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Find Freedom from Student Loans And Anxiety


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I I am sure we shall judge ramsey we build while the world may lie and create an amazing doktor. John lonely rooms, reporting bologna show is Michael today, open forms a triple a true five, five, two to five. You drop in we'll talk about your life and your money boy,
Give you a heads up. It is for those of you listening live. You know this, those be catching us later. This is my the day after sunday, bloody sunday when these loan payments began again and I, if opened your cheque book, are you ve opened your bank balance and you ve looked at it after having, start paying your student loans again you're. One of forty four million americans. That are one point: seven trillion dollars. Ah you've had out she moment and on we're here for you, we understand and its overwhelming its confusing its science producing and we're gonna help you with the get out of debt and even the anxiety, doktor John, but only as a new book coming out tomorrow is launch day, it is launched, book, launch, weak, forrester, Ramsay, build a non anxious life, but John bologna and John. We
comes out tomorrow by the way are going to give you the pitch. If you order today before midnight tonight, that is the official day, right then, at our website, at ramsey solutions, dot com. You can get the book for twenty dollars by the way average nonfiction book is thirty, two dollars a sixty three since in America today, which shocked the crap out of me. When I heard the books were gone up, that much but since I actually know the cost of these things going up in the cost of paper going up, I'm not shocked, but it still caught me off guard, but our Ours is twenty dollars for the night and you gets seventy five dollars and free bonus items, including the audio books, a book and one of johns talks from smart conference and on john. This book is its already. I think we ve sold enough that it'll be number one next week when the lead, those come out I'll, be shocked. If it's not me hold a zillion of these things out of the treaty some kind of weird statistical anomaly happens. It it'll be a number one and degree. action to it is match,
with the need in the marketplace, there's a lot of anxiety as everywhere everywhere we go from wealthy people to those struggling to kids, to adults, to geriatric populations, everybody's wrestling with it yeah and the the the population that has a student loan debt that just came to an built in of the six daily choices that you teach folks to make in here. To get there is this idea of freedom in that goes on. Whole thing with afraid are dead. Very right on death row in amsterdam irish shyly may ensure free that it changes everything. Yet it is also one of the first steps is choosing reality in IRAN. we're back in July when it came out- and we started barkan from this microphone Here is your reality. Some of bought houses by some of you sign up for memberships, whatever that you can no longer afford, because you thought the governments can take your beer, she led him away like they told you and you weren't stoop,
That's what I told you, and but here we are your stupid. You believe the government others that so starch choosing reality now and start making moves now and just like weeds people three years ago, hey they're, not charging you interest. Now is the perfect time to pay these off was at. One percent of people chose that reality, and now it's back right. So I People who didn't choose reality who continue to kick kick it and take it and then aka october first without true of all areas of our life on anxiety, not just money, that's right, but I want people to feel it. This is what you he's. Trying to tell you not safe, has been telling you for the last six months in a safe. That's what that's what we're talking about here and What are you can choose reality and move from that, whether it stood loans, whether your marriage fallen apart, whether it's your kids that want to be the same room with you, what your health whatever it is, if you keep avoiding reality or bodies, can keep bang in that alarm louder and louder and louder to get your attention that you're not ok and saw the purpose of the book. The six daily choices is not
to do away with anxiety? It is to do away with the things that cause anxiety, because we live in such a fanatic, gotta control, chaotic world that created an anxiety monster. It called our lives I don't want to live in a house without a small detector that silly I don't work, in a building without a small detective, that's dumb, but I dont want going twenty four seven, three sixty five. So this book is really a book about finding the fires in your house. I, for your marriage in your health, not find the smoke detect, not the smoke detectors on the farm bar find the fires. Muskets don't get putting on the fires. Hector to quit by beeping is to have no smoke. That's exactly hello! Yeah! You can yell and scream at that little beep in your car when you're a seatbelts not fastened, and it just beeps and beeps and beeps or fasten sheep. I that's it we're doing here we're going to find it. Both issues that are in all of our lives, and we got to deal with their health in here wing, belief, connection, freedom, reality and the freedom, a portion of the subject of freedom
this idea of being debt free. If, if you paid a too, in the last three years about the stewed loan stuff, because you had loan payment to make Imagine a world where, whatever I don't on care. They're doing because our only by any money. That's it we're talking about that sense of he's in that sense of, and that could be jade. Worse all took ears with her husband to pay it off. I could be John Sheila Delaney that took mould well multiple years, two pairs of it could be that nature that we talk to in new york city when they got lockdown who, as a teacher, who paid off one year: hundreds of six figures just kept core ami just worked hours a day she said something else to do. I can't go into work and hang on to my friends and I get these loans pit or whatever Your path is imagined, sitting here right now on repayment day, thing to repay. Aren't you care of it now having today cause I don't have a student loan, but that's right. If all the inflation talk is just really annoying, but I don't borrow
from eggs anyways what our own conquer Emmi, just changes. How you do every interest rates drive me crazy, not make money. I don't have any money out there. Interest rates went up again on mortgages, not mine exactly, and so it's it's. It sounds trite and it sounds silly, but this is this is freedom? Is that that word peace? talking about for thirty years? Well, I mean real ships are health, our spiritual walk are financed These are all areas that you can make choices in that limit the anxiety bucket from overflowing right, that's right and the daily choices are our key to this whole thing and it doesn't mean you're, never going to hang of anxiety. It means you'll have less of it because you have less problems causing the alarm to go off the where I've gone about it. driving this Davis, we all brush her teeth twice a day. Most of us george gamble, we don't know for sure, like lungs of us most of us progression to treat the lot brushwood you twice a day and
over time. You don't have bad breath and over time you don't have cavities, but if you like and to give your wife gifts and she goes oh, how your breath is bad and you know your private tooth infection. Now I'm going to go deal with that, similarly Do these things on a regular basis and become part of my life and with the when sorrowfully anxious, I'm going to know my body's working, just as it should, and it's going to lead me to where there's there might be an issue, that's how it works, boys and girls, Building a non anxious life comes tomorrow. I, for those of you that pre purchased at the tens, thousands of you? Thank you. We will be keeping them tonight. Beheading your direction, so they come out tomorrow. You start showing them in bookstores. Tomorrow, amazon, nor those of you, the purchased at their it'll, be shipped and if you buy by midnight tonight, building a non anxious life. It's twenty dollars, a throw in seventy five dollars worth of additional items for re. Where Bribing you to buy a before midnight if your listening to me take the bribe. This
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nature, dot, com and promo code ramsay for twenty. dollars off your first order, doktor john aloni. Ramsay personality is my co host today, open phones, aaa eight to five five to two what we're doing so. They were never done on the ramsay show jade wash off and kin common to washington d c. They ve been up, therefore, about last forty eight hours with the student loans restarting talking to the man on the street, some women on the street and some people that should be on the street called congressmen not getting and their pay learning about what's happening with withstood loan So what are you guys finding out up there well day, thanks for having a saw, so we spent yesterday the full day moving between georgia The camp was talking to a lot of students about their current debt situation, and then we
to the mall in between the lincoln memorial and the law? she turned monument and talk to so many different people was alive. Finally, we heard, I think one key theme was that people really believe collectively, no matter how they vote or what they believe. from a religious standpoint the message was to wish it is too high. It's going up to quickly it's out size, and that was a very interesting being J. I agree you know something else they knew to wish was high, but when we asked the students, so how much are you paying each semester? How much are you paying each year when you come out of college? How much total debt do you think you'll have? It was really interesting, they kind of seamen. Fog about how much debt they were going to leave with one guy even said to us. He said you know: I've got bigger fish fr. I have got enough to worry about right now, I'm getting my md, you don't worry about that. you know when I get out of med school and I thought oh, my gosh. He estimated that he'd pry come out with about three or four hundred thousand dollars of dead dave.
Is there any starting salary? He thinks sixty thousand dollars. So it's that kind of story that was pretty saddam. Everybody thinks that too, there's gotta be addressed. Show two issues too high, but our choices there intuitions to habit, but they don't how much it is. That's right. That's right, very unwilling to george tell a lot of these kids here. What is interesting, your cell. Obviously we saw a pattern to or these students were saying they didn't know how much they actually Gruner o, because mom and dad took out the loans are handled. All the details of that was kind of scary as well, and there is another piece to it. David John. Not only did they believe that tuition was hi. Everybody agrees that there is a major problem here and we asked them specifically what what do you think about forgiveness? You know Why, then, these administrations offering forgiveness? Do you think it's a good idea and here's what I thought was really remarkable? They all thought hey. It would be nice to have forgiveness all
would love for somebody to come in and take care of our debt, but they all agreed that it was kind of a selfish. You know it was a selfish want that, ultimately, it probably wasn't best for people for the government offer people enlarge to offer that forgiveness aid, because it's not fair for everybody and be because of the tax implication of burdening. You know others who maybe even take out student loans with the bill. It is what what did ache. I struggle with the cost part because it feels like yet another way of past the blame onto somebody else and I can drive buy a car dealership like a poor dealership and the prices are gonna, be expensive in the cars worth the money. Expensive. But it's up to me to be responsible to enough to know. I can't afford a porsche so gonna move on the internet. students that you met with own the fact there your school they can afford, or even how much it costs, although of course,
You make a very good point, John, but I think it's different between student who wants to go into social work, who goes and gets really expensive degree and is only making forty forty five thousand dollars and then the men we talk to there's only one way to get that med degree and medical school is crazy and give you real numbers, because the Y medical dire only gonna make sixty kay. Well he's talking about the intern years as well party cardiac, so so he's got it in turn for three or four years. But let me point this out, because job a good point. But if we look at two thousand ten twenty twenty two the cost of tuition rose over twelve percent each year. When you have fortunately moving up at about two and a half percent, so it is right kill us. These college in universities keep raising the price because- they've got an audience who just keeps getting the loan, the federal program and these colleges, universities, are colluding. That's a simple fight, oh no quarter,
if you cut the money off from the student loans. Suddenly they pray increases would go away, because I didn't act. They will have hailstones willing or able to pay what are charging I have been at the root of the problem, but that goes back to day what you ve been saying for the last year, which is the stood alone? Bail out programme is almost beside the point we do with that after you don't deal at the flood without turning the faucet off first right at first, you gotta deal the faucet, and if there are serious about helping young people, there are serious about helping students sincerest but not saddling future jenny. Actions with trillions of dollars of debt. They would deal with that up front instead of just out. You know, fictive bail and water, and let me continue to run you can't keep making the loans as intellectually dishonest when them went not want one. Were not a crisis on our hands of student loans, epic proportions here show did you run into people whose loans are starting back today? Yes, it's so funny,
you mentioned that we got the opportunity to talk to several folks. I talk to a girl, her name was aerial and she was excited to talk to us yet strong wings about student loans and forgiveness, and she was really king gave on forgiveness from the binding administration and when she didn't get it, you know, she's been seeing her interests pile up. Obviously, since the start of september- and she told me she said jane- I've already seen a thousand dollars a crew in interest from september. First until today she said it's the equivalent of three full payment, almost and she said it's blowing my mind how quickly this interesting accruing she's an edge she's, an ethical herself and she's like see a way out- and so you know, I was able to talk to write that hey what if I told you that every day you know several times a week on the ramsay show, we hear people come in doing their debt freeze. I mean they paid off. Seventy thousand eighty thousand two hundred and twenty thousand, whatever number of debt people are doing it every day. They've just gotta have the tools in order to make it happen. honestly, they ve gotta, believe that it can happen and I feel like that's the missing piece kin.
