« The Dave Ramsey Show

Contentment Is the Key to Winning With Money


Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss:

  • "Should we buy a bigger home?"
  • "I have $300k in student loans and can't work,"
  • "How much of our money should we save?"
  • "Should I use savings to pay off my student loans?"
  • "What should I do after inheriting a house?"
  • "Do I need Title Theft insurance?"
  • "How do I fix my relationship with money?"
  • "How should I invest after selling my house?"
  • "I took a job but they lied about compensation..."
  • "My siblings don't want to honor my mom's trust,"
  • The stupidity of day trading,
  • read more: What Is Day Trading and How Does It Work?,
  • Our mother-in-law wants us to get a HELOC.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I from other quarters, ramsay solution, judge ramsey, show we help people build wealth, work that they love, you create actual amazing relationships, cruz, ramsey personality number, one best, selling author, the co host of the smart money happy hour and my daughter is my co host today: open phones at aaa eight to five five to two five, that's triple eight, eight, two five five.
two to five jonathan as weathers in morgantown west virginia high jonathan. How are you. Although they were better than I do very well, you just the same sir. How can we help I've known your voice probably twenty years now hum thirty one, my father, listen to you as I was a child. I strayed from the path a little bit. College, but we're back on it. Now we paid off about a hundred and thousand and that in three years one baby that chick. I got married point. Seventeen. We are now expecting our sports child in february how all this is for turning five next month, and agnes anc that's kids, under five.
I know I'm the eldest of eleven, so the more the merrier god will provide a manner, but are our houses twelve hundred square feet we'd? But you know what we can afford back in twenty seven. I worry, has gone from about ninety two one, sixty years since then, but my wife really once more space for the ports. Kid are not the only twelve hundred square feet were wondering if we should this be content, pay off our house they go from there or if we should look at buying a bigger house or look at remodeling options. Are we really liked the location we're at in our property? We've got five acres out in the country, the kids, love it and Now this is really men looking and wanting more space, and I'm wondering if I'm vienna, cheapskate and Wanting to be content with what we have until we get it paid off, so
you're mine, Jonathan, once you pay it off, would you be open to moving then? I suppose I suppose I would be or what big enough money to do a remodel. We get more space which are household income him My wife is a stay at home homes going mother of our kids. I have a mining engineer in degree. I work for coal, mine, mother supervisor. My salary want one after bonuses last year, but Margaret was one sixty network? This network is or fifty right, now all we have is one fifty on the house and it's probably worth two hundred or two twenty somewhere in that? Can ah I've done a lot of. Remodels in my real estate life- and I would strongly recommend- with that many children under the age of five that you not trotted or remodel there would be a murder
yeah, it's just one of my wife's concerns yeah. Well, I think you think you like the acreage, and I don't really blame you for that and that many kids twelve hundred square feet, pretty tight, like it's an unreasonable. We. Thing to say you know like or not being outcomes oh opulent, or something like that to try to move up a little and house gonna get a little bit more score footage censure can have this me chickens in the coop and so on there, but I you know, it might take a little time to find a piece of property that our house That's a larger on a piece of property cause you like the acreage and again blame you for that. I, like a little space myself. I can stand these things there crammed and on top of me, but but anyway, I gather that show you who make enough money to sell that house- and up into more square footage. You just gotta, be careful
What are you doing so that you don't take on too much house and the payment of no more than a fourth of your take home pay yeah, I think John and send out your wife- and you guys know talking like hey. What do we once the next five I have to ten years to be like in our home, where we want to feel like. Do we want the freedom of? Do we value more acreage, because I know when you're you know when you have kids like that yeah you're growing up, and their able to run and do stuff or do we value and neighbourhood, where there's other kids and we can all play like you, you guys have to really figure out your values and which you guys want your home to feel like and be as a family. And then your house can work, that, and so it may take some time to find something that meets both of those. But that's what I would try to kind of figure out in you know, and maybe in a season that you gonna give up some acreage to get some home. We are bigger home. Just two, through the kid years they once they had middle school. You know you can even move up again. Art or chain location. So a house isn't
every minute? It's it's us. Obviously, a major purchased and a big life move you gonna be wise about it but began. I think you asking can definitely afford something. More you want to guard against folks is and job in trying to do this by asking the quota. Is this idea that just always move up and always have a mortgage, I'm going to always have a mortgage. I might as well move up and I'll just move up and move up and move up and it can it falls in the same bucket of oh, I got a two hundred and thirty two dollar a month raise at the office. So I'm going to go, take three hundred dollar car payment right? You know, I'm not That's not what we want to do. We want to go the other way so harm, but you know I don't think that You know you, you didn't call me up and say she has a four thousand square foot house and she wants a six thousand square foot house sure you know your comment. She got a whole bunch of humans and twelve hundred feet there, she's homeschooling. If there's room, I mean like that. Yeah yeah,
very justified, and so he would be, could look at adding onto that current property, but I would advise against brewing rehab. While you live in a house with a bunch of small children artist, I think it's a stressful, I mean we've done minor renovations and I didn't like that. It was no fun so building houses. One thing we're not living in it. That's different project as a whole. One thing is how the measures over there somewhere, but if every night when you shut down to eat dinner, there shall dashed on your blight. That starts to be old fashioned and they didn't and they just seem to drag out forever. So I would I recommend that just as a lifestyle decision more than the issue of Might also over build the neighborhood, you might overbuilding price range alek stuff, but which is what a lot People do when they add on. But you know that's what do you think the things consider its up contentment is a big deal,
we often say rachel and I and every other the personalities that is one of the most powerful of the financial principles. If you're gonna be content, you can get out of that. If you can learn to become, and you'll always have margin in your budget. If he can learn to be content, you've got money to give and be generous with. If you can learn to be content, you've got a margin you can. Put your money to put an investor ash yeah yeah in an hour. other end of that. Also wanting a level of space with these get you know like which leaves which she's presenting, isn't, in my opinion, does, contentment it's more, not equality of lying incursion moments! Guess we were alarm marginal small googe terminus, just my gosh, I keep all the grand kids and we got a big house and it's not big enough and ways dragon
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for sure. You guys hanging out whether shoveling it helps does a view that was recently, and that is what we wanted. The way you guys do, which all did covering the budgeting stuff was really good. Well, yeah. We, while we wanted technical staff- and I think that's one thing- that hard, especially these payments coming in october for a lot of people there at their money. In their like I mean I I don't know, I don't even margin right now, so hopefully as kind of walking through an shown you examples of what it looks like the guy. What it looks like on the income side to even looking up investing how much money that can bring back and each paycheck. So we are, we not really detailed in it, but I think norman you, every dollar apple actually built a budget live on the finance, pretty cool. Yes, I am did the link. I think it's up still a rooms was never comes. I student loans or on, or you can watch wrongly tube. Ok make sure you have to check it out because we put out put it out last night,
hoping that you guys direction and also we're heading there chicago momentarily and will be up there to do more common friday, night and all day saturday, if you're in the chicagoland land area, don't ever tickets get get em bought the morning session. The first couple hours on them couple of money talks will be aid and george and they will be live stream for free. You want to pay a thing you can just watch the year the start up of saturday morning, smart conference and so make sure you check all got ramsay solutions, dotcom slice, events and again friday evening and shattered I if you're in Chicago, if your and want to catch the LAO stream in that shouted a morning. It will be live and it will be jaded, or just a little bit from you a little bit right now, not in the afternoon. maybe a little bit from everyone internet video that says that allow your number when I'm doing a little intro gases are ilsa jake
is an shreveport hide jason how're. You I'm good. How are you today, better than I deserve. What's up, ok four years old, I am classically trained, opera, singer music teacher, whilst many seven, I was working on my phd. I had a good while caesar that year, an extra other grandma caesar. I was diagnosed with epilepsy. That's forward to twenty twenty I've had my second brain surgery. Three weeks before we went into lockdown therein. They remove temper My brain among the men in terms of the epilepsy, but there is no for epilepsy? It's never going away. What is not in the way of my students. Learn that so, when I got it, and by a house. They factor in one per cent of that type, amount as a monthly payments that I'm not making
cause. I'm on an income driven repayment plan, and I have tried to file for the total disability discharge and was denied. Why? Apparently, well because they said that my my Epilepsy wasn't severe enough. However, when I went through the disability process, it was there tired, gynecologist, making the decision as to whether or not I would be sure you're not on ass. I saw you're not also security. I am now. Finally, they took permanent disability. No, it was not permanent. I have to read re qualify every three. The five years I'm waiting on the next canada paperwork while a retard cause. Just didn't do that that an get you Edna s, I well You had to have yet to be another medical, professional professional in that part of the story right. Well, I have a neuron. I haven't a neurologist alike like a college
and then they gave another paperwork for the for the shall security administration to approve the Assad disability, that's correct and your ear. You're a denial on the student lunnon idiots was before you go this as I approved. No, no, no. They said my aunt condition, was not severe enough. The answer to that question is on not stopping. On that note. Your disabled earn up. Ok, ok, the answer is, I'm gonna go congressman senator I might hire an attorney. You got three hundred thousand dollars wrapped around your neck. That's not going away that should be forgiven, then how much that it, as jason yeah That's how much I have in mind my wife, my wife, so I have hundred and ninety seven thousand men stood alone that starting in two thousand one, my wife also has an additional two
