« The Dave Ramsey Show

How Do You Help a Friend That Makes Bad Financial Decisions? (Hour 2)


Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman discuss:

  • Getting my live-in girlfriend to pay off debt,
  • Using donor advised funds for giving,
  • Buying a rental property,
  • Helping a friend get out of debt.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The from the headquarters of ramsay solutions. If the rams you were dead is down measures and the pain of mortgage in the place of the Bmw, we build well raided more millionaires by showing them how and causing the do it most. Anybody else out there we'll people do work, that they love fine place to make a lot more money and doing something you're. Actually, love we all people could
eight and maintain actual amazing relationships, as opposed to digital relationships? Did anybody or tell you, those friends on facebook, aren't real friends, or maybe someone should tell you that your friend davy, really like my cat. They want they like your cat, laser pictures. They won't show up at two in the morning when your tars flat on his last open forum, the triple eight eight to five. Five two to five can common ramsay personality? Is my co host today, as we answer, your questions about your life in your money? Starting of this David in boy. She idaho, I David. How are you they are doing better than we deserves our. How can we help my question claims I looking for some advice: feminist. beautiful relationship with them, my dreams and she's very much Please do it I'm very much. The nerd
I'm trying to real all that I've got the bugs through getting that free. I think we can wait play about sixty thousand dead, because you know you could bring about ten thousand month, but she's in the moment person so and I'm sure, two. She wants me to do first, then, should jump on board when she sees me start tackling and then she said she will join you, but I'm fighting. Frustrating expense that sugar and then I'm Good morning, my daddy to be doing so. I guess my question and be I away away is it possible to find it? It's just frustrating and it's causing more fights than anything. I don't know you we're both thirty, eight okay, alright, well, um. Let me first
Let let's reset the stage, there's not a way: you're, not married right you're, having an argument with your room made about how your roommate handles money and that's that That is a relational problem, but is also a financial problem because it's very, very difficult to pretend like your married financially when you're, not because the whole dynamic has shifted, because although legalities involved You know, there's no, there's no incentives involved, you're, still just shack and up in your thirty eight years old, and you're gonna get your really gonna struggle, trying to pull together and act like a marriage when it's not I'll, just tell you from thirty There's a coaching people, that's the truth! I'm not draw a picture, your tell you don't I'm wrong! I'm Estonia is it's a very difficult dynamic to pull off So what I would do is eight years you asking us what we would do, here's what we would do is what we tell you
Son of god I got a daughter, your age. If you were my son, I would say: here's the thing def, eight years, long enough time to paint or get off the ladder. You know, You decide whether this is real, what it's gonna go forward or not we're not just shaken up for sex now. This is a real thing, So we're gonna make a call here. That's what I would tell my son if he asked me and on in any was your age and so you're gonna struck. A prosperous relational until you make that call and you're gonna, traveled a prosperous, financially and with the arithmetic why you're gonna make that call because she's legally got a set of responsibilities. You legally have a set of responsibilities and they legally or not, combined the law. All of the people do business with everyone recognizes you only as to individuals instead of one household unit, and You used the words we like your income is somehow combined. It is not
zero legal access to each other's income at this stage of the game That's what I tell you don't number one. fortuna, then, is as a part of that ah says gets good, pre, marriage, counseling and start to work on these differences in your identities and in the way you're approaching money? There's nothing wrong with one of you being a free spirit and one of you being the nerd. It's a matter of fact. That's couples thereafter as for marriages, they learn to navigate all of that when we as a husband and wife have a vision for the future and we are committing to becoming and staying debt free so that we can travel the world by nice. Cars be unbelievably generous and retire with dignity. Change our family tree then We need to stick to the plan that we both agreed to, but there is not a way right now. You have to go back to something. You said David David, a dave gave you the father vice I'm gonna, be your big brother for a moment said
Her response to this was why I want to see you do it see you live out the baby steps. get on board. So my quick question, I got a couple things here: are you living it out? Are you attempting to do it with your paycheck? and so she seen I do it, she seen you do it for how long been going steady for about six months, okay, so for six months, nothing to write, so she seen you do it for six months and she's still on the sidelines as your older brother. For just this call, I have real concerns here, because the woman of your dreams be the moment of your night bears if she doesn't get on board here- and I appreciate what David saying, but I gotta tell ya: would be having a serious conversation. before you decide to get married before yonah premarital. Counting another comes out of this. I need you stop trying to convince her, and you got a harness dreams in this conversation and cast some vision,
