« The Dave Ramsey Show

Anyone Can Become a Millionaire… Here’ How (Hour 3)


Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman interview every day millionaires to find out how they built their wealth.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I The boy was usually should show amnesia work that is done. You staying in the pay of mortgage taken the place of the Bmw status other amnesia. We all people build wild blue work that they really love and create amazing relationships. Can carbon remedy personality number one by selling author is Michael o today?
in this hour is a blast. We get to talk with people who have successfully become wealthy One way to gauge that is your net worth when you have a net worth of a million dollars or more? Called a millionaire. A millionaire is not some one. That makes a million dollars a year, your net worth is defined as you're in come ashore in your ass It's minus your liabilities, what you own minus, what you owe equals your net when you have that number be a million dollars. You a millionaire. While I don't feel like I'm, it's not a feeling. Well, no one should have that much wealth, it's not a moral construct. It is, wreaking math formula and when I hear we politicians guy when he makes a may amount or two years a millionaire you'd just makes me.
One of my mind explode because I don't know their target there's only one definition: a millionaire only one, of a network of a million dollars are greater than our own talk about an here's into I think we ve done the largest study of millionaires and north America ever done ten thousand one hundred and sixty seven millionaires interviewed? more than statistically sound more than statistically significant airtight research, and we have data to back this up. And we started doing this hour a few years ago- talking to actual millionaires some of them became millionaires from inheritance. Some of them became millionaires from luck, some of them became millionaires from hard work and saving some of them became millionaires by following the babies We call those baby steps millionaires and we wrote a book about
Does a number one best seller that has the study of the millionaires in the back of it, and so it's a great book to read to go along with all this shokhin we're going to take calls the shower of only from real millionaires. Find out how they really did it cause everybody's going opinion? But let's talk to the real guy, and this is the place where we celebrate millionaires not put guilt on them for being greedy, and I forgot about that you're supposed to be ashamed, but were we're not we're, not ashamed and we're not ashamed of. You work happy for you. If you inherited it. If you want the lottery, if you were, if your tail off, if you started, but I don't care what you did as long as you didn't steal it then we're going to celebrate you as being a millionaire. Stephen is our first millionaire up this hour, even as an winston salem north carolina stephen. What does your net worth four million right now, guy man, that's awesome. So how old are you
Sixty to deal earlier say made about tumult. the loud it many times, a very cautious jimmy? right down on the four million how's it break out real estate investments. In what the two points, in retirement he carried out. I would highlight the london data table details on our present white gown girl good for you, love it, great breakdown by the way. Ok show how much of this did you inherit the father or mother down about died. We dining table with it I know what I inherited from my dad, but his work ethic and do whatever it takes. I like that is a good inheritance. If you gotta choose that's the best kind, and so on. What was your range of income during your working lifetime, the last forty years or so? What was your best year? Household income and worst year? Probably were here, bride Angelo sitting by them
gear somewhere debilitating two hundred thousand nokia and what you do for a living are. Do you do for a living loud self employed to do up emma laurie. Better, do fleets, exemplary worthies. So, okay, what do you for your degree, I have a masters and business in the four year degree, dutch, too much oh baby, to class for three and a half years to get that four year degree yeah. So what was your g p a in college? Probably about Three point: eight gradual, graduate or an undergraduate pray about the same graduate? While she was three point, eight shower guys. Are you guys tv people are but people at night I want to watch tv if I watch tv it'll, be a video gloriously without even bankrupt, or go with her, and I travel a lot. So I do a lot of books in the car show. Can this still be?
