« The Dave Ramsey Show

I Lost My Job Due to Felony Charges (Hour 3)

2021-03-10 | 🔗

Debt, Relationships, Home Buying, Business

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Borders, are Ramsay Solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studio. He sees the Randy Show where America hangs out to have a conversation about your life. Your money, my name, is Anthony meal. Most of the public to package on the table. Co hosting with me today is number one national best selling out there and a host of the Christie Right showed the one and only Christie right, both was Ramsay personalities and we are excited because we get to spend this hour with you. America and we love talking about things especially money, but if
When I talk about relationships, if you want to talk about how to fine balance, if you wanna talk about your purpose, if you want to talk about God, if you want to talk about money and if you wanted, about how to start a business, give us Chrissy's here she can help out about money, she's going to talk about life and money, eight hundred and eighty eight eight hundred and twenty five five hundred and twenty two five thousand eight hundred and eighty eight eight thousand two hundred and fifty five two hundred and twenty five is a number to call it, and we would love to take come on, let's go to the phone lies Greenlander Josh's, with this in Phoenix the city of good afternoon Josh. How can christie- and I hope they really great talk with you guys, so I'm a bird cured peculiar situation. Let me my wife grants we paid off a hundred and fifty thousand loan that have five years are right: scurried were who definitely focus We have one last
two hundred and forty thousand dollars. Laws check out a home equity lounge further. Couldn't forty thousand two hundred and forty thousand end my wife's private. He learned that they consolidated to make the payment cheaper. Sorry situation is, there said multiple times that they will forgive the land. Eventually, that has not happened yet. We policeman- pay anything out. My wife's parents This was a girl, forgive it eventually, there's no specific timetable for anything. We pay the payment on mortgage jerk clear and take up of extra payment it further. situation in my mind. I want to put the extra money from our snowball towards our home mortgage. Your five twenty nine plans for my son. Were my wife split on the extra money towards that London
Parents gave us, even though this has been a forgive them eventually, so we just don't know what to do. One thing when I call out that you are experiencing josh- and this is the reason we tell family not to loan family money is because it it tilt the room. It till the day it now there is an imbalance in the relationship and because of this financial debt, and so what I dont like about this question. Is there have something over you, and even though but they're telling you they're going to forgive it bothers me because it's this reminder that they have something over you. They are holding something every, even if they dont intentionally mean that maliciously they may not. All that may be wonderful people and they may really plan to forgive it, but the dynamics of this to change umbrella, Anthony Jumpin here first, but I just want to call out. We need to fix
situation, whether we fix it through a conversation and a deadline, or we fix the repayment or some combination of both, but I don't like this in between, were you guys have this held over your head? I don't like it at all, I'm right there would you Christie, you know Josh when I have a conversation with within laws hey. We need clarity and cakes try to move forward. But we have this hanging over head. Will you say forgive it win, ok wit. When is a cut off date? Do we need to be paying up enticed got there. their houses paid off boy. Now they learn chain. Diego an animal couple years. They're gonna show it which, theoretically, when they saw that alone, would be to pay off that's a big question yeah yeah, so the tough situation.
because you're waiting for your parents a sell out to sell their house, which we venture, they sell, pay off the he locked and you're trying to figure out what to do They expect you to pay between now and then right, yeah, we ve been monthly, and then we do you like one or two extra Klamath a month but will you know just pay off the prince or much into death? I would say if there is sorry, I keep Japan, and here I would say if they are expecting you to pay between now and when and if they ever forgive, then you're gonna keep between now and then, regardless here's. What I would do for my own peace of mind Josh, I would play the pay, the whole thing off, as if they never sell it lower, just plan on that expect to and then in, if and when they seller, and they forgive it or they set you whatever. Then it's like this, wonderful surprise, not
thing you're waiting around on tap in your heels, go on all how many more months you have to pay this. You owe it so just expect that you have to pay it until the whole thing's paid off and if you don't think it's a wonderful surprise and bonus. But for your own peace of mind, I would but trot of pay and expect to knock it out as if you're you're gonna have to pay it off with only the right there relieve. You agree with you on our part. May that was a good answer it's just a weird dynamic because it's like maybe but I get. It goes back- that power control because what they dont where they changed, IRAN they want to sell and they are doing- and I was like planets in no just for your own peace of mind- be small. You owe this plan to pay it. If you don't have to that's just a funds. Press absolute me, you sign up for that. Your parents helped you out, They said. Hey you, gonna pay, as back pay is back for me and I d be comfortable armchair arms. My wife sailor, we paid hissing often next year, yearn ass. Well, because if you