we've seen where jade asked her that she lit up there was so much hope they just took over her whole body. It was really cool moment, so I'm curious in my minors, forty four million people today that have a payment do for them first time in three years, Many cases are a large payments can take a chunk, thou art. It is, I feel, like I don't know why. I feel like were the only ones talking about this like the duck. The typical person in Let's talk about it, but I won't run into anybody in the media. That's gotten the day is a big freaking. Oh economically suicidally, everything else. Are you running into people our going, my god, what a mess? not really when we were on the college campuses was interesting can on the college campuses it's almost like they're just were. They have no idea. This is happening. I right up to five different students. Why said hey? Do you understand the significance of today I sent you understand. Student loans have been on pause for thought. Here's there. Finally, starting back- and they were like- I don't know what you're talking about throat.
Its business as usual dave, it's not a big story because, quite frankly, so old it's been around for ever and I think the american people have lost a lot of hope to where towards not sensational store anymore and that's what's really a crime in this house. Be addressed from the leadership level in congress in the white house. It's a crime that they're giving this money away to people who can afford it and then charging them crazy interest since out about helping people get educated. This is a in tax on the american people. In my opinion, and there's a little bit of owners can the parents in this situation, we have a lot of the students. We talk to day said from their own mouth. Hey. I think my parents took out alone. I think they sign for it, I'm pretty sure they're taking care of them and you know to which I said: hey, you better. Have that conversation inside it bass, because when it comes down to pay the piper You need to know who is on the hook. Well Jane you bring up a great
there's an millionaires, millions and millions of parents that use the college their kid got into to give themselves a pat on the back and to be up to tell their friend sanctuary in the community. Instead of having a realistic, honest conversation about a child, what are you actually want to do and you grow up and what is the best path for you in our family? There? They just want it and say, hey my kid got into georgetown. My kids he's to Georgetown forget the fact that it's to be forty years appear nothing or what what actually right John? Well, jaguar shark in common in washington d, c reporting live on the first day. The student alone, payments kickback, officially as actual technically as of last night, but other you go and arm, our short and she's, from movement out there in the market place and we We want to be right on the front lines. Thank trying it out was guys we're tracking. When the next hour This is the rams issue here
buddy doktor john aloni, here research Tell us that the average person spins about one third of their life sleeping. That's about it of a million hours, and we know for certain restoring your mind and body with sleep is crucial for your physical, emotional and relational health, if you're gonna be sleeping for one third of your life and sleep is critical for every good thing you got going on. Why not trying, at the best sleep possible and grace We start with an amazing mattress like dream cloud claude mattresses are soft, cool and supportive, so you can sleep comfortably all night long. I know this because my Emily sleeps on dream cloud and here's another bit of research. For you, four out of five people say they fall asleep, faster on their dream cloud and they did on their old mattress and right now rains you show listeners can get an awesome deal. Forty percent off all mattresses, please an extra savings of fifty dollars. So good a dream,
cloud, sleep dot com today into promo code, John D, that dream club, sleep, dot, com with promo code, John d- doktor john aloni ramsay personality is my co host today in the lobby of ramsay solutions on the debt, a free stage, John and right are with us and I are a special dead free screen because Johns one ever newer team members right, that's right along about whether gone on eight months now? Ok, while good deal and tell her by you do here. Ramsay I'm on the uk, twelve renewal team for our ranch education, team mocha, show k through twelve meaning our hush school, correct, um tripe, and are you work with that team making sure that high school students get our high school curriculum around America? That's right, very good stuff will. Thank you good work, good work, John and rachel how much debt have you paid off? Fifty thousand
in thirteen months. Alright, eight months of it, you are here alright and I won't ask your income, because we don't do that since you're, a team member and have you announce it to all of your things and can be on all the people that you work with, will be standing around right now and we're going to tell them what your income is. I think that'd be just tacky, so we don't do that, but congratulations. Okay, so, five months before, You got here where, were you all living, right here in nashville yourself and someone got your started on this five months before you came here. Well, so the really fun? Part of our story that I think even the thirteen got got a big big out out of that that when I asked rachel's dad is here with us today for his blessing, he was absolutely, but the only thing that will we had to do was he said you just have to go through a few before you get married, like you, I gotta kicked off the entire journey for us, and so as soon as we get me reed and graduated. It was kind of time to be a gazelle and zambia. yeah, so graduated in may of twenty twenty,
and then got married in june and right after we got back. like our honeymoon in everything it was august of Twenty two that we started attacking all of it and then just a couple months later you go to your father in law. Go hey appear one thing now my beer, I'm going to work that he was more excited if it was, if it was my wife or him actually to start paying higher, not gonna lie. I didn't just go through a few I'm going to work. I got a job there. I like that. That's fun, very cool, very cool, so that means writing you grew up a financial peace baby. I did yes, my parents went through in twenty seventeen, and then they were inspired by like it's still in their journey they're almost done as well, and so they started teaching a generation change like the wow. They started, teaching that our church has a teenager. So I took that with them. When I was a senior in high school- and I
foundations in personal finance in high school as well, which is called, has now gone cells, Ah you luke couldn't get away, not at all settler stock. All around you, John, you don't have a choice and that now I really risk another mean all the debt in your marriage was yours. Now without it was I, and so I think it was about, but she had sixteen about twenty eight and that we have medical bills that popped up over last year as well, that we were able to prepare for even even paying off debt. But that was by far one of those Stressful times was when we set a lotta moments. But each other more light. Just tearful. In my My team member ryan Andrew can also test like where I just was like I'm so ready to be done with this, and so that that journey that, like drive to just beat to knock it out. I mean that the pain is what really just gets you going because you're like I haven't So what candidates were those sitting on softer than let her get and so yeah?
here today was to animals kicking back in knowing that's, not there's a big relief, yes, namely yet so you mentioned, submits, really important. I think for couples to understand. There's that raw moment that really excited you have that first conversation, we're gonna, do this and then there's on nine were at heart. You and it's hard you're exhausted want to go on a date. You've been married one year. Can we go on a date? You nope, we gotta finish this. This journey, you can go. You just have to go the park. That's right! You gotta do another free day, another walker, real, creative, yeah, and so, but but tell them what it feels like. On the other side, like Davis, said, students are kicking off today and yeah. Okay, like for yours, not it's not an event in your home right till dawn. What it feels like to be on this side of it and feel so good I think we talked about before this. What the hardest part was for us- and it was definitely like going through it like we're. Almost there almost there, but also seeing like relationships and friendships chain.
