« The Dave Ramsey Show

Do You Have What It Takes To Get Out of Debt? (Hour 1)


Dave Ramsey & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss:

  • "Should I try house hacking?" 
  • Dave and Jade walk through the 7 Baby Steps and ask if you have the motivation to do what it takes to get out of debt,
  • from the blog: What Are the Baby Steps?
  • "How does gift tax work?"
  • from the blog: What Is the 2022 Gift Tax Limit?
  • How to use retirement funds.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I ram visualization broadcasting from the polish moving in storage studio, the rams asia, where we all people build well by low rate of aging remained loyal. Ramsay personality is Michael ocean. Today we are we talking to you about your lies in your money. It is a free call. The phone number
its triple eight, eight to five five, two to five: that's tripoli! Eight to five. Five, two to five. Caesar starts at this hour in chicago high seas or how are you are doing good, You know what that says as it sets out caesar either it is Julia, god it up did I are not measured up good. How can I help you yeah, I'm twenty three years old today did from Chicago. I have passed a hundred thousand my baby? I have a parking with fifty thousand. Mutual funds, their parked in Roth, I re raw or one k and I feel like I have a lot of options. There's a lot of pressure to buy the opinion about buying the building and she is putting a lot of pressure on me, but a lot of options. I really dont know what to do at the moment, and I would like your advice about my situation. Do you have any debt?
Euro debt zero debt weight ago. Are you married. I am not married, wiser. Some woman snap, you up you're right no there's the woman man you're killing it. Why you're good you're why to go. I'm proud of you! So as your mercy, Maybe your personal residents paid off as well Where are you admire? Yet I am right. At the moment in chicago- and it was my situation for writing them, but to bed room on the other, the monti letting you The room five million dollars each wow stone so you're, not in a hurry to get out of that not deal now. So what Are there not shooting down the street either No no you're, not you're, not you dumb street, so
what do you actually? Is your question like? What are you hoping to get from this call? Ok, there's a general question because the question of doing a lot of power, by my own building a month at family homes and into that who pressuring you you know The question is: do you chicago, like the thing to do? You know why Ah, among twenty seven well you're to do, but that doesn't mean that smart, for I mean do you, you have really good instincts. You have really good scales. You are so or ahead of normal normal shocks as broke. Has no money. I mean you got, money piled up. You ve done a great job way to go. If you want to buy condo, live in, that's fine, but don't buy back, the society that stupid things, you should write, mackay
you buy because you got by because you looked at it. You should I like these numbers. I mean you're, the guy in a five hundred dollar rental situation, Chicago you're that guy score, you're, the you're near the smart guy be listening to him. He's got more going on. So if you go by your condo. That's great! You got one thousand dollars to put down and being set back an emergency fund of three to six months from expenses and set back anything else, you need to purchase everything about buying a car. You they abide by whatever, so that you don't go into debt for the future items. But after that, the rest. that money's your down payment, condo or whatever. If you want to buy something but but when you say by a building you know I'm hearing you been reading real estate investment crap on Tik tok. That's what it sounds like Now it's my grandfather, all the moto family home, a lot of you, my circle. You know a lot of a lot of them.
