« The Dave Ramsey Show

Get on a Plan and Get in Control of You Money! (Hour 2)


Dave Ramsey & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss:

  EveryDollar, budget for the life you want today for free: Click Here

  • "Is it worth it to move closer to work?"
  • "What's the best way to save for kid's education if I'm not sure they will go to college?"
  • "What taxes should I expect when paying off debt?"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I The boy was usually broad guidelines on the barge moving is george studio. It's the rams where we now people build while war, they love. You all amazing, relate J large all round. Your personality is Michael o. Today, as we answer your questions about your life and your money, open phones, triple eight eight to five five, two to five
new Orleans is calling brittany is whether hi, brittany, our you, no. Are you dave, thank you guys for most, but they can make all our pleasure. How can we help our eyes? well I'm on baby step two currently, but I'm looking to move closer to my job. I currently have about an hour and thirty to two hour round trip daily that I take good even closer with him. He yeah me at about a thirty minute commute daily, but the kicker is colonel, only pay eight hundred dollars for it, but I do spend about three hundred dollars: oil, gas, by moving our go up. Seven hundred through their way, but I will probably cut my big oil gas to three hundred dollars a kindly make about him twelve key, a mine, but I have about Fifty thousand? Let in back of paid com, try to decide on what I
I'm a good, also worker that do have two other jobs that are working right now to get out of it. Is that good that a quick? So I did that math right quick. It's a four hundred fifty dollars swing that year, you would lose whose, by going thirty minutes closer or by download getting it down to thirty minutes yet out of, making ten or twelve thousand a month yet doing what it's not social work. What are you gonna do about your work? and work in an authentic, currently hook on part time in the morning. I do powerfully in athens as well- and I do have disability that I from them very well in kyoto about ten or twelve key aka, like you you sure region which one of those is the big number. I would think big number is my disability, our good. How much is up.
About thirty nine winter them. One criterion: what through four track for three graham for grant: mocha good, ah ass, I'm moving closer power Hopefully not where you think you're moving yeah, you know here, so I think, there's a third option in sea which has moved closer for rent. That's about the same, I dont think you want to go over there or out that far in the country or whatever. That is an animal you're being a situations unsafe, I'm not suggesting that but I shall word when we Are you commuting what what's the big commute? The counselling aren't now that you would be that social and a social work right. Yes, though, I do, schools also work, though, actually to those who work in it
jobs are in the same area in I. Do the cowslips tell a hill oh anywhere, good, good. Ok, thanks for the clarification that good. So anyway, what I'm, what I'm going to suggest as you keep looking, because I, here. I think you have a valid point but so thank you can do it cheaper than what you found in the area you need to be in your rent would go eight hundred dollars to fifteen hundred a month yet yeah such a what area are you in now only faileth malta on capital, louisiana work, our invest your man york and why about after all, we are aka, aren't much that do you have. You said your baby steps to how much do you have no idea how fifty gay alchymists that okra shall all arms
Yes, you need to do something. Ok, I wouldn't commute an hour and a half in london, the neurons market, it it's not a normal commute net market, it might be an ally, but it's not an enormous, a guy I can be twelve minutes, I'm not under the shock I period. Suggest you do something that direction, but I am also going to suggest that you should more and find something closer to a thousand which makes us make a lot more sense. So what challenging actually more than the idea of moving is the idea that you have to move to that particular place. That particular thing Shall I want you to go, find out troll, lady in bethlehem. That has a has a a out more than apartment over it. That a friend the church tells you about. That's never been on the market for aunt em. author and you rent from her for eight hundred, I want you to find the weird thing like that ministers
