« The Dave Ramsey Show

Don't Look for a Mansion When Buying Your First Home (Hour 2)

2021-01-18 | 🔗

Home Buying, Debt, Savings

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the headquarters of Ramsay Solution Broadcasting from a dollar car rental studios. It's that day, Ramsay Show where that is DOM casual king in the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of Bmw status, symbol of choice and Abraham zeros dampening only or empty personality number one. By selling author of the book. That free degree is my vote today, open phones. We talk to you about your lights in your money is eight hundred and eighty eight eight hundred and twenty five five thousand two hundred and twenty five that's eight hundred and eighty eight five thousand five hundred and twenty two
five Kate LAW is whether in Provo Utah. I came our you I give my reading then I deserve what's up, this is how to question my husband and I are getting ready to give up for a down payment. On our first house. We make roughly sixty two fifty five thousand dollars a year when I pointed in terror calculi mine, said that with affordable, down payment we could afford. Two hundred and eighty dollar home However, where we're at very clearly no home said star about three hundred thousand, now wondering what are your suggestion, trust as we're trying to save our first task? Will I think, to say that there are no homes in Provo. Utah below three thousand would be an inaccurate statement
we are more in- were all you car covered kind of our closest shitty saddle when I look at what I'm looking for the past while just for fun, and it looks like the ones that are allowed to a thief, Connemara pride trained or more like your trailer homes and whatnot. I think you ve just begun request, you got your in the early stages of gathering information So on the- the iron and I do not know that market extremely well in the sense that I can just quote numbers to yawn what they're worth the average price in America is turned five thousand dollars and that those Try your homes, ok! that's the average America and the average household income in America is verging on thousand, show that's right, where you are I mean that that's why you're here,
check it out. Not our income and you'll go to her for two thousand. Our house give or take up to about. Three hundred. So I think you're just on the problems at the beginning stage of the process, and generally free, first home what you're doing it you're looking for a start or home you're, not looking for a mansion and so I think, you're gonna keep scratching in digging in looking at a lot of properties. Then it may take you a little while to find the deal that judge richer numbers, but here's the thing you can not get in the business, anywhere in your money situation of oh well equipped That much that much oh I'm gonna. Do it anyway, because math doesn't really count in my situation. Math count in every situation. Math works in California. It works in Utah, works in New York City. Then works in Tokyo and one the most expensive roasting markets in the world and you can't afford live there,
so not even around with your income, show that the EU just get a pass on my off because of your situation, so you're either going to watch. Your incomes come up or you're gonna on a bargain, around a little bit more. The interesting thing about real estate is: is that there's always another one? Yes, yes, and what they want to say on this one to David. Let's just say that is the case. You cannot find a house within your budget then, you. Do not getting out right now until he could find when this in your budget and theirs, nothing wrong with renting until you either get your income up orange. Before the a house that is with in your means, and you again real estate. Is that the most fun about the real estate business is there's always something you just keep scratch around turnover: oxen murano foreclosure, some men from the nasal paint little Workin
your father in law, your husband jump and earn you jump in Newport paintbrush him almost. I don't know, but you you know, there's a lot of ways to to get at this, and just to go? Well, I just too expensive and some at that count. Math counts made get a pass on opening up open only a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five Ryan's in Green Bay: Wisconsin, hey Ryan! What's up he's, got a question on so am I The current my college are going to be appear finally introduce her today's yourself on about I called your knowledge, but I thought that are not an. I just bought a house in September, but I'm thinking this is a girl, I'm gonna marry cause. I hated her for six years, charge me or in high school. I just I'm, not gonna pay
I think I saw a man like you say. What do I save to pay that offered lad? the extra money to my home one right now I may arrive at let me help you I hear day may give me a different, Dane talked him the powder you right I'm twenty one. How does your girlfriend. She was walk or young. I saw utter. I like how you thinking about the future, but I want you to stay with you right now are right. Miss out my thing is: I want you to work to baby steps, for you don't start debate steps for a potential down the road, and I'm too you that, because I wish somebody told me that when I was your age, twenty one years old Am I hear your heart for this young lady? I pray that you do get married and have a dream. Did you desire, but there is a strong possibility that it may not work. I saw what What did you do is attacked a baby That's for yourself so you're, paying off