It's a simple construct: hey here's, the problem, in the way that you are living with your money. This is what it's going to lead to. This is what it's got you to hear The solution this process I've learned over here do this it's going to give us financial peace and in our dreams, can be bigger than ever, and we can do this. Do I gotta tell you. I want him. I want to know if she's getting this vision before they even get serious about marriage. Really concerns me because of the the rate of divorce. You know if she can't get on board with this yeah. You got well, that's what I'm saying in pre, marriage, counseling or some other way you've got to get on the same page or this importantly does rely the way it's gonna in poorly anyway. That's right! If we don't fix this is gonna, be an glee break up that's cool and now what do we find over? Who gets the mustard because we got
confused about who had who, what were the condiments in the refrigerator came from yanomami manet's is man dead, gum it? And so you know what I mean that that's what you want. That's how you fight with your roommate. You end up fight when your spouse. That way it's right, it's a different fight with your spouse, so yeah you, you You guys need to be going. Ok. Where do we want to go further? surely with our lives and what is the best route to give their not I'm your daddy and you need to behave. Not you have to prove it because I don't think you can do it, and I think this is unrealistic and I think you're gonna fall off the wagon and then I'm gonna have an excuse to not follow the instead. look at it and go as a couple. Where do we want to be in forty years and what steps to get there
Didn't pick forty years not so randomly yesterday was my fortieth. If you haven't seen the picture go today's instagram account it is. She said eyeing the beautiful she's, absolutely beautiful woman now, but I mean the amount of hair you had cozy ass guy was already good salesman. I'm just saying it's all the same, so yeah, but I mean. Can you imagine all the stuff we've been through two hillbillies fighting for forty years? Oh my god brutal. This is a ramsey show. The I just saw a study that really made me sad. It showed families owning life insurance in the? U s was at its lowest point since the nineteenth seventys. After what we
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former ramshorn orginality is Michael vote today, march witherspoon, saint Louis, I marked welcome other amnesia, thinks we're taking the core sure what's up I was wondering about donor advised stones and trying to use. That is the way to build. It increase the amount of giving we're doing as a family as well as for and at one time giving a third just something comes up having a good area where funds are growing. Let's build a give out of One of my mentor had told me: it was a way to him and his wife had a clear given by about fifty percent when they started doing it. Hadn't heard it Can it also showed before mocha, whether excellent
Several excellent ones out there, the do a good job. Concept of donor advised funds is obviously the, You are the donor, your placing money into an account, and you have to advise the fund where the money is to be given to an end, It has to be to a five or one thirty. Three, in that case, ok so yeah. Otherwise, if you don't that's, not gonna, there's no tax, it vanished whatsoever, you'll get yourself in a panic, show you unites all of our once they threw it does not. In he's giving on you just increase your giving it just a vehicle through which you pass money directly to the nonprofits, the only big differences in encouraging. you to keep it top of mind, giving in to help cheeks systematize you're, giving somewhat, which is all good, and what, your point earlier. It allows to hold money past a calendar year it. So if you
wanna give. If you don't have, I industry or on nonprofit picked out that you want to give it to you and you are put fitted out not as a sad. december, you can do that and right that off a charitable gift. and then decide later who to give it to, but it has be given to an end. profit in that process. That makes sense the absolute has confirmed. What have you been doing? You should know that sounds similar to each other. He retained the increase in giving was as much that once you put. Into the fund, there is no longer that hesitation of coming out of your cheque book, though, is more of an intentional. If I put this month This much on a monthly basis, be done urgently. That trip with the money that you're finding on giving good. Ok, I agree with that, but I mean once I set money aside for giving in my mind, it's gone I no longer emotionally struggle with that, but I'm freakin compartmentalize! After all, the years of doing it and
We we move in the direction of a personal foundation, which is the next step up. Much more expense, have to operate much more expensive to put in place donor volume cost almost nothing to run. and so on, but we to be able to do some things with some individuals like a single mom or something by somebody, a car that was struggling or something like that without them have to be a father one. She three and all, and so donor advised wouldn't work for that plan, but it Perfectly for what you're talking about- and it is a really good- intermediate step, your first level of of outright just generosity its it's better than just leaving the money. Shutting a checking account accidentally buying a couch with it yeah. I agree with that yeah yeah, then I think we're on the side like a bitch
