« The Dave Ramsey Show

How Do I Negotiate a Raise With My Employer? (Hour 3)


Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman discuss:

  • Negotiating a raise,
  • Buying a company,
  • Should you buy homes for your adult kids.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The from the head waters of ramsay solutions, ramsay show what matters dumb geishas gang in the pay of mortgage has taken the place of the Bmw status symbol: choice on day rams year, hosting common ramsay personality is my golos today, as we enter your questions about your relationship, your mental health, your job, your career and your money over all your life right here on the rams you show open phones, a trip
eight to five five, two to five, Brian, isn't, california, hey brian, welcome to the ramsay, show a dane how's it going forgetting my call pleasure, sir. How can I help you turn beginners breed outcome, being that I wrote here, I'm dead I have an emergency fund. I have a business emerges and is well and I'm on baby step three b, and I just want to know the right decision. I worked first, ten years in the trees, but in the construction industry since the age of eighteen I am now twenty five making really good money in my own business and I think, bad. He liked I let my act retired down there. I like a good. Decision leaving my old country, my family will make you feel bad. Like I charge too much
I have many clients that happy to pay my weight and honestly I charge were inadequate, professional, handyman charges in my area. So what did you use to make? I need thirty dollars an hour, well get better. So what's not equate to a year like fifty five value, mocha ragged sixty grandeur. And what do you might now like a hundred and twenty other where the mistake my be yes, my old golly. I called you earlier today and they wanted occasion and he they wandered off. I'm gonna come back because initially I told him I was gonna, take a break. No, I don't have a much am I missing something call them what I will
I don't know why your family's making you feel badly about leaving this company when you ve doubled, overlap, doubled your salary and your order for yourself on my goodness. I just don't understand unless your missing either jean only to fill. Guilty or bad out of their word about stability, but there's a smith, sometimes with our food and family members who don't have an entrepreneurial spirit may be they ve never worked for a true launch for nor maybe they ve never done it themselves it. So they think roma jobs or well. If you work for bigger company, it's more stable. The fao the matter is that you or more stable working for you with the skill says that you have decided to take during a pandemic. What we saw or folks, like you, were booming their businesses and their work, so I don't know what's missing either, but you need to stay workin for yourself basin, whatever. So the only reason you would go back to work for the other company is because your relative say you charge too much and its evil that
become wealthy doing this at twenty five years old or or you would go back there, because somehow you have some kind of misguided loyalty to a company that used to pay you less than half of what you make now more. The last part. You know I feel like yeah, you know and know now. there there's never been anyone, one that worked ramsay the left here and made double that I suggested that should come back for I have never. Ok, never I suggested that, because I actually like the people who work there and if they can make double somewhere else, I would like that, for them. generally speaking these days? That's not possible because we pay so dad gum. Much now, but in the old days when we were getting started, we didn't pay a lot and people would leave and go make more money, and I just had help them leave and go. I love you and go make more money. That's awesome, go do it, but I don't have to these days, thank god, but the yunkers, but but you needed Don't what you're doing so?
brian. I had a relative several years ago. That love me deeply and she was a very, very sweet, lady Anne husband had worked in corporate amerika at the same job for thirty eight years, and she was so thankful that he had this steady job and return? I would see her She would ask me when I was gonna, get a real job. The last time, she asked me that in that calendar year I made more in that one year than her husband maiden. Isn't our working lifetime, but we were still waiting on meda, get a real job yeah and I gary, and so it was not because she was bad. She actually love me and she worried about me. Because she was worried, it was unstable and that being self employed is unstable and the goat. you find out when you're self employed, like you are, especially when you're handyman and you're, probably one or two man, show you find out that you are actually
secret sauce at the end of the day, the day you are what Really, you can count on and by the way it was that way, all along was that way all along when that guy works corporate amerika, that that was my relative, whose sweet man he was a nice man, I'm not belittling him at all, but it was just. mathematics or humours humorous of her point. May getting a real job. just desired security to the Point that she misjudge where security comes from, security comes from your ability to get up, leave the cave and kill something and drag at home, and you have proven your ability to do that. Young man, I'm very proud of you. You should keep doing what you're doing while. Thank you. I don't like cake. Thank you. Thank you bless you. While I don't want any real. Oh they made three hundred last year. All you need is a strength and because you can
Nobody to show up everything to show up, you can charge rebellion and you're gonna be charge, is pretty amazing little premium servers and you know it is not a young men. Are there when you love to have him in your house of our sleeping sweet spear. Aim extra, unless it less is policies for labour. This point about the size of a company equating stability we ve all seen large companies completely evaporate or lay off people by the thousands, okay, we palatine didn't recently. There were the hottest where the hottest consumer products and during the pandemic, until they weren't until they were member enron, go look that story up a public company. So you know. idea that well, I'm gonna put my fortune in somebody else's hands in that stable, alas, disturbance, garb, especially when you work for yourself. You got sound. Financial principles is a thing. You always work for yourself when you were If a company is companies, you just have one client, that's right. You've got one customer yep, that's it.
