« The Dave Ramsey Show

Getting a Career Back on Track After Trauma (Hour 3)

2022-06-15 | 🔗

Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman discuss:

  • Getting a career back on track after trauma,
  • Selling a house to pay off debt,
  • Where to park an emergency fund, 
  • How to be a good steward of an inheritance.

Want a plan for your money? Find out where to start: https://bit.ly/3nInETX

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
from the headwaters of oil situation. Rams Asia, where that is down pleasures king in the pay of mortgage, has taken the place of the Bmw, we'll people build wealth, do words that they actually love and creating more you'll amazing relationships can common rooms you personality, hosted in common show number one by showing authors Michael. Those today open follows a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five: she jays weathers in denver, icy J. What's up,
how can I people and critical mass, and I was hoping you could offers them inside guided. now I'm here a little bit of the fact I walked my job. The girl, during covert and promptly, when in tat way, in the hours a week delivering groceries to keep my head above water. I was in step four at the time, so I just paused everything and nine months after that. I just point out: I couldn't do that, while I was in the area of innovation relationship and after three months I ended up in the hospital you an abusive relationship, its own, How are you an abusive relationship when your work and ninety hours a week during time the old fashioned way. That is a way to revive ride, not by ok anyway.
I wonder how extremely tricky two pounds I couldn't do. Anything is simple: ass, six monthly building myself, and I am very happy for ptsd, but I find that under quite whose end when it comes to deciding whether you want to do as far as my career, those next door ride figure out? Why did it so little we get into that real, quick, so you're no longer doing the seventy hours a week? Are you doing anything for income at all right now, what is it for a while, and then I started to bring her she's a guy in a different city just to get a little better. Well, but I noticed that when I do that it pushes I am struck by the algorithm are adjusted. He said I don't want to do. Okay, so again, before we start thinking about the future, I want to get you stable in the now. So what do you need to be making per hour? If we look back on their history of, would you know what
a delivering groceries? What you need to make out? What worry? What do you need to make our I'm trying to think say I gaily eight. Eighty two network is waiting. Forty bucks an hour is gonna keep use. Able. As I correct before you over I'm a model by launched, I gotta catch up with you, jessica, sure you win in the hospital and new wade? What fifty to fifty two five to five kill? I don't have anything like how old are you I'll, be twenty six next month so? What are you why now. I don't know what I'm doing a good, ok sure we're going in the right direction as good. And how are you doing your mental wellness today, much better than I was six months ago? Instead, thirty three times a week. I think
I, on the mighty sd that you mention was from the former toxic family member yeah. Okay, and your evaluation separated from that situation. Where are my living and how are you living. right now, I need faith yeah, you want your one right now, you're one, are you two states? contact with the family Ok, I'm living with remain out of my mind. If you find that savings, I dig How much is in your savings light Now I have fifteen thousand miles, ok sure you're living with room major, still recovering from the whole, melt down process for lack of a better term good for you? You're, a euro you're you're gettin victory on price, have you and on anyone.
You're not creating any income today show your literally living on water. you pull out of savings. Are my understanding. You right they make about. A hundred dollars a week by delivering she's here and there? Okay, but but too much of that was activating stress, okay, cause. I needed to know that before I could understand what killer workin was going to take you from where you are now. How do we move from this place back up into a life of abundance for you enjoy right. Ok, now, so first thing we have to do. Is we don't need to be delivering grocers anymore because its bringing up to any bad memories? So now we look for what can pay me? Eighteen to twenty dollars an hour, and I can get enough ours- is a continuous. My therapist he's gonna give me some guidance here m on this, and so we want. start there, so because we know the key burning through this emergency fund, so it's possible. If you can work thirty to forty hours weak if you're healthy enough, then I'm things like target walmart
you know non delivery, type situations where you got some stability community around you, safe environment, and you can make that and of money, their prey on twenty and absolutely so wish there would be a short term what we call a day job- and this is us getting you back to safe, so a self sustaining with your income. Now we look long term, so we go get. Where do we ultimately wanna go ahead as a process where you ve gotta start too See things that maybe you've not seen before and you do that by asking questions like if, if Everything was sir risk free. There were no risk and I didn't have to train for anything I didn't have to If I was gonna be good at it, just starting with what what I To do what kind of work would bring me fulfilment and we look at who are the people? I wanna help please well, maybe that I want to solve our desire that I want to fulfil for some one and if one of the solutions that so that's the starting process for you, some just cure
