. It's the kind! That's like yes like. We can really see this traction. We can see the movement forward, so yeah Not so that house went through it yet absolutely that help Jay bird absolutely helps. Thank you so much a laboratory. absolutely- and remember always, you guys are not those of you listening are watching that you know that the deeper you sacrificed
and the deeper you say, not going on a summer trip next summer, we're not doing christmas like we'd, like you, just have a season where things are cut back and is not forever. Is I'm reverence for a season to get this progress to get there? that paid off and enjoy you guys are sit what's crazy to me as a monk after this journey of maybe what two years three years doing this yeah, you guys aren't we sitting in a paid for home with me, Know you guys are going to be making. I mean, oh my god, oh yeah, a lot yeah. We got one thirty I mean like it's it it it's power full to know what your income is going to be able to do when all was dead is cleaned up, so the yours there, we see a we admire him. So many people rachel right now are like this housing market is so hard silently ass. You re out and everything it so hard to save energy. payment I'm like if you can avoid that, be, as you already have property I would not, and so I want to jump into. That is not enough to have no, no, not at all. I think so, Next we got jan and sacramento, hey Jan, to the show?
rachel. Indeed. Thank you so much for taking my call. Absolutely, how can we help get so I'm wondering if I should change jobs while pregnant or spain current job, which is far away, have been in currently on baby step number two we just find out there were expecting a second child neck our congratulations You yeah that we both were a hybrid schedule, were two hours away, an appeal. More on these days, his family to night out of the week just to stay close to work, and I go in twice a week, which is a five hour. stay home ring on year, yeah we begin it's almost a year now and for now that we are expecting a second child on my mind, what are you guys earning at this job to make it worth it? Where is it not worth
It is worth it, so he works actually two jobs. He works at a hospital and admin and he also got a side hustle as an adjunct. Professor huh, I'm my job I've been getting a raises like torrid aid, but he doesn't pay. As I mean, if he's pretty decent. What am I I'm in An administrative coordinator yeah, but what he does earning hopkins outside total picked. income a month? Fifteen thousand two hundred and I've heard a hundred thousand dollars, you alone allow balance of seventy nine hundred. You have a mortgage with three seventy seven Kalen and they also have a loan for solar panel, which is about twenty three. Oh, I don't know, but I wanna work part time, but that when they cut into like our goal is like trying to pay off bad and also work like closer considering
change and career. Lithuania preschool teacher, but I don't know. I definitely think that The two and a half hours is not sustainable. Like you can continue to do. Especially with the kids coming on that being said, I you need to find a happy medium because going from fifteen thousand a month when you have this debt down to preschool you're, so you know I mean that's a big job down, so I think that there to be a way that you can meet in the middle. In order to make this happen in canada. gradually to where you're still having a nice shovel to pay off this debt, because the hard thing to walk away from is such a high income when you do have that debt and with that income, you could not quickly yeah one hundred grands in student loans right and that's what I'm sure for was it for you and your husband yeah, A majority that mine, yeah and hey you know, like don't get me wrong, you're pregnant there's, something
that go into that. Obviously, once you have a baby, but I try to at this hour untilled as one if you can't, until you've got to make that switch, because the babies born for sure you're going to have to make that switch, and they should start preparing now, yeah and if you're, six months pregnant, and you want to be sitting in a car for that's very understandable gen. So so looking at yeah Well how long you can do that and when you switch jobs, though the insurance is big, so you want to make sure your insurance is covered because with the pregnancy and everything make sure you don't miss that because it may be worth it to stay. Just for the insurance to make sure you and baby are good, so make sure to cover that jan, but yeah, the starving with debt. You have it and it's like. Oh my gosh. We have to pay this off and some sacrifices have to be made so congrats, though, on the new baby jen, and thanks for the call alright that puts this hour in the books. Thank you. Jade been a great co host thanks all the guys in the booth for helping us out. This is the ramsey show
live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions? It's the ramsey show where we help people build wealth, do work that they love and create actual amazing relationships. I am ramsey personality rachel cruze hosting this hour with the wonderful and the fabulous ramsey personality jade at warsaw. We are here to answer your calls. America, and it is a free call anywhere in the country at triple eight eight to five five to two fives. They make sure yeah this call, let us know what you're, what you're thinking, what your questions aren't: we'd love to walk through your situations with you, that's what we're here for so at first we of a tailor in nashville here in our home city nashville taylor. What to the show Thank you for having me absolutely. How can we help?
so, while I guess actually I'm calling from my boyfriend. Unfortunately, he had gotten caught up into some things that had landed him in jail for about two years. Unexpectedly, oh okay, and he is home now and during that time his mother was able to keep his car. And his mortgage paid by the we have been able to also take care of his personal flown bed and credit card? That, of course, he's very painful that she will be able to be bad sure. But he hears home. He is armed like a your probation cool thing where willie selling his health is not an option. In the note he does have quite a bit of equity because then, would be homeless and lean on supervision have an address of course, and his credit score is more like a bird bid for right now, just because
one bad credit card dead, impersonal long bad is now in collection than had been for even now, and how much does it total in collection total. It's about! Thirty thousand, and then he owes about one thirty three on his howl hundred thirty, three thousand on his how and his car he owes about what its work, which is about thirteen outlined in his working as he had has he been able to find any word coming out of jail. Yes, we were he'd, make it about fifteen dollars an hour right now. I have Donnie hand you know like in every dollar, but kind of laid out, though his borrowed like that goes. You know, obviously he's What are we trying to work out that babies that one young, but yes to having all the income action, which is hard to find really any information on the wagon
that settlement might be an option or bankruptcy or if we shared your contact them frankly that is really hard of, cannot find any advice early, he hasn't mostly credit cards and the collections are personal loans or what credit Then there is one personal Y know. How much is the credit cards credit card? about twenty five. Ok and others separate cards how many bout three or four, and then I think, they're like the about freer. or in others off from their at bay. Sandy offered everything. If it were me, I would start with those like once he's got the thousand dollar saved, because he really does need that. I'd start with its first obviously- and I would like, let's just say, he's got one credit card and collections- it's two thousand dollars I'd stack. for six or seven hundred dollars, and I say this is what I have come, make a deal and they're gonna make it. If its in collections are gonna, make a deal with you the key there and make sure you get every deal in writing before You paid him the money right,
and you're you're, not giving them access to your account, you're, saying: ok, I'll, write, you a check or I'll do it online, whatever that is on keeping that record forever and I would literally go down the list of those credit card. And I'd settle them for as well as on the possibly could make sure you have the cash ready, because you know it just call and say what would happen if I did this there, No, we want your money, but if you say look I In honestly, in this case I choose to be like look. I just got out of prison. This is what I have yeah five hundred dollars and if you don't take this you're, not getting anything from me yet so take it or leave it and tailor usually with these collections situations their past and then there's go to another collection agency and then another I mean this could be the third time handed down. You need one of these credit card debts so just just know that, though the system at your working under in its and that you know people aren't these jobs forever, the sitting in a cube somewhere or the like. I just it's just a is announcing our industry really is, and so getting.
