« The Dave Ramsey Show

All About Money and Relationships (Hour 1)

2022-04-04 | 🔗

Rachel Cruze & John Delony discuss:

  • Studies that show couples who combine finances are happier,
  • The challenge of talking to your parents about money,
  • Paying back money borrowed from family,
  • Should you buy a pool?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
had wondered ramsay solutions, as this is where a married man hang down conversation about your life, your money. I am ramsay personality rachel, breathe, hearing cosy. Today is doktor john doe loney, John, so much beyond with you, if you guys had also with you a question about life, money relationships, anything and everything give us a call, a triple eight, eight to five five at two to five for a start off with Jared and jacksonville, hey jerry,
welcome to the show that you guys we're out. We re I appreciate Absolutely. How can we help it's former recent college graduate and I got a job lined up in there. I see you the most curious. If I should use the money, I've got saved up and start focusing on buying a house or save that money. george grad school in a few years as grad school. Gonna be a reality for you. Do you know I just a possibility yet, though, I think I'm pretty much the terminal, going to stay on in school and get my anesthesia degree. Ok, I am after work three years in the eyes, Before going back so right now, it's kinda just the whether or not its marked a ran Another housing market has been a chain now sought on all that smart get your opinion on. I'm getting a house gets a great question
You know what I mean whenever there's a big life change, that's happening, you're graduating you're, getting married anything when it comes to homebuying. I always kind of just like to take a deep breath, because there can be a lot of change that occurs, whether it's moving cities and what you're wanting before this life change could be different than what you want. After all of that, so especially since you know you're really going to school. You might be not going to score an jacksonville right like you could be moving to be going school so If you're not going to be settled for more than four or five years, I would not recommend buying a home because taken her and because the market is so crazy. I would have for you were like by at the top, for instance, and you know, and and who knows twenty four months what it looks like. So if I were you, I would definitely rents, because this is a big trends no period, and I think, there's something about permission. Maybe I'm reading into this call, but you have permission to rent dude and the people we are to be lectured you're, pissing, your money away, dude,
and you're gonna smile at em cause you'll know your unshackled and you can move where you want to. You can date went to when you want. You know me you'll, be freedom to move about the country, while you're sure you're too and grad school stuff. Ok, perfect! Then I know I'm gonna try to save about. thousand dollars a year. You know to help go towards a down payment, the master. So I'm not my time alone frugally in london or renting save as much as I can. It's also got yeah you better get some roommates man, you'll have a couple of fun years and you're not going to. And you can be working like crazy, it's so funny like the homeownership, precision make there is something special by owning your right, like there's your putting roots down it's there, but you also don't and don't think about always all the other that come along with a homeowner like it is, if you like, there's no there's. No such there's not want anyone
dixon suffolk for years for one year was one year made eighteen months, which you and I sold her house and moved into recent all to pay off everything done the math on how much our it wasn't much food safe yeah, we saved and finally more and I had not calculated the hoses in the repairs and the nozzle on the thing in the world and all none of them stuff and then you add up the electricity and it's all yours, the air conditioner yeah, I undershot it probably by half, if not three to, I couldn't believe how much money we saved by rent. By not only yes, yes and I went since grandfather his past now murmur he always out. He said the cheapest day by day, people say your home is the day you buy it or so. If someone, I bet I really like, because then from there the costs. It goes on It's a question are up. Next, we have Alex here from one Ten can't washington, hey, Alex, welcome to the show
Hu Jia and happy monday, happy Andy. How can we help so. I have a personal alone for my mortgage at zero percent. I am trying to figure out if it is smarter to set aside ma. Am extra payment. I wanted you to clarify, amend, step, freeze on just building up my emergency fund time in because I don't have any interest on it. If I should just like to say that money may find some to put it in just a little interest or if I just keep tackling on it. This is no interest on it Shorty took out the personal on as your mortgage is. What you're saying correct and how much is it around three hundred around three hundred g of the family member that laundry through hundred for your house. Indeed, ok! Alright, yes,
let me- and in that case I think I still because it is for your home and because of the amount and what it is I would still. I would look at that with the baby sampson babies have sex or I will go ahead and go through and go ahead in your own country. you baby set three saving up, your emergency finds start funding retirement and then you tat comes out. except sex, and then I would tackle it as if its baby steps six for you or your pangs off, so that the zero interest thing again, people so tied up in the math and like ok, but my money here and this and that that, but for right now I would I would follow baby steps alex and then, when you get to that, babies have sex that three hundred thousand yeah that's your mortgage is how I would look at it and that you're you're putting that money in an especially since its from a family member. That gives a legislative and member Alex. Who is it? Oh, it's my father, so I'm not going to ask you to talk saving negative about your man, but Feel weird haven't is hanging over you because it would and I learned at no doesn't for you.