things on your aunt. You do that on gay and they weighed down a role for them. Good advice Avenue issue this. If, if when it gets engage, would you change that again engage. Will I changed it now, just me personally, because you and say what money to pay off the bridge the coming that from abroad. Now I would you were does it make Emily are right when you have a date to engage in your fiance. Never date set, and you say, she's got sit down over the bad, I'm your pile up cash to get ready during that six or eight months or whatever. Before we get married. Now, I'm not talking about vague engagement that we may get married some day and we just call it off the answer and we really do not. Even Montana, set wedding day date, and you know within regional, very tired! I'm gonna get ready for that's when we come from the honeymoon because we often talk rooms to pile up or are our broad pileup cash to pay for the wedding, mind and pay upon coming home from the honeymoon pay off her debt or,
or pay on her there. He was the only reason why I would say no, but I'm wrong, which you don't understand what you say: because this generation they say yesterday at then bear their dynamo and a pause their whole life. What will the EU take the cash and throw it at the house is actually that's, why said unbroken which now? But if there is an engagement, I would not do at this stage. Got you like, in his mind its inevitable. She said yes, it not in the end, even after she has is not inevitable right. So there we go, but how your black? Your point now the young people there looking at what I actually agree, which he had taken a pole from the study audio anyone open volumes, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five, you jump and we'll talk about your life and your money
the only real joining as she is, the author of the number one by showing book debt a free degree, be sure and check his stuff out of you to buy he's gonna show called the table. That is incredible, new episodes every Monday and you can check them out on you to the table with Anthony O Neill, all kinds of cool guests. Conversations like this: he accept them not been allowed on their national programmes so that since the time of year, when everyone start setting gulls going to the jam, quitting smoking losing weight good for you, but what's equally important is making sure your family is taken care of by having term life insurance, look I've all the excuses, and I'm telling you it's not expensive. It's not complicated and you need to do this right now. So stop!
Whatever you're doing Ngos Anders website right now and get your family protected, it's an absolute necessity, both for joining us America, but I only your ram. She personality use my co host today, open phones triple eight eight to five five, two to five. We were made a decision was rose on the end. Because you didn't. Do your research hear me too, Most people make choices based on feelings or opinions, especially when their home, but this is a bad idea. Comes arose day: market feelings or not. Your friend facts are so check. Your facts find out what you
actually afford research which trending in home brushes talk to reputable real estate agent in your area never buy a house without the facts. House too. Three, three: seven: eight, nine, that's house to thirty three, seven, eighty nine and will help you connect up an agent. You know, that's really what we should hold a young lady from Provo. We should have that shit. Could get with an agent who would help her navigate that markets are still just I'll swing around on websites Zella when everything else trying to figure out what went on it and then clearing the trailer homes are the only thing under two fifty a good. You can help her navigate doubting oh yeah, but there are these little neighbourhood over here and there you can move out there and you go ten miles that way and They know the nuances of the market and can help move you in and out of those in that makes a big difference thing is it if you're, going to buy a property, and you ve been through this couple times bout, lot arose day over years, but
king in a property right now. Home situation, and what I did what I ve done is. I have actually I'm such a nerd. I enjoy the research and so on. I go. Every neighbourhood. Look at every house start. Look at the square footage start looking at what drives prices in those areas from legal experts. What price look at them, features, and what is it that, in that, in that market watch different and watch new and and just learn the way. People think when they're doing that market cassettes what drives prices yes and then you start figure out: ok, well, they're paying for prestige, that neighbourhood, ok and then neighbourhood they're paying for the access to the beach and that neighbourhood, their pay you can see what the different things are moving around in the market any begin, but I come from options and options studying studying in studying in studying, so you don't three houses am by she's, got three dates and get married right. Russia, you!
