« The Dave Ramsey Show

I Kept My Wife Out of Our Finances (Hour 1)

2022-04-15 | 🔗

Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony discuss:

  • What to do with a bonus from work,
  • A 22-year-old getting a $1 million inheritance,
  • How to set yourself up for success after college.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I I am equally should ramsay show where that is down gauges gang in the bay of mortgage has taken the place of the Bmw status, symbol of jones doktor, John aloni ramsay personality does something author and most of the popular john, the lonely, show you. Networks is Michael o today, as we talk about your relationships, your boundaries, your mental health, your career, your job and even your money. We talk you're right in front of you right here on the ramsay, show the phone numbers aaa.
Two five. Five, two to five, that's triple eight! Eight to five five, two to five no start off after this hour with new york city calling a women and we'll get this right there. It is kadijah is whether I could later hour you, I am Thank you for having me sure. What's up in your world, though, I have a thing, the amount of loan that around sixty seven thousand. I also have around ninety- eight thousand twenty thousand in a personal, long repayment as well as about that, I was in credit card debt. I just received a twenty thousand dollar bonus a job, and I want to know what makes the most and dry apply to leave sooner or do I pay off the personal loan? What makes the most sense for me? That's a good question. Thank you for being a listener. We appreciate it and a new listener that
Oh, here's. What we teach and and more importantly, is why we teach it. We want you out of debt as fast as you possibly can then apparently your move in that direction. Since you gave me all your debts and then sent, I've got some money and the once you get out of that as fast as you possibly again, is that frees up your powerful wealth building to which is your income location, an agreement we want to get out of that, the faster possible way. We also get out of bed in a way that causes us to actually finish the plan shop. This only works this, the gesture of mine. The answer to your question only works. If its. If it's not the only thing you do, but it's part of the whole thing that you do as you plugin. This whole ramsay ecosystem on money, ok shop with it,
that ecosystem you're going to live like no one else, so that later you can live and give like. No one else, you're going to sell so much stuff. The kids think they're next you're going to live on nothing you're not going out to eat you're, not going on vacation, you're, poor, every dollar at this debt with great intensity and then you're going to get out of debt. Okay. Now, but if you're do all of that. Then this works. If you're gonna grew aware that an issue, it is not our work, I'll give you that caviar to the advice? Now what we in that context? What these people that there was little that smell two largest, A minimum payments on everything that the smallest that an attack, the smallest debt and then the next and then the next and then the next, that gives you a sense of traction, a sense of power, a sense of destiny that this is going to work, gives you hope and so on, list, you're fat, thou art or the credit cards and pay em off and then by the rest of it. A personal loan and
should I get that personal long gone, I don't have a credit card it's gonna be personal launch, then I'm going to attack the in the lounge with a vengeance, because you're going to pay off all but five thousand of the personal ones, and you gotta cut up your stupid credit cards, so they didn't grow back, okay, just making sense yeah it's making fun of recording equipment that I need to get one might credit card. Would I couldn't do that? There were just move mobile debit card that's what I use a debit card and yet mouldering, but chop up get rid of it. And if you twenty thousand and apply to twenty and five than that leaves only five thousand on the personal loan that I do that math right and you may how much ninety, nor make one sixty oh great Akashi remarks that are the five and like twenty minutes right. Just yet and then we're gonna come after loans in less than one year
you're gonna, be free how olympiad they student loans since two thousand and fifteen, it's time for sally made to leave your life, seven years is too long for her to be invading your space yeah, so John, the power of paying off the smallest largest that incremental progress. That is actually psychology about that. John has a phd. Our jargon asking breathlessly yet so do I you're either overwhelmed or the joys willing up inside. You can't speak, which one is it. I will go on working alone, urban, so just to reiterate david said by the end of today, you can have no credit card dead. Have five grand left on a family loan that with your income. Hopefully you can go to the bank and get that five, grand and you're out of that one too, and then, after today, because of one free phone call and because you're ready to knock this thing out, then you just gotta tackled the vote, though
big ugly harry dog? There and with your critical cut credit cards up and get a debit card and then you're ready to rock and roll. That's listen intensity! This, though, yeah, and you feel that is that what solo overwhelming yes, we need to be rid of So here's what we have discovered- and this is for the and if it of all our listeners, but also for you, what we discovered is personal finance is eighty percent behaviour? Is only twenty percent had knowledge, you been you're smart, laid down by talking to you. Just how articulate you are you ve been trying to fix this your intellect and it's not an intellectual problem, its iron get pissed. Off at sally may in a kick in the old woman ottawa freaking out problem there's an emotion of this role moved this and that is hard to the success of people get out of that. You cannot fix up,
