« The Dave Ramsey Show

How Should I Choose a Retirement Option? (Hour 2)


Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze discuss:

  • Being sued by a payday lender,
  • What questions to ask when making a will,
  • How to choose a retirement plan,
  • Why you shouldn't lend money to family (or anyone else),
  • Whether or not to wait on student loan forgiveness to kick in.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ramsay solutions, ramsay show that is done, is gaining in the pain of mortgage has taken the place of the Bmw, has the status symbol. We'll people build well the words I love and create a maison relationship like you for joining us. Your here, rachel crews, ramsay personality number one by selling author. My daughter is my co host today, thanks for being here triple eight eight to five five, two to five China is whether certain tulsa, ok
mother start off the shower. I gina. How are you I'm good. How are you doing better than I deserve? What's up so I am actually being sued by a payday lender, and I would like to know how to go about dealing with this. life must be rough here s a little bit, may number one you went into a payday london, the number two you didnt pay them in the number three and buy them for so long that they should. You you ve been struggling awhile, he ass, it was in two thousand and sixteen and yes, I should have paid in I can't remember exactly wired and and pay at this point, but yeah now dave contacted me and are trying to sue me and they're. Gonna worry me. How might how much is it for Gina so the actual alone I took out was for a four hundred and then it's gonna be like six hundred to pay back. But now there saying that I would like to thank
in five hundred per like court cause. There's things like that. Well, in five or six years worth of interests here This old. Are you and thirty one other things in your life have been on kept for this long. Theirs that pay day alone? And I think I do student loan debt as well, you don't think you know. Yes, okay and it read anything about editors are just sitting there, since two thousand before the pandemic, I had reached out to them to try to set a paint moons and then because of a pandemic, and all that I've made any payments. When did you graduate didn't end graduating? I went to dental assisting school back in like two thousand and ten o clock. What are you might now? I
what do you mean what I make an? What does your income tax Thirty thousand here: what do you do it currently? Do you have any money yet much tiger about four grand in the bank, the attorney that shoeing and tell them that you're broke and you can't pay them twenty five hundred dollars, but you be, better pay them the six hundred or a thousand to settle this, because it's such an old debt. Began to negotiate and argue with, and you will The person on the other of the fund to be a complete torp, but that's it part of the process. You're going to be unpleasant, but its can be less unpleasant than losing allow showed them garcia wages.
Yes, and I'm already, I turn contacting them via email and they wandered like my copy of my pay. Now get no information The a thousand dollars cash settlement, four, what mamma, given you squad. Kiss my butt This is how the negotiation sounds. No, you can't have anything you, but you need to get on the phone with them. Ok said, to call not email. To argue with them? And if you get any if they are going to sell? You need that in writing before you send the money as room than when you do cumbria agreement now go ok, we'll do eleven hundred dollars or whatever it is. You end up alone. Nine hundred irish would arouse you end up agreeing before ok, then say I need that in an email in writing, and I will immediately why're you the money to rule sheer number three rules for you, embryos deal with this? Yes
You been stuck in your head in the sand long enough to deal with it It's not gonna get anything but worse than they were student loans deal with it number two. get it in writing. It did happen if it's not in writing its ally, they lie ok, and they don't mind lying to you, because they consider you a liar since two thousand. Sixteen, so get it in writing. Number three. No electronic access to your checking account under any circumstances. they're gonna say: oh just give us your account number and what the clean. You're. A cow is what they're gonna do. then you are the money for rent so now. I will why're you. The money I can send you a prepaid debit card without amount on it or something like that, but no electronic access, your checking account and personal information not give them any more information.