the older generation owns a multi family home. So I was thinking why don't our house catch yet a rents are on the top floor, live on the first floor in rents out that's, not a bad idea, what you should do it As you looked at it, you ve got a that's how I went to live because right news, as your tenants are attached to you, the bad news Is your tenets are attached to you that? gonna knocking on the door to a am, if they don't like something, unless you really should some real clear boundaries is very difficult to manage a multi van that you live in from boundaries perspective shop. If you what to do that, that's fine! There's nothing wrong with ever. There's nothing says if you don't do that, you're stupid, because you ain't stupid, dude, I know that's right, people need to be listening to you, instead of you listening to what they're saying. So, if you want to take whatever you want to read five thousand bucks that what do you, what do you make so I'll make a parking
five thousand a year to my my full time, job in our own business, and what does it make up? I'm combining the income from Oh, so you make seventy five, including owning a business. Not all seem accounting looking at it from amazon. If you want to take seventy five thousand of the one hundred leave twenty five for an emergency fund, and you, continue out of your monthly budget, doing investing into your return. Plan at your workplace, there and you wanna go by your multi family live on the main fort there's another hour, there's not a bad plant at all, but this yeah that somehow I don't here's, your good rule of thumb. Ok, whatever everyone else in america's doing, do the opposite and you'll probably have some money. True. That now can I play devils advocate why? Because I'm sitting here thinking warriors my thought, I'm like ok, was buying a personal residents, and he knows that he can afford it without went without any rentals. You know just his own great, but if he's
Buying this building that's more expensive and he's depending on the right coming in. Should he not pay cash for this property It wouldn't matter if that you're residence and you're gonna get a mortgage allows you can pay the payments. if you have to have the rent to buy the payments. No, that's what I want! That's what being with Caesar, I want to make sure he doesn't need the rent. from the other people. Even upstairs downstairs. You don't go buy something that you can't. If, if you're renders all don't pay, you can't be up a greek right, so he's gotta, you gotta be able to afford this regardless, if renter caesar. That's just log back here. You gotta keep because here from new have an empty apartment and you have to make payments. You become desperate when you become desperate right after that, you get stupid and that's what put a wrong turn it in any way. A bigger mash than an empty apartment question, and so, if you don't have to be The payments you, if you don't have to have somebody to stay alive, right
you know inside the inside the unit there than you make better decisions on who goes in to the EU. Well, he's got his family, but I am also thinking family is also the ones that is like hey this month, we'll take gimme. Next month, so there's a little little stuff there that him he might need to consider before going in absolute absolute, but overall do it? because it's the lifestyle you want to live. I want to live on the first floor, willing to do this phase of my life, I'm willing to the alternative next door not doing this, because my grandpa did it right, yeah, nodded, because this autumn tiktok that's not doing that and arm. Not until we arrived on the tick taxiing about a month ago. You could pretty well say that whatever was set on, there was useless garden we're trying to displace at which some wisdom, so I've had a few things,
I posted on there that did ten twenty million views and that kind of stuff. Thank you guys. I guess I think I should think you think that people cause they're making that they're making their views go yeah. Well, I mean we gotta put something good on there to try to redeem the platform but yeah, but it's it's more full of get rich, quick crap than anything I've seen since midnight cable. This is the ramsey show the hague
eyes being free to make your own medical decisions is a big deal these days. Christian healthcare ministries gives members the freedom to choose the doctors and providers they want without the frustration of worrying about networks and with no waiting period to join at the membership based nonprofit ministry were hundreds of thousands of christians share funds to pay for and pray for, each other's medical bills find out more today at c h, ministries, dot, org, slash budget, that c h, ministries, dot, org, slash budget. Thank you, your audience. Your apparently telling other people that were here. Thank you. Our numbers are going up in every format from tube to podcast radio? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We appreciate that way I didn't come up become from anywhere, but you because we do not spend three hundred million dollars on marketing like so fi. Instead, we just actually help people instead of screwing them
