« The Dave Ramsey Show

Couples That Work Together Succeed in Achieving Their Dreams (Hour 1)

2020-12-16 | 🔗

Debt, Savings, Retirement, Insurance, Career, Education

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the corners of Ramsay Solution broadcasting from it on the car rental studios, it's that Dave Ramsay Show where that is down cash? Is king in the mortgage has taken the blaze of the Bmw how's the status symbol of choice, because your eye Ramsay personality, number one by selling author, is my collage today we're taking your questions about your life and your money? Open phones triple eight, eight to five five, two to five: that's Tripoli, eight to five five to two five, you jump ahead and we will talk well balanced
for those of you didn't get on it, but the goal planner, the twenty one go planner by Christie, is completely so loud and others not gonna, be anymore ordered. That's it we're done clarity placed the rapporteur and those sold out. The notion that we already party went that route, but the Good NEWS is the living. True devotional is forty days to get back to. You is doing strangely well hit the ball shower list and this thing is powerful yet, since such a pain point point for people and its really has come so much out of not only my own experience, Dave firstly in the last six to eight years, but also on women, I've talked with all over the country. All stay is of life, whether they were outside the home inside a home run their own business there, a mom of liberals. Are they dont have kids, it doesn't matter, it's just so. he to lose yourself in your own life, and I know this sounds kind of weird, but whether its lose yourself in your business or trying to your career, or maybe a really forgot season or you fill you, lose your identity and just the difficulty of it all. I feel like we
I'll go through that, and so that's why I was so excited right. This devotional because its forty days, so it's very easily just a boy. It's not a big commit minutes. Forty days too be reset and refocus on the truth of who you are and what God says about you to really help you get that since that you ve gotten back to yourself in who your created to be so. It's been, joy to see this now out the marketplace and here the feedback and see how gotta talking to people through this, I'm just so grateful to get to do it and you know walking through the emotional or spiritual impacts of the economic shut down right and all the career MP drivers, impact in walking through the the fear that a lot of people have had over the pandemic issues and it is a good year to have an eye. Rearview mirror yes in this matter away to clamp down on us
an accelerator make sure that twenty twenty one is in. Your are. Twenty twenty is in your rearview for completely so coming forty days to get back to you, it could be that getting you're getting back to you after experiencing twenty twenty year- and I think that's interesting as even if you are a person of faith- and you say: oh, I know my identity is who I am as such, of God we still, things in our world that get a sense of identity from so our work. It's like I, this is who I am. This is what I do and you ve seen. Some people lose their jobs to surely they lot, they thought they lost a piece of themselves in a difficult time, or even something employers are being social and you're, always going in euros with friends, are always extroverted, that's a part of who you are, and you didn't get to feel that it during this year, as you were, you know maybe isolated lonely in a shut down, and so there's all these things that are arson. of normal, is sheer that were removed and we're going. Ok, what's left of me who I am I outside all these things that are found joy in and they weren't bad things, but it gave me
sense of who I am now? Who am I when those things are not true anymore, and so I just I love this opportunity to dig into scripture to remind you in any season. Difficult seasons are awesome, seasons This is who you are, and this is what God says about you and I think it's just a great message into a new year, wealth for sure the devotional Living true forty days to get back to you, you can check it out Rooms you dot com, ten dollars they are almost all of our books. There is well should be sure and check all that open found a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five abigails in Springfield Missouri High up What's up? not much about you better than I deserve. Haven't you are you an me? My husband are just starting out The programme were a baby pre baby. Upon we're getting everything sorted out, wondering what kind of bomb advice she would have for someone starting out member what you would recommend and everything will grow
regulations were honoured to have you the tribe here, I think it is up happening is yours. The first step. The first thing you end up doing is to try to figure out where you actually are and and I like making a list of your debts and starting to ride out your first budget, where you are actually going to tell your money what to do and make it behave, and you know then we're gonna. Give you a clear path that we call the baby steps to walk through may have heard of that already. I think you ve been doing a lot of research I am curious what led to you finding David the baby steps, Abigail kind of how'd you get to this point. actually fall. Someone posted on with one of the case both stated that all that remains Julie go hearing on and she would sharing her journey and how they became that free and talking to her and she offered to send me to start a book
