« The Dave Ramsey Show

How Do I Get Started Investing?


Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss:

  • "I'm 22 years old, how do I start investing?"
  • "Should I pay off my ex-husband's house?"
  • "Should I invest more than 15%?"
  • "Should we use savings to pay off the house?"
  • "Marriage is falling apart, wife is crazy spending,"
  • "What should I do with an annuity my dad left?"
  • "Ex-wife wants a one-time alimony payment"
  • "Should I get a career starter loan from the navy?"
  • "What should I do with my old 401(k)?"
  • "We're having trouble keeping a budget,"
  • "When do you have to pay capital gains tax?"
  • "How do I save money left from scholarships?"
  • "Trying to decide between two jobs."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What is more? I am usually rams work that is done and the period of mortgage taken the boy w status should only ramsay your host george care, more energy personality fire engine is Michael. Today we talk about your little world relationships, your jobs, your career, your money. It's your life right here on the room she shut, the phone numbers aaa eight to five five, two to five austin.
Is in springfield Missouri to start off this particular our hey, often what's up oh dave, nice thought you knew too. How can we help. My question is: is I'm twenty two years old and money to start investing, and I'm warning to know which plot much use wise man all right so you're out of college, your work and I did I don't go the college, I'm working, I actually own a construction accident in business of my own way to go man, that's incredible! Okay! So what your income for the year household income, my My income is around forty five thousand a year cool. I do my house, it's completely paid off wow. What's that worth, My home appraised, to honour twenty thousand dollars way to go
well, you're doing great already, rather than the bat you're ebony jet, no no credit card dead or the learned. Nothing and you haven't emerge, The funding of savings three to six months, fences! Yes, my emergency fund is around twenty five thousand. Would you for congress. Twenty two years old. You have your crap together more than any of them at the autonomous of misfit toys. but I am very odd. a lot of my information from you dave? Obviously plus my family, my parents, I blush nevertheless, knowledge and stuff, but no handouts. By allowed knowledge, a hamburger will do that and I raised a great kid man. Well, let's talk The investing side now have invested at all in anything so far, or is this all new moves I had not. Arms are investing at all in any part of krypton, I fear any time our
well here's what I would do flowery. If I were you in your shoes, I would be investing fit, percent of my income into retirement account. So things like, a four o one k. If you have access to that, I know you. You've got your own business, but you don't so may be a solo four one k or sep ira. For you, but I raise and those kinds of retirement councils were I'd, be putting that fifteen percent, and you can you can a lot of money in there. If you're self employed. Now you can put six thousand dollars into just a simple roth ira: that's a very she transaction, and that would now pretty close to your fifteen percent at the stage of the game So what you do. Just click on at ramsay solutions, doc, islanders, click on smart vesture, pro sit down with one other people that we endorse for investing. We call them smart. Mr brochure, the smart vesture there, the pro I'll. You do it you're, smart investor, then you are, you. Are you qualify wilder, but they can set them ap and you can have it come out directly out of your checking, account monthly if you want to break it down monthly, be five hundred bucks a month if you want
two out the one time in a lump sum. You can do that. recommend just setting up a monthly draft, because I like getting more things on auto pilot, Sean think about them again from automatically smart like that, like that in automate. Smartness, that's arena! Smart is not a word, I'm not there! Yet long I'll get there. Much more whatever two thousand I ever whatever it is. It falls at what wisdom we're gonna put her on autopilot, and where we automatically are smart and I I just I've, always tried to do that trick myself into doing smart things and you learn to live on, whatever's left and then you're, really winning exactly well done. Austin Sharon's in san antonio hi Sharon welcome to the ramsey, show hurry. Guy gave pleasure to speak with you. I appreciate your time. Thank you so much. I I am in a position where I'm unable to pay off my ex husband house or why when I was wondering if he thought that would be a good idea with some weird,
pays off the ex muslins out. Really really really good man and he deserves a break. He needs kind of a hand up This one can help him. I'm I always your recent him the money. Take a lot of good people out there and I could give to act so that some strange generosity yeah, that's I forget is that weird, I don't know it's okay, it's just it's! I mean if you want to do it, I'm not mad at you or it just would you It made its highly unusual like other. I don't like it. Thirty years, I've ever gotten. This com Okay, yeah, I'm not trying to buy his attraction. I don't want to god. He got there with him. He was just a good man. He saw how much, how much does he owe on his house one thirty five and you have like extra one hundred and thirty five thousand dollars laying around yeah.
one and a half million and ass a trust fund. That's two million I can imagine william working with one of your arm endorsed local providers here in San antonio me. Can, I say his name sure just where the wailing wealth team right had that's also, how long have you been divorced? What we ve got divorced any cheaper for continuing. We remain for eighteen years, no children, yeah you get all this morning? I all always money come from make my parents and then and then they passed away and my brother was sitting on it and then he passed away in twenty twenty and then who did not have a well
I had to mess on my hands, so I had to sneak me everything what to me on and off. So that was that or you're fifty or fifty something years old, I'm fifty three while you're here, and what do you do for a living part time jobs by do customers doorbells over that's bound for a company, and he Antonio, ah well, there's nothing. blue legally wrong with this, there's nothing morally wrong with this there's nothing on mathematically wrong with, as you have the money, if you won't even notice our four a million dollars losing give a hundred thirty five thousand it's just the suffice it to say it's a strange enough that from a relational standpoint and emotional standpoint, you know you might won't talk this through. Would like your pastor I'm not saying don't do it, but you have to
admit that it's weird and any you just it in us, and so, if you want I'll, do it that's fine, so I know yeah, I mean, I guess, I'd I'd, wonder his situation financially. Is he good at money management? Is this going to make him feel like he just got a free ticket if he hasn't been handling his money? Well, don't wanna, be enabling in that situation, but I mean sound. Like he's, got an normal mortgage like a normal person, and she just wants to read him of it: but I'm still taken a nice long pause before I catch the check I can think of a whole lot of things and put one in front of it. If it was me doing it, but You have a sweetheart on either no question about that and in money and you're not do anything wrong. It even if it's unusual, it's ok to do it. This is the rams asia. episode sponsored by better help. Hayes John bologna. This time,
there can be great, but the holidays can cause anxiety for a lot of people especially about giving gifts. Maybe family make super thoughtful handmade things or they demand you by really expensive things or You dislike experiencing time together. We all just pick up random gift cards last minute, no matter how your family does gifting remember. to take care of yourself whether it's gone, Easier on yourself during tough moments are treating yourself to a day of rest from every one and every thing remember to give yourself some love this holiday season and thinking of starting therapy give better but try better help as floods, well because its online, so it can fit into your busy holiday schedule, just fill out a shower questionnaire to get match with the license therapist and you can switch therapist any time for no extra charge in the sea of giving give yourself what you need with better help visit better? help dot com slashed aloni today to get ten percent off your first month. That's better help hiv,
p dot com, asked aloni, george gammell ramsey personality is Michael holmes. Today. Thank you for joining us america. This is the ramsay show. Tom is weathers. Thomson. Salt, lake city, how're, you Tom. I'm doing great. But how are you better than that deserve? What's up so my wife and I are at the end of the baby steps we're we're debt free, thankfully, in large part, to ah to you and your program and and just some crazy life experiences that I'm able to to get their work real hard and all right now, so we are both now look. then too are retirement but both of us started this whole jury in arthur and so are the The term investments were rather in canada, pre delayed you, we didn't destiny and tell you, I said our early thirties and so what we.
Now is wasted with the contrary, modest income or out of my wife works, and then I own my own business and we have a a a a much larger income than we had before torture out all income. Now right now, Close to four hundred wow we'll get you. How are you going. I'm thirty nine, oh wow, amazing, your ancient can't believe you're getting around. And on that I and and how much you have in retirement. At least after this year will have about about a hundred good for your gut. Ok, How much debt do you have. Ye are get free, it's taken us eight years grounds and everything everything gone, everything's gone house in everything. Yet. Why do why What's the house worth I
I think it's worth probably about four hundred or so the market says that it's about six, fifty so well, I'm in the market, as it gets to the side, you don't get to decide. So I'm colony, six! Fifty that good for you, man, the albanian well known and you're, making a bank what a great business you do, this so now you gotta you here and what we call baby step. Seven shall now jago yellowish stack up cash now do and with a without more shovel, you oughta be able staggered up pretty fast that's what we're we're really excited about and we're looking at a potentially retiring, I'm in in the next ten years, yeah for sure. So, what's your question today, dunno sounds like you're doing great my question today: yeah we're all My question really is I'm as far as the fifteen percent of your income into retirement that doesn't apply to you, your your baby step, seven, that's only when you're on baby step. Four, you can ramp that up as a housemaid. That's what I needed to hear yeah baby step. Seven is save as much as you can give as much as you.
