« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Women Bear the Burden of America's Childcare Crisis | Dax Shepard


Trevor explores the longstanding childcare crisis in the U.S., Desi Lydic offers rehab services to entitled "Karens," and Dax Shepard talks about "Top Gear America" and "Armchair Expert."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody central. This part cast is brought to you by free guy, stirring, Ryan, Reynolds and Jody Comber. Now, playing only in theatres, free guy tells the story of guy a bank teller who discovers. He is a background player in an open world video game now, no longer content with being a background player guy is determined to write his own story, save his virtual world and become hero of the game, get your tickets now and see. action packed adventure on the big screen? See free, guys during Ryan, Reynolds and Jody Comber, now, playing only in theatres. Support for the daily show comes from Mayo me wines? May only wines are carefully crafted pulling out the best from California to push flavour and new directions for tastes, like no other with California vineyards carefully selected to offer the true expression of their respective appellations Naomi achieves unforgettable, balancing complexity for wines that are true
belief, flavour forward. I have no idea what I'm talking about here, but I will tell you I do know my wine. I do love Mayo me and I do understand what flavour forward means and they are not lying when they say this learn more about Mayo me and shop delivery or pick up at me, o me dotcom. That's m e! I oh am I dot com. Please enjoy responsibly mail, me wines, Campo, California, what's goin on everybody on travel law. This is the baby social Justice and Show- and today is February Third, also known as they three of black history love as Rights timetable. Got those decorations people yeah already brought Maya, Frederick Douglass down from the attic again, some reindeer. So he doesn't get lonely anyway also might show we explore America's childcare crisis, Jeff bases updating, has resume and rape chickens are being forced to choose between them money or their guns, so let's do this. People welcome to the daily social distance issue,
from troubles knowledge in New York City to yours out somewhere in the world. This is the daily social distancing show with let's get things off with Amazon. It's the reason you then up until three? I am reading reviews of paper clips yesterday for an evil. Doorknob Jeff made us announced that he'll be step. down seal to become the company's executive chair where he'll dedicate has time to things like philanthropy and space travel. Can I just say you know you're rich when you're, like I'm retiring, to spend more time with other planets, although, if we're honest, he's not exactly which Erin Right, Jeff Maser says he's transitioning to the role of executive chair now our exactly what an executive che is, but I look
up on google- and it looks like this- and I guess that's just the perks of being a billionaire. You can get plastic surgery to look like a chair and still have more go to space. What makes you happy man, what was? I can legs a position either way, I just wanted to say: congratulations. Jeff bays us! I mean what he created is a testament to the power of innovation and the simple dream of destroying bookstores. Now cash, you worried, Jeff bays us we'll be fine. Without having a steady income, I mean he's no longer the richest person in the world after being passed by future Batman villain, Elon Musk, but he still worth a hundred and eighty four point six billion dollars and he made that money the way any billionaire. Does he work, slot investments and mugging delivery. Guys
Amazon NEWS, the commerce giant agreed to pay nearly sixty two million dollars to settle charges? It skimmed tips for delivery drivers, veteran Trade Commission says Amazon, began pocketing some tips from customers to drivers between twenty sixteen and two thousand nineteen, the empty sees as the commerce, China Shore Drivers, who are part of the Amazon Flex program that they were still receiving all of their tips. No, I'm sorry guys know how rich do you have to be? Amazon is worth a trillion dollars primly in dollars and still in sneaking trips away from its drivers like normal. No, from that I'll see that I'm crazy right, but Amazon can get away with this because then not a real person, you see if a real person got caught at a boss. Stealing tips from the table then be a fight, and maybe that's actually what needs to happen if a company does something that would get a person's asked beat, then that company has to pick an executive