as with all the stuff you ve been through, I know you ve been through tremendous. Well, I'm just curious what he wandered about in some your deep dark hours. You wish life were better well what have you wondered about doing? If I could do this via new? I could be successful this. I wonder what this would be. I'm just curious what pops of the top of your mind as I was asking you that aren't cheap when I got to overseas into I wanted People find their own way out is abuse. Well, let's look at the overseas. They very quickly is their type work overseas. Are you just love the idea of being in a different country? Is there some type of people group or two? work overseas that pops in your mind, that's we more. There are world work for the strange people that may be don't have much of a shot. You can help them with a better life. So we,
That's something I work with here. Okay, so let me repeat your homework: okay and I'm gonna to give you a couple of resources. Here's what you do. overseas people who may be unfortunate circumstances in their life or maybe poverty. That's one group than he in the united states, people have gone through abuse whose for those people what's the best way to help them? What appeals to me he's doing it. How do you get there? What cause. How long will it take? This is looking no, the future. Now, all of a sudden you go out, there is a way. There are a couple. Mountain tops You continue to learn more with your head you're. Here will eventually select in the his areas, hang on the line we're going to give you the get clear career assessment, which is a twenty minute tool or really answer a lot of those questions that will give you my best selling book from paycheck the purpose, which is the path to get you that melt. Won't you selected
the thanks for joining us america. Let me ask you a question when you think of a millionaire, what kind of job do you picture them having some kind of high powered executive position like a BP, ceo? Well, here's one Only fifteen percent of millionaires actually have jobs like that. The reality is the top five careers
from millionaires and america are engineer, accountant, teacher manager and attorney. Dogs didn't make the top five medical. There's a number six That's why just one of the to just one surprising things we found when we can, Did the largest study of millionaires ever done with Ten thousand millionaires find out who they really are and how they got there did they inherited are. They frame us, two million hours a year. Our study also made it clear that they become a million. Are you ve got to invest wisely. discovered was- was that eighty nine percent of millionaires did not become millionaires because of inheritance. Nine out of ten. nine out of ten millionaires became millionaire, starting from basically nothing. And so they invest, steadily together paid off. That was the typical scenario. on baby steps millionaires, you wanna, do lunch,
you need to get with a good investment adviser just talking to one of the break as a matter of fact gotta ramsay solutions, dotcom slice, smart vesture, start the building wealth today can find a smart her pro in your area that a walk with you teach you help you do that of the way we teach here on the air and in work for you. This is how it's done. ramsay solutions. Dotcom, slash, smart vesture me Jews in Cincinnati high match. Welcome the rams asia. Things for me appreciate very much under so much general question, and then I ll give you any sort of specific details, some because, like interest, you're going out with the announcement today that the feds increasing, but some you five basis points or someone else I have an assume, a ball bribery alone, the civil, similar law and values homes just continued a. Similarly, Skyrocket, I wanted to get your opinion and, if it would be financed,
look into potentially selling my home to pay off some of like being on mortgage debt, but I have and then maybe after a year or so maybe moving the different house whenever the mortgage will be the only thing of debt. I'd have not Preference should do you, like the house the house in general yeah. I would I enjoy it. I'm like I started this can't say how much actually my wife doesn't like the backyard. She doesn't like the backyard. Ok I live in. We have a one and a half year old, so I can't really play too much outside and how much debt do you have, so not counting on mortgage dead. I would say. Approximately sixty from korea go much stood alone and then to credit card to go.
and what your household income I would say after taxes. I think it's about fifty two on her vehicle. I approximate at about thirty, so thirty per vehicle. Twenty four, my loans, man, maybe shouts of ten for the two key airport Well, let me say one thing: we found millionaires, we studied them, they didn't I have an inordinate amount of their life dollars. Invest and things that go down and value when you, sixty thousand dollars a year, and you have a thirty thousand dollar car it's hard to win because the going down in value even car. You can't afford easy.