Our live as much as martin in your plan, after that sorry to hear. You say that if we we don't, then you know one hundred one hundred and fifty a year to this to this a investment firm that I'm do we sound true, you're, smart, Propose helping us out consign very on Saturday solar, regardless true that, if we just don't they an hundred thirty year there were their forecasts, says that within ten years will retire as malta millionaires and laughing off you. I have a couple million and that alone and the house will be worth a government in them, shown yom in your own before our four main are not worth it at fifty years. I was what she liked me, Oh, it's good to hear you say that I mean if you give her, keep making this kind of bank and you drop one hundred and fifty in their mid. One hundred and fifty for ten years is a million and a half plus the growth
The time is easily another half may and probably another million. Actually, I can't tell you are ten times a hundred and fifty one point: five million thirty and affording rightly so that citizens would have regularly. yeah you don't have to have like a calculator or anything to do that. You can do that one in your head. So then, then you just add some. You know the gross. since you're gonna make on top of that during that time is astronomical and so will be. Yeah there's another million easy on there in growth yeah. Just about seven about seven years or say be in great shape, because work really smart, Mr Prodi lay out a plan shovel the cash over there and The trick is to avoid getting error again in the middle of this and blowing up before you get there. That's the trick, because what happens? If you look over there and you got a million dollar paid for housing, you got a couple million dollars million dollars land in me,
virginia retirement, and then you go. I can offer to go to the stupid thing now, and people You can blow the whole thing up by derailing, just dance the girl who brought you stick with the programme that you the day, but the one that brought you to the ball to stick with the programme don't get over her and go oh now. Now I am going to bitcoin is now my and put it all in. Do you know people like get you get a little bit of hubris and suddenly your brain just fries out, so just don't do that? Just mutual funds and paid for I just keep it simple and stuff cash in european, really good shape. Man, you ve done a great job and the largely because hey you're, paying attention and bigger might get a lot of money to big shovel that helps very nice, proud of you johnson, Houston, texas, I John, how are you guys? Are you better than we deserve? What's up? I use google dawn on so we have recently
and finally, we have done in florida making cash. We currently oh Then we are one of the house. We owe to eighty seven on the house. Cash on hand right now, including a really checking, and everything else is, is to eighty two thousand. the formal ambrosia each year. Ok, though, I have Please not purchase start not forty. Five grand was perfect, What's an individual start, my work and used in so its oil and gas such pretty volatile. What are you? on it's one that at A guy was. it out of the individual stocks off the two, eighty, seven being completely that free houses current valued about six. Eighty six, eighty. I'm.
the thirty grand or so of the emerging. And then we can kashmir to save me some wind, that's exactly what I was going to say: I'd cash! It out pay off the house now left over, becomes your emergency fund. Anything beyond that. I can do what you want with go: take a vacation celebrate arrangement, You pulled it off here. You got the trifecta, you paid off the house. You got your emergency fund and you'd shaved wind. All in one answer is well well done. Yeah deaf! we do all that brought some all right, all right, you want. What do you make a year? One? Forty, and so now you're going. Are you get your baby steps? Seven and just like that, ash color. All we gotta do now save more than fifteen percent to retirement load, your retirement, you can you for a one came up below, of irish upping good mutual funds and how old are you thirty, nine
I made the guy you're gonna, be a millionaire by the time you're. Forty five mathematically. Because it has a value. The house increases in you, save twenty five with our thousand dollars a year for the next six years. The growth on all of those things, you're gonna, be over a million dollar net worth maritime you're. Forty five well done on love. Industry are truly a baby steps millionaire. You know, while there may not be another radio show or podcast america where you can call in an beep. Succeeding and prospering and fine people, be about it where's how around with you. We are happy that you are winning. We are capitalist pigs. We are glad you are winning or shows our man where we are. We are not angry at success. We gonna throw. This is amazing. We don't think you're a crook. We think your awesome. We think you left The cave, killed something in drug at home? Your demonstrating work ethic, your dinner,
writing character and perseverance and you are causing these things to these variables to move. You are not wait. on washington to fix your life. We love people like you people, when you call in here you will get celebrated here and if it's fishing off of the left wing nuts that is bone you're only fuelling dave guys, just a bonus. Is it a bonus man? I just love it, so I can make it four hundred k and he's thirty nine years old. That's just awesome! That's a trend I find for bitcoin. That's still, you know what that means, which is helping a lot of people. People don't give you money if you're screwing them gotta provide value, they give you money when you're helping others works, you're, providing value you're, adding value to their life in some way. So when you're doing that, you are enhancing humanity. Well done well done. This is the ramsey show
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open the harris marguerite s very good good to have you guys and all the way to nashville to do that free scream, how much of you paid off so we got of two hundred and twenty nine thousand cash flowing a hundred nine thousand and sixteen months? Woe? what was your range of income during that time we started out at eighty one thousand and increased to one hundred and thirty two thousand and then any stimulus. Sir child tax credit went right to our debt cool. Did you shall fumbling, but do you do that? part of our story, no gas or will tell your story one. So in two thousand fourteen I got out of physical therapy school. I graduated with my doctor and physical therapy, and so we had over two hundred thousand dollars and student loans, and at that point I went on pinterest and started looking up ideas of how to get out a debt, and I found the babies
and in the same week my little sister mentioned Dave ramsay. So I read that complete I'd money and today's total money make over in two days or mirage and we attended appeal to him. Oh yes, we got gazelle intense at that time, but then we too to start a family and shame became a stay at home, died at that point and one the pandemic and twenty twenty b but I work for was offering a ton of over time. So I worked from three a m to seven. I am, and I went to my full time, job until four and then shame went to work. for thirty p m to one. I am well aware and around the clock: why would you make him bank? Yes, I was not a hundred thirty two. You made a lot more than one hundred thirty do that you're yeah! That was our taxes for last year, but it was with all that work yep all that work, but we lived on nothing basically, nothing. I mean when I, when we went gazelle intense, like we relied on christmas for people
this, like underwear and socks, but not the other way we wanted to get it done. So, ok, you said you paid off two hundred and twenty nine in sixteen man, yes making one thirty two that doesn't work out. Some of the other part of our story is the debt where's, our suv, our student loans at that point, that more about a hundred and a hundred thousand range and then Own two houses right next to each other and our long term plan was to combine the two houses by getting into debt was more important to us. So we decided to sell the smaller the two houses I got rid of the eighty nine thousand dollar mortgage and though we put the twenty nine thousand dollar profit to our students. Now more members, your work and good will good for you. Was it worth it a definite was, I mean you know, since the struggle I would say like we first got married because it was just like you know. It throw money away and just money would go here vacations and now it's just you know we have that money now and
I was a struggle. Yeah, probably megan, like what's a thousand dollars in here. Maybe when we first started that we got very right twelve years ago, but we found we found you in about twenty fourteen and then went gazelle intense and twenty twenty it. This come from and sounds like just overnight. It was like a one, eighty yeah well like, I said we knew about you and we were is gazelle intense before children, and then we kind of what diversion and then twenty when you with the pandemic, we didn't have anything else to do and, like us said my hospital offered so much overtime. So I was able to pick that up. There were other other side, jobs that we had just like babysitting dogs. I mean we sold everything that we owned know everything I mean the kids really did think that if we're going to the next. So I'm wondering if I because of the the opportunity for extra work. You math, Gotta go see that we can do that and that got your back to intensity, yet the hope
hope major go again and yeah sure you went from gazelle David or ramsay issue, and then then, when you shall hey, we could pick up his work and finish this and you got to game on again I'm starting to understand what happened. God, a good way to go. You guys are. What are you tell people the key to getting out of that is, I would say, hard work dedication. I mean you really have to put it in time like if you want something you gotta go for, and that was something that we want it to change our in our family tree and for our kids to have a better life. So I am glad that we did it and we follow the steps. I say: work ass, well, work, work, work, work around the clock and also having a strong. Why I appreciate that Anthea says if your, why doesn't make you cry the press, a commitment? Well, though, having our strong, why our boys and then also Staying connected to the podcast and the baby steps? Facebook group, I think we're really beneficial.
and motivated on the plan- and it sounds of the kids- were a big driver for why this life change was happening. You wanted them to live in a debt. Free home, live a debt free life and have opportunities you didn't have death while show you the student loans, you shoulda house next door. Did that include your mortgage. You paid off that so you're debt free, but the mortgage essence, where five and thick perfect good for you well done well done. I'm so proud of you guys, who were your biggest cheerleaders, are good friends, christina class attended a p with us and this along the way and our families, of course, or for any other he for sure, yeah. Well, I'm telling you you gotta put in the hours. I mean these eighty ninety hour week, you're talking about a real and that that's that's crazy, being do that for a short period of time. If you are what no one else later you get to work like no one has to work whenever you want, if you don't have any stinking payments, yeah, that's actually part of our story too, since we paid off the debt, I was able to go part time, as has
a therapist and now I'm home with the boys during the day and then chain works will time during the day. I get to spend so much more time together. Ah very nice, yeah you've got your life back yeah. We definitely didn't stole it back from suit. Sallie Mae actually stole it and you stole it back. Wow yeah. What do you tell a person? Who's got two hundred thousand dollars in student loans that are going well I'll, wait for someone to forgive it yeah just do it done work work work work as hard as we can, because it's so freeing to be free, and you can do what you want yeah and we didn't rely on anybody else. It was just us doing it. You know we were going to sit around and wait for somebody just to give us a check and you know pay it off, but I'm so glad that we did it and we put in the hours and we're here. The man good job well done and are we got a copy of a baby steps millionaires for you, because for sure that, as an ex trapped in your story and next, copy of total money makeover for you to give away to someone and completely cause a ruckus.