if some by other twenty five years old and listening to you and me started back list, would suddenly startled Forty six wow, ok, see you. Thank you. I'll be done now all they know what do you think they should do if they won't be you when you grow up sadly one, both at thirty. I yet pay yourself. First, if you live within end smart investments just do it like the turtles, He shook george to each daddy while so said you started at forty six? I think a lot of people would love to hear what the starting point look like where were you financially, when you see this path at forty six, slowly, background naked Can I want to start them. I have two businesses at the time had a car plane company. Starting in a year later started events as our now bout. reduced or twenty second anniversary, my wife decided move out
what three gas overloaded the next year, had a pastor's wife devote most of their time to get our marriage back together, So we really were about the first time on that day, this is will back many years ago. Also, we did to be ip tickets. We will get eat lunch, abuser sharon and then we went back at year. Did a unaids concentrated gather? That was that password. I won t make lost, awakened her child in the park. Oh yeah, you came out. The doktor was nor lunch at your team member. Just in the last letter, and I went back- that europe did entre leadership. United dinner launch that may be maria, when you're doin, audrey leadership and as a long time ago, twenty plus years ago, yeah, you soon increased just a minute The creator has about three years ago right for everyday millionaires launched and I spent a day with us an entire day so
a granddaughter actually populations labour. Does she get bill, have the radio. So we long even found not to worry it memories. We saw him because figured oh, I don't know who you are. You say you're not now that you brought that up, because I've seen the videos the Are you truly are a baby steps millionaire and you started at forty six from broadway not one am on the twenty fifth anniversary to my wife. When we get back together why why do I get to lord? Forgive me climate. We already set up. Meeting other small group leaders house and she thought we were going there for something at her church and I actually had her dad come down from pennsylvania to get her sister in Georgia brought them up, so they were My hands. I had to kind of live tours at spago, stop and get some ice cause the earlier. These nice she had
it's naked air linda. Take that as a walk in, I said, happy anniversary again, she said what is that the admiral, the chicken steak or eight years into the fifteen year long? We think that coitus, that's worth the life well played well played well played. I go to talk to you, man, proud of you, proud of your very cool stuff. Some baby steps, millionaires seamount. This is the ramsey show, the
get golden ramsay personalities, Michael o, today, the showers, a baby steps millionaires theme our we're talking to real millionaires, not europe. Brother in law about where millionaires come from in funding ro people have a love opinions about this. I've been broke but list. Here's the thing you're not supposed to have opinions about people who have wealth if you're, not one, unless you actually are basing that in fact, instead of your jealousy, Are your socialistic tendencies? firstly round here, because this is the number one in number to capitalist pigs on the air. Today I like where this is us a surly ago, I, if your drugs and money out there it's all consuming I've been there are never been so scared I couldn't breathe, you don't have to.
for that kind of stress, Your patient, firstly, will show you not only how to get out a daring control budget and save and spent wisely, but also how to become a baby steps millionaire and how to be outrageously generous along the way the new corps videos are out. This is the best financial picture. Firstly, we ve ever had doktor john bologna george camel rick crucial me teaching you nine. Lessons you plug in with group. The group becomes your best bodies and you were through life with them for the next little while and you get your act together and then you move on and become wealthy and that's what we Do it does work we're. Ten million people have been through this clash. gotta ramsay solutions, dotcom slice of pay, you some of you that have been thrown it come back through. Does you follow the wagon or you for the first time. I don't know it can happen, comes, it takes people more than once to do something. I generally don't get things right.
The first time the EU. So maybe you need to go back there. Sometimes it gets the first time and they just go launching but ramsay solution. god camp slice of pay you We're talking to real millionaires, charlie, is in Lexington Kentucky charlie. What you're network Work is just about two point: two million good for you, Camillo break down on that by category place, I've got about one point: three million million and for one k for three, but a hundred and twenty in dashboard. Months, but one at all, Eighty five and ros one thirty in cash and catch gowns, get out a browse three hundred sixty five and I bought up. adjacent lot between my neighbour's house myself. First, sixty grand, ok good when a girl and so how large fifty two good for you and how much others did you inherit zero
and you're a range of income during your working lifetime best year and worship best year, three hundred just did nor three hundred thousand worst year, starting out around fifty five cooperative. What did you do or do you do for a living I am actually an attorney. Ok, very good. and so ll show what was your gpa in college, Undergrad was about three three eight, my J D, I'm more under the three point. Knocker, who rico What do you think is you look back on me? As you did not inherit this money? You talk twenty. Five year old young attorney, that's out there, half your age Can I got him to his or her lips stuck out and says it can't be done in America today? Are they write? or are you right, I'm right So what advice would you have for them