No. I haven't really good relationship with him. Ok what we ve seen over and over is- the relationship great and dad is so well meaning and the recipient so well, meaning and then ah don't drive a car or no my drink he's gonna go to this school or mike. What why are they were in this clear, even have a house payment and it begins to things a little bit you may? the one in a million who dad just wrote an interest free, three thousand or check, as he loves the sun, and if this, if that's the case, then go out still pay it off as quick as a good initiative. Six, but in most cases, when you with when a family member someone, you love, someone, someone you or relationship with You owe them money, it just changes everything the dynamics and little ways in a big ways and steer clear of it again I'd like to be well meaning it always is, but there it is there's
Is this thing because the borrower slave to the lender, when your master use your dad, it does there's a levy there that it's? Ok, you, oh there's a lower that string attached in life that you, this to me. There's also this when your spouse in its to think through, like to think My father in law owns you mean like our father and laws. I would. Pay the interest rate and get it traditional mortgage, then take a zero percent interest from a firm friend member that money would be worth preservation of that relationship of that the safety net idea had a gap of keeping away,
yeah. That is an interesting. They again monies are to all right to help you in your life and a lot of parents and the most they do this to hell, but just be careful, Alex it again paid off asap on the basis of sex. Things recall- and this is the real issue word here- is every body. I've got an exclusive benefit for our los nurse. How about free,
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Pollution offer. You must go to church, your mortgage, dotcom, slash, ramsay! That's churchill! Mortgage dotcom, slash Ramsay! This is a paid advertisements in a less idea. One five: nine one animal is consumer access, dot, org, equal housing, lindore, seventeen, forty nine mellow remained sweet one hundred brentwood tennessee, three, seven zero to seven programmes of qualifying borrowers and select loan times only and are not available. In all stage of occasions. Jobless coverage includes a maximum payment of fifteen hundred dollars per month toward your mortgage for up to six months on a mac sailing the reins he shall. I am rachel crazy how hustings david doktor John and allow me to give us a call hatchet laid eighty, five, five tt five we're here hanging out with you, america,
How might your life your money relationships anything and everything so give us a call? we have a kyle from Atlanta up next, hey kyle, welcomes the ramsay show What are you guys will appreciate? It absolutely regard your card. How can we help good question a man about this question. If you got up was falling I just got engaged and you and I'm wondering if me her should stop the time to help slow the learning how to be altered. His house, I'm not sure that everything is do we need to start combining all maybe now await your address. the great question man so right, questions when it comes to or you'll get free? Yes,
we are debt free. She is currently living with a mom. I just I just bought a house, so the optimum mortgage, yeah, I would add, pause and pack up pilot cash here that the end goal here is to not through your wedding, without only buddy you money, dunkel back in debt, the wine I would say, is I reckon Stop me: if I'm wrong here, I'm ok with you, pausing it. I wouldn't and here's why would put a cap on me, cause with all its ekstrom ominous spin. What's there and buzz through whatever money is there and get right to the edge, and so there's some ways its continuing to invest in your time, keeping your best moscow and he's gonna act. governor on your expense, yahoo monsieur is make it your kyle. How much do you make and she mank, together with my group, flee one twenty in cash This I would I pray
I mean yeah that they are, I mean, with the boundary in place, you're not going to go into debt for anything and to say: okay, let's just say yes we get frozen. we cannons, and when are you got one as the wedding? If it's pro now. When one is it, won't be to make make sure you got plenty of money. Kyle save up your money skipper and yeah. If your money is the only thing you to let us know it's. What we're trying to keep everything as separate as possible, so she's living under the house you're in june, going to get it finished the belt and I've only done so many its own battalion live concert, events and her more the mortgage and my parents' condo. Rather I won't be in my attention, he started to come in the calls that are hardest day. Even gets kind of over yeah, why are you guys waiting a year had do? Go the J, p man co appear, somebody here in the office will marry. Are you ordained yeah? What if John marries Ukiah come up here I'll? Do it?
