« The Dave Ramsey Show

Financial Freedom Helps You Solve for Peace


George Kamel & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss:

  • "We make $300k and live paycheck-to-paycheck," 
  • "Will the US dollar become obsolete?"
  • "How can I stay consistent with my budget?"
  • "Our home is a money pit, what can I do?"
  • "Pull from retirement to pay off our cars?"
  • "My mother is running out of money,"
  • "Which debt should I pay first?"
  • "When should I replace my vehicles?"
  • "Should I pay off my Tesla?"
  • "How do I prepare for retirement?"
  • "How should I use an insurance payout?"
  • "Should we sell our rental property?"
  • "Should we sell a car to pay off debt?"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I live and the headquarters of brandy solutions is the ramsay shop where we help people build wealth, do work, they love and create amazing relationship on george camel joined by doktor John maloney, best selling author of building a nominal just like I guess, I'm a spiralling best selling off her job. I just free launched a book and I hope that its success was yours called breaking free from broke. pre right now at ramsay solution.
Dot com slashed store, work, hard, george aspiring, may you accomplish all of your dreams, but we're both youtube, or so he said. In that regard and refresh if job success. Well, let's Six calls. The number is triple eight to five. Five two to five will help you take the right next step with your money, your though, healthier relationships whatever it is, we will do our advice, that is a guarantee all right. Let's jessica in Boston. What's going on jessica, so I'm wondering how my husband and I have a we're family, a five. We have three kids why the lender we both work. We We make a very good living north of three hundred K, a europe which almost fifteen of it is tat. Free of my have been received. The age disability pay monthly batch We are. We had several crisis to see you get up the path to hear
and we warned that free. But now you do to the unexpected occurrence. more now living. Beyond our means. Pay check to check, have no savings. and was an know. We are a notion. All our physical health is taking it all. Our marriage is taking the tall on and we want to stop living paycheck check paycheck. How do we get out of this? and how can we were pair relationship along the way I'm sorry to hear what you're going to know what happened? What were the crises yeah, I say we I mean the height of the rebels. Seed market rightly be folder first house, you know this is our opportunity to get get free We were probably I want to say between sixty five thousand in that I'm at the height of the market, in twenty twenty one we hold our poor tom. I walked away. Thought
He paid off the entirety of our guide and then I got pregnant with our third child. I was only six months, both parliament and I was actually struggling with post pardon depression and men from I am I happy, had major complications. I within preterm late offer about three months and I m the breadwinner between me and him very high pressured you know software sales tax can't say all they should say on job and which, for you, need to take on a bed of a leave of absence cuba by postcard, I'm getting so bad I was literally for the safety of my thoughts and family, but I had to table medical leave and the gay I return to work. I was laid off in turn, we we yeah it was bad or two.
A month prior to me, going back to work. We had just closed on a new home, our home. The bills piled up quick now. How much debt, or even now, it's probably I wanna, take between twenty two twenty five thousand total and what kind here so it's uncertain heard loan gach credit card gatt. Should I include the car or no? Yes, that's dead, isn't it ok, then he goes up There are, though, I would cap on a total and the digital economy so you're, probably eighty five thousand dollars and consumer rights are you? Are you two working now. I am. I am. I found a job fairly soon, within a month. and I am working- are you still? I didn't hundred thousand take some time to build the pipeline, what what what your your husband do, guy he works,
governments minute- and she was a marine, and now he works for the government as a think inspector ocean So I'm a lead. George shock you through this this debt situation, but on a simple things. Ok, how can the first thing is? I'm really really glad you're still here yet anti. Making that call when you're holding the baby business? These calls you can make right, it is yeah khazars at and tell you that we can take a baby away. Whether you re lucky. I am so so proud of you for doing that as hard. and we're good now ripe for bananas most of the time. Yeah moments moment there go the mask of this way. You're always gonna, be around here right the second thing is, if you huh when already who's gonna kick
in a moment when y'all are going to have to and the quicker you get here, the quicker you can begin to do the walk. The path of Jordan's gonna lay out for you, you're going to have to make peace with. Grieve the crap out of but make peace with, here's the life we had now here's one wherein right now, ok, The more you tried, according quote, get back to what we had the morgan and make yourself knots. cause just gonna run in the circle you can dragging what used to be at my right. So we used to have Sixty thousand dollar cars- we don't anymore, were camry family. Now we, to have a humongous house and we had our forever house. It's not forever house anymore, you and mere forever husband, but the houses and enough Okay and we used to make three a grand. Now we don't and maybe one day we will again, but that's not the whirlwind right now, and so when you make it, excess centrally with those moments, then,
I remember we had a lexus yeah, but now we got now we got a corolla and it gets us where need to go, and you got a bunch of dope marine tattoos. But you're going to look awesome are smoking hot, getting out of a camry, that's just the world. We have now right and it's not less than it's just different different we'll back it'll, be back you're you're a hustler, your husband's, a brilliant got me you'll, be back, but let's make peace that new world right. New world is way is top one percent of planet earth? It's a great world. We've got to let go of what used to be used to be awesome, and then we got laid off and it sucks, and here we are now now it's awesome again, just a different kind of awesome. Okay, so, this is going to start with some simple math but its command with some sacrificing behavior change. You ready for it acts We got a mind is: is your husband on board too? This is important factor, as he knows how you feel about our this. Ok, we'll get you our ground and I'll. Give you some options. It'll be a choose your adventure, my
this is your- take on pay somewhere around fifteen grand a month. Ah, yeah ok So let's look at what our expenses are. What do we need to keep the household running and you're gonna do with a budget, I'm going to gift it to you. It's called every dollar, I'm gonna give you the premium version. It's going to have paycheck planning connect. Your bank account all the good stuff, your homework, is to list out every single expense you have as a family and ruthlessly cut out the stuff it does. After that? You dont need right? Now you got that me a rough estimate of what that would add up to five grand. for cutting out all the total expenses that would keep the house running food, shelter, utilities, rotation. All that probably twelve grand yet
that our nanny included child care included among out from ok. This is what member though sacrifices I mentioned jessica. This is where we might have to figure out how to get that twelve grand down to five. So we have ten thousand to throw the debt and we ve done in eight months. That might mean selling the cars. If you can those now being let in the main to go for a season. This is it'd be fun, but your life on either side is gonna, be way better for so hang on the line will give to every dollar we're wish you the best doktor john d. Here for our society has totally devalued. Sleep were told to keep working, keep grinding through the fatigue and pretend that we don't need time to rest than the toxic you're, tries to shame us when we do it the sack at a normal time, I'm tell you seventy nine hours of refreshing sleep is essential for all aspects of your physical, mental, emotional and relational health. To help with that
I recommend investing in equality. Mattress getting great sleep is priceless, but we all know premium. Mattresses can cost a lot. That's why I love dream cloud dream. Claude mattresses are made with premium materials for a half the cost of other premium mattresses. They use it technologies to keep you comfortable all night for a great price index, lucy deal there offering our listeners can help even more right now Dream cloud is offering our listeners forward. Percent of all mattresses plus an additional fifty dollar discount go to dream cloud sleep. dot, com and interpol? John bologna? Today that's a dream club sleep, dot com with code, John baloney, Welcome back to the ramsay show on george camel joined by doktor john dolittle, we're taking your questions at tripoli, eight to five. Five, too. Five, you jump and we'll talk about your relationships. Your mental wellness, your financial wellness, all of it right here on the ramsey, show
Our question of the days brought to you by neighbourly your hub for home services. Nineteen home service providers nationwide the network of local service. Rose on neighbourly dot? Com can help with just about anything. You need done And around your home visit neighbourly, calm, slash ramsay, to find out more alright, is question comes from liane in virginia Leon rights. I've been hearing that the u s dollar may be obsolete in so called experts advice I raising to do something with money sitting in various large banks like wells, fargo, bank of america, etc. Since the market has been all, The place in the city rates have been up. We stockpiled a couple hundred thousand dollars and wells fargo, but now, after seeing these alerts, we are a bit concerned what your thoughts on the? U S, dollar becoming de valued or obsolete. While the log on here John a lot going on here- we'll. Let you talk about the investing strategy, George, but here's my too
hence, and you can do with it, what you will U s dollars how the world does business right and I had won a friend of mine. She was of a little scholar who said the world spins plan earth spends on one sentence. The united states will pay its bill in. U S, dollars, pace feels that's why things like government, shutdowns and lighten the debt ceiling, not not dealing with this long term issue, will be an explosion of had a straw for governments. If we don't get this debt under control nationally and we don't continue to figure out ways to pare bills, and if you owe thirty some trillion dollars, it makes the whole world nervous, and print and invent money. It makes the whole world nervous and other people can't divorce themselves from you. Other countries can if they have to pay their bills in your money right, they can't devalue your current
because in their devaluing the amount of money they owe you or you owe them. If there's debt write so there's been a conversation with brazil and russia and china brick as the big new thing bricks. I think it is which is we're. Gonna start you were gonna, create an altar. live world currency, that's not the! U s dollar not tied to us and then everyone it's all coming down. So here's what I can tell you I can tell you that, if the u s dollar does not continue to be the world currency and wells fargo, bank of america and fill in the blank all fail the amount of things that you think you have done to prep. For that moment, you have not done. It will be a drastically different planet guy. The world will be different that mine. So I have to like this, like every other. It's all gun, move all your money to goals, turbine coffee and burying bulletin silver coins in the ground and by
bunch of beanie babies and would like whatever the thing of the day is always like to look on the other side of it and ask myself willow world, be the same like this world and preparing for will be the same on the other side of this answer Now would be a radically different world that will are all organ have to adjust to to get there, and so does that mean, That means I'm gonna go up my regular day, not trying to time the meteorite. That's gonna hit us one day, I'm going to do the next right thing, the next right there, is given the information I have in front of me. The world currencies EU s dollar and forget the rural currency. My country that I live in uses the. U s or that's I'm going to put in the bank and I'm gonna, invest it for long term and I'm going to path my deaths and I'm going to next right thing. Next right thing: next right thing: I'm just not going to get on youtube and listen to the just.