because the question he asked should we put more toward our house if you were to do that. with that money. It's as if that deaths not there, but it is yes, it is. There is no different than any other type of debt in the fact that you owe it. So just you need to attack it like you would have It may be said to because you are in a weird way: pay the off before Extra. Your house, your house, you get too after your debt free internet that free up I love it. Well, you guys here rim solutions we want to transform so many lives at disruption spread like wildfire across. our country, imagine a world where It is we are to have stood alone instead of everyone saw me. That's the only way to get an education. Imagine a world where the majority of people pay cash for their cars. Imagine a world where credit cars are the cigarette other finance, industry a mad being a part of causing that level of disruption with the work you do every day
at random solutions. That's why we have a thousand people at our company working together to create digital products and services to help people transform their lives with the goal of disruption, disrupting the toxic money culture. That exists in America today. If you, join us on that crusade were currently on the hut for many if we're engineers with expertise and Ruby arouse Java, see sharp and financing allergies or if your ie, you ecstasy, there s e and content marketing specialist? We would love to talk with you, like seriously asap sought to find out about available jobs by taxing measured attacks, work that again, that is work that matters to three three said, eight nine takes work that Matters are one word, work that matters to three three: seven, eight nine to find out about all our open opportunities
and I say this in their too- that I got my also hiring for a video producer. So not only if you want to do but if you want to help me reach young people, yes, tax. The word work that matters thirty, three, seventy nine! joining amazing team over here ram solutions edge a boy. This is around no matter what time of year it is focusing on. Your family's financial plan is always a smart move.
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Cause and answering your questions. I'm around money around life around relationships around business business around waiting without my personal development and may, which is having a blast and so We have about one line I just open up so give us a call, eight hundred and eighty eight eight hundred and twenty five five hundred and twenty two eight thousand eight hundred and eighty eight two hundred and fifty five two hundred and twenty five and christy- and I have to talk to you where, where limit nicer than dates, we could be justice mean, but no we won't hang up or are just like. This is still not a California taught to add a good afternoon atom. How can I Christine, I hope, I ain't niggers, forget my call. Let me give you guys: a little bit of background will expect my wife nyjord that free or big Dave Ramsay Advocate were now in the market to purchase a house and similar to your credit. Color we have about you.
thousand dollar staved off poor old. I'm not a house were looking around a million dollars that price point for us, but we we are looking were putting down offers and within or Davis forty kill off and the last time we put an off burning, went over two hundred thousand dollars and half in and so We recently does all the help and factors and lost suddenly thousand dollars. I have a little bit of eggs by buying a house been a bad time, and so I just wanted to get your guys. You stay with the interest rate. I think they just increase about half the first in the last month, which is giving us a little bit more buying power. By now and just say this is the reality of the market or show we hold off. If you guys know any trends around the interest rates or the market a weakened by at the right time, Mirth
overspending, and then the market botany, not because of supply increasing where you live now,. We live in Laguna Beach Watch County and you own. Your home were in an apartment right now- and we cash flow about hundred thousand dollars cash and we can say we're sorry in a rush to purchase today Adam, or do you just not in a rush from a living perspective? It's just knowing that as soon as the house is the market today, it has one. He offers then three days and interest rate keep climbing and the asking prices keep calling because everyone from the like allay areas moving the Orange County because of the work in this video, more ok! Ok, my suggestion, I'm not goin to I'm not going. A purchasing a home right now, because
your ear saving a lot of money and sooner or later I think, patience. Good things come to those who are patient. Who wait? I think right now, but I will continue doing keep your eye on a market. Do not go over your do not pay more for our house It is only worth a million. Don't pay! One point: two: don't pay one point one way because you're you're, an Orange county California, so you do get a good house at their yet you gonna be right up there and the aid. You talk about wine, one point to me and I was to get the kind of house. It sounds like you, you and your wife white, but I won't wait. Man a manifestation of the year, maybe two years to find the right house- that's ok, Other thing, if you think about it from a numbers perspective, I think you said you were able to save a hundred thousand dollars a year which is incurred.