and then you go tell the people. So thank you for that. If your new you're one of those new people come around you're, trying to forget all the lingo. Around the ramsay thing. Where are the baby stay option? Debt no balls and all this stuff, you can go to ramsay solutions, dot, com and click on the get started button will help you figure out the next best step in europe annual journey it's completely free to do that and we'll walk you through become famous around ramsay was because many many years ago decades ago people came to mean they said. What do you do first new retirement first or do I do kids college such very important? Do I have an emergency fund. First, that's really important. I need to get rid of the stupid credit card debt. It's twenty two percent, that's very important! Where do I start and what we did at the time many years ago was we laid out, and then we had just then a couple times in the early days, well adjusted in twenty five years, but we like now what to do first, what to do second one, and we call him the baby steps cause if he ate, and if you want to eat an elephant, you do it a bite at a time. So if you wanted to
control your money. You do at a step at a time baby steps. Let me stress one: is you drive a thousand dollars quickly low starter emergency fund once I've done that in some obvious, Have that money? You just name it that just now that you ve already done baby step. One used recent that money in your mind over the side. That's my vista, born babies. Adaptation. Of all of your dad, except your holden, using the debt snowball. the debt snowball is where you left your debt smallish, two largest pay me on payments on everything, but the little one you attack the little one the vengeance you're going on vacation you're in debt, you're broke you're, not going out to eight urine debt you're broke you work all the time you are in debt. You're broke, there's a great place to go in your browser to were ok. This is what do any bustier by? scorched earth, no lifestyle. No, thank you so much stuff, the kids like their next. You know
dog ebay and the cat craigs list everything's going out the door we're getting this mess cleaned up, we're safe entire to being sick and tired the do it without intensity, get out of that in an average of about eighteen to twenty four months now, average means that some of you have half a million. just to launder like J, did, took her seven years, ok and then average I mean some of you have five thousand dollars in debt and ten thousand dollars in your bank account when you heard me rant and you just went and paid it off now. You're debt free took you thirteen seconds, okay, but the average is eighteen to twenty four months. Then, when you finish that the same level of intensity. You continue, we call gazelle intensity, the gazelle running from the cheetah for its life when you get out of debt, you finish baby step three. with the gazelle intensity and that's three to six months of expenses, then We turn off the intensity and we move from intensity to intention amity and we do by bishop
four, five and six simultaneously that fifteen percent of your income going into retirement. That's what's goin like you, a baby steps millionaire and about twelve years following this plan, your input MA and the kids college. If that's applicable, and you didn't sell them off baby step six as any other money. We can find the budget we're gonna, throw at the house in the average person paying off their house following these baby steps is doing it. We ve been doing for thirty years is doing it and about two about ten point two years in our baby millionaires study. We did have millionaires, some of them had followed ourselves, some of them hadn't. They were doing it in about eleven years, while show the point is theirs and intensity for that. First, three steps to get out of there and get your emergency phone in place, because until you do that you're broke. then you're walking around in a culture strutton like you, got some money, you got no money shut up, you're broke quit acting,
you shot you're broke, and this put known the crap has got to stop and jane you ve been here in this thing in baby step to where people are struggling with motivate yeah. You know I get it all the time day they go in my ear. In my dm direct message, even in our financial peace university class, I get the same question which is Jamie. You guys did this for seven and a half to eight years, how you stay motivated and you know at first day by Can it give like, like the nice, like well, you got it yet back to your? Why and and all of this- and I really got to thinking about it. I was talking to sam about it and the more people Ask me it kind of frustrates me because there's to be no other option. You dont get joyed frustrated, theirs When salmon I we're getting out of debt, there was no option to not do it it. It's a must. I have to My life will never be what I
to be what it should be, what got wants it to be? If I don't do this so so this idea that well, maybe I'll do it, and maybe I won't cannot exist. Small intellectual exercise, its exercise, you ve got it, that's an emotional visceral decision, jack I must it's got up and enough. what he can do that for you. You know you listened to the shower. You come to a lively event and in well like that for you, but you ve, gotta stoke your own flame, my buddy Lucas, Did you talk about this? He said on, you could be us work or you can be a flame and you can tell them france, by when the wind blows maybe you're a spark. The wind blows immediately. You go out just like that, but if you're a flame when wind blows you get you get bigger, you get more aggressive, you get larger and more fierce and an appeal. Talking to me and you're asking me: how can I stay more motivated, I'm sorry to your spark you're just you're, just a little,