walking up to the shiny apartment, complex that has a management team out of Atlanta yeah yeah, I want you to go, get are and what you go, get the weird thing that that is. Perfectly safe and perfectly clean. No roaches no mould are not suggesting this africa, but but what and find is I mean you can go to the richest and a town and find a grudge apartment if you know where to look another to talk to and someone believe you're a good person to have in the corner, and I don't know. Maybe you offered a do something for the rich old lady to take care of her in the press, sure you talk to her relatives and they put in their new house it. I dont care, but let's get little or creative and get this rent down yeah. I'm being you make him that ten to twelve thousand dollars a month like killing you're killing on transport, all the time yeah and you're not going to do that pry forever, but it's you write you can live on. Our lenny
anything I don't take much space for you could get out there and in a normal life the fifteen hundred wouldn't be that bad. It's just ma am only minor fifteen hundred in this cut yeah. But what went on new challenges? This idea that we always put these two things are neither one or more good high rent It's close or low rent and it's far how about low rent- and it's close- let's look for that one! That's all I'm saying we immediately. We immediately think if I lose my job that I'm going to get a job that pays less. Why not lose my job? Take the severance pay and get a job It pays more and keep the severance pay and call it a signing bonus as iguana think about how a glass half full there's always a different way. Yes, the the critical thinking I'm always trying to push on. That's what I'm doing here, that's a good where so you're you're you're awesome. I, like you, I think you're going to do great, I'm proud of you britney! You are we're attacking this. You work like a maniac and you're going to clean up your debt. It's going to be done in no time at the way you're going, but just rent find something that that you can
right about when you write your story some day that I found this cool situation, like. I was telling that guy a while ago about that car, you know I mean that kind of stuff yeah, so yeah you gotta have something like that in in in the mix and and here's the thing, the thing when you buy car when you come you when you read it's very seldom for long. That's true! That is very true. We act like doing this for twenty years now in her case, can it be just a hint just to spit yeah. It's not on the very long. And so in the scope of your life a year two years eighteen months whatever it is, you can do anything for three months, a mainly a true and she's got more than three months ago, but I mean that that done
the act like these decisions are so permanent, but yeah there's no way, I'm commuting an hour and a half a move. That's terrible s, torture, two hours! No! Thank you! Even if you listen the ram to show the entire time still, what this is The rams issue
The balance of nature is fruits and vegetables in a capsule changing the world one life at a time, you're talking about your grandpa, clearly you're, incredible and great in years. I'm fifty two done with the wild. It's given me the energy every day to continue to do exercises, and I just appreciate the doctor for what he's done and I'm impressed. I'm just become a new man with energy and I've never felt as great. I just want to say thank you. You gotta start your journey to better health, with balance of nature, call one eight hundred and two four six, eight seven, five one or good balance of nature dot com to get thirty five percent off your first preferred order. That's one! Eight hundred two, four six, eight seven, five one good balance of nature, dot, com or call one, eight hundred, two, four, six, eight seven, five one get this special offer by using discount code ramsey
jaguar shall rams your personality. Is my co host today open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five m: about is talking about student alone. Yes, they are, and since the government isn't going to forgive them, which we knew No one is shocked that it had that. That thinks clear, it's not a spoiler. Now no one yoga then sign it. What's gonna happen a revised mad. Because I said it wouldn't happen, and then I'm right and they're mad at me, because I was right so there you go so get over it you're going to have to pay didn't launchers. I works now, but will help you with that. That's the point that's been the point. The star. Yes, we're not gonna pay them for you we're not going to forgive them, but we actually going to do what we ve for millions of people show you exactly how to get the stone london starting in october? You need to get your freak and act together.
