« The Dave Ramsey Show

Be the Victor, NOT the Victim (Hour 3)

2022-05-19 | 🔗

Dave Ramsey & George Kamel discuss:

  • Family boundaries around your children's debt,
  • What to do with savings bonds,
  • Weighing the options about selling your car.

Want a plan for your money? Find out where to start: https://bit.ly/3nInETX

Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts: https://bit.ly/3GxiXm6

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I the way for better measures, game, obeyed, alma mortgage action taken the place of the Bmw, not a symbol of children, and they were actually rose. George come orange. Impartiality is by go about your life and your money. If we call for polite to five five through to buy you jump and we'll talk about your relationships, your careers.
money, your job, your boundaries. We talk about all of it here triple eight eight to five five, two to five, MR weathers in indianapolis, I'm misty how're, you I'm great. Thank you very much. The taken, my call to watch our, but how can we help? I'm talking about my son school around. When I was first wonder about the names that she was getting ready to go to college. He did take out a smaller Hence my advice. I did not co sign for it, but I did say now I would turn back when it came to be do because I felt that, given not done anything for his college. I had prepared for college off when I was expecting the end for years, and I would be done with the daily such by then Unfortunately, the pandemic hurt. She took a semester, often never returned back to school, so in a new kindness. But he had my bank account number because I had set aside. in a small amount each month it would be better in the end,
they started automatically taking payments out and then. It was a year ago. He ran away from home. But she is in a bad bad. I now have almost no contact with him, so I asked have no authority to see what the law? amount is what's left how much to pay. So my question is Since I said I would pay immensely, should I keep paying it were He laughed and pretty much didn't follow. What I thought was gonna happen. What was the battle I it was thousand dollar alone. What do you make right now I have a really good salary. I make pasture only two hundred and forty thousand thought nothing for me to appear right now. Why are you still? I was in speaking to you but quite sure he told I have seen him about three times in the last year. He told me it was because I was to manipulate is I believe, but
father had gotten into his hands and said some things could I m actually not I'm quite the push a rule. I'm not yeah, I'm not really sure he just said he needed to be off on his own, which is fine. I I want to be on his own, but he's not he's not working. Not going to school. He just said that is that house and has no relationship with me or anywhere else. In my family farm yard misty. Do you feel like the dad is an enabling him to just sit around all day and putting thoughts in his head about you? Yes, you know that's your grandma to enable dad never the job until our sun was a ten years old, because his mom would pay for it. She paid all the child support she paid. I mean.
make a christmas western she'd by every single thing on it. He still lived with her You're not gonna do that. Forty years, all I'm asking from really a lot of problems when we work together in the short term we are together, he was. He would put me away from all my friends and family, very emotion, emotionally so how long? How long ago did you all divorce? He was our sun was one ok! Now you re this boy, all his life yeah, and so you spoken in those life. A lot more than able says he's got. Down in a shot at him. Yes and he'll come back room. Thank you, you ve, made more deposits in his bank than they have in who he is more of you and him, and so he's gonna come back around
There's nothing wrong with either answer here. There's not You don't have a moral thing you have today were certainly don't have a legal thing. You could simply lot. who sent by let him know, until you and I are in a relationship, I'm not gonna pay your long. Ok, you could tell him that and then just cut the cut of draft off boy no, let him take money. I your account and then it'll just sit there and build until his grandmother pay for. He pays that or whatever right here and there's nothing wrong with that at all nothing wrong with it, well, he he probably doesn't care because he probably not gonna, do anything about it right now. Exactly It is well residing oh mom, stranded, jerk, muttering, ok, nothing wrong with that. The other option, of course, is just to say: you know what it's twelve thousand box screw it. He asked just to pay it more write, a check be done with it and on and on
Gonna bring it up again. If you're going to pay it, you cannot use it as leverage ever you just gotta. Let it go. That's an act of forgiveness on your part and you're just going to go not not not like you're trying to buy his love. Are you trying to winning back your neck gonna, bring it up again, you it's not leverage if you're going to use as leverage don't pay it off. Okay, okay, cause! That's not good, for you sit still in that. Okay, so that's just oh man, ramsay talking location interest, not lose. Money is just Let him go, let them let the whole thing go. because back around somewhere hugo, oh mom, whatever happens that loan audit paid, don't worry about yeah and just don't bring it up because you don't want to feed into this narrative of you being manipulative, ok And honestly
softer and my old age I probably would do option to here, is what, abrams. You would probably do today. I'd probably pay it not because we're trying to win their love back, not because I'm trying to get attention because I'm not going to bring it up, but because, if you're going to do, that you're gonna be disappointed because he's I going to come back around he's not going to like you because of this he's not going to none of that is going to work, ok but just to let him go shutting free and then shoot back around and it every day that he doesn't is painful for you, but he'll come back around mom. Thank you and I Are you paying? This off is going to set you free and even the airway yeah cause? I think every time you pay it, you get mad again. I would it would piss me off like every month for a few minutes I got to read set my brain now: kill off
