« The Dave Ramsey Show

How Can I Increase My Income? (Hour 3)


Ken Coleman & George Kamel discuss:

  • How a single mom can increase her income,
  • Paying yourself out of your business,
  • Paying for long term care insurance,
  • Dealing with a potential IRS scam,
  • When you can afford to stop working the night shift.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I corner some brandy solutions broadcasting from the pods moving storage studios. This ramsay show its where america job have a conversation about live money, word relationships and bore the phone numbers aaa. Eighty five, five, two to five. I can comment closely with me today: george camel it's comin in camel the law for
should never higher ass for laud via not at all, but we can give you advice it's free, so it is worth what pay for keep that in mind, but we're here about specific areas of money and work life issues as well triple eight eight to five five, two to five bert canada's, where we go next maggie. their maggie. How can we help I will often to talk to you directly feel like I'm talking to celebrities. This is really cool. I need to get out more maggie yeah. I gotta tell you, set your sights a little higher if we're celebrities, but thank you for the nice. We're excited to talk to you. Okay, so I got my question also, I'm a single mom the full time and I'm just wondering how I can increase, Starting in income from my side, hustle, ok, what is your side hustle?
I mean reusable being wiped from up cycle material I gotta tell you. I am absolutely locked in l a how does this. How does one do this and explain what that means up cycle by good, explain the whole deal lol. I just I buy. I gotta after a store- and I get essentially like old sheets of people donated obviously like cheaper damage lines the damage airlines and of giving meal and then I essentially show them together in a nice way that people can use. To use for baby especially Would you like baby by might, could I use them and obviously being a single parent? I saved a lot of money that way so you take all you take used, bedsheets cut him up. So woman did.
Be bombed, size wipes anew in its like a cloth. Why put its a sheet and then you wash em and reuse them LA la ok. Now or what is this business done so far? and has a year but the thing. So I am we get at making a man everything else get really overwhelmed, and We need to make sure there's a market near to people asking for you. You tell your girlfriends who have babies about this concept. India. The deal let them borrow some, if that's a thing I guess I have gave some away. I guess a pardon me like maybe feel Drew them? Just like? Oh, my god, like they're gonna, become a weirdo fur fur bienstock session,
I have an idea that makes any sense. Well, certainly, the really nice thing great. It's extremely nice. I've heard of the reusable diapers- and I imagine it's something similar to that or george doesn't know what this is like, but back in my day, yeah we had cloth diapers, you know of so I get it. It's just falls under that category right, maggie, yes, yeah, yeah the reason that people moved on from cloth. Diapers is the reason why I think you got a challenge of this product and I don't wanna a partisan. I here, onawandah poohpooh your idea, no bonnet and no actually intended that poland. Actually I had two. It was just right here, but but but here's the thing the reason we moved on from that is because of the just the sheer amount of time that saved. With the baby wipes in and then throw away, and then we move on, and I don't wanna again rob- if your joy on this, but you gotta, determine if there is an actual market for this, and we start small
and it is overwhelming for anybody to have an idea. no matter what it is and it get that idea out there, but the way you start is testing in real life. Okay, so any my girlfriends interested in this. Like you literally to go. Hey unease shoot me straight you're, not gonna. Hurt my feelings, but if, if, I made these for you and let you test out. Will you test him out and tell me whether you would do this? You get some real feedback on the idea here is this could be so who needs that nobody in the world wants to do it in so doing? Ok, I love idea. For me, it's I will do something I want to do by as really to be a single mom making money. I've gotta do something where I'm using my skill and experience and I'm transferring value, that's what you how to do here. So I think it's a long shot on this. I want I want to be unkind, but I This is just a long, long long shot and I wouldn t put much more time into it
other than it takes to really truly test it locally. Do you know she would say another? I don't wanna deflate you, but I'm just tell you if you're using this as a passion project needs great if you're trying to pay off dead and you ve got financial goes ahead of you. I think you should find some. U can do today that will bring in money today guaranteed and you can see work on this and have a passion project and our ways you can try to test this idea. Media jumped join some of these a kind of crunchy mom facebook groups, people that really want to lean into natural. what products. What does crunchy mean? That means they're? Very they want to go all natural, they don't want to use. You know traditional medication, they want to use essential oils and more natural. I think that's the target demo maggie. I would assume right of people who would be interested in this absolutely deftly while you to test it but test it locally to georgia's point. Maybe in summer some on communities put your product up their shown. How you do it by giving it up
