« The Dave Ramsey Show

How Much Money Will Solve All Your Problems? (Hour 3)


Dr. John Delony & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss:

  • Can money buy happiness?
  • Transitioning from intensity to intentionality
  • "Is it selfish if I feel stuck as a stay-at-home mom?"
  • "Should I sell my house after moving for work?"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I lie ahead. Porters of randy solutions, broadcasting from the pods moving in storage area is the whimsies show build well more credible relationship on january. Doing here by my good friend, george camel basically have the beatles John George and we are taking. You calls on money life. What
are you gonna go on work relationships, management or whatever you got going on? We got an triple eight, eight to five five, two to five endured, forty go to calls, I want to talk about this article. The doubt How much money does it take to be happy? Oh, that's! A hot topic! Is this a hot take on a hot? It is well. We we covered something similar on smart money happy hour Zhang. Is there a magic salary for happiness and great pitch to your own? Show will thank you. You should go check it out, but this is a. This is actually based on data instead of opinion, so one study said happiness peaks at seventy. Five thousand and income now economists say its higher by a lot by us Yes to that, a member, the data that date has been around forever and it's kind become like of like a folk tale, and the inflation john, like seventy grand you're poor, not a that's the that's the vibe I so let's go through this the question. as is its higher by a lot. Tell me how much more news
search from a nobel prize, winning economist and fellow researchers provide a fresh answer. Money does appear to boost happiness, at least for some people. Up to earning five hundred thousand dollars wow I'm gonna go the yes on that one. So if you make five hundred one thousand dollars. You might be miserable night for ninety nine, your crushing the game, so this feels almost silly john. Could we went from seventy five grand to half a million dollars the idea was, after seventy five grand you kind of plateau happiness wise. This is saying you plateau at five hundred. grant rights not really accurate. In there is, I think it important note. There is a small group of people for whom higher incomes don't make much diff much difference for this on. Api group, which I think george, is probably in this group. It's it's as of about fifteen percent of people. The relationship between happiness in income is different, with additional money failing to improve their sense of well being once they had about a hundred grand and so there, is just yours right
who choose to use that word intentionally, who choose, I'm just gonna become a grump right That is not gonna help anything by just get away. It is, and we all know those people in our lives- I see there's groups of people there's one group that legitimately doesn't make of money to cover their bills and survive. rights of if you're survival mode? You do need more money, I'm not going like. While others, you can make any amount of money and be happy sure, that's We can go to villages in africa in fine joy that we could not find any street corner america. That is true. There's another group. Bull, who actually make good money, but they have piles of debt. moreover, spending and they're keeping up with the joint jones. Is there not content with who they are and no amount of money can fix it? on one whore that dollar amount has become their scorecard further for their self worth keeps moving. I have to make this, two hundred thousand dollars or I'm a loser, and my dad's evident tommy's, proud of me and my wife can leave me and then you get
Two hundred thousand you realize. Oh, my life is exactly the same way it was before I could, as I have a nicer toaster and a cooler blender, and then it moves on I need a three hundred in just keep moving moving a movie or end There is also a piece of this. Where you few make three four hundred thousand dollars. You might have a very stressful job that might kill you early here I never forget now was one of the most important lessons are learned young. I had a mentor who allowed me to two shadow him in some some pretty important meetings, and I remember, leaving going. Oh, he makes me more than me and he earned that money like his life and his heart Van gogh's, just all the stuff he's responsible for and so There's no, they hand out to earth, your four hundred thousand dollars. You gotta work for that money and it's a hard life. But even then I like work, heart. I like working really hard. I like working long hours and unlike making great money, but I have to know that that is not going to
look in the mirror, a knock. It's not gonna. Get me. Peace right was gonna get me pieces. The extraordinary relationship, a great marriage, good relations with relationship with my kids right, healthy back since with the seasons of work, sometimes their wild? Sometimes it gets more family time there, it's gonna. Give me a peaceful and the more you make. The more money can give away, and we don't talk about that enough. There are some extraordinary generosity that happen to people who make great money. Roans and science shows that people who give our more joyful that's right. They have lower blood pressure, they ve stress their lives or more fulfilled, and so there is article this, but I think the main teaching that I come away with is saying if you're in debt get out of it, and see if that increases your happiness, regardless of your income number two. find a career that you actually enjoy verses, tat. The aim at a certain number and going I'm willing to do whatever job and takes it make to hundred a year. You might be miserable and Who might be better off working for fifty grand here doing something they love with? No debt hang around them.