Yes, some one- and I think the key here is what you are saying- is unity pop his credit report, junior guys that need divine, exactly have ok, go where the debt is, what it is and then try to find that? Yes, whoever has that that building elections calling the collections asian jade, is exactly right during the time they will settle with you, and if you have that cash second send this to you now and they may not want to negotiate a little bit so kind of play the game, but but when they say ok, fine, we'll take the seven hundred and twenty one dollars they had great. I need you to mail me. With a letter like I'd. Give me an official letter of agreement and once I received that I will, I will send the money, and so you guys this kind of work work that through and then for his car and rapid, this is the sell the car show so far. I know it, but honestly, I'm like it's thirteen thousand dollars and- and I know he needs a car for work The payments are not overwhelming home, but why he's add again, you want these debts knocked down.
Simultaneously. If there is any other way, do you but the payment is Four hundred and forty and his kind, I do it. whenever he got it. He had just started building his credit His interest with high yeah- and you know now we it unfortunate that he does have about with more people. Is how right before the market hoeing crazily, though if he was already finance, Yeah he'd have about a hundred in equity in his house, why was this kind of unfortunate it's just hard tat year? He can't be home. Why? What is his? Well? Ok, knowing his house doesn't make him homeless because he can rent right so What is more, you came in. Have him like spell in your occurred, finding from working brain is a big issue in that area that he then I hear what what mortgage and are you helping him with his mortgage because fifteen dollars an hour? I hid boy
or his mom was within currently because hunger, or had a move out her how or her apartment though she with him and helping hand at the mortgages about eleven hundred a month. Yeah, that's, okay and ok. I this is his situation, not yours. Ah, oh yeah, a hundred per cent on this surrender emma work and my own baby said yeah, he's trying to advise him the best I can get them I'll, be on the more education and stuff honour. The mortgage and house thing duskier me making fifteen dollars an hour and having to cannot depend on whoever is able to live with him at the moment on that might be room for down the line yeah If I were to be well. pardon me would get out of that cause. It's just debt that he. Kenya entail. You're nervous that he's I fail to find placed around because of his fellows record is correct, but I feel like
Do the I feel like if you it's all like to say that hey sell the house and then look for a place? What may be, can start doing the research on the front line gap and just keep me, and it is your entering it ain yeah now you know four, four: nine twelve month of manager of an apartment on complex will work with home because jades right there's a lot on here, where he is just in law. It's a wide so tailor the places that he can take off that way whether it's selling the car, the housing situation as big and as jade, pondering all back then I get through. It is a big piece of the puzzle, but I would start with that collections. New guys, work on that and tailor you're very supportive, very eyes that thinks we're all that you're doing and his life it's huge. This is the ramsay show no or what time of year it is focusing on your family's financial plan is always a smart move
It questions all the time about where to start and what to do first getting term life insurance needs to be a top priority. I recommend ten to twelve times your income and lock in rates for fifteen or twenty years. This gives you plenty of time to get out of debt and build wealth. I've been recommending Zander insurance for over twenty five years. They understand and live the strategy and will take the time to help you find the most affordable term. Life rates go to zonder, dot com or call eight hundred three five, six, forty two eighty two welcome back to the rams show. I am rachel crews. How seeing this hour with jade warsaw, fellow ramsay personality and taking your calls so Jane in life thursday's moments in your life that you look back in your like oh yeah, that changed everything right. I think september eleventh and the way you go through airports changed
breathing rights, all yes ever moments, and so one of those moments, in history. For us for will forever be covered. Yeah that has changed. Everything is what it feels like the changed the way that we do life the way that we shop. What we'll expects the convened It's elements. Suddenly you don't have to go into target, you can just pull right up and they bring the bags out to you. So some good features. Yes, but but origins. They have not slow down when it comes to their online purchases of amazon or door dash. These things are more popular than ever. We got used to things being dropped right at our door, comfort and there was an interesting article from usa. Today. Yes, right it says, prices are up, it says, although the pandemic has eased american to be spending more than ever for the convenience of having groceries, meals and household, whereas delivered directly to their doors. The average delivery service,
customer is spending. This is crazy. Around four hundred and seven, dollars a month in twenty twenty three, that a hundred fifty seven dollars from twenty to my wine, I should doubled in two years. That's what helped me understand. Well, because, unlike wait a minute, wait a minute wait a minute on the one side. All you here is just right. I can do anything I can it student loans in everybody's, like their life museum, loading, somehow there still able to door dash. that's absurd way that mumia half mcdonald's the that's the one hears my sub. Somehow you still are eating mcdonald's in bed that they deliver to. Let you gotta riley more than your mcdonald's meal, come on. Let's not about that. It says in winning tree survey. Eighty two percent of customers- consumer said. They used on demand delivery over the past year by larger they found that consumers chose delivery out of why convenient? Always got four, but I get
thousand. I wouldn't go out from you. What Sam and your household, because outside I'll go for here's what we're gonna. Do you go for his rachel about the performer covered? I went to the grocery, store, overtime, yeah and didn't ya. during covert and now after I still have my instacart subscription, and it is the most convenient wonderful thing it is so for me it is convenient the grocery delivery and the best one as it has costco. So I don't and I still will rend would go into carrasco because, unlike their souls himself, that I'm a mess but to have kafka, delivered to my door work I do not pay the extra fee and I pay their subscription. Well. You're. Delivery. Feed technically, is tick, taking care of yellow subscription and they I type on top of that so it is more and they do kind of mess with the prices I think selling. Overall, I only one or two percent: are you know, I'm spending more. I know I am like. Is the court tells legs and be a mom and not have to take three grocery store and I come home and like is there?
