« The Dave Ramsey Show

Bonus Episode: Student Loan Debt in America (How We Got Here & How We Get Out)


After a three-year hiatus, student loan payments are coming back. But that doesn't mean you have to freak out! Join Dave Ramsey, Jade Warshaw, and Rachel Cruze for a clear plan on how to cover those payments and ditch your student loan debt for good.


It all starts with a budget—so download EveryDollar today. (It’s totally free!)


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
VOX day ramsay here and I'm excited to bring you a special bonus episode of the ramsay shut in case you missed it. I recently hosted a free lives, dream all about the student loans that prices in america As I know, a lot of you are feeling the burden of those payments right now, but trust me there's hope so stay tuned to get the facts on how we got here and what you can do to get out. Thanks for listening, hey guys, I'm Dave ramsay! Welcome to our free live stream, loan, that in america, how we got here and how we get I'm standing on the debt free stage here and the headquarters, ramsay solutions and I've noticed like you have a financial salami is about sweep this nation. We have federal student loans that
our stood alone- that, in total of about one point, seven trillion dollars in america right now,. Forty four million of you have their student loan that and it's coming out you'd like a train right now, interests started up september. One payments will start we're one average student loan being almost forty thousand dollars a person. in the midst of this over the last three years, a couple different presidential administration, I have given you the ability to kick the can down the road, and then they've made a series of false promises about student loan forgiveness and while the results are in it's not coming. So what are we going to do now? Payments are going to restart and everybody is gonna, be impacted. People are scared, some you're really confused and some of your angry, you expected the forgiveness to common.
now, it's not there, but either way. We've got this reality of october, the first staring at you and you kind of have an an oh crap moment. What am I going to do now? I gotta get an extra job. I gotta get objects for jobs. How we gonna make this work, I'm in trouble this is. I don't see how we can do this well last week we are one- instagram and we ask for your questions and about former invokes on its ramshorn couple of your answer and gave it to you some questions that will we ve been to this livestock, tonight, the on his neck, honest remy, said: davies, loans, just really scare me. It makes me feel it feels like they come with a two ton weight on my elders, knocker john bologna, that works in the mental health space. One of our aims. Your personality says that the body keeps the score. You physically register stress trauma worry, it does feel
like a to turn way, especially when you ve gotta amount If the dad in front of you that you don't know how you're going to climb. So what are you going to do about it? A lot of people been stuck. A lot of people been paralyzed. loud and he bought people been sitting on the bank of them, Then I, unlike denial, is not just a river in Egypt. Hell I mean you ve been putting this off about as long as you can see. What's got people stuck in this way, one thing is there waiting on the government to bail out, they were hoping that president Biden was actually gonna. Pull off. Forgiveness a process that obviously the supreme court said no to do you like that like it, but it's a reality. That's where we are today the government in this matter and the government is not going to clean it up for you, that's the problem and a lot of people start thought cars searching for some kind of a hack like the forgiveness. Programs, I'm gonna go, to the the private
public student loans forgiveness programme, which is a bloody joke. Here's why to joke one point: six percent: of the people that have applied after being in that programme for ten years, waiting on forgiveness serving doing their career in a non profit on underserved area of some kind. counting on forgiveness after paying payments for ten years. One point six percent, ninety. Eight out of a hundred did not get it one point six percent or successful. So this is, a hack. This is a problem Well, the thing people are trying to do is they're trying to get yet one more time kick the can down the road with some easier payment. and some way that I can make the payments small, which of course means you're going to be in debt for ever, you're going to have Naveen or sallie Mae or god help you one of the others in your living room for the rest of your life, guys,
what we ve been doing so far, what you mean those over now organ for you. There is a better way. It's scary out there, but facts are your friend When you are facing something is overwhelming. Recent trades unions studies show that fifty percent of consumers are going to end up with a too hundred dollar or more monthly payments, twenty four consumers will be five hundred dollars a month or more and a lot of you If I'm way more than that, so the first thing those rules. I factual your friends open the student loans statement open the website find out who your servicer is about a fourth have a brand new service or other, and that means in the twenty million people somewhere in there have someone else servicing their loan than women. three year pause started. I have to go find out who your service res you're, going to find out what your balances are you're, going to find out what the
welcome are you gotta gather facts and that will lower your stress and give you ways of doing this student loans are not going to leave your life until you take action, you take action, no one's gonna. Do it no calvaries coming you're gonna? Do it we're gonna help you I'm show you how we're going sure you all thirty years of showing people how to get out that, on the rams, you show ready show talk, radio podcast you tube. Now on stages and live events I thirty million books sold now showing people how to get out of that weaves. People dig out of what looked like impossible situations, but they got mad. They got the facts, they got it tents, and they would not rest until they put the debt behind them. None of them relied on white house to bail them out. They did it in their house and that's what you're gonna do you're going to do it in your house, people who build wealth who get
clear of financial calamity like a massive stood alone? That angle to build wealth are people who control the controllable, they control their own destiny, and you can do this guy's. I know it's scary, I know it feels like it can't be done. We're going to show you a lot of people that have done it. We're gonna show you exactly some of the steps you can take to get there so if you're ready to eliminate that, so that you can build wealth ready to get your life back we're here to help there's no easy thing: there's no microwave crock pot! It's going to cook a little while no one accidentally wins winning. Is an intentional act, as a matter of fact, winning is a series of intentional act that causes someone to be what we call successful successful in their career, winning the superbowl winning the stanley cup
winning in your marriage. It's a series of intentional acts, the same thing here when it comes to winning with a student loans that mess in your life. getting it out naomi on instagram. She says I feel so lost. I can and I don't know how to come up with a plan- well naomi you're, in good hands, what personalities, jade warsaw she and her husband sam. They paid off hundreds of thousands of dollars in that, lot of its student loan that she knows exactly how you feel and she has an experience to prove it. My own pasture said there's man with an experience is now at the mercy of a man with an opinion, so Jane the woman of the hour to tell you about this stuff, welcome jaguar shop. Thank you. So much dave wow I am glad to be here. I'm so happy to be here with you tonight and here's the thing
