« The Dave Ramsey Show

Build Wealth Like a Crockpot, Not a Microwave!


Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss:

  • "Should we buy a golf course?"
  • "How can I set myself up for success in my dream job?"
  • "Will closing credit cards hurt my credit score?"
  • "Can I afford to move out on my own?"
  • "I need to find a job that will pay the income I need,"
  • "I can't get caught up on my savings."
  • "Should I sell my house when I move?"
  • "Should I pull from my Roth IRA to pay off debt?"
  • "How should I ask for a raise?"
  • read more: How to Ask for a Raise,
  • "How do I prioritize paying off my house?"
  • "What's the best way to increase my income?"
  • Why whole life insurance sucks.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I from the headquarters of ramsay solutions which the rams asia, where we have people, build well, no work that they love. Eight actual amazing relationships. Can common ramsay personality number one best, selling arthur nature, the purpose and home again comb and drew these markets? Today, talks about jobs and careers and money in my that you'll love it and so questions about all that you jump in will talk about anything else. You wonder we talk about you.
in front of you and we make a living doing it phone number. Triple eight eight to five. Five, two to five jump in Marvin is gonna start as off this hour in new york, albany to be precise, a marble welcome to the ramsay shell. David can privilege to be able to speak with you and thank you very much for that. You do not thank you. How can we help. I'm am so so real brief, I'm forty, my wife is thirty. Four right said we ve been read for twelve years and started a turf grasp insulting business. with the money that we receive from our wedding, but that we do work forward on local mom and pop golf courses and conduct field trials. Forge
packing manufacturers. I was able to go full time with the business in two thousand eighteen and she was to go for a time Twenty twenty, in january then Steve we were able to become that free by paying off our house. One of our I am certain will be selling their golf course soon summit. And were you is, shouldn't we buy it for one point billion dollars first question is, can David I play for free. It could affect our answer, no pressure I'm kidding my lifetime membership, the it's going to cost your marvin are going to cost. Your advice is going to be free today day so ok one point two million
and so this thing is, has a net profit. After all, salaries are paid, including whatever the owners paying himself to manage the course goes, a mom and pop this thing. making three thousand a year No it's doing doing about one one, fifty two to two hundred the net so one or would you pay one point two for that. yeah I mean you know. I know I know I know- I know the golf course business a fairly well the infrastructure in the gulf war, business ni ni. Yet the warfare comes from the assets, rights, meaning it's a damn cards, rage, maintenance equipment.
like that, and now the world doesn't come from. Those things only have a value to the extent that create a profit. Ok, if all of those things zero profit you would have which known as a hobby day, not a business, and so the golf archly infrastructure, the quality, the turf, the every there, the name the reputation in the community, the area, of town. It's in All of that goes to create one thing, profit and the you calculate profit is net profit. I, a small, illness is worth a maximum of five times that profit by at times net as a joint press, a twenty percent rate of return and small business purchases a very high risk purchases are. You would want at least a twenty percent rate of return and that's after it. It that's, if fear and absentee owner- and so let's say I bought it for in tennessee
and I'm I had to hire a manager, and I had to hire every single staff member that was needed. Not you get to work or for free are they a former owner, gets to work over there for free and thereby increase the profits. You follow me real profits for an absentee investor. This is how you calking the value of a small business transfer and I cap rate process, capitalization right The only other way you could count calculate the value is the watch called book value be considerably less, and that is if you took all if you bought it and you shoulda all the assets you showed off the guy, Archer sold off the real estate, you shoulda If the EU collected the receivables, you paid the payable and that's book value should be less than four times five times net profit. It should behave, but that's that If you are going to disband the whole operation and it's worth more,
shut down, then it is operationally then that's the case here, because I can't tell you man, I don't know, I turn about the gulf business, but there's of a joke in the investment world that the guy. That the money on the golf course is the same an owner. The guy that make some money on ski slope is the second owner, because the first usually goes bankrupt, there's not there's not much marginal red and that world very low margins and so they just be careful not to I thought if you can pay cash for marvin and you wanna buy. it sounds like you know, the golf business the sad over that you been in, but on the finances on this deal. They don't sound that great the guy goes wow the real estates worth a lot, then he ought to just sell the real estate if the real is worth more than a million to the outer shell, realistic, but condos on it or whatever coming from
from a business transactions standpoint, not a romantic view of grass and trees and ponds. The real estate is unquestionably the most valuable part of this purchase. A mom and pop golf course is a mom and pop golf. worse for reason not knock at home. played some awesome. Little means in my life and their great but this is a low margin business and you pay. We don't have the clientele you look at soldier, your average member or your average golfers I'd, be run in all those things it beyond everything the dave mentioned, and unless this is a burning conviction, and you got the cash for it and you can handle it. I'd run away from it unless it's a real estate purchase only I mean it's just such a low margin busier competing against in that area, your competing against higher in clubs that are charging
much much more and you just limited in your growth with a small golf course. Your limited your revenue growth is limited. Godlike love, though I can throws round the enchanter link We have. What did I say a lot, a really good munition, my tolerably, sorry, a municipal corners. I know right now is its ideas, golf links. It just means that local public course not a private courses public. anybody comply. I've played a lottery ironies in my life. That's pretty good gonna, like the way you did that you slipped out in theirs. Did your level of expertise was an accident I know it's all I could afford to play my dad. Let's all we could play were moody's when I was growing up on a pastor's income when I think communities, I think a municipal bonds, muni bonds, oh in the gulf, that just reads a no track figured it out. Have you heard about it? No, it's not necessarily a goat, direct or something there are there's a very nice ones. Yes, I do know goat trek means it means horrible golf course
I can tell you a great one in the virginia beach area: stumpy lake, a great municipal golf course, great name, stumpy lake, budgetary bunch all over the lake wellknown muni as of today, such information for the consumer. hey folks? This is KEN coleman. You know we're all trying to win personally and professionally, but the fact is, while we're doing that, we're getting older. So it's important to do. we can t, get healthy and stay healthy and eating fruit, and, Vegetables is a fundamental part of that, but only one in ten people eat enough fruits and vegetables every day. Balance of nature can help. Balance of nature is a powdered supplement. Capsule made from thirty one type of whole fresh fruit and vegetables, the use in advance process that locks and nutrition to help you have an active lifestyle and spin the time with your family that you want folks health? Is it only about longevity, just like guinea,
your work and money life in order. It's about quality of life, so go to balance of nature, dotcom, an inner promo Ramsay to get twenty five dollars off your first order, plus a free fruits and vegetables travel, set an lock in your lifetime price. If you buy now as a preferred customer, that's balance nature dot com and promo code ramsay for twenty? dollars off your first order, Ken Coleman, ramsey personality is my co host. Today, thanks for being with us america, we appreciate you hanging out. Open phones have triple eight eight, two, five, five, two two, via our question of the day, comes from neighbourly your hub. For home services, most american homes have dozens of appliances and chances are at any given time, there's something wrong with at least one of them. Mr appliance, a neighbourly brand offers expert Clients service on your schedule. Visit neighbourly dotcom today, Fine home sharpers experts, including MR appliance.
in your area. Today, She comes from neil in wisconsin, I'm wanting to get my degree in the financial industry. What is the average starting salary for someone who straight out of college and what Their position be how much room for peace Ocean and growth is in this industry and how do I set myself up for success. Neil, I don't know, at the top of my head. What an average starting salary is, because this is kind of a big ambiguous question in the financial industry covers a lot of different, specific naked. But you can be everything from bank teller to ceo yeah, so that's a pretty wide range, but the second part of the question we can address how much for promotion and growth is in his industry, while again depending on the lane that you pick within the financial industry, think of it as a track and field track? There's six Eight lanes there, multiple, independent and you could do very, very well. There's no question: you could do high six figures and you could be a seven figure earner in the world of finance. I mean it's just a question about that's everything from wall street to invest
Professional that does very very well so this The limit is the answer to this. How do you set yourself up for success? That's the that's it answer the answer that is is doesn't matter on the industry. I think it is three hearts, you gotta know your role. every level that Jura, that's clarity, do I know what to expect Did me the second thing except the role when the now have an attitude rather too, for where you are and bust it. There is no new If you don't win the now in third maximize, the role go bob and beyond dont mockery, like you're the ceo, but then work like We like you own the place. That's no europe, Sectoral maximize role, its clarity, attitude and effort, I think of you- do that on every law, well that you're at you're always going to be promoted, will yeah, absolutely and- and you know, bathed
Smile show up on time, smile, don't don't be entitled twit and these things will take you along wise to remain its cause, really in a world of people who don't do those by the things you really do set herself apart, I edge it's just a big deal to show up on time. You know, and while so yeah so neal that that that the problem that we're having answering the question is, is like saying: I'm going to get a marketing degree, what a marketing people make while there's about eight eighty thousand different things, marketing people do and the same thing's, true with financial.
