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10 Things You Need To Know About the Secure Act 2.0 (Hour 1)


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I from the headquarters of ramses illusions: broadcasting for the body moving in storage studios, it's the ramsay show where we now people build well, do work that I love and create actual may using relations. George camel ramsay personality is Michael o today is also the collusion of the smart money at the hour was rachel proved a very popular podcasting of exploding out there. It's really big deal
some we're here with you to help you tonight the phone numbers triple eight, eight to five five, two to five we're going. Those are with to re in houston hate. You re. What's up. Hi to re, how are you. or we lost her, maybe we're off to a great stir. Maybe we're not ok, try again button. Do that one more time, to re? Are you there? No overripe noise pollution? start with that, then eric as in all bunny, I eric welcome the rams we show both serve taken. My take my question sure: what's Joe keep getting into my head, monitor. Liquidate all my indefinitely pay off my mortgage alike. I know that, like mathematically, that's probably not the right choice but, like I feel like you would be the major pressure on me.
And unlikely to be able to go back through she's, all my discretion, castor, bert gordon darling. I got shot, much do you have in your portfolio I have made my start before you lose utterly eight thousand dollars did you say one hundred and eighty, or did you say, eighty one hundred and eighty and what your mortgage balance, my more thousand is light hearted, suddenly, looking seventy those are, the portfolio, your discussions, not in a retirement account correct capital account you guys and you're dead, free other than your home. You after them What the hell do y'all have a credit card. It's got a very low balance on it that I didn't get discharged last month, but it has kicked off the month. Okay, and what's your household income tax law
good for you? Well, don't how old are you a wholly and So you're saying that mathematically, it doesn't make sense, and I would even challenge that parliament mathematically does make sense to buy off your house what about you bought my house. Two thousand and twelve, doesn't matter on a week. We got, we got like three and a half percent interest on it. a overpaid paid on it ever since bought and paid by? Equally to this point, I'm like will you tell any interest on it interest I intended to be a bit they will tell you have been able to start. Was there now you ve not backward and risk like there's, no math, four risking your formula, not factoring in risk. Mathematically is a naive formula and shop, here's what we know we know the data of studying, millionaires that
but go millionaire dash to things that causes them to get to their fate? one to five million dollars that they get out of debt house everything and they build. Therefore, one day in the rather eurasian. Good growth start mutual funds, the nuts of millionaires that we ask that set, and we should. Okay. Did you leverage, your home in order to invest in stocks, and that's why you became a millionaire. The number of them say that is very close to zero. They say stuff, like Oh lord, now I got out of bed. Isn't that interesting, show. The formula that you are proposing is mathematically, correct is not used by hardly any more We owners to get the millionaire status trends asian your formulas wrong.
So Eric, would you take out against your home a hundred a thousand now alone to invest in single stocks, if that was doing for yeah sure. Why not? But if you were day training for a living, basically you also probably wouldn't be sleep at night. You lose relationships, cause you'd be staring at. These numbers making sure they get up all the time. You're you're, absolutely right! You're! Absolutely right about that. So there's a piece of this where man, I can feel that you're craving that piece but you're stuck on the starry eyed. But what If I got this return on that money, then the guaranteed returning your house, I think, is way more valuable. So here's what I would do that you called us and Will it really sharply out cash out of stock and pale vouch today now that and I dont- have a house payment- I haven't increased stability at the
very foundation of my life and my financial plan, because I you cannot grasp annual, We can't mathematically capture that it feels different to what So your backyard, No. She was on the ground, feels different. When you don't have a mortgage, you cannot capture that you cannot capture what this does that these press release, even if its minor, what that, for your relationships. You cannot capture what it does for your all of us and your excellence in your career and all of those things over time, the math! really plays out too that people of means. People of wealth actually do not take out all mortgages to trade and sells it binds hosting of stocks. Those are called day traders, seventy eight percent of which lose money and losers. About things while they're doing it Jordan we hear about the ones at win and well. In your end, there always temporary does
It's the same thing as plain the slots are one of the slots right, yeah, yeah yeah, that's how they built those certain casinos, ok, not by you winning at the slots. I can tell you that so mathematical just cause, you hid it wants it and make it all that safeguard I'm going off the data of thirty years of doing what I do we, working alongside people were watching their lives, transform, during their relationships, their career. blossom and their poor fellow, because, when you don't have a house payment and you make to our sixty thousand our view, you can build Well, the one hundred and eighty thousand bucks really quick if you want to screw around with single stocks, won't take long at all so good question. Thank you for calling pay off your house. they sure the whole angle of both of our discussions is build wealth, the question is: what is the best path to do it, and we have found that doing with the least amount of risk possible. Put you in it. financial position, long term, and so what we are saying here is you're gonna, build wealth either way you could
