« The Dave Ramsey Show

If You Took This Money You Would Feel Like a Little Kid (Hour 3)


Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss:

  • "My husband refuses to give up his credit card",
  • "My parents offered to take over my debts and have me pay them back..."
  • "Which debt should we pay off first?
  • from the blog: How the Debt Snowball Method Works,

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I graham situation, broadcasting from the barge moving in storage of studios. It's the rams asia, where we all people build wealth, were they love and create actual amazing relationship? You were joining this american open phone junior aaa eight to five five, two to five june, camel the go host of smart money happy hour when rachel cruisers my co host today.
announcing this week. A brand new you tube show the camel show on youtube. produced, of course year by ramsay networks. Shining like for you got it all credible joam that orgies listen I'll, take joking. What's the difference been by this his big I've. I've done a lot of things with the ramsay network with barred future fine print. Ramsay shows more money happy hour, but this one is truly me, I'm just the Yours form in all the snark, all the pop culture, all of that dives all the nursery, and I really just want to help people understand the truth about money and how to actually win because there's a lot of. And a lot of hope, steelers out. They are telling you the wrong way to do it and so want to swim upstream and try to We will do it the right way, because that's what happened for me. I want from negative network to millionaire by following a proven plan, If you listen to show you know the plan, and I just want to show people, it still works today. Even in this economy,
Studies asian shreveport, louisiana, high stacy, welcome the rams issue. I gave you, Thank you. My car, I'm a little nervous no problem, never lost a patient. How can we help? Ok, I think a quick my husband and I disagree on he's. Had an american express card since he was eighteen, case. Fifty two now not proof, and he says that he cannot shut that card down because does it or destroy his credit and we don't use the card that car Why don't you have any card it all now, but he gazed at the news. guard for many many many years, but he still pays a two hundred and fifty dollar annual feed to keep the card and right now, we're like turning no more hardly any more at all with I've. Convince him he's here credit card user, I'm not and I am saying that we should
paid his annual fee. We just shouldn't have that credit card at all, and he just isn't total disagreement as he says his credit will tank. If we do that, the nuts I'm asking you They still you it doesnt years the card it doesn't use the card now If he had three other cards that he was using, but we're not using it as a that we can show you. Borrowing any money anywhere ever know what we had gatt. Oh, ok,. What do we have that? Let me help you. An american express card that you dont use does not affect your credit. Ok, only fracture credit effusion, he says that he is here. that card down, israel invaders annual fee hang his brother, whose role of hair mathematically wrong. It's not if it is not a philosophy, mechanically the way the algorithm is used at five go to create a credit score. It has to do with activity
If you have zero activity on your accounts, you don't have a credit score. It's based on active, and show that it says it is ip if he puts it in a drawer and never gets it out and based on the dollar. It's not. Hoping nor hurting his credit in one, not one iota just as it is not our works, I guess he said that he had it. He was a key doesnt matter. Isn't a pet or a card appeared at this point I think it's largely emotional. I remember getting rid of my blankie when I turned into an adult and who needs santa. That's all. This is just a blankie at this point. In its special to him, was it a walk with him through all the seasons of life, The first person that told him he was an adult was his first love. It yeah what he thinks that, with all of our kids, get a credit card when they turn eighteen to get their credit, go,
Well, let's talk about that for a second, because, that's, I think, that's the core issue, not whether you keep a stupid american, express carpenter and fifty dollars and don't use it, which is irrelevant. So the bottom line is: he still believes that being in debt is the best way to live your life and prosper. doesn't believe that now I think he did. I mean there are no mamma. Mamma mamma has no other reason he needs to be. Confronted on this, because there's no other reason to build your credit, you dont need credit. Unless you're gonna borrow money yeah, and I think that we will say we might well- We have a mortgage right now and he worked. Report I actually live woke. We live about an hour and a half away, but but our twenty minutes away the we rent an apartment in report as well that we have talked about buying something like a little town home there, because he is his kids live in transport This is our second marriage. She don't do mortgages for you