his train is coming to get off the track. Hello. Ok, get the truck, let it hit the truck, but don't stay in the truck whatever that it get away from. The train really did on. These is for mode doll. You I'm gonna help you find not only the money you need to make that payment, but more called a budget the budget and we do with every dollar and J aid and sham did they paid? Four hundred that the margin that two hundred plus of that was student alone that Charles she actually did it you can argue as somebody who d it that's all dry and I used every dollar when it could be a year that it came out. Dave then clunky really was clunky, and I made a robust and sophisticated my yes now it has all of the that tools in the trinkets and the things that I wished I had back then. Now you get to use them and the good news is, I am doing a weapon, our dave, your this is an hour and a half of your time on your own,
break its free, so it's free. you bring your link cuisine, you bring, your absurd which, and you sit- and I will help you figure out- why that margin is in your budget? What you ve been missing, why it didn't work before, and I will help you get it working now. So not only will we find your student long payment, because by the way most people find about three hundred and thirty two dollars in the first time they do the first time yeah atomic, do a budget for several months live on more than yeah. Can you get slightly start? Their inventions by nine percent on average, in all of the inflation rate, was my fear, gap, nine percent. There you go thinking and thus valid found nine percent launched in your budget? Yes and its did we mention that it's free, that's that's an impasse, in the park, there's no I'll tell you something we didn't mention. Is we mentioned this yesterday and the stinking things almost full? Yes, it is so it does fill up, because the technology only allows us to put so many people in the webinar
if you want to be in the web, webinar go to every dollar coms like budgeting, that's right, science sign up, it's gonna, be august, ninth, which will be locked away, from today yeah, I think once a week from where no yesterday wednesday, today's thursday, I'm sure uh, yes, mutual and honour. When you listen to an impact for that, but anyway, you show you it's about a week not less than a week away, and it's completely free. Every dollar dotcom slash budgeting, J, limited number of seats and they are not gone, but they're almost gone and it's free and I'll be teeth. you but you'll be able to ask questions I'll be able to hear from you. This is a conversation. It's not just me yakking, although I can. I can yeah could fill it up, but you don't need to that's not what we're done yet and the air, by the way that one of the topics is going to be how to deal with an irregular unpredictable income. One commission, you are self employed, your hours or your regular high can't do a budge. Yes, you can. We show you how we actually have a tool inside of every dollar called page
planning that allows you to do it so I'd climate, at the financial roadmap in and there the show you how to walk right up the baby steps, while you're doing your every dollar budget? I mean this thing is good and it's not like that. We mention the ridiculous price free, free. Ninety, nine, that's what I'm talkin about free, not aimed at that's funny, are Julie's in pennsylvania, high julie, welcome to the rams asia Hi David gain area that are then we deserve what's up I have an eye are currently working through the baby steps by in talking about it. We have a couple questions. The first one would be for step number five on saving for your children college fund. Is there a recommendation that you would have maybe of another way to stay for them that wouldn't be specifically earmarked for college? In case they decide for some reason not to go to college I would first save in the five twenty nine for college. I would do if you
They age as the kids grow up. If you're feeling more and more that they're going to go where I do know after after hush education which, by the way, is highly on recommended. You aren't gonna much too used five point: nine rang gonna try to go on and on. converts forgot. You can go to code school and use it to begin a programmer. Ok, I got it doesn't to be a four year institution and leaving high school and going to college is not for everyone and certainly going to college and studying german poker history is stupid. Don't do that right, but don't show everybody shouldn't go to college new car large, no matter what, but everyone should continue to gather knowledge. My everyone If you don't continued, I gather knowledge, you're gonna, end up broke your whole life. Are you, to be a lifetime learner. We do teach our children, knowledge is a currency, will cause your life to win. Not agrees and not the snotty.
famous institutions. It doesn't matter where you go or that you've got a sheepskin. What matters is, do you know something that you didn't know yesterday, so the number of books I have read since I graduated from college forty years ago, is astronomical. You know so that that is what I want. I want. I want him in that mode, but all that to say they can get certifications. They can get trade trade school. I can do all kinds of things. I'm gonna start saving. Now get a hundred thousand bucks and kids name, and this it's gonna be a welder. You you will probably need to stop saying at that point. But right now nothing. How many it's you how right I have to Well, the thing is: is that the siblings can take years. Yeah, it's siblings can use it some of the five twenty nine adults. The battle with the loss of spouses can use them yeah and not spouses, I'm sorry parent parents. You can use them. Their kids can use yep your Ok, it is it's not. It is not true, and even if you did take it out, you just go a penalty on the growth. That's right! That's all
you're not even ozma in and they can convert to their retirement down the line right up. It can become a Raphael. Re takes forever. It does. But the point is: there's nothing lost nothing's and yet yeah and and and- and let me tell you It's a good! It's really good question you're asking because I again has the ability to clarify here's the thing that happened when my kids, we didn't have five runs, wouldn't when the ramsey kids were grown up, because there's no such thing then so we were just saving in a mutual fund in their name. That's called a unified gift to minors. Act, ok and we do so, and you could do that if you want because the monies at least gonna be taxed at their rate, which is zero until they get up to ten thousand dollars and gains. So it's it's largely zero, but anyone having that fond, even if our kids didn't go to college, gave us opportunity that continually as parents talk about hey here's, your college fund hate your college fund hey this is your college fund hate were put money in your college,
I shall come on we're. I will show you how to calculate how much is in your college, one share price. I'm a number of shares this Much is in your knowledge, fun and then what we are doing there. Yes, I was brainwashing them to go to college. Ok, that's true, but but dish and that it or instead of that, if you wanted to say this, is your education fund, that's good dave because education, matters what we're doing these were were part the rhythm of the ramsay kid, table one. every so often you would here your parents that learning matters, those were saving for it were investing in your future because learning matters because knowledge matters and you do want that. That's another bit fear of having the five twenty onest keep talking about it, but yeah we're going to get up don't over save if you think you ve got a kid, but if you got Doctors are two lawyers. You really can save enough. So, but if you got it, you know a welder.