problem that you made emotionally with an end actual fix, you have to fix it emotional change in that applies to marital issues. That applies to most mental health issues. You can't think you're way out of most of these problems. You get a plan cognitive. We then you gonna, go: do you gotta go be different, gotta act different little by little by little good. That's a great call and that's for sure her college for all of you out there, so here's the deal, it actually did a study at northwestern university that studied the idea paying off your debts highest interest rate. First, versus smallest, two largest and the concrete All of this university study was, Dave, ramsey's right or like well, we kind of already knew that, because we already talked ten million people how to do this, while you guys were doing that study up there in a vacuum, but dave I've been
tables were discussing data and everyone can hangs her head. Like a man, we expect these I just imagine that table they're going to show you now. Why don't you know what? If they? If that they did at least come out and publicly they put it up and they literally I'd say all this time rams has been right. Yeah. You know so I dunno whether they were trying to prove me right or prove me wrong, but it doesn't matter. We already knew. We were right because we had more proof social text, then proof text than they had we already knew that we had more data than they would have ever seen with a number of people that have actually done this, but that, the thing guys you ve gotta, have a level of hope and you know Behaviors your impulse, your lack of control. You disorganization you're, immaturity your inability to delay pleasure. These are all things that you got. A fix is called growin up, do and you apply a that behaviour fix
getting out of bed you'll get out of bed, but when you try to intellect your way out of a behavior problem, you can't do it. This is a ramsay shows the you can't seriously grow your business unless you have a clear view of where you are that's, why we use net suite by oracle. The number one cloud financial system net suite gives you the visibility and control of the things like your financials inventory, hr, planning, budgeting and more, in one dashboard. Go to network
I've gone slice, ramsay right now to get their free white paper. The see twenty c f, o in the Dr John bologna ramsey personality is my co host today, open phones have triple eight eight to five five. Two, two five John's brand new book is called one. Your past change your future. It is pre, say all right now for only twenty dollars and Johns who phds twenty years of counselling experience, packed it into an easy to understand book this books, a positive impact on everyone. Everyone should read this book. I gotta personally, I change some of the language I'm using. Not only with you guys, but inside my own had as well, and that
for me reading through the manuscript, because it's got my name on the publishing, and so I want to know what the flip we were saying for we put out there and it turns out. You know it. It'll help like a thirty year old, it's looking to sharpen their mind. This is not a thing you have to like this level, four guys available. It's not it's a book, all of us have a little crazy and we all could adjusted little better. Try all of us have some things we could polish up and just you know, more peace, a little less anxiety. All others could adjust the wayward looking at certain things and you a framework for doing then that's why they just books gonna blow up the others a lot of books out there that are skull talking scholars and their fine, their good and important There's a lot of books out there on cool way outside the belcour for some significant mental illness. For folks, your practitioners there's almost nothing for folks we're just trying to live life better dry, have a conversation. That's right with you of to have a better
frustration with your friend, I mean the people you love and in our world. Today we were talking about this before went on the air, and you know number times at two people can just sit down and almost enjoy a good argument, discuss we can have a good discussion because we still love each other. We did before we started off. We finish the argument. We still think you're wrong, but I do love you before and but air, but you have to hate every body and you have the chop off everything in our divisive world out. There is like we'll use at you If you you, you, you have a masker, you don't have a mask, and so I'm pissed at you for the rest of your life is like people are losing their dad gum minds, allow their gone man, and so you know we some new tools control ourselves, and also to interface with other people and just to walk You know me with laughed internally and not laugh, but we ve thought really. Look at the number of conversation
large we ve sold like that, where we are in reality, is yet where we are that we were starting over conduct old school. You gotta get a thousand bucks in that bus to start there right, yeah, that's where we are when it comes to relationships in our mental health right now, and let's do it unless it's to stop pretending, lists, stop walking around the the the problem school right through the middle of it, well in and to my knowledge, none of our leadership, team or publishing team has significant mental health problems right to monitor and every one of them were touched, including me and informed and given, tools by reading this book on your past change, your future You know: we've taught gods and grandma's ways of handling money for thirty years here at ramsey and John's doing the same thing now: gods and grandma's ways of doing relationships doing mental health. It is a complex topic but People that are smart can take a complex topic and make it simple runner. We call it cookies on a shelf where everyone can reach them shall priorities. Copy today, ramsay solutions, dot com is twenty bucks.