to get his speech. That way than be at me. Somebody at Amazon, who would have said no guys guys guys we're not stealing dips. I can't get thrown do another window, guys so just appoint someone like that, You know you can even give him a made up title like executive chair, which is its real thing, but let's move to Washington, Dc Home of America, sharpest penis, ever metal detectors, Winston outside the House of Representatives in the wake of the capital riots. Republicans have been caused a scene by trying to sneak past with their own guns, and it's gotten so bad the Democrats, heads of finally lay down the law, fight,
as for house members who refuse to pass through new metal detectors the five thousand dollar fine for a first offence and a ten thousand dollar fine after that will be deducted straight from lawmakers salaries. Every republican present voted against this new rule proposed by Speaker Nancy policy. In the wake of the capital insurrection, some Republicans like a Lui governor of Texas, Lorn Bird of Colorado and Andy Harris of Maryland. They have already tried to defy these new security screenings, who you gotta admit when these republicans have got some balls there really out here like I need my goods. This place is dangerous. Any minute now Could inside another riot look Lochlann There was no reason that any member of Congress should meet gun on the floor of the house. None, ok, maybe except Louis Go March. I mean he needs his gun for hunting rabbits. So look out these fines will
forced Republicans to behave themselves. On the other hand, though, bringing your gun in and paying the fine anyway might just be the way Republicans flex. From now on those we walk around like yeah, that's right, I got tat metal, detect a money bitch speaking of the insurrection. One thing that settler Was the conspiracy theory that the Democrats stole the election using rigged voting machines from the company dominion? It's a conspiracy theory that was pushed by Trump supporters like Michael Adele, The my pillow found an ultra moral and the right wing network NEWS Max talked about it all the time, but last night Dominion finally told me max you if you get our name out of your mouth. We're gonna shoe your channel three. Forty nine asked network into oblivion and based on what happened. Yesterday, when then Del tried to go back on you MAX, the network is taking. That threat seriously We have all the election problem, these new machines, real Arbour SAM through and then when they,
town of my region. I know what you put it back up my personal life. There was my head. You very much liven MIKE I'd you're talkin about machines that bed to win these matters have not been able to verify any of those kinds of allegations. We just want to. Let people know that there's nothing substantive, that we see. Let me read you something there. While there were some clear evidence of the sun cases about around intellectual irregularities. The election result in every state were certified and NEWS Max accepts the results as legal and final, the courts have also supported view shy, we wanted to talk to you about cancelling mass culture. If you,
We don't want to reiterate that I don't like the way you're making my guess what we understand where you are. So let me ask you this means they should be temporary because it appears that the pyramid could you make an argument that it is temporary? Why why would you make an argument that this could a temporary banning rather than permanent. I wanted to be. because you know what they did this, because I'm feeling all the evidence on Friday of all the election promise, but these machines. So I'm sorry, ok, it's not like I can. I ask our producers: can we get out of here? Please I don't want to to keep going over there. We could not believe it is very kind of you to do your my whole to everybody hold on a second, my my call them one. Second, let's talk a little bit about just what is happening there.