So we're going from getting mama new backyard. Now selling cars is not a good conversation for her for now filigree longingly think think we hits you get If the hotel room hold your move into the in laws right after he got the now, I will no, I I listen. I I think you guys have got to address your overall management of money and spending and get yourself out of debt before we are talking about moving houses are still using the house to bail you out and then be home on or your showing a thing that goes up and value meanwhile you sitting on a thing. You can't afford that's going down in value sound I really wouldn't show how front now I'd really with caution, right on getting out of that and if I woke up in your shoes, I would get into financial patient diversity out, sell the car with
we're on board. Of course, am I going to go? Don't go in and announce to your wife, you're selling, her car, because Dave ramsey said that's not good you or me popular ok. Nor does it you're going to work show You need to go in and start talking about the future and how we get into a better house and how we learned von less than we make, and that our income is not big enough to support the day. That will take on, and we ve got to do something about this debt. And let's talk about the debt that debt that death and let's get it class I'll. Give you financial patient, firstly for your old on austrian pick up. And get you signed up for that. The two of you. are watching together and she may come up with the added a seller car because it needs to go away. It was a bad purchase and you need a web quit buying things because you want them when can't afford them, and on that you're getting ready to do with the next house too. Yeah, illusory, very clear for second here, because when you are
david. I've been married a long time dave longer than me. Obviously, but I mean when mamma is worried about the backyard and the kid in the cliff. That is also a significant thing he has to overcome the cars hard enough day. Now this is a marriage conversation ago. Let's not get too worked up over. This is Kid really gonna wander out of how dangerous it is. That's a fear thing, that's a fear factor it's ok to move, but on moving in order to clear the dad and not owning a house in a market where the prices are still going up is not now Mckenna recommends not right. Now are you have stolen address the underlying issues right that idea, Why should that I come from blinds dot com. They have a one hundred percent satisfaction guarantee. Even if you miss measure, you pick the wrong color. There we make your blind for free, free samples, reshaping new promos all the time I was used. The problem code, ramsay to get the best possible deal today
It comes from hank in iowa, I'm twenty one in a currently work. The night shift in a warehouse earning sixteen fifty an hour. I do get better. so that I am also scheduled to take my real estate licence test nets next week and have a say job in property mail, making sixteen in our without benefits both are full time, but the job with property management would be in law. Term company. That would allow me to pursue my real estate career. Should I keep both jobs or would it too much to handle I don't know how you keep that up. I know you're twenty one twenty one year old sea to sleep as well and looked like you got a night time grave graveyard shift on. I would long term making decisions for the long term. What put me on the right ladder to call I'm here I want to go into the property management company that allows you to start moving towards the real a career which is the ultimate goal anyway, so that that would be the move. I would make how and let me so yeah,
very seldom like I I'll just tell you less than five fabric. The term. Should you make a career decision based on benefits s or based on citizens? Now, the one you should my career decisions based on being in what can how's, your sweet spot. Each my career based on words, gonna. Take you in a long term one. Will be ten years from the date you're twenty one where you will be when your thirty one, where you can be in your forty one and warehouse job done fit in any of those and don't make the kurdish, It's based on air quotes around security. This is a cure job I laugh at your security. Let me tell you security, comes from a big old weaken poem, money comes from that and faith in god it does not come from, corporate amerika? It does not come
from. I make sixty percent of what my peers make, but I work for the government and the law. We pay me we're sure they're always pay your job socks. You now know Security is not based on whether they're gonna
They give you a check every week, securities placed on you being in his own baby and and going to live in your best possible big life and that by benefits and not about security. This is the rams issue. Commoner empty personality is Michael holmes today in the lobby, over ramsay solutions on the dead breeze stage term, as well as I do our ya a day. They can go to be here. Slowly. Welcome. Morty, live well