to go and look at some property, meaning not just online because I gotta tell you man, these young people, taking pictures, are really good weather picture, taking there you go in just the same house now and are you gotta be kidding me how their backyard shrink that much answer that camera yeah soldiers like that girls not ready show their day? That's got when my TED in our like that you just get in there. You go visit the properties and you begin to get you start to figure out what's driving the pricing, this, the location, the traffic, the school what is it what's? What's the? What's the big draw, that's their debts, making this property ok. Well. What if I move, you know, twenty five percent off a bad off at issue, and I move
we're here. Well, maybe schools are an important EU, maybe a retired. My shit through does not need to go to school right charm good on school systems? I couldn't give replenish onwards school system it from my personal residents because I'm not gonna cabinet and I don T have any kids go to school there So that's not a driver bribing point, businesses, schools, driving a price up and I'm probably not in our neighbourhood, unless or some other reason for me to be in there. But I mean that's not my motivators. My point show you just start to look at things through that Linz and due to Europe, add gum research Maybe no you're not good at doing research. That's why you reach out one of our prose enable do the research very well and I'll. Take you around. I mean you gotta, you do you need to get your arms around. What's happened, yes and approaching God you in doing that. I want something else to do: you're thinking for you, but but the Unita you need a test rob
in saying that the car you just go buy a car. You never driven absolutely no may never driven that model. Now I've driven that make and model and everything else, no, the car and shot not that I don't have to drive it to buy it. I mean understand, I'm fine dish deliver the thing. It's ok, but if you ve, ever driven don't pick up that pick up that particular model. About one till you ve, driven I mean that's just not that common sense and yet people get all wired up and fired up emotionally and jump on stuff and start making all these assumptions about just the way it is our world alone understand your own, your boomer. You don't get it so, but turns out adieu Kelly's. Whether since Seattle, high Kelly welcomes that IRAN's Felicia, how are you what's up? I have been an iron babies, step number two, but we We have a total of three mortgages
Now we have the harm that we currently weapon. And then we have to ban all properties both with mortgages on them, and the one at home. Homes is older and am or trying to debate on whether or not we fell about one why did you tell me why did you tell me it was older? Does that mean you, like, probably wouldn't care? As we know it will be like it's, not the one. You would keep, because it's probably not a great property over the next ten years. Are you don't it's well we committed to that baby steps and thus saving and setting aside, we had the savings America on everything that I speak every thank you- That's like the law of financial vision. Worsening, choose you started a glacier. Transpiration goes out, I mean just the way it is maybe I'm sorry well
So the question is what the house that you're thinking about selling worth? three hundred and twenty five thousand and what are you I wanted a hundred and twenty seven thousand tat YE. Have we are, we have twenty thousand dollars. We owe on our track and twenty six thousand dollars we owe on our tractor Sophia sense since November forthwith, so far we paid off fifteen thousand dollars. That was in credit card that occurs, the through Fifty thousand dollar old house were stuffed breaking tit too, All of this discussion aside, if you put our house in your mind and you go. Ten years from now. The ten year now from now Kelly. Happy with, current Kelly for keeping them out
I dont know how it was able to say has been, and I got it a lot of emotional attachment to it. I would want What I ask is ten years from now. Are you gonna be really feeling was smart happy because you get this house. If we stay on track, yeah, ok, then propagated nourish work, your way through ok, but only talking about our own things. Then I look out into the future me and I'm Goin, the future, methinks the currently stupid I don't get rid of their sight in army. You can kind of look at and think that right and that might be true on this I'll? Send it sounds like it's not! So that's cool but I mean look at some other stuff and I'm goin gonna throw that away. Why have I been storing that for two years
needs to move on to have a minimalist moment here in short cleaning out crap, inasmuch as I just we're up rats in our lives, and you can do that with big items and any new that with investments in India with our council, Thanks, go just cause, you ve but it does mean you have to keep it. I agree look and of the future and go, but it sounds like that. The future happy with you for keeping at Sharm. I'm farmer that do that's. Ok answer, then you would keep it and you would go forward they re sounds like she's, happy keeping it because, The emotional tie, not because of the financial investment. I think, really tired to this house emotionally programme a mistake there, that's the only reason, but I'm guessing too, that it's probably surfeited I've moorhouse. It's not it's not about here, not about house at all. So this is not the smallest landlord here, it's not fair!
I think in the things gotta be regular, some money equity any too so yeah calico known her right. I see to manage her emotions and her financial looking into the future. That was my about my play their own over work. By the light of that, I am sure free
last. It was one of the best decisions of my life. That's what Neil ELM said about using timeshare exit team to get out of his timeshare after the resort refused to let him out, listen. I've said it before. If you ve tried selling your timeshare and can't if the resort refuses to take it back, call timeshare exit team, the people, I trust, call eight for four: nine. Nine, nine exit or time share exit team dot com,
they re. Only around three personality is my co host today here on the euro. This is the Dave Ramsay Show in the lobby of Ramsay solutions on the debt free stage. Roger is whether say Roger welcome to the show. I had half hurry you better than I deserve good to have you. Where do you live San Francisco, while but of a trip over the Tennessee yeah? But I didn't have to come out in China, these fresh cookies, and you keep mentioning the so well there. They are pretty good bait. They will lower in lots of people. I've noticed so you're here to go that free scream. How much you be played off fifty one thousand dollars in fifty one thousand and ninety two and how long to tackle, take me sixteen months. Sixteen much way to go and your range of income during that time about seventy six thousand. Ninety three thousand very good you do for a living.