slow down and deliver data like dinah. Thank here you may take two hundred so much better said that is that that's my is my guilty. Put it's my it's where I spent jade, I dont food delivery. I don't know, I only had to eat and looked like a delivery or something but other than that I dont do yeah pizza dilute delivery. I don't feel like that. Falls to this category because they ve always deliver like that, you always happened. The gang pray. Do not do you, you do. I'm gonna be honest, covered didn't make me the grocery delivery, adding life I enjoy going to the grocery store. I prefer not go with my kids but yeah like to go. I like to browse the aisles. what made me start switching to grocery deliveries, I kind of live out far from the stores that I like an now. I work outside the home and I don't do that before and so the two things. So my point is ever the convenience is has for some people they got in the comfort level after covert other people. You know they're there. Why? change is like hey now this is I'm not gonna. Call them
it's a city, but it does make your life easier, yeah for sure, but here honestly by and large here's the real thing. If you can afford it, I'm not mad at you sure, but if who can afford it like if you're like yeah door down well my credit card idea like that's the worst idea ever cause. You got the look you're putting door dash on your credit card. Can we just run this number darent rock, with Rachel van agent S, right of like twenty two on the guide? Twenty percent added painter regret. And then you add your nachos. On top of that, then you the tip for chat on top of a delivery fee, the delivery fee- yes yeah, who it better be worth it. Those nachos better, go down smooth and easy. Because here's the thing they're going to later in barely, even if only for a moment, you're literally flushing money down the toilet. That's why I say about a moment. I know I know: and then the other. My words me on this to Jane is amazon, oh god,
amazon, I'm an offender, I'm gonna go and say I'm as I'm Peter had under as the danger with amazon is everything starts. I feel like a need. Where am I now turn think like MIKE steam power wheels battery its I go, and I just scotland yes yet, and I quote was on oil was ended, the site convenience of life yeah we're before or unlike some civic alive. Albert burn out. I'm like oh next time. I go to the store I'll fix they may be like you know, we might be months away yet months later. and amazon- has gotta, be there two days and it's yeah that money has been spent. So so true it is it it. It does mess. I think, with our needs. Vs wants to feel like that. So I get convenience is not bad in mit's in a life. That is where I would tend to put. Some of my margin is towards the conveniences, because it just makes life There were three little kids, all the things and people riker scattered everywhere, but
so I will. I will echo, will yours and italy, clearly lazier thinking again. If your baby steps, especially one through three guys, it adds up it that we are sitting here admitting adds up and we pay for it and we do it and we know it. We found us all that film go, but if you are looking to cut back These are oh yeah. That's places great places to cut back, delete the amazon gotta delete the out. Thank you rachel. That's what I was going through a bureau babies up one or three: you cannot have on your fault. You gotta delete the outdoor dash amazon was another one. Definitely I think I'll. Just over subscriptions younger each super ediths, the car in the car and aching heart, I know he's aryan cigar, you just can't let it tempt you it's like, because it act, that right and I think I would be sent to my stomach if I went and grocery shocked at length less than one in the store spot is probably what would I pay for with their hands up at me? I get is it's it's a different. So if you look
four margin. If you're looking for margin, these are great places to cut back majority americans are not cutting down the average millennial- is spent five hundred and seventy five dollars a month. on demand delivery. While you know since last year, some of that liveries. Let's talk about this part of it rachel because some of them You can kind of meat it in the middle right like you, can do like kroger click list and have you know the drive up. Yes, we should actually great, as you can see the total yes in thick within your budget, that that is a good yeah. Don't worry, I know you order you order among mine, and then you go pick it up now way. You're not wandering through. You know, you're still saving time on that also, not a knot of your and in baby step two. But if you are ordering food like how easy I mean it again, cooking dinner at home, which is like a man and then there's I'm an ordered and go at least pick it up. Can you just
Put the key measure get you problems why parents are seriously about livery choosing? every over a trip to the stored triggers delivery services and tips together they make up to thirty six percent of food delivery costs. Wow? So it's a lie or making bank your adding you're, adding a law and insert charges on top of that sow and while I got ya a bitterly margin. We are used to the life of convenience and covered, but I would say: nix it for a season get that cash baggage right that marge and back- and it is more, It will give you more peace of mind, because we all need some face jail, because we are a We are a world of abolishing of anxiety and are we are levels of anxiety are up you guys. Sadly, the depression is right there, women and thankfully we have doktor john baloney, our team, who gives us the truth when it comes to this subject- and he has a brand new book out- called building a non anxious life, it's available now and you guys will and it is this as such
important to two important topic to talk about your your mental in taking care of who you are as a person overall jaunt neglect, bat like step into that and learn, and that this is something that you are interested in or have questions on or phillip. Oh my gosh. I just need a guide in this whole area of my life order, johns book order johns, but go to remedy solutions, dot, com order, jobs, new book, building, a non anxious life. You will not regret it. This is the real issue. Welcome back to the ramsay show. I am rachel crews hosting with jade war, sharm we're here, taking your cause. It's a free call anywhere in the country, a triple eight eight to five five, two to five here to talk about your life and your money earned it next. We have jonathan in minneapolis age- jonathan welcome to the show,
we're taking my hurry. Are you absolutely? We absolutely we're doing great jonathan how're you doing. I'm the only one so much turkey is few years retirement my wife, my parents and I are thinking about selling both of our houses. And combining living situations into one larger house, It would involve temporarily at least temporarily increasing the balance of my mortgage in order to make that transition, and I more do tell you. I got you, those that's quick overview. What's the purpose of combining homes, my parents will likely in the next few years have a medical situations. It would make them not able to take care of it long term answer. Basically,
The house, what we're looking at would be simply a basement apartment, decide about their current house and then. we would be able to take care of them. They would be able to grow up around the granted and everybody on what, with the situation in principle I agree there are some questions would this be able to work in the short term burst trying to make the return to wait a few more years. What we happen. his name would be on the deed. It would be mine or my wife and I and the jack Kansas. Can I just get events a guide. I just got Jonathan this this hour, presence, but for a step like this this situation sounds always usually better than the outcome of what occurs you and you,
I've. You guys have kids we do to to get today and how old are you guys? Were both thirty two to had two kids? Ok awesome so very ro, wick, noble the honor and research right, they are giving your parents of hay. We wanna, help take care of you like all of that is good, but the tactical sigh of combining living situations. You and your wife Oh, your unit as a family is disrupted right, even though their downstairs, and all that like there that amount of tension, and autonomy that will not be there for your family units, is very high, its very high, and so while some situations work where in laws and families live today and maybe that's what you I still choose to do all that. I just want to be the friend that does it know you to cost
new jonathan rattleburghers that that everything you're saying is so noble, good and I'm just wondering? Is there another path that those things can still happen there? Parents are still taking care of. They still see the green kids. All of those! dreams and wants and desires are still fulfilled without having to. Live under the same roof as your parents churches. happening away from a little bit of the noble side in it, be what would be in it for like an? I would be dead, my parents and, Could totally on border has risen very transparent, but my parents would help us basically to afford moorhouse, and we were on our own, currently have seen that bananas. The point that I would avoid at all costs because do you want to be like If something were to happen like what rachel said say you get in
listen you're, like you know, this is not as harmonious as we once thought. It was gonna, be now you're on the hook for home that you can't afford on your own. So there's a part of this that eleven of arrests there's a big risk there. So I would, we're gonna go ahead and do this I wouldn't get into. home that you could not afford on your own. Because- and I because then your kind of change to this deal, both of war, and then your parents are gonna, feel bad and then you're gonna feel that there is so much that could happen there out. When asked? Have you as ever lived with these parents before early on in marriage. They, or would this be the first time you guys have all lived under one roof, briefly after college, where she got married in their current house, not not for a sustained period. As I know, how long So after called I lived back home for a couple of months and then I'm I'm in
Does it, but not more than a week, but not with your wife, I'm saying forward with my wife, not after knowledge, but with my wife, her period of Ok, so the giants of a part of your so you're motivation to do this is the noble taking care of her parents and getting a bigger house essentially that you guys couldn't afford in your own. But you get you and your wife family get an awesome, big house, ok, route, the economies of scale it brings and our living expenses for both sides. can I get nails and likely, like electricity and water like that, what you think anymore, into two separate houses? Ok this situation. You guys are in right now drive and the house that your n, what what's is there is their problems with that is their size as shoes as their work? Was there anything are you comfortable in your current living situation? Long term?
I don't see this house lasting us more than a few more years lie. Go lay out of it with its twenty five hundred square feet that like a lot more than it feels like to it laid out very well ok and how much you guys on that house, mortgages, Jimmy violently four hours which word about a hundred and ten for ten and how much you guys make a year twenty single income one twentieth a year, making it and then your parents their situation. What what? How much? What what awaits therefrom worth your home is worried about. three hundred thousand. They have about. Sixty five out were meeting on the mortgage awesome and how much They are they working very suitable and their combined help then comes out one. Eighty do they have written, like you. They have a nice retirement, yeah there,
packing their retirement specific and keep working a few more years. he's somewhere around eighty thousand a year Remember perfectly: maybe they have now has paid off Cenacola Jonathan, how far Where do you live from each other? Now thirty dollars I once but Eight allocated is long distance right now see that's what you want and if we want to be close, are moving too another midwestern natural area. Ok, is cheaper than minneapolis down on older, but relatively loaded, unconquerable, ok and does you're dead dear careers, allow you to move and find something in the same old, Silas him a lot of money and all I needed an airport and not one that would work perfectly well: guy ends there? They dont need your assistance right now, medically correct crook, when when do you see that happening The situation will no more in probably six month came about.