the watching. This live stream tonight. It's because you ve got student loans, and the first thing I want to say to you is- and I know what you're feeling I know how that feels: men, they anger the frustration guilt right to stress that your facing, knowing that these loans are coming back in that these payments are due in october. I know how you're feeling first hand. I mean some of you know my story, some of you don't, but my husband and I came up college, looked up and realise that we had four hundred and sixteen thousand dollars of debt, of which two in eighty thousand of it were student loans, and I mean it. Here's my list of debts here salmon. I we I had so many different debts. They highlighted the the student loan ones in green, but you can see here. We have sallie mae on there several times. Of course, no net navigant. Look at this one ac us one in twenty eight thousand dollars of debt. I know how that feels. Private loans federal
loans, and I remember one of em, this big one down here. They busted up into lots of little debts and, which of had a different interest rate on it right. Some, you guys know exactly what I'm talking about and some of those interest rates were in the teens. Ok So we're talking about massive payments, massive amounts of interest accruing, and can I take the worst part of it when we started out, we were only making thirty thousand dollars. combined income just to musicians, trying to make our way and I'll tell you what those moments. We thought it was absolutely hopeless. I mean we thought there was no possible way that we can get out of this debt. and to make matters worse. The people around us they weren't, telling anything different. We had failed, members say during the day with this debt there No even trying to pay it off. You'll die with it men. They were wrong. and anybody telling you hey trying to get out of student loans. You know it's there. It's pointless! There's no way to get out. You need somebody to come help you you need to depend on the government. They
wrong and you want to know how I know they're wrong, because I approve them wrong. My husband and I proved them wrong. We pay it off. Every single cent of four hundred sixty thousand dollars of debt? Yes, that is those two half a million dollars of debt, and we did it in seven and a half years now The student one portion the two hundred eighty thousand dollars. We did that the last three years of our debt free journey, I'm telling you what wait around on the government. There was no ah forgiveness plan in place. It didn't take twin five years in the right administration, we took man, into our own hands All of these out there telling you that it's not possible telling you that you're stuck telling you you'll never be free. Let me tell you something there, stealing, your hope, their stealing your, future sure stealing your autonomy to be free. Last time I checked you. I go out there and you can change your own life and I'll be
Anything else is an insult to me and if it sounds like I'm getting pissed its cause, I am but it's not at you, I'm pissed for you. I hate. When I see a government systems dangling this here it in your face, saying hey just hang on a little bit longer and will give you that forgiveness just give me a few warm boats and will give you that forgiveness, no ma am no sir. I don't like it I don't like the golden handcuffs of public service, known forgiven, You just hang around for ten years, hang around for fifteen years, maybe we'll be there. They ve already told you less than two percent come on. That's garbage! I dont want that. I want something better for you. You know that I have an idea. Here is something we can both take on today. What if we make forgiveness, what if we make freedom and for
this your job, what have we just did that? What if we stop waiting on everybody else to come, save us and you become the hero in your story, man. What? If you took responsibility for your future, you would have so much freedom, not waiting for someone else to come. Get you because here is what I can tell you this system. They are not going to put you first, they ve never put you first think back. They better put your first. They never well. They can't. Okay, so here's or moment here's our line in the sand, we're gonna, decide right now we're getting rid of excuses, here's the thing- and let me validate this, some of you, have some really good reasons right, we're looking at our our parents and we're goin? How can they? If you sign up for this, I was eighteen. Ok, I. Why didn't they stopped me? We're looking at educational institutions and we're saying how can they do this to me, they were supposed to lead me and guide me. We cannot financial institutions. How could they, let me find for that amount of debt? And yes, there are some people who did us wrong, but here's the thing we may.
I forget what they owe us matter. Fact we're not gonna get it. So what do we do tat? We sit around and wait no take that power into our own hands. We make our freedom, we make our forgiveness go out there and forgive yourself trust me. You can do it and it's going to be worth it. So how are we going to do this? First, we're going to get organized I gave was saying this is your time you ve all been getting the correspondence. I know they're changing your service loan provider, you to be navvy it now, it's mo wala and then they changed again and you're like oh, my gosh, where are my loans, are all in different places. That's ok, cool out, take a deep breath open your emails up kay call the one. Eight hundred pay me number and find out who's. you're alone right and we're gonna find out how much, it is okay, find out who's got. It now are finding out. What are we paying in? Does this payment work? Ok, so we're gonna take a couple of questions cause. I know you all have questions about. Jade I've got my payment, but you know
hearing about these iD are plans. Should I do them. So, let's taken quest, from Mirabel. She came through from instagram. She says jade what you're take on the same plan and on what are the pros and cons. So let's talk about the same plan, ah, you ve probably heard the acronym idea are which our income driven repayment plants and, just like it sounds these payment plans are based on the size of your family and how much income that you're bringing in right. So you might have heard some of these income payment plans can drive your costume, almost zero dollars, and you might be thinking jude. Why not do this right and the fact is a lot of you have been it's. This say that four million people have recently enrolled in these plans. But, let's be honest, you didn't in raw. You are kind of forced in their like cattle right. You were automatically enrolled in this plan if you were already previously in a plan. So the question is hey but I do it. I'm in it now is gonna work for me, so
to answer that question. Let's go to this his question from Zena she's jade. Should I pay them off a sap talking about or student loans, or should I make minimum payments were I or why not? So, let's try to tackle two questions at once. So here that is mirabelle Zena! Here's what I can tell you! These are facts, and these are also derive from my personal experience when they come. to payments whenever you lower the payment, a lower payment was a longer period of having the dead. Okay, so remember, this lower equals longer lower payment you're having that debt for ever- and I don't want you to be like that now here's thing you can lower your payment. Sayer payments, four hundred dollars: you get it lower to thirty six dollars and you like trade. I can pay thirty thirty six dollars a month for twenty five years. What's the big deal I'll tell you what's the big deal, you still feel that debt
ok, you still no somewhere in the back of your brain, that you owe the government money in your body feels that doctor on the lonely says all it's on the body keeps the scorn it so true. Think about it like this. Have you ever had friends coming over to your house writer? You know you ve got family members coming over, but the houses, a wreck and I call my gosh coming over. So what do you do you pick everything up: islam it in the closet. You push the door closed. like ok, welcome. Nobody and you're like sweating a little bit but you're forcing a smile right. Think about it. You know. What's in that closet, you know it's there. It's going haunt you until you go and deal with it because at the moment that was a quick fix right in you knew its not a long term solution which is a temporary fix and that's what these ideas are there? Not your long term solution think about it with the ideas, aids plan. What happens as you start with twelve thousand dollars? That's just you know that a benchmark to get in what twelve thousand dollars you ve gotta pay for tat.