originally from can't ohio, but now that I'm on baby steps, seven, I'm on across country, roads, trip of all fifty states, all right, then I agree, love it very good for you and how much will be paid off. Ninety five thousand very cool, and how long did it take just over three and a half years, no kind of cool and your range of income during that time started Forty five thousand now I'm over six figures. Roca, good for you good. What do you do for a living? I'm a project manager for an event technology company, and you just do that from the road yeah work from home. My The manager and director are fine with it and so far I've actually just been promoted. So now, I'm making over six figures on the road. So I hid ago, yeah hairy, coo and pumped very cool show the ninety five thousand was what kind of debt it was mixture of my house, student loans, car and credit card. Oh my. It gave me a very good deal on her house when she went to go out with her grand babies, my above so
I started on my journey with in twenty eighteen, I had part of my student loans paid off. Then I had the card and I just bought a new car my journey. Actually, I did listen to my brother brother in law. Dave though he introduced me to you, sure you do channel, and I submitted to the planned wrote a czech paid off the car and then just did the baby step basis baby, I have two and I just kept going and paid off my house since man gave me a good deal, okay, so the house, still sitting there, why you travel? No, I slipped it actually highlighting the advantage of the hot market, and I slipped. The house I did some cosmetic dates was able to double my money so good for you. Now, I'm just cash along the road trip month by month, travelling we haven't blast. I love it good for you, man such following a real, does
curious. Was this an idea that you had at any point in the debt free journey? Or is this something that came to you watch you paid off that last debt and your perspective change. So I paid my house off this past december and on october I was doing the math and figured out that it was going to happen, and I said what am I going to do next? I knew I didn't want to stay in the area. It wasn't a house I wanted to be in forever. I bought it. Intention of it being my fresh start, you know four you're getting as much money as out of it as possible tar to pay it off so that I could use the for money to do whatever I want a next. I think want to get into real estate long term as in man, I think I'll also want to own a business some day of my own, so no, road trip, wasn't exactly in the plans, but in october I said you know what I knew I wanted to sell. The house take advantage of the market and then I just went with it. So I, The house january was out by march and have been on the road ever since I love it, love it very so the goal guilelessly. All fifty you said the eventually
I know I can't drive to hawaii- or I probably alaska, but those will be my last her us another fine man that's awesomeness. It has been Thank you so much for all that. You guys do because I was able to see that and submit to the plan years ago, and I just love be in here and seen everybody now. I'm grateful for three and a half years together this what you have to help people he's. Getting out of debt is some the plan? I mean you guys, have put the work into tell us exactly what to do so, just summit in and follow through it and I mean I know what it means but submit. What does that mean to you what what was submission? Like that's, a little different for everyone? I was in the coat I mine was a lot of my time was during covert, so I got furloughed and and that I almost threw me off the plan, but I knew that I had my ducks in order. You know I knew I had an emergency fund already. I was on baby step six by the time I was
Followed so I was just cash flowing and I just said I have to slow down the cash flow. Look a bit on the house I'll be fine at my emergency fund. So throughout covered. I change jobs a couple times as I just I wasn't. It covered on my world as far as career wise, my friend, violent dawn. Finally called me up after I change jobs twice and offered me my dream. Job of being a project manager and I ended up doubling my income along the way. So I started forty five then I made ninety now I'm up to over a hundred and within couple years, so did most of the baby steps on forty five thousand. So now that I've got double that, I'm like stars in the eyes, I'm just so excited and no blame nor headed by no payments, and I turned thirty in august. So all of this, the form. Thirty, and now I am just living and giving like no one else. I just have this intense joy whenever I someone you know on the road needing money, I stop and give them whatever I've got my wallet. Which isn't always a lot- I use my debit card for most everything but yeah
I'm leaving in giving like no one else- and I just felt this intense joy in my family friends can see it and they keep asking me what and then I said I'm following Dave dave plan alma handsome brown eyes very cool so over your biggest cheerleaders, well. My sister carrie she married to the broke brother in law, married to the regret that any longer married to the brother of kid. I said that I did well it's funny because I heard that from you- and I said you know what I did follow my broke brother in law's play. He got me into it so yeah celebrated, as I do that you're. So your sister was your biggest, surely learn, who else yeah my friends and family you know. I really did a lot of this. On my own, I submitted to it even during baby step to I was you know, I was still able to do things with my friends, because I had my budget? In order? I had some play money that I that I gave myself you know to be able to do. but not like go over, be able to go out and have like one drink with friends.