One of about potentially ball. what is it what's going? What's going on with them? Can I ask her why my dad had some back issues that are bets on cause can t you feel able functional yeah! You might alec another procedure to try and address it that might have been risks with it What about your mom? She died. You should get an early screening for potential Monsieur I'm sorry, so no, no definitive diagnosis therein Ok, so determination, ok, yeah, absolutely I'm! Ok! I don't heartless. As I move into tactical roquat. We we haven't. We ought we have thirty seconds role fast, Jonathan, so here's what I do is I was your friend and mean when, somewhere out with you, Jonathan in your wife over drinks and we're talking my situation, I would say if you,
gonna move closer to family to be with family. Do it go get your own house, thereby to have paid for home there live in their retirement dream, go close to them so that you guys can can can and do what you need to do there if you no urgency to move now unless there's something coming, there's nothing definitive right now in their medical history that yet message, inheriting a scary, italy and its gap, and that that can be, but I would not combined just to get a bigger house rather than I wouldn't I won't neither so that's what jade and sam and whence and rachel would say, we're out to dinner with you john on doing so. I appreciate the nobility, though Jonathan thanks for the com. This is the rams issue
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says, and mortgage and budgeting and pang of debt everything. So you need to take a quick class. You know you can you can watch lessons! You can join a class actually and in community with other people while doing this when we fight people that are take f, p, you, their debt, free and two years or less and their financial turnaround issues amazing. So if you want, I just know your new to the show a lot with a lot of new people from podcasting youtube and may I just need like a crash course, a hunt kidding my money in order yeah. What do I do go to ramsey solutions, outcome, slash, F, p and check that out, because it really is of eta. Investment. We have that toilet and every dollar premium, which is another, is like the best budgeting tool on the planet. You guys, sir. I just words. there's some people? come here and they sit in the lobby here at ramsay solutions and they watch the show live, which is so funny so we get sector. We will during the breaks in everything- and I would say, every dollar is probably the one that gets brought up. The like
my gosh, you know we we use every hour. We love it, helped us so much and so make sure the free version is on the up source and check that out. So we have to have some great resources: europe ramsay one day. I hope you are when it comes to this financial journey, because there's a lot of questions could be alike, is using a lot of work. As out there, and we want to be clear and concise, you all agree no every dollars the thus, thus the business right there and cause it has the guidance in there for you to say like if you have questions it's in there telling you hey. You should probably do this or if you're thinking. I wonder if this is enough savings it'll tell you like hey, you need a little bit more I'll. Tell you all that stuff, it's wonderful and we have to do some webinars around every dollars. If you go to every dollar that comes as budgeting jade years on some I'm doing some minds coming at ten ten o, perfect, yeah, okay, so good at every dot com, such budgeting and senate for those webinar. As I'm doing one in november december dissembling george camels, doing some as well, so we are gap here to help you guys. that makes your check out all those resources, because we want to appealing this journey alright.
Next, we have gregory and biloxi. Hey Gregory, welcomes the show gregory there. Already good? How are you. I'm doing great. How are you we are doing awesome? How can we help today. I have some questions on how to get my roth. I started but heard a lot about it and I just don't know exactly where. go in and what I want to put more money into. That's a great question. A great starting off points So if it were me, I would I mean there's several brokerage is that you could open a rock irae with, and you could do that portion on your own- just open up the account, but when it comes to the lasting side of it. I would work with a professional and work with smart esther pro and on baby step for the goal. Is You're investing fifteen percent of your income. Are you on baby step for. I am listening.
Yeah, some numbers. I think how much you make a year make about sixty sixty five perfect, yeah, so I mean you you'll be able to invest. You have four one k at your at your workplace by chance. I do may I have a mac stout through the match. I also have one with my second up: their reserves in the marine corps. Hamish max. How can I waited wow, tat and gregory? That's amazing, yeah I'm trying to get that fifteen percent with the Raphael re, but I wanna deaf know how to get to it. yeah. I saw something and you'll have yeah little over. You know price seven grants to be able to invest that fifteen per then- and that's that's amazing, because those eight yet you'll do the match first and that's exactly right, you're doing everything exactly right do the match. First, and then over to the wrath and then for all of you listening out there. You know you got your wrath and if you still have fifteen percent left. If you sell percentages left of your fifteen go back to your fora, one k and europe
to invest in that to go back to that. But the other roth irae is the next step for you regularly and you can max it out at six thousand. You pray won't max it out right now, with your incumbent all the extra remaining fifteen percent you have. Yes, will into that. Wroth and Jane said it, but I would down with smart. Mr Prodi, you gotta ramsay solutions outcome. We had people, all over the country. Who are investment, professionals- and you can. you open up the account on your own, but we You would encourage you to do good growth, stock mutual funds right inside that raw fire re add to invest. Let your money spread out, and it's a great it's a great retirement vehicle. The roth yeah tell him you want tony, want growth, aggressive growth, growth in come in international! That's what you want! Twenty five percent of the money you give them into each of those categories and no hope you pick the funds that are proof invest in those areas? Ok, now
Awesome graduating over the courtyard. Well done. Thanks for your service and man, that's and I'm like yeah, if flawed you gregory, like that, you get through to baby step four. Take that fifteen percent and divide it. Four o one k, roth IRA and and over time, and how quickly compound interest is your. and and stuff with the roth, you guys like a gross tax free and in it and it's you today kind of hurt sometimes cause you pay with after tax dollars right right right. So it does feel a little bit like oh man, I gotta take it out of like hits your account you'll get. Then it comes out of that while you're like that's a lot, you feel it you feel it now. Then, when you're ready, you know you have it all day, all day, long so great write up next week. Our rudy, an los angeles, hey rudy, welcome to the show its enemy? Absolutely, how can we help infringement?
It is a incredibly exciting time. My darling, a ready! Are you able to? Are you able to speak directly into your phone you're cutting out just a little bit I'll make sure we can hear you better now? Yes, What angle on pre upside down or my car law, nor my current four thirty seven thousand. I made some calls. The tea on how much I can get for it and the guy from the options that are concerned. they get thirty one, maybe thirty, two for it that is made me for job creation at the moment. Why are you how it. As opposed to try and put it the wind. the mileage in the details of the vehicle and based on the market value of the vehicle that approximately how much awfully or the precondition editor Ok, like kelly blue book actually tried. I don't think is good baxter.
I got the car live here within six months, You gotta, listen to people got stolen, Well, he so on the title. It comes out as expand it now, and so when they put it into kelley blue book. Since the card betty title. I'm they don't even want to give me an offer. You said, has a bad title, but you got the car back yet and it was your card Finland is great. I was telling you this I put it on the table between other, like Harpooner, and he saw two places. They didn't want off any anything for him. for me me literally like a dollar for it or because it had a bandage title vehicle because of that they didn't wanna, give me and offered branded title. Yes, so what about order? Not an outlet for some that's what I've been trying to look into
you hold, but when I told him on this car like who As my mom's, of course, I know with me, I'm so it's under both of our names. Okay, interesting, so are you? Are you wondering if you could solve the car or your your wanting to sell it obvious here out of the book? The mai gives my question is how to go about it. Do I wait until I can get a vehicle cash? They dont feel like what other vehicle? Yet, if salad and then work on getting yeah, What couldn't of money to get the vehicle yeah cause you'll have to take out a loan of the difference which will be about five grand, so will you could do is just take out a loan for ten grand and have five thousand dollars to buy a car because I would rather have a ten thousand dollar alone than a thirty seven thousand dollar alone and bordeaux so, yes of area you could take out by always my cost. When you do that as its like, oh well, we could take out, you know twelve thou.