Love your t, shirts, shirts cash? Is king, live like no one else, and you brought the kiddos with you: let's bring them in what are their names and ages. We have roman he's four and hudson his tail and the t shirts say I am why I am why I'm sorry I said it wrong. Oh well done you guys as beautiful, very fun, very, very fun as shane and kelly, roman and hudson from pennsylvania. One hundred are two hundred and twenty nine thousand dollars paid off in sixteen months, megan. Eighty one to one thirty, two caridad sera debt, free scream here,
if the baby number three, where the oh wow, how to do it make your baby announcement to millions of listeners while you're at it. I think grandma and grandpa, sitting on the sidelines may have been the first time. They just heard that I'm not sure they're. Looking at the reaction possible, I did that that's the first time you did it just hold it for the first time that their verifying through the glass now also knows very cool. That's a lot of work, inspiring yeah variants, so I mean that's all hot of debt Those numbers work for a minute but you know what happens when people start work like that, our going. Whatever takes whatever takes or will sell, the house will sell the house next door irritates. You gotta work, eighty hours, whatever it takes
you start saying whatever turks and you mean it, you can make that go away. there's nothing to not willing to do, but as long as you start going now, wait a minute. Tell me about the on the issue What does what no one no thing and is your low angle and long as you're, trying to figure out some ways, scheme and scam? It's not gonna work, no shortcuts here, just hard work, yeah, it's heard whatever it takes people change their lives when they finally say I've had it. I'm sick and tired of being can tired. That's when you drank and not until this is the relationship, get till you make it its popular advice, but it doesnt work very long. If you'll love it you do you get fake the enthusiasm and energy you need to win at work. You also can't figure. Local health and energy. Everybody knows we should eat more fruits and vegetables, but for
Choose in veggie chips, don't count if you aren't winning physically. I promised your limiting. Your opportunities to win professionally I know you're goin hard right now to pay off debt and get ahead professionally. You need another gear, That's why balances major will help you. Help me. They give me the benefits of fresh whole fruits and bed in just seconds. The blind thirty one different fruits and vegetables powdered in an adult process that locks in the nutrients so go to balance of nature die calm and enter the promo code ramsay to get thirty five percent off here first order and lock you know time price as a preferred customer that's balance of nature: dotcom with the promo code, ramsay for thirty five percent off your first order George Campbell ramsey personality is my co host today. Thank you for joining us america. Open phones are aaa eight to five. Five two to five Adam is whether it's in toronto. Hi Adam welcome to the ramsey, show
married or do good man what's up. We also know why he shouldn't say nothing quite a bit but yeah just a little bit of a recap back in two thousand and sixteen, my wife and I did, as you say, a stupid with zeros on the end of it. I spent a lot that way. Seventy paid off about sixty five thousand bucks eleven bunch. and don't ever do it, I'm getting down for it at risk free, but anyway, for now and ass. I guess couple years colbert it destroyed by industry, I'm a pilot in canada here thoroughly took about. He had just going recover. Now, that's all with distress that kind of brought about the marriage issues along with it and got than a really bad spot right now, I guess we both got are and down not sure if she wants to work on the marriage or what she wants to do, and what kind of thy that such they obeyed, but only resulting in the aftermath of the
she decided that she's gonna spend. However, she wants to spare been kind of cargo baxter. He or she say we'd make too much money. Does the where'd you dropped aberdeen restricted to kind of spending HU. I tabled two thousand dollars a month over what we make and the result of sky, depleted armoured, definable, scouted, dusting She's signed up for elective surgery to the tune of about ten thousand dollars, and when I got a question on the timely it she said. Well, I meter either we planned it. Somehow. Your answer indiscriminately will credit card. You myself, and saw her but everytime I bring applied at this to her to work to talk about it. She says europe. with money. You gotta stop being so obsessed by train his prayer to the reality that were spending. Why did we make gotta gradually bankrupting samuel, defoiled children, trying to put money aside for them as well. retirement, now kind of getting back on her feet. We do make good money
but the reality is spending way too much and. I have no desire to even talk about it. She'll stonewall me everytime. I try to bring it up and I'm worried that I'm going to tip over the edge in the marriage. If I talk too much about finances, you're. My marriage married already reagan. Why? Yet I urge you, like I'm gonna, given the drunk a drink, I'll inherent enlightened, everybody knew him your marriage has already gone yeah? Why does that mean she she does she does. She does want to make it work now. She does that how she does not write her around. No, she doesn't people, do the things to say the things she's doing have no desire for this marriage to continue. When you say like if you dont go. If you don't pay for, ten thousand dollar I'm just gonna, put on the credit crunch screw you, you don't have a vote. This is not a marriage, not someone that has a marriage anymore. That wants to work at all and so what I would do. If I were in your shoes, is the two of you would say: I'm going to go see a marriage counselor and its
they're going to work with you on how we learn to get back on the same page and we have a future together. That's going to increase thus both being grown ups and You want to go with that. That's fine! If not the marriage counselor going to instruct me on how to bring this marriage to an end yeah. We have done some counseling. It did have a couple of times gym just trying to get her to come back to it is the hard part and she's very reluctant yeah, you're, begging or islam do stuff. Then she'd. You know, and she has no desire. She's, obstinate, she's, angry and she's done. She's done maria over it's up to say that, because you don't see that still does she want to she's lying what she says now what she's doing and so that learning again the people want their minority work do not behave the whether she is behaving yes, I would agree. Ok, So she s long. elected for ten thousand dollars when you're broke in the families in financial stress. That so
salvation asinine. I can't even put words to it. The final: that's that's! Gonna I got to know now I did it, I wasn't it just hear this fact. He s not an opinion. That that is Hirsch screaming in your face that she's done now. Yeah! I know I don't really like to think about how we already, but it is not a nice outcome for anybody at its best and pick sure you did it. I think you're just the one than owing to admit it yeah now I would, with you goin back a couple months that she was done it. However, she caught with political people in her life in the last quarter. To that bring around her attitude has changed, but then that would involve you just getting a good getting or the good marriage counselor immediately. Yes, but then you need to drought action. Since it has admitted that that is it option? I read it to procure a bottle of a couple weeks ago what she has said. This is what I want lights and refer also to focus on the family, and he said yes, that is an option,
so I'm just gonna try to not her, because she did I'm gonna precious hours now. It's time to push her it's time to push. You your house is on fire. It's boring down around you. Get out of the house. push somebody I'm definitely ever bring stuff up fairly regularly benefit young children. They do not want to push roadside together. Her emotional I to engage at one hundred working like is buying nice? Is not nice Thank you. You think you can beg and be sweet and cause this to happen and its outcome asking you to be mean to her you're acting like that. You can beg her into mourning do this. She has to stand up square her shoulders and say: I'm going to re, engage in this marriage and reengage us to adults on how to run our household and she to do that. Under the heading of a therapist and the two of you learn to work together again, you can not marry her to behave. Yes, I agree with that.
Totally it's you know I I just. I can't change her. She have to decide to do it at the matter of you know, trying to get your obviously lots of then other differences influence younger to get around her. Absolutely change. Your heart saw absolutely insane, as this is an emergency hydra shining around. You guys need to be sitting with a counselor. and she needs to be going and if she's, going then we need to know what that we need to admit that says it all there is not a financial technique, that's a problem here the financial problems in the financial spending are all about her obstinate and utility don't talk your way around it where it's all somehow. Ok, it's not ok. Ok doesn't work that way, and so if our whitney decided to start I start telling george what she was going to do. George would have one ain't have a thing where you know: here's what we're going to do Well, sure what solution tell me what to do? We should now we talk two adults. We devise a plan on how we're gonna do
the calendar held under the budget. How we live our life, we work together towards com. and also called quality relationship in your marriage but when people start throwing around they're just like come on, do whatever I want to do and they get thou all ted head, bobbin thing going and you Didn't I got married, then it's you know you you, you ve got a mesh on your hands and you ve got to go back and trot try to learn how to be married and ended. That takes both people and you can't be egg, some one to behave. You cannot control someone else's behavior. Behaviors anything you can control. and you put a situation, I go. If you do this than your choosing to opt out, if you do sure choosing to opt in and but I can't make you choose that Then you can use prison options to her, but that decide. I'm gonna, let her be go, ruin our family and bankrupt us so that being nice and letting her do stupid, but stuff, that's gonna ruin our family than that.
Caused her to go to counselling. That's that's! That's a false narrative that doesnt work. That's if the osprey for her going to counselling is so that is cause bribed that by you. you putting up with a bunch of crap, then, No, that is not how you start rebuilding this thing I know you guys need you desperately. Both of you need to sit in the counseling counselors immediately or you're, not gonna, make it and the spending stuff is not we're not gonna muddling along with it, and if you, if you don't like it part of what we can talk with the counselor about or it's part of what we can talk to the divorce judge about one of the two. We but I'm not going along with this, because it it's not right, not suggesting you leave today. I am suggesting that the of you get into the camp where's office boy, years ago, but right now for sure it's only best option.
best time to plant oak tree to thomas today, oh yeah, that's a great quote. She sees him as basically a doormat at this point cause she knows. Well, I'm just gonna do what I want. He he's not going to tell me off. Yeah, he's, and have a convoy. You have to stop being scared that you're gonna. The marriage to end by pushing from pushing the marriage to succeed this that that's that is not going to work. It's not going to work. You may end up nowhere, but bankruptcy, court and divorce court. At the same time, oh man, what a horrible thing you're going through, I sure hope she comes around. I hope the two of you getting counseling enough open, saved your marriage, but you know you participating in crazy is not going to make crazy go away. This is the ram teacher
the ramsey solutions, since the ramsey show that has dogged the casual skating and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw how's, the status symbol shows george campbell ramsey personality host of the ramsey podcast. The fine print on the network says Michael ocean. Today we help people build wealth, do work that they love and create actual amazing relate europe's we're glad you're, weathers, open phones, a triple light, eight to five five, two to five. Thank you for being part of the programme russia is in mood in jersey, city, new jersey, I'm unless our? U, I gave my carriage. Thank you so much. taking my calls from hundreds of to today. Newton. Might you thank you. My question is my dad passed away a month ago he when you're typical, I now he was your typical every game millionaire had a network of bout. Why
wait story after I'd? I know after he spoke with my siblings, obviously my share will be a third of that one of the things you laugh, it's an annuity and I'm just not sure what to do with. my share of the annuity, I don't open source cashed it out or will it over just like me, I don't even know what to do with continuity, that my question you are the one of, beneficiaries on the annuity, Aisha. Yes, sir, I will just take my money. ok and then do with it. Wherever you are in the baby steps you don't what you don't need, an annuity. You dont want money and an annuity at your age and leisure in a very unusual situation. How much money is this? That's about authority cuban? You need only about forty two thousand out of the one point: three, Where are you in the baby steps.