years in order to get forgiveness and for every thousand more that you borrow it's another thousand it's another year. That's added to that term, so thirteen down eleven years. Fourteen thousand twelve years, that's how it works. That's ridiculous, because where I come from I'm not going insult your intelligence. I know you can get out there and earn a thousand dollars just doing some site hustle. You could pass off twelve thousand, student loan in one year. If you put your mind to it, so it's ridiculous! into the day guys. What I want you to know is these student long programmes. They don't want your peace, they want your payment that it's so the only time, the only time that I would entertain an id are such as the save plan is ours. As If I was going to use it to people rarely lower my minimum payments right and then I'm taking all that freed up money and I'm throwing it at my smallest debt. So I can pay it off fast and then I'm going to repeat that process so, for instance, here's a case in point at one point: sam and I are student loans- totaled two,
thousand dollars a month in payments as a lot of money. That's almost a mortgage and so being able to lower those payments temporarily. It helped us free money too, then focus on all of our smallest loans and pay them off For example, on that debt I showed you that was a hundred and twenty eight thousand. We had gotten it down ninety one thousand, but the payment was still over nine hundred dollars a month. So we one of these plans and lowered it to two hundred and fifty seven dollars we are able to do that freed up a lot of cash to pay off our smallest. It quickly! That's what we call the debt snowball we didn't want to just get by on payments. We wanted to pay the debt offer good and it's what we're going to help you do tonight. A one is we're going to help you find peace and making your minimum payment and then the next step is we're going to help. You ultimately pay these loans off for good. that's what I'm talking about. So, in order to do that, I am going to bring up the beautiful co host, not day
if I'm talkin about data daughter, a great john crews, bestselling offer us reaching grew showed you can keep going. I know personally straightens greater damsons, what's an I verily am and I love hearing her story. I hope you guys enjoyed that because, unlike in you, are the perfect picture of hope of actually walking through this and shown you guys that this is possible and that's what we want for you tonight. You signed You click on the link, and here you are, and we want to be able to empower you not just with inspiration, knowing that you can, but also tactically, jade, that's what I want to die vans right now If you, because there are some money, moves five money moves that we want you to make to really see this progress. That's right tonight, throughout this course of this livestream we're going to teach you how to budget. That's one we're going to teach you how to do. Greece, your your expenses! We can have more money, reassure you had it in frazier income, so we can have more money and then rachel you, can I go over some really low, lift things that you can do that have big big gains and then finally, I know
we're gonna talk about your car payment. You don't wanna, know J relics right! That's ok, so when we gotta instagram. We see that from crystal she says that my budget is already tights, I'm not or how to get more money help This is a legitimate problem. Were hearing from a lot of people said jane. Let us take it off, we're gonna it off with the budget. This is not the first smart money. May the ones you to make because the butt didn't you guys, is key, and I know that a lot of people they cringe when they hear the word budget and they think oh rachel. That means we can't have any fun right. It means that life is like it's limited, it's constrained. I don't wanna live on a budget budgeted for poor people yeah, pp yeah? I wouldn't, I wouldn't enjoy life, and so you have to get over that hump, because you have to realize that a budget is the thing. That's going to give you control. if you sign on tonight and you're watching this, I'm sure your motivation is to get out of student loan debt and you guys the budget is the roadmap to be able to do it. So the budget is so so.
She and so we're going to die, but we're going to use every dollar our budgeting app, the one that I use jade. I think you use every dollar dollar to get out of debt. That's all I'm saying yeah. So this is a great budgeting app. So we're going to use this as an example cause. We want to walk you through a real life budget to show you, here's how you get margin, here's, how you free up some expenses and really get into the nitty gritty details, let's use this budget as an example we're going to use a couple. Let's say they have a toddler yes and they're, going to make the average household income, which is seventy one thousand dollars. So when you look at that after taxes, it's fifty seven, fifty seven thousand eight hundred dollars so divided by twelve, that's twenty four hundred dollars per paycheck, that they're getting there making forty eight hundred dollars a month- and so Actually I'm jake over here, mister J he's not going as fill out. of the every dollar. Seventy jake. Thank you. Bennydeck sphere, quick, mathesons immigrate, so we're going to use them as an example. So, for a for the starting budget, you need to know what your income minus all of your expenses, including giving and saving, should equal zero.
Okay. So, as you see, we started with giving and you're going to go down there with some savings up there, and then this is all the expenses you're going to fill out every single thing that you spend on throughout the month, and so, as you look all this and then the last bit which is hard as the debt you're still up at that section. So this is credit cards student loans, car payments, any type of debt that you have smallest to largest, you're going to fill out here, what you're gonna see as your income minus all of this you're see this number and in this example it's seven. Almost eight hundred all That's all were in the red right, so they are I get in that amount of money and with that shows me. Jade is a lot of people, and we hear this all time from you guys that you ve got your money is just a he out of control, or you know, you're you're kind of scared, like I don't know exactly what's going on it's this restlessness, that you feel around money and the truth is probably very legitimate, because yet could be your situation. So we don't scare you break you out, and this is the power of a budget. You guys all feelings, your having runs your money refilling, secure you,
What's going on the thing about the budget is your actually facing it head on your seeing the numbers you're, seeing the facts which is so important to get ahead so that money move we want you to make is to create a budgets, and so the as an example and then the next thing you want to do is use the budget to get margin. which means you're, gonna, look and say: hey: where can we cut expenses which is ever to yeah before I get to which you I just want to simple is because you are going into the budget and you're gonna go oh crap, I've been spending. All this time, no wonder have an american express bill of rights right yeah reality has just understand, like it takes a couple of months to get this right, like the first time, you're, really just guessing you're doing your best. It's going to take a couple of months to lock in the first time, when I did our budget and really wrote down our numbers, I felt worse before I felt better right and so I just want to acknowledge this. Is a process keep walking down the road of grace chess for sure for race so but now. Let's talk about. Ok, we got all these expenses. Let's talk about cutting expenses. Now,