your but hang onto the single stocks in the next week, depending on who tweets what or could have a guaranteed return with no house payment, making two hundred sixty thousand dollars. You you can build wealth when that situation, absolutely a hundred percent down again, sir, and her percent of the foreclosures occur on home, with a mortgage show didn't have to do a lot of research on that it'll come to you later promised. That's the idea of oaks yeah, what is your most powerful wealth building tool? Is it home equity, now your income The person in your mirror is the secret ass for you to bill wealth, build a quality life. Yours microsoft you're? The answer? No who's going to do it for you, and there is no magic hill that you to discover
go in. There rush the fall gulf of the mirror after the shower, and look at that guy. Look at that gal and go you're the problem. You are the solution. This is the rams, asia It could be a great driver, but if you never check under the hood, your car won't last very long. The same principle goes for your business net. Sweet by oracle gives you the visibility under the in business. That means knowing your numbers. Net sweet gives you access to the real time data unit, need to make smart decisions plan for the future and move fast set up a free product tour. Today, at net suite dot com, slash ramsey, that's a net suite dot com, slash ramsey
george camel ramsay personality is Michael votes today. Well, a lot has changed over the years here on the ramsay show, but our illegal advice on life and money never has. I can tell you that were thirty years millions and millions of oaks of tuned into the rams. You show for money, relationships, career and life advice and where the people are to their eyeballs and debt and wondering how they can't get ahead or they spinning days in a dead end, J, o b and trying to find hope found a way well works. to do an ounce that the rams you show is now also on t be in and you turn into the ramsey show beyond week days at five p m eastern four p m central, get your daily dough of life, money, career and relationship advice
we should jump in their will see you in george gamble, Ramsay personalities Michael host today, and I think we got to re in houston- lined up now high to re. How are you how are you better than we deserve? What's up, thank you everything! while the start tell basically It is the home my first time back in october, and I am now experiencing buyers wars. It has been a lotta if it's not it's something everything broken everything if they accept everything needs to be replaced, and so I guess my question is if I did not make the best decision how do I make the best decision moving or in rectify Controlling and maintaining my financial responsibilities to build and self worth so. This fix irreparably, you bought by either the shocking repairs, or do you know some of this going in Oh I'm it. Basically, there is
that was built and eighty three and a lot of the renovation that were done were poorly done. Ok and his buyers. Remorse is this: coming from the mortgage, being too beggars and all these repairs that you don't have the cash to do. Where's that coming from bowed low I'm paying too much on my mortgage brought the repairs and I'm eating of having take care of now that I've looked in so much was roused by man right now, I'm paying eighteen sixty five and what's your take home pay a month a month. Seventy four, your house payments, not too high. Okay. So that's not a problem. You're, just not buying a house payment? Yet okay, but it it's it's in the zone of it's it's less than a fourth of your take home, pay sure you're! Fine. What do you do for a living to re? I recruit for oil and gas good for you, okay, well, on what ah what I think is gonna happen. Is that
you're, probably gonna get the other side of the bulk of these repairs. I don't know exactly you ve had to fix or do what? What order some examples of the three biggest worrisome things they and the cost of that you had to fool with. One of them one of the things I have not done working on, but it is something that is being told that our needs to start planning is the roof. Well, the majority Appliances that to be new, are having to be replaced. Insulation is completely cora, have to have someone to come in and look at tat those right now, our just the teeth and I'm trying to work on organs. Who told you that the roof had to be replaced and at the time personal gain. Am I bet you might be a whole loved, though be inspector that Bobby I went out and he was very good. Geller about the roof, and that was the major concern when it came to in o analyzing the arch of the world the concern enough that the vizier appraiser rick,
wired a roof made. was bad vs would have required a roof where they wouldn't have put the loan on it. I shall now who told you that in its roof is leaking We had a a technician come out during christmas, because if he was a problem- and he told me there- it was it was leaking around somewhere in the attic which car they moulder until he was? If I guess not, major. But it is something that I wanted to look into and mary I'm an over thinker, I'm this back of it is first home. I'm new to all of this, though, I'm king right now and I'm just trying to play on top of everything. So you're, self, admitting that your catastrophe, ok The guy went up there, a guy went up there and he showed there's a leak and a little bit of mold. You need to get that looked at and you went, I gotta get off roof right.