give some day, the car type option that just one another, the checking account due to the gift. Don't you should write up on those in bed it or not? my wife and I were not new to the level of the foundation of this time. It's got a really good first step and there's there's two or three that have been around a long time been very popular in the evangelical christian community labour. at run blue made them popular. served on some of the boards are. Both friends are, were friends, delays pass ronnie, still still a good friend they that's first time I ever heard about it and the generous, giving guys out of China The tennessee. Do a lot of work with outrageous generosity as well, particularly in the faith back room and they ve been time. inter some of the donor advised funds is a really good way to look at it. Church good question: thanks for college, can having part of what we teach is essential to winning, because it releases you if
in compartmentalize. Like I'm talking about our you move the money over into that there's something that happens once you decide the monies. Not yours, in your behaviour. As you said, we ve decided we're gonna, give this much and so live differently begin to see the return on investment in a different cattle? or even were really given intentionally begin ago. While this is legacy stuff, not just The one K mutual funds have not there's anything wrong with that, but it really does change your entire perspective and digital, as I think that that you You in some way set yourself up, and I don't want this to be misunderstood- that if I Give I want to make more money, I don't. I don't believe that as an actor, but I do believe that beer, behaviour changes and your perspective changes so much that there's a good chance you're gonna end up making more money because of that change in perspective and well I mean let's just face it: we all can smell a taker verses again.
that's a good way sailor and when you are a giver physically, logistically it change, is the way you smell a change. The way you walk, it changes the way you smile you're, the purse opens the door for somebody's got their arms follow stuff. You know the take her just they and don't even notice. They're there and at different times. In my life, I've been more than one than the other terminology. It's ok, wherever you start out, but generosity is not a magical dna factor, it's a decision. Yes, that's correct and it just it puts in the motion as used It's like ability factor ages, have a spirit about you. and tends to get promoted. People are takers are people that are givers, givers, meaning corporate erica weathers politics, maybe the take her that's true, maybe only maybe I'll make the owners are. You first sees it down the tires he and get ahead for awhile barely comes that it does not really does, and the boomerang effect is bloody. It's bad, but the The giver is who in I've you're leading to people, and you have the perception of wisdom-
Actually believe, as their leader, one of them, everyone observe take her. You can afford to give her every time because you know they're gonna prosper the people under them either that their leading the customer to their serving they're gonna prosper them they're. All about generosity and that generosity just the way they hold their faces. Different. Yes, it's everything and it changes everything so yeah it's an act you want to intentionally plug into. And on the yeah that's the process. You know it just it's. It's fun and important to point out to for those of you that are right now, baby step to gazelle intense. You can still of your time- and you could give your talents in the season mario's, whether to new york city, hey, Mario, what's up deva thanks weapon I call I, but she added sharp, are going yeah. Forty six years, all becoming forty seven in a couple of months. I love my question: is this about
I had a house where we live in right now and ah I had a thirty year mortgage, I'm They now talking about the twelve years, got any idea of pr the mortgage about a year and a half ago, god so love I have about one point three sitting in the greenhouse gas should I have about two hundred seventy five thousand in the stock market, with no about fifteen to twenty percent election that we already have and are only market, and I found this property with to the bar of poor family home the old produce about seven thousand dollars a month in randal. Any cost point two million. I was speaking to purchase, said or cash, one
wait to cash and then that will leave me with ninety thousand industry. Account for emergency fund he's gonna learn where our children are three hundred it thousand, I would belgium retained earnings up more quickly. If you, during, herself down this far or one property, if you have a major event at that
property and loss of rent or a repair, you could really get yourself in a pinch there. That's that's pretty tight, but if you're going to write a check and pay cash for it for god's sakes offer them a low ball number about to get a deal on it, and you know I'm a shoe to anytime, I buy investment property and found about it a deal, I'm trying to write a check for cash and close it friday, but it's going to be a deal. Otherwise I don't do it and I made a lot of money doing that with rental properties. So yeah, that's where you want to start out. I would buy it, but I want to build that returned earnings back up as fast as possible. The fledged dog student loans, millions of americans are stuck in student loan debt with ridiculous interest rates. If that's you, I want you to check out. Splash financial splash makes refinancing those high interest student loans fast and easy go to splash financial dot com, slash ramsey, to compare and see what interest rates you can qualify for. Ryedale. Fixed rates available through splash start at two point: two: nine percent, a pr go to splash financial dot com, slash ramsey now, and the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage, phil and mary are where those guys are you good dave great? Where do you guys live rockford? Illinois cool?