the yacht cause. I know rachel as soon as I said that people were like what are you I'm having fun. I know, don't don't take money away from, don't touch, don't take it, but here's the thing. I want you guys to remember rachel. All this everything we're talking about. It is in February. That is the word of the evening. This is a temporary short term sacrifice, for a long term game. So, hang with me, as I cut budget back. Okay, we can do this. Can I say this you're going to see this and you're like oh gosh? It was in for a short amount of time. Anyone can do anything right for a few months. You can do this so where we start jade. While if it's me, I'm starting on the biggest budget buster that we all know say with me: food, take out everywhere, osier ease and seven eleven in chronic, ok, restaurants, when it's time to get out of debt when it's time to find peace with our me. We're gonna make sure we're not overspending and so we're, starting with this category, does the biggest one. I'm gonna cut restaurants, because they're a want not a need, I'm cutting it down to zero
and I know rachel like it's like like me, but can be Hence right as your out and about all of this, but again you're going to say we ve done math on this. So often we get so much hate for this was our like now, Eating at home is cheaper and it may not be the most elaborates the most wonderful meal, but for a season you can do what we say. means, a rice, rice and beans, your ramsay and that's it you guys limited, but us up grocery. Yet, let's put more and groceries because the fact of the matter is: if you're never going to eat you, probably spending more money, eating at home and making better meals. So, what's up to five hundred dollars, there's an already rachel. I hear it through the enter webs there like Jane family, afford on five hundred dollars, explicable for war, rachel don't understand what doing here. Oh here's the deal you guys again for a season temporarily think about your version budget and I get at this- is a place that even overspend so clay, but where you shop is so important in her expensive grocery stores, and then you got all the
you can save, superseded, shot places like that I make a list before you go. Actually you can go online if there's a place where you can go online and fear. Everything out without extra charge or delivery fees, but to be able, I can do pick up that way. You can see your total even buying store brain some verses brand can't amazing in my house, for my show. I doubt this experiment just this last week you guys for different items. We in this house raisins animal crackers mean nothing like big. I did store up Ursus named brands. My kids had did another difference, except for the hyena cheerios. You have to know that their the face different, but that goes for items and then I did and then I did the math to say. Okay, if we bought these twice a week over time, it was three hundred and sixty dollars per year. Look and that's just on those four items you think about that the little switches? I know it seems like or nickel and timing, but wherever you can find that
and his bag and jane. I want you to know that if you will require from spontaneous let's go: let's go with the story of you and sam when you are in the grocery. You guys we're on this journey, you're so hard core of like we're not going over budget. We set this Oh yeah, Male came in town I knew this is where you're going. So let me really quick, so we were probably year six and a half into our journey had a little bit left and I mean it's down to the wire every cent every dollar counts and I had a good, treeless. I would not enter store without a grocery list when going through the as I look and I noticed, there's a box of old, wheel in the car and I'm like looking at my list like that's, not supposed to be in the cart, and so I see my husband SAM and I say: hey: did you put that oatmeal in the cart? He says yeah. It was me, but it's just one box, that's just a couple of dollars. I would have liked- but is it on the list to, though he's like it's not on the list, but I feel like we kit and unlike sam, it was like one of them. Moments readjust eye to eye and your widely help me understand and so we're.
Facing each other face off and I start to see his eyes like glistening he's like jade, it's just oatmeal and I'm like it's not just oatmeal, because if we sort sacrificing in this area will pull back in other areas and that's how goes it like a domino effect? You pull back here. You pull back there and before you know wish you're not intense anymore and before you know it that that road that you were walking on to get that free, it gets slower and slower and slower, and so it was one of those moments where it's like. No, let's put it back in. he wasn't didn't tyrian misty, because it are me all girls, leaning, tyrian missy, because this matters any matter it's emotional for us! Why being able to go out and spend that's an emotional feeling? And when you tell somebody hey take that restaurant category two zero, we're not gonna sit around and act like that. Doesn't hurt we're not going to look twisting shout, does not take the same as orioles. Ok nobody's gonna like they do, but is it worth it absolutely
that's where we landed on that or that season? Yes, okay, where else can we cut you? Alright? As number two, you guys aren't subscriptions rachel all options millennials on average, ready for this united seventeen subscription, so on average that people that millennials specifically have which is wild so and they're usually duplicated. So, let's go in and we are We owe max and netflix. We don't need both of those an disney yeah keep their we'll keep disney or now, just as we got a little care in this example, get rid of HBO man get apple music, you can you two young music. You must have an amazon prime, stop, what you're doing now in dili amazon that what are your phone calls? You don't know, responding to manage I'm included in that are right, and once are lots service and that's the thing rachel go through cause. There's lots of miscellaneous aid, once you make your budget you're thinking of everything, our money on and you're, going to see a lot of things like by more and more on craigslist and cut your own group
so scroll down, jake, and let's see some of these other things that people spend money on is legitimate. That's the thing you! As about the budget for filling out a budget. You want to make it realistic right if you put zero for all these categories, that's realistic, re make it realistic, but so yeah. So like fun money, be there a little bit of miscellany. Yes, that's fine, because there's going to be stuff that comes up throughout the month, so some of this has got. But what you see up there in the red jade that we're almost member negative, eight hundred dollars, and now it's unless you know it's four hundred and sixty seven we're going in the right direction, which is great, but we still have more to do so. Let's talk about eating your income guy because there The formula we are looking at the budget is really to factors, it's your expenses, the money going out and then the money coming in. So we talked about expenses attack what the money coming in with him income. We, we can look at that in two ways: right, there's your core income that you make from your main job.