We believe that yeah I mean that's what I heard I might be wrong and that too. That's our can recognize it so on. We all have a drama going. Their lives is out of us every one I was in part part in good decisions you ask how to make good decisions is to tell the drama going to shut up and that You know, that's part of it. You you got look at yourself, NGO ear. It really come on. So the? U prob you need to get that roof looked at, but it might be a few hundred dollars instead of ten thousand to put on an entire roof it might need a little bit of shingle replacement. There are, there might be, around one of the violence and they put a new boot on it and cock it up, and you just fine shall handyman getting up there in fixing that one area You know shooting some stuff killing the mold in that one little area, so it doesn't get worse and you don't go up there later in the whole. Attic has grown full or something like that. So yeah, dress it, but don't over think it
you know all over. The appliances need look, knew but need to be replaced too. Are they not working and philip maniac what's not were embroidered amish water doesn't work dishwasher stove refrigerator, knowing not homework. To do inspector catch any of this Now that you have our home and I even yes, I had to homer, but and- and I had a gas leak that was so extreme. I couldn't stay in my house for two days and I didn't know like how I ask: how did John mischief so you're home inspectors, an idiot, ok we usually right. I mean you, miss a gas leak and and appliances that don't work. That's a basic thing you go through internal ali obliges basic common specialist. Ok show The great news? Is you make good money, your house payments? Not out of control? You probably don't need an entire roof
Do need a new dishwasher. Have you appliance repair people to come and just repair the existing ones, or are you just planning to replace them completely I was trying to see if I had some type of ability to my homeowners insurance that could be rectified with them. Now not now, I'm gonna have to pay more venture of learning over your dishwasher, not working for. The guy come out only to look at it and fix it or replace it for you on her box, I'm in we're not ten thousand dollars Do you have any other debt terrain? outside my little credit card there, a few thousand old on my car. Now, that's it ok end when it comes, you said we do have a spouse involved here. Did I say we I do about ok, it's just you you're single, ok, here's what you do
what's happening is all of these things are up flying around an end in just about the timing. wake up in the morning or by the time you're about to doze off at night they're overwhelming instead, but I want you to just write down a list of what needs to be repaired and what you're going to do about it. Ok, shot ok, dishwasher I'm gonna call a repairman and if it can't be, paired cheaply. I'm gonna regulation refrigerator when a collar repairman, they can't be repaired cheaply, I'm gonna like roof, I'm gonna have a handyman type, come out, not a roof, trying to show my roof. The just looks at it I'm the one little league fixes the one, the lake and spray some stuff and kills them out, and you just you develop a list with an action plan and when thing is: if you write it down literally on a yellow, pat a little report, to do list then you're gonna, look at it and it's gonna suck. drama out of your brain and it's gonna drop,
there on that page because you're gonna go. Oh, this is doable how cause it all comes at you at once: its overwhelming creed, its anxiety, when you break it down and bite size pieces. One task at a time one broken thing at a time you can, through an entire remodel. Doing that, and you don't have any, and rewards exchanging the buggy man for the repair man? That's these switch here. This is that your first, birds being homeowner, where you don't call the landlord and show your stuff broke instead got ticker everyone, brick and one of the reasons we say get out of it have an emergency fund before you become a halonen homeowner, because all the stuff would have been an inconvenience that point and you don't you. make enough money to get through this I know you don't need to show your house and really you don't need that buyer's remorse I mean there's a couple of weird things that are here, the for missing the stuff, but thing here says its houses are women that you're the biggest
up in life. Could you bought at your horrible person? I don't hear any of that in this discussion. You got a couple slang bro, infection, joys of homeownership and europe, with reasonable picture. There shorter joy, the house that its economy I'm just gonna put the drama out. I would put it down the page break it down into by charge. Pieces hide, they laughed ran somewhere. Data breaches fishing scams, the cyber world has gone crazy and you have to be protected. That's why the only plan I use and recommend is through zander insurance. They combine smart cyber protection and prevention services to reduce your risk and have a dedicated team of experts to take over the work. If you do become a victim go to dot com or call eight hundred three. five, six, forty to eighty two