A finance degree. I have a finance degree with a specialization in real estate and and cause I wanted to be in the real estate business. That was my goal. I grew up in the real estate business. That was the long term thing, but I've got all the financial goober classes under my belt now and so about one thousand years ago. I did and I show you know now. What are you gonna do with that? There's a lot of different legal kinship corporate position as a financial analysts in finance in general, finance an account we are really good. base line so of knowledge to move into companies do very well, for instance, there two primary sources for the ceo of major companies a day off All the sea owes and major companies in american they were are either former cfo those or financed people, accounting people
being counters of some kind or another or they direct marketing assails? That's the primary to prime. pools that see out come out of the people. bring in the revenue and the people that manage and operate the business well from a numbers perspective, yet have a higher likelihood of becoming she egos. Very few people come from the graphic arch department to become the city, and that's not the put down the graphic arched abarbanel, the statistical fact answer. You know you look at where that taking your show, but yeah it's a great degree as a baseline of knowledge, does in getting that degree of its basic busy degree you're gonna end up with good statistics under your back got accounting under your belt you're, going to end up with marketing classes under your belt, and you know that those are going to be doesn't be knowledge bases that you'll use wherever you land and business. So all of that sets you up for a positive situation
carla is in florida. Carlo. Welcome to the rams asia I you probably so excited to be talking to you. I want you all the time on youtube and I'll get your share. We appreciate your being here. How can we help the inquiry? I've been ploughing through my baby steps: and especially paying mothlike credit card. Good I I don't want anything saved up in retirement I'm a nurse. I've been a nurse for twenty five years or make a hundred and thirty eight thousand plus a year. My homeless, paid on my big ears expenses, my car retired. Only three thousand on and my interest rate is four point. Four percent
First, I'm going through these baby steps, but I was paying off card yesterday, sir, I paid off, way to go away. All the papers said that I wouldn't be tempted to call him back for new cars, and- Now I ran the next one that I wanted to pay off, and I and if I pay it off the sea, this money A name all three and they said if I paid off who's gonna bring my credit and then you know just keep according to the annual fee, but always like low common that would have been more credible and that that matter, because that would next card the pay Well, perhaps five more to pay off women. Let me get this straight. A credit card company told you it's not a good idea to get rid of a credit card right. No, he can keep it
I don't plan your care, my credit. If I closed that now, of course, they do well, it is got. It is gonna damage credit score, show the questioners s work, Is it we're trying to get too is is a credit score. Your All is money, your goal we try? Is my bow down having and by the way. How do people draw a ball? Their credit score, uk need it did your worthless, nor credit scores good there's only one thing, a credit scores good for what it is it brother borrowing more money going over there, which is kind of the opposite of. Having money for retirement. It's the opposite of what you're trying to accomplish right now show You guys get rid of your dad so that you have some money who cares about your credit score.
yeah. You know I I you drove right, then I didn't even get our man. Yes, how are you I am sixty you're killing it with a hundred thirty eight thousand girl, I'm proud of you, very good yeah. Let's get these cards dropped out and get rid of the car payments start piling up some money, so five or six years from now you've got two hundred and fifty three hundred thousand set aside. which grew around I've got a car like him. I can pay all my court within the next two months. and the knock out. The toys are those northern ireland in a year and all you do a fashion. Now you make a hundred thirty ewing. Anything else to do this is important, I I you help my mom and my daughter out well for the extra. How much do you give em. I pay my mother's car insurance.
And my daughter about five hundred and eighty five year old car insurance here? does that seem. Where do you. that's very bad you only living on Thurston security. So worldly eighty five year old drive into the church in category three out. So this is pretty expensive trips. You need to think through what? Where are your money going and control of it and for sure we don't take advice from credit card companies on anything due to them is side by side. You wouldn't want to be. The cigarette of the financial world, your credit card goobers, we do with you, the rams issue
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Twenty nine I've been saving for several years now and I'm trying to figure out if I am ready to buy a house- and if I can afford to you, know, get my own place at this point. Okay, how much do you have saved one hundred k? Okay,. What keeps you from leaving their buying a house while I was mostly just trying to reach a certain I'll try to reach that. The role of a hundred hundred cases you haven't got a hundred gag you yeah common sense tells me you could go, buy a in albany without or get u turn on your cell much do you make about seventy seventy five cool out. If I don't like this week you think you think that's a good idea, because I didn't want to run with the thing I didn't want to be, throwing out money. You know dude Positive is not on your list of things to do when we know more about your being
if you're, twenty nine you live at home, you're, not impulsive, okay time to go, yes, go get your house, get you a life yeah for sure. No, I like it. I love it man. So how much do you? again? Seventy, what do you do? Seventy, accounting. Okay, you risk averse, aren't you man, you're, just hate this time, man go out in the sun, see the sunshine yeah the than you you're a numbers dude. I love you I mean I'm a numbers nerd too man. So I'm right there with you Ben you been crunch numbers, crunching numbers, grunted numbers and the problem More those numbers and urge is in your you're one on one chat with you. We can paralysis of the analysis, and you have a bad case, sir. Get a high and I get a life go. I'll, go no ray, I mean go. Have some fine man got guiana?
and tell you mamma your lover in your share in five months coming, don't be rich. She can be glad to get rid of your promise. I don't think she is actually well I Part of the hamleys, regardless of where they may not. Now, I guess I haven't these innovation basement or something we're seeing more and more of this, and I'm not picking on not. But I do want to say this bengals there's two things that are going on number one he's got the annapolis. his paralysis situation. But he also, along with the fear of change, is how comfort is it moms house, and that can keep you when you, because you can justify stain. by using the numbers- and I think to be realistic. How much of this is, I'm just afraid to cut to go out and start adult in that wasn't when a term ten years ago- and I hate saying I'm a little embarrassed that even uttered it but I'm to be astronomers or
great call by he but yeah. I think we got too many young twentysomethings debt are just terrified of change and we are not going to tell you when you're out there on the wire and there's no net. It is terrifying and it's also exhilarating in it It's also what makes you a man or makes you a woman, my son so yeah, I hate You know yes been, you should go, buy a house and were not picking on you, but you did open a can of worms, so will deal with it for a second here's, the thing moms and dad you're, not doing you're ghettos First, when you leave em and then asked her long, a eagle list then after long becomes known as a turkey, ben. I didn't call you a turkey, I'm talking about a concept here. Acacia been your your free from this. You were
We love, you were happy for you glad. You got a hundred k. You need to buy a house in the next month and you need to move immediately for your sake and its good. It's got you were there, but so our oldest when she came out of school, easy kid. Oh yeah, Denise to this day, she's just a pleasant, easy on and on and she moved acta- should only one of the move back to our house after college and I waiting on a roommate situation to develop, so she could go get than the first rental property right. And arm. so she's living there for about two months, and we said: ok, that's probably enough and she's like what I might you know you you got it. You gotta get this done because not because we don't like it, she she was not in our way she's like bent, she could live there. We were went unnoticed, shrewish benatar. She points out. We went unnoticed but we're like
you? You are missing out on life when, when you're, twenty, two twenty three twenty five years old and you live in your was basement you're missing out on life and to go, be somebody and on the our heart cause we love Would we like having around? But it's not about us about you and your development as a person you're, emotional, your psychological, your spiritual development, your financial, develop You become a different person when you by your own eggs and pay your own light bill and vulgar on close or don't but they're your clutch and that you just changes as a little thing happens. There little different thing again been forgot sex sakes, we're not picking on you. Ok, we're not Well, you called up your nice young man. We appreciate you. None of this is aimed at you, but I'm just telling you folks, moms and dads. You are stunting their growth hundred per cent, rising. That movie with matthew, mokanna failure to launch horrible movie. I think my right man, you Matthews, done some really good work in his life, and that is not on the list. This is exciting
is really with a strong opinion on IRAN. Come I never thought I'd see the day will come right if your co star terry Bradshaw, underside europe Ok, equality, the script rotting in his look I'll give you that, but when Stacy wants to see it Say: oh yeah, yeah yeah there there is that blame it on Lee. I would employment alone. You but were job, is in love or kentucky hygeia. What's up eggs for evermore guide, our you're better than we do? How can we help good so quick background last year I added I left the job, but I would ask for about fifteen years since then been struggling to. You know, find a job to make what I need to make to pay the bill Listen, I'm primarily using job boards and a vacation did not be going anywhere other horrible, their resources. there. I guess there. What were you mine,
was making about a hundred and thirty thousand a year doing what I was commission until it kind went up and down in the management, and why did you? at the door without having anything to go to. Well, they had new ownership come through in one of the first changes they make less pay for. The original managers I ended up was on page four about seventy eight occur there too. ok, so called your play? Should you should stick it? Ok, I got that yeah Where have you been? very where I work here. Working on currently make him right, now about fifty five days a year, so do you know how to say? Yes, I can say What were you saw before when you're makin earn thirty furniture? wholesale report or to the customers are made out
education, research, I'm sorry, I'll cut. Spending cuts for to customer show how got retail gotcha worker while I get tell you, my mom sold furniture was a manager of a large furniture chain for thirty five years, and if you can make that kind of money, furniture, those marges, aren't that high. You ve got a lot. of options in front of you right now, a lot in you gotta, stop job boarding and I got a sorry start having coffee with people that you know you churches. You know people you can sell anything you're, not a guy who stuck in an industry. In other words, you are just effective in the furniture industry. You know a product you know service not Can you sell a job which you let a team of people? Medical medical device sales- you can make two and a quarter easy easy for audrey I've. I've looked at medical like sales jobs. I just feel like I'm. You know I I don't feel like it
yeah qualified. I guess for do you use anyway, yet so they don't know, don't doctors making the same salespeople. I get a rail to doktor. I got a friend who's got. It was a former college football player, ammonia knock and football players he's rising surgeons on orthopedic device, It is in the operating room, not cause he's a genius because they trained him on devices. Dave's right, you don't need anything other than a willingness to learn and basic and elegance and you have both of those in droves. Hey we're gonna, send your kids book, the adjective purpose and what you're goin website and learn his out. You don't know, also what goes into proximity brad's. What is the number one cause? That's that does that's what you're doing to the job, What it'll help you do, what you're supposed to do? I say it all. The time dead is done. When cash is king, but when it
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there's a numbers sure thing and my number, surely more I'm not able to build my savings and I'm not sure what to do with it. Ok, what he might make poison in our ok and are so what is that seventy a year. it's more than sixty eight year in year out. Will you do I'm an agriculture mechanic by work on equipment. Ok, and how much does the EU have a hundred and seventeen thousand on what Only five of my house, I got twenty seven arguments do loans, and sixteen or are you single
I know, didn't ready to get married in a month while she ah she's part time, because we had a This is where the whole two year thinking and we had a kid two years ago and and she says she makes- I think she makes fifteen an hour and she works twenty to twenty five hours a week. ok. Well, there's two sides: the equation: the income side and the shot If we want to change the numbers will usually end up working on both showing or can forty hour she's working fifteen, something on they work and more. We want more money order. working differently, meaning career if we want more money and in that the outcome: side is car payment, understood payment. When you get rid of those bottom
interim and making them the major priority a priority above all other things and get rid of them, Ah then you know you can get there, but if you guys are making one hundred thousand between the two of you or eighty thousand between the two of you, you can work through a sixteen thousand dollar car and attention diagnostic loan debt, you know and eighteen, only four months, but you're going to be on beans and rice, rice and beans, you're going to be working, overtime and you're going to sell so much stuff. The dog thinks it's. Next. Are you budgeting I mean I can do I mean I don't have any. No is the answer to pedal have a year now and I'm not the sort of setup question, but when somebody says I can't seem to get caught up, I can't seem to pile. Of savings, we have been steps anyway? So we want you a thousand baby step one day four mercies, then your attacking this debt, but you ve, gotta, know where your money is going and if you budgeting, you're gonna, hard time getting traction whether you and baby step one guy
a thousand dollars babies up to now, Cannot debt or baby step? Three saving three to six months. You mercy fund. If you're, not budgeting, you have a gun, better chance of spinning your wheels, could you just simply dont know where the monies have also someone you get married october, the seventh. Ah, hey we're gonna, give your wedding gift: ya. Wanna put and the bride through financial peace university, both of you have to go. I give it to you for free, you promise. Yes, I promise nine lessons. It also includes the worlds budgeting app every dollar the premium version which connect to your bank and What should the jump in that immediately and start using it to day? I'm gonna give it to you right now, options not pick up and how you into it, but get on Every dollar app like kin was saying cause. Here's what we find Research has shown across the gym.
