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The Hunt for the Gilgo Beach Killer

2023-11-14 | 🔗

Andrea Canning sits down with family members and key insiders connected to the investigation of the murders of several women found dead along Gilgo Beach in Long Island, New York.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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who's, he shouldn't, not deserve them none of them, then the suspect who easy. I am an architect of an architectural consultant, the scariest part for me was he took that path. Past my house every day I was alone in that apartment with him there's no way I could have fought back really bone chilling end, investigation, crucial questions you ve, gotta, chief detectives is keeping the fbi away from the case. Why would he do that inside the biggest serial killer case that a generation I'm
still hold. This is Dave lie. There is andrea canning, with the hunt for the girl go beach killer. There's a beautiful rhythm to the ocean dictum will rise and fall of the tides but on this stretch of beach fifty miles from new york city that swell rhythm was shattered when a nine one, one called pierced the night in ireland to then I'm on one system, you need the police, somebody harassing you,
on the line, a desperate young woman begging for help already hurrying. Where are you Ok, where are you sure, disoriented, calling nine one one as she ran out Where are you man, I don't mind? The young woman was twenty three year old shit and gilbert an escort on a job and oak beach, long island. She never not exactly who was after her, but she was clear, we in trouble rubber cook as a journalist and author who is covered, this story extensively the night that shannon disappeared. She got it from a guy named Joseph brewer Joe brewer arranges for her to come to a beach. Her driver takes her their herds
ever waits outside Jos house during the length of the car. The call goes on for hours, but then suddenly, out of nowhere the tree. ever gets a knock on those windshield and its Joe brewer saying that shannon won't leave the ever goes into the house to try to get shannon to leave and sees that shannon is very upset is terrified and She goes bolting out of the house and running down the street she knocked, one door saying help me. me She eventually ran back to the car and her driver mike lol? to be right,
but the driver couldn't convince shannon to get in the car and leave before he knew what she was often running again still on the line with nine one. One shannon ran to the house of Joe brewers neighbour, gus calamity I know What do you do when your list shannon left gas qualities? How still sounding panicked she was lost in the unfamiliar area surrounded by marsh? The temperature had dipped into the low fifties. Then the call suddenly dropped early. The next more police arrived and spoke to people who had seen shannon that night But all anyone knew for sure was that she had disappeared from oak beach. Long island
long way from the blue collar town? She grew up in my sister shannon she was just a good person. She was funny make us last week into our first army and hip hop cities because of her in play, dress up. We would watch ceremony together sharif, bert says her sister older by just eleven months, was someone she looked up to. She taught us how to cook just so many things that we get together. Our sisters we were really bus runs were very close. She, and big dreams. She does. She wanted to be a singer since, as long as I can remember, we used to make fun of her because we used to say that she sounded like kermit the frog she was like just trying to find her voice and fun. tat. She did jennifer I didn't want to be small town. She saw her son, big screens. She saw herself you now being an hour. as being a singer. She wanted all of that. Of course, her voice of and so she was
terminating are now so shit and set off to new york city to chase the bright lights and try to make it on broadway, but, like so many struggle to break through and events We shall then turned to sex work to make money sure noticed some changes in her sister. She was wearing nice clothes and make up and buying lots of gifts for the family shriek. suspicious. You were onto like you're doing something to get this money, and so she came clean. Yeah must be so hard for you to hear this because for you, that's, like you can't even fast, being in that world. You know once she found the world, it was easy money to her. Her two breakaway examines you're in it if you're getting the money exactly or your pain, yeah you're getting the money. You can now manage your lifestyle. You can go party you can do things that you couldn't do before. It was easy for her as fast for her. She was also going,
the school on the side, so I mean she was deaf. When china better life, it's not what she wanted to be forever you know all. I say it just please be safe. and usually she was, but now shannon was missing We're watching the search for that answer would take months to one of the most recent discoveries and suffolk county history. Absolutely truly shocking day The it was a saturday morning in may twenty turn daybreak and beach. Long island was peaceful, beautiful, but there was so a darkness to it? The night before she Then gilbert had disappeared after a frantic called two nine one one. She
someone was after her before she disappeared, shin and ran to the home of gus quality. He spoke to her w NBC shortly afterwards, She ran off the add on a jedi trying to escape those guys and she fell in. She was gone. It bothers me that possibly I could save that girl. It's not easy. Shannon's boyfriend came to opium the next day to look for her. He spoke neighbours but left when he couldn't find her or any one who knew anything about her disappearance. Shannon's Well was starting to worry. When do you realize that either? that's not answering our shannon's not reaching out to me. I am sure got a phone call. Her boyfriend at the time who told that she was missing, so I'm actually pretty much new, almost right away. So where do you go from there when you are not able to reach her? I reach my mom and I told
I said mom. I think we have to file a missing persons report, shelves missing and she said I'm working right now when I get home first thing in the morning, all goes to the police and will file a report, but that says sheree turned out to be complicated because multiple jurisdictions were involved still the family kept sing to find shannon. Did you feel like as you're trying to get attention for your sister that you're not getting it because why she was in oak beach that night, because of her profession, yeah. Absolutely I followed we're taking ass areas because I feel like if it was an educated lawyer or mom of three. You know police officer. Anybody, I thought they would have definitely had a whole search. It would be weeks before the case finally landed in the proper jurisdiction of suffolk county, more than a after shannon went missing. The first searches began, Stuart Cameron.
The chief in charge of the special patrol at the time which included marine aaron canine search teams that obviously give her family closure and we wanted to see if you know she's been involved in a crime that recently the main the main purpose of the search. We were very calm two to finding her, but it was going to be easy, shannon had off into a marshy area. Next to the coastal road that hug skill go beach, it's very have we done, vegetated. It's got sticker bushes, it's got poison ivy, it's got, finds its got, ticks azure, walking along the shoulder of ocean parkway. You simply cannot see into this area more six inches. It's just that, densely vegetated, the perfect place police to hide evidence of foul play is very desolate. Very isolated,
lonely. The other thing about it is this highway is a straight line, it's flat and so, if you wanna leave a body at night, you know when you're alone can pull over and you with no when a car coming because you would see their headlights four miles away creepy, yeah and also smart undeterred. the police. Continued searching one office John mally, and took his search dog blew out regularly to look for shannon John yeah, you know, is perhaps the best kind I have a, but it was also very good human being truly wanted that give this family. Roger for six long months. They searched on and off.