well number one. I hope they hadn't taken out student loans like I did and go to school out of state man was a mistake, but other than that I've I've always lived one, listen to dave ramsey. That's that's number one. Let's agree with that! Completely yeah! Really. I think I think for me it's it's! You gotta live within your means protect, but I think when you get into the upper Ashton as an attorney or doktor, and you think you're. Somehow you just mentioned you have your lips stuck out alone, that limiting your meetings. Compare yourself to others and, above all, she'd what you have and focus on your goals and what you can control. I think that's kay I can. Your question is a successful lawyer. Does anybody care as anyone? really asked you. What has it done any for you. Two other! Not you went to a loss, they were impressed with her, not how much the brand name of the law school matter to success. I thank you. In certain very limited circumstances like anything it's what you put into it and
Frankly again, if I had done known then what I know now, I would say the lot of money and that may be not have had the student loans as I stayed in state There are a lot of tremendous attorneys who went to schools that are statistically ranked or than the school, but I can't write, so nobody really cares. The customer locker now and up My guys don't ask where I went to law school. I judged dormouse grow into law school, but I guess for the results and it is judged reach? A briefing goes out why you went arbored. We get that letter and, though just said no judge ever now like it so account allowing practising I died. I'm in a defence defence farm. I do a lot of insurance defence work aka while go good for you, that's funny, so I know the answer to this question. You're a reader more than your tv got right
DR absolutely, you can't get their logical, nor should become a reader. It's just impossible sticks most acts? Most lawyers read like voraciously because they have, we keep up in their world number one and you got for me. Number brief. Since I have to go through life- volume of of documents to go through I soon a ton of reading turn a dodgy cheer right occur will vary. cool I manage and honour to speak with you. Congratulations were very proud, proud for your very well done. Jennifer is with us in Saint Paul, minnesota, jennifer. What your network right around three million dave god for you gimme a break, on that by category please, have my home is right around seven. Fifty I did by members property that my son is currently living in one? He built this boy just to fifty two million in real estate right around one point, eight today in my former one case and right around
two hundred thousand and stock and cash good for you out. Are you fifty to fifty two? And how much other three million to you inherit salute lan zero. Ok, nada. and so your income range best year and worst year earn your working lifetime. Let me tell you that first year Tom I got a job offer, it was twenty one thousand dollars first year I actually got the offer and I was way- the thing ultra high school- and I said oh my gosh- I am making more than twenty one thousand waitress thing today, but I knew that that my career of encountered with much more long term so took that twenty one thousand dollar author in public accounting and what was your, last year on year
my husband. I combined income about four hundred thousand worked out like it. so are got a degree and accounting. Ok yours gpa in school, three point: five cool. So what was your biggest mistake. Money was the stupidest thing you ever do with money. Well there's a couple things. Probably the stupid thing was one: some public accounting and you get it schooling, you're, like all my profession, I upgraded and went in to end with my parents, upgraded our family boat, so If you can imagine living in minnesota for twelve months and nine months of that, you can't even get on the lake or the water. It is really hard to write out that check those nine months when the boat sitting on dry dock- and let me try
I still remember that cuba book today, I can tell you get off. I can almost remain if the exact amount and thinking every month, oh my gosh, I have to pay for this and I can't even use for that probably was number one on my list: wow wow what would you say to your memory or you're, gonna, say number to go home number done ass, they had ok, I swear. No, you tell young ladys willing at thirty seconds, what would you say to young ladies who may be starting out in their professional career about? coming a millionaire themselves? What would you tell or would kill, tell another one the big one for me, you can't live stock certificate, so dont think about buying thought, think about owning property or real estate or a home, because in the future can't live in a factor tippit. that's nice, interesting alone. That stuff
target a real millionaires. Today, it's a baby steps millionaire theme, our visions, the rams nature, the ken ramsay personality is Michael ocean. Today, it's a baby steps, millionaires, theme hour or talking to real millionaires in the lobby of ramsay solutions on the debt free stage. We ve got a couple of millionaires, live and in person hey guys