a population that when people start doing a written budget each month, they have a ten to fifteen percent, lift in their money, because there's that much in lost and just disorganization an impulse spending. We find it's actually more than that, because the people were dealing with a different than the general public. The people working whether like you evan, they're, sick and tired of being sick and tired and they're about ready to bust into something and so they leaning even harder on that budget and make everyone those dollars squeal they make everyone is dollars, behave and that's why we even call the budget every day every dollar as an assignment, and that's why the budgeting app called that dollar has a name every dollar as an assignment and so you're just gonna get merciless. taking the money that the two of you have coming in behave and squeeze every damn out of an increase. Your income degreaser out, go and then walking baby steps and effort.
We should. First, your help. You do that. and certainly there, every dollar budgeting up I'll help. You do that showed great check. Those out we're gonna, give him to you free as a wedding gift and get your started because I've and right where you are Evan when people say can can caught that beautifully because I used to say that too, I can't seem to get and what usually means, as I haven't been able to out earn my disorganization I haven't been able to out, earn much stupidity I have been able to out earn my impulse. Spending I been able to earn my lack of a plan and nobody can by the way- and I I think I'll just go, get more money cause, I'm an abundance guy and I would go get more money and then I would screw it up. You know, and so you know you ve got to make the minute you have be able and when your managing, that well you become much called a faithful steward. Someone who restoring their money in a trustworthy manner and god looks down and goes. Oh wait, there's one in indianapolis the gets it ah who knew
you know- and we might be led him managed more drunk. If he's Germany has haswell halo, basic biblical principle. ass piece of encouragement of an if you budget first Diamond every dollar start to see where the money is be more motivated to do extra work causes an egg mackay Who can work on those big ol machines? And how do you know how they work right? He can work on a lot of different engines. He's got some transferable skills. There's a lot of sites. Work, where you islamic and it can make really good money but you're more motivated to do that. When you go okay, now I'm actually getting ahead, because I am now disciplined and I have a plan. and where do I want to be in tenure right so now, you're gonna be ok I'll, go bust, it not wherein what I want to be my career in ten years- yep that that supplant, This is how it works. Boys and girls beautiful. I arsenal pick up and get your signed up. We'll get you down. Care of susan's in new york, hey Susan, welcome to the rams asia
hi. How are you better than I deserve, which I have a question currently in congo that I want to sell and I'm looking at either. Writing it out and then buying something new or maybe selling it and kind of kicking like windfalls, we want to call it that's going on a real estate and pale my debt and then also by something I'll be either way. I feel like I want to leave this condo, but I'm afraid to let it go because I am a good interest rate on it and, unlike the called a windfall you, u nailed it oh, he won't take the money and run let it go. Let it go. Oh my god! How about that If you didn't see jack now, you're right, I was on key, but I hope I never saw it coming again. Did things that same thing yesterday, but as a little better, ok he's a lot better than they laid as oil, so anyway, surgeon. We ve been interrupted here by a so low that was uninvited. It made a deal. Is this wait? Yeah? You don't want to keep the condo because you,
becoming a landlord by default, not by intent on another house, and you were dead, free and our problem- and you wouldn't borrow on that house in order by a candle in the city. You wouldn't do it and effectively by not selling this. It's the same thing as if you bought it in terms of a balance sheet or in terms of the decision making paradigm in so yeah you're much better off to it. Can you say you were there and you got yourself? Your sister had got a chill, but let it go. That's what you need to do and it'll be home in that around the house is going to be like what are you doing, you're going to like coleman? Who are you and that's all you have to say, she'll understand so coleman's fault that she'll understand so many things are you ve talked this for years. The idea of vienna unwary onward I'll ever since
and or even local treats headaches, yeah, just yeah yeahs real estate's, a good investment, but very few people back into it. You need to walk into it with cash after you've got the rest of your finances straightened out so salad, chicken, salad, please. that's what I would do if I woke up in your shoes and thank you for the gone this other amnesia, the live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions. Ramsey show where we help people build wealth, do work that they love and create actual amazing relationships. Thank you for joining us in coleman. Ramsey personality host of the KEN coleman show and author of the number one best selling book from paycheck the purposes makeover as we talk Your job, your life, your money where your money comes from your work can is:
expert in that area and he can jump in the phone numbers aaa eight to five five too who, by Jim, is with us in Vancouver Hadrian welcomed the rams issue. thanks for having me on sure, what's up I'm calling from just outside cover embarrassed colombia here and basically I was wondering if it was to barter me to buy a house or star buck start a business first and if you would think buying a house would be smarter. How would I go about that with today's like housing market? buying, a house in terms of to live in your home or as a rental property. There'd, be women of my own, ideally with sweet tarento, but that might
the further down the line. Okay, are you single, I'm single? Yet what do you make? I'm I'm twenty and I still do live with my parents, but I currently make thirty five bucks an hour. What's the business you want to start, they would be in the equipment, services And welding industry can obviously you know how to do equipment, services and welding at. Where are you going to get your customers? So I got quite a few connections from past jobs at farms and whatnot from when I was a bit younger, so I would be able to get a lot of customers in the agricultural. Some type of work is that business is gonna, warlike fire going well. What I'm getting at is, he said house or start business, and so I'm wondering is there a lot of capital outlay? Like you, you have to pay
lot of money into this to launch this business? I do so I haven't really put a whole lot of thought like I get. I've put a lot of thought towards starting the business, but I'm really tallied up the numbers, because I'm I've just been told that for buying a house, if yourself, point the bank doesn't look super highly on that, rather than if you make a steady and come out of place has been around for a while longer learn washing. Two well in america, they're going to want to say to tax for two years of tax returns. I don't know what it is in british columbia, but two years of tax returns as a self employed person proves you make other than that there is no problem at all, be self employed. But but well. You can't move in there with and again do not know. The mortgage process in british columbia can comment on that. I'm ignorant about it show, but you got to find it
but I think you're probably you know you're on the right track that her with that issue? How much money do you have saved I currently have thirty five thousand in miles even when I got just under thirty thousand members did not good for you and you, you are in the welding and equipment services business now, making thirty five dollars an hour, that's correct and so are or do you have the ability to do side jobs in the same industry without stepping on your current employers. Customers are still learning from them in any way that that's right That's very my e mail, your finest working up. I don't understand you try again You have the ability to work on side, jobs from home and also from the shop
without getting in the way of my current courier without ethics problems, with your current employer right exactly mocha show what I would do is not start my business full time. I would start at part time and and start done. Some sad gigs and I would go get me a rental property or a place to rent and just you know, move out of your parents' house you're twenty years old and I would not buy a house right now. I would just keep piling up cash Plenty a time I was not undo, the housing market got do with where you are and then I want your build up that sad gig build up a shod gig door, you're, making more with it than you order. In your day, job then you're ready to quit and run your jot run your business full time the big deal here that you're gonna discover jam, and I want you discover this by actually doing it not does not in theory not discussing it. What you don't? Discoveries that doing the welding and being in,
welder is a different skill set than running a business. You can be an So technician and still run the business poorly. you could be in a you, can run a business well and be a horrible technician. People do that sometimes, but It often happens. Is someone is a great chef ends? They automatically assume they need a restaurant. Once again, slightly different thing to run a restaurant than it is to be a chef. Thing that communist food, that's the only thing chef is one skill operate. a business is another scale and is that What I'm saying when you shall, I think, you're, probably very good at what you do? You sound, very competent and confident and on shall I would want you to jewish building upon the site? What do you think you're doing That is why you're doing the work on the site, you there's no risk here. you're, not all in a great job, no conflict of interest and