now now urgently material aerial wits. What's what's causing on away you're on a house come you're doing it yeah. Well, you can't have nothing on palestine just because he wasn't sure if we'd be able to offer what we could afford in six months, yeah but don't you think so. He it didn't do much early in and I felt like the right decision, but that's just enforce a job where you could get married and didn't have a big party in a year from now, and you can cash for the whole thing and dude I've, married somebody? I officiate a wedding in my living room somewhere. stop by the house. It was like hey, we have this plan and then all of a sudden, this got cancelled and this and we're in a mess. Now, we've already got that it's so dude. You can go why that's a whole other call on aid and call about that, but I wouldn't is. I wouldn't do I you're going to drive, gender, bonkers cause, you're, half play and married, and you have not and you're gonna do other bananas and you're gonna blow bunch of money. Just go on me
Everything you made. A big grown up decision about to pull the trigger house, then discordant get married and move on their thing about joining your bank? I would not do that until you're married, Much as you love her and I bought a house to go now that I would not join bank account until y'all are fully legally married and it makes me nervous cause. I bought a house, so I'm hoping it's under one of your names, not not both it's. This whole situation makes me just a little bit jar jar getting a little ahead of yourselves. So listen you it's in june, you said, move you know have her move in june was done. You guys get married in July august. That's for five months! You move in call it a day in Europe. Guerrilla life go and what you are an end in the wedding. It's always an interesting conversation cause weddings, They are so blown up in our heads right of what I dunno. If it's just america, no because other cultures, they take you to three weeks. Three weeks celebrate in some places, but but listen
and it's an exciting time and all of it, but we get so caught up in that day and night My brother he's married now a few years. amor. I told him I was like: take your wedding budget split it in half and save the rest for marriage therapy. After because, like like your it's, it really is one day and how much effort and time we think about like that, like your marriage, is a lifetime, so we're not trying to rush you into a marriage vow, but obviously you're engaged and obviously she's the one. The way you're talking so and I would not put as much stock in the wedding itself. No uk, let's, let's start yeah, go get married and then We have a party of courage. they cover, took all the rules off yet like, like people, married a resume, wrote it just It is what it is. We will. I love you. You love me what MR live together. Let us go, make it happen and there we can rally around a party later, as I mean gap in the party could be. The next persons house here, Michael from florida. My welcome to the ramsay show
I bet you are ya doing doing good. I see I see the word pool coming up, so I thought well, that'd be a great place for all kyle to have a wedding. There is the. How can we, how am I calling him I'm trying to get some advice as to whether or not my wife and I are making a financial mistake by putting an in ground? ok I'll show we have the money to cash flow is low, tat other than our home How do I called it popped up pretty strong, too years ago. I doubt you live in a fire out of a job and that we both of them and enjoyed having. Ah, you just don't know if I'm terrified but spend in about a two dollar Michael put in a pool well, don't pull I'm askin, almost almost everyone in your house.
