« The Dave Ramsey Show

Don't Overcomplicate a Mistake! (Hour 2)

2021-03-02 | 🔗

Relationships, Business, Savings, Investing

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the headquarters of Ramsay solutions by casting from a dollar car rental studio. This is the Ramsay Show where America hangs out, have a conversation about your life, your money, I presume Japan hosting alone, which give us our his Doktor John, the lonely, and I can't tell you how excited we are to be here with you ready to take your calls. So here's what we need you to do pick up the phone and dial. This number eight, eight eight to five five, two to five again, that's triple wait, eight to five five, two to four,
If you got some questions out there, whether its dealing with relationships, anxiety, job change must, questions whatever it is. We're gonna do our best to guide you age, are you awake Ro, I am an web. What have you been working on in your show on me? I know you you're always doing something. These days me. We are talking about relationships of mental health in school and physical health war. Every everything has gone people's lives right how do you handle it when you find things out about your spouse or your boyfriend girlfriend? You know about how to handle things when you kid show up with special needs. Special challenges are medical issues, all of it all in one. Big bundle managed to help and folks make the next rights that are good at such a lot of stuff, but it stop that people are going through.
it's called life and the most important thing to know is you don't need to go through life alone? You need to get the right people on your side, the right information, so you can make the right decisions so give us all were excited to talk to you we're we're going to the phones, because that's what we do we'll get Jason, whose end we're sitting Michigan Jameson a war, you do well gets to good use and cursing John. We appeal robot I am a future everyday millionaire that is trying to get past how to get to that point with it. The financial decision that I'm looking at that raises two thousand thirteen aid: that I've got my back away? I'm looking at personal property, many storage unit, because we started. My retirement might think this would be a fast track to getting a return in Tom Posts, work that will supply you with.
Let him come in my ears, a return, but basically so what? If? What you look? at once the dollar about What I got the probably currently has one being stored unit on. It was one large pole, barn restored companies generating only about a thousand hours more so in these. spanned John looking at a thousand dollars more. Essentially which will include purchase an erection of two you, Malta unit buildings, which in turn will allow me to add a much larger shovel to get out of this debt. The income that comes from this? Property is not needed by runway on business and I can easily live off my my current income as well as, if necessary, hey for this property. On top of that from you How much are you making a year right now
let's just loud it into a medium of eighty ten o clock. money do you have set ready to be used as an investment Mine is my emergency fund. Mergers are pretty health emergencies, like let's say a hundred k liquid hooker and so in. Looking at this in Malta unit, how many units are you talk in total? Two buildings to additional buildings, with approximately thirty the thirty six units per building. Ok, should a thirty six and the average riddle price would be how much per unit sizes, by by five by eight eight, by tintint by twelve, but on average, what's the storage fee. I've done an overall calculation, and I know that each one of these buildings on a conservative occupancy with conservative member rates should generate between twenty five and three thousand a march, and that
That's not MAX max capacity. Obviously what these buildings is over and above the thousand dollars a month generating now. Are you ask. What are these new buildings you're gonna build bigger fancier? What they stand for it. The current many unit that on there is only a sixteen unit, build the other. Is it all? Is it for a couple oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely folded capacity, and there are the large pole building Just open space for random space storage. Rocker our hearts boats address. You said you had a super healthy emergency VON of course, that jumped out at me how much over and above a six month emergency fund? Do you have much much called another? thousand ok so a hundred