well. Let's see, I guess I'm four five and six I am contributing. Fifteen percent in two Can we finding my retirement with this inheritance, my dad all put away a big chunk for my kid further, knowledge and then the rest I guess put towards my house. keep your aunt euro uses forty two and five or six. And the same with the rest of it is the fourth Before the split with the three of you, that is before this point ok I'll show you only get in fifteen twenty thousand dollars. Yeah they're hooker, definitely doesn't take the money if you use that probably towards Its college or wherever it doesn't matter free money, you don't have, any income action on it. You know have any penalties on it. You don't have anything on it and I am so sorry for the last year, not so sorry what a horrible thing to go through
Brian's, whether in Chicago, hey, Brian, welcome the ram she. No, are you great man? What's up. Well, I'm divorced. I've been divorced, but five years, and are currently paying for these five years have been paying my ex wife spousal support payments of but twenty one hundred a month and was based on my income at the time of a hundred and ten thousand, but now My incomes only sixty thousand due to what a coded damage to my business and so forth is not able to make as much money. So I wanted to see a adjustment to the spouse or support. Came and it's kind of up in the how much the adjusted codes, to the judge and done
if we were getting divorced today, based on my income I would only our about six hundred dollars a month, but when you the modification they don't know shall apply that they are the same principle. We leave it up to the judge and how much he the other, The adjusted based the change of circumstances, not sure how can we already well in the discussions on how to get this Finally, Why has loaded the idea of she'd be willing to take a walk, fine, you buy out so like heads the pay her for life, for until she gets remarried or Maybe when I retire can be adjusted but she's to take a bite out, fifty thousand dollars and I'd be the one and done payment
would not allow any more but due to my financial situation, I don't have that money. The only way. Yet it is to take it up, my. I watch I mean age, sixty and I ve only got about seventy thousand dollars in an ira how she so she stood before? No now you can afford to do it, Well, I guess that unless I take it out of a and b, I can't believe you take it out of your already rugged charge, the penalty of ten percent plus your tracks ray Your borrowing money at thirty, five or forty percent interest, to buy her out. That's not a good deal don't think, there's a panel because fifty nine and a half you can all I'm trying to help. You just got by your tax rodya banal, manacling out you're right, I'm ok, number The eu does have a financial adviser diarrhea. I do and I talked to him and he was
totally against the idea, because when compare that wasn't what I was asking can I need him to do as I need him to do. A net present value calculation for you twenty one hundred a month for twenty years and what is that gonna come out. That's twenty! we're thousand dollar twenty five thousand dollars a year. For twenty years now fifty grand probably not a bad offer. Right. I mean it would really. help me out, because there's no I find that she's gonna get remarried or anything right now and I could be paying her indefinitely for many many years and that's a term. The strain on, my finances stood to pay her now, what are you doing to get your business back. well, you know I've. I've done of marketing and advertising. I've done some now working in, you know online stuff in its just very difficult, it hasn't hasn't been working, some really struggling. I want you're finance
failure to do a net present value calculation on this until What you're rate of return is because there's a thing ultimately discounted value or in other words, age. A stream of payments is not worth the total twenty five. for ten years is not worth two hundred fifty thousand. But it might be worth fitted out, and I probably is, it probably is probably a very low discount rate or high discount right. And so on and you have your ear. Financial adviser. Explain that to you and run the catalan run, a calculation dive said on net present value and I think it's going to be north of fifty thousand, so I think that's going to make this a good deal now what you have gotta. Do, then is you have to take the twenty one hundred dollars a month and you don't have any more as a bill and you have to down and dirty about bree building this next egg, a sap yeah george yeah, I mean what I'm saying hears you can see,
The adjustment is, but I don't want you to limit your income because you now have this new payment. When you go out, I want to make any more cause: they're gonna, just it again, and so I'd rather get this income up and do a dave saying and see if we can fix this thing once and for all? Instead of paying this for life, I, like I like being rid of the bill and her she's. The ex both of these are good things, and I like every bit of that, and so it's not a bad thing. I just wanna make sure the calculations right and I can't do it in my head right now, but I'm thinking what I am doing in my head is leading me to north of fifty. So god that's a big alimony payment yeah. This is the ramsey show. protecting your family comes with important responsibilities and potential pitfalls, because so
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george campbell ramsey personality is my co host today, here on, the ramsey show I'm dave ramsey in the lobby over mph solutions on that pre stage, austin and laura are where there's eight guys? Are you fantastic dave? Welcome? Where do you guys live about an hour south of kansas city, Missouri? Okay, what town butler alright some good to have you guys and all the way down international to do a dead, free scream. How much of you paid off paid off? Forty six thousand eight hundred eighty five dollars way to go and how long did it take for years and nine months, love and your range of encumber in that time result around ninety two thousand got up to one hundred hundred and one and ended around ninety five thousand, ok cool. We all do for living, I'm a test. Operation specialists was engender
working in sales and marketing and I'm also a ramsey solutions. Financial coach, oh wow, very cool thanks. What kind of debt was the one? Forty seven are more, oh, look at where paypal way to go you guys are pretty incredible. How old are you I'm thirty one? do a paid for how now this house worth in two fifty three hundred, it's a house sharpen little but a land. Look at you guys all you're. All artists, no payments in the world, not alone and your thoughts, be two years I'll walk. This is worse than a trend here, David. It's a good trend. It is young people pay off their home, you them young people, but After all, this is incredible. So for years nine months you guys really one This thing work what cause
his journey to start four years nine months ago for you yeah, so it actually start a little bit before that I actually got on Dave's plan about eight or nine years ago kind of had a wake up moment. I got on his plan and I was able to pay off my existing debt, save up twelve thousand dollars and pay for an engagement ring for We got married and ass, I had a really good start going into the marriage. I wasn't early familiar with dave or the financial peace or anything until Austin came into my life, but was fortunate to get a good job didn't have a whole lot of expenses had accompany vehicle and things. So was a little bit shocking to me at first, whenever three months,
before we got married, he made me start keeping track of all expenses and budgeting and whatnot just yeah strong that autonomous part of the bill to worry about to get married, and this is the deal well and I joke that. There's actually five gospels for Austin Matthew, mark luke, John and dave. My theme for life is if, if Dave says that I do it plain and simple: oh wow, that's a dangerous jump off of cassettes power. I don't know if I can handle that. We actually, then, did take financial peace university right after getting married and move lad, a couple of courses, so I learned the the process pretty quickly after we got married. He brought me along now, you're now you're teaching it for exactly what I feel like we're kind of the poster child for the house buying process because it went through. After we got married, we the house. A year later we had a really nice down payment. We won't fifteen. Your mortgage, we plan to pay it off early. We set everything up to do,
exactly like, like your demand, so we were very excited in that can that plan take place and when even better than we hope do, and even in over even better than we anticipated by following your exact planning process. Now it's kind of our guiding shifted the whole times we may that purchase. happening I got rid of. Off early yet, and I mean along the way, every single extra dollar that we got went towards paying the house off. We were folk, in on that's our goal. We're gonna get it done, we're gonna, get it done early justice, quick They possibly can so familiar like a hundred per year involving payments exactly nine during the enemy. We had things that could have set us back. Our basement flooded with the first year of living there but be the emergency fund. We are able to take care of everything and then get right back on track on paying off the house richer as missions girl, we actually bob vehicles with cares. What we're doing this with cash flow took his burs, so we were doing a lot's all of us.
in time when this happened and whenever I kind of veterinary thing and whenever we bought the house, I ve been self employed for a vast majority of the time. So I very when can. I was dealing with so I said: ok, we're gonna, make the payment stand your income. What we know we can do everything I can make we're going to throw out an extra, and so there was months where we didn't have the thousand dollars a month extra. We really wanted to put on and there's most that we had some nice bonus or some nice checks, so we could put another two thousand dollars on it and just that flown really made us just focus and say no to a lot of things, but know that this is only one in that bean and work and do whatever it takes to get there as well. I have intentionality rolling around on here. How much money do you guys put down then on the downpayment? We are about forty per cent down, while just like the last debt free scream, I'm just seeing a trend here dave- and you said they planned a big down payment with a fifteen year fixed and they're sitting here you know twenty eight or thirty years age, thirty, two right and there. This is the last the last two in a row and but it's odd
so you guys listening. I mean this what this means is, you can do this and You guys are just like you shall poster children and the thing is this: if you find a a system that is proven, work the system, that that's you know we can joke and call it gospel day. That's a little bit! That's pretty blasphemous! We may all get struck by lightning, but we can joke and say Dave's rules. We can joke and call george rules recall whatever we wanna call it. Not that really matters. All that matters is a proven. You've gotta have a system, and you gotta the system and its approval system. So you don't need a big system that broke this, not broken, so you guys are incredible. I'm so proud, as he is she's kind of got a funny story as though, whenever it came time where we were actually going to pay off our house out, austin came into the house and he says I got something really crazy that I to just run by you so that this last year we had a lot of things happen our earlier. That kind of through us off course and honestly, I questioned overcome,
pay off in time and are based upon we go in and I was driving other it one day if more farm and god is kind of my my goes. You need a thing bout? This debt pay off? We we're on trying to get a pet, often about seven eight years An hour sudden, I realise how much our loan balance was and we have extra money soon, savings we may we will actually start investing for some land in the future and we had some nine that we had just been budgeting on the mortgage from our our normal jobs, and I felt fellow members together and it came to within a hundred dollars at the exact amount of our loan balance I came home. I said honey europe, the mortgage tomorrow, My browser is, I was like you're crazy, there's no way, we don't have the money to do this and then just sitting down and doing them as like, actually it is there we can do this. We can. We show that account from the land account to the mortgage reduction to the mortgage.
You guys are amazing and now you're free, and I you good pilot cash like crazy do the landing, though, do what are we wonder, the guidelines that are planned so good, good job, gash well done? Well, then, what we ve got it be a baby steps millionaires for you, you probably have a copy. What we'll get you another one cause of stifling the next chapter in your story? for sure you're on the way to do that. Very young, very sharp, very well done extremely well done copy a total money make over for you to give away. I'm sure you run into somebody. Do that and you guys are incredible. Thank you so much for everything, you're doing and and you're, just really incredible example, and you brought the kiddos what are their names and ages? Yes, we have haley, who is three and Reagan is one all right. This is the family tree that was changed by a mom and dad's courage to decide to address issue that nobody likes to talk about in america, money, debt and now here.