It has her doktor, that's correct you do for a living vine she's. Now a college professor, making what she's a ten year track profess. Making fifty one thousand dollars. She just got this job this year we just moved a month ago the really good job for her. Now I was hoping, I have the same kind of position, but without my exit degree that helped me with this cause. I'm sorry I'm struggling with fifty one thousand, and we call that a good job so tell me how this works out at your she's on a tenure track maybe she's can we make it a hundred and twenty in three or four years later the final number, but once she's get granted tenure and seven years, the income does go up drastically and it should go up incrementally between now and also
well that that will be one thousand phd teaching at their university level sounds low period with others tenure or not. I agree. I agree it, sir. It's a tough one! there. Ah, no, it's not that I mean tonia, not that's not right! That's too low! other phd are teaching at the college level make a lot more than that. That's what I'm planning so. I don't know about whether this is the particular university she got on with, or maybe it's the degree field? I don't know, but so the answer to her two hundred carrying over you gotta, get your income up and get rid of the answer to Three hundred k is good. Cod is half a million dollars is for you to go after these guys disability issue, because I mean you ve, if one that done with a disability with them is to get if they so Security administration is declared your disabled and put you on s eye that should be the ticket I shall just right up. Forgive it now. Is there a difference of their not being per
in that the fact that he has to reapply every three to five years you have to you have to look at all the time anyway. There you know if you become and disabled you're, not you know you, you lose that, but that. I am telling you now: I'm spending some energy and some time with senators congressmen staff an attorney and I'm gonna get this com. If I'm in your shoes, I think I think that should be forgiven. That's what it's forming upon deaf or ability federally ensured student loans, but disability. Isn't I feel bad disability as these social security administration, as declared you disable and that's I gather that that's the definition for purposes of turn, loan forgiveness and that standard programme. That is not a Joe Biden. Helped you out that's been from day one. That programme has been there while nation, I'm! So sorry, you gotta raising this. What a horrible process all had been through and these
the launch of just made it worse. So man, that's awful. And at risk of sounding like on piling on him cause, I'm not, but that that should that come up of phone call show should be a warning to some of you that you don't go two hundred thousand dollars in debt get your phd to make fifty grand. Ok, those numbers, don't work and you dont go three hundred thousand dollars and that to leave europe. dream in the opera world because you could end up with a man what condition and end up in a mass on it, probably isn't. Even that lucrative well, I mean it is. If it is surely it's it's, you know, but it's like anything else in the music businesses, percentage that make all the money in a percentage that wish they did the arm show, but the either way the you cannot bat five,
hundred thousand dollars on these tracks? That's not! This is what get you in trouble because then life happens. and you end up here and castration, Oh sorry, your letter, I'm not picking on you but the rest. it take a warning from this. If you got it He had wanted to go on this track. Tell him that no we're not doing this out! This is the ramsey The I say it all: the time dead is done, when cash is king, but when it to life? Insurance cash value is crap cash value. Life insurance is a high cost product with little to no return on your side. called investment, the main benefit is fat commission checked for your agent term life. From zander insurance is a much better way to protect your family future zander shops, the top come needs to find you the most affordable term life rights. Then you can use what you save compared to those cash
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exactly yeah, it's easy to say: let's just live, the returned in Emma the two of us combined make about one sixty five one. Seventy data, but I'm forty, two, ok good good! For you, guys, Weldon, millionaire and so I take it. You inherited some of it. The way you show the way we got it. I guess from you lost someone yeah there's some weight will offer them, at a very young age relatively to where they should a bad from somewhere away from shore. Thank you well, but the workers are obviously on our own as well. We didn't yard and just built from Europe up to a million without doing any work ourselves. It should definitely proud that we were at least a chunk of the way there on our own yeah. Okay. Well, I mean turkish baked there. She does a lot of work on contentment, the two things that sharon I'd do is
one where we have to learn to look at ratios because your emotions can't keep up with your wealth building. It may look at. You look in a few years: five million dollars. You don't feel like you. If I mean are you feel like when you had fifty thousand your emotions, don't keep up, ok and so too, to circumvent that we had to say our eye, He can afford a ten thousand dollar crews. How do we know we can afford that with o here's the burnt in the middle of the floor test. If I took them much money, and I made a little fire in the middle of the floor, and I burned thousand dollars. Would my life change? No yours would neither, by the way, show. So I can go on back our share. You can go on that cruise. I gotta go whether so shall yes, we can
That decision then cause basically were burning that money right. It's gone proof we enjoyed it. We experienced it, it's a good thing it. That is why we work Work will live like no one else, so that you can live like no one else showed that ratio. I look at ratios and so, if we're going to buy a car for Fifty thousand or sixty thousand or what are a hundred thousand whatever it is. If I drop the car off, We with no insurance, does my life change. No, then I can afford the car for non issue. Mathematically does that make sense Oh that helps me too. Been money that my oceans don't feel like. I should do like culture motion say things to you, like you used to say to other people like no one needs a car. that match nobody. DR somethin, like that. That is what people say. That's where I came from that neighbourhood right. You know who agent
but I had a guy make a fifty million bucks, a friend, a mom pull up in a dad blame water ferrari or whatever the flip. It was four hundred thousand bucks. Ok, but fifteen million last year showed him drink, getting afore hundred thousand dollar car is like ok, If you made a hundred and fifty thousand, you bought a four thousand dollar carts same ratio, it's a non issue, but it's just hard to is your head around a four hundred thousand dollar car? I can't I can't grasp it, but I helped me grasp it. If I look at ratios what I'm always doing? What's the ratio on this and can burn them the floor? Second thing that has helped me as we make sure at all times we are doing three things and rachel. I taught parents to do this with their kids at all times. You should always be increased. your generosity, azure income goes up. You should be increasing
investments as your income goes up and you should be increasing your enjoyment, your lifestyle spending as your income goes up and we at china usually percentage on that. Every time I get a big picture, from the publisher for total money, make over agate big ol checks on that cause thing still sells like crazy. Why get, big old check in I've got an automatic percentage. Forty percent for taxes, ten, percent proteid, so there's fifty percent gone. Ok, then I've got the fifty percent. How am I going to allocate that I'm gonna allocated among those three things, a percentage that way set in our formula. You make up your formula. We made up hours, but a percentage of that fifty towards life. dial, a percentage towards investing in a percentage towards increased generosity b? the ties and shower always giving more were all enjoying more rose, investing more in that case
the imbalance to yeah yeah I mean that's, that's well saddened and I think to brain. What's helped I would say, my husband, I over time is, unlike we ve learned to live so significantly below our means, just because it's almost like those litmus test of like we're fine, we don't want you to continue just to consume and consume and consume that, even if the money is there, so we Who, though, look at per se, you say my percentages and weave up to a wee up our personage. A few percentage points is not a ton honestly. maybe per year, every two years as we're doing our budget month to month, and we looked- it's ok cause we'll be able to enjoy x. I hear what you're saying you like: if we're working hard and we have the ability to enjoy some of it we want to. So for me, I find more enjoyments personally in me. Of the data day stuff. When I can like up the grocer budget a little bit and go to coughs, go and buy a few more things or go by ignore,
well was like whatever it is like. These are very small percentages in our budget month to month. That's where I see enjoy. You know that babies up seven life, but But it's a very small percentage because over time to you're gonna, learn like stuff is stuff and there's not like you, being an outrageous amount of money up that it's right or wrong, but there's a point that it's like you didn't get you. If you think it will have time enough lobster tastes like show yeah, so I mean like there's that, but then the big purchases is another thing. Brian, I would say, is for you and your wife to still have a goal. will you be saving for something, and once and I was our house who moved in a nineteen november nineteen, and we went problem we like I'd, say price six, seven months without any thing that we are working towards a flag, as we were soon tired and been years and years and years of that goal and honestly with because we got to this point like six months after moved in- and I was like, I thought- sloppy with our money a little bit like those we're not working towards something and hour. Now it was a pool and we're just now. Starting that conversation for four years
in five years in the making, but always have a thing that your kind of look towards it. Just keeps you with those guard rails. yeah, baby, cept, seven, that's what that's what I found so up in your percentage of lifestyle month. You know throughout the month in your monthly budget, per year a little bed. I think it's great to enjoy some of it. You have to build the emotional marshals, by intentionally doing all three things with some kind of a system and because People that we shall get in trouble are someone that does only one of those in abandons the other two there, how generous give everything away and they killed this land, the golden egg, or they they put everything in investing in. They have no life and their wife leaps our culture change, you know or we spend it all and we ve got nothing in investing in other more generously while that most people, and that that you know that. not one. You have to train people to do usually, but
normal when you have been very disciplined to have trouble. letting go of money for enjoyment that is a normal human reaction it has helped me that I'm, increasing my generosity that it gives me emotional permission to enjoy some of it. On the other hand, and a child to do the baronet them The floor amount more, a budget still Brian. I once and I every month we said we still true Our transactions, every dollar like keep a pulse on it, because also allows you to Ok, we have x and not to eat. We're gonna go on a really nice date night right. If we have some money there, so that budget all gives you that permissions to say we're we're not going crazy. You know, nothin's out of control gear this is what we want it. So I would still encourage the budget even on baby sub seven, because data date decisions it allows you tat gives us up permission to spend and it worked Brian Obregon gotten rituals mother, where she can actually spend money now, she's, the world's biggest taiwan.