so essentially come to serve. You got two hundred and forty k that you could use towards this did you buy me of my logic. Tell me if my logic is correct. Your refund, drawn in the wrong direction are the reason I want to keep it. of my liquid cash available. Is that way can use that for better negotiations for concrete work or building erection Rennell equipment do excavation things about me. I gotcha along it just having he's making sure right here, city or I can hear it in your head: Euro Cereal entrepreneur, and you are rich in to take on debt and and and where philosophically we're gonna differ. Like you When I look at this and say, hey first thing, Sir sedately business, I want to tell you to work on a business plan. I want to know what competition is in the area Hammond. their storage units are there in your area. They are you thinking about living. Are they a capacity or the
Is it an oversight, duration weather too much, also you also have to be aware just like what the rental property yes Do have these things that you are putting up in its new and on the start in you're gonna. Do it, but what's the rate of people falling off the wagon and not paying vineyards? to now go away and then do auctions and clear out of this thing. So I don't take it as passive azure thinking it is. Is this something that in a year you got a hundred forty thousand? Let's just say straight up that you could use in capital. Could you get a little bit more intentional? Your self employed make an eighty pull my leg their low, but you might make it more than this, but but look This is something I would strive to do with cash. Absolutely our word or very the term loan, where maybe you're you're financing, fifty fifty percent of it adopts saying? If then
to me- I just use it. I feel like you're gonna. Not only do this, but then you're gonna go on and do something else and the next thing you know you gonna look up. You're gonna have a million dollars in debt. One hour got there, so I would adopt. It a cash debt, free kind of mentality. With any business that you're going into to start small- and maybe you start small- maybe you start with What a hundred forty thousand get me can I get that to capacity and get that Herman and then say, but money to be able to add the next one? Instead of building the grand Poobah mammas build a little poobah a train any time you're trying to do something to court on call. by catch up? feel like I screwed up in the past. I have invested enough. It's an arm steer now the brutal retirement so on a short cut. Yes, sir,
do a napkin math that makes the short cut work for you, so you can forgive yourself for the challenge. As you did in the past year, don't make another mistake on top of constitutional made. I dare you get when you try to get a grand slab. It increases the otter strike out there, so just stay focused on hidden base, its people being sits with cash it'll get there. This is the Ramses. If you all, business. You know that it's a challenge to find thoroughbred
that will help your business win, that's why I'm a huge fan of zip recruiter when you posed a job on zip recruiter gets sent out to over one hundred job sides with one click, then its technology does the screening for you get the help you need at zip recruited outcome, Slice Ramsay. You can even tries zip recruiter for free, that's zipper crew God gum, sledge, Ramsay well. Go back to the Red Sea, show everybody. We know it's that time a year. It is Caesar I know you're out there, you go and get really really listen? I know. No one wants to be bothered with taxes, but you finally have an see way a money.
Way to be able to file online mother Other software outer that'll do it, but I want to tell you this is not what is cracked up to be. They say free, but no time tax, is not free for the vast majority of people that use it. beside you up, and then they increase the price base. equally from free to protein from port. The sixty two hundred twenty or even more now we're gonna play around like that. The costs a federal tax return with some Ramsay Smart Tax is Crystal clear: its nineteen dollars or thirty seven dollars, depending on the left support. You need so if you're single file or you can do it for seventeen box, if it's a little bit more com, Lex and new needs are upgrade to get live help. Thirty seven dollars will do that, but it's not just about the cost but technology that we have and the support that we're gonna have for you, it's its second to none
we're never gonna leverage or financial situation and sell your name off to other list. I e credit cards or other companies out their cause. That's what a lot of these tax, while in companies do they ll sell information off to other companies. So let's do it right the first time Perhaps he smart tax take a look at it. You're gonna get it done. You're, not gonna pay a thing until your taxes are right and you ready to click file, so you got it opportunity to kick on the tires and check it out. All you have to do it the word tax to three three: seven: eight, nine again text the word tax to three three: seven, eight! Now gotta get that out of the way, so you can on clog your mind and feel better about your situation. So here's here's an an insider view: do commercials here. I will get the women gonna make living right, I use this this weekend. I had a guy Between, like a family thing, we're doing how to take my sister to the airport, security visitors so out of a small amount of time I set down use,