absolute drivel that is coming out of some of the new stations out there. Who have no vested interest in information quality information? Truth they have a vested interest. Their publicly trading companies have a vested interest in one thing: clicks your team and so they can sell at their, not they're, not in their not incentivize, to give you correct information and so set of eyes to get your attention get your attention which all coming down right, oneway right go what's coming down the dollar? Well, if John, You upload a video, and it's like guys, the doll fine. Everyone just go to work and loved your family's. It's gonna get zero view. Nobody wants. I watch that it's not exciting right is there some ecologists. Are you freaking kidding me? what trillion dollars. We have people in washington d, just throwing crayons at each other in a sandbox like you, don't know you dumb and then it just is madness. So if I am a trading partner of the EU s, why be concerned about the?
salute insanity. I see everywhere you up. I would no question about it should the average citizen who, as a mortgage and a car payment and so credit card debt, be trying to say. Through a strategy for what happens when the dollar goes right now I would not spend my time doing that. I think is a tunnel hurdles between The us are going away and brick or whenever he sings kickin there's live a lotta strategies. I mean lot of hurdles in between now and then so we can all do- is take care of our our homes, take care of our personal finances and vote people. Who will do what's right and that's that's the game. That's that's what we can do that. The game that was a good intellectual. Take John mine was not that smart. What do we do I just underline things that I felt we're funny in this question with the so called experts or advising me to do something so now, I trust the so called experts out there who are using fear to get your clicks, and I so wouldn't stockpile hundreds of thousands of dollars in a bank account because your biggest problem there's not devaluation its
frazier envoy eating away your money, which is very real, that part is real, and so I would be investing that money. Anything beyond your emergency fund in your current savings goals invested long term. I still believe in the u s economy, and some amazing companies that are innovating that will cause. You know the ec me to rise in the gdp to grow, so I have faith in them. And it's all you know at the end of the day I Control any of a john I'm just going to bessie, you can do it better. Frida, pile money in the bank and be investing for the future. That's it other Cause I'm not worried about the dollar becoming obsolete anytime, soon cause I gotta pay bills, John with dollars. I do think the what you said earlier is something I wish everyone would double down and tripled on dribble down on which is a great and play. hedge, danone, putting money. A great god just got laid off hedge, don't but any money, a grey. Anxiety, mental health, chant danone by any money and if more people would deef
well too, as for me and my house, I'm gonna take care that and I'm your work, seven jobs more. Teen jobs may get rid of the nanny like the last call or get rid of the cars and we're going to draft gorillas. Like we're going to make this thing work because so many of the things on the, what can I control and not control? Can any of us individually? Control of the ussr becomes obsolete. No, actually not there's nothing. We can do. Can I control that I'm only bunny money and if one day, warn currency calls and says. I call your note and I'm like I don't owe you anything they'll be like okay, I'll go your name dang it right exactly so I think the most important thing Almost every one of us can do right now is not only buddy money in work like bloody hell to get there, yet listing take. If your truly worried about what could happen with the economy than wire you, owing ford motor company right a giant check every month for that car. You must try. What do you make a payment to the visa
It does not really care about truly then sampling. This question: they have a bunch, a bunch of money that probably dont aren't carrying debt but the best things you can do to sleep better at night cause when it all comes down the lender, still gonna want their payment and they, will do whatever it takes to get it. They will take you to court in the midst of a pandemic, though, do whatever it takes. And so the best you can do it just live a debt, free life and turn off the headline. If you're starting spin out of control and I know this lot. People out there who generally want to them stay in touch with what's goin on the world, but what is the balance? between gone right. All the headlines are telling me it's all. Coming down. My real life says I my family and I like my job and I was gonna- go to work near. This is just become like an old trope right which a controlling the troll and so when I hear something going on like this, I mean or Do we can do about? What can I literally do about this I know I'm gonna lose money due to inflation. If I put the money under my bed
I know that real estate uses a good turn over time, but I'm not gonna borrow money I put our you'll savings account. I'm gonna, invest more money and on a long term strategy, That's how we're going to roll and number one, I'm not going to only buy your money and we'll deal this. As this as this rolled up its that's him. and John. You lay out six daily choices we can make in your new book building a non anxious life, which I have recommend for land in virginia. My help more than anything is george could turn anything into a salesman cells and that's what I do america. This is the ramsay show.
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Chris in Albany is waiting with bated breath for our answer to this court. and what's goin on Chris George, I don t If someone around me, I shall here what's only help I guess? One of the things I notice when trying to get on a budget and one of the things is kind of like a tampering thing that you'd say is the husband environment. I'm getting of emails marketing emails seems like every time I check my email like ninety nine under m, or something trying to get me to spend money. so I was just wondering if you guys have any tips, strategies or anything just kind of combat this and to stay on track with a budget. What does that have to do with your budget What is making sure that we don't spend? extra money, more another temptation to spend money from the more from the continent. Emails and the in that china get a. You know you trying to tell you to spend, If I gave you really sophisticated answer, which was just don't what you're push back to that listen, I don't have much prospectus innocent and just the at an awful something that, like you,
the internet. Anybody might have had that they are then she's with maybe just trying to like combat setting. There's a simple and effective way to do this, and I talk about this in financial bees, university John and I tag team, a lesson on why spending and I talk about tiny thing at the bottom of that email? There's a tiny link! It's an invisible fond about size, nino, point four and if you click It'll say sorry to see you go, and you say good, bye subscribe, there's an unsubscribe link, and that gives me he's me, no greater joy than they hit that link on every single marketing spam email unless it's a ramsay email on the night. I sat in a great joy, but for real, All it takes what kind of marketing emails are you getting, and did you sign up for these? Well, it's mostly just like us. I really tried to get on track of my spending and getting on a budget and I'll be honest. I really haven't been that great on the products I bought in the past, You know whether you sign up for rewards program or something.
And then you're just consistently getting those emails, and it feels like it's, nonstop and- and also I'm not sure like is my email also been sold to other companies as well, and I think you get so much and I get the unsubscribe thing. I've done that just feels electors there's so much mary overwhelming. I don't even open your eyes and what's underneath this there's something already, I think it's why I think it also. like any email, just like all. I make them already important email that, like I'm like lightning bolts or you don't look at him, but then I may have any mail is resolved remain exactly what's a story you might be tempted to spend at I don't know. Maybe you could be anything from other one out there. Maybe they're gone, maybe it's another a company right back loading thing like that. I tell you if you were struggling with alcohol, one of the things I will tell you if you never sitting down and you had wept and I'd heard your story, I would tell you to agree to day and I go back into a bar period and in
probably say. What are? My friends are that's round home from work. That's my routine! It's my community! It's to my laugh sars! Who are, I get a connection and I would say, and it's killing you, you cannot go back into a bar and you'd have to figure out another way home you have to other people, but you'd have to figure out another way to deal with that thing. Inside of you that you're after wallpaper over with purchases and purchases and fomo, and what? If? What? If this is an important email? If it's not, and so here's my challenge to you, delete your email count. This leading the seven hundred services email services, whose google and got is yahoo, still thing, there's prompter hotmail still eggs does it. People have it. I don't know why I have yet I'm ill dressed like areas croton male, those doesn't there's. There's there's still follow the place, delete your email account still needed, and if there's three or four people You want to have your thing, just send them a note that say hey this is my new email address just clean slate? It in that would tell me I'm
that, you are serious about dealing with this part of your life, that is out of control, cause dude. I get emails from some of the coolest companies and I go through their stuff and I am like I want this. I would love to get this it'd be so rad. I have that and then I just don't wait sixty days and then I do or ass my and she's like really look. Ok, but ok and then I just dont cause she's right. Which you mentioned, you mention the budget at the top of this in the budget, is going to dictate you're spending, and so your boss of the budget, but when the budget done it's the basi you, so you have Two hundred dollars shopping line item then you have permission. To spend two hundred dollars on shopping, and it may be stuff that you that just Chris wants, if he's out of debt and he's in a good spot, it's ok to buy stuff Let me do it the wrong motive, when it's not in the budget, when
at the right time, when we haven't really done the research of just impulsive or emotional, that's when it gets out of hand and they feel like that's what you're getting at is you you can yourself where enough to know you of the tendency to go there. Hear me endured, say I don't. I don't fully get the link between your budget and these emails just before I had a lack of a budget doctor John, and I think now that I'm trying to get on a budget get everything set. Just be still the single email. Just to avoid that temptation don't go off the budget. I guess what're you delete your email account do and whenever you sign up for staff, here's what I do. I have like a spam marketing account. I did you and that's what I give to all of these companies and then I never open that inbox, because I know what's coming, I. So that may be another way to go about this. If you can't delete your email account of his connected to fourteen million things
pritchett, they become a junk email account and descended over, but I guess I've got through a tirade where I just keep on subscribing from every single thing for a week straight, and then I tend to stop getting those emails. It's really nice! So nice feeling lemme on this important any behaviour, that you think I can't stop like. I can't control a duty in region talk somebody with its alcohol with spinning weather it's an under it whatever it is this thing is look at the environment. That's allowing this thing to happen and big to make environmental changes, and that's I'm going to go in that bar anymore, that is I'm not gonna. Go back in that house where this person is abusive anymore, they is really tough, If you have any money and you're scared and you're alone and new city, I get that or be unduly. May Malka I'm just gonna, get that serious about it, because this is
in a spending issue, this isn't. This is something beneath that he created a budget and realized. He went with him right. He create a budget and he realized. He running from a long time from something inside of me and I don't wanna deal with it and I will deal with it now and deal with it and that budget forces you to look in the mirror. Nobody actually value do like who career you gonna be ass, tough stew, that's a scare but when you look your bank statement for the last month or two and you go, this represents who I am as a person what I value my identity, who am becoming, who I've been man that'll such a straight. You like there was a lot of go back on a month who my becoming mine is mostly thorn supplements, but I get what you're saying that's, who Jonah's a man of values as health. To get reminder and John, you walk through. Three were really important questions in that. Why spender lesson of financial peace in a versatile that our brains are asking on ancient technology? Do I belong at my safe and, as this feel good right, in marketing is trying to get her all those is trying to tap into the fears and going it's going to feel so good. If you just take the
supplement, John you're, going to sleep so model or the dollar's going away like their earlier but thoroughly. I washed and write like. Are you safe right, deep, along hey look at all the guys, like us, we're all using this thing and wearing this thing, and I want to be like those I consider the tribe, the tribe I did identify with so always back and ask yourself, is this something? I aid or the something I'm trying to use as duct tape over a personnel like usually the ladder but hey if you want to check out that lesson is lesson five of financial peace, university, John and I tag team, and I cover all the ways companies go after your money in what you can do to regain control of it. You can go check it out: ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash fp! You look for
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heather joins us up next in baltimore heather. What's going on my I'm calling to figure out next birthday I'm my husband and I we've been married about twenty years about let's say ten years ago we did the financial peace university. We were in a ton of debt and we I thought for a while, and then we got distracted and stopped working on it. But happily now, even though we didn't pay attention for awhile, we are out of debt other than our house, and I have six hundred number finding everything and recently about got from having my father does much your cash flow, where we're at now. We have the butter house thirteen years ago, it's suddenly a years old, woe and my brain argument is stopped watching hdtv before you buy a house because it was stupid thing with edward. You were going to turn this into some victorian rain. Maybe
we just thought we could do a lot more than we have in fifteen years. So I'm very aware I this is. I even take all the blame, because this was one hundred percent on me that felt well defined on, but the where at now com, my husband had always always wanted to build a sizable workshop. He had hobbes other big the machinery and he's lightly quarter. Orders the girl, combo, really expensive machinery plus hoarding expensive budgets, big right now we have about a hundred and twenty thousand dollars or so from the inheritance, and he we want to go forward on the debate about shock at the plant always was built the workshop, then we would have the grief the space to fall. Other health problems I have been here long enough to know that my house needs too much like her nation massa? That you'd, like the old everything Nothing is everything basically going to need replaced at some point, in fact, if needed,
I can suggest so your house so you're out. That's what I am talking thinking we should do, It would be smarter to sell our house and find another house. The area we live in maryland has an incredibly high cost of living area to sell your house, so your house will could sell for, as is without you, putting all this work into it, and I might be able at twenty thousand voted out of what is it? What are you? What are you? Oh a hundred ninety and you ve lived there. Fifteen years we wanted two thousand and seven right when the market crashed, so it took a long time just to get back to what we all wanted to sell your house and we didn't so so your house, I I'm fine man, these other. concern? I now is back. I really Like our mortgage where's, that, the guy was large and other. So you haven't Sarah but I want to be the ages, but by another house, I'm looking at work. Hundred thousand four hundred and fifty other houses that I could events might happen to live in?