a person to be way happier than someone make an five except in. If you are, as miserable as seventy five grand chances are you're going to be miserable at two hundred and fifty grand you go with you. That's right so you don't actually dig into the roots of that, and you know what your butt- past change, a future and dig into the trauma and the shame in the baggage and the reasons you're try. do all this, then no money will be enough and we see this date, honest people who make too fifty grand are living paycheck to paycheck, so don't ever saviours have wifi just made two and fifty grand my life would be better. You might- I have lifestyle creep and he might let go his records or a nicer house, because now you have to keep up the drone and so there is a lot of lessons to be learned here, but when I was, back to is the baby steps work. regardless of if you make fifty grand or hundred grand living dead, free and A merger C4, the bank will give you a happier life, and that's one component you still have to,
good relationships. Good community have a job that you enjoy. That doesn't add, stressed your life so we don't want you to have a flat tire in any specific area of life. He got to be well rounded. Yet will I I, I love that this folklore, this this myth has been busted and also love that we gave a conversation? Man getting to a number and thinking it's a finish line is now I've works. It can help it can help. Think it's good that we can now be a little less dishonest. If you will, two hundred thousand bucks can solve a lot of problems. It can make your life easier, but it wont your dad's not going to call you the oncology yet he's not going to call you and say you know what now I'm tournament right, yeah you're, not going I have a dysfunctional marriage and suddenly your wife's going to go. Ah there we go now it's better, it's just not how that works right. I have So let me ask you this george, so I was going call, but I'm going to that more man on
on smart money happier with this Take conversation, we're gonna feedback. Did you get While the comments section was spirited, as usual, John one person's that georgia's comedies underrated. I appreciate that, but a lot of people said you know what that's true. Because they realise that their income is one fact, it's one piece of the equation. We say your income as your greatest wealth building tool. We dont say. It's your joy building to origin! I believe that we will get exactly insult. One piece of the equation. When we get our money right, it allows us to look up and focus on relationships and sleep better at night, which then gives us a better life. So get your money right and that's the foundation you can use to fix the other areas, a dribble, a eight to five five to two five. This is the ramsey show we'll be right back
triple eight take two five: five did you find this? Is the rangy show it's got to SAM? I am a little rock. What's up sam look, I've got how you doin. don't very well. How are you all outstanding outstanding? What's up, though looking for wisdom on quitting the wrong show. My brother ranks so wrong, and I mean he busted out laughing sweet yeah. You know my wife and I have been paid off debt for about fourteen months and next week when our paycheck, word downwards that were in the week after that, when my bonus it more damage baby step, three yeah. Oh I'm just looking for that. The mai said that year, Ya'Ll had when, when you got done, and after I like what is that look like
Oh we say you move from an intensity to intentionally once you hit baby step for and so there's not a lot that changes as far as your habits of still on a budget. You just like Foot off the gas as far as you know, what three jobs, because you had to get to safety made it to shore and so now the goal is: how do we start building towards the future instead of paying for the past and there's a lot of you can't put on autopilot like fifteen percent into retirement. At that point that that can an easy thing to do! It can also be really hard because You now want to use that money, but it still has an allocation is still has to go somewhere and go to work for you, but now is the time to actually go. Ok, what are some spending goals we have? We have been able to do that for a while, Where do we want on vacation? Hey it's time to upgrade that car do that, homer innovation in cash flow it that's what you sit down your spouse and really start to put those goals on paper and make. a part of your daily monthly yearly routines. So one thing I've seen people do seem that helps.