Also when you think about this. Let's say you decide away until the market levels at which it should at some point add I am not an expert in real estate. Be an agent can help you gotta know what's going on it, you're, not regressing your financial goals by waiting, you're still making progress financially in your goal, by saving a hundred thousand dollars a year and then you're able to buy a house at a price, it's more appropriate for what it can be appraised. If you try to rush and you over pay, then you are losing that money for right now and there is absolutely no reason to you're not arise, so keep saving your money weight and unless you if you found something in between there, that's gonna go regular price or it's rare, it's different or you get there first or whatever call you're ready to jump on. You ve got the money, but don't worry and over pay and just throw that money away absolute. I agree. I agree. Kelson with us, an Memphis Tennessee good at an accountant, love you name by the way, How can we haven't bite you
So I'm like dream up until last night, I was pretty much state free, add small com, social life. Scottish you got an out of date, I was involved in the situation and make bless me charge. Victory felonies ion Ireland have eight thousand dollars worth of day and I about coming day, and I lost my job because of this I am kicked out of school. I owe my apartment a lot of money, that's where the situation had been made. I don't even know where to go like how did start paying off all this, be. the child. Now I've got another job like three hundred a week gap but did not even know to make it. There then five hundred thousand I do you want. Twelve hundred thousand of my as S. Not that's, not
that's money, but is not enough money for what you No! Not at all. I don't have much works, I had a job like an hour. It was to Moscow basically without put too much you person, information on on live on air felonies preventing you from getting a better job. Oh yes, there are thereby someone is aggravated a thought aggravated sought. Ok cool have begun with an attorney to figure out what is a game plan to get these off your record in the future. Hired really good at with everything that I had not thought my car so he's working, which had to do it. Get it off you right here, no look and potentially from harm both parties Bay clearly give
they no longer have to hear another hearing next week and it gave me a better idea of what is going to teach each felony paragraph, eight years to obvious out here's my say man and when I want to thank you for calling in Tunisia, I want you to know that I don't know you killed him, but I'm be bravely because thank you to the future, could changed dramatically? for probably the first time that I've been around. Shall I would say right now. I am not concerned about two dead, I'm concerned about you. I am concerned about your mental health. I am concerned about you as individual I wouldn't I would encourage you to continue working continue, do what you're doing but right now sounds like you need to get around other men of older men
who can speak to your life, who you can is drawn from cry on just really the honest with and so that they can help you develop yourself into a better man, heck and I'm really road you. I have that developing myself into a better man and I don't want you to feel. Like you're alone out here, but right now, to concern killed him with which a debt are concerned. With here, yeah yeah The one thing I would say that may, view some source of comfort or can All counted in this is to protect a goal, but it's just an option for you like. First one cannot recommend enough you getting around whether getting put into a church or community of men that could become around you through a season of life. You need. people a lean on. When at one of the things I heard in your question, was a lot of overwhelm, this money in this money in my apartment and did these fees just sell, it feels overwhelming and-
but one of the things you can do to reduce overwhelming tactical, as this is just list out what those are not just like others, money here and I'm not sure what is like. Ok, I owe my apartment, thousand dollars. I owe court fees, of this amount of money, you're not sure when you're gonna tackle it. That's ok, but I Sometimes when you see something when you get it out of your head and onto paper, and you can see, ok, I can tackled I don't know how and when and what time on, but when I can see it, I can do it and that will just give you some source of control over here. situation. That's not this unknown! That's haunting you! You can see. It said it aside. Community around you and then you can work on a plan to tackle at Kyoto. Align I'm gonna have Kelly Git, get your content information. I have my producer reach out to openness. do you life. I want to talk to you, break you, wanna buy, show and just Thirty minutes, which manages walked through your stuff in speaking to you like, rather because I think we all need brothers
you don't sound like elegant information. Are people reach out to this is ratified? the for listening. You guys listening to the brandy, show pretty writing myself, Anthony wholly Ramsay personalities, taking your phone calls. We had this segment in one more segment left about one phone line open so give us a call, eight hundred and eighty eight eight hundred and twenty five five thousand two hundred and twenty five. to you over these next two segments, Ngos with this cemetery good afternoon. How can we help How are you doing document what's going on that question
my fiance got laid off in Colorado? I'm gonna get my ex wife renewed at my kids to help raise ombudsman. She moved away and we got a really good job over selfies literary or from my family always down here. So we move down here. and my mom, like WWW. She has moved on the farm flickered eighteen acres close by They had water and electricity used their love. Dilapidated. Now, really they dangerously around for the kind of big liability for my mom. So yet I dont, like Gale, had probably been out there in the next couple of years, but then they actually Then they won't put it in our name. You want to put it in the truck and me and my brother and sisters name, I think there is a very wise I gave her my standpoint. he gave the idea of split it up in three six acres sections: Where'd he go that a holler and through the text
literally be a hell, you can't I love will use plain property. three different areas. They learn as well in another. Down the middle? where I could actually live an inch study, offered to buy it out firmer for fifty four. I have great for thirty four I really want to live there and she declined and she said I wouldn't be fair to my brother and sister from within. Life Joe. It sounds like you correct me. If I'm wrong here sounds like to me, I heard in your voice. This is a bad plan. And you know better than I am I heard in the question that this is already decided in your man. It's a bad plan and you're right, because what's interesting as anytime hosting the show- and we get a call about- should I do this in relate my parents, my parents, landmark parents, house, my parents, whatever the the question we always ask is: would you do this? If it wasn't your parents, would you want?