Because of our lifestyle change and at the same time, we had all of these new friends like come alongside us in support us in it In so doing you got rid of the dumb from scratch. More ones will you lately, we, like you had a wash is drawing to a close. Please list. The dumb french people come along side of us and like celebrate with us and like so many here today in watching everything. So if you're, really good till, I have the great community around us, supporting, as I think one thing too As you know, a lot of people who are living life a different. like without first rumoured to so fine and you're like I don't know that your largely hard he's like we did, live together other things do have like. We had a lot to communicate, not to mention an empty with such a big game changer here, because,
Not only were we heading into this, but we also are going into this, knowing full well of like what conversations we needed to have to start off, and so we already were talking about money. We were already talking about relationships where I talk about where we going to live and what's going to be financially savvy, not where do we want to be, but where do we need to be? And so even making those budgetary decisions was a game changer, no, you guys are going to real head start. I mean there's so much or so functional it's amazing in a dysfunctional world. What, if you think about, if you think about it, like a sports team, if the whole team gets together and the first weekend they'll get together. They d start playing live games, look very terrible when I can be good but to spend the first year of your marriage for a year and a half in the white room working hard right organ working, hard, working, hard learning to work together, and now you ve got the new sixty years, where nobody will own you two not even day
nobody will own. You and you're gonna be able to make decisions like this. I mean I do work here. Remember so he shouted hey. I know I used to also but nobody's getting one you do. Y'all can make decisions about your homes and your kids for ever now, John curious? The june have much background on financial picture version thing before your future meanwhile dumps this will require a little bit here and there I grew up in so no annoyance and my parents, and I don't want that. What did you think I was alleged Ruth It was like whatever it takes, wow yeah, he could have said well son. You can marry my daughter, but I'm gonna set you on fire. He would be like okay I'll do that to get the matches yeah. So it was that it wasn't like he's weird- that water
coming into they ve been coordinators for couple years now, so you haven't, we get the kind of visited on some of their classes as well as we were kind of back forthwith, hearing, cleave, ohio, and so yet, even that part was really fun to get to be a part of it to his in we're looking for leaders here and so how we can step into our communities and continue to lead from a place of accomplishing these tasks and then being able to encourage other people same thing, which I want my buddy his best man. He came to me he's like I've got this. These, like credit cards, are used for school. I ten thousand dollars and they just got married and had like sixty grand liquid cash and I'm like dude. What are you doing? I'm like off the damn thing and some sitting down and basically as financial adviser- and this is what this looks like it's really. simple and it's gonna win a lot of our break down the road, because you got this now and when David, you say, when you invite murphy and bad things happen. Yeah I got a feeling. Jobs can be able to talk in the schools and during the christian would and literally ready to buy it right now, I'm thinking I'm thinking it's just game on right now. Well done you guys were very proud of you, probably heavy on the team and
of the heritage in the history and the whole thing is a beautiful story and multi generation no financial peace, stuff goin on you're, very good stuff. I love it. I love it you're so shut up to me. multi million. Originally unbelievably generation help. So many people honour to have you guys on our team people like or who we want. We're gonna give you the can give bundle, as if you didn't have all that stuff with working here. The baby steps millionaires book, the total money, makeover book and financial peace membership you'll be able to give those away to somebody. I enter Do you think we already give you, as a team member, to give away from you that lots of things got stuff good, stuff, Jordan, rigel, frank on tenancy member, of the rams. Eighteen members of the family, fish a thousand dollars paid off in thirteen months, canada, What's are debt bridge three too,
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hundred three five. Six. Forty to eighty two. Doktor john bologna ramsay personality, is michael host today, Shannon's columbus, ohio. I shall welcome to the ramsay. Shall thank you. Thank you so much sharp. What's up, I sixty seven years old and I'm wondering your opinion, I haven't heard you talk about this on pre planning and pre paying for funeral. Well, it is a gift to your relatives. If you pre planned it gift to the funeral home if you prepay. That was my thought too, because inflation rate of funerals is around four percent, so we basically make in four percent in your money. Ok and and any rate of course, locked into everything. But if you, the more d the more nerdy and detailed you want to get into it and I'm feeling guilty
right now cause I've done zero, casket picking and I'm sixty three, but I shall not pre planned or pre paid in my I probably actually should go, do some kind of a something and give them a god because I'm so pre planned on every other part of my stay plan. It's so detailed. And we have meetings once a year to go over it, and I don't I haven't done the casket thing. pre planned my funeral to a t you did, and my wife made it very clear- I'm not running errands for you afterward. She goes this, it will be how I wanted to be. That's how I married- well sure and only show up, sir. Gone. She won't be able to think clear. As you are now saying, I rarely thinking. I bet your kid. I bet you, kids, efficacy is a little bit of celebration of a shared one box here would be. My concern is that The version of the funeral. You have in your mind that possibly even prepay for
I would imagine, there's two or three leadership changes by the time you pass away and when your family would actually get would probably be. Than what you have in mind that I have loved. I honestly have not experienced that almost no, ok, it's a valid concerned, but I've never run into that. What I have run into is I finally realise that the funeral world is an industry in its annex dream, leap, double industry very much and like many things, when you add the financing or prepayment to it. You add to their profits, have figured that out and that shirt they make as much money on the prepayment plans as they do actual margin on the goods services associated with one being buried in your final day. So are your final arrangements but yeah. So, ah yeah, I think it'd be it's it's. It is a gift for people to in a manner an emotional state. Have to make a bunch of value decisions that does make sense to me
although I am being very up front admitting. I have not done that part of it I've done everything else in the estate plan and they'll figure it out product. This bunch will be able to four did. I tell you that, but the would not prepay I've always told people not to pre pay in the extreme, examples are if you took them. I have a funeral and invested at age thirty. Instead of making four per cent on your money, you made an investment return on your money. You'd have like six hundred thousand box when you get to eighty, and so pre rang like in your authorities or forties magically ridiculous now, when you should use avenues, three like me, I knew then are you not as many years for that to compound? And you know, even if it's twenty you know or or whatever so yeah, I I don't, I tell people, don't prepare, I and I do tell them to pre plan. That's the overall thing, even though I that's one of the few areas have not done what I'd say to do. What what about plots? Do you, what about buying
plots her I have not, but I too am not against them. Ok, I mean you cause your purchasing them. And what you're doing is locking in the location of stuff and ah, but I gotta tell you if I had bought those twenty five years ago, they'd, probably in a different place. There would be today so I mean think about that. Worried want to be buried twenty five years personal now I mean think about how the city's changed. In the you know, our lives have changed and stuff in twenty or twenty fears think about where you work. Twenty I wouldn't want. You been in text yeah, that's right, yeah, oh and now you live in tennessee, so I mean I it's an interesting thing, so I I don't. I have not avoided it. I've just not been good and diligent well, but I think I think,
you ve paid for the funeral right. I mean that's what an inherent have ortega leg in handling that made it look more general, it's a small percentage and it's not a big enough, though the the, if, if somebody's, not left, much of an estate or our state, and then someone has to pay for the funeral, though I've been in those even more emotional yeah, then, if its, if multi millionaire, and it's all, I don't owe fifteenth, but your whatever you think about a non issue. So it does take the pressure, that way. You can really screw up a funeral and ours in our situation. I wouldn't be big. Do yeah have sat with the folks who can it be wide eyed sent out how much the funeral cost and you know, and that's when their first questions, questions out their struggle and end there's no way they come up with five ten. ten grand wherever the charge, it's hard hard conversation show it it. It is. But what has happened is that of the war materials, a shocker forward if you're out there. If you ve been through the law,
oh you're grieving, having to go in and select all this stuff and make all these decisions and you're not sure, The money thing why, on top of that, then you don't want your pay, you loved after that on? You shall have some people who prepay when they want to never have that happen to people they love and show, but but still I would pre planned you can do the exact same thing is preparing every detail. If you wanted to write and or that or you could just take a kind of want the yom, the f one, fifty not the bentley and not smart car, only an amended ass margaret. I dont want to use dodge neon What the bentley somewhere around the used f one. Fifty level right, that's kind of what I'm thinking here so someday you'll, get it the rest of your be looking up the cars to figure out what they are. What are you gonna get one so I could get like above ground monument dave,
I'm not going to get anything I'm not going to share and share not spending not going to be a guarantee assurance, not thinking. That's a bargain cathy's in Boise hi kathy. How are you I am so I mean you would sooner do your show an end though it may be already covered death. But I've heard how much you dislike credit cards. What do you do about went off could I have tried the rent it without with just a debit card. and they wouldn't do it at all. Look it depends on the company, such and odd enterprise, heart perch, progeny syringe virtual, not enterprise. At some locations and nodded others, and so what you ve got it pre plan, your tree up and can't tell you that you can't walk up to the counter. yet one in the city. You live and is very difficult to get to rent a car that way
and so you gotta have a return ticket. You know so, but if travelling to another city- I, yes, there are companies that will read to you. Without a debit card. I haven't had a credit card, in thirty years. Now I rent cars today, We have corporate accounts. There, not credit cards on mean we But we were at cars all over america or try out the shop. You don't get thousand people working there. Where shall we have corporate accountant and they don't choir card in those situations. Obviously, so that's an unfair advantage. that you don't have, but I travel a lot with like distant family stuff in august, I have a problem: I'm I've had one bad experience or want period. Ok dollar will, but it's, very difficult: tara will my my experience with enterprise has been awesome extra enterprise, ninety percent of the time it's fine yeah, have just been awesome, so I didn't know that I would call around. I remember I won't say the company, but I I sat there and said here's what I want to figure out,
I give you my money, and they were so It's like figure out a way that you can take my money from me and they wouldn't figure it out now that, because I work in a jail that in care yeah, that should mean that that's the situation with hurts. They look at you with a blank stare like you lost that gun Manderson. But but that's the thing and we at dollar, where the dollar car studio here for a while they sponsored the studio for awhile enduring regime after cover, they all went by for up to that. They all almost went bankrupt and they turned over other leadership team that regime. And changed everything, but we had dollar shut up to where they took a debit card. Just like a credit card, asian wide, and we endorse them for that reason and gave them a lot of business, the new dream came after covered in the bankruptcy in the loft dollar zone by hurts so they came back again and the whole new marketing people everything they went back said no debit cards, so we had to take that we had to take the dollar we can't be,
endorsing and we'd like the dollar car studio down, so couldn't do anymore. That's why we're going a fire or customer painful, but That's how it worked, they didn't renew because they didn't want to be involved with somebody like us. That said, only use debit cards never go to dollar. Never hurts that'd, be kind of weird that this is the ramsey show, the headquarters of ramsey ramsey, where we help people build wealth, the work that they love and create actual amazing, like the campbell ramsey personality, co, host of the smart funny happy hour, ramsey network and the camel with the gay youtube sensational show and michael host today from number here. If you want to talk, its triple eight eight to five, five, two to five or george Sunday, bloody sunday to quote you too,
You too is has come and gone. The student loans yesterday are the payments are now do not just the interest to the freaking payment. It just got real. It just got raw. It just got really scary for some people really confusing for some people, the the chickens have come home to roost, as they say, and not in a good way, not happy for any by the chin. Pain were here to help you the name of our companies, ramsay solutions, wigley solutions, not gripe and carrying on, and so one of the things we did is something we we're done on the show in thirty years we actually have in the field. Reporters correspondence courted adam word, that's a big word the one extra money they won't get it common, knowing no or shall ramsay personalities are in washington, do they ve been talking to college students at georgetown people on the street, about lester,
loans restarting and this our can has congressmen, Andy ogled, thus from our district here in the state see Andy, and I are friends and were before he was an important congressman noise and in my congressman up. There are trying to do some good and on, were happy for that and show. welcome guys they're going to be with david course we're in the shadow of the capital and congressmen good to see you through the have you. I know that you're a limited government guy you're here to fix a lot of that. You don't want congress hands in the pot too much created a big issue with the student loans crisis, with the federal, soon learn programme, so with congressional oversight, you know the cabinets and, of course, secretary of education. All that curious. What can Congress do? What should congress do about? The free flow
of student loans were first. Let me say you know the less government does the better. You have never seen a problem that government can't make worse, but that being said, we're in this problem because of government so that is what you do next and so, like you said, dave the payments starting is this friday divide administration is put out there, another thirty nine billion dollars and forgiveness now that'll end up in court but whether doing is their setting these false expectations to a problem that government again create. Absolutely so is the responsibility of congress. Should congress say let's law or the amount of loans. How would they do that? What would be a technical way congress could do what you're just thinking top of my head in a structured, much like say, estate, voucher programme would be you limit the number of dollars per student so that monies that guarantee from the federal government, then you require, universities to put in so much a certain percentage, and so what you could do mechanism is, is really come,
slow. The increase, intuitions guys. Look what's happened over time is the more guaranteed, who's that you ve had from the federal government. The more grants from the Government to wishes have gone up exponentially and there's no reason for these big universities with billions of dollars in endowments to help students, because their feeding at the trough govern anti andy curious you- and I have talked about this before just as a person conversation, but never on the air, as are free one congressmen up there. I have the gift of cynicism. So as I can, I can't imagine how difficult it is to get that group of people to do anything. I mean as a freshman congressmen. How do you do you feel is any possibility. We stem the tide, of these student loans going out, because they mean that number of dollars
just flowing right at seventeen year olds is out of control and is that I don't think a full comprehension of what's the long term impacts. Look if you're gonna be a doctor and engineer some of these high income earners your ability to pay that back is is reasonable, but if you're going into sociology or a teacher and those are noble professions and you you grasped were to two and fifty thousand dollars worth of dead you, Bela data topic to pay that all of it is near impossible. I mean you talk to dead about debt and income of the time, and so the government is complicit to really putting people bad way. Like you said, you know these payments started today. That bill is now, do and there's no going back from it. I'm curious, Andy. What would it take to actually end Federal stewed loan programme dave always says on the show, if it so bad, we need to forgive them. Why do we tenue this. So what would it take on the federal level to make this go away? Workable?