if you kill his father might kill my ex mother in law lol, I'm not going to have my coffee and I'm going to work. Ok, yeah! Oh you did that! Did you okay yeah! This is worth twelve thousand dollars to not have this conversation in your head every month. It is your right to set your free and misty still have access to all these accounts. You are signs of an earlier about now. I guess she can't get it, but well you going pay it off. That's wrong, wondered no I mean you have to contact the student lovato disallowed, you call them and just say I know you can't tell me the amount but but I need a draft. The amount of my this month to pay it off. Can you do that? Ok, I'll, try and then make sure, there's, fifteen thousand bucks lion and there's or that you're ready,
man that's a hard one. It's so hard. This is the ramsey show. The personality is the solutions on the free stage. Courtney is whether Courtney, how are you I'm doing great dave? How are you better than others? So I'd love to hear that? Where do you live, I live in Houston, texas, good fun. Welcome to nashville is alright. How much data have you paid off? I paid out one hundred and thirteen thousand eight hundred and seventy four dollars. I love it and how long did that take it took me thirty months good and your range of income during between seventy four thousand to ninety thousand cool? What do you do for a living? I am
marketing american real estate, good good, and I welcome that was your hundred and fourteen thousand thelma. Debate about ninety four thousand of it was from student loan dead and the restless for my carlo, ok cool where'd. You get your degree in I got my degree and health science and biology is totally different from what my career in south africa, the added value, morgan, money, lush, good, yes and you play, after that things got so good for you, shallow. You been out school school, my god I garden, in two thousand and twelve, though it's been a really long time to go. Eight eight nine years, yeah, alright, but but two and a half years ago, bring what happened. So I've been getting these mails from my inner from fed loans, and you owe my you owe money- and I was talking to my friend and just like courtney- just look at another debt. You'll pay for the rest of your life and I'll have solved brought about some old forwarded it before and I was like yeah I want better than that figure. Has your youtube piano and I've been hooked ever since I purchased tone
the third amendment make over the pot cast a meat. I was hooked on you and I got debt free because it units. I thank you for that. Well, thank you why you did the work. You are impressive A word about the same age. I graduate graduate of the same year with a lot less than the new problems that Islam to get through it with the slug. I had a really ease that dead, snowball method to really take it piece by piece because looking at it full on, I was terrified. I was like I'll, never get, it done led doing smaller by smaller? It helped me really accomplished. I go when you look at
then you're like. I don't even make that much. How am I ever going to make these payments and you started doing the debt snowball? Was there a moment where you were like? Oh, this is working. I see the progress yeah, I think my third or fourth loan I paid off. I was like okay, I can do this chugging along and I had my many victories for those ones that I did pay off. That made it much better getting to the final destination. That's fun! What what was those many victories? Did you celebrate in some way I did celebrate, I might have bought a pair of shoes or something small. Thirty day you know. I lived on rice or beans. The whole time, but I did have to you, know, give myself a little for yourself moment: yeah yeah, that definitely, though, If you are a reasonable ya might celebrate, but they wouldn't be shoes, not shoes, so that you can when they would budget cared anyway. Would definitely for sure, that's us! Congratulations! He'll kill, kill your hoosier cheerleaders,
my biggest was my parents were really good. My family, my boyfriend, Terence. He was a great help me out of the way. So when you call we had some detractors there, does your friend now go away. You did it! You did your life, yet another recording key tell me more about this debts, normal beth. It loses dave, ramsay parties. Then, though, I'm just putting them all logic in the cooling of day ramsay, though you just put that free in the search bar on youtube and there we were there. You are that our that's how I found you yow, though, Thirdly, I would like my passwords on my computer. Was like debt free twenty twenty one? I really wrote a vision and made a play and I think that a backer through three I love it well done right division as make it plain that good
If you do, there's something something snaps when you write it down and you put it right in front of you and you go okay, gotta do this and there's an accountability that starts to work in your brain, that's really powerful, and then you tell people you're doing it and they're like cheering you on you're, like okay. Let them do yeah, I mean. Even on my vision board, I wrote like a blank check into my fadlallah with the amount to pay off and created a highly done, so george the vision board, yes, incredibly as a vision board. That's like a life hack. That's amazing, yeah! Really good! You don't really manifest it when you just write it down ago. I'm going to write this check one day and it's going to feel so good to have no payments in the world love it, Does it feel it does it was going to be finally free to have no one calling me I mean it did work and I worked two jobs at my full time job and I worked part time at amazon at the personal shopper. I remember listening to your show during co, but you're like hey, get a part time job. While you can, though I did that and it helped me a lot. How much did they pay you for the there?