And defamation lotion. Has news next shook see that dude he piece out of their like that you're potent just hit, but you see that's the power of the car right there, because Michael Indo tried to stage a coup and news Maxwell I end with inviting him on, but the second he started. Singing should that was gonna get them soon. All of a sudden there like up up up up up up. No, no, no! No! No, my man over the government is one thing, but a lawsuit, action serious and keep in mind. This is news. Next we're talking about. Remember news. Next is like Fox NEWS off to stop taking its meds. but in these four minutes dominion managed to sue them into behaving like actual journalists. According to this statement, from my lawyer, you your facts are being correct, and finally news from the world of Sports to say that any NBA game well. Who plays, is gonna, be exciting but
action at Monday's Lakers Hawks Game was happening court side. She's being called courts side Karen after getting into a heated cord side exchange with Lebron James out of the game, but during the verbal altercation with the broad her mask came down, you can hear Security Guard talk to her. When she got kicked out. She was still living missing. Lounge, I am never came to my eyes during the game and ask him now sit down to my eyes when tackling as they want my time, Braun added the following quote. I thought I was talking to a father and daughter until she started calling him husband I was stunned. The shade Leubronn finish their game with twenty
point, nine assist and one murder, but come on guys. We know that that guy wasn't her dead because a daughter would have just been like. Oh, my god, dad you're, embarrassing drag him long wrought by the way it is good to see fans in the arenas again, you know they just like shock these. Not you preside, Shep, supplemented so good to me back. I've missed you leubronn. unless it appears we now have yet another breed of carrot. Yes, my friends, they mutating faster than the corona virus, and just like chrome Karen's or a huge drain on american society. Luckily, for them, and us now there's a place where Karen's Kindle for treatments, there's an epidemic in this country that spiralling We have control, not least on conclusion of heavy women across the country, lashing out flying off the handle set off by problems great
small, mostly small. You know where an American just a boy casually european long live to my pizza. If you someone, you love, exhibits these disturbing symptoms. There is hope, the care intervention virtual. We have. We study, entreat the root causes and behaviors of the caravan and reintegrate them into society as fully functioning citizens who minor own damages you'll, come to us a caravan but leave a written or Denise or whatever your name was before. Unless it was carefully in which case you're gonna have to change it, no matter what type of Karen ISM you suffer from, we can help with specialised in a wider
change, of wild and out women, including Manga Karen's drive through Karen's and even covert Karen's. They will again without a mask, but if my constitutional right, the by photo and Kaufmann, who ever want to Heron, let's try on her face, mask see how it feels like here from free, but you can breathe or you wouldn't be complaining so much. I re, but of all the parents we treat I'm most proud of our work with Racist Karen's. I guess I'd like to report a black man who is trying to come in my door. He says, he's a little man but give you some somebody quit Karen I'd like you to try some exposure therapy now Royer you there was a busy this
My friend Roy, I just want you to watch him for a few minutes. Without losing your mind. It's a sandwich Karen Global once you check in our therapies will cut straight to the root of your carronades. I think the manager that you really need to speak to is the one that says side here. Another breakthrough don't wait to see how call us now we know how good you are wiping out. Your phone rehabilitation is possible, and I know that because I'm not just a councillor here, I'm also in recovery, this coffees cold calling the police. It was called.
Thank you. So much for that. Does he arrived when we come back, we'll discuss why your baby sitter should be free and Dax. Shepherd is joining us on a show. The away. The following message comes from the daily show sponsor HP committed to the fight against climate change. Tired of seeing a hermit crab wrestling with plastic bags or a sea turtle tangled in a soda can ring. Hp has made the commitment to fight environmental issues threatening our way of life. They ve created a process that diverted plastic bound for the ocean to their circular supply chain. This open the door to Many world first created from used plastic from there ain't cartridges to the HP elite. Splay e twenty seven, three d to the hp, dragonfly and more hp took something scene is useless, used plastic and turned it into the best
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Syria colours and animals are available to personalize your truck Suv whip right doc. Whatever you want to call, it had over two four dot com to build and pressure for Brussels Sport today. That's for that calm built wild built for proud. Welcome back to the danish social distancing show. Let's talk about children. They like puppies that work on two legs, but what the pandemic taken care of them is harder. Emma and guess which gender has been settled with that burden. Childcare crisis is pushing working moms out of the labour force. More than two million women have left the workforce in the. U S since this pandemic began. When you look at the December jobs support in a net bases, women made up all of the job losses losing a hundred fifty six thousand jobs. Men net gained sixteen thousand even before the pandemic. Women shouldered more household chores when schools
down a day, cares closed. Many women felt they had no choice, but were turned to jobs as homemakers iron out among working moms, who are juggling at all the whole school that child care and the demanding jobs listens headphones working from spending my their working while hearings. In the background I usually get about an hour or so of uninterrupted time now there is also a fact that might have been banned and then to virtually well, I feel so bad for that long she's got to work with her kid plinth french horn. In the background almost wish making all brush instruments should be illegal. Ones of assent, car horns a great, but how do we bring them in doors, but look if you're kid has to play a brass instrument.