program did by taxes. Now I'm a simple geyser learn and uncomplicated go not not all the way through you like you said. I got to testify that all the way through did have to pay. at the very end of it. It was simple: there was fast it'll, be exactly my refunds. Gonna be hit a button. Says file, it filed turn nude, it was awesome no, not for we listen much can be worked around a cover wagon horse. I did not know what I am not a sophisticated UK We do taxes or mile by myself. I'm lucky to table deal is the simple for a simple view of this, and I would encourage out there. I know some of you have like I've been meaning to do it. I was going to gather up my stuff, but I just found utmost to do listen. Don't you salient some weight that room again? Ok, don't paint or
people had rather moved and deal with taxes or paint. I know don't go out there and we arrange your garage for the third time this down my mail. Holding that listen, you might have a complicated situation. You might be a self employed person, you may be a business owner. We ve got tax Ethiopia that can help you with that as well. You gotTa Dave, Ramsay, dot com, click on taxi Opie. You can find a tax professional in your area. The main thing is: is less not prolong at twenty. Twenty was goofy enough. Let's get these taxes does get this behind you and know what you're dealing with that's a commercial people happened, make it happen. get on the phone we gotta, o c James on the line. J? How can doktor john- and I help you. hi guys? How old you I'm sorry, I'm so excited to talk to you. I'm excited to you what's going on. Well, the question so am, I think, maybe someone for about five man
you know we ve been married before work love about sixty, so I'm not exactly sure when the best time to talk about finding answers would be, and if you guys have any suggestions on how to approach that subject mass as a loaded when that's good. So what is your financial history. Mine. Personally, I built this programme, though I don't have any day at I owe my home and I have a good retirement. I'm still working that. But it's looking good for only time will tell you that she usually I hear somebody asked this question on on one and two. Barbell they have. They have their finances are wreck and their ashamed to talk about it or they ve really been diligent. They have just chipped away to Egypt way in they find themselves. Were you? Are they get a good job to get paid for house? If that no debt and
they are worried. This is gonna, be the deal breaker or the you're gonna find. This is gonna, be the one thing that me and my person dating, don't agree, honest is gonna Bertha. Here's an italian this is never about money, it's always of values, conversation, and so I would approach approach this the same way, you approach in the other value Sid. I have a conversation. Five mm You ve been date. No, while you get to know this guy, you both have been through this. This, your both have been married. We have been in this rodya before theirs surprise at this point, I sit down in it this. five months actually takes a long time, and I would have for an hour Do a smile on your face. We're talking about money said: do you Thank you all differ on this money. Stuff,
You, as I did, ask Ulysses repeated Diagrams youth programme and he has not yet, but our church offers some time so he's he plans on going through the programme when the church does offered again right. Have you ever heard of beer before, of course, he s vulgar, So what's your apprehension about the conversation? like I don't really know how to bring it up. You know, Yes, this hand! What have you kissed him wait, a minute: you're the lonely. If you kiss them see J, you can talk about money. Ok, some ok, Perceval job just overstep the law has overstepped, see J, AI increase. Here's what I say that when I was I'll, never forget doing, accounts and practical people. tell me the most intimate things about their lives oh intimate stuff. Griff I get it. I get it
I would say: tell me about your final situation: lock band, nothing! We have such a sense of discomfort in shame around money and if we have been doing well with it within the feel, a little bit better that everybody around this right is just this thing and I think it comes back to our culture. If we ask one question what are you worth and we as a culture defined as a number right, not a people who live? There are areas where so ought to say. Is this unity approach it the same way. You would enable conversation, I do a smiley faces and we ve been taken for almost half a year now and we ve talked. politics is a no yeah? We ve talked about pandemic stuff, because I know you have got relation junior kids password, you start run out of it. It's time to go in and get into an end at J. I would even tell you of the money things You want to find out. Do they budget? What's there feeling about debt write, do they buddy save for retirement. I would just make this conversation, though, one
