« The Dave Ramsey Show

I Wrote a Book as a Side Hustle...What Now? (Hour 1)

2022-05-19 | 🔗

Dave Ramsey & George Kamel discuss:

  • The timing of when to start a family,
  • Launching a book as a side hustle,
  • Helping a family member sell a house.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I, I m sure I m seizure were matters is gaining in the bay of mortgage taking the place of the Bmw, not a simple. Your camel ramsay personality is Michael voting. Today, the operators of particles in the pot, gaston, absolutely exploded and listener ship called the fine print. You can find all of those with remedy network to be sure and drag him out. Where debated. To you about your relationships for mental health. You're
boundaries: your money, your job, your career, whatever it is in your life, you wanna talk about it's a free called son. The advisers words exactly what you pay for it. The phone number aaa eight to five five, two to five: that's aaa aid to five five to two five jennifer starts as our office in new york city high jennifer welcomed the rams issue. I think people much for taking oh sure. What's up, I have a question on Monday fact, number q and to increase our income. I decided to write a book now. I recently finished it, but where we go from here. There are so many master classes and website bins, all these things out there and you dont know if it's a scam or not you platform, and I dont know where, to put it good clash, what your book about
Ah me how to begin your gluten free lifestyle when he's diagnosed with fairly activities? Well, what we did the work book I did was called financial peace and on I you know I was there. analogue world. In those days there was no internet and so was all about just guerrilla are getting we called it just a hand to hand combat, and just how can we get the book out there to day you got some digital tools available to you that make it much much easier than the way out. Carrying the books around in the trunk of my car. and on so I would tell you to do. First is probably just jump on the amazon platform. You can take it Manuscript downloaded put a cover on it and just shower. Doesn't it you are shove it as a demand and they'll per annum. Salamander man, I've got a whole publishing, the stone there and who gets star
With that, it's not economical, and Don't make a ton of money on your first few thousand books, but you can get the book started, get moving, make some money on it before you spend and your money to market it. Ok, The second thing I would do is investigated on demand printing other than amazon and then I would be like For websites like the silly act anything having to do with sea lack right and try to try to write articles with some key words in it that bring up silly actual people that are searching single act will find that in and can link to your book. You getting You can linkum to your amazon that be ok to do too, but some, let that world that There know that you some ideas and opinions about it. george, you dont logic don lotta you online marketing year, but if that's what you're used to do before narrative now in greece, this is a great crossing. Are you really here
while my wife is, is silly act, and so I didn't adopted because of that but why did I answer this question building know any of the other political signal. Standby has had some ideas for, on top of everything you said, which is great advice for. well as the side hustle you may want are more reliable source of income, so you may want to go. Do something that can produce money today, because the book may not off like wildfire, this could be a five year journey to get this kind of business. the ground? But something else you could do is nutrition poaching, and then the book be a part of that as an add on so that may so you can do today. We sit people who are really doing a lot, but I guess that person suffering from field my daughter has fairly act indicted. Remember how over welcoming it was do not know where it is. slowly, I think very recent somebody that bert, but I just wanted to help the people. There is a lot of
facebook groups that you can jump into an start, offering some of your resource and say hey. I was just agnes with this. I wrote a guide that I hope helps others that are experiencing this and if you search on the internet, there's tons of forums, people that are wondering about this recently diagnose and they want to know how to navigate this. So you need to be proactive, going to find those people right now to get this thing off the ground. and the good news is tat. You can do that any time of the day like after the kids were asleep, you know. You you can hustle while other sleep in working these chat rooms working these forums working these facebook groups and If you set the book up as an on demand, amazon product, you can just drop your amazon link in there and go. If you want to here. It is an, but I I would suggest not overtly shelling, but instead cannot give europe, and give some suggestions gives some help
but that has shown how you felt in, in your response, say on a facebook group would be going to and just start selling stuff a lot about you out if you go, how did all this, and I wrote this if you want it? It's ok, but I d go in there and be the bookseller of the world, but georgia's ride. I think some other strange of income are gonna, be really important. This is a mission all thing for you matters deeply to you, but here's actual numbers. Ok of all the books. wished in the united states? Ninety in publishers, professional publishers, their suppose you know what they're doing ninety percent of them never shall over eight thousand copies, ok, a book, the sells a hundred thousand garbage or more is is a unicorn there's. Not many of them now specialized and unicorn production here at roundly solutions are books generally sale, several hundred thousand copies baby,