and when you work for yourself, you have a bunch of customers is no different, you know, and so I've got millions of customers and but when work for company in your own james has one customer far as I know the words gosh morality, solutions and that's not a bad thing. if not the of the world, but that this idea that somehow that you're not self employed at the end of the day Europe responsibility. Your life is your responsibility and when you act, wait wait when you turn that responsibility over to some one else. When you despise to some one else in the name of security- and you say: ok, I'm no longer have to worry about that, because the companies gonna worry about you. sacrifice something so, We tell our people around here, they're all self employed. We say it all the time. It's one of our fourteen core values, you're self employed, you're self, employed yourself employed act like you're self employed act like you own. This place act like when you see a piece of paper on the ground pick it up like you own, the place be responsible.
I, like your self employed act like yourself employed and even if you're, not technically, you're, always prosper without mentality. This
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long ago, check him out promo code, ramsay you'll get the best possible deal today's cos Jim comes me lane in California. She writes I've been working as a commission salesperson for small family and business for two years and have not received arrays. I received lots of positive feedback from the owner. Since cost of living is on the rise? I would like to ask for a raise, but I'm certain excuse me I'm uncertain of to determine an appropriate amount to propose. I they have to meet a twenty eight thousand dollar sales goal. Before I begin receive commission adds a gross nine hundred fifty dollars a week as a base. My fear is that they increase my base pay. They all increase the twenty thousand dollar go. How do I? value weight, at which point these adjustments would cancel each other out and amount to no funny a benefit to me and how do I start there negotiations well. First, I want to address here David. I don't like the word negotiation. I know what she means, but a real What does it take a posture of conversation, not negotiation
The other thing is that, as a guy, who spent a lot of time in my professional career on commission In this case, I would not be having a conversation about cost of living, would be talking about. Maybe a higher percentage of commission based sales goals. I would talk about the cost of living and I would have some real facts here in Kosovo. Here's what go this cost has risen. This causes risen, but even then unless it's something very dramatic and I'm guessing here, I'm trying to read into this that inflation is really not what I would call living rise, even though it is it's like everybody's facing that you didn't move anywhere, is now change and location for a company to wear cos. It is a big difference, so here I'm I'm gonna sit, put sit, tight and focus my conversation around. How can I increase commission rate based on performance
No, I think when you're in a sales position, you really- or capped enlist. You don't have a good product or service to sell, so your your raise is effective when you are new year. I always said that way. That's your line! Yeah! I mean I can't tell you that you're, when you're on commission you want to raise. go make more sales yeah get better at it, hello and if you, if you work for us and you came in, we would be nice, but that's basically what we tell you you a raise. More things and drag it home, we share with you what you kill and drag home, get up, leave the cave, kill it and drag it home. Can we help you do that better? I will try to help you to that matter. Can we furniture much more marketing asked for better liege- will try to talk about that anything we can do there, but at that end of the day. You have the best possible scenario, go sell more. Does that involve what does it take to make that happen? And you know it is there some other. It is something that the company has the power
What line has that is a blocker? Do you showing more, I might ask for them to help lower some of those blockers. You know Computer you gave me sucks, I can't get any out the emails inconsistent again can communicate when my customers non loosened sales, because I can't do that. We had a phone system, time the sucked kill sales further the sales person a couple of them about it and I'm always a champion. The sales guy cause a bit of sales guy, my whole life, and so I went hey rip out the freaking phone system, One in my dream, like slaves in running, nurture, religions monica those years, I think, you're here this thing you make your employer smile you make more sales. my may have given you more money by the way that you start that, however, a thousand dollar your base to buy it all I mean she, I bear