I don't now we're renting and we want to preserve our credit so that we can go into debt and we want our kids to get a debt go into debt so that they can get into debt so that why so they can build theirs. Or so they can get into debt. Why would they builder score? Because to build our score and we ve. If we're in that, we can build our score and then we can go into debt, the song I go thing. Is a dog changing its tail? Ok, it's and for the banks by the banks to prosper. Only the banks Ok, so if you're not going to go into that, if you're not gonna teacher He has to go, get a car alone, fuelling a teacher kids that That is a survival mechanism because see you're, fired score, is: has zero indication of your net worth. I can handle million dollars today. It does not change your stupid credit score one iota, okay, you're! Income could go to a million dollars a year. Does not change your credit score. It is not an indicator of financial health. It's an
Decatur of how much you plague kiss you face with the bank. That's all george fortune if they want to buy a house and they had zero credit score. I think you did that, lord, I you know what is the very first video that launched on my youtube channel today. Stacy you can't, I mean now it's even a pitch, but it's right there, however gotta how gotta know currently gotta go pull up, george camel on youtube in you and your husband watches and not an end. send it. My house, you don't need a credit score to buy a house. If your borrowing money, even assured, borrowing, money, it's called manual underwriting I'll, walk you through it in that video on youtube channel, but it's real simple and I did it myself once you're out of debt about six to twelve months later. The credit score disappears, close all the accounts, and then you go, this process. You need a good down payment. You need to have your income, you need to have your w two's a little more paperwork. But it really didn't break my back and I got a great interest rate because I had it down payment on a fifteen year fixed rate. I recommend your kids do the same if they want to build wealth and poorly
fifty two in debt. onto their blanqui, it's up to date it's up to them, but I mean He did ask somebody, I said: don't ask the bank but ask some, and he asked the financial person at the place he works at the cargo should be worked out and she said do not get rid of it me. She she's adhere to Europe score will go way down. Don't do it! It's worth that fifty point on your credit score to pay debate, tuna, fifty yards ear and I totally disagreed, but I still am, Ask Dave ramsey, I'm going to do some of your own research. I mean I can just tell you the algorithm on the way the the wifi call works, we been trash fight over years. They would come back and hundred us by now. If we what telling the truth so as to fight on its own dont worship at the altar of the great fire go.
in the finance manager at a car dealerships. Just a dumb banker, I mean that's all they couldn't get a job at a bank. Their incentive and motive is to get you into debt and keep you in debt. That's how they made a money deal with people in debt all day long. So they just want your in debt they last a long time ago, all the time and so yeah they worship at the altar of ico. So a forty point move to two point move on. If I go scares them to death because they worship the great ico, when you have a zero fica score and you pay cash, you don't worship there anymore. This is a ramsey show, george campbell ramsey personality is my co host today. Thank you for joining us america. We're so glad you're here Tom. You are excited about a monday. What, if, instead of Waking up exhausted. You felt exhilarated can't way. To get to work another day to do what you love
in a world where bare minimum monday has in the place of quiet, quitting its clear that People are craving work that matters meaningful work, but found the career you were born to do can be really hard. If you don't either I tools. That's why career and work expert? ramsay person out again com and created the get clear assessment: sink ridable assessment, I'll help. You discover your top talents, passions, a clear mission statement to help you find the work the world now it'll do after taking the quick assessment. You'll get a custom report with everything you need to do to take the first step towards a meaningful career. I took this. It was pretty mazes how much it nail bay. It's really well done it just completely read my mail yachts now not like, I was looking for work, but it was just. I took it to test it as validation as the ceo of this place and went. Oh good assessment kind of figured things out yet start your journey. to get clear assessment today go to ramsay solutions
calm, slash, get clear You can get it in the store at Ramsay. Lives as weathers n, anaheim. California, high lives, welcome to the rams asia, there. Can you hear me? Ok, absolutely. What's up Our first alpha super nervous. So sorry, no trouble. I really appreciate talking you. And I was engaged in class. Our view good good and Mr Ramsay, you helped bring me back to god. No one honored, yeah, ok, son, I'm gonna red michael because I'm so nervous about double a thousand dollars and diet about halfway through my death snowball started last year? Let's see my terms offered to pay my got off and then I would pay them back on able to show china gordon take this off But my thing is my parents, we have a strange relationship. We bought heads a lot