anything and then January Youtube and all for the last day he's getting more and more excited about it once call among or do not want to see. Someone else do you know you see someone else on the other side of being that, for you, like all, could I do that? You know that's awesome there. Maybe maybe I could have that happened to me and I think you can abigail so well again, welcome aboard, show you're, gonna shoot down to your written game plan D, written budget, and you ve already seen that stuff on Youtube and lay out your debt snowball and begin to attack your debts. imperative that you and your husband worked together. All of our data Christie shows that couples reward gather almost any part of their life right there more effective. At that part, my parenting careers right building, a business or whatever I mean if if you guys are working together, just makes all the difference in the world, and yet that means one of you not a spectator, yeah, yeah,
it's interesting too, because I feel like that whenever you are having these come Essential, typically, have one that one of the things that advocates that she said I'm getting excited like. Oh good cause the excitement, motivation The long way I ve got it, I always hear you say this ABC gotta get fired up, you gotta get mad sick and tired of being sick and tired. You can wander into debt. You cannot wander out so emotion play it a piece of ass. You can't me just indifferent and get out of that, like you, gotta actually care, because changes hard, but it's interesting in marriage. I think a lot Hands what we see is there's one per Its excited are on board on one person that is less and less excited and I think that's cause if you start having conversations on the front end Abigail, where you and your spouse or time. Ok, what are our goals? What would our dreams? What would it looking for us to be set free? What could we do if we did have payments, and then you start out excited together. You both start out not only communicating on the budget, but also with the enthusiasm that you both need to bring to the table to actually make the change. Your cause, you're gonna, but Europe must under some stuff, can be hard guess, you're. The motion choices differently.
Then you ve ever made in Europe. We also have to live like no one else, so that later you can live and give like no one else. It works but its heart. This point does that we teach is extremely effective. As a very, probability of you succeeding, but Only to the extent that you budget into it now it is easy to understand what we teach to do. It is hard to change your life right and its interest. Wishing to because we are, I say, like of all the people, the millions of people that have become to free- you know using our programme, it's a mess. how nice furthermore gone man are really miss. Those payments are really Spain and debt? Not they never look back with regret, and so
you could see what it will feel like. On the other side, it will give you that motivation and enthusiasm to push through the heart stuff initially, because it is so worth it. When you get there very good, will you keep Lisbon Miss Abigail order to help you call any time if we can help the honest journey? The issues that I ran for free,
last it was one of the best decisions of my life. That's what Neil ELM said about using timeshare exit team to get out of his timeshare after the resort refused to let him out, listen. I've said it before. If you ve tried selling your timeshare and can't if the resort refuses to take it back, call timeshare exit team, the people, I trust, call eight for four: nine, nine, nine exit or time share exit team dot com, pressure. I Ramsay personality number one by showing author is my co host today: open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five lindsays in Portland Oregon Islands. You, how are you I do think that the high, what's goin, though
and we are wondering we have about twenty thousand dollars extra and we're trying to decide if we should use the paid on our current mortgage we should put it towards money for a future how to do a down payment. Put down the girl mortgage have to sell contingent whereby contingent. Our market. Do you have to go in like that's really risky not to do it today, anyway, so bother you do it might not be that way that that has driven, hot. What more can be in the market? Slow start a problem at all, so the you show your house anyway before you, by how you have to show contingent anyway, no nine, if aid, I don't want you can on Tuesday in House play much. That's on one,
that's why I show you got here in the house anyway, so and you, get your money back. Obviously, give you the money when you re thinking by removing move out. Tell the house role. into the new house, your daddy, that is up to house payments of his plan of yours, Denmark, would never tell you to sign up for two hours: payments new chance so on an up. You know Six months later, you're still Craig into house payments. No, now we're gonna win it, oh god! No! He really got a disaster showed no, no, no! No! No! No! No! gotta get soldier has work. That way you do you do it obviously winter the, but I wouldn't tell you to do that, and I personally wouldn't do that. You know you ve gotta be able to get them. you just can't sign up for to have its course.