What I mean by this is this: is the make or break any there The questions you been thinking because I know procedure, you got other questions, do don't you not really. I leave we covered the cylinder, other big tottered, sweet sue, you southerner, moved Arizona, resigned, twining in your voice, your sweetheart, unless an air make the list of questions have the conversation. But in that light, I agree with John it's like anything else. If you want to know you wanna talk about it, but that being to connect. oh two, through financial peace, university or plug into Ramsay, plus together about five about, but the more the rubber meets the road, and this is one of those where you're Talkin budget, especially this is long term, you guys are just hang out to hang out and there's not a long term plan. Then didn't you do your money thing separate, but if you're thinking about get married or thinking being a couple, it's up you gotta talk about in
I would listen to the hesitation you're uncomfortable five months in talking to somebody who's been through much life, as you too, have you nervous about this conversation? You don't have to bring it up. That tells me there. Some other alarms goin off about this relationship, and it could be that maybe see J. You money was used as a weapon against our previous relationship either way again, but the cards on the table be able to talk to each other. Skein understanding thing gain agreement on the right direction and they start working in that direction. But remember your separate until you're married rising work, you planets they focus. This is the rams
go back to the website, show a crystal good pulsing wont. Let me this hours, Doktor John Bologna, were popped up and ready to take your phone calls. So are you have just pick up the lad Collis? Eighty eight, eighty five, two to five. I get that triple eight eight to five five, two to five we'd love to be able to hear from you and talk to you about. What's on your mind, so if you ve got a question whether you're dealing with relationships, whether you're dealing with stress of anxiety and eat, some guidance, Doktor Colonial Help- you, if you gotta the question you wanna talk about build wealth, we'll talk about dealing with retirement. I can help you we're here for you, you can find us on social media at Ramsay, show or Hut Mete out at Chris the three sixty or hot John down at John Bologna. We have finally got him some social media, so you can
I demand there and he sees learn. You drag me into the twenty first century and it is not going well here. The Ets allotted tell you there is a lot of flash Twitter and Facebook, air carriers and all the other things. But I tell you we love connection with you all and help John and I defeat Christie and Rachel We are trying to outgrow them so deftly. Follow us tell your friend, to follow us. We, when this battle is just needs a necessity or will never hear the end of it? I'm going to the phones where sided. Take your call got That is why Kristen? What's your question for John and I and so on, and my husband and I are funding our tomorrow and gazed at fifteen percent bar. If we start so, we reached a baby that poorer five too little funding. Forget college funds as well. But my question is, is what
twenty five! Please stop or not stopped the doktor. Sergeant allocation to the far one case to five percent been paid off the home in two and a half three years. Would you recommend that homework p into a whirlwind gaze. I wonder what would your thoughts beyond that Chris and how did you tell me you are that route. You guys learn about this money stuff. I'm actually be worried me. I had a class in high school personal, find him, and it was one of the best thing that I have heard. What I was twenty five day was well, that's, that's, that's us Another show that is another shares and other show Chris impress seriously because twenty five. I wasn't thinking like that as well. So the fact that your at that point its awesome, you heard the information and not only did you listen to it, but you guys have started to apply. Ok, so you're asking. Do you
down. You're you're, investing down to the minimum the match and take every other extra diamond throw toward the house is incorrect. Yes, no ok and here's why? I would you guys have the Billy? I want you flexible muscle of doing the fifteen percent matter of fact You do at fifteen percent, regardless of the match. The companies do it. Okay, so you're doing your fifteen percent. still want you dont extra money toward attack in the house are right now. Why do I that, because remember compound growth is the thing: that's the game: changer cobra growth, what's gonna help which you all on the next level, so you can do both, for example, what the household income, for both of you more than thirty we put, and so I can make I'm gonna have to like three years. I was hoping to speed it up by pausing memo on about, but right about a year.