Then we could take out thirteen I'd start going deeper and deeper india and so being very splendid at and again you're be buying a car, a crappy car right. That's is going to get you through, but yeah. I would do that rudy. I think that's a really smart, a smart decision- and I know this this whole. He's probably knew and you're like oh my gosh, how do we add we go about it, but it's wise to take out a small loan get a car and gosh get that thirty seven thousand dollars away I'd rather have ten that thirty, seven, so great job already jaded great our thanks to all the guys in the booth, and thank you america for eliciting this is the ramsey show
live from the headquarters, but ramsey solutions at the ramsey show where we help people build wealth, do work that they love and create actual amazing relationships. I am at rachel cruze hosting this hour with fellow ramsey personality and great friend, jade warshaw, and we are taking your calls. America free call anywhere in the country at triple eight eight to five five at two to five, so give us a call alright. Next we have Alec sandra on the line. Hey Alexandra welcomes the show, I rate No, indeed, how are you we are doing great doing great? How can we help okay? So I'm in a bit of it? situation. Here I'm so we we purchase, take well, ok, so we called that our house on that report of august. Congratulations, you think. You know how we got it by
we went in with an all we had kind of desperate just want to get out of a twenty one. Hundred dollar ran out the up. It was out of fourteen hundred dollar mortgage now for them or by errors. We ve been together than six great, where thirty, seven years old, we have to get the gardeners by just started. The twin boys final here so listeners situation, we closed, we he moved so we're. I think, about always north from his previous job, and I say previous because two weeks after we closed he lost his job,
It could nope, oh shoot, yup no fault of his own. It was just you know, a car that was given to him so that he can drive to work. He was doing that. You know obviously, every day, I'm and so now he didn't have a transportation to get there, because I need the car to bring the kids to work to to school because they just started school this year. I'm so he's he's unemployed right now- and this is my husband, but I'm I'm I'm so scared, because and I'm hoping that he can get into something right. For example, we were able to make so we close in august, our first um mortgage payment was on the first. We were able to make that so we sent it out. That's done was fourteen hundred dollars right, uh, huh, and so now we're having to pay again. You know I'm. We only have like sixteen hundred dollar in savings. I'm
The big thing is: if he gets so we're we're hoping he can get into this new job next week, I'm so it's going to be a little bit of a pay cut, I'm sure it'll be at sixty two year. He was learning more closer to eighty a year, but now we're out in the country farm life. This is what we wanted. This is what we get he's going to get paid less sure, and so he's done at sixty two. Can you make and can you pay all the bills with him at sixty two? I think we can, because if we were already doing it
and and and yeah he was making more, but we were spending much more and then now I'm like when I'm doing that, I'm you know so we can. I know we can't, but this is the thing. Then we get to a quick, I'm the rv. We have an rv. That is thirty k, a note of thirty two on it and the payment is four hundred bucks a month. I'm I dunno what to do away with with it, because we're just this parked in our lands here and it just took twenty seventeen. We got a desperately in a twenty twenty one, because we were having to get out of an apartment that we were living in and around the house that we had. You know we were trying to get into at that time that the sale didn't go through so so that I will have to release you know the contract. We just went to a campground, and so we got the we got the rv and then we just kept a house
would the front of the house and then so, what's so habit, what can you? What can you sell it for him? I don't know, to be honest, I'm sure it's going to be less than what we'll yeah yeah you'll take a hit on it, but you're just trying to stop the payments and stop the depreciation from taking it yet U s, they don't have any late payments and they will be able to make that last month. But this is the month right now coming up does in november is the one that's gonna hate out is gonna think I don't know how we gonna do it When will you know if your husband has the job he will find on Monday? I like him. I wanna go within ninety percent. They are taking on the hook and good see again. So it can. The pay cuts in oil, though so I want you. The first thing, you doing arm. Is you ve got a lot going on and I can tell them. Well, you're telling this issue is like you're, just like in this that it had at at at at at at at at at yours, keep keeping going want a kind of clear your head a little bit tonight when you got off the phone.
I sit down run run numbers, use every door open up every dollar budget. If you dont have a arsenal, get it to you, and I want you to run the numbers for your paycheck in his pay check at the sixty two thousand then I want you to run the numbers jesting. She doesn't get this dropping go. What do we need coming in the house to make sure were able to fill because one? You have those numbers in your head. Alexander, you're, gonna feel so much better cause at least you'll know, the real numbers are what the anecdote is and then your appeal to make a game plan going forward what I really want to home in on, and I think rachel will do a good job. this too is I want you guys, there's a lot of desperate moves going on. The thing is all we got desperate and we had to do this and then we got desperate and we had to do this and we got desperate and the chain here. The pattern that's happened is when you guys get desperate. You do you make their choices, and I want that day gotta stop today. So that looks like is it
the here and now making a plan for the here and now, but not only that but going forward. I want you to be on a plan with your money, so you know Your goals? Are you know? What's going, you know? What's coming down the pike in you control in your happening to your life instead of everything around you just happening out, you guys in your reacting. You know, you're the balls at your feet all the time on that not a change, and I think that a plan for your monies gonna help you had ever heard of financial peace university, so no just recently I started listening to you guys. I mean I grew up saying they get old. To be honest, I never had money in my life, my both my mom and dad just work just to take care of five of us. You know so I'm you know I just we have been working in pay check. The pay attacking ran right right right ran all my life until we were. Finally, able to get this and the withdrawal of fatigue. That's why I say we got in your lucky to get it
So here we are with them happy. We haven't made little house sure sure, but it but also you're so happy, but you're also very stresses okay. So what we want you to see is jade Zactly, right being pro active with your money, verses, reactive and you just said it and I think the way we grow up with money as a huge part of our story and that's what you was model for you, but now the beautiful thing is now you get to change that solves indra stay on the line. Also is gonna pick up and we can give you every dollar premium, which is our budgeting at that wall. Wool attached to your checking account a will and you got be able to bring in transactions you'll, be able in real time to be budgeting your expenses. What jade was saying and we're going to give you financial peace university, which is our nine lesson course, and you and your husband, you guys need to learn how this stuff works at alexandra. I'm gonna warn you. It's gonna feel uncomfortable you set your new to all of this and when you you have to get to this point
and you're there, if I feel it in your in your voice and why you called, as you are not happy with your current situation, what you guys have done that lead you up to this point. Yes, he lost his job on bananas to him. I get it. Serbia happen you're, not! because we are which means you have to change what you been doing and and changes hard Alexandra it hard so you're gonna be doing some painful things that are going to feel uncomfortable because their new, but there the right things we doing. We are the best in the business of getting people in control of their money. So listen to the planned ball. The plan dont stray from it and so look get your numbers getting facts on paper is going to give you some breathing room. You're, probably gonna, be selling the rv. You guys may have to take a second job in order to to float the bills for and for the next month, which is okay, hopefully gets a job and you guys are on track, but you guys It's a craft gallop because crap together, because you're going to end up in the same place again, but we believe you guys can do it. You can you can you've got to make the change