they don't agree with the ramsay plan. Even when following her and they wouldn't have may continue to drive to my church. They were to do this with them. So not what to do. Yeah, yo yo. You know exactly what to do. Don't you? I think I'll. What should you do just can No that's what I've been doing. The unjust Thank you, but I love you, but I gotta do this on my own you're, exactly You're, sweet girl, you are sweet lady. Thank you for having a good heart. The way you do it you have. reached a point in your life, that's your now grown up. There are no longer your mommy and daddy. there. You are now your parents mug yet Kids are grown like that to their they actually have opinions that are not always agree with good. Can you imagine that. and you know why, but then you know what I shall love. Malaysia love me and
They are allowed to do that and still in the family and all that kind of stuff. I dont, to control, whether they how they handle their money. Nor do I want you, I don't get to control whether they tie that their church, I don't get to control their spiritual decisions, obviously have an opinion about all of it, but it does matter, I got news about george too, but he guessed make its own decision she's an independent adult, and we're friends. We can have discussion. We can have an argument, even a fun arguing sometimes we do that. You're gonna do and rachel- and I do my kid- everybody that that's all ok but that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about control here and I dont borrow money from family on principle if they said they wanted a gift it even with the strings attached, I wouldn't take it and so went from a bad idea to a terrible idea. Real quick and the truth is you don't need them? You're, gonna,
this all fast, you been doing the hard work? It's giving you dignity to do the plan on your own without having to do this. Weird reverse allowance thing too: parents who already have a strain relationship with, and it's going to hurt the relationship. If you take that money make it worse, not better, and there they're, trying to be nice but they're trying to influence you to do what they want you to do rather than rhythm, let me be a grown up and that the control function is what that is in, the day. Meanwhile, I dont think their bad people, I'm not saying that at all, but you can't let folks interrupt her. Spiritual walk in rapture financial decisions, you can learn and you can have discussions, but you can't let people have control over those things, regardless of what they do, georgia's right, even if it was a gift, if it had no tithing and we're not gonna, do
financial plan. You agree with which was to be hours in this case then: that's a control function and that's what you stay away from so you you already knew which are needed to do it, but continent. This out loud, leisure, Israel, interesting, I can hear your voice there, your one. If you took this money, you would feel like you were eight years old yeah. I still feel like that a lot anyway with them and that they day they return you to your childhood and well the reason I know I I could hear it in the way they're trying to control and trying to lord over you. and I I've had to learn that here at the office with my son were working here and my daughter rachel, obviously on the air with making I've had to learn. If I'm going to argue with them, I cannot argue in my dad voice. I have
argue in my friend that is arguing voice. It's a different tone! Isn't it here yeah. There's nothing demeaning in that tone that, just like you and your buddy overcome or a beer having an argument right. And that's kind of fun thing almost. it's a joyful kind of conflict searching for truth. It's not like searching for control here yeah that eight year old thing tell you the truth right there yeah, oh yeah, and your work twenty five. No thirty, two turning thirty three this month, are you? Are you shingle, I'm single? have you been married, no Mr De got married actually few weeks ago must wonder I just wondered what I was probing at as if you had been through something that hurt. Maybe
and that this was an open air, open area in your emotions? I'm not John bologna, believe me, but yeah. You just sound like a very kind sweet person that is trying to find your own footing, and this is a really big step emotionally even if this may you position dollars and it doesn't it it's not worth the pay off. No you're, very kind, and I would just be that moment. I love you. Thank you so much. You know it's gonna, be good for me of the shot. I've decided it's good for me to work. My way through and I'm gonna do that, but appreciate and appreciate your cheering for me on the sidelines. And just say that and just keep on drunken ghetto you're gonna be out of debt in a year. You're amazing you ve already. They done a great job, how such has your life changed in one year
you don't even know. I can hear it and to do my debt free scream and the fallen so excited. I can't wait now. I must do it we'll get it sketch I'll hold on and measure you talk too often for you leave, so he gets her. So you can to him and make sure you get your debt free, scream shut up in your mind, is this conversation when you're doing the scream? Ok, all right Wikidot way to about water cool, I'm proud of her! That's very neat too hard thing to do now: mommy and daddy. It's a very difficult thing. I think I think george is the most difficult stage or parenting having. Your children become adults, and I hate that phrase I was writing it in a blog thing. I was doing the other day about work. And on adult children, I don't know what to call my kids, my kids, that are adults as it, your kids, their and our duty they're, not children, their adults. My offspring that I don't know what I mean. I mean. What do you call because-