Allocate about four thousand dollars a month to the house. Dreamer yo see and here's other thing, you're out factoring your income growth for the next three years? Ok, yet you all again. I would just continue to do the fifteen percent. The compound growth is gonna set you guys apart, because you all are laying the foundation right now financially to become everyday millionaires literally by your late thirties? So I would not. I would not cut that out. I would continue to do your fifteen percent by then throw all extra money towards house, but here, is gonna- be the secret weapon. Also Kristen, are you you're the However, in the relationship. Aren't you your husband bless his heart disease still Rama noodles or would you let me
now. I wonder what I say now you can hear the focus, and so I want you guys to make sure you still haven't some fun. You know you're one of those people. I gotta give this lesson to because you're You see a new attack right, your ears, oh goal oriented, but inside that just now you guys can we'll go out to eat and pay cash. You guys can still do some stuff and that's important. Chris, The reason I bring about up is I'm trying to get you guys ready for, because You build wealth. I need you to be able to enjoy it. So it's just mindset of of giving yourself a chance. Relax breathe a little bit yes, still attack the dad, you want to get that your life, but you're, not gonna, forego saving for retirement. So Chris help me with this, I bought a house, I'm an old anybody money in a long time. You gotta Moors warehouse.
Did all the right ways right, we'll right is killing me hate yeah when somebody money? Yes, I hated, I hate it and with sat there were the spreadsheet Greece and I could do it. Fast right. If I just hang on and then I can cash flow college and then I can catch up Amartya taught me man, so you have thought about yourself, foregoing. Maybe retirement. He asked you to do a couple of leaking colleagues here like right, and I can tell you that my kids on Saturday, I wouldn't do ok, don't stop feeling muskrat, nice right, bring unto me out for you to know you what here, here's the thing with people that I tell people all the time with your income can fluctuate or you can earn extra money. There is the wrong, throwing that two extra towards? but I wouldn't forego say than for retirement or an or
go, save them for college. The reason why, as is the compound growth, is the thing that gets exponential? Okay, so don't get in the habit of that four five and six that investing fifty percent saving for college and through an extra the house, I don't have a problem with any extra dime that comes in it go in there, but not at the sake of having. retirement taken care of is a deal these kids that people tell me they love so much if you don't aid for retirement, you're, gonna burden them that their problems can take care of. You know yeah, but no. I love the intensity and created a year ago, but look at it if, if again, behold how you get it out of your life as fast as possible and in four people dead can earn chunks of or bring in some extra income? I tell them all the time fire every dog at that, but please don't forget to budget for some fun like don't don't don't forget.
You gotta have some bo money in your pocket like horse you can you get that a debt of beans, rice, rice beings, right Dolly restaurants, you see is what you drop by now: try Cyril TV right, but when you get out of that, move that four five and six it's a marathon not spread given that the testing it that's, what cause you to pay it off even faster than you think you well that's right like that things gone because if you have something: you'll start thinkin you'll go away. You know what, if I this or this this to bring in some extra money. You already know where you're going to spend that money to you know you're, not maybe upgrading the cold or anything like that you're. Just in my car, you said you have the mindset of this. That's gotta go that's right in the challenge. For me, as I wanna gone, so bad that manner sit down at a spreadsheet, make the math work in my favour or more poorly. It's it's! The psychology of it is right. It is, but, like you said, haven't been dead for e mails. You make the decision to buy home. Doing on campus Libanus around Europe, Europe for you, it's there.