jail and share all are where this. Where do you guys live temper florida very good thank you for joining a share in nashville and watch that worth one two million dollars co gimme a break down on that by category I bought a chee chee I'm kind of her. We have to pay for it, houses, wetter, eight hundred and fifteen thousand dollars out of two hundred and fifty thousand in our wroth and our mutual funds. We have seventy two thousand and five twenty nine. Forty five thousand dollars in cash and then twenty five thousand unjust, other home assets. So how long ago, did you break the million dollar mark? Maybe and months ago, six months or so way to go. How old are you two? I'm fifty and I'm forty five okay? Alright
good and how much others did you inherit. I inherited ten thousand hours of my grandmother when she passed away, and that was during our debt free journey, so you're not millionaires, not millionaires because of inheritance, no, not mathematically. Anyone broke out and your income range your best year, working household income and worst right. Now it's about one, forty and at worst it was probably about forty thousand rocard who and what do you do for a living due account foreseeable free wicked distribution cup and I work for the courts times, and then I also have a side hustle that helps us out. Local CU got four year degrees. I do what criminal justice Hey rico. What was your g p? A like a two point: seven yeah: hey, hey you're, my territory you're still higher than me, but no shame over there. Alright! No! No! No! I played a little too much in college. I love it. So I get to quit, cause one. What's the side? Hustle,
I do social media marketing for businesses and tampa. Oh, my saint George hourly rates area retainers, my do a monthly rate, ok, good and then, of course, how long did it? Take you to comes when you first started, focusing on the financial peace. How many you to become network millionaires. What was at total journey so thank god. The total money make overbook in two thousand and four. If we were to start a back, then we'd be super. Read too low. We started our deftly journey in two thousand seventeen, and then we did our debt for each graham and twenty twond grow. So from twenty twenty, the now we ve chief. That's that presumes. Oh yeah, very good, ok, sugar people there are twenty five we're all versions of you, other listening right now or eighteen euro versions of you. If it's you tube, why What're you tell them can still be done. Cost a lot of people told them: they can't become wealth in America today it can be done.
I dropped out of college, she was almost on the streets for awhile I used to be a homeless and I was addicted to drugs, for on time. I've got nineteen years clean today I mean I've just proof that you now, if you commit to a programme work with the budget, you can be successful. I mean I went from living in my card to owning two houses and I'm a million are now it works. If you ordered wow a story again Each was that's amazing yeah! That's it testimony right. There says: that's a mic drop, I mean you can get your america today. Well, try me I'm a you know. Nineteen years sober and I used to live in my car. Now my millionaires shut up yeah. That is called god. You are in l, a homeless. You are chicago, oh god, cause of your program and budgeting and like still just being frugal and like living within our means. Trying to keep up with the joneses and just like rachel's has been content,
but what we have we ve done it you know, need to impress the people really goes away. Once you ve lived in your car right, yeah, just grateful for everything that we have caused a could go away on a harpy mo now Now? It's all paid for on anyone trying all reason. We did that yes made it can. But if you'd, if you got stupid again, you could do that right, but I happen and while it is always eustace behave, you know where you're the stuff you ve done is very very solid. Yeah put you in a verse composition and, let's point out here one point: two million and growing because you're only fifty and forty five mean this is this is going to just keep on expanding what a tremendous story: yeah, you're, a great story: you guys are amazing: you are and show yeah. That's kind of anybody can do a story right there. Anybody can do it because they, and by the way. The purpose of this is
being aggravated by this movement out there. This anti wealth movement that says it all there to show broken that you can't get ahead today and each impossible- and we certainly got our pride, yeah, there's a lot of mean and angry people out there and a lot of people doing nasty things to each other. No question about all that, but you can still be done. It can be still be And you guys are done most of this in the last three years? Yes, since we became that free that pretty stinking co, or I am so very, very cool. man you guys that that's a great story! Thank you for stop and by ensuring that guy we wanted to do in your exact or out of you, you guys are heroes. Yet today is a special day. You just inspired a whole bunch of people somewhere out there. There's a lady. That's been drafted, thirty days and she know she can do it or not. She gets to hear your your millionaire story. I just I can't believe how far I've come and we ve come as a cup oh and just communicating and like a stronger marriages, amend teaching the after our kids, you know no gas. Similarly, I thank you for
got my absolutely amazing. So when I meet people like that, I feel why? It's? Ok? For me to be, angry when someone says people there millionaires inherited their money there. So lucky and I made someone like her and him and I go I just want to smack urinal socialist face. I mean it's just. I can't do that. It's not me. Go, but I mean it in verbal slot? Fury aids. May, though, should because for for two reasons, why is it so? dismissing in so disrespectful to someone who had a journey like this correct number, one numbered. our like me, I had to do a twice. I was a millionaire I washed over their due to get her up in a mayor twice, I'm so Tom. It took two times for artistic. You know it so you can tell you can't be nano you're, so lucky lackeys by what he had not