I'm learning the business with zero risk and dave's right that there's a isis of welding. Then there's I'm selling these parts and that's a whole different blogging. Then I'm runnin, my business and while I'm doing it on the side, I'm learning by experience, but I am also going to sit with people who were win, in the industry. I will tell you this dave. I think the most underrated question in the hills through the world is, will you help me and Will you help me in this case a young man who's? Twenty who approaches I may be in his thirties or forties or fifties or sixties and says hey. I get into this business one day, I buy your lunch or coffee and will you. Just tell you know what I need to know where you helping me. Is you just give me some knowledge in some wisdom, and I have found successful people are, very willing to help that person who ask that question and shows up with a will. is to learn pad paper notes on your phone. I don't know how you do and if you do that, here's what happens now you
Yet all this wisdom and knowledge from somebody who's been way out in front of you and then you begin apply it on the side and days right, picks right back up. We're Dave's advises at some point: you're gonna scale. It too where you can walk away from the day job right into working for yourself, but there's no risk here and patience is the key it's hard to be patient. When you're twenty, I mean crap, time for me to be patient and forty nine, it's really hard to be patient when you're, twenty, but patience is what such what for the long haul- and I think that's the that's the only thing, I read what you said about the voice was fantastic, so don't buy not move out? Don't start your business fulltime time started parttime builded up builded up building build up, learn the business skills and I'll, show you copy of our number one best selling but contrary leadership, which is how we show people what our play books. ban, I'm running a business, how we grew the ramsay solutions, business card table. My living room to now almost eleven uttered
John, the team, three hundred million a year and revenue and will show you how we did that and show that's the skill set. It's a different status. Else than welding, and You gotta be good at both to make this work. The sugar regime this, Joe, is sponsored by better help. Pay for doktor john bologna here and all of us need a little guidance. Sometimes in life were faced with situations and choices and the way forward it is not always clear: I've been that position in therapy help me find a path through it, whether it took rear decision, a relationship at a crossroads or some struggle. Your facing. You need someone to talk with to help. You move ahead with confidence. So if you ve ever considered therapy recommend better help better help connects you with a licence therapist who can work? with you on that journey. To discover who you want to become better help is entirely online, so it's convenient flexible and it fits you schedule just for
a brief question here to get match with the license therapist and you can switch therapist any time for no additional charge, so let them be your map with better help visit, better health, dot com slashed aloni to get ten percent off your first month. That's better help h e lp, dot com, slashed aloni, gentlemen. Ramsay personality is michael host. Thanks for being here, america, open phones aaa eight to five five, two to five years. Then we will talk Joe, isn't like Charles louisiana, high joe Welcome to the ramsey show it said they cover taking my car sure. What's up So my question today is a couple on our church is offering to honour finance their house to us
and I'm just gone to see. If that is gonna, be a smart play with my current situation. How can we do I will check your current situation so how much debt the f. now our baby steps to. We still have a bell. Forty forty two thousand, which ranges from God knows what your household income sixty five percent a thousand so when you go be done with the forty two wherever snowballing coming by to eat you, three years would be. That sounds reasonable. Are we tell for joe not to buy her mother in debt. Ok, because you know, murphy will move in your spare bedroom and rigour will break the rueful lake and heat
I'll go out and you're broke cause you're still in debt. And then you've got a real mess on your hands. So what appears to be a blessing because of the timing is not going to be a blessing, it would end up being a curse So I would tell you to wait, and that may mean that this couple cells vows to some one else. That's fine and you you know to have someone else for you will be another plan, when you're ready and you a good emergency fund and a good downpayment, and you have no debt. And you move into a house in that situation, the house can be a blessing, not occurs. But when you move into a house broke you just get broker, that's why they call them brokers. You know just it's a bad idea, don't do it, don't do it James's that ready, yeah, okay, so, ah they sent me this thing can this I don't know if you saw the show I haven't seen. This is, are excited, but it's not exciting. It's not okay, it's scary. So I mean we get scam stuff,
all the time people using my name- oh you know, people using you know saying Dave. Ramsey should do this day rooms just to do that, and it's like well, of course, Dave ramsey, didn't say to do that. That's done! He wouldn't do that and by the nose us know that these things, but then people I dont, know what I think I'm endorsing you, know bull. So this one pops up this one's scary, because it's a lie, it's what I was going to ask you something you don't play at play at this long, instagram Just the dumbest thing: I've seen alone a wind, total credit card debt surged to one point oath three trillion dollars march, the highest level ever on record that part of it dating back all awaited through them. Three
I have about sixteen thousand dollars worth worth of dead calm and includes a car, a credit card, the medical debt from the birth of our son. Okay. So what you need to do- and this applies to my listeners at home- has to go apply for an economic recovery package today. Do you hear me the fastest way is to settle it and pay pennies on the dollar. For what you owe and you can that using a free service through the economic recovery program today. Thank you. We love you hold on a second kelly's gonna, pick up. Ok, our economic recovery package and pay pennies on the dollar, and you, of course you swipe down and you go to this website to buy their crap, and are obviously I may is I said ai when I first heard it on my computer as ai, but when I heard it now just now audio that doesn't it's not even ai, just a bad voice yeah, he got one phrase. He got one little phrase that was close but too somebody who does it? Listen. You much indebted I buy on youtube. That's nasty that
Really. I was instagram and instagram thing, so the attorneys honour we're going to shut down its room shut him down, but then they pop back, as quick as you shut them down, because it's you know it's a scam. It's like whack, a mole yeah, it's there everywhere, but I I they just you know don't notice, but it would change from these ear buds in our ears to the microphone, whether in front of a vase six and I and then the thing in front of your face. It makes it look like I'm saying it and and the closures out with both may actually closing the collar, of course, ultimate deception, milk in it with actual real stuff from you. Now it's very you know that may always be on all fraudulently and involve a copyright by the way to but yeah Why so now we do not endorse the economic recovery act which doesn't when exist, which either way what a joke does not exist. There's no such thing echoed now hungry. So and you can settle your debts for pennies on the dollar yeah. You can do that,
What does this is why these scam debt cancer, dayton places yes and other get you into debt consolidation process and home, but that part was brilliantly cause, that's the kind of fuzziness that we hear from DC. They say things like economic recovery act and we all go. Oh they're here to help you no economic or berea yeah. You're right that that's a troubling though toronto re the framers quote. He said the most scary words in english language, our I'm from the government and I'm here to help yup. That's exactly that right a man and a man, the economic recovery act, and just just what is that even me, That's not even an act by the light of what is an act, but it's not that kind of an act, wow crazy, try to rip your voice off practice a little better than that come on. Let me is what goes from California, if not enough tennessee and we're not wanting doktor its current rapids. I dug what's up,
David. Can? How are you guys doing it better than we deserve? What's up? I'm glad speaking together, then looking on the shelf about six years now and a little bit embarrassing to state that Like my are not completely out of debt yet cause what I like to say, we found a shallow time were sort of ram the ash. We did successfully pay off. Eighty eight thousand dollars of student loan, not only twenty one, that's good here! Do I look the shouldered and without a student loans, be going on right now to meeting tonight have a deal at that, but my question today had with roth iras, because we still have sixty two thousand and dad on three. Line items to a card, and one is a camper much too early in the upper camberwell. Twenty four thousand show one third of this is a camper, yup you and the other, forty or thirty, eight thousand. into how many? What kind of car
have a twenty seven on the tahoe and nine are almost ten thousand on an edge. So you have a car and a camper problem: okay, yup! There. now what you're not outcome. We bring it grows about one sixty a year, so we're only at about forty one per cent of our annual incomes, a little bit below the fifty percent that each okay, and so you want to plot your roth While the question is cause, I've actually listen to the show for six years, and I've never heard this question. So I may have a good one. I'm at- and I know you teach not to pull from retirement because of the penalties and taxes associated doing that. But in our case we each my wife and I each have a roth IRA In my name, I have a rock of ten thousand dollars and she's got a thousand and her name in my question- was about the cash equivalent become how did the after tat absolutely not
she's, not roth problem or attacks problem or a penalty problem. This is a doug problem. Dark behavior you make a hundred and sixty grand o money on a camper, we do when you want. I can show your breaking retirement for our camp. Now we also that out a year dave, I'm in the camper investment business, no you're, not no better than that dude. What's it worth you having italian matter unmarried. It's gone. Yes on the images EL on its supreme. Either you pay these cars and these campers off in the next eighteen months out of your cash, low and you guys were being issued, or you know the cause the problem. You keep treating the symptoms.