that's, not exactly straight commission talk to people or illustrate business, and let me tell you what they may give: they sell, no houses, no money, there is no base. Its called straight commission and so they be out selling houses. What they re doing and By the way, did I would never ever ever ever ever ask for more base some commit highly but were making money. I want more commission you're on your own commission? I am actually would you sell some more books? Yes, we're working on it but know the reality is that people don't understand that they think they think base equal security? No, a false. That's a fine choice there, you don't you a problem. If you show me a book, your hurries issues about curry won't come up here so, if you make a maiden sales or whatever it is, you don't know it just is. How are we going? more, are we going? How are scale there are much more, cannot work and how can it be more effective? May if you Four leads in closed. Three of you. Don't have a closing problem. You've got lead problem Dont get more ledge
four age and closed one out of a hundred? You got a problem: europe converge right sucks. So you need the close of the sale. You know that this is this man. Sales is the best building in the world. I have someone out it's my favorite career track for some. I wish I could talk young people all em into going to sales. you just control your own national self people make more than any other category they make. More than that. Urgent lawyers strew helping me you talk to some. on a global scale, device salespeople telling on three hundred k farmers The council's three hundred k k dealers, car sales, people right now. Here's loaded for two hundred k, I met again their davis, just kill on it and very nice guy. We were introduced by mutual friend when we were done talking. I said to my buddy ago: what does he do he's in sales? What what does he sell? He gets yucca believers. He sells all those gigantic like pipes that the war call it a pipe, but like those giant cylinders
put it under roads when they do a new role, recommend giant concrete, like commercial construct, tat guy called there. Thank you, cells, those things and Cool regime is sure sure cause. its of items, governments, informal roads, big money, sorry, it's great field to go into, because you can control your own destiny. More clear. Lee than you can just about anything else, because someone else controls purse strings everywhere else, but on my mom goal is to have salespeople around here that making more money than they have ever made in their life, because that means there helping more people are serving more people than they ever have in their life's currer, and my other goal is for show people that are not doing that to have skinny kids, that's chrome. you wanna salesperson, comes to use a leader and says hey. I want more, but I know that I make more when I make you more
we do thou together. We do that, but much down I'll help you do they love that I'll. Do that all day long either way, that's not a negotiation, not harmonization for concert and that's the key policy. Basically, that's true of any raise. That's correct! Don't because we know how can I make you more so that are worth more so Give me some of it. That's the conversation. How can I get better? How can I get more Valuable to the organization, so I help you win. As a result, I went professionally corporate america. Corporate america is different corporate america, stupid they're not going to shut up cause, they get politics and toxic crap and bow all this garbage going to, but nora businesses the owner or the manager. The business would like to bring in more revenue and if you bring in more revenue, they would love to with you. So you do it again. Thus, and may, when you get some by performing, you want them to do it again and again and again, and began and show that that's normal human being drawn to business not call again corporate amerika stupid, they forget all the stuff and you can't make more than the gun
the office- will bull grab if you show enough, does not even have the corner of look at him out of the euro. get her don baby that so people my favorite people alone, perhaps because our servings. There's no way you can sell a much stuff about certain how you can shorten the
what about mo over a career you've got to help people when you help people they they they give you certificates of appreciation with presidents. This is the ramsey show. The coleman ramsey personality is my co host. Today. Thank you for joining us. Americans opened the aaa eight to five. Five to two five sydney is with us, and sydney is in phoenix arizona as much grain you're debt free, congratulations.