welcome to nashville and how much We have paid off paid off five thousand dollars in seventeen months for you and your range of income during that time? about ninety. Do a hundred good for you, gas, cool or canada was the four five thousand two cars? We had a little bit of a student alone and we say heads Emma hausa remodeling. Ah, I gotta go, How have you been married? Yes, I let her answer that up. Well, blade, ok, after twelve years of marriage eighteen twenty four months ago, you look up and say sums gonna change! Tell me the story. What happened can vote to partner Dave big day canada to part era. Initially we were doing Davis. We had about a hundred and fifty thousand. In debt and youngest was one in her second was on his way and
did the budget, and I said I don't I'll return afford day care but just miraculously I coach were the coaches just happen. Imagine that I am his for almost debt free and I started thinking about wow you- can actually be deaf free. How does it work and I also bar and ass a one night I get off a shift in. I was driving home life lived flipped on the radio and I just Some guys debt free, scream, very powerful hoof, turn up. Almost like I m right now, and listened and listened, and I said think we gotta do this, and so on venture who signed up for the course- and I you know- has just been pedal down sense we really committed seventeen months ago. So that was David and it was a pretty hard davis.
Seventeen months ago we had a huge hail storm and I damage to our house, and so we had fifteen thousand dollars that initial debt laughed? We had some margin in our budget started to feel comfortable, and with the hail damage, we we took advantage with with all we can. It's a money into the house. Now get a new front door, get some new, citing and the guy sudan, or probably have financing and the real kick. Punch to the guy I got in the may. I got a credit card and I'd proof. I just thought I stopped we're not we're not doing we're not doing it again. It's over so seventeen months of a sprint- unite and to think of analogies list into the shoreline. Listened her allowed people give some good analogies about teamwork, and what it takes, and I thought
as a sack race, where one person can just run We had to do as a team, and so we did that in the last seventeen months, so we both just ran as fast as wide open mary workers that emotion color from from him, even in this journey with each other, really really hard and sacrificed to laugh or a family. During this time there is a lot of time away from you and the goods it's worth it now get this emotion, the emotions. And that makes you never go back, never ever and ever and ever and ever yeah wow, very cool so when some, I ask how you not pay our forty five thousand and seventeen much what you told the secretive working together. I think you get the same goals and you gotta be
pace with each other. We have had to coordinate our with work schedules and with the kids, and I don't think we could have done that if we didn't have the same goals, you gotta, be humble and just tell friends can't afford that and yes to work yes to work stewart yes to work, I heard you say one time Dave just draw a line in the sand and if I never borrow money again, we'll get there, and that was always in the back. as a fail, safe and we just work for marriage is kept, there were not brown money we're going forward. What what's the option? What's the option which actually I have been other way. Yeah that'll, be another two options: stink, I'm going to find a third option. There you go, you go keep look into one, I'm done this thing, that's good! well done, gosh, very, very, very well that show if some guys driving home from his extra job and actually turn on the pod gashed later got you on here. Talking about you driving home from
job. Jobs are being overwhelmed by that story. Do you tell them that the what, happens inside of you, when you really do reach that point, where you really are sick and tired of being sick and tired, do not work. Stu physically change right in front of me when you are talking about that. I think May I just thought suffocated. I just I felt like I worked more I have three different jobs are worked with a lot of different people it's a lot more hours than other people and we didn't have anything to show for it in at any realise how, debt we had until now. we looked at the budget. Put it down. We had fifteen different people that we owe money too It was amazing. I had no idea that we have that much money to that many different people it is overwhelming. That's not a place that I want to be your want. My kids to ever be
well done, who are your biggest cheerleaders outside the two of you? athletes area laws, or here they they opt out a ton with with childcare and very supportive amigo and work quite a bit. a friend of mine, Corey Corey. Gary's debt free as well. Really the poor me. Then I got it I'm keegan hills of who's gonna, my accountability body. I tell him every time we entered the dead, he's a good guy, I love that so your football coach dear, when you having those tough days beyond just the vision for the future for you and your family have their coaching when into play when you just did you had any more to give That's that's hard to say, I think I was really focused with with football there were definitely things there. I would say the younger coaches can tend to, but with it it's my kids, I always