Children sounds like an oxymoron. Doesn't and so you ve got to moms and dad You gotta go and when the going gets its hard it's hard to not at after dinner. Not to go. You know, that's a dumb butt thing. I've ever heard in my life, but you just sit there adults. You know, I wouldn't say that to one of my friends and so I'm not going to say that to a grown offspring or whatever they are love. It meg meeker said it. You know it either goal is to raise adults, not kids, outraised functioning adults, not functioning children. That's Andy! Andrews extraordinary, I knew was one of your friends. This is the ramsey shit. George Campbell ramsay personality is my co host in the lobby, ramsay solutions on the debt free stage, John and court near where those guys I warrior great new,
better than deserve. What do you guys live? We live in, there's town new jersey, which is about an hour northwest of north new jersey, o gonna, go good to have you guys, welcome to tennessee and here to do a dead, free scream? How much of you paid off one hundred and sixty nine? thousand nine hundred dollars? I love it. How long did this take twenty nine months? go and your range of income during that time approximately a hundred and sixty thousand two hundred and ninety thousand very nice guns. What do you guys do for a living? I must each language pathologist that I work and law enforcement very good, very good That was the one. Seventy, there is some credit cards, a solar alone, a car, a truck and student loans, your normal very figured out normal shocks. Yes, sir, I were not normal anymore you're, where now, why to go so why? happened. You guys. Twenty nine months ago I got you started all is ramsay stuff, so we
We came down to nashville in october of twenty nineteen and I attended business boutique conference who we are- and I a picture with Christie right posted on facebook and one of Johns coworkers darwin. Actually How to us. He said your dave people tat people whose Dave I came to see Christy So here s a man whose Dave then he went into that following your programme and I think him and his wife actually came down in february of two thousand and twenty, and he sent me a text message asking if he bought me fuck. What I read it. I asked him what book and he said the total money make over. I said sure if you buy it I'll read it and fair, for a twenty twenty. We might what what timing yeah? We read the book and then we're get all set for march of two thousand and twenty to start snowball and then the world
shut down enough, but we still manage to work through it, and here we are I don't get it shut down in law enforcement. No did not that spieth speech pathology shut down, so I was out of work for couple weeks, I have my own practice that was more by choice than by any sort of law. Anything and was doing a lot of tell a health. While will you options when you're self employed. Yet you can. Apparently we learned that you can just a side of your central with It was interesting. So hey way to go you guys so right in the middle of a dad blamed pandemic, you decide you're going to get out of debt, so did you put it on hold or plow on me, plowed on once you got on the horse sugar going and ok cool, very cool. the pandemic work in your favour because of extra hours or old you back, because most income
I don't think it really did either other than motivate us, seeing that what could happen and why we should have a better handle on our money now, but I did take on an extra job during the pandemic and have kept going since teach graduate level students may assume in the evenings when our son is sleeping great gig, why in a gal I just for the the listening audience, because a lot of that have a gradual level degrees like you do, can do that and makes Good money. Would you mind telling me what you get paid for that I make about thirty? Five thousand dollars a year doing now, then, one class a year or two la Corrado when your kids are asleep yeah. That's a nice side arsenal very nice side. Guys are incredible, so yeah. I thought that was going to be the case. That's why I dug in so you're throwing over like half your income at this debt. What kind of sacrifices were you guys making? How did you do this, especially living in you know higher cost of living area? Where most people would say you can't do.
Where I live, I dont really feel like we felt like we sacrifice that much. I always thought we overspent kind of generally speaking, but once we made the budget and focused it won't allow we made great money, let's just put it to use paying off that, instead of getting more exactly you don't realize how much nickel and dime in you do when you're not focused your budget when actually bear down and focus on it. You realize ok. Well, I spent ten dollars here, twenty dollars there and all the end of the month so the total money over you read that and then you just what listen of the podcast and did this not yet listened religiously, even our sun asked us one day.