at times or or anything like that. Just go above so My friends didn't look at me crazy, but now there looking at me crazy, like how are you able to afford to do this? I said: well, I have submitted to the plan so as a project manager. That's what that means to you. You're you're systems, guy I am young. You find a system that works execute system. Why change it This is a proven process. Don't mess with its submit? Do it do it the way you on this you build a house, follow these three steps that the house should get a job. Follow these six observers there step you jobbers a system. Is a process van and find that the from some one that again, that's proven, and if your managing a project, that's how you many projects and so for you, submitting to that simply means agreeing that that's the truth and in doing it yeah You, u hooked, be when you were talking about the nineteen year old, teens and you're like iraq great. If we were all nineteen, I was again myself it twice. four, and I said well, I'm not afar. Let's get this at last
together, you know inside started and selina is lighter knowing the nation s, erika Mann, I'm proud of you think so much very, very good work. We gotta copy a baby steps. Millionaires volume from ordinary people built extraordinary wilson- I am you are going to to copy total money make over. You can give that away on. Your travels was well, you ll run and somebody that wants to hear the story, and copy of that. We're also going to sign you up for a year of financial peace university, and I thank you. If you don't want to do it or you've already done it, then you can give that away as well. So we're giving you plenty things to take you on. Part of your journey and also make sure that your financial journey- you got another journey, you're done, but your financial journey,
make sure that you ve got the way to do it and make sure you got some stuff to help. Other people were so well don t. Thank you. Some ice wire term and client no hot can't an hour. I used to be anyway. Ninety five that now he's just about lack about ninety five thousand paid off in three and a half years, megan forty five to a hundred counted. Let's hear a debt, we scream three, two one I'm dead Ok, the shooting story, and you you caught on the m sayings of middle I do, but in the past joseph getting a job, you ve laid out the seven clear steps you some Add to that or you push against it and you get to submit to it anyway. That's right, you know we lay out the seven baby steps to our. You know to become not only debt free, but then
come on baby steps millionaire and not ready, a generous and almost ten million people over ten million people gone through those between four completion. Firstly, the total money make over the state shall he's right. It's a proven process anything you're working on. If you're don't wait loss, you know you do up up a proven process here's a proven processor. Some things that your things that are proven that? Don't work in relationships, your things at a proven that don't work? in your mental health
and you know, here's things that do work called boundaries and that kind of stuff, so submitting yourself to the law of gravity to proven principles is ideal for creating a successful life. Yeah I mean it's the it's. The idea here that hey this will work. If I give over control of my emotions- and I give discipline to the path- and if I do this, I win that's the idea and it works over and over and over again this is the ramsey show the the the
our structure that I matthew, ten thirty one do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrow, sir, like Lee, billion air woman, founder of banks, I think fit there's nothing more than lives way of nudging. You that you are, of course its course correction. I agree people the technology feel fail for a living, the common it our good friend John maximal wrote a book entitled. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learned now, which is a great powers, If one failure, you know, there's no progress without failure, he writes a book a week, then another one another one was called failing forward. That's right! That's right! Yeah jessica is in syracuse. New york hide jessica. How are you thank you so much for taking my call sure. How can I help
london with ministers and power that would show my husband, the jersey had end- and I know that you generally say that you know emergency funds are not there to throw you off. Obviously there are things for your security good with that being said, how much effort you put into chasing a better wait an hour, I'm almost none our emergency fund and our long term savings has been. It was accounting of a flooded pandemic. It was at like two and a quarter or dropped down to like point five and it's sitting in about twenty I right now and out of curiosity, I jumped on the internet today to see what's out there and I saw another one sitting up at one point. I cannot define their movement over there. What we've got how much is in your emergency fund or the emergency, and the ten thousand and got our automotive as well. So maybe another two thousand talker show one person
of ten thousand. What I'm, an accountant you can ask me for a full ten percent of percent of ten thousand and one thousand one percent is one hundred dollars. You can show movies from a half to one and a half over a period of a year. You made a hundred dollars Secondly, I right now, so it's ok dollars and I should go to dinner nice place on that won't reasonably nice place. And arm, but but it's not it's not going to change your life. Even over a period of aids, is not going to change your life so that, but what change. Your life is having the emergency fund. As an insurance policy. When life happens, they keep. from carrying out things that are growing at a rate that does change your life. So if you don't care for a one k to fix your transmission bogucharovo emergency fund? That is a lot more than a hundred dollars.