then they have a phone number or new, can block that if you need to, but don't tell him where you live, don't tell them any because you can use all of that as leverage to garnish your, but if you don't get the settled, okay and but Deal with this gina, a pattern with you and you gotta, break that pattern. Ok, for your own good for your own good. I've does not get better by and bye ignore do you understand, and do you agree? Yes, understand an angry good. Ok does you get these things behind you. You got a bright monday, for future, but dealing with things, two thousand sixteen is a problem. And then you use language like I think I was now you know you have stood one, this all member states where your head spaces on its back and that the pro active nest gina, which obviously we can do- for you or change your heart, unnecessary or energy behind it, but when
here people you use that language, even it's like she knows it's airship prizes really how much specifically not the interest that occur when does have like like it's it's just it's kind of all over the place and denial is not just a river in Egypt, though I mean that's really is not it. It's something it stopped on the people actually doing tat and I said so- yeah I use bell that you gotta got have half of you have to push it's thread, and so the number one habit of highly effective people in Stephen covey's book. The seven habits of highly effective people is their proactive. They happen to things. Things don't happen to them. When you have a situation where there is conflict and you do not get closure on it, whether financial conflict, legal conflict weather relational conflict whatever it is? You don't get closure on it. It does not get better, it gets yeah one hundred percent of the time it's worse until their closure, it just content
to grow and grow and grow and grow and get worse and worse and worse and worse, it's a problem. So there you go Open phones triple eight, eight to five five, two to five. How many times have you found yourself saying one day one day. One day will do this. Well, we are one day is here: it's called the one day more conference were now
work with you on marriage or mental health? We're going to work with you on success, principles and leadership, we're going to work with you on the coming of baby steps, millionaire world class speakers thought leaders best selling authors, rachel cruze, DR john de loney, craig and Amy rochelle will be speaking on marriage all day, long october, the twenty second there's just a few passes left at thirty nine dollars for general admission, Dallas, Texas october, twenty second, the smart conference. You don't want to miss it and it's almost sold out get her done. This is the ramsey show the
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the fragile cruz ramsey personality- is today open foes, a aaa eight to five five to two five. Unfortunately, that goes from blinds dot com they're the number one online retailer of custom window coverings with free samples, free shipping, new promos, all the time you'll say even more use opera, we'll go ramsay to get the best possible deal said. Is it days, question comes from holly and tennessee my brother and sister in law ass, my husband and I will take care of their for children in the event of their passing. To me, there's no higher honor. We have agreed a, but I'm worried that I do not have that I do not know the right questions to ask about this potential situation. What should
be asking for, besides a copy of their will, we want to as prepared as if this were if this were ever happen to get one very good that process as it is fascinating one to have to pick to say: ok, because when you do your will, that's that's a big part of your appearance of a worthy gonna go so yeah for me. I'm in I would want to know you know that, the financial side and a sense of what their expectations are, who's going to be handling the money, who's handling the money. When did the kids get a say in it? You know cause you can put ages. Eighteen, twenty one d: are they going to stagger it to know? I would want their plan from the financial, from the financial side, and then obviously the the moral side you know of of raising these children that are not yours, ants, you know, having that conversation of without
looks like watching their parenting style, doing as much as possible, not to copy who they are by any means, but two put into place there are different things, but that's obviously win win or if whoever happens but from the financial side yeah, I would. I would I would ask some questions for sure always good to have a copy of the will and it's good to have a clearer. Discussion on if there's any Is there any life, insurance proceeds or any other things that can be left? I care these kids or expecting us to fight I was but our what our responsibility that we just took on here and while the you know we're gonna leave it all into a trust and the trust is going to be bob okay. Good as I need to know that info and how much after the draft. I don't need any other brandished word make sure I am able to do what I'm supposed to do here and there, I would have them ride out a letter on what your wishes were a forest. Parenting goes and show
you know like in our family. It would have said something like keep sure you keep them in a good local church I plugged in another spiritual work is developed and so forth. In you know, we were we did have a lot of things like that tied into when you all were minors. To the end of the estate planet. The time show but that's very good that they are that thorough to even know who to ask him the fact that are doing well, that's amazing allowed. We would only be bothered to do that which was horrible. You people need to get your will down out there, but then you guys What are you doing here is really outstanding thing. Is lamoureux? Go what does it really mean and arm? You know that that that so much that that that that they pick the right lady the right person that's good,