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time flew by we accumulated thirty thousand dollars and dead. I never made my spouse part of the process and held her off, so she didn't have to feel the financial burden. She a quote: goat feeling that something is right when I won't let her see our finances and she's right, I recently read one of dave's tweets. Look at you using twitter to help people know that was possible set if you're in a committed relationship you ve got to play with all of your card face up how start over, and do it right this time? this is a moment this is it where those cool marriage really ready to question love this question, so dave in my life what I've got have had several these in my marriage over twenty years. It all starts with me, saying when have a discussion, and I needed a need too invite you into some start stuff? It's gonna heart mine actions wherever in start with. I'm sorry, I've
living this way- and I am brought you a long- I've left you out of exclude you whatever. The thing is, and I to invite you and to help make this right and he's very right to feel betrayed, she's very right or her feelings are giving her feelings, but it with somebody turning the light and turned the music off. In saying I was wrong, I'm sorry! Let's start here! I tell you, I have walked couples. Do this, and sometimes I played marriage counselor for five minutes. Middle of coaching session on money in this and if he will just ninety nine percent down. If it did you, you got a perfect heart. She's got the right hard. Actually, both of you do for their students. For this to be successful, and so I will just cite look I've skirt except I'm sorry, the reason I screwed it up was it started off with? I was just going to take care of it. I was going to man up, so you didn't have to worry about it and then it got. Control. And
was ashamed, that I didn't do it right and back. Me too even become more guarded of it, and I should, brought the whole thing to you. We should work on together and I really screwed up, but I screwed up, because I was trying to be the and carry this for you and that's not the right way to be a man by the life, and I was trying and then when it fell apart and I couldn't do it, then I was ashamed of myself and I didn't wanna didn't reveal to you that I had screwed up, because I felt I felt stupid and so if he just says that which is what he said, but if you just says to her she's, going really forgetting all men and this usually, when I see a couple like this, there thing underneath it which there's something by the way they communicate in his home that she doesn't like. So this is my wife. She will I say, have got a feeling. She will it or into this process right. So there's
the thing about it could be that they've been married. Five years new been married, twenty that, while even mauritania first five years, Sharon would have been this now sarah and will be like what it s going very similar yards different now after forty years in our way, we cannot cut visible outside. Our conversations are yet six legged six seconds it not. I have a feeling is like scheming and scamming what the crap going on adrenaline, but something here is going to have to change in how they do, because this is going to get a show for the moneys can shop with Katie hopkins simpler. Let's look come up with a new way of doing business. I loved each other and in here here's the lesson that you get others when you learn it through the money linz and it will affect your home. Marriage to your point and the lesson you get out over the so beautiful, as this everything you do is going to be better when you do it together, instead of you. Trying to give her the gift of her not having to worry right. That is real gift in every ten falsehood, have a feeling hate. Something's, not right, develops alive,
which that you can ask each other question. Just does away with right right away. Just goes away its poof, you do Let me move on now and by the way this It tells us that your wife has really really good intuition and shovel, Next time she has a feeling about the car the old man, but you think you wanna buy the truck anyway. You need to get off the lot because it her feelings are probably pretty intuitive, probably pretty accurate than it might be. God speaking through her I've learned that the hard way down there is southern. So she says she seven. So lord. I got a bad feeling and if she
a bad feeling and I go against it. Cost me ten grand at least I just quit doing it. I just don't go against those feelings are expensive and I have been wrong almost every single time. I don't I just I mean we have to get on the same page, and I don't violate that. I mean our questioner, I'm like was it last night's pizza. I mean. Why are you having a feeling but she's like no, this guy? I just think he's a bad guy. I dunno what it is, but I can't put my finger on it, but I got a bad feeling: oh geez, we're getting away from that guy, but he his pay and safety find out later what happened with him? This is the ramsey show. The doctor, John bologna ramsey personality is my co host today in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage. Stephen and Melissa are weathers. Hey guys, are you third mile?
we got Dave good to have you guys wordy olive eaton ohio, Eaton eaten. Oh hi, where's, eaten, add just outside dayton bout. Ok, that can do with an order. God get to have You guys welcomed rational. How much that, if you paid off, did you find out arriving at a girl on this topic. As seven months that's great gaga in your range of income during the time one hundred forty thousand cool, what y'all do for a living, I'm a cnc machinist and I'm a financial analyst cool. What b and c mere. I know cnc music factory. I don't know Susie machinist, what's that basically, instead of may know machine, basely computer, programs and apart company our for actually cuts a silken part in the process of making peter chips. Oh, how many more megan drawing very busy here here, really chop catch up our cool. My very good work that was a fifty five thousand. It was our mortgage.