if successful, is it so wise that you're thinking through this now usually what happens? Is people become debt free they scream and yell and jump up and down in the living room they wake up the next morning and their lives are exactly the same. This many bills next month and then they kind of go bananas. They go crazy and then maybe they'll go back into debt, but they can blow the budget and go out to eat and good bananas and then a figure like oh crap? What we do you get you guys months, ahead of that here is where you get to do, and I want you to shift from survival to fun. for you and your wife to go out and have it Long, really, really nice dinner, like an obnoxious one and with the intention of what do we want our lives to look like in the next two to three years: and what we want to live to look like, and, fifthly, just dream and be silly about it, We want a house here and we want the east winged. Look like this, like, let's start jury, together, not just surviving together and
What you do is you sit down? It's ok, here's was gonna, take to get there and some of these things are silly. Some of my real and we're going to begin to build a path it's going to get us there, but now we're building a path. Looking for we're not just running through the night to not get eaten by a lion. You see the difference there are yeah the idea is a really important you have intentionally: change your identity dignity was. We are a couple who will do whatever it takes to get out of debt and if you don't go through some sort of ritual? If you will to change identity. Why if you're going to hang onto that identity and the other one's going to get really fed up and frustrated, they can't buy new shoes and then you're going to have this weird angst in the house, you're not going to where it's coming from cause. You got to competing identity, in the same marriage, and so turn. Identity who do we want to become nad wanna, be wild. Generous people do have our kids pair for their college or one hundred percent of their college are going to pay our house off now?
are dreaming about when what comes next in it's incredible, if you guys can make that turn yeah that makes sense when you're. Looking like you find me All that are you taking. Are you making separate pots of money for that? Like I just I just haven't had it so I don't know, becomes a line item in your budget, so it sam's fun, money, there's an entertainment, there's a vacation sinking funds. We save up five grand for that trip six months from now, and so that's all. And I have different areas: you going to three things with money: give it save it spend it? to do it in that order, so giving goals. That's going to come off the top set. Some savings goals, we're gonna, invest. Fifteen per cent are going to save up for the car, save it for the vacation and then spending goals and go right, want to spend some money this month, we're going to set at five hundred bucks to go out to eat cause. We just haven't been able to do that. We've got to Japan, all the new restaurants and little rock whatever as for you guys, but doing that helps me feel, grounded and not like em leaning, one way too much gsm
people go, I have to save save, saves I've saved. I can spend a dime Dave said now. Dave didn't say that here live like? No one else so later you can live and give like no one else in time, leaning into the latter it. Think I would look. Maybe do it for a couple of months at a time sam. I just said two to three years, maybe say: hey we're going to spend two months and we're going to go to some restaurants or eat out, because we done that and so long in this it we're just gonna enjoys restaurant. What you find is they will be nice and cool and you're gonna. Look forty gone back to you now. and okay you're, going to like somebody else doing the dishes, and it's going to feel good to have somebody else clean up after you and then you're going to get tired of the fifth. In sixty seventy dollar bills, just at regular restaurants, these days and you're going to say I I'd rather go back home right, so it it's just, but do it do it just that here's, the key just make sure you budget, for it put it in the budget, yeah, okay, energy. This will be wonky, ok, just be
you'll have an argument. You get frustrated, it's like well. I had my eye on this guitar and she's like well. I had my eye on you never buying another guitar like he does expect is to happen next marriages. His life has to people do in life together, but broken and you're, not something some not wrong. It's just about turn on that and change and identities together, which derives thing that can be a blast. Man gimme a blast. Roll out to holly in davenport. What's up holly how we known after gone. He george talk hockey, you guys, do you too, how we don't you well speaking, of changing identity. I am a news. stay at home mom and you in a baloney and isolated ny. I worked. I worked for twenty years and before my husband and I had kids and I'm about a year into this thing, and it's just like I can only isolated, and I just