Stan completely dead free house in everything, your incredible ah stone and laura hayley entering in one hundred and forty seven thousand bite off everything for years and nine months make a ninety two to one or one that ninety five counted down. Let's hear a debt It grew three to one look at that old man of awesome, absolutely awesome so alone is never gets old. It does not yet there was a decision before the decision. They pre decided that we're not gonna do things
this way. We're going to save up, but giant down payment are going to pay it off early. They decided all of that before they ever went about paying off the home yeah. It wasn't like they woke up in trouble and then had to go, get themselves out of trouble and then got out of every step was intention. Everybody every bit of it from day one while power of this power of the stuff, especially when you start early and especially when you pre make the decision. That's a good way of saying that George very well done this is the ramsay show. I get heart breaking calls me males all the time from people dealing with the loss of a spouse or parent, and many of them can't even grieve properly, because there too stressed about the money. This is exactly why you must have term life insurance. You cannot leave your family in the situation, but the team, as andor insurance, help I've trusted these guys for over twenty five years, and I know they are carrying an professional, gotta, zander dot com or call eight hundred three five. Six. Forty to eighty two
and george campbell ramsey personality is my co host. Today, open phones are on the ramsey, show it's a free call. Some say the advice is worth exactly what you pay for it triple eight eight, two, five five two to five in the lobby of ramsay solutions that debt. Stage kyle and jessica, where those guys are yeah. Welcome! More do you guys live austin, texas, then very good how much debt of you paid off a hundred and seventy five thousand. What I learned of this type three years in one month, three years: one month and your range of incomes in that we started at seventy. Two thousand and right now making about a hundred and sixty thousand that's. John, yes, like what under the income. I got I ask this different
job opportunities and saying yes, like somebody wasn't working now shown by is not known, as all of you just went way up. I must state how mom per hour two kids about be three and in he just got some great job opportunities, and what do you do for a living? I must offer engineer ok. Why a good one, definite bottom, nothing whatsoever. That was just one or two. Seventy five thousand twenty if thousand was car loans and the rest was student loans- oh did thousand in student what you're degree in computer science, at least us I offer you make us from good bank with it and pretty quick outer you gosh twenty ex, but mary we are coming up on five years and a couple weeks nokia show couple years in a marriage Your megan seventy gran, you a hundred and seventy five thousand dollar monkey on your back. Ouch
sound fun, you're twenty four years old at that point right oh my gosh. This done this loggers awful There was a lie. We win he graduated from school. I was all student loans on his end, and so he sat down on the numbers than we were really intimidated. Em, we heard about your perker before him. Will you sat and looked at it and we just it made the most sense, and so we just to start it didn't start right away because we were making so little whenever he was finishing up school and I was working em, but around a year and a half in a marriage. Whenever our daughter was born, we started paying off within three years. later here we are love it while well, One thing about a software engineer when they say a system: they work it. That's it man! It's like your process. Guy. You saw the process, ding ding, right, now's, him yeah, lawyer payments. You remember all the debt added up over those payments every month- oh my god,
Do you still feels it? I can tell you ass the hundred trying to think it was minimums or about two thousand month, but we always paid extra for the most part on those. So least two thousand, but we usually paid quite a bit more two thousand dollars a month, richer amazing slices and quite unbelievable. That I mean we fill it. you single day. I don't think we ve forgotten about it since we pay it off, I mean it just so. We can feel that way. Off of your shoulders. You physically can feel that. Oh, yes, everyday, my gosh and you guys are twenty six. I mean you must have a lot of friends, probably other software engineers who are sitting there with another hundred fifty in loans gone. While I was going to pay this off till I die. That's the only way yeah we figured we were already pretty broke. college students, and so it wasn't really a big job going to kill me even though we are making more once we graduated we dispute tena like we are still those broke college students, I'm so all that extra money that we were making. We just put towards lonesome kind of forgot like we had an
we just slipped as firmly as we gotta meantime. Why Ok, so people find out you paid off a hundred and seventy five thousand ours is impressive. Yours are just amazing this. Is u guys or power couple man is so go so proud of. You think you when they find out. You did this. I say how'd, you do that or do you Tom One thing, though, is helpful for me was just having a vision of what you want like to be like in the future, and just Every sacrifice and everything you have to do to make that happen. If you hold our vision, helps it be more real and I think, this being a team. We are always on the same page from the beginning that made a go so much quicker and realizing that we could still have a great life. In the meantime, we could still have fun together. We just found a lot of free activities like we would go hiking with our kids all the time and things that didn't cost extra money, and we just learned to live and enjoy life in the moment. So we learned to make it fun even when it was really hard
three years is a long time, but in the scope of your life in its bit exactly you know, you live like no one else. You've got the rest of your life to live and give like no one else and man you are at yours. You've got you've got a great. Career choice, so you build make good money and you control while your own destiny. Here, you guys are really this is this is a precious thank you. If you guys accomplish this in three years, I'm like what are you going to accomplish in the next thirty? I'm I'm scared guys are going to do so unbelievably. Well, we can't wait. We're excited as well. We've been dreaming big. So what's the next big thing buying house yeah yeah attractions and by a safer that young people up and get a house now very good. I make it you got. We have two daughters and then were pregnant with our boy right now so the room that's ramsay line up two dollars followed by boy, in other words, that it very good we oughta bay, it's great good times, good terms
congratulations, you guys were proud of. You here think you're, the kind of people that we love helpin and your very impressive. Thank you very rush of your he rose. You took control your life and just beautifully beautifully don gives hope for this generation dave and it turns out there not all bad all. We knew that. We knew that here that we should all the time pursue girl. Are we a copy of the baby steps. Millionaire book comes out next week on advance copy and on that possess the next chapter in your story, you'll be there before you know it at this rate, binding menus room right, all zoom, Ride along very well done. Annex We total money make over as well should give that somebody disturb their life, come on, get on the same track. Teach him system you used because they're gonna ask sk. As you start, but walk different and smiled, When you don't have almost two hundred dollars.
In order where the monkey on your back definitely pretty stinkin incredible. You guys are amazing, very, very well done kyle and jessica, austin, texas, one hundred and seventy five thousand dollars paid off three years and one month making seventy two all the way to one sixty during that three nice job cuts download zero dead bridge grew three two one way. That is how it's done: boys and girls. Oh, my goodness, futures, look and bright for that that couple now Well, here s the thing we continuously in all of the millionaire data from by steps millionaire and from the ramsay research on millionaires the data that we ve got that people who have a tenant who were in industries
a process oriented have a chance, they have the best chances. shall the number one what most lie: lay career, failed to become a millionaire in all the millionaires, roof started his engineer. Software engineer here right, ok, the engineer the process driven one won one close to: we, don't to have an existential argument about it by one plus one equals to accountants. Number two teachers numbers and if you do anything about putting together a lesson plan, are running a classroom, fuller animals, that's called teaching then you know they are process driven people, number, three managers and entrepreneurs number for lawyers If you ve ever dealt with lawyers, there process driven human beings than number five, the five top career field, People end up a million, as are all process driven, not us
to say that if you're, an artist, you don't have a shot, you have a shot But you need to understand that the correlation between being following a freaking process and becoming wealthy. That's why? the baby steps million hurts a process to become wealthy and you have to submit yourself to a process, not try to be an artist. it's it's science, it ain't, art, yeah, that's a great way! put it in your right. There's this level of you can't just for it. You can't just hope for it. You have to put the behaviors and in play to make it happen, but you know those of us that have a creativity, binge you and me included. I've got up just cabin of also gonna creativity. Binge me that I always question everything right.
I have to go well, I don't care about your baby steps. I want to thank my own. You know, I'm I'm the same moron out there that some of you are that are listening right now, don't go! Make your own! It's pain, though you know, follow the plan that got it into a question that followed his plan. He just did it This is the ramsey show no secret. We love a good deal here, ramsey, which is why I don't want you to miss this one right now. When you pre order, my new book breaking free from broke. You get one hundred dollars worth of bonus items for free, I'm talking ebook online q and a and enhanced audio book all completely free and I'll chock full of what you need to know about credit card schemes to investing traps to mortgage myths to building wealth, all the researches there the offer ends january fifteenth. So do not wait, go to ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash store, that's ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash store-
George camel ramsay personalities, Michael vote today, I'm dave ramsay your host max's in corporate christie. I max welcome the ramsay show that a day I should like my all former, what's up janet midshipman second year midshipman at united naval academy and I'm dead. Am I trying to figure out how to get my outlook one forward graduate here in two and a half years with no debt I had the option of doing that or I can take with called it career starter. Loan from usa are a lot of points. you're, lucky guy The idea of the cover your car and started, but you're not covered. You are you're borrowing. Money work are fair enough! That's what my brother in law. Can you say that was easy hold on the other option was graduate debt free yeah?