Pay me about, I think, about fifteen dollars an hour wow, that's rowdy, yeah! You made your own hours that it was all remote and you just check in check out no site where I worked in the stores. I was like, literally in the literally in the store. Oh wow yeah. so physically disabled onto something physical. It was amazing, except delivery came as on store enough. There was ample time with whole foods, though you will like it or in the morning, and I would like pick up groceries people when they would have been known. I do that. The aim is foods, delivery, dave you have to our deliver. You can't be that you her and it was free at the time george, you know where we're generation of convenience, Dave George, That's all! I know you want a shelter millennial. They went out of hell both ways. Milan only shopton whole foods, but I had them delivered Joel it's even more. A dozen energy peut to adopt a racial would do that. I'm sure ritual has done that like today for sure
no question. That's all you're willing to do whatever it takes to get this thing where I live on. Well, I'm proud of you. Thank you tell people the key to getting out of debt is consistency and having their discipline and the key is I said making our riding vision in plain work at home instead of by whole there you go that literally, I lack she got paid to be inside of a whole food, yet its historic yard walk out without buying anything, yellow, yeah whole paycheck. Pleasure, ok, while good for you, I'm so proud of you all right. We a copy a baby steps millionaires for you, that's an ex trapped in your story for sure you are I play on your way. That's the next thing for the vision board. Yes millionaires value I gang on game game on game on. I love it very. Go. Also copy total money make over for you to give to your friend who doesn't think she can do it. So maybe we can get up on her and help her. Do it in a good wife. So good, very, very cool courtney, you're in iraq, star you're making were so proud of. You think you're very well done our. I call
They form used in texas, honoured and fourteen thousand dollars braid up into an average thirty along short months. megan. Seventy four and ninety with the extra job counted downloads era that british green three too. Why am I remind you that report work? If you think you can, you began your right and she thought she could and she was right. No, what happens in the human spirit Or in the human brain, when you write something down that means lot to you not just generally rice down. Ok, I am going to lose. Pounds and ninety days, and you right now as soon as you write it down something snaps, I'm to increase my income, two hundred thousand dollars issue
as soon as you write it out, and you actually believe at what you can you know what you? we can conceive and believe you can achieve or allowing go. You should see thing happens, it's not me. jake, and it's not it's not just the power plant, it you're thinking, but there's something about when you when you're brain the neural pathways. When you get really precise and concise and say is mind, is our future and then you, your brain automatic. Fiction into gear? Ok, what have I got to do to make that happen? mix of science and spirit yeah. What about and a little psychology little brain magic, but then also it changes spirit and you go oh katmandu. This is for real this time, I'm not playing around. That little gordon he did now she's she's powerful, and you know, she's, quoting a scripture from the old testament habakkuk their backing three. I believe it is essential to write the vision and make it plain,
I take your vision right now, and this is not again not hocus pocus and it's not just go setting is magical. It's not it's on edge moment. You go. Do the worked caused a thing to happen? Maybe right down on the loose thirty pounds than you eat a beggar cookies. Twenty minutes later, probably not on track right. So bobo, it started now now show it's a cat. I don't anybody's done that, but I could probably so you kind write this out and some happens or something in your brain, just managed arch, focusing in They distractions out here the things that were causing you to tibet. If the walls are not hit your goals, I start to be minimised and the things that cause you to hit your goals start to be maximised or something about it, yeah and so the and really you know what a budget is, the change in its written gulf yeah written
for the month. That's all it is. You think you're going to pay off sallie mae for the rest of your life, you're, probably right, and if you need a year to pay off in two years, you're, probably right. It's amazing how that works yep, because you will find your way at four am into a whole foods grocery. That's right! This is the ramsey show the nlrb ramsey solutions on the three stage. Christian don jar, where the guys are young, hi hi good. Thank you welcome. Where do you guys live austin