then? One morning, blue gotta hit human remains discarded by Roadside the presumption was when John value found. These remains that he had found china gilbert it causes. There were, like ninety nine percent, sure would just one shannon. Oh my, which you know very shocking toss. We were you now crying and upset the bar was found tied up with strips of burlap and tape identified. Whether it was shannon, would be quick. What are they tell, as far as what they're doing to be short, shannon what we told them is that my sister was an hour domestic disputes, so she had a metal plate in her jaw. So if you to find shannon you'll see like the metal, titanium player, her jaw, so would be their way of you not ruling out whether or not that was shannon But when investigators checked there was no titanium plate. How does family handle. This were devastated, we don't know what and we don't know what to feel so? Who was it
sergeant malta and blue handed back to the crime scene, where we thought we had one homicide, let's for potential items of evidence? It could help us solve this crime. John started working towards the west along ocean parkway relocated Second set of remains, which was in shock for evidence. We find a second set of human remains very very, very uncommon, then John started working to the east of the remains goes just under. a tenth of a mile, and he finds a third set of remain and John continues working east of that's. It remains in fines. Aforesaid of remains in always an absolutely truly show day for murder victims all placed within a few feet of each other. All young women, mostly petites queen for eleven and five five. Three of them
and with similar burlap and tape, did you have a serial killer on the loose? Was the big question. The question came to mine is obvious That is a serial killer case or Is this a dumping ground, suffolk county, police. Commissioner rodney Harrison was with the n Y p d back then. So what started out as a search for one woman uncovered a hornets nest pretty much, and then we continued our search because we still were in the process of looking for miss gilbert remains, but they do Fine, shannon that day or the next. Her mother Mary visited the site was as for your mind, be here evil cases evil, it's crazy. I couldn't believe I just was like how do you go looking my sister, this one woman now and a circular something ground. I couldn't believe it.
As the search for shannon continued police began. The grim task of identifying the four victims some detail from their lives. Would help police catch a serial killer on the loose I knew she was going out to long island. There was a pause clue for police right, yes while searching for shannon gilberts police uncovered for other bodies, all female victims of homicide, and investigators would learn all working as escorts when they disappeared they became known as the gil go for the first to be discovered, was melissa, bartholemy, her best friend, christianity, is telling her story on camera. For the first time, how did you meet melissa?
Nonetheless, I think I was in nineteen years old, lived in the same household at the time. both were struggling to make a living. How did you emotionally support each other, but to have someone who's going to it, The same thing you're going through the reagan? get out of here. We're gonna, be Ok we dreams that I'm gonna have a beauty salon. Melissa brought dream with her from her home town of buffalo to the bronx. That's where the two friends bonded melissa, going one and criticise the quiet one Melissa was always happy. she's, always laughing. She was great she was real. She had a family a moment sister witnessed, Tell you about our family, she's his letters ass, his own
Did she talk about her sister lot? Tell through its macgregor, as I had too little sisters to india. Also, was he makers, This makes me cry. Consider my little sister, she had good family that is mine. How is irrelevant but once in new york, Melissa was having a hard time turning her dream into a reality. I think, idea was that she would work at a strip. Club money dismay other people and started getting until, but st life, LISA and crazy about turn to escort work to make ends meet? Did you two? each other's backs on the streets. You sure did watch out from less ass, she watched out for you care each other. We have to. What are some of the hazards of the job? Does
you re getting tribes where's prowess jail, ups, tat was the real name critic. Says they experience that nightmare first hand when she and Melissa were arrested and spent the night in jail. But it was more money than they have earned it any other job and the work was and easier to find that pays craigslist was like thing going they charge a dollar and you can pull like all these, as I like you, for when not stop ringing these goals we have like? I'm not lying. Three hundred miss calls and like fire or is it was insane by two in eight melissa had given up on the hair salon, men was trying to make enough money to go back home, so she goes to craigslist exactly She goes to craigslist she's she's living in the bronx she's living independently
like a half step towards making enough money to go back to buffalo and Then one day she disappears. Let's talk about July. Of two thousand nine melissa goes missing. When do you? first realized. Something has happened to her she's, not responding airlines ITALY's and trying to say: hey, I'm looking for him Do you guys know she's in jail? All look her up in the and we see it may look up. We look tat, she was not in jail and then went back to the prison and some of the. Nice, sergeants yelled at us and tell him to get out and Why are here or she's a girl, women she's a hose? You could do what she wants. She's. Probably getting high, I'm like elvis citizens of jogs the n Y, They told us. They can't comment on critias story without more details like the exact date and officers names
creasy a new for sure, Melissa was missing. What do the police know? As far as who she had been in contact with tat day? Was there any evidence to who she'd been talking to her old boyfriend, farmer pumped apparently told the police that Melissa had said something about how she had a client and long island. You knew Melissa was supposed to be added. and long island. I knew that there's going to long island. There was a possible clue for police. The fact that you knew that she was supposed to be going out to long island for a job right, yes, militias family and friends wouldn't find out what happened for another six months when she was one of the four women identified from gill go beach, how devastating, when you find out that her body, and found. This is your friend you ve been looking for. This was the
men who had your back and now she's gone I was really no for a long time. Because I didn't want to think about outsiders- color pushed it back of my head croatia has a very different life. Now she's moved away from new york works as a health care professionals. Raising her children in a happy home. She Is Melissa could have done the same Imagine who she would have been now if I'm, who I am- and I love you, I love where I am and I love the lives and I believe it. I never even thought that this is good we pass a book, imagine what she would have done. She was more courageous She was shoulders in a ways martyrdom more motivated. should have had our hair salon hogarth. She would like a chain of them. She would have been. The kardashians
She would have done so one month after finding, there remains by the beach authorities, announced the identity of another woman from the gil go for. twenty two year old, megan waterman. This video of her last day provide a clue as to who killed her and the rest If the women did. You hope that video possibly solve this case. Yeah that was the only hope, lennox finicky help you can to the moments and experiences that matter most. The ex vanity energy network deliver speed, power and reliability. Unlike any one, never miss a moment of your favorite movies. Chosen live sports on the network made for streaming with streaming on your tv or on devices throughout your home. Your cover with wifi speeds faster than a gig Get ultra low lag to work stream in game with fewer interruptions alma go stay lively, connected with xfinity mobile, give the fastest