if millionaires, for instance, is about to hit three hundred thousand. It came out in january so but we've been doing this bestseller book stuff a long time and we have an unusually large marketing platform that allow us to create those situations, but just to tell you just no book out in the wild and never have another, the four x to come in and not really having a platform, the chances of it and your bureau object. Honestly is very nuanced to the point that, which deals within his home everyday. I didn't even know it, and I know George pretty well chosen I mean you're gonna have a limited our audience. Obviously So it's not it's not a broad market. Subject new launched shrugged his for anyone who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle to very specific thing, but dave your story of pudding book in a video store back in the day spiralling, that's the kind of pro active mindset. I want jennifer to have or she goes I want to go to a local business and nutrition coach and say: hey. Can I put my bit my book out front? Ok, us, but the car. You know what
that is get creative and start trying to feelings. I have some fun with it, but I think my point years, and that is, let's not on this to be real side, hustling gum, it might be this more mission get you gotta get faster if it makes some money that'd be great too. I'm glad for that. But I do you, make a whole lot more money, doing a more traditional side, hustle as well on your book, do both in our but but if you're saying this is gonna, get me out of that not not low probability that either the time it took me to sell my first one thousand books, absolutely amazing and again I was doing in an analog world? I didn't have the benefit of on demand.
Publishing other than that there were no such thing as chat rooms or forums or to start an instagram account. There were chat rooms. It was just called the lunch room at the middle school that was called a chat room, but there was no. There was no. This is the ramsey show the you're working with gazelle like intensity to pay off your student loans good for you, but look high interest rates can slow you down refinancing through splash financial, get help go to splash financial dot com, slash ramsey now, and you can see if you get a lower rate and save some money. It's time to build some momentum, guys hey! If you complete your refinance by may thirty. First, twenty twenty two they'll give you two hundred dollars be sure you go to
ash financial dot com, slash ramsay. The george campbell ramsey personality is my co host today on the phone in Dallas, texas is logan and or aaron. I'm sorry, Aaron is whether she and I are here to do a debt free scream. According to my screen, how much have you guys paid off? They will pay if a one hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred and twenty four dollars why to go. How long did this take I'm right at twenty four much good for you. and your range of income during that time, we started about fifty eight,
and went up to one thirty, five and now about ninety five thousand cool good, for you are a so what, where you do for a living? made a full time. Firefighters, I'm a trauma. I see you nurse awhile, very what kind of debt was your one hundred and nineteen thousand unfortunately, we were very normal. We had we had about it. Let's do it alone that that way that we keep putting off Who had a bunch interest with that we had to the goals we had medical dad family loan. Allow lawnmower how much you own your lawnmower, we, I owed thirty five five hundred a landlord. I saw him I've heard, so I'm am glad that still stoa amid the attributes I borrowed from my first car, but yeah, nothing, no big deal but you're gonna married. We ve
married at ten years this past december. So what happened two years ago, the put you on this ramsay journey, I'm well, I'm again unfortunate. So when we got married, I'm still like I said ten years ago, my father in law came to the and whenever asked him to marry errand, he said you got Do two things for me. He said uh. You need to love the Lord god with all your heart body and soul, and you got your financial base, not like yes, yes or hand them a unfortunate part. Is he he forgot to say that I had to do what the lessons taught. So that was assuming that. So he kind of forgot that box checking. We actually have to implement her yeah, okay, you're, a davis are not even yeah you just ruined. It has anything to get the girl I got. I know what you're doing alright, yes, sir, that's right, so we ended up and in october of nineteen I was going back and forth to a a to we live, will ease the dallas and had a pretty good commute,
so I started listening to the show again. and it was that point of our stressed out. We had two car payment, Aaron wasn't working at that time I was, so stressed out and It was just one of those I'm sick and tired of, taking part about enough, and I came back talk to IRAN that evening I was we ve been doing this wrong. This whole time, let's but finally do it and she was like you know, Putting on my heart it to let do this again to end it. I am to that. While so what did you as do did you go back to repay you read a book, we're gonna, get you back on track and motivated so I have a copy of financial peace and a red that again in there we got we did through or get ramsay plus again went through the lesson and our church was putting on the class the times we also got plugged in with that. jumped on facebook group