a code or you. You can stop at some point, because you're not gonna need as much time as you need to go through mexico. They may make more, but Mr Martin, that much I get to the grocery that you now man that's good conversation. it is, and you know we ve had so much discussion, weaken common micro the trade union trade there on the come back. Thank goodness yeah, Yes, that's what makes it one things might amerika great yeah. We not build stuff. You know we want to think about think positively people that build stuff- and I don't know to come from somewhere else. It can just be from across the street and three great pride in being a craftsman, or there should be this is the rams issue. I say it all. The time dead is done when cash is king, but when it to life insurance cash value is crap cash value. Life insurance is a high cost product with little to no return on your side.
Called investment. The main benefit is fat commission checked for your agent term life from Zander insurance, is a much better way to protect your family future zander shops, the top come needs to find you the most affordable term life rights. Then you can use what you save compared to those cash you premiums to really build wealth. Go Zander, dotcom, recall eight hundred three five, six, forty to eighty two to learn more today. Jane watch. All ramsay personality is Michael lodged in the lobby of ramsay solutions on baghdad, bree stage market. brower. Whether shy guys are ya a dave. We're doing well good good. Where do you guys live in denver, north carolina fine. What's that their lives are charlotte, charlotte, ok, cool! welcome to nashville good to have you guys you all the way over here to do a debt free scream? How much did you pay off
we paid off two hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred dollars, look like it and how long did it take three half years good for you, and your range of income during that time, one twenty two two and a quarter way to go. What I'll do for a living I must express teacher good and I I suffered for eleven If you sell fruit for a living, that's right a lot of it, yeah yeah! I like it. I like it. So what kind of debt was the two hundred and sixteen thousand we'd be looking at, where every ball? How old are you two weirdos, thirty seven and thirty four and your bread for house you're trying to people argue that one possible, oh sure, yet, even now, even nowadays- impossible when you've already done it is to look at what is postponed standin in it shut up, yonder it but gods is so weird in is that's why we call people weirdos? Does it sets the best kind of weirdo to be because people a cat
leave, it can happen and be they don't believe it happens as much as it does happen, lots of people about their houses, but no party It's about as much way to go you guys. So what in the world happened to you three and a half years ago that lit you up like this? Well, that means started like twelve years ago, when Barbara and I got engaged, we got a gift for financial peace university that we took at that time. So we've been trying to live it ever since four years ago I got a new job and then we just did we just dream all the time. And plan and goal, and so we look down like three and a half years ago said we can this done and maybe like five or six years may be seven before the kids get. high school and then honor start getting after it and you knock it out pretty quick and it was just awesome. Love it go. So fine me, your name What what's this house worth? Five five, twenty five parities and how much in your retirement again saw three hundred years ago
Bumping up, humiliating cyclists can be baby steps millionaires in a minute how you can ask you and you're, not a united thirty five, why that's amazing! That is how you feel totally Won't! Let you really good night. Do you have that first month where there is no payment, yet yeah July was our first month. Oh tell me, but I'd like walk me through it me through. Well, we did get the tax bill that it's new for the house, but it was the best pill that I've ever paid. So I happy to pay that really mean and what watch what big Are you going to celebrate together some cool wit? it put off certain kinds of travel and vacations that we wanted to do in the good kind, a right excited ones that you have some them. Some don't know about so out where we can say in front of some of our audience right now. We have to be sitting over to the left or right. I know what you're talkin