hey guys, it's rachel crews, I'd love back to school time, it's a fresh start for kids and parents alike, and the perfect time to plan a we can get away for your marriage join me and doktor johns aloni for a money, a marriage getaway right here in nashville, you'll leave feeling connected and ready to create a life. You love but is coming up quick october nineteenth through the twenty four The cost is seven hundred ninety nine dollars per couple: gotta, ramsay solutions, dot, come slash, events by the end of the day, comes from neighbourly added or hub for home services neighbourly, has top quality providers like precision door service, junk, king and more to help you take care of projects before the weather gets cold, so bind the local help it you need by downloading the neighbourly app today. Today's question comes from western rhode island. He says
attended university, a phoenix back in september. Twenty fourteen around. Ten thousand and federal student loans, I recently received an email from the f tee see saying that, because university of phoenix, committed fraud and used unethical tactics to get student loans to get students to enroll federal student loans, argo, to be forgiven for anyone who enrolled between twenty twelve and twenty fourteen hours we haven't. You receive this news, however, when it comes to federal cover forgiving student loans? I dont have faith that it will happen. Should I have very for good reason. Should I pause my payment inlet nature take its course or continue can payments. I'll, let you know this is a really good question and I'll be honest. There has been a lot of conversation and narrative around student loan forgiveness is good. Is it bad should happen, should not happen,
in cases where there has been true fraud. That idea this is by the government. Yea ensure this yet odo it will be paid, yeah, it'll be paid and you'll have to feel bad about. That's the kind of forgiveness that, unlike yes, please, yes, green button, you get your money back and I think it will be paid now he's a should I put my payments and let nature take its course or continue paying. You know. Because of the way student under set up right now? What I might do, as I might put the money in account like in an accounting kind of like set aside and then when they do, when the actual for This comes through all feel good about, like ok, I can let that money go get em. What would you do? I mean that's what I will do ya contacts, because I mean most, these places have come. especially if it's a specific year like this, sounds very specific yeah, so I would get in touch with somebody to be able to say hey. What's the timeline what's going on a kind of sea where the rats because
definitely want to get in a situation where you're getting behind on payments, then. For some reason this doesn't go through right away, but I would kind of get a feel because again, this is this is legal fraud, so in this case the from a dozen sure that I mean- and this happens a lot and and sometimes that hits the headlines where they're like so and so right now, it's Biden, Biden, administration, forgives, X, amount of student loan notes. The same happened with trump too, but I'm like those They were forgiving, were actual fraud. Cases like this heritage, very specific, very narrow, and they have by federal yeah. You know when we know that that is that their their living out what the law says. So it's not like these. You know it's. A hero, kind of thing got feelings though they yeah or whatever you another way, they didn't like another fraudulent, so Why wouldn't want is for him to stop paying something accumulate.
Above and beyond in them, say well like that, doesn't care, I don't. I don't think they would, but I would definitely do it. Clarity, a clarity, get something in writing that you know, but I think that these kind of situations they do end up clearing up, which was awesome, don't pay you yet for sure. Well, dang wes, guess it's great yeah, ding ding. I guess, but at the same time it's like yeah, my school doesn't exist, fate as universal it does. Is it gone its com it has gotten to I to take those jokers are oh yeah. Can you imagine, can you imagine I'd be so pissed? That would be so hard that you have a degree in your link. Listen, I dunno In my case, I think I'd like the money back. I think I have the money back and do I go. Your son doesn't exist, gimme the gas gimme the gas hour. I would actually have a man. The entire text says: hey amanda, welcome to the show. I thank you for having Absolutely, how can we help so my quest
as I had about thirty actually looked out. thirty five thousand dollars in credit card I'm going to divorce and for getting over timor had europe. Thank you at the beginning of a divorce I had you know: hero gets an ivory at forty thousand dollars and savings cars paid off Finally, in our doing everything that we should be doing according to dave, ramsey's anti and now I got always glad by only get twenty seven. dollars a month and and to the point where the trains you keep coming and I can't keep up with ec, and so I have made my payments on micro credit cards for two months and my question do I just let it go, there need to be saving money for more turning fees or do I
how to find some. Like I keep getting emails, I mean I'm butters. Forget consolidation. Do I tried some? like that. Or do I just want my credit score Can you think you are you? Are you working amanda, I don't Am I am a home school mom, an avatar right. Now I can't move and I can't change the kids going, and so I tried picking up some. I jobs Then I and you're getting even behalf devised for a short amount of time and so, I have those those that I submitted for coins tickets and install merit. I still have medical insurance, He needs refusing to sign the master people work. So now I have the medical, that's all you're, calling me trying hey you, always forty thousand dollars per year. Kramer's denied to was drowning and knowing that once the divorce is over with
probably won't even be able to rent something, because my credit score is going to be so horrible. It started off. its grey and now it's down like in six one six hundred okay? Well, the credit score for right now would not be my concern yet Forty thousand that the medical I mean if you're still legally married, I mean I would have your lawyer on that that that that feels. That feels off to me the fact that he's not up know accepting your claim, because you technically still do have insurance, but I mean I want to know you just just to look. For you What what are you planning on doing when this is all final? Because you will need health insurance? You will need a job and income coming anthony of you can let you can't live off twenty seven hundred dollars a month with the kids yeah. So My plan was to go back to school, is going to go to the court reporter info. And then she in arguing that online law arduous work. You know
I don't have any experience, so you might have to do things like pet sitting and I'll wait. cables. It can be a rough few years bite without it education. I really can't he care for kick even with child support it's a change, and I am now I'm gonna put you just a little bit on that one, because We do not mean, though, that the world has shifted to it to degree that that it's degrees, doesn't matter nearly the weight used, the way it used to. So I even wonder I mean that, for you like finding a great you know, even a reception his job at a dennis dolphin. They get in his office finding funding some that gives you the hours you need gives you. The benefits that you need is you're. Gonna want the whole package instead of piecing together all of these side huddles. So I think you have more to offer And you think I understands very into it would be very intimidating going into the workforce. We don't have experience yet you you said you been a mom, even homes, willing, kids but ie
the skills is add that you had that what you John can be very impressive to people that need help and in tyler, texas, is probably a a small businesses that need admin, work and all that. So I would give yourself way more credit, Amanda. None that wedding tables and dug sitting is This ban is not, but you can earn more money. You can do more and you will want to do more and have more you're not available when it comes to benefits and everything, just the care of you, you and the kids, and so I would would push you on that, first and foremost that when that, when that comes in- and I would be looking for something as soon as possible, because as the thirty five thousand dollars in credit card, that is, that just living experts, says that you ve had to rack up, because you don't have enough money to pay the bills Oh! It's actually mostly attorneys now, because I covering all of all the medical? Those ok for myself. And in our children and fell? So is the dead already five, so you mention
thirty. Five king credit cards and forty thousand in medical is that kind of synonymous. Then, if you ve been paying it on the credit cards forty thousand achieves its new at last month that came in addition to it and the other issue, and yet now are kind of everyone the boy had been going on for a year how you going on even longer yeah. Ok, so yeah keeping up with those attorney's fees that may cause some of that debt to continue to increase. But I think, looking for a job and supplemental income is going to be your next bat just to get you on solid foundation and taking care of yourself to Amanda. I have we. We have a hard cock out here in a second but hang on line Austin's, going to pick up, I'm going to give you John's new book, building a non anxious life because taking care of you amanda overalls me really important in this season. Thanks for calling