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Took megan waterman to travel from maine to find work on long island that determine she was to provide for her three year old, daughter, lily shoes. china maidens me now She was doing absolutely Amanda goave is meccans half sister, not long before that trap. She'd heard a rumour about what megan was doing to make extra money. I called her and Turning our talk, Did she finally admit to you? what you ve been doing. That was awesome. We it only later she found out megan had gone to new york for a few days likely to find new clients, our calling me like seven
asked me if I had talked to megan again and I'm like no. Why. when china, car all day and or funk, has gone voice. So that's figures is missing what does he telling you as far as how they know she's missing when she went missing what their thinking who are of our time and never came back. Then this surfaced grainy image of mega, leaving the hotel, possibly to me one of those clients, the last image megan waterman shows a yellow sure genes ensures walking out of the water. looks like shorn tolerate a woman our out. Surely, after her. and that's how they could have been a possibility that maybe I'm sick she guy in this car car. You know, I do hope that that video could could possibly solve. This case, yeah
That was the last I was the only hope, but significant Police didn't go public with the video until many years later spokesmen, told dateline. He doesn't know why it wasn't release sooner a man as one officer back then even told her the chances of finding mega alive, we're slim he tells me I'm not going to report this for your men. Do you need to prepare yourself for the worse? Did you feel it was reading it. That way because we have your sister region affair. She did not matter because shoots because of our production. Exactly still amanda held out hope until her there's body was identified as one of those found on gill go beach. What's going through your mind when you learn that that she was dumped on a beach in such a horrific way,
Shouldn't not deserve that and none of them didn't one of those women. Amber Castelo had only been missing a few months when police stumbled across her remains. She was last seen alive about twenty miles away, walking down her street. Then there was marine brainerd bonds, We can my marine life weekend together. We were here. We walked all around times It was the summer of two thousand seven, sir. Corn says she and marine were escorts together, working out of hotel rooms in the city, the closer! we're going to get their own apartment in the coming days, making a lot of money. It's not like mcdonalds. You know I was like super excited and She had made an appointment for us to go, see the apartment on tuesday
but first Sarah needed to take care of a few things back home in connecticut, do like earth Just stay here in the room and keep it paid up until you back on monday, but when came back two days later: marine he's gone out. came back on one day, she didn't answer the phone. She wasn't at the hotel? She vanished She says police shrugged off marines disappearance for three years she wondered what had happened to her friend until the Cover, is on gill, go beach. She blamed her as for leaving marine behind in the city that day, she would have been alive. Have no doubt in my mind about, and I think about it every day. Sorry for certain police believe moraine was the first of the four victims all murdered over the span of three years. What
had been a scenic stretch along the atlantic was now a crime scene, one not finished, giving up its debt. to date, the remains of ten people found along ocean parkway. Eight women, one man, one fee male toddler the Police were hoping to find one woman, shannon gilbert when they be. In coming through the brush along this highway and twenty ten? Instead found the bodies of four other women strangers in life who shared this ragged patch of earth and death, melissa, bartholemy mega waterman. Castello and marine brainerd barnes asthma. its friends. Sarah struggle to process her death. She wrote get a phone call. It came
after marine vanished in two thousand seven, the man had a locked number he does. Arrived worrying, and very specific data down to the tattoo that she had I will contact my friend she's been missing for two weeks: she's, not my saying I just saw the other day at a whorehouse queens. Now. That is how I do I flew like that. Does it make any sense, call me back and blocked, so I can call the police, so I can Please, your phone number is a guy yeah sure he never call back at that. I'm Sarah says she reported it to the police in norwich, connecticut, marines last official residence, but never heard more about it. A police spoke
until dateline. He wouldn't comment on an active investigation. Then two years later in two thousand nine enough, strange call one to the sister of Melissa, bartholemy, the collar winter, identify himself, and then he says that he's watching her sisters, body wrought he gets very grand. This, of course, Yo sends the family into action, they call a lawyer and they call the police and the police try to trace the cause, but by the time the calls or over the best that they can do is to The cell phone pangs to midtown manhattan two matters. square garden again, which is basically penn station, which is where Maureen brainard barnes disappeared, like a link between the two victims was the man who called marines friend the same one, who called Melissa sister rob hooker, says the sad truth is that neither woman's disappearance got much attention at the time. You have to wonder if molasses demographic were slightly different. If her profile were slightly,
friend, then maybe it would be a national news, but it just was, of course, at one and the people live in the shadows where their vulnerable and something needs to be done about that, and these women walked right into a trap That's right. It was when police found their bodies and realized how these women had been killed, that the world took notice there. Is something so ritualistic. how it was done. Doktor gary Brokaw was a clinical psychologist and is widely regarded as an expert on cereal killings. You see the burlap at the binding one, I was able to guess about this offenders that he would have been a pretty intelligent guy. This would be a highly technical individual that probably did something for living that involve some. This special skills that individual who is probably slithering, underneath our feet, in other words, some one who could blend in so many conspiracy. Theories were floating around about who the killer could be, and I remember
hearing that it could be a lobsterman. It could be a police officer, it could be a doctor it was all these people, guessing of whom, I have done this and trying to trying to connect the dots. I think one of the problems with the profile lying serial killers is that it gets a little much like a parlor game and then- and you start to really start to a project and think things like. Oh, if he's out at the beach, that means he must be a clamour, be or or a lobster men because he can use a boat. Those theories took on a new urgency because as police, continue to search for shannon gilbert. They made more appalling discoveries. April of twenty eleven they'd located six more bodies along this road. Today, the room of ten people in found along ocean parkway. Eight women, one man, one female toddler.