Currently, the mortgage is about one eighty, two, by with the way property values and everything has gone in our area, we're setting off on a piece of property worth upwards of three fifty at the moment, but so you are weighty lie. on your more did not like this. If would bring it down to one twenty and then a couple more hard months in year at five digits man That is exactly what I try to show my wife. If she should back back a little bitch, no, that would get out at all day off in less than five years. My asking my girl deal have kids, he asked what are their age and, lastly, to die. one section of the agency and the other one section of the eleven eighteen. Eleven though he said let us give us pause for your statement for them. where I left at all for the eleven we alone. Will you really date in euro may not so much here. So I figures does not does not right or wrong. Here is in you
here's the ears lightly split on it, re rachel's all about poor. She loves a pool and I've never had one. So I just got other people's fool. I've never had a poorly there. Ever had annoyed at the poor. No, you know my parents moved into a house of the poor when I left for college, so an account does a good move. I don't but yeah it's getting we'll michael you guys you're you're out of date, your foot, ding retirement. You have your emergency fund and yes, obviously, the house is the next big thing. So yeah run the numbers, it's ok. What say we paid off, you know into sixty grand instead of a pool that to me it is sixty and which actually is a kind of oh it in its legs. pulls I've heard, are like and say no later, it's crazy, so do stone organisers like nice car. This would be like unit in saying that the sixty grand so if it was two hundred thousand michael, I think my thing my answer would probably be even will be different. Sixty grand you have the cash for its
in ireland, we have watched and was still house As you know, over are thirty six not emerge as a fine, I'm assuming the yellow light ass. You may here I base has gone fifteen, but with the bonuses- and my wife consistently gives for closer to about one to one who can pay your house. faster, maybe use the direct say all but I'll get this, but we're going to put our house on a on a on a twenty four thirty. Six, pay off, and so trade you, the pool forward,
in the gas we're not going out to eat anymore. We're going to get this house paid off we're going to get it done. Instead, then you both we look up at three years and you both once again compromise. This is the worst is the? Are you trapped in a timeshare contract? That's financially draining. Do you want out, but you don't know where to start or what, options you might have you the consumers guide to timeshare exit. It's the first and only god published by newton group who s Ten years of experience in helping timeshare owners discover safe and legal solutions. Getting
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consultation to learn more about your options, but my bag sailor ramsay show Zoah john illicit bio. You love it! Wouldn't you write study when you're, right You all know, menaces badges basque and actually do never. You never said I was wrong. You know this is daily more american. I would have been better but america, I once you get beat up when we're doing live. Events in on the internet we about yours, everybody williston body to get joint chiefs, said technical,
yet in bank accounts and don't hide money for me to there. Is this real instagram real going round? And it was like you know, basely say something that no one would say out loud and you like point and you put like a thing and I put when you get married, combined, your money, including when checking and you would have thought so yeah. You would have thought that I was like europe, europe, everyone out there. I eight no have you like to have your neighbor over. Forget idea: do it was you got a lot of heat, for it was like a go. Drive to read and whoever's next year in the car, combined your checking every year so stupid like you, but I was my advice. so I let's say glass, Europe is key, modern learnt morgan le nursery- that I just put your name ah in the journal of personality and social psychology? this is the abstract. Ultimately,
couples decide to share their lives there, Simon tate, simultaneously faced with the decision of how or whether to pool their finances. So this group psychologists is doing a study to find out. Does the way in which couples keep their money affect happiness in their relationship. So they rachel crews, ism the racism in so we're gonna put it to the empirical test. Now they did sixty restart studies now haven't read the methodology here, but so does just the abstract, but there sample size was almost forty thousand people in primary secondary debts in your narrow lot right. It's a lot so again and it looked at the methodology. But here the came across acrostic studies about forty thousand people. That couple who pool all of their money compared to couples who keep all or some of their money separate expired, Greater relationship satisfaction and are less likely to break up joining bank account, though it can benefit all couples
fact is particularly strong among couples was scarce financial resources so empirically if you will put all your money in the account and deal with all of the anxiety and all of the hard conversations and all the push and pull that that will entail. the data, says you're less likely to break up, and you are more likely to experience great relationships action in else. Do we want in marriage to not break up into experience, satisfaction the marriage when we talk about that's a lie in money merits, but it's so in our yvette bury so funny to me and you're the one that says. I want a coin you, but I'm like
You will share a kitchen with someone. You will share a bed with someone. You share your geet, your genetic experiments to get the little person running out. You're sharing, literally your genetics are human together, but when it comes to your checking account my money, I earned it no worth my three hundred dollars for the light bill is like what what are you talking about? Yeah it blows my mind. I do know. People have a lot of trigger points and fear around that, because a past experiences right like there is there is legitimate people walk to lodge pain and hardship to get to that end say: I'm too scared now to still go in full force so that to my second marriage or whatever it may be, but still, and her choosing to get married. You guys you're too, to share your life and the right you don't, as another reason is because we will have we, despite all the time we find that these are just to avoid conflict through the that's exactly what you have to have to have a definite are merely just avoiding it only for voting.