to build a house in a dilapidated house on this property of overpay by twenty four thousand. All these scenarios that you're telling me would you wanted. If it wasn't your parents now, I know you Where are you that so we're gonna next question is then they want. I trust you they're gonna, put liability on me. Somebody get out there because they want me to clean the whole thing up. My brothers, but you're not interested. Not I've been out. There really is an years may just got them through. out here and there, though its trashed on top allowed being dilapidated in the neighborhood only later anti through there, all the time I'm gonna get hurt and if, trust with it. I'm gonna get clean it up. A liability that's why either now or even understand public trust with such a small piece of property, you die no no you're right here, I'll, tell you straight up, so I dont know the details from the legal implications of a trust, but I wouldn't in that respect. ability. This is my hunch here responsibility
we put on you without your consent. be responsible for property liability, all these things without your consent, even if it's your parents, so there would have to be some consent on your part. You need probably talk, then attorney and you deaf. When you talk to your mom like what are you doing, what doing. This is not our responsibility or ye. You like that. You need to have more of a voice in this discussion and and really discernment, for what is right, are you and your family apart from your parents? What is right for you? Where do you want to live? Where do you want to build? What can a house that type of thing and and enter into the discussion with that in mind, not making all these compromises and going along with bad plans just cause. Mom came up with it in benefits, harnessed sucks for you. I don't like this like getting these plans for you. That's all. I need a good guy. what benefit her. The most she's ended up your eyeballs. She had for mortgages at one time they
you're going out on that piece of property to buy the current. How they re Molly had to mortgages are another piece of property they won't live and in their upside down onto liquors, sell it for she. Sixty years old. My dad said back in two thousand and eight my dared to ask her to go out for a while, but she's bidding on nothing, but all this dead end why offered more for that out to help her long run, but I think she is clean it up and sell it and pay off her house to try to get you know that their position well, here's a day you called them ask us for advice for you not for I pray you know and ass. I grew really. This is not a good deal, leave it leave it alone, If your mom, pursuant to a trust, ok You are not held liable for any of that. The issues that come up right now When you are wanted with was inside the trust in you will be, but as of right now, You will not be held liable for that. Ok, I would just going
their man just move on which a life tat same odd thing, Bob. I love you betcha to work with you in this area, but I see right now you just not ready to do it and that's why mom doesn't have to do was, but she doesn't want to do she's a personal shared ago. Would it be for me and not even be involved in the track because it it'll be every weekend for nine months for me to get this blind about their yes and I don't want the liability would not dream of liability right now. The other thing I would say jellies and am I know it's your mom, I'm talking about your mama here on on the air but like she had haven't great track record funny nicely with financial decisions. So we're gonna. Look at that triggered. You love your mom you're, never gonna, not love your mom and you're. Never gonna run your son, but when we look financial track record. It's not good. Decisions are not going to enter into more financial agreements with mom because of the track record, and It's a bad plan, but just like Anthony said she can do what she wants to do our mind. You, you can't do you to decide where
and how and where and if at all you participate in anything with this land, you do not have to do anything. You not obligated to anything you get to make a decision grown man, what is right for you- and you do not have to do anything so just remember that in all the discussions so good good, good Amandas with us in bed, rose good afternoon Amanda. How can christie- and I hope, Henry Oil tanker taken Mark Aung San what's gonna! Well, I'm in a calendar. I now I mean it's knifing major, but I'm currently out of bed. I gotta have Asthma mortgage Saunders, Happy about that. I know, a car! You stay off my car. No, yes, they money money in my favor much two amendments: twelve thousand hooker I'm trying to try to build a more
but the problem, however, and I guess who stood the krona bar, suspect this go on economy, and you know you're worried about your career and stuff like that. I'm getting kind of burned out with my career in Luanda thank career for twenty five years and I am very interested in science. So, Think about changing my career and contact with someone telephone his degree and I'll be making about the same pay, but the problem, I just found out the tuition cost you forty seven thousand for just under two years? And I really don't want to take a student alone, how cause I'm doing fine right now and I want to save more money contribute. Even more my ask of forty seven right now and I'm trying to maxim contribution that everything found a foreigner and how about this. I don't wanna have along for the school, or should I just keep doing what I'm doing,