these victims, however, were not tied with burlap like the others, which meant it was, possible more than one killer was at work here: more bodies on the beach there's left to speculate whether there is one killer to killers are three killers, if they're all doctor if those first for we're just you the ones that are linked. Ten victims in all, and incredibly, not One of them was shannon person sherry, it's crazy. I We believe that I just was like how do you Looking for my sister, this one woman now covering a circular something ground. I couldn't believe it several months later, one or body had they finally found her, and would it them any closer to an arrest. Families of the vote Had their doubts for good reason, you ve, gotta, chief keeping the fbi away from
the biggest serial killer case to happen in new york in a generation Why would he do that to cover his own tracks? Obviously, The Today we have an announcement on the search for a shout and gilbert more than a year and a half after shannon gilbert disappeared. Her family got the news. They'd been dreading. Laughter an exhaustive, methodical, massive search, we have located a set of skeletal remains. We believe at this time to belong to the missing, shannon gilbert. I remember phone call, It was from my mom, and she said they they found shannon and assignments relation in our judgment breaking down, and then I left to go
be down there with my mom, so we can take a look at our written. Why did Feel like you needed to be there, I felt like a fool went down there. Maybe it would give me some kind of closure. You know I gonna see were final resting place was bought on, but I didn't get that sense of closure- and I start on that sort of closure, and I don't think I ever well from the moment she had in went missing. Her family had poured everything they had into finding her. A lot of people feel that, if it wasn't for you for your mom and olives pushing and demanding answers for shannon that other women may never have been found my sister was really the catalyst endless when having found- and I I think that my mom, bringing awareness and being an advocate it really helped out a lot but it hadn't been easy, for months, Shannon's mother Mary had felt ignored. Pushed aside by the police, while her daughter was missing and after
and it remains were found. She worried investigators wouldn't do enough to find out how she died. How do you get brought into this worry needed some body to speak for her, and that was because the self only police had grossly bungled. The investigation enter attorney john ray. We are asking for the department of justice to order the fbi to come into this case and to investigate. Apparently they ve been boy doubt and told to stay away by suffolk county, it didn't seem to make sense. b. I had initially been involved in the case. Why would they be boxed out now? I think it was clear that Jim Burke do not the fbi anywhere near him or the investigation. Jim bark was. This county police chief back then Geraldine heart, the age and in long island. At the time who later went on to become head of the office, believes burg didn't want the
the ice help because he was in a lot of trouble himself. That's him to be the only reason why we wouldn't be bored. why? The tools that we have to offer wouldn't be something that they would be looking for. Burke was once the subject of an internal probe for having a relationship with a sex workers and leaving his gun with her unattended and well, was chief and in charge of the girl go beach case he was being in instigated again this time the feds first, holding a man. He accused of stealing pornography and sex toys from his department, vehicle and twenty twelve, and then press bring officers to keep quiet about the event. You got a chief detectives, who's, keeping the fbi away from the biggest serial killer case to happen in new york in a generation. would he do that to cover his own tracks? Obviously, cheek in work. Attorney told us. Work was not responsible for keeping the fbi away from the jago beach investigation.
resigned in twenty fifteen, amid federal charges of violating civil rights and conspiracy to obstruct justice, to which eventually pleaded guilty. what a mess attorneys. when cohen represents Melissa, Bartholomew's, family and the family was just numb, They were numb from this. That, during the period of time. What we heard nothing It just the police scandal infuriating the families. It was how loved ones, were viewed. We tend to put people like this ox and decide that their plot devices in some mysterious real killer procedural, but in fact these were p. all. These were mothers, these four daughters. These were people who close relationships with their families, even as they, missing. It's not like. They had fallen off the grid and then once they were missing, it was hard for the families to even get anybody to care.
Melissa's friend kritzer agrees that police didn't pay enough attention to melissa's disappearance because she was a sex worker is really sad like oh, my god, I don't wanna cry. Is so sad because she didn't deserve their shoes. She was doing no harm. She was a robin people. She was inciting people up, she wasn't things like that. She thought she was providing a service, whether people think as, moreover, immoral, whether people agrees legal or illegal, whether as people think is right or wrong? is the service we provided embroiled in frustration and scandal. It seemed the killings might never be solved after burke's departure. The fbi did rejoined the investigation and in time, eighteen, Geraldine heart left the bureau to become the new suffolk county police commissioner and head of the Go beach investigation. I had a sense that, it needed to be reinvigorated and mean
to message not only internally to the police department. the officers but externally to the public that this was a priority case. Today we are sharing information with the public that we hope will shed new light. on this investigation are released of evidence discovered at the crime scene, a black leather belt embossed, with the letters h m or w she was recovered during the initial stages of this investigation. The belt had been used to bind one of the victims detectors, one If the initials belong to the killer, it was potential a huge lead, but despite its focus on the case. It remained unsolved. She left the department in two twenty one and then a year later, new people came in and fresh eyes took a look at it and I think some very tough.
Did people came into the county police and the suffocating district attorney's office. The new team was led by two former new york city crime investigators, suffolk, county police commissioner, rodney harrison and suffolk he d re tyranny. I felt confident working in conjunction with a bunch of really great alone for some organisations in a bunch a really great investigators that we could make progress. You felt like hey. There's a case we could possibly solve. All cases could possibly be solved so you just don't know until you dig in. no more one. Commissioner rodney Harrison was also ready for battle Where are the dedicated offices? A sign from the different law enforcement agencies came every single day, Islam important information behind the store? Actually, all there made regarding the garbage investigation is behind the stove mountains of it and buried deep within was another important clue, one that would crack the whole
ace wide open, I covered this story back when the bodies were found. without here, and I remember what a frightening time it was four people it was over. Meantime- and this is not something that is just frightening for the residents of suffolk county. This is for all long island and even if the state of new york is a serial killer on the loose dumping bodies over here in ocean parkway rodney Harrison a thirty year veteran of the n Y p d, who'd risen to chief of detectives, was in twenty twenty one, the new suffolk county police. Commissioner, one of his first orders: a business, get that suit he'll kill her off the streets and bring the families some answers. He teamed up with some county d, a re. Turning first thing: you do
Is you take all of twelve years worth of investigations, which is a massive amount of documentation. We digital eyes that so that way, we can sort of make it searchable, and then you have to go through all of this. These reams of documents and sorta, just let the follow the evidence and see what seems likely went doesn't seem likely with fresh eyes and a colossal collaboration. They broke the case and started from scratch, pain achingly reviewing the evidence. One piece at a time with regard to all of the four murders I mean there were there are striking similarities, the most striking of which were there were four separate burner, phones being used burners that can be bought it convenience stores and used anonymously? The taskforce did it dive on cell phone data compiled years earlier? It revealed the Go killer, used burner, phones to set up dates with his victims. A different phone each woman
they zeroed and on those calls and began connecting the dots, so Cell phone data was instrumental because we able to figure out then our perpetrator, that called out of it, During that time frames several time frames was either a mess, people, pork or in midtown manhattan. Those two locations became key for the task force, They also noted melissa. Bartholemy phone was pinging between massa people park in manhattan on the day she disappeared. Now Mr Mann has a million people working through a day, but their mass people park was that with a really focus in on it was a puzzle? finding someone who had connections to both locations. So we came up with a box. where we had to see. What can we do to connect a potential suspect in
a box and or residence inside their location? Rake has massive people park as a lot smaller than manhattan and could find someone in massive people park whose working in manhattan court as that four scoured through the old case file. Something stood out, an old clue from and twenty ten something Amber costello's roommates, observed untold police about those friends. Saw her the night she disappeared. They saw her on the phone a lot with John They saw her leave the house and meet somebody a car affair distance away, they describe, driver as ogre looking extremely tall with glasses and his car. generation. Green chevy avalanche we wanted to go, Look at that green avalanche and see may be matched up to somebody inside a mathematical park area, the box. We brought the state police and, when this state police investigators and had a
access to a database that allowed us to identify who was the owner, green avalanche and in march, twenty twenty two they gotta heads she was able put one in one together and green avalanche attached to their message ox and then eventually attach to reassure me rocks human, a name never come across before one entirely new to this investigation, what who seemed like an average guy, as looked into him. They discovered rex had a wife to grown children. He was arrested did architect, but what really their attention. He commute between massive people park and manhattan, whence we in a fiery sherman and we saw where he worked. and then we were able to attach that to that associate which is where he resided at helped a lot of,
positivity in the in the casing now makes sense. His office just blocks from madison square garden and pen station this area where marine brainerd barnes was last seen and where those calls were made to melissa sister, in fact when you pull up his office in Google maps. Look what comes up rex men himself on the sidewalk near his building blending into the crowd. The pieces are really starting to come together. Investigators went back into the digital past and searched Google maps were rex his residence and right there in a pic from two thousand and eleven was the green the launch next directs his house. What's more detector Learned germans grandfather had the initials w h the same and found on that belt used to bind one of the victims, The evidence against sherman was mounting, but nothing directly tied him to the victims. Not yet anyway, did you get him,
We did the for sixteen years. The gil go beach killer, had eluded police until an inter agency taskforce doug into the old case file and as such, fact emerged once the green avalanche and then we will attack red chairman than we saw there. He listened s people park. He also works in midtown manhattan. That's where we would like this could possibly be. Are investigators worked for months, piecing together. The evidence rex is avalanche. His phone words, and so much more. I mean started doing searches of accounts associated with him. I was just looking at some things he searched, and I mean there. Disgusting register. Mostly?