And when you tat, take this money out of retirement and start where there's not enough to do spit bit of money in there. But if you did get out. You keep treating the symptoms and the symptom is the dad. The problem is the dog. the dog I stole, so you gotta get out, you guys are drafted, could be an age. That's what you're saying you don't get on decent plan get on every dollar you and your wife shut down, Ok, we knocked out eighty eight thousand. Now we look kind of lay sitting here with these that's making hundred sixty. Graham, we make too much money to be this written broke I have no money and retirement doug mean you're fat thousand at all. It's awful! got a hundred and sixty thousand dollars a year. man, This is the rams issue,
Ken coleman ramsey personality is my co host. Today in the lobby of ramsey solutions, we have a thing called the debt free stage. We also have an a viewing area where you can come in and get free, homemade chocolate, chip, cookies and coffee come by and visit us if you're in town from Boise, idaho, or something like that. So we'll get to group of lady sitting here on the front row. We just met him at the break from boy she shall I be, Oh, come from all over american visit national and sometimes were one of the places they stop and see whether the show on the glass from one to four every day, central time and if you come and watch, you agree that it's pretty much like watching ugly paint dry, but there you go. I don't resembled a lot you what's happening, but Also we have the debt free stage in that lobby and that's where Michael lindsey are guys. Are you I I David? I welcome. What are you guys live saint Louis Michel, there we go awesome and how much that of you paid off.
Three hundred and sixty thousand yo. How long the battered about thirty two months for you and your range of income. During that time, hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and fifty thousand oak in three years you double your over double your income. We did almost triplet yet, while what I'll do for a living I am internal medicine doktor. Ah, there we go and I work in the financial services industry las vegas good. Ok, all right! so now. You just showed that's a white, a double sure for your income, the two of you excellent, very god, so goodness what kind of debt which the three sixty mostly student loans about three hundred and forty six and was student loans, shows the dock, their vessels estimate alone in a car alone. Ok, while very go how long you been on, let's go
The bout will add a medical or other residents junior without three years or three or about the storm yeah. So you got out. You should knock it out, correct game on yup, alright. So what how'd you get Actually, this ramsay stuff. What module do this year, so we were probably dave if I had heard about the dave ranging show before Lindsey I got married, which was six years ago. when we were on our honeymoon in being the financial guy, I was listening to the dave. Ramsay show podcast while and then lindsey at being like she. I think she was reading a book and she said what are you doing? What are you listening to and there was the dave ramsey show we listen to the podcast and that's how we got first connected and then, ah I family, Gifted us f p you for christmas, okay in southern, when she comes out of med school, no question of what we're going do correct will knock us out pump at don don don don, very good.
when you are going to ask you: is the doktor in your world? Did you share the process? the journey, as you were doing it, and if you did, what did you find Reaction was and- and I'm just curious how many other people that are in your shoes, doctors that are actually even think it about gettin after the way you want it. yeah. I mean we talk pretty openly about it and in honestly, most of them are not doing what we did. A lot of people are doing, public service loaned forgiveness or they just kind of or on the you know, ten to one your plan, though eventually paid off. You know they make enough money. They want like two big expensive house the fancy car and announced after stuff correct did they look, to treat you like, incredulously like what are you think it now never
that type of situation, just more so could tell that they didn't necessarily agree with it like. That would be nothing that they would ever do now. Look interesting, yeah, look at! You are completely free. Thirty, two months, that's routed while as very cool? What do you tell people the key to getting out of debt is cause you're successful at it would say my key: is the budget and then also we, we always had like really short term goals, but then also in the longer term goals we were always having. goals that we wanted to get done within. Like you know a month you and then also. What's our goals five ten years from now like? What do we want life to look like? So that's really what kept me going yeah, I, I would say, like consistency
so like we knew how much money was going towards debt and we set that goal from the beginning and just kept on going and, and also you guys, have heard the phrase or use the phrase dream dates, and that was that was huge for us. They keep us motivated to keep us going and look to the future, and white legacy we want to leave behind the revision, have a or your life and when you have a shared dream, then that's the like no one else, so that later we get a living like no one else and that you gotta that later in sight and high definition, and Oh tell what's really gone on whether right ago, you can you guys way to go. I'm curious out, I'm not No one ever asked by the questions, but you financial guy in your in that world and so you're. Probably Emily trying like I was the same way
because there's probably two or three hundred podcast Radio shows on money out there what why? What? What was it that a financial goggles a lizard, ok, I can listen to live yeah, I think for me it was honestly before getting married to linsey. I didn't know debt or have that I knew there you under the bed. I brought all the debt act over. We all have an investment alone, and I said all that our own, but but I think the biggest thing as we knew before marriage that we wanted to tackle the debt and with cove iD and no interest, we wanted to get it out of our lives, our good for me. Why this? What? Why would you listening to this show davits because of your person,
Quality of universities have fitted hold on No, I just really liked the principles. The baby steps. Now we're on four five and six may give me my knights cleopatra. The clear have made sure that european that that I'll buy- go. You guys were very proud of your congratulations. and I also you ve had a baby. Yes, our eye and brought debate with your dad he's four now, no longer a baby, that's right, while very cool, very cool six years, married four year old and thirty, two months after google boom. This has gone. Hey we gotta go of the baby steps millionaire, book for you in the living give box and the baby, the total money make over book and a financial patient virtually membership
They got all those already, but you can get them away and I found somebody who wants them, and so, what's the four year olds name christopher our eye christopher? Here we go man eddie you're moment out of change your life buddy. You don't even know how much yet you have a friend We trust that has been changed but but to heroes. Writer, three hundred and sixty thousand dollar of paid off in thirty two months, making one twenty two three fifty mike lindsey an christopher from saint louis counter down. Let's hear a debt judge gloom three to wine. What's that is how it's done Gotta love it. So can there is an antidote to the student long cry. And we just observed it- the human beings taking responsibility, because the private student long forgiveness as she says, sent me doc.
We're counting on has a one point: six percent success rate. Ninety eight point, four percent of the people that apply for that do not get it. That's a all of 'em, so these docs have screwed up by betting that their their futures on the private student loan forgive in public debt forgiveness at its it doesn't work it's at another time. Your government has lied to you and so we're gonna be having this coming thursday night jade wash all rachel crews me are going to be doing. free, live stream for a couple of hundred thought. Some of you that are gonna be reviewing its one pm central time. This coming tuesday, night student. Debt in america. How we got here and how we're gonna get out,
if we're going to show you some real solutions. This is ramsey solutions. That's what we're here for and we're not here for something that's going to. If, if you looking for easy, I I don't. I can't help with easy. If you're, looking for microwave and quick, I can help you with that. We shall crackpots baby thirty two months, They ve been scratch and I call on those folk thirty too much the financial patient, virtually they list the podcast I've read: the books. Thirty two months of nuthin, another three three hundred and sixty thousand dollars in debt. They're, gonna, ramsay solutions, not translated loans, asylum for tuesday night Does the ramses hi guys
who created cn jade warsaw. So in my family we ve learned how to make everyday moments a priority like saturday sports games, recitals vacations and family reunions. Yes, in with kids, it is never too early to start planning for those big moments as well, like saving for college get J. We both know that and between all the everyday moments and the big moments life still happens. My car will still need repairs. Your kids will break something in the house and we met it's been more than we like to replace the roof at some point: bat for Every single one of those moments putting them in the budget is key to building the life we want for ourselves and our families. Yes, that's why we use every dollar. It's the simple budgeting at that helps anyone plan for their money, contract, their spending. They can safer things that matter most the big moments and those every day moments you can download the app or check the show notes for the link and create your free account. Teddy
Can common ramsay personality is my co host today judge whether in Houston, texas side show? How are you magua, hildy dave and canada. I worked for an automation, supplier company for the oil and gas industry. I've been here for most a year. My responsibility him increase, allow more now thought they would and I would like to bring up meeting arrays to come a leader and stuff like that kind of money. Do you know about how to go about doing that? How much. have you got a number in your mind, a percentage that you ve on some research honours is just a hunch and a feeling. So so I'm dead when taking less than what I was previously the job I left in? we, where we were maintenance thing. The solutions that were being sold by by different
beneath and now on, designing and implementing those father to pay her to come to the shop for more freedom, more responsibilities in tat, to grow and the number of hours about twelve or fifteen percent is what you want as a race yeah and you been there year. Have you had an annual review or is that process in place? I had a six month review. And everything was everything what that was with gold stars and graham what I was So when did the increased responsibilities get put on? You gimme a timeline at the six month mark and in europe well. This is like hey here's, what we're doing you're in a great job, gold stars! Now we're going to add this this this, and this is that how it went Did you bring up? Ok, hey, I'm glad for the review, is there an increase in cop? What's it look like how my measured did you bring it up at the time, so I brought it up at the time. and the company our for growing and so they were.