Look at it and I like the like that you don't like it, but look at you going. Ok, I've got a systematic clam, I'm gonna kick The kids all seven days a week at right, you are going to do I find, but you have a plan d, the jury, intentional. What that man tells you that you go, I don't right, you know, I tell people a mortgage that that's the only There were ok with you getting and I'm not even ok, you're, but that's that's a good thing. because here's the thing you won't be house hoppin three years you won't be thinking of going to buy X Y Lindsey, they can get me. I want to own this outright. That's right! Then. That's the way to go. If I look back over the history time, any house near my family here for to live in with
commissioner, in a roof we're on house money, man lay at Hull house money, I do it's called, haven't perspective, etc. Where this it's a beautiful thing, I'd stay too, will be cut back. We're Takin Mortier calls there's no telling what we might do so stay to check it out. This is the real issue,
well go back to the Ramsay show. We are excited to be back with the Abruzzo Gonna go whose, along with me this hours, Doktor John Bologna, we are excited to take your phone call, so we're gonna jump right to it. We have got to Christopher. Is on the line and Huntsville Alabama Christopher? How can we help you hey guys, this question about eight to nine, my wife and I have five months old, congratulations in LAS Vegas. called the kurdish inside. Did that's right, young! Oh your covered baby right, Is this your first as it is. How are you guys doing yeah she's, fine, what's keeping through the night, though, is celebrating a minor miracle right there would you get
for we do go to be human again, see only celebration that resulted in an earlier fishery against Granger body. So what are you? saving for college? So what baby step are you on? the slow because bought or house back in December, we ve done the work to the fifty percent, investing in the world hey good. Every day So now, on the five to nine- and we started a five July We were thinking about Let us say that, instead of investing consistently He has, alas, color you talk about some of the compound interest and everything with it that way
Equality was saved by age. One spoil our child that we put twenty with the twenty thousand meal. Is that enough growth? If we stop at twenty thousand. to be ready when she graduated from high school that, if a college or would you left the tooth by my faith, act as a tool thousand five hundred a month biggest thing is the compound interest thinking so Do you all have to twenty Gwen liquid right now to do that? about. We bring some good and come to implement what the child is five months old. How much do you own the house. We owe about two hundred and ten thousand. What's your household income about sixty John had sixty thousand, would you guys do. Ireland Engineer and my wife is a nurse practitioner. Ok, so here's you kid is five months old. You guys have a strong income or, as we call it
big shovel, I'm but- built more apt to you guys doing three grand a year toward them, five, twenty nine, through every extra dime toward the house, there was paid off. You could easily jack that up to five grand a year and the five twenty nine yeah and so I want you to get the number one that threat out of your life right now, that's the dead on the home. He has got a man, drink up Christmas. I tell you this. How many more kids do you want Well, I were on our young thirty than we think this is the last one I normally see. I've tried to ensure true questionnaire and I'll be done. If you didn't answer the right where he smart, I never knew. How many do you want and I wanted you to throw out a number allows go say how many does your wife want, but you said we think we're done. The reason I said that was as you're thinking about at leisure. Gaza set this up with the five twenty nine year. There'll be enough growth there, if you can
doing that. You know three grand a year thrown at that thing. You're gonna, be. More than five, but getting the house paid off and then shifting to now, where you're not having that mortgage payment, but instead of what you are paying on mortgage, you now start to invest we are going to be great. How old are you all crisper. war were my wife's thirty boy and about the Chinese. People were ok I'll, get you guys, you're you're doing great, I mean you're on the ball buddy. I, like the mindset that you all have an internationally. You don't have a great opportunity to be able to to be a hundred percent that free and make sure you got your education paid for four. You kid! That's you too, credible and died
if it's an engineer to Craig spreadsheet the moment that kid's more and say how much against Us- and I love it- is there that the correct me mad because they think it you know that again, you know you can't get somewhere without a game plan and some for thought. So it really takes that it ends up being. It goes back to the same question as asking you earlier, which is for him for me: it's that that thing way and on my soul, that makes you wanna plan away just go out hampering is my is my mortgage for him? It's to make sure this kid's college take care of that right. Must our planet right now? If I'd take this junk and I dont get it right,
It is it's a matter breathing and understanding, but then it's the process- and you know what I found a people- want to understand the wine the what and how right and so go back to that and I love when people know there. Why does everything that will motivate you know what and how you can get to that, but that wise that route thing that keep shoot engaged to it of people that are, you know, trying to get into shape, trying to get stronger or whatever it is your truck learning a second language whatever it is that wise? That's what I'm gonna feel you some people have a wife growing, more hair have you. Neither for first of all, I Let's go over to the youth. You guys check this out. I don't think about it. Ghonim dummy
about it. There's a phone is not good for increased. Listen. This is taken a few weeks ago. He Chris in the mere he was clean sheet, is visibly hard. If you listen, it's on the radio Chris Man, he had lustrous had air shaved off all purpose. Those who are listening to the true Bologna has dug into the archives and found a photo for me just just a few months ago to we haven't here. This is actually from way back in the day like yours. This proves I can grow here, a handsome guy. What it is, it is not just prefer being bald just like to let my scout brief and that's what I'm doing while Bologna has arrest me. I'm gonna take a moment. Tell you about Kosovo Julia seriously. I would look at my show numbers take it now. They have five main. I ate man, you don't really great, and then I think here that's what's up another two years, and I know not what are you doing decrease overture said we have a lot of fun. We're take callers, obviously, but we do a segment called did you know, and this is where we get an opportunity to give people some some information that may be. They didn't know, for example, of the episode that is airing actually air. This week we gave people five things that millionaires invested, and so we call it.