george camel ramsay personality. Is my co host today, open phones aaa to five five, two to five, where in the twilight the in as twenty twenty two is coming to a close congress, pass d massive spending bill, of course, because that's what you should do if you're in congress and but a good and a good measures as a part of that they also passed. What is appropriately called the secure act of twenty twenty. Two. Two point: oh, so what is the secure act? Two point: while it changes a bunch of things in your retirement and a couple of things, you're student loans as well, and a good blog,
ugh at ramsay solutions, dot, com right now very good detail on this unpacked if you want to get in there and really look at it and plug around, I think we'd post those blogs on facebook too. If I remember james- and I but george- take a minute since I blogs out there and you guys can go through it all and look at it in detail, but for those of you don't make it over the blog which hit the highlights the others a tie in here. That really help a lot of people with their retirement minutes. Secure, exe, and for setting every community up for retirement enhancement, so kudos marketing team? They got to create that acronym there? Now good luck with airport, but anyway, it's good. It's good updates of some things are needed to happen. Yes, so starting with require minimum distributions. You'll hear these called rmd is the ages rising to seventy three instead of seventy two, which means you have an extra year without the government happen you to get some other cash required I'm distributions- are your for a one. Can you rather, are you not rather additional irish they were,
choir you to start taking money out at a minimum schedule, so they can tax it and used to be seventy and a half minutes to seventy two, and with this move to seventy three show you can leave your money alone and not touch it till seventy three That's good! next, one, no more required minimum distributions from raw for one case and roth for o three bees. So this was interesting because you ve already paid the taxes on it. So this annually pay the taxes you can just have doesn't do anything to force you to tar, taking it out on our embodies. Shall we go but you're, just let it sit there and grow tat for a lot of aggregate, not written lover off. That's great next up, smaller penalties for missed required minimum distributions. It was fifty percent it's coming now to twenty five percent. If you monsieur are empty, that's good! next higher ketchup contributions on the way of your fifty years or older. There's a lot of a ways you can step up. Your retirement, you know, put an extra thousand injure IRA, for example,
extra five thousand extra. Seventy five hundred in your for one case and their increasing that young sixty two sixty three begin: on twenty five march and twenty two? five january one. If your age, sixty six sixty two sixty three you'll be put ten thousand dollars annually in the workplace retirement plan an additional ten thousand dollars and so it allows you of your quote running behind. Is it too late for me? This is for you right love it all right now, step on the good news front: easier: access to retirement funds for emergencies. Nor is it not goodness that's one, who downers of this plan. Here we were doing so great dave wish we had a great while a thousand till we got too stupid land, and so here's what this means, starting in twenty twenty four, you can withdraw up to one thousand dollars from your retirement account for personal or family emergencies. If you've been listening, the show for more than ten seconds? You know that you should never tap
retirement accounts for emergencies. Now you should have an emergency fund and leave your freaking retirement account alone. Let it grow and make you rich absolute, our own dumdum, dumdum dumdum. Here's an interesting one cares to get your take on this day of employers must automatically and role you into a workplace retirement plan this is nanny state stuff, holding her hand. This is we're going to take care of you. Could you too stupid to take care of yourself idea, so now, when you join a company that has a for a one kay, the company is required to sign you up for the thorough and gay automatically at an romantic minimum contribution rate of three percent and, if you'd, I want that to happen. You have to down manually, go in and opt out, you have to stop it from occurring, say that to me, control. It's gotta, good intent. Want everybody to have a retirement account, that's a good thing. Yes, you need to be in your fora, one gay, but let's go working the baby steps you would need to the opt out with are not doing for a one geiger drawn by me, step to land