ok! Here's another idea. I just thought of it. Don't sell your hooker. How does that hit you Well, that's the other one, I'm hot, but then I have to spend all the money or with I still can't get a new. I have a new idea, sell your house and we're back. Israel is not a right or wrong here. You has twisted self up like a pretzel. Yes, I was tricking. Jean valjean decided thing you up, you document Why do you think my fifteen hundred dollars a month mortgaged double It means ideally mark a new house another out and out of the month mortgage. On top of that does like sitting near forgetting that fifteen hundred is not fifteen hundred, it's gonna be a hundred fifty thousand because of what you're gonna have to do to this place over the next decade. But if you put it to you, if you just hundred thousand or inheritance, and you put a hundred. Knowledge of the house. It will appreciate for what
in a high cost of living area. Would it would it would it double where we were three hundred fifty to four hundred thousand bucks now because of the money that would put into it? It's it's like the inevitable doktor still biscuits it back from not find out anymore fusion. They are not in a thousand dollar into an I'm, probably getting close to three hundred to three fifty, maybe language which almost doubles it more than two hundred now what what cost her rent somewhere? Let's say you sold it. You have a hundred forty, you keep saying your evening on Latvia's, I what it for one year you rented, while saving. Would your husband go for that? Urges it crush history, not for five seconds why he wants stuff problems Ok, let's deal with stuff problem, just another albums putting herself in a terrible financial position. here's. What I think- and I tell you, can I say well, thank you
if I'm wrong you're an and idiot neuron, I think. Your marriage is not as good as your letting on, and I also think it maybe your mail isn't bad! You and your husband are two very different pages. Y'all are great co managers of your house, your roommates and you have some other stuff going on in this a big merry go round that you can get on and go around and around and contemplate all the reasons you should stay, and always you should go and what it allows you to do is avoid dealing with the scare scary truth sitting inside your house, probably sitting on your couch right next to you. There can be relevant there There can be relevance. There has also been going right. So if I were to take on mortgage already in my mouth. Ok
what about this? What about taking a husband for dinner honey? I plan to sedate sit down. He said: I'm scared to death about the trajectory of our marriage. I want to get you a barn, but how you spend money and your addiction stuff scares me and the fact that I'm running really low some might call it depression and am anxious. A lot scares me. I'm scared. Her house is gonna fall down. I'm scared. We can't afford to move can't breathe in this house, but if you did that, I just felt my shoulders dropped to saying that, for you In a new conversation, came the you have to deal with that reality and selling your house or not selling. Your house is not you and your husband are going to go with you to your new house. Yes, you and your husband are going to
with you when you build a shot that you can't afford. Well, that's not happening. I won't say after that, dear him. Having this dream workshops solves zero problems. Yes, so we need to deal with the real problem which number on is. We are way far away on our values when it comes to our dreams and vision financially. So we need to align on that. before we make any decision. If we can't find an alignment on that, it's worth reaching out to a third party, our friends at better help. We need to get to the root of this cause if he still has his addiction to stuff we're going to be broke years from now, regardless of what we do, you son really close to resentment. That's not really that man, what is it then Europe, along with our eyes. This is our reality. You resign. I can't change another person. I can choose to make decisions going
forward based on the reality that exists like but or I obviously could leave without that's option If, though, but I believe him Are they really from trying to bite of a path? Is that Bring it I ll get it need either and we were single income, have family for a long time. The last work. Not then it's amazing to not your draft about money anymore. I like that. So some sometimes when at a that. I just want to get out of really bad yeah. I sometimes overrun just how the house is falling down, is gonna fall down No, no! No! No, I'm just I'm missing what I did and not what you do, but I would go through that list of questions like the things that you think half to be down the things that you had planned, the duke of hdtv back in the day and then the chip join the things that we just make. It amazing ike make a list of those things.
Put real, not imaginary, put real dollar amounts to em, just see what you're talkin about right. Now you have no data, you have a story, the judge is on on repeat in your mind and it's your bodies keep it you're bodies where an out because of it sit down with real numbers are real stuck in the sea. With this looks like our own other arm for you. Could you said you had our conversation with your husband and he doesn't knew he'd rather have his big toys then have a wife that feels loved and safe, and so, as george you're, going to have to deal with the marriage counselor at some point, but I would love for you to sit down and say: okay, let's get serious about answering the questions about this house. Let's that's going to allow us to get serious about what we do next, but I'm telling you right now these imaginary conversations you're having over and over and over in the loop in the what, if would but then what? If and then, then what, if you're driving yourself into an early grave you're worth more than that puts this hour of the ramsey show in the books?
The headquarters of ramsey solutions at the ramsey show where we help people build wealth, do work that they love and create amazing relationships. I'm george campbell joined by Dr John maloney, and we are here for you, america. The number to call is aaa eight to five five to two five. Emily's gonna, kick us off in reno Emily welcome to the arms you shall, I think you what's going on and so I have been listening to you guys were a couple months now and I've eventually talk to me, has been about it. You know little bit reluctant at first, but now here on board, we don't have any credit card that working grades arm, but we do have to track cup AK and our house
I what we're thinking about, doing and he's on board with, but we're not sure if it, the right move is to take what we have in our largest retirement account pay off the track, clowns watcher everywhere. a large and then that would free up, of course, a lot of our income to either put toward the or to rebuild their retirement account, which we feel like we could do fairly quickly, So I decided to get your guises opinion and take on that. Well, first of all, that you guys are lined on wanting to get out of debt. The goal is Write me: a method is terrible, robbing a retirement or how to achieve this. So let's talk about what what's left on these loans,
The larger wine is around thirty seven thousand and then that smaller one is a little over twenty. Ok and what's your household income together we make about a hundred and it gave a yard. Ok, awesome income. So, let's look at it this way. Retirement accounts were not an option to rob which, by the way, if you take it drawl against that you sound young, I'm I'm guessing you're, not sixty now, but not we're not super yankees, forty three and I'm forty one so warning to the government. You are not old enough. You you're not a routine yeah but yeah. That's why we're not about? You know, that's why I called is cause. It sounds like a guy. idea back and a little nervous about. You know what it is going to do to you guys not only with taxes and penalties, but also robbing from your potential future growth on that money against
preparing asset and then wait that we thought about in I'll come back. the company were aware allows you to like basically take alone? you're right? What we don't want to, once we didn't want to deal yeah, we didn't ok this effort that desperate to get a debt, why not sell the trucks? Where are we now? then hold on hold on hold on. You need a forty thousand dollar truck for what really I live out in the country other than some acreage. I do. I do need a truck that hunter and I have stuff all over my property- and I am not. Anybody are avid outdoors people. We have a camera that I bought and paid for no payment we need the trap, the poets and then the other one is that are the same
Our track was, we use my husband you to strike at the time. I guess we're not guess to pay it off. I mean we do ok, you're desperate about a robber retirement at thirty percent. trust and penalties, not to mention lost future earnings for a car that will go down in value every year. Ok! Well, I guess the reason got me thinking about. That is because I listen to you the time- and I hear like Dave always talking about like go scorched earth like Donald Alex but everything into getting get free. So but he never rob to retirement account to bay of debt or yeah, go scorched earth like scorched earth means when a sacrifice and use our future income and sell everything we can in order to get out of debt. It can also mean we're gonna settle trucks together that, but if that's an option. I I pinned during that corner to say: well, the other option is
use this amazing hundred fifty thousand dollar income to buy our fifty seven thousand dollars and dead yeah, guess what that's gonna take a different kind of sacrifice. That means we're not getting out the means. We're gonna pause, all investing as we attack this dead wood. That was my next question. As we just in the last like year, we really wrapped up. I thinking for the future, so we, always put into our forum cavan requirements, but the swiss last year we uptown percentage to eight percent for both of us plus our employer makin, and then we opened the ira that we put a couple hundred a month in What what? What is your? What does your yarn you? Trucks which, to show you tat, I see well, but twenty. But we got him in the last couple years when interest rates have been high with inflation by around, like thirteen
Nothing says, I'm very hung about our future, like taking out a thirty seven thousand, all alone of thirteen percent interest it trying to learn all in a volatile ten percent market you should have so yeah yeah you're math doesn't work Emily. having fun with you, will not trying to just rag on you, I'm trying to get you to the point. Where are you to go you're right up. Our plan is not working trying to invest. Why? Taking on debt while having the caper debt free, but then we need a forty thousand alone to run the camphor we didn't think through and so great nunez. This very solvable. Problems are easy to solve. Ok, but there's only two solutions: either sell the trucks or you pay them off very quickly with future income by selling stuff getting on a budget cutting expenses increasing income. That's it. No I've, hacks, no retirement robbing! That's it! Do you guys? What do you think about?