the idea of cynicism, making it go away at this point in time would be probably near impossible, but I think we could put some constraints on sought rainy in those dollars amounts and really looked to the universities to tap into some of their endowment? themselves? That's going my phone blowing up tomorrow from all these universities doesn't element to spend their down. That's, but that's what it's for right! You should. Let me the federal government to pay your two wishes to pay your bills and look where market society, we should be a free market society. That's terrific! universities and colleges and us The time when enrollments are going down so again the cost is becoming coming prohibitive. For so many faults I now one friends, thirty, so I'm not really put him under the spot here, but you said it probably not going to happen. I tend to agree, but technically could the president
congressional decision to wipe the programme out. Is it a vote that we would have to have russian? Will action in again with divided government divide government by the way can be a good thing when it down with a thoughtful manner right now, it's very partisan which is unfortunate and so forth. we do it just a is: is a gun fly gunfight, but being said it should take. It requires of Oda congress. That's one one bite and try to forget the loans before it ended up in court. The supreme court. Said now that you can't do that and look the power. The purse belongs us representatives, so were the ones that has a dial it back and, like you said, when you look at all the above all others, healthcare or transportation or student loans. The government on four it has a role in creating those problems. What I am hearing dave and george is in order to congress a dial it back. We should start dial in the hotline start, throwing some people output of good boy like eighty and take back our economy and get rid of debt. A couple of weeks into the your first term, you more
Hopeful are just bigger, bigger problem. you thought it was serving up there it's an honor to serve. You know we're about nine months in now, and I yeah we're talking offline yeah, four hundred and thirty five members of congress, and disparaging anybody that is really about forty, that are the firewall from just total spending an hour social anarchy and other forty or fifty there's twin is that you know. If you look at the really tough vote there conservative votes at my bride, but my name's always on that list, and I'm dragging the conference to the right of saying look. We've got one The line here. Look I don't know. I know this isn't about immigration, but regardless of where you're out on that policy, we ve got an issue at the southern border. Wherever you are on spending, we have an issue with death and we ve terrain. This end period four main, whether congressmen and me ovals representative of our district here and williamson county area in nashville franklin area can coleman serving as a car
fondant. Yes there and watching his dream come true: gotta love it yeah he's a writer. He's always wanted to do that. Shit and yeah rachel wants to be a weather, girl and kin wanted to be a dc correspondent. So we make my dreams come true. That's what we do here, except the weather part. This is the ramsay chef the guys buying a home is not a button, push it's a process and it takes building a relationship with an expert to dig into details to provide sound strategy for peace of mind. It's worth a ten minute call with churchill mortgage to talk with a human expert who can help you buy a home. The ramsey way go to churchill mortgage dot com today to learn more. This is a paid advertisement in mls id one, five, nine one in mls, consumer access, dot, org, equal housing, lender seventeen, forty nine mallory lane suite one hundred brentwood tennessee, three, seven zero, two seven
george camel ramsay personality is my coach. Today it is book launch weak around here, doktor john bologna, his brand new book building a non anxious life comes out tomorrow, tuesday october, the third, if you order today Monday october, thus and by midnight, its twenty dollars, and we will throw in seventy five dollars worth of extra goodies, including a book and audio books. It closely nine days, choices to or things anxiety, anxiety is very real, very real lotta people deal with it on different levels for different reasons. Doktor John is addressed this in a way everyone can understand it and those actual reasonable common sense solutions, not perfect and not medical answers, although sometimes or medical answers involved, but this is, moreover, a straightforward idea that is scriptural and is also scientific and is
Aged in his all the non phds that he has, an exaggerated, exaggerating one, more you getting saudis, reviewing your exaggerate, but shout check it out: building a non anxious life doktor, John bologna, twenty dollars at ramsay solutions, dot com crystal is, houston high crystal welcome to the ramsay, show em all. What's up Okay, so I just kind of feel like I'm drowning over my head kind of, like all your or your team, say I days other things take a critical making a lack of cut out all the extra costs and the economy long and run I'm scary, So what's your income, yeah me neither and bring home treating you
acknowledgement the de Leon overtime and that kind of gif. What do you do for a living? I am a nurse what about him. He works in the oilfield okay and how much debt, Have you got not counting your home, not cutting my mom, I'm not about to dubai. Fifty six thousand the garden alone, and then my car, red around twenty on it and I got to loans to. But I'm not even to the point where I can even think about that. Yet and what's the balance on your student loans at sixty, but I just got approved for the same plan until they're, saying I'm only gonna pay twenty four with that, but well it's over How would you like us, over twenty or thirty years, show that's not a good plan, but for right now I'm giving you am. I a good low pay, with no penalties and no extra interest rate and nothing it got there for April.
Okay, so so the same line as you to kick the can down the road, but it's not good for you to actually pay off the student loans and see the different great so at least it makes manageable for a short time. We address, amongst other things, so fifty five thousand and credit card dad. So you guys have been married. You guys remarried eight years setting seven almost like I've done this before Yeah you got a seven year marks all over you and yet today, so you ve been saying: hey, I've got sue Loanga. I've got this car alone. Is this just your does he have debt as well or is this house will be at second never mind through the credit card there whose lay in the auto about ten of the earth health is not in my ok, then it is feeling the weight of any of this. Are you kind of shouldering at all of you told them? I shoulda at all you ve got were entirely and over meter doomed makes it worse.
Are you to just hold up a mirror? He goes on. I want to see it and I want to see it. He s got What do you want charged he's got what anxiety you got here we're inviting working with the doctor about but um. It just makes me sorry to bring it to him. Yeah, okay! Well, And so you need to know what to do right here and you can live cattle, if not better, and I'm doing all the things, then I just I'm drowning. I don't know where to go from here. You did a good thing with a safe, and you did a good thing by calling so you are taking action steps rather than being completely paralyzed, even though you don't see a way out. So that's the first thing. Congratulations, people free like during the head lodging it run over by the truck and not you your dodging. Ok, frogger you're in the middle, the roadmap. I've got a guy right anyhow, that's good, so we can act
we help you because you're willing, you're you're actually willing to do some stuff. It sounds like okay, so the first thing is this Let me see if the sounds right. The two of you got married and life was a party. Thank god. It's friday its monday and we ve had a lot of fun in the first four years. A marriage, then we hit last three years, we will not exactly a party whose three kids are you doing? you ok, there's the party a different kind of but our right and our good k, o k, o k. because what I smelled was disorganization and life. and to you. Instead of you have to life for seven years? It's what your budget says, what your debt says. Yes, don't we happen to me and it says chaos and you haven't used the phrase where we had to in order for restoring exactly we had to put
the car we had to took out the carlo kids gotta aid. I got about shoes, he's not help and he's got anxiety, working up findings. We didn't them, not now I'm saying it. I can help you with your money problem or the organization part he goes and works and makes money, but that's it ok, show all of that to say that what caused this was money happening to you? Instead of you happening to money? So we have to flip that on its head and become very pro active and you're, going to get dreamily nerdy and organized and the every dollar is going to be under the whip. Chair, like you're, a lion tamer church shook and you're gonna make ever One of these dollars do a dance before it does anything and anybody who comes anywhere near your plan if they're gonna get the evil
from mom you're gonna work your plan and you're gonna we're gonna develop a plan to gather and you're gonna get in. hack mode. May involve showing the twenty thousand other car, it probably does what's the payment on that six hundred death, six hundred bucks really help. If you find that a definite. What how much is your house payment? Eighteen hundred? That's not bad! Ok, you're, good, ok, soap, what, when you have a detailed plan and every dollar is behaving when you work extra overtime, or he does, it feels good because you are actually making traction tor getting your life back, knocking these debts out, rather than feeling, like you do now, which is a rat and we'll you see the difference. Ok, not war, orlando georgian are,
It puts you through financial peace university. It's our nine week class we're going to set you up with every dollar budgeting app the premium one as a part of the package and that's going to connect to your bank and help you put together a budget in the class ash and we're going to show you hand step by step by step, how to get on a budget how to get control of this, probably gonna get the car seldom get yahoo pity for a law while not for the rest of your life, you probably both work and extra for awhile and Add one thing to it that you're not gonna like, but you ve gotta, do it anyway. He asked he's gotta emotionally stand beside you, his anger, listen There's a truth. In this anxiety is not caused by bad news. Anxiety is caused by no news, and I know something bad out there. We will not have anxiety can face the actual fire the fire alarm is going off on what they are we're facing is ambivalence the lie of knowing what it is like. The buggy man
out there and I don't know which door is gonna come in, but if we know The buggy man isn't exactly what he looks like and he has a name. Your anxiety. Actually goes down not up, I'm not a psychologist, but been doing this for thirty five years of watch peoples peace of mind go up, not They got out a debt as much as when they decided together to attack the debt and so your husband gets to help. You not do the bills, but he gets too down with you and be a man and carry his share of the weight of this problem in your house. All the two of you need to carry this together. It is not fair for you to carry it by yourself. It is not productive is not efficient for you to come. It by yourself. It is better if the two of you do it together She sees that if I work an extra two hours, I can get that credit card paid off. We're gonna cut that puppy up it's gone forever and if we keep,
it's up in thirty six months, and we saw the car we're going to be one hundred percent debt, free student loan and everything once he sees that he's not going to have anxiety. Anxiety comes from a lack of hope, not hope through hard things. There's a difference. absolute? This is the rams george camel ramsay personality? Is my co host today. Thank you for joining us america. In the lobby of ramsay solutions, we have the debt free stage on the debt free stage, jamie and kind are whether share guys out war. You high or dried her. You welcome! Welcome what do you guys live? We live and Elizabethtown kentucky. Oh just up the road now come to nashville good, to have you and down there to do that. a scream, how much of your paid off paid off a hundred and fifty eight thousand and moreover, paviers arrive very- and your range of income. During that time we started at fifty five and ended at three hundred thousand wow. What.