If he marries a girl who has student loans, he now will have debt right. The crowd is already picking out a shelf yeah. This is great me to find this out in the third grade. You have to yet yeah good stuff, very, very cool. Alright. What do you tell people the key to getting out of debt is, I feel I get so the shade, but definitely the budget deficit think it's also celebrating the winds, beginning with the small loans. Like you see it a lot faster you paying off paying off paying off burden, and you know you see that the loans disappear off our spreadsheet and then once I got a little bit bigger and it took you no longer a single day off we got to the end of it in a week. we kind of celebrated either with a sushi launch, as our sun loves the have- or you know somethin like that, just just thirty, he'd motivation going
Your son has good taste that free girls and associate deftly does Alex receives a thousand he's. Hiding places is going places you got, we gotta big future ahead of it very cool so when you're reading, through the total money make over or your listing the pod cash. What was the primary thing that made you We gotta do this I feel it for a long time I had said said to John that we budget in some way, not specifically those snowball or anything like that, but he usually always found a reason why we need to spend the different money that we spent, but once he read the book he was very much on board and I said you understand what this means we can go on vacation. We have to sell everything that we don't use he's like. Yes, I understand, while so you. What what was the thing that turned you around on this array
just the one of the retires the millionaire and not have to ever worry about money again, so long term vision yeah, he bought. He bought the belief that you really can live like no one else and later live and give like no one else. Absolutely so you came to nashville to celebrate what else you're doing to celebrate we're doing a poor renovation right now so hopefully will we get back. The contractor will be starting that the week or so we read it, be ready by the time the weather's mormon jurors, yes, very good, very cool good, for you guys very proud of your great work. Hey we ve got live and give box for you. It's got the total money make over book in which you can give way. That's what got your journey started and, of course, baby steps. Millionaires book, which is the next step in your journey. An financial peace membership as well to go through financial patient university, either use it or given away it's the live and give box aright Let's bring this young genius up. You said he's seven years old. What that I'm Giovanni giovanni our! I very good luck
so she and debt for girls with this guy's crusher game, that's very goodies, kill in an already good good, good line up John and For me, a hundred and seventy thousand paid off and twenty nine months, megan one sixty to one ninety com, download zero dead. British grew three two one That's does the support to be done. George, incredible regardless of where people are act, as they may look at this amazing coupling Goble dave. I don't make hundreds Sixty grand I have more dive, there's always Excuse people have to not do the plan, and I I love what john said where he just went. I looked at them x. I realized I need to be thinking longer than what's happened: this weekend and think about what is the next five years. Ten years twenty years look like and regardless of your income, you gotta make a decision you're going to be
there are ten years from now. So where do you want to be here if you're do something you gonna work for ten years, where you going end up cause you do. The work involves, will get a prize in a row. As basel run in such a way that you get the prize. You knowledge yet to push. I'm through and do this it's that, the moral of the story on hundreds and hundreds and hundreds now Thousands of debris screams on youtube is you can do it yeah company? you're out there riding around your car right now, you're on the treadmill, you going for a run talking to you? When are you going decide to change your entire life? go through the process of starting with becoming debt free so that you can build wealth so that you can be outrageously generous but you're in a hole. place boys and girls. This the ramsey show
hours the day dreams. Five, thirteen is anyone among you in trouble. Let them forever Is anyone happy, but them sing songs of praise lincoln says I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go, away with word. This adds valueless. Taylor is rather than auburn. Alabama high turn welcome other amnesia. Hey dave and george. Thank you for having me on sure. What's up My wife and I for first nine years of marriage, got all the way to baby steps. Six and a change of jobs, step in the ministry for kids and years later gods
seven hundred dollars of credit card debt and then a seventy seven hundred dollar credit card or excuse me a a car payment as well and just knowing warning to know what to attack first, should I stop retirement to start paying these things off It is stretched and it just seems like there's, not a whole lot options Yes, I would dare in pause. Investing. How much are you investing right now going out? hundred fifty dollars months, that's three! Fifty more! the debt. How much other money do you have to throw extra on top of the minimum payments? Probably if we start putting, we try to put four hundred dollars and savings every month too, and we stop that we could. We could start that third added, as well as much as in savings. Eight thousand dollars right out. The window was eight thousand dollars. Yeah. I wish it would allow more than just make sure you didn't say, aided, ok,
What's your household incomes Hundred thirty thousand dollars combined. I might have a teacher, her jacket, greco profit ministry. Where's all your money going well seventeen year old, fifteen year old, a twelve year old and a ten year old get to earn twenty five thousand left my house. We took a big step into building that house purchase land and sold land and it costs more to build memory anticipated. He said after a lot of money were originally and right now, just wish your kids life we really stop beating out, Qaeda's menus expensive because we can develop. The budget got the every dollar app, but it just doesn't seem life insurance policies. Forty four and forty four schools activities, etc.