I can't read on television, but I mean things like pretty girl with bruised face, porn girl, hog, tide torture, blonde haired, girl, young depressed, that's just as a very more sampling of some horrible horrible things Once again once we saw his activities as a second part of his life disturbing zone. Where do you come up with together is discovered a complicated web of fictitious email addresses and numerous burner, phones, which police say human use to contact sex workers and look up details about the gil, go beach investigation, certain suspicious having that many burner phones when you're an architect everything from do. Phones, too, didn't surges Will he showed you what type of disturbed person he was and just eight weeks before his arrest. Here he will caught on security, video, adding extra minutes to a burner phone.
But what investigator still really needed was evidence directly tying routes to the murders that wouldn't be easy when the women were discovered in two thousand ten? There remains were skelton eyes, so There wasn't really all that much of a forensic worth at found at the scene other than what we refer to. As these I've question hairs, five unknown hairs discovered on the tape used to bind the victims still need a suspect, so the next step is to get a dna sample to test it against they got eyes on human and waited basically, you do. Is you spell the defendant? And then you wait until he discards something that, puts dna on whether it be something that he drinks or something that needs after months of surveillance, investigators finally got what they wanted. Rex something into the trash outside of his office,
did you take so we bottles and we got the pizza box. Did you dna on he's item. We were able to obtain dna samples when they compared those samples to the five hairs found on the victims. Did you get it we did a direct match? He says to the male hair found on megan waterman. This is you bingo moment here. Yet Remember receiving that report reading it over twice three times more time making sure in my own mind is this. This is actually saying what I think it's rex european had been under secret surveillance, detectives where I'll, just steps behind them. to let him out of their sight, afraid of being caught themselves, When is the decision made or how is it made that ok, let's go time, We are concerned that
information make it out. Returning gave me of course, say: hey, listen. We have to move now. We suddenly decided to make that arrest on thursday evening where in Manhattan was he coming out of work he was coming? Our again, there was a It's reason why we did it over there and no one of them fears that I hand is, is, be carrying a fire. Is there going to be some type resistance and how I'm going to work with where engaging a man at six six, two hundred and five pounds human, didn't, put up a fight and was taken into custody without incident on July thirteenth. Twenty twenty three good afternoon throws good day You stepped up to the podium. This year- and you said today is a good day- takes at that moment when you were but to an make this announcement that there had been an arrest It was a day of a good day for the family members that we were able to bring
a little level comfort just being able to bring closure for the families the family. who had waited more than a decade for this moment shared the stage with the commissioner, I would first and foremost like to offer my deepest condolences. Family members. I can only imagine what you had to adore over the last. decade regarding, knowing that your killer was still loose, god after longing for answers for fourteen years, the arrest still left, melissa, bartholemy friend kritzer with questions verges messed up, but like How can you do that to someone like as a man I can to a woman and evil Have you got your wife to children rocks
and was charged with the murders of melissa, bartholemy, megan waterman and amber Lynde Castello. He has pleaded not guilty too. Charges. He remains. The prime aspect in marine brainerd barnes is murder, but was not urged in shannon's down, even with rex behalf. Bars? The investigation was far from over police disco The potentially disturbing clue on one of the women they wondered did Rex have help There were two question hairs on that covered from megan waterman one? those hairs matched always consistent with the profile of the defendant. The other was consists, the profile of the wife, her name is also ehler up has his wife, been clear. Does she not involved in We don't have anything at this time.
to believe that rick schumann's wife was connected to any these murders in a lot of of his action, we're done while she was out of town and so it looked like he was living. What we Double life you know, working man has been father. but when the family went out of town, he turn into a predator. also a turning Robert Macedonia? What do you say to any one who says how could she not have known if it's true there was a complete double and the allegations has put forth by the prosecutor. They took place, she was out of town so really really was very good living in secret double life. she wasn't unaware? and his family members warrant the only ones left in the dark, very is got him with my. like their holiday
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all lowercase shop. If I com, slash, flash free shop of ida, com, slash, podcast, free after those grim discoveries that girl go beach. Rex did you know it? Finally, on a rest, nine year old rex, human father of two, Hatton architect. Who would have thought certainly not rex, as many coworkers we bone chilling. If this is true it his lied to us there is got em, my colleague there, Perhaps no one was more stunned than catherine shepherd Catherine, two closely with racks for five years. It's horrifying was this the man you knew no, unless the
thing I mean he was just as just a normal person, just a normal guy. His office was more towards the back catherine. First, rex human back in two thousand to the shared and the space in manhattan, Catherine, worked as an interior designer rex had his own architecture firm, we're on the fourteenth floor. Fashion, district and it was all open. So no one had offices, everyone was dino could hear each other's business. How would you describe his personality? He liked to make jokes. he likes to tell stories and he was friendly, As the months passed, the two became work friends he was married. Had kids, you very good. At his job very successful for decades Rex had a knack for pushing renovation projects through the often arcane world of new york city is building code rugs.