and then there's the side hustler right. That was like the buzz word of the last three years side, hustling right extra money coming in, and let me tell you if you make a great core income. This is the key. You need to drive this number ups, who have extra money not only to make your payment but eventually pay off these debts. may quick progress. So let's take a yeah from brie on instagram. She says I'm a teacher. Why the best side, jobs to pay off student loans, so yeah. If the braves are great examples, if you're a teacher, I would automatically say: can you tutor on the side like what are things that you can do that you already have the skills that you're already doing, maybe in your day job that you can take, and actually
make some money- and I had talked about this on my show as well jay, because there's so many lucrative side, hustles out there, you guys, so it's everything from food delivery, service, pet sitting, babysitting even things like jewelry cleaning. We found that people say for wrap your car. If you're driving companies will pay you to wrap your car as you're driving. It's amazing that referee sports games. I mean there are so many options out there. You guys to look at those side, hustles and you and sam you guys did a bunch we're getting out. It's absolutely and I'm thinking as you're saying that I'm like obviously like your own job like overtime at your own job or nurses. You can get that overtime, that's great! What sam and I did is we took the things that we were already good at already passionate about and we turn those into side hustles, because then you get to set your own hours set your own pay. So we were both musicians, so we did lots of different types of music lessons my husband's great at like technology, so he did websites, I love cooking and baking, so I made wedding, cakes and cupcakes and all of that stuff
so find something that you like the goal here is we want to make between like around twenty dollars three dollars an hour and again you guys, fare and remember. This are in the same room, mate broken record up here, because when a journalist in your head temporary temporary, we always say, live like no one else. So later you can live and give like no one else. So all this extra working always cutting expenses, I know- can feel overwhelming. It's first season came on average eighteen to twenty four months, what it takes for painfully about getting another that eighteen to twenty four months you're an after two years ago, Does drill down and really focus on that timeline so yeah, but by what the site, vessels Like your saying, yes, if you did twenty hours an hour, you know fifteen hours a week that aid The aim is to get to a thousand dollars between you and your spouse, or, if your single, just you a thousand extra powers after tat there's so you're able to come in here and say: ok, I'm taking home a thousand dollars here, her side, hustle a thousand dollars. I feel like that is very feasible so that
thing one hour out of were out of the red guys were and so fifteen hundred dollars and the positive, which is so that this is where the momentum really starts. To pick up, that's excellent! So we ve talked about side hustling. Now, let's talk about the other part of your income, probably the most important part of your income, your core income, mrs, which are earning from your main job. Now, if you're anything like salmon, I some of us are core income is not sustainable as it is when same when I first started we're making thirty thousand between the two of us. That's not good. Ok, so we needed to make steps to make it better, and some of you need to do that to it might be looking at a completely different career path and can comment on one of the personnel is that we work with? Has such good content on that? You can check him out. It might look like certifications, it might look like moving to a place where there's more opportunity whatever it is. You need to sit down and start tracking a path to create a sustainable, higher core income long term, and I cannot stress enough. This is long term. This right is take some time,
examine I several years really, all of that seven and a half year debt free journey to really get her income up to where it needed to be so you can do that didn't happen overnight. But let's pretend that you know the folks on our budget here will call him jack and jane cause. I just like that because I felt that they find a way to get their income up over the long haul. Yeah, let's say they're, making fifteen thousand more a year combines yeah, that's fair enough, like we can imagine that, so they did that be about policy. Twelve hundred some twelve thousand seven hundred fifty dollars after taxes other adding to their paycheck. So that's about five hundred and thirty dollars per paycheck, so jake. Let's add that in I think that's real, waiting room, another five and thirty dollars, each totally reasonable s, and then you look up jade. Yet twenty five hundred dollars you guys rights and you're. Sorry to see this chick and which is so bright. Negligence. Look at what call low left big gang, so first and foremost. Take a deep breath.
I would encourage you to pause retirements, wait a second pause your and best say where it shows. What are you the thing everyone hates around? Like rate all, but it's free money, I'm getting out of my for k, listen! What we have found is when you can channel all of your income as much income as possible to one thing and new focus, all your energy all your time on one thing you get it done that much faster, because if you pause retirement again, this is on average two years. Maybe in the three after all that son and you have a fully funded emergency funds- Daniel videophone, fifteen percent of your income, and to retirement. So you will catch up, ok, so pausing for the short term. So what we have found jane is that, on average, people are contributing about four percent of their pay check to retirements. Look. They they paused this, it's gonna be a hundred and eighteen dollars per pay check going back and two way when you call jane and jack and jane hijacking, arrange Page our guy, so there they argued that we see that rise. Ok, so
pausing. Investing number two is to adjust sure with holdings. If you had a big tax refunds this year, listen that as well. that was sitting in washington. Maybe right now you have money sitting in washington that could be in your paycheck to help you in paying off their debt and its entry three, it just sitting there. May I now out so I just for withholding skate your tax reform What average americans are getting about three thousand dollars and a tax refund between some people are getting more or less wow a three thousand dollars, and you think about that and you divide it by twelve, divided by two paychecks. That's one hundred and twenty five dollars per paycheck, a lot of money that can be put back in right. So it's like all, even if it's one hundred dollars here a hundred very was at at changes that changes the scenario. If you all that jade look it up, three thousand dollars, three thousand dollars that we have, which is so exciting, and last and not least, We won't add numbers here, but I would encourage you guys to shop your insurance shopping. Your insurance rates could actually save you thousands of dollars, and you know insurance, you pay quarterly or annually, and you don't really shot
rate. Sometimes you just gonna get plug, then re eva bill. So we don't you the under insured by any means, but go and shop, your rates from car insurance, life insurance and just see. How could I get a better rate on this and that can save you a lot over long haul, so Jane. This is where this is. Where the budget you guys gets empowering because you start to see, we started in the negative member that that feeling and now, as you start, making adjustments you're getting to actually see this work, but then the last one jade, which is people are not going to lie. They may like me at the end of this jade. I don't know cause it's not showing a lot of stuff with me. Okay, I want you to consider your car payment. I know I know here's the reason I can tell you this. I would never tell you to do something that I have not. First done myself and here's the fact all right, rachel yeah most people are paying somewhere between five hundred and seven hundred dollars a month for one car for just one.
and I know that there is a lot of two car family households watching tonight. So here's what I'm saying look again, I'm not going to tell you to do something. I wouldn't do myself salmon. I used to have two cars. We had a jeep liberty that we paid for in one hundred and three dollars a month for then we had hummer h, three four hundred and thirty four dollars a month for that's over seven hundred and forty dollars a month. That's a lot of money, that's more than a student loan payment hey that's all I'm saying is some of you. I don't know like jack and jane right here. They gotta for in their paying six hundred fifteen dollars a month for it. thirty. Two thousand alone I took out where thirty two thousand weighing on your shoulders. What would happen rachel it? They say you know what I'm done. I'm gonna take this car. It doesn't mean If your upside down could somebody I hear the objection. Yeah, someone in the inner webs is going but genome upside down on my car payment,