Okay, we're going to push off your raise and to so then I asked for a six per cent. They said we're going to push it off till ok, Labour will then the responsibility that was it was supposed to increase it beyond that, in the end, the six month. because we're we're developing a new, a new department, her for our branch and I've been kind of given that an that's now What do you mean? I make eighty two five and so you're asking for like ten grand yeah? Ok, and their supposed reviewed in october. Anyway, just a few weeks, you either I hold the line on all the line on the number. If again dave our. I want you in the governing all it's all the narrative of how you couch it. Ok, you just that the best way well, but lots of these things, especially in business. It's just trade shoes for a minute. Ok, if you're the leader,
you're, the owner, you're, the manager of that's making these decisions. Ok, how would you want to be addressed how'd? You want this conversation to sound and I'm an owner of a company I'll, tell you how I want it to sound and I'm happy to talk to anybody about their comp. I'm happy for them to talk to leadership here, any time about their comp and and here's the thing. you're not entitled to anything you earned. and you have said your earning it. But I mean I've wanted outcome office Joe a few years ago. These like well I've got this degree in that the poor guy, have more degrees than the monitor, and he he said you know people have degrees. Like me and other places you know they make fitted no more year than I'm paying and I said yeah than a europe, their pay me. I said I understand that, but we'll pay four degrees here. This is a small businessman.
your eurasia effective when you are, and so that's what owners. Looking for your raises effective, when you are you ve made the to me listening to you that you ve been effective and you ve gotten the increase boss ability and your stepping up in. taking emotional ownership of these areas and so you're a valuable team members would like to make an so. But the way- want to catch it if you're on the other side of the desk? Is how Joe I mean think about it? You want to say not I deserve more money, simply go I think I'm adding a lot of value to you. Think I'm adding a lot of value adding value? I need to ask you: how do I go about talking to you in a proper way without sounding ungrateful cause, I'm very grateful. I love this place. of the opportunity? I love the group. I love the added responsibility and you know: what's the wave? If your me to ask you guys about compensation, and I I I'd really like
make more and what do I need a desert? Anything I'm not doing that! I'm dead! I'm do you know him. Nothing! I can add desertion, undaunted duchamp, indifferent to qualify For some increased compensation, and if somebody says to me, how can I, what can I do too, myself more valuable. So you want to give me more money. That's an east, That's an easy thing for me as an owner. I can do that one! Oh, I can go ok because in like I had a guy one time he's working on a deal and he brought in extra million dollars, beverly but now blew my mind. He did he added this. Into a deal? He was done negotiating a deal for us and he added this thing, and so in his commission structure did not pay him on that million dollars, but you know what We paid him anyway. You know why? Because I want him to do that. Again, ok cause he added value, you shoot I'm talking about so a lot of value. In that case, that's a big number, but the
the thing is here. I think you say I am I I think I adding value, am I adding value and If I'm not adding enough, what do I need to be doing to qualify for increased compensation because I really want to be one of your best team members, and I also want to make some good money and tell me how to do that Matthew. I agree with that. However, I would also add to this Joe date. Must you a six percent? I would ignore that cause. I think thinking you haven't. You do a lot more checks higher since a joke in this it yet maybe he needs anything? You gotta have some market place, research on like if somebody comes do us and sir, but he's he's gonna start up in their their adding their adding new products, are adding new projects and thanks to his plight, left and right, left and right and make an eighty already here, he's worth another ten. I think he is but gotta make their case, and I'm just pointing out that he's goin in asking for twelve to fifteen. They vast six lies a show market, ringwood mask for twelve fifteen hours
I've open ended question. Ok, because he was saying we have talked about six back in the summer, I feel like I'm doing all these things. What have I gotta do Oh, I don't. I always say that young and you know that kind of thing and and then, if they come back at six, you go I need to know what I gather to get double that cause I thought I was in that zone and apparently I'm silently added responsibilities. She talked talk to me that way, and you don't start trying to limit soon. So I start by hardball with us. It ramsay on rage, negotiation. We just go. You noticed, when I go work out here, is we're not gonna yeah you run negotiate come on. You ask how you can help em if you, no wonder I get in here will share it with you baby I mean it not we're not greedy, but but you know, just oh up every day and breathe, and shall I get money? that's not what Jos doing right, but if you,
out there and you think law to show up every day and I'm actually took a shower daily, and I expect a raise. I mean come on man. There is no just shower daily ration that there there's not one of those. So you know it's crazy. What's out there people think about the staff. So yeah, here's the thing If you want to be an extremely valuable team. Member always be. Asking what you, how you can add value, how I can lift the place, not what I can take from it so chauffeur interviewing someone in the first two sentences. All they want to know what they get then more done with the interview, because there there to take their not there to add they're gonna work, a j o b work as little as possible, come in light, leave early and steal whether there and you wanna present that the exact opposite of that scenario agree when you're interviewing or when you are negotiating so to speak for arrangements not negotiating.
its asking leading questions. Yes at all, so being informed or what you're asking we had agreed on another day in in one of our technology roles at very unusual nitro, but he said I gotta. I gotta work come on. Let me offer my ex more because I don't want to leave crazy money. He goes. What should I do and that's a wider approach it now I love. If you don't match this guy, I'm out of here. Does we begone see you wouldn't want to be a you know, it's right and on the boat, but if he comes in he goes out. You know what we we were not able to match it, but he wanted to stay. We were able to respond to his situation and make him feel good about staying by giving him a great rage and There was an unscheduled rage hallo. So that's ok, it's fine, but that this is how you of that attitude you approach it are. You would give her. Aren't you take her? Are you a parasite or are you someone that's adding to the whole process
if your adding to the process and the people don't respect? That, was your in your wallet? Probably look for another place, Joe, I think you're going situation in your good god is gonna work out for you. This was a ramsay show live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions. It's the ramsey show where we help people build wealth, do work that they love and create actual amazing relate thanks for joining us. America can coleman ramsey personality number one best, selling author of the book Patrik the purposes my co host. He hosts also the ken coleman show on sirius Xm as a podcast. Here, the remedy networks and are very popular answer, your questions about jobs and work and career and find him every day. Doing that and of course be sure.
check in with us here today will help you to the phone number triple eight, eight to five five, two to five alex's in cleveland ohio- I alex how're, you I'm great thinker taking think, are sure. What's up. I'm trying to prioritize my money between my mortgage saving for retirement and replacing my car. After all, my budget, our expenses are covered, but if I put everything extra towards the house, I could pay it off in six years, which sounds great, but my parents prioritize paying off their house before retirement. Now they don't really have retirement. Only I'm thirty three So if you did that you be thirty nine years old, exactly mathematically, you would not be your parents, and we could save a lot for retirement of your
whilst moment between now and retirement between thirty nine and sixty five right not to get points international, your parents, your parents, the fear, they came for repair situation is not valid in your case. I'm still not gonna tell you to do that, but I just think it's good to work out the math for a second now and so you're out of debt, everything, but the house right correct and you have an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses. Set aside correct right fifteen thousand good. Ok then you're at what we call baby step forward by Mr Forrest, say: fifteen percent of your income no more into retirement. If you have no payments, but a house payment, Fifteen percent of your income going into retirement should leave you some money in your budget, and about five hundred? If I do that, what's your household income, seventy seven thousand pre tax post tax and ended up being about fifty seven. How much is your home?
Payment must be aware that the onward ago, One thousand three hundred and thirty one ken. How are you paying off your house? Secures if you say nothing, I don't hear them. these numbers have an accurate thousand three hundred each month, Are you sure you're extra five hundred each month? That would be like, into retirement racial reboot, eight hundred into retirement in a five hundred rideau towards a car. Ok, what's your current car worth roughly sick? I will let you know: do you only want to spend on the next car? I'm gonna need to spend weeds pan, maybe thirteen if I buy used, which is the plan to everybody fifteen in your current ones, were sick. You need mine, Brian, and that takes was it takes.
Not even a year will take no textual over who talks about. Fourteen fifteen must save that up a five hundred a month right exactly on commercial fourteen fifteen months you got your upgrade meanwhile you're putting fifteen percent of your income in and then will shortly you're around the house. I dont have five hundred extra go towards another. If everyone but you're evoke erect wrap alighted out into the distant future. No raises that turkey here now amidst the reality is assured on path- the house, probably in six or seven years, while putting fifteen percent away while replacing this car with a decent thing. everything you have described to me, very saying you are not a crate, craig american you're, not out of control. Think here I mean really you use your very level headed man, you young out. I was up, afraid you were were gonna, say thirty, five thousand car and I was gonna- have a small cow right here on the radio.