I need to see you likewise here he is in twenty and twenty two speaking with a youtube interviewer about his work requirement. knock attacked on an architecture will consulted on the troubleshooter born in. Used on long island, ok, then working in manhattan since nineteen. Eighty seven, if you were a tool to bring europe his nose to greater heights. What would it be? A cabinet makers hammer? It is persuasive enough when I need to persuasion We also want something that the only thing catherine seem to find an usual about racks was his lack of social skill. Architects, you know, can often be a little geeky, so it's not a shocker he's a little. You know awkward or little nerdy so much Catherine remember some of rocks his office mates teasing him with a playful nickname. They called him sex. Erect see
Oh yeah, I mean he would, you know, come out and have done with us and we would all talk and laughin dislike a normal person, Catherine. rex. Also had a chivalry side one winter morning while walking to work catherine slipped some black eyes about three years later I couldn't walk and rex till may. He was gonna, take middle hospital. He waited there while, got my mri and dumb. lot of pain. This is my apartment. Rex then catherine back to her apartment, he got me up there and got me settled in my bedroom and then went to the drug or to get my medication and then came back in nature. I had food to take it worth, and then he went home you
frosted trusted him enough to have him in your apartment, yeah sure yeah. I didn't. I was thankful that he was her taking care of me catherine and racks got along so well that in two thousand five, when catherine decided to branch. Often work for herself hired her as a freelancer design jobs for him on properties. He was yes serving as the architect on Europe all over new york. What would you do about when you're driving around working. You know it was always super professional. I mean we'd all be talking about the job that we're gonna work on things got more personal. When Rex asked catherine to come to his home in massive equal park, he wanted her and put on renovation plans of his own I do remember, meeting his wife. What did you think of her She was very nice. You smiling and she was ill said hello very polite. Kids were their kids. Were there
through an rex parted ways when she moved out of state in two thousand seven. It was right the time or in brainerd barnes, went missing during the entire time. Catherine new racks, nothing about him sounded in alarm. Did it ever cross your mind that this man could be living a double life, never never Mary shell worked with rocks in the summer of twenty ten, the same summer megan waterman went missing. Mary Lou the arrest, while scrolling through social media. She also couldn't believe what she was reading here. must have just dropped to the floor. It did. I thought, that's cool, that there's two people with that name and then I realized I was looking at his photo. The man mug shot seem very different from the man Mary knew back and twenty ten did rex Nice
his interest, was always in getting a job done. Rex always made me feel like I was an asset. There wasn't anything about him that was scary or creepy braxton share much with mary about his personal life, but it common knowledge in the office that he did have a hobby. He left guns, he left hunting seems like that was his passion. Mary may not have had any issues with rex, but after the arrest she said learned, some colleagues in her office did Rex. They said had another side. My colleagues speak up it very generally, but they described somebody who has a temper office tantrums, like kicking printer, Jeffrey saint era, Monde gotta, taste, first hand of wrecks his temper a year before his arrest. This was not an easy road with rex human now it wasn't easy at all, Jeffrey, hi and real estate? He worked with preparing a house for sale. What we're here
initial impressions up and when you matter whose very assertive, maybe leading to the point of being aggressive according to Jeffrey rex so aggressive. Another per involved in the project refused to work with him. She just in. comfortable, timid, all she's that I do not want to be in office when he and think of the check for rex is co workers. It took weeks to process the shock of his arrest for mary shell. The emotions that followed were just as intense. You feel afraid just where the world everything everything Also, there is an element of anger: the idea that, as a woman that you have to be suspicious and be afraid, all the time just to stay alive is enraging. It's something this woman learned the hard way she saw even darker side to rocks your men. You sat face too. With the man police believe as this year.
killer, yeah the river while Rex humans coworkers wrestled with news of his arrest suited his neighbors overnight, sleepy massa peak, were park, was transformed. the small new york city. Supper became the centre of national attention new, crews and satellite trucks line the street outside of the home of the alleged serial killer. Why was shocked but, I found out. Who was? I wasn't surprised because he was a very weird guy creepy via he gave us as for child left the big city for the suburbs, looking for a more peaceful, safe lifestyle, he ended up living just a few blocks away from the humans? Everytime, I my dog around the corner? She would always go crazy bargain at him and he would just stare me down every time. The neighbours we
spoke to said rex and his family kept themselves and were pretty much a mystery They never engaged with anybody in the area. You know not that you have be in your neighbors face all the time. Believe me, but at least Hi thing right now, hi to Frankie Moscow, whose live two doors down from the humans for forty years I didn't even know they last name I swear. I had no idea and even though his first name until they arrested him, A few in massapequa park got to know the humans. Everyone seemed knew the human house his home. was just We run down. It looks like cabin in the woods you're a big architecture in the city and live like a hillbilly in mesopotamia in the jungle Look at this guy. What is he a serial killer? no one in massive peak. What part jokes about it. Any more
there's a different vibe in the entire neighbourhood. Now and it's scary ominously, warm jimmy mac is one neighbor who did have a run in with Rex. he remembers it happening right in front of his house. Just four months before rex was arrested. You had a bad feeling about this. Guy Amelia Jimmy says Rex was irritated because a car parked in Jimmy's driveway partially blocked the sidewalk. What was he so upset about. Could you could you tell he was bad because my car was halfway into this walkway apparently and walk a foot around my car. He wasn't too happy. He didn't like that mud according to jimmy things got so hence they almost came to blows. Are you a all that owns his car and I said yeah and he goes and I'm going to be back in fifteen minutes, I'm going to cut the tires. Oh so excuse me. I argue that blind like why, that that's it that's a real threat. Is he
The reason is really very calm about it, which kind of stuff. As we are wasn't about to let it go. You follow, I followed for houses, I am advised that problem and that's what we re confrontation as if you want to handle our business. Let's get it now or never. See you again on this, while my guys we I have way you want to do it at that point. I was so heated and he sat down on our again and with that rats walked away maybe there's and take a picture and call the cops Nicky breasts as back and twenty fifteen, she too had an unforgettable encounter with rocks human, never felt fear for my life. I did was him day, Nicky loves her job as a make up artist, but back then she says she was in a very dark place.