I want to be here with my kids. I think it's selfish, He very salvation needs and make it to day care so Oh, I can go work. We don't need the money. I need to be here with my kids, but I want to find happiness. I want to find joy in it and I I just can't, I haven't been able to man If you are in front of me, I would ask you it's ok, to give you a hug, because I guess this one was calm and conversations I have across the country and its the does it have the opposite conversation as well can't stay at home and I feel, like I hate you, or I should be at work. I want to be at work and I feel like I've got to be at home and then I, my kids, do something crazy and then I think mean it's like. I wish my kids would stop smearing crap of in the near future. Guilty for having these thought in I want you to understand. You entered and you ve been it for a long time, but you
continuing in to the vortex. That is modern western world that is built on a gilt factory for mothers? You can't Did you do damned that's right, you're during their judgment on either side and opinions from the other mom? Yes, you and you're gonna get actions from yourself. That's the issue that I'm having like. I couldn't care less about the outside world and honestly, I think maybe somebody issue too, is that I don't really have community. I dont have a lot of friends. My living only does not live near home. I think that is key. Here's choosing think are key number one. I think you thought it would feel different and make this huge sacrifice. The reward that I'm gonna court unquote feel inside is gonna, be worth it in that feelings, not their big e, but you did get a guy feeling from being really good to your professional job and getting a paycheck deposit in your account and getting getting miles from here from your car workers in your supervisors. That felt awesome
it will result in validation. Yeah every day doesn't feel all that. Often when you make it a great meal and your kids, like I don't like this- is gross or timmy, me and you like how about I push you off. You know so number one. You have to every time you those feelings Call him out I thought, there's going to feel differently and I feel like I want to karate chop somebody I'm going through, but I feel it. The second thing is you nailed it? You gotta get a group of women in your life and that's the hard, weird ugly, annoying part. It's almost like dating again, except harder. You've got gotta, make a choice to get some women in your life. Tessa romero check her out on instagram Tessa romero, she's great, with mom new moms mindset, shift she's awesome and make it a point to get some friends you're worth it. This is the ramsey show we'll be right back
hey what's happening. This is the rams show I'm john maloney joined, joined by good, good friend, george camel and debt free stage. We have ana and isabella nicholas what is happening? Hey happy to be here, but we know and good all the way from the great states. The only country that matters taxes, that's right, who so you're, taxes, Ed you're, doing jeffrey screams. How much do we pay off? I paid off thirty, eight thousand. four hundred and seventy three dollar thirty, four seventy make making how much so I started with fifty four thousand. and ended at ninety. Eight thousand. Is that just you yeah just me: what do you do? I work for sale in I've, do sales for power, distribution equipment and the first year of my that free snowball I did, however, and I sold cookies. I also sold everything
That's a lot of really had a third kid and I'm going to have done so. How long did it take to pay this off twenty one month a maze. Oh so you got after it after an after yeah, especially the first year so kind of debt was a thirty eight thousand a was credit cards car a sea repairs some chairs, and shares yeah? My dining chairs, wow? was that, because of like it's a zero percent or was that you were so broken, I gotta get chairs and put him on a car like how did that work. It was violated. Ill at ease with the honest and I took a daily with after my boys, though I needed chairs my were falling apart and though I got them unlike paypal for paint on payments Thirdly, we have you month and a few months for the chairs to get here. It is on twenty one months ago you said myself montgomery taxes and you get these two kids in their sleeping
you got your heads your hands. Yeah and you say is time what tat tells about aben happened. So my that phrase noble started in twenty twenty one, but I heard about the noble and any seventeen o tray nineteen when I was still married, and we had, we were normal, we had all the debt of the credit cards and ever hi. We would get a chunk of money at bonus taxes, whatever we would pay off a credit card and then we start paying off the other, and that is what we have paid a bit of the other. We already upon the one you collect an awesome right, there was a vicious I go and then I members sitting down Diana twenty seventeen, twenty eighteen just google how to pay off credit cards, because I was raised to never use credit. and so I was right
level. Is that I make on saving money, that's insane and say, and I went to college that reduce like. I worked my bought off, but. somewhere along the way we set a wrecking after that and I wasn't taught how to like pay it off. I mean I didn't know. You know we had so much that it will it just simply impossible I remember, sitting down in my dining table on the dining chair, known and others. Two thousand area located and though. It was wasn't me now to figure it out and try to like googled how to pay credit card and it was all this you that conciliation move your credit cards to this card and thought it out of the three snow things and a few pages you took that forty eight arising with aid is that you get to ramphias fell like snowball, and I read it: make sense answer Send it to my ex husband now and nothing happened.