No. Well. I think I know in the baby step that I read that you don't invest. I would pause for a minute and everything arab, what it would be to pause all retirement. My guess is it's going to be close to one thousand bucks a month, if not more and here's here's, why that's important in your situation, yeah you have you paid for camper in a forty, thousand dollar loan against the the truck it makes the camera usable. a new and choosing to pause, you're investing while your corner cook getting serious about your future. You will see how in saying what you're doing is cause you're, gonna, say eyes, no way when a pause, investing we have a match in everything and then the next logical question will be well sold this camper unpaid struck off what? If we saw this camper and this truck everything in life changes literally in a weekend, all of it. In a week breathe and we can say what, if, but how often we
actually uses camper. What if we used a tent where we went to kay always what if we built this thing back up said at the beginning. The call we feel confident we could use refill our emergency? I mean our retirement, really quick cool that same energy and by yourself another camperdown wrote in a few years. the we enter into recession. There's lotta campers on the market You could sell yours right now to go and good and Europe a double your investing. If you follow our plan, you're gonna go from eight percent to fifteen. and of household income. You're gonna build ex extreme else by doing that, and when spend cash on that next campaign that extra you're gonna spend indifferent, it is your own money and you might be buying a twenty thousand all drug, because it hurts too much alike forty thousand dollars in cash. It could be working for you instead of against you. So now fun time beaten up on Emily, but it's because we love Emily. We want her to win with money, and sometimes that means tough love and getting rid of crap sacrificing. Fake. It till you make it its popular careered vice
But it doesn't work very long. If you will but you do you get fake the enthusiasm and energy you need to win at work. You also can't figure local health and energy? Everybody knows we should eat more fruits and vegetables, but fruit, choosing Gee chips, don't count if you aren't winning physically promise your limiting your opportunity to win professionally folks. I know you're goin hard right now to pay off debt and get ahead professionally. You need it the gear and that's why bell of nature, will help you they help me. They give me the bat It's a fresh whole fruits in bed using just seconds the blind, thirty, one different fruits and vegetables powdered in an advanced process that locks in the nutrients so go to balance of nature dot com, enter the promo code ramsay to get thirty five percent off your first order and lock in a lifetime price as a preferred customer. That's bad! of nature dotcom with the promo code ramsay for thirty five percent off your first order
Welcome back through the ramsay show, I'm george camel joined by dark. John bologna? Well, big if you missed it, we pre launched my new book breaking free from broke. It's my first book ever am rural, proud of it, and you can priority today for only twenty bucks and get a hundred dollars and free bonus items, including in in access to my newest talk from our smart conference event called show me: the money, exclusive access to an online private inventing q and a the audio books, which will be enhanced and very exciting. The e top of all of that you're gonna, get three months to every dollar per. We to try that out to live out the principles in this book. This is everything you know I learned about money, but wish you did. This is how the debt industry how companies come after money how to break free from bro and how to live out this ramsay plan that freed me, from broke the millionaire many moons ago, and someone expose all the myths ally's that we believe from credit student loans, credit scores otto loans. Mortgage traps, investing traps, you name it
and I'll show you the way out. I want to show you how to ditch debt and build wealth and buck this toxic system, and you can, today, ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash store and will send it to you in january, when the book is out mike joins us in Washington dc up next mike welcome to the show where I goes, sir, Don't well today, so what's going on with you I have an eighty year old mother whose it later run out of money. really run out of money, but to let me give you a background here: are my dad passed away. Fifty years ago, and he left her the fifteen acre property that they were living in and she stayed there. The house houses now said neglected to be dated, needs some work. It's about forty five minutes away from me and then my brother lives, but in twenty twenty she had a little issue. She's been having some medical issues. She daily burn. The house down had some issues like that. Some of his wife convinced her to live nearby a retirement. Homer and I would have included in that process-
she want to move, but she agreed and you been there since august, only twenty one had been paying the mortgage on the house and should we paying- the time at home and at a rate of about ten thousand a month, I don't know all of your finances. I I I ask her questions and she gets irritated or my brothers kind of handle the bathroom without a power of attorney or anything I'm I just have to some mail and and look at it figure out what I got down to the her family trust all the money. My dad left and her parents left her and everything there's about three thousand dollars in cash left in that and about so maybe thirty thousand I'm in stocks, and I think about fifteen in checking it that's it. Have you not called your brother and just say what world you do what. How does that conversation go
It usually goes with I'm working on it. I'm he wants to make sure the house is perfect before it sells, which will never happen, but that's one thing: I've asked the what's going on with the finance? Is I'll get back to you uh? Oh there's a plan I'll kill you I've never been told I do like I'm being honest, like I've got a I've got a brother he's a he's got such he's a person of such impeccable character. This wouldn't this would never apply, but I I would be really close a fiery. You two new fact not really close. I would probably draft a letter from an attorney because some sound fishy here, be I don't care what Paul and your brother has your mother's about blues everything everything
it. It's it's it's time to stop waiting for a plan, one of the problems here and I'm sure something you've probably heard of like she's, come out and said in the past. She likes him better. She as a person and everything else. So that aside, she everytime- I ask about something, though I trust him. I I used to take her to the doctor and I'd take her shopping. I don't even get that that anymore, so I'm so far out of the leap I'm on this, because I think opening up the and I'm the one who who has to I'm I'm the one who tells her what she needs and he's the one who does what she wants and that's part of the problem why this house is sitting on the market for not even on the market for two years it hasn't even been on the market. Yet in two years, I'm but yeah,
It's a do. You think he has some kind of vested interest where he's driving this wedge between you guys on purpose, and he stands to gain something know. I was kind of like the dum dum and he is always had issues or ocp diversion, but also can make a decision outsource. Thank you, the old butter on the younger brother job it nobody nobody's that dumb, nor the term forty thousand dollars in an account in two years later, at a burn rate of ten grand a month or three everybody. Is this a this train stops next month, yeah and it it actually when it stops. It's going to park itself in his house that oh yeah there's a world for she says you can get camper and take her tat. While our says there s not happening now, of course, of course, but here's the deal it sounds like too two things one is there's the money aspect of it. but I'm more interested in you,
or watching your mom, a woman, you love and who loved you. slowly, peel away in heading correction that you don't believe is healthy and I think what you just played out for us is not healthy and your heartbroken, as is the really it's out of the work that I always have a cautionary tale for for others who you think you have a point. Her play was to die, and I know that the fact she pointed by the house and all this will be taking a course of course nothing. She saw, Counting on that now, like oh, could be a problem because I'll be dead and she is going to go what if she lives in another decade, well, yeah. She says she's going to live to be one hundred and many other hand. While do some, with math, show her she's out of money in a year, I'm more, where I'm more worried that there's way more money in this trust in your brothers on some nefarious with he's either so so listen to this, the
options here. He is so incredibly incompetent that his in Competence is so bad, his mother's going into homeless or he's some financial incentive to keep you out of the books. Well, she refinanced his house ten years ago now she's been in it for thirty, so she would have paid it off my dad. It's over old house when they moved out to sell the place so there's three hundred thousand that was put into it into a five hundred it would have been pay off somebody somewhere about ten years ago, got her to be fine, it and about ten years ago, my brother was twenty thousand dollars in debt and then suddenly bought a house. So I'm I'm kind of thinking, that's where that money went, but nobody wants to tell me and that's why she gives irrigated. He won't answer them. Questions and I think they re fine if she took the pull at the equity Here's the deal right. Here's a domain
can wipe your hands of this and grieve like bloody hell. Your mom Yeah and your relationship- and it shouldn't be this way- and you wish you are still one of her boys and she has chosen the other what she told you. I choose him over you and I had not read my head run. How devastating, though it be? If my mom did that it is actually more than devastated actual relief. Because now I know I know why things are happening. The way they okay it. It might be a relief in the short term but you're going to have to agree that or the second thing is you gonna, attorney and demand financial accounting. quite honestly, you're gonna have to sue your brother, probably, and if she made him the the heir of the stuff in your suit, probably won't even matter that he's the executor, but not the power of attorney who's. A power of attorney, nobody, she she still.