log pushed out there. You just gotta see if there's any appetite for this product make sense. I guess I'm just like stress to them on baby statue and it's like I'm a finger. so working in all I, if I could work twenty four hours a day. I definitely would be right now, because that's how determined I feel that having a little one it's just like, I need something I can do from home. At least okay and I thought alright. Now, though, so here's the deal, let me help you right there, because I I want to test this out and keep this thing alive until there is no evidence that says there is a market for this. Maybe there is a market for it. Right now put that on the back burner what you need to be doing is: ok, how many hours a week do you have to build a work and work you do remotely and remote work is as popular as its ever been on this planet. And you just need to look at what skills you have. Experience, you have make a list and you ok, I've gotta. Why? For these type of jobs, maybe to customer service job we're on the phone eczema hours a day, helping people s fund is not great, but a lot
get out of debt and be at home near the baby, generous tail on our focuses until all the you look, you do what you can do right now: ok, because of the baby and because of the debt and everything you got on. We are focused on high priority stuff right and then the test. The baby white thing on the sidewalk you're doing that not put any pressure on yourself that to be a labour of love. So do you want to see if it works, but no pressure on it? that'll, take away that feeling, george of being overrun, because listen any
printer, no matter what the product or services just to think of the finished product, and how do I get it out there, but it's going to take years can't get a hero. Lies you analysis, paralysis is what it's called in dub right now you gotta be focus on paying off debt. Then emergency fund, baby step three is is next and then you're on your way and at the margin will free you up to focus on the audio venereal venture. It will I learned a lot. I can't wait to tell stacey what I learned about absolutely the new improve baby way to be alive. It is very exciting. This is the ranch shop.
Back to the radio show I'd get cold it. I've joy by george camel we're here for you, the shower. Taking your phone calls about money life Relationships and so forth idea of Of stuff I got, will chuckle still rely, the conversation old from our own. The segment. So here we gotta focus and we're going to prison this mark north dakota chris actual nearly loud and clear, sir. What's goin on Yeah so recently started I construction business about six months ago. Nice and business would bend debt.
we and me, and my wife- are almost debt free, just our mortgage on our house. So since I started the business, our budget and kind of everything to keep that out of debt was in our budget married in kenya throughout the window. So now that were a little bit it kind have a pulse for our income with business, I'm trying to figure out which it but you how much? I should think myself from the business and Howdah kenneth make a formula that sure Turkey give us an idea. What your cash flow situation is. What would bring it in full by the business. It seems it's really up and down, but it feels like it about average of media five to six grand profit. Ok and that includes after paying you or no didn't know that, That's what I'm trying now! That's what I thought you ok! So that's five or six grandma we're not paying you yet aren't. Are you making earning money anywhere else? Any income, my
She has a couple part time jobs and so far that she's been going into our are merged we've been trying to build up a little bit further, our great you're living off what your wife makes and you got five to six or average five to six k and profit from the consumer, The company is at all sitting in a savings account. Yeah. I mean I've been calling out. What are you too to pay myself? It's it's in some business account and I've just been calling as I need to, look here have theirs and that's why I'm confused, as I asked you if you, if of that profit, You are paying yourself- and you said no, but now you're saying you ve been all in some out, yeah yeah. I guess that's. That's five! Grand of what the company make an that's. That's toll thought of that five grand issue. I've just been able to he's just pull money, as I e that ok do you have any savings for the company. The company yards, it's rape rate close to grand with tough Ok, so
beyond your overhead, your expenses, all of that how much could you pull from the profits I thought if I wanted to see through delusive debt free month, everything's pay, like probably take you, know three or four grand Oh man, so, let's say, used our pain herself, a salary of four grand a month at forty eight thousand a year, you dear one, knitting and goal, is to increase that every year as you have more and more profit, and you start to get a handle on the overhead. You're, putting some of this and retained earnings and savings for the business as well from that profit. That's what I'm trying to figure out how? Well you guys got time, so you get one thousand in the company savings account right now and so george I'm Libya's anywhere. I think I'd be, more conservative george I'd kind want to see him. Try to that himself, if possible, to