Skype living the way we were living and then any twenty happened and my marriage was falling apart and I lost my job. You know a man might have passed away and so in the summer of twenty twenty I for divorce, and I got a job, the jobs that have now annual sales. So I just knew that the sky's, the limit, and I started with a base base salary and then it went off from their body took awhile, and so I fell for divorce. am through my later finalize and on paper. you know only in my head, I could afford things
negative for my house and I could afford. I changed my car's. I downsized, and I was really happy with that. but in my head I could afford my house: anthem, groceries and just the basic things and even the minimum pay payments on my credit card, and then I couldn't, and so things and those six months between my divorce finalized and when I started. There were weeks why? How like eight dollars, though my name, it's terror. I write if yeah, so went from an emotional crawl to a financial sprint. Yet how do you even do that? that's true. A person I am, I know, from zero to two hundred and like no time so you're a hero. Okay. So what does it feel like? Now? It's great! I love it. I'm never going back, I whatever you. Whatever you go home and you watched the clip of this yeah. I want you to
watch your body language, because when you tell your story about your body, remembers your marriage fallen apart. I am you dad passing away your whole body shrinks and then just asking you has feel now. It's like somebody turned all the lights on in the lobby out there tat everyone like done stop living the whether you are because everyone I now is normal, and you know, I did like a no spent february, glow alike I have this and I remember I had three hundred dollars and I was like. Oh my god, this is awesome. I have three hundred dollars without even having a budget. Then I downloaded every dollar in march, and I, kind of toil around. With that going back to my bank statements like december dinnery, anyone February, I set my budget and April. It was on and How did you get these? Two little ones to follow with you: oh I mean
if I did uber eats, they were in the car with me off with a stick, so they got to see me hey. You have given the legacy. Shifting gift cause they're, never going to forget that in college someone's going to be like hey, let's just go, get a credit card and you're going to be like nah. I remember driving around with and wasn't shy about talking to them about the money problems I mean I didn't you know I didn't do burden them, but I did like now. We're not doing this because you know where you're either that we did go to both parties, but instead of bringing the flash gift I broke, I took it for free Yogurt yeah my card there and a hand, my bag or whatever, and so that's how we they can we did- and it was a lot of now saw more, is caught and taught and what they caught from watching mommy hero is gonna sit with them for the rest of their lives. I hope that that in june on the college camp is gonna hear came here to use a credit card and free piece. You gonna stay on that guy like now applies all my mom fight to get over this. As you know, this there are millions of single parents watching this right now yeah and they can't breathe
that too little kids and the world. When a part in the mom calls and says does not doing well, you have single handedly shine a light in a really dark moment. you can also appear in talk and there like. Oh, it's really easy for you, guys it and in you ve taken away the darkness and so many lives by decision no more and more and more I hate the spotlight, but the facts. During my story, and I know that there is a single parent there, mom or dad lots of them are going through this and they don't see the line, and I didn't see the light, urine and spend. All you need is the process and it works. It spoke isabella and nicholas your mom's, thanks, you're gonna, never to mess with their correct. We got the living give box for you, and that includes the total money make over. Of course, baby steps millionaires your next chapter in your story and a year financial peace, so that you can kick start someone else's journey. Thank you and you give away all right, so we ve got thirty eight thousand foreign seventy box paid off in twenty one months, making thirty's
Before that. Ninety eight thousand dollars for the ash is the phoenix rose, and here she is then before us paid of solid sounded dear debt free screen. Let's let any rip when erna three too. And where grey the wish my mom was that cool back then you know what a hero I love. My favorite part of this show is debt free screams, especially the excuse busters yeah, but I have yeah, but I have yeah, but I know Anna nothing. Stopping her nano is not where their finances now, where their career. Now with nothing. If you are listening to this, no one can stop you either. If you just say today's the day, this is the ramsey show