exodus. Our I welcome to nashville and all the way to do that, breach grandmama tribute paid off, who paid a fifty thousand good for you along that path, a team. And your range of income during that time, while we got star we're about fifty thousand and not too long, after we got so we're up two hundred thousand girl. I'll do for a living. I'm a european stryver, I own my own cleaning business, okay, so how you double your income, It is a natural progression. You start as a load. in the warehouse. Ok, you got in and I'm guessing you got more work to do more in working out here. Good show drivers make more than loaders for her bout. Due to three tat. There are considerable, more good way to go guys. We're gonna debt was the if the we had great, car. Dare we had two cars riyadh furniture
well. I add a business that had gone under several years passed, so I owed a bunch of people that personally loaned me money, friends and family. we're like normal. Pretty nor pretty normal across shark shows a mass. So you look, I've got Fifty thousand dollars for the mass hallowing been married ten years ten years, but eighteen months ago, what happened? What what the, how the switch flipped out store. Well, our journey started a little bit before eighteen months ago, as far as get our lives together. So we ve been married for ten years. I myself, down a pretty dark call about! five years ago I was at a rock bottom to the disease of addiction myself into twelve? That recovery and stuff but my life, the girl, taken responsibility for my future our future and good for you. I think you said you'd been sober for how long coming up on fire
Why go my I'm proud of you think? Well done what, or did you kick? What kind of of I pretty much use anything I could get my hands on, but it was a methamphetamine that took me all the way down to ooh. That's a tough one to boss. Yes, sir way to go, man super proud of you. So have we that was about little less than five years ago, I started back journey. about a year ago, Oh, I heard you on low, maybe a little more than a year ago I heard young maiden kelly, show how we and at this point my mind, was clear enough or I can actually say. Oh my god. This is the next thing I need to do. I told her as a hey. We, get on this dave ramsay thing and she's. I oh my gosh beans and rice yeah yeah. It didn't sound, very fun, but I add or listen to the episode, and then we got your book from the library. The audio book I listened to.
And one lesson basically unawares: From there so I so sold all the single stocks. We had everything we hadn't savings and put it all toward debt didn't know what to do from there. I did not above I didn't know anything I was like. I have known the deuce. I got up the courage to call you, god you and John learn? He was on the show, and I and I told you a little bit of my story then- and you gave me a year of your ramsay plus all right yeah and he told me to call back when we got debt free and so we come out here. You are solely appreciate We love working with, Everybody out there, but I particularly love to get to be the financial part, our ramsay in the team. Do we get to be the financial
of the healing from a past like yours, when you can click that, and then you can step over clean up and go on really clean life going forward its awesome man? Yes, sir, so proud, I they were so your honor to be part of your store. Have honoured myself very cool, well done well down the eve of of John bologna book on your past change, our future you're living proof of that and what that looks like a mini treaty. So many parts of your life, you ve, got a beauty family was at your. Why? What was the driving force eighteen months ago? We want no more, we can't live. See. I was just all kind of natural progression of clean clean it up my past clean up and take in response, for life. I think I dave say one time it can either be a victim or victor, and I was done a victim. Albritton you, you got a whole new man that secures ideal completely different. I am so grateful a man, a man, god
go to your well, none so proud of you. While absolutely amazing. The show actually they're getting out of debt thing is no big deal compared to the other stuff, but but it is a big deal because it's one of the details, the nuanced details, I guess, have the whole story: What are you all job people, the key to getting out of debt is get it done without the budget out and now is a part that I was most stuck on and once we got that you know, we talk the two coaches through the ramsay plus, and we the course is, and we just started doing it. Who started doing as I owe this too much money to go in there. There's not enough money go in here. Let's start Tell our money: what to do and it was we van about two thousand dollars a month that we could start thrown at the debt and away from there. It was just doing it and asked what we did.