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m currently living in my grandmother's column. And I may potentially soon have the opportunity to purchase it m, but at woman. I have I've been working on the baby, I fairly new I've paid off credit card. I have paid off my car, and I learned my stood alone that data about customer thirty, three thousand and I do have savings that I and working on for a down payment on a house and general before I knew with accountability. I could purchase but the whole I'm living and now I'm gonna have a bout if any six thousand I was going to just pay off my student loud good, but people very close to me. I'm people I trusted baby
telling you it's not a good idea for surely paypal, you trust our swayed limit their broken. It is a good idea. You should pay it off now immediately. Why today they next week the opportunity comes for me. You purchased out I then you shouldn't by a home or you have stood in london, ok,. In the hollow miss corny. Is it your? Is it your grandmother's home that you're talking about purchasing? Yes, So there's no is isn't a major timeline russian that it's it's a confusing situation. I spoke no but she may a nursing home care soon and she actually transferred the home about three years ago to my father and his sister, my aunt, and so
She needs a nursing home in the next couple of years. The homeward still begin, the on the medicate five year looked back period, so they would have to transfer back the her would have to be so for fair market value. Those things like can't by the house yet in the left, her condition keeps wars and she needs to go to the go to a nursing facility, which why is she going to medicare nursing? Why she going on welfare? I I'm not that I'm not sure if she broke she has he does not other than her home. If she were to transfer back and from where to buy it from her, she doesn't have much assets or income. As my understanding, okay, You're you're not gonna like this, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. Ok sure you, your boy, buying this home for a fair market value, and it's not a home. You would have bought your only doing it because of the situation and it got thrust riding front of you if you were just
walking around living in a one bed room apartment. You would not bought this house and if your pay fair market value, their zero reason for you to bite the eighth. It's a nice. It, but ireland. What I just said is true, isn't it I I know I know I disagree because it is an area looking for purchasing. Does cuba room, then it what I'm looking for. So I think that I can watch urges that okay and what will be the value, a cap that is valued at about four hundred and fifty thousand. And what do you make I make about one hundred and twenty thousand a year. Okay. Well, so are the the thing that we teach is the shortest right way to wealth, and that would be an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses should be dead, free pleasure,
on payment before your purchase, a home and If your purchasing a home that way, you would take no more than a fifteen year fixed rate loan, where the payment is no more than a fourth of your take home by I'm, not positive that hello fitch in your situation. It might but that's, la house you're single, and how old I'm twenty eight. I mean you currently can do all of this, but I wouldn't, ever do it unless it those guidelines should I was talking about and you do not I have a down payment, plus an emergency fund plus being dead jaunt twenty three thousand last quarter after you pay off your student loans, so I would kind of figure out what what an emergency fund be for you and I would say that if you have, will job your single, no kids. You know you're in that situation. I would lean more and the three month side and save up three months of an emergency funds. Your attitude, now, minus thirty, twenty five voucher. You probably got your emergency fund yeah
have largely fond debt and handed down by a down payment, so it's the house. You won't courtney, I mean you're gonna buy. It will not today what I'm saying if she's its if her health doesn't decline- and she doesn't have two million dollars in yours, but on parliamentary yeah, that's right! That's right! But right now we wouldn't encourage you. Regard list of the situation, a family or knots get your. and a position relative to by that and there are some guidelines on the medicaid and look back on the five year looked back, I the fair market value. There's also a certain number of dollars that She is allowed to keep out of approach principal residence. It used to be seventy eight thousand. I don't know what it is now, but you got to get some solace. Gotten some information you, you might have from the law firm of Google and google, but you might want to talk to actual elder law attorney and actually find what you can do, because my guess is fair market value. I'd want to know what.
Definition of that is and this situation is it because that that she transferred the how roger you can't move assets out of your name. In order to look like you're broke to qualify for welfare, medicate is welfare, and if you go to a medicaid nursing homes for broke people that have no money, and you can't sitting on a four hundred thousand dollar house and I, like your bore, ok, so that that's it principle will now in a to your kid, which is what grannie did intuition and a daughter. In order to I did, they have a five year looked back and if they You did it with intent to hide it. It's called fraud show it's a big problem, in an ideal world? What you she? Its if, if you do, if you are in the situation- and you have apparent that is needs help- Then the new sell the house and take care of take the four hundred fifty thousand dollars and go into great nursing and with rare exceptions, there's a difference.
a medicaid, nursing home and a regular nursing home right, there's a difference in government provided housing. Anything people listening out there if they find themselves in this situation, the the the right best thing to do for the parents- for them is to sell the house and take her there. an end use that money to go into an earnest put amendment or should have your job is not about medicaid look back and how we can hide. our grannies assets, so that we can put our own wealth and were not saying courtney that that's what you say now that that's why the medicaid looked back. Is there s? My five minor look back is to keep people from fraudulently hiding assets and, and they can, if they I find it they can undo it and what she saying is her family's going to bring it forward. They're not trying to hide it right is not doing it fraudulently. There ok, which, within the looked back period, so we have to honour the guidelines of the programme and that's the proper thing to do, and then you have to use that money before medicate kicks and that's the way it works.
Show. This is why you get long term care insurance and you build wealth, show but Courtney. I I always resist situation where the timing of the whole thing for my family perspective is good for everyone, but you And this has got you ride on the bubble and show if it works out to wear you're a mother's a couple more years and you ve got time to pay off your stood alone, have an emergency fund and other. on payment and the payment on a fifteen year fixed as no more than a fourth take undertaken. And you like this house, then go ahead, but I and I won't argue with me I'll. Take your word on the fact that I was wrong about you being forced this thing, but it's it's six hundred thousand dollar house. You be out strong option for you, even if you liked it
you could qualify for it thirty year, but I would tell you don't do it you can afford. It showed that that are the shit menu either everything in this story is on the edge saul on the bubble bubble, but bubble. Bundy, usually we find korea to just in general. When you're, making big purchases like a house whence usually the largest Just that you're making your lifetime is when things go wrong, there's not a lot of options. Sometimes you can make a bad decision, one of the most peaceful ways to go about a big purchase like a home is that there's lots of options you have the right to pm out. If you don't want to it, just gives you a lot of freedom and a lot of power courtney, and I think what that what you're saying day was when you start to get pushed this corner of like this is the only thing that I can do. Sometimes you too I always make the best decisions so just give yourself the permission to be released from it. Do the numbers figure out with figure it out and if it works for you, then that's great, but just don't be forcing something don't bother. Ouch with a student launched on the books,
after day and then there's works or it doesn't I'm sure Why should we should remember rachel, it was ramsey personality number one best, selling author co host of the smart money happy hour. My daughter is my co host today: open phones, a triple eight eight to five five to two, five dylan, is whether in miami high dylan welcome other ramsay show it has, thanks for having me, twenty two years old and I his graduated undergrad gotten The next day. My wife life- I don't have any debt, but two weeks after our wedding
my mother pops away, and now I'm shall sorry it was an unexpected, too Yes or no yes from the fact that she decline so quickly, she died at sixty one. She left us her. I re which have about three hundred thousand in it. And then the main reason I'm calling it because the house that she laughed has sixty thousand dollars left on it. An undersea wandering should I what I'm funding to do is rent it out, and how Winter is paid a mortgage, but I also have a life insurance, which is, I got ninety thousand worth about this kind of sitting in my bank account. Should I just go ahead and pay the morbid
I have completely and then have about passive income or or what would you guys do wow, I'm. So sorry, that's completely tough! Two weeks after you're married to make all these decisions, I wish we could she. I wish we could slow down okay You airs the thoughts that pop into my head. Ok number one renting property as a landlord is not passive income. That's humorous! That's crap from tik tok! Ok, because there's nothing passive about dealing with renters. I've got bunch of them have been. I am planning to hire property eyes a matter. It's not passive is a very active. You I have a factor in your life called render it just partner. We renting europe
mom's home and they're, going to be in the home. You probably grew up in right, right, yeah, yeah, that's weird! Emotionally it's hard so that that's the number one thing should show. Can this be done? It can be done. Your twenty two, your brand new married, in my opinion the last thing you need is the hassle of a rental property. But if you're going to keep this and give that a try, you should pay it off and because that will lower the hash. All you all know a payment anyway, and so tat little take the insurance money. The checking down by the mortgage off I normally wouldn't like to make that decision on that property that quickly, but I will tell you like the current, the right, the home rachel Japan is now in my rental portfolio. We cap it it is weird
lived in that house in twenty years. It is weird over to that house with other peoples crap in it still emotionally. And I'm a landlord, a bunch of property, and I grew up in rural estate business. I've got a huge advance. Moreover, you aunt em. All I've done this a lot. Ok twenty two that your first property. I'm warning you that the first time that day. screw around what the house you grew up in they being the tenant. Ah, it's gonna be emotional, for you just be ready for that. No one who is never gonna be the same smell the same in there again, and so all of that so, if you wanna get a professional, probably manager- that's great you locally. And where the houses, but I suppose I'm about I'm in miami houses in the centre of water to bear.
Like longest landlord either? So I know Gonna tell you that it was all motions if we had a little bit of time to digest all of this. Might just sell it, but that's even harsher thing letting a runner began it show its an automatic thing that a twenty two years? All two weeks after your married, you ought to be a landlord That's not an automatic thing. Ok, shots not a thing you probably shouldn't do actually just in the quality of life for you, but it stroman your lap, and here we are again if you want to try it just before warned that this is not its not passive, your gun. have some emotions around us people and smells being in your house no pats. I love pets. Where am I we're things on. The planet is my little dog but no patch. not a momentum language. We call him thousand dollar catch, they devalue your house ten thousand dollars when they put the gardener. Ok im. So sorry, sorry that work so that
some pics bearing on their inaugural, you done for you and your wife, where you guys that financial- and I said you have no debts obviously have this three hundred thousand. Our irish from your mom are you do you and your wife do all rents? Do you own a home where you guys Renting were were just kinda, getting started, financially are combined. Income is probably around seventy or eighty came out, well assertion by you house now. How much is that? How much with the house? How much is the house worth? Do you know right now? It's probably worth two fifty, maybe three hundred jobs I was so, shall stand by your house. and when I say that out loud two weeks after you got married, your mom does that's very harsh for me to say that hard for you to hear that and think about that. But five year from today you having this is a rental property verses. You in your new wife, having a new home to live in that that's a much better wiser decision and
yeah, I'm! No, I'm asking a lot for europe. Processing, and you know how to make this decision today. Dylan and you don't have to do it because I should do it, but animal give yourself some time and kind of just you you try the renting thing for a year and I was so pay it off, and maybe you look up in a year in your wife, like man, we wanna get settled somewhere where you have a great that that your mom left you, which has such a gift- and you can use that gifts to continue like assuming that what a beautiful thing that she has you guys. So maybe not right now, but maybe you look up in six months and thank okay. We can make. We can this decision. But for you and your family now going forward you and your wife, you can really uses to jump start you guys if the shell had no emotion tied to it. If it was ass, if she had as a rental property, you would have sold already determined you weren't you weren't ammo, by bombing my brought a new house, you won't be going, I'm gonna break.