Never tells we run into problems with people. People there in here ensures financial profit because they did that, and so it's just made me super o Leary over the Paul is weathers. Paul is in Jacksonville Florida high Paul. How are you Are you very exciting to finally be cocky deal you too, here's a baby so I am governments away from me. Try and zero. Until now, I'm fifty five years old and I You do. Retirement come out of a bad day He had a lot of. But I'm through months away. the question is
the best thing for me to do. I mean to invest money to do. I have no idea, ok, well, I teach you to do- is to be dead free than your neck, all is to have emergency fund of three to six months of expenses. Why? and what you ve done out. You start investing fifteen percent of your, come into retirement, home No, I do not. Are you planning on buying a home this kind of funny guy, we married. my mother, I got married to she always her home. So that's where I am ok when we We are married and we have a paid for House ok, you want brigadier, you got there,
Well now you can't you guys back there All the way they have, you have combined your finances, parkers you're, using a lot of her, and I statements here like we got separate things but now she was married and obviously I was married before when we went into the relationship she wanted a printer show that We did a lot at the end, that does not prohibit you from working together to leave your drink. He s a printout was not like your roommate. We urge the word that I used with her one time. We got you into a discussion that and she she has her that she wants to keep.
this way early because she said there's no outside for me. You know we can every day an issue shopping Third Anne. She should make far more money than I do. Ok, I I think you're gonna struggled to bill wealthy answer because it not working together is a central. It's one of the data points that we see with families that become wealthy. Is they work together? and they over, I only wounds in the hearts of the past. In order to do that and you're either go talk to you, you can do it or not do it, but I that everything we know about what we do says: the couples together have a much higher probability of living their dreams, because they are sharing their dreams, and this is now just financial like it when I hear it in his voice day like this, is I whether it's because
she's been hurt from past marriage. She wants to protect yourself in this new one, but but there some distrust. Now even just at the financial level. That is, I think, playing out and the finances and to me, that's worth digging into Paul with a councillor or how are we going to go about its not just about the numbers and who made it just which account and who has savings or pay for house it's like if yoke your team in a marriage, that's a bigger problem than having separate bank accounts. I just I would say, aside from the obvious financial benefit that Dave has already talked about. I would dig into that because even here getting your voice, it sounds a lot like her and me and we're very separate type of language, and that's that's a little bit concerning to me but but Assad from them. The answer to your overall question, is you start investing at ease? you don't have a house payment and I'm guessing. and I haven't support kids in college, or you would imagine that than yours Do all you can do
your your most. You have taken the shortest path to building your own nests egg, which is to become debt for and so normally would push it baby step forward. After but you don't have a house payments. I really your baby step, seven and so on get your emergency phone implies your gun max out all retirement, the junior trans on MAX outer Roth Irae, with a smart vesture pro max out your a one k at workers. Should your self employed of you to look at a form of a simple I re there or a sap depending on your situation. Smart vesture broken helping with both of those depending on your income. You can really chunk, bond for money away quickly, You be amazed how big an estate in ten years from four devout restrictive out that you can build now that you know any payments, and you can focus on that and concentrate on that. It will be it. be much more efficient and have a higher probability of winning
You'll go ahead and deal with the issues on the relationship is well. It Christy's talking about this again. We we do not see people winning at this. So let me just bag approach because it feels like a gun this twice already in the shower. Haven't I something like that. When we studied the millionaires over ten thousand of them, we did in depth research and surveying and questioning of them. One of the things that came out of that law- It came out that were not a surprise, and this was not a surprise. But what was a surprise was the how high the percentages were of. Spouses working together sharing the dream: one dragging the other one along one of not. you're not treating their household separately
together we achieve our goals. Together, we set big dreams. We both dream. We both fight to get there and that that unity the power of that unity was apparent in the note in very high person. in the number millionaires that we at researched over ten thousand up, and so it's not like that. The date is inconclusive its conclusive right, and so you can you do it without working with your spouse, yeah, you can do it, but Europe, Europe, Eighty percent of the people that make it don't don't don't they worked right so you just and they end they credit their spouse, as one reason is that they are able to get things done.