muttering spark and you've got to do what it takes us called you people name. She called you a little spark you're, just a little sparrow wimpy bar in the moment. The wind blows man, the minute you have to dip into your emergency fund. The minute something happens, you're ready to go. Well, I dunno. If I want to do it, I dunno, if it's worth it to their rooms and stuff, it doesn't work. What do you mean? What do you mean? You don't know if it's worth it to you, do you? a change. Your life or not. It's that simple, if you're waiting to feel motivated, you will be waiting forever, because that is completely mythological. Motivation is not an external substance. it doesn't come from out there to take you in here. You know what Things have kind run into this over the years me teaching it to the same frustration, blake thompson, old producer. He now runs olive remsen networks yeah. He used to do these comedy bitch and he created this comedy bet that we would play on the air com debt at all, and it was
Still you could take that would get you out of debt if you just took this pill, be out of debt and that's what everybody's looking for they're looking for a magic hill, you know I was wandering in the vitamin ion. I ran into my one of my pastor for incision kind of loud and he yells down the aisle ramsey no pill owners gonna help, you gotta eat less so good. Your weapon magic pill, that's gonna, magically make this easy. During a reason, doesn't exist limited. What easier is easy when you finish easier when you finish jeez you, but let me tell you this, I mean there's other side of that were people but met. This is hard right. Paint do his heart, worse learned to do hard, but can I just say it's also It is also hard- is not being able to afford groceries men. That's hard, that's hard. When you cup? And you don't have the money to take care of your kids? You don't have the money to spend the gas to go visit, a loved one in the hospital in talking about myself that That was hard, that's hard to stomach, because that reform
back on you, you got my god. I've been an idiot with money and income Harrison just saying comparison it easier to sacrifice to win so that you don't have to endure those the things he lived like no one else, so that lighter later and live and give like no one else. Disobey no discipline seems pleasant at the time the bible says, but it yields a harvest of righteousness. Listen you're, going to pay a price you're going to paper, we you're pay a price of mediocrity throughout the whole scope of your life in your lives, gonna shuck suck perpetually. Yet, I'm going to pass regard little still waiting on the government to fix your life. That's humorous and europe were either go, live a life of mediocrity, Keziah, half but do stuff or you're gonna pay a price for a short period of time and you don't like you, on fire and be a flame. Not bark alibi. Guideline like this and a lot
you are going to look up. You know Dave said the stats on getting through baby step, two most people who get through baby steps, one through three, it's two and a half to three years. That sounds a lot like a lot when you just say it, but man that is just a drop in the bucket over time. and some of you have been kicking your student loans can down the road for three years. You could have been done in you could have been done and let me tell you the just was shamed. When this thing kicks back up, you are going to regret. It start today start today, so where's that come from it comes in believing the best way to live. Your life is free and it's worth paying the price to get there. That'll give you the motivation sure want to change. My family tree, look at my kids' eyes and have a different set of values. A godly man leaves his inheritance to his children's job. Man moving season is heating up. If you're changing homes, it can be exciting and maybe a little bit stress,
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james, charles, our producers there on the rams, you show has abolishes ball. She named like thompson. He likes to brown noses balkans. So he dug up the old debts clear clip during the commercial breaks, and so will you know the death All of you didn't catch it. It is the the only way that you can get out of debt by taking a pale are illegal nash, his syndicated talk? Radio host Dave ramsey has often said that there is no magic pill for getting out of debt. Well, sorry, MR ramsey, but there is- and it's called den det nalls a one hundred percent- all natural drug that is guaranteed to control your spending and control your desire to overspend one pill a day, and you will no longer feel the need to spend money. You don't have. We have created this drug because we care about getting on the pill. That cares. Minor side effects may include, fatigue
headache. My head nervousness sore throat, explosive diarrhea insomnia. I can't sleep, drowsiness recur, stereo were horrible nightmare, so gastronomical trauma omar hallucination that rabbit just said, my name, chronic halitosis, whoa, a slight cough and a runny nose. Dental brought to you by the credit card association of america. credit, the easy way out. oh wow issue is changed alarming that that's a twenty year old bit my bad as still funny now, but I found it to be funny. He did some others that would get you cancelled now, oh that one that one's possible, though alright here we go, jade warshaw and personality- is my co host today in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage, omar and Angela are with us, hey guys. How are you I even while doing? Well? How are you better than we deserve? Where do you guys live