David is weathers. David is in south binned, Indiana hide David. How are you. I'm doing great our you and rachel doing better than we deserve? What's up, so Dave, I just wonder first, thank you be because of your teachings and we followed it will be, and me and my wife and I will be entering in baby steps or for twenty twenty three yeah. So am I so my question is a too small question: though, not really good when it comes to the hole where two at best for my father, kay plan, so india's employers. I had only operate the pretext before I'm, so I started a new employer in April and may have reacted with a pretext aloft and after tat, my first question is: where should I put my fifty percent based on those three ryan, then. My second question is that you still our opinion on the house. How much per cent of worry
should we put towards one money good for you raw? ross grows tax free, The best thing you can do is get a match. The next best thing you can do. Tax free and the next best thing you can do is traditional and so you ve got it. You ve got you re, the mass of I'm sorry the vote on the first percent and then I think it worth fifty on to throw six, no grey matter. now the matching portion will not be rather will be. Traditional by law, it has to be but the rest of it is roth and do it all in roth, it forest the money that is left over after you have done that in your budget. How much goes towards paying off the house earlier? No much goes towards fun, If you do zero of one or the other you're doing it wrong. Show zero towards the house, because it's all fun no All towards the house. No fun makes jacket. A boy is a dead,
makes light some old nursery rhyme? This is why have you on the show, you're learning to read and write, and this is that this is the out and say that they never wildly, I'm not kidding, say style, a jack as adults, boy jack- I don't make me jack, no fun mackinac available, give us all round and allay language. Alcatel David were all work and no play all were I'm sorry living ass by a double its path and Would you know when it comes to paying up the house? I think it's always a fun exercise. Just to me, bow and say: okay, what if we paid off and seven years, how much? How much? have to span was right to it. Yes, yes, how much where we have to put the markets, make that let's do tenure let's do for years, and you can kind of sea and no you're over your overall budget for your household and say What what's realistic that we were not completely burned out, but we are.
Aggressive towards something that most people just sit around wait are you laughing at me as, if we're still laughing at no I'm, not smirking or both, but I'm not a believable. It's all dudes now in the business aren't listening, doesn't care, but kelly used to be. I just took up for body that we didn't take up for nobody, but kelly and me now I'm, It's me against the world. All give me the world's smallest fiddle out: okay, open phones at triple eight eight to five five. Two two five skyler is with us in illinois, hi skylar. What's up It is great to talk to you you too, how can we help. I have a question on a greedy, nay home. We currently only home. Furthermore, to on it were looking to make yet a bigger house, work early death free
other than the mortgage and I make I make about seventy, one thousand hours a year? My wife is a stay at home mom. We have a eight month old currently, and then we have another baby on the way in February. A license for that. Thank you so groundwater, So when I waded good, should do pod investing fifteen percent or cut back on that right now to start spot paulina they're down payment on a bigger house which your house worth, currently, one hundred and twenty thousand and your mortgage on it is what seventy times europe ever down payment, ok, when you sell that Now, maybe you want to save more for a down payment. I would not. I would do that, but I would not stop investing the data. Ok I'll what what price range home do you think you might be moving too
probably somewhere to arrange will Fifty thousand dollars is twenty five percent down. Ok right, so you don't have p m. I, if you do this and that's a good move. you make that move as long as your house. Payment is no more than a fourth of your take home pay on it Fifteen year fix you make that move now I'll bet not enough to put down when you show your house's that make sense. Yes, I guess if you won't say by more down, that's ok. Do there's no harm in that, but it does not require that you I have a lot of margin, a lot of wiggle room in your budget, but it doesn't require you stop your fifteen percent. You've just started saving you just started investing I hate to turn it right back off
if you're just now getting the ballroom gown and what you lose, that momentum open phones, this hour triple eight eight to five five, two, two five: this is the ramsey show the
the rachel cruz ramsey personality number one by showing off my daughter, is my colleague ocean. Today, open phones aaa eight to five five, two to five. is whether such sarasota Florida hijack welcomed the rams issue. Rachel hurry, you great. What's up my sister, Stu borrow five thousand dollars my life, my about
the old woman and just get but she has no. no not like that. If you breach it and were just trying to figure out how to approach the situation without causing arrest and go about, it Well, doesn't sound promising that this Five thousand dollars is really going to help her. Would you agree. what can be more yap. Later on and more for of days in house friends gonna. Does you know that everything is legally wastewater, hermes, gold, things The voices she's going The divorce! Yes, sir You pay repair attorney bill, pretty much why she going to a divorce register above them?