Oh a little mortgage, yeah yeah, there's a large downpayment, a large downpayment. What what's this house worth? one. Seventy five. How old are you to thirty and I'm twenty nine and yellow pray for how shall we pray, solicitors thing about a week ago. You guys how fine so what in the world whose sets up themselves to put that kind of down payment and beheld we appreciate that free house on everything, but the time you're, freaking thirty years old, Where does all this come from? How do you learn this where's, your story, ramsay? What in the world, I have listened to you for about ten years now and I never had any consumer debt and I had gone to a couple of your live events and when me and Steven started dating of you, The guy I was trying to get him to. I come aboard, which he did he paid off his car and
agreed we would never get another car alone in all kinds of things like that, so we are pretty much to pay cash for a house and aren't you to finish. She was working, multiple jobs. I was ordered my job plus we both are doing and scarred and premature, written there were allowed to an cash flow it, and we surprise, low early about our daughter, arrive and the answer expected. So we d We found a house beforehand that we be fell in love with go ahead and get a small mortgage with the goal of pain and often a year, which seventeen months later, ding how old your little baby ten minutes. You move in three months before yeah. You bought the house three months before the by became yet well
You're brave and you're brave, moving a pregnant woman knew how shared my show, I would have said, hold off me. Well done, wow. We found a house that we loved it worked out perfectly yeah and you had a plan to go ahead and knock it out the atlantic for yep. So I mean You say you grew up listening and then you converted him when y'all got married, yeah so odd, who were your biggest cheerleaders people at Saudi are looking at like you like, you've lost your minds, we're pretty private people, so not too many people know about it honestly, but Definitely, try tried Alec, preach debt, freely to anybody who will lessen them. Our families, I am sure, are proud of us, so We think that I'm just imagining the machine shop you make a good living. You work hard there's some dudes, some big trucks and jacked up jeeps and the one guy with every parking lots got the guy with the tesla now and then you're rolling in with your old and you're. Just
dump in all your money into the house. How do you do your ipod has for tourists, you're like. I have to say that what the fight for how so so you deal with. The guys is given to you all the time. They focus something we're on our little journey. It s not about what they ever what we can have no debts, what we can offer Well, we can live with. So I know you make silicon chips. If you can bottle what you just said and sell it, you will be a trillionaire okay good for you, man, the idea that it's like other business. Hookers. Guess I sent me an armed men get mounted deadness wherever they wanted okay, it's just too bad one of the keys to becoming wealthy. Is you quit caring? What other people think I'm just saying? What are the keys to winning earth is what you order to go. You got absolutely incredible. So what is the key to staying. You guys are like preventive medicine. Mainly you almost completely stayed out a dead end
and getting out of that worthy. What's the big key, definitely thing is on you're? You know your joint goal. I, when will we We have been able to do it if the other person wasn't, bored, definitely making sure that you're in alignment with each other and you have the same goals and the same passion to live. You know your life later on, and you know without debt and again like he said with content, but we have so. You had rent before and now you have no payments in the world, except we got that one check. Yet when you don't only buddy anything in your stairs your money, yeah, we paid it off in september, so we've been living our way a little. While how does that feel their fields, so I'm going to go occasion and not really worry. You know we have a budget of course, but not really being concerned It could kind of do anything you want there. Yeah life is pretty good how you grow up with money. I was terrible with money. I know I four
this job for over twelve years, luxurious page, jack's spent all I can take a lot of vacations or you the casino whatever I grew up with. I forget the way rachel. Phrases about money was not a hot topic at when a a good thing to really bring up. So I thought only why I'm so. I want to make that were secure and our future I didn't know our daughter was not. It was if it was brought up, it was explosive. Exactly yeah, okay! So when you, when you think about your childhood and then you look at that beautiful little girl, what's a feel like to know why just done one. Eighty on her her trajectory. It feels great I trying to tell him like we could pay for her first house. You know when she gets Mary other at least help out a lot with it, so that maybe they don't ever have a mortgage and our grandchildren may not have a mortgage referendum. Underbody mood. The kids who signed a letter,