up the street in nashville tennessee. Oh just around, welcome neighbor good to have you and how much data have you guys paid off? We paid off a hundred and seventy five thousand five hundred forty dollars and sixty one sense for now? How long did it take twenty months? Well, and your range of income during that time. During that time it went from a hundred fifty thousand two, two hundred and forty five thousand. Why in twenty months. By get a job that would be Angela, ok, excellent. What do you do for a living? I'm in house attorney for a wealth management firm and I'm a project manager for consulting I bogle your killing and great income. So what kind of debt was this one hundred and seventy six law school, there is some law school that there was some bad schools too schools school and a couple credit cards and balance on a car. Nokia very cool are who tell us your story. How did you get started on this rambling stuff and why twenty? months ago
so we ve been married now for two years and their way through It's actually as of four days ago and this journey started. Actually, when we got engaged on in november of two thousand and nineteen little did, we know how much the world would change a couple of months later. But for me personally, nothing will have you take a really deep look into your If in your finances, in fact, every other aspect of real life until you decide you're going to get married, and so I took a deep, diving you. My finances took a strong look, it's sort of what I had left and dumb. Thankfully, my brother had taken F p. You, my dad, is hosted two sessions at his church down in florida. So was pretty familiar with. You dave and I decided to do was to take your steps on a test run with my personal finances before we got married and in about Eight months I paid off about seventy five percent of the debt that I cried before it carried out. It works. It absolutely worked on the budgeting app you work it actually worked, and so before we got
We had a deep in one of several deep financial talks and let her know that this is a path I really wanted us to go on and she typically accepted. solid angela. How did that change? How did you what that journey to get on board with that yeah. So marrying a crazy man. I mean he got married december. Fourth, two thousand and twenty in that same month we started our budget. You know have to aggressively pay off our debt, and initially I was in a transition of my career. I was going to make more money and make you really gonna like take me belts and our belts, and so it was once I started seeing those balances go down like oh Ok would have these like check ins with each other in his egg. This is how much repaid in the last couple months, like oh Ok, you that was motivating that debt snowball just seen the debt go away and, as our income grew thinking about like what we could do for ourselves far family for our future. You know so just seen. dead, go down, just really motivated mean, so this
ecology, aspect of the debt. Snowball really does oh yeah. It really does yet every month for me just checked in other. Oh my gosh, I came We did yeah pretty amazing yeah, so you get married. right off the back into the covert mass, the beginnings of a depends on who yard some fischler. But yeah, but I'm in december after the world. down in march or april raggedy ann, so while wanna time and then, in the midst of that you're still pay off. I was that europe. Seventy five thousand you knocked out o more may not pretty incredible married and, and then its game on, and you start shooting Walton is turned up the heat even more we also have been in some ways covered was next blessing cause I had nothing to do so is very easy to budget maya. Entertainment budget was, of course the zero is as Eric was his ears. He could possibly get it out. I'm eating our thing was not a problem. There was no place like out nodded
not at all, really become a good cook. Any took advantage of the student long pause, I'm guessing! Oh, I was alone we have seen it was always a media was real. It was tangible and it just made that balance just go down so much faster and it was motivating to say the least, to say something to the people who are waiting say something to the folks. I like hey, I'm taken advantage of the you know no payments. I can put that back in my you know spend it on something else. Talk to those folks for a minute. I want to say I'm I'm very grateful, first and foremost that I took advantage of that period of time because we saved thousands upon thousands interest- and I think if I did my math correctly, a lot of student loan servicers aren't collecting until october, so you have months to go. You could still make a huge dent, make a lot of progress because I'm you know the the nerdy law student in me. We I listen to the arguments of the supreme court just last week and it's not looking good and dumb. I am thankful that we may decisions that, whatever ends up in washington up on those courts. Steps doesn't really affect us to go there. In control of my life, now search search