I owe you know it's. I I'll take a four thousand dollar hit. I would say: take that hit yup. Take that hit and then take you four thousand dollars cash with it go, buy something in cash. Get you like a little a you know, four thousand dollar. Thousand dollar six thousand dollar beater drive it temporarily. Ok, if you can't go with what you know, if you can't do one car get you a metre for the second car, but get rid of that thirty, two thousand dollars of debt in that six hundred hours? Let it be gone? And then you can look up I already got and assure you seven hundred dollars at this point so you're, starting to see the sacrifices that you're making it's getting you somewhere, it's not just during it for the sake of doing it's actually towards a goal and towards a purpose. Because with great about this, jade, as you can take that almost thirty seven hundred dollars and let's look at the debt here. So this is an annex card. They have the payment. Seventy five dollars a month yet and its total of eight hundred and ninety dollars. Well, we ve freedom. all this. You know this income, thirty, six hundred was thirty seven hundred that can be paid off right now? One on,
auto it's gone and then you go and look at this sitting alone. Six thousand dollar balance gay, so you won't go to It fully off here, but you're gonna get close to next month. It's going out my next month, it's gone! So what you wish? You can start to do download download every dollar for free. You can start playing with these numbers, which is really exciting, because syrup mapping out and say, ok we'll, how long will it take us you have this setting you go down and you start to map out. I see how much money is getting freed up, because you don't have these other minimum payments rolling it onto the next that the next set in just take taken to the extreme jay. Let's just go all the way until this example of jack and chain that they are debt. Free, oh, come on! Here's! The powerful thing is after your emergence. he finds there's four thousand dollars, which means the site hustles are over you're done, you can bring yet go. Then you Two thousand dollars left right cause. They are from side hustle. It stops to Frida that you can use and that, every month, every month you have that that margin and that's the power of getting your
come back. That's the power financially and mathematically. When you become debt free, is that your income is yours and we know you guys work hard. You work hard for your income. You deal with jerky bosses, you deal with people, you don't like your sounds traffic writing work hard. Just to have your money. being sucked out by all this debt, vs it being there at the top, where it's yours and it's all yours and you get to decide what to do with it and that's exactly. This was a perfect illustration of what I was saying earlier about these ideas. This is when you get a lower minimum payment, so you get lots of extra money. You can make that progress so fast this. What we just showed you is exactly what sam and I did that's exactly how we got out of debt, and I mean it's tipperary, yeah you get to have money back and that's the best part live like no one else. So later you would get to live like no one else, and we see people doing this. All the time and J were actually standing right now: you're energy solutions on the debt free stage, so right behind us, you can't see
is it the radio studio we set there? Well, families or people travel from all over and they found on the stage should do their debt. Free screams have paid off student ones paid off their credit cards, and so we know that even on answer and we get people. As you know, in facebook we give people messages on you to their story, so it is so powerful. So just like cats and james for ample? They may have eighty thousand dollars. twenty one months or john, he paid off eighty three: thousand dollars? John, it is great yet and in gregg meredith they pay a four hundred and twenty five thousand dollars in student loves come on. he must be a doctor or a then a sudden, a dinner. You feel like a dentist but yeah you guys. I mean these are real life stories that we see constantly constantly. So we want you to know that this is possible, but with those money moves that we just walk through trying them out, do it start the process today start taking that first step because man,
This terrible. You see that hope, then he writes that its passage yeah, endangering you been doing this for what thirty years. So you know- and you ve seen these stories and experience this- that that it is it so doable hard and but its dual great job. Will they have been in russia in? Oh? If you do what they teach, you also just taught you you start doing a budget. You get the every dollar downloaded you're going I feel, like you got a raise. Research says that you're going to save as much as three hundred and twenty five dollars a month just by being organized, but we actually see that it goes a lot further than that, because you're organized with a goal, and John Maxwell, my friends as a budget people telling their money? What to do instead of wondering where it went and zig ziglar used to say, if you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time. Should I be the opposite of budgeting right right have a target: let's have a target and must not do ready. Aim. Aim. Aim. Aim, aim, aim, aimlessly I ready I'm fire let us lay out what we're gonna do and go for it and not the stuff down. You're gonna feel
Like you, gotta raised, I hears a deal, try for ninety days and then, if it on work, you can go back to what you are doing, that one morgan I mean trot trudged something different plug some, He also right. So what we're doing is we're gonna, let you have every dollar the app completely free go to every dollar, dot, com, slice, student loans or use the cure code and land you ride on the landing page and down Well, the every dollar app for free, get it on your phone. You and your spouse can both look at it and both use it. Your able to do everything you need to do and if you do that, tonight we're gonna, throw in three other things right there on the same landing page. Fourteen day money find or video series that rachel dead and it's a great series. When you have fourteen days, you find money yet small little tasks but yeah. It frees you up. It's kind of all we talked about tonight, but some of the little little light lift things you had on and it really frees up some money and the meal. Planner and grocery savings guide is a big deal. I'm still not
you can do it on five hundred bucks for the family is right now, but you guys you guys are making me of labour, but I can tell you you won't If you do it on actual s right, I'm going with a list of hungary and the kids don't get to decide. Yes rang! The laotian rules about this is out of control is the best merchant answers in the world. Are grocery store I would say, that's true and we talked to families. I was even talking to a friend who's in this too and they're, like I'm just tired of like having the list, I wanted to go into just by whenever I can, and I might you're so posts are gonna be able to like if you stick with it, stick with it, but that grocery budget it can go over and allowing rituals the eureka was born. We weren't completely broken lost everything and that my wife, her mom Sharon's big? Thank you. She said some day. some day room again up money than I can, and just put whatever I want my buggy, and let me tell you now:
Now she gave you this bill. Valuevo woman is cheap and larger bugging benefits and papa dave sentiment. Girls are grossly. Cars are not aimed baggy bug. The horse and buggy, so are you do them Well, the planner in the grocery savings. God is going to be part of the three things we give you if you sign up for every dollar tonight and the third one is the audio course from KEN coleman, our our career ex. Harry ramsay, our ramsay personalities gap Does all s study how to increase your income and that's a big forget the income the I'll go down the margin just like they outline for you I give you the margin to be able to attack this. You can do this stuff, but you are going to have to do it. No one else is going to do it and so go to every dollar, dot com, slash student loans or scan that qr code. All of this is free, including the three
add ons or for you, if you do it tonight, that's right! Ok! So let's go back to some questions, as you guys showed up on it. I am only has followed up and which is his grey. Ok, let's take some of these some of these questions, so we have from Jana jenna sorry. Is it I think getting along when you want to pursue a master's degree, they want. A lot of people look about. Second secondary education. Well, if you weren't pursue any degree, is it worth getting along and whether a masters degree or an undergrad or even a phd. The question can come and always brings up is: is it necessary to have that degree in order to get into the profession if the answer is no, then dont even go get it right now until you at the money to pay cash, and then you it's a luxury to add it. Then it's a luxury of knowledge to add it, and if the answer yes, mother! Some examples like, for instance, if you want to be a therapist in ever stayed in the? U s
after have at least a master level degree in social organ psychology in order to set for the board and become a there So I shall have something we have to have a masters level, a lot of accounting. albums now are requiring a master's level of going to the cps some some teacher situation, but but most things don't require master's, that's true, yep, and so and- and the same is true with you know, with the undergrad, if you have no clue what you're doing with your undergrad that then, for goodness, it cannot wanting to go into debt from undergrad, no, absolutely you don't go into debt for any others. Don't put yourself in the position that this was a mean. Here's the thing you can go to college, and some people should go to college, to study degree at a good place and get the knowledge and chew something that is price sensitive and you don't have to go. What famous college to be handed out. You don't rush a ton of money. You don't to go to some ivy league thing to be successful. That is mythology.