maybe twenty five hundred a month. Let's say he keeps that average of five thousand. This is rule of thumb. I want to get what your take is. George, there's no hard and fast rule just put a red out there, but I just be conservative right now. If I were you chris in your shoes, well, especially, the construction equipment is expensive right and so I'd want to build up the company's retained earnings as what we call it. In entre leadership, we talk about savings for a company, I'd probably be I myself have so let as say on a six thousand dollar profit month, maybe payers. Three and put three in retained earnings account. I wanna economics. Hilarity fires is personally so that I and build up the safety gland in the in the preparation for this construct company, which hopefully we get to a point where you got six months of your income in that account use your own goal with those rate you were elected in o thou What's once it gives, gets one in your spit, not more profit united, that formula changes you pay yourself, more save a little less
and as it grows, things might change as you might. You know, higher few team members is at the goal for you that kind of a possibility- probably not eight and soon he, but you have a big, thing right now is just dumb in other businesses is doing well. Up on its own work, be like I did try to kill myself consistently and then budget from that I think, you're right. I think europe yeah you're, doing it the the right? Why have you read the book? Entre leadership, yet. No one yelling, okay, that'll, be our gift to you today and you're already living out a lot of the principles in our book. This is Dave. Ramsey's number one best selling book how he built this place from a card table in his living room to the empire. It is today with eleven hundred team members and a whole campus andrew doing it right. The biggest peace here is doing it all dead free and you ve done and and you're moving at the speed of cash and your willing to pay yourself a small amount right now, as you grow this thing, and so I wouldn't a personal goal to increase my salary every year and we are
business owner like that they could what more margin you might have an amazing here and you pay yourself a hundred grand and you ve got the savings and you're you're doing it the right way, so we're gonna send you that dog. I think it'll help walk you through that. You can also listen to the entre leadership podcast, which I Or were helping leaders and business owners when every single day, that's enough to hear that you and great show yegg increase you're, doing it the right way. Grow slow. You know, and in ok, be small right, small and slow is the way to get this thing going. This construction company, because it is a it is customer based business in the sense of they start about you, hey crystal a job on this critical and they start spread the word you can have more work than you can keep up with, and then that put you in great place as georgia, saying as you have to maybe go out in and induce him. You know sub contracting and things like that, so you're off to a good start really proud of you. I love seeing a guy starts him like that. Haven't ten grand insane
and no debt on the business. You don't haiti that a specially construction, because it's very tempting and you can make a reasonable case if you're not anti debt. The way we are that all are going to have the socratic go. Get this fifty grand tractor can to get this thing started yeah exactly. I love how you talked about the physic. You know a lot about tractor. I know just enough to be dangerous. Right. Kevin is up next in Boise, idaho, Kevin. How can we help. They were day my call guys I'm sick, five years old. I turned sixty six next. mt, I owe my own business and planning on continually working, I'm also planning on taking social security march of twenty twenty three so use part of my first curing the paperwork term insurance, as well Already putting in kicking a twenty percent into retirement love ira whatever also how to get free. Thank you, dave and staff and we have five or six months already an emergency fund in what should we
with the rest of the fifty five is or security model at after which are collecting it. Also, due to the thirty day you just to the thunder european vacation payments hey night, a garage, so how much is a long term? Insurance gonna cost you almost they probably the six hundred a month. Ok, and have you shop that with our with our friends zander online? not been going to be. Okay, make sure you do your homework on that to make sure you're getting the best rate, and so you can jump on ramsey solutions, dot, com and do that. But once you have, at number now will begin as part of your monthly budget and you are still running this business helmet. What's your household income. We need forty two thousand last year and you re voting month off and all that So did good you're living our lot less. You make that fantastic what's in your nest. Egg! we have Bobby The ten months and months you fun but be
that you have any and investing in the irish for one gaze watching them. I don't I've got Ross what's to eighty thousand, the eighty thousand. Ok, So the question is: how are we going to a long term plan for retirement and then what is the best use of the money in the different buckets and sorry? working with the financial adviser right now, he is. Are you ok I would sit down with them and make a game plan not just for the next year, but hey. What is the next ten years look like? When can I actually retire and then how can I use that social security best in a show? You use some of the tax advantage money first to cover long term care verses using my social security. I would say with the social security for now, but I'm curious to see what a fool plan But look like, as you map out all the different buckets you have to utilise it gives you might live another thirty years, and so I want you to run out of money either.