And yeah, but she has a rental. Let me say this: this may not be Dylan's case real quick, but the idea of having real estates is a big deal. It's a big deal, people why a rental problem in that I should have a real and have a rental property, two hours away and be renting yourself. Yet now I agree but I'm just saying I know della I mean if I can get into a twenty two year old ted weight that the kind of content that's out there and people are saying about about for sure to personal finance will tell you gotta have a room yeah, but it's a very appealing thing right to have this court unquote, negative income, not passive, but so so there's a guy I get where you're out dilemma, but I think what you have to realise. is when you set you and your wife up really. Well, then in ten years, you could get internet if you little damsels reward and you'll be a millionaire out and Other paid for home for union a bride pact on your marriage is positively impact on health is positive impact on them
finances is positive. I just man, I'm sorry Are you going to make these decisions, but that's what I would do if I woke up in your shirt, the remedy this. So does sponsored by better help. Hey folks, doktor john aloni, here times it's hard to get our brains to turn off, and I know it talking about I'm the king of racing thoughts. They ve kept me up at night. Got me up early, kept me from canada. with people in generally just prevented me from enjoying life. If you find your start to erase it inconvenient times, a great way to me those thoughts slow down or stop is to talk them through with a trusted person. There it gives me a place to do just that, so I could get off the next. thought treadmill learn positive coping skills set. He boundaries and find some mental and emotional peace, and it can help you to if you're thinking of starting
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Ever this is a really good company. You guys it includes only operated. Mr handyman near you, today's question comes from katy in utah, for several months now I keep hearing ads for tidal theft insured. it's the ads and warnings keep getting louder. I truly that someone is not going to seal the title to your home, but there's lots of media people promoting it. Our titles and trust and that there is no mortgage on the house or property. Can you shed some light on this subject, sure title and completely bogus do not by absolute crap. how do you really feel I just wouldn't want to beat around the bush? Really, I will make sure so show so. Basically, idle fraud. Insurance would say some one, sir And your name to sell your house and recorded that at the courthouse guy
that transaction would be undone in about thirty seconds, with a lawyer gone before a judge and said person that shine that would be in jail for criminal fraud, grand theft, auto hello. It's not just stole a two hundred thousand dollar on russia orton. Two without good, they even do that fraudulent transactions. Well I mean they. Don't you The tide, honest. If you prepare a deed, yeah type one up right, and you shine, these owners named the deed selling it again and you have that note aroused, and you took that to the courthouse record of it. That's how I try, she also on property happened if I'm showing a property. On the day no record over the courthouse and the buyers and transfers none the bars name. That could be done fraudulently, Number of times that happens is very close to zero. It never happens because it so absurd. Ok, it costs the purse,
but then it would instantaneously, be caught hello and go to jail. I mean there's nowhere. They crook can hide it's not like internet fraud where they can hide in russia or something right that they have to actually I know it like they. Whoever, wherever that money went in know I mean and the buyer would. The of the property would have been defrauded as well and they're going to get nothing and you couldn't get title insurance on it you couldn't get. You know, there's no way you can get anything so title theft. Now I do have and I do recommend identity theft protection in general, because there's a lot of kinds of identity theft out there and that's why we ve had gender insurance doing that. For years we ve recommend body theft from land. I've got it on may have got on all the kids. Grandkids everybody's got it all the employee you have it furnished as a benefit genders. Identity theft, but it's not title theft and so washed up act,
This will promote anything on a commercial. If you pay them. Ok, so media figures, quote: unquote done a lot of financial products. What a gold a lot of your whole life, I mean there's a lot of reverse mortgages, reverse mortgages and you got the fawns over there doing that you know and henry winkler, and you got me at magnum- We are doing that. I mean you know, but I mean it's not like. They know anything about reverse mortgages recent project or the use of matters before they retired now I shall I mean- is less costly so now mean that these are not legitimate. That does not legitimize the product. Now, crap, don't do not by title theft insurance make a distinction? There is a title policy that you buy when you buy a home where you get tired, insurance, but it's not fast its title,
during that the insurance that they title is clean. All ways by that. That's when a standard part of a real estate transaction for fifty years ago, and now never buy a piece of property without title insurance, ensuring that the title is clean. It's not that expensive and I have had in all the I mean I won't, but to almost three thousand real estate in my life and I've had a handful of instances where the title wasn't clean, title insurance company that guaranteed the title to be clean, had to come back in the other one. Oh wow, yeah. I bought a bottle of old house. I was flipping in the million years ago and these two sisters sold it to me out of an estate and they forgot. They had a brother. so and he will not really like. The money and I haven't private in this awaited- the brothers signature and I were the three heirs to the estate yet and the title company that did the title search, missed that and didn't
certain, and so the two sisters sign up and then they had the brother shows up. Don't want his one third of my house, sir show the tunnel insurance company. They had to pay all Bertha brother of speaking ev, like trends that we're being so, this title theft, insurance, she's, seeing on social media you're, seeing all these like financial products, here's one on social media- and I I probably I am going ask you on the air, because I think I can't write my head around Try. I went on the rabbit home in time now. My account quite the ground here donors years at here's, a trans, that's out there and I'm saying it, maybe because the algorithms gives things me a lot of financial people talking about using life insurance, while you're alive by articles talk about that. Explain that, because I get people sending me these these reels and there, like. We all please talk about this, because it's a trick right now. A lot of people that are like this is what rich people do this about their claiming in the videos. Welders two different things from the rich people:
is the while they, I naturally infinite by again what they just world they just put, those always in the videos. Togo, that's actually intended there always allowing our product jewish corallina, ass, bad hawaii, The viaticum is a person I've got a million dollar life insurance policy on me and I've been diagnosed with terminal cancer know this isn't what they're talking about dollar sickness involved. All this is that just the infinite ok, so people yet do not welcome any no significant banking is another word for whole life. Life insurance. That's all in all its whole life. That's all! It is just how life you put a bunch of money on it and then you borrow your own money out yeah infinitely yeah, which you ve always been able to borrow your own money. That's not new! It's your money! You don't have to borrow it, but you're
doing it through a life insurance. My lawyer, you put a trunk armani way too much and don't you over fond that no other day. So what so you put fifty thousand not like up front and a whole life policy. You're gonna pay it yeah, and so it creates instantaneous cash value. So it's in there and targets for cash round, now I want my garage rally. Automobile lifers, only two ways to get it. Mama It's in there right right, the only two ways to get it cancelled. The policy take my money back or they're, going to kill you with these yet or I can borrow my own money: and pay them interest. to borrow my money and you can do that infinitely. So it's called internet banking, its infinitely stupid, ok, about I'm glad I ask that we all got room, we climbed a friend at the other day, he and I got to argue on the urge conflict. The absolute well, that's that's! A big thing there are, you can go and, like other little market led us great life, it you don't have to, like. That's absolute bookshop,
yeah. Ok, the only way you have a million dollars in life insurance policies. If you put a million and a half in there, that's the only way it's in there I mean, and it makes one and a half to two per cent, and when you are you lose your money, its whole life life insurance, it's the worst financial in the middle class. It's the painter, under the middle class. It sucks beyond belief. because here cloud took us here is like Elam ears like kindergarten rachel finance, so instead Take your million dollars and put it in a coup and men and live off. The answer is where your nine does a lonely. You can have it infinitely, I know, but I tell you he wants these videos and, unlike what others I live on the air he's like banks. Do this and I'm like banks, do not do this. They do not do. Banks do by all life life insurance, it's a dumb but statement that you can only make up on Tik tok coming
that's absolutely ludicrous banks by bonds, that's where they place their liquidity is in bonds and that's, That's why you're cost money goes with the bond market. Oh my god. You sleep just make crap up, but you know it's like nothing down real estate. Again, you know I've seen it about three times in thirty years it comes around nearby wants to do it and whole life, life insurance, back around cause somebody, that's you in dom decided it was cool and decides to prove They make a lot of money. I sell their products in my lab around. I shall always now the commission's on it or on godly, rachel grows. Ramsay personalities, my co host today Emma is in pittsburgh. I am aware, under the rams asia. I dave thanks for taking the call for what's up
and so my husband and I used to own a bunch of rental properties hum and we ended up going bankrupt because we listened. We had your book and somebody else's book at me. Other person's books said it was ok to have debts whenever, you're renting. We ended up being over a hundred thousand dollars worth of credit card that you know just because you things breaking in all of the houses in your home and you had no margin cause. You put nothing down and We have a family of six so little amounts to feed. and I had some health issues and I was homes. Willingness for kids so there is only one income and your lost on we. We did lose all of it. When was that emma wise. Twenty seventeen may to nineteen eighty
well. We got out. I got to the point where we could buy another house and Now, as I speak with god, sixteen I was in five hundred dollars worth of credit card debt, which I'm trying to pay that down. I've got a spreadsheet where we're down three thousand five hundred and thirty eight dollars good in the last six months. I'm, but still the total debt is with a five thousand dollar. it's on a car is two hundred and twenty three thousand four hundred and eighty dollars by count your house that kept that yeah. I want you, let your how I mean that's all your house, except for you at the low credit card dead in the year two thousand dollars pusher house right, yeah that'll yeah, that's about it one! What's your household income, its weight, sitting at ninety five and So what you call so my question is:
I finding my emotional relationship with money is bad. You know the love of money is all kinds of evil, I hate money. I hate it when you are avoiding the evil yeah they have. Somebody must. Finally, my I have. I have some family issues where my own, One family member has a lot of money. He is not a really nice person. He uses it I manipulate people and yeah. So Do you, like him more money than money, didn't make him that why money exposed the fact that he is that way. All money does, as all money does his magnify. Ok, if europe can you get money, you big jerk, if you're crazy, you get many big logic crazy. If you're, if your kind of
passionate and generous and get money you're. What we call a philanthropist like you change whole world's, because you give so much so you know it's not money. It's just you just gotta a jerk. A family will welcome to be in a family. okay, so you but you've had it so you're have a negative relationship with money's. What you're trying to make fun of that I'm just laughing with you cause you're funny. I like you, okay, so, and so it's caused a lot of paint. Emma is what you're saying money is is a place and you don't feel like you have a good handle on it, because you guys have this credit card debt and you just think, oh my gosh, I just feel like I. I have no control over this part of my life. It doesn't feel the same about by going bankrupt once know I did too and then you've got to decide. Am I going to until this money subject or is it going to happen to me and what,
but I've been going on as it's been happening to you yeah. I think you're standing emma, it's not just the money part. I mean, I think the money exe as is some things, but I think I wrote a book called now yourself. No, your money and I'll give you a copy of that area as perfect, for though it is to understand. Why do I handle money? The way I do- and I think for you and my thing gets some good kind of questions to ask herself, everything from how you were raised. What kind of you know and was money in the household. What kind of value did your parents place on a kind of walking through that understanding your tendencies, you, nor you more of a spender or savour you. More scarcity mindset are abundant. What what what your biggest You're a lotta people driven by fear. They don't wanna end up. You know I grew up, you're not allowed to have that fear said: they'll they'll go they'll swing that pendulum so far, where they save so much because they don't want to. You know, be poor like the, we're growing up and they saw the hardship or whatever it s rights. So everyone has their own their own steps at that point am being married. You haven't you have a spouse that has the all different factors of everything we can.