Go to an end. State school choose the school carefully and you can go to school. That free gas is more choices, is huge. You guys, and community colleges and state tuition take advantage of. All of that and you're right. I think it's hard is that you know at eighteen. It's like you are expected to choose some, hang a degree and an if you dont have guidance right people get stuck in going to be schools, they can afford getting a decree that they don't really know it's a looking at the hour away, which are studying right and parents out there live teenagers, be guiding you're student and then, of course, scholarships grants working all of it going under the truth is an option I resolutely or from my grow talks about the lottery completely grew with people marrow born in the true joviality show mechanic making such figures welder making should figures mean Well, you got somebody going two hundred fifty thousand dollars in debt to get a degree in social work and they're, making thirty eight thousand see this is backward. You don't want to do this. You gotta look at the degree with a level of practice, already really the degrees, not even the answer. The answers, knowledge we got confused a few years.
I wish our john everybody did agree or by the need to agree which, what we should then tell them. If you want your needs knowledge and you can acquire knowledge, a lot of ways, a lot of places in a lot of different settings from apprenticeships. certifications to commute the college to our institution. You can. You can acquire Really. What you need is knowledge and real. If you quit learning after college you're, not you're, not gonna be successful can apply. in time. Learners are the ones who are successful, as I make sure to check out borrowed future. This is a documentary that it's free on youtube. Or we talk this this whole topic in depth so make sure to check that out. Are the next lessons from Elizabeth. How do I?
watch my loans while starting a life with my fiance wedding, buying a house all the all that new season. Why does that ring a bell? You know when you come out of college, you get married. You want all the things that you're you saw your parents, how right you want the cars and you want the home, the big house right with the fully furnished you want to get to all of these things so quickly, but I will say: there's a right way and there's a peaceful way to go about that and then there's a wrong way in a stressful way to go about that, and so just like what we outlined before it's so important to pay off your debt. First, it's so in when you get free and free of that income so that you can buy the house that you want. You can save up a good down payment so that you can buy a house. It's not taking up too much of your monthly income, twenty five percent, what we recommend of your take on pay and that house becomes a blessing, it's no longer burden. So to answer your question: yes, pay off your loans. First set aside a thousand dollars, you know, just as an emergency fund pay off your dead, then after that save up three to six.
that's some emergency fund then save up a down payment and then you're on your way. That's our, and even things like a wedding right there very excited It's a celebratory day so you wanna enjoy, but when you're in this place says you know you may look as though they for the ones that are having to foot the bill for the wedding. We have to be wise, about that, and so just like we're thing being wise about college and further education be wise about these big events that are in your life, including your wedding, so just be mindful of that, but it is a good idea. Let's force rank, these things is what we would call its labelling. Not no doubt not Yes, I'm not via had not buying a house now We're going do a wedding. This reasonable we're gonna come out yet I join hands and we're gonna to attack stood alone. Then we ve got the freedom to build an emergency fund and build a good downpayment and then move into the This is the right order of things. Well, I might have to
renders I'm going to hell sort of salvation, so you can rent for a little while I went and we can leave those people rent when they first get married, at least for a little while I magazine tracy Can I negotiate remaining amount owed since I've been paying for decades for your wish, but if it's a federally insurance didn't loan answers now you can, because its federal injured, this. Is the government has guaranteed the bank that they're gonna get one hundred percent of the money guard listen whether you pay them or not or regardless of the story or how sad it is. The bank doesn't care, those are restored unclear there in it for the money. If you don't blame me, just try messing with them. They they will be. They will act and competent to keep you in debt cause. They know the government is going to pay them. One hundred percent, if you dont, show no help there now, private student loans. Yes, you can negotiate with them and
there is actually a company has been advertising with those called. Why ratify w r e F, why you can look up and they will help with private lounge, they actually buy your loan at a discount and then said you up a reduced interest rate and puts on payments and after and pay a year. You can buy the loan out from them at a disco, and so that's a good programme. Actually, if you want to get going on it, if you ve gotta, occasionally want to settle with a shuttle, your own lungs. You can do that on private, but you cannot do it on federal. I'm sorry, that's what sam and I did. We were able to knock back a significant amount of interest that had been accruing over the years because it was private and they wanted. I mean they want money at the end of the day. So if you can offer them a lump sum, that is definitely worth trying at the end of the hungarian members that it private womanish banker, optimal yeah? So if, if you, been behind, and then you get caught up kind of scared about whether you gonna bankrupt on the public loans or not bank corruptible answer they know they're gonna get their money. No negotiation tried I next
marie is: can consolidation of the loans and a single payment worth that's. So we talk about this about that consolidation and get an we're all that we are usually kind of like a against that, because a lot of people think well. If I can just move the math around move, the payments around it'll be a better deal for me, but the problem is you're, not fixing the problem, which is us. It's me it's you so so that consolidation usually is not a great plan but was soon along dad. It is this happens that that you most likely don't go back into, and so, if, if you need to consolidate one type of debt suit alone would be the one to do it. I think you even talked about you tell me that you and SAM did this and got a lower interest rate. That's right! When you're doing your federal student loans, you can you have the option usually coming out. You ve got one tack: children's you'll take them and consolidate them. So if you're watching this now and maybe you're just
graduating or because of the pause. This is your first time kind of entering into that. You want to shop around your options right cause they're, all emailing, you re thing. This is the way to do this. The wanted you don't take. The first option really look at the interest rate. Look at your current interest rates and see if on average, This is going to be a better choice for you, because you only get one shot so make sure it's a good one shooting I make sure your lowering interest rates of ghana leasing, interest environment, so they may be offering you a rate. Did you can refinancing consolidate? That's higher rank, so don't do that? the little ones smaller rates than one big one with a bigger right. That's right, very, very good point! Next from koran: I'm they at home mom and my husband's gonna help me pay off the debt, but I feel that all I feel is guilt. What can I do
so this is this is a real one and we taught me here there's a lot from couples if one of them is bringing significant amount of debt- and that was saying- but here's the deal out my list in shown, but you feel like you sound, and here we are with them, but you ve, brought in three hundred and thirty thousand dollars of stood alone bags and talk about that. Jane TAT way is because If you didn't beat him up or no, I didn't beat him up. You know what I don't know if this was wisdom or like just like young and ignorance and like oh, like love glasses on, but I really was like. Oh it's, our debt like yeah. It's us like we're going to do this together. We were taken on the world and it was very difficult for him to. Let me do that because for him it's like. Oh I'm, bringing this and I'm the one that's weighing us down and I'm like. No, no, no, no, not like we. I have like let that go. If you love someone. Thank you become one. When you get married right like it's, it's no longer you and me were,