we might use. We all do now, also the ones that don't involve them to yet that's the way I don't revived about them, where you goin we'd, probably like to go down to like key west or somewhere around there. Yeah. That's a nice trip. The couple thinks it's a good: it not a payment in the world you're, not even forty years old debt, no doubt on the house. What are you tell people? he's getting out of debt. If I mean I think one of the major things as work. I we're married, so we work is attained? We work as wine and whether pulling me up, which is most of the time I try to help her out to its it's gettin after it. So its patience- and I just you know remembering your. Why and continuing to you know. Do god's work with money. You ve been given so aachen. Is it I can do things to crush you threaten me. The answer is our continent teacher job? That's a good! That's good! scripture? Obviously well done you guys well done well done! Well done
So am I mean when you were gone, up people talked about millionaires and now Ruby. What I mean You know I took a new job that cannot put us back a little bit, but we are still ok as far as income goes, but bar at. The time was staying at home with a with our youngest and she started. Opening her up business. She got after it. I mean one of the big reach she gonna pushed us towards that finnish. I'm really really fast was heard just doing stuff part time to buy and sell it learn, and I mean it was very impact. very inspirational that she could take on some. Might that continue to help sold and what were you shower? thing that would make me money by the by my graciosa reality by area are bookmarking pleasure when a real ghana, ok good for you well done so much It's good bad or good, good, good, good man.
You get a hold of dave's book twelve years ago, because I'm thinking about your journey, it sounds like you kind of avoided debt in general for the past twelve years right, even before you got intense for years. To pay off this house yeah. Pretty close, I mean we had probably like most people do matter how about a credit card, because it seems like a good idea for credit or we have a car payment, but we're going to pay it off early right right. You know some of the things that were probably pretty normal, but you know we kind of had a wake up call to yeah. Kick it into high gear s, right, marino, knock it out. I shall this just so, and so I don't understand how anybody can listen to this in not being inspired and nobly what can be done and how many people do oh in their thirties, I have a paid for house. I mean we know lots of em day because they come through here every day, but if you're listening this is I mean this is what you can do. You guys have made it clear that this was possible in life. Very cool, bring the ghettos, applets introduce their names and ages
is stella, with their beautiful blue glasses on cheese and then this is Gabby she's for all right, cute cute and they got the t to match on well done. good stuff? I would at the living gift box? For you, that's the baby steps millionaires book. You should read it cause you're. Almost there and total money makeover book, that's one to give away and get somebody else's journey started an financial peace university as well. You can give it or you can live at whatever you wanna. Do that's what the boxes for thanks for making the trip over. Thank you very much charlotte. You guys are inspiring your hero's shade. Well done your heroes to those two, you changed your family tree on an their. It will never be the same. They have no idea how important this day is on the move. on this day represents is an end what there mom and dad sacrifices meant shall well done. You gosh very, very, very well done mark and barbara Stella and Gabby charlotte north carolina paid off too.
sixteen thousand dollars and that's house and everything all most baby steps millionaires already mandatory? in three and a half years MIKE and one twenty two two and a quarter counted down? Let Sarah debt free scream three to one where'd, you go I don't think we can say it or show it or illustrated or tie it together any more clearly or often enough to tell people the fact just wait. A bill wealth is to get out of that s. Right, I may hear they set with a paid for may not dollar house three thousand hours and saving so they're at eight hundred k network and their bumping up on millionaires status are gonna, be a mould. They're gonna be multi millionaire easily.