If you are living during the time when we started our worked in dental business and the business side I am now stay at home, mom, okay and I fraid wholesale automotive grew out of myself down Kentucky. Doing what justice, also in cars yeah. Job done like it. I like it What kind of debt was the one hundred and fifty eight? It was a car loan, Student loans, credit card and our mortgage look at our pre paid for. How old are you too? I'm twenty, eight and twenty nine is so weird, not even thirty, with paid work out. What's the house worth just looked about with arafat. Excellent and how much in your retirement hashtags these days I say about eighty five thousand and retirement: perfect: ok, good
you're, on your way to being baby steps millionaires by the time, your mid thirty's, probably another straight at the stroke. Well too, keep up this income with no debt. It's just going to go are very excited for this incredible. The numbers are good, fun, fun, fun, good stuff! You guys are at tell us what but five years ago how this journey start in what happened? We got married and june. Twenty seventeen and we yo load. A lot are beginning to marriage. We just spent every penny that we made. Honestly, you is constantly going our friends what night we commit ourselves to biomass, to buy me a new car and we convinced ourselves to buy me a new cow yeah. One is here- and I remember I called my mom one night because I just happened to look up. I was like whoa. Thirty thousand a little over thirty thousand dollars in debt and I'd never borrowed a penny. In my life, I took your costs in high school and until we got
it really follow those principles. called my mama said I I can't breathe, I really I felt like I was suffocating. She said you know what to do. her husband, what you now and see you know what's gonna happen in Tokyo and he was immediately on board. I think it is a really for the retirement investing portion of it, but we got started. We worked our butts off. We drained our savings, so the car cow picked up and untiring gag. I picked up a waitress in gig three side jobs. Some really I mean those like scrubbin toilet and just end up like princesses that kid's birthday parties, I was really doing like not result. In a day yeah. Ok, sometimes, though it be a princess in the morning and scripts on one's toilet that evening, why we had to do honestly, we did it and us particularly now as the consumer that and we followed the baby steps we got into. House in two thousand and nineteen to later we found out, we are pregnant
citing though not expected and We just new game on when a path this house as quick as possible, we had our second son there, thirteen months apart, so we just kind of to keep re evaluating. Our game play anne and figure out how to readjust and stay on track, but the income shot up. Has af Yan. It is easy to overage over knock the house out: yeah coven, the coven mortgage free deal that covert babies, and that was, you know, made it for a bumpy road, but it it's been a blessing are we ve learned allied and I was able to leave my job and raise my babies, which is awesome for me, that's a great while and then for me, I was, I start- must have been kid that is at the time we started and have nothin in retirement like nobody else has gone down he's like I d from herself, yet a man, a man yet
there's something that happens: prickly storeroom babies, you like, oh god, it's just got real. It's grown up Tom now and we are very much interested in my kids getting over a marriage and we ve grown up a lot. So while I too will guide you before you're thirty, a lot of people do that and they're fifty and they go live like a child anymore. The fact that you guys have so much of your life ahead of you with an amazing income, payments. How does it feel were very excited, I think, for me, it's just exciting, no there's so much opportunity available for I send you know you see we ve. We feel great that we can bite. things and go on vacation. What not, but we ve been able to give some gifts of our tide, which has been really a big blessing for us, but just to know that there are so many open doors. You know for us, because we don't have that strain of debt. Is that's really exciting for me so watch the first big thing you do when you're twenty eight years old near one hundred percent, that free your adults and iran, game plan,
gotta, you got a mark this summer you got lucian to go where they are going to cool. We ve done a lot of close stuff, we went to vegas, which was something that we always wanted to see us really fun. We ve got a new deck that'll. Do we had replaced A track system riding rather have you. Adults require some cool and use Hb. Actually, when you know you're old do not want to scotland armagh. After all, there is ok, that's what I was looking for. We have celebrated a lot this year. You deserve it. We are, all that we do, we were you really like. No one else later you get to live and do like no one idea, your baby steps, seven you're twenty eight years old, everything's paid for you, busted it from princesses to toilets too. whatever it took man on his pretty cool ass, pretty important products, well done. Thank you. What're! You tell people too, good to getting. Out of that is governed as I just can't.
Captain if you're married, communicate with their spouse and encourage and each other and don't let go as desires that try that try to play down say came. Do is now worth it yet Add some of those I bet oh yeah, yeah at the beginning, yep yeah, I would say work which is weird for me, because now I stay home with my boys, which has worked, but it's a different but like I said I mean we just really we just dug in, and we did everything they could to make a buck and save a buck and dont look at what other people are doing. You know when or show you or saying I think sometimes, it's hard for me, because I am afraid if they hear income, they might think with easy. You know, but we weren't making that when we started, and we never knew that. That would happen we you that only has come on in the last eighteen to twenty four months, exactly of the five exactly who exactly so, we started where we were. We had a goal and We were just determined and we trust that god, through the process, has been a huge blessing, thus to just give us
the lady to work every day and to improve our life? in more way than just finances, but work. Your butt off work, your butt off. Especially our young, especially on the energy charter and large. That's where money comes from work, sometimes a little. novel idea then come from the government come from a heck of some guy tik tok hack. It comes from work. Ok You brought the kiddos with you, you're their names and ages will bring a mobs other than one's crime goes well, there's our youngest season to you and you. I am very often erika two here what a sweetheart, alright, very cool, vertical cool, live and hey live guys. We got the live and give ox for you, it's a baby steps, millionaires book, which is your future great baby. The total money make overbooking financial patient, firstly, membership these unused as or give them away
james, Jamie kyle Eli. One hundred hundred fifty eight thousand paid off in five years make an fifty five three hundred km Zira, that british mother e do goin You got a lot, man family tree changed my those boys. Your life is train. No, there. Now they got a mamma knows about hard work, regional, that's good boy, mom, right there in hand, but on That is a family that knows about doing that, and that did that did the thing did the sacrifice to be able to win, and you know how much money you can get thirty on. We hope I mention them. world it'll blow your mind is popping that to an investment calculate stick that no compound interest calculator, your mind will be
I do a whole lot of giving saving and spending with that wow and they'll go back and watch us on youtube. Ten years from now and they'll see what mom and dad did. That's the beauty of this show it's exactly how it works. This is the ramsey show. Anxiety is one of the greatest challenges our culture faces today and in doktor John bologna new book building a non anxious life yaller, the six daily choices you can make finally live a more peaceful life and it works in my thirty years of coaching. I believe this book is the best answer to that challenge. Get your copy of building a non anxious life today for twenty bucks, at ramsay solutions, not gum, slash door, george campbell ramsey personality is my co host guys. If you want to help us out, we need your help. subscribe and follow the show it changes? Everything leave a fire
star review. It helps a bunch and click the share but nor share the fact that you listen to the show just tell somebody or click a link consented over it So bunch, if you do all of those cause, it pushes the forward in the algorithms and causes people to listen, and then they can decide for them. Helps if they like it or not, some do some, don't our question of brought to you by neighbourly your hub for home services when you need to make repair schedule routine maintenance or get local help for home improvement, proud. The neighbourly app is your source to find and schedule reliable home service providers in your area. I the neighborly app today today's question come from greece. in virginia, we pause baby steps when preparing for our baby to come and have had trouble getting back on track. How do we get back on track when we're still figuring out all of these? new baby expenses, this item by george. What were those Ebby? Oh my it's ok, so they did the right thing. We,
People hate the the one of the few times to pause. You're dead snowball is storm or stored. You got a baby, wait till mommy and baby or home safe. Then continue the debt snowball after you saved up money. So now so much better than the way I have said, what do you say, storm or stork nets that having little alliteration going there? That's very good. I only can think in tweets day anything that hurts my brain, apparently that luxury I like it, you can have it so we'll talk, about getting back on track, I assume you are doing in every dollar budget. If you're not that's the place, I would start because you can have your income in your expenses and bit people freak out. They have a baby dave's, they go. It's gonna be much money and then you go ok, we're in a adeline item, four diapers and align ida four formula I'm the line or even less bloomer, with grandkids ngo, I'm not sure what the actual cost of this small critter. its mental and emotional tional. They don't eat. Much and diapers are experts
therefore knows expensive, but not enough to suck. You took on a mortgage payment it's a small amount. You have to go, see the pediatrician, it's federal law, that's true! I'm getting, but yet further out used to say yet to pay the poor pitied her porch payment and I had a pediatrician go dave, do not pediatricians MIKE, the least paid in the medical profession. I didn't know that I did know that either, but I got a bad luck. They think they're underpaid on child, but anyway, either way you gotta doktor bill or two. You got a little bit of form but divers. What else is there not like the electricity by me went up. You know we had the baby showers, we have all the gear in the world, but here's what we do we get Henry sounds from friends that have already been through that phase and we have so much stuff just from France. So if you're, not a part of a local church, get plugged in the commission, Ask your friends post on facebook. I would be buying all this baby stuff when you're not gonna use it for long. So that's what a little money act for your right there. You figure it out, but I guess it's like a lot of categories are like there's wants in there's an age
the need is food, shelter, clothing, diapers formula warm place to sleep; ok, the want could be a fifty five thousand dollar redo of the nursery, yes or no thousand dollar stroller, which we may or may not have bought Dave. Well, that's been asthma happening. I can. I can say that the room she might have participated in this trend to, but we the money yes and we're not somebody about your budget being type that turkey has deference There are some. I run your violently attacked by the thousand dollar stroller at a garage sale for five bucks I'm the guy who just went through the last get and another friend to give it to exactly and that's where these folks, rather we step to they're trying to pay off the debt, and so I would be scrimping and borrowing and scratching incline to night. Spend any new money and for the things you to spend on adeline item, and then you might have to sacrifice and other categories are we gonna cut a subscribed? It is not customary emotion the hundreds and hundreds of dollars a month trouble getting
on track. No european lazy the mathematically trouble getting back on track for babies, bouck rap, that's what we're saying! I'm colombia's, I think he's probably your tire multinational. It's convenient spending sleeping my job, your brain! May not working but mathematically the baby, don't make vat beggar damned here confirming my boomer suspicion. Yeah I mean, as far as what we have to buy an irregular bases, its wipes, diapers and formula and lots all of that because it galapagos What comes out there. We go, I am shocked to say the least and its pre. Basically, their job is to consume and expel. That's it They got one job there good at it right and so spoken at grandfather, I just hand them back. I think this was broken. It there's something come this kind of an you're coming from this one. I think it's broken. You need to fix it so that gene
if that's the beauty of being a grandpa, how many grandbabies you've got now seven and now yup and pop up papa dave, loves them little. I loved the little babies. I just handed back this one. She hungry our feed him sometimes, but I don't change. Do diaper downward ranging one's hungry this one smells Beth and I think you hand it back to rachel Rachel van you'll you'll need to fix it. I can't do that to my wife, whitney dave. I think I'd get one for my wife either. That's different, that's a different position in life and I can't wait to be granddad, but all of this to say the truth is all joking and he's out I'm sitting next to an expert who has a five week by week. All does not say so. Five weak, almost isaacs, we have actual. case study here, that the budget is not busted mathematically by a new born tat. Ok, carriers in Cincinnati high, carry welcome to the ramsay show good afternoon. How are you better than I deserve? What's up. while I am in baby step kill
I found you in february of this year and the question that I have is I'd like to be able to retire without a mortgage came could do that. I need to pay additional ten years. I have seventeen years of work left. So my concern is what are my question is rather, if I should put those additional ten years in baby step two, because I'm concerned about my ability to get my emergency fund built up maximize my four o one k and and then make that happen. Let the market statements! Ok, you don't have ten years of mortgage payments, your stating this in a way that makes it makes me think you think there is actually a hundred and twenty of those payments that you have to pay. That's not true. Those payments include interest that will not be charge but you will pay it off early. So what you have to pay off balance you want to accelerate.