orson rough, my marriage and get through everything she has just now? wait for her. To try to amend everything, and it won't be asked it and he felt tat. She has a pattern in her life. Frida dont trust that yeah so units You you're correct you're, calling, as you know, in your hearts. Probably happen? I'm gonna happen, but you're wondering like how even communicate that or the cooler That's how much, how much money do you guys have over ordered free? How much money do you have Five hundred thousand dollars and how much do you have liked in savings and checking and so forth, get your hands on. About three hundred thousand going towards our home. That's that's! Alright!
rested money into our primary homestead home. And for that sorry, is there cash in a checking account or savings account or you've already paid out at that. Now that we're rebuilding right now, you're, building and madani, is for your belly. Now I gotcha correct this money's earmarked for your home. five thousand hours will mean you dont get into the home if you use five thousand or so five thousand dollars in your life isn't as good deal as it is in her life. Well, so here's the thing. No, I would not. I would never under any circumstances, lung anyone money, particularly people. I love. Because it changes the nature of the relationship to borrowers, live to the lender. The odd thing is, she will end up. Resenting you for this later. Because she will feel like a slave and she won't even know why it just weird
and so what I would be willing to do is to give it to her. under certain circumstances. If in participating in her healing and moving towards sustainability. Fine, if I'm produce trading in chaos, which is what her life appears to be found, to dissipating and irresponsibility disorganization. And no plan whatsoever to change that, then just giving a drunk a drink, I'm unable enabler. That's really not an act of love them you right If you love me, you would give me the money and not require me to change now. The fact. I'm requiring you to change as part of the gift is because I love you is more effectively only act of love in the whole process. Does she live in your town? Yes, she is
recommend you and your wife sit down with her have a cup of coffee. Wife doesn't need to say anything to show end up being the bad guy, not because she's her opinions are not valid, but because I don't want her to be the bad guy. This is your sister okay, but your wife was demanded by my wife. I'm sorry I'm going to jail. my life in the moneyed person in my life told me about it now, but she went to her birth. I didn't matter you down with a two hour. I shall you show a unified front and you shall listen. Here's what you got a lot of pain in your life, I'm sure for. What's going on, I want to be help to you. We will not loan you the money, but I will of you. The money under these circumstances, You're gonna go through financial, patient diversity, you're gonna get a budget you're. Not. a borrow any more money, you're gonna get and keep a job and you're gonna get imposition of pay, your bills and beer sponsible dot for the rest of your freaking life. And this is your brother talking to you, because I love you
and she's likely going to say no. Thank you all She's gonna say yes, ok, I can do that and in her heart of hearts, probably once ducas everything useless it out, so good. And then, when you get in the middle of it or you start it in it in and then it goes up. So that's my thing a little bit about the strings attached with the money, like I totally understand what you're saying, but also he can't make her do those things. So if you go about that which not thing is, is wrong is what dangers but also act like you have to emotionally like go that you, you can't her to do anything. You can suggest an and bigger give her the money. I'm not gonna, give her the money up front until she does something she's going to I'm going to see some action. Okay, yeah, that's Does she work? Oh yes, she was, sal, she's self employed that she might gain monies. Have kids too There are children involved of cash, makes money as well as all going towards building.