listed and so working together. All of that can creates yeah. Does when a creative, that that combined with the fort failure on the other part yet and with a house for the kids, are home school, the ruling out any plan to take away your confidence in your power, yet your emotional power over money, does I found it Russian right, yeah crowns the arctic What are you guys emma you and your husband? You guys do a monthly budget. We look at money that we look at the debt together yet and were to get that number when a pile you almost some stuff, how many of you every hour a premium gay as well, call because I think one of the things I can feel so out of control and people do this. They must not picking on you but they're. Like oh yeah. I just have a kind of all the expenses in my head, and it's just looks like it's. This
imaginary thing that can suddenly become very isolating can be very scary when you don't see the facts and doctor jungle only talks about this all the time that facts are your friends and I think a budget honestly works and that in seeing ok, here's are in It's coming out cause you guys, make a great income im five grands you're doing great, but to be able to say here's the plan for that. them for you over the course of time- and I bet you if you like start that this month, I bet by Jan you february. There's gonna be a level of confidence over the summer, because If you're going to learn how to live within boundaries and make different decisions and you're gonna be at the grocery store and be like okay, we got two hundred bucks this week, I can spend that and I don't have to worry yeah ands white. What do I have to? What do I have to spend to stay within that and is this practice of discipline and being control of what the that's what the budget does, and I think that really will give you guys a sense of a sense of confidence too. I think the thirty five hundred dollars in debt that you paid off is absolutely amazing because you've been beaten it,
hammer not slicing it with a sharp knife and rachel gave you a sharp knife. It's gonna go a lot easier, you're just paid god, I yeah, and you beat us not out over this. This thirty five hundred was heavy lifting you gotta, that out girl cause. You didn't haven't. You know sharp knife yoda, while on all night with a club you got it also know that most of my children or six foot tall and our food budget is sixteen hundred dollars a month, so I will not go down. That doesn't mean ok, there's a man, you can't get controller money, ok, but I I know there's places another's other places. I can cut spending I think that you don't even know where you're spending is because you don't have it all right now. Were you ever stinking data, if you be amazed. You and your husband sit down look at where every single dollar is going before the month began to give every dollar an assignment. That's what we call the Every dollar show
cause you're, giving every dollar a mission. Okay, and when you do that, you're both going to go worth the crap. Have we been doing an ama, try this united sixteen hundred dollars. That's before budget try. Fourteen hundred nor the money right, like you start practising this like ebb and flow. And sylvia work? We get extra hundred few hundred dollars here they are, I mean like it. It's amazing the the power that that really give you and to be able to cut stuff, but honestly, I think for guys getting some quick wins cause. I think it's hold. I think you said him and confident that it took six months to pay off thirty five hundred that so I won't to do that even faster now, you're gonna do a lot faster. Could around sharp managed over we're? Gonna have that, so I think that's gonna start to give you guys confidence. Think it's just rewiring this habits and it takes time been failure, failure emma and an is at this. People equates their net worth or their money mistakes to who they are and that's when they talk about that shame, is your identity, so so take those apart that you are not the past mistakes that you made your
not your network. That is not who you are emma and so there's a will there that I want you to to release that, because that several follow you and those lies will just will play a play, a tape your had that you don't need yeah, you're, doing better than you think you are especially considering how blunt instrument, azure using gap that satellite amycus awesome. I wanna give her no you're softening your money and every dollar premium. You'll love it. Because it's exactly talking about you, one best seller, you don't wanna to it's. No yourself now your money by retro, courage and it's all that not my family history, but your tendency scarcity abundance stop its brilliantly don. You will love it and in the ever dollar budgeting happen that will change everything you and your husband do that to gather and turn off stupid tv until the six voters to go in the other room on the sergeant. This is the ramsay shout.
if oaxus day, Ramsay aunt rachel cruise, and we want to tell you our number one tip for managing your money. Well, I'm talking about budgeting gas, and everyone knows that I am a huge fan of budgeting. Well at didn't always been the case, though, as the original. No but listen. I seriously love it now because, as soon as I saw making a budget. I learned that it puts you in control of your spending, and my favorite way to budget is on our app every dollar Every dollar makes budgeting simple. It's the east the way to make a plan for your spending, so you can prioritized the things that matter to you and you can get started today or for re just download the app and check the show notes for the link, and you guys don't wait to start. budgeting download every dollar and create your free account today. Do it it's the best
rachel crews, ramsay personalities. My co host today raises in EL paso texas. I re our you Dave. I told them to take mccall sure, what's up Oh, I I recently moved el paso from colorado we saw the house in hollow and made good profit off of it? are renting in EL paso, because they're not gonna, be there along and so on. I figured what to do with this scarlet that I've made for next at least five years. Probably not much longer than tower before the next proper ear or normally you're gonna, be there five years, We
We're probably only on the EL paso about three am on active duty hours there, but ok, I'm nearing retirement, so we won't stay okay night. Ninety three per cent of the five year periods in the stock market's history have made money. So if put it in a good grow, stock, mutual fun or just an s, p, five hundred, which is a good gross stock, mutual fun and leave it alone. five years. Ninety three times out of a hundred you'll make some money and this year, you what a maid seventeen eighteen percent on your my right now, you hear that here this sixties six percent of the three. Year periods made money one out of three times. If you live alone only three years, would you make money one three hundred lose money to us redemption, make money; ok, ok! Now here's the trade off how much money we talking about!
hundred suddenly girls knowledge dollars and if you lost ten percent highly unusual and either one other scenarios. losing money might be losing three percent. Ok, but if you lost ten percent seventeen thousand dollars. It does not wreck your world right. Ok, Oh I'm putting it in a girl stock mutual fund, something like can pay you can should down with MR pro, if you're going to leave it alone at least three years there is a small probability. You would actually be backwards, but you're not gonna, be backwards, so much that you lose half of it or something that would be where I like. Typically almost impossible, based on history books inside you have. I got some good it's majority of gothenburg for volume, and I saw the same things you just said when I looked at it, but I think I'm just a little bit gun shy, because it's more money I have ever known deal with before. Well I mean what you need to be prepared. Have his say: could I could I could I deal with it? What what's the absolute statistically
You know one percent of the time. If you had a horrible, you you're the abbe. worse three year period that you could possibly picked and he lost twenty percent. You lost thirty, graham you're, still, ok, you're! Ok but you're not gonna lose hundred thousand dollars on. Ok, I'm not, Really, I don't think you're me unless we got the problems in the economy. If you lose that much yeah, this whole place has got issues show on? So I fun times in my situation. I can absorb that risk and so I'll take a chance. Even if I'm not even leaving alone three years and I'll still throw it, donors should be so throw spare change into an action pay until I get enough in their Bobby's real stage what I do, but it We should in there a year and a half this year. I, what am I seventeen him percent on verses? If I put it in a high yield savings account, I would made four percent had to do preferred the hell very rarely its kites, its humorous with a go at our yield.