Well done your very well down your! He rose show proud about everything you gotta you for sticking with them and I am proud of him for doing the hard work very well done and today question of the. Why was keeping the family? You know it was. I came to a point where I was the come home. I was a stand, my truck and reside. This is worth it Whenever I thought I had gone for me, it wasn't an ally near my family. I need her. I needed the kids to say no, I know how to be a man. So she told you don't go home to clean up dinner, yeah good for you as a hard call, yes hardcore, but it worked out and then or duggar good for you. If you guys are tough. tough. As my old man, you work there, some real stuff, both of you man very, very powerful. Why You got a mighty roar the day, so go very. Occur. So
let's bring the kiddos up. What are their names and ages? We ve got Isaiah Geneva as seven and even five perfect ages. Very well done good luck and get out too well done. You guys but we have a copy of baby steps millionaires for you. That's the next chapter in your story procure no stop You guys you're warrior man out or our very people built extraordinary wealth. How you can do and also a copy of the total money make over for you to give away and stir somebody up there, a wholly ruckus just keep this move and keep painted forward. Well done you guys so bright Women are cool, are now a ride through the quote: getting a testimony, we're having testimonies great getting one sucks they're getting one defined. You have such an inspiring story to share with other people. Now, as you hand, that book over is a man. This thing was a part of life change for me and I hope it does the same for you know as powerful good for you guys are christian dounia, Isaiah and iva fifty thousand
paid off in eighteen months, megan. Fifty two hundred the dollar app stepped in gotta love. It can Let's hear a debt? British grew three, two one, don't tell me, you can change your life, you live improve man, you know we just do their own segment. Enabling- and this is the exact opposite. She so don't come on now and he's in the truck He wakes up and goes those babies girl are worth it. I guess straighten up and then he starts a process of coming clean up power as the truest form of love powerful. That's that that's all! the hard stuff. It's a very hard situation, a found yourself into being on both both sides of that coin.
The net result is a beautiful family right, you're, beautiful future scott, a great job now man, If his good she does. She kick in it with our business is just incredible. Very, very well done some family. We get to be a little tiny part of the story with Ramsay plush in them with financial peace, university and with the every dollar happen all tell them. This last part of some of the clean up sound, very well done man, that's about as good as it gets. Markham downer, everyday george, so I would do it live is never gets all this.
Is the ramsey show the hours of the day evasion, six eleven put on the full armor of god, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. Lou Holtz said: if what you did yesterday still looks big to you, you haven't done
today. You're gonna love coach lose the best calculated spoken. For couple times at entre leadership in he is always a standing ovation always gets the highest speaker marks and he is the highest quality of human brain, so much integrity. Absolutely amazing man, absolute they fund to hang out with and just a great guy. So we coach low around. Here Miranda is weathers. Miranda isn't raleigh north carolina. How are you miranda. I'm worried about you better than I deserve. How can we help them? Ok, I we are moving around babies, outnumbered p m. We have few debt where they all one is a credit card. I believe that one hundred and then we have a car, maybe a twenty three on an mac in my view, we need to think about, fell in the car and get not cheaper one what's the car worth, if you sold it today,
if a hunter accord, I would get up on illegal work, and I think it's about when he fed them. Ok, give called at last year. All right so clear that there are four thousand left over Could you get a beat her car for now for four forty grand till this debts cleaned up and then upgrade. I need again Could the other car that we do have one other car that my husband drive if a m, two thousand and twelve I mean I guess we could know what you welcome after attack that eighty thousand, the rule of thumb that we use miranda is two things. Ok, if you like that, bar, which sounds like you do, you can be one hundred percent that free accept your home in two years car in everything the total of all of your vehicles. Value is less than half your annual income.
That way you dont have too much tied up in things that are going down in value. Then you keep the car, you should ve, financially makes sense to keep the car is the best way of saying it. But if you have let let's say that you make eighty thousand hours hearing you got. Seventy thousand dollar thought up in cars. You got too much going down in value right. Ok, The car is only worse than I know. I know I know, but I'm just saying as an example: saving you owed a lot more dead than this, and the twenty three thousand death being gone would make a huge difference. Let's say you had a say yet another forty thousand dollars in student loans that well you ma, maybe get where the car, so that you can. You arrange the lumber right, but her gaze, I think if you like the car and you guys all fight to be a hundred percent debt free in and Two years you would meet both of the general financial mathematical guidelines that we have to keep the gar okay,
and I think we would be willing to do that. We get started your programme contains weary away paid are almost became. In india in those email if you stay on that, you were dead free in one more year exactly talking three random ones, get my attention! Yeah! If you keep your on fifteen thousand, as twenty five hundred a month fifteen thousand six months? What area through to three thousand dollars a month, young this out and about a year, and if you do that, then it makes sense if you like the car to keep the guard, but georgia's pointing out. If you get rather car, you be for in twenty minutes ear, but then you, a turnaround, probably save up and by the car within a year, because you don't want four thousand on car for long. That's it get by car. It's not a car. We keep so I'm probably keeping it. If I'm in your shoes based on what you're telling me that makes sense,
Alan is where this alan is in riverside. California. How are you alone I'm doing while your thoughts, better than I deserve. How can we help? Third innkeeper kick? I call on deviant, george I'm. So I am twenty four years I'm getting married on saturday and Thank you. Thank you so, and so James into the plane. My I'm grandma. told me that sheep and saving on feeding me an extent, if I say, born swine. She is so she had em all locked away, so she showed me down on burying our big big unblock, I'm everything or month, arms control. Why, until now, and our mind to let the treasury whatever that we call the bank to see how much its worth in so far as its about fourteenth albin or
Saving burnt ass, you can already hear how sweet on my question is then found some I have not mature enough good outlay. being a wretched honestly. I don't. I really don't know much about these did lectures about a week ago. I found out learn about these, though Should I leave a man now so, like all other member church, should I take him out? Should I catch him out? Ok! some mathematical answer, then the pie, for financial answer is applying to wherever you and your new wife are on the baby steps? Where are you guys? Some! We ok. So we have no debts and we already have emergency funds overstating up three to six months. Wedding expenses rate, that's what the so called I'm sure you just put Alternatively, there shapes our house or no. You should follow the baby steps.