will derive any move now for public schools, but get got kids do show choir and band and trumpet reynolds? we're uniforms, travel, etc, I still haven't found a hundred thirty thousand dollars. So are you sure you and your wife, or doing a written but on every dollar, and both of you are agreeing for wherever dollars going while we started this might alter totally honest. I can tell you the last year a year and a half now you haven't, there's been money going out the door in places that were gone. Mad enough car expenses get we'll change requires one need a new set of tyres it all kind of the way you keep describing of the way you keep describing all issues not executing a budget. It all sounds like chaos. Its man and when you you're not managing yet that's the way, your verbal pattern
He's coming off. Ok, show I think you gotta get on a really really do detailed in depth with the top. Vision off, and the kids in another room detail. budget that you and your wife, or really looking at and saying this momentum what's coming in this month. Here is what it's going to exactly. And I think there's more room in this budget, then then you have described and you may have to cut back on some things. That are kid projects I don't know, but that that someone, you all were added decide but but You ve got a thousand dollars a month. We know right there and once you get Peace and the control that deed a budget, will give you you be able to release seven of the eight thousand and start working the baby steps again so all saving. Stop all
you're right back baby step, one! You need a thousand dollars and then everything else goes on your other stuff, so shovel we're going to pay off one of these. Seventy seven one hundred dollar debts or two debts that are seventy seven hundred yeah they are exactly the same amount right now and obviously the credit cards much higher percentage. Would you start at that one and then moved to the car payment yeah, all things being equal, I'll choose the percentage and it sounds like they're, equal one, single credit card. And I want to your credit card you sooner. I think I'm getting rid of that and have a thousand dollars in the bank and on that- On the one hand, them I went is were aggressively attacking the car and getting rid of it and then three years we rebuild the emergency fund of three to six months of expenses. That's baby step three, in europe. Be there by christmas. You get much worse, should be mathematically, and I you could be there sooner, because our camp
make sure you haven't, got a bunch of stuff commoner. Your check at work. Are you getting a big tax refund no paid federal three hundred and seventeen hours got two thousand back from state not to buy, write them but there's a lot of money leaks happening. I I would stop the over over withholding on the state. If you have the ability to just estate without withholding without adjusting the federal, I would I dunno, state functions on that, but I try to do that. Cause you're, obviously, over with holding a couple hundred bucks a month on state. And, on the other, that that right, there's thousands we found between those three things to get started on this. which means her seven months: the car, the other cars, oh yeah yeah, and he freed up the credit card payments. You're gonna, throw that on top of it and that's how the snowball rolls so either you can do this in six months easily and the emergency fund to, I think, there's more room, though thousand dollars in there, that you should find but
You just start looking for nickels and dimes and then, when you get the emergency fund rebuilt, that's baby step. Three then you're back to four five and six and four is your pudding ten percent of your income and a retirement fivek college savings. If you do that, you need to stop it for a little while until you get this much cleaned up and cause. You got to do this as you were, not working plan that working a system- and everything happened to you is that of you happening the yet the house being over built the purchase decisions that didn't that you did not a money to buy the saying no you bought them anyway and and that's the stuff happening to you, sort of you happening to it, money is a wonderful slave, but it's a terrible master outrage That's amazing! What happened? You start paying attention and gone We could do better there. We could do better there. We can cut that what's gave her the whole life what's get term and all of a sudden, you just find a thousand bucks in your budget. Another thousand yeah
by two thousand and eight hundred thirty grand I'd find in one thousand, a fiery yeah, I think, there's twenty four thousand a year out of one hundred and thirty, that you can get your hands on to clean this mess up and a rebuild right quickly to where by this time next year. You know you be aggressively. Putting indicates college. If that's an income in place, I guess from teens you gotta get ready for that and on you know, you have your merchants, you found inflation, you have no payments, but your house payment in the house payments not completely out of control with Forty thousand our income? It's really not your problem, but this out troll thing is what your problem is. You been tail spending on the ice for awhile and inherit. It's amazing to me that people make its figures and are still living paycheck paycheck and the data showing us this that there is increasing numbers of people, making six figures. Vassals drug gossamer, giorgio over eighty percent, and everyone's blaming inflation and all these things, but really are out of control spending that he wasn't blaming anyone huge employment himself, which is that's a healthy.
not a shame yourself, but just to say, ok, recognised, The other problem and therefore on the solution in our behaviors or the problem are chaos as the problems for the solution is put the chaos out with systems and processes. very deliberate, hustle and grow. And leaning am very detailed and you You know! That's how you work. You know you just work. The process just work, the system just work, the system just work the system and then all of a sudden things start to come into control and there's margin emotionally john relational aged margin, spiritually, there's margin mathematically, it all starts to come, but you have them. You have to hozier will online or it will impose its will on you. That's the one. s days of your life. Looking back It is when you realise, on the problem. I can fix that very, very empowering. It's not shaming at all. So good! Stop man! thanks for conan tyler. That's a really good question, excellent, excellent, excellent.
George Campbell good, show today that puts us. Our of the ramsey show in the books will be back with you before you know it in the meantime, remember there is ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that is to walk daily with the prince of peace, Christ. Jesus, the hey, it's george camel, if you liked what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the rainsy baby steps, but a ramsey solutions, dot, com and click on the get started guide will help you figure out the best next step for you, based on your specific situation, that is ramsey solutions, dot, com and click get started. Hey it's james producer of the ramsey show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2023-04-13.