It's basically a cd. It's a certificate of depreciation right! Thanks for your service yeah, she appreciate that. That's exactly what about getting some money and seen seymour goes ghosts. Cool for a good start. J is in atlanta I J. How are you. Dave under one, where are you going to die better than I deserve? What's up? The reason I called in today I recently accepted a self position with a blue with a new company the details of a guy made during the interview process, for the number of employment said cap and then can was right. Everything like that does not reflect reality. The numbers- are greatly feud. The closure aid, france and sweden three percent are an area the reality. Is about twelve percent and then appointments capped is is they said,
already will cat and then they want what? Where shall? I want? A thirty five? if products product the best one of you ever seen by thirty three percent clause, right, I want a smell radishes, us all that the method, different type of outside self, along the that's high tech, Yes, it is very high and that does Ashton were like some of the sum of the actual ok, are they incompetent or are they crooked, I'd To be honest, I'm knew there and I don't know Lee. The numbers of these types of leaves are at twelve percent. is there are now, but I'm sayin you are without people working there This is what other people work in their identity.
off the board with this particular type elite, so you been able to check this out and its system wide is twelve percent. Yes, ok, another either incompetent or they lied. Then yes both are scary to work for the I shall turn down another job to take this. One multiple offered on the table, and that's one thing might be better offer now by me? I don't know that's water under the bridge now. Do you want to work there and yet more? That's a question. honestly, probably not hats- want to sound like a hundred looked out over the last few weeks I'm a lot more of incompetent and I am crooks actually, but I do want to work for either one there's very few crooks, but there out of enthusiastic ignoramus out there. You. Ok. So what are you a birch yeah? What what like you- can go in and confront them and change them.
How would you approach a another company that you had a job offer from just tell them like their shop just on the truth are discussed. amy close right and I got- over there and it with one third of it and I am so you know, and in It was almost a tie with you guys anyway, I would have loved to have gone to the I'm with you, but you know the other girl lied to me. Show. Now I mean if you The us and you told us that we would, for you like we were your second choice, but we were but it's ok, where did- and I really wanted you yeah- I mean it's obvious. You went somewhere else restored at what you do if you have multiple offer. So, even if one of those companies, as I'm sure, there's another one out there, you know- another outstanding offer as long as you're fine, I don't think you're gonna feel good about this company. I wouldn't I mean I've. Just for three minutes. I don't feel good about him, but maybe there's
information that I dont have, but that you have, but if, if I'd literally I mean I had a guy that worked here, that d did that we were king in integrity on an issue, and he quit thank you. That's what you should do you shouldn't work for people that you don't think as integrity. I actually thought integrity. He didn't. He quit. That's! Ok, I get that I don't wanna work for some violent thinkers integrity, and so you know I, you know knowing what people I don't want people work and here that think that, where incompetent or the thank you dont have to exert yeah, they should go somewhere else. I mean you should go somewhere because harder enthusiastic happy? I can enter J if you stay in that, unlike I would be, looking over my shoulder anything that they say like cut the what they say in the third cause, unlike you're, obviously dont know either what you're talking about are you're lying to me so yeah that's on forty hour eagerly work in their full time.
that's funny I willingly already charlotte north America. You don't believe in a mean yeah, please come. Business with this company. That doesn't tell the truth. You know and as such, These are clear, that's horrible to go through them on shore. It makes you might add, on any kind of feel mad at yourself a little bad because you missed it. You know I would I am not saying he should yeah, that's a normal human emotion, yeah to kind of like cow. What dumb am I you know I believe everyone. I know I'd be like okay. How do I mean, but you know I working here that was lying to me and I believed him and I like how dumb am I because I believe, the guy right but he's pathological liar, but I believed him it's my I'm dumb. You know- and I feel you get that's a normal thing: yeah yeah sorry J, I'm showing its sails job here, always go to which it air you got lots of offer your integrate was too short.
It puts us our the ram to show in the I the the live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions? It's the ramsey show where we help people build wealth, the work that they love and create actual amazing relationship. Rachel, cruze ramsey personality number, one best: selling author and co host of the smart money happy hour on ramsey networks with my daughter is my co host today
Thank you for joining us america. The phone numbers triple eight to five, five, two to five listen, medford, Oregon. I share a welcome to the rams issue. Thank you, dave and every suffer taken. My call this is the first time collar and below alone, We could be here more honoured to have elapsed and we all share a big breath. So I have a question I'm in my late sixties- and I married happily to my husband- we have five adult children. I've been listening for about a year and of what
My situation is my mom passed away about five minutes ago. I'm sorry and thank you. I'm it's been a. She was sick for a while. So you know it's still hard, but the situation is she left. We grew up on a piece of property there and she's in there since about nineteen. Fifty eight and we all grew up there and now this property is in a trust and we're all trying to figure out how to divide it amongst us, and it's just been I'm really volatile, not that I um haven't, contributed to it, because I am you know a woman, but I'm I just want to do and honor the lord and just you know, honor my sister and my brother, but it's difficult because they ve all put a lot of money into the ranch and my mom has it only the estate that she wants it divided amongst us and we kind of handing out fighter could be french than other places.
And now were here now in we're just trying to figure out so what are? What are the? What is the trust asking people to do and what is it they don't want to do I'm an attractive asset. We divided equally among or self hours or, if they put money into It- and you didn't and let's see how they go about that and they they invested it in er that benefited them in and can about an area that they wanted to um how to benefit they didn't home it they make money off. Of that you have. One was then hemp trying to grow him for for years in building up building that utilise that resources, another was then building now has a value regardless of whether home planet or not crack fifty thousand now, and then
building if they built that building with their money. Your mom didn't that should be their money right correct. If I was them that China would see it. Ok, which is, let me tell you the whole idea that they would build a building on someone else's property without having. Everything lined out and the trust in detail was pretty stupid because it sets up a big argument. Your mother and your brothers and sisters and other, but kick not doing this properly because it leaves you in a large shoved them. What is it there wanting to do the brotherhood history? My sister has moved a lot of property he has no move buildings under the property and put building on the property some of em legitimate in some of them not and then she wanted a hundred, fifty thousand per providing care for my mother, but the trust
allocate that no and then her. She lived on the property and her children, goods of fifty percent of our children time for the last five years, with no real, correct and so on. Well, so I guess the negotiating is that I assume you guys have an a step, as are who's the trusty, my brother, oh Jesus, the youngest and he saw he's really caught in this blushes argovie yeah he's yeah. I saw his job unless you guys come to a mutual conclusion. Otherwise he doesn't have a choice. He'd legally has to follow the terms of the trust weather wants to or not is only out, is Everyone agree to something different and go along with it. but otherwise he's gonna do
this up straight up. He asked too otherwise he's liable for suit. He has a fiduciary trust responsibilities, the trusty to execute them The trust. If he doesn't any I view that are the beneficiaries would have have cause against him, so share out the fact but you know that there's other you know that they've put money into it. How are you feeling are you? Are you on one side saying yeah you gotta divided up a third, a third, a third is what it says or you like. I want to be fair in this and do the right thing. I just don't know what it is. Where you're at and all of it all is kind of complicated because bob assets are on one part of the property. It's it's worth two point two, but it's hard some of its exclusive farming in so you can't really doing anything with it and not necessarily can build on it and that's the part that we ve been generous again. But then, when we research, it is, can be pretty expensive to try to What things and we have to do to live their illegal in about an hour away
like charlotte and that's that's a possibility your parents the ready to show your poor? Always we just one at the farm. You know it's kind of our weight to their credit will be. Cattle, we don't have a place for them. We ve had it. We have a couple it at the ranch right now, but we have them. so you're thinking about moving on the property or we ve been about a bet. It's been alleged nord. All the people that you disagree with all have shown that joyful, that's what I'm learned about your show. Sound fun at all. daughter, my brother, who still mad about something happened fifteen years ago, oh my god,. I would have, They have real good, solid, loving, harmonious relationship before out one live next autumn and I don't know this story you're telling me ends there shall unity sugar that part of it, but here's the ears that
Bottom line on the whole thing: let's pretend that you wanted to allow you're hemp, or other? And your sister tenant too I get a little more than you got cause they put buildings on it. in my mind. The care that she provided for your mom is offset by the fact got free ran. So that's absolute bull drop in that money from you, but she gets nothing. She already got it call free, ran and so that, then brought buildings on we'll. Take the value, those buildings out of the equation and thence What's left three ways than they get there, things back and so that we can do should not benefit. I dont think ethically from there putting a building on the property you didn't put money on it. It's their money again. The whole thing was done.