Ok, what is your current principle balance if we were to pay the mortgage off today at you, forty, eight, ok and what your household income? I want no regrets that one three good, and how much do you have in baby step to left forty one thousand goods and you right all this progress and got lots attraction and finally, some excitement back since just the first of these White coat good job carry I paid off, I paid off eighteen thousand and since february twenty fifth, it does me good I hope that the forties going away soon right. Yes, an hour earlier than I can working under rule fifty Oh, you got plenty of time working extra, seven days a week, good for you. What do you do for a living? I'm an occupational, therapist and you're single. I am divorce, okay, cool good For you aren't perfect. I think we got a plan here show the average person that takes off with it
if in his very intentional and careful is typically debt free and babyship too Not going their house in eighteen to twenty four months, you're follow that model you'll be done within twenty four much and then you build your emergency fund and then you start putting the creation of your income into retirement and then typically one happy, as they pay off their home in the next seven years after that show that model. So that by the time you're sixty your house would be paid off on average, normally following our stuff, which only involves twenty four thousand dollars a year. So you'll probably actually be done before your sixty. Well, that's good! I'm terrible mass sat looking John I'm taking the two hundred and forty eight thousand divided, but in twenty four ok, twenty right, but we're not really gonna be working on in all of ten show it's more like thirty thousand so, but you can pay
thirty thousand dollars a year on this I'll sure, whatever it ends up being yeah and be done by then, and of course, what's gonna bonjour incomes longer stay the same for a decade right right. So if you the baby steps, as is don't try to do multiple things at once, focus on your debt right now, it's gonna be gone, a lesson, a right that plan than your emergency fund is gonna, take probably another six months or so. How can eighteen months you got no payments now we can start focusing on arrest. paying off the house. You're gonna do that six or seven years that puts this whole thing. eight or nine years, show you what you're trying to pay off as how balanced, though it's not ten years of payments, but you're gonna save tenor, thirteen years of interest
one hundred thousand dollars. That adds up that's a lot of money, that's not in this equation, and I think you were running the numbers that way- and this way is the truth and is a lot faster. Also that puts us our the ramsey show in the books from the headquarters of ramsay solutions, judge ramsey show where we and our people build oil do work that they love and create actual amazing relationships, john bologna ramsay personality number one best, selling author and host to the doktor john baloney show in the ramsay networks, a very popular pod guest on relationships boundaries. Mental health is Michael vote today, open phones, a triple eight eight to five five, two to five.
show on sunday bloody sunday. The student loans have started back John yesterday, further Are you listening on a monday october, the second, the eastern loan payments, every darted leant restarted the september, the first payments restart october, the first there have been three. reactions that were reading about oh crap, I'm up a creek, which is the proper reaction, Actually, the proper reaction would have been to pay him off during the time that you had no interest but of the people. The still have student loans, o crap up a greek, I am going to remain in denial because I really think the government is going to pay these off or or I refused to pay them. I'm in rebellion. That's a new one! I've started hearing ya I'm this is unfair,
the whole thing's unfair and I am rebelling against the government and I'm not going to repay them, which is the most humorous of the three. As far as I'm concerned, because you you understand that they have your social security number and you. stand that all of your tax return we're gonna go to them and stand that they know where you live, and you understand that the government has almost unlimited power. They can garnish your wages without even taking you to court on your student loans. They don't even have to go through due process, I'm not sure that's constitute no, but they will garnishee your butt without even asking you or the courts. I remember during a covert rebellion. I got my beer, I got the master, I mean the the mystery check deposited in my account, and I remember thinking uh, oh if they can put money just in my account
it just take it out of my account yeah there's a novel idea: baby yup they're coming for you, you gotta, pay your bills. Man gotta pay your bills at sa, as our friendless parrot says, ignoring something like this has a high rate of resurrection correct. So the stuff comes back to haunt your, but that's what so, we did send odd doktor nott knocked her doktor john loans. With me, doctor can common who, a doktor and doktor jade Shaw who's, not doktor to washington d c to hang out and talk to people there in in india area where this all occurred, where the disaster originated called DC, where the stern moment disaster originated, and they ve been hanging out with both students and grown humans and even a congressmen or two talking to them over the last twenty four hours: hey guys, welcome lingering avenues out. Your Davis has been great, show
then I want to add a brief word on the street. I think I want to add a fourth narrative that were hearing here, which is there is a problem we made our bed now we ve got a lay in it and not only. But what can we learn from going forward and you know can- and I have talked to a lotta. We talk to a couple of moms yesterday who had kids that took out student loans. and there are there to. Greece did not our why the way they thought they would and so now The conversation is honestly signed a shift towards what are we gonna do going forward to make sure that more students don't end up in a situation to end up you note to where we can say this for good, even if the government doesn't do their part right now be talking to the american people and we aren't ramsay solutions about avoidance. You know, there's a Cultural message: jade David John. You guys all know this so well. It's been going on since the seventies. That said, that a college degree was the best way to success
some ways almost guaranteeing success in reality, as we know that it's about hard work and gray, effort, tremendous attitude that helps you get ahead in your professional life, and so now we ve got to be able to ask ourselves is, college degree necessary. Certainly if you're gonna be a doctor or a lawyer, that's gotta be the path But as we see in today's world, you can have a wonderful career and technology without ever. Opening the door of the college. So there's two questions that that we too the american people, college a degree. The only way to do that, work that you want to do or is it the asked way, meaning giving you a clear advantage and if that's the case, then do it. But if not here's the great news- and we know this day- there are a whole lot less affordable ways to get there and a whole lot less. I'm consuming. So that's part of it. ramsay solutions, david job, we want to keep people from falling in the river. Now, let's stop that from happening, and that's really a big part of the student and crisis
only that can, but I think what we're doing here on the ground, which is really pulling back the veil and telling people start. people, not just ass. You know sitting in the studio having commentary about it, but talking a real people, to talk to a woman off the record yesterday and die. She was probably I'm gonna guessing sixties. She started with a thousand dollars of student loans coming out of college and over the last twenty twenty five years. That is I went to one hundred thousand dollars because she's just continue to take whatever plan The government would offer her to have the lowest payment possible and I think that that's really a picture of what is taking place. Now we again. The government is offering these plans and students are going as this is great, maybe twenty, twenty five and even thirty years down the line. I have forgiveness, but the young lady though or I should say the mother that I talk to yesterday- was a picture of it That may not be the case and how such a small balance can really grow into something. That's quite overwhelming dealing with a front john is
slowly mandatory, give her on ya, mean what do you mean? You mentioned it with what doktor parents, as this stuff all circle back around on you and you can. Wait and you can wait and you can wait and you will end up paying what we like to call a soul tax you're not going to sleep, your body would be failing. You fill it, you sleep, your body would be failing. You feel that you have great deep, intimate close relationships. While it is terrified the next. She was gonna drop, you're, choosing twenty five, thirty thirty five years of having a life without peace in it for twelve thousand box that would have been a hard year, a hard here, John you knockabout, something so something I want to add to that John. Is you know we were seeing that yesterday when I talked to aerial you know a lot of people are taking these plants. Thinking well, there's forgiveness, but it says in the fine print that the interest that is
crude we'll be forgiven, saw a lot of books are thinking if it's gonna be forgiven probably won't even see it or crew, but we're. Finally, that! No, you will see that interest, a crew and john to your point, what does emotionally to see your bill go up by a thousand of dollars every month. Every year that's got away credibly heavy, and for that reason alone you know you go ahead and knock out me student loans, not keep em around in your life right can as a pen for the net. Twenty thirty year. Eight years is an important thing. I think that all of us just gonna, had the veil ripped off our eyes were last several years. If the from it calls it hey. I got a plan for you. I know you're over your head. Here is a plan. My instant death, setting and dave. You might draw your eyes. This call me naive, but might my default I have been the trust, not mine,
We all have to realise the government does not have our best interests at heart. It has their best interests at heart. This is a money making scheme for them and it keeps people wrapped up for decades after decade after decking pay. These things off get them out of your life once and for all, and you become the director of your life jane and can't good work there in they see on the street, will show you when you get home, god bless I've travels. This is the ramsay show. folks day, ramsay here, let you know you still got time to get to the money and marriage getaway october nineteenth through the twenty first, in nashville, it's done for you and your spouse to dream about your future and decide how you're going to get there together It's your seven, ninety nine, a couple so if you're on babies have for our above, don't wait, disinvestment in your marriage. Today, gotta ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash events, that's ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash events,
doktor, John bologna ramsay personality is my Kosovo's farther I guys our award winning documentary borrowed future about the absurd. the d of the entire student loan, epic failure is a is available for free on youtube. I watch in other places and pay but it's free on youtube shall go. Go there. Jacket jean also probably check it out. Ramsay solutions are measurement got on the website either way borrowed future. oddly enough John bologna is one of the guests on the documentary back when he was in higher at we interviewed him before around your personality show that that some you didn't know that was your interview for the new position. I did not know I was I was. It was a job interview. You'll have an uncanny way of interviewing you without you knowing, but I do think it's when applying. I do think it's important to note. I mean when we
what's happening today. Your call this back at trinity when you made the documentary you're called this is that we see the train a common and it's going to hit us and it's on it's way now Sure kinsey is whether she Tacoma washington, high kinsey area. hi. How are you better than deserve? How can we hope so Ok, I guess I've been my husband and I have been on your plan, often on by Are we pay off our guy at one point and then I was stupid got back into play, but like scorched earth. You know really really on this plan to gag debt and one If the driving force is is we want to cash flow? Our kids' college? Well- and this is like the perfect day listening to all of these- and these kids having our adults having to pay for college again, all their all their stuff anyways um
I have told my kids. I have a twenty one. Nineteen, seventeen year old girls- and I have told them Since they were in middle school, we will pay for college, but you have to live at home and you have to go to school that we approve ass. You have to have good grade, but we welcome. Blow your school were not doing that. We have been very transparent about the struggle we had with dead, that's the night, and you know the fleet that we learn. I like that. I will have you the sanctuary, but what are the same willingness of the liver homework? Why? Why are you? What are you add that you have to live at home that? Because, if you, I don't pay for other people's money, So there where I live, there are still many colleges with in twenty minutes of our home that there is no real
for you to live at home. Okay, your money and are your rules? What's your question, so my daughter refuses to stay home and go to school, she wants to go, do a state school, but she wants to go to w s you, which is over and poor men, which is six hours away require you to live on campus and then you have to have the food programme, which is about twenty five hundred to four thousand. dollars a year, so she's opting out hold on she's up is is very simple: she's opting out of your out of your rule. She opted out yeah, it's it it it difficult. Indeed, absolutely and I've dealt with my tire career has been spent sitting with parents and you drew a hard hard, in a very hard line and a clear line very clearly on this- is it's gonna be in she said cool on, go that way.