Nowhere that right well with reason man. You be matters because this is taking away from the individualization the grind, the struggle that this couple went through. Talk about jason, whose cause drop, l and sharing of form. drug addict, the sea. That is the narrative who's the net, of says, you need the government to take care of you anybody who doesn't get all of. Therefore are all of their goodness of life from the gulf well, then they must be greedy or their cutting the rules and the fact of the matter as they represent millions and millions of people. Despite their story, they represent milk. If the people who say you know what it is, I'm gonna make my way you can't be rich without ripping somebody off. You have to be a crook or I didn't see any crooks. No crooks is just hustled a straight up hardware. I didn't see anybody steal and nothing yeah and the character that both of those people have you know,
gotta, be brilliant. You gotta have a big g p a well. Today. We've talked to for three point. Eight three point: eight three point, five four point and two point: seven. I didn't see four point twos in there. No, you have to be free Albert Einstein either. Thank god, gives up means. I got a shot and you got a shot. James a shop, tell myself there's a chance. as one element salami seriously. It's not. You you know now most of the time I don't find one point: nine gps. You do have to have some grey matter. Let's get em little bit of intelligent enough to be able to execute on basic plans and the stick something so emotionally people are somewhere in the high too to mid three sure you know, in terms of g, but this idea that geniuses or who become millionaires, no you're, not this idea that phase center tanners and athletes and whatever our me internet hub is always become million other less than one percent of americans. Millionaires are household names,
if the people are people like those guys right there? Amazing or you know, are there an accountant or a lawyer, their teacher? policeman's there, their raw in company- and these are who we ve talked to today, lets her, and so these people, the problem with you Ok, that are out there lying about the wealthy. because you're mad or jealous or whatever it is the problem with that is it's not that you're not really you're trying to forward some socialistic thing. The problem, with your lie is your stealing the hope from people who, legitimately have a chance to go do this, but I believe you're narrative, they don't have it
I think they have a chance. So they don't go. Do it for your help, steelers yeah and you hope, steelers. You need to be smacked yeah. This is the ramsey show the
Our structure that thirteen have raised are changed sixteen and do not neglect doing good and sharing for with such sacrifices. Goddess, please read rogers I hope, your proud of yourself for the times you said yes, when all it meant was your work for you and was seemingly helpful only to some one else thanking MR rogers go up. Mister roger satellite can common. Your personality is michael host. Today this is a babysitter. millionaires theme, our we're talking to real millionaires king them, how they really did it cost
there is in boy she, idaho, high clare. What is your network- My net worth is seven million dollars. Wow impressive and give me a little. right down on that place by category how much real estate retirement and so on sure. So I have to three million and real estate. That's too residences I have three point four in for a one k, IRA fun three hundred and ten in stock, individual stock and three forty five, in cash five in deferred comp and then I have another three hundred excuse me. Two hundred and forty in donor advised funds, just say and other mutual fun. plan: you I've got a super planned honour. I love the numbers so how old are you? I must sixty four to and how much
this money did you inherit here too, a hundred thousand dollars ah, but I was already a milliner at that point, I show you did not become a millionaire because of an area of money, but you gotta substantial narrative. I did ok, good and What was the main? What was your best year, working in common, your worship, working in gumption, tube, started life, so twin four thousand, with my worst it with my first year out college and then four hundred and thirty five grow, adjusted grossing was last year, while, ok, what do you do for a living? recently retired, but I was in executive management of a financial services company, Ok explained your beauty, portfolio, folio, ok, very good, and so your degree in finance might be Actually, no, it was in political science.
The ball is in your gpa. I was around three point four I've. If my voters, I will call cuts. so you spent a lot of your life and leadership and or in the business of showing people this can be done correct. I was not early on the front line retail burn. It was you know our business, you're building products and people that allows people to build wealth? Correct? Absolutely? You knew it could be done. So what are you? Obviously you think that this can still be done. I assume oh very much, in, and I have to say day going back to my youth, My dad gave us a book is predate all you're good work, but my dad gave us a book called the This man in Babylon, as we as he shoved, have helped her door jumper the university, and even in my lean years, I saved at least ten percent of my pretext.