One time, the time to add to support her? So I got desperate and resorted to escorting. That's so sad that that's how that happened. You felt, like you, had no other options. Yeah Nikki said the advertiser surfaces on multiple websites, which is how she came in contact with racks. This is what said happened one night we amy name initially, and he asked me to come straight to his house and less fuel he didn't want to go me in a public place. What did you say to him? I was like if you want me you're going to have to come meet me somewhere, where I feel comfortable in public again if uncomfortable come back to your house afterwards, the agreed Made it the seafood restaurant about an hour's drive from massive equal park, or just said, hi says to me my real name is Nicky and he said rex hence, as last name just rocks, Did you ask him, you know what are you looking for? Why are you here? Yet
well. I always we usually talk about that beforehand, but he did say he was looking for somebody he could base. Eventually ran to request a multiple times a month with details settle the two sat down for dinner here. Very normal. He seemed like every other guy, like we kind of talked about how he's an architect I mean you seem like he liked his job, but he seemed very bore. Who is life rex than chain the subjects asking Nicky. If she liked of all things true crime, if a serial killer, buff actually as sony run up to crime mas like actually actually, yes, yeah. That is something I could talk about for hours, so we talked about couple of serial killers, the gill go beach case. Does that come up he's on the brought it up know yeah? He was like well have you heard of going to the beach runners, and I was like like, of course, I'm from long island
that's when Nicky noticed a change in rex his demeanor, we spoke about? The other killers was not the same way, his about to go over the edge mariners, he's look around it as if it was a memory that he was real, living and enjoying. What would you do? exactly that made you feel like he was reliving it. So you know, somebody's really like and even dot and moran are, like their eyes, are different, like that's how his eyes were like he was almost like reliving it in his mind. Nicky also noticed how much wreck seem to know about the murders he said to me What about shannon Gilbert the jersey girl do using dad's? Can, I said, guy. Do I use egg yeah? I think it's connected to voucher, saying this. He said, I live by gallagher wage and he said it's. A very dark. and desolate area- and I was really really weird to me- is that
setting off alarm bells a whole conversation and itself set of alarm bells. Just because his body language, the he spoke about it use as mine pressure, and he had done he couldn't leave the restaurant fast enough. Your instincts were just screaming no yeah, may I say we I mean to get out of there. She says rocks was living. She wouldn't go back to his house as planned and finish. The transaction eight years later came the news of the arrest and as like all my god, it was him I knew it was have you sat face to face with the man police believe as this year killer yeah you're one of lucky ones, Catherine, she where it considers herself lucky to She shuddered at the thought of her close encounter with racks when she toward his home. A special after learning, what may have happened inside he's physically stood in front of the door and he just said you,
go in there the A dna hit serving internet searches, secret burner, phones for sharing birds. The evidence was both compelling shilling? What did you Think when you read all the details, I thought it was horrific. I just can't If that there's these people, these murderers monsters that are like in the shadows. In the background and just waiting for the next victim. I feel bad for those girls that they're just trying to make some money neo make and me they had families. They had been that love them and they deserve this headlines and hardy following rex europeans arrest had catherine shepherd rethinking everything about her former colleague
and her world? I mean I use trust my instincts. And now I'm questioning not when you think back now. being alone in your apartment, with him that day, when you george yourself crazy, I was very vulnerable and there's no way I could have fought back. Knowing that I was alone in that apartment with him, it's terrifying, but the thought of humans house and what might have gone on in there. That leaves Catherine truly shaken. There's been a lot of talk about the basement. Yes, Catherine remembers following Rex through that basement and how is because Your changed when they came to one room in particular catherine calls it mystery room. Did he get uptight, you got near the mystery room. Yes, I mean he's physic, we stood in front of the door and he just said you can't go in there whenever I would think about rack, so Remember that time and think,
really weird. We have what would be in there Police are investigating the possibility that one or more of the victims were killed in the human home. It's terrifying, it's disgusting, it's sick, there's a lot of different potentials aware? I just might have been killed. Could it have been in the green avalanche? Could it have been and his residence overmastery apart and we don't know at this time, was still investigating. investigator spent weeks going through Rex s house? Is it true that there are you found a sound proof room in the basement? The defence it's one of a great many guns and it was just under three hundred guns. I think in total that were recovered and sold to store all those guns. He did have a gun safe, which was a a block. meant room with a metal door in which a large number of guns restored with that, then some proof that room
I don't think it was specifically sound proof, but it was certainly sturdily bill Kathy, now considers yourself lucky that she never saw rex. As alleged other side, he added her face on when he was with me. I was a colleague you know I wasn't part of his sighed. She realizes she may never know. Just why. I have no idea I met. how I dont know what goes on in the mind of a monster, Understanding the mind of a monster is left to people like psychologist, Gary boccaccio, who season serial killers a remarkable ability to compartmentalize their lives. The person can, if the dinner table kiss the wife on the head and kissed the kids, and then get in the car and go out and kill a prostitute Whether racks european is guilty will be determined in a court of law until then the queen, on everyone's mind is if he killed these women. Why did he do it brooklyn
suggest. The answer can be found in the crime scene, where the victims were left in thick brush close together. some twenty minutes from humans house when we see people sound and all collected together in a little group, that's away of rendering people permanent. won't leave you you always know where they are according to boycott, that for me. The killer experienced a profound loss at one point: its nose coincidence. He says that humans, father died when Rex was very young. The death of his father when he would have been between eleven and twelve years. Old would have been extremely difficult for him that might at a pivotal event for him their crime scene, clue Ricardo found significant the leather belt used to bind marine brainerd barnes the belt. the commonly used disciplinary instead
and in a household particularly of the time he grew up, and we don't know if that's how he would have been punished hit with a belt that kind of thing John piracy met Rex an elementary school. They grew together and massive equal park, the wage remember said: punishment at the human household was pretty severe floods very for hard on we actually scared of it I mean we would be playing on the block in you. Would he yellowish screwing everywhere would stop going? Oh, my god, I'm glad that's my dad Johnson provided no relief for racks. He was picked. I'm a lot and he was such a big head dead. Three four kids would bullying. They would be the mob, they call them for ass they call him fast wash enabled. his merciless the ice, I feel really bad for the kid he says. I was in high school weren't much nicer. The girl
You may find of until I remember him trying to find it. aid for a senior prom, any us down a cobbler girls laughed at him, Cotter says such verbal and physical abuse early on in life could be the seeds of violent rage expressed later on. We immediately begin to get the picture from getting revenge against. people who remind him of the people who heard him we may never know the motive behind the gil go killings, but for robert culture there is are more pressing question. Do you think will more bodies remains connected to Rex. This is the big question If these four women were found at the end of twenty ten he wasn't arrested until twenty and twenty three. What's he been doing all that time, the