Unless I just really screw this up, I mean they're really on track to be probably have a ten million dollar net worth by the time they get. There tradition. That's the thing him, and always it was get their income back instead of giving it somebody else. That's right. We sit and talk about this daily on the radio, and it's not just this idea is not just a theory we get to watch. People do every day, millions of people get a hold of this information. They change their wives. They pay off their debts, they pay off. Their homes, become millionaires, and so when we get the hate arrayed out there, that says: oh dear rooms, you step rooms, you stuff, it's just for where people just now good. First, but he doesn't really know anything about whales building Does it hurt our feelings, because we know you're stupid right recognised by that? Ok, we understand, but what it piss off as you might, somebody might believe your stupid, but does that mean we created more millionaires, probably than any other organisation and currently operating in america right now? By doing that,
they'll K, that's acts. It pisses me off when somebody should learn from my tries to put us in a bucket or in a corner of now building wealth, because we ve shown poor people are built wealth in any body and not because of hearts our feelings. It didn't hurt us not changed my network when you do that, but you can bet somebody else with your stupid but hope stealing that they can't do it and we should hear and show people every freakin day that you can do, it hope deferred, makes the heart sick, but when desire- or it is the tree of life. This is the rams issue, folks Dave ramsay. Here there are moments in life. We don't want to forget, like your kids, graduation or the once in a lifetime trip for the big moments. every day moments and everything in between every dollar is there to help you budget for all of it. It's the simple budgeting, app that help who plan save and
banned for the important things budget for life, you really want for a moment of it download the app orchard the link in the show notes to create your free account today, every dollar brainwash Remsen personality- is Michael vote today. Thank you for joining us open funds, a triple eight, eight to five five to two, five, a is whether whether charlotte north carolina high and they show. How are you I'm very today. How are you better than I deserve? What's up calling about the stood alone? Debt relief it's an everything that strength firing the end of september or beginning of october. I have um some student loan that I have yet to pay off. It's only it's my last one and I'm currently unemployed and I have the money in my favour account and I will to go forth with paying it off, however, I am hesitate because I experienced the joy
and before where I was inquired cds and accidents later align after pay in the dead of years ago, and I just want to make sure with what they have. Instead it now with. Entrance it. There's no type of feed will occur. later, oh, I know no type of action that will make. our own occur for eating one. He. I want what I the money out of that's, what I'm asking people in Adam, I think not a return again, no november, student loan that the governor, It's not gonna assess you a fee for paying off a federal student loan. Early, ok, ok, I ask because I guess before when I did it, I pulled my for one k yeah, that problem back. Ok That's why you yeah! That's why you had attacks deal and you had some fees now. My bigger question is right: now you don't have an income coming in right, correct.
How much were you pulling out of your savings and what will it leave. I'll, be calling up twelve thousand, and what will you do it that account at least thirty, and what what did you used to do for a living I was actually in marketing. Unfortunately, when I was seven months pregnant they let me go faded. We're getting rid of my position at the beginning of the year and though I it's my husband's income that we are working on. What does what does she make? He makes about seventy eighty thousand. What did you use to her making sixty had the baby. Now yesterday, congratulations scrape thank you and you didn't have a way of working for a toxic horrible company. While you are having a baby, that's a wonderful blushing! area exactly right. Banking. Is this your only debt
I'll, have a car alone, and that's the last bit of my day, income right now, I'm sorry we're question, I'm I'm digging a little bit both of you combined. Is this your only that? Are you? Ok, Great show your finances are combined. Yes, there are great right. You keep using keep seeing me, but I didn't, I will make sure he's not entire he's, not he's not sitting on three hundred thousand dollars over here in a different or more savings, because my next question, you said that that would leave thirty k in savings. So I'm wondering about the car much beyond your car. Oh nine thousand girl was poem both on them. After my husband said, a mile, or are you going back to work after the baby gets well but older, I want to go after he's her at least give them kill uppercut earth here with me and then go back to work, but you got my wanted you're a year more of your body, your left
can you make it a year on his income with no pay much, I think we're not going on roma are now and where we currently ranting in our apartment. That's what do we do want to buy yet when we're fine, but we do want to eventually by half next year so matches where my brain is like gosh work. thousand dollar who should I go ahead and, like all these clear, we completely free us and in the morning, is going to continue to provide for an evening as as before and open up new word. They must maintain close you knowing amount in the morning. We are you want us to be rendered than not bar or you know, and I will be back in my mind, and I, like lord, I trust you, you know you ve done it before you. Do it again and bode well. I also treasure chamber bearing- and here I agree with every single thing you to share and on time of that? I trust him that the court will grow after I planted it