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for sure I Ramsay personality borne by selling off. There is my couch today open found a triple eight eight. Five. Five two to five John, is whether some Dallas Texas Agent, welcome to the driver amnesia. I'm sorry, dude at a great time. We help had a question, disregarding our career change, I'm considering so my wife and I can only work into the big stats almost paid through. All of that we will be by next month. So really excited about that, and I can say to you guys on what you can My question is, though, in a company working right now, and I make really good money really happy with it, but about a third of the income that it get from the job is in the form of stock grants. Restricted stop units on the star doing well performing well learning a stable industry, but you know the base,
Where is lower in and I'm currently considering another position at another company. Also, opportunity it would it with technically DEC for the next two years, maybe pay a little bit less, but it would be a much much higher peace commission package you just want and have that the stock, that comes with it, so I just want Are you sure you don't want your guidance on. You know how you'd help someone determine lady was path to go down from a financial perspective, prolongs the stock, restricted. I'm so it's gonna be investing over the next three years. for years and I get to cash it out every quarter. So it's it's a sixteenth cash out every quarter on for the next two and a half years, so it it's gonna be about and it's gonna be netting around ten thousand dollars every quarter after taxes. So what are we gonna sure? What is your income now counting the stock, counting the stock it as long as this
his words out next year. My income will be around two hundred thousand, and what would you can be at the other place about sixty to seventy what for young? What are you in software cells? Ok, Ten years from now,. Your ten years, older, your kids are ten years older. Which one are you glad you did. probably the new company and considering what that I think there's a hum, there's more career mobility. It's it's a bit of an early earlier stage, company on United I had the opportunity to advance faster. You know, and I think that the company that now I don't like the idea of so much of my income units about a third of my income arrested on a single stock. Doing well now agreed lot risk there
and then the other is your and sales if you add value you're gonna had income writers, so I'm in I would talk to the new company and say: look I am struggling with this and show me how what what I can? to add enough value to get my the two hundred with you. What have I gotta do to cause it to happen and anything if they give you some, you know that get just show the path that how an ad so much value that you are smiling when you pay me two hundred right, like that, Maybe if you bring it, you know if you work for me and you bring in a whole bunch more money, and I share some of it with you. That's not there's no downside of this equation, lustrous and so that you know that you, you get control your destiny, So ya think you answered your own question. You take this job, but you're just work that you work for a clear path, more than a vague sense of I think I can get my income up give the
Give you some structure on how can do it and that's not really a sour you negotiation is just can I add enough value, and then you know what got to do in its well. If you do, you know, if you do good job will take care of you know, that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about? Tactically specifically, kind of numbers Johnny to generate so Generate two thousand origin income from me What kind of wonder what have I gotta do. That's good for you, guys that makes you really happy about that end. if you add a that's, why I think that one of the points that you made it good, because a lot of people go into salary negotiations with I want tax or I need access or I deserve acts bill. Anybody really cares. What they care about is what you're gonna do for them. Don't you gotta do for the company, and so when you come and say what can I do it's against a personal responsibility angle? What can I do too to this for me and for you- and I love that angle, because every leader of any organization has gone. Ok, there go get her
with personal responsibility there, taking initiatives and what's cool, is then this initial conversation Jain like at a setting the foundation for potential relationship with this company. Your letting them know where you want to be and where you're working toward it's not like. You worked there for three years wish you may two thousand are gone well arrests which showed it got there that we didn't know used at this point. and in his path from the get go and then with working toward it together, and you make that intent very clear, put it on the right posture. The reason I'm taking this is. I think this is a wonderful company and other he's got feminist upside potential. I want to be a little less vague yeah. If I and so with you talking there and so what there is. I want to know that I can add value to my beyond the day. Talking about but I can be more valuable than that to you and that of I've sold more stuff, I've executed whatever of created relationships have led a team. What is it that I need to do to be valuable?
the organisation to that level too, four thousand level and I'll tell you what I'll tell you Then then it's not a matter of how they promise me for six months. I'd better answer right now. They promise me when I did this not did you do it right, you did it than there. Then you're gonna get the money unless they have not got integrity yeah so that that's a whole think great great great stuff ya. Take the job It's in Alexandria, Virginia high government welcomes the diver amnesia payday thanks for that sure what's up so I just finished college last May, and I recently started my job and its time to an old fool and actually benefit, I am currently on baby step number four and I'm calling specifically that life insurance, my cup, offers. A cool universal policy up to ten times might come about, two dollars a month. Now I'll get it short. If you don't, buy universal, like policies.