today's gives scripture today day is Matthew. Five fourteen through fear, you are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden, neither People light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it. That stand in gear and gives light every one in the house, bernay brown says now dark and you numb the light numb dark? And you know the light loved that love, that love, that it's got to richard in Jacksonville florida. What's up richard You have a gun outstanding. How are you doing great basically so I've been kinda fallen. Dave ramsey, since twenty thirteen wherein I actually read his book, I'm in the coastguard, and actually that's when I got introduced to it very cool. My dad got me the book and I'm not been kind oh baby steps as best as possible? My question to you always were about your pc is over
rico live and the florida and we're not sure selling our house or went in We do all about on it, but is mostly paid off. We know that we could sell for three hundred thousand or about, thousand and are warranted out for about two thousand dollars a month. We also methinks I it two point: seven percent conventional them and we bought it for two fifteen. So basically years we done banter showing fix seventy go So how long are you going to puerto rico? years and our housing and utilities are going to be included because we are going to be a government housing, so we don't have to Re about eighteen, it so basic I can get straight to the six weeks. I will have no house if I were to fail However, it could be an income stream.
She would be low interest rate and I am totally against their. I don't have any other death itself. I'm working on it, so I'm gonna answer you what I would do if, as is my family and george, can give you a more numbers driven answer I would not want to be a landlord on the other side of the world and I know the other side of the world is relative here, but I would want to be a landlord one state over when that dealing with a company, that's gonna, come in and manage the property or when the, Air conditioner goes out or the dishwasher leagues and causes the floor. Some a deal with that I'd. Much rather have cash. In a just a regular money market account. If you will let it sit, there thought in a vanguard account for a few years and just let it sit so that when we come back to the states and quit report rico's incredible. If you come out of the state, then you can buy a place me combat.
and would you for sure, be station back in jackson, own came back. No soil actually likely nappy backing jacksonville I'd for sure. I'm actually from plenary, go I'll, get it. for me, but it'll piety knows I likely cry washington dc. It's my guess. He asked I'm selling and here's another option for your richard when you, if you do sell it, let's say you- two hundred grand that fair to say after fees, if you Park that two hundred grand and a high yield savings account which right now we're tracking at about four percent. You would make A grand a year guaranteed. And so, when you look at renting this place, outing for two grand, you still have expenses. pretty management you ve gotta pay the mortgage. You may not even net the grand in a year So I'm taken the hassle factor at a here. Knowing you're not gonna, come back, I'm gonna sell it, and I know your the interest rate is so good, but you're gonna, be different place when you come back
financially emotionally mentally physically, where local, Did so I'm soundness thing if I'm in your shoes, absolutely the some good, sounds like a very straightforward answer, as are you get out? I know it, I know it sounds so called I'm a a landowner. I've got a real property back, it is free money, but man is really good. Have couple hundred thousand dollars in a bank account? Do I mean you, especially with the right right now and savings accounts they're. Do it they're doing you can do better than you can deal with a renter when you've got mortgage on the place, hate when's. The last time you were excited about a Monday care member. I was wrong of those, which is what, if, instead of waking up exhausted. You felt exhilarated. You can't wait to get to work, because it's another data fulfil your passion in a week old weathers bare minimum monday, quiet quitting its clear people are creating meaningful work, but finding the career you were born to do can be difficult when you don't have the right tools. That's why career
bert in ramsay personality kin, coleman created they get clear career assessment to help you. cover your top talents. Passions, and a clear mission statement that I'll help you find the work the world need you to do after taken quick assessment, you'll get a custom report with everything you need to take the first step towards a meaningful career. go to ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash, get clear to start your journey and take the get clear investment today, that is ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash, get clear that's got to salt lake city, utah doktor Carlos, was Carlos acre not you and I'm john. What's out there, then or that I would be on the on on the show. So I'm big fans of you guys. I have a question me and my brothers, we own a planning and attract business We're having a little a little issue this would pay.