You're, probably avoiding other things very seriously. If, if your thought is I can't ever had a conversation, just go in and fight, or I can't ever talk to him about this because it would then don't get married. Do not get married because that that guy in communication that gap in, but the ability to hard conversations, do hard things together. Wilson, somewhere and it's gonna, be kids involved or there's gonna be a mortgage or a business involves can be in laws involved, yet it only it only magnifies from there. So if the thought of sitting down with somebody, you're dating or engaged to and saying hey it's a big deal, that when we get married we put our money together. If you can't do that, call it call, it because what's come, outward is going be worse and worse and worse and worse, ok to people that our married down and that this still a point that, like yeah, you know I had a deal come through money. When I listen to you do not have any idea, and I I don't always check It- arouses homelike going through and she
like I'm thing about getting a separate checking account for just my spending, because harps on what I spend my money on and and I'm kind of just tired of it. So we do everything as we budget to get all that, but just my spending, I want a separate account and I miss it rebecca like hey? No, no, because the issue is not having a separate account. The issue is that your husband's either being kind of a jerk and and and poking at you and bringing up things in the past to throw in your face that you've spent or maybe but you're spending ya'll, aren't agree on and he's frustrate like I don't know who is right or wrong, it sounded like get it. She was more right but obvious issues than the dear me, because I know you can't dont. bandaid of things on your relationship and that's what people I felt towards him, we'll just figure out systems in marriage, with our money so that we don't have to let go the gauge we take. We don't go there and I might go there. Go there its painful and it's hard, but it's worth it like that. that's a deeper mirrors and finding out
a much ass. You love some by that they're, not gonna, be your forever person because they can't honour your safety. four years ago. I wouldn't call it right and if you with the spouse, who steadfastly refuses to join then his? How much you gotta go, connect us that's when you call and say omnibus, starts in go start seeing somebody love you to join me because this It isn't safe. Yet because you Don't trust me? We don't trust each other enough here in europe, I've heard of of people who blow all the money, because I've got addictions who blow all the money because like why does need a new rifle as equal yeah, but we need diapers as well. You figure that everybody knows everybody knows of not talking about those, a businessman rid of went yes or there's an addiction with gambling, yet something else, there is a danger for most of the tongue. S put your money simcoe, yes, yes, and here we will keep her behind us But another thing to that. I would love to for you to speak on now. Is that there's I hear for women, especially dont dependent?