save as much as I can so was really real quickly before we celebrate wash your dream career field, if you could do anything right now, what would that be. I would say, I'm indefinitely famine and I'm looking to you know Can the Graham Lookin out of work and an operating our own even forensics? That's not my bad time base, because that's what I'm strong and I got you one amendments can't comment- says he really really need to identify what you want to do right now, we really can't give you the advice that you really need, because you don't really know exactly what when you do so here's a best piece of advice? I can give you the day is tomorrow afternoon. I think you're right around eleven o clock central time. I went to you. Don't you too, and I want called into the king comments and I want you to
This exact same question too, can comment who is career expert. He's America's number one career expert. He could, you do this process, so noticed stood alone, but I think we need to figure out why you're sweet spot. What are you passionate about once we can identify that which can will help you do that, then we can figure out why, the best path to do that so called tomorrow, you can call me show, but it can convert, showed our com over you too, and he help you up our problems. This is Ramsay
today. Scripture clock comes from, I say a chapter, forty three versus eighteenth nineteen, and it says remember now the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now is, brings forth you now perceive. I will make way in the wilderness in rivers and the desert. Listen! Churchill once said we shape our dwellings and afterwards out dwellings shape us. I love was insured I guess so many great quotes arches. I just I just love him. I love him walk about Read so you guys we're neighbors, Anthony NEO. Join me here in the studio is Christie Right, Ramsay personalities. Hosts of to write, show and a host of the table with Anthony O Neill has been an amazing, our Robin out with a while. We have,
maybe six more minutes, so we can maybe squeeze in one more phone call. Eight hundred and eighty eight eight hundred and twenty five five thousand two hundred and twenty five give us a call right now. Alyssa is in Denver Colorado good afternoon Alyssa. How can Christiana help Hello, I greatly so I am currently and outside belt perversion. All birth, binding, graphics, branch eyes and a happy: fortunately, your cursor if the franchise that I started my career at em in it very early, the conversations with the corporate officer Jeff now getting started but I am in baby stir up to it. it's been a dream of mine to own my own franchise that I'm always I'm thirty three. I expect you to be closer to fifty, but the opportunity here. Am, I imagine, will be about family one four hundred and six hundred thousand dollars, but by the French. I did have a franchise model or are they starting it with you?
We now know that this is an existing, very existing franchise As you said, you ve always wanted to own your own franchise. Tell me a little bit more about that. well. I've always wanted to own this franchise, while by always I mean I've been in the career for seven years. I fell in love with it. I even I am a passionate about what it is, but I q from outside those professional perspective. I would like to think that I would be a good business owner, because I do care so much about the purpose By an I'm a little nervous about being a business owner right, I mean there's efforts and things that I would need to work on. Personally, I'm a little cash. and it s very. Very much carrying it might begin to employees, but I really love that work. position in the business, and I know everything about it. Apart from, like you know the business out of it like an exclusively important Beth AM, but I
The opportunity is here- and I know that I've always been working my way towards owning the franchise, a franchise within the organisation, Now the one in my hometown is available for sale, now a kind I kind of fallen into my lap. I don't wanna make about Choi yeah a being too emotional about this specific location in my home town. So Here's that's interesting. In the reason, the people typically want to get a franchise is if they want to run their own business and they feel A franchise is a business in a box, and so there's something appealing about the fact that they are going to give you all the details, the logos, the you know that the formula for it you don't have to think about that for yourself, the downside. This, though, is it's a very Spencer Way to start, business and run business on a business when you could start something literally on the side yourself tomorrow, with zero start up now, you're a little bit differ
than the average person. I talked to its interest enfranchise because you love this particular business. What I'm curious is how. long, would it take you to make back that money in it? over and above what you're, making now working for them and when you run those numbers, I think it was shocked at how long it will take you to make that back a very expensive costs, franchise, and we're never gonna recommend you take out debt, which means you'd have to cash flow. It trying to be discouraging. I'm just trying to be discouraged. Charges urge your little business, because you know I'm no Roman does but here's what I wanna. Here's what I want to encourage new can you, pursue some aspect of what you want to do, whether that's move up in the organization you're in a more leadership role without the cost of this. Half a million dollars start up, or is there