which was really awesome, we just because we were able to get encourage man get feedback, the other peoples no questions and staff and that that was really motivational for us in getting through that to your grand, so the ramsay baby steps. Facebook, yes, are correct. There are some in their. So what's his income, jump. You went up to one thirty, five back down and ninety five. What was going on there? I went back full time as a nurse and does not that light covered was a the last thing by any means, but they were in dire need of nurses, and so, they were paying well, and we made the decision to put me back full time for to help us get out, and while I was one of them and then we did a few other things we saw we saw just about everything that gives a bet. Basically, all we can eat at the end of the day they all there,
That's right in my eyes, actually got several raises at work and then air and went to the area in which is just a very low. It'd part time, because she wanted to go back, be back at home. Her was battling allies at the time, and if she wanted to go I could be with her. So we we were willing to take that ain't, a goin back down now going on now what you got free out for sure very cool. That's good, while the good news about nursing is, you can drop in and jump out, ending jump again in mean do whatever you need to do in that's beauty of of hurting. innovation and you guys just shot a game on and knocked out. What do you tell people the key to getting out of debt? Is My my key and our key for it was, I have to was mad at you have to get mad at it. You can you can give up the fire you get lazy. You can't look at what anybody else's doing. You have to look at your spouse
you're single? Look at you often the mirror and say we were going to do this and then the second one wishes even bigger is of prayer but those are really good ways to get mad at you got that, some of my best prayer time yeah. My my thing was that it would just fine why? Because we had there ed knowledge back from ten years ago and that were really wasn't enough for us in until we got our why and sick and tired and just man the end ourselves for what we do in this situation. we put ourselves in an inner innocence. What you tolerated I grant you some tyrants point. You have to reach the emotional somewhat, not tolerate this anymore, I'm a guitar right this situation, I'm going tolerate this behaviour will not tolerate these. Production? My life bert, were where I'm tolerate life done this way, we're going to two different way when you reach that sick and tired of it-
entire that's a very good point that people finally say I've had it that's when they change their lives, that's good! You guys are powerful, you're, very cool credible. How old are you too? about I'm thirty, two and thirty one than your free hauser feel of it irreplaceable feeling that was I was able to take actually go on a major retreat the weekend after we got that free and it was amazing is the first time I had been stressed out, taking a trip my entire life and we ve been called to be givers and gone, call this early in our marriage, and we just always like how are we going Is there an now we see We see like ok, we're gonna be able to give like. We ve always wanted there big, a love that Very well done you two very don were proud of your great great who were your biggest cheerleaders outside the two of you. Will her?
her dad and mom were very, very helpful but thankful that you're going to do it since he made you go through the classroom. That he's been. I mean he's just so proud that we've we did it and my folks ah help help help I was well and then spent so many times calling If you later dan and cynthia cool they they just, they blew it out the park and they beg. their story of how they work the baby steps. In just the way they presented it just it my mind, and that was that was a big moment for me to the really commit to this right. way to go guys. We ve got a copy, a baby steps millionaires for you, that's the next chapter in your outrageous. We generous story, that's where you a bathing and put yourself in position. You can give away numbers that you only used to dream of owning and pretty good stuff, how ordinary people belt extraordinary wealth, how you can to our number latest number. One best seller and arranging
I'll. Send you a copy, a total money make over for you too, given disturbed by his life with that and I give it away in a mess with some by law bets proud guys very, very well done logan Aaron and dallas texas, a hundred and nineteen thousand dollars paid off in twenty four months, making fifty eight. She goes back to work up to one thirty, five, she decides no more. After I'm dead, free back down to ninety five counter downloads era, debt prescribed. Brought Lydia and Gabby our kiddos with us and they're gonna do with this aren't already three two one
and when the ladies and gentlemen, this is how it's done, they even sound adorable the they are adorable. We saw the youtube pixels for those of us that get the cheek that way. Cute kiddos, that's been young family change, their whole family tree. They change their future. They took control they're, not waiting on someone in washington to fix their life. This is the ramsey show. The you've got a lot on your plate, a job, your home, your mayor,