and so the other side of a very clear, very firm hard line is other people can say well, then I don't want anything to do with that boundary but that doesn't obligate you to pay. Nor does it mean sugar lawn of your money. Right now I, like I said I wouldn't listen grocery on account of your money. That's the role! You set up number your money now, if you put it away, I think they're accuse me when you eager kid running young children. It's really is rarely heartbreaking to watch people, you love do stupid, but things, but you don't get it anymore, once their adults in the same as if your parent started spending their money in their in their eighties and its heartbreaking, because keep sending money overseas to somebody who cares about what I mean or your best friend by two hundred thousand and four, the crypto cause he's an idiot amelia stop. From the hardest things is is when you love somebody to do an hard things that are, you know, are not going to get four and fell off,
if she sang that for all these late. All of these, anything because she had nothing save. She is not usually other hand but she's. Naturally, I have to do now. You're know liable get alone, Don't shine anything! I refer to participate in your insanity. I love. You too much to buy your cocaine you're an addict can chopped it up, shouted up. She she's thanks. This region were banned so strong on his unaware. She thinks she then You don't ever money anyway and the king. I have two other girls. That doesn't change. Does she think that she- and she does not think that I like I- have to hold true because my oldest moved out, so we stopped oh yeah, are middle. One is gain home, we're paying for school, though we have to stay true to what we say. To unfair to the other two for you do not have integrity. Cracked.
zero help now! Listen, The one thing I have learned and it is the ha, I think it's the hardest. Stager parenting is being apparent to people who are grown up because they're they're allowed to vote now. I can't tell them what to do any more get used. My dad voice it no longer works. I can use it on the radio on a listener, but I can't use do not like it, but that don't even work there actually, but that you know I can't you that voice anymore? Not even the dog listens to my dad voice anymore. It's just gone. I lost my dad voice, it doesn't have to use persuasion with every one. Now My grown kids get the exact same approach when I disagree with them that one of my good friends would get I either to stand back and watch and hold my nose or I sit down beside them You know I love you and I've got some ideas here:
damn things I've done in the past, and it cannot looks like some stuff you're thinking about doing what like some advice from an older, wiser friend, if you go Now then, I have to shut up, but if you say yes I'll give it to you and you have to go out of reno like I've, gotta and in our I've got friends my age who have grown kids that are in their thirty. in the forties, one of them called us the other day and said hey. Ah, we have teens. Georgie raged three great kids. Can we take you and we want to ask you how to do that. I to use, but but what I told them was persuasion. I didn't get to tell them what to do. They ask and I get to tell them what I thought and but that's how you get that shall John persuade me or I persuade john same thing. That's all you can do, but you might wanna, try that cause. I got a feeling in your frustration, your views, your mom voice, absolute in india. it's your kids, can't let your kids culture, bluff right, yeah, yeah, I've! I've been working hard on not talking at them, but talking
with them solution, I do regret. I have three girls. Get worse dad this conversation, so he is his head back me up we're in a different like were almost out of our day, and so he's. Like he's kind of wayne like ok, maybe we we do that the nice said no, we have to hold, we have tabled Well, that's that's what I meant yeah, that's exactly what I meant. So I want him to come around the front of this instead of you, and I want him to take his daughter to call free and it all? I love you and I as somebody who loves you, not as your dad, I think, you're making him. stay here and I want you to rethink it, an awesome I want to challenge you want something to now. Particular one, but I'm challenging the the bedrock that you'd anchored into one of the greatest gift apparent can give their kids, sir times. is to say the words I went about this- the wrong way, not
The thing is wrong, but I went about it the wrong I don't think this is wise. It like I want to take you to coffee and say: hey. Let me walk you through. Why making this this choice, because I'll tell you this you in everybody can disagree with me. That's fine, but after work in and I'll just for twenty years for different ones across a couple of states in the consulting in a good julian more. If my kids decide to go college. One of my rules is, you have to live on campus because I want them. Spirits, a bunch of different people and learn about other people. Do life. That's different, that's a different philosophy, but here's the deal Your kid is gonna say for this woman so you set a set of rules great either. Live and die by it. I want you to address Some time talk about why well yeah, actual mom and dad sit down and safeguard. We actually both believe this. Ok, it sounds like mom made a line and just go along with it, but why I spoke with It- was right. You gotta talk to a teenager.
Talk to a grown child as a grown sibling. A grain grown child is what it is. An oxymoron as an equal is about. Why why? I believe this is why I'm trying to help you into it. This is the ramsay the Let's cut to the chase, it's easy to get discouraged about crazy house prices and interest rates, but when you have the right real estate agent to help you buy and sell the right way, you'll have confidence to make smart decisions. Ramsey trusted agents aren't just experts who guide you through buying or selling. There's someone you can trust to have your back from the first call to closing day find a ramsey trusted agent near you at ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash agent, ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash agent doktor john lonely, ramsay personality is my co host today in the lobby of ramsay solutions that debt free stage?
and madison are where those guys. How are you young well. Thank you. Welcome, welcome, morty all live date. Now, oh good, good, too heavy. I very much doubt of your paid off sixty six thousand and twenty six god. How long did it take to an a good for you and your range of income during that time. Ninety thousand two hundred and five farragut, where the elder for living, I'm a teacher, and I'm a warehouse operations manager. Ok, v very sixty sixty two years, our cookin you're gonna, go what kind of debt was that normal credit cards, car loans, student loans, while nine credit cards to be specific? Ok, so far, three thousand bucks a year? Basically, there are thirty thousand a year. Roughly a little more than a little more than that, but we'll get there. Okay, alright! So What started all this two and a half years ago, where I was in a hospital bed with some complications from covered and the entire time laying their thinking. How am I gonna pay for this because her credit cards or maxed out
this was before we were even married, her max now, I'm lying there, not knowing our and pay for it gets too if the bill- and it was only like three hundred dollars, but we couldn't cover it. So I had asked my parents for help to cover. Hundred dollar medical bill and I walked thought back to my high school class I took where the teacher was giving us a lesson about your programme and shows a video of it and sixteen year old Eric like yeah, I'm not gonna, listen to a guy who went bankrupt, louella pay attention to that guy in my memory after that hospital visa came back to that and I looked up in amicable videos and launched from there, and then I took him to imagine She was a little love reserved a first but eventually to drag her along and get your own domain like who was forgotten. My group, may I come on earth. So following album married criminal, two years, ok are actually started,
right before you got married finished up after your merit, yeah yeah well done good god, who is that and in your relationship who love them some credit cards. Oh yeah, that's, usually when you have nine somebody as as a a relationship with them yeah. So I am a teacher and I taught in inner city in cincinnati, right out of college, and you don't make a paycheck for six weeks, which no one told me. Oh there's a nice piece of information for sure. So I moved to Cincinnati. Had rent didn't, have money needed the grocery didn't have money. So ran into me how to get a car that now money so one thing and to another my dad was like. I already helped you through which I'm not giving you any more money, and so you know a few credit cards later. Was ok and then allow comes Eric and watch the sky high school. Yes, yes, though he was lay in a hospital bed during covert doing nothing.
But he got a lot of opinions, but he had his. What I'm doing network in me beyond somebody else has a plan yeah and we definitely he dragged me for a little bed. I mean was. I was a little deep and by the time we in Austria, doing it in working through it and every time we were married, we can put our wedding and our honeymoon and we cash flowed on the birth of joy. Urge and then also he had a nick. You stay. So we were able to cash. Will all of that. Also, in addition to our debt, that we pay off, we also cash load, a wedding, a disney honeymoon and also so how's. It was a grant all of ninety three thousand. Ok, oh my well there's a lot going on there. You guys have been very diligent in real tight budget, make all that happened in that period of time, yell. Nose, long nose, mostly mostly from me, the ancient word so they hear should show you guys decide to plug
I can, or you decided after hashcode plugged back into us, or where did you find us? How did you get back plugged in? I just looked you up on youtube or youtube? Okay, alright! That'll! Do it absolutely so when you eat it what a big dragged kicking and screaming, but here we were was the shame that I've got nine credit cards and modest it's mine, or was it yolo like one and I want to do what I wanna do. It was definitely part of the shame, and it was definitely that, like it was the norm in my dad's side of the family to have cards and several of them grew up, I'm not in the most traditional way because my parents were separated. So I lived two different ways. So you know as one of the things like a what they did didn't work. How can we make sure that our faintly a set up for success at such a magical transition. When you can say hey Ok, this path that I want to take hasn't worked. Maybe it's gotta be another one.