Earlier original point is what I would refer back to, but again what I in five hundred hours to get a hundred dollars. No, I don't think I would what our surf the internet every so often and see if I can get a high yield thing that makes me an extra hundred might little bit I've got a bunch of cash laying in the company here and are retained earnings business, version of emergency fund and Spend some time on that trying to you know, figure out, we can park that in some kind of flowed account. So it's not all just sitting in checking the knowledge of just cause autumn money and arm, but Even then it's not its purpose is not to grow wealth for the company. Its purpose is to protect the things that do grow wealth for the company and china. Just out of balance. That out so also spend some effort on it. But I am certainly not gonna major and minors. That's what it amounts to Johns weathers in new york city high John welcome to the ramsay show. I think you have learned: how are you better them I deserve what's up
and so are my grandparents left me with about two hundred thousand dollars. I'm I'm not sure what to do with it. I'm I don't have any debt downloading. And I dont want to buy a house for myself, but I do I do remotely loading, but I will briefly and some people said that it's a nightmare and and property managers- aren't that good, I'm! Okay, how old are you twenty six? Will you do for a living? I'm a software developer good for you, and you're not you're single guy yet dont want to buy a house. Why I I don't their main ledge long knowing how much does the cleaning elsewhere you like the freedom of not I'm not being anchored down that how shall they died? our problem. I got a bad company
I want a man right now. It just drove me crazy that, as long as I told her and the more more stuff you own, the more repairmen you have to know so I kind of go along with you, John. I like it especially your stage of life, and there is no rush for you to buy something So I'm sorry but your grandparents, when did they pass woe to show the day both of them at one time. it happened between. It happened with few days within a few days, my grandma I retired after my grandma or grandpa passed. So, oh, my goodness, oh man, I'm so sorry were you close to him yeah pretty close, that's my reason, interesting and in a new york city, even though it's pretty expensive, because I have to say I love my family and Barbie costume now: okay, alright, no, I would not do remote. I think that's a bad idea if you're not well,
cut your own grass than I would not you don't need to be done when lording, not the gym got the grass there, but it just tell me you don't like hash on. Do you hear I sign up for a bunch, a hassle so that sound like gonna get rich, quick crappy you were on or something there. No fool with that I were in your shoes. I say what I would do in its very boring. Park familiar mutual phone right now or a couple of mutual funds and just forget it forget that its there and just let it grow and then a little further down the road. If you decide you want to buy a property or maybe you're getting married, and you want she wants you to buy property or you that kind, stuff happening. Then you don't that's the kind of stuff you know, but but for right now, I might be three years for you'd. Do anything with it and start my. Way down right now, so it's on sale. So if look up in your shoes and ireland. four two hundred that I didn't really have anything to do with first thing to do is try to put it some. Were I keep my hands off? I've not spend it right,
and then the second thing I would do is put it someplace, where I could spend it You know what you're. Having said that, though, you might want to earmark a little bit of it for fun and pull it out and go do something fun. Have you got any ideas on that yeah yeah They are probably travel to europe for some. So what's that caused having let's get hooker, yeah me budget, five, grand or sumpter ten grand or something go? Do that and the rest of it should be. got ramsay solutions, dot com click on smart festering should doubtless Mart. Mr pro, and began you're the on investing and learning from an adviser. You don't taken advisers, advice, you don't take dave's advice. You down in new art other than they piece of advice. Users must learn about something before you invest in it and
on the puts him in a pretty good position. It really does you know I beyond its fun with it. I'd. Also, just let your heart wander a little bit and you do something good with don't have to be huge, already feeling pressure to do that, but something good some good with that money. You know, gonna generosity. Generosity is not a bad way to cut a start. Moving. This phase because it really set something in play, something special in your heart. This is something new and parents did for you it's a way of honouring them, but again I want you to feel any pressure to do that or on a large scale, but just to something Do something fun. I like that combination and do somethin smart now, maybe you know if you put, farmers if one in five percent of generosity that lie beyond ninety per cent, yep prove it or something like that? No pressure but zero, the it's always go to try to those three things have some fun with money region. for the money and invest the money in this. The vast majority of it I think I'd be investing on, and I would
the fine, but I think I would do something there and when you get to thirty years old or thirty, five years old, and you look back and after you've ended up doing with the money it needs to do so it needs to be something that would have caused her grandma grandpa to smile, yes, and then you have their memory because had common sense are obviously good with money. They had some money, they left their grandson to underground, putting credible can common good shouted act thanks for having good work,
in the both Kelly and andrew and zach and Ben and austin the drop your guns, I'm dave ramsey! Your host will be back with you before you know it in the meantime. Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, not to walk daily with the prince of peace christchurch, the bulbs kit coleman here each know the ramsey show is one of the most popular podcast in the world. Get your daily dose of advice online check out all of our shows from the ramsay network. Wherever you listen to podcasts the you enjoy this podcast, you should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network. Like the doctor, John baloney show mental health challenges in hurting relationships happen to everyone, but they do
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-13.