Really but boy? Is he in great shape and come on you're? Coming off the thirty day trip to europe, you're debt, free yeah? We didn't get a postcard, I haven't seen Kevin. Did you stay well away? You get one we'll have to just google pictures for now by the way we we just recently had dinner the camels in the comments. Maybe we should do a european couples trip I dunno yeah sure yeah. You seem very excited about that. We'll get the wives together an hour we made our vacation together. We do love doing the ramsey show together the
The walking back to the ramsey show are thrilled that you're with us, I'm getting coleman it by george Campbell touch big night george. It is so you have your healthy popcorn ready. Do you have your orville redenbacher movie theater butter right out of box of eternal box? What are we market about well tonight is the big view in party were preparing the very popular runaway hit borrowed future or logic. On youtube tonight. At seven p m central, a eastern bar features are ward winning documentary that uncovered the dark side of the suit alone industry. It's an incredible watch. Its gripping, make you sick to your stuff, I beg you angry, but it is good good
good to watch it watch you with your kids watch with your family. It's gonna be awesome. Then after tonight you can view barred future on youtube for free on demand. Almost still available on amazon prime apple tv Google play an ramsay solutions are com where you can rent it ad free so we want you to see this for your own information, but also to The word help us disrupt the toxic student. One industry joys tonight for the bar future watch party on the reality? Shows you to channel george I will not be appearing live fair to say, as as you know, in the corner somewhere, like MR science theatre there, that there was some talk of the directors cut. Well, honestly, I wanted to do it, but georgia's people wouldn't work with us. My people talk to georgia's people. We couldn't come together on the whole deal.
James may show up if there's free, popcorn cause he's never turned down a free meal in his life. I do love some movie and popcorn. He can't beat that and it's it's an hour and a half long. So you know you'll still make it before. Bedtime is at seven central and seriously get a crude again get some friends get the kids and go hey, we're watching this incentivize him. If you have to get him some dinner beforehand, favorite meal and we're gonna watch us and we want our conversation. Efforts over it would include tv trace. I we miss a good tv trial. Don't you well, if you're going to sit down and watch it as bring those back yeah? Those are great, apparently cloth Prison cloth baby wiser, but it's all its also solar ring the tv trays as well. So there you go right back to phones, we go eva, joins us in dayton, ohio, eva. How can we help hello, hello? How are you doing or we're having a blast? How can we hire you and with the popcorn I hear you yeah come on eve. What's your favorite popcorn the old version is a big huge path in the big huge path.
And oil, and just let it shake you know you get home on where I'm sixty so yeah come on eva, if you it so you're talking about just pouring the colonel's in the oil eve against their come on. Do your duty, salt, eva any salt on it? No, I just do butter, just butter, alright, alright to eat, Even how can we help? Ok, I move from arkansas today when I got a phone when I called my mom was crying I get here less than two weeks after I get home she in this building. I order in Europe yeah. I wouldn't hear two weeks and cheap asked us out, of course, she sees me to go, get her ice cream and last time is in the yard. and um. My question is: I worked in arkansas, walked all the way up until I moved here.
And haven't worked a full time yeah, but no job. I just didn't care for my mom, because one thing from shingles aneurysm to something else or something else bill care for her now, oh yeah? I get a letter in the mail yesterday. I area he's telling me. I owe them briefly seven hundred and sixty four dollars and thirty seven, find out who I need you job shriek and do you know what that's referring to? Is it clear in the letter it doesn't say any: being in a letter about it, issues is like one Those who had a payment internal revenue levels don't try to make a scary. Have you verify? Yes, cod end. You know you have this bill on the whole. For about two of you,
are you one hundred per cent yeah? They don't actually have a human there to help you after they send you a letter like that is classic federal government. How are they asking for payment? the biggest far off now: here's the greatest d amour back pay too said. Oh, if you we can settle business. give any interest you will not lead to prevent any inches applicable penalties from due to contain. We pay the amount by november better, while if I heard that I don't know if this sounds legit, I think you might be a scam. I use Are you they have I would not be a dime until I hear from them directly and you contact them and so I know that stinks to be on the phone calls. Because yeah I've tried I do a job, but I was on the phone. Probably I lay the phone down, though yeah
they're gonna get household project joyously that thing on hold I been there in full a couple of loads of laundry before they pick up yeah wash clothes. Do it alabama? How did they tell you what this is for? It doesn't say what or your reminder balanced view of tax. Out of this legitimate after seven years and you haven't been work and I ve been filing any kind of return. Do you have any harm at no the letter. I feel you know the little scale with the eagle. I think that the eagles or whatever. Nobody knows nobody wants to look at the iris letter had long life to know when does well I'll. Give you some homework to do either. Go to iris dot, gov, slash hell, a I urge that girl, help and there's a there's, a section. It says letter from the irs. I want you to read through that may help you gauge. If this is a legitimate letter from them, are not ok