You so much waiting You know how much you pay off. I paid out sixty five in thirty eight miles per year. Oh, why to go and making what kind of a range of incomes in that three years in too much Three years I started at thirty five thousand and I doubled my income during that time to seventy yet what do you do for a living? yeah I'm a report, a sports reporter with USA today I started a local paper and then My way up to where I met currently right now in I started with my debt free journey three years ago, when I was looking at the numbers, try to move in my own place and realise that could not afford it or much of anything. I can show them The debt free journey says I need to make more money, so you got after it be ass. I entered flying for new jobs, and then ireland, with the company that I am right now and then Then there ever spoke out. Why it again
and journey has been a blessing and more ways than I can count, proud of you. What was the year? How old, are you I am twenty seven years old. What was the death or kind of was the sixty five thousand, most of it was his allows. So forty six thousand with loans. I also before that free dirty. I would we a car by turned that back in Gaza a used car paid that off you too and then the medical built a while back nigeria. They will get around europe kara we're gonna use card, you get, I got it, aren't you any funds, nissan buncher, allied large car you. I love it good, for you have just to be free of twenty seven, I approve of those great at first. I did feel a little the real just because I've been working towards this goal for so long. As you know, in the beginning, it is deemed so
Hannibal or or borderline impossible by just working in that area, hey. You know, of course, that it was hard, but really just staying like an and reaching that goal just filled literally. such a huge relief, such a huge wave on my shoulder, and I felt like I just couldn't- have come more perfect time span, really really excited and stupid right off. Now, way to go where to go. I'm proud of you, so I sidney I've got to ask you as a sports reporter. You cover a lot of great athletes, the parallel the metaphor through the debt free journey. That also applies to champions in sport, you ve noticed her own journey. so, right now I live in phoenix of covering a lot of the phoenix suns who doing really well, but I'm really from California will relate it to kobe Brian, when he talks about that mamba mentality and even on the debt free journey, how you said that he can balance tents so just everyday waking up, knowing that this day
even you know. I work to jobs during the whole time, and you know my day started around five in the morning, though just getting up every day, even if I was tired or or did it necessarily felt like it, just knowing that this day with if something greater and just having that retaliation to cia or just keeping it to go after it I'm so I would definitely say that a little bit of mamma how he I love you. I am right now and it is a business being devalued, can wait ago, good for you, you're, amazing. You are now a man, so proud of you very, very, very well done. Who are your biggest cheerleaders would say I had a cheerleaders. I, with my phone, family, but I do want to give a special shot out. You I'm a few friends duenna and marine. They were there. Who actually lend me your but total money make over and got me on this journey. and we ended up doing it together, though it was really really a such a blessing.
Have someone my age during the same jury on it. You know when you see a lot of people, Living there, life for or not making sacrifices out that we, it was cool to have that support system theme journey: we ended up being that free within a couple weeks, from each other and you will actually be able to meet them soon. They are coming to see you and do their own debt free scream louder than the other. a really big help during this time. What did you tell people key to getting out of debt. If I'm, I would just say this first setting that and when I set Michael, like I said it to seems so impossible, but when he said that goal, when you really, Down with the numbers and and his work, the baby that its possible so deftly state trust the process. That was, the most important thing. Just knowing that, like what you are saying is true and you'll get there. It is time and dedication. Impatience, though, that we trust the processes,
I would tell everybody out there, I'm, even if you think that you can't do it just take it to make and, before you know, you'll! Be there? it's true. Even if you don't know, if you're going to make it that is different, exactly why having so much space to do that you're, an amazing, a woman, I'm so proud of you very, very, very well done! Yeah! We've got a copy of baby steps millionaires for you! How ordinary people built extraordinary wealth? How you can too that's the next chapter in your story: you'll be a millionaire before you know it at this rate. Well, done well done well done- also copy a total money make over now you can give it away and stir up a ruckus for somebody else, so good stuff already sidney in phoenix arizona, twenty seven years old and making paid off sixty five thousand dollars and thirty eight months, making thirty five to seventy doubled or income, or should we do in canada What's your debt free scream three two one