My mom raised among battery down or even Antonia sir, you really have your ear your feet on the ground, a beautiful way, yellow common sense, kedo, show you're gonna be fine, so the thing is you're, going to accomplish everything, this way. We ran out the case studies and the way we ve talked to literally millions of people that we made an millionaires. Is that this idea of your point, fifteen percent, why don't put more than that, but don't put less than that you're going? up a multi millionaire with that alone and you're gonna get the house paid off on average in your numbers are not different than that, under ten years- it might be seven, it might be six point five and it depends on the curve on your raise as well. How quick you, google, you're going and what you really do for a living here. I want to know this year. I wouldn't
getting for a small company, I'm just wondering Alex. If you are thinking about the gig economy, freelance marketing after hours, to speed up this by a new car fund. I would we be considering that if you have the margin in your life with your skill set in two days, marketplace freely. work. Is a marketer. That's what I would be doing to get the car paid for our economy. You don't for the small company like most be one say design fires, social media, helping them content, what I'm doing is like talking with engineers and then getting them to speak in english instead of geek. That's a full time. Job also extremely valuable: your translator and the digital economy, they show me some times, and you tell me if I'm wrong, but sometimes when someone says I'm a mama and a small company, the small company part of the phrases code,
for, I feel like I'm not being paid what I could make somewhere else now that one? What I asked. Did you say that accidently in that statement? You make seventy, but you think if you moved over yonder, you might make ninety yeah yeah. I've been thinking about that yeah. am freelance. I can't say that enough: yeah, anum, launch of rail and stuff on the site, because if you can do digital translation from the documents to the non digital humans. You have a skill don't tracking down freelance things. We looked at labour, but it's so many international people like it hard to find a gig that no international you just start. Looking in your area, you just get on the internet, you're talking to people that there is a lot of freelance work, there's a couple site sites. I don't want to endorse them, because I haven't done a ton of research on other companies or a company that cannot afford
a full time, marketer would buy it pay for some gig contractor work either they same exact, same work done in that situation, because we a lot of functions out of our building the do what you do their their digital translators. I never called them that before today, but they that's what they do, and so you get on a squad with a digital teams, and then you have to learn to speak their language, and then we also have to learn that the consumer. You know what consumer facing after we write this code. What's it look like gaza, sound how's. It feel an icon. yeah, that's exactly what you're doing and that's a tough challenges of very valuable skill in the marketplace. Right now, I like your work When you get paid, probably you made to think about them. You're an amazing fun to talk to you you're amazing, very well done
well, then you're going to be very wealthy. You don't even have to worry if you keep keep using the brain. The way you're using your brain right now, you're gonna be very wealthy. Your your decision making skills your thought paradigm is excellent. This is ramsey show Jen common ramsay personality. As my colleagues today thank you for joining us, America were so glad you're here, open phones at triple eight, eight to five five, two to five guys we can your help. If you were an out, shouted and culture thing. If you click subscribe, or follow or whatever it is on your podcast or you tube or whatever, and just let me out to sign up it should, does the algorithm moves the show up in the rankings and causes? The people who know we're here it's free way. You can say thank you to us
and our sharp click follow click there. And use the share button, and if there is not sure button to share tell people tell people are tight, take clip click, aiden, gout and ngo. Ok, hey assault! ass, you guys gonna relaunched are watching the show you got. You won't believe it. You gotta, start listening the show. You won't believe it. and are because it's absolutely phenomenal. How many of you are there? Thank you the number of minutes being downloaded is just astronomical on the different versions, which absolutely crazy We appreciate you. Thank you very much. Leave the five star review you not all those so things really help Change the algorithm of whether these different services push the show to the front. and make it as a suggestion or not. So thank you. Austin. In Milwaukee, hi Austin, welcome to the ramsey show sure taken my call. It's a pleasure speaking with you sure, what's up so I'll, try to make a quick year by of a two part question,
that kind of revolves around my career that I was hoping to get some answers, or maybe suggestions on what I could do as I've been listened to for quite some time now and ever since I've been I do everything right, but I seemed about myself the coroner here with work any further work to me. you're my income growth, and I'm sorry, twenty three years old and I'm truck drivers for a career. I my region, all over the road truckers not caused a college or anything I make about sixty two key based gross pay but after all my overtime, I l grossed roughly around eighty five k a year, which is a five k a month after taxes and rock four one contributions. I have no doubt No I'm looking to make more money on because I feel like I meant to do more, and I love
A career in company I workforce or switching companies, isn't something I'm really looking to do, even though certain companies out there I could get starting A hundred and five key year, trading more of my time for money in saying on the road longer, which I know the big bang, between making money and taking your time and the oil problem What being a truck or, though, is that unrestricted time how much I can work with the outside world? If I were a morsel aside job Legally, are you're only allowed to work fourteen hours a day and a maximum of seventy hours a week, but between each seventy our work week, you to be grafting for thirty four hours, with no pay benefits, a non driving job and saw the only solution I would have to think about getting as a. under the rug pay,
cash pay job and it or do I just accept the fate and make an extra twenty kay switching companies while looking the car to make more so what's more important to you is it. Is it stand in the the driving position? You really love it and then having this time they have now or is making more money what's more port, because you gave us the whole scenario, but it comes down to what is the biggest priority for you I mean you know it. It's it's one, because I do enjoy my free time, but there is most weak and bad neither not doing something, and I'm just sitting there kind now not having anything to do and I feel like I could be doing more or you came so here's what I don't work so forgive my ignorance. Is this
regulation of the company say I is federal. Regular gets a federal, regulated you're not allowed to draw so here you, so you can't you haven't. He can't deny understood you can't work. You can do anything any outside work and receive in because of its reported its outside the fed regulations that what I'm understanding I during the week, but I'm not home during the week, are kept for one. I got them made my ongoing interaction, ok, so legally, we can do something it's just during the week. So what is how many hours do you have on a regular week where you not behind the wheel of a car. Typically it's about, Well, you got forty eight during the weekend because we get off weekends and then at typically about well, stood one. He took out the weak right, so twelve, twenty hours is what you can work with two do something else. Can you said I feel like I'm supposed to do more, so we have to first look at
What inventory of time you have to do? their work. Now we get the twenty hours so now start getting into what? What is it that I would do if I wasn't in the truck over this different type of work? Be I'm believe you ve got those ideas. Another guy, like you cause doesn't have an idea to show. What would you do if you weren't limited to the truck this other de of work doing something more. What is it well I've? I guess I've always I had had it not again car dream, but I've always are. To start, my own business is I've had a really good idea deal with a new? of his army, would be. Do I make a business with protein bars armed factually and my bodybuilder, and that's one struggle. I found with a not allergies, as there is not a thing, protein bar on the market
doesn't contain knots, or at least at least more the thing I was so, let's make this big dream: let's bring it way down, for second, must play with this twelve the twenty hours. That's it if you are actually working for somebody, but you ve got a whole lot more time to be able to to look into what would it look like to put together a prototype bar that doesn't have the nuts in it or whatever it is that you ve got figured out. You can figure out who is making me things. How many different companies across the nation are, putting together protein bars. Just like me. Fracture in any other business and now I starts a research and I figured out- and I figure out. What's gonna cost me who would make it can just sample it. You ve got all this time even behind the wheel of a truck to be listening to maybe podcast about how to come with a strategy to want something like this there people to do this kind of stuff, it's free, so you become
expert in what it would take to launch a protein bar. That's it. We start there, because if this is the dream then we're not gonna just launch into the protein barbarism. There's a whole lot of work, so you're using all this time to become an egg. bert. In what needs to happen, then we look at the finance peace. What's gonna cost and so now you, ve got a plan. Here, though I would have to do here's how much is gonna cost you begin to save that money. go slow. You dont risk a lot of money. You try your test it. This is a process so I would be putting that desire to play in very practical ways as I just described, and then over time. You might see yourself going right? I gotta take a different trucking job to make more money to come up with an extra twenty thousand put into my first protein bar and I've already got seven local stores that are willing to carry it out. A ton of inventory, which means I don't have a tunnel risk, and I began to put it out there and I see does
margo somewhere, maybe you'd look into enough riga. You know what I'm our monitoring, from the truck to actually working for approach seemed supplement company because can do that. I can work for them. Is this entrepreneurial or is it she'll professional path? All of that will become clear, You take your time and use all that extra hours and energy to dive into what is it going to take to do this thing? And that's that's how I do it you're the way you're describing your situation is that ah, there's two options, doing what you're doing or not doing what you're doing and hum. because you're looking at is an all or nothing instead of an incremental by degree change, and so what I d pan I can say, I am twenty three one, I'm thirty three. What do I want to be doing
water. Then that will then what must be true. That's not true today for meat will do that and then you start making address thirty two steps to get their over them damn near over the next ten years will start taking those thirty two steps network can was describing the first steps of the thirty two step. just begin by degrees moving in the right direction, a little bit of time and that method of thinking will cause you to be able to move forward versus I'm stuck you're, not stuck You can do the little steps in the right direction right now. That's what can describing for you this other amnesia. Gentlemen. Ramsay personality is my co host today, thanks for joining us in the lobby of ramsay solutions on the dad free stage, Joe and Emily or where the shade guys. How are you doing
good. What, where do you guys live? I just outside marathon was and in the town, called baraboo, very cool, welcome to nashville and how much debt of your paid off seventy two thousand one hundred and eight, some way to go, and how long did it take? Fourteen and a half months good for you and your range of income. During that time we started out about a hundred and seventy, and we finished up at about two hundred acts. what do y'all do for a living the guy that everybody curses when they try to get into those plastic packaging Www plastic packaging behind the plastic passion am that guy look we talking like when you get like box in the mail, and you can you get it over with an exact or knife gap that high level that I really do curse. I felt so out of it
you do Emily. I am a quality system french near our I very cool you. Guys are doing well, congratulations. What kind of debt was in two thousand. It was a mix between credit cards. We had an a t v and he locked loan that we did used for some home improvements and a school pledged for our church and, finally, a land loan sold during the height of culvert. We went purchased. Stop on eleven acres course. It I mean we ve been looking for land for quite a while, and we just couldn't find anything that we really really liked, and then this one just happened a pop up ads. I know this is it we just knew it and our bones this So what happened fourteen months ago, the changed everything? Does you guys really become a normal? You despise stuff on credit right and then you look when the sox, when I don't know what happened well. Actually the story goes back a little further. Today is actually our sixth wedding
