« The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition

Trump's Second Impeachment - Week One


In Donald Trump's impeachment trial for inciting insurrection, his attorneys give dismal performances, and Republicans tune out while Democrats show shocking footage of the Capitol riot.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You listening to Carmody Central the daily show with Trevor Noah is brought you by the motley fool since two thousand to motley fool. Stock adviser has beaten the market by almost five times and in twenty twenty ninety one percent of recommendations, so positive returns, imagine Woodstock adviser could do for could do for is it full dot com slash to find out
Donald J, Trump Unemployed, twenty bought and former president of the United States today Trump became the only president ever to face a second impeachment trial, which is pretty impressive. When you consider he only showed up to work about half the time I mean. If Trump really applied himself is present, we could build impeachment number thirty five by now, and the trial kicked off today with Democrats presenting a video which tromp speech on January Sixth, interspersed with scenes of violence from his supporters, we're gonna, walk down and I'll be there with you down we're gonna walk down, do this
wow what a powerful video that republican sentences didn't see because they pretended to go to the bathroom, but you can definitely tell them. This impeachment is the sequel, because the sequel we have to turn things up to eleven. The original impeachment was like. Listen to this diplomat describe a phone call as you ponder the meaning of quid pro quo, but this impeachment is like Michael.
The present bomp bomp bomp impeachment two we're storming the capital, but after the video it was the Trump Defense team's turn to make their best possible case. Although based on how and when today I'm worried that, is going to get the chair. My name is Bruce CASTOR. I am the prosecutor led council for before with President United States. The aid for such a long time. I keep saying prosecutor, but I do understand the difference mistrust I dont want to steal the thunder from the other lawyers, but Nebraska You're going to here is quite a judicial thinking, place? My parents had on a record and we still know what records are right on the thing you put the needle down on the plate, and I the other day
when I was down here in Washington? I came down earlier in the week to try to figure out. Find my way around. I worked in Building forty years ago I got lost and I still do the founders recognised that the only argument that I started with that he talks about gallant Men was the name of the year of our Lord crumbs lawyers. Giving the speech you give when you have to store, because the actual lawyer stuck in traffic trumpet watching this at home, like what the hell is wrong. With this guy, the ad on the side of the bus said that he was the best Why would he be on a bus, if he's not the best, although I will say this- the
The trunk now has a lawyer he's not linking printed torn out of his head. That's a step in the right direction, but here's the crazy thing doesn't actually matter what this guy says. He could get up there and true his peace. Hoops for hours because the jury, already reached its verdict In just the last hour, the Senate voted that the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump can move forward. Six Republicans joined with Democrats and fifty six to forty four votes saying the impeachment trial is constitutional. The question, though, is, would there in any scenario, be enough Republicans to cross the aisle to vote to convict other former President and given and given that just six aisle the aisle here on this vote today seventeen to do that in order to convict him, it doesn't look like page for managers are going to be able to get their that's right. People before this trial even started. Almost
republican Jura has made it clear that they don't want a trial at all, and I get it. I get. Why Republicans voted this way? because, on the one hand, yes, an angry mob stormed the cap, building where they work and could have killed them less, but on the other hand, everyone hates jury duty. Although honestly Why? Some of these sentences even allowed to be on the jury? It was my understanding, Saint crazy should like I want all the Dublin government was how you got out of jury duty, and I know that this vote might make. The trial seem pointless now, yes, but just because we know how the trouble and doesn't mean the truck shouldn't take place. I mean, when you watching more in order to turn up in the first five minutes when the cops interview, a dentist too, obviously kill this patient to cover up an affair. Of course not you watch the whole thing, because then you get to I knew it when you end up being right. Democrats began laying out their case for why, president
should be held responsible for inciting the capital riots of January six. Between trumps many speeches, interviews and too It's the prosecutors had a mountain of evidence at their disposal. It's basically slammed on case, I mean This would be like having a murder suspect who left his dna at the scene, dropped a bloody glove and fled the scene in a ford, uncle there would be no way you couldn't convict that guy. It would be ass with that happens now addition to the evidence against Trump prosecutors showed Heroin, Neverbeforeseen footage of the attack on the capital and the violence inflicted on capital police. So we all expected the Democrats to present a competent compelling case, but what nobody expected was that Trump's lawyers would be so terrible. They never addressed key issues. They went off on meandering tangents, one guy cried
while reading a poem it was going so badly for the Republicans. I thought TED Coups was going to start another insurrection just to change the subject. In fact, when trumps, who has done some of the harshest criticism came from republican senators,
their own team, Senator Lindsey, Graham one of Trump's biggest ally, saying I thought I would figure out where he was going. But in the end I don't know where he was going. Senator Susan Collins said I was perplexed by that first lawyer, who seemed to not make any arguments at all for the first lawyer, just rambled on and on and on and didn't really address the constitutional argument. President Trump's team were disorganized. They did everything they could but to talk about the question at hand and when they talked about it they kind of glided over it almost as if they were embarrassed of their arguments. Now, if I'm an impartial juror and one side is doing a great job and the other side is doing a terrible job on the issue at hand as an impartial jerm, I'm going to vote for the side that did the good job. Why are you using the Trump defense team? A terrible did you listen to it? I did okay then speaks for itself. Goddamn bill hates
his dad is pissed and I would be too Trump's. Lawyers were so bad, they forced him to be impartial. Nobody should be forced to have an open Mind seriously, though, do you know how bad a job those lawyers have to do even Lindsey, Graham turned on them. He wants to be on their side like drawing something so bad that your kindergarten teacher roast you for it. Okay Billy. You know I wanna like this, but this is dog shit, my man. This doesn't look like a flower at all. In fact, I got to show this to the other. Kids. Kids, everybody come together. Yes, we're gonna bitch ass flower that Billy drew- oh, my God, Billy you're, so dumb. Now, of course, nobody was more upset by Trump's shitty lawyers, then the man Who was never going to pay them anyway? Donald J Trump, sources familiar with Mr Trumps reaction, told CBS News. He was angry with his lawyers lack lustre performance, which it