missing. They would never borrow a dime and give my yeah and he said your may. By the time they were twenty right and only twenty five or not twenty, but twenty five, just pretty incredible why we gotta copying We stopped millionaires for your number one best seller. That is the next chapter in your story for sure, if you're, not there, yet you'll be there soon and, of course, a copy the total money make over for you to give away and disrupt someone calls a holy it is with that you probably got some. I managed to read that that ought to You guys have done our eye or let's get young lady into the picture? And what's her name and how old is she raelynn and she is ten man ten months all look, oh and jenelle didn't want to hand her over to look that was bouncing around her knee so cute, so cute. Bans, stable and religion. No higher fifty five thousand paid off and seven months, oh by the way that was their house there,
android percent debt free at twenty nine and thirty one years old, megan, one hundred and forty a year counted down. Let's era, debt, free scream, three, two one where that bring the baby, that is awesome man, their future is bright. I remember I mean I just remember: when Josephine was that little then, is watching and hold their baby. Here, you go so fast and you guys have just changed her existence and she doesn't even know the low, stress, that's not in their house and will never be in their house because the number one thing people fight about the number one stress in marriage. The number one cause of divorce money via money, brabant money stresses in that done. Is gonna ever feel it that daughter when she goes to l,
school of metals. Glasgow she's got to parents who, like we don't care little thing, says who we are and she's gonna firmly rooted in all aspects of our duty man, it's unbelievable yours but you're setting up a whole winning thing here that is way beyond just by an opt out. Well done, down while down, he rose man brought hours, I'm so proud of this
Is the ramsey show the john lonely ramsey personality is my coach today, drake is with us in Kansas city, hi drake. Welcome to the ramsey show a how's going better than I deserve. What's up well much, I was lucky enough to live with the best
but I like it ever ask war. That's the grown up, all that long story short he passed away three years ago and, lastly, a pretty good chunk of money. Is it in a trust on right now, but I won't believe it. Don't worry four college student right now, I'm twenty two! So I've got about three years left to go. Ah basically, I I have a few ideas. That's of what I should do and how it's David feels like real estate stuff like that down the road but pretty much. I just want to see you will need a fuel in my shoes. What what were will be some things you would do with a big chunk like this. How much is it I'm gonna go far. Thousand before you care spent about four hundred and calf
I've got about hiv two thousand mile, my right now they have access to twenty two: how old she! She was fifty three black wow. What happened here? Sadly it was a terminal disease. We dared to ease the. I am here pretty rough sharper charged for what you have been through oh shit, that a couple of things mean more than anything. You just need some principles to guide you, ok there are specific tactics. Let me give you some principles, number one principle go slow. There's no reason to be fast. Number two don't put In anything, you don't understand. Because somebody says it they know they are so they know that or you read me,
We call on the internet, god help you don't do that because even though Ramsay said to do it, don't do it, you don't put money in something. Unless you understand it If you understand it, you can learn from people like me, to where you understand it, then you can go forward, but just big ass. A shiny inflation, cool and the cool kids are all it does not mean you put money on an amount of fact. That usually means don't they then you can remember, is having studied wealthy people for the past. Thirty years, I find at their investing strategies are by and large, very boring they're not uber sophisticated, do all in our limited family partnership double back flips, there's no weird stuff. All these things here The rich have secrets they rarely doubt They go slow, they know it put money in understand it.