or a power couple man I mean, I feel it through the glass. It's great sorry! So now your brother taught financial peace university. Your dad did it a couple of times with the church back in florida. She kind of was hovering out there, but now you walked in both of you yes and have experienced this as a married couple. Tell folks if they were They offer a hundred and seventy six thousand dollars and twenty months. What is the secret? to getting out of that? Well, I'm sure However pinions my personal one, is you have to tell your money where to go? I still use the every dollar up to this day, as we still have a gulf moving forward and dumb its. If you dont get. Your money or monies gonna, take control of you and you have to stay focused and he can't get destroyed Did you know there were so many times where we were like? Oh, we could do this or that or someone has some other advice and was like nope. This is we're gonna do until that balances. Zero were not doing anything else, so you just have to stay. Focused, don't pay attention to any of those distractions. It was shark refer
one was hard won. It was worth it. It was so I have what is allowed under. Never and absolutely rather tricks. Your work is going to go. You guys were allowed yaller, you're, amazing, very breyer products whose your biggest cheerleaders but dad and brother oh yeah, they were very good. Her parents were wonderful and we have our friends here. They actually started after you on their honeymoon. Go. Oh, that's romantic, not, and why the girl, guy, she's, a very fine verve and I ve got the living, give bundle freely, baby such millionaires book which you're, probably there are about to be there soon and that way. You're going with this income and this this level of focus excellently. Total money make overbook creating avoid financial peace, universally membership for you to give away. So
You can live some other! You can give some of it. That's why we call it the living, get bundle proud of you guys, think well on well non your heroes, Omar and Angela Nashville honoured seventy six thousand dollars pay off in twenty months, megan one fifty eight to forty five km What's your dirt british group a three to one where the one hundred and seventy six thousand hours we're approaching five million dollars already paid off on debt, free screams, and it's still early in the year this year alone. This is the ramsey show the look Life insurance as one job too place, your income for your dependence. If you die, that's it so If someone tries to sell you high cost life insurance that doubles as savings or an investment strategy scams
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Sixteen thousand dollars, or, alas, end of it you all to individual you can do that without paying any taxes amount, seventeen thousand and twenty twenty three. The lifetime gift limit is May your natural state tax exemption amount and art the person gave the give two doesn't have to pay the gift tax, but if the values more than sixteen thousand give tax on the amount above sixty thousand, would be eighteen to forty percent to give value, and although gives your tax exempt. That's not the case here. Shall here's the thing, I'm gonna bat. good money that that car that you gave away was not over sixteen thousand dollars. So you got no gift action orbit. you want to find anything they want it found anything and innovate I can give an individual without filing a thing up to sixteen thousand dollars last year. well. I gave in thirty two thousand okay. Well, then write a letter and have them sign it. You are married if they were married this
you gave half a car to the wife and half a car to the husband and have them sign that that is the agreement you're still under sixteen thousand per individual mom dad's that want to give grown kids money because you ve got too much money. You dont know what to do with it. You could I I give sixty four thousand dollars so much gives daughter in law. Dane and sun. Sixteen dad gives daughter in law sixteen and all amazon allows for different checks, all Sixteen thousand you're still under sixteen thousand individuals individual and that has not met Couples are not individuals, when it can either the egg. A couple is not a unit. It's two people in their steel, in terms of where the tax law looks at its best, you can do- is work with attacks pro that up to date on the latest tax code had ramsay solutions, not gum, slash tax, pro we'll get you can that was our someone who's Ramsay trusted to do your taxes if you have a complicated return and check smart
Acts at ramsay solutions, not com. If you dont have a common, get in return and will help you with a very easy piece of software, very inexpensive. To follow your taxes, you gotta love, it Matthewson Columbus, ohio, hey matthew, welcomes the ramsay thanks. How are you better than I deserve what's up in your world, yet so I just switched rules, to another organisation. That is a state run agency. As a ten percent of my paycheck automatically goes to the state retirement fund, and then so I was wondering I have an option to do for four three b or for fifty seven be both pretext or raw. Can I put the five points and then one or both of those funds should I put just the wrath I would put an individual roth IRA. Ok get