So let me, how can I remind remind us? Why aren't you forgot? Let me tell you why? Ok, so that you know, do you not to do what they Ramsay says, but here's the thing they have a built into them, an investment side of it you're paying extra to get the invest, portion of this sucks. The other thing built into a unit: policy is the life insurance side is what counts a r t, an annual renewable term, and what that means is the portion of your door that are going to life. Insurance goes up every year get older, so if you buy up Insurance policy. That is what we would call pure life insurance and a party and annual renewable term? No one! that in the financial planning world anymore, but they still all out there, that's purely this is what it this is what it cost to cover you at thirty two. This is what it costs to come You are thirty three. This is what it costs to cover
Thirty four! This is what it costs, because it does cost more to cover. You cause you're older, in your more likely to die statistically, where he'll tables and they're gonna up, how do you twenty dollars x is going to life insurance, and why is going to a bad investment next year? X? Is the when the life insurance is larger. So less is going to the investments, to the point that if this is whole plan? Some day, the entire twenty two dollars will be absorbed by just a life, insurance costs and they'll. Be. and going to the investment and then worse than that. Instructs take out of the investment to cover the fact that you're even short later. If you keep it years and years and years nears news which apply wouldn't do it's a group plan, it's a piece of crap, don't buy, go get life, don't get fifteen to twenty year level. Term life insurance, cheapest way to handle your life insurance needs, and when you look your company. If you ve had an medical problem, you won't have trouble getting
parents, because you already have insurance, and so you need to avoid that stuff, so notice it those andor insurance dot com, yet a quick, easy club and you'll just do a whole lot better. There. pretty two problems without equation: number one: the Universal life product is about product and explain why number two You got your insurance at work and, if you get ladys or have a hard problem or cancer scare, and you leave work. You can Ten minutes does not go without you, and now you get your uninsurable when you leave
can't get your new job. You can't get in church, so you always want your insurance, or at least the larger portion of your insurance to be independent of work. pretty ride. Ramsay personality is my co host today, open phones, AAA eight to five five two to five Linda, is in LOS Angeles High, Linda welcomed that I am sure I will be very
I just went into a channel for the first time on Youtube and I'm hearing people ass with life, though I really need to meet it, its ongoing almost going through the horseman, because Actual issues bottom line, as I was a single mamma to Boy- is why you married The single mom I was here to lose my kids to the street. I made them a promise and told them better. Stay, went to college full time As long as God bless me with health and explain, I would financially take care of them while they completed school so late, there under the deal it got accepted the truly great schools I wanted to underline to keep my individual problem. Is I got remarried and my husband completely again helping them financially there now he too, I'm sorry twenty. On twenty one one had once the master less. Did you see what I'm sayin you? The next Had a year left at usually show you shouted them all this time. I have spoken good
and he doesn't wanted a minor and their almost done and he's objecting to you finishing support a hundred per cent. contribute financially to our family, because he looks that I can should be taught my children, but just a mean Why did I was calling about? Was I dont ask to find the right people looking for my children, you'd never had to contribute anything towards their school towards if their expenses, but his frame of thinking out, I'm not going should be to the family, if your contributing to your children that already over twenty the cat, string and they need to fly on their own, but I told them. I made this promise and I just really want to finish by them. Like it, it's the kid or marriage, so I'm just would literally he just moved out a few months ago and unjust, unjust, literally torn because I dont know what to do. But I am united. What to do? I want to continue helping my children there, I'm sure, I'm sorry yeah, Linda I'm just come here,
sorry you're in this situation the hurt and when I am, whenever you're not ready and no you're wrong And he told me all the time to them a christian woman and tell them that our time, your Christian, to submit your husband and if I don't approve Let them help you your money out if your husband's doing cocaine and wants you to pay for it and it You spoke to submit to me. then? That's not what the Bible shouting about? Ok, so does not mean endorsing misbehavior. Ok, that's not what it means at all, and so you can probably needs to get a little better, Babo Study going because he didn't understand that concept. but an he probably needs to get the idea that you're supposed to like serve each other now What I'm interested in and
number one. Let me just show you. I don't think this is gonna go well with what you described. Thank you. I think I think you're on the path of your urge ending and let me help It is not because you supported your children. your marriage is ending because it was not built on mutual respect and agreement. Your marriage is ending because you had made a deal prior to getting married. He knew about that deal. and after getting married was not. Ok with it, and try to change it and punished for and punished so your marriage is not ending because your supporting your kids he's naming the narrative that way to trot a box you in two your choosing between me and them. But that's not what happening at all. This, That's not all this has to do with him not getting his little way and that's what's going on its increase
when manipulative as well. He might us like to lay on really cities say that you have to choose between a supporting dull child or me is incredibly knew before you got married yeah. He he is the one that is spinning up this narrative and put you in this position. That is not actually what's going on and he put in this position, John did not put yourself in this position. So if you're my little sister Linda, I would here's what I would tell you tat. I would be sure you are seeing a marriage counselor and if he wants to go that it would be great and have a mediator to try to help you guys learn through how to communicate and to work and navigate? things we disagree on. Ok, he won't go. You should go anyway, because you need someone in your corner, reminding you that you're not crazy and you're, not wrong. Ok, ok, and, if you're, not my good church, get him one
and you need to get in touch with the church staff and sit with a pastor and Then, what's going out, so you ve got people praying for, that love you well and at our explaining that, Mission does not mean endorsing Miss behaviour. our endorsing bad concepts. I've been married. Thirty, eight years as a believer as a person of faith. And I have never one time, told my wife. She needed to do something because. Then I wanted her to do because she was supposed to submit. I dont have to it doesn't come up and because we are in agreement were communicate. Were navigating the decision making to gather, and she knows I have her best interests at heart. We don't know that about your husband He does not seem to have your best interests at heart. He seems to be selfish with the story.