Then you should make sure that it's a trombone, because at least that way they can provide sound effects for your zoom calls on charges, Mr Chairman, but our revenue is down was quarter thanks to me, you gotta admit moms are taking on. So much more. These days working homes, schooling, their kids, running a house, it's a very different pandemic experience than childless people having because childless people, their complaints, Oh man, I wasted all day watching Netflix again, I didn't Newman Hulu. Ah man what on TAT Day but welcome, has exacerbated these problems. Childcare. Has been a major issue in America. Long before one spot and wiping down the junk mail is the subject of another episode of. If you don't know,
now you know, let's be honest people. America is great at many things, booting british TV shows making anything flaming hot, but providing parents with childcare isn't one of them and the consequences of felt throughout.
entire country. The? U S is one of the only developed countries that does not have free care for young children over all the cost of child care has roughly tripled since nineteen ninety, which is more than the overall rate of inflation, the average cost of care per child is more than twenty six thousand dollars per year for parents and parts of the USA, that's more than housing and college to wish and childcare Hoskin wipe out or merely wipe out any economic benefit. The woman would get from working. As a result, women will often stay out of the workforce to care for their child asked upwards at seven hundred billion dollars this year in the EU economy in terms of loss, productivity and three point: five percent of GDP, labour participation rate of women in the United States kept pace with TAT countries in this area, like Norway, for instance, our economy would be one point six
trillion dollars. Larger, better childcare is a win for everybody. There's just no downside to that's right. It turns out this burden isn't just on moms. It directly impacts the entire country, America's missing on an economic growth, equality and problems. inventions. I all like a combination, refrigerator toilets America could have had that by now. If the woman who had the idea didn't have to quit her engineering job to take care of her kids Not only does this hurt women's productivity in also huts men's productivity, because if women onto the office than men have to spend all day, Mansplain stuff to each other, hey Bob let me show you how to turn that file into a pdf paying Gary. How, I show you how to save announced in the network. Dr no silly, you got a format it correctly here. Let me show you hey, you know all the formatting shortcuts here. Let me teach you have you seen
Cohen Brothers movie, I mean like really seen it Swinton Tarantino. Now the truth is this: child care problem isn't actually that difficult to solve. All you gotta do is let kids get jobs. I mean a textile meal is just arts and crafts with quotas, but this also the less illegal solution for child care that other countries have figured out a long time ago. You let the government pay for it. The cost of child care is generally paid for by a combination of the government, parents and child care providers. In the U S, the cost falls mostly on parents and providers in other countries like Denmark and Sweden. The government foots most of the bill in Sweden, tax revenue, support generous childcare programmes and gives employ these vast leave of absence opportunities. Those programmes in turn help make swedish citizens more employable. They also
stop the rash and big portions of their paychecks to things like daycare or student loans in Finland. Government offers public daycare for any child until the age of seven or if parents decide to opt out they're entitled to pay leave the first three years of their kids life. The french government offers a family allowance every month, tell pay for child expenses all the way up until the kids twentieth birthday. On top of all this families get tax credits for day care and schooling expense it. It's a generous system that cost the state tens of billions of euros each year, a high cost. It's worth it. The more active women are in the workforce, the more they have. Babies and more babies means more future workers and future taxpayers. Ok, I mean that makes sense there's no weird for that lady to refer to babies as future workers and taxpayers. she rose up to her new nieces and nephews. Like are you gonna grow our gdp. You are
you are, although just for the record she's, not totally right. If the past four years have taught us anything, it's that not all kids work but look overall. I think these countries have it right, and it's actually sad when you see Americans gives shocked when they on how our countries handle Childcare wing biggest three year of parental leave and Finland has crazy. But it's not crazy. It's just that. Other countries expect their government to make life easier for citizens over there. They say wow, it's hard to raise kids. Let's have the government help only American goes wow, it's hard to raise kids, but the government, these all the money for drones and tax cuts. So sorry, Susie Battle is Ipad, can rise you, but the craziest, is: we know America is capable of giving everyone access to childcare because they ve already done it back when everything