Health and safety consultant for our workers, compensation company, very good, ok. So what can I do? the fifty one thousand our yes. I had about six thousand dollars left on my car about seventy five hundred from debt, consolidation from previous credit cards and the rest of it actually was our spread of months like five other different credit cards. So one of the main reasons why, when they come up here and dearest, every scream is caused by the really find a lot of other people that didn't have. You know that weren't working its appeal that that wasn't any stood alone. So I found a little bit embarrassed that you know a lot of that wasn't stood alone because everyone else I've heard had it, but you know are we about consumer, but it creates a finally own up to it and finally haven't paid off lover.
The completion of the dealing love it well. Congratulations, sir. Are you Roger thirty, three years old, my was the hardest thing throughout this process from the harnessing was just saying now, so many of my friends just wanted to keep enabling me- and just the kind of person I liked to say no, and so that was the biggest part and then really that second part being was really trying to build a momentum. And I'm sticking to the budget, I think, was the really difficult part. What happened that cause you to decide to do this will force the branches dsl. My basically had my I've had a moment. Men so being in San Francisco, actually had the opportunity to interview for something in LOS Angeles. At this point my finances had kind of caught up to me and I was kind of starting to feel the weight of it, and so, instead of showing out form of light, I decided take a bus and then I said that I would rent a car to go to jail
Have you come back and then take the bus back home, so I took the boss, I got to the rental car, but I notice that in my wallet I only had the credit card. I had already maxed out and so I am going to a credit card company. I knew that they weren't going to accept our credit card because its stout, and so when I got there, I told him that you know I didn't have any credit card and or are any money in like a debit card to possibly do the rental and then and then they swipe then than is denying and some kind of a pension. So luckily my will perhaps still have my other credit card that wasn't maxed out saved on there. What to do the job interview and then come back, but I was just so embarrassed and I do not feel like I needed to do a change, and so that night I am when I got back, I added up everything and I found out just how much or consumer that I had in those very scared? And so you know had we'll searched Mean Odette Consolidation and
we need only like how to get out of debt and obviously do around. He shows up, and so that's how I started that journey psychological good for you, well done wilder the others. There's a lot of emotions that are gross embarrassment might be one of the most gross ones. Case than be especially was my fault that just awful yeah I've been right exactly in a situation where you get are denied, and you can't you can't move around your stock and man that broke feeling Nanda sought, I was travelling on the wall, bag or Spain was really nice resort and I'll walk up the counter and my hard and apparently hit the algorithm? and my debit card edit, the algorithm for fraud and so the bank it shut it down. Unbeknownst to me, so I go up there and I can't check him at the hotel,
got plenty of money, but that happened, but that activated these emotions down inside. Remember when I was gone but whilst broke and occur in Ireland embarrassment have not been able to that man. I got so mad. Oh yeah Dolly was was that? Does Europe old emotions from from being RO can be an embarrassed were down inside of me and I had up I had to call the banker bag and apologize after I called her the first time so about my gun. Cargan cut off for no freakin reason, then, and then let me stranded out you're, so yeah. It's the same thing that that yet you go on and you had you definitely I've never again moment is definitely a very cool. So you don't. You found a sound going on internal glad if you're ok, like today so you want you are this embarrassment you paid our fathers dead? How? feel now. I'm just so cares about their like you. You have
a lot of energy on stage right now appears on like how do you feel west next for this young man, you know it's still a very surreal feeling. You know it's. It's really like. I think, one of the things that gets to me sometimes happen. My car start driving to work. And then I just think, like I the own this whole, it's hard to embrace that idea like this whole thing, is the reason why I have like a positive net worth right now. I know that you know the bank is gonna, be asking me from our money hoping upside down or something like that, but also the other thing is I'm it's very true. What you guys mention is that you know if you like. I have a raise now because now that I've learned to budget now we know how to plan. For my money, I am not rich, obviously, but I definitely feel like there's a lot more than I can afford now, and I know it
Dave. You say you know it you right now, you're better than you deserve a right now. I feel like I can afford what I deserve now and so may I really like how it feels we now since a power, that's very, very good for you. I, like your statement remained so that I can afford what I deserve. Now I like, if you can't afford it, You don't deserve it man world. Well, so the carbon credit card, I'll cut up. We ever go back in that No, I was is great. I play this whole trip with with my debit card and also made sure to go dollar to get my my our current Solana did it with a debit card, so I felt it nice to know that I was dull, secure with Democrat like you sat when you go into the Nashville Airport, was dollar with us endorsing them?