Everyday living expenses, rent food, Does she like enough to support the household after she's divorced? If you Or with five thousand dollars now He doesn't my game. I correct it has not compared to our lifestyles. She needs a job. and very move seriously the if you're lifestyles at a certain point. This was not your sister and you shut down and just look at the map and told her what to do with the mouth. That's what you need to tell her to I gotta get your income bugger, get your I'll go down that mean you probably can't live in this house is too expensive or you can't continued work this from a small business idea that is not really making you any money in. This gets an excuse for you not work, really and show you I want to go with like nine to five and the kids are going to be in daycare, and I'm gonna help you with all that we're going to coach you it'll be cheerleaders and we're gonna walk alongside you, and I need the money for an attorney. Ocampo pay the attorney directly not giving you the money,
and I will be on the phone with the attorney. I wonder, what's goin on for the five thousand dollars I'm given or the three thousand dollar retainer, I'm giving him the two thousand dollars is going to these bills. Okay, I'm gonna write the check to those bills directly When the Ramsay family foundation comes into someone's life whose having financial trouble, we pay the bills directly, we did not then the czech zack. Do you think if, I sat down with her cause. I dunno what shell's relationship has obviously never met but like when you sit down with her and say: hey here's what we see just from a math side this this and this and after the divorce, here's the I like, like not like this, isn't going to work mathematically, so we're here to help problem solve to figure out how to get your life stable or where breathe again and if give suggestions. Is she the type that what does she want to hear it? Does she want help, but she doesn't have any one in her life too. Beside her or not
They just depend on. the other times. Sometimes you just want the money, and sometimes she doesn't want you anything, but the money, As you know, the answer to that question is now If all you want is money and you don't want any help, real help, No, I have no. I have no desire to participate in your crazy. a murmur funding it for you. When you decide you wanna, get things straightened up, I'll, walk with you in a process tat. We get things right now. paper you together an education verse. You will give you the money, but don't loner money loaning your money means you expect for it to be paid back and it changes the quality and the tenor of the relationship, and I would not do that.
I would love her well and be very generous and give her money if you're helping her get the traction back to sanity and sustainability, but I don't want to participate in crazy and chaos and funded well. This is the ramsey show the
welcome to the room you rachel bruise room. He personality is my co hope today, open phones, aaa eight to five five two to five merida is whether she shirk use new york. I merida, how are you Thank you so much, but talking it needed. I Can you speak directly into your phone? It's pretty muffled, yet as I better europe back just thank you worry about them I have a question about you're, not alone yay. I have many emotions about what Biden declared today, but
get to the men have been, and I were in early twentyth. We have two thousand three hundred and seventy five dollars left to pay off, but I'm student loans. You have worked so hard to get to the point now violence where the EU can do. Forgive it at some point, but we know that the period of time before that's going to happen, it did the right thing to do out of principle to just pay it off on our own. or should we apply for forgiveness? What's that Location becomes available to us. To check and pay it off. Dont white, ok, don't wait I the emotion here so is so mixed about the call today and what they announced ends and I think the heart behind it is relief. Well, we can pride, around, but I think there's a element of it. That is to really
people and you guys don't need relief because you have the money ends. You got me in there and there is a personal responsibility thing with all of this. To that, you guys know signed this. In your names are on it, since the have taking money from the government. When you have it, I just don't. I can't I can't That uncivil well done, may so I wrote, checking paid off, don't wait on them. Never mind I'm a nice, that's a nice way of saying it are you. You already knew that that was what you wanted to do, because it's who you are by the way you frazier question and sought makes it very easy for us. I just agree with you and say: yeah yeah would do that. it's not immoral.
Or someone to take the relief that is being offered, but there Is a ah. A moral obligation that you borrowed money into back is not on. is a values based decision, even though you quote, don't have to unquote. So values based decision and and you. So in not on macro level, a nation wide level our big scope. Somewhere, we have to remind people that Money comes from the government, Comes from somewhere. in the three hundred. Billion dollars. With a b, billion is a thousand million. That is
three hundred thousand million, that the president is strutting around proud that he just added to the taxpayer. Burden. If you are a taxpayer and fair, Thirty eight percent of you are not They're gonna die a federal income tax taxpayer. But for those of us that are our burden was just increased by three hundred thousand million show that you could get ten thousand dollars and debt forgiveness I'm happy for you! If you got your debt forgiveness, I Really dont want bad things for you. I want good things for you and I'm not angry with you. You didn't do anything out there. If you got debt forgiveness, but The absurdity of this political move as a hail married to try to get back in the graces of the good of the voters before the mid terms are not enough.