and everyone will this bordering on elder financial abuse and so The evidence we think we need to get some third parties involved to look into this before we continue destroy her life, yet it over the words. I was look. Or could that's what I was thinking, but you fellows, I mean I'm no lawyer, but I would contact round immediately and just explained the situation, and here's was heart. She might talk to an attorney and say I have directed my oldest. To do every single thing I want. I run honey? I'm gonna, move in with him or move into my magic home both of those options on the table for her said. The bottom line is an eighty year old woman should not have ten thousand dollars and expenses every single month now, especially with a burn rate with we must finish like women are presently her. Expenses aren't ten that money is going somewhere and it sounds like it's going partially dear brother, so I'm sorry you're dealing with this might this is tangled web of just
open relationships and financial abuse, and I hope you find some resolution. Even if it's not only look. This is You show this so to sponsored by better help. Pay focus, john bologna, this time of year can be hard in seasonal. Effective disorder is real. When I'm to nashville the time change caught me off guard. It got dark like four thirty and I was ready for bed by six. Forty five p m things weren't fun, even the food lost its flavour. Now I know how to prepare my body when things get dark, I go out to enjoy nature. I stick to an exercise routine and I intentionally connect with people. Another thing I did is therapy therapy can be a bright but even when the sun goes down too soon, something positive and interactive to make us feel, grounded and give us the tools to manage the way. Seasonal change can affect our bodies to have your thinking of starting therapy,
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and about fifty seven of an impersonal long, I'd have a boy can alone aside those two and I'm trying everything in me to go against what gave them on the bar one can alone, because it's the interest on would be back all in between them, the loans and the monetary value, so some curious that should be paid off in order which What I'm thinking against, which I'm guessing you guys will probably say to do because of the interest, I'm just curious on your guys have I don't know what point did you think this is about the interest, because it seems like there was a series of decisions made that has left you in a place where your feelings a stout and anxious overwhelm why a pile of debt, so I'm far less
about the interest and more concerned about how do we get Chris back to some financial foundation where he doesn't know anyone anything right? So what It's the bounds of the forum on Kalen started at six about five thousand, now, ok and what other dead. You have if the credit card, personal loans for one K, loan and and after and I have a deficiency balance from a vehicle. So I gotta a backstory I found a few months ago and I got on a thing. I've stopped all four one k investment which was really hard for me, the match, but you loan against her from non gay rights. So we can get to assign a free money when we just robbed ourselves of it right until I I turn rid of a vehicle that was very expensive, already did the voluntary repo on ok? What's the deficiency balance on that
thirty three in some change who Is it an airplane car? What was it it was? There was a brand new diesel truck ok. What do you drive and now a little if the new car beater paid for them worth about fifteen hundred yeah good. How old are you chris, real, quick, george think about how do you, chris, I'm thirty. I keep hearing some shame in your voice, brother, let it let it ride. I'm freaking, proud of you. Well, I'm seeing how I'm embarrassed, because the amount of money you make a gondola dude. We all learn. We all learn and georgia, Talk to six through your broke people all the time, and we two million your teachers all that time. So dude you are not dome an idiot Your clearly good at what you do professionally. You probably just
did what everyone in your life told you to do with the next week, smart move was so sad what the shape and I'm proud of you fat, listen! You ve lived for this many years thinking was the path, and you now have a new path cool, I had a piloting this new path amongst us in my time on this new path is beat myself up for being on the old path where, on the new one, now man we don't hit each other this path. We must all problems. Guy, that's number one number two. Here's this. The key that I want you to digest before you any further on this plan is gonna hold you up. If you don't. the way you ve done it for thirty seven years hasn't worked. Will you try something new right, yep and that was sort of my thinking when I quit the formal one k, and you know it, I mean really hard for me to make that money they want that money, but
he hasn't weren't writers. It seem with when you when you approach george, with, though with interest rate in it. That model hasn't worked. Not just for you for most of america, doesn't work the work george as a key, your freedom right here, but I want you to change your psychology year if you're dead, right, you're on a new path, sweet or so glad that you're in this cult with us and the way you did the old way, didn't work, a new and all in the cool, aren't what's yours, what oh monthly payments on all this debt? It's about about! Two thousand okay out: what's your income it'll be one fifty this year, but it's going to drop to one thirty five next year, because they want us to have a more work life balance. So they're cutting some overtime. Okay! Well, you can pick up aside hustle and keep it at one. Fifty right soundly
You just freed up some time to what I did with my studded with my side. Hustle my base salary is one twenty seven and then I about and what about on my hustle gray- and I take a day for myself the market about two days- our money too. birthday it minded and younger men friday. I thought he had taken itself and then condi are okay, but I work at and I take sunday for myself once you're taking by every month, without investing, what's your token begging to be honoured. It's gonna be probably about. Seven, ok, So your goal is to figure out how much gap and margin we can create between you expenses, which is going to be food, utility, shelter, transportation and those debt payments. nothing else- we're going skirt scorched earth for awhile because making one fifty, how We can you pay off his hundred three thousand dollars in debt. She get really into about how many years is going to take. I made a tuna,
here I am saying to or less fair following our plan eighty months max Ok, now I think about this subject was dependent on human numbers. That's what I want you to see. The now looks see what your life looks like two years from now, when you freedom, thousand dollars worth of payments- and you have a fully funded emergency fund, you never have to turn to a lender. Again, you never after will the shame of one money mistakes again you just get to walk in freedom. Making a hundred fifty grand with no payments nobody's gonna tell you what to do. Nobody's gonna demand payment from you at the end of the month. Are you a homeowner? I am what's left on the mortgage. three thirty on your living alone. Yes, ok, I want to start dreaming about. What is what are you? What is crystal clear? ten years from now, when he's gotta paid for house make hundred fifty, probably more ten years from now with no power, it's in the world, including no mortgage thing about that, and then, let's
first engineer at where we make decisions today that get us there and of those decisions is positive, another one of those decisions as screw the intern. Great I'm going to go smallest to largest cause. I make one hundred fifty thousand dollars so who freaking cares? These loans are going to get knocked out so quickly and then you're going to a face and down the barrel, that car alone the deficiency balance and then we're onto the person alone, fifty seven thousand and two for months or nature and calls back and a debt free scream that's it, that's your one goal, but we can't sit here and look at the four straits in math anymore, we ve got a focus on behavior change We can argue about math once you're dead, free that'll, be if on a more fun time for us at least when we get to celebrate with you to do so. If you can one fifty or take a year ear. Your grosses, twelve five, whereas the other fifty five hundred bucks a month go in that you'll bring him seven. So my mortgages right at three
thousand without expensive and men feel You're talking you're gonna get hadn't, you have seven thousand left after you pale your bills in everything known I take them. thousand home. Don't three three thousand anywhere from three to thirty, two hundred, a monthly expenses for the house and then I have you know my phone bill my share other but John say an eight year, grossing twelve you're taken home seven. Five thousand can't be going to taxes every month a lot of it will go in the far one case, though, that go into them fraid of that money. Now you can see these might be taken on by angry and yeah. We were half or nine right unfold in next year's dropped I bethought, though he down to one twenty seven in them have about ten thousand take home are not taken, but in others died. Hustle geico,
or it we're stuck out we're still working with nine and yet. two thousand and the top that you have to pay an eight and a seven. And then you got thousand. What I take that back, I pay three thousand amongst others, all those loans the EU can be valuable. I paid mr knock, knocking them small sawdust largest, I'm to help you out that Chris hang on the line, we're going to send you every dollar premium, you're going to make a list: income minus expenses, you need to equal zero. You give every dollar a job, create as much margin as you can to throw it that smallest debt and you're going to feel the momentum in no time. Man thanks for the call this is the ramsey show. If you
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one of our two reliable vehicles has started acting up, so I said looking in placing it does that make. It would also make it the unreliable one it's hard to say it's late, thirty, five euro vehicle right. It should not be the situation, but it is a truck transmission is essentially boy, arms I can linger around town in it, but we're talkin like a seven thousand dollar a pair right now. I owe eleven thousand truck it's worth about. Thirty. So like that, bruce makes sense to repair it, but it also, if I old, chuckle hundreds of miles on it with this being a fairly significant repair. I started looking at buying a new car right and that's like what should I do and financially that's how I got you not to your site inserted assuming this content, but now I'm like this doesn't seem like borrowing fifty grand.
Make sense right now. The solution eurozone borrowed more money to get out of this here. Ok, boy violin. There were good for you these? The truck is not upside down right. I got it back, but he now you're seeing is worth Ok, if you fix the transmission sought me I ve been swimming around a different dealerships inaccurate. I can get away with trading on b that guy don't be the guy as a single moms get getting the card on. Do that be a person, integrity dude not for depreciating asset, and off they just socks and how much money do you have What do you mean in my bank account the two hundred and sixty my savings accounts. You are my. What are you? You know mismanaging finding answers for her. No doubt about another dead. You have a steady area so my wife has a meeting. We all about safety gay on that
We live mortgage ribs, fifteen, ok, so called car is twenty. Six and beyond that we have nothing but mortgage that we pay we'll three hundred and four thousand no credit cards, understood loans or anything, Well, we do use a credit card for all of our expenses, but we impade interest ever so. What do you do for a living. my good people manager pharmaceutical company? What's household income, to sixty five then arrange ok base base. So, while the solution here simple, if you want to keep the truck, let's just fix it his mission and drive it, but we also pay off these Carlos today I mean that sort of what I had heard from like now. I'm taking in the content is like that,
If he's asked the only thing, I was wondering since there's such a low percentage drivers and later for that I was like I bet this guy's got a low interest rate he's, making five percent in a savings account and he's like bro, I'm making the spread right at the current rate like the math in it, I learned it in a harvard ba yan. What else math tells us to do stay out of that, because when we have I'm going out. It lowers our money that we get to keep at it so causes us occur by things that otherwise, wouldn't have purchased. We would have spit spent less money if we use our own money. You know domain the feeling that right now, especially when I'm like looking at interest rates and talking about taking this cash out of my savings yeah, it's just not what this brand w two or a beater. You know you're too smart you're too successful, and you have too much money to be playing the spread game.
And one thing you ve never experienced any here's. Here's this, my it's a cool! You can do an experiment on either side of the equation, Erika only to pay. Both these cars off today I you to drive around and tell somebody I'll give you fifty five hundred dollars in cash at a european. A place in civil fixer transmission right. Could you got cash? and then I want you to sleep for a week and then Your stress doesn't relieve a little bit If you're not a little bit more fun to be around the low but more join your home, then you can go back out and take alone out on these cars. Tell him john bologna said you could yes, not a piggy alone make like I know it will be producing the world torque most people undervalue the cost of what I would call a soul tax because it up
out of your brain, always getting the environment. Twenty four seven, three sixty five trying to make sure we're safe. If you, oh somebody else money, it knows ones one. Little glib in the matrix one report from one of your employees that you did X, Y or z, and it's easier to. Let you go and it knows we lose the cars we prior lose the house. That little part of your brain never shots off, and it would be failing if it, you sleep all night, because you're not a cure, and so most people, do I make a six percent and a high yield savings account. My interest rates. Four percent are actually keep the two percent I'll pay. That too sent from us sleep tax any day the freak and weak, though more On top of that- and I can't take your home away now- its game on Jim saying so if we ignore the drug problem right and we just fix it and move on. I like water, we what should I be doing differently because by going back there,
or a one day out for leader awesome contribute anymore did its own. Sixty five is everything to your name. now. It is more money emergency hurriedly. Both it. Ok, so any beyond your emergency fund, I'm thrown at the house. Let's pay these car loans off It sounds crazy cause, I'm a guess. You got alone, failing that mortgage. yeah. This money in real estate until like. That is why I am keeping that why enjoy having a cash I get something comes out. I can jump on it. I would pay off your primary home and then start dealing with investment property with cash. I tell you that, as a german would do the same, I would do the same day. Ramsay has done the same in ease amassed quite the real estate portfolio in cash. So that's paying off your first alone first and that guy, exactly cash gas resources you're, not over leverage with so much rest. You got a mortgage hanging over your head with their family and then you're.