told anyway, so now, you're, not crazy, darlin you're, just going to help And I am sorry it hurts and it hurts to be torn between. to be put in a position to feel accurate, torn between two different come eating relationships and that's not fair and it it's wrong especially there's no way he doesn't know they're still happen prior he'll come into this plan now, so so heart hurtful so hard. Here's what I will tell you. out. There seemed like we ve got a bit of a marriage. Our you tonight Clearly we have experienced this that I use proverbs thirty one alot who can find a virtuous? Why, for her work as far above rubies, heart of her husband safely, trust her and he will have no lack of game now ladys. That means virtuous. It does not give you permission to
you the Holy Spirit. That's not your job! virtuous and your kind and your thoughtful and you're you're, smart their entrepreneurial in your energetic and your adding value to the conversation. And one Sharon Ramsay. Does that but caution have done there for thirty. Eight years is one of the reasons were so vastly freaking. Successful here is that that pulling together that thing that unity thing and to discount the voice of either spouse is just it's so destructive, it does not work in. It does not cost success yeah and in Its- using two, how I feel like there's like what I, yes, and so those conversations from Linda like he wants to be spected. He wants me stability whatever, but he's not taking actions that are worthy of respect or submission, and any time any man throws run. You need to submit to me because the Bible says that's a red flag
they are going to say that, because the man that you want to follow are not mean that a throne that around and it's not the way that you love and lead and a marriage using that language punishing your wife, I'm not gonna, contribute to the family family financially, because you're doing something like this in I think that one of the things that even just we're gonna time at this implies a lot's emerges, not just the woody peace in that communication, peace, but the respect, peace respecting them, persons voice, respect values being willing to lean into the conflict and have a conversation until you can get on the same page versus I'm just gonna do whatever I want to make decisions at the rumours of size without being in agreement and right This moment we have a decision that children are not in agreement on. And so when we're not in agreement, but we do is nothing. That's right. You know that Let me look well too bad see you later actually go. Do it. I want you, that's it. That's such a healthy thing to sit in that package.
The person, I love you enough to work to this with you, because I want to do it with you right then not with you. Why didn't you tell me about that? Please, but we just you know if there's a charity and ministry we're gonna give to one or two: They'll get about we don't until we do enough researcher, get more options and both of us either don't feel good about it. They are about to start to feel good about, and then we can move forward, but we have to have agreement
Ford on major financial decisions. When you don't you're, gonna struggle financially got our grossly well down. Thanks have any friends childs in Calais and the both well done. This is that, every time she shall have a friend or a family member, the needs of daily those Ramsay advice and their life. Let them know about the Ramsay call other day, part gas. It's a quick of advice about life and money and under ten minutes check out the Ramsay call. If they were ever, you listen money, isn't the only thing we talk about around here? Get life changing advice on your career from my good friend and career expert can comment on my can com and show, according to a recent Gallup poll, nearly seventy percent of Americans are disengaged at work. If you dread going into work every Monday morning and you're just trying to make it to the weekend, it can com and show is for you. Everyone has a sweet spot. You're sweet spot is at the intersection of your greatest talent in greatest passion. We will help you discover what it is you were born to do and then will help create a plan to make your dream job a reality. You matter and you have what it takes join the conversation on the CAN Coleman show here more from the Ramsay network, including the current common child. Where ever you listened about gas, hey, it's
producer of the Dave Ramsay show this
Transcript generated on 2020-12-21.