if the problem is, if you are in a place to invest, you've got three per cent. You don't realize it. You need to up that to fifteen per cent. If you're out of debt, the fully funded emergency fund yeah some beef, you pay attention that don't don't work. the government and were heard a help. Please your scary words: ok, a three percent rate, He's not gonna get you very foreign retirement, so we gotta do better for her now, this has been one of some hot debate. Employers can match your student loan payments with retirement contributions is confusing, yes to the sounds like they're, paying your soon launch now. Some employers are now offering a benefit nothing to do with this where they will help you by your skin ones off one way when I read it will give you now chew they'll do whatever has nothing to do with anything as far as the stuff comes. This is not that This is: u pay up to three thousand dollars on your student loan and your employer puts up to three thousand dollars. into your four o one k, which doesn't
it just wouldn't that incentivize you to never pay off your student loans. We want you to eat apples, so we're going to chop oranges, it's just Where did you d mix these things up and people are getting confused about already. They think it means the government's going to pay part of your stood or the employer's going to pay part of your student loan and match you on what you're putting on your student loan they're, not that in the following k, show it's weird logic, us anything more money against you're student lower cause you to do that. Then it gets more money into retirement. I'm for all but this is just convoluted and weird or when you be pissed, if you already paid off your student loans or didn't have any and Joe shmoe is next to you is getting an extra three grand on his four one k. Let's have been Don't let your employer offering a benefit employers not required to offer this benefit? I'm curious to see how many employers do this now. I don't think they will never know you never out there all right next You can roll over unused five. Twenty nine plan funds to a rough ira, ding ding little glass, one! I love, go! That's been a big! You know,
of objection, people there were dave. One of my kid doesn't go to college. They don't use all the money that money just wasted yeah, it's not! When I arrived at after fifteen years, your kid roles it in there. I re no penalty up to annual contribution, you put a hundred thousand hundred fifty thousand bucks and to a five twenty nine. It uses seventy five or eighty thousand of it. Whatever's left in there sits there fifteen. There's growing tax free in good mutual funds, and then they roll it into a roth IRA into good mutual funds, and it continues to grow tax free, no penalties that one a huge fan of a love. This one This is a fun one to roth. Options are now available for simple. I raise an sap ira so folks at our self employed business owners. This is cool. I'm coming I thought that was already there sure they roth a matter that simple sure that didn't already have that, but I could be wrong, so goddamn The simple ira is simply a for a one k for small business
in the sub irae is a the simpler, some points I match planned for its best- you, by a young, a solo procure but If you have employees yet, but some amount and you get yourself a wage, el. The mere sap ira's much but simple hours are great for small businesses to open up, and now they can do arrived at, the news and, lastly, new emergency savings account option. Alongside retirement accounts so this one's a little different than the previous one. It saying that the employer can set aside up to twenty hundred annually for non highly compensated employees. In a sense emergency savings alongside their retirement account it's a little side courier. But it had invested. The problem is that twenty five hundred is not enough for an emergency fund, and so then you ve got they thought and you can take out here for a one caveat emergency and you ve got it all over the employer, and so people
they are the o. My emergency loans taken care of each, not the small, not money too. Very few of you, the three to six months of expenses represents twenty five hundred bucks So this is the smallest headache. The government saying hey, look, we did something and you didn't do anything because it's not it's not sufficient to cover it. Now do up to ten thousand dollars and there's something that might cover some people's. You know the emergency got enough to to do any damage. I wouldn't use this instead of your emergency phone and I wouldn't use the option to cash money out of your four o one k for emergencies, either as your Well since you've been? I wouldn't do either one I'd leave all of that alone or credit where credit's due there's a lot of wins in here, and you guys can check out the entire article. We've got it linked in the show notes. Wherever you're listening, of course, at ramsey solutions, dot com, but I needed a win today, I'm gonna call this a win, I'm gonna call it when we pick on and we we can even allow president Joe Biden to call when he signed it.