did you know and as a graphic that'll pop up and you can see it, and I went through the five things according to our research study, because we talked over ten thousand millionaires of what their investing in and just real, quick, I'm gonna. Do it like David Letterman style, gas, its bitcoin, no game stock, not at all John, and I thought, if I had the gong show I'd gone. You know, John. They invest number five personal growth study. Millionaire showed that people active unintentional they impact on future number for relationships being mentor asking for help getting guy that's when you needed. That's you used that opening hours have humility, yet at Cambridge, three homeownership millionaires are likely to own a home than the general population and on average Milly pay up their homes in about ten point. Two years see John your address paid. Often like four point. Four, no doubt number two I'll raise assisting in things when allow you taxable investments where you can start to put money away to start to, let it grow and the
For one thing, the number one to a millionaire Jews employer sponsored retirement plants for case for all three beat. I raise Roth. I raise the opportunity to put money waves. The number one tool that help them grow wealth. So is to say hello The real estate wasn't honour that surprises on real estate. What it would mean, the top five that's all I'm other than your real estate, personal hope, homeownership. So mindset so you ve got an opportunity. Real estate was in the top ten, just the top five. So these are the The things we talk about all my show. We take call as we take questions, love opportunity to connect with you on Youtube as well. You can see I'm a little animated I'll make some places them once awhile and I got a flag that I throw if, But if there is an article f clear that gets me up enough, I a flag up so lag meagre result. Briefly, com. You can find out more about the show or find it
any place such was the pockets. What what would you if you did you still it down or now, what is most, what what's causing people to most apprehension about their retirement about? What's next, all I think it's just the unknown and went on with this man. Dimming Airbus got opinions on the stock market as we see it as ride like rollercoaster, but the notes, and so it's why until people go back control the controllable? I listen everyone. Thank you so much protruding at this hour. We want you to stay connected with this. We love your calls and we love your support. This is the rams ensure have a friend or a family member, the needs a daily dose of rambling advice and their life. Let them know about the Ramsay call other day, Prague Cash, it's a quick of advice about life and money in under ten minutes check out the Ramsay call today, wherever you listen to heart, can fail,
you're, right and living life just going through the motions, build confidence in yourself and learn to trust. The God who created you check out the Christie Ride, show or Christie inspires you to break through your limitations and create the life your proud to live, pale and Christine right. You know it so easy to feel stuck. You live life just going through the motions, doing dishes, doing laundry carpal lines and a whole list of commitments that bring you no joy. We live like that. That's why I want you to check out the Christie Right, so each episode will help you felt competence in yourself and the guy that creating steer more from the Rams network, including Christie, righteous wherever you listened, applaud catch hates aims. Producer of the Dave Ramsay show this so it is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you ve heard about during this episode
Transcript generated on 2021-07-08.