anxiety is one of the greatest challenges our culture faces today and in doktor john bologna, new book building a non anxious life you'll, learn the six daily choices you can make. Finally, we have a more peaceful life and it works in mother, years of coaching, I believe this book is the best answer to that challenge. Get your car of building a non anxious life today, for twenty bucks Ramsay solutions not gum slide store. Let back to the ramsay show we are taking your clause. America triple eight. Eighty, five, five, two to five: next, we have tracy in phoenix, hey trace welcome to the show hello! Thank you so much Paul absolutely thanks for a colony in how we help
it really it's not a trick, a lot of stress off for me until I have a situation where I just moved from georgia and I have a home their data, it tommy words. We haven't appraisal yeah, but it's probably won't between two hundred and eighty and three hundred thousand. I am, I moved Phoenix and I live in an apartment. I am currently I'm you know just trying to get my credit score up and I'm actually working with the lender. So I can purchase a home here. I'm now I have the down payment, on the twenty percent to buy your home near me, my house in Georgia has nothing to do with me purchasing here a wound for my question. The answer. My question is on I saw my home in georgia and used some of that money to make good the payment more entered, the house form in phoenix a little bit more by a second humble mental and put the other
Maybe I'm back home or shall I leave the house, georgia. As one problem saddle Sell it. I would say unanimous, YAP unanimous sell it, and I would put everything of that home Tracy that three hundred two the home in phoenix. I would not look at a second property until that house is completely paid off. Do you have other debt argue the thing I generally but I do have about a hundred and fifty eight thousand. Woo woop woop, okay feel like you're jumping the gun a little lamb. We may have a different plan for a tracy watergate me and my husband combined make about one hundred and ninety five chain. That's great for you guys. Can I my plan. Can I tell you that it plan plan, but this is what I would do. I would sell that no, no matter what you do, you're selling home in georgia. That's why
how to get rid of you don't live there anymore, and so it's just going to ask one question or mayor hey how much? How much is the twenty percent down? How much cash you have saved in the twenty percent cause? We're gonna. Add that to all this between people have about twenty five. Actually, the five percent. Okay. Oh that's, fine! How much is a twenty five thousand active? I kid yak about twenty five, but I could accept be my husband. I want to know how much tass tracy do have saved twenty five thousand you then, and now I do have another question. So you got twenty five thousand said. Is that the only non retirement money you have lying around or do you have a virus. Non retirement savings no other long become okay. This is what you would do. I would like jaded sam, woke up in your shoes tomorrow, black, ok sam. I think we should sell the house in georgia pocket. You know, take him too, eighty thousand and then what
that money, would knock out the student loans and then I would put the rest with the twenty five thousand that you have saved towards it. payment now my This question is that I will do that, but now let me go back because you need savings. You need three to six months of savings before you buy a house as your she'll end up with about one fifty five hundred and five thousand dollars, so I would put some and savings in three six months of allowances and how much would that be? If you had a rough that I'll Tracy monthly, it's ok yeah like basic basic budgeting, all expenses. What should they call K? What the calculation per month. Yeah? Okay, so it's around twenty five thousand for six months. Okay, so we got. We got one hundred and forty three thousand dollars to put towards a house and look at that Don't worry! What savings wow look at that juncture. Are you do a happy great?
I am doing the happy dance see some people are saying you should never sell. A house is paid off number. They don't know what they're talking about. It was our primary tracy if that was your primary home in you're still living in george s different, that's one thing, but you're being a long distance landlord. You have an asset which is amazing, but you so have liable which is your debt, and so you are but a clean all that up so good a great how something with an emergency fund then place like you're gonna, be good to go and you're gonna have a lot more peace than trying to financial all of this stuff. So you're. Sorry, I'm really really solid ground tracy, I mean like you're. This is it what can I the houses that you're looking at in phoenix concern? a hundred forty thousand dollars left to wear what happened to the houses you're. Looking at one thirty, eight high thirty's while five yearly- oh I'm five, thirty eight in so
when you do go to buy a homeless over these parameters, as we want to make sure that its it works out. Read the way we would teach in the way that you know always bought. My homes is: fifteen year fixed judge where the p it's no more than twenty five percent of your take home pay. That's what we're looking for some of you do that with the campaign which you shouldn't have any trouble, but it's what you're shooting for, but the fifteen year fixed rate is really where that's the one where people are like. Can I just do? The thirty is like the goal here is to pay things off and to get that, ultimate freedom of debt, freedom! So that's why we take it to your fixed anymore. You d better interest rate as well on by going out, but is You you're planning to do interest rates are now like eight percent and they are not no fun. yes yet or higher, yet most certainly for sure pressure but fifteen year you'll get a better re J d sang versus the thirty so uncle
so dorothy I mean that's yet that's exactly the the road we would taken it just set you up that any they make great money, You know you have about three. Fifty left on the mortgage moving up you're, making two hundred you, then this isles paid off an average. We find we will pay off their house and seven years, seventeen years and its it's amazing and you guys are gonna beaches truck along with not tat, Dad and just as amazing, so le glad you and tracy glad you called it and are right? We got peyton up next, an lexington Kentucky, hey Peyton, welcomes the show actual hydrate are you were, great talk. We help I'm on babies have to. I have paid off. Thirty thousand dollars lies our car left, so, you have a one thousand. Our car left thirty thousand permanently cheering peyton. Sorry, we must remove the number you I
Eight thousand dollar settlement coming in within the next four to six weeks. Will put me right side up on the car cause it's worth about. Twenty three thousand dollars then- and I was wondering if I could pay it off by may- or I could sell it and be debt free. As soon as I get a settlement, what good cheer decision be now they ve always says. If you can pay off within two years of the car, you can keep it fight for em. How much are you manage to make a year? One hundred and eight thousand oh yeah yeah. I would. I would keep, hey, you're, fine and the numbers are fine. You paid off even sooner honestly, Baden ya mean have the eight k in cash to dump at it. That's great cause, didn't yeah! That's what I do. Okay, I don't know if they're changed anything. I have a old beater jeep. That is worth maybe a thousand dollars, but take me three to four thousand dollars to get a daily driver. Bull um. Would you still just so?
he car up, I may or sooner I think, that ports up to you at that point. If I doubt honestly. I think that's what up to you depends like the obviously the m guess the jeep is not as in as good a shape thirty thousand dollar car, but it really depends on the picture of your life that you weren't going forward. Either either either waste fine. going on. I'm gonna get paid off that the numbers aren't so lopsided that we're like. Oh my gosh get this car out of here baden. You know this, yeah you're able to pay it off within six months, which is amazing. But if you're not attack So the car and paint we get a lot of people not shown the reich, get me out as soon as possible, I'll throw Two grand at this jeep get it fixed, emblem great driving around and I'm happy in its awesome so you want to do that and be out of debt and in four weeks it's the jeep! You can do that, but also that
his car payment, or this car loan is not actually going to kill you. You, you make great money, you're mail to pay it off and you'll be completely debt free. After that which has just gone your way up. I'm jaded that when that ones in your court peyton, but thanks for the call appreciate it, this is the ramsey show Our scripture of the day comes from ecclesiastes, the seven twelve, that protection of wisdom is like the protection of money and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the wife of him who has. It is kind twister, thirty, eight, the steamer hit rock bottom unhappily marinate. On that, when Anne Frank said, people can tell you to keep your mouth shut, but that doesn't sound.