I'm sure he's already tweeted a signed it, and so he gets a win on their way to go. President Biden, you don't hear that often from Dave not not often at all, can't shoot down a balloon, but you can sign this. This is the ramsey show the john bologna here with breaking news. Sleep is critical, for your health does not news, but of I dont want to admit how important sleep is to our mental and physical wellness to our bodies, ability to recharge. I mean having a new baby legit reason to lose sleep, telling yourselves according to quote super busy so you'll have time to sleep is ridiculous, but tossing and turning all night on your old, uncomfortable mattress. That's all
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like for joining us america, george campbell rams. Your personality is my co host today. Neck is whether schnick asian lobal Kentucky I nick area hanging earn a biscuit love it. How can we help brother? more recently started following on youtube and I'm trying to figure it out. I don't know if you go in here stolen. Colleagues, I recalled university, but I have a quick. In about charlie not been able to do it very well, and I'm attacks return I know you say that a ship the refund, but am opposed on it. All your tax refund,
would you tie them up if you ve, I've been on your total income, no good. it's just your money? Coming back to you, let let's say that your time on your total income- and you took five thousand dollars- booted savings account when you the five thousand dollars out of the savings account you wouldn't pay tied on it. because it in an already tied down for you put in their attacks, sorry It is exactly the same thing if you're talking on your gross, income. Are you. before having not apparent. Acts are after tax. After tat, after tax Say show well amount may think how the math would work than so the reef. What come on, what you are We're getting your hand is what your time It's what I money and what are the bonus or anything and you paid too much and.
which would have if you had brought that homey what brought more home. In that case, we would tie on the refund. because if it was set up properly and no refund, that money would have come home and you would have tied down it like that makes sense. Yeah fear tithing out dear gladly, take homepage right in europe, type pay is too low why you got a refund. You at large, taken out of your taxes. So if you recognition at a zero refund. You would be bring home more. The I have one of that refund. Does it make sense right? right, and so it's a math randal is all it is, but shout limit just use that as an opportunity. Then you need to go back to work recovering in financial peace university on tithing, obvious the timing is something it's a biblical. A guideline for giving of your income. Typically, it
observed by evangelical christians like me and george, and you nick and by orthodox juice, jewish tradition, also respects and endorses the tie the as well as its old testament item homage their bible, our old estimate, so where it comes from show, He said all of that, just let every by now. This is not like a and I dont since this offer you nick I'm just using the fact that you ask the questions and opportunity to talk about low bet. But it you never tied from a legalism standpoint, or this makes god love me more or he owes me something back, because I tired that the standpoint this is simply may being obedient to my faith, and this is Baseline of giving to do a rhythm, of giving a lot of people tie the outside on my gross before taxes, not after tax, and that that is the point
always? It doesn't matter. Has gone not mad at you or mad or or more pleased with make us. I gave more, that's not others works. This is Our heavenly father who loves us is trying to teach us to be generous in so a part of our rhythm. Is we make money we give move it. We make money, we give some of it, we make money, we give some of it and that's why the thai this tied into our spiritual, walk if you're, not christian and you're out there you're, not jewish and you're out there, you stillness to observe something like this to create too big your generosity, muscle on a rhythm basis, not on an occasional random basis. So really really good question yeah, it's nuanced and the heart is the real issue, and next got that part taken care of yeah them out of his great he's, just one the nuances of this I'm confused by and you ve always said, nephew grows network.