down down down down that you all. Let that that a ban we did this doing this stuff is how boy end up, not speaking each other generational. You end up of that feels unemployed, and so we are you just just die but anyone saw atwater on the bridge, but let's say that you said I we're take the buildings off now. We an appraisal, then you get your buildings, back on you. You know you got if buildings back and then I get my third of what's left, I would rita doing that and no hunter fifty thousand that exchange for the free rent? If all agree to that then little brother, the trusty, can go along with it. Otherwise he asked to execute the trust, It does not have a choice this- is the ramsey,
thanks for joining us america, we're so glad you're with us, we're pretty sure you're being here, I'm dave ramsey. Your host open phones have triple eight eight to five five to two five our guys last call about the estate. That's messed up. And the light sixties, brothers and sisters their left fighting, because their parents and them business very poorly. What is the take away? number one takeaway if you're eighteen, shoulder older? You need a will period less understand what a well is, if I, if I have a will, if I am, will it for it. If I had my will for rachel to be on the show she's on the ship, ok as guest or as a host co host right. Ok, if I have
If, if it is my will to wear a green jacket today, I will get all the closet. That's what you want to have happened is your will, ok, that's what I'm having a will means. This is what you will do. What you want to have happened in europe. asked, will an testament it's the last thing you want to have happened and you are testifying to that fact. That's all that means. So this is what I want to have happened when I do a will and the executor of the will the Executor, is one who executes they execute what I wanted to have happened. They don't have a choice. Same is true of a trusty on trust. The executor can't change the will. Not their job
And I, even if they don't like it, even if they think it's not fair, they can't just change it. The trustee can't change the terms of the trust. It's not their job. Their job is to execute those that what that person intended to have happen, what they wanted, what they willed to have happen, and they testified to that fact. Okay, so keeping your will up to date is huge. it should be done in the state, according the laws of the state in which you reside. So if you change stay, get a new. Will any other major thing that happens divorce Get a new will death of a Some one agenda will get a new will update your freaking will because it incomplete it's wrong. You can't executed if you like, I'd idaho hoe. You did a will and tenancy. Ok, it does not
a large state law. Probate law is straight law, show your it's not a court. The laws of the state you reside in when you die, and so, if your will is done something or ask for something to be done, that the laws of that. eight year residing in don't allow and you haven't updated at your screwed up the whole thing this is called grown up paper work grown ups. Do a will. Well, I might you're gonna die. It does not increase, probability of death. When you do a will. You're gonna die is a hundred percent death rate in the human rights. Ok, plus or minus a larger and Jesus. Ok, the restaurants are gonna, die, ok, so that's it you're gonna get a will. mama bear legal forms. If you have a basic life and you have a lot of complication and get an answer expensive will online it's a great well, but its state specific mobile
legal forms. We have endorsed them for years. You ve got a complicated situation, get an attorney. yet in the state planning attorney I've when an amazing amount of my own state planning to keep the government's freaking hands off of it. and then once a year we have a little meeting with all the ramses and all the leaders at ramsay and we Everybody labeled if Dave die, this year, not just the name of the meeting, if Dave thousand assure its weaker, the money python, I'm feeling much better. It's just a flesh wound, but oh my god, I'm we shouldn't talk about death for an hour and a half has changed since last year in the original rams you and the operation of this piece of real estate going scuba diving. What are All the way to death do all this stuff, so I'm not gonna quit doing all the stuff. That's not the point cause I'm going to die this part of the program. So I'm I'm with that, good heavens, on the other side of it, I'm perfectly good with that show get a fairy can whale and when you're gonna do stuff with
family piece of ground like that family had and you're gonna I'm going to move in with mama and emma take care of mama, oh by the way I'm charging all y'all one hundred and fifty K will kiss but I don't think so. We can stop that on the front end. We don't have to have an issue here: you're gonna move and take our mom. So are you expecting to be paid we're going write all this down or we think you should be paid because happy you're there to take care of mom. I am more than happy with that, and so, if you get more of the estate- because you took I'm happy with that, but we, do all of this in writing as a part of the programme and then not leave. It hon confused, and so, if you're do something in your will, like I'm, not gonna, leave Jim Bob any money could Jim Bob does heroin and he'll go get heroin and kill himself, so Jim you're out of the will go and tell Jim Bob while you're alive, because he's gonna be Pierced and you might as well have the pleasure of him being pissed while you're alive
You might as well to make our heroine. tore it up stirred up, be maybe it'll cleaning up, but I may go ahead in all this. The stuff of work go into the paneled office of the lawyer in the weird Stick surgery induced step mother and the in brief child and all the other stuff in their like some movie are we're gonna have a reading of the will only happens in a movie: ok, a bad movie! and we ve all seen, the movie are several of them, so in real life? Real people go ahead and communicate with their family. They say brother is putting fifty thousand dollar hip building on the property- god help us, and so on there is going to get not gonna that that fifty thousand Dollar building is not going to be included in the value that is placed on anyways, because it's his.
Reaching my and we're gonna write that into the trust before brother, because it currently smoke in the he put the building on their without breaking. Dictating. They was gonna, get our money back. Ok, so people listen, though right now, god need, they get a well yes, but what are you saying to people? Could I get this question a lot that my parents they don't want to talk about they don't want to do a will. Whenever china bring up the conversation they put it down and doping a building on their property. Okay, I know. But what what's your advice? What would you say to some one, though? That's like Why help my parents see that they need a will? that we're not in this situation, mom We love you so much. We would love to see that your legacy is carried out. The way you want it to be carried out when it's all in your head. Nobody knows what the flip you want. Have happen, so maybe you ought to write it down. It's called our will to what grownups do
Okay, then find a way by the way the government is going to end up with a bunch of this too. If you don't, if he's going to screw around and do this right, some of these estates, two million dollars state there that one not gonna, be subject to federal state tax now, but it I've been under obama, ok and so trumps estate, Limits are still in place right now. Cause Biden hadn't gotten around a screw that up, but buddy will eventually once a week from where, anyway, the arm- or so I mean Firstly, people write it down and then have a review with your family. Here's what we want to have happen I'll give you another example. Ok, though, Public knowledge shall not tone some big tail. The rams, kids now on the A majority of this company, I own a manure, position, but I only only voting stocks, I'm stowing control, ok, we transfer
that out of our names, Sharon will get none of this company. If I die before, sharing does it'll go straight to the kids as part of our state plant. By the way. She knows that sharon doesn't want anything to do with this place. The kids are gonna run it that's what she does. She what money at all she watched, and so we that we got some assurance shut up, because we, the whole state plan, is also presupposing. I'm done about first, which mean she has a land so golly. So that's an example that that's a weird thing: it didn't go to my wife and then the markets and went straight to my kids, and and she's one of the owners prior to the ep to show, but you talk about this crap you put it down in writing. called a well, it's called a truck. That's updated so people you're well and tell us Everybody about it that is in it or not in it. that they don't have to fight about it later. This
amnesia and they were I'm here- how rachel crews is Michael, hosted identities in richmond Virginia. I done a shower you. How you throw money- goodness, I'm twenty years old and my quest is I crazy? I am asking my mom for a loan of eight thousand dollars now I know that it sounds. You because there's not really a backstory. So can I give you a brief tax, doin? Ok, so I've been soon for about two years now and I've started my we're a college and I've been day trading. About a year and a half on mercosur. My closest friend is an up and coming headphone manager. So I get a look at that for bicycle pump, but I baby investor, I'm about a a year ago, a year and a half ago before I started really they traded. I was only
I refereed as my only job I have because I'm in college, so I might make five hundred dollars in a weekend and I would take a probably about thirty. It was that five hundred and put it into we boy too bad, if keeps other two hundred live off and I always keep door and at one point my mom, Three thousand dollars because my my father hedges paid All about child. All of my child support at one chopped salt a year on the list, thousand dollars- and I was still china lemme word where's the money. What are you money if your day trading, Do I need money? Did you lose all your money It's about you, shock trading, and you want her to give money, not really because by a real, you lost your mind, you suck at it. What was formerly
because I have also made all of my other lou where's the money, how much more do has by thirty thousand, how much money do you now. Right now. I don't have any money in my book, which account I put the rest of it out, because I didn't want to go any lower large money. Have you lost day, trading ah lost about first thousand and one alone, a week, you made me put my money out, but I've also gained about twenty seven in less than a year aren't you be the numbers on their sugar seventy eight percent of day traders lose. Money met net. When the story is over eight hours, Andy traders lose money. Twenty year old age writers who referee it's the numbers,
during a hundred percent. Don't do this anymore. you and your mother's right. Now. She should not give you money. I would not give you money. Does allusion, even if you can see that future with money. I just told you eight out of ten days writers lose money, you're twenty freakin. all new referee games on the weekend. What makes you think you're better than the others. People but I'm ok you're not lose money, they live Why would you keep doing now money can best at a certain point, Mom told me, like I have my virtue: nobody in the family does any of it Could I dont want only like you told me that I was stupid she's right now. I was first investing in washington,
I knew that I was dumped for investment or taking half my paycheck into investments, but I have recently just found out day trading and at first I didn't day trade out with your h, so. That's why I had bought me up the amount of money I bought from the cold and body as the owner you're playing a game that guys that get paid millions of dollars a year play and most of them aren't good at it. I mean guys, run, multi billion dollar mutual funds do what you do and they still of questionable results. It takes them. You, years and years and years of training and experience to do this? Not I've got a friend who was once worked for a hedge fund and I'm twenty and a referee on the weekends. You are. You are there a supply of a disaster shirt. Please don't do this anymore. Your mom is right.
We smells a rat and it's you're, you're gonna hurt yourself son. Stop it. I don't think I'm gonna talk you out of it, because I think you're convinced yourself, but dude I mean listen. If eight out of ten people that walked down the street named a street, get attacked by a bear and killed, don't walk down a street. I mean this is it this is not really. Why do I think that what am I going to get a bare suit? I mean no, I mean don't walk down the street. Out of ten people, they walked down the street. A bare kills him John. What I'm telling you you and then ass? I please don't act like you're different yet and I think the appeal right wing at risk. It is that's what I'm saying is. Unlike there, there is such a better formula handle your money long term, and I think you have the euro. You have the capacity to do that. To do it. The right way dennis that lowers
The risk is not going to be as exciting and as uncle it'd be like boom boom. Oh my gosh this this and that it's not going to bring that, but it's going to bring the. level of stability and build a really great financial life for yourself by starting great habit. Some like slow down. If you have debt dennis pay, it off have some cash in the bank. To save me, your heart, you? U hustle! You you're! Looking for opportunity! It's just! Momentum in your focus is just geared and away that's really risky, and you're not gonna, come out better on the other end play in their sister. Limiting oddities market is almost as dumb, if not dumber. I did that finance degree I actually know something about this stuff. Formerly academically studied it hello it was not. I had a friend that in a hedge fund and a guy, comes to me and goes hey. My buddy overhears been doing gulf trades and we're gonna bottom chairs on the gall trades at the last april.
when times that he has picked the future date and our markets are purchased right on the thing and if we put in five thousand bucks, fifty thousand out the last one is eleven for eleven on his last, but guess what I put in five thousand bucks, a the twelve twenty missed. Which means you lose the five thousand you they get fifty or you get nothing, that's how they work show that was my gold investment for the hum justice, stupid and dumb. Just as everybody else I had tried because I'm sure thereby ultimately prod goes right before the fall. Once you thank you somebody's got all figured out and they got a system: bull, crap, ok, the only system that works as long term investing in law the term track record things were eighty ninety percent of people doing it make money, not were eighty nine for some people lose money and you think you're the freakin exception. This is how vegas operated whereby thinks there the exception.