wasn't black and white when world were to king The government started recruiting women to work in factories, as the men went out to war on the production Rosalie the riveted steps, then, when the draft step out from nineteen forty, two nineteen, forty five, the total women in the workforce, rose, nearly thirty percent, and they very brilliantly realise that if women had children, something had to be done for children, and this was the first and only time that the american government, the federal at the federal level, said: okay, we have to support childcare, essentially the U S was the closest it had ever been to having universal childcare and amend and to the land him act, gave families access to childcare six days a week, including summers and holidays and families. we had to pay roughly ten dollars a day and today's dollars, but ones
were ended and the men went back to work. Government funding, dried up. You see America was willing to pay for child care when the only alternative was being overrun by nazis. then, once the war was over, America just got run of it, which is not fair to moms, and it's gonna make them a lot more hawkish. When it comes to war, the next time got tension with IRAN. American ones are gonna, be like come come on. I told you gotta make this happen, so the point is better. Childcare is possible in America and It would be great if America took advantage of this global what against the corn virus to make child care available for everyone, because, if MRS this opportunity to act. It'll continue to let down its moms dads and worst of all its Children were not now Jimmy. Aren't we come back deck shepherd will be. And discuss his brand new show all about cause. Yeah, that's right, Jerry Seinfeld, you, not the
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deal on your next trip, get exclusive savings. Now, with price line dont come or in the price line up we'll come back to the danish social distancing show so earlier today I spoke with tax shepherd. We talked about his wildly successful podcast, his brand new top gear show, and so much more fact shepherd welcome to the danish social distancing show yeah, hey can I say some rather gates. When I said I was coming on. Your show. There is like for women around and all of them unanimously or like all my car Trevor they went on and on and on and now that I'm looking at your face, I totally get it. I mean really: are man? It's the lights, it's the lights! You be shocked at the quality of light you can get on Amazon, my friend great quality lighting. That makes you look better than you ve ever looked in your life. I appreciate them and welcome. Welcome to the show is good.
have you want, because you have so many things going on? First things: first, this jump into top gear. Usa! Congratulations, that's! That's seems like it like a dream job. I think I do top gear in my real life, and then now you get paid to do it s not fair, I mean top gear. Is is the biggest caution in the world like I grew up, loving you know, Jeremy, Richard and an agenda was Germans Richard and it is why not forgetting James James May, yes, James me and so huge show, and I mean in America. Obviously, this detailed is different. Nuances there's a difference, but the thing about top gives too has been a show about with the people's personalities and then how they tied to the cause so charming little bit about top gay USA, yet really great. You know at its height, I think, top gear
The version you're talking about that. We all revere is had seven hundred and fifty million viewers globally. So yet they did something very special. There was something about their chemistry that made all these little challenges so fond and that's very much what our agenda is on top gear America this year and I have the best to cause ever Rob Cordery whose hysterical, whose obviously comes out of your petri dish and I'm congenital moving into the bona fide like english automotive journalists who races so he and I are crazy competitive. It's a miracle. Still alive after season one, but we got we hit the chemistry jackpot in it's the most wanted to your point. Yeah I spend every penny of discretionary income. on cars and going to the track, and I go on the show and they get. They write me a check on Friday. So what is your leg
Your what's your forte, everyone who loves cause has their thing. What's your thing, you old school, new school, fast, slow luxury? I love cars that look slow that are insanely fast. In fact, if I had to pick a car movie, a movie car that was most stimulating? Was a man in black? If you remember, they had that really by some big in his turn on all its raising our it'll get back. I collect station wagons, I have three station wagons and all of them are crazy, fast in theirs Nothing is funny, as is beating someone in the nine Eleven offers star light in the night before? Would grain view a groat master state of motoring is: do you know what due to somebody when you do that. I I I love the joke of it protects. I wonder if you appreciate