I rambled on at one point nearly yelling at his television while Bruce Caster was making his case. That's rights trump was reportedly yelling at the tv while watching his shitty lawyers make their opening arguments, although to be fair trump. Also, yells of the tv during commercials, good luck with your boner Mr Van grow we're all rooting for you. Those four hours then to be show much plan. But still this is bad news for trumps. Lawyers, because trumpet. Who spent four hours at a rally ranking his favorite department store. If he thinks you're rambling, then you know you fucked up, before these lawyers. We all and they know that, no matter how bandying defences this stolen a win, this trial, which on one hand makes a mockery of the entire idea of accountability, but on the other hand, it's gonna make for a very inspiring
movie to defend his impeachment president Trump needed the best legal team in the country. Instead, he got these guys. My name is Bruce Caster. I am the lead prospered council for the forty five TH president of the United States. They were two hopeless lawyers who didn't prepare fair. Tried and may not even have law degrees. The president is nearly nearly yelling at his tv. He was watching the proceedings I worked in this building forty years ago. I got lost then, and I still do, but they were about about to find out that what matters is the strength of your case. It's having a
defendant, whose party won't convict him, no matter what I'm ready to move on, I'm ready to end the impeachment trial, because I think is lately on constitutional. It's simply beyond the constitutional authority of the Senate. President Trump is going to be acquitted. It's the impeachment trial. Critics are calling a set. A moment for democracy and the foundation worst nightmare. Underdog, Lloyd story of triumph begins till it words or what our constitution, sure. Do daily show with Trevor Noah Ears Edition is brought to you by rocket mortgage when you're. Looking for new you want to make sure it meets your need. Can you workin the office? Can the family cook in the kitchen? Together, you have to know the house fits of rocket mortgage. You could make sure your financing works for you to get a mortgage is a necessary part of the home by a process for many, but it doesn't have to
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Of the presentation has been the never before seen footage of the riots which showed us just how close some sentences came to meeting the Wolf worst tool group house impeachment managers used graphic new video and audio to recreate moments from the capital siege, and some of that footage showed just how close lawmakers and their staffers came to the pro Trump mob that storm the capital among the very close cause. This security, video, showing Senate Majority leader, Chuck humor being escorted by his security detail then quickly. Turning around after spotting nearby riders, another video shows capital police officer, Eugene Goodman we directing Senator Mitt Romney away from rioters just down the hall are, that is terrifying. There were so many rights, as in so many parts of the capital that these senators were just running around like they were stuck in the weekends halftime maze, and you can understand why
Mitt Romney especially, would be sprinting away from this mob. I mean these are the people who were chanting hang MIKE Pence MIKE Pence. Men who spent the last four years I banging the back of crumbs head to them more wrong is basically Moman AOC I mean I don't know what it would have done. If he had run into them, he would have had to try and blend in with them. Let's find these trainers, it's time to kill the thanks, I heartily agree my good friends and afterwards, let's go to the local confectionary and enjoy some vanilla milkshakes. What great idea this guy's all right, but this isn't an impeachment trial of a few thousand insane Qanon followers. No, this is the impeachment of Donald Trump. So, once again today, the Democrats focused on how Donald Trump incited the riot and what was really helpful was that the right.
It's as themselves provided the evidence. Even after the attack, the insurrectionists make clear to law enforcement that they were just fine following president trumps orders They didn't shy away from their crimes because they thought they were found wing order from the commander in chief of the gods. Yet soon do little. Adele Germans were fighting for drug thighs come on, don't call Trump in the middle of the riots you just him at the
only a couple hours ago, you gotta be chill you call the morning after the insurrection. You know you gonna play the game. Also, how embarrassing is this for Trump? Even his supporters knew they can call him any time and he won't be busy, but over all these videos make it pretty obvious that Trump incited the rioters. They were in Trump hats carrying trump flags and they will just watch trump speak and they were transferring fight for Trump meeting. From blues cruises like I need a challenge here guys. Well, we all know what this is right. I mean if one guy stormed the capital, because he thought you said it to him. Maybe you can just blame him, but it's an entire stadium of people misunderstood you in the exact same way. I don't know man that sits on you, but if there's one theme of this trial aside from Trump being super guilty, it's republican sentences, not caring. The trump is super guilty, the new evidence and the dramatic recreation of the January. Sixth may
apparently did very little to say most of those republican senators are the jurors. Some of them are explicitly not listening feet up on death, they're reading books there reading breathing, papers on other topics. We are seeing more empty seats on the floor of the Senate. Our colleague of Manu Raju was in the Senate Chamber just a few moments ago. He counted up to fifteen empty seats, while the Democrats were playing their the writer stormy, the capital handful republican centres, including Rick's God, Tom COD,
Marco Rubio. Barely even looked at the screen, according to reports and Rand Paul was looking down at a paper in his lap where he had begun doodling with a pencil. Okay, I'm sorry that is so disrespectful, hey, Rand, Paul! Why don't you show us what you were doodling instead of paying attention to the present in? Oh, my god, it's beautiful how you you should have been an artist grand you. Should these sentences are a jury for a trial of the president, but instead they're acting like boy middle shoulders. Wanting Democrats have to do to make this interesting for them, bringing one of those math teachers who wraps everything. My aim is dug- and I'm here to say to me for she was threatened in a major way coach. Show the terminal ears at it. Wants the daily show weak nights at eleven and central on Tommy, central and calmly civil watchful episode,
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Transcript generated on 2021-06-09.