but do your homework and don't buy a diamond till you verify this with them? And if you do oh it, you gotta get this bugger off your back and you can do whatever it takes to together the money and what about one of our tax advisors I feel like they could help her yeah it's worth reaching out to one of them at ramsey solutions, dot, com, and you can click on our recommended pros there and get in touch with a tax advisor and see who will look at this letter and know whether it's legit number one and number two? What to do to to to to get this thing cleared up. It feels it feels. Very, very suspect me, the kids, I think call it sus. there are taught you knew word. Even you can use that around with attains the linking the really cool out the way the solutions that yes, on the recommended. Prose now say it also ramsay recommends. Ok, one attacks adviser, one of our trust. Attacks by you tell him. You called the show and george think that the letter sus and That's all they need to, and
Well, george, okay, yeah! I love it. She's writing this down and taking some of that fresh popcorn to bless your heart, eva. I would not do anything until we verify verify verify verify on this. I mean people get scammed. All the time on this cause you know I'm just how are you actually me and I'm not if thou Seven year and my only thinking of his back taxes and somethin wasn't right. An old tax return on their finally get around to it, keyser as low as well as yet the last thing. That I got was a reform, and that was. having eight years ago, doubts but about eight years ago, The refunding widened one hundred thousand dollars as well. Here's. What we want you to do we want you to take the advice of george gave you there of the iris website. Let's see we find out there and then, if you don't
clearly there I do think it's worse in one of our, She trusted tat. advisers to get to the bottom of this, and they will help you get to the bottom of a very quickly and and inefficiently and dumb and in bless your heart for taint, carry your mom. I also want to encourage you to be thinking about some type of income. You know you're watching your mama. I want to see you be working part time and try to bring in some income once we get this thing settled, so. Thank you, sir. much for calling george it's it's a scary thing. Men in and bad panel scams out tat people play on this stuff will you saving on other iris. Girls are well there's. If there should be ladder, there should be a notice number or a letter number either the top and bottom right hand corner of that. That will
actually go. Oh this religion, if it doesnt have. That is probably think absolute good stuff there. Well. Thank you so much for the call. Even for the rest of you don't move. We got more of the ribs. You show common right up
hmm the this is the ramsey show up good coleman and he is george campbell are thrilled to be with you. The phone numbers triple eight eight two, five, five two to five are scripture of the day comes from luke five. Sixteen Jesus himself- would often slip away to the wilderness and pray are quote Nikola tesla, all george. This is for you today. That has nothing to do with actual teslas, but did last name shirt spired mean inspire me to greatness. Now. The whole brand is inspired by tat. Come on. We notice his quote be alone that is the secret of invention be alone? That is when ideas are born,
Do you find it to be true? George? Yes I'll leave you to it then care here. If you could leave the studio b great, no, do you The weather b, well behind the wheel of a car when you think about it? Some of the best ideas happen here at your on IRAN or in the car during the shower. In a great idea happen. You know what it is for me. It's so yard work I should try that sometime well used your allergic to everything but the idea of a monotonous task, That is so mundane. What happens is the brain? Does fire just gets really creative. In that time allotted that is really good advice. We dont let ourselves get bored enough in today's culture. Teeming get there that's exactly right. Just alone with your thoughts is a good thing. We need to do more of that right to Kansas city. Missouri, we go Jonathan is their job, and how can we help. are you doing, king George man? A black hawk oil. Yes, sir?
The question is working at my four seven year: the union that I had a person's emma. Driver dad delivery driver now sat in a lever We now have an opportunity to switch today, at times. Come where only docks deliver? I'm having trouble with it, because I'm listening father. Would you rather have to try to find a cure or baby sitter in the morning. Ok, that's a tough one, because As you know, day care is very, very expensive. It, sir. What's your situation now who's watching the kids when you're on the night shift Right now, my mother watches: my daughter is like
get out in time. My little sister will come pick her up and I'll just go to my little sister's house and grab them like enough. So what's the what is, What would the new schedule be? What would the hours be that you need to cover childcare? where. technically eighty four, but with myself in a truck driver ago, gotta eighteen seats? Ok, so your daughter's nodded school that when a machine Now she now before march. Right now, I gotcha well You know I wish I had a slicking answer here. That was just hate. Two three four, this. What you do I dont think Said simple, because of You don't have the family that can watch the child during that time and does doesn't sound like give many options there and then take is extremely expensive? it pretty much put you in a bad financial situation. Is that use
Where are you all right now financially now currently omber easter to buy. Here, too, I know how much that you have left. I had fifty thousand lives and what kind of debt is that hi allows laudable still allows an ass states are moved from pre marriage and what Income Come on now is sixty around sixty the sick. The youth, It will be dropping down at fifty eight thousand. to take the position of my worries. You get ed drop income and we have to now have extra expense with childcare? So I don't see how that would work logistically right now for you, it may in the future once we're out of debt. What's the car worse,
my car, the car, I don't have the car the more basic the car alone, but you stole the car but you're still paying loan the louder right now. I'm playing on one of the loans from the car. Even I don't have any more, whereas the car they took you to court they were written. This man and you got multiple our loans yeah I mean a lot of bad mistake. You're! My path, that's our I lie or destroying I'll be creative path forward here. What are your options with the repose car. I now want to eat a court little before I actually got connected with you guys, the settlement amounting to fifty a month until his spade the other one I haven't been contacted.