and your growing family, while you're enjoying the present, you can't help but think about your future and your finances as you explore your options. Consider christian healthcare ministries or c h, m for your health care, their generous maternity programme and budget friendly monthly programmes have been a blessing to members welcoming children into their families. Visit c h, ministries, dot, org, slash budget to see if its right for you christian healthcare minutes
is a ramsey trusted provider, the lobby of ramsey solutions, the stage Mathieu and vanessa are weathers. Hey guys. How are you than welcome? He comes sliding sideways, barely making it from the airport. Oh my gosh. Now I mean a traffic jam and there's a chocolate jam up in kentucky just out in the middle of nowhere, and we were at a dead stop for about. I don't understand why you're coming to kentucky, if you're from Houston, while we we went to see the arc in the creation museum in kentucky, and so we ended up staying in lexington yesterday. Also we we got up early and came here, but you didn't know about the world famous kentucky traffic jam now now, apparently, there's not one, but you know what
regulations, guys how much data have you paid off, so paid off two hundred thirteen thirteen thousand nine hunter good miss. How long does it take fifty eight months, five, eight, make four fifty eight months in your range of income during that time. So we started this journey separately before we were married, and so my income was around thirty. Six thousand horse was round ten thousand men. We got only up to about a hundred twenty five thousand and we're back down to about one fourteen cool. What I'll do for a living? address, analysed and I'm an accountant, very good. So this is a five year deal here. How are you Mary Mary about through enough hears hookah. So what? What was that always the two fourteen thousand. So fifty thousand
it's our student loans and then the rest is our mortgage. Yes, that were boo, boo, you're strange! I love. How old are you two thirty and twenty four house? That's so weird, it's unbelievable! What's the house worth its worth about Fifty right now, yeah! That's yours! Yes, yes, love it yeah, baby, wow! What in the world inspired you to do this at your young age? This is amazing. I heard about you in college, but I didn't really start following you until I got my first big boy, job because that is to make enough income I Honestly, whenever first started, I just in one we homeless, so just pay. bill is basically and then I can just kind of got inspired by hearing all these people paid off their mortgage, and so I, before we were married, I set a goal for us to have for
Are we bought a house to pay it off at home? I was thirty five by we, obviously blue that go out the window, so so, so whose idea was it to not only tackle the suit loans, but the mortgage two, it was mine, I'm a big dave, ramsey nut. So if you go in you're going all and yes, I'm all in or all out, and so this plant plan fit me perfectly, especially since I'm just a a gifted saver. And I just love builder see that bank account grow, and so I have no doubt is obviously the key to becoming wealthy so or the girl shall vanessa. Told you this was. What do you know? This is hard to shower role. Would you sure I was the little hesitant at further like? Are you sure, a man as we went on and we paid my student loans off? I was like leaving
I can do this, I can see it now. So I'm curious, you guys did all of this in your twenties. Most people in their twenties say. While Dave ramsey's plan me, I'm not going to have a life I'm going to miss out on my entire life. Do you feel like that hell This no honestly, I mean we still did like a trip to san Antonio and then last year we went to bribe before it had the house off. We went to daytona international speedway because I'm a big nascar fan, and but we still went out to eat. I mean we still hung out with friends, but we didn't, at their and scrap when the whole weaken and sit live on beans and rice mummy. but a bill are grossly go, wasn't tremendously large play? We still did some something's and still eight out and like us. I wouldn't just stay home all the time. So if ramsey didn't scar, your youth, not youth, george and redeemed, want to sell your good and just want to make sure we make sure we get that out there for you, people that are good for you
way to go here. Grandam how's, it feel to be completely free it citing lawfully unreal amazing, I mean the skies the women right now on, where we can do, we were already be being able to bless people, and it's such a blessing to us we're about to leader. Eighth, Bu class next week and we've had a total of almost two hundred and thirty thousand dollars paid off in all our classes. at our church and we're we're just sort, we're thrilled that we're bale that we're going to build to help people and that we're going to be able to be outrageously generous, testimony on how, as you lead more class, we gotta pay for wow yeah. That means because you have to be some guy in there that thinks she's got it all together and the nerd looking at those guys' thirty years over paid for also that kind of like a shirt, oh yeah, great testimony, they're very cool way to go. You guys, whew. What do you tell people? The key to getting out of data is beanie babies and put him on car.