rex human ones freely lived amongst the tree line streets of massive equal park, but now It's in the suffolk county jail with a view of cold steel and razor wire from joy fourteenth when he came into our custody. Until now, it's the same. Demeanor very quiet doesn't talk much sheriff errol to learn, is in charge of the facility. Almost like a boy look on his face when you talking to he seen countless inmates come and go over his thirty, your career, but few with the notoriety of wrecks human. We have to make sure that No John they're, no pimps there. No sex workers that really can come into contact with them because there may be some retribution at someone may want by appearances human has settled into a daily routine. The sheriff says include studying his case file for up to three hours a day and reviewing it again and again, with his attorney. He has many visits. on his attorney aspirin
I've ASA her attorney, so she visited rex for the first time this week since the arrest the who have split she filed for divorce pretty quickly after this happened. Yes, why obvious? If any, the allegations are true, has been an error, the radical break down the marriage and we need to protect her and the children in their assets going forward. So she just we'd be out protector. Would you said that was more of an emotional decision are more of a legal decision as well according to macedonia, also has no income. Rex was this supporter, their daughter victoria work, four racks she her brother lost their jobs after their fathers arrest. also now struggles with the unwanted attention of being the wife of an accused serial killer. She cannot walk Our house, theirs The media are shouting questions at her eye staying in the house. There have been people picking through their garbage
sell murder memorabilia? They call it message well. You also says investigators left the house a mess after they searched for clues to move. can t or residence after two and a half weeks and have everything in it. Destroy destroyed the better was cut open. mattresses, remove the couches, the backyard dug up policing sick continue to build their murder case against drugs. Human he may have been shot with killing three women, but a total of ten bodies were discovered in the gil go beach area. They ve identified seven. was I d just last august as karen regatta another sex workers? Yes, such Many wonder why it took over ten years to arrest Rex your meant was it misconduct at the top overlooked evidence, and there's the lingering sense among the victims, families that authorities early on put a cases. think sex workers on the back burner. How much do you think the question
or actions of law enforcement of the days off as complicated this case prior to turn Twenty two there was a disconnect the agency's warrant communicating resort asylum wing themselves off from each other, and I think that really hindered the progress of the case, whatever the reason the question remains could lie have been saved. Had authorities made an arrest sooner. I think if it turned out that the person accused In this case, really only had as few victims as are currently being linked. It would make him an anomaly because men type generally, or rather insatiable over years and years until their caught authorities are now looking into whether he were men may have struck outside of new york. He the timeshare in las vegas and property in south carolina, a tip
investigating a possible linked to the disappearance of julia and bein, a young woman who vanished in sumpter county, south carolina back and twenty seventeen, as version gilberts, the woman whose missing persons case launched one of the biggest serial killer investigations in new york, history, police, don't rex human was responsible for her. Death, in fact They don't even believe she was murdered. We The shining gilbert drowned over new marsh accident I accidentally correct They think that she was hysterical and that she drove into this march because she saw headlights on the other side of the ocean thought that that could get her to the highway. They think that shit kept going and going until she collapsed and died of exposure to me. I just feel like that such be asked. I don't really believe that they ve done enough for my scissors case at all. Sherry isn't the only one I continue to maintain that their are neighbors in beach that no more about what happened to her than they lead on and that miss
ray continues what do you want from the suffocating police department? I want them. In my sister's case. I want to really give it a fresh set of eyes. I want them. The extremely transparent about the investigation we want answers in it. he's already riddled with twists and turns over the last ten years. Last month, more unexpected stunning allegations were here today, because new information has been as and in this case, was gilbert willie attorney john re, along with commissioner harrison announced, new witnesses have come forward. One is it taxi driver who says back in two thousand nine. She picked up crying and shaking woman. She is certain, was shannon gilbert from this motel, the driver This happened just after a very large man who looked like rex, ran out of the same motel room. Another no claims. She and a woman resembling Karen forgot up the most recently identified victim, attended
sex party at the human home. When both rex and also were present. She said it happened around the same time. Karen regatta disappeared. This is something that we need to investigate. I'm sure everybody can understand. We are not done with this. Investigation will make sure that that's very clear answers. Honey denied the allegation calling it completely outlandish. As for All of the allegations made against rex human we reached out. His attorney michael brown for comment, we did not receive a response. He did have this. say about his client following a court. Hearing last august is a man who has never been arrested before he's maintained his innocence from the inception of this case. So he's doing the best he can at this point in time is looking forward to having his day court Sharon's mother Mary died in twenty. Sixteen with questions about and in death still unanswered how sad that she died without knowing our conclusion to the investigation. Mary did not despair right up until the end.
she continued to fight to find shannon's killer or killers you know she was relentless in that regard. Sri says she's now determined to keep the memory of her sister alive. One of the biggest memories, in my mind, is hosting I'm gonna be famous one day she famous snap it now for the reasons that she wanted for all the wrong reasons. Exactly, and that's just what I always like pains me, because I just feel like this isn't an out was supposed to go just now. Week, yet another unexpected twist. In this investigation committee, your harrison. The man many consider the driving force behind rex europeans arrest announced he's resigning to spend more time with his family. His last It will be later this year long or cure. Men will face a jury of his peers. A trial is still a long way off. Are you confident that wrecks your men will spend the rest of his life behind bars? If you ask me I'm I'm sure they will never see the light of day again.
and after waiting over a decade for answers? That's exactly what loved ones of the gil go beach victims want to hear whether you people to remember about megan. Hello, I'm people remember shiites and nourish dead. She was so carrying kind so thoughtful, The lesson is your lawyer friend Have you must stop? sitting. He was your fault. She was in judging you. Melissa was loyal what I people to know about worrying is the same thing I want them to know about megan, Error, lhasa, nigh the gulf or their nigh sex work They are fewer beautiful you and he trying to make their ways and why that's all or this addition have dateline, we'll see you again thursday at ten nine central and, of course, I'll see you each week
Four envy NBC nightly news. I'm lester hold for all of us at NBC news, goodnight, the shop. A fight is the global commerce platform that have she sell at every stage of your business, with the internet's best converting check out thirty six percent better on average compared to other leading commerce platforms shop. If I helped you turn browsers anti virus, in fact shop. If I powers ten percent of all e commerce in the? U S, sign up for one dollar per month, trial period, a chap. If I dotcom, slash, podcast free, we're case shop. If I d come flash podcast free shop of ida, com, slash, podcast, free.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-30.