Yes prayer in what was what was your most challenging marital moment currently, We don't actually live together right. We are kind of like Mary people that are dating, which have run looks at us like were crazy. We least was up this summer and we thought we'd by a house. We tried A ton wrong with it, so we backed out before we got to foreign, and we have all stuff at his parents and am grandmothers during the week I live in carrying my grandmother and my mom. Watch as our sun, and then I commute to work about half an hour and then during the week, airports to ya. And lives with his parents. then, on the weekend we reconvene at his parents house and then come sunday night. We do it all over again. Why does this and hopefully may hooker ok, we're running house in the market is insane
What we have right now just isn't going to warrant us a home that- it's going to be what we want our children in so many are working in two different cities. We actually work the light which we work. About ten minutes away from each other, but she's living forty five minutes away eta grandma's. So it's definitely something that people look at us. were crazy for this law, the cash it's a lot of them. It's a lot of money that we're saving between not having rant Eric working, multiple jobs, I'm a teacher- I've been a tutor. I've been a nanny, have been a babysitter I've coached I've done all and so it was of Iraq's turned to have a second job, because I've always had two or three ok that works out the best statement. But are you tell people the key to getting on a better? Do it who followed the budget and make sure that everything's mapped out. We sat down and look at our whole calendar to map out the events that we have tortured. One october so we, you know how
budget for him to have a party, and things like that that I think people let them sneak up on them and we ve had a fund for his birthday since the first of the year. So we have money ready for us here we go there are good stuff. You guys prodi off. Congratulations very well. who was cheering you along mostly her mom She's got the baby somewhere around here crash on she was sure has all along the entire time. My parents is well worth support of my family. Does. We fully understand it but which will give the mob dayton there very supportive of coca cool, and you want to origin, the debt free scream for sure, is going to join us. How old is george? He will be wine enough to owe a debt free, dude of well done and he's happy about it too. I, like it, hey we've got the baby steps millionaires book for your total money, makeover book and the financial peace membership. That's the live and give box your lives. Some of it gives some of georgia's ready man alike it air
and madison and george Dayton Ohio sixty six thousand really about ninety thousand paid off slowed included two and a half years make a ninety two one o five counted let's era, debray three, two one, What was the what happened? Yeah, oh that's fun. His family tree has changed his mom and dad got weird his face. They decided they weren't going to be normal face is worth the price of admission right. There yeah fabulous, there's something about. They mentioned it a couple of times If I can convince you on the merits of an idea, if I the committee on the math. If I can't conviction the values violated,
hospital bed and you can't come up with three hundred bucks. Can you at least say okay, this isn't working now what you're trying is not working. Would you try something else? Yeah so many couples like I'm not doing an order. Okay is this working. Can we just ask that question? I think if more people asked that question that they would humble themselves ago, can you try something else? That's good doctor for a moment, how's that working for you how's, that working for him This is the ramsay share our scripture the day, some thirty, seven, forty and the law shall help them and deliver them. He shall deliver them from the wicked and save them because they trust in him. ronald reagan, shed the most terrifying words in the english language are I'm from the governor and I'm here to help I think we're referencing the old Joe Biden, debt forgiveness programme here that the ship,
in court. She said he's not allowed to do what she's a lawyer. He already knew that I has to be an act of congress. You don't get to control spending when you're the president. It has to go through congress. That's how that works. Sorry about that the supreme court caught up, and now you guys have to pay your payment ouch, but we're help you any way. We can that's what we're doing tomorrow too few hours. Actually, the sale will end. The priestly will end on John doe, The brenner because it comes out tomorrow, for those listening, live. You know that this is october. The second and october thirds launch date. So that's monday or tuesday runs from monday. If you go by midnight tonight to ramsay solutions, dot com, you can still get building a non anxious life for twenty dollars and get the epoch. The audio book and his talk instantly
smoke fire and freedom. All of them will come to you tomorrow will ship on the morrow anyway, you start getting there. Stuff by email and the links on the downlinks and so forth till then so hey check it out. It is the time to get this book. It is the last chance for you to get it with all of the assets and I'm john. We ve gotta been talking throughout the year three, our programme to day about the student loans restarting and the anxiety around that. But there is a whole lot of different categories of anxiety that are just running rampant in our culture die, and I guess it's the different sources of the anxiety. Well, these different sources. That could be work related. They could be relationship related. It can be fun, aids related can be it a number of things. Calendar related stuff related, but I think much of that difference has more to do with.
How you raise the stories you are told, growin up your genetics. I think there's a cocktail there. So the way I to explain it is if you and I have a house the basement in it and or basement is full of motorcycle repair gear. In my base, it's full of a candle making shop and I met candles. A fire. might send your house to explode in a fire, might reminded a groan and it would just melt gently right. The same fire would cause to differ. reactions and our houses based on in our genetics, the based on what dwarf We raise the tools we have in our took it to deal with it, and so some people may struggle with social anxiety some people may struggle just they just feel anxious alla time some people might give up and want to fight everybody. So people one withdraw, and so I think one of the challenges is we ve created this diagnostic call. It wants to labels individual things. I just one look at fire right: let's do at the fire, it is employed
for researchers to dig into those basement and figure that stuff out. But I ve. all of us need on a regular basis to deal the fire part of the equation in all of us can deal with firebomb shoot we're gonna have a collar. That said, I care I have to deal with all the money issues, because my husband has anxiety. False and I told her You need to correct me, don't from our body, but I told her that him not being involved and taking control proactively with her of the whole. Should Where was increasing his anxiety, one hundred percent, that if he has he gets anxious around money for some reason and we could pull apart for a couple of years, body has put a gps pen in money and it sets off his alarm system and every time he avoids it every time she takes it from him. His bite
actually wins had got what it wanted, which was not to be around their threat. So it reinforces the thing and makes us stronger and feed rise to leaning on his own. It will, it will ring louder and louder and louder and louder, and so the chair with anxiety is the only way to heal from it is through it. You gotta go through it. You got a deal with an end. When you sit down with a therapist it get over something you're anxious about that's one of them. tried and true things you can heal from its ill. Georgiana you're, going through healthy garlic each year, its expose their be they're. Gonna walk you through it step by step until your body quits, reacting to it ending. how to deal with the actual issues, but yeah you're right every time she takes it from him. His body goes well. My case was- and I don't know if this was correct, but my case to her was ambivalence- is more fresh inducing the knowledge of an actual buggy man's details, it could be, it could be, but
I don't want her to do, is to run and be like you, gotta do the budget now, I'm out! Oh no! No! No! I didn't do that. No she's gotten into I'm, not saying I don't want that to be her response. Oh, I didn't know, because I cause people excise real been in not buried by its powerful and often its may I dont want people to walk we. What I'm saying is just an alarm. You get over to go through it s now that works times you got to get somebody hold your hand, walk through it. Sometimes you've got to get a team of people and say I got your front and I got your back and I get your sides. Let's go. Do this thing and but you've got to make your way through it, but the fact that the in their case the the financial problems are stacking up getting worse and there's no lighted them the tunnel. That's not an oncoming train he's got to know that down on his shoulders, walking into his magala knows that that homes not safe, their finances, aren't sake and smell at near, and I promise you that that law, full of challenge going on there, something else going on the relationship with something else on the foundation of that home. That is causing it to lean over more
working in the oilfield, he just going to work, getting a check going to work, getting a check going to work, getting a check, just good ole boy and working his butt of have absolutely a great guy, but she carrying all the emotional weight and strain of the household in the end, the lie that a guy, like that's told, is emotions or for her ear. You were made for chauvelin you'll get out and both of you have to shoulder both of those load and we're finding out now. Ok I have the, I don't have a tool kit for sitting with my wife's emotions and feelings. I don't have a toolkit for saying what I feel out loud. I need to learn that she doesn't have a maybe doesn't have a tool kit for this level of work he's putting in he's going to learn that so that's the work they've got to do with some told him long way if he just said I've got anxiety. I can't look at it than that gets him out of it in a pro he's got an amount of everything grown up because we have a culture that says: if you have a thing, we're gonna be
in the past we're going to make the path easier for you to clear the deck. For you, we're going to go into the weight room, take all the weight off the bar, and that will keep your muscles from hurting in that actually works. It does, but nobody gets any stronger never find out what you could do you ever find out how far you could take this thing. How deeply relationships could be how healthy and well Oh you and gray kid you ll never meet could be because we cleared the path so far for each other we got to change the way we address some of these problems in our culture. Well, I got oh my an answer. Mention whether I got calices from concentration. Fuller, washed up this weekend, really an old man should be done, but I dare say what a lot of fun with it changed. Ultrophone and show, but that comes from the stress of the fish illustration that case of holding that thing knowledge, vibrating, the first hold it in you hit into that tree in you forget that first kick back now, it hurts in your body, says he must put this down, but if keep going
I keep going you keep going tremendous sense of satisfaction, get stronger. You solve a problem, you get calluses and then the next time, but it's a toughening yet is what it is. It's fire it's! It's a refinery for refining process, iron, sharpens iron and that's as powerful. as part of the whole process, you're gonna enjoy this new book building a non anxious life by this time. Next week, will be close to announcing it has another one bachelor, I'm sure our sales and priests. I'll have been astronomical. Thank you guys for your response to doktor John to this book to his podcast too, a book which was a number one best seller. We appreciate that on your past. Stranger future was his debut in it was a number want. This book is incredible. The six daily choices to Perrier life build your life in such a way that way Ah, some anxiety comes once from stress. Comes when a chance to toughen you're tougher you're ready you ve got some things it you got your glass full, so to speak
and you're ready to fight you're ready to push through the life when it comes She would changes everything tripe and If you're like me, you don't have the you didn't, have the tools when your body started reacting this way- and this is this- this is a talk it and it's a talk. Yet it's a roadmap for how to live a better life for you for your in four grandkids, that you may never meet building a non anxious life
tomorrow's launch day. If you want the deal, go to ramsey solutions, dot, com, twenty dollars, including seventy five dollars with add ons until midnight tonight- that puts us hour of the ramsey show and the books will be back with you before you know it in the meantime, remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace, Christ. Jesus, the hey it's dr john baloney, if you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the ramsey baby steps, but ramsey solutions, dot, com and click on the get started button will help you figure out the best next step for you, based on your specific situation, that is randy solutions, dot, com and click get started
Transcript generated on 2023-10-04.