we are going to take care of what we can take care of we're going to be the toughest guys on the field and that's the way we're gonna handle ourselves. Love that wild, good stuff guys way to go and proud of you thank you to be free, no eight thousand, yeah good or get a copy of baby steps millionaires for you. That's the next chapter in your story for sure now order- people build extraordinary wealth. How you can to and copy of the total money makeover for you to give away and the financial peace university membership for a year. You can give that awaited somebody or even go through all the twenty seven brand new videos. It would just launched the other day. Aren't you brought the kid bring em up. What are their names and ages? We have brianna, whose seven and Nolan he was five ride of them in practice in their desperate, Graham r. I goods that are a love it well You guys are right. It's brian Nolan Mary and fell from rockford illinois, forty five.
thousand dollars paid off in seventeen months making. Ninety two one hundred km a zero british three two one, love, it is Absolutely wonderful. and what I, what an incredible story, very well done, yeah It's it's really awesome. David look over there see a man's man of football coach just totally brought to his knees and gratitude. Does those tells her tears of gratitude and appreciation to me get through this journey to be on the other side of that, just the that's pretty cool, it's about his that's about it mainly of a manual ever meet right dared and we need more of that
such incredible stuff stuff. It takes to service family and make make mixture. Stuff gets done very, very well done good stuff, guys very, very well done The only change your life when you finally say I've had at arms, I being sick and tired, no amount of
Intellectual gymnastics are going to make you get out of debt. You've got to get pissed off, I'm done! I'm not living like this. That's when you change not until this is the ramsey show. The coleman ramsey personality is my co host today, rams rams personality number one best selling author. Well, inflation is affecting all of you right now from the gas pump to the grocery store, and while you can't control what happens with the economy,
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because of the divorce she hath. We find that your house she has to put it in her name and shame are issues upside down on and by your plan. It told me so the car raised by shoe five thousand dollars under water on the car, even if she does private fell and she does it have any money at all to buy a car, for she would have to borrow even a couple thousand to bind offer, though I don't know if I should have thought of all this into her baby stacked, like just put it on the list of her yeah. She has eight thousand dollars of additional debt. Besides his car and her house or if should have avoided your house, which you know you always say: don't do so. I still really uncomfortable point home tonight, but I'm just not sure honey I heard the best way to go about this. Well, I'm glad she got you and her corner
the council should get luggage. She does. have you eleven year old and a thirteen year old and her house waste three hundred and ninety thousand, but chiefly finance- that she has, but we find out for a hundred and sixty five thousand. the requirement which she had to get her husband spin off alone. What does she might so working to jobs with child support. and when she had not her house, she bringing and forty two thousand a year she stood, really found time white like she's. Just really. The issue is really taken by surprise. International life is she's not going to like my answer. But the right answer for her. Ok, she cannot afford this house
so I thought about that. Unlike the problem that is, I borrowed right, mama said she can't afford. No, I note that the market, though, in the hurt to even went like can a she makes forty five thousand dollars a year and the only way works is if the room may page there rant, and acts who surprised her before pay child support, There's a lot of variables here there cause out again trouble, they do. I invite you, sell the house He held the dead. I all the debt off by a car for cash ngo, rent, the cheapest thing possible and heal from this process: rebuild or build a career where she makes more money. Obviously, He's gonna do that long term. Well, but this house Here's what happens and I've seen this for thirty years, and it just breaks my heart, but. Let me tell you what's going through her mind, maybe that yours is
these poor children have been through so much already and their hurting and in order protect them from even more upheaval and more changed adds no longer there. There's all weirdness in their lives. God's sakes wouldn't want change school districts and we are making move out of your bedroom. in the name of that she's trying to hang on to the last vestige of normal see that she can in a way that is completely unrealistic. where she not in this house, from a sitting with his paula money from the equity in the house in the middle of a kitchen table. She would no more go by the shouts and flood of the moon this is trying to maintain the story was and the story It's gone uk and if I appreciate your mama bear instinct to do that for her baby, but it's a it's a short term fix, because what What she's trading for is tremendous financial stress in these kids lives in the car?