No, not really, not not. Really. Just he's just in savings, while he was sitting in traffic in room that he actually mentioned it whenever we were in japanese yeah, I do that just take down in their day, but no, I think, just perseverance and just having a vision beyond just friday and I mean that It just is totally worth it and that We definitely need to get on this plan, even if it means sacrificing two or three years of her life. To do it. Like I said it is just totally worth it. I don't even know how to explain away how to explain a winter. We pay the mortgage off and It was I just wanted to jump on mars like I feel like I could define gravity at that point by, but no that our kids aren't going to have any debt in the future.
Is tremendous, because I was one of the goals of ours was to have no doubt when had kids mount up, not pregnant. I'm sorry, my eye just beyond the change our family tree and be able to be generous to whoever needs at that time, elm and they were going to build a spread god's work because we're we're completely debt free and therefore financially stable, waited you guys very cool, very girl, good work, good work We've got a copy of baby steps millionaires for you, definitely the next trapper in your story here I had in that direction very, very quickly, and how ordinary people build extraordinary wealth. Are you can't do number one best seller and on top of that, of course, will give you a total money, make overbook for you to give away and continue to stir up a ruckus with that. Thank you for the class, as you guys are incredible. I'm so proud of you gave a very, very well done, who were your biggest cheerleaders
I would say my parents, my parents also, I think her her father. Her stepfather was completely baffled than a mate, that we paid off our mortgage and basically three and a half years on, because I still have a mortgage, and so so I was just so like us had huge baffled in my dad paid at their house. Often there are thirty nine, a man stuff, so I'm just having that inspiration- and I gotta have a bet my dad that I was gonna pay that we were in a pair house off before before? thirty nine years old- and obviously we do that, water now, so that their super proud of us again and now that some he did it before. Vanessa was twenty nine, so there you go while she was actually twenty seven when we paid the house off any kind of, and I was kind of disappointing as bond about was- I turned thirty last year in April, so I missed
paying in the house house off my twenties by like five months, a shadow bombed about this here, maybe over achieve world on gas, very well done an art, its matthew and bananas, Houston, texas, two hundred and four three thousand dollars paid off in fifty eight months, that's their house and everything. Thirty years old and under man making we already forty six forty six up to one twenty five counted down. Let's hear a debt prescribed one wired that the there is hope, dave, there's hope older. Is that why you take a house payment, two thousand? When I thought of dollars would then arose drug use, your phone-
thirty to sixty you're, going to have on the megan's a lot of millions just from the house payment alone. This is the ramsey show. The campbell ramsey personality is my co host. Today, lucia is with us in Virginia, I lucia. How are you good? Thank you good. How can we help today?
Ah, yes, I am wondering if I should get or consider. I trust elderly mother, she's gonna, be. Her home and moving in with us, so the proceeds I'm kind of nervous about it. I want to do the best for her protect those proceeds. So I've only. I've heard about medicare, trust and different types of but I don't know where to go with that. What are you protecting them proceeds from well from us. sibling that light no inconsiderate scribbling. That might come all every time they have problem, and then my mother, would you know dwindle sounds like does not methodical, no
we already know who this is: they have a name woke up asking for a friend here. Yes, while If you put it into a trust and she is the beneficial as the beneficial interest of the trash that mean she's, the owner of the assets and the trust. In a sense, and you said some one that will say no to inconsiderate siblings up as the trusty, your mom, which still have the power to instruct the trusty to release the funds. Can there where is your mom? Can access the funds which we would need to do if she needed em right then she can access them and give them away. And so you know Think what we're gonna do? You know you could put some you
but the money, with her permission into an account that requires your signature and her signature, and you could refuse to give that signature. But if you hardy professional trusty, they won't refuse a few, such shut up as the trusty. Now you could say no mama, I'm not gonna, do it, but Women have been the bad guy with the considerable parasite sibling but you probably are anyway, aren't you. Yes, Why am I a generally the responsible one is the bad guy to the parasite. That's generally, while the works and families remain here. Have you talked to your mom about this, This conversation weather no! No, not really I wanted to get. You know the answer in the information and then presented to her. What, We europeans are