How much is already to six months of expenses, for you guys do you know yet right now we need we have a house and preventing in seventeen hundred dollars a month and that's lily literally I don't like sure, you'd electricity, gas tours and so as not to raise its country literally like thirty five hundred a month, and so you need an emergency fund of fifteen thousand bucks. And if you have nothing save, then that's fine. You use this money and you have your emergency VON warlock. If not, You need to. and if you already have more than that and you ve got some toward your downpayment allows right, and so after that, murder fund has done that's where you start. Looking at your next golan, I'd, take a pause, keep renting. As a newlywed couple get to know you, spouse and then you can start go and our I do. We want to start saving up that down payment and our area where they want to live out. Do you incomes. You have jobs that are in place and
can start investing fifteen percent and you're on your way min at twenty twenty four years old is a good place to be Tell your grandmother that you use this money towards a down payment on a house or towards having a rainy day. Fine she'll be proud in either case, and that will be the truth So it's gonna rain. You gotta bahraini data lessons were grandma got that got unless grandma so that you you're right. Track. Doing that we are you just follow right up those baby steps that we teach our and it doesn't change because it was a gift. You wanna do! Is you always when someone is giving you give specially your grandma wanna do some or even an inheritance. You want to do something that honours the person that give it to you in that? They would be proud that you did that with it and the eu if you're doing smart things like investing or paying off, dad, buying a house or something like that. You know, grandpa
it's generally going to be very proud of that kind of thing? It's not frivolous and I'd love to give you guys a wedding gift. It's this saturday, that's fun! So cal is going to pick up we'll, give you guys, ramsey plus, which includes financial peace, university, every dollar plus, go through these with. You are now fiance soon to be wife and man. It's gonna change the game for your marriage. Give you guys language to talk about money, give you guys from goals that you can set together and I'm tell that's one of the best things you can do as you start this marriage, sir, You're jumpin, when you get back from the honeymoon you guys get settled and jump into the financial peace, videos online there and we're gonna give you all of that is our gift, I'll get you got started together will walk you right up the same baby steps we were just using here. Now and so good point don't watch it on the honeymoon. That's that's not fund, as well as of the more exciting would claim financial pressure. Firstly, is an amazing course romantic. It is not. Ok, that's a good point that just saying: ok, it's not as nothing!
with that. Some get enjoy yourselves hope the. When it goes well, congrats you go so. Hang on. Calais will pick up we'll get you signed up for those non lessons. Will change your life's? Not if you'll go through good stein. Mine.
good stuff, alright, george good hour, one hundred hours today well done. Thank you, James and Ben, and kelly and zach and the booth. Thank you for all your hard work. I am dave ramsey your host. We will be back with you before you know it in the meantime. Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that is to walk daily with the prince of peace, Christ. Jesus, the do you love a good day and want to see the latest ramsey show videos going viral check out your favorite moments from the ramsey show on youtube, go watch and subscribe to the ramsey show channel and the you enjoy this podcast. You should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network. Like the doctor, John baloney show mental health challenges in hurting relationships happen to everyone, but they don't.
The define, I'm not your john bologna and I help people navigate through the messy things in their lives on the doktor john bologna show, walk alongside you as you face parenting, marriage and other relationship, challenges and I'll walk alongside you as you try to connect with people as you face, depression, overcome anxiety and learn how to change your life. Listen I want you to be well Listen to the doktor john aloni show were ever
Transcript generated on 2023-06-13.