and like it is sell. Independence is celebrated where it's like. Oh no, I can take care of myself. I don't have to do, but you know, and then idea I can write. A marriage is well right. I did an eminent continue to stay, separates from you today, care of my own self still a lever guard, that's up that you're, not allowing territory. Terry real, who I consider the Americas greatest therapists he's this extraordinary is a great author. He says that the a lie that women were told come out of the fifty six seventys. Is you don't need anybody? you can use, allow herself in the great law. The men were told as the rules didn't change, because the rules did change and your wife got a seat at the table without you. it's for my book, yeah My mom, who got married and seventy was allowed by law to go around. Checking account without my dad's signature until seven. three wow. This is our parents right yet, as the arc of our parents relationships, blew my mind right, so
rules changed from ITALY my man they have to do things differently. He asked They have to be more inclusive, they have to sit at the table. They have to have hard conversations. They have to invite partners into these conversations in a ways that they that their grandparents didn't yet, and the lie that knew what you can do. All this by yourself is not true and wired that we're not build that way and has not whoo that's correct. Science such who we are, we gotta do life together. Yemen save eyes here, a safe place in our kind of like yet harping on this topic, for real tarred man. The money, a marriage transition it as it so tough because your marriage, She has come out in all different ways, and money is one of those avenues. It comes out through money, and so there can be tension. There can be fights, digging and in working on? What's really going on underneath the surface And seeing yourself as a team and said it in you, both comes over. That's right, like you know, sometimes it's I'll put on the woman like that she's, the one that's doing, the household spending and all that we see that in studies and so for some woman,
so very isolated because their husbands, not helping he's not engaging in the conversation or the flip, is Madame I'm doing in the bullet figured out that llamas, I'm going to just you know, yield to him, and he can just say no. You have a voice to step in and you guys working together, you're going to be different opposites, attract so be prepared for that. We both feel that it, our marriages, but but man, I'm telling you combine this- your marriage has to be so tightly unified it and use money as a tool to be one of those things that helps this is the ramsey show the
looking back the ramsay show, I'm really personality breach of ruse along the doktor John doe loney ends. We're amerika, because we're coming we're come in for we are now getting the road of so dramatic for live at home and forty four one when it was part of your job for ten years, and then you can't do events for two because of the old cove it now its back. answer back and we are back and we are so excited, so our building wealth live event is coming to vegas in orlando. Does your? What are we to favour it there? Might? This is great:
you ought to see wheels of rachel. You could see rachel vegas or in orlando florida we get em. Both can't wait but we are are traveling. Yet, with this a bit events, building wealth cause. It's such a hot topic cause, I feel like there's so many options. People are talking about getting wealthy, whether it's crypto or single stocks or zero down real estate, human cards, every all of them that everyone wants to get rich, quick, so Dave, ramsay, george cam, all that's john loaning, call man, we're all going unpack all these topics and you and can or actually egg and we're doing a a free bonus lesson before the event and talk about balance of your can relationships and living richer life sounds asano, so fun so I guess we're coming for you on the her say, may Beth Orlando may nineteenth and again we're so excited. We actually have confirmed for more cities, all the same event so we're pumped about it but again for here in the spring,
vegas you are thursday, may fifteenth and orlando there is a main nineteenth. You can get your ticket starting at just twenty five dollars or it afore pack for sixty bucks just go to ramsay solutions. Dotcom, slash, events to learn more are right. Coming next is cliff from indianapolis hey cliff welcomes the show highway trauma, Yon watson, I am wondering some advice on how I can look at my parents taking care of some of their debt that my sister and I am covered that they and my I believe that when that control of finances and when strange when the baby said and parental you gonna go out somewhere alms. a change of ways I know figure out. How are you
about bathwater, which merits that, yes, at some point issues yeah it's yet cigarette question. Cliff how're, you held your parents. my parents were in their only seven. These bodies What did you guys discoveries that you got you and your sister discovered some debt that they ve had well yeah credit cards push alone, I think the timeshare yeah yep on, so a bunch of stuff and- and they have not come here- you stressed out anything you're, just seeing all that some thinking- oh gosh. Third, there, not a great spot, worry girl, it's been. My experience has been my experience that on two issues parents do not receive advice from their kids, very well saccharine in money. If you have,