at the corner and grow by itself. I got a planet, show you you're gonna, do your part mclaren the debt living on budget the mind of man. Plans is wise, but the Lord direction steps or have a plan d build a tower without first counting the cost. Let's you get half way up and are able to finish we're going to have a budget. You and your husband are going to live you're going to do your part to make the scripture the truth of the scriptures come alive in your life. Does that make sense yes, say you're in I think you're gonna be awesome. You you're gonna get us, Ben time, others baby we're on beyond it. Detailed plan and the plans meant to include when you go back to work a bunch of your income, if not all of which can be able to pile up to base save up for a house yesterday, You have brought about, I believe you're there do you have every dollar phoenicia used to have it and it was I had it at the time it was an operating. Well, my bank account now. Ok. you to who's your bank. It was
I have a bank line on a couple. It's bank of america wells fargo, and then I have a few others from every dollar. I would just have a suggestion: don't do business either. One of those are both horrible but I've? Never dollar will definitely connect to bank of america unwell, fargo, no question about how long can go to every dollar dot com, slice, jade ngo. A year fifteen dollars off on me, although eagle, every dollar slash, jade promo code, fifteen dollars you'll get it for a year. Super cheap, If you get a slash dave, I don't have a slashed, you gotta know people Dave, you gotta know the right. You gotta have the connect to get a slash dave. That's right! I'm a slasher dave could be like a horror that could have negative effects on the psycho yeah, hey, Onitsha, you're incredible, go! Do this plan and follow all the way through? Okay, don't don't go
I offer these two things and then bear responsible and call me back later and say I away at him and were concerned, ran a bunch of dat. Now you're going to get on. Every dollar Jay just gave you the slice jade, and so you got the fifteen dollars off get on there. You and your husband sit down and lay out a plan so that this whole thing turns into a blessing because here's what's going to end up happening, and you can't see it yet, but I've seen it before so I'll, go ahead and predict it. Okay, you go back to work you are wiser than when you took that last job. and you have more knowledge about marketing than when you took that last job. When you go back to work, you're going to make more money than you were making when those idiots fired you and it's going to be a better company because you are going to choose a place pays you more and that is worthy to have you there and you going to walk and move move in a different type of confidence, because you don't
this debt around your neck and that confidence is going to cause you to attract better off, unity, your enemy devalue, the interview better when you're, not desperate, that's a fact, desperate, salespeople smell bad John you, when you're trying to show yourself in an interview yacht as you can smell it's ugly, when your desperate it doesn't to call him a. I do anything that have probably done interview on the same but hey you're in trouble. I really can see incredible stuff and all comes For the simple question out in what fees for my student that's right now, isn't that funny in that weird, but we got all the way down into her life. We did now so, but that's the way that works around here cause see money's, not people just answer money questions they missed. The point is a solemn, your life much amiss mean baby. She, leap and much right now, now trying to figure out how to do all the stuff, but she's about to pay off her student alone,
and her heart and still have money saved and her husband smile, that's right and say it was my idea. I was right, call ramsey they'll tell you, I was certain it doesn't happen often, but when it came to going to play they're always right card. No, you don't play them often, but you just casually just got caught down on the table there and so after I'm, gonna have to work on much less dave, yes, lashed eight theirs. I know people in this building David, I think they can hook you up What my name's on the front part of this life! It is that's ramsay, solutions, part! So maybe I did maybe they just thought. I Didn'T- need a back- it's possible, you never know, but money that, after the slash, whoa, whoa, whoa Paul
now we're getting into it. Oh boy, so does that mean anybody goes to back strikes like that trade? They could get fifteen dollars. That's right! If anybody types it in Dave, we are owed an international code over there that gm airwaves. That's right, it's a secret code. This is what happens when somebody gives you a slash, slash in a backslide yeah. This is the ramsey show the nave. Here you can find all of our shows with the ramsay network app on your smartphone. It's the only place to listen to the entire back catalog of episodes download the ramsay network app in your favorite app store that a the hey it's james producer of the ramsay show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode, thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2023-08-06.