And that's why pelagia has nicer furniture in their lobby than you do cause you paid for it. You people, thought you are smarter than the house. That's why they have jean louis or whatever. That architecture is crazy. What is the name of that? The famous sculpture, the does the LAO. I now shall away you're wearing riding in the lobby with men ass. They belong glad. Probably probate trend we drew in that it should clearly here The gardener both are trying to help me. My hillbilly bud. I've got a million dollars on our iranian tacit, got over the run of the run, or were you check in a guess who paid for that stupid people to pay for that people that thought they were gonna beat the howling if you do it for entertainment and you're out a debt to begun his whole amount of money. its use, nine or training. Delusion money, not entertain you think you're the exception to the rule? I now they made a union that way fifty fifty five
the story, god help us you and dennis go investigate what you mixed now Is this the long term play dennis? You don't wanna, know put great for reference year allowed, for you know, I'm just saying that those my fire you to be administrator enough, because you can call up you're a shocker game is done, set you up to be a day trader? It's not it's not like the prerequisite to winning a date rating, so yeah. He does do hard work. Thank you for that. Yes, and thank you for earning some extra money, and so I think your mom is a precious lady. I love her she's got some sense. Mom, don't give dennis any money there you go ah, not for day trading. I'm sorry, I'm sorry Dennis you didn't get what you wanted here, but you will always get the truth, because we love and we don't want to lie to you- we want you to have a good life and so were always gonna. Tell you the truth, even if it's fun is the rapture
what's up as george Kamal here you don't. I've been seeing a lot of on the internet lately other than everybody's trips to ITALY, bad finance, advice and that's why I'm so excited about my new project where you get the truth about how to win with money tune it on I defy as we simplify complex financial topics, bus borrow, money, myths and talk with life millionaires over coffee, we'd get new blows every monday, Wednesday and Friday May you don't want to miss the fun so go? or listen on spotify, just search george camel with a k our scripture, the I don't wanna may twenty eight twelve. The lord will open to you his good treasure, the heavens, to give
rain to your land in its season and to blush all the work of your hand. You shall lynde too many nations, but you shall not borrow that's the blessings on the part of Israel on the people of Israel, the promise when they go into the promised land. The curses you borrow The blushing is, you are having rain on your land in its season, Jim henchmen. The only way the magic works, is by hard work, but hard work can be fun. Finally, father of the muppets, yes You know that our right stephanie is up Stephanie in minneapolis high stephanie? How are you I'm doing great thanks so much for taking my call, for which I feel a little bit of cancer. My husband and I are three years into marriage. We
get around the edge thing for the past two years, but we have got in really val intent on baby step to I'm, We are looking to be added that within the next eight or so months, since it thinks so after doing birth. Fourth murphy comes around, and what was facing right now is that my husband ma. Am I looking about fifty thousand dollars and until work that needs to be done and all her teeth have to be extracted? She needs fincher, either implants or something like that, and she is looking to us for help, though, as she called and asked my husband to fill out a loan application while she was at the dentist- and he was like, but I can't do this right now, I'll call you back later, so of course we talk learned more that sheep, hoping that maybe we would if we are willing to do that, we take out a home equity line of credit or may be fatal, but how fell abalone?
but a background. My has been purchased a home for his mom a few years. Back before we got married, but by purchase I mean she paid the down payment. And she has been giving him money paid the mortgage, but he had the credit score. He had just graduated college and though they use his credit score. name for a first time. Homebuyers and am that has been weighing on him, because if anything happened to her at any moment, then we are now responsible for that houses. Well, let another in that house? We do. live in that house. Is that house that house in connecticut about her house. Yeah for she was gonna. Show your house no, it's technically and his name. He could show a house that she lives in and get rid of
the debt and she would have the money for her dental out of the house. That is hers. it's my only hers, but it's in his name right then we don't understand fully the tax implications of selling the house, and then giving her that money how much money on that, to work would be mamma. How much is the housework out? The house is worth about three hundred and fifty hundred and sixty thousand. What did they pay for it? Two hundred and thirty, five thousand three sixty and two thirty five was at numbers yeah. And how long have they had it? Probably about six years now, ok, and he's not been depreciating it as a rental property on his taxes, as we now ok good and ok,
There may be a little bit attacks involved, but it won't be a ton. Ok it'll be fifteen percent of the game. The gain would be three sixty minus the selling expenses which will probably they thirty thousand show about three thirty. She might have a heart. Thousand dollars and gain there might be fifteen thousand dollars in taxes so I would sell the house and pay taxes and give her the money, ok, an affair tax on their waving her lap money. Here and you're going to you're not to manipulate this, because this was a dumb bad deal. It's gonna take a look, work to get out of it, but nowhere borrowing money. If she wants to sell her house by the way she needs to get a second and third opinion. I do. We have an answer now, king a long time. I have never yet heard of a fifty thousand dollar dental operation, not once unless there is some kind of car accident. Let's are taken. Oliver without going to plan the nears or something I don't care,
I really want to get a second and may be. A third opinion Ok on their share and others, if you're gonna do a fifty thousand dollar remodel, you get three bids the same thing here. Ok cause, I'm suspect, ok So I think if mom wants to sell the house, that's we gotta figure out what Tax implications are and that money has to be held back in the to have the money she can have an used for her dental, ok, but now I'm not gonna borrowed money. No, and she doesn't she and don't put a here, on the house. Obviously not not in your name. He already got enough dead in your name. Actually, she is now a renter with good teeth, ok, gotcha you so much. Oh man, I'm sorry what a mess! Let me tell you, though this is a really clean break to something this get worse year by year?
gonna go sideways at some point, because this lady doesn't handle money well and haste propped her up with this purchase, and it's gonna go sideways. Someday, so this is that this is a good for it to go sideways and get it cleaned up and get out get his of all of her death, the debt that is associated with her okay, said. The best thing is to sell this. How let her take the money just keep whatever the house, meaning the one she lives in the junior husbands ran right but get to get tax. You have to talk to tax. Cause. You have to consider like you should give tax is our way to work around that then you also have to consider the capital gains tax on capital gains, tax, prob don't be around ten or fifteen thousand bucks. On this, based on what I would you tell me something like that in them, if you can, you can probably move around some stuff on the give tax and not have any, but you probably need to do a cummings give tax without our gyrations
ridiculous if you get into it. But what is the thing this year. I can't even remember who should get my cheat sheet out that DA da da da da da da da da a car sixteen thousand and twenty two of them, so it's probably up a little bit from that should probably twenty thousand. So you know that that she, that much of it's not. let me taxable but the rest of it in a rap, do something with them, and I don't know what you're gonna? U need tax advice and you need a realtor but I think this whole stories, gonna change, you tell mom the house a shoal, because right now she's, want those borrow and- she's got a move. So I think this is gonna change. I bet you. The whole thing blows browser, but I'm just, but I'm conniston trouble caution. Well needs to be stored up here, cause it's gonna come sooner or later, and we module we didn't get another way because
yeah, you don't have a money problem. Stephanie you've got a mother in law problem and I'm trying to help you with that shall get get her when that's what's hard about good, clear boundaries, yep and in that situation like she said your graduated college, had a good credit score. Mom needs a house I'll. Take it out of my name right here, the euro has banned this up. This have happened. Your husband didn't tell his mother know when he should have, but he won't know too that, as on laying in a lot of this stuff, though this is where it is it's that it's the good intention yeah makes sense mom can't get the house, but I can put it my name. She can pay me rugged. All sounds good into unmarried exact structure and also its that's why be careful with money in the good intention with family members and friends. So don't put your name on other people's debt ever if you're gonna love, if you want to have some, is asking for a loan, you either give it or say no, but this whole like attached
name to my staff and my money, thank that it just gets. We're gets weird. So remember clean everything is to be clean, I am going to get hate mail from dentists, but that's ok, I'm trying to make it a trying to get more of them. Gentle stuff is expensive, though well yeah and sometimes and yeah check it get a bit yes get yet. Another opinion has not abandoned its, are not getting we're not doing drywall, but don't get but yeah now just get shirt. Several several opinions and estimates and is are other ways to solve that problem. Yet possess sounds like a complete rico instruction, says she's our wreck or something yes, like. Oh man, nasty extracting everything and only set a t, I'm young young young young people, you, eighteen year olds, seventeen year olds, twenty two year olds parents come to you asking to do stuff like this. Don't I love your mom now I love you mom
oh and by the way, no is a lot late. Now, freaking sense you go. I love you dad that well, this was mom, or I know that puts us. Our the ramsey show in the books will be back with you before you know it in the meantime, remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's the walk daily with the prince of peace, rice juices, the crazy co hosts on the rams show if you wanted to your debt. Free scream, live on the show, visit, ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash debt, free scream, we'd love for you to come to nashville and tell Dave your story as ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash that speech, the
Transcript generated on 2023-09-14.