no fifty grand and debt right, thirty, two, what's wrong with my those people for doing that to you guys you guys are serving your country. Thank you so much for who you are young man. Thank you. Please, don't falling into a ditch, ok go there was we ain't financial letter there like well most people to do it beat that the interest of a year in the stock market. I mean Let me tell you what they are. Therefore, crap. Guy, let me tell you why I know that a modest making this up. We studied maxed thousand millionaires, the law, just study of millionaires ever done in north america. The how many of them told us that they buy money, one percent interest and in as stated in the market and that caused them to be millionaires, prison,
ashley round many zero zero, none of them very well and they were trying to get a commission off of a year midshipman. Getting. The borrow money at the freak in credit union, to put it into his mutual fine. You need, Run from those financial people because I am a guy, your best interests at heart, you are Ap young guy you're going really go. I soon we're going to be an officer correct. Yet very rare in the navy. The marine corps him up in a flash in the marine corps down. Are you gonna fly oh even better, while good for you man, that's amazing, and so your your future in an aircraft military or non military later is bright. Income is bright. Everything is there dumb saddle yourself with these kinds of pride bombs all in an effort to accelerate your wealth building process, because there's no
It points to back it up now accepts the crime man, I just I appreciate who you are, and I really don't want you to do this. I hope you hear me loud and clear: I'm not not just being a smart aleck with you I am being smart aleck what the morons around you, though gosh You're running owner who sell em on the benefit of thirty two thousand dollars in debt is not looking out for him. So let me let make just kind walk the sir george for second, it's important because it sounds like we don't know how to do math to people like those people that are advising so for you morons out there that our teacher in some young guy stuff, like this, here's, where you're wrong, ok, ethics. Two thousand dollars and he can borrow money at one percent or so, if he invested in your phones, any made ten or twelve percent does not make the spread she does make the spread, however, you need to understand is that your formula
you have used, is a naive and incomplete, be short sighted makes. Naive and incomplete means. You have not factored in risk. Michel you how I know you have not factored in risk, it bother anyone that this young guys gonna borrow thirty two thousand at one percent. So, let's just some excellent. If third, two thousand at one percent makes him profit if he could do three point, two million at one percent should now. What's the difference It's a bigger number. The bigger number makes your heart measure the risk you feel what some of you just got tightened the chest, or your stomach raised up just a little bit, even when I suggested that the young man be three point: two million dollars in debt. But if the math works thirty, two thousand. Why wouldn't the math work at three point? Two, because it through
Why do you finally physically felt in your chest the risk? But you didn't before so you thought you were some kind of ba with your math You left out risk you left out risk. Sk is math and you Have to insert risk in the process In other words, you get your freakin had taken off and so just because the risk feels small doesn't mean it's not there and doesn't mean. Is that each of your ear, your formula, one percent versus tenaya, percent spread is incomplete because you left out risk. number two it's nice eve, because you didn't take into consideration the fact that you have a young man getting into the cockpit of a fighter jet. some of the most sophisticated equipment on the planet. Where
you can kill someone over the horizon, and never see them or be killed by someone over the horizon and never see them It is a bizarre set of technology in the world best in humankind, history and you have a young guy in his early twenties, getting ready climb into the cockpit. Oh and let's go what in the back of his mind that he has thirty two thousand were the debt and act like that doesn't matter. Of course, it matters than number three cause of dishonourable: discharge in the military. Is financial irresponsibility they sir security clearance and their loose. battle readiness because their preoccupied with crap. in the back of their mind, because some moron financial advisor suggest there was a spread between more than ten years more to this stuff folks than meets the eye? That's my point and you
you have to wonder how much payments beget payments where he goes Well, I've only got discharge, two thousand. Why not go get a car alone, and why not go get payments over here and payments over here and run up a credit card and it bigler malachi Malachi, wasn't exactly and tell you man. He's- got prey on the military people. It pisses me off. You leave a military base in use. In our view, a military town. You leave a military, you leave the gates of the base, As soon as you leave the gates of the base, their due bid on each side of the road for about two miles every day Human trick you can do is on one side of the road or the other for about two miles. They are set up like a bunch, freakin per wanna too feed on these guys from payday lenders too however, I shall there- and this is of a knock what kind of alone he's talking about there's nothing to this loan, but I mean that the terrible financial products hair. deals on cars, horrible
behaviors? They can engage in, none of which are for them, none of which are good for their battle, readiness, none of which for their military career and it's just it's. It's it's sad that that that these p are preying on the very people who are. People are not making a lot of money in most cases and there here to service what what is it? makes them more vulnerable to the, kinds of decisions where it's the same. In all its there's. So much of the college student who went and got you know, got a degree beer, Paul. You know you stupid outside the college research. You walk out the college campus for two miles. You got stupid which side road touch. The same thing are preying on the young, better experienced at life and think that I want to try all these new things that look like and will bring death to your finances, death to your relationships, death to your future relationships
a major it it's it's problem, man, it's a problem and so on. suggesting legislation to protect it, but I am suggesting that that the military really ought to more. Integration, is like a cop should do and orientation does not just, what's happening on the campus. It's about what happening just off the campus they'll kill your butt a mesh you up and such you wanna trajectory that takes you ten years to recover from, and you know your a guy eighteen gal, eighteen years old, loose with their first paycheck unsupervised and and In first thing, you do drop him in a pool of iran and adjust my god, man, stop finishes me off. Can you tail Acta
I mean we just love the military and we worked with them for so many years. We've got hard for financial peace university and there are the vast majority of them, are young, very young and are susceptible to this kind of thing and and it's it's part, really harsh, the the headquarters of ramsey solutions, the ramsey show where that is dumb. Cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the Bmw as the status symbol of joys on dave ramsey. Your host george campbell ramsey personality is my goal today, as we answer your questions about your life and your money, we help people build wealth through work that they love and create, amazing relationships, open phones, a triple eight eight to five. two to five g. for, is weathers in Dallas texas, Jennifer,
Welcome to the Ramsay show ideas. Hi george pleasure is: could both of you? you too, what's up hurry, so I and I read it was from a pass job I rolled over into its own account question is: should I move that money into my boy? One k Y, currently investing in putting my fifteen percent or leave it in that separate irey account. I would just that that ira account. Ok Look I even though no money is going into it correct, but and it is sitting there in good mutual funds. Correct yesterday. Good mutual funds. I would just leave it alone. You ve got more control I've been there. I know we never recommend you move. Old ira money into new or old, four o one k money and a new for a one gauge instead put it out in an individual retirement account. in fact, the same mutual funds have you want or better ones, and you ve got better accession, better control,
it will grow at exactly the same rate or a better right than it would have removed it inside before a one guy. Georgia's exact, right. Joel is whether in cleveland, ohio age, all what's up the mandate of the new prisoner I'm so glad you gave me So I'm game three weeks. Congratulations Thank you very much might be on fire. Had been living either for the last year, we reach I did on budgets- believes we try to find ways to twenty different web like nothing seems to quite work, we kind of and others It's too zero, you daddy combined income of about a hundred thousand dollars. I've got about I five thousand in credit card at she died out. Without new credit, I got. Four Thousand each savings I read about, we thousand mutual funds car dad
Our that you know now a car debt student. So she got about twenty thousand dunes and can go do not end well technically, there's two things that cause people to not be able to stick to a budget. One is I that are using a wrong technique, which we can help. You with two is there not really committed to the idea. in our view, write it down on paper and I have no intention of actually doing what you wrote down, then guess what you're not gonna, do what you wrote down and since combining you know can be combined like a bank, I just feel like we'd have less control and it's I guess it's harder to cater to then have, and it is still alive- quarter year than it used to be. This is extra confusing,
I've got multiple incomes coming any should only have more their verses last night, We recommend a zero based budget and not enough. You ve, checked out every dollar done. So again, that's our budgeting tool and I will give that you guys as a wedding present. I, including ramsey plus you'll, have access to all the videos inside of financial peace, but once you start your every dollar budget, it's super easy. We want to list out all of your income and then we're gonna lose out all of your expenses and when you civil rights to that particular month when he said crack the expenses from the income. It should equals zero, meaning you of assigned every single dollar a job We don't want any your dollars unemployed and once you do that and then, by the way you have to stick to it and actually track it and go how much money do we have for food one, a grocery shopping. Then we're gonna stay. that budget and that's how you gonna get that control, but I can write down a workout plan. Every dave and if I never worked out on ever given shape so so yet you assign every dollar emission every dollar a name. That's what we call the up. Every dollar bow
of you. Look at that before the month begins its unique to each month does every month different. Ok,. once you ve, signed every dollar, both of you look at it. Both of you make changes until every dollar has a name, no draft slush money lying around every door? is assigned all the income you have coming in net that month to work. is assigned to something? Then it's? it's a sign to something both of you agree with the assignments you agree with the mission and then pinky were in bed shake this becomes a freaking contract. This If we're not gonna spend more than action of dollars on restaurants than by god, stay home, don't go to the restaurant. Your content dealing with each other or not. spend more than this on close this month. I don't care, If the person on sale, we I really believe that extra at target. We
agreed that this is what we are going to spend dog. lie to me. That's what you're saying each other your contracting. Yet make it a very serious, relational commitment. That's why both of you need a vote formation of the thing because otherwise, your boss, in her around her she's bosnia around, comes a weapon, but instead two azure couple saying out goals are acts and the best way to achieve our goals. Is this list of expenditures this month and we're not gonna? Do something other than that Unless something really nasty bad happens, and then we have to come back together and together. Decide on how we are going to change our budget before we do it. You know come home from target, you don't come from the grocery store. You don't come home from her be hour, go well honey, liquid idea, that's not cute! That's childish!. and that's the thing oriented, but you committing to sticking to the plant, but light
out the technique that the technique is. Every dollar has an assignment of georgia. That's called a zero based budget. The two, you coming together and. Agreeing the dishes. What we're gonna do that's the technique. Now, too, Equally, we always say joy, If you're new to this stuff, we always tell folks, typically a married couple. One of you is more of a nerd that is into the details, and one of your more of a free spirit, that's less into the details and using. I think this is funny and the new thanks to an a budget is like great fun hundred more first started? That would be normal, that the nerd calls and asked this question: okay, how do we do a budget for experience? Don't ask this questions at target right now, yeah she adds we figured it out. Yeah yeah she's, getting her nails done right now. So, but you know in my house, I'm the nerd, my wife's, the free spirit and so the same,
your house Joel. So what we had that it was. This nerds need free spirits in their life, so they have a life. Free need nerds in their lives, so they don't return after eight alpo south that you need each other if, if two people just get married ones unnecessary, so need to be. We need each other. You need to be working off each other strengths. Both of you have a vote. coming together of evaluation, it's not you bossing her around her bulging you around. It's about semi married two to three months to get dialed in so don't give up. If the first one you go up, we couldn't do it. Let's give up, we can't do a budget stick to it and Kelly will pick up we'll gift you guys a year, ramsey plus, which includes every dollar our premium budgeting tool. Let us know how it goes and go all the way through the financial breach collapse which included in that we just gave you a great expensive wedding gift
Harry Ramsay solutions run a mission to bring hope to the hopeless we ve helped millions find peace in their money and their life, and we need it. Like you to help us, we have open roles in our sales, marketing and technology teams. We offer. Actual developmental and health benefits to help you live a balance life while doing life changing work. You aren't you the crocheted she open roles at ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash careers and apply today, that's ramsey solutions, dot com, slash careers, love tax taxation said nobody ever questions about taxes, low they're coming in and will help you with those theirs for more of our listeners day. We normally have someone do our taxes, but our accounting retired. I think we're simple return. Should we try to file ourselves with rams smart tax. Well, you can use gee smart tax software. It's very easy to use the more complex
Did your return, the more likely you would want to use a professional I personally user professional, but monster sizeable freakin phone book when I get it done, So you know that's different. Obviously we recommend if we're working with a tax pro. If you've had a major life change like we retired got an inheritance adopted a child. If you owe business and file long form on their probably a pro you're, not confident. We are competent or you want to save time and stress these reasons that you'd wonder this. But if you do if you get into it and just like cat, I hate this ok, you're gonna tell you right there right I hated anyway. I hate to signing nothing, much less preparing it. So that's the whole thing see it like buying back your time and mental sanity. When you work with a pro, we will have simple situations and you're gonna. U, too, if you got a ten forty easy to arrive, Smart tat, you can do that as fast as you can do it and forty easy, don't pay them three under much to do I'm age at filling up
twenty bucks on you, but I haven't had one of those are my life, so I've always been silent about dave's life is easy, auto oil much that while I don't have an easy button anyway, but the autonomic I've always been self employed or had some kind of weird income or something going on where I didn't trust my own level of tax knowledge. To do it so either way, if you want a pro or you want to use ramses more tax off we're just gonna ramsay solutions not come slash tax, Our question today comes from our brand new sponsor neighbourly we're so thrilled these guys are on board, but his eyes aren t you buy them, they're your hub for home services stuff, like MR ruder MR elect, you'll see those neighbourly. So if you need to make repairs or schedule routine maintenance or Fine local help for home in burma projects neighbourly is your source for reliable homes. Was providers in your area, gotta neighbourly dot, com and start sure. Sir Today's question comes from Claudia in mississippi.