So we are able to deploy pay ourselves. and our companies like during the previous year between me and waited. Probably around november we did point. One million were slow season. Sandberg january february and march, were like early swinging by we lost one employ. You could keep him that baby My question is: is Should we just got like a line of credit to pay ourselves canoes developing our mascot. Then we have to pay accountants, who still gotta pay tribunals, yet everyone one or two trip britain's across a lot to do? You have enough work, Making enough money have enough business cash flow to pay your bills yeah. do you have any debt on the business currently.
The idea we have is a is too trucks honor, we have a for two trucks. What's that amount to Madame, to eighteen thousand. Ok, I d I think the solution here is to go into debt, to keep the business afloat and that problem is going to continue compounding the better solution is to figure out either. How do we of revenue to cover those months, our down or even better. How do we find different line of work. We can make the sustainable december through march, to bring in some revenue but I would not take a line of credit to pay ourselves. You If you do that, really your dig a hole that one slow month will bear you, man. you'll never sell a truck to make up the the line of credit, payment and you're going to find yourself in a mess. It will eventually tank your business to go this route. I actually go to the root of the problem and fix that which We gotta figure out how to other businesses create revenue december through march. Is that
isn't that others, the months that you're struggling, he answered I remember through march april, the end of April, we kind of start getting low. The video starts getting a little warmer to people. usually are busy season. So here's what I would recommend do Carl's. I would recommend you to take two or three guys in in salt lake city, who are plumbers that trust they ve been to this, for, while take him for coffee, just the sooner business owner and say: hey, what're, you gonna do between december in April. Just ask you straight like we were run, slow and the The annoying word here is vulnerability. It's getting comfortably trust and just saying eight times are These four months- and we start to think about other ideas for revenue streams during these months. What does it look like for you and some of them will laugh at yes, as also just take a line of credit, alright cool, great those. The table for me. What's another idea and then you're gonna get some really ingenious ideas, small business owners are so much
people in the world because they have to be. I know landscaping, companies that hang up christmas lights during the wintertime because they can't mow lawns and they rake leaves- and they pick up, sticks and they'll make great money exactly, but but it's a way to just keep the thing going over time, so carlos the bottom line years. Don't put your small business in further a pretty bad, tying its its success to a bank need anymore. Voices in their man sit down excuse him. Ideas sit down with your team angle, ideas and, let's roll for that, for the ramsay showed today one I think james and ban and ibu in the crew out in the booth and
thank you america for listening. The show, George gratiot good times, man you're getting better at this free shit, appreciate you and everybody listen and take care of each other be kind and let that person on the highway next to you. Let them over the whole world would be better for it. We'll see you soon, the hey! It's dr john baloney, if you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the ramsey baby steps, but ramsey solutions, dot, com and click on the get started button will help you figure out the best next step for you, based on your specific situation, that is randy solutions, dot, com and click get started. Hey it's james producer of the ramsay show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode, thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2023-05-26.