The sharp at christmas and your thirty five in your parents are seventy you, like ma here's how your If you need to start wooing debt she'll just cut you off it'd, be like hubbard. You got to sleep in the yard right, so they're not going to hear that in the same is hey. You know it. You should be doing with your money for me parents you're dead, knows how much daddy has and he knows the mass he's in here He knows me and ass. He knows it and when the sun comes to him a son who loves him and who cares item is trying to do the best for him. It Such a shame inducing conversation that every every response mechanism. He has to deflect ashamed kicks off right. The grand ready whatever azra your mother. Just though, all that stuff is his body saying I know I know I know I know. I know it is too big and it's too late. Now, I'm scared, gay. Here's, the hard part myspace then there's not a lot of movement there. The one thing you can do is to
a conversation about connectivity, here's what I mean hey dad must go to bed It- must have had some success with this stuff If you ever need something when she did know, I've made some stupid, through the euro even know about and on I'd love to be a first call and I love you and I love mom, and I want you to live to be a hundred forty years old. If anything when it comes to talk about money, I'm an open book and a husband anywhere can, and that makes it or of a connection, conversation relationship, conversation and less about a failure or you didn't, do the excess and knows right here differences subtle, but its massive, very yet nothing other than that man stuff and now yeah yeah. That's why say: thou is, if you like any conversation that here that a successful between a child to apparent- and that is them just sharing their own experience, the child right into saying, hey here,
here's what we ve done and it's it's been amazing in the benefits of being that free and having some or his family it just takes. It took some stress off that I didn't realize and we're just really pumped about it, and I doubt if you, as ever yeah. I have a question or anything I would love it, don't talk, because the out we ve I've seen the flip side of this Now that or even honour of this is that would be another avenue to cliff, but because of their age, talking to parents about there, they and their will, like all of that which country gets into debt. in conversation, cause you're talking my death as well, but because the idea of having honor your legacy it's you and mom have built over the years of over a wife, and so whenever you want a dive into that them details me in your sister, you know, can have around that too to honor you guys. If something were to happen like we want to know that and be on the same team with you all, so that could be
there are great and it is for those things I forget all time could models homicide attacked. We ve been talking about death. We we talk way too much, art or family does without the uncomfortable. Don't you want to hear your family the range, and so, if you like dies right, that's actually a brilliant idea. Cliff is this call your dad and say, or maybe cinema taxes a mccoy this week and need to talk, will in that way. He's got a moment to to he's, got a day or two or three to wrap his head around this conversation and then say: hey I had a buddy whose parents passed away, I just saw something on tv- is beset miss bennet, my soul. I wanna make. That you and I are the same page with how many take your mom. If and when something happens to you. I want to make sure that we ve got it all down that if some hems demand that we are going Are you in love? You and honour, heard the best we can and cohesive, talk wills and I care about who's in the will who's. I don't care about that stuff. I just wanna make sure we're honored, you guessed the right way. Sam
Let's take that again as oh they're just after our stuff, you can't control that what you're trying to do is on the front end honor and love you, it's the best again. You can't control what other methods used to internalize it. Yet that's right eye, x is. Is it back It is our right from raleigh that I say right good. man welcome to the show. How can we help all of us There is a need for a united for I love and I learned a lot of things for you guys today? I am calling do. At an advice on a situation that I'm coming to annex account, was charged off on December twenty twenty and I'm the collection I see it seems like a man, but the fine that lifting in my recent credit report, I'm sort I'm is it worth paying off that collects in trying to reach out today im fear of working up a deal with them.
That is the collection. Are they actively com? you? As of now don't call me out fish in the last six months, six months and how much you o on it, but old until you four hundred dollars. Thirty four hundred it's not on your credit report saw experience and the primacy of the predatory, both of them have done listing, and you can you go back in your own record I know that you had thirty four hundred dollars on the same acts because the annex they do with for the credit bureau and see that even the hell just off december twenty twenty and among those twenty four hundred dollars, so whenever they,
elections you know, depending on where you're at in it. You can definitely try to just settle it. Even for pennies on the dollar so yeah, I would definitely go in and just call them and see. If you can settle it, they may have, they may have sold it off to somebody else. At this point they may have to wait for a little while John, so fun, co hosting with you today. Thank you, america for listening. This is the ramsey show the John bologna co hosted the ramsey show. Did you know over eighteen million people? Listen to the ramsey show every week a lot of those people listen on one of our six hundred plus radio stations across the country. To find a station near you go to ramsey solutions, dot com, slash the you enjoy this podcast. You should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network like ramsey, everyday millionaires, ordinary
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-15.