definitely know what's going on and they gotta they gotta figure out there. So well done guys. Well done MA am proud of you. That's just beautiful we're gonna speakers, organs book for you every day millionaires and that's an ex chapter in your story for real and our very well done proud of fat thanks stave off. If you don't mind, I should like to thank my biggest cheerleader, so my biggest cheerleader is about my now fiance Monica who took all the way out here to Nashville with me. It's actually funny, because I was like a year in two of the plan, and Go I'm Dave issue instead by creating Thinking funds are actually say for her engagement ring then, when she found out about that, as I would Uncle Dave say when buying ok, I guess I'll just throw that actually towards my dad and that's the reason. Why is able to get out faster than originally planned so like a definite way
The teeth of the young Ladys like yourself, and you know the biggest thing about her cheering for me- was we were only together for maybe three or four months before I really came to tell her about, have just how much that I actually had and knowing that she was willing to put off a lot of that plenty moon feeling of spending money, you know in the early goings of our relationship and heard sticking me through that to you know where I am now today. I really want to thank her for not having those fancy dates that most other people and its ambitious, no chef just go there not cheap either. No oil done well done so proud of you. Good work, where our eye Roger from San Francisco fifty one thousand paid up in sixteen months, making seventy six to ninety three? It was everything he was normal and now is we're counter down at zero dead, free scream. Three. Two one
go man ago. Its awesome through this is the day rams. Asia
the only or Ramsay personality is Michael host today and Abraham? She open found a triple eight eight to five. Five two to five Brian is in circulation of your car. Brian welcome to the ship a few days ensure meeting your time here this afternoon chopped up at a question for you, luck my financial adviser, I was already honesty, more mines. That is yourself before I started. Listen to you, my wife and I recently had purchased a whole, in twenty twenty- and we also baby them on prior to that so We are already on the debt, your ball method. We have about a hundred nineteen thousand dollars in a well refer to his bad debt, student loans and vehicles.
And then our home mortgages about a hundred and thirty seven remaining at the moment to my question to you is really about thousand dollars and savings. Do you think you know with speed? That's no man! thousands of that should be going to saving the nine toward TAT. My wife has apprehension about that. Should we be putting nine thousand and towards our debt or should we keep that's? What aside not a little baby in the mid seconds to that question is where STAR tat. Returned coming up now, the home in a baby, I'm hopefully diversion I am actually also be pulling out all towards didn't loaned at the map. Only by this is anthony- and I understand you know both you and you wives, hesitation, and why but baby set one was not made and babes have two was not made to be comfortable one and two We want you to be uncomfortable, seeking get out of it quicker. And so yes, I was in your shoes I didn't have
figures of Deborah had alighted, and I put all of my savings towards it up put all the extra income towards it. I would put my tax return. Towards it as well. What you see is that when you were the gazelle intense, we really get focus you all but get out. Much quicker and gets you babe set three, which is three to six months, so about absolutely put all of your body, all of your extra money towards now this something happened to the baby, a yard you need to pause at that is totally ok. We want you take care of your family and protect your family at the same time right now, everything is going well, yes, attack attack it fiercely and put our excellent or is it what's your household income, their household incomes are one thirty, two one, fifty my wife, the teacher now working outside medical cell. So in the last eighteen months, my comes increase above thirty percent. Now that I'm actually any industry or the longer of doktor client base, though you know getting back
my initial comments about a year, ago. We started the debt billboard method, but my financial adviser. Then I started listening to you That's right. Yet our baby note I, with my own eyes, jurisdiction on and a lot of his mind, been alive. Yours. We already had a life insurance clarity on the death bilbil method like you know, never have got warring come more savings, which has great said earlier: total consumer dat. The car I stood on whatever was was what one nineteen years will get to vehicles and then our student loans at combined audio on the vehicles. The vehicles is about. Eighteen, fifty, about thirty three to thirty five thousand between the two of us. That's good news. Well. Here's the thing I try to do just big mouth, big, chunk, math. I call it and say: ok, and make a hundred and thirty
towards a hundred and fifty. If I pay Sixty thousand of that towards that, because I'm on leave ably intense and focused there. I'm done in two years right. Not just look at it that that's that helped me to get my head around. Ok, I'm not sure testing, that you walk around with a baby and raise a family with a thousand dollars in a bank your way of life over the next decade, but as I say short term mechanism to be all in to be committed beyond belief. A little bit of those. What Anthony says is the fear of not having that money, but thousands like I'll be anyway. It's not that that's it! That's a small smaller, country too so I will help more than it'll help more than not haven't it. But it's on