you from having your own opinion. Okay, like that, like so good all right up. Next, we have page and north dakota a page! Welcome to the show hello, my question? Is there against my husband? Does it want to try and budget every? Can I bring it up at the big fight about whose more money on the most, both things I dont know how to handle that, Leon, that's it the tit for tat game, there's yeah. Well, I did, then you do this so how're went when these conversations come up, let's kind of retro back a little bit when these conversations have come up. Have they come up in the heat of the moment or has it been like hey, honey or hey boo, whatever you call your spouse
I want to sit down and talk, here's what I'd like to talk about you know is it that sort of thing or is it just as is happening out of the heat of the moment of somebody opening up a bill for something I couldn't really the heat of the moment, but it always lake when legal opinion checked paycheck week after week, he always group in a barrel and man I'm like hey, can you try there and then you get mad about it and then it should pay check the pages. I the looking back. You want to break this cycle on their part of it. I think I think that's how you approach it. I think that if instead of attacking the conversation as we need, stop doing this. You know we're just living paycheck to paycheck. You know that we gotta start going on a budget. I think, if you kind protein in the way of arm. I'm really I'm really worried and I'm really scared. I've just been noticing, like my anxiety, is going nuts and I think it's because world
we're spending. I think it's because we are not on the same page and I'd really like to be on the same page. What does that look like to you, like, I kind of throw the ball in their port quarter of like what do you think that look like, in that way? It's not you saying not less The coming in saying this is what we need to be doing, but just opening up that conversation have you tried that I have tried and I'm suggested, You different game like hey weep boy, Volkmar paychecks into the joint account rebuilt and large, you can quit x amount I want you to jury hundred dollars, for example, in your own personal I spend it on what you want your gas station, whatever and then when you go back, you can't get into the yard guys already said this already, its becoming a page is telling what your husband same or, if you don't want by looking at night it's already, you all
in a maternal role of ok, we're and put your money here, and you can't do this in this. This this is so this hierarchy of you being the cocaine. Authority in a sense, and so the goal would be just of paint europe. It sure is that you are both a team. You both are equal in this. He has as much say in this as you do. You have as much say as he does and It's you guys to gather saying this in this in this and as a verse is one telling one what to do if that makes sense, and so yeah- and I would say this to with an asterisk- is naturally always gonna be more of the nerd. And there actually always gonna be the first year so, like winston for ever will love excel and love the budget and love painting out what investments of this this, this more than make, which is funding as this is my job and isn't what I do every day, but he actually is more of the numbers and
I on that and more of the saver than I am so he won't change who I am but the way we approve which our money together can still be as a team, so always know that you still have your own personalities. He may never just love of the budget, like page does, and that's ok, but as long as you're, both in it together, that's gonna, be the goal, so I would want to know d. Do you do you know his hesitation? What what it is that he kind of pushes back against and why or why, his back against it I think he likes to kind of thing control a little bed? The guy I know he's lloyd, Bob back that of movie got together. I had no problem, with my money, but somehow an economic unit, no blame, your kids are the man, but a little bit like ireland. Had changed and we met you. No sir, you live in a different place and similar mark offensive than to get the duke
they and yet? So I would ask and then back just said, keep the conversation going thing. Jades points really good. It's I want to hear from him and so like okay, so year, saying that before this year yeah you. You'd have money problems which, to a degree, because I didn't have all these expenses are overall thinking, but also what what were you? What did you have in place that worked really well because he had his own way of doing stuff that you? You know you don't see that maybe you actually could implements, and so I think again it's going back to this like it's, this team mentality, which I know is so easier said than done page because we're about to get off the air here in five minutes in and go home and yours earns, haven't, have these conversations, but is Much as you guys can sit down and psychotic I feel like this is pinning us against each other and we can't be against each other like we are in this together and we both want to win like no ones wants to choose to have a stressful, anxious life and marriage
so? No one's trying to say whose fault it is like a lad. If you bob can both agree, this is the problem is its us. It's us like here we're paycheck to paycheck. Both of us don't like that. Both of us would love to to a point where we ve got savings- and you know we were out of debt like if you guys can- surround that india lock arms around that at that going to move forward, yeah and sometimes page, especially with guys that's kind of a stereotype. So may not be true for him, but I have found like when you can put numbers and actual facts instead of just ideas and theories of cutting back and all this when actually seen numbers down. Sometimes it helps because you can actually blamed the numbers instead of blaming each other and so You say: hey one night, after dinner. Can we please you just ask em: can we just give me an hour and I want to know the bills, and I just want look and like what, if I just when I
help me do it right, bring him in that europe pages and bringing everything and pages and telling what the numbers are to gather we're have a conversation, so we sit down because I want to know if you what're you spending on gas, and you guys just make this puzzle and lay out the numbers and kind of just do a mock budget together again tretton, I don't want it to be conflict filled or tension filled. This is just bringing numbers to the table and let be a starting point because I think sometimes in our heads, things can be magnified in our heads. Things can be isolating there so much that if we just keep up in our head and in our minds it just can go sideways, and when things are down and you're, looking at actual facts and looking at actual numbers sums, I'm not always, but sometimes that kind of like diffuses attention, because you see that and then from there you know, look at the tactical, also as if it's gone. Well, that night, or maybe it's another night dream,
and just say here, but what it looks like in five years. What is our life? Look like how old or our kids with greater they're gonna be, and what are we gonna be like just start till? I have this vision of where you guys want to be as a family and there's something about bulgaria pro active in that that is so spiralling than just living life paycheck to paycheck month month, more than you look up, and it's been five years and you don't know where you know you don't know where you're going and some having that, I think is really key to pay but just now, you're not alone, and that this is one of the biggest problems we hear from people. Is that one spouses on board and wants to do that and another as it so you're, not alone and aunt? and also we ve heard so many couples and our debt free stage say gosh. I wasn't on board, I thought you were crazy ads and then finally, we all I got on board and together we did that so even cup those who, when start out You guys are so have hope page that this can asia. It really can, but I think it's really the way you purchase dont, be the mom, definite don't be the mom. Have one humble spirit about it? a brand. You know that
conversations conversations we had its not pointing fingers and blame. Even this picture of put the number in front of you and like lock, arms and like it gets us, against. You numbers, like you, know what none has against each other. Some powerful page, that's a it's a big part of winning. Is you and your spouse, and just for the sake of your mirrors, not just your money. For the sake of your marriage, I pray that this brings us together. So thanks for the call
jade, thanks for a great show today, twas good to always fun, always fun, thanks to the guides and the boots make it happen. Thanks to the audience that came out today to nashville to watch the show live, we appreciate you guys and we appreciate you america for listening. This is the ramsey show hey it's rachel cruze. If you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the ramsey baby, steps go to ramsey solutions, dot, com and click. The get started button will help you figure out the best next step for you, based on your specific situation, that is ramsey solutions, dot, com and click get started
Transcript generated on 2023-10-07.