presidential administration. That is a complete egon. Failure is just in fury, aiding and it's all put on the back of your grandchildren, cause it's all added to the deficit, three thirty trillion dollars in that already? And we, Three hundred thousand million to that in student alone forgiveness. While we continue to make student loans. And this is just, and it should intellectually dishonest to continue to make the loans and, on the one hand, and then turn forgive them on the next, because the Call we're gonna be getting. They were gonna get. This call is already run through some. Your heads at twenty six thousand dollars in student loan debt. President Biden just forgave ten, I'm going to wait on him to forgive the rest is that ok. Even though there is no announcement of that are or indication of that or promise of that or but
you don't want. You opened the spigot, you do not vote. You're gonna can expect you to continue to open the spigot like tromp issued by box. In the trump dollars during covered then another set and then Biden, bucks came out and Biden, bucks and Biden bucks. So once the once, the all of your covert problems were going to be solved by the government. Instead of by your own hand, then you now are waiting on these by box to come through after the trump box. the Biden bucks after the trump box, and it just keeps going and going in going going cause you ve become begun to look at washington d c. Is your source when we are getting those questions and we ve that question for over a decade, if, like every politician, makes some kind of debt for student loan forgiveness?
Well, you don't I a fringe. It was elizabeth, worn and elsie was the fringe wackos that were suggesting it at first and then he got a little bit more mainstream and this president, so far laughed so far much a socialist in his and his approach to things that You know he had a long campaign promise took him. eighteen months in office to complete with a campaign brownish by diary as during eighteen months, but also even just the idea of student, long forgiveness, but spin floating around for almost a decade. We ve heard that term because it isn't in very small pockets right. You see different things, but, and we said we get those calls even then, like mrs actual acts on paper. That is happening but even just the idea to your points. Floatsam people's heads up seed is planted the other hand when just sit back turned her into a trust fund, baby and theirs.
if you're sick, if you're, if your dad is sixty years old and he's got ten million dollars and you don't work much, and you want to sit around weight on him to die for you to have a life because you're gonna get an erratum dialogue which is aimed at strengthening I've shorter waiting on. I get someone else to fix my life, yes, right, the mindset is the same, but I think the feeling of debts and the weight that debt carries on families, though, is different than I just one. Building on and hammer liked you them saying library or so the might ya, get what you're saying, but also my man there's like this when you, when you show you ok, I'm not gonna deal with this right and I'm gonna. Let someone else I'm going to I'm not going to deal with this. I'm gonna I'm going to wait on someone else to deal with it and that's not married, and what's interesting too. We talked about this all the time on the show of how money your habits within money are lot of different habits and other areas of your life, and its fascinating too, and if you become passive with your money sitting back and letting other people take it like
on behalf of your career right, passive in your marriage, your parent, like oil, fewer because ethical and her sent you talk about this lot like you're in it like integer, is a whole number. We are having I agree you are a whole person's. You can't take one part of your life and say I'm going to be like this this, and this wait right like we think we can compartmentalize so much and we can't we are one person, and so what does that matter? I I'll have the science tobacco back it, but I am sure it's possible to be highly ambitious, organised and discipline in your money- and completely opposite of that in every other area of your life. It's it's orb or be highly ambitious and disciplined in your career, but completely and disciplined and rapprochement between the two thousand framework and the opposite is true, which we here all the time the people like. Oh my gosh, my spouse, and I like we got a day in a changed or marriages are communicating europe. We ve been here. Health like I lost, wait relic. All these other things fall into place and so are merged. We about or even gang organisms need planted of
passive in life
it's just amazed. I think it just affects other areas too. So we just you gotta, be careful. You gotta, be careful. Margaret Thatcher said it well. The problem with socialism is eventually you run away or run out of other people's money to give away the problem. The real problem. This is the ramsey show the dave here. You can find all of our shows with the ramsay network app on your smartphone. It's the only place to listen to the entire back catalog of episodes download the ramsay network app in your favorite app store today, the if you enjoy this podcast, you should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network like the rachel cruise show. Money should be fun, not stressful. I'm ready to cruise and I'll show you practical tips on how to save money in your everyday life and get out of debt even faster on the Rachel crease show I'll show you that you can take control of your money and create a life. You love, listen to the rachel cruise show wherever you listen to podcasts, hey, it's james producer of the ramsay show this episode.
Over the check, the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode, thanks for listening,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-11.