Five years and everything in order for it to be normal. She gonna be saucepan up trying to keep everything drawn run I keep under different finger stuck in that I guess the damn continues to leak. It's gonna get worse and worse and worse and I'm so sorry. I have just seen it hundreds and hundreds of times and it took me a little while to realise why people were doing this illogical act, but it was in the name of protecting some stream of continuity. In the middle of a complete upheaval whether there story that was gonna, be their life is completely changed in it's been a nightmare for her end for the kids, Last thing I wanna do is make a move. I'm sorry I I wouldn't do that then take some of that equity and get herself some sort of like I had you. I can call men's yes, yes, the like of whatever certification. Are you ok,
I in gaza and go double or income. Yes, there's listen, house is not a home. A home is where you make it went home is full of financial stress following a divorce is very different, to stay on an even keel and and be somewhat class she about the ex, because you every time in a pants, you're, just pissed, again very hard to go through the healing process. When you pie often, it the stress on top of the mass through your survive instead of healing You have one track mind survives, arrive, survive all adrenaline. He can't heal I don't know if I've talked you into it or her into it, because she's gonna go look out there and go what about there's more about that. I think you rent the cheapest thing possible by your cash car spent some money. Some certifications on a career track and five years from today you're going to be in a much better place than a you are trying to hang on by your last fingernail on this one.
House, and it's just a stupid house. It was the home, but now a rubber the dream there was the broken heart Patty hang on the line, we're going to give you a copy of my best selling book from paycheck to purpose she's, not ready to read this now, but when she gets everything. Settled financially get out of there, given this book, it's kind of a companion to get clear assessment. It'll help her begin to takes steps forward to. better financial life because of her income, independent, so hang on, and I will give that to use. You take one more step, a stab at the persuasion patty because there's what's running through my mind, guess, seven years for his eleven euro. where are they going to be in seven years, they do what I'm talking about and what is the next seven years feel like inside the home is a peaceful, joyful hope filled for the future, or is it stressed and freaked out and bear
making it all in the name of trying to hold something together, that was the past and arm. I think that eleven year olds gonna have a much better teenage shadow teenagers with a mom, peaceful stable. in our whole new life building. Hulu dream getting her vocational moving homeownership again in the future that dead in the world and its dealing from frankly, courage rather mama hanging on by a thread? Barely making it hoping the child or comes in and hoping the room page, man that managed unchildlike fond of me and that's that that's this eleven year old next seven years? Where does he need to live? What's best for him? and what's best for the other one, the next eight years nine years would have ten years from today. This slight is gonna, be an egg great life, but she's either gonna walk the more held to get there or she's gone
started from taken. It took two three steps back to solid ground to start fresh again and that's what my hope for her asian, I'm sorry once. This is just not good divorce, just as bad it just messes up everything, man, horrible. So sorry, so sorry,
hey thanks for the call that puts us our the ramsey show in the books. Austin Shelby been hills. I can run Andrew holmes, James and kelly in the booth. I am dave ramsey. Your host will be back with you before you know it. The dave here you can find all of our shows with the ramsay network app on your smartphone. It's the only place to listen to the entire back catalog of episodes download the ramsay network app in your favorite app store that a the you enjoy this podcast. You should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network. Like the doctor, John baloney, show mental health challenges in hurting relationships happen to everyone.
don't have to define I'm doktor john bologna, and I help people navigate through the messy things in their lives on the doktor John bologna show. Alongside you as you face parenting, marriage and other relationship challenges and I'll walk alongside you should try to connect with people as you face depression, overcoming anxiety and learn how to change your life. Listen. I want you to be well listen to the doktor John bologna show, where every once in a pike asked aids James producer, if the rams issue. This episode is over the checks, episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-12.