income, poor, rack retirement and that with a huge factor in what I have heard that book, when I was thirteen mother, my both you and I still sell that book. We bow its public domain and we print I ramsay version of it and sell it here. It's it's well worth it it really resonated with me back then the arch a great great parable in it Does it get sure yet your attention and for the first of the little parable books like that. the huge volume and verrier the richest man in Babylon for those of you listening that didn't, listen well, so yeah, pretty impressive, yeah clara want to ask you about that too. When you begin to save early on as you look back on it, what did that do Are you beyond it, obviously saving money? What what? What was the principal or something that you would share with somebody younger? So here's what I learned from that discipline of saving well
One might motivations was. I didn't want to be a burden to anyone in my family in my later years and eye that that dates back to way back then, and it just still to me that it was the right thing to be doing and not just living. beyond my means, if you well, there was there was a reason for our forward, and that was to look to the future and when you see the compounding of your money, even in the in the early days the motivation to continue along those lines that a lot of a boycott However, one or two may and other net worth yours is three x or for acts that why why well real estate? I lived in two very lucrative real estate markets, and so that's been a big benefit to me and
worked for a very successful financial services company where I had doc option and it helped propel and anne had a nice matching and always I only got the match up. So I have two other answers in mind. Let me see if their correct, ok, I think you started really early. I did and the the thing, I think you by hanging out in the financial services world that you have a lot of positive peer pressure around you to do smart things with money that that's absolutely true and I ve turned round and given that same sort of influence on the youth, the young people in my life very good showed that that was my suspicion anyway. So ferrying cool, very cool. Yet Oh man, you just your wealth of information here, there's a lot of a lot of things. People can draw from your particular show
claire. I would ask you recently retired first of all, congratulations out of that same day, visits and clearly your prepared for it. Some curious what The next chapter look like for you because I'd love to hear that sure. Now that you're very young and sixty four and retiring well, I'm still figure that ought to be quite honest with you. I've relocated and am finding my new community and picking up a few hobbes of a re. Picking up my love of golf and and just and find my way, my most important to me as family and being available in an interacting in spending time with them, so that is still like. I said
unfolding yeah. I shall only as a last resort for education or you can do if you have seven million dollars anything. Why that's what I want to be able to hear you don't have to have a free hand, theatre. You have a lot of peace around this right now, you're so strike you you just ease lines are nowhere do anything I want to ask. You was because I am not to think of someone sitting out out there with there being negative and I'm sobbing their objections in a sense here. during your working life. Are you a mass, a seven million dollar net worth by sixty four years old, Were you like living in a cave, collecting land and only coming out on her book on thursdays? Ordered you enjoy your life and travel and do other things I I enjoyed my life and and what I have to say. It wasn't until my bodies that I Sleep felt comfortable enough to buying a home in a particular particular my but I was in because I didn't want to overturn life
but I'm here I travelled, I am I. I had cars idea, you weren't, you aren't arriving a thousand dollar card shopping, a goodwill it was not no. I was not no that's now, you know. Sometimes people go well. I don't want to live my whole life and then not have it. You know and you've had a good life. gray eyes and in the midst of that, have just been very intentional and diligent, I'm so proud of you, Where congratulations? Thank you for sharing your story, powerful, lady right. There dude she has her act against serious. I mean this portfolio. Is it's like gorge eyes? Incredible is beautiful for may in two point, two three million one point: two and seven may, and we talked a real millionaires today, not your boy brother in law with a political opinion, but real ones. Now your friend who sit in the coffee shop whining their socialist rhetoric, real people pay cisely the number of em
that in the became millionaires because of an inheritance that we talk to today, precisely zero, that's current vows. did not hear about any government stimulus checks or student loans been forget
and I know none of them credited a former president as having made them wealthy didn't come up based on their vote. Didn't come up, didn't come up at all there you go folks, you can do this. That puts this hour in the books, we'll be back with you before. You know it in the meantime, remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and is to walk daily with the prince of peace price. Jesus, the pope's kid coleman here, digital the ramsey show, is one of the most popular podcast in the world. Get your daily dose of advice online and check out all of our shows from the ramsay that work wherever you listen to podcast the you enjoy this podcast. You should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network like ramsey, everyday millionaires ordinary.
people built extraordinary wealth and you can too an everyday millionaires. You'll learn how millionaires live on less than they make avoid debt, invest and are disciplined and responsible, listen to everyday millionaires wherever you listen to podcast, hey, it's james producer of the ramsey show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening,
Transcript generated on 2023-06-12.