When you can see that we're gonna do this or that it is with great focused intensity and it's gonna be twenty four March Rummy done or it can be nineteen march and what can be done or whatever the number ends up being, then you can go. Ok, I can hold my breath that long and then We don't have any payments, but a house payment. Oh my god, and you put that emergency phone inflation. I blank then take terminal. Does he used to live in on nuthin porn everything on the bed and u turn pour it on to that. That emerge She found that baby step three usually goes really fast for people Khazars, so they got somewhat mental, yes and then there I've been living on nothing coming but their higher pay off you dead. Now you want to see how that money you're savers account may is. Is this amazing yeah? That's very good, very good good. God, man well, don't congrats on the new baby, because and Marion Illinois Hijack welcomed the diver amnesia, a quick question for you:
so to listen to you about a month ago, I'm alive now or maybe too we have about one one thousand dead that I should have paid off by late summer. Good but my bigger issues. If we made a mistake about six years ago, I can I buy a manufacturer He put it on some land that we are at the time She might be good idea that now that I'm under the illusion that it was a terrible idea. The value of a minute Joe. I don't know if I should move now course I omit longer until they had all nuver, but what you did not like. Maybe so You build on your land if you got rid of it. Are they going to cellar the land and the home page little and you start fresh yeah hooker, that's funny well I mean that the bottom line is: what do you want something worth today about a hundred
including the lion right. Now that it was, I watch the land worth without the thing on it while the fifteen thousand ok for this, an expensive trailer. Yes, but a brand new and getting you got like, Seventy eight thousand dollars worth ok, so, ten years from now, seventy eighty thousand dollars has not gone. Beware! Seventy or eighty thousand agreed agreed marshes, if the exact same amount of property in a traditional home, it would up and value or slow down and value agreed, That's my written born out of jail just now a real. Ah, yes, I really delaying it or getting paid off just means. You're gonna lose more money. Shall I mean there's no emergency nothing's on fire, but I'm gonna start.
Talking about having this thing out of my life, the next twelve fourteen march. My point, and that is what are you gonna get to your page on it, because what is more, I should be administered to the summer and then have I want. Neither debts are absolutely I mean. I'm, not us now. This has nothing to do with. I hate trailers like there, that's not the point or mobile home for manufactured using water euphemism you put on the thing the what I don't like is only going to go down in value when I have an alternative to respond very similar dollars in something that goes up and value, and Oh, that that's what it comes down to and so people mobile home? What do you hate ocean mobile numbers? As I don't hate you? I just think your stuff goes down in value. I mean it's pretty simple answer, in all its and my until we will buy stuff. It goes down value and,
a friend of mine owns a huge mobile home do even if you pay cash, we're right. Data goes down and value our value from one package for in the short term, shut up and value varies very vague. Where I grew up an unkind Oh I'm sure they're everywhere were made to me too, and so it's not smart. Snobbery thing each of them mathematics and discuss one. Dropping value, one goes down value, choose a truce The right choice and that's that's what he's doing it's always talking about? Yes answer was no matter were angry. If someone like that or something, but
the noise and, if its honestly, cheaper to rent. It is the news for total for the thing to go down in value an pay payments on our car. You sleep in this is that I Ramsay ship. This is James Childs producer of the Dave Ramsay Show on your smart speaker. You can add our skill by saying Alexa open the Ramsay networks from there. You can listen to all our shoes Ass day, money questions like Adeline best, my money. What is the debts noble, find out more Dave, Ramsay Dotcom, slash every
looking for fun and practical ways to save money in your everyday life. You need to check out the Rachel crucial podcast from money, expert, Madonna, Rachel crews, guises rates have created an I'm so excited to tell you about. My party has a lot of you filing paintings paycheck their end as you don't even know where to begin that they have this need this wants to get in control of their money. Tennis match you. You have come to the right starts. So each episode during at a time of inspiration and practical advice, not subscribe to the rates of crucial podcast, makes region today, you're more from the Ramsay network, including the Rachel Crucial wherever you listen, depart, Gush hates Producer of the Dave Ramsay show this but so does over, but check the episode notes for links to products and services you ve heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2021-07-10.