something is or some other aspect of running a business that you would want to do on your own separate from this business that has the same type of impact or the same type of MRS Product, whenever I just want you to explore it, I think that you're onto something here that you see- thing in yourself you want to pursue and I think that is good. I just want you to explore other ways to pursue it outside of pay. Half a million dollars which I'm guessing you don't have. That is absurd I do not have it so so so, just when you say it fell on your lap, lots of bad ideas can fall on your lap. Lots of bad opportunities can follow your lot, but we think o, because I felt my lap and left me that's right. For me. Listen debt is, right for you. Making a bad decision is never right for you. Bad opportunities are not right for you, but the Good NEWS. Is you love what you do you work for good company? That's not change tomorrow. If you dont decide to franchise this, you can still doing what you do loving. It me in good money, maybe even coming up with an advancement path
with your leader some some type of management. Maybe there's some advancement there and or exploring business opportunities that you start on the side and by the way you own, all of it? You have full creative rights to make it whatever you want it to be, because the other asp, of a franchise that most people don't consider is you're. Still working for someone you quota called on it. But if start, a subway franchise you're not coming up with a different subway logo. You're do at the way the subway runs. It's gonna be laid out how they lay out it's the bit. The upset business in a box, but the downside of business in a box, and so I just want you to explore all your options. I think its awesome that you happen to love this company. I don't want you to pay, million dollars to do which are already doing it's gonna, take a long time to make that back it's not a good plan, but are doing I urge you to explore other ways to lean into that thing. That makes you light up right now in a different way. Doesn't cost a half a million dollars say online have Kelly since you my book business boutique and that will
hope you not only explore what those opportunities are, but even test him out experiment a little bit. Maybe you start something on the side? Maybe you get to lean into those gifts, and you learn more about yourself in the process. The reading that's just stand alone. Can it can get that, for you, love it generous with us in buildings could have two new Jane. How can Christine? I hope I am, I could stay on pay and forty five almost forty six, my husband's forty two. We have approximately eight hundred any consumer get back here. the boy. I have over a hundred thousand dollars student loan debt and my husband had about thousand and stood at long dead. I'm thinking I don't this is the right way is one pay off the last of our consumer dead- is completely she won't hold build up a tree, six months. Emergency fund link then- gracefully hacker is shooting addressed. the attack or student loans- that was your household income between
about seventy thousand a year, but it would would it what a jacket you degree. hundred remembering eleven thousand familiarity masters and Human Services administration. I was twenty five. Twenty, anything online when I went to college, but I was pretty much, you know I've been living off, astute loaned out of a single mom. What about your husband? He said with an arm network network technician technician you just of computers, ok cool! So quickly because we're about to end the show here now the year you're philosophies off genocide. I want you in people say this consumer debt consumers, that is Putting your suit allows hunger. Anything. sorry. Consumer debt will be a mortgage. You got baby substance,
sure. I want to make sure that one- and I understand that made you I'll make you are made decent income to average household income in America's running between fifty eight sixty eight thousand dollars are pinning all what side of America your icy Gaza actually alluded above that you are sitting, would over a hundred thousand hours astute allows- and I know that looks like a mountain, but Creasy teaches something real good about this really taken one step at a time. One bite at a time as agreed we go and after it I would definite sit down get them. Get in and out to see. You too need to come up with a bigger source of income. It's your income, other guy, you gotta, get it up in our gsm side, jobs, I get it. You guys are in your forties, but there still young, but right now right now you may get shovel bigger now to make more progress. Otherwise, it's gonna feel like that mountain you're, not making.
aggress, get your income upstart aside business side, hustles extra jobs and you'll start seem more progress that almost motivate you to stick with it. You got this, you can do it so sorry, Chrissy has been fine example icily real fine. I think I think these are Jake shows can begin American forget caliber, all of our future make today. The marathon may want the best sedate by listening to Christina right here on the river. Did you know you can listen to the Ramsay, showing your smart speaker just tell her legs, Google assistant we're SIRI way. The Ramsay show podcast checking all Ramsay Network shows on your smart, every
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Transcript generated on 2021-07-08.