For now yet, but I know listening to you guys to try to have some money to where I can celebrate it for a cheaper price. On the dollar, helping me where's, the other car not only the one avi thereabouts right out, yeah here, don't either drive around the truck right now, just for work I say that the bombing taskbar alcohol yoda I'd like to know what you would identify as the best way based on your area and your schedule and what you like to happen for you to make more money and especially in today's world, were drivers, are a premium but I know you can't do over the road stuff because of the child, but just. I wonder how we can make more money. I would be focusing on how can I he's my income to the point at where day care while expensive, would be something that I can offset ends
it'll get out a debt still save, because I feel, like that's gonna, give you more freedom in europe life to do you know what I mean where you're, not in night owl schedule and not get to see your baby, and I just I want identifying and looking for opportunities, it may be a lot more attractive financially for you to where you can then a few the daycare Alonzo, currently very sorry, before other jobs, trying to find some becker, also paying me it's just like I said, with the truck in business some time you're not really set time. That's right where you will be well and to your point, to get out of the the trucking business is, is something to be looking at how we have wages at an all time. High right now- and you know he's in that sixty five
thousand dollar range. You know to be able to make twenty five thirty five dollars an hour in manufacturing and warehousing right now is very realistic, yeah and depending on the but independent on the area to be able to have a set schedule. Where are you schedule your life around I mean this is doable Jonathan in and you know you ve gotta be point going. Ok, I've got skills and I've got some experience, not limited to driving a truck in it. Like there's a little bit of that on you and- you're standing it it's. What you know but the reality is that if you think george, you know what what If your higher in someone's gonna drive a truck yelling for somebody who's dependable, some is gonna. Do there's positive shop once was show up a lot of autonomy in that you gonna get. You know the coroner girls is right, but the ability to work, you know in manufacturing warehousing which again were seen jobs explode. That's why I'm specifically mentioning that
there's a lot of the same crossover you don't have to have a ton of experience. You gotta be dependable. You gotta be train both teachable coachable and then you can get a situation where you know to offset george. What would you say to someone like him whose in a situation like that, we go man, chocolate it costs x amount of love, so salary after taxes to budge that it is doable but you're going to have to increase income there, because we can go from sixty to eighty? And even if we use that twenty to cover childcare, the gap still puts us in a better spot, because now he's got a normal schedule and it is the quality of life and then something to consider and all to an absolute in a life, as happened to Jonathan and that's tough, and when you've been knocked down like that, it's hard to get back up and believe in yourself and go. You know what I am worth more than this. I am going to go hustle and find another gig, but a lot of even trucking jobs haven't seen a lot of bonuses these days and so even jumping to another company for a short period of time, get a bonus. It helps you knock out some of its debt, I'm glad you brought you know, maybe in the
turkey does get a trucking another trucking jobs working at crazy shit, but he's got it out.
It has currently been taken care of my family, and so what he does is I'm gonna pay off all that debt on a fix that, then it gives me some more free, so a lot of options there Jonathan keep your head up. You can do this. I promise. Thank you so much for the call, george great our takes on buddy you you're, so fall festival the same one. You should go jump on the pile of leaves, I think the team behind the glass for keeping us on the air and you america. This is the ramsey, show the bugs kid coleman here did you know the ramsey show is one of the most popular podcast in the world. Get your daily dose of advice online and check out all of our shows from the ramsay network. Wherever you listen to podcasts the. If you enjoy this podcast, you should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network, like the ken coleman show. Are you doing what you were born to do? I'm ken coleman hosted the ken coleman show where I give you practical advice to help. You discover your purpose and then map out a plan to get you there from a
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-09.