Hoping to make the spread on on this investment property it so way too much risk and you're gonna get no time making to sixty five without a mortgage payment, simple you're gonna be buying real estate like no one business in a few years, but right now we give up this mess? Real quick man tell you Unfortunately, as we have not been bought, you didn't like. We just got us started to realize we were blowing like twenty grand a month there. He got the power of a budget dude you're going to get such a raise. When you start doing a budget we've already seen the the change in one month really it'd be like shave, but here's the deal we're going to have to or we're going to see. London We're gonna, give you every dollar the best app on the planet for budgeting for plant, for paying off debt. Union wife can dream together. Here's how quick is going is to buy another rennell property by this duplex, whereby we can begin to put all the stuff in there and when give it to links up to your bank. So you in your wife, talk about what,
buying or what like our budget, that we create together, you both entered in their together and it attaches your bank, so you know in real time what we're buying so we're going to hook you up stay on the line here and we'll get you taken care of with every dollar the greatest budgeting app on planet. I, like John, I like him a lot, I guess from boston cause, that's where I'm on, but will only allow John it's a second call. We ve had the sour somebody's like a what I'm doing. It's not working. I make too much money to be this broke. Make too much money. I have too much money in the bank account and I don't have this one thing. I got you a thousand the bank camp. trigger seven thousand our car repair, and that tells me that and has money the person's got entail delete your smart people; they don't have peace, yeah, right and elsie sacho something that means it may be worth paying off the the lower interest rate first, even though, doesn't make mathematical sense because it means, actually get added at this time in the quest. I think we will have to ask ourselves, is what secure? Why do we earn money?
what are we amass after we pay for our basics? What does it give us? They give us opportunity is it give us this false sense of security, maybe does give us opportunities occasions yeah, but if it's giving you, then you didn't wrong. You're doing it. Right If you, if you saw for peace, then who cares that drive and nobody cares, that you're wearing and spread on the interest doesn't matter as much a matter right? It's just about solving for peace. Beautiful reminder, hey, you guys, can go check out every dollar as well. This the way to actually pay attention to where your money's going to stop overspending to save more and we've got a lot of new features in there. That are great, so go check it out. You can download it the free app for ios and android, go to every dollar dot com and get started today that put this hour of the ramsey show in the books. My thanks to my co host, Dr John baloney, all the guys in the booth, keeping the show afloat and you america will be back before you know it
I live and the headquarters of railway solutions. It's the rams, asia, where we help people build well, do work that they love, create amazing relationship, mamsie personality george camel joined by my esteemed colleague, doktor John, allowing them to be a case you're wondering how to spell that and that we are here to help you take the right next step with your relationships with their money with your mental health, all it right here on the ramsey show and it's totally free aaa eight to five five to two five.
abe joins us first in new york city. A welcome to the show big eyes, twinkled shaking my call sure. How can we help. I started a new job last month. I went out and I felt a brandy customer guph I'm, assuming not with cash, not with cash, but I could. Ah, I applaud with george has won, and I want one so I just got paid off law had all three of us. Why five definitely well so my company, getting me on top of my salary in everything off a thousand dollars by each month, require expenses. Joe, I was paid I made my: can you did your around an hour and a half each way, and driving my two thousand and four honda accord completely paid off, but I was consuming They pointed out and gas each month and so on
payments on a new tab, proper six, eighty verses gap for six hundred. You know, pat on the head off sped off instead of doing the already I'm trying to save the money. Have for a down payment on a house. and between me and my like were gonna, come away with around two hundred and ninety thousand dollars next year, whereas out from My job I might make about two hundred plus twenty percent by the end of year, plus the twelve I was in for a car and my liking teacher- make me about twenty, seven thousand okay. So what's your total? How old income gonna to close to three hundred to ninety. Ok, yeah! That's total household income. What are you taken home from that. Ten thousand on my part two and a half on her part. Well, is that all taxes wears a lot money going, yeah taxes, right now. I don't have my for I'm junior perform k here
man pretty much all taxes. Goodness gracious! I mean you're talkin, just fifty percent gone, You should moved tennessee, no state income tax. Ok, let's talk about this test. so how much money do you have in the bank. In my checking saving that stuff ass liquid, I could get you any minute at about six got ten in a four o one k. I've got twenty five in the truck my grandfather managers, but I'm not touching the dies and I have about a hundred and eighty index funds that I, while ok, you I love investing. That's good How old are you I'm twenty seven wow? and what other dead? You have nothing just as one tesla yup how much I could nothing down so financed about forty
and it's gonna come out to like eight thousand dollars in an interest and fees by the end of the loan in six years. But if I put the full thousand down, which I plan to do each month, I'll have to pay it off in just under four years. What, if you just pay it off tomorrow, yeah. I can do that and then the thousand just goes right back into the account at this point. The investments of ground I'm about to where I was about a year ago, so no lost either way. the cash out on the forty k worth ex funds and be done with it and be as the southern pretty much no gains there and by the way I would also take the rest of that out and I would create emergency fund. You make too much money to be. This broke right, so since I have a different image when I needed a pull it out, but let it go down that it does. You know, happens aid because you're smart enough to know this. When the markets down it's gonna, hurt upon money out when crafty h back hit as soon as the market took a downturn, and now I can't sell because I'm at a loss and
you're gonna, have to much emotional pain to get rid of it verse it being liquid and say- again making four percent interest. You'll be ok,. Jones right, I will probably cash out eighty of that one. Eighty and use forty on the car to put forty in an emergency fund in a high yield savings account and just be done with it all. And what you see is what you solve enough or that you probably never solve for before. You do a lot of calculations in your head and you run a lot in numbers and I dont say: pejorative. We do not say this like out of high respect for you, so you're, twenty seven and you ve never been smashed in the mouth economically yeah I have and that day will come again. It's a cycle. It runs. It will come again and you make too much money to only have six thousand dollars liquid to your name, that you can get your hands on at a moment's notice, It includes a clause on between job like this tat month has been reached
on the money that I would listen between job. That's all it's about, but I like it did you dear dollar budget, and we have about three thousand dollars, which meant that we have not yet you know, go urgency for oil, your real restock, all the money or investing whatever your next year down payment goal: you're gonna free that up with freeing up this car payment number one and having money in the bank already then all, ass! The running can go towards investing saving the down payment and you can choose your adventure with how aggressive you wanna get what the down payment verses, investing we're gonna pay us we're gonna pay a tiny percentage in Seoul tax which I get to sleep knowing I have kept that I can get to get out of here. Funny to or I can fix something. If I need to, I got a car. twenty thousand percent mine nobody owes because here's the deal. you're working in like this twenty percent, but this twenty percent bonus. Some friends who work on a they get
at the bottom deal, and it has been very lucrative and they ve gone through a couple years where it has been a nightmare true just because the business decides to invest instead of doing acts or they're moving this around or we're gonna recoup this over here it gets messy, and so I wanted what I would love you to have a pile of cash that you can sleep on and a car that yours and then you buy a house with cash. You'll just make too much money. It's going to be dope. Dude you're going to be set yourself up, but you're going to be doing this in a healthy way, not a what, but this but this move is over here. Gorgeous is down and so on and so forth, but body we both look teslas so good for you hang out of Curiosity able twenty yet was a model three long range. None! I got that it's not a three. I would not spending any more money on. It is not necessary to make it clear that could drive me to a framework that you know how that cause. Forty grand ya know, dude at the new york tat ass. I guess wow
well, enjoy it man, you make enough money into dollars: federal tax credit, so that no tax credits- john, oh yeah. Now every wealthy people I've interviewed, they all went man. It's the the tax got rich on tax credits in an airplane miles pushed us over the edge. I got rich hey, I'm here's the deal if you, when the time comes in it, sounds like it sitting there very quickly. Gotta ramsay solutions, dot com and look up real, state agents gang and when you move the tennessee or taxes or where you gonna move to that. Has a state devastating come to actually idea that mad ass you get to keep eighty years. Ninety percent of your check instead of fifty Then you'll get a change your fortune forever radio, but on friday, man you're crushing at twenty seven greater, and we want you to be unbelievably wealthy and have no traps and distractions along the way and means no car loans, no credit cards no student loans, no personal loans and you're going to be a homeowner soon and you're going to pay off a mortgage. Real quick. If you just stay focused on
thing at a time and don't let lifestyle creep into your life? You have a hundred three thousand dollars and expenses every year because you can live on less than you make me, and that is the key to building work. This is the ram to show harry ramsay solutions, run a mission to bring hope to the hopeless way helped millions find peace in their money and their life, and we need it like you to help us we're open roles and our sails marketing and technology teams. We often and shall developmental and health benefits to help. You live a balance life while doing life changing work. You wanna join the crocheted, we are open roles at ramsay, solutions not come cheap careers and apply today. That's ramsay solutions, dotcom slash careers, welcome back to their amnesia on george camel joined by doktor john alone. Let's go The phone zack joins us up next and Tallahassee Zack. What's goin on,
hey. How are you guys doing well? Are you. I'm doing good and I have hopefully not a stupid question or no stupid questions only stupid answers and they come from John, oh yeah, three or three author, I'm twenty six, and I I currently work as a music teacher teach band and elementary music, my fiance's a gentleman, a restaurant, and so I am looking at the florida retirement system and I I'd love to I'm grateful for the perk. But when I'm looking at it long term, it's just peanuts and financially right now, I feel stuck in a bit clueless and maybe it's my own agent and inexperience. I really don't know what I'm looking at my bank account and after watching the dave, ramsey show and hearing what all the people. making at my age and what I'm doing right now. I love what I'm doing. It appeals How old are you am worried that on twenty six I I have this-
that experience. So I was twenty one and it was my first high school teaching job at a giant public school. I was a coach and I loved every second of that job. Every second of I, like my colleagues, I work my my fellow coaches. I like this athletes. Eleven states I loved on it and I ll never forget after my first your teaching going to my second, the handed me a spreadsheet are like a piece of paper, but ahead. It is over. the spreadsheet panelling table, and I could just find out what age and how much money should be making an hour amber thinking and salary schedule- and I am- I am aware of that- no but I've never remember looking at that in thinking. Oh I'm out like Yeah. I remember thinking I will there to be some variability. I want the opportunity to go or ike
the to win and not just not for sporting feel, but I won't be able to go, do good in the world and help people solve problems and and also make a good income. I can provide I feel MR I've been exactly where you are I'm looking to global, worse where's, all this where's, all this I'm a security right and you're doing a really really really hard job hard job. I I'm very passionate about. Then the one thing that I know Yeah you're realized school of rock right. Now, I'm I'm just I'm jealous a little bit in georgia. Stuck in the talent, rtt TA, so he'll get there you'll get there. Wasn't too musicians we're thankful for teachers like you who are out there inspiring the next generation more? I'm trying mother man like us, I am grateful for it, but it is people when I talk about what future could look like. So what's your current salary on a forty two and a half,
Ok and were an you're you're, not married your fiance any plans to get married or is it still we're getting married in june? Exciting? Ok, You know what your household income would be by then I didn't com were roughly looking between about was correctly looking at ninety awesome. Ok, so that does the near here. You know I do lincoln makes a huge difference as far as building wealth and why or your retirement options right now. What's it look like, Is it mandatory on the arrests, something I can't withdrawal without? the insulin, fifty five or another take about a hundred and twenty seven dollars out of my paycheck among and that's her, and this is my third year teaching in ankara. we standing at roughly nine thousand, but I can't touch it until I retired sixty five But it's when you sixty five in the prime of two. Seventy about time you get there, but are they gonna average? top three years and that's gonna pay you a percentage of that gonna keep growing and then whatever it that I did withdraw.