how you have emotionally scorn, people that you have done this to, because people work hard their entire lives to buy that push finally get Y know. Therein lies migration. In doing it, because you know somebody just rights, a cheque for NATO. even if I kinda thrown them in ninety four would grain station wine. I just that's punching up I've been going to station wagon. I'd have a moral conundrum on my hands I don't work. Can we come to expect from from tat? gay USA. You know like where's the showing to take us end, and what are you most excited for? Well, you know it's. A nice makes so we get into tons of brand new cars, and so cars, but then there's all these challenges where we're trying to pick what we think the best car for some weird obstacle be overland in right on a five thousand other budget,
and those end up being really fun opposite, because if you buy three cars off great less for with five grand one and all of them are gonna break within a couple hours, so I just got this built in. plot, in that none of our cars ever work, a whole episode and that's when the show gets really fun. In my opinion, this is one thing that that tax is up to right now, you're podcast, armchair export is wildly successful and I wonder if you were as shocked at how much your guess changed with the pandemic who wishes to interview people in person, and now I mean you get. Everybody from Like bill gates. True, Hillary Clinton. Are you surprised at how much A reach your podcast has now oh
I dont think anyone's more shocked and I am personally I did not anticipate it will be success. Why did not anticipate the I get to talk to bill gates at some point, but the pandemic, which initially I was like? I hate this. I loved him person, something happens. We all now there's some biochemical thing that goes on and I was really hesitant, but then it to your point all these people that don't have the extra hour to commute to my attic, available. Are all these amazing historic, rock stars in in bill gates in her Clayton and John PAN, and so it's it's been. You know some pluses and minuses in directly the right or left my destiny you ve got to have an I'm sure, like you, ve experienced its it's gotten easier to do this, like I took a minute we define find a rhythm of this, what I love about the podcast is not just that you learning stuff, but I like that you like that you stick your neck out there. I like that you're, not afraid to be wrong. I like that you,
you, you are much smarter than you sometimes will play for the audience like you do you think that you ve learned more because of the pond costs. Have you started trying to learn more or will you always just that personal dived into information, and then just you know kept all of it in your brain? First of all, thank you. I favour complement other than your heart, which happens will only once a year. Is your smart salt news gave me my very second aim, but I do think I have like. I have a super power, which is I'm dislike sake. It took me forever to learn to read like I read, really slow, but I retain at all and then also when you are dyslexic in your growing up, because you can't get the info visually, you have to retain an auditor orally till. I tell me a story today and I
polish shock you three years that I would remember almost the whole story, so I do have a big advantage from that history. I think with Dyslexia and then mostly gonna have have experts every Thursday, like scientists, you know and social biologists all this. In, and I basically have to like learn their discipline for a few hours. So I can at least communicate with them. You know I don't wanna be completely having them explained. The most basic things to me wasting the whole interview on that. So I love it. It's on. I come back in college, but I never return paper I think for me, you living the perfectly balanced life right now. You ve got all brains and the conversation happening in the podcast and then once in a while. You jump into an extremely fast car and you burn tyres on a race track somewhere. I think that my friend is is life as it should be lived yeah, I'm like a a cave in one area and then like kind, Canada, elevated on the other side,
cave men on the one side and a cave men with glasses on the others. Thank you so much and running the show and I'll see you again soon gave great I may well get don't forget top gear America streaming now on the motor trend, app an arm chair experts is available wherever you listen to pod costs, Starbucks Cold Brew, there's nothing like it especially comes summer when you're bouncing from bike rides to reach trip the backyard barbecues. It's the bold, smooth, ice, cold, coffee, picking up the powers your summer day, find your happy place at Starbucks Order ahead on the EP: support for this episode comes from the Apple original film Billy Eyelash, the world's a little blurry nominated for four enemies, the offers an inside look at the artist journey as she emerges into adulthood in the public eye. Five hundred days of film says this is a wonderfully intimate and deeply personal portrait watch on Apple tv plus and find out more at F Y, see dot apple tv plus dot com,
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Transcript generated on 2021-08-14.