she's asking under what scenario do you have to pay capital gains tax on real estate? Here's my situation. My grandfather we claim deeded his house to me, the house. completely paid off, he paid twice four thousand for it, and twenty thirteen now evaluated at a hundred ninety thousand, I'm wanting to sell and hopes to buy new property. I've with them, since twenty twenty and I took ownership in twenty twenty one under the scenario, would I be liable for capital gains nope, because it's been your name for more than two years- has been your personal residence for more than two years, a single person can make a profit of up a capital getting up to intervene. Two thousand dollars so levy to an answer four thousand in your case cautious basis, was twenty four thousand a profit.
Tuna. Fifty thousand was zero income tax on your personal residence. However, this was stupid. You almost stepped in it. You accidently are ok, not because you had if the numbers were different, the house value is much higher. This could have been a different scenario, so never deed property. To someone prior to your death, like grandpa, did here's. Why? Let's pretend that she didn't accidentally all under this personal residence exemption for two thousand ours which saved her bacon? Okay. So Let's say that she didn't live in the property. that would do away with a personal residents. Bet get it ok. So now it's ramp, olives, their background. I want to make sure granddaughter, get and he doesn't want deal with wills and stuff cause. He he knows how those lawyers are right. and so here you know this
the kind of crap people do ok. So then he deeds the proper ready to her with a quick claim deed, which a usually a one page thing in cost six to ten dollars to register the gourd acids. very easy to do the stupid move. Now: here's what happens can you give someone property or a kapital asset, Spock. if I give george money, if I give him a share of home depot stock, if I give him a piece of real estate here, basis when it red resell. It is based on what I paid for it, and so, in this case, grandpa pay. Twenty four thousand dollars, for it are her He says, is twenty four thousand dollars. If she had lived in the house for two years. It would become investment property, one huh, Percent of everything over twenty four thousand dollars would be taxable major. mistake hundred and fifty thousand dollars or the taxable income created here. Instead had he did it
her in his will at his death ass. It went to her you get what's called us, duck basis her basis, because The vow you at the time of his death, apparently still live, but time of his death. I say he passed in this situation. Her basis would be twenty four thousand be hundred. Ninety thousand turns around four hundred thousand zero capital gains. So the fact that duper needs this thing before his death grandpa dad gummy sweet but dom. Ok, of cost her taxes on a hundred and fifty thousand dollars or more air. It didn't because she happen. The live in the property for two years, but so dont give people stuff a let em experiment let market value at the time of their death be their new basis as a lot higher than what you paid for it and can troll, the ownership vehicle, not by an early deed, but with either trust or will, or both wonders
makes sense to use a quick claimed eat. What scenarios divorces, Even then, though, you can get into trouble because most worse, attorneys make a huge legal error who I'm calling you boys and girls out, because here's the thing has wife get divorced, there's a too and sixty thousand dollar mortgage husband doesn't get to keep the housewife's gonna, get the because the kids are living in the house and divorce attorney say well. Just part of the settlement is you're. Gonna quit claim half of ownership to her, and so he failed one page quit claim as part of a divorced a great boom there. We go a guess what, Husband still has a dollar sixty thousand dollar mortgage at messy and his name on a house he's not a part of five years later. He gets remarried and wants to have a life and buy a house can't do it still got two hundred sixty thousand dollar mortgage in his ex wife's name own. Operating, but still got the mortgage no. you're getting a divorce known acquit claimed aid reinforced
refinance or forced the soil of the house, one of the two either the wife. the action to be acts or whoever is gonna get the house refinancing gets the the person's name off the mortgage or we sell the house and get the name off the morgue. Because you don't get stuck divorce attorneys. Do this all the time to it's easy, it's easy it is wrong. Same thing here. This is for, For reason, though this is when Dual use acquit claimed aid. I just move property from one llc to another. The other day I used to quit claimed to do switch the ownership. I already and I own both LLC savage. It's a non issue right. When else would you use quit claimed aid she acquit claim did means you here usual real state theory, for you You do not a warranty date is what usually transfers in most states house piece of property in that if I'm transferring property, do you george, I'm
giving you a warranty on the title that the two that I have the title: I am the owner of the title and I am willing to warranty that and transfer that to you, then, if I didn't have, if I do on the property- and I did that, then you would have recourse back on me, but I could give you a quick claim deed to someone else's property. Because all it says is I quit claiming whatever ownership I have and if have no ownership. I could claiming it while and I gave it gave you'd nothing when I quit claiming it could give. I could give you a good claimed aimed to change this house, I'm in would tat window you negotiate, I'm gonna. Do I'm gonna quit claiming all of my ownership, which is nothing So if you dont have pure ownership and quit claimed aid, something of no value and I am really get into all kinds of crap there. So sometimes yo use it to do some tidal clean up. If there's something more nuanced than all of that, but
I've only are heard it mostly in the context of divorce, divorce and estates. About doing something like this or date planning attorneys doing a damn thing without forcing refinance I'm a divorce attorneys not force, refinance and then you get stung and you're stuck with a morgue. On a house, you don't own anymore or the woman. You know are married to anymore something about this on a young girl. To me this is the rams. Asia. Have you
experience financial, financial university. You know how life changing it is, and there is no better way to share that hope than by leading an f p class at your church. This is the time of year when lots of people are ready to get their money right, they're looking for help, and you can be the one to step up and led them to hope. Just like fp pay, you did for you, it's easy to get started plus leading a class is totally free start, making a difference as an f p coordinator. By going to F P, you dotcom, slash, lead George camel ramsay personality is my co host today in the lobby of ramsay solutions that debt free stage, tony and brandy or where the same guys. How are you well good? How you do it better than I deserve? Welcome so good to have you guess how much debt of your two paid off? Thirty? Four thousand? right, along at the stake about five months good are you and your range of income during that time? A hundred fifty while good
Well do for a living, I'm a! U p! S driver and I am a nurse. I work in outpatient surgery, cool. What kind of debt was your thirty four thousand must in atlanta, how long I'm sorry and sugar, So where do you guys live or from moment? north carolina? Oh yeah, ok, cool! So what starts this journey five months ago. What happened, Well, it really started like three years ago my organization offered smart dollar and I was like I'm the freeze, great so like well, look at. I don't know anything about financial stuff. Anyways and then- and I was like I'll- tell tony about it and I got into the first video where it was say, unlike sell all your stuff and gazelle intensity, and I was like that's not gonna work for me, but I'll, tell tony anyways and will see like have you ever heard about this guy? He was like oh yeah, no dave rooms a year and I was like well I mean he has allowed a point but arm it sounds like it's more the destitute, which we are not
but we went ahead and listed all of our debts out and we paid off all right good bit, so I think altogether we've paid about seventy. one thousand dollars off in the last three years, but then five to go. He He's the one that really got intense about it yeah? No I mean I just felt like we were making that type of money and just kind of never never getting ahead, you'd you'd have money and then something would come up and and it was gone and I and I think the biggest thing as we hadn't, combined our finances and once we combined our finances is just a complete game. Changer, you know we were on the same age and we started started making together and instead of usa four grand and then spend three we just we just went through this whole process and thirty four thousand dollars in five months was incredible What the hell are you been married nine years, in a nine years. You just combined finances when you started this journey five months ago. Yes, wow. We had to step
chicken accounts to separate savings account and one joint checking account we put all of our bills in and then based on our income, tony put in a bigger percentage, the main cause he makes more than me, and then we all just kind of why just like spend all my money cause. I don't ever say anything hardly until now and he said, that also, if something came up and he would have to pay for it, he would be reason because he's like I've saved up all this money and then I would be like you also make more money. So was always of back and forth and since we can ever now we have a girl ia, We have an income nea and now we have savings and we do spending the up Ok, so I certainly have a theory about this, but I'm curious: why do you think the combined The accounts cause such an income and efficiency and where the resentment your ship. Well, I mean, I think, that it just put you on the same page So instead of working in different directions, you're working in one solid direction, I think just everything just seems to to fit
that way when you're doing things separately. You're. You know I'm buying. somethin she's by something in you? You know you never know what one sides do and in the other side's do, and so, just never. On the same page. That way but also a mean. I think it just help your marriage and helps you become stronger grouping instead of just two individuals running through life. so brandy, you were, would have been the one most resistant to that cause. You could kind of hat you had it made. I mean you spent your ultra, so I mean what why give that up right, I mean so what would you say? The benefits are now that you guys combined them from your perspective. Lol. I think it was. It was now both of ours, both of armor, he said I wasn't feeling like. I was getting like nickel ice, it due east, a joke I would say man, you've been nickel and dime and me since we were dating like we always split it, it was fifty fit the one hundred percent. Fifty fifty the whole time Adam I count on his account
damn so then it wasn't like we weren't, like oh, I paid for this. You know you owe me this. They was just like. Ok will we gotta pay for this, and this is what we're doing since I'm a nurse and I'm really loved a chart, so the Every dollar wrap it was like rural fund like charred everything, and it was really. I didn't realize, how much money like we actually left over after we budgeted and you get to do ending. Could you gotta vote right me? Am I mean you're not like you like you'd eleven on beans, rights or something you don't have to do that now? work this out. I mean you make a lot of money. She just popped it in the head right just reach over now. I like that show, in thing would, of course an earth would mention it's like charting now I have never heard that analogy, but it's perfect budgeting is like charting, I love the story, though, because we get this all the time yoga will dave, I'm not gonna combined finances. Guy get you know per thousand reasons. Trust issues fear selfishness, financial fidelity, but when you guys combined this, there was an accountability there. There was a
next that could not be broken and obviously cause you guys to win financially. That had only yeah. We actually had planned for us to pair that thirty four thousand off by this april, but we paid it off in november. So now we're four or five so we already got our emergency fund in our own two, four five and six now so we finished it like seven months, and to look at the splendor all up in the knowledge that now I'm in areas where exactly where she is. I love that art and the budget under control shot out to your employer fur for having smart dollar yes amount of it being very cool for those. They don't know. That is our financial wellness programme that we offer to businesses, organisations to help their employees, gay control them so there are very goal: the employee, benefit program that teachers are clash is what amounts to an very
well yeah and the husband or the spouse could actually get involved, and then it turned oh, my gosh. Then it goes while we encourage that you know, that's careful, be careful. We should get tony involved because it'll get employed. well done. You got your fun is good to talk to you you're a real, healthy outlook on this whole thing. You're comfortable, you're only going to talk about it and that that's you know that. That's a positive everybody listening and so so like you're doing fine, you could just do better Now you did better and now you're free dessert as your field would have zero debt. Did you did you notice a change yeah? Now it it's like the the the engine in your shoulders, just dropped like you don't any body now it's time to go, tackle the house and start moving our direction, and you know, and our mid forties wicked. We can have no did period house
except in brandy, you said that was student loans from you. Yes, so how does that feel? For that all to be gone? Did you notice something when it laughter he just kind of a course of business? Okay check Well, I mean I was happy. I know I'm not! I don't get it super really like worked up about stuff. I guess there, nurse and me too yeah, but I was like man we paid off. That's great, you know it was actually from my undergrad ma. Am I got my bachelors? I pay my job pay for it. And now I'm gettin my doktor it and we are actually cash flow on that too. So you pay for my doctorate, an pay and all this all of the dead off an do and all the other stuff some good for you. Are you well done? You guys you're a power couple, that's awesome, stuff neighbour, The kid I. What do you do that for each grain? How old is she in? What's your name he's fast? agreed reed, as rate been involve knowledge. You know what's goin on oh yeah yeah.