It is it essentially like a forum on carriers are more like a pension thing. That's what John's getting at. Oh I mean again I'm an experience and I'm sorry, my teacher retirement. When I was in the state and I've been at the state as a university professor and as a public schoolteacher, it was your three highest years or five highest years average get together, and then I get a percentage of the seventy percent of that number. Remsen. Ok, ok! So it is very similar. To that You do have other options, one of those options as I roth ira- and I would encourage you to start that today and so the way yeah right that down and we ve got tons of resources on our side and we have a there's a program called smart vesture and you connect with investment prose all over the country through our website arranged solutions, dot com. I can help with this to walk you through it, but this is Essentially a retirement plan, that's not connected to your employer and you have full control on what to invest in their and I've. Gotta hold you to eighty on investing for beginners that I encourage you to go. Watch on my! U to channel, and
simple strategy I lay out is match, beats roth beats traditional. So if you have a match the employer. Let's start there, then we're gonna move to all the roth options for you that just, be the Raphael re for now and you can max that out and then you can move. But here the traditional side, Then how do you feel about a photo? Three lead? those are great. I mean that's essentially before one k for you and I like that, because you have more control verses, this pension? and so are you deaf free like out I'm putting you had one. I'm sorry, are you deaf free have nine thousand student loans and that's it ok! Well, I would be tackling the debt aggressively so that we can back to investing, because right now there a certain process that I want you to follow the called the ramsay baby steps were. You attack The consumer. Debt first meaning were, use our savings. You any money in the bank to throw this soon learned it now I have about four hundred in my account after paying bills.
And the only other thing that I own that value is evident What about eight thousand? and my car is paid off with no doubt and that's worth about thirty wow, I'm curious. this instrument. What is it Is it a sentimental tuba our happen? We want to say, Ok, I'm just wondering looks a whole lot like dead freedom. Getting where that to buy, that's probably collecting dusk, I'm guessing of its eight thousand dollars. You dont want to use it much now use it I'd for my fight hustles. So because the supplement, my income, I work I don't get days off. I have had a day in a long time. I work at a butcher shop and then you that instrument to teach lessons which bade me forty, an our another butter shop. I take all. I did under the table, probably around a hundred dollars every time. What what is what's a use too, because these days, like each other,
so they come in beginner models, professional and intermediates good or not. A model range typical you'll, be professional great to build. That range Five grand all the way up, the thirty. But what about Used, could you go used, yeah mean my tube used, innovate the day right Randy balance wondering, can we offload the two but get out of debt and in cash flow the next one to keep decide hustle going just an option is just one option get you out of faster, so that you can get to investing, which is something that you want to do. But when you, about this: you can go crunch. The numbers on our investment calculator, arranged solutions, dot com from twenty six sixty six you're forty years to invest. so that gives me a lot of hope confidence that you're gonna retire a millionaire and that's not withstanding your fiance income, as you guys get married in combined finances and you so both be making a great income over the years, knocking at up to six figures and you're in
increase investing at that point as well, as your income goes up. Fifteen percent gets bigger and bigger and also the army february, would it be worth considering the actually had more thought and feeling card, and I have my own instrument that sounds stupid. in a thirty thousand. Dollars is a lot of money based on what you probably bring home in salary, so I wouldn't have any problem if you sold a thirty thousand dollar car and bought a fifteen thousand dollar car and took that fifteen grand and paid off your debt, that's a great move, I think very wise broker and here's the other, though any it by compelling, got them vehicles, but the us them. How customer talk it? Did you bill this thing in the garage, dodged challenger and I've modified it all hell, did you you didn't get it lowered too fast. You furious tokyo, drifted. You caught them ran, cut them speaker.
hooked on one hundred heart of the work and everything, but I had no payments on it. I bought the thing in full. It was from the whole gamestop escapade and I on an impulse that I regret I sold Im. Gonna need a lot of money off again. I spent it on that stupid car and I loved the thing, but this is like desperate as it has a pretty good impression. Dave ramsey would call that ended a day. and call that you're stupid tax yeah. Only when you wind it up and make that gosh yeah, I know it starts. You have to pull a rope to start it good job, dude, there's there. You know I just like nf teasing, crypto, there's always another sucker that might buy it. So I'd go ahead and post it and hope for the best. My friend, but I have faith you'll be out of debt. Soon, you'll retire a baby steps millionaire. You just gotta follow the proven plan. My friend thanks for the call this is the ramsey show. Alright
Let's cut to the chase, it's easy to get discouraged about crazy house prices and interest rates, but when you have the right real estate agent to help you buy and sell the right way, you'll have confidence to make smart decisions. Ramsey trusted agents aren't just experts who guide you through buying or selling. There's someone you can trust to have your back from the first call to closing day find a ramsey trusted agent near you at ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash agent, ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash agent, Welcome back to the rapidly show, I'm george camel joined by doktor john baloney Let me tell you right now: if you like, the show, please help us out, consider subscribing leaving a review, sharing a weather, and all of that matters we don't have a big giant marketing budget were not, you know answering stadiums we're just out here doing our best to help people- and you guys are the marketing you just telling people how This shows impact to do.
change your life, the entertainment value get from it. When John is on all of that matters so can too, you to do that. It would mean the world to us, Brittany joins us up next in sacramento, brittany welcome to the rooms you shall I guy thanks so much for taking my call. I met you both of them. accompanied by it was amazing. Also calling about. I got into their it by accident in september, should like front bumper damage- and I heard my left arm, but it's not a huge deal. The insurance. just called me on Saturday and started offering you know: here's the money that we're gonna, give you for pain and suffering, but also we're gonna, give you money for medical when she found out that my two children the car with me. She started saying: oh well aware they injured and I, but no they run the opposite side of the vehicle. You know that ok and that, while we want to give them something to It's a normal day, start out at like five hundred dollars per kid, but because we waited eight weeks to even hear from the insurance. She, like I'm, going to give you the mac, which has twenty five hundred per child, and
Fourteen on eleven, my son, my daughter, and we have five kids, and were on baby step to the wind. The lady was like you can use this money for them or you can use this money, for you guys are truly up to your discretion and I thought, oh, I don't know what we should do, but not about calling you I think it has to follow you. We do every dollar, where we've done a few and where I'm working hard on baby step two, but we have a kind of a long way to go another couple of years, so we just weren't sure should I be putting the the five hundred dollars per kid into an account for them when they are older or if, because you know they don't care honestly about the accident, they were like they looked up from their phone and they're like what just happened. Oh nothing and they weren't affected. So to speak, I mean I'm just trying to find out what the ethics ray and what I should do to relate. I think you ve got an age of back and ask for a million dollars Thus the strangest injures caught. I mean I've had how like cancer broken legs in the internet, like no, no, no, no
trying to find ways to have you any brevier yeah, and this one is a further nice. It's insurance age have ever worked with them. While I I'm not angry and she was very helpful and chew which took account of body, and I can't believe how this is affected. You in your family and all this economic wow, The night was insured of effort, did you have to sign something that says no matter? What you'll never come back and ask for anything more as long as you live, no milk a day send me emails for both children. If they have any growing, came there in insurance problems later that they can come back another twenty years old and threw them for any money. They blew my good dude. You scared me how out just show georgia and the bright like I think, world doomed and you just turn it around with one call me believe that boy gravy by why we would like it that one of the unicorn tremors clayton, ok,
after your question really is about morally? What do I do with this money? Technically, it was for the kids, but we have debt to pay off yeah. So twenty five hundred pm at five thousand dollars at the huge amount and like We've been working really hard. I'm a nurse I work night shift which my husband hates that we're like until we get out of the names of two I'm going to work really hard and stay all night for the next two three years and you know it's an extra thirty thousand dollars a year to stay a night shift and I'm the kids. You know we work hard, but we like saved up I'm cash in august, and I worked for extra shifts, so I could bring home twenty five hundred dollars to pay for our daughter's braces outright. We wouldn't get another payment, You know there were trying very hard to make sure we dont go into any more detail, but were taken care of things, but a kid I got only I'm not we should use the money at all and the thing I don't know what the right thing, because the compound interest, what has twenty five hundred for jack than when he eighteen versus fourteen or for when you twenty five I dont. Now we have like that. We have five kid. We have you about to go to college right now,
no. I like what I might not exceed banks. I think at the greatest gift you can give your kids endured someone from rome. I digress, give you, give your kids is a mom and dad that can breathe. and a mamma dad that have peace, so they can deal with regular. Crap, it's the rest of her life and and that finally gets to stop working the night shift, because she's she's just worked her butt off trying to get the stuff to take care of, and so I'd throw that money on your debt. And just use it as money from above and just stop somebody in a conversation in the future. If ever bad mouth and insurance agents say no, I met a girl and once she is amazing, in addition to the money for the kids sheath, also saying that their double checking, if they can make it but their turn off me like seven to ten thousand. Just for the fact that I missed the night of work- and I like doing doctor you rather than decision to the medical costs
john spot on your brain. So what's your total debt load what's left two hundred and eighty nine thousand, not including our, whoa is that a student loan that is everything except cars? We have no car payment, we paid off our cars during covert. and we ve been working. We have two time shares that I'm in process of getting out of. We have student loans, we have credit cards, they have a personal loan and we have a solar loan on our house, oh boy, so in our house we, this is something my husband and I have talked about many times It is worth one point: five million were in california and we could go and pay off everything, but I kept on him easy back. They dont. What are you know not yielded by want to make sure that we're doing the hard work of all another dead then try to make sure we're doing that you care what your household incomes is? Two hundred sixty thousand wonderful. What does he do for them? He and salt water heater. What do you do?