yes very cool problem twice. She said in that call that I trusted the process. You hear that for a lot of athletes, these days, of course, she's, obviously a sports journalist, but you hear that a lot of athletes across all a walks of sport and its it. It is a beautiful way to describe it clear path which are the baby steps. This is, a process that works time and in time out, she said, trust process trust the baby steps. It is a process, it is a process and when you do it Kelly's in phoenix. I greatly welcome the rooms issue. I there so grateful beyond blessings to you, both for all you do and everything you put your hands tooth for fighting so hard to help people. Thank you. I'm live free! Thank you! So
competing buying an agency. So I have a group conform you're only two years and I'm fifty one years old in theory, I'm going to have to look at what it's going to look like when I just am just too tired to be a a I clear and drivers looking to by a company- and I you're gonna, be giving all the information. I need the question I really have to have been before, though I needed. Figure out how they look for with the wires, how much to offer them without the agency? I'm sorry what that question, what type of agency itself an interpreting agency. Ok, the language Why do you think that's ok, cool well a good rule of thumb as this four to five
I'm the net profits after every, one has been paid, including the manager, and so The owner is working in the business and is not paying themselves out and creating the net profit and in their own income. Is there not profit, you would insert a manager, salary, and reduce the net profit by that much you see what I'm saying. Yes, it is safe I wanted to buy that from now on fill and someone else run it for me turn key with someone else operating it now not over there, making all the decisions, there's a good general manager running the agency. For me, what is the net profit then, after a paid them? and if the owners operating in there and have to it that would be an extra expenses not in the current period ends that makes sense to correct them. net times your net profit times after that, your taxable income times for what
a twenty five percent rate of return times. Five would be a twenty percent rate of return. and you're gonna want make that at least on a small business. Because it's not going to be this never turns out exactly like you think it's going to turn out, and so that's not a that's a high rate of return on a traditional investment, but a small businesses are much more risky investment, and so, if the things making one hundred grand is worth four to five hundred max max this is the ramsey show the the
the can common ramsay personality is my co host. Today, our scripture, the day, is first peter five, ten and the grace of god, with all due to his eternal glory in Christ. After you have suffered for a little while we'll himself. Store you and make you strong, firm and steadfast doctor. I luther king jr shed. The ultimate measure of a man is not worry, stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stood and at times of challenge and controversy, one of his better quotes and he was a quote machine for sure wow. What a man r k is with us in denver, colorado, hey k, welcome with ramsay show. Thank you how you doing better than I deserve. What's up, I lost
my husband seven months ago to cancer mama am here never decided whether we are going to purchase the home, for three kids or whether we were gonna make a large. I'm payment, farm Now I'm gonna like what I do for purchase. here. You are three children are grown and you want to buy them homes as adults. Is that what you're saying gap yeah? That's it we're saying: ok, wow so you're, obviously in a very good position, financially I ran into this book in two thousand and nine called for total money, over energy tat, frank? The mai we honor a business. It doktor stopped on wages and turned around and got ourselves that very well
I'm so sorry, how was he was sixty four going on forty six. I want that alma tombstone love him already. What a great guy, oh my gosh and you have three kids in there all grown. Are they all married? There are married okay, And what is your net worth now? Four million good for you And so you're talking about by a house price of what per kid I am we have one in portland, slow kind of five hundred thousand. I have one here in the denver area, so another five hundred thousand and I have one soda and I think I could do three hundred thousand or Five hundred or whatever method it did did talk, show me
Five of your would leave you to five right, yeah, but that includes my home now. Cash. Pretty rebellion to have prolonged here, gotcha casually eye off. But a million I just got from from him In my mind, you know he's paying for two out of three kids right now. Our and your howled, fifty seven, how do they look here? What's around thirty, eight thirty, six! Thirty four. Are you planning to stay in the business you gonna shallow business. What's that pain, you. I am planning to
in the business and it could pay. We anywhere from in like this last year that I really didn't work and I made fifty thousand km sharia law, Back like I was, though I don't know, fifty two hundred and fifty two thousand only one I can make ear, but but, alas, here's what color retired in two thousand seventeen pose this cancer hit four times, and so I would work, and that would be our play money. We take the kid Here we do this. Are we do that? I I love the idea of helping the kids and about but the pre did. The caviar has to be that you're, ok, first And a million and a half