what I do is make sure that she has a good estate plan and while your meeting with the estate plan attorney ask them what some legal methodologies are to make, it differ for your mom to access the money in a moment of weakness in a moment of enabling to a parasite sibling and long walk out loud in front of her too to the state planner about that they could probably tell you if there's a way to structure addressed. Do that and you could we meld that into the estate plan. That's one thing There you can set up simple bank account. There requires both signatures, not a trust, but it just requires both signatures and hers, and you I'm gonna give it balance very clean. If you're going to a trust. The trustee would need to be someone who would say no, and again an attorney is not going to say now. They're gonna, take the instruction of the person has the beneficial interest easy
if you are going to be uncomfortable, otherwise and you're, just going to look at her and saying no, no, you can't do amongst you're gonna need this money. I dont need the money, but you're only this might take care. You and he came in sight. That's the truth! come to mind and no matter how area structured, whatever you do, the do with her input, and maybe with to put it the attorney, I think you go ahead and have a little lamb A little town hall meeting here with a shout with the other, siblings and say: listen here, we ve done this is moms money and nobody get to accept her. We ve trapped. It show that, china puts them all noticed, don't even I ask cause you choose wish for you to ask, and then put in the position later. That's oh I'm the one, that is to say no, but if you just act like We put him in a lock box, legal, lock box and it can be opened, so you can't get it,
and let him modem dont bother, and that idea do that as a conversational head 'em off at the pass thing and put it in the rearview mirror, but That's not an unusual thing. Your facing by the way I siblings with an enabling mom is- is fair. standard play book the other alot create greater. a relational drama, especially dont. Have this conversation and all of a sudden moms gone we're all trying to fight about it now, so I like heaven the conversation. Now David is in new mexico. I david our you, hey george states within my comp sure. What's up to my wife, we really been committing you going through the baby steps and right now we are doing baby step for and great what I want.
but I wanted to know was words when you guys thought would be a good time The baby step to start thinking about a baby by worth considering it I don't really like, schools in our area. I want just a private school. Do you guys suggestions. As far as I want to start thinking about that yesterday or cheaper, if you should already have babyish, go get babies. Babies are awesome. Ok, what's holding you that right now, so the main thing is my life, my work, you, the labour and delivering earth, which probably explains why she's really wanting the baby, My concern is once she has are the first baby that I would really like for her to be able to stay home? can. I have a shift in our income and still I don't want us to have to take any steps
awkward since we ve been able to move towards a well. You shouldn't have steps backwards, restructure your household where you live on your income, can you afford to live on your income alone David today. So so the biggest issue would be the mortgage. You know what we took on the mortgage prior to the whole. Gave roundly davy steps. You know, sir, little bit more than are, that portion of our EU come so right now at my current income that probably might be feasible, but we definitely have to do the whole being than rice writing these again so maybe that you don't want me to do not live in that house. Tat babies. Are you not live in that house to have babies in her be home with them or she, workshop
three twelve, large, which allow nurses do and a newborns not gone a private school, so it only to worry about their right now, either. I think I'm runnin off what do they have private schools, renewed eyes and chirac? Do oh boy, the layout everything for newborns, but yeah you listen. We dont tell people went to have children, it's not a financial step, the baby, apps have nothing to do with babies And so on, you know you have babies when you and god decide how babies and that's that's the time to have by reason I'm a big fan of babies now becomes a line item in your budget. That's it locked in arid and but you know what you're doing david is you're you're, saying: ok I really want my cake and eat it too. I want to live in this house. I want to go to private schools. I want her to not have to work an I Do you know, too, to Prague her and go forward, and you can have all that you're to choose something you're in
We're gonna have to go up she's going to maintain some kind of income or you can live in a different house or or or or and thus is the joy of raising a family, but I highly recommend it anyway. Yesterday it's it's the
ensure the best thing I've ever done, and I've done some really cool things, but babies are the best, the only thing better than the babies of courses, the grandbabies and if I'd have known how great grandbabies were I'd have been nicer to their parents. So there you go rachel and Daniel and denise day end up just fine. They turned out there, it's a joke, but yeah there's cause with their mom. This is the ramsey. Show the you love a good day and want to see the latest ramsey show videos going viral check out your favorite moments from the ramsay show on youtube to watch and subscribe to. The show channel on the if you enjoy,
his podcast? You should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network like the rachel cruise show. Money should be fun, not stressful. I'm ready to cruise and I'll show you practical tips on how to save money in your everyday life and get out of debt even faster on the rachel corrie. Show I'll show you that you can take control of your money and create a life. You love listen to the radio,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-13.