night shift nurse. I worked in the ic una, the emergency department said you go get your doctor or something I have a master's, but I paid my master's in cash. Actually, so the student loan that's left it's about eighty thousand and student loans that offer my bachelor degree. Goodbye was winter. Really bad divorce then like to open. Fourteen and tie the wearer blended family now I like the way, the really good income, but we have our full around sixty thousand. So a lot of that is due to loans dollar than the rest of all jumbled up credit cards and personal loans. ok? So the good news is you have a grating? Come I'm an id go through the baby? epps, one by one small, so large, a start knocking these out make an to sixty. If you keep this up, how quickly guys plan on pay off this to eighty nine in debt. We calculated pride bout for more than an only remain. I beg yeah. I think twenty four months because of you know in costs that have been incurred. I swear every month. It happened right now. We ve had car repairs. We had my brother ended up boy into the hall
but all I had to help him like they're, just like all the little things that have happened where we just a thousand dollars about roger, would you we'd all cash by now, but we started the plan again since I've been with you guys I thought that's conference. Those starting in July reaches just have tackled and I've made on even ninety we paid off already that pay off? We we've pay twenty four thousand this week. We promise yeah You will not borrow money for kids, go to college when they leave mixture. Absolutely not. We that free degree we have. They have scholarships barely have colleges that accepted my daughter withdrawal Your papers, we are not any that absolute awesome awesome easier on board with that mom of the year. I there thank you so much for the call, brittany wow, that's a lot of debt, john with great income, but even in california, that income can disappear very quickly. So we say: don't do this salade george, but part of me thinks if you sit,
one point five million dollars and you got the message. You've learned I get the I want to feel it and we need to use behavior rare that you get a brittany. He was like. No, I want to change my behavior. I don't want this shortcut to get out of debt, but- to feel like, I want to be flogged for this, for this has begun. Instead of narrowing to give even for school, we're gonna downsize little bit government. point. Five to one donor has repairing off it's pretty well I considered one point: five to one point: two clears the debt completely tomorrow, wipes it out. So that is something I would consider, especially as the kids head off to college. I, like that game plan. It was He tells me hey, went through a traumatic divorce. I had undergrad stuff I've got this end. We caution just don't dumb after dumb and never again. Ah, no party says men falcon together and sell out house epical. Oh, it's amazing is when you think about the fact that people are they enter their adult life start accumulating debt. This might be First time in her life they become debt free with no
this new world in their adult life, no question and I think people they dont really take time to grapple with what that feel like mentally emotionally physically on, thereby he's too. Oh, no one anything for the first time in their adult life there so used to it right or they take it. sixty thousand dollars so alone, which I'm a huge fan of ambiguous or my place. But not to pay three hundred a month bill right oh yeah. We can justify it all day, long math and that The train goes off the tracks of justification station. Every time. You just run around I'm no eminent, but I get the job done. No you're you're, not your skill this is the ramsay shop Welcome back to the ramsay sure are Sure of the day comes from half you, six twenty and twenty one store up yourselves, treasures in Heaven, worms, often vermin do not destroy and were thieves do not break in and steel,
for where your treasure is there. Your heart will be also Paul stanley from one of Johns favour ban kiss there. It is said. This charity is not an option. It is an obligation no you're, not oh my card, and I quote: I won a rock and roll all night and party every day we should have chosen. That quote, I think it's just as powerful disagree, ok, fair enough. Well, let's get to the phones, Joanne awaits in Jacksonville Joanne. What's what's going on with you, how John engorge anger final point, you guys, like you, you, my coffee, sure? How can we, yeah so eventually were on. One your thoughts on whether or not we should tell our property duration has been active duty, military, the notary for twenty two years.
much twenty two years ago, the parent helped him to buy a home. I'd, be the property. Every cent painted So we only Anthony unclear were also completely out. Of that we have been per bush will be almost ten years now wondering appreciates power goodbye another woman, and we should do Another know where we are meeting will be here in a location. For another five or six years. And we do have one hundred thousand dollars saved up as a down payment and we're we pause on retirement to snack on more cash for all the fees and things and we do want a property uneasy washington state, you weren't there that we get a bow after peace. we need you repeated not thirteen hundred a month. In I reach out to a sure I'm what it would be worth if we were to follow it
Surely viper against sixty four thousand, an issue that is worth over five hundred thousand dollars wow. That's amazing!. Ok, let's say you sell it and you get five hundred thousand plus your hundred thousand you gonna pay cash for spot jacksonville, four, six hundred thousand wealthy- that We ve never lived there, but we have to pay capital gain class all the other guy here would increase, are taxed bracket, By having about earning come it wouldn't when we leave twenty first, out the gateway lived happily. and then, how much more would we have to pay in taxes I don't know about george you're too smart when here, but I thought, if you roll it immediately into another property, you don't pick up with a ten thirty one exchange right, well, should be: thou, be investment property by your wanting a primary home wiper.
It has never been our primary home so from what I understand alive, you have to have lived in it for them Here you bend the rules a little for the military to avoid up to five hundred thousand dollars of gain so you would have to pay the capital going alone that yeah get out cannot allow, and it would be that twenty percent tax rate, according to my estimations, Yeah but let's also say this, so the house appreciate appreciated a significant amount, so if they had called in there manager had told you hey it's worth four hundred thousand or foreign or twenty five thousand. would you guys still have jumped up and down and celebrated. I think so unindicted is depreciated. Still much wonder. Do we want a move that much in tat blue? when there is a chance right when he retired, we could go live there? for a couple years, amanda
today that little feller but there's no guarantee it will go, live, that's exactly right, and so there's this weird phenomenon, and I had slipped my mind right now. It's late in the afternoon. It's a it's a it's a psychological way, our minds, work right and it's a psychological minor or where minds worked as a tour sentence, brilliant there's lie they pay. This gather big by. If somebody says hey, you got five. Hours coming to you and then later that afternoon. Some of those Juno's way off you get two hundred and fifty dollars and then, when you get the chance you open, it has a hundred bucks in it and you say one gunnar fifty do occur due to the are all over the place today, but dude you get a hundred box, that's it Ninety five more dollars and you thought you were gonna get yet your eye. Your body goes I too, I lost fifty box right.
You gained ninety five more than you are expecting, yet it feels like a loss, because that other number was out there So part of me says: do what's best for your ike part of sellen transacting, real stateless somebody knows of the differing than I do. George is, And taxes on what you buying what you sell us part of life, what's best for your family right now. Might now We too have up. Would you buy it cells, nor property in washington to make thirteen or bucks on every month living jacksonville. Now right normally now ripe pardon me says man take it. Take the take her three, seventy five, that you would get us your hundred and get yourself a spartan, jacksonville and you'll. Ok, missing out on the fifteen grand a year and rental income like such a winter me wind to the piece of your household, and
If you take on a small mortgage you're, not violating any the principles get a fifteen year fixed where the payments no more than a core you take on pay and that's how you know, you're not biting off more than you can chew, and you'll still be able to pay off really quickly, and I won't you every again real soon. So if you can't pay cash for a place at least all of that into its? You? Have all that equity with real small mortgage also gonna lower your monthly payment, which also you to pay it off real fast right, that's what john and I would do if we were in your shoes alright on the night. Absolutely and thank your husband for eyes, service, active duty. Twenty two years, that's absolutely thoughts impressive and I lost a sacrifice. Goes into that with all the moves every few years and we appreciate that does not go unnoticed. Dylan, joins us in colombia, Missouri Dylan, welcome to the Ramsay show I done good area too bad? Are you guys get hang it in?
the last question of the day, so you better bring a hot one for us. What's already, there were, runagate there for a while with my worst schedule, haven't been able, through both our cattle changing had been able to get through somebody out there so early. We started work and honour their ended programme about eight months ago, come on baby said number two. We have knocked down the pretty significantly. We started out forty six thousand with. some two vehicles and then some per I'll bet we had were down to just vehicles and then a couple about three thousand. Not all medical and a little individual things with the a baby steps or with the the cell wall back on. So we are will in the next month we'll have that a three thousand, or so paid off. Now you are to our two vehicles. We
Firstly, about thirteen fifteen thousand, each on those we have attempted to try and sell, I'm one of them, which is a a twenty. Sixteen ford explorer m. I have a twenty seventeen ford f, one. Fifty m We have attempted to try and sell the score, had any luck and posted it. We ve got a couple people interest: what's your house icon but I'm so I'm single and gum my wife's islamic kid, I'm sorry house, old income is roughly about three thousand a month. Ma am one of these cars has to go. That's a lot of car for making thirty six grand a year, yeah wallet and that's with, and that's what we are. Thirty three thousand dollars a paycheck. Sorry, not a month we cannot ignore. That gives me a lot more pieces, like man, proof, ok, what
explore worse, you think, I'm so it's roughly one. We kill it bluebook it rather browned sixty ok and then what would you do without that car that something that we will have to get? So I drive about an hour to to, our back to work every day, I'm a working jefferson city. So we will have to be just a car to drive back and forth it. That's what we might
to be different than what was oh boy, your knee that maybe a little bit more than that cause. I don't want you in car repairs cause. You got a hoop Dee and said george made me: do it so save up a little bit of money, gets them unreliable, maybe five or six grand, and then you can sell it, get that other car with cash. That's the move, man you'll, get there either way it might take some side, houses and sacrifice, but I hope you get that car sold soon. That puts this hour of the ramsey show in the books until next time spend wisely, save intentionally and give generously.
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-14.