Ok go to ramsay solutions that complex on smart vesture, and just do you Individual roth. Because you've got more control and more options than the four o three b. If you don't do that, do the o three bay for fifty seven just deferred comp, that's a different program. oh yeah, and that the temperature mandatory- I take it in your state, yes you have any control over much as invested in. I can do so. the three options on that side. I can do an alternative where I can put them into. I can put them into the funds that I want per se. I mean they have so much fun and or a traditional pension or deferred contribution, which I think I also get to select from a variety of hay. What a not be your see, you pick the mutual funds and what you're looking for we should gestures spread across four types. Yet growth growth in income,
aggressive growth in international is what you're looking for twenty five percent into each one. when are you vested in the restate? When do you have? That is your own, that you own it. If you left you could roll it. If I, if I go to a I it's automatic, match. They give us a m supposedly afford. Percent matches. I went with the air sea, but because of the agreement, the you stay retirement phone company. I get only like eleven percent said yeah, it's ten plus a lover that would be added to my fund perfect away Why that way, you own it and you control that increases your chances of your probable. becoming wealthy. Far beyond, some state manage crap I well done marry again good call, good question. Thank you for joining us open forms, a triple light. Eight five, five, two to five thomson toledo Tom! What's up, I don't
better than we deserve. How can we help maggot, hey sixty or sixty one you're lulled by morgan, all my life, a model. my we are that free accept our house. Waiting on I've been that way for quite a while one, goggles we're trying to be good spirits. But my question is this: I retired, and no nine I've been doubled. I want Matt to work for the state. Got about. It looks like a dream. about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars come to maturity. When I johnson you find money market account? Because no stay retirement, I owe about one hundred and fifty thousand on our house. get paid down to about a hundred and ten before retiring. Sixty five, what I do with the two. Fifty one to pay off the house or
what what? What would you suggest aside from that money market account? What's your network right now, we ve got a guy about sixty ninety thousand dollars and a breeze. and then we ve got our emergency fund for four months. We've got hush bond gonna find her you totally farm job. I would say right now, we would be then the thing in your retirement, I'm suddenly at three hundred to three hundred fifty thousand looking at how much is in the slush fund. the source bond is right now, six thousand dollars. We have about fifteen hundred dollars discretionary funds, monthly work,
that's why I said we're going to be putting fun. I'd. Do a thousand dollars extra a month against the house. When do you? What what is the the money? Is it truly a money market account? you don't have invested in actual urge one what they call it. That's what appears called it in time. Tired wants already, I can have a check every time with them, so nobody knew not have invested better than a money market accounts as a money market accounts been you one percent right yeah. No, I can't I can't do it and pull money. I remain inside it. They don't come from other investment, an option contribution at the ceta. It's still stuck to stay and bright put in it still stuck at the right yeah. Ok, they not have other options other than just a money market that you can move it to inside the state programme. now. That's why and the third com, but that is above and beyond as different contribution.
our contribution to ten percent and mine employers contributions. Fourteen percent defy glasgow it onto the and so the, but the question Usually they have more than one option that you can have it parked in to say it only has to be an money market is highly on really like, I think you're wrong. It's that Ok, I want you, You can get that invented better into some good. your funds programmes you if they have other options while it sits- There are two: could he have five more years right? How much do that and then take a bunch of that. Ninety thousand and a bunch of your great income, of your house and about a year here? Ok, like sixty one which have applied for youth, though that big Ninety thousand dollar account the sitting there at it. You only own one hundred and fifty that's sixty grand you've got a slush fund. You scratch together some of the nickels out of the couch. You start throwing your income out of your budget at it and let's get that thing knocked out. One percent on a money mart. He could have put it in at high yield
savings account number that don't have it stuck in the album that retirement programs, EU state run are dumber than a rock. You never know so I don't know what they got. I dunno what that is, but it's even the stupid ones have more than one option, usually so I'd I'd, look at a really well and good, but let's just try to take that ninety and pay off the house. Yeah! That's the thing! This is a ramsey show the hey! What's up guys, it's cheap? If you love the show and want a deeper dive on your money journey, we have a weekly newsletter that gives you trending and helpful articles and tips on following the Ramsay way, just go to ramsey solutions, dot com today to sign up for our newsletter again, that's ramsey solutions, dot com to sign up for our weekly newsletter, hey it's james producer of the ramsey show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2023-05-26.