ass an hour and we go through life that way and that guilt. She's, feeling Israel, like I'm balloting, that its real, but at the same time you have to accept when someone says we're in this together and I love you and I'm taking this on an What's done is done and let's just live in the future and live in the present go forward because working contain you're gonna get so much further ahead of so much, but it's really hard to one with money. get out. That's hard to budgets. It's do all this. When both spouses not an agreement if you're married- and we find this a? Why lot of you ask? How do I get my spouse on board as its ever? and telling them. You know your, why? Why are you wanting to together why do you not want your our citizens around? Why do you want a budget showing the plan and there's ways to go about it, but here's the deal in the day a lot of marriage problems in oh, come up through the money cycle the money portion of your marriage, where it's not relieving the money problem, it's the marriage problem. when so getting underneath the hood even of your marriage, you guys we really encourage you to do that and of its sitting down with
with a councillor or you, marriage, therapists or something but really getting to the heart. We want your marriage should be better in this process. If you're married and you're doing this journey together, we want your marriage, we stronger and what's crazy. We find that people that work together all the time they're like our marriage, he's the best its, however ban and we're like we're on teaching. My marriage was injured on learning uncoiling a dragon together, yeah, that's very long running in that, ideally, like other right a drag. You show your ears as in grim when, when we went bankrupt sherman, I we run our twenties, all my fault, and so I could say should answer dead for awhile saw my falls, not sharon's vault and I can use that to destroy our future That became my shame based identity. Instead, I said that when we talked about it, we work through its spiritual emotionally merrily, and we said that's something that happened student, launder thing that happened, and They're in the rearview mirror the decision in the review mirror we're gonna have a
We are someone who's file bankruptcy, but we are not bankrupt people. It's right. We have a future and so the the shame and the girl goes away when you start aiming at the future. Instead, a living in the past, and so the decisions made done were met. we're together, we'll find a going forward scan either nice guy, so kendra. If we have the saving, to pay them off. Should we two three guy as against italy, I know- and I think they were you think this is a paper all relevant. Oh my gosh, false sense of security. The raven I the savings and an it's sitting there. It feels that feels safe for jane duty not this, alot, which I love reunited. If anyone technically your money money, it's bad man, brave mapping, I've been right. That's what they say, because you know. Oh man, I got fifteen thousand dollars saved. I got thirty thousand dollars in the bank, that's great, but you got fifty thousand dollars of debt. So if you take your little fifteen thousand and minus it from your day,
you're still in debt or negative a negative net worth. So it's sinhalese? You ok! The fact is that savings that you ve got sitting in that cushy h. I say you owe that to some one need to give them their money so that you can sleep at night and so that you can actually build a firm foundation. Good financial setting for yourself pay off your debt and then you'll have the margin to actually go. in save up three to six months of expenses, and then you actually have true savings. That's actually yours! I love it. That's good! Math! That's right! I think our last question count. How can I get a parent plus slung payment reduction? If I'm separated and barely getting by gay so can, I think, is the obviously the parent and this situation is separated from.
her husband and she's, a single mom I mean she's barely getting by, and we talked to a lot of people that are in the situation and with the parent plus loan payment options. It can be difficult and through this program, but what we're saying like it's so worth it so worthwhile apply for a refinance. Yeah for the consolidation process. It set you up, maybe get into that save programme which has we ve, said six times the horrible programme, but it will give you a temporary reprieve. While you can get on top of this and start to pay extra using other means, but overall the rest of you take. This is a warning help us loans, really sock, so really door. My dear, he was apparent blossom. MR laundered, on purpose laundered, doubled up, ok stuff, away from both of these for sure, but this ladys in a mess. You try to do something nice for her kid and she did and a good thing a bad way. and her set herself up for a serious problem
Are you guys? We are thankful that you joined us tonight and I can tell you from us all standing here and this entire building of over a thousand people at work here rooms, solutions. We are cheering you on were here in franklin. We we know all over the country even all over the world, maybe even watching that this is possible and guys. We just want you to hear that encouragement from us not just sit back and continue to let this problem just faster, but we hope that we ve, given you the pro active steps to really go forward and do something That's you guys mean it is powerful. Not does financially mathematically to become that free, but emotionally spiritually like what it does to change or family tree with us if you like intergenerational change, even from him to me. So I this this is a powerful thing that your choice using way beyond just paying off their debt. This is a bigger story. Absolutely when it comes to third lounge. Choose your heart,
being in debt for thirty years and having no money and retiring broke, because you ve never been able to invest aggressively because you stayed broke with that. That's hark you know. You chose mediocrity at best you can choose a really hard to a three year period of time. Here's a for being sold or whatever the flip is going on here. can choose your heart show you'd need to decide which one you why I believe- and I know from the millions of people literally that's not an exaggeration. We ve shown how to get out of that. That is you choose to be the hero in your own story and you choose to attack the dragon you and your spouse. Arms draw swords and we're gonna take under the budget and we're temporarily that's alright, we're ourselves much stuff. The kids think their next man. I mean we're getting out of this. One I do that. You choose your hard, you can do it getting out that's hard, but we can guarantee it's worth it.
you will never I've never had someone call me back and go. Oh dave. You know it was really hard. Three years and you're shocked, it was a horrible idea. I wish I'd never met dave ramsey. I've never had that, not one time and if you go, the hard stuff. Everyone's always glad that idea. No, discipline seems pleasant at the time, but it yields a harvest of righteousness. can guarantee this work. That is not your friend. These people are not your fault, At these politicians on either side of the ilo are not your friend. They about forgiveness student loans and talk about our evil, they are and they continue to make the student loans. That's intellectually dishonest. They are not your friends, you and your speech. You people in your house all you're the answer your problem so that don't let the people steal your paycheck anymore, nobody's, incompetent. Greedy stood alone services at any cost. If you quadrupled there dad blame tuition let them on your life? It's time you take it back me the hero
take it back. We know this was possible, it's possible for you, but you're the only one who's gonna change your life We can show you how we're here, you are you call you be a part of our problem, I've been about every dollar up any way. We can help you we will, but you the hero, you're, the one That's gonna bring the energy you're the one who's gonna change that when you may that decision it changes everything and then come here. Ramsay headquarters stand but then free stage, and are you that fresh brain.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-17.