Lessons to the ramsay show quite a lot with inquiries that we should get you some good news that the car childhood right there. Well, we got a copy of the baby's those millionaires book for you, that's definitely the next trap, in your story, as well as a total money make overbook for you to give away to some one and stir up a whole, ruckus, without thank somewhere down what you did. I'm proud. You guys well done very well done your great couple, tony and brandy and read from north carolina. Thirty. Fourth, and pay it off due mainly to combining their accounts in their goals and their values that it in five months making one fifty counted down. Let's era, that bridge grew three two one
where do the math? It's amazing how people can share a bed. Shared dna share a child, but they won't share a bank account name, that's just too personal, the wow. I love a story like that. Oh man, that's also why he goes more dollar team. Good work. Yes, this is the ramsey show the saw much. Seventy seven fourteen! You are the god who perform miracles. You display your power among the people, are scripture. The day John rockefeller said good management consistent, showing average people how to do the work of superior people, woe
Only true, we probably all our average people that we learned ilusha period, work we'll snap their MR rockefeller, but I took. I am well aware that I like it. open, phones, interpolate, eight, to five. Five, two to five george camel ramsay personality is my co host. Today, Boise idaho is up next justin's on the line I just an hour, you may data Yeah see I want our jesse: what's up that is in a dilemma Are we going to do I did I decided some. I need some help. Companies were a move. My family earlier for two years, for two years and let my family about a job. The doing were sixteen years the same work, the same damn eight other its gain. I've been running, my
encourage and south But when die here your maiden and can find out. There are lacking in, like so he's gonna interest robot. I have no idea what you just said promises were made and what There is some progress was made if you can whereas you know they will give you deafness, after a certain time, while. That was just a little man, because they were so short on died soon bike anyway, So you no longer trust the integrity of the people you work for yeah cause. I don't I don't know if I I trust them or you just said you didn't. I know right exactly. Okay, okay, so I don't. I don't trust them, I'm so this winter
Sometimes we get laid off due to weather and stuff like that, so we were laid off for a year or a month or so ah landed at work in a couple of guys. You know you know that The way work is a new york. You start from the topping work their way down to that, dialogue on the dining room Now I don't know what you're talking about well, I suppose you, what are you weren't even down to not be bork? the term parliament down I'm saying in winter time when now it turns firing well off due to weather the expensive. The expensive lay off the expensive, guys version. Ok, I got that you guys are private life and the lack of experience, usually where they stand? The new arise. anyways, I wouldn t just you
your question when I want to get too down, I'm ok, I put it to me from another company W trying to blame me. Don't work fifty two dollars an hour. thirty dollars now right now,. Good day, while nk is where I get you or you don't turn yearning for okay when you double your income, ok you go get a roth irish murmured. You gonna double your income from thirty the fifty two. That's almost double. I'm not staying anywhere for a for a one k for doubling your income is, the place, a good place to work inside an objective now you're around with jake. A treaty right in our knowledge promises that can't be kept They told me his watch.
and this is where you ran again, and this is how do you do for a living. I guess, Well, the design, engineer roads. You know Are you ready would basically like ok roads are lots and all the underground stuff that goes into it. Are you a heavy equipment? I judged yes, ok. I'm alone so you're gonna learning errors, if you want to get over here, they're like well yeah. You can go here, Would you know It only avoid one of the guys smoking? Would you mind working with be gauge for a little bit longer or its It was used to lure me here because they were so short on guys. They were desperate. They needed guys, the the the second company or the first
little by little remedy so just leave the first company. You've got a great offer. What's stopping you this point, I would just because I mean it worship leader. They I mean they do like great for one game after we get the four one k you hate it and you don't trust them and you're going to get paid almost double. Ok, So what do I do. jones, I'm putting vibrate number ten percent in my power again their my at six percent, the girl, New company, how much do I put into that they're? All we are all for a one K was a smart, vesture, proto traditional and you open to roth irish one for you and one for your wife. if you're married, but regardless you can save money, mutual funds, if you have to, if you don't, have what you matched out Roth irish but returned My plan is not what the problem areas retirement planet two on a scale of one to ten, no intact is a tin on a scale of one to ten doubling
income is a tin on a scale of one to ten. This is what known as a no brainer take the new job. with the old job leave no brainer your work out, the investment stuff later? Ok, but not stay at accompany making half the money that you dont trust. Because they have a four o one k, no, not even close, so that that that's the deal right there. I think I lost brain calories on that one day. That was a lot for me. That was hard. I was trying to track man. Well, as it was circular, we got there, but we got there. eureka, whether some texas hatchery, cower you. I'm good dave. How are you better than I deserve? What's up so I'm a college student freshmen by year, sophomore by our appear less actually danin universe in canyon and I actually took ura. I took your fine, its course my fee, you're here for money matters,
and I had some questions about saving. You know I've. Some money saved that this from work graduate and present scholarship briefed on that day, and you know This don't wanna put that kind of thing in the broken mortar bank. You know that doesn't make nuthin Simon maybe like a high yield shavings kind of thing, something pile acquitted ease. I can take it out, but paper somethin now you knows what are you gonna make run You know how yield was right. You look at what stage on the high yield. You're sorry tell my point. by now. It's not exactly high yield. It's coming! oxymoron compared to the other two to five point: appoint five amaze. Its the whole thing's irrelevant it just a parking spot for your money did that If you're not going to lose it you're not going to invest it because you need it for college. You don't need it right now, but you're going to need a lighter, so you're just going to it somewhere. If you wanna a pocket and high yield, that is not really high, then that's! Okay, if you wanna put it in the money market, that's okay! It none of it's going to earn over. One right now
how much money we talkin ooh from four to six thousand down just park, it you're gonna get pennies. Either we target. I mean you a shoe boxes, not much effort, but it may just park it because you're gonna need it lighter, keep your hands off of it. When you have a semester where where there's a little bit of a gap in there and you've got gotta. Do some fill and you're going to need that forty six and it'll help you graduate college completely debt free, push your way on through, but usually parking lot, a parking spot for your mom and you're not having to pay for it. They're going to pay you a tiny bit to park your car there. That's all it is just park it in the parking spot and get back later and you ve done a really good job shut your life up here very very You very well done generic very good job. You ve got your whole life to invest. So don't worry about that right now. We want you to get through college debt, free gift or emergency when a place get a great job, and then we
Have twenty thirty years to investor can be just fine? You don't need worry about investing right now, you're the investment it there's gould at free wild on georgia,
are fun times. Thank you good job to both people. Well done both people booth folk, it's all good in there and all of you are seventeen people in their early, so naming them all can't even call the row the though our children's name, let's put the odds, put that hour in the books before you know it in the meantime, remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that is to walk daily with the prince of peace regime. The rachel co hosts on the ramsey show, if you wanted to your debt. Free scream live on the show, visit, ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash debt, free scream, we'd love for you to come to nashville and tell them your story as ramsey solutions, dot com, slash that for the folks day, where you want to hear even more life, changing content from ramji download the ramsay network app, so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place like the ramsey show smart money happy hour and the doctor John baloney, show you'll get real talk about life relationships, money and your career, plus the app lets you browse by topic like debt, business or selling your home get the content you want. Whenever and wherever you want to listen download the ramsay network app today.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.