cursory, oh congratulations and prior to us getting married. I was a single mom living pay check to paid check in had over seventy thousand dollars. Instant owns when join. I got married. He basically took a look at me and said: can we do as we possibly can to live on. One income essentially ends Basically, everything that I was bringing and throw it out, though those student loans. And we got married long story short. I struggled a lot with contentment during that time. Realising man, you know we were, we did have a good income, but trying to live not now one. pay check and eyes sweets jobs in twenty twenty one and
the great resignation kind of turned into. I don't have a kind of looking at the great regret. and just trying to get through each day at work. I was listening to music streaming music to get through my day and one day I just happened to thank you, know I'll turn a podcast on bonnet. Mad, and I I call it that god thing that must have happened? I just happened to turn on the ramsay show I wasn't very familiar with, and I it's my promotional it just so then that I was listening to an episode one day it was ten common and deeper humphrey and you wear
Talking about that very thing that I was living with about changing jobs and feeling like, basically, you had wrecked your career by making that change, and I was really really in a dark place at that time. really really hurting and listening to what the Two of you were saying about you: basically, being a slave to the lender and as soon as you get your debts paid off, you can go, do and explore what you're really passionate and arm. I didn't What the baby steps were at that point, but I heard some
thing about an f p, u class, and I I knew I needed to get that career assessment. First of all, because I didn't know what I I didn't know about it if I was doing the right thing or the wrong thing at that point, I just I just needed needed. Some guide and so I wanted dig that career assessment I needed to get out of debt So you got home until Joe Allison shows like it's awesome. I've been saying yeah what I've been saying. She had a great because what happened? What happened was Emily. You got a reason to do it. all of a sudden reason was escaping the crappy job in the toxic and burn. So I gotta get this coined. Upshot, don't have to come work is yeah the changes, everything very cool, it's great why you gotta have a bigger. Why, if you're the other reason to do it so artless fast forward, yet so you're on board,
right, and so you guys go. Let's get after this when you into it was there a moment in the journey where you hit that big moment. Were you really see you both saw the finish line. We can do this, think so. I mean even when I first started, it was like loud money. We have. We got money that we didn't. We had enough Not a budget guy? I'm not a guy that goes out. Dispense justice spend but I'm not! No! I really don't like. I, like. You know, tools and stuff like that, and if it's something I can use around the house, I have no problem going on buying, but so I wasn't crazy with it, but going down and doing the budget and sitting down every month in june, which, like an old fire external sunny here, it was pulling teeth to get me to do it. What, once I started, seeing the money showing up on a nordic while we're all this so the budget, our meal, is them their nails and there's the momentum cause. You know
We can actually nail. This is great, there's a lie then the tunnel. That's not an oncoming drain that fund, because it was while we were watching these numbers just click on. Yes, I It's like boom boom boom boom boom boom boom. Here we go here we go here, we go. What do you tell me the key to getting out of debt? If I been telling people looking to your resources as far as side hustles, we had our little side hustles that we did, but we also found other resources. We have friends that have a hobby farm and we were able to assist them on that farm and it cut our grocery budget significantly, because we were able to get them fruits fresh vegetables from the farm smart end when Joe really good at canning in serving? mr package pro here
love love. Why way to go you guys how's? It feel so amazing to be free for them. Storm in six years and really more than that. It is the main thing Hmm, we had a family medical emergency just a couple of months ago with a family member and to be able to step back and say you know what we can do. What we need to at this moment and not have to worry about all the money side of it was such a relief. That's a big deal due weight to go. You guys were proud of you. Heroes, you're, amazing managed with, but the count low, but like floating they're, not cool Touching the really good. That's pretty neatness vertical, very cool, and you your daughter with your right. What's your name and age chief thirteen all right way to go? and how life has been changed to this area. Maison. Eight we ve got the yalu
and give box for you. It's a baby stuff millionaires book. The total money make overbooking the financial position of earthly membership give it away use it. However, you want to do it. It's our way of saying, thank you and our way of saying. Congratulations well done very well done Joe Emily and reagan. Madison was grants in so two thousand paid off and fourteen- and I have money making one seventy two two hundred km down lets your debt free three, two one on what This is how it's done: love it. Man, cool people. Those are the rams issue. Our scripture the day, three, thirteen and fourteen one thing I do forgetting what behind and strain toward what is ahead. I press on towards
go to win the prize for which, god has called me, heavenward in christ, Jesus, Benjamin Franklin said: the constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself, boys that relevant today, that's a mouthful that's a might drop. I gotta love might drop by all been germany's weathers Jeremy, isn't in tucson, arizona, hi, Jeremy, germany welcome the rams, show I gave you my call sure. How can we soon good question. My youngest son got himself stuck. during the whole life policy and, of course, I want to talk him out of it getting to that something else? So I know the biggest turk he Jeanne bow against his policy. I know with the boy one key you'll get penalised
We need much, maybe mutual funds, which I don't know a lot about. I was wondering, what's the major difference between the poor one K, a mutual and that he may be able to borrow against in the future. Okay and how old is your son is twenty three okay and while I don't think I'm a mean number one, let's just let's just ask Why is he going to listen to you? Well, I've got really good, really good. You should put them in the whole region he got himself stuck here was because I kept pushing for There's a big money to think about its future. But but then he picked a bad way of doing it.
right when you say way of doing it is not a good investment programme. What does he say? Okay borrow he that's his big hook. Yes, well, no one ever got rich borrowing, their investments the invasion of iraq, appealing against it. It borrowing it is not and is not a method of wealth building. That's a method. Selling insurance, crappy insurance, but it's not a method of wealth. Building. By not forgotten. Me was actually looking for AL invisible. in depth. Insurance, where he started looking It'll, then me hooked them on the whole life policy yeah. So I mean my point is: is that we naturally Should a for a one k is not an investment, it is how and investment is treated for taxes, typically,
side of a for a one car you're gonna find mutual funds. So you have a mutual find that either covered with a coat keeping it warm from taxes and the coat is called a four one k or an ira or roth. I re, or it has no coat and it's out in the cold and has taxed, but in both cases it still. A mutual funds could be the exact same mutual funds and arm, but wealthy people don't builder investments in order to borrow against them, and so, if he wants to become wealthy, he's picked a really bad add way of doing it, number one borrowing against it. Number two he's pictures the problem one of the worst financial products alive today and is the whole life policy because it has, the right of return in the three years that you pay twenty ex twenty times more. for the same amount of life insurance she by one hundred.
It's not our whole. I policy you by a hundred thousand term policy. Therefore, thousand dollar whole life. If policy is hundred dollars a month. The hundred the hundred thousand what term policies five dollars a month. That's what research tells us, so it's twenty times more expensive, nine be five dollars. Extra per hundred. Ok now does that go. It goes into an investment call cash value, and so you in the cash value no build up for the first two to three years. They keep one hundred percent of your investment as commissions, the first three years you have z, rose on your cash value, build up the first three years, while that socks and once you get past having a really front loaded, horrible commission off the front in a fine making money the the whole I've policy according to research, averages one point: two percent rate of return
not gonna, get rich on that either. Oh and then. you finally get past. All that, if you actually build it up, you can borrow and pay interest. To use your money, So if you have a savings account- and you want to borrow Anyone take money out. Your savings account, you know, have to pay money. You just take money out of your savings account, but with a whole life policy, you will take money out, you have to pay them try to use your money that you paid twenty times more to build up this socks what is even worse than that you finally builder Inside your whole, a hundred thousand dollar policy, twenty thousand hours were the cash value, and then you score and die, which we all do. I will go. What happened to your twenty thousand that you paid ninety five dollars extra per month to build up after getting past horrible rachel tour and and no common and no build up at all for the first three years, because I kept at all as a commission wants. You finally get- in one thousand in their new die, they pay
thousand dollars the keep your slaves, So, if you had a savings account at the bank at our vote, pitch annual savings account on Tik tok, innocent, hey, here's. Your savings account the first three, you put money in nothing happens, we keep it all that it makes one point two percent and when you die, you lose your money, one would put money in their that's a whole I've policy, so no body are put money on the whole, I policy, so you can reply this rent back for use on germany when it comes out on the podcasting inland perfect, perfect, exactly what I would do it and I'm not even I mean that's exactly son watch this suggests did not do it. Don't you
Son of Jeremy. You have been screwed by the life insurance industry and they are very good at their business of screwing people, it's unbelievable horrible product. Let me tell you if you're poor, the way they get, you is the pawn shops the way they get. You is went to own the way they get. You is the payday lindore the way they it's you lottery tickets. If you're it'll clash the way they She was they make you believe, you're gonna get rich. On airline miles using your stupid credit card, while that's a dumb but idea the way they get you they get. You and our whole life policy. That's a dumb, but idea the way they get years ago. Sophisticated rich people their cars. No, they don't know they don't don't bought middle class thing to do so. The whole life policy is is the payday lender of the middle class. It's a signal that you intend
to be in the middle class to stay there, the rest of your life cause. You got screwed by the insurance companies and I gotta tell you if you like that, and you shall whole life, you need actually learn how your product works and then, if you haven't Haggerty your quit shallowness crap, because it only two types able to sell whole life, the ones I don't understand it and the ones that are crooks because of you stand at crap and you shall you, by definition or a crook, because any body that would sell some one and investment that the insurance company keeps their money that they put in their upon death and call that a good deal is a crook. That's just bull, ok, just absolute scam, stuff. It just pisses me and I'll tell you what that I whole life. I thought it had just about gone away and frequent tik tok has revived whole life. Take talk of all things. I mean peep list paypal. If your social media sounds like a tick tat, you ve been up
there's only one thing you should listen to and tiktok and the stuff we put out of it. Baron landscape of morons great. It's crazy, absolute nuts, oh god, and the hall I stuff all over it. Like they just invented it yesterday, it's the oldest financial product man, the financial planning committee community com, lately abandon this garbage. Thirty five years ago, one cells whole life, life insurance, except life, insurance agents, no one, financial planning community believes in it. We ve all been I going you gotta be kidding for decades and now that stuff comes back on tiktok its Why got a got a new idea of this rant a new sponsor blood pressure, medicine dave when he on whom I she's very nasty things down on paper.
I don't believe them. I think you made that abundantly clear. That puts us our the ramsey show in the books and we'll be back with you before you know it in the meantime. Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace, Christ. Jesus, the hey, it's kind, if you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the rams. Baby steps go to ramsey solutions, dot, com and click on the get started, we'll help you figure out the best next step for you, based on your specific situation. Again, that's ramsey solutions, dot, com and click get started.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-09.