Have discussions all day and plant our lot or not. On the growth and that we want to get the revenue from wrong among upshot right jack, it's a joke, joke, okay, so here yeah, but it's first in the budget, for a good reason enshrined god does not need your money. He's got you want something happened, he'll do it. You don't worry about it. This is about him. teaching knew how to be generous him, teaching you how to build your generosity muscle by working it out every tumors, a paycheck after retailers, a paycheck, a lift that generosity up lifted, I'd do it and it becomes a part of your life interesting study. I read years ago, george on this. It's worth sod borrowing on biogas, osity is really the reason to bill wealth change. Your family tree take care, Your family, your kids, your grandpa, be that kind of stuff, godly man, lucian inheritance to children's children,
and so inheritances a biblical process and also to be un believably, outrageously, generous and We shall now through, but one or studies I found was they. They interviewed people asking them. tell me about generosity. Can we about time? the generosity is in your life. and when they interviewed old people of faith they talked about a lifetime of this rhythm of giving steadily overtime. When they interviewed middle pete village people, talked about the one time that they gave. Something I interviewed, Strangely young people like teens and even children when they asked them about generosity. They describe the time they received something.
The point being that, as you emotionally mature, hopefully spiritually, mature, you're goin I realise what nick is doing is whether you are a person of faith or not. It is a A part of your emotional maturity journey because the more mature people were the ones that described a steady die, A steady life of outgoing generosity, the children receive described, receiving something so adults devise a plan and follow it. Children do it feels good even applies to generosity. That's incredible! One! It's such a great peace! When we talk about there's only three things you can do with money at all. You can give it save it and said: and you ve said that giving as the most fun you can have with money it makes you more of who you are and of your generous person, you're broke you're gonna be real generous. When you ve got some money, it increases creativity increases the court, baby relationships, there's all kinds of data that you're quality of life goes up and your probability of wealth building goes up. As you,
increase your live longer. Science is showing its low blood pressure to be generous. Exactly it's amazing really does because your other centred instead of self centered. Also for that generous people are more attractive keep your bear out, be not because our giving you money, but just because there the person that hold a door, though the personally pick up your groceries when they spill out one of those stupid bags and roll all over the parking lot right. When I found they're less stressed yeah, that's it's amazing love! It love love it! So that's the thing so nick really good question thanks for letting us have that as an ex to get up on our generosity soap, because I can tell you very few: Stu shellfish people make you cry, but generally it will make your owsley when you start watching someone do something generous it. It gets up in your throat and you feel your throat gets tight. And you like my illustrious ashes in europe,
even financially focused on that person when all that personal, so cool, you're, saying what they're doing issue and theirs. retailers plan generosity which is great spontaneous generosity which can make us cry, but then there's outrageous generosity, which is where The tears are just streaming down her face, as we see the video on social media and as such, a beauty enjoy to it, and we can all use a little bit more that this year, no man blowing drafted at last from- It is both somebody's mind and at you, I have this opportunity to do something that is it just and belief. Bullshit, thou observed At yourself, in a position to have those moments and man when you're broke and all you don't pay paymaster, stupid, mastercard and ford motor credit you're, not thinking about the people are you're thinking about yourself and is cause you try. frequent survive as long as your bad person, but the more You getting control the more you put together plant more, you can be other centre,
work is good and everyone needs to go. Watch less than nine of financial peace university. Where you talk about this, it is ma'am gets me time. It's a good lesson. This is the ramsey show the day, George Campbell here, if you love the show, when you want a deeper dive on your money journey, we've got a weekly newsletter that gives you helpful articles and tips on following the Ramsay way, just go to ramsey solutions, dot com today to sign up for the newsletter again, that's ramsey solutions, dot com to sign up for our weekly newsletter, the pay it's james producer of the ramsey show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode, thanks for listening,
Transcript generated on 2023-02-13.