out of this is, I think it is pushing my fear button, a little bit for you, ok, it is not a million and a half out of eleven may in its half your cash. And on show I'm problem You gonna do this in two stages. If I'm you, like, max of three hundred per kid. And show that uses a third of your cash, not half of your cash right, an that might by the one men are shorter, wherever was the, full house. I don't know it to be the down payment for the other two and then you you're working in making two hundred and you look up in your network is five million dollars for ten years from now, you pay the other, do off you now, You, though, if I was gonna, buy the kids, the home, I was gonna, keep out
keep it under a trust and keep. I was going to have the house, so they couldn't borrow again so they couldn't. You know ever get in trouble and I want to a little. I had a friend that patriot paid for his kids houses and he all he asked for was a letter from each of the kids and their spouse promising. Never borrow a dime again of any kind and then return you get out, and you you're goin through financial patient, show forthright and show. That's like you know, that's the commitment on their part, rather than trying to protect them from themselves. The best way to protect from themselves is not be somebody there need to be protected from and so If there are not enough, they won't be willing to commit to not turn around and mortgage onawandah give on one so the other. The other piece of this, as I have one nagging good to fair with money, one, that's fair ones, fair. To careful note, though,
the young arab, so you're going to prove to me that you're worthy of this by quit, being fair to terrible because otherwise, I'm gonna drunk a drink. I have no desire to gives him by house, it's got around and it may occur, to them rather blushing. The whole purpose of this is to be a blessing, And- and I agree the way you know we agree to that- and I understand that, but what if they cannot qualify for three hundred thousand dollars, or two hundred and fifty thousand dollar home now well. It may take a little while to execute all this, which will also give you time to grow. Some more wealth no one, so gentle do all the day. If they're, not ready, ok, We started the discussion assuming I was assuming they were already, but I may want to rehab. Behaviors of one of these and commitments from the other two and is I take a year. Which time you're in you know here your money is invested in it's gonna, go up and are you know, cause your price,
not touching any other issue prodigal mike enough to live on actual backed issue, that's what we've been doing one of I've learned is that generosity? Sometimes it's hard work. Surprisingly It's not given summed up in not given to my dollars. Alors with gas pump, surprising, in a random generosity. This is three hundred thousand bucks to somebody that you love and that you know you could be doing harm to. If you don't do it right, show it's gonna work, a process and your grieving and their grieving. show em yeah, I don't think the when you're describing to me is gonna give the kid. behaving with money, money pussy that guy vienna labour. Now he wasn't, but his biggest upheave is all these kids ran and, as you know, round his bravely
now. That was just a thing. I agree. I agree on rural staggered to like it. I love the idea of them all having paid for hours, but I want that be a blessing to them, and that entails them. A handling money well be committing than ever borrow money again. Otherwise, undoes everything that his legacy. Your legacy that you're trying to do is doing so I would just let us unfold low, but over time here, I've given No time, you got continue the grieving process. It takes a while to breathe, don't awfully well on the phone here. Thank you for the others, because about crying disillusioning to you, but the yeah sitting down with them and going ok guys. I don't know what I'm doing right now, but I'm kind of thinking now here in the near future, fall next spring. Something like that. We need to be talking about doing this and here's what I'm
thinking and here's my worries and here's. What I think, I'm going to ask you to do and you'll start process on that and know you can do whatever you wanna do, but that's the way. We would probably do it around here if we were doing it. While the common good show today likes her job to James, defend kelly jack in the booth, I'm dave ramsey, your host will be back with you before you know it in the meantime, remember this is ultimately theirs and ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace for asia, or you can find all of our shows with the ramsey network app on your smartphone. It's the only place to listen to the entire back catalog of episodes download the ramsay network app in your favorite app store that a the. If you enjoy this podcast, you should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network like borrowed future, not so fun fact. America has a one point: six trillion dollar student loan crisis and it's out of control. I'm george camel host of the borrowed future podcast. We uncovered the underbelly of the student loan industry and show you what you can do about it. It'll inspire you to see that it is possible to avoid student loans and graduate college debt free, listened to borrowed future wherever you listen to podcasts, hey, it's james producer of the ramsay show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-13.