They don't put money in something unless they understand it and therefore they lose it, and it generally makes some money but they're not drawn. I get the home run every time they just trot make money on their money. Just steady, and so it doesn't matter what you put money in ice, not long as you understand it, and you know you know what it is, and you do so, I know a lot about real estate. I grew up in the roasted business. My parents were in the business when I was a kid I got. My license run turned eighteen. I very, very comfortable with real estate, consequently have a bunch of it. Ok but someone who's scared of death and has never done it or never dealt with a tenant. You would want to go super super slow, tested a little bit tested a little bit tested I bet second nature for me, though. Ok alright same thing with mutual funds. I I really do not have any investments personally, except mutual funds and real estate. That's all! I have look at because
I got really comfortable with it, doesn't have to be sexier cool if the cool kids, don't like it Oh really care about investing for them right, the iranians I dont understand they ramses got several hundred million dollars, they rooms. You understand something. Ok, horatio on. You know that. That's just you know that that's, but what I find when I talk to you now, you know you're person you're talking to. If I got a little grey hair, it's probably a good idea because I was young and rich and lost everything. I didn't want his opinion when I started serving people about our money works because he was an idiot. He lost everything. That's me I'm talking about, I did far average get rich, quick real estate and it bit me in the bud are a lot of common sense. Rural show all about to say do that the last tat, is if in them the two of council. There is safety, and so, if we're a twenty five year old, millionaire, sudden sudden millionaire I
build a board of directors for my life. Not that tells me to do a board of advisers. I'd have quality insurance broker an estate, planner attacks attorney an investment broker. All that I can call and speak to about. Taxes about insurance, about real estate, good real estate person and have a look election of four people in that, Are you gonna throw have to call them altogether at any time, but they to their there, advise you with a heart of a teacher they're, not there to tell you to do either not there to be arrogant and act like they have their god's gift or whatever the if you get, if you that arrogance run from them but gets teachers in your corner, because you have to go slow and you have to invest only things you don't understand. No other. You do under the one thing. I'd add Davis. I didn't understand us until got older and start Heaven money doll.
Uses- might leverage this go, get some more that the nuts folks, it's a hey! You wanna, put ten and on those between five and nursed her hair, we're all going into by this apartment. You and put fifty on this day. If you like me as a friend, but what they really want is my money to make their picture of what they want to do. Come true, and it's easy to take that money to think you can parse it out and make a bunch of people happy and make a bunch money of you, spread it all out in view the way you can lose that money, quick we ship ourselves, a partnership, I'm not a partnership. I it I'm not in it it's, okay- and that means I've- got lots of friends that do all kinds of stuff like that, but I don't I don't do it unless my life is low, drama, very low drama, it's just downright boring. And I like it that, like that wales supply was intentional max, canada, maxwell where we were all in the dragon areas. Access in Canada what's up max. Are you doing so great tat going up.
I'm I'm going to try and be a straight and transformed as I possibly can, I'm I'll just give you a little overview. First right now, since you got my last year of university on graduating. This may have enough to be able to pay off my student loans, which I've done as well as ten thousand for my m initial starting emergency fund, I guess for six months way to go. Yeah. The one thing I want you to throw into a direct proximity principle, but this summer- and it was an absolute game changer. So you don't you never, she, students watching anything. I write monopoly by question. If you as I have been able to land a full time, job telling me starting the summer after graduation currently does not offer anything in terms of retirement matching an unkind. Let me make one more time and options. I know that you're, a man about fifteen percent, looking here in canada, we have achieved this day, which is the more to a rock irae without now the traditional retirement account how this one works like equally six thousand dollars per year and not
glows breed, I'm wondering when it comes your timing, would it make more sense to match that out? First before putting money into our traditional retirement out We tell folks state side the roth before they do traditional because a grows tax free and if standing what you just presented to me, I'm not an expert on canadian retirement plans. Ok, I understand what you just said this, more of a roth at six thousand, a gross tax free, the tradition grows. After acts and amazing it protects investment and it grows with taxation on the whole account correct. Yes, sir, I shall just like our plans. They saw the way you described it. Original verses roth? So we always tell people to roth first, because the tax free growth, there's gonna, be a he's gonna amount to a whole lot more than then the obviously the after tax effect of the other way other account so pray simple sounds like you really got this on the run max way to go and
parents out there with little kids What should imagine fifteen twenty years from now kids, the last semester of college to have a conversation like he just said how do I started casting my money after I remembered she fun or do you want?
him to be making a phone call saying had I failed a student loan stuff off, and that starts when your kids are really young. With some decisions you make conversations you have his parents. Had those conversations have a plan that puts a shower of the ramsey show in the hey it's John alone. He co hosted the ramsay show. Did you know over eighteen million people? Listen to the ramsey show every week a lot of those people listen on one of our six hundred plus radio stations across the country. To find a station near you go to ramsey solutions, dot com, slash the! If you enjoy this podcast, you should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network like the rachel cruise show. Money should be fun, not stressful. I'm ready to cruise and I'll show you practical tips on how to save money in your everyday life and get out of debt even faster on the rachael ray show I'll show you that you can take control of your money and create a life. You love, listen to the Rachael